#suicide mentioned tw
candyheartedchy · 9 months
Sorry for posting so much today but I just have to add something relating to that one reminder.
It gets draining when not only do folks have to remind you of your age but also what they think you should be doing with your life because of it. How is doing what I enjoy a waste of time? Something that brings me happiness and comfort? Not everyone has the privilege to live their dreams and their ideal life. And maybe I won’t ever will, but you know what, I can still find happiness. But joining this community will never be a regret of mine. It helped me grow and get better. Like back before I first joined, I tried to commit suicide. I was frustrated with the way my life was and how I had no friends and felt like I was a mistake. My mental health was the worst it ever been and I cried every night before going to bed. It was hell. Until I posted my first drawing on this blog. I did it out of fear. And now I do it out of love. If it wasn’t for sharing my art, I wouldn’t have met some of the kindest, loveliest people who I treasure. I also don’t think I would still be alive if I didn’t self ship or make self inserts. It’s my outlet. And now my mental health is better then it ever been in years! Sure I still have slip ups, but that’s okay because I still keep moving forward no matter what. So telling someone they’re wasting their talent on something that helped them is ignorant. People are allowed to enjoy things.
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rulesdreams · 2 years
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bio / history :
(will be mentions of d/eath, s/uicide,spoilers for all of the sandman comic)
morpheus manifested when life forms became capable of dreaming and is the third sibling of the endless. 10,000 years ago in an african city made of glass, was ruled by a young queen nada that wasn’t satisfied with the suitors being offered. one day she meets an entity named kai'ckul, an alias dream went by, and fell in love with him. wanting to met again nada seeks this being in the dreaming told to her by a white bird. knowing the consequences if an endless fell in love with a mortal, the two gave into their desires. the next day fire came down from the sun destroying nada’s kingdom. feeling guilt the queen threw herself off the mountaintop killing herself. kai'ckul appeared to her soul offering a place for nada as the queen of the dreaming, but she refused. enraged, devastated, and out of pride dream condemned her soul to hell.
next the shaper would appear to emperor augustus in a dream in 6 a.d as a favor to the roman god, terminus, to foretell the fate of the roman empire. the first where rome rules the whole world for thousands of years and other where roman empire would only last a few hundred years only to be forgot in time. augustus wished for the latter but knew this would anger the Roman gods. dream would advise the emperor to dress as a beggar giving up his title for a day. augustus took this advise and while the gods weren’t look he formulated a plan for rome to stop it’s expansion.
late 700s in baghdad dream was summoned by haroun al raschid to put the city into the dreaming.  dream agreed putting the city and baghdad into a bottle.
in a tavern during 1389 morpheus would met hobb gadling giving the other immortality in order for dream to have a friend and the two agree to met once every hundred years.  
1593 dream contracted william shakespeare to write two plays for the shaper, A Midsummer's Night Dream. for the audience he would invite the envoys of faerie world. the sandman uses this play as a sign of gratitude to the fairies that they will live forever through this play.
around the 18th century, dream and the corinthian met with destruction. destruction showed both the invisible college where he learned of the advancements of mankind and feared the incoming future of nuclear wars.
in 1789 hob gadling and dream would met again and in this meeting would encounter johanna constantine who tried to kidnap the two. dream stopped this by incapacitated her and her team by putting the thugs to sleep and Constantine in a dreamlike state being haunted by those whose lives she’s sacrificed to advance her own goals. years later dream would employ johanna to retrieve the head of his son, orpheus from the french government.  
on the night of june 15, 1916 on a full moon, british occultist roderick burgess and the order of ancient mysteries were trying to summon and capture death, but instead captured dream by mistake. at the time dream was weakened from a recent odyssey thus capturing the endless was easily. burgess steal his ruby, helmet and pouch. dream would be imprisoned in a crystal prison in the basement of occultist house in wych cross. due to this imprisonment it could cause difficulties worldwide. many people were not able to sleep which included wesley dodds, a golden age hero who would take the name sandman. the universe at this time would place some of dream’s essence into dodds.
1930 the king of dream’s items would be stolen burgess and lost.
with the death of roderick burgess in 1947, alex burgess would take over watching their prisoner for over 40 years. the order would fall yet roderick would still hold dream captive and he still declining in helping capture death.  
while visiting dream 1988 alex burgess would accidentally break the binding circle. now free dream demanded to know the whereabouts of his missing items. alex would disclose where the items are, but out of revenge would curse alex with a never ending nightmare. on his way back to the dream. marco polo gave him water and in gratitude, dream sent marco back to the year 1273. trying to get the castle in the dream morpheus would faint and be brought ti the house of mysteries by cain and abel. nursing him back to health dream arrives to the castle to only find it in ruin because of his absence. then he summoned the three witches which they gave him clues to where to find his pouch, helmet and ruby
the shaper would met john constantine in order to get the pouch back but was told that it was stole by john’s ex girlfriend rachel. rachel became so addicted to the sand that it was the only thing keep her alive. as requested by constantine dream took the pouch and gave rachel one last dream to die peacefully. on the quest to find this missing items dream would be aided by etrigan the demon to find lucifer in hell to reclaim his helm; however, the helm would be in possession of chrononzon. chrononzon challenged dream to a game in which they would alternately choose something in creation that would vanquish their opponent’s choice. dream used hope to defeat the demon and got the helm. next dram visited mr. miracle and martian manhunter since they knew one of their enemies had the ruby. dream found the ruby with dr. destiny, but dr. destiny had altered it and the ruby drained away a good portion of dream’s power when dream touched it. dr. destiny then used the ruby to drive people insane. when challenged by dream, dr. destiny crushed the ruby thinking it will also destroy dream. instead, all of the power of the ruby returned to dream and the sandman returned dr destiny to his cell in arkham asylum.
in the dreaming, brute, glob, the corinthian and fiddler’s green were missing, and the dream vortex by the name of rose walker becomes stronger. he went matthew the raven to watch over rose and found out that she was looking for her brother, jed, but jed was imprisoned by brute and glob in a fake dream dimension with a fake dream king named hector hall, son of halkman and hawk girl. dream dismantled the fake dimension, free jed and banished brute and glob and sent hector hall back to the afterlife. however hector had a wife in the dream dimension named lyta trevor, also known as fury, daughter if wonder woman and steve trever; and the two would have a on named daniel hall. dream told lyta that the child she had be carrying in the dream dimension belongs to him and one day would return to take him.
when rose walker power of the vortex grew stronger dream had no choice but to kill her since this power was absorbing all dreams. however, rose’s grandmother, unity kincaid, reclaimed the vortex power then passed away saving her granddaughter. later on dream found out that desire of the endless was rose’s grandfather and killing rose would mean killing a family member leading to damnation.  
dream would later save his former lover calliope from a failing writer named richard maddock by overloading his mind with ideas for stories to the point of madness.  
during a family meeting set up by destiny, both desire and death reminded dream of what he did to nada. dream vowed to make amends and started the journey to hell to save nada’s soul. entering hell he found lucifer morningstar. lucifer then used this opportunity to resign as ruler of hell and casted all the demons and damned souls from his realm. lucifer requested dream to cut off his wigs and handing the key to hell, making dream the new ruler of hell. this action caused death to be extremely busy and problematic to contain the souls freed. unsure of what to do with the key. each different representatives from heaven, hell, asgard, faerie and other realms arrived at dream’s castle wanting the key of hell. odin offers him a glass ball containing ragnarok and wesley dodds. bast offered information about his brother destruction. azalea threatened to devour nada. susan-o-no-mikoto offered anything. the lords of order tried to reason with him and the lords of chaos intimidate him. however, he was informed that the creator chose the angels revile and duma so he handed over the key to them. faerie send titania gave nuala, sister of cluracan, to become dream’s servant. when azalea threatened him further, dream trapped azaqzel in a glass bottle, and reincarnated nada as a baby in hong kong. dream would give the key over to the angels.
delirium asked dream to help her find their brother destruction. they sought out destruction’s old friends, but they would die a day before their visits, which lead to dream thinking that certain forces are conspiring against their search. dream’s son, orpheus, was the one who told them that destruction lived on a small greek island. dream and delirium found and dined with destruction and destruction was happy to see dream is now giving more value to mortals. destruction still declined to rejoin the endless and they parted ways.
dream returned to his son, orpheus, and ended his life as payment for the previous information, and dream grieved. due to dream spilled family blood when he killed orpheus, he became the target of the kindly ones. the kindly ones began murdering his creations and wrecking the dreaming. dream gave the eagle dreamstone to daniel hall and said that if he dies daniel will be the new dream of the endless. he then allowed the kindly ones to destroy him to save the dreaming, and death took dream. dream’s role would be transferred to daniel. dreams death causes a disturbance across time and space.
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patroclusdefencesquad · 7 months
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no one does it like him any more
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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glo-shroom · 4 months
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yes & no by Natalie Wee | Trigun Ultimate Overhaul
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suicidal people deserve a space to talk about their suicidal feelings without risking hospitalization/institutionalization or being accused of being manipulative or attention seeking
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moonlayl · 8 months
I hope no one who supported Israel, I hope no one who said “Israel has the right to defend itself”, I hope no one that stayed silent, I hope no one that stayed neutral, I hope no one who cried “both sides”, I hope no one preaching “nuance”, EVER gets to experience another peaceful day again. I hope every last one of them suffers for the remainder of their lives. I hope the guilt eats at them every single day to the point they can’t take it anymore and they choose to do the world a favour and off themselves. I hope every last one of them pays severely for their crimes and for their support of genocide. I hope their very existence is plagued with nightmares. I hope they experience what it’s like to have never ending bombs rain over their heads.
Whatever happens in Gaza tonight or tomorrow or after, know that we won’t forget and we will never forgive.
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martyr-inthedark · 2 months
Make your Whumpee tired.
Whumpees that have been deprived of sleep by Whumper, so much so that they don't remember how to walk in a straight line and can't figure out whether the recent appearance of little black bugs in their cell are real or a hallucination.
Whumpees that can't get a full night's rest. They doze off, only to be jolted awake by their own anxiety of not knowing when Whumper would come back. Perhaps they are awakened by phlegm-coated coughs induced by their illness. They are awakened by nightmares, or by Caregiver who is worried they may succumb to hypothermia, or by a thunderstorm, or the rough blanket scratching their open wounds, or so on.
Whumpees who pull all nighters to protect their friends or lovers.
Whumpees whose eyes burn when they finally can close their eyes. Whumpees whose muscles twitch, who can't stop yawning no matter how hard they try to stifle it. Whumpees with dark, glassy eyes. Whumpees who are slow to react or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Whumpees with throbbing headaches. Whumpees with brain fog and memory loss.
Whumpees who have been on the run and have over exhausted their bodies. Their muscles and joints continue to scream long after its over. Whumpees with extensive blood loss. Whumpees who are malnourished.
Whumpees whose survivor's guilt keeps them awake, wondering what they might have done differently, whether it was all their fault, or why they were the ones to live.
Whumpees whose bodies are in chronic pain or illness and who have to hide it, causing muscle and mental fatigue. They keep going with a smile until they collapse or pass out.
Whumpees who break down in tears, begging to be left alone so they can rest. Whumpees who sob when they are told that the bed in front of them is theirs to use whenever they want.
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infizero-draws · 6 months
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i love sonic adventure 2
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
There are so many fics out there where Danny is either adopted by or the biological son of Bruce. In many of these he might have an existential crisis but other wise he is fine and happy to be part of the BatFam. Where are the ones where he fights against this just doesn't want to connect with Bruce of the rest of the family.
One: Bruce is a billionaire and Danny has had some bad experience with Vlad trying to adopt/get him as a son. So even if Bruce is one of "the good ones" Danny does't like billionaires.
Two: Danny for the most part grew up in a mostly normal family and home, with two Parents and a sibling. Most of the BatFam were only children and parents are dead or came from dysfunctional homes. I think Duke is the only one who really had a normal childhood.
Three: The Fenton family is pretty openly affectionate with each other and are pretty normal emotionally. Danny has a great relationship with all of them (Danny went evil in the timeline where they all died). Most of the Batfam is emotionally constipated.
Four: Danny is used to his boundaries being respected. I don't think that the Batfam is great at that. With Bruce needing to know everything, Tim's stalking tendencies, Barbra's hacking, just to name the obvious.
Danny knew that he was adopted into the Fentons. His parents had never hidden it from him, but they never treated him as anything besides their child.
He had come into their lives one day when one of Maddie's old high school friends had called, bawling that she had gotten pregnant and that her husband wasn't the father. He had discovered the truth and thrown her out, leaving her pregnant and alone on the streets of Gotham.
Maddie had been furious at the affair- she hated disloyalty- but had decided to help her only for the baby's sake.
She had driven over multiple state lines back to her home city to pick up the friend only to find out she had taken her life and left her newborn son to Maddie. While Maddie had been able to escape the hellhole that was Gotham, Rebecca never got the chance, not with her average intelligence.
In high school, the two were as close as sisters until Rebecca fell into the whisky bottles her father carelessly left around. She blossomed into a beautiful woman upon their graduation- more so than Maddie-, turning from a sweet homebody into someone who got into exclusive parties and powerful men.
Maddie had slowly drifted away from her, so far away at college, and Rebecca fell further and further into the party scene. It was a surprise that she settled down for marriage and Maddie truly believed that she had been happy with her husband.
That's why Danny was such a surprise. Maddie did not know who Danny's biological father was, but she did not care. Not after they placed the sobbing infant into her arms, and she realized that she was his mother now.
She immediately phoned Jack to tell him what had happened, and he told Jazz she was a big sister before the call ended. They told him the story about when he started to learn his colors. Not with her taking her life, of course; that was when Danny turned fourteen. This was only a few days before Danny revealed he was Phantom to them.
They were first shocked, but then they became supportive. Phantom now had two proud ghost hunters following him, shooting photos instead of guns.
It was embarrassing, but it was also nice of them.
And that was that. Danny is a Fenton, adopted, but a child of Maddie and Jack Fenton all the same.
He never gave his biological parents a thought. In fact, he all but forgot about them until Sam convinced him to take an ancestry test. He had allowed her to swipe his mouth, package his DNA, and send it off to see where his people came from, completely forgetting that he would not match with Jazz, who had done the same thing a month prior.
His results were shocking, to say the least.
Somehow, someway, Rebecca Silver had been in the system of DNA samples, and they had matched him to her alongside his biological father.
Bruce Wayne. Rebecca had an affair with Bruce Wayne, arguably one of the wealthiest men in the country, and they had sent him a message to let him know he matched with his son.
An eccentric billionaire has just been told that Danny was his. He knew that song and dance well, and it was never fun to dance to. Danny could only stare at the results with dread as Sam apologized profoundly.
"Maybe he won't see it." Tucker tried. "I mean, Wayne is probably so busy with rich people stuff he doesn't have time to even look at his emails. Especially ones that will come in spam since it's comersolized."
"Yeah, Maybe" Danny doesn't think he's that lucky.
A month later, the Fenton's home phone rings. His parents are working on a new invention on the dinning room table, Danny is stretched out in front of the TV watching a mindless cartoon and Jazz is crocheting in the love chair.
It's a typical Tuesday night where everyone is doing their own thing but close enough to each other that they can call it family time. Jazz is the closest to the house phone so she picks it up with a cheerful "Fenton house, this is Jasmine."
Her smile slowly slips away as all the blood drains from her face. Alarmed by her reaction, Danny sits up. "Jazz? What's wrong?"
His words have his parents' heads snapping up, zoning in on their daughter's rapidly growing destress. Yes, they get distracted often with their work, but the Fentons have always been loving parents.
They quickly spring into action.
"Jazzy-pants?" His dad says, walking up to her and taking the phone from her slack hand. He covers the speaking end of it, not paying attention to the call as his mom hugs his sister. "What's the matter?"
"It's... Bruce Wayne's lawyer," Jazz says faintly. "He's calling about Danny. He said that Mr. Wayne has been attempting to take Danny back and that they are going to take us to court soon."
The room goes dead quiet, and Danny snorts. "He can't do that without a letter or something. Come on Jazz, it's obviously a prank."
Someone at school likely found out and thought it would be funny to make "the biggest loser of Casper High" Danny Fenton, think a billionaire wanted him as a son. Honestly, he wouldn't put it past the A-listers.
He laughs to show how stupid this prank is, but neither of his parents joins him. Instead, his mother closes her eyes and whispers, "We received his court papers weeks ago. We've been trying to get a lawyer."
She pushes Jazz into his dad's arms, where his sister is slowly panicking. His dad tries to soothe her as his mom opens the drawer under the TV, pulling out three orange envelopes. She looks remorseful as she hands them to Danny. "We didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. Vlad said he would help, but he wasn't sure what he could do against such a powerful man"
And there, in overly complicated terms, is clear as day. Bruce Wayne wanted full custody of Danny Fenton and was willing to take the Fentons to court to get it done.
The man- who has never so much as met Danny, much less have a right to say what happens to him- was accusing his parents of child abuse and child neglect! He not only was trying to take Danny away but Jazz as well!
Where did this man get the audacity!?
"I don't want to go with him!" He shouts rage, making his eyes glow green. "I don't even know him!"
"I know, sweetie. I won't let him take you" His mom says, yanking him into a protective hug, and he realizes that her shirt is getting wet with his tears. Tears that fall just like the woman who raised him. "Everything will be alright."
It won't be, he knows, but he won't tell her that. He just lets his mother hold him, and when his sister and father crash into the hug a second later, he holds them just as tight.
He's not sure how they will win against Bruce Wayne, but Danny will fight his biological father every step of the way. He will not be his son.
Bruce stares at the photo of Danny Fenton- his son. His boy, whom he wasn't aware was alive until a month ago- and the reports from concerned teachers and whatever information Barbra could pull from his classmate's social media.
Dramatically dropping grades.
Clear signs of sleepless nights.
Flinches whenever his parents pull out "ghost hunting" gear.
Strange bruises and cuts along his arms and legs.
His small stature is no longer growing properly like his peers.
It all pointed to one thing. The Fentons were abusing his son and Bruce would bet the sister was suffering from the same treatment if her own grade dropping, sleepless eyes, and desperate race to adulthood were any indication.
Bruce laces his hands, resting his chin on them as the Batcomputer slowly flips through various reports being quickly dismissed by incompetent social workers who all claim it was Ghost Hunter related and not a cause for concern.
Those same social workers all seemed to have gotten quite generous donations from one Vlad Masters, a well-known family friend of the Fentons.
He hates corruption that allows children to be hurt, more so when it;'s his own children.
"When do we go retrieve Brother?" Damian asks, green eyes narrowing in rage as the reports scroll slowly. Ever since he found out Danny is a blood sibling, all Damian has been talking about is getting his elder brother home. "I am displeased with how long it's been, Father."
"Soon," Bruce promises, aware the rest of his children gather around him. They don't speak, but he feels their protective rage at what Danny has gone through, and he knows they will use every last bit of their training to get Danny home. "Either through the courts or in person. Danny will be with us come summer."
"Good," grunts Jason. "I'll have a little chat with his adoptive scumbags when we get him."
"I'll help," Dick tacks on.
"I'll make it look like an accident," Tim says, voice leveled but eyes blazing as the reports get to the neglect section. He has personal issues about that.
Bruce has never been so proud. "Court date is set for three weeks. They can't weasel their way out of it this time."
Don't worry son, he thinks to Danny, I'm going to save you.
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rapidhighway · 1 month
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guy doodle
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placeboelysium · 3 months
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I'm so sorry to whoever most definitely did this already but I have not seen it yet
(credits to @hadrosoh for coming up with the usernames because I could not)
Also I have so many WIPs rn bear with me
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nonlethal-au · 4 months
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Cheer up, asshole. We just got started with the series!
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incognitopolls · 24 days
Content warning for brief discussion of suicide.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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cinematicnomad · 1 month
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9-1-1 ▸ 2.06 dosed || 7.09 ashes, ashes
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stilitrash · 10 months
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Fionna was so damn h0rny in this episode and I completely support her <3
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