#sup bitches
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dafry-shenanigans · 11 months ago
I have no idea wth is happening but i want in-
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Randy: Uh... Is he okay...?
Jake: Yeah don't worry, he'll be fine... I think...
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lickithrice · 2 years ago
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New Necklace
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redfour0 · 8 months ago
LISTEN: (long post)
good luck, babe! Inspired rexwalker au. Rex and Anakin are friends with benefiting their way through the war (started abt one year in. Padme said it was ok) and Rex ends up madly (ish) in love with Anakin over some stupid shit.
Then season five happens, and Ahsoka is put on trial. She STAYS, this time, because it’s my fix it and I need her here. Rex calls the fwb off, because he thinks, if he gets any closer to Anakin he is going to say something stupid, like confess his love for a married man to the man in question.
how are the chips found? Ahsoka listens to fives, blablabls, chips gone- THIS ISNT ABT THE CHIPS OK?(mainly to myself so I don’t make the whole thing abt this)??? Order is changed. Blame all the inaccuracies on that.
so. The war ends, Rex and Anakin part ways. They are still seeing each other regularly, their family’s (Jedi/clones) being friends and all. Padme gives birth, all is good. then, Padme and Anakin start to drift apart. This is after Rex watches the five year old twins for an hour or two, Anakin and Padme walking in on them playing together, and something in Anakin clicks again, like it did back in the war.
this time, it’s different. He realizes, far too late, that he loves Rex. Padme has been spending far less time with him recently, and one night he wakes up and realizes he barely feels anything for her anymore. He runs out that night, leaving a note saying he needed to get some air- not that Padme will care.
He goes to Obi-wan, who is with Cody (they get to be in love. As a treat.) Anakin tells them abt his predicament, and Cody is just holding int eh fact that Rex is still harboring a MASIVE crush on Anakin. Watching the man care after children for five years did nothing but add kindling to the fire. The pair suggest bringing it up with Padme, so he does.
They both reside to get a divorce. Padme lets Anakin have the kids, for their sake. Anakin moves them into the creshe, letting them get settled.
Rex heard about the divorce m, and goes to comfort his friend. He knows Anakin has been through a lot these past few months, and everyone needs help sometimes.
While there, the dumbasses (affectionate) spill that they love each other, and disuse to stay friends until Anakin can gather himself. (it doesn’t take long. if it ment getting Rex, after all those years, he would go to any mind healer if it meant he could be with Rex sooner.)
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shitstrawhatssay · 2 years ago
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masterofcookies · 2 years ago
Hey I remembered my tumblr password wooo
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snake-oiled-chief · 2 years ago
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“That extended trip to Hawaii was absolutely what my scaly ass needed. What I miss~”
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absoluteuncertainty · 11 months ago
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its-all-down-hill · 2 years ago
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jumps back on tumblr as if i havent been gone for aGES-
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comicavalcade · 5 months ago
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Has any love interest ever had a better introduction than Betty Dean?
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the-black-bulls · 1 year ago
Liebe, to the parliament: Oh, by the way, if you ever speak disrespectfully again about my brother, I'll kill you.
Asta: Huh.
Liebe, chuckling: Sorry that sounded like a joke.
Liebe, to the parliament: I'll actually kill you.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year ago
Truth be told, Jack doesn’t remember the eight seconds he spent on the bronco’s back.
If any moon-eyed fangirls come up to him and ask about it, he plans on giving the standard blanket responses, like all he heard was the roar of the crowd.
In actuality, all he has are fragments from right before the livestock hands pulled that gate. It’s hard to forget that kind of anticipation racing through his veins, the sawing sound of rope pinning his riding glove to the back of the horse as Jack grit his teeth, ordering Racer to pull it even tighter.
Everything else, like the sickening crack from his head slamming against Midnight Train’s spine that made the audience cringe in horror, was told to him second hand. 
The trainer who checked him out gave him a lot of medical jargon he wasn’t too familiar with, but Jack gathered the important stuff. No riding for three days, get plenty of rest, neither of which he has any intention of following. And of course, there was the whole spiel about concussions affecting memory.
Imprinted in his is the face of one of the pick-up men as Jack faded in and out of consciousness, stern and cool and steady. He can nearly still feel strong arms around him, keeping him from falling into the dirt of the arena, can still hear the New York accent reassuringly mutter, “I’ve got you… I’ve got you.”
So if Jack can’t stop thinking of the pick-up man who hauled his limp body from the horse into his lap, he’s chalking it up to brain damage. 
He’s been named Rookie of The Year for Bareback Riding—Jack Kelly can’t afford to be distracted by any potential flings. 
And still, every time he blinks, that face is waiting for him just behind his eyelids.
It’s the longest, most agonizing twenty-four hours before an opportunity to make a bad decision presents itself to Jack. He usually doesn’t make it that long. He also usually doesn’t go that long without visiting Dancer, but his body needed to recover after being thrown off that horse in the arena. 
The first thing that greets Jack when he enters the stables is the very same face that’s been stuck in his mind since yesterday. The pick-up man is reaching up, brushing the soft golden mane of the quarter horse that pulled Jack off the bronco.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he greets, drawing up his most charming first-impressions smile.
“In the stables?” asks the pick-up man. Not an ounce of his attention dedicated to brushing his horse’s long blond mane is redirected to Jack. “Pretty sure this is the least fancy place to meet someone.”
“It’s as good a place as any to thank you. For yesterday.”
“I assume you mean when you got your ass bucked off of Midnight Train and I dragged you out?”
Jack scoffs. He should probably be accosted, but he’s only more intrigued. “That would be correct,” he admits.
“No need to thank me, in that case. Just doing my job.”
“Be nice if I had a name to the face that saved my rawhide.”
“And it’d be nice if you checked your staff sheet maybe once before you rode.”
Jack blinks. “Pardon me,” he begins, leaning an elbow up against Dancer’s stable, “but have I offended you?”
“Not yet.” His head twitches in annoyance. “But you’re a rodeo man. You’re bound to eventually.”
Jack crosses his arms. “I’ve been nothing but a gentleman.”
The pick-up man pauses and sighs, finally rewarding Jack with a look in his direction. He pretends not to, but Jack catches the way his eyes quickly scan him up and down. “David. David Jacobs. Which you’d have known if you’d check your staff sheet. You haven’t even bothered to give me your name, because you assume everyone already knows it.”
“So you’re saying you haven’t heard of me.”
“Oh, I’ve heard all about you, Jack Kelly,” David answers, turning his attention back to the silky mane he’d been brushing.
Jack looks up at the horse in question—a beautiful quarter with an unusual coloring halfway between brown and straight up golden. He steals another glance at David, head turned up in an admiration that’s reserved for the sacred bond between man and horse, as ridiculous as Jack admits that sounds.
Still, it’s quite the sight. David is quite the sight, beams of the setting sun reflecting off his green eyes, the shadows accentuating the perfect combination of curves and angles on his face.
 “Gorgeous,” Jack finds himself muttering.
“Thanks,” David replies, completely missing where Jack’s compliment was directed. “Shimmer’s my pride and joy. If you should be thanking anyone, it’s her. She’s a bit of a social butterfly. Even broncs love her.” He turns his gaze to Which one’s yours?”
“The skittery one right next door.” Jack points out the appaloosa horse, Dancer, aptly named for the way she fidgets her feet when she’s excited.
David snorts. “Figures. Shimmer’s obsessed with her. I always catch them talking to each other ‘cross the stables.”
“Funny. I’m obsessed with you.”
David rolls his eyes. “Maybe you should be obsessed with brushing up your technique, and you won’t get your ass handed to you so often.”
“Ass handed to me? I made it to eight seconds.” He also ranked fourth in the semifinals. As a rookie. But he won’t bring that up right now.
“It’s going to take a lot more than eight seconds to impress me.”
“Let me take you out to dinner then, darlin’. Show you that I can go all night.”
“You think you’re cute, don’t you?”
Jack shrugs. “To be completely honest, I think I’m downright adorable, but that’s besides the point.”
He thinks he might see David’s mouth twitch when he returns his attention to Jack. “I don’t sleep with cowboys. Kind of a rule of mine.”
“Believe me, sweetheart, you spend a night with me and we won’t be doing any sleeping.” He chances hooking a finger under David’s chin and dragging his mouth dangerously close to his ear. It’s entirely too brazen and forward, but Jack doesn’t know any other way to be. “You think Broncos are the only thing I know how to ride?” he asks, grinning when he hears David swallow around a drying throat.
“You couldn’t keep me saddled if you tried,” David mutters back, and his breath against Jack’s cheek sends a shudder from his ear, through his spine, all the way down to his toes.
And then David shoves him. Hard. Sending Jack toppling over his own feet and sprawling out onto the ground with an incredible lack of grace.
“Like I said,” David calls back as he opens the gate to Shimmer’s stable and saddles her up. “Technique could use some fixing.”
The click of horse hooves trotting against cobblestone fading into the distance, Jack decides he’s unequivocally in love with David Jacobs.
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backpackingspace · 9 months ago
Listen. In the diomedes didn't fuck off to Italy au he very much still has to treat Athena properly. Yes he fuming at the hypocrisy of the odysseus family just getting to chill with his patron goddess. But unlike SOMEONE he's not stupid enough to risk pissing off the gods.
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thymehaspassed · 28 days ago
Was fighting for my damn life for the last. Squints. 11-3 hours hours. 8 hours. On vc. Because I couldn’t keep my ass awake. In and out of sleep trying to pay attention and I didn’t work on !! Anything!! It’s incredibly unfortunate
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becauseyouvexme · 10 months ago
putting on my clown makeup as i continue to hope that lady tilley is a lesbian/queer older character of the ton that benedict can connect with and relate to and learn from
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iscratchdoors · 4 months ago
redesign ppl get more insane every day i stg
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