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frogclan-clagen · 4 months ago
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Sunclaw hoped she'd finally get a good night's sleep this time, but the images and distressed voices of her family still echoed in her nightmares.
She wakes up, exhausted, and decided that she wasn't gonna sleep that night so she may as well keep watch, unaware that Pepperhare was awake...
I decided to try a new clangen blog, and making them sparkle cats xD definitely not an original idea but I figured it would be fun!
(Also does anyone have advice for keeping the quality on the art from going to crap?)
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the-ellia-west · 7 days ago
Mangrove: We both look very handsome tonight.
Sylaris: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Mangrove: I couldn't take that chance.
@an-indecisive-nerd @sunflowerrosy @urnumber1star @homelessnerd @vesanal @darkandstormydolls @supercimi @corinneglass @sm-writes-chaos @thebookishkiwi @blargh-500 @lunaeuphternal @write-with-will @yolbert @thewritingautisticat @carb0n-m0n0xide @theweirdbox123
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throughdarkeningskies · 1 year ago
brb making a warrior cats au for my ocs
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zilluzion · 5 months ago
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wave 15... the final stretch
wave 15... the final stretch animated YCHs for Sunclaws, Sleuth, Piwix and TigersClaws! thank you for supporting me <3
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lynx3000art · 1 year ago
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Shaded sketch commission for Sunclaws!
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70spuppy · 3 months ago
ok jack and logan's ship name is pupverine.. ME and logan's ship name would be sunclaws . OMG SHUT UP SUNCLAWSSSSS
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lisrd · 7 months ago
i'm cooking guys
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(includes spoilers about dragon species which have to do with book events iykyk)
(also the idea of animus magic being like The Force comes from this reddit thread by -Wofster which i found while trying to wrap my head around what the big idea for animus magic or power in general is supposed to be and how in the hell magic powers appear in only one dragon species. very good theory this one)
sunclaws and wavetails are made up by me and i have ocs based off of them
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its-clan-time-baby · 3 months ago
Sunclaw - ThunderClan
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loyal, gentle, protective
mate: Silvermist
Sunclaw is a nice guy, well known for being both kind and strong,he was a popular choice for deputy before Scarletshade was chosen by Oakstar. He doesn’t hold a grudge about it, however, and continues serving his clan as he would normally. He love his mate Silvermist, and of course their three kits, once he found a rogue (about apprentice age) on the side of a thunderpath and took her back to camp in order to make sure she would be healed. Moth (the name of that cat) joined the clan, eventually playing a very important role, and he saw her almost like a daughter.
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bluejack90 · 1 year ago
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¡¡¡Cute babies!!! me, sunclaws and Green ice uwu
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willowthegraycat · 2 years ago
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first uppppp
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Helen!! Warrior name: Ratnose Do you remember who this character is???
thenn we've got SUNCLAW!!
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this one ^
ohhh and then... Sunwhisker??? the character i drew while feeling especially lazy XD
then we've got Murphy himself!
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after that, there's Blackear!! a character so background i doubt i'll ever need to use the lazy reference i drew -_- she's related to no one in canon and exists purely to fill out the ranks of the clans lmao
oh but then we have Professor Exclamation! He's more relevant
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I mean, Cavesight!!
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Then we have Junglestorm, (Baljeet's dad!!)
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and Jungletail, (Jenny and D'jango's parent!! (not Beppo, the other one))
then Treefur!! (Coltrane's parent!!)
and Applefur! (Baljeet's mom!!)
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and finally, we have Marcus!
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it's kind of funny how obvious the amount of effort i was putting into each of these designs is... like Blackear? couldn't care less, Treefur? for some reason, they have my full attention
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burningsunsau · 3 months ago
Doing this cause I have opinions
1. Purple. Or red. Or green. Or orange. I personally use half purple half red as it is the most visually appealing for me, but I'm open to any and all interpretations!
2. From fave to least fave:Longtail, Firestar, Whitestorm, Bluestar, Yellowfang
4. Millie. I like millie.
5. LionHeather
6. Longtail my beloved (and also Tigerclaw is fucking epic)
8. I never had one
9. ShrewCrow if Shrewapaw survived...I lob tem
10. Sunclaw. Black and White kitty. Stupid fucking sassy gal
11. I don't really remember...
12. Not really after TNP, honestly
13. Windclan, Thunderclan, Bloodclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan
14. Ivypool❤️❤️❤️
15. DAISY YES YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO KISS SQUIRRELSTAR. pls kiss this arc while her husband withers away, my yuriful mother queen❤️❤️❤️
16. I wasn't allowed to use a pc except for my shifty restricted school Chromebook so no
17. Sunflower in Skyclan as a Wind/Sky halfclan child
18. Cinderpelt you will always be special to me. AND SO WILL YOU FLAMETAIL MY SHAYLAAAAA
19. Not rlly
20. All three live in my au so yeah it's all of them
Old School Warriors Ask Game
I haven’t made one of these before but I thought it would be fun >:3c I couldn’t ask obvious ones like “who do u think the 4th cat is” but I tried to keep these centered on heated discussions around 2009ish
1. what color is scourge’s collar?
2. top 5 the prophecies begin characters
3. should hollyleaf have had a power?
4. millie or silverstream?
5. favorite forbidden romance
6. favorite sss warriors design
7. realistic or sparkle designs for roleplay?
8. first deviantart username
9. favorite crack ship (ex. revengeshipping)
10. describe your first warriors oc
11. favorite amv prior to 2014?
12. is brambleclaw a good main character?
13. rank the clans (excluding skyclan, including bloodclan)
14. dovewing or ivypool?
15. daisy: yay or nay?
16. did you ever use fanart as your pc wallpaper?
17. what would your warrior name be and what clan would you belong to?
18. favorite medicine cat? (cutoff being oots)
19. did you name/want to name a pet after a character?
20. swiftpaw, gorsepaw, or shrewpaw?
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solargoose · 3 months ago
AtBF Chapter 29 Allegiances
Thunderclan Leader: Seedstar - Gray she-cat with darker flecks and blue eyes. (Canon)
Deputy: Goldfur - Yellow tom
Medicine Cat: Duskleaf - Black tom.
Bluefrost - Blue and white she-cat
Stormstripe - Gray tabby she-cat Apprentice - Smokepaw
Shadepatch - Gray tom
Spottedpelt - Tortoiseshell and white she-cat
Gorseclaw - Dark brown tabby tom
Sunclaw - Ginger tom
Glowface - White and orange she-cat Apprentice - Brightpaw
Lilypounce - White and orange she-cat
Pebblefog - Gray and white tom
Mousetail - Mottled brown she-cat Apprentice - Wrenpaw
Sapthroat - Dark red she-cat
Ravencry - Black tom
Blackshade - Black and red she-cat
Rainheart - Pale blue-gray she-cat.
Morningmist - Pale gray tom
Brindlecloud - Dark brown tabby she-cat
Apprentices Smokepaw - Dark gray tabby tom
Wrenpaw - Tortoiseshell she-cat
Brightpaw - White and ginger tabby she-cat
Nursery Emberfur - Calico she-cat
Elders Darkpoppy - Black she-cat with one red paw and green eyes.
Birdflight - Long-furred light-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
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the-ellia-west · 3 months ago
How likely is it they'd be the first to point out a full moon or a pretty sunset?
9/10, he notices his crush's artwork day and night, no matter where he is. The passion and love Sylaris put into painting her skies were what made him fall in love with her in the first place.
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themosthatedbeingg · 6 months ago
Thinking about a warrior cats au for Lucifer .. you can thank a certain God’s heavenly warrior for that .
But hmm scrawny but muscular Somali /Abyssinian cat Lucifer —
Lightkit, Lightpaw , Lightrunner?
Or Sunkit, Sunpaw, Sunclaw ?
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fancytacopaper · 2 years ago
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kinderklawz · 4 years ago
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Not-so-little Miss Sunshine!
This is my girlie Sunclaw from @sotcwcrp! She’s a happy-go-lucky ThunderClan warrior who loves to bring joy to those around her ❤️
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