#support group squad
I feel like Li Shang and the prince from Barbie Swan lake should form a support group for “people who fell in love without knowing they were girls…”
Like I’m just saying Li Shang was crushing on Ping and had a existential Crisis about it and the prince thought a swan was too beautiful to kill (which fair, but still)
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moonchildridden · 2 years
Is the way Sky was expecting Pai to say that he wanted to have sex as a “reward” for having taken care of him...
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...just to be surprised when Pai said that he only wanted a chance to be by his side and pursue him.
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Is the way Sky was expecting Pai to ask for sex in exchange for having taken care of him during the night...
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...just to be surprised when all Pai wanted was for him to smile.
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Is the way Sky was a bit hesitant about having Pai kiss him...
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...just to be surprised when Pai got up and asked to use his bathroom, leaving Sky alone in the room.
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Is the way Sky was expecting for Pai to be honest about his sex life...
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...just to be pleased and happy to hear that Pai had not sleep with anyone in the last two months.
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Is the way Sky got visibly surprised when Pai said that he would introduce him to his siblings...
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...and then felt happy.
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Is the way Sky was, again, hesitant about the idea of Pai kiss him...
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...just to be surprised and then happy when Pai said that he would wait until Sky was ready for it.
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Is the way every time Sky was expecting for Pai to disappoint him, to show his real colors, to justify his reticence about letting the older man get into his life, to break the new image his brain was forming in his head about Pai, and the way Pai managed to surprise Sky by showing that, even if he’s not exactly perfect, in the end, amidst all his imperfections, he wants to make Sky happy, wants to show Sky to his family, wants to be present in his life, want to have a chance to show that he’s capable of loving him the way Sky deserves, that Sky is allowed to show to Pai all of him and Pai will accept it, no judgement, no pretense, no lies and no masks.
Is the way Prapai, without realizing, managed to break every single one of Sky’s expectations and go beyond his wildest dreams.
Is the way Sky, bit by bit, is allowing Pai to push away all the dark clouds from his life and give room for the sun to shine.
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
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This is your regular reminder that I am fully committed to being really weird about toy soldiers, amongst everything else. Horus Heresy Blackshields (Loyalists) are coming together on track for the event next month!
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 3 months
SO glad you’re as obsessed with Joe keery as I am🫶🏻🫶🏻
oh sweet christ YES🫶🏼 the absolute chokehold he has on me tho
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he’s such a fucking menace I love him
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
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invre · 2 months
Headcanon; post-canon, Mithrun stayed in the Canaries lodging for a while — his squad were happy for that, and none moreso than Pattadol who worries a fair bit about him living alone. But, ultimately, he got his own place in Melini once everyone else had moved on as well.
Despite being from a noble family and having connections to both his brother and the new King, he saw little reason to pull said strings. It probably was suggested by Pattadol and maybe also Cithis that having live-in servants might be beneficial, but he declined. Having a large home and servants felt no different than the lodging quarters, so what was the point? He would only be there periodically, anyway.
Mithrun has a simple house in Melini with a fairly large garden. It's an average sized house, primarily built from wood— the one thing he did accept help on was having it furnished/decorated, because it would have been the same to him if he had nothing besides a mattress to sleep on— and everyone seemed bothered by that idea. It's actually quite a nice space, now. The garden is mostly made up of flowers and a few fruit/vegetable patches, though none of it is Mithrun's doing. It was all left from the previous owners.
His home is cozy, to a degree, but it does feel slightly... Impersonal. When visiting his brother for the first time post-canon, he had given Mithrun two boxes full of his personal affects from before he joined the Canaries. Books, jewellery, photo frames, and so on. Those boxes were brought back to Melini, but they're just sitting there gathering dust.
That said, one photo that does hang on his wall — a moving-in surprise, courtesy of those who helped him decorate — is a framed picture of their squad, the official photo they all took together when initially assigned. They all look morose or pissed-off, for the most part, but they're together. Despite their circumstances (and clashing personalities), they did spend a lot of time together and a strange kinship appeared to have formed. He does look at that photo sometimes.
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musubiki · 3 months
i think in rpg terms coco as a unit would be a buffer/support unit... i need to figure out ways to work it into the actual story, but i think it would be awesome if her role was like a speed/crit rate/crit damage boost role
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“So, you got detention” Maverick Style
Maverick, grinning on the TV screen: So, you buzzed the tower. Good job
Ice, from off-screen: *throws clipboard at Mav* Damn it, Maverick! This is supposed to be a deterrent, not encouragement to do it again
Maverick: This was your idea
Ice: I gave you a script. All you have to do is read it
Maverick, peering skeptically at the page and reading robotically: *sighs* ‘Buzzing the tower without permission is rude, illegal, and risks damage to naval property. It’s our responsibility as aviators to see to the safety of our bases-’ This is such fucking bullshit, Ice
Ice: You’re hopeless. I should’ve just had Slider do this
Maverick: Oh, you really want Mr. Accomplice to make a video for all the incoming Top Gun students?
Ice: You really need to get over that
Maverick, jumping to his feet and pointing the script accusingly: He helped you throw me in a dumpster!
Ice: Well, I- .... I don’t have a good excuse
The Daggers and various baby aviators, nodding along to Maverick’s numerous complaints and taking notes on his ideas for the admiralty: An inspiration, truly
Cyclone, staring: O.O I think we played the wrong tape
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navree · 2 months
thank god cori bush lost cuz that means i no longer have to see her stupid antics in the news
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moonchildridden · 2 years
Let’s talk about how Pai, instead of getting angry at Sky for pushing himself hard while still being sick, made sure that he was comfortable, took his medicines, was still allowed to follow the Last Cheer ceremony from a safe distance and that what he considered important to him would be respected, as long as it didn’t meant him jeopardizing his health.
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Because it would be easy for Pai to take Sky away from there, as no one would make any objection about that (Sky’s friends literally made him sit in a chair while they worked through the ceremony)...
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...but he found a middle ground between what Sky wanted (to stay there until the ceremony ended) and what Sky needed (to rest, so he could get better) by giving him the choice of either use him as a resting place (a more comfortable option, considering where they were) or going back home.
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And also how worried he was with the possibility of Sky ending up getting worse instead of getting better, so Pai was willing to spent the night awake just so he could take care of Sky, and allow the other to focus on the ceremony instead of constantly having to make sure that Sky was keeping quiet.
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Pai basically saying that he understands that Sky still has his doubts about his intentions but that he is serious about having a relationship with Sky was just him reaffirming the things he said at Sky’s room before going back home. That he’s there to stay and won’t go anywhere.
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And Sky simply thanked Pai for “coming to him”. For being there, for spending some time with him, for accommodating Sky in his life, for making the effort, for being serious, for putting the effort. For showing that Sky mattered to him.
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fluffle-writes · 4 months
My brain keeps coming up with crossovers like Lilia with food combos
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pose4photoml · 2 years
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caracello · 2 years
ttthinking soo hard abt the f/o house au. i Need to put chief boone camilla pearl snake and otacon in group therapy stat
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rexcaliburechoes · 5 months
Scarlet, strawberry, and garnet for an oc of your choice <3
spins another comically large wheel that just reads the name "istorros" (yall i'm not trapped in here with you. you are trapped in here with me. LMAO.)
SCARLET - How do they grieve?
frankly? poorly. but this has a lot to do with how he was raised and how emotions were frequently weaponised against him. the most striking moment when he was one of the darkest moments in his life (in his opinion, a world ending threat has nothing on interpersonal trauma), and a beloved animal companion was killed after he'd barely made mention of it once. he couldn't even grieve; he had to immediately dispose of its corpse and shut down everything lest he be harmed further.
later, he gets better! he'll still refuse to talk about it, but he doesn't shut it down, at least! the bar is six feet under, i know. lol.
STRAWBERRY - What part of them is most like you? Was this intentional?
his trauma and his healing journey reflect mine really closely, hands down. i am NOT nearly as dry and blunt as he is, personality-wise, lol. i'm also not as nearly unsmiling as he is (he's a grouchy ass drow; i don't think most people could be as unsmiling as he is unless they're also a written character).
this is a really funny question to ask, since i've had one other oc a long time ago that reflected me very painfully closely. she was a fire emblem echoes oc, made to be another deep reflection of rigel. no matter how many times i try to have her start to heal from her trauma, she always refuses and gets worse. currently, she's retired and is living peacefully on a horse farm, as content/happy as she allows herself to be.
GARNET - If they had to kill someone, what method would they choose?
istorros is bound to the edicts of tempus, the warhammer, which means he is bound to fight others in honourable combat, and must not turn from a fight. hence, he could rather go about a fight directly, without beating around the bush or any frivolities. he's very efficient at killing, as a result.
however, he's not going to go and fight stupidly, either. most fights are done in a matter of seconds; the longer a fight goes on, the greater likelihood that something will go wrong, and you'll die, instead of your opponent. he'd rather kill quickly rather than draw something out for show.
once upon a time, before he worshiped tempus, and before he escaped the underdark, he would have tried to rely on poisons to ensure kills. but he would always be efficient with it; there's no use in keeping an opponent alive if there's a chance they will recover and kill you when you aren't looking.
he did learn how to poison a person before learning medicine to save them, after all...
#ask meme#istorros duskrorr#rex rambles#the other darkest point in his life was when he failed on a routine patrol and got his entire squad wiped out bc he was acting like an idio#and didn't support his teammates the way he should have#istorros is a fiercely independent sort; he would much rather solve his own problems rather than ask for help#which is a bit of a problem when he's a little beholden to the infamous drow arrogance fails to assist human squad members#and suffers a terrible terrible loss. he survived that skirmish out of sheer dumb luck#tempus is a god of war; he cares of his followers follow his dogma and also if they try to kill each other#so tempus didn't remove his blessing from istorros; if he did it would have been ooc for the war god#but in that moment istorros figured out that uh. he kinda needs to cooperate with others#it is a surefire way to get himself killed if he doesn't#it's the reason why he's so ready to party with the other companions when they reveal they've been tadpoled#(even if he's not sure how they've all survived thus far. bc by the gods they are. a mess. all of them are.)#(he is so ready to have to mop up after them all.)#(and he really doesn't appreciate lae'zel and shart trying to kill each other one night. please. please don't. please.)#(the infighting will tear the group apart it's how armies fall when they're prepared to kill the enemy. please don't.)#(but aside from a couple of hiccups and realising all of their competency he doesn't worry too much about them all)#(much. sort of.)
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Since I am soo smart and cool(and sadly pretty lazy) get the names and members of each unit from the @ace-and-the-rpg-horrors inspired unit shuffle
Shiho, Akito, Minori, Nene ->More/Gas
Airi, Tsukasa, Toya, Mafuyu ->Kira Kira Jump
An, Saki, Ena, Rui -> Exfortis Squad
Emu, Haruka, Mizuki, Honami-> ♡Full♢Wonder♧Deck♤
Kanade, Ichika, Shizuku, Kohane-> Midnight じゅうじぐん
Explanations in the tagss
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lemongrablothbrok · 8 months
Random ass headcanon that From Eroica With Love and Cabin Pressure take place in the same universe. Don't ask me why; it makes sense in my brain somehow.
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