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tastyfiddle · 3 months ago
Dammit your video got taken down (maybe it was those haters that falsely reported it)
yeah, i don't know who, but somebody reported it. i'm trying to appeal it, but youtube probably won't reinstate it. i'll have to edit it all again, most likely.
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nostalgiacriticshitpost · 1 year ago
Coolest thing happened to me, as I was going into the con building this weekend Doug was right there and he saw my friend and I and wanted a picture (we were Carmen Sandiego and Waldo) luckily I had met Doug twice before and was not as starstruck by him this time
Holy shit, nice!
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year ago
“a road with no return” was not initially written as a witcher story—it was a shortened and cleaned up version of another fantasy novel sapkowski was working on at the time, when he then got the call from fantastyka that they enjoyed his witcher and wanted more short stories.
“road” was only added to the witcher canon later, when he felt sympathy for the beautiful name visenna, and thought to incorporate her into the witcher via the scene we recieve in “something more.” (he says all of this in the preface to the publication of the story in maladie i inne opowiadania)
as for sterility, it is true that most sorceresses become sterile owing to the magic they use.
this is stated in bounds of reason:
Urging on his horse, the sorcerer galloped off towards the head of the column. Geralt, having glanced at Yennefer’s pale, furiously twisted face, began to feel sorry for him in advance. He knew what this was about. Yennefer, like most sorceresses, was barren. But unlike most sorceresses she bemoaned the fact and reacted with genuine rage at the mention of it.
not all sorcereresses, but most. use of magic has a sterilizing effect. this is why ciri, when she begins to practice magic in blood of elves, feels sharp pain in her lower body—
“(…) I know it’s unpleasant. You’ll get used to it.”
“It hurts… My belly… Down here—”
“You’re a woman, it’s a typical reaction. Over time you’ll harden yourself against it. But in order to harden yourself you have to practise without any painkillers blocking you. It really is necessary, Ciri. (…)”
presumably her ovaries, as in voice of reason 6, it’s explained by nenneke that yennefer’s ovaries are atrophied and there’s no chance of reversing her infertility, caused by use of magic.
“No one can help her; it's impossible. She's a sorceress. Like most female magicians, her ovaries are atrophied and it's irreversible. She'll never be able to have children.”
yennefer speaks to geralt about the emotional pain of infertility, which was caused by her magic ability. what i mean to point out by using this quote is that in order to use magic, they “give up” their ability to have a child—and as they’re children when they begin to train in magic, this is not really a consensual decision they can make.
“Nature is born again, the cycle repeats itself. But not for us, Geralt. We cannot reproduce ourselves. We were deprived of that potential. We were given the ability to do extraordinary things with nature, occasionally literally against her. And at the same time what is most natural and simple in nature was taken from us.”
of course, she’s also not talking about forced sterility amongst magic users, as no such thing occurs, despite tissaia de vries’ opinion that it should—see ‘the poisoned source’ epigraph in blood of elves.
however, concerning that concept that magic usage sterilizes the body, there is not one hundred percent sterility, one hundred percent of the time.
bodies are weird and diverse, and there’s bound to be a few exceptions. visenna was one of these, apparently—and more, fringilla vigo was also supposed to be an exception, owing to a deleted scene from lady of the lake which sapkowski described in the interview “F8 Key,” in which fringilla’s great-great-great… granddaughter goes to play with a cat, but it hisses at her and runs away—suggesting that geralt was also an exception to this rule.
as for coën, it’s said that it’s his first winter at kaer morhen—which could be taken to mean that he’s a wolf, but just has never returned to kaer morhen for the winter before. but it’s understandable how people can also take this to mean that he’s from a separate school—and since cats are not allowed at kaer morhen as established in season of storms, a griffon makes some sense.
Unraveling the fanon or canon bits in the witcher through out the different canons is a mess, for example, people think Coen is from the Griffin School, and even criticized the show for making him a wolf, when its not mentioned in the books at all that he’s a griffin
The Griffin school isn’t even mentioned until Lady of the Lake and thats only once, and its not the one scene where Coen shows up
Or Sorceresses being sterile due to the effect of magical energy on their bodies despite Geralt’s mother being established as one ( since she appeared in the very first witcher story before the saga envisioned im guessing this is a case of “ the author not coming up with that part of canon yet”)
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anghraine · 9 months ago
I am the other person that still loves the 90s might and magic games
They were so good!!
I'm not sure I am even capable of feeling more nostalgic about any piece of media than Might and Magic VII specifically (1999 so technically a 90s M&M game :D). It's one of the first RPGs that I personally mastered rather than simply watching my parents play it and eventually figuring it out; my mother and I used to play it at the same computer, with her playing our thief and wizard, and me the cleric and knight. And damn, it had so many fantastic elements:
an absolutely massive variety of potential armors to wear that often looked comically terrible together
potion experiments that you can theoretically figure out/learn (but you might die in the process!!)
really cool class progression tied in with skills - I still really like the mechanic where e.g. your cleric has to become a full priest in order to master spirit magic
I always really liked how in-game pricing is affected by your general reputation in a specific region AND a specific character's Personality stat AND having the merchant skill to a certain numerical rank AND specifically upgrading your merchant skill to a higher tier...
one of my favorite cheats in the late game: get your high-level wizard's Water Magic to grandmaster. Get the high-level priest's Merchant to grandmaster as well. Use the priest to buy good quality non-magical goods at their exact value. Give the purchases to the wizard and cast "Enchant Item" at grandmaster level. Give your enchanted items back to the priest to sell at full value as magic items. PROFIT.
Queen Catherine, always my fave! I don't think I ever sided with Avlee, honestly, she's just so much cooler than the elf king.
your castle starting out as a trash heap and getting fancier and fancier as your prestige grows and you make friends and influence people
the barrow downs catacombs maze is one of the first gaming puzzles I ever personally solved. Everyone else in my family was baffled and I put together the trick to navigate them and get to the meditation spot.
the choice! I was using to very railroad-y games and actually being able to make a decision that changes the plot is so cool. I did try to choose the path of evil once, but I just can't, lol.
those special magic ore houses in Erathia? I loved that.
tracking down the teachers for every single skill at every single level and figuring out where they live and how to get there etc - it really does feel like an accomplishment (especially Nighon, good lord).
If the tutorial was skippable I'd probably have a zillion hours still logged on it, honestly.
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endiness · 5 months ago
@supercupcakecollector-love Considering the doxmoi leaks and the multiple reddit comments about him, this is what was the final straw of him being fired, he wouldn’t say his lines and repeat them in a racist accent so they would have to do retakes, not to mention this explains why he’s clearly not trying at all in the second half of the season
"not to mention this explains why he’s clearly not trying at all in the second half of the season"
okay, i have to say with this in particular, like. i really think that is when he was likely allegedly fired. because his acting really does take a noticeable downturn in the latter half of the season and it fits with what the timeline would be:
april 4, 2022 — filming for s3 of the witcher starts
late july to early august 2022 — production shuts down for 2 weeks apparently due to hc getting covid
sometime during the production of s3 — hc is allegedly fired due to sexist behavior
second half of summer 2022 — liam is hired
sometime during the production of s3 — some staff start following liam on sm
early september 2022 — filming for s3 of the witcher wraps
especially taking into account that filming for the last ~three episodes would've started sometime around very, very late july/early august.
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astaldis · 8 months ago
10 TV Shows
I was tagged by @do-androids-dream-ao3acc for the "10 tv shows game", rules: add 10 gifs from your favourite shows, tag 10 people. Thanks for tagging me, I'll try my best, but I don't watch much TV, no idea if I can come up with ten (unless I go 40 years back or so 😅):
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The Witcher, of course.
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Before that I was a big Supernatural fan.
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Also The Walking Dead
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Damnation (such a shame there was only one season)
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The ABC Murders
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Almost Human (also only one season 😭)
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All Creatures Great and Small (the old one, I didn't even know there is a new series until I looked for gifs here 😅 Unfortunately there are hardly any for the old series)
Some rather old ones, but I got 10 😊. What are your fav 10 TV shows? Tagging @disdaidal @bylightofdawn @my-jokes-are-my-armour @scuddish @morriganwarrior @littlestsnicket @endiness @kuwdora @supercupcakecollector-love @bittersweetbark @nikki-farr @joker1315 @ahh-fxck
(but only if you'd like to and have the time, no pressure at all) and everybody else who would like to do it.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years ago
there were so many thoughtful responses to this post! i wasn't expecting to get so many sincere answers, i was just thinking out loud, so before i start responding i just want to say thank you :)
i'm going to be responding just in one big reblog by @ ing people via common threads which popped up in the reblogs/replies, since i don't want to reblog this post ten times, each with one response... this might be kinda weird to @ everyone, but i think this is the most organized and efficient way to go about it.
also, small edit to the original post before i start responding, i'll say that i came to disagree with the way i phrased this: "bothers me," but i didn't want to edit the post because it seems disingenuous to do so. so, it doesn't bother me, i just can't really explain how it makes me feel, it's kind of like a mix of uncertainty and yearning at the same time. kind of like, "it's a strange predicament, i think i already know the answer, but it makes me sad all the same." not really sure how to phrase that other than "bother," but know that it is a bother that comes from inside, not outside (i.e., i'm not mad at anyone)
thus commence the replies!! i'm going to organize them by common reasons brought up:
#1 : there are many adaptations of the witcher, it's not just the books:
I think in the end most witcher fans, especially in the English speaking part of the internet, don't consider themselves exclusively game or book fans. The series became popular outside eastern europe through the games so most fans see themselves as both game and book fans. - @jawanaka
This. There's already too many adaptations for anybody to like only parts of the whole witcher experience. Never heard somebody say they're a Sapkowski fan. I, certainly, am not, even if that does by no means downplaying his creation. - @do-androids-dream-ao3acc
i totally see where this is coming from, and i agree with you in that this is just fact that most fans take the books and the games as existing on the same continuum - even when we acknowledge that they are separate things, it's not the common fan experience to really distinguish between them.
but also, i mean, i would consider myself to be a fan of the books "exclusively" - meaning, not that i don't like the games, but i'm not really interested in talking, blogging, or making fancontent (art, fic, analysis) about the games in the same way that i am about the books. like, i'm a fan of the games, but i'm not a dedicated, knowledgable fan, i don't really seek out conversations about them, i don't think about them in my free time, i don't want to analyze them deeply.
i don't really see the witcher as a cohesive experience or franchise, i see it like: these are the books, these are the games, they're separate things by separate creators, they have separate stories and meanings. i understand that's not the common fan experience, i wouldn't force that view on anyone else, but that's just how i see it. and i don't think i'm the only one, certainly.
I dislike the Witcher books actually. I know others who dislike the TV show. It really is possible for someone to only like a part of the adaptations or the canon. I like some parts of some of the Witcher games, and some of the fanfic, and that’s what makes me stick around. I’m very much not a fan of everything Witcher. - @straysinfiltrator
yeah, this is kind of what i'm saying, that it's possible for someone to only like a part of the witcher, i'm not a fan of everything witcher, either. it's just, the part i like is the books.
i guess i kind of illustrated my own point - because i said "witcher fans" in my original post above, which suggests all witcher fans of all witcher mediums - but really, what i meant was, "fans of the witcher book series". isn't it confusing to all go by the same name, in such cases when you're trying to specify just the books, just the games, or elsewise?
by this, i don't mean to divide the community or anything, what i mean is - it would help fans find more about the witcher books, if they were searching for specifically fan discussions and content about the books. like, using "sapkowski witcher" as a search term would help specify, "oh this is about the books and not the games." i've been in that situation a lot where i'm trying to find stuff about the books specifically, but only games stuff comes up.
#2 - non-witcher sapkowski + small english-speaking fandom
Many good points were made, but i want to add that Sapkowski himself considers the Hussite trylogy his "masterpiece". Calling yourself a "Sapkowski fan" would imply that you're a fan of not only the Witcher, but Hussite trylogy, his other short stories (Żmija, the stories from something ends, something begins [the other ones, not the Witcher themed ones], that one trpg he worked on in the 90s) and also his works reflecting upon English fantasy (Rękopis Znaleziony W Smoczej Jaskini, his book about Arthurian legends). Which would exclude the majority of non-polish fans since most of his works aside from the Witcher wasn't translated. - @dukeofdogs
Usually I'm not even a fan of *all* works of an author even if I call them "one of my favourite authors". - @antimonyschnuck
The amount of people who are exclusively book fans and work in English are quite few. - @jawanaka
oh definitely! all of this is true!
when it comes to the "popular" witcher, the only-books fans who can only speak english is like... at the moment, we could all dance on the head of a pin. but that's a starting point, a goal, like, i want to encourage more people who don't necessarily speak polish to read the books and get introduced to the 'book witcher'.
and with other works, that's also kind of a(n optional) goal, i think, right? that fans of the witcher books should be recommended, or at least told about sapkowski's other works and greater passions as an author, or at least given context to it (again re: english-only speaking fandom, the context and history is often lost, so it's left to being communicated between fans)
from what i can tell, there's not much of an international community for them now, but the way i am thinking about it, if the international fans of the witcher books acknowledged sapkowski's authorship more in relation to them, then there could potentially be a broader community for his works that are less popular relative to the witcher and then, maybe those could gain more of an international fanbase as well, if there was more "spill over" from the witcher to other works.
translations, whether official or unofficial, follow demand, so if there were fans that could say - hey we want this - then someone's got to make it, eventually...
personally, i want to read maladie (short story) and the hussite trilogy, but i'm not sure where to start because i don't know much about arthurian legend and i know next to nothing about the bohemian wars, so i feel like i need to prepare and study before i read them (it's not like the witcher where you can kind of just jump in).
but if there was a cohesive fanbase that i could be with, talk to, learn from, be encouraged by, get recommended starting points of research from, then it might not be such a daunting task? like, in the witcher books fandom, there's always someone ready to field questions about such-and-such scenes. or maybe, right, maybe fans will tell me - "don't read it, it's not worth it, you won't like it," which is also an opinion i'm open to hearing! i was also interested in musicians and in the bomb crater, but there's no translations for them yet (and though i could just stop being lazy and run them through google translate, that's no way to read...). but one which i had the translation for and also which doesn't require any prior research (except maybe a couple of wikipedia pages) is golden afternoon, and i liked that one! (as dark as it is!)
i kind of put this in my tags on the original post: (...) ALSO i think if we united under his name then there would be more inter-series fans (...) ive always wondered where the fans of the hussite trilogy are (online). is there an online fanbase? (...) and if we do that then we can get more and better translations hopefully (...) like theres still no official translations for a ton of his short stories.
#3 - author fan relations
I will never be a fan of people. I'm a fan of a piece of work. (...) "Favourite author" lets them keep their humanity and you can still be a fan of their work after they fuck up in one or the other way (...) - @antimonyschnuck
andrzej sapkowski to stara kurwa -everyone who's been a fan of the books for long enough - @stillness138
i have nothing more to add to these ones, this is just good sense and accurate, lol. i mean, maybe there is a compromise in here somewhere, and to clarify, i do NOT mean we should be out here trying to have parasocial relationships with authors 😅
i just think it's easier for me, in some part, to specify "i'm talking about the witcher that is sapkowski's story," for the reasons in #1 - i like the books, i mean there are the parts that i don't like, but i like them overall as a cohesive body of work, with a beginning and end. to specify "sapkowski's witcher" i think also means to acknowledge all the fucked up parts too, for example, the sexism in sapkowski's witcher is not the sexism present in cdpr's witcher...
Also don't quite share your experience in how people refer to the author as the name of the fandom. HP fans called themselves that long before R*wling had shown her entire ass to the world. Likewise, I've sen people refer to themselves as fans of Narnia, A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of time, not C.S Lewis, George R.R. Martin or Robert Jordan fans. Tolkien among fantasy authors seem rather unique in this regard. - @jawanaka
good to think about! yeah, i guess it depends on the author. i mean i've seen people call themselves george rr martin fans, but... yes, it relates back to like, do we really want to have this name-basis connection to the author. i guess it also depends on how it's used in conversation, too - like if you're recommending a body of work, you might drop the author name, but if you're saying you're a fan of a series, you will just say the name of the series.
maybe it also comes down to the word "fan" - like, there's a difference between "fan of sapkowski's witcher" and "fan of sapkowski"? no one is disputing that he wrote the book series, but for some fans, it's like, do you have to rub it in?
I think one reason is because of the lawsuit against cdpr, that really painted him as ���old man yells at video game” when in reality he didn’t hate the content of the games like some people report, he just thought he deserved some of the royalties from something that became so internationally popular, its a pretty standard practice actually, in fact he seems to be alot more laissez faire about the use of his work than most authors - @supercupcakecollector-love
and yes haha i feel like this is a major reason why a lot of people don't like even bringing up his name. it's quite unfortunate imo because i feel like there are much more valid reasons to hate him other than this one... i'm all for being a hater but let's start with the stuff he deserves to be hated for, like the descriptions of young girls' breasts
again, thank you to everyone who responded, i've gotten a lot to think about!! hope this wasn't too much of an awkward format to do the replies in
it kind of bothers me that witcher fans don’t really unite under sapkowski’s name like other fans of fantasy authors do (e.g. “tolkien fans”).
in practically any other fandom of fantasy books, save for the particularly rancid authors known for their disappointing and shameful behavior or views (e.g. jk r*wling), it’s just regular business to say the author’s name. but sapkowski’s name is treated like a dirty word in the witcher fandom, for really no good reason…
it must be asked — what is stopping us from doing so?! why don’t we call ourselves sapkowski fans. it would be much easier than saying “i’m a fan of the witcher, but only the books, i don’t consider the various adaptations canon, etc. etc.” … “half a hundred words, when three are enough!!”
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ladynearthelake · 8 months ago
Top 10 TV Shows
Thanks for the tag @supercupcakecollector-love
In no particular order:
Steven Universe
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Gravity Falls
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Great British Baking Show
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The Bear
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Critical Role, even though it’s an internet show, I’m counting it
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The Office
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Parks and Rec
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AJ Styles knows what’s up
And last but not least,
The Witcher
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Let’s tag @overhillunderhill and @poemsingreenink . Tell us your top ten tv shows using gifs.
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endiness · 1 month ago
@supercupcakecollector-love part of me wishes that game of thrones was never made because of what its influence caused, but those shows probably would not exist if that happens, so its a double edged sword
i mean, maybe. but maybe if got wouldn't've happened, it would've left room for the sci-fi/fantasy style shows that already existed pre-got era like lots and merlin and hercules and xena and so the shows still could've been made only under those settings instead. (which i would prefer, negl.) like, tbh, i think the only thing got really did is make fantasy "mainstream" which it did by *checks notes* largely removing the fantasy and fantastical elements to focus on gritty realism... :\
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astaldis · 1 year ago
Incorrect Witcher Quote
for @supercupcakecollector-love
"Yule, the time of delicious food, merry song, candle light, mistletoe and delightful togetherness," Jaskier sighs, looking at the other members of the Hanza, enraptured by the prospect.
"I'd prefer TWOgetherness," Geralt mumbles into his non-existent beard. It could be a great night spent with his lover. But he is no spoilsport, and a Hanza is a Hanza.
(more Yule Hansa fun here)
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years ago
exactly! especially during the creation of the short stories.
WC: How, as the creator of the Witcher world, do you judge the work of the sketch artist, looking at the already drawn land ''between Ina and Jaruga''?
AS: That's where the biggest problem lies, stemming from the simple fact that I've never had the ambition to create worlds. Never! The world of the Witcher was always an allegory to me. I've never done what's supposed to be a Commandment of every fantasy writer, especially one that writes a longer story or a novel. He starts with the heavy duty of... cartography, meaning he has to draw a MAP. On the north he puts the mountains, on the south he puts the sea, the swamp, a lake, some rivers and everybody knows exactly where and through what bridges the hero goes and how far he is from the capital city. And if he'll go further to the east, he'll probably find the Grey Mountains, where, as we all know, there is no gold. I've never bothered with that and it was on purpose. It came from the fact that my world was supposed to be an allegory and from the fact that I was doing a different take on fairy tales! Themes and problems were more important, these two words, from which I usually built the title and that often appeared in the dialogue, was more important. The world in ''geographic'' categories simply didn't exist for me. It was, of course, supposed to be a fantasy, quasi-feudal world. It was to be inhabited by sorcerers, witchers, wizards; humans and other races: dwarves, hobbits, elves, dryads and half-elves. But this world and the order governing it didn't really exist. Despite creating many geographical names, towns, and you should know that I've put quite a bit of effort into making sure I never repeated them. Then I started changing that practice and some names started coming up again.
— Andrzej Sapkowski in an interview with Waldemar Czerniszewski, 1993
and later, during the swing of the saga:
Question: When did you start thinking about the witcher world as a single whole? Do you have a map of this world?
AS: I understand that in your question we are not talking about the world, but about the size of the world - in other words: from when could I know exactly how many days a horse or wheel trip will last from Novigrad to Cintra? It began with the "Blood of the Elves," of course. Until then, this distance was of little interest to me - although of course I knew that there are two such cities. If we are talking about the world in a philosophical sense, then it was always, nicht Wahr? The map, of course, exists. It was done by [Stanislav Komárek], my Czech translator, I then supplemented and expanded it.
— Interview with Sapkowski "Don't be a kurwa like Geralt" (1996)
small edit because i wanted to mention this, too:
also, when i think of these statements about the map in tandem with this statement:
Question: Does the appearance of Geralt, Triss, Dandelion and the other characters corresponds with your idea of ​​their appearance?
AS: Believe it or not, but when I write, I do not see my heroes. I have no images and pictures before my eyes, I just put the letters on the sheet in the right order. I do not know what Geralt, Yennefer or Dandelion look like. For me they are only letters on the paper. And the reader, when he takes the books, sees exactly the black letters on a white background - everything else is done by his imagination. My task is to arrange these letters in such a way that the reader is happy and interested.
— Interview with Sapkowski "My best book is not written yet" (June, 2015)
though he could have simply have been trolling… if his response is genuine, then i’ve often wondered if sapkowski has aphantasia? it would be quite interesting, as an author.
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kinddivinity · 2 years ago
Do trans people have a “Daryl Davis” type figure to just sit down and talk with with those who are ignorant or afraid of them to show that most trans people are just people trying to live there lives normally
Because this mentality of a one size fit all solution to queer issues has utterly torn the community apart
It really has. The “trans” community specifically has burnt so many bridges with their behaviour that most of the actual LGB people want nothing to do with them, and other trans people who just want to live their lives also want nothing to do with them. Women, too, have had enough of the behaviour of many trans women and are starting to turn en mass against the community because we’re tired of being called dehumanizing terms like “chest feeder” and “birthing person” and “people who menstruate” to appease a tiny portion of the population, many of whom have been pulled into the social contagion of the trans trend, which is why I put “trans” in quotations at the beginning of the post.
But they refuse to see that at this point the issue is them. Their behaviour is what’s making people turn against them. They completely controlled the media for years and brutally shut down anyone who might have disagreed even a little and now they’re facing the consequences of those five years of bad behaviour running unchecked. “Queer acceptance” is actually going down after years of steady increase and TRAs especially refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that their approaches, their behaviour, is what’s causing that. There is no “one size fits all” approach. And the tran community has “Daryl Davis” type people, but the community clowns on them and hate them instead and ostracizes them and calls them “right-wing fascists/Nazis” for not spouting their one-size rhetoric all the time.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years ago
Apologies if this has been asked before and I know that the English translations lose some of the flavor of the original, but which translation is the better one?
The ones by David French or Danusia Stok?
just for clarification, david french translated sword of destiny, time of contempt, baptism of fire, tower of the swallow, and lady of the lake, while danusia stok translated the last wish and blood of elves - so they haven't each translated the entire series, just their respective books.
as for my opinion of whose translation is better, i feel like it's largely inconclusive just because i have just reread baptism of fire, tower of the swallow, and lady of the lake way more than i've reread the other books in the series, which has allowed me more time to find out more inconsistencies and changes. so proportionately, i have more of an axe to grind with david french's translation just because i'm more familiar with his translation than danusia's...
david french gave us "quadrangular pier" in bounds of reason, should i even say "bounds of reason" as it's really "limits of the possible," the unnecessary "ands" everywhere, geralt calling dandelion "whoreson" instead of "son of a bitch" in time of contempt, geralt calling cahir "whippersnapper" in baptism of fire... the censoring of cahir saying "motherfuckers" instead changed to "bastards", "red binduga" becoming "timber port" (which annoys me so much???), ciri, milva, and angouleme's hair colors each being changed to "flaxen" or "flaxenhair"... angouleme saying "before you can say jack robinson", regis being described as "elderly" when there is no word describing him as that in the original text
as for danusia, i know we have "dandilion." so. 😅 we also have yennefer telling ciri "blowing a raspberry in a ballroom" instead of "farting in a ballroom" which i think is pretty misleading to show her character... though i do like her being called an "enchantress" instead of "sorceress," it has a nice ring to it :)
if anyone else has their opinions, feel free to share in the replies
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nicholasthepunisher · 3 years ago
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i'm trying my best 😭😭
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[Image ID: Tumblr reply from superCupcakeCollector-love reading: Yeah, lots stop normalizing stuff let's weirdize some shit /End ID]
“Cringe culture is dead” I promise you it is not. Please keep killing it. This is an ongoing fight. You’re all doing great though. I love you and please keep being weird. Please keep having fun.
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endiness · 5 months ago
@supercupcakecollector-love: I really hope the show confirms that he has a different title and is not V/the stern, so we can go to Ao3 and tell them to fix the tags for his character
pls 🙏
also, like, not to be a conspiracy theorist about this. but i really do think the show is gonna confirm this and that he isn't actually based off the stern especially since the show already used "stern" to describe hedwig and at her funeral no less. and the bold really does fit radovid and what his character would be going through the rest of the show well. also something something jaskier saying that radovid's "braver than he knows" and bold/brave being synonyms.
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