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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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🐉 #dragonfly My spirit guide today 🙏🏼 hanging outside my front porch 🏡 #dreams #confidence #animaltotem #spiritguides #spirit #spiritual #spiritualawakening #metaphysics #nature #animals #insects #fly #magic #omens #signs #sungoddessashley #psychic #intuition #intuitives #astrologers #intuitivereader #🐉 #medicinecards (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYA6MUAGbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7tnyggwsbf2p
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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Blessings from Parvati 👸🏻🙏🏼 #beauty #sungoddessashley #vedicastrology #jyotish #roses #flowers #goddess #venus #nature #divinemother #libra #prosperity #losangeles #california #parvati #blessings #colors #✨ #👸🏻 #🙏🏼 🌙👁💖 #yoga #dance #relationships #love #lakshmi #shakti (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMwavCgWZo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8saqgt3ivbhf
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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When I can’t sleep, I look at the stars.. Right now #mars is visible from my window. I love how bright red he looks #irl & if there wasn’t so much smog in #la I might be able to see #saturn without an app. 👀 ✨Saturn looks like a dapper rimmed hat 🎩 perched on the centaur. ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown.’ ✨Photo: Saturn in #sagittarius Mars (exalted) in #capricorn 💫 ✨ #💫 #imagination #creative #psychic #jyotish #astrology #vedicastrologer #sungoddessashley #vedicastrology #writing #stars #constellation #knowledge #esoteric #occult #ancient #wisdom #nakshatras #astronomy #jyotishi #✨ (at Los Angeles, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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June Tarot 🃏readings for the 12 zodiac signs posted to my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/sungoddessashley 🃏check it out if you like free readings #entertainment #readings #fun #zodiac #zodiacsigns #tarot #tarotcards #prediction #spiritual #affirmations #oraclecards #divination #tarotreading #youtube #sungoddessashley #sungoddess #forecasting #juneforecast #junepredictions #love #🃏 #psychic #psychicreading #video #astrology #goddess #divinemother #spirit
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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This Saturday, May 26th, come learn about Vedic Astrology! ✨I’m teaching a class for those who want to know the secrets of the stars ✨#vedicastrology is the oldest system of astrology, and arguably the most accurate in terms of prediction. 💫 This class will answer “What is Vedic Astrology?” by introducing the fundamental differences between Vedic & Western (tropical) astrology. We will also cover the basics including the planets, signs, rulerships & chart styles for understanding why the differences between these two systems matter when looking at a chart. 💫 Class will be @thegreenmanstore at 5712 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood 91601 ⭐️Saturday, May 26th from 3-5pm ⭐️$25 ⭐️You can pre-register by calling 818-985-2010 or just come in 💫 #vedic #astrology #jyotish #classes #astrologyclass #community #stars #astrologysigns #learnastrology #thegreenmanstore #witchcraft #psychics #astrologersofinstagram #astrologers #vedicastrologer #sungoddessashley #jupiter #guru #healing #teaching #knowledge #esoteric #noho #art #northhollywood #losangeles #la #laevents #events (at The Green Man Store)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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Chandra & Guru in Thula Rasi 🌙✨Swati Nakshatra is the star of independence. It has the presiding deity Lord Vayu, the wind God, which gives this asterism the power to scatter like the wind. Because of this, there is a restless quality to the mind that may sway back and forth like the blade of grass blowing in the wind, symbolizing this nakshatra. However, there is an influence of flexibility that helps with relationships and business negotiations 🙏🏼 #moon #jupiter #nakshatra #stars #swati #libra #thula #chandra #guru #astrologysigns #vayu #sky #vedicastrology #vedicastrologer #sungoddessashley #relationships #business #bruja #psychic #astrologer #whitewitch #magic #ritual #swatinakshatra #🌱 #jyotish #jyotishi #🌙 #✨ #nightsky (at Los Angeles, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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🃏Floor readings... 🙈I dropped my cards and they shot out in a straight line. The knight of cups landed face up across from the queen of cups. 🃏The only two cards remaining in my hand were the 7 of Pentacles & the 3 of Wands. What does this meannnnn? #mystery #greatmysteries #esoteric #metaphysical #meaning #tarot #tarotcards #signs #omens #divination #prediction #witchcraft #bruja #tarotreading #floorreading #sungoddessashley #fortune #fortuneteller #forecast #forecaster #hotmess (at The Green Man Store)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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☀️Live your best life✨ Do what makes you happy 😃 🔮Im doing Vedic Astrology & Tarot readings at The Green Man today (12-5pm) @thegreenmanstore ✨ 5712 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 📱call 818-985-2010 to book an appointment 🔮 ✨I’m available for in-person and phone readings at the Green Man on Tuesdays & Thursdays 11-7, and Sundays 12-5. You can also book a reading through my website (link in bio👆🏼) 💫 #vedicastrology #tarot #shiva #astrology #goddess #vedicastrologer #divinemother #tarotreading #greenmanstore #psychic #blessed #metaphysics #crystals #healing #chakras #dance #spirituality #yoga #meditation #events #psychicreading #predictions #sungoddessastrology #divination #goodvibes #sungoddessashley #hollywood #losangeles #northhollywood #jyotish (at The Green Man Store)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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Cave Magic ✨🦇👸🏻 #antelopecanyon #caves #arizona #travel #trips #naturephotography #tarotreader #sungoddessashley #nature #mothernature #divinemother #caveexploring #cave #naturalwonder #magical #landscape #sedonavedicastroconf #vedicastrology #astrology #astrologyconference #outdoors #adventures #explore #hiking #desert #arizonadesert #🌵 (at Antelope Canyon)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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🃏🔮Just uploaded the Tuesday Tarot Tutorial video: Mars Cards in the Minor Arcana to my YouTube channel 📲💻 #yt #youtube #tarot #taro #tarotcards #tarotreader #psychic #knowledge #tarotlessons #learntarot #tarottutorialtuesday #tarottuesday #tarottutor #tarottutorials #psychicreading #youtubechannel #tarotreadersofinstagram #mars #astrology #planetmars #jyotish #vedicastrology #readings #sungoddessashley #youtubechannel #youtubevideo (at Los Angeles, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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🌙✨The moon is currently moving through Vishaka nakshatra: 20 degrees Libra - 3.2 degrees Scorpio ⚖️🦂 The symbol of this asterism is represented by a triumphal arch ⛩. The pair of Deities: Indra and Agni, give concentration, strength, and power to achieve goals. The rulership from these two gods personify the dualistic nature of the air sign Libra, and fire sign Scorpio. ✨Vishaka is titled as the "star of purpose", as the warrior spirit is determined and relentless in achieving success, more so typically in the latter half of life. 📸 I snapped this photo of a fork and book for the symbolism of "digesting knowledge" as essential to a balanced life of mind, body, soul. Vishaka translates to mean, "the forked one". Libra is a studious sign, and Scorpio is a deep sign. The fork, or split energy of this sign may be the dualism/pairing of the two scales representing the Libra stars, or the scorpion's pinchers in the very beginning degrees of the Scorpio constellation. 🌙#symbolism #cosmos #constellation #stars #nakshatra #vishaka #vishakanakshatra #nakshatras #lunarmansion #astrology #jyotish #vedicastrology #vedicart #vedic #jyotishastrology #easternastrology #siderealastrology #sungoddessashley #sungoddess #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #libra #librasign #scorpio #scorpiosign #indra #agni #purpose #goals #🌙 (at Los Angeles, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 8 years ago
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🌙✨The moon is currently moving through Punarvasu nakshatra: 20 degrees Gemini - 3.2 degrees Cancer 👯🦀 The symbol of this asterism is represented by a bow & quiver 🏹. Just as the arrow travels through the air, eventually it returns to its home, so the theme of exploration and home base are seen from this nakshatra. ✨Punarvasu is titled as the "star of renewal", as it rules over prosperity, growth, accomplishment and limitless inner resource after a period of destruction, loss and suffering. This nakshatra gives the gift of resilience and being able to bounce back. 📸I snapped this photo of my Himalayan salt candle holders. The one lit candle next to the snuffed out candle is symbolic for the return of the light after the bleak storms found in the previous nakshatra of Ardra. 🌚🌝Punarvasu means: "return/again" (punar), and "prosperity" (vasu). #punarvasu #nakshatra #jyotish #stars #constellation #astrology #asterism #easternastrology #jyotishastrology #sungoddess #sungoddessashley #light #prosperity #sun #moon #zodiac #gemini #cancer #signs #growth #spirituality #siderealastrology #renewal #aditi #goddess #🌙 #✨ #art (at Los Angeles, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 8 years ago
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🍫This was gifted to me tonight 💙Going to put some in my morning coffee ☕️ 🌞 Gettin my Taurus energy on! Also, perfect energetic alignment with the Rohini New Moon in a few hours🌚 💫 #gifts #chocolate #paleo #glutenfree #vegan #soyfree #cacao #realfood #rohininakshatra #nakshatra #lunarmansion #astronomy #astrology #cosmos #constellation #jyotish #jyotisha #taurus #sungoddessastrology #sungoddessashley #astrologysign #art #food #magic #newmoon #presents #blessings #thankful 🍫 (at West Hollywood, California)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 8 years ago
Koi Fishies!! #sunsetmarquis #sunsetmarquishotel #sunsetboulevard #sungoddessashley #koi #koifish #koipond #losangeles #california #🐟 #nature #waterfall #🌴 #fish #fishpond #goddess #spiritual #metaphysics #westhollywood (at Sunset Marquis)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 7 years ago
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Astrology banquet speech @krschannel & musical performance #SedonaVedicAstroConf #sedonavedicastrologyconference #sedona #sedonaaz #vedicastrology #vedicastrologyconference #astrology #jyotish #speech #dinner #banquet #music #digeriedoo #drums #gong #soundvibration #chakras #sungoddessashley #kapielraaj #krs #entertainment #concert (at Sedona, Arizona)
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sungoddessashley-blog · 8 years ago
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Oracle card energy reading for the week of May 22-28 posted to my YouTube channel #oracle #oraclecards #weeklyspread #weeklyoracle #weeklytarot #cardreading #oraclereading #tarotreading #tarotreader #tarotcards #weeklytarotreading #youtube #predictions #energy #youtubers #youtubechannel #sungoddessashley #sungoddess #goddess #spirituality #metaphysics #metaphysical #weeklyreading #angels #angelcards #videos #forecast #🔮 #🃏 #📹
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