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priamonique · 5 years ago
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artemis-quartz-tarot-blog · 6 years ago
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Opportunity, Night-blooming Jasmine
Represents: Opportunity, perseverance, endurance, resourcefulness, neglect
Affirmation: "I am ready for what may come"
New opportunities are on the way. With hard work and resourcefulness you can have many new opportunities to take. These opportunities will take a lot of endurance and work to be successful. Be careful during this time as your endurance will be tested, do not get carried away or you may neglect your responsibilities. Don't get caught up looking for better things, appreciate the treasures you have.
Blessed be! 🌒🌕🌘
Follow me for more tarot/oracle readings and witchy things! I'm still doing FREE 3 card tarot readings and I'm offering 4-7 card oracle readings for $2! Follow me on Instagram @Artemis_Quartz for daily tarot readings and weekly oracle readings.
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kathycrabbeart · 5 years ago
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At night Karya dreams of wings (this weeks lefty oracle card pull) 💗 Mantra: I am magical. Affirmation: My dreams have wings and so do I! Element: Air Song There is magick in the night. When small sounds become big, and feathers form wings. I fly to meet my maker, angelic, pink and proud. Heart aflutter. Mind still. Light years flash by - Moon-Clear, Heart-Wise. Intuition awakens. If this card appears in a reading your dreams are ready to take flight. So make them good dreams, dreams that light you up inside and add roses to your cheeks. Small dreams or big, it’s not important, but you do have dreams and it’s time to start believing in them by taking that first step towards realization. Let them come alive in your heart, your soul, your body, your mind. Believe in YOU. You are Divine. In my own life, dreams have always guided me although it’s far from easy to pay attention to them. Often my body knows the truth when my mind does not, so I listen on as many levels as I can because truth can often be subtle. . . . . . #dreams #leftyoracle #oraclereading #witchy #tarot #weeklyoracle #healingart #angelcards #angelart #fairyart #fairycards #fairyoracle #fairytarot #kathycrabbe #pagan #magicalart #fairytale #wicca #crystalwitch #dreaminterpretation #oracledeck #indieoracle #indiepublishing #divination #temeculapsychic #temecula (at Temecula, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAmEONnBBw/?igshid=1umcuzlfjhqla
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lasantera · 5 years ago
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Under this moon in Pisces and during this Virgo season what you plant tonight and over the next few says will bring lasting results. Make some time to create a spreadsheet of all the projects, ideas and dreams you intend to make come true. Just slow down. Write them down one at a time. Teach yourself some new skills. Take yourself, your life and your dreams seriously. You were born to have everything you desire. Sending you so much love. Keep ASCENDING! Wishing you peace, love and prosperity! Anabel ** + + + #lasantera 🔮🌙 #brujarituals #divination #santerascopes #mooninpisces #urbanwitch #hoodoo #BlackgirlTarot #Blacktarotreaders #Dailyoracle #Blackspirituality #Brujasofinstagram #Blackbruja #Witchesofcolor #Blackwitchesofinstagram #Tarotribe #dailytarot #weeklytarot #tarotweekly #weeklyoracle #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #virgoseason https://www.instagram.com/p/CEnxUPZDeGq/?igshid=1jcnr5941a35e
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geminiwitch83 · 5 years ago
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https://youtu.be/YPKWcoCqxZM In this reading I drew one card from The Wisdom of the Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid - Yin - be open and receptive. I also drew one card from The Divine Energy Oracle Deck by Sonia Choquette - Forgive and Forget - sometimes we need to forgive and forget people and things from our past in order to be open and receptive for new possible things we deserve to come to us. #weeklyoraclecardreading #weeklyoracle #oraclecards #wisdomoftheoracle #thedivineenergyoracle #divination #divinationcommunity #yin #forgiveandforget #forgive #forget https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TJwboD96W/?igshid=1ke6l2y5om6y
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tahitianstarseed · 6 years ago
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*Using* Angel😇 Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine, artwork by Steve A. Roberts for Virgo♍, Sun, Moon, Rising, & Venus Signs. (10 Card Pull) May not resonate for all but you will know from within if it does or not.*DM me if in need for a personal reading and price.* #angeltarotcards #doreenvirtue #radleighvalentine #steveroberts #angels #angelicmessages #angelicguidance #spiritualguidance #spiritualmessages #tarot #oracle #weeklytarot #weeklyoracle #oraclereadings #tarotreadings #tarotcommunity #guidance #virgo #virgos #virgo♍ #♍ #virgosun #virgomoon #virgorising #virgovenus #virgoreading #astrologyreadings #zodiacreadings #astrology #astro #zodiac #zodiacsigns #horoscopes #thewheel #threeofair #fiveoffire #queenofair #aceofearth #eightofearth #fourofair #theworld #sevenofearth #sixofearth https://www.instagram.com/p/B1nxpCFnc0A/?igshid=qe12k4x5hoig
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trippyoracle-blog · 6 years ago
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6.5.19-6.11.19 || The Fool, 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Water(Cups), The Goddess(Empress) || #tarot #astrology #numerology #divination #spirituality #weeklyoracle #reading #aasb #bookofshadows #9 #trippyoracle (at Cambridge Historic District, Wards I and III) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByV75vNHs7n/?igshid=9zlwvsthl9ax
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krissosphotography · 6 years ago
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36. Listening for the Truth: "Truth speaks to us constantly, but not always in words. It may communicate through a feeling that is hard to put into words but rings and inexplicable sense of Peace, trust and knowledge that somehow everything is going to work out perfectly - even if there is little evidence of how it is all going to happen." #listeningfortruth #sacredrebels #sacredrebelsoracle #alanafairchild #autumnskyemorrison #weeklyoracle #goodevening #minneapolis #winter #minnesota #january #tuesday #2019 #amomentintime #photography #krissosphotography #sainhealing #photographybykrisso (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHd0ymlLIY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zrdpe6fa2eoi
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themoonlitangel · 7 years ago
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This weeks cards are Rebirth and the Hierophant - merging lessons from our past with the present for a brighter future. 🙏 "Today I will give thanks for my trials and recognize them for the many gifts they bring. I know I grow stronger in the broken places. I know that the world will turn in my favour; that the dark night is over and a new day is here because the light has returned. I have ended things well and am ready for this new beginning. I will shine, because the whole universe is mine."🌙 🌛❤🌜 #weeklyoracle #weeklytarot #oracle #tarot #magicalaffirmations #crystals #magic #fairytalelife #faeries #divination #witch #angels #christconsciousness #avalon #magicaltimesempowermentcards #wizardstarot #chiron https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRlWKmnpTo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ukpjuuereia8
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priamonique · 5 years ago
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11.20.2019 I Advance Through My Own Abilities Congrats ....you've made it through the last Mercury retrograde of the year! Now you can move from an area of uncertainty into one of clear vision. As a collective we are ALL transitioning from a massive period of change, instability, and conflict which has likely left most with a few battle scars. With that being said this is unfortunately NOT a time for rest just yet. Welcome to retro-shade and here is what you are GOING to focus on instead. The retrograde may be over but for the next 2wks you may still feel the lingering emotions of wrap ups to any situations started by this past retrograde. Be prepared and stay distracted in the most focused ways possible! Some will experience break downs during this period and it is suggested to keep yourself protected emotionally. Maybe keep some tissue on stand by as some emotions will creep up on you, but do allow this and FEEL the shift- embrace the hurt to heal. Gear yourself up instead for the next big project and use that to propel you through the remainder of this year. This week one must remember the root of each desire we wish to advance towards and get aligned to receive just that. Whatever you desire make sure it is derived from your heart space as this retro-shade period could manifest through means of fear and not love. Avoid this fear aspect as you will be pulled into actions of lies, deceit, cheating, and other more darker forces at play. 42 Ideals of Ma'at in Daily Life
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sungoddessashley-blog · 8 years ago
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Oracle card energy reading for the week of May 22-28 posted to my YouTube channel #oracle #oraclecards #weeklyspread #weeklyoracle #weeklytarot #cardreading #oraclereading #tarotreading #tarotreader #tarotcards #weeklytarotreading #youtube #predictions #energy #youtubers #youtubechannel #sungoddessashley #sungoddess #goddess #spirituality #metaphysics #metaphysical #weeklyreading #angels #angelcards #videos #forecast #🔮 #🃏 #📹
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lasantera · 5 years ago
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Pisces: TWO OF SWORDS Aries: THE WORLD Taurus: FOUR OF WANDS Gemini: THREE OF CUPS Cancer: QUEEN OF SWORDS Leo: THE HIEROPHANT Virgo: JUSTICE Libra: THE EMPRESS Scorpio: THE STAR Sagittarius: TWO OF CUPS Capricorn: SIX OF WANDS Aquarius: SIX OF CUPS WEEKLY READING: Aug. 31-Sep. 6th THE DEVIL CARD this week we will move with audacity. We are liberating our true nature. We are keeping our commitments. We are people who are keeping our word. This week we are focusing inward and are doing what is required to COMPLETE something. This week we are cutting chords, paying karmic debts and disconnecting for that which does not serve us. QUEEN OF CUPS asks what is your passion and are you taking steps towards it. Generous and capable. An intuitive person. The messages this week are know who you can trust with your secrets. FOUR OF PENTACLES the blessings are on their way. This week you will receive something from an unlikely place. This week brings a favorable outcome—why—because you have been doing the work. Aché 🧿 Your love donations are appreciated. Pay what you want. 🙏🏾 🌻 PayPal https://paypal.me/diosadominicana 🌻 Venmo @ lasantera 🌻 Cashapp $aliciaanabel SHARE ONE THING THAT RINGS TRUE FOR YOU IN THIS READING. 🧲🌪⛓⚖️🔨⚒⚔️⚙️🔧⛏🔩🛠🧿 TAG SOMEONE IN YOUR TRIBE WHO NEEDS THIS MEDICINE ⚔️ Listen to readings and Santera Scopes @ LA SANTERA on YOUTUBE. Podcast available on iTunes and Soundcloud LINK IN BIO 👆🏾 ⚖️ 🏹 ⚔️ 🗡 ⚖️ 🌪 Modupue! Moyugba Olofi! Moyugba Olorun! Moyugba Olodumare! ACHÉ! MODUPUÉ! Maferefun Eggun. Maferefun Oggun. Maferefun Oya. * * * TO BOOK READING EMAIL: [email protected] LINK IN BIO👆🏾 Keep ASCENDING! Wishing you peace, love and prosperity! Anabel **Subscribe and follow my blog to receive readings directly to your email + + + + + + #lasantera 🔮🌙 #brujarituals #divination #santerascopes #mooninpisces #urbanwitch #hoodoo #BlackgirlTarot #Blacktarotreaders #Dailyoracle #Blackspirituality #Brujasofinstagram #Blackbruja #Witchesofcolor #Blackwitchesofinstagram #Tarotribe #dailytarot #weeklytarot #tarotweekly #weeklyoracle #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmSZkCDfvt/?igshid=ljsx075mtmu4
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Oracle Card Weekly Guidance, November 12th – 18th (TRUST & ALLOW)     Watch here:  https://youtu.be/yI9TPku5w-c   #OracleCards, #OracleCardReading, #WeeklyOracle #OracleCardGuidanceNovember5th–11th https://www.instagram.com/p/BqD_ZmoFhU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r4j5tkpsce2n
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daunad1 · 7 years ago
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The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse report is up on our YouTube channel or at ReadingsbyDauna.com #weeklytarot #weeklyoracle #fullmoontarot #fullmoonoracle #lunareclipse #lunareclipse2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BltVKrpFN4y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i7cnm5i30svg
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tahitianstarseed · 6 years ago
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🌼10 Card Oracle Bonus Reading From Angels,Gods&Goddesses by Toni Carmine Salerno for Virgo♍:Sun,Moon,Rising,& Venus Signs Right Now.🌼 #virgo♍ #virgo #virgos #♍ #angelsgodsgoddesses #angels #gods #goddesses #weeklyoracle #tonicarminesalerno #tarot #oracle #tarotcommunity #oraclereadings #weeklytarot #tarotreadings #astrology #astro #horoscope #zodiacsigns #zodiac #angelofspaceclearing #goddessofthesacredpath #angelofexpression #goddessoftheearth #angelofunion #angelofvision #angelofclearing #godoftheunderworld #godofspiritualhealing #angelofsoullove https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZYPIiH7he/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pzw9hig70zdt
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farawayandadaytarot-blog · 7 years ago
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💕Weekly Love Oracle💕 The message of this card is pretty clear, prioritize time away with your partner (if you have one)! If you’re partnered up, go away together. You don’t have to go far away and you certainly needn’t travel all the way to Venice or some super romantic place like that (unless you can, then by all means!). You don’t even have to travel at all, a staycation can do wonders, but what’s important is that you are able to enjoy each other without prying eyes... 😘 And if you’re flying solo, don’t let the wisdom of this card be wasted on you! Do something for yourself, treat yourself to a new experience, or go somewhere you’ve never been. You don’t really need someone around to you enjoy yourself... 😉 #oracle #oraclecards #loveoracle #romanceoracle #weeklyoracle #weeklyloveoracle
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