#super vr ball
zeta-neubourn · 3 months
Super VR Ball
'Nother commission I got, this time from @/breaktargets! Interestingly, it was to finish up a sketch they requested a while back of the Super VR Ball characters! (Super VR Ball is a world in VRChat. :P)
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xskyll · 1 month
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If this one looks a little different, it’s cause I downloaded a new brush. If it doesn’t look different, it’s cause I don’t really know what I’m doing.
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by ShinRyu AMV
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
hiii want to say that i just met your blog and i obsessed with it!! i really love your writing. anddd i want to make a abby request, abby and reader are in college and abby is like super popular and when they start to date reader is called “abbys girl” all the time and get super flustered? i dont know if i express myself good, english is not my first language, sorry! hope u have a amazing day, xoxo <3
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- Abby’s girl -
Pairings - modern au! Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader
An - this is kinda bad I’m sorry 😭😭 I wasn’t really sure what plot to write but I still appreciate the request.
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Everybody was cheering. With only a minute left on the clock the Seattle wolves vrs the Jackson mustangs— one of the oldest lasting rivals on and off the court, were pushing one another around trying to keep Abby from making her shot.
The blonde dodged around trying to avoid the other team. Making it to the 3 point line she threw the ball. Going through the hoop the clock blared at the same time, the referees announced the wolves win making the home side scream with excitement.
Abby shouted happily, making eye contact with you she grinned. Making your way out of the stands was easier said then done.
Eventually getting to the locker room you walked towards Abby’s spot. One of her teammates walked past you taking a moment to say hi. “Shit It’s Abby’s girl, hey she’s just over there the girls are cheering for her”
You felt your face turn red, “oh thanks” with a smile you watched as she walked away before going towards the shouting. Being the girlfriend of the basketball team captain tended to help boost your own reputation. Most of them didn’t know your name only addressing you as ‘Abby’s girl’.
Was it your preferred way of being addressed… well no. But it wasn’t the end of the world, all it did really was embarrass you.
Setting your purse down by Abby’s duffel bag on the bench you watched as the girls other girls crowded around her, chanting Abby’s name while they all celebrated their big win which would now take them to state. You were and always will be Abby’s biggest supporter, no matter what you would never miss any of her games.
She instantly noticed your presence, breaking free abby quickly made her way to you. Grabbing you by the waist she pulled you into a messy kiss. It was full of adrenaline and not coordinated. Pulling back Abby kept her face close to yours. A few of the other girls on the team chuckled at the display making you blush. “Hey” abby flirted against your lips.
“Hi” You giggled “You did amazing out there.. I mean really I genuinely believe Your Gonna win this thing”
“And im Gonna do even better tonight” she continued her cocky streak, pressing your hips against hers.
You rolled your eyes finding her attempts at seduction funny. “Uh huh, I’m gonna wait for you outside ok” kissing her one more time you gasped as she grabbed your ass. You rolled your eyes as you pulled back, giving her a warning look as Abby remained on her high.
You sat down on a bench near by the exit. Pulling out your phone you started to scroll on Instagram, trying to decided what to make a post about. That and finding a new restaurant near by to take Abby to, just to celebrate her big win before she actually tried to get you pregnant.
“So your Abby’s girl huh?” A woman spoke. Looking up you were taken back by seeing Ellie Williams the Jackson mustangs team captain.
Confused you nodded “uh yeah..”
She just scoffed. “How the hell did she manage to pull you” standing up you grabbed your purse, Ellie knew you had been offended by what she said.
“First of all she didn’t pull anyone, how we got into a relationship was because she’s a good person and secondly” you looked her up and down “why are you even over here, your bus is on the other side of campus”
“Damn, I was just asking” she laughed crossing her arms “but seriously though Abby? Her being a good person, that’s total bullshit she’s anything but good, besides I can do anything she does”
“Except win a Game”
You could tell Ellie was starting to loose her patience. Why was she over by you, to hell if you knew. There was a tense silence between you both, before she could speak the back door opened.
Abby stood tall and strong as always only her former grin was replaced with a look of disgust. Getting up you walked over to her, kissing her cheek. “Williams”
Both girls staring at each-other with a Look of hate, You had heard Time and time again the rivalry between the two schools and between their families. “Why are You over here, and better question why are you talking to my girl”
“Fuck dude nobody’s trying to fight Dina just forgot her bag inside I offered to come get it.” Ellie looked at one once again before gesturing her head to Abby. “Your Girl seems like a real catch, guess you got lucky”
“Guess i did” her response was harsh. At this point you were fed up with the conversation and dealing with Ellie. Grabbing Abby’s hand you pulled her away.
Sitting on Abby’s bed you laughed softly at watching her go on a rant. “And don’t get me started on Joel the sheer fucking audacity of that man! He punched my dad because he couldn’t help Ellie. I repeat he punched MY DAD— why are you laughing”
“Nothing Nothing its Just.. your really cute when you get mad” Abby flipped you off making you laugh once again. After a moment she sat down on the bed beside you, taking a calming breath she leaned over kissing you softly, slowly, sensually.. pulling back she gently squeezed your hand.
“What did I do to deserve you” she muttered.
“Not much but working out and getting buff and being blonde helped, you know the important shit” you gave her a charismatic smile
“Your not Funny”
“I’m hilarious”
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blacktobackmesa · 1 year
🤷gordonstreamman Follow
If someone on discord sends you a download link claiming to be an early Half Life prototype with removed features and VR mod support, BLOCK AND REPORT THEM. It's not a virus or anything you're just going to end up living with/adopting six or eight grown ass AIs in your computer who can't go five minutes without causing problems on purpose
🔥bubby-actual Follow
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vamqiredove · 10 months
kin/therian/inhuman advice/help suggestions - focused on more animalistic types
please note that this is largely based on our experience and may not help all who have the same cravings/urges/ect.
blood cravings: find clamato juice or something similar. clam tomato juice. not sure if it is sold in the USA. might sound gross but its thick, red, salty, and high in iron. it satiates our cravings very well. alternatively, see if local butchers will sell animal blood. you can claim for it to be for things such as blood pancakes.
raw meat cravings: buy fatty, thinly sliced meat from a deli. once again it is very salty, and it feels good to tear. you can safely eat raw beef; sear the outside to rid bacteria on the outside. slice it off and you can eat the still raw meat inside. you can also do this with fondue beef to just cook the outside of the small cube. never eat raw minced meat; bacteria is all through it already and must be fully cooked.
be careful to not eat too much raw meat; it can be unhealthy for your vessel.
more normal food cravings: for us, this is birdbrain related. indulge these cravings. learn what they are so you can keep these things on hand. we keep seeds and nuts in stock and it's not a bad idea to keep things such as fish frozen in a freezer as a clutch for intense fish cravings. if you have cravings for non-traditional meat for your area [ie game animals such as duck, deer, moose, or mutton if NA / beef if EUR from what i understand ] make an effort to look for stores or butchers who carry it.
phantom limbs/differences-
digitigrade: minimize wearing shoes/socks. if you need to learn how to walk on the balls of your feet in your vessel, get some heels. learn quadrobics. try to make yourself fake legs, look into how furries and satyr cosplayers make theirs.
wings: open-back clothes can feel more comfortable. when laying down on your front, put a slightly warm heating pad across your back to simulate weight. watch your posture. make fake wings to wear.
tails and paws: once again look into how furries make theirs.
Neffertity is a fursuit maker who's posted tutorials on youtube. they have a video on making ears, paws, claws, wings, digitigrade paws, and super motion tails.
clothing tips: if furred, find clothing that resembles the texture of your fur. learning sewing can make it easy to accomidate your ahumanity.
find community. take part in art. if possible, engage in VR responsibly.
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hyperlatte · 3 months
Guys rate the fanfic it's super historically accurate also sorry if there's mistakes and it sucks and all I did not take this seriously and I think it's quite obvious once you read it
"Your Majesty, the 13 colonies have sent you a total of 13,874936,234,765 death threats in email form, what will you do? every 12 seconds you just keep getting thousands of more emails." The king's assistant said, clearly worried. "Tell them that I'll ban Gmail there if they don't stop, and that'll force them to use Yahoo or Outlook email to communicate with each other." King George said, almost cruelly. "Oh god..." The assistant couldn't believe it. No one uses Yahoo and Outlook? They just freaking suck. "And oh, tell that George Washington that I'll beat him in a twitter argument soon enough... I'll send my best generals to come up with cool, better, more well-written arguments, and those..." he spat, "Continentals... Will be no match for the king's loyal twitter army."
Meanwhile in America..
George Washington sat on his cozy chair, he stretched, he then got a notification on his computer, from the King himself, an email, it said:
"Hello there, thanks to the STUPID people in the 13 Colonies, we are now banning Google Mail =_=. We are now forcing you to use Yahoo Email and Outlook (☉。☉)! Good luck, suckers. Well, the german dudes will actually monitor Google Mail, they're REALLY good at that I've heard, and there's thousands of them! Can't wait to see your little death threats crushed by my AWESOME new mods. Hessians, arise! Protect me! Anyway, Toodle-Loo! :3 George LUVS u guys!! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
From your dearest, King George III. (◍•ᴗ•◍)"
Washington's relaxed smile quickly turned into a frown. "What does he think he's doing?" He quickly stood up bursting into the living room, "Hamilton! Get off Fortnite, we've got a twitter fight to win..." Hamilton turned around quickly "Oh heck nah, what happened now? I'm about to win a victory royale!" Alexander sighed, and then groaned. "Sorry, chat, I gotta go into another Twitter argument, Washington's calling me." Alexander took off his headphones and stood. Washington sighed and put his hands on Alexander's shoulders. "Alexander... King George is making HESSIANS moderate Gmail, he's taking the colonies death threats down!" Alexander's eyes widened hearing this, "No way? Say on god. There is NO WAY." Alexander was almost shaking when he heard this. "Get the other boys.... This Christmas.... We'll use our strongest argument yet...." Alexander nodded, and ran out.
The whole continental army was there, ready, outside in the cold. They were going to spam just one image. King George in a FREAKING diaper, they knew this utterly disgusted Hessians. Grown men in diapers, it made them throw up, and especially during Christmas time, when they were drunk, celebrating. They'd for sure throw up, maybe even get sick, super sick, maybe it'll reach the other end, filling up those stinky public bathrooms, making the lines for them extraordinarily big. This would distract them for sure! Washington smirked, and turned to face the army. "Once you get my tweet notification, just spam the image in the King's latest tweet, this'll hit his army hard for sure.
The king opened twitter, good golly! 99+ notifications? This new tweet sure was a banger. He clicked on the notifications bar, his big smile soon became a horrified, shocked, disgusted face. "HOW'D THEY GET THAT IMAGE!!??" George let go and his phone to the ground, he dropped to his knees. "Nande... NANDE???!!" He curled up into a ball. A couple seconds later he stood up. "Well, that was crazy." He hopped out of the bathroom. "Heh, time to meet my waifu in vr chat..." He put on his VR glasses.
Meanwhile in America...
A hessian soldier, let's call him Bob, opened up the King's tweet. "Awesome." He said, scrolling down, not knowing what he was about to see. King George in DIAPERR!!!1 Bob dropped his phone. "WHAT THE HECK!" He held his mouth, he felt sick seeing this. Slowly the same thing happened to other hessian soldiers, they all ran to the public bathrooms, or anywhere they could throw up in.
In the distance George Washington was hysterically laughing, he then sent a signal to the 13 colonies on twitter to keep sending those AWESOME COOL death threats to the King. "We did it.... More people will want to join our awesome cool Twitter fights!" Washington turned around to face the army again. "We looksmaxx.... TOGETHER!" He held his fist up. All the soldiers started to chant "We are mew gods! we are sigmas!" they all started to freaking hit the griddy, they then naruto ran down the hill, beating the hessian soldiers up, Bob included. "HESSIANS BITING THE CURB 4K REAL FOOTAGE" Hamilton yelled out, making Bob bite the curb. Hell broke loose, the continental soldiers were forcing the hessians to mew, this was painful for them, for they were all reddit, discord, amino, twitter and gmail mods and their biggest weakness was mogging. All of the sudden a cool shiny red car, covered in anime girl stickers and images rode towards a big crowd of sick hessian soldiers, hitting them, shooting them up to the sky. The car door opened, and Benjamin Franklin himself walked out. "Hallo everynyan!" He waved, he then got inside the car again. The car now started to run over all the hessian soldiers, and if Ben Franklin was lucky enough, he snatched some of hessians inside, forcing them to watch 12 hours of anime cat girls dancing. How horrible I must say! Pray for Bob and his friends.
Meanwhile in Thomas Jefferson's house...
Jefferson was browsing the internet and he came across a disturbing image... It was a drawing of him... In a thing called a miku binder. How terrifying this was for Jefferson to see "What the gyatt..." He whispered, he always wondered why people commented under his posts “where is his miku binder?" He could've searched it up earlier but he was too lazy, at least he knew what it was. "Bisexual?... Me?..." He said, as continued to read what was written on the image. He felt weirded out, is this what some colonists thought of him? Or is this what they wanted to see him as? Maybe.... He could make himself as this drawing depicted him... Or maybe even something BETTER. Jefferson was starting to feel so full of ideas on what he wanted to do now, forward on. He went ONLINE SHOPPING. Sick, right?
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halflifeofparadise · 5 months
The Half Life of Paradise Askblog
Hello I'm Gordon. After the events of black mesa, I brought my friends over to separate server. One I can still access through my VR headset.
Due to the fact I can't be there for them all the time, I decided to allow them to access the internet, with a lot of restrictions. This is their only connection to the outside world and people. I go through all the asks myself.
Yep! I too can be asked. I may not as active but I'll still there when I can be.
He's an odd ball. He mostly seems to working on his hobbies and enjoying an emulated copy of Super Punch Out I got for him. But he'd love to answer questions
Bubby is mostly his same old self. He seems the most interested in exploring around the server I gave them. He's also love to answer questions.
Tommy has been trying to find something here for awhile. But he'd love a distraction from that. So feel free to ask him something.
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garbagechocolate · 1 year
Super Vr Ball...
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@nebuladreamz beat my ass last night
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duhragonball · 1 year
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 29
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“What’s that? ‘Universe Creation Arc’?  ‘Apocrypha Liveblog’?  What are you talking about?  We’re kids competing for a video game championship.”
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Last time... doesn’t really matter, because the web anime just abruptly shifts to a completely different subject matter for Episode 29.  It’s another special, but unlike Episode 20, which set up characters and backstory for the Universe Creation arc, this special just interrupts the arc for no apparent reason.
So to explain what’s going on here, I need to get into the conceit of the Dragon Ball Heroes video games.   You, the live person playing a video game, play as a character like Beat, who lives in the Dragon World some time after the events of Dragon Ball Z.  Beat, in turn, also plays a video game which is similar to the one you play, except for him Dragon Ball Heroes is some sort of Capsule Corp.-designed VR simulation, and characters like Goku and the others are historical figures.  Within the simulation, Beat can fight alongside his chosen characters, and he can do Saiyan transformations just like they do.
I’ve watched some of the cutscenes from the game before, and it turns out that Beat is actually a descendant of Goku’s, so Beat actually learns how to turn into a Super Saiyan Blue in “real” life.  It gets kind of confusing.  The web anime we’ve been covering up to now has depicted the sort of story modes featured in the games.  From our perspective, these are just side-stories invented for video game content, but from Beat’s perspective, the Universe Creation Arc is a thing that really happened, and he gets to re-enact that event in the game.
So in this special, we’re seeing Beat rushing to the shopping mall or wherever the game console is located.  They’re doing a 10th Anniversary championship tournament, and he’s one of the participants, and he’s running late. 
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I think this is why I keep getting confused about how and where you can play Super Dragon Ball Heroes, because all the promotional materials show Beat going to these arcades and stepping up to some fancy-looking cabinet surrounded by onlookers.  In the real world, I think I’d just have to get a Nintendo Switch, but they never show Beat playing on one, which seems like a dumb way to promote the product. 
Anyway, that’s Note on the left.  As I understand it, Beat and Note were both recruited to aid the Time Patrol on special missions involving the game, in kind of a “Last Starfighter” situation. 
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They both seem really startled when the gameplay begins, like they’re being sucked into the VR world in a way they weren’t expecting, but everything seems to be normal from here on out, so I don’t know what to make of it.
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This is what they look like in the game, as they both have Saiyan avatars, and they’re both in Super Saiyan Blue form.  I’m not sure why Note’s hair doesn’t stand on end.   I’m also not sure how old these kids are supposed to be.  They looked maybe nine or ten in the arcade, but they’re a little taller here, and Note has a boob window that I really don’t like. 
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Beat’s team is basic as hell.  He’s got Vegito Blue, because he’s a huge mark for Dragon Ball Super, he’s got Yamcha because he likes him ironically.  He’s got Super Saiyan God Trunks because he works for Trunks and he’s a kiss-ass.
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He’s got Goku because he thinks you’re supposed to have a Goku on your team by default.  He’s got Bardock because he thinks Bardock is a cool badass.  And he’s got Jiren because the anime told him he’s the strongest guy.
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By contrast, Note’s team is incredibly cheap.  She doesn’t worry about who the popular characters are, she just goes straight for the ones with the best stats.  She probably doesn’t even know this fugly version of Demigra, but he’s probably really strong, so she picked him.  The Grand Minister shouldn’t even be in the game, but he is, and he’s probably broken as all get out, so she went with it.  I don’t know who the mask guy is, but he’s probably someone special she unlocked, so you know he’s got some fancy stats.
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And to round out Note’s team, we have Z-Broly for his bullshit super-armor, Masked Bardock to neutralize some Bardock glitch that Note doesn’t even know how to exploit, and Gogeta Blue because they may have nerfed Stardust Breaker in the V6.2.3 update, but it’s still got a crazy hitbox and she can use that to juggle Beat’s guys long enough to set up some other tricks. 
What I’m trying to say here is that this tournament probably forbids just picking six Gogetas, but if it was legal, Beat would do it to match the six Gogeta posters in his bedroom, and Note would do it to exploit some patch in the game code.
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Finally, 29 episodes in, we get to see Gogeta vs. Vegito, which you’d think the web anime would have covered a few times by now.
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Bardock fights Masked Bardock...
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...And God Trunks has to fight Broly.  He’s got some trick where Chronoa pops in to freeze time, so it’s like a little Xenoverse thing going on here. 
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We’re just ripping off Jojo then, I guess. 
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“Uh, hi, everyone.  I think I may have gone to the wrong place.  Is this “Across the Spider-Verse?  Because I’m a Spider-Man with ki powers, but like they’re radioactive ki powers, because the spider who bit me was--”
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The Grand Minister heals up Note’s group, but Yamcha heals Beats group, so there.  Good hustle, Yamcha. 
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Then Beat targets Note herself and defeats her pretty easily.  I thought she was as good at this game as he is, but maybe she just left an opening for him.  Too busy trying to do precision inputs.
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Then a new challenger arrives, although there are three player avatars, so I don’t understand how this works. 
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Ha ha, get Beerus’ed, idiot.
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Goku helps Beat up to try again, and this is presented like some heartwarming moment, except it’s just a simulation.  I don’t know.
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Then they both go Ultra Instinct and start clobbering the other team. 
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Big shot of Beat and his team.  They kind of screwed over Yamcha by sticking him in the back for this. 
And that’s the special.  I don’t understand what the point of this was.   The whole thing looked and felt like a commercial for the game, except... the whole show has been a commercial for the game.  This one is just more like those trailer ads they would run whenever a new feature is added. 
It’s almost like someone in charge got worried that the Universe Creation arc wasn’t selling the game properly, so they switched to this format instead, then switched right back, because Episode 30 continues the arc we were in.  I don’t get it. 
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
FNAF Headcanons for the Rise Turtles (and April, of course) + My Own FNAF Opinions
Scariest game: FNAF 2, because of the Puppet
Scariest animatronic: The Puppet, because it's a ten-foot-tall puppet
Balloon Boy kind of freaks him out, too
Struggling with Night 3 because of Withered Bonnie and Withered Chica
Tends to forget about the other animatronics because he gets so focused on the music box
Thinks Toy Freddy is really cute and wants to hug him
An Easter egg magnet; has seen RWQFSFASXC, JJ, the endoskeleton in the Prize Corner, the eyeless Toy Bonnie screen, the eyeless Withered Freddy screen, and the Paper Pal in the office
Thinks Toy Chica looks like Pikachu
Doesn't even know there's lore; all he sees is a spooky game with a terrifying puppet man
Scariest game: FFPS, because of the tiny office and the tense salvage sequences
Scariest animatronic: Music Man, because look at his face
Buys stuff at discounts, then wonders why he's only had to salvage Molten Freddy
Has never accepted a sponsorship offer for the sake of his pride and integrity; still has no idea that this affects gameplay
Failing the ball pit minigame cracks him up every time
Once got Music Man from the mega ball pit minigame; fell out of his chair because he was startled that badly
Thinks all the Scrap animatronics look dumb, but especially Scraptrap
240 Bits per Mile is his jam
Only has a vague idea of what's happening with the lore; zones out whenever Donnie or April try to explain it more
Scariest game: FNAF, because of the atmosphere and the especially uncanny animatronics
Scariest animatronic: Chica, because of her tendency to open her mouth super-wide and stare right at you
Always plays with the sound off so the jumpscares don't destroy his eardrums
Roasts Bonnie whenever he shows up. Just Bonnie, though.
Sings and dances along to Freddy's song whenever the power goes out, usually with bitter/sarcastic lyrics
Has yet to beat 4/20 mode, but they've been practicing. Obsessively.
Has a whole conspiracy corkboard dedicated to figuring out the lore
Considering starting a collection of FNAF Mystery Minis; he's particularly interested in Withered Bonnie
Loves watching FNAF let's plays
Scariest game: Sister Location, because of the "abandoned warehouse" vibe
Scariest animatronic: Funtime Foxy, because of that freaking twitching
Hates the sections where you have to walk/crawl through the dark
One death away from raging at Night 4
Was kind of creeped out by Baby even from the beginning
Absolutely lost it at "Casual Bongos"
Loves "The Immortal and the Restless"
Has seen the "Minireena in the popcorn" Easter egg; it scared the crap out of him
Super confused about the overarching lore, but knows that stuff is haunted
Loves the Funtime Freddy plushie for all the wrong reasons (look it up if you haven't seen it already); wants one of his own
Scariest game: Help Wanted, because VR
Scariest animatronic: Springtrap, because he's a zombified child murderer
Favorite levels are Parts & Service (Freddy) and Vent Repair (Ennard)
Hates the Plushbabies with a burning passion
On a mission to get all the collectibles; has roughly half of them so far
Won Funtime Freddy's level the same way Markiplier did
Has intentionally triggered Foxy by stepping out of the FNAF 1 office, just to see if she could close the door on him in time
Roasts the animatronics whenever she counters/avoids them
Legitimately creeped out by Glitchtrap
Obsessed with the lore; keeps up with Game Theory's videos on it and regularly posts about it on discussion threads
As for me?
Scariest game: FNAF 4, because you have to stick your head out into pitch-black hallways and listen for stuff
Scariest animatronic: Nightmarionne, because WHY DOES IT NEED TEETH???
I downloaded the original mobile port of FNAF 4 onto my iPad when I was 13, and I don't think I've played past Night 2.
On the other hand, I have beaten Night 6 of the original mobile FNAF and every single Custom Night challenge on mobile FNAF 2.
I like Security Breach because of Glamrock Freddy, the memes, and the fact that I can play it without having to mute my TV out of sheer terror at all the noises.
I also like FNAF World. It's just goofy and fun.
I personally think the books and Sister Location are what kicked the lore off the deep end, but it's so ridiculous at this point, I'm just here for the ride.
Withered Freddy has my favorite design in the series.
I wish Freddy in general was more central to a franchise called Five Nights at Freddy's.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Spoilers for the newest Sun and Moon Show episode "Sun and Moon's NEW ENEMY in VRCHAT" below
Beware, word soup below the read more. I'm just throwing out thoughts willy nilly.
The sarcastic laughing is SO goddamn funny. I'm crying. I love the AI's. They are such funny characters to me.
I would love to see just, like, a funny side episode where Moon's two AI's meet up with Monty's AI on his space craft. Interactions between the three of them, especially if Moon, Sun and Monty are there. I think that has the mixings to be a funny episode.
I don't know how to describe why I like the way the AI talks to Moon now. Pre-mind wipe it was so much more respectful towards Moon and now it treats him with the same level of what feels like contempt to me as it treats Sun. I like the way their interactions have changed, I wish I could articulate why. (Also the concern that pops into it's voice when Moon sets the portal or whatever? Yus.)
"The Entity" jumping out of the ball pit caught me off guard. It was really cool to see, but it was also so unsettling. It felt like a lot of movement for VR Chat, watching them just vault over the thing with ease. Super cool.
I LOVE this new character. This "Entity". Heavy Nobe vibes, a character of Invisible_Davis's whom I also like a lot, I'm SO excited to see where they take them. They're all sing-songy and cheerful but also threatening. Goofy but capable. Good shit. The LAUGHING. Genuinely making me nervous.
Also, another thing I noticed. Pre-Wipe, Moon was always a very threatening character to me, he had a sort of 'this is a villainous character on the side of the good guys' vibe to me and now his threats against the Entity just didn't hold up here. For some reason his 'negotiating' which he's done before didn't hold as much weight while I was watching it. Super interesting for me to realize I've had this perception change of the character.
Everything post 9:25 before the return to the present in the video was great. Moon getting sucker punched and then screaming for the computer to take the Entity down. The AI immediately responding. The Entity's joy at having sucker punched Moon. The Entity dodging fucking lasers as well as their whole unconcerned reaction to being shot at. Moon's reaction to hearing the Entity had left the daycare already. "It's just you... and Sun in there." Moon getting scratched, physical damage. That entire section was fantastic.
The entire conversation about what they should call the Entity is really funny.
What happened to Moon's mic at the beginning of the episode? He went "Spiiiiiiinnnnneeeeeerrrrrrrr̷r̶r̷" It was really funny.
Sun launching the barrel into the far cosmos a la animation error style had me crying. Fuck me that was hilarious.
The AI bashing Marvel
Tiny detail I really liked, the 'ha' being cut off mid articulation after Moon told the AI off
Based Dragon Ball opinion from Moon
I appreciate they got distracted talking about Dragon Ball being mid that was funny as hell
"Welp you heard it here first! My Dad said no!"
"We could play hide and seek." "Stab and seek? I like that idea." "That's not what I said."
"Like stab and go seek." "But like... rewind."
" I don't have lips I don't know how I'm doin that noise."
"Three years. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That was a joke."
"Give me a legitimate answer you sarcastic [REDACTED]."
It occurs to me that when Moon said "C'mon you're a gamer Sun I believe in you!" He meant Sun and not son, but I heard son the first time which is infinitely more funny.
I love this show so fuckin much. Absolute banger of an episode all the way through.
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hellsite-yano · 9 months
As usual: The List of Completed Games 2023
Arrival (DOOM) Sunder (DOOM) Mibibli's Quest Action Doom (DOOM) Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl (DOOM) Assault on Tei Tenga (DOOM) Maptroid: Worlds Demons of Problematique (DOOM) Demons of Problematique 2 (DOOM) Newgothic Movement (DOOM) Newgothic Movement 2 (DOOM) Legacy of Heroes (DOOM) TNT Revilution (DOOM) /pol/ (DOOM) Equinox (DOOM) Thunderpeak (DOOM) Pizza Tower Automaton Lung SMBNext: Sunset Shores Heart of the Killer Elderand Kama Sutra (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple (DOOM) Metroid Fusion: Special Edition No End in Sight (DOOM) Counterattack (DOOM) Consolation Prize (DOOM) Golden Souls 2 (DOOM) Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition REKKR The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 Castlevania: Simon's Destiny (DOOM) The Legend of Dark Witch 3 Micro Slaughter Community Project (DOOM) Cave Story 3D Plutonia Revisited Community Project (DOOM) 200 Minutes of /vr/ (DOOM) Hell Ground (DOOM) Mutiny (DOOM) Diabolus Ex (DOOM) Rusted Moss Dread Templar The Machine (Knytt Stories) Ashes 2063 Enriched (DOOM) Carnage Oasis (DOOM) Ashes Afterglow (DOOM) MAYhem 2048 (DOOM) Doom 2 Redux (DOOM) Bungle in the Jungle (DOOM) Anomaly Report (DOOM) MyHouse (DOOM) Dementium Remastered HROT BACULUS (DOOM) Doom 2 Reloaded (DOOM) Vracks Botanicals (DOOM) Resurgence (DOOM) Invasion UAC (DOOM) SuperDoom (DOOM) 2048 Units of /vr/ (DOOM) Cydonia (DOOM) Happy (DOOM) Tetris Effect: Connected Moonblood (DOOM) Liminal Doom (DOOM) Tetanus (DOOM) Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 (DOOM) Shadow of the Wool Ball (DOOM) Monuments of Guilt BABBDI NaissanceE Post Void I wish it was morning all the time HOLEHOLE MAZEMAZE Kowloon's Curse: Lost Report South Scrimshaw Part One Outcore: Desktop Adventure Nyaruru Fishy Fight Viewfinder Sludge Life 2 Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer Herald of Havoc Pseudoregalia Deadlink Lone Fungus Fox Flares Turbo Overkill Blasphemous 2 AMID EVIL - The Black Labyrinth Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Inscryption Neyasnoe Northern Journey Wonderputt Forever Super Junkoid (Super Metroid) Manifold Garden Contra 4 Metal Slug 7 Space Invaders Extreme Space Invaders Extreme 2 Outer Wilds Ion Fury: Aftershock Submachine 1: the Basement Submachine 2: the Lighthouse Submachine 3: the Loop Quake II - Enhanced Edition Escape Escape PRIPRI MELLOWOLLEM Submachine 4: the Lab Submachine 5: the Root Submachine 6: the Edge Submachine 7: the Core Venturous (DOOM) Devotion Good Morning Phobos (DOOM) Winter's Fury (DOOM) OBZEN (DOOM) Rush (DOOM) HAPPY WORLD SJ-19 Learns To Love! Graze Counter GM Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Beeny The Sun Will Rise Again
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 2 years
Victorian Railways R-Class Hudsons
Its to be pointed out that it at the time that the R-Class was introduced as an express passenger locomotive, they had already thought to start introducing diesels (which they did in July of 1952, as the poor R-s needed extensive work at the Shops after their trip by boat) and thought to phase out the S-classes. Any blame on the R-classes themselves is pure arse covering and ignores how deeply ideological the introduction of the diesels was and how short sighted at this point the VR had become.
(They had already dropped the ball on rejuvenating the post-war rail network by reinforcing the lines, were cutting a lot of branches, scrapped Heavy Harry's two other siblings before completion; thought to introduce diesels but then ordered the R and J classes... and when they finally introduced the diesels, it was in this arrogant, pig-headed fashion that ignored that the diesels at that point were quite new and a lot of kinks to iron out.
They withdrew and scrapped the S-class Pacifics before any preservationists could save them and painted the diesels in the blue and gold VR express livery as a statement... and refused to let steam engine crews rescue or take over trains from broken diesels because it made VR look bad...
One particular incident at Seymour involved a diesel that was hauling a banana train breaking down, and the crew of an already prepped and ready R-Class Hudson being told it was more trouble than their jobs were worth to go and pull that train, so they had to sit by while fitters were called from the diesel depot at Dynon.
No Super Rescue here I'm afraid.
Sorry about the rant, its kind of a weird bone of contention in gunzel circles apparently... and its awfully convenient the foreign manufactured locomotive gets the blame. Hhhhmmmmmm...).
I headcanon these fellas as Scottish, but we Aussies have a whole thing of Scottish folks we adopt as our own (Jimmy Barnes, Malcolm and Angus Young, etc.) and Victoria itself as a very strong Scottish influence in a lot of place names and culture. They are solidly Scottish-Australian in my view.
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So I finally finished watching the rest of Captain Lazerhawk and I must say that was a wild and very kickass interesting animated show. I really, seriously enjoyed it a lot honestly, while its far from perfect and does has its flaws to it, I thought the whole series was a pretty good balls to the wall entertaining & fun but still pretty serious at times and having its good emotional moments overall awesome animated action show.
That cliffhanger at the end with little video RPG game Dolph who seems to be alive? In some kind of VR void. And then you had Sarah dad or at least I think it was her dad or perhaps someone else popping up saying " This is where we fight back " Which I'm hoping could lead to a possible Season 2 maybe.
Other aspects and just random thoughts on this final episode.
Seriously was so glad that Dolph finally took out that red ranger asshole because that guy was truly getting on my nerves and man what a cool fight / battle scene at that. I swear the animation to this show is so freaking good especially during action scenes as I said before its really gives me that Studio Trigger vibe from it, also So happy that Bullfrog was spared from being executed because he is truly one of my favorites characters from this show for many reasons including being both badass and cute as HELL.
Also Ray-man or better yet Ramon was also I feel one of the highlight's of this show with seeing his development and him finding out the truth about how super corrupted Eden actually is and him being used as their alien Poster-boy mascot for their propaganda. It was defiantly good to see him kill those Eden higher-ups...but something tells me that they are likely aren't the only ones.
Would so love to see more of this show and were it could possibly go in terms of the worldbuilding and dealing with Eden deep lies / corruption & its shitty treatment of hybrids and its people also Sarah still not freaking Dead! and her proposal to Holloway on changing Eden ( Which I'm very iffy about & still don't trust her ass ).
Again would love to see more of this, but knowing how Netflix is with their long record of mistreating shows, especially animated ones like crap and just cancelling them out of nowhere. So yeah...but either way, Captain Lazhawk was a wild gay action-packed fun crazy ride of an animated show.
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worldofgeekstuff · 2 years
10 Best Meta Quest 2 Fitness Games to Exercise and Workout 2022
Let's get to the Best Meta Quest 2 Fitness Games to Exercise and Workout in 2022. The great thing about Meta Quest 2, and VR in general, is that almost every game you play requires you to move your arms, hands, and feet. So pretty much ANY game you play in VR will cause you to burn more calories than traditional video games or watching TV. Some Meta fitness games are better than others and not all VR exercise games are created equal. We've reviewed many Quest 2 Exercise Games so you can save time and money and keep up with your fitness goals.
Scoring Criteria For VR Meta Quest 2 Fitness Games
As we reviewed these games we focused on a few key differences between them.  If they had all the parts, they got a higher score, if they were missing some, that game's score was decreased. You can go through the criteria and decide which things are more important for your workout. You might not care about things like multiplayer or amount of songs for example. Of course, whichever games get you up and moving are the best VR Fitness Games for you, so you may have to try a few different types out to see what you like. Does it feel like you are working out or a game? Depending on your level of fitness this may be a stronger point for you or a weaker one. We wrote this article from the countless people we see online saying that they played Beat Saber for the first time and were super surprised to see sweat while playing "a game". If you are looking for the hardest workout, We've included the numbers so you can focus on those games. If you are looking for a fun game that can ALSO get you sweating, we gave it more points in this review. A game and "fun-like" are more likely to make you stick with the workout in our opinion. How many classes or songs or levels are included? Working out to the same 5 songs every day is not going to cut it for most people. The more songs or classes, the higher the ranking we gave. DLC is an option? OK, but the more content that is included in the base game we gave the higher score. If there are no classes or songs, how many levels or skill levels are there to play? Does the game have the ability to have custom songs?
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Can you add custom songs to the game? How hard is it to do so? Although most of these games use royalty-free music that you probably don't know, some are quite catchy! But nothing is going to get your heart pumping like your favorite workout song.  More points for custom songs are allowed. Does the game have Multiplayer or Party mode? Although working out solo is fine and fun, being able to invite your Oculus Quest 2 online friends, (or random strangers) or playing against other people in your household with a back-and-forth "party mode" is a great way to keep motivated in your fitness journey.
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Other Game issues, or technical problems There were final points taken away for other issues or problems that may have come up.
Best Top VR Fitness Game for Meta Quest 2 in 2022
Without any more delay... Here is the list of the top Meta Quest 2 exercise games... Synth Riders
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Synth Riders is a part freestyle dance game, and part boxing, rhythm game. It's a techno neon game where you punch or glide balls onto your hands at markers that fly towards you.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 40 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 52 Songs ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes - 3rd party website, drag and drop to device ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ✔️ Party Mode - Yes Other Issues - N/A Synthriders. This VR fitness game really has it all. 52 included songs will keep you interested and playing. Multiplayer, Party mode, AND the ability to add custom songs? Well worth it. Full Review here -  https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/synth-riders-review/ Total Score - 5 points Beat Saber
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Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash cubes as they float towards you in time to the music. 🏋️ Work out Equal to -  Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 12 squats/hr
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✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 36 songs ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes, but has to be illegally modded (Beat saber doesn't allow this and will remind you, you are using a modded version). Difficult for many and multiplayer/ leaderboards won't work anymore. ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ✔️ Party Mode - Yes Other Issues - N/A Beat Saber is the most popular VR game for a reason. Lots of included songs and fun gameplay. Many feel they need to "get a better workout" from something besides Beat Saber, but it actually ranks pretty high on the calories list, less so on squats. It's too bad it requires modding to play custom songs and that's why on MY list, it's a number 2. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/beat-saber-review-number-1-vr-rhythm-game/ Beat Saber Total Score - 5 points Until You Fall
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Until You Fall is a VR sword fighting game that brings together hack and slash and RPG fun.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 27 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Levels - 3 Difficulty Levels - 10 tiers per level - 30 Levels ❌ Custom Songs - Can't change music ❌ Multiplayer Mode - No ❌ Party Mode - No Other Issues - May cause motion sickness - use in-game settings to help. Until you Fall is different than any other game on this list. It is truly a hack-and-slash, rogue-like video game. You play till you die, but you are physically getting a great workout while doing it. Holding up a sword to block and slash enemies is great. If you don't have motion sickness and are looking for a different way to get a workout that isn't a dancing rhythm game, this is it. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/until-you-fall-review/ Until You Fall Total Score - 4.5 points RagnaRock VR Ragnarock VR is a rhythm VR game. It lets you take the head of a Viking ship. Notes float towards you in a Guitar Hero style and when they go over the drums you hit them.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 12 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 30 Songs ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes - 3rd party website, drag and drop to device ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ✔️ Party Mode - half and half Other Issues - N/A If you enjoy VR fitness rhythm games Ragnarock brings a new and fun version to the table. The unique heavy metal music style will not be for everyone, nor the rather expensive price tag. Time will fly by while playing. It will be a welcome VR workout addition for many. Full Review here -  https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/ragnarock-vr-review/ Total Score - 5 points Racket: NX
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Racket: NX is a new kind of game that challenges the limits of what you can do with a racket and ball in VR. Play a kind of Pinball in a large dome.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to -  Elliptical - 240 - 360 kcal/hr - 17 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Levels - 4 levels of difficulty (basic, advanced, hardcore, insane) - 5 challenges in each - 20 levels ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes - Super easy upload any mp3 ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ❌ Party Mode - No Other Issues - Bit of a learning curve when starting on how to hit properly Racket: NX is one of those games where you don't realize you are working out. It's easy to lose track of time playing multiplayer and adding custom songs is a breeze. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/racket-nx-review/ Racket: NX Total Score - 4.5 points Audio Trip
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  Audio Trip is a VR rhythm and dance game where you catch gems, glide along with ribbons, hit drums, and dodge blocks. Even with no dancing skill, if you stick with this for a while you will feel like you are dancing which can be quite fun.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 56 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Both - Cardio mode especially feels like a workout ❌ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 18 Songs Including several you know ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes - Discord - drag and drop to the device ❌ Multiplayer Mode - No. Scoreboard against your friends and world ✔️ Party Mode - Yes Other Issues - Small selection of Songs Audio Trip is lacking in songs compared to the others. Be sure to add in some custom ones to keep things interesting! The cardio mode is perhaps one of the more intense workouts you can do in VR. If you are looking for a higher cardio workout... Cardio mode Audio Trip is it. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/audio-trip-review/ Audio Trip Total Score - 4 points Sports Scramble
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Take your favorite sports and mix them. That is the idea behind Sports Scramble. It's kind of like Wii Sports but in VR.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Elliptical - 240 - 360 kcal/hr - 11 squats/hr ✔️Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Levels - 3 types of sports (Baseball, Tennis, Bowling) ❌ Custom Songs - No ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ❌ Party Mode - No Other Issues - Cartoon characters might be off-putting for some people. A lighter workout This is a fun game to add some real sports gaming to your fitness mix. It's on the lighter side of calories burned, so perhaps start or finish with some Sports Scramble to keep things interesting in your workouts. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/sports-scramble-review/ Sports Scramble Total Score - 4 points Oh Shape
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Oh Shape is a  unique fitness game in the VR space that has you moving your full body to match, punch or dodge walls as they float towards you.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis -  360 - 480 kcal/hr - 111 squats/hr ❌ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Workout ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 32 songs included, some you might be familiar with. ✔️ Custom Songs - Yes - 3rd party website and then drag and drop to device ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ✔️ Party Mode - Yes Other Issues - Very difficult, No vibration feedback so you are not sure if you are hitting your targets or not. You will probably need to turn on "no-fail" mode when you start. This will help you get used to the game while keeping your sweat going. This game is a serious workout and will burn more calories than a round of Supernatural for you. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/ohshape-review/ Oh Shape Total Score - 4 points Eleven Table Tennis
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Eleven Table Tennis is virtual ping pong at its finest! Pro Table Tennis players use Eleven Table Tennis for practice because it is THAT realistic, accurate, and good.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 25 squats/hr ✔️Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Levels - beginner, advanced, pro ❌ Custom Songs - No ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ❌ Party Mode -  No Other Issues - Repetitive music, Menus are hard to navigate Eleven Table Tennis menu system is difficult to navigate. The developers spent a lot of time on the physics of the game and not the User Interface. It can also be hard to get a sweat going when first starting. Stick with it, and it's a great fitness app to add to your mix with a high workout potential. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/eleven-table-tennis-review-vr-ping-pong/ Eleven Table Tennis Total Score - 4 points FitXR
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FitXR is bursting with Box and Dance workouts that you’ll love. With a class for every mood, goal, and fitness level. There is a paid subscription option.
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Tennis - 360 - 480 kcal/hr - 73 squats/hr ❌ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Workout ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 36 classes/songs ❌ Custom Songs - No ❌ Multiplayer Mode - No ❌ Party Mode - No Other Issues - Boxing did not track properly for me, Only 2 locations to exercise in. Although FitXR pitches "Feels like a game", it sure felt like a fitness workout class to me. The lack of multiplayer and custom songs moves this down on the list for me. I hope these change in the future. Like Oh Shape, if you are looking for a Supernatural replacement... FitXR is a good choice. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/fitxr-review/ FitXR Total Score - 3.5 points Dance Central
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Dance Central VR is a fully immersive Dance Rhythm VR game. Dance Central VR transports you to the world of a nightclub, introduces you to some characters, and gets you dancing!
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🏋️ Work out Equal to - Elliptical - 240 - 360 kcal/hr 16 squats/hr ✔️ Feels like a Game or a Workout - Game ✔️ Number of Song/Work Outs Included - 32 ❌ Custom Songs - No but includes only popular music ✔️ Multiplayer Mode - Yes ❌ Party Mode - No Other Issues - Campaign mode is a drag for some, and dancing can be difficult. Dance central reaches heavily into the gaming side of things. Stick to one area and select songs rapidly to get a decent cardio workout while learning real hip-hop dance moves to get your sweat on in a fun way. Full Review here - https://www.worldofgeekstuff.com/dance-central-vr-review/ Dance Central Total Score - 3.5 points
Final Thoughts on Best Meta Quest 2 Fitness Games to Exercise and Workout 2022
There you have it! The 10 Best Meta Quest 2 VR Fitness Games to Exercise and Workout in 2022. There are a lot of different things to look at when it comes to VR fitness and Meta Quest 2 weight loss.  I personally focused on - If it felt like a game, the number of workouts, multiplayer, party mode, and any other issues that the game might have had. Remember whatever gets you moving is going to be a great VR fitness game for you. Do you have a top VR fitness game that you prefer that we didn't list? Let us know in the comments! Read the full article
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