#sugar you are such a fucking hypocrite it's so great
ghost-proofbaby · 3 days
my favorite thing is finishing a chapter and accomplishing a characterization that I am so proud of. like hell yes. reader IS a part of the problem. I love writing complicated characters <3
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theoddest1 · 7 months
Hey, isn't it so..."Great" that Viv is out here liking posts that clearly find moments where Angel is being sexual with his rapist "Hot" How much more telling can this all get, right? We really sit here, having to explain how fucked up it is to take SA, try to tackle it "seriously" but then proceed to not even do it for that reason. Only for it to be for angst and goon material. How do you expect me to SIT HERE and take whatever Viv has to offer seriously? The number of people I have seen trying to justify this gross behavior is abysmal. If you have this kink or whatever, fine not like I can stop you, be into that shit somewhere else, but DO NOT try and TACKLE IT only for it to be not even seen as serious or as a way for you to get off to your sick fantasies.
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Why the hell would you like this? "Angel with his abusive rapist boss😝, so hot guys! Can'tstop thinking about it!"
What good reason would Viv have in liking this post? Why do over 4k people find a post like this neat? "Oh they're fictional, it's gucci, stop bitching" wouldn't need to bitch if people didn't outright sexualize moments meant to tackle an irl fucking problem.
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By the way, this person ships Angel and Valentino together. Their pinned tweet is legit sexual Val and Angel art. I wouldn't recommend attacking them regardless if you disagree with their ships and what they deem...ugh "hot."
Fair warning to I WILL be showing some of their arts and reblogs as evidence, so if you are not into that sort of thing (anything NSFW), I highly recommend scrolling past my post or past this section of it.
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I'm pretty sure Viv actively searches for this sort of thing on Twitter, like it's PAINFULLY obvious that she does. How you just so happen to like a post clear af lusting for this abusive relationship YOU CLAIMED to take seriously that ALSO happens to be from an account that ships the abuser with the victim? Gtfo with your two-faced shit, just say your find this hot instead of lying your absolute ass off. The audacity for some fans to go after one group of people for liking questionable stuff only to let other questionable things slide. Like homie, you can let rape slide, but draw the line for any other questionable thing? How's about you have that energy for EVERYTHING with your hypocritical asses. Ion wanna hear y'all stank ass make callouts if you're okay with a rapist being shipped with someone he actively harms in various ways.
And Viv
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You say this entire sequence is meant to be uncomfortable, meant to not sugar-coat how awful this situation is, and supposedly have people who are victims/survivors themselves, yet here you are liking posts from people who do anything but take it seriously and even sexualize it. That's absolutely insane to me. And reminds me how you were drooling over some pins that glamorize the abuse Angel and supposedly Husk goes through, you know, the same character that COMPARED his abuse with Angel's.
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Ah yes, let's downplay how horrible Angel's situation is further, shall we? Let's especially do it after adamantly arguing with other SA survivors who "haven't seen the episode yet" and need to shut up or don't watch 😃. Let's ignore the fact that Husk and Angel's situations STILL aren't comparable but it's still very odd to have pins on TWO situations taken seriously in the show. So do you actually view the situations seriously or not Viv???
God she's....actually fucking stupid and horrid.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Hi, Dear weird me. This is going to be a long ask, which is less of an ask and more of countering a point made on your blog. BUT I promise it has literally nothing to do with #straws but feel free to post a cute Taekook picture anyways 💜 Okay I wanted to talk about some of the narratives and questions I see swirling regarding the direction of Jungkook's music.
Jung Kook said on Suchwita that he was searching for another song similar to Seven for his next single. Clearly listening to 3D, we see he was able to do so. This brings me to question why the narrative when Jung Kook chooses to sing about sex , that the songs must have been chosen by the company for him to make him "appear straight", and that furthermore he had limited or no autonomy in choosing the music to represent himself as an artist?
I don't believe this is the primary narrative that was tossed around when Taehyung was singing about romance on Layover. Which is interesting because those songs also mention women, and we know for a fact that Taehyung did not write any of the songs on layover and that every song was in fact chosen for him to sing. And this is not Tae shade, I think Layover is a phenomenal album. However, I find it a bit hypocritical that Jung Kook gets accused of being inauthentic in his artistry due to the more explicit and poppy nature of his music, which brings me to my next point.
Jung Kook has always been inspired by the likes of Justin Timberlake, Usher, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Harry styles, the list goes on and on. Every single man I've listed has sung about sex. And furthermore these songs stick out in their discography as massive hits. See Sexy Back for Justin Timberlake, Watermelon Sugar for Harry Styles, Climax for Usher, Dirty Diana for Michael Jackson, etc etc.
We know for a fact Jung Kook wants to be recognized as a global pop star, outside of BTS. We know this because Jung Kook has said this multiple times via his lives, and also in interviews. How do you become a global pop star? Why not look at Jung Kook's early steps as a solo artist from left and right, to Seven, to now 3D. Look at these songs and then look at the songs and steps that all of the Massive male pop stars before him have taken, and you can quickly see the similarities. All of this is to say that however, you feel about his sexuality and who he is or isn't dating doesn't matter to me. What does matter to me is to dismiss Jung Kook's art as primarily a form of "bearding" And when I say his art I am discussing the music that he chooses to sing and the visual aesthetic that he either chooses (creative director of the Vogue shoot) or makes his own tweaks to (dazed Korea shoot). As I've stated above none of the songs, or visual aesthetics Jung Kook is choosing is super unique to him, they sound and look great because he's Jung Kook, but they're simply not unique. So either every single male pop star chose to sing about sex to conceal their sexuality or a much less sinister idea, they chose to sing about sex because that is what the general public wants to hear. And what artists choose to lend their voice to does not always have to reflect who they may or may not be off stage. Now we could get into why the GP makes perceived straight sex music popular, but I'd like to stay on topic. Which is why Jung Kook gets accused of using his music to conceal something as opposed to just making the music he wants to make, the music that sounds just like the people who have inspired him and the music that will make him a global superstar.
At the end of the day however you feel about Jung Kook's music,I would gently challenge you and people who automatically jump to relate Jung Kook's music to his sexuality whether it be positive, negative, as a form of dismissal or a form of confirmation, I would challenge you gently to just try not to do that? I think it's easier to realize that maybe Jung Kook is singing about fucking, because every single male pop star does. Maybe he has his shirt off because that body is rocking because every male pop star takes their shirt off, Maybe rappers are being featured because not only does Jung Kook like rap but because pop rap crossovers are super popular. In fact, they are so popular that they beat out BTS several times for Grammys. His music is perfectly aligned to what Jung Kook says he wants for his artistic career and it's healthier to say "He makes this music because it bops and it's going to help him reach his goals" than to say "He makes this music because he's trying to convince the world he's straight" I say all of this to say Jung Kook is going to continue to sing about love, relationships, and sex. And he's probably going to keep taking his shirt off, and looking sexy for the camera. It really shouldn't bother trekkers or anyone who believes he's not straight, because it's his art, and his art does not have to be connected to who he chooses to love. Sometimes art can just be art 💜
Hi anon!
You know what, I agree with you. It wasn’t my intention at all to dismiss his music as bearding, that’s absolutely not the case and I apologize for coming across that way.
I do feel they’re taking a certain route with him, but that’s to reach the goals you mention.. not to make people see him as straight. The main goal is absolutely to get as big as he can get, and he deserves that. Jk is an amazing artist.
Not coming across as queer is never the main goal.. people don’t put out songs for that reason specifically, it’s more something that exists in the sidelines. Like Taennie for Tae (imo ofcourse). Jk singing about sex isn’t that to me.. everyone has sex no matter what sexuality they have. I do feel Jk’s song is specifically about women, no room for queerness and with the exclusion of a queer possibility the general public (or just those who don’t think Jk can be queer) will most likely take him as straight. If Jk is actually queer like a lot of us think, that might be some sort of choice, depending on how many people actually know about him being queer. That does not have to be a reflection of his actual sexuality though.
Thanks for your ask 💜
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allycat75 · 8 months
All I could think watching the ASP Circle Jerk with you and Mark today, Boston Dumb Fuck (the rant below isn't going to be pretty, you have been warned):
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As nauseated as it made me (ironic since you keep saying the site is so digestible), I watched you and Mark jerk each other off for doing such as good job on this colossal waste of time. You do understand this generation is the most information savvy yet and don't need manipulative, lying, whiney Millenials telling them where to start.
Some notes...
Did you really read the audience to give them what they want? Not lately!
I bet the only people you can get now for the site are the GOP deplorables, especially with that racist, antisemetic wifey of yours, BDF.
BDF was famous, but now he has a bunch of failures and a possible Razzie or two in his future. And you are NOT THE SUGAR for the medicine to go down. You need a soul for that. I see you as a big bag of plasma right now, so maybe some salty, bitter bile? With some smokiness from you burning your life and potential happiness to the ground.
What special information are you providing? What can you give that is important in bullet points? I don't want neophytes teaching neophytes. The world is crumbling, in case you haven't noticed while you have been numbing yourself with weed, you white Privleged, tone deaf fucks! You serve no purpose here.
Did you honestly say, BDF, with a straight face "How are we going to navigate truth?"; "Young people can really tell...are aware of selective facts and framing information that is deliberately misleading and I think if you do that once, it is in your nature you'll probably do it again and a picture starts to become clear". I can see it clearly, can you, you fucking hypocrites?
You really think your provide a service and aren't keeping these folks from doing the work of the people. Self-congratulatoryly sniffing your own farts again, are you (thanks, South Park)? And when was the last time you two did the actual work for this ego-stroker, walking the halls of Congress with these civil servants?
What makes you think you can provide civil discussion when no one on the congressional floor, where it actually matters, can get it done? And who on the right has enough brain cells to pony up that information you so smugly think you deliver? "Uncle" Tim Scott has got his face firmly planted in the Toxic Cheetos's ass cheeks so he won't be available. Who else you got?
Have you gone so far from the truth that it is more important how the politicians speak to each other as opposed to what they say? And we aren't talking about speed limits or zoning laws here. What people care about- women's reproductive rights, safe and sane gun laws, critical race theory, immigration, homelessness, student loan debt, cost of healthcare, climate change, LGBTQ+ equality, political corruption..., these aren't delicate bullet points that can be politely discussed and boiled down. And when you try, you run the risk of messages being missed and time being wasted. CAN I SCREAM THAT LOUD ENOUGH SO YOU CAN HEAR OVER THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN EGOS TELLING YOU HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!! Best thing you can do is get out of the fucking way!
What makes you feel you are the arbiters of all this information that will inspire youth to vote, and not just be more static for them to filter? It's not about you, so why do you feel you are the two that should be talking to high schoolers tomorrow. Besides getting good press and, once again, stroking that ego hard, what are you hoping to get? Do you honestly believe you and Mark are going to inspire anyone tomorrow? Or worse, prove that only pretty, rich, white men get ahead in this world so why even try?
What qualitative and quantitative metrics can you show "the really great feedback from the people who enjoy the information"? I know the feedback for the Antisemitism in Schools was quite engaging, but I don't know how positive it was.
So you still haven't really provided a clear mission statement and goals for the site as it is now with politics, so your solution is to branch out to even more complicated topics around AI and other technologies. Boy, if you took this to "Shark Tank" you would be laughed out of the studio and used as an example of what never to do! Has someone's egoic narrative run amok?
Smart actors steered clear! It's a gimmick.
A Gen Z table is at the back! Pipeline for next spouses 🤞🤞? Both of you have reputations for liking them young, you know.
Aww, you got a mug. You can use it for your coffee. Oh, you don't drink coffee? I've seen you drink it. Oh well, then tea, I know I've seen you drink tea. You say you don't like tea either. Mmhh. Oh that's right, you are a manipulative liar and that was just a stupid one you tried out for funnsies. Like covert narcissists exhibit. (I know, it could just be changing tastes and a need to cut back on caffeine because you are anxious without ever seeming to take responsibility controlling it, so maybe that was a start. Credit where credit is due, maybe).
You should run for office- you've got the lying and manipulation down, despite that you think you are a bad liar. I think that is just one of your many lies. Like an ouroboros always eating its own tail.
May I give you some advice (fuck it, this is my blog and you are not listening, so I am giving it!). Something I don't suspect you do much, because if you did I don't think you would be in this situation where you are living your life like it doesn't belong to you, is think with the end in mind. Ask the magic question, "If this worked out the way I want it to, what would that look like?" And then work backward from there. I would say try that with ASP, but I don't trust your intentions are pure and thus will never be successful. But it could work with other things if you ever get back in the driver's seat of your world and begin to rebuild.
Get it through your fragile male brains ASP is a bad idea that will only get worse, for the entire country, not just you two, so take the loss. You should get used to the feeling.
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hopewriteszstuff · 4 months
Chapter 4: Therapy
Last chapter
Taking a moment to pull myself together, I conclude that arguing with Arsen is a waste of breath.
I walk back to my room and open my drawers to take a cigarette packet and a lighter. This should help me relax a bit, or I will end up chewing someone's bones.
"Lumen, This is your fourth pack, not even your lungs can take that amount," Arsen warns me. It's jarring how he can cuss me to the heavens and then act so concerned.
"First, Leave me alone. Second, how do you know it's my fourth?"
"Considering that you smoke every waking second, this will be your 61st cigarette." He coughs after he gives his observation.
I hate to admit that he is right.
"Good job, now like I said, leave me alone, I'm in no mood."
I repeat as I walk to the window.
"I'm worried about you! You have nothing in your system but sugar and nicotine! When was the last time you ate a full meal? Or drank blood?!" He yells at me.
I don't respond.
"So? You are just going to ignore me? Are you going to sulk here and be a depressed piece of shit every time things don't go the way you want?! You couldn't make friends with that rat, deal with it!"
I only take deeper breaths, finishing a cigarette one after the other.
"It's been almost two centuries and you are still getting all moody over the smallest things! When are you going to grow up?! Do I always have to babysit you and make sure you don't choke on your tears?!"
I grind my fangs and tap my fingers on the frame of the window, as his words continue to make my heart heavier.
"Boo-hoo! Such a sad poor thing you are! Can't get anything right! The whole world is against you! Can't do anything but spend your entire paycheck on cigarettes and candy! YOU OVERGROWN BRAT!"
The beast starts whispering in my ears, then its voice fills my mind.
"God-fucking-damnit Lumen! Are you even listening to me you dipshit?!"
"SHUT ...THE FUCK... UP!!"
I don't remember what happened after that, only that everything was Red.
Arsen is on the ground, breathing heavily, drowning in his own blood.
And my hands are covered in it.
A familiar, yet strange taste fills my mouth.
What did I do?! WHAT DID I DO?!
My breaths are heavy, my eyes are burning me, and my brother, I almost killed him...
I stare at my hands in horror, my white gloves are now tainted with the vitae of my brother.
Until he coughs, I snap back to my senses.
"Arsen! ARSEN!"
I hurry and help him stand up.
He is silent, his eyes are closed, only focusing on healing himself.
"I... Oh fuck...Oh god...Are you alright?!"
I'm unable to form words after that, I can't even see around me.
he finally opens his eyes, and he stares at me.
He is disappointed, not sad, not angry, just disappointed.
"Take me to my bed."
He says with great difficulty, and I carry him.
He is as light as a small child, and even though he was a seven-foot-tall grown man, I can barely feel his weight.
The hypocrite, he tells me to eat when he is almost skin and bones.
He holds to me, I notice the blood covering his shoulder, the same question fills my ears and my mind, ringing as if it was the bells of The Notredame Church.
What did I do to him?
My skin is burning, it's not comparable to the pain in my heart.
Arsen's room was a bane of mine, due to the extreme measures he took to protect himself.
Then why did he let himself get hurt this time? I wonder as I put him in his bed.
"The drawer, on the left, quickly."
His weak voice brings me back to reality, I do as he obliges.
There is only a number.
"It's a therapist's number, I know you don't like them, but this one is very understanding, better call her now." He says between long pauses, his voice airy.
"Tell her your name, she will do the rest."
"Now, out! Before you burn to a crisp!"
He points outside, and I nod to him.
"I'm sorry" I mutter, and he just gestures for me to get out.
I'm filled with even more questions now, this is contradictory.
Arsen hates therapists, why would he recommend one to me? This whole situation is wrong.
Regardless, I close the door on him, and I go to the bathroom to change and wash my hands.
I hope no neighbors heard any of this.
After a while, I take my phone, it's almost 9 o'clock.
"Hello? This is Dr. Dorothy Collins for Counseling services, how can we help you?"
"I..I..I would like to..book a session?"
"You want to schedule an appointment? Sure thing! Can you tell us which symptoms you are experiencing?"
I can't answer, I don't find any strength in me, and I start to rethink everything that led to this point.
"It's alright, sir. We understand that you are going through a hard time, we are here to help, can we have your name?"
"L..Lumen, Lumen Dabrowski."
"Give us a moment..Ah! Lumen! You have an appointment already scheduled, when would be the best time for you to come?"
"Already scheduled? But I didn't know about your services before now!"
"Someone by the name of Arsen Dabrowski came a week ago and paid for about two months of counseling, do you want to cancel them?"
"Give me a moment."
I press the mute button and I open Arsen's bedroom door again.
"What the fuck is this about?!" I yell at him.
The little bastard grins from under the blankets like he just pulled a prank on me.
"You fucking need it!" He replies. I could barely hear his voice.
"Look who is talking! You better explain everything next night!"
He only gives me the middle finger.
I close the door and return to the call.
As much as I'm pissed off at him, he must have gone a great length to do this for me.
"..Is it alright to do it now?"
"Sure thing, Lumen, Do you want it in person or virtually?"
"In person, what is the address?"
"The office is at --------"
"Thank you, I will be there in ten minutes."
"We are always glad to help, Thank you for calling." ding.
I am at the office, it's a small place hidden between a nail salon and a restaurant, which made it tricky to find. The building is not meant for people as tall as me, I assume that they mainly work with humans.
I knock on the door, and I'm met with a sweet-looking little woman.
She had a friendly face, with large glasses and long black hair tied in a messy, loose bun. What caught my attention was that she had pink lenses on, that's unprofessional, I'm not sure if I can take her seriously.
"Lumen, Am I right? It's impossible to mistake you for anyone else, Come in!"
She laughed, but I didn't understand what was funny.
I bend and move around to be able to enter. Her office was cozy, it's best described as a very neat apartment, and perhaps that's what it is.
"Have a seat, Lumen," she invites me.
"Tell me a bit about yourself."
"That's a weird question to ask on the first session, don't you think? Aren't you supposed to ask how was my childhood like?"
She sighs, I wasn't supposed to do that, was I?
"You don't know me and I don't know you, I want us to be on good terms first," She smiles at me.
"Well, My name is Lumen, I was embraced at a time like this in 1850."
"The bubonic plague?"
"Yes, exactly, the third pandemic, That makes me around.."
"180 years old, how old were you when it happened?"
"Thirty..something? I think I was 32?"
"Oh wow, you are over two centuries old! I'm going, to be honest, I don't work often with supernatural people, their handlers refuse to pay for therapy." Her eyes widen when she hears how old I am, not the first time.
"Then let me tell you, I don't want you to treat me like I'm different than you, well I am different, but I don't want to feel like it, you know?"
"I get it, You are my patient, I am here to help you," she says as she adjusts her thick glasses.
"Have you tried supernatural-oriented therapy? Not that I won't help you the best I can, it's that they will aid you better."
"Too expensive.. And I_"
"Don't have the best spending habits? We can work on that"
"No, I was going to say I am not qualified for it, don't interrupt me, please"
She is visibly disheartened, I can tell she is trying her best.
"I'm..sorry about that."
"Don't be, It's not like my kind gets the best treatment anyways."
She is silent for a while, and I tap my foot on the ground, I don't look into her eyes. Instead, I look at the decor of the place.
"You are quite fidgety, it's Alright, Lumen, you are safe here." She reassures me.
"Dorothy, If I can call you that, I don't believe in empty words, I nearly killed my brother before I arrived here, the only reason I came is that he spent his money on your service."
"If he chose you out of the dime-a-dozen therapists here in New York, then you better have something to offer." I finally snarl at her, but she doesn't even seem to flinch.
"Alright then, Lumen, we are getting serious then."
"Tell me what do you exactly expect from me, and I will tell you what I'm expecting from you. Let's make our boundaries clear, Alright?"
She offers me her hand to shake.
I take it.
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13xwishes · 2 years
places my url in here
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Send me a url and I’ll answer the following;;
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For @strcngered || { Accepting } **Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
Opinion on:
Character in general: Going in the pattern of muses I've interacted with...
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir: Top character that NEVER got the chance to be explored. Honestly, I always thought the show should’ve focused more on Adrien rather than Marinette. There’s barely anything wrong with Marinette who has a great life. Adrien however has an absent father (if not abusive) who is secretly his enemy, his mother is missing, he’s famous yet he’s sheltered living the Rapunzel like lifestyle. And yet he stays kind, sweet, willing to help others at his own expense, he’s smart, dedicated and only strives to be free in order to be his true self. That’s the quality of a true hero. Not to mention, he does better in hiding his identity. His personality between Adrien and Chat is so diverse, barely anyone questions if they’re the same person.
Abbey Bominable: Abbey is the monster I relate to the most in Monster High. And not because she’s a Sagittarius (even though we’re the best sign). She’s honest, open-minded, funny without even trying and doesn’t try to sugar coat things. She’s also loyal to her friends, protects them to the best of her abilities and doesn’t play games. It’s intimidating to others with these qualities, but you can’t find a better person to be with this kind of character.
Carrie: I. WAS. ROOTING. FOR. HER!! I THOUGHROLY ENJOYED seeing her massacre the school. If getting revenge on the school who did nothing but torment you for years is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. I ADORED Carrie and I would want her as a best friend! Powers are amazing and should be praised, not ridiculed. Nothing was wrong with her. The whole town was fucking sick.
Neighthan: I admire what they did with Neighthan and glad they didn’t just make him into a potential love interest for Frankie. No, he’s the empathetic, sincere and down to earth fusion manster the school needs. He has potential for a career as a counselor for the school. If he managed to handle Cleolei (a miracle of how he pulled that off), he should be able to help others who are struggling to adjust to the school. (Straight up gives me an idea for him to counsel my muses! Whisp, Gigi, Deuce, all of them!). I really like his character and how i can relate to him. Him being gay really wasn’t a surprise when it was revealed.
Howleen: To be honest, it took me a while for Howleen to grow on me. She reminded me so much of my own younger brother who i argued with a lot as kids. especially the who ’take without asking thing’. But I do understand how she struggled to find her own place, even when most of the things she did weren’t the best examples. She’s learning and she has to figure how to express the best qualities of herself. She’s a diamond in the rough.
Draculaura: Don’t be fangry with me but… Draculaura is actually on my top 5 LEAST liked characters. She’s spoiled and materialistic. Every time i see how much she buys or brings along on a trip, i find it ridiculous how it’s possible she doesn’t lose it. Not to mention ‘Draculocker’ was COMPLETELY handled wrong. She also tends to be nosy at times. She WAS the gossip queen before Spectra came along and she kind of bugged me of how she pushed Clawdeen to date in “Ghouls Rule”, which was a bit I wanna say Hypocritical or redundant when Frankie built Hoodude for the same reason? I can be wrong on that part. But don’t get me wrong, I do like her personality and certain movies like “Friday Night Frights” actually bring out the best in her personality to be loyal and true to her friends, even if she thinks she’s an obstacle. She stood up to Clawd and I gotta respect her for that. Hence why she’s at the bottom of the least liked for me. I don’t hate her but she’s not a favorite.
How they play them: You pretty much have your muses down pact. For Abbey, I am curious that you don’t write in her russian accent or Howleen’s brooklyn accent. But overall, you always have your muses so in character regardless and it’s amazing how you do it. The Mun: Sam is literally the sweetest. We don’t talk as often as we use to, but I ALWAYS make sure they’re doing okay and check up on them as much as I can. I don’t pick favorites with my friends. I think about them all the time. (And SAM, I know you’re reading this! You better be taking good care of yourself!!)
Do I:
RP with them: Of course! Want to RP with them: Always!
What is my:
Overall Opinion: 9/10. The only deduction is that i wish our threads would be faster because there’s so much i would love to do with you. But i know that everybody can only do so much so i try not to push too much. Real life comes first above everything else. I only hope we do get to do everything together before we say we’re done with rping. I absolutely though appreciate the effort you put into your replies cause they are worth the wait.
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breathlessmorro · 3 years
Ninjago Characters as Quotes Me and My Friends Have Said pt. 3
Lloyd: Coffee bitches don't even like coffee, they just drink pure sugar
Morro: First of all, my coffee's as black as my soul
Lloyd: Second of all?
Morro: Second of all, you're eating candy right now, don't give me any shit, filthy hypocrite
Zane: I just don't think I'm important in this group
Cole: Don't ever fucking lie to my face again
Jay: Mmm Boba
Nya: Well great, now he's cheating on me with Boba
Jay: What?
Nya: Moanin' like that -
Lloyd: What is happening?
Misako: Many believe that James Buchanan was America's first gay president
Lloyd: That doesn't change the fact he was a racist pig
Misako: No it does not, but at least he was gay
Garmadon: Hun, the bar has to be higher than that when deciding whether someone is worthy of praise
Misako: You didn't say that when I asked you out
Garmadon: Well tou - freaking - che!
Jay: ... Wait he was racist?
Ray: So you like boys
Nya: Yes
Ray: Okay, and you also like boys
Kai: Yeth
Ray: But you both also like girls
Nya: Very much so, yes
Kai: Love them
Ray: And yet neither of you are in a functional relationship???
Kai: Hey!
Nya: That's fair actually
Jay: Do we need to talk about something?!
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delicioussshame · 3 years
And now, for something a bit different. Set in the Sugar Baby AU.
Shang Qinghua cannot believe Shen Yuan’s gall. How can he, a very unproductive member of society, dares to criticize Shang Qinghua’s output? At least he contributes something, unlike some people who are paid to look pretty.
And, apparently, do more than that now.
Good for him, really. Shang Qinghua has heard his fair share of horror stories about Luo Binghe, but since Shen Yuan cannot stop singing his praises in that oblivious way of his, he cannot be that bad.
Plus, you know, Luo Binghe is very, very hot. Hot enough that even Shen Yuan, famous for his ability to ignore even the most blatant double entendre, cannot deny it. Shang Qinghua can imagine much worst fates than having to fuck him.
Now, if Shang Qinghua could get him to share all the juicy details, he’s sure it would make for great inspiration.
Not that there is much chance of that happening, not with the way Shen Yuan clams up as soon as Shang Qinghua so much as hints about his sex life.
Shen Yuan is a hypocrite, that’s what he is. He sure isn’t shy about complaining about Shang Qinghua’s sex scenes, or every aspect of Shang Qinghua’s writing.
Well, Shang Qinghua isn’t going to let him get away with it. He’s going to hear about it too! He just has to-
“What are you doing.”
Shang Qingua drops his phone in his haste to shove it down his pockets, so he gets to scramble under his desk like an idiot right in front of his boss. Fucking great. “Nothing! I wasn’t doing anything!”
Mobei-Jun’s angry growl has no right to be this sexy. “You’re supposed to be working. Get to it.”
Shang Qinghua sits back at his desk as fast as possible, randomly pulling a file off his desk while opening one excel spreadsheet or another. “I will! I’ll do it! I’m doing it now! I’m sorry!” That’s what Shang Qinghua gets for maintaining an acquaintance with an old friend who doesn’t have to worry about office hours.
Then again, this is kind of his job? Mobei-Jun wanted him to keep an eye out for anything useful on Luo Binghe, so he’s technically not slacking! “Actually, I was just messaging Shen Yuan, trying to get the info you asked for! He’s not very open, but I’m working on it!” He doesn’t think Shen Yuan will ever give him something Mobei-Jun would benefit from, but not for the reasons he’d think. From the way Shen Yuan complains about Luo Binghe’s general disinterest in the business he’s somehow managing like he was born into it, which he very much wasn’t, it wouldn’t even cross Luo Binghe’s mind to keep Shen Yuan informed on the ins and outs.
So Shang Qinghua is trying to find a way to get Shen Yuan to ask for said intel, cause he has a feeling Luo Binghe would tell him everything without a second thought. For someone who decided to pay their sex partner instead of wooing them, which someone like Luo Binghe could certainly have managed, he seems utterly besotted.
“Can’t we just pay him for it? He’s fine with being a whore; why wouldn’t he accept cash for info?”
Shang Qinghua winces and ducks instinctively to evade the slap Shen Yuan would have given him if he’d called him a whore in his presence. “It’s not quite like that. Shen Yuan’s relationship with Luo Binghe is complicated. Yes, Luo Binghe is paying for him, but from what I’ve gathered, it was more to skip the wooing and get to the good parts faster.” At least that’s what Shang Qinghua thinks happened. Shen Yuan, again, isn’t the most open about the details.
Plus, Shang Qinghua can’t say it didn’t work. Luo Binghe managed to get Shen Yuan living with him and doing nothing but being available to him 24/7. That has to count as a success.
Mobei-Jun seems baffled. “You can do that?”
Shang Qinghua shrugs. “Most people wouldn’t be into it, but I can get behind it. If someone with Luo Binghe’s wealth and looks told me they wanted to finance my lifestyle in exchange of sex, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Good life, here I come!”
Shang Qinghua then remembers he’s talking to his boss and not one of his former college buddies. “Ha ha, not that I really would! I am devoted to my job! I wouldn’t leave it, so please don’t fire me!” He needs the money to live!
“I’d pay you.”
Shang Qinghua startles for a second, before his brain catches up to reality. “Ha ha, that’s a funny joke, Boss.” He doesn’t know why Mobei-Jun chose now to try to develop a sense of humor, but he’s not surprised that when he decides to do so, it’s at Shang Qinghua’s expense.
“Not a joke.” Mobei-Jun takes out his wallets and pulls out what has to be at least a couple thousands yuan, which he waves in the air almost threateningly. “Take it.”
Shang Qinghua is utterly flummoxed. “Are you sure?”
Shang Qinghua leans over the desk and tentatively takes the money.
In exchange, strong arms grab his waist, lifts him off the chair he was just sitting him like he could do it in his sleep, settles him on the desk and kisses him until Shang Qinghua has to push him back to breathe, because he cannot use his nose and his mouth at the same time right now. Not enough brain cells left.
“The hell?” says Shang Qinghua with all the eloquence he has left.
Then, his brain catches up with his mouth. If, for some unfathomable reason, Mobei-Jun has decided Shang Qinghua was worthy of him spending his money, Shang Qinghua will do the smartest thing he’s ever done and let him.
Why Mobei-Jun just didn’t use his words and tell Shang Qinghua he wanted him, Shang Qinghua will probably never know. It’s not like Shang Qinghua would have told him no. No matter what Shen Yuan says, he’s not stupid. The embodiment of all his fantasies wants to fuck him? Shang Qinghua is into that.
Oh god, Shen Yuan. He’s going to have to explain to him that latest development, will he?
…Naaah. He doesn’t need to know for now.
Anyway, what is there to explain?
…Is there something to explain? Mobei-Jun hasn’t spoken since Shang Qinghua freed himself, so maybe he’s reconsidering? Shit, maybe Shang Qinghua is a terrible kisser? Is he a terrible kisser? Is Mobei-Jun reconsidering? Of course he’s reconsidering. He’s not stupid either.
This train of thoughts is stopped by Mobei-Jun’s growling, grabbing his shoulders, pushing him down on the desk and devouring his mouth.
Shang Qinghua probably isn’t a terrible kisser then! Yes! Also Mobei-Jun isn’t reconsidering, so double yes!
That’s a good thing, because he’s pretty certain he’s going to need the money to replace the shirt Mobei-Jun is apparently very offended by, if the way he ripped it off Shang Qinghua, sending buttons flying everywhere, can be believed. Not that he cares about the shirt. Mobei-Jun can destroy all of them if he wants to. Especially if it’s always following by Mobei-Jun’s teeth getting very familiar with his chest.
Or the rest of him. Mobei-Jun is so lucky Shang Qinghua is both incredibly thirsty for him and suffering from long-term celibacy. He’s definitely willing to go despite the aggressive lack of foreplay.
Not that he can imagine a moment where Mobei-Jun almost tearing his pants open to get his mouth on his cock wouldn’t be welcomed. Shang Qinghua is always down for that. Very, very down for that.
Shang Qinghua balls his hands into fists, nails digging into the flesh of his palms, to stop himself from holding Mobei-Jun’s head. Mobei-Jun might bite them off.
Shang Qinghua also bites his tongue hard enough to bleed. The building is nice enough, but Shang Qinghua can be very loud.  The last thing he wants is for some underling to come running and find them like this. He would feel guilty to have caused a death.
Soon enough, another pressing concern makes itself known. “Boss, ah, please, you should let me go.” Shang Qingqiu has never even dreamed of Mobei-Jun blowing him, but he sure doesn’t seem like the type to swallow, and he wants to keep his cock in working order. He might get to use it more later.
Mobei-Jun glares at him over his cock, which has no business being this hot. Shang Qinghua is sure he felt him twitch and leak on his tongue.
Hey, if Shang Qinghua is wrong and Mobei-Jun is the type to swallow, more power to him. Shang Qinghua isn’t exactly going to complain.
Shang Qinghua whites out when he finally comes, and then probably does so again when he opens his eyes and is faced with Mobei-Jun staring at him, a little whitish drop on the corner of his mouth.
Fuck, he just got blown by Mobei-Jun. When did his life become so great?
Mobei-Jun kisses him again with no less urgency, which Shang Qinghua can sympathize with. He hasn’t done anything for his poor boss, has he? Time to remediate that.
Shang Qinghua blinks repeatedly, trying to keep himself awake after the many, many rounds he’s just gone through.
His back is going to hurt like hell, isn’t it? And not just his back. He’ll probably be out of commission for days.
Doesn’t matter. So worth it. Even if it was a one-time thing, it’d still be worth it.
Is it a one-time thing? Does Shang Qinghua still have a job? Two jobs?
He should ask, right? It’s probably the right time to do so. Even Mobei-Jun probably is in a good mood after getting laid. “Boss?”
Mobei-Jun makes a noise Shang Qinghua decides to interpret as encouragement for him to continue. “Am I your sugar baby now? Do I have to come to work tomorrow?”
Mobei-Jun frowns.
Well, the whole thing was pretty spontaneous. There is probably no plan.
“You’re working tomorrow.”
Ahh, too bad. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
“I have to get you a replacement before you go.”
Shang Qinghua straightens up. “Just to be clear, that’s because you’re going to bankroll me personally, right? Not because I just lost my job for being unprofessional, right?”
Mobei-Jun nods.
Success! Shang Qinghua just won at life! He'll finally get to write whatever he wants instead of what sells! And he’s got a scorching not-boyfriend on top of it! Take that, Shen Yuan! You’re not the only one who can attract crazy rich guys! “Am I moving in with you? Or are we just not-dating? I’ll do whatever you want, no problem! Or wear whatever you want, cause this shirt is so dead I’m not sure how I’m going to leave this room, but I don’t care! You can do it again if you want to!”
Mobei-Jun throws his blazer in Shang Qinghua’s face like he’s an especially rude shoujo manga love interest. “Put this on. I’ll get back to you for the details, but you’ll be moving in with me.”
“Okay! I’ll be waiting!” He’ll wait forever if he has to. So worth it.
He’ll have to remember to buy Shen Yuan something to thank him for making this possible.
He’ll probably order him a bunch of the weirdest sex toys he can find and have them delivered anonymously to Luo Binghe. Shen Yuan will thank him someday.
Okay, he never will, but Shang Qinghua will know in his heart he did right by his friend.
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 15
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:113 Two Shots of Vodka
Finishing up the tarts with a little twist.
Warnings: Language, violence, insecurities
Words: 1.7k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
You don’t think you ever saw Deuce’s fists leave the two kids before their faces turned purple and their legs gave out on them.
Deuce landed one final hit before the white haired boy pulled as far away from him as possible and screamed while whipping the blood now on his face from his bleeding lip, “Fuck, this guy’s a total madman! That was more than 6 hits, you liar!”
The red haired student was not faring any better with a black eye and clutching his stomach, “Oh, crap! Let’s run! I’m so sorry, Mr. Chicken!!”
Deuce had no speck on him, standing firm with his hands on his hips, “Apologize to the eggs a hundred times before you stuff your faces next time, dumbass!!”
“Okay uhhhhhh,” You could not lock eyes on anything that was in front of you; be it the two students close to the ground clutching parts of their bodies and apologizing or the kid who you thought wouldn't hurt a fly standing proud forcing apologizes from people.
Grim agreed with you with a shriek and a skirt behind you.
The two boys after bowing their heads for several seconds gathered their last dignity and ran out clutching their stomachs and arms from the beat down.
Deuce, finally, lost his other persona and squatted down and cried out, “Ah!!”
Grim popped out from behind you after he realized that Deuce was back to normal, “What happened to you!?”
Deuce stood up with his hands over his eyes, “I did it again…” He began lightly rubbing his eyes. “I promised myself that I’d be a model student for sure this time, and yet…!” His shoulders finally relaxed while he let out a breath.
Grim stood still confused, “Eh?”
“It’s okay, Deuce. One mistake will not kill your reputation,” You knew this kid was freaking out about nothing, “Also, in my opinion, I think honors students would fight those who prey on the weak.” You winked at the sullen looking boy, walking closer to him.
Deuce huffed, “I wanted to be different from who I was back in middle school… “ He flinched slightly when you placed your hand on his shoulder, “I always skipped classes, and I got into fights every day. I didn’t show respect to teachers and I hung out with a bad ilk of seniors. Even my hairstyle was pretty wild back then, too. I fought with anyone who I could fight with… I used magic even on guys who couldn’t use magic. I was an over-all bad person then.” He rolled his shoulders back to escape from your grip, but he never seemed to lose it.
Grim paid no attention to the air, “It totally doesn’t look too obvious now, though.”
“You can continue talking if you want Deuce. No one is here to stop you,” You smiled light, “I would love to hear more about you.”
Deuce nodded, “Thanks.” He finished up his story now comfortable with your hand on his shoulder, “But one night while I was hiding myself from view… I saw my mother cry and talk to my grandmother about it. She was asking her where she went wrong with raising me, and about whether she was a bad parent for how I turned out. But that’s not it at all. She’s not to blame!” Deuce’s red eyes with some tears in them locked onto yours , “Everything’s my fault! That’s why, when the black carriage from the prestigious Night Raven College came to pick me up, I made sure that I will never take that smile away from my mother again. I made up my mind to become a model student that my mother can be proud of. And yet… Damn it…!” He stomped his foot onto the ground and curled his fists but still none of that anger was even remotely portrayed at you or anyone but himself.
“Deuce, sweetie. I need you to listen to me to understand this. You were a bad person in the past. Past. Not now. You realized your mistakes and now you want to fix them. Is that right?” Your smile never faltered even when Deuce tensed up more or he stepped away from you.
“Well, yeah,” Deuce spilled out.
“Then, I think you are being the best honors student you can.” You reached out your hand to offer some of the bags to him, “No one is born with any traits that an honors student would have. The fact that you now know that you want to change and that you strive for being an honors student proves that you are one.”
Deuce stares at you with widened eyes, “What?”
You grabbed his right hand and opened it in order to place some of the bags into it, “No one is perfect either. Even honors students make mistakes, but fighting for the weak and protecting me who would get hurt if I even tried to fight them even though I wouldn’t be scared, shows you care. Deuce, you are a great person. You just can’t realize it yet.”
Tears spilled out of Deuce’s eyes while he whined, “You make it sound easy.”
You raised your hand to wipe Deuce’s eyes, “It’s not. Believe me. But starting is the hardest, and once you get there, I know you can do anything.” After wiping his tears, you stepped back and grabbed Grim by his belly, “You just have to keep going forward.”
Deuce wipes his eyes one last time before smacking himself on the check, “You're right. Me becoming an honors student won’t happen overnight. I’m not gonna stop because of some stupid assholes.”
“Exactly,” You threw a thumbs up.
Grim smirked, “If it were me, I’d have punched those delinquents ten more times, yanno? But you took care of it before I could.”
“That’s definitely not what we are trying to get at,” You rolled your eyes.
Deuce snorted at the two of you, “You guys…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” You placed Grim back onto the ground and your groceries on a bench before going over to the bag of broken eggs, “Let’s stop the mushy gushy and get back to business.”
“Got it…” Deuce threw his hand up in salute before chuckling, “Hehe, the chicks will probably feel at ease now, too, huh?”
“Chicks?” You turned to face Deuce fully, “There are no chicks in these eggs. Chicks can’t be in an egg that’s not fertilized.”
“Wh-what?!?!?!” Deuce ran and grasped your shoulders, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!!!!!!”
“Why would I joke about this?” You raised your shoulders in a confused gesture.
Deuce, silent, fell to the ground with his knees crashing to the floor.
Grim ignored the crisis, “Let’s just get back to everyone soon.”
You nodded picking up the remaining trash before taking a trip back to the store while Grim and Deuce just waited in the same position you left them in.
The trip back was complete silence with Deuce walking several steps behind.
Ace was the first to react when the three of you stepped through the door, “Oh, they’re finally back. What took you guys so long?”
“That’s a long story,” You sighed.
“Let’s get this over with” Trey clapped his hands, “shall we?”
Everyone besides Deuce who was still in a trance joined in, “Let’s make some marron tarts!”
You laughed, “Damn what simulation are we in?”
“Shut it for once,” Ace scowled before turning around to let out a snort disguised as a sigh.
Trey read over the recipe once more before voicing the next step, “All that’s left is to mix the marron cream into the tart.”
Grim jumped after hearing that, “Will we be able to eat after this!? I’m getting excited already!”
Ace seemed to be the same, “Alright, let’s finish this in one fell swoop!”
Neither of them, however, were hanging onto the words that were coming out of Trey’s mouth, leading to the two of them taking a bit too long in their part of the job.
Trey was still trying to get their motivation going, “Don’t lose focus now, got it?”
Ace’s motivation was there, “You got it!” He dropped the spoon into the batter. His mind was not there.
Grim mimicked Ace, “Yeah!” while almost falling off of the counter top.
“I don’t think you two have full focus,” You continued to add the batter to the crusts.
Grim hissed and did his best to contribute, “Nyaha! What ‘bout that!”
Trey encouraged all of them more, “You guys are good. Keep up that pace.”
Grim boasted, “Hehe, anything’s easy-peasy for the future great magician, Grim!”
Ace countered him, “You get carried away too easily!”
“Quite the hypocrite, Ace.” You joined in the little argument.
Deuce was mumbling to himself through his internal crisis, “Eggs don’t… turn into chicks…?”
Ace wondered about Deuce, “What have you been saying, man!?”
“It might be better to ignore him,” You mentioned to Ace.
The rest of the process happened with relative quiet with some chatter.
Your group finally finished backing the tarts.
Ace had the brightest expression on his face with tall shoulders and a high head, “Alright, perfect!”
Grim eyes the tarts, “It looks so good!”
Trey finished his clean up before thanking everyone, “Thanks for the great work, guys. All that’s left is to put some marron glacé on top.”
“Me, me, pick me! I’ll do it!!” Grim waved his little paw high in the air almost hitting your face.
Ace jeered, “Don’t mess it up, okay?”
Grim took the glacé and began to spread it out on the tarts, “Leave it to me! There we go! As expected from me! This is gonna be the best tart ever!”
You just hoped that this tart was not ruined with how much effort some of your friends put in.
Trey grabbed the glacé from Grim and gave him some powdered sugar, “Alright, the last step is to sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and then…”
Maybe the tarts would be good.
Little shorter than normal, but it okay. Midterms be killers.
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leyyvi · 3 years
I remember at some point in paychecks Levi mentioning that Erwin couldn’t have a sugar baby because he’d fall in love with them kind of deal. So my mind kinda ran with that randomly and I wanted to share, if that’s okay: what I’ve been imagining is him being like “mm this works for Levi, I should try it.” (He should not) And going on a website and getting the pro sugar baby. And like she can tell he’s never done this before but he’s so handsome and so fucking rich and NICE. So she makes an exception.
While she is the perfect companion for his business trips and giving amazing massages after a stressful day and is just everything he could ever want. So of course Erwin is catching feelings so fast and it’s the sugar baby who won’t commit. Cause it’s her job. So Erwin is like buying all her time. He’ll go bankrupt trying to have her all to himself. But Levi is watching all this like -_- “your an idiot.” (I’ve been in an Erwin pit after rewatching season 3. I’m just comforting myself, sorry.)
Oh my god this would've made such a great subplot I'm actually screaming while reading this? I love this wtf!!
"You're an idiot," Levi says as he's literally texting Reader hoping she had a nice day today and making sure she's eating properly pft. Levi will roast Erwin about being smitten even though he's in the same damn boat the little hypocrite!! God that would've made such a great contrast in character storylines you actually have such a nice idea here 😭
The irony of Levi constantly warning Erwin not to fall in love as he's doing it in his own way. The possibility of this sugar baby knowing/meeting Reader. (Plot twist it's Ymir's friend) The potential for tension and drama AGH thank you for sharing!!! I'm loving thisss
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karmaticreverie · 2 years
TW - abuse and trafficking
I'm going to tell my story.
I was trafficked as a child.
My great-aunt's husband (non-bio uncle) was a pedophile. He started raping me when I was a toddler. I have memories going back to the age of 3. I don't know if it started before then, my first memory was from 3 yrs old.
It lasted until I was 12.
After I aged out of his preference, he traded/sold me to other men for girls in the ages he preferred.
I put a stop to it myself. And then finally told a teacher what happened at the age of 14.
When did my ED start? 12. Although, disordered eating started aprox. 11.
I got help the first time at 15. And well, it didn't help much. I wasn't severely underweight, yet. I was a student athlete and that actually helped. I loved sports.
College meant an athletic scholarship. So, still underweight but I maintained barely enough to play.
Then I was raped in college. Everything went downhill from there. My university put me in counseling. So, once again, I gained a few pounds so I could still play.
It's been a cycle since then and I managed to stop for a while, still underweight. Then came a cancer diagnosis...twice.
Stopped for a while, gained weight, and now I am here again. Sucking down a sugar free red bull because coffee (for me) is too many calories in the creamer.
How the fuck am I doing this again?
I cannot tell you to stop, because hypocritical much? Please don't end up like me tho. It really sucks.
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tintentrinkerin · 4 years
Cathartic Arrest
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Characters: Michael (Supernatural), Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Post-Hell Dean Winchester, Post-Lucifer’s Cage Sam Winchester, Dubious Consent, Caning, Codependent Winchesters (Supernatural), It’s all about inflicting and receiving punishment, Jealousy
Summary: ”Sam needs to cope with memories of Lucifer’s abuse. Dean is still trying to cope with this time as torture Master in Hell.
And he’s JEALOUS.”
Word Count 1,793
Sam was still shaking when he got back to the bunker. He had taken his time before he came back home, but still. This time, it had all been different. She had to help him back into his pants, his shirt, even tuck his shirt in, help him ground himself; when he still didn’t come down from what just happened, she made him sit in her “calm room” as she called it. 
She gave him food, good food. Fruits. Pineapple, strawberries, vanilla infused yoghurt. Juices of passion fruit and apples, bread with butter and some lean chicken tenders. He could choose whatever music he wanted, but all he ever would choose was hard rock – the music of his childhood, part of his youth and part of Dean. The music in his ears, usually is of a different, much more intense nature. He’d tried pop. One Direction. Too happy. He’d tried Nu Metal. He was too old to bounce back into his emo stage, also known as his years at Stanford. He had tried all kinds of metal. Trash, Death, Melodic, Symphonic. Nightwish. Later Aesthetic Perfection. All good music, quality wise. But nothing was ever louder than the noises in his head. The crying of baby Sam Winchester, inner-child Sam Winchester. Traumatized and angry and helpless. 
Only the noise of a cane meeting his skin, his ass, his legs, even his feet, his own painful cries, the muffled grunts, the thank you’s and the yes'es, the reenactment of his shame, would silence the child. It’d been rough today. The wax on his chest left pink swollen spots, the cane beat him bloody this time.
“I can stop, aye?” she said. 
“No, Mistress. Don’t. I want it to bleed.”
She’s not his Domme and he’s not her slave. He isn’t that twisted in his mind to reenact the power exchange, his own powerlessness. Michael watching. Michael. That god forsaken coward.
Sam was still shaking when he started Baby’s engine, slowly rolling away from the place he visits when pressing on his scar stops working. And it’s been working less and less and less. Until nothing else will help but being beaten up by someone to finally overcome the pain, the helplessness, the feeling of being weak and useless. Sam Winchester might be broken, but he still can take a beating without crying.
Dean hates liars. Which is kind of, let’s say  hypocritical, given his nature, his past. He lied to Sam about hell, he lied about the deal, he constantly lies to the only person who will probably never leave him. Because even if Sam does leave, he always comes back. He won’t even die for good. Dean doesn’t, Sam doesn’t. They’re here, two moons in this earth’s gravitational pull, doomed to circle each other; the forces of nature keeping them in place but always keeping them apart. 
It's one of those days when Sam says he’s about to go jogging, but since when does he have to drive fifty miles to some secluded forest area to jog when they're in the literal middle of nowhere? Dean has seen Sam in the showers. They have their privacy here, both want that or pretend to, but the showers are group showers, long lines of shower heads like in school gyms. They usually lock the doors, so why, this one time, does Sam not lock himself up like he used to? Dean knows about the nightmares, the triggers, the sudden flashbacks and the pressing of Sam’s thumb against the palm of his cut hand. He noticed cuts, deep cuts around Sam’s wrists, that never heal because he keeps on scratching off the scab. The bleeding never stops. 
Dean decides that today, enough is enough. He knows this trauma, he was in Hell too. He tortured innocent people, he tortured Bela fucking Talbot. A woman he really respected in the end, though he sugar coated it with cunt-y behaviour. He’s seen so many faces twisted in pain and agony – and all they do in the end? – cry for mama. They cry for their fucking mother, and Sam? Dean wonders who he cried for in the Cage?
Sam is packed up in his “jogging outfit” and he’s about to leave, when Dean gets up from his armchair in the library.
“Where ya goin’, Sammy?”
He jumps.
“Jesus, don’t scare me, man. Really? I’m going jogging.”
“There’s a whole ass forest in front of the batcave, Sam. Why not go there?”
Sam looks down and Dean knows, he’s angry. He’s angry because Dean caught him in his damn lie and there’s no good way out of it.
“I have a jogging buddy over there,” Sam clears his throat, his whole body is tense. Ready to run. Wherever.
“Ah, jogging buddy, I see. Lemme guess, their name is Mistress Lana and he looks bomb in tracksuits.”
Sam is about to erupt and he grows, his posture straightens and he yells. “This is private Dean, you have no, absolutely NO right to spy after me like a--”
“Like a what?”
“Like a fucking jealous wife who caught me in an affair?”
Dean falls silent, but his body, pure, condensed power, anger, fear, slams his arm against Sam’s throat and presses him to the wall. 
“It is exactly like that. You drive an hour to see a dominatrix, to what? You become a subby bootlicker all of a sudden? You like that?”
Sam’s nostrils flare and damn, now Dean is on freakin’ thin ice. He is so goddamn jealous of this woman giving Sam something that Dean would give him freely. And happily. He would give him the relief he needs. 
“Don’t talk like that!” Sam hisses, trying to wind himself out of Dean’s grip but he’s still sore from the last time Lana tied him up like a Christmas present and hung him on the wall like a pig-half at the butcher’s. Sam loved the marks of the rough rope, loved the feeling of just hanging there, floating, the ground beneath him so far away, the rock bottom so far…“You have no idea how I feel!”
Dean’s head tilts to the side. “I tortured people in Hell, Sam. I know how to make you feel the worst pain of your life – but I can also give you the greatest relief. I can show you mercy, because that’s what you really want. Isn’t it?”
Sam finally breaks free and attacks Dean, one hit after another, breaks Dean’s nose, gives him a black eye, and it only stops when Dean lands a blow right over Sam’s kidney – he staggers back. 
“I deserve the pain,” Sam wheezes. “I don’t rely on anyone’s mercy.”
Dean drags him up and brings Sam, who is suddenly so pliant, to his room. What no one has ever known about is the secret door. Dean’s not a witch, Sam would be a great one, but Dean managed to hide a tiny little torture chamber behind his room. Sam fights,  he insults Dean. Dean knows, yes he knows, it’s Sam’s way of provoking him and, kind of, making Dean stop. 
Sam knows that, when he came back from Hell, Dean fucked around even more than before he’d died –but no one ever saw him with the girls, the submissive ones, the broken little dolls he found. This is Deam’s coping. Reenacting Hell.
Sam clings on to Dean when he’s tied to the bench, naked. Sam is still black and blue, some of his bruises had turned green-yellowish already but no one should hurt him there again. These bruises would take ages to heal, if they’re lucky, without a doctor needed. Sam isn’t fighting anymore, he’s crying.
“Please Dean, take it off of me. Please… I can’t… Take it OFF!”
“I can’t”, Dean says, gently, brushing away Sam’s tears.“Does she fuck you?”
A gasp. “What? Why--?”
“Simple question, Sammy. Does. She. Fuck you?”
Sam nods, hiding his face in his hair and pressing his forehead against the padding.
“I can’t spank you in this condition. You have to heal. Why would you go to that woman when you’re still so roughed up?”
“Why do you care?”Sam’s voice is so thin. Little, scared Sammy, and there was no one in the Cage to save him from what happened. 
“Sammy.” Is all Dean says.
“My Sammy.”
Dean is not like that. He loves Sammy, and he would do a lot, but he won’t do That.
Dean’s favorite is his cane. Rattan. Unpeeled. Sam endures several hard blows, in a staccato, a rhythm other people would faint from. But Sammy is strong, and he wants to be broken.
And Dean is giving him that. He can think of the girls and boys in Hell while doing it, like he’s not the one inflicting this pain on Sam, but it feels so damn good. Purging. Sam’s cries and whimpers, his yells and finally, finally, when Dean is about to lose control and maul Sam alive – there’s the one Sammy would cry for.
A gasp. The blows stop. Blood dripping down Sam’s legs. 
So gentle. So tender. So silent. 
“Dean, I want to go home….” and that is truly when Sam is broken, the last bastion of his mind, his pride, his goddamn pride is stripped from him. He babbles, he cries, snot and tears and gulps, he even chokes on his cries. “I want to be home with Dean, please hold me, Dean, take me home, Dean…”
Dean dissolves. His own trauma resolves for a minute. He knows, it will never fully go away, he will never heal. But.
“Sammy. I’m here, Sammy. Come here. I’ll take you home, my baby brother. I’m here.”
“Dean, I love you”, Sam chokes out. It could be anything. It could be nothing.
“Sammy, I love you more.”
Dean leans onto Sam’s heaving, still tied up body, sweat and blood, tears, the sobs. When Dean releases Sam from the restraints and carries him to a sofa, he huddles up in Dean's lap. Like a newborn. Overwhelmed with the world outside, sobbing and crying for Dean. Dean is here, holding him tight. Offering him water and more blankets.
Lucifer has never been closer, but Dean has blown him away from Sam. He made Sam just forget for a while. It’s so fucked up, but he can live with fucked up. As long as it’s with Sam and Sam never, fucking never, goes to a whore again when he can have everything from Dean.
Dean will do anything for Sam. 
“I’m here. You’re home.”
»And I will never let you go.«
@laxe-chester67 @deanking @vulgar-library @writethelifeyouwant @itsabookishblog @schaefchenherde @sacrificialtendencies @cloudesworld @all-4-wincest @ohnoitsthebat @rpsocsandcanonohmy @stemroses @nightmarecait @lostmykiliel @alexa-alcantara @wincestismyheart @closetedshippers @dragonardhill @alex-is-a-gay-human
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ladyanput · 4 years
Seeing Red Ch.4
The morning had been boring as all hell, not that that had surprised Eva. A free day for everyone to scatter and she decided to avoid Bustier and to let Marinette have a fun day exploring Gotham, with friends, of course.
So she had talked herself to going to a cute little cafe and ordering herself a slice of cheesecake and a cup of hot chocolate. She took a seat in a booth and just enjoyed the solitary moment to herself. No idiot teachers, no bratty students, no stress of anything. Just her and this cheesecake that would go straight to her hips.
“What are you doing here all by yourself?" 
Eva looked up and met the impossibly blue eyes of Jason Todd. She was so startled at the sight of him that she began coughing as she swallowed a mouthful of hot cocoa wrong. Embarrassment burned her cheeks as she hacked at the sudden pain, doubling over on the table. She soon felt Jason’s large hand settle on her back and begin rubbing it.
"Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, Eva.” Jason winced when he saw her watering eyes and red face. He had been just as surprised to see her in this small cafe, and like an idiot he had just strode up and demanded why she was there like a jackass.
“It’s fine, I’m fine.” She reached out a hand to set it on his shoulder, trying not to notice how broad it was under her hand. She forced a smile as she sat up, using a napkin to wipe her mouth. “I was off in my daydreams, so I guess it was going to be inevitable that something would scare me." 
The two shared a smile before Jason motioned to the seat across from her. At Eva’s nod, he took a seat. They stared at each other for a while, before Jason cleared his throat, suddenly feeling rather embarrassed.
"So.. Damian is rather lovestruck, I’d say. It’s a bit scary, he’s always been this hardass, no nonsense kind of guy, then he meets this French girl and he’s all doe eyed and smiled more. He’s not supposed to smile.” Jason shook his head, quickly ordering himself a coffee when the waitress came over.
“I was a bit hesitant about Marinette dating him.” Eva admitted as she poked at her cheesecake with her, keeping her gaze lowered. “I mean, they’ve barely known each other for a week and suddenly they’re dating? Pardon me if I’m skeptical.”
Jason opened his mouth to agree, but his mind quickly flashed to the past couple of nights. It wasn’t dating exactly, but it was a fair bit… Hypocritical of himself to agree.
"If Damian hurts her, how about I break both of his legs?” He reached out and set his hand over hers, only to feel his heart begin to race when she turned her hand to grasp his.
“And I’ll break both of his arms, and we can toss his body in the river." 
The two shared a smile, and before they both knew it, they were walking around Gotham, trading stories and laughing, before they eventually arrived in front of the hotel, Eva with a hesitance to her body language.
“What’s wrong?” Jason began to reach out, but stopped himself and tucked his hands into his pockets. 
“Nothing, I just.. I like this job, I really do, it’s just.. I don’t like Caline, or the kids, except Marinette of course, some of them aren’t so bad, butI think I’m going to go grey soon!” Eva ran her fingers through her hair, seeming a bit rattled at the feeling of the words bursting from her lips. “I want to kind of quit, but.. I’m only there for a year, and I love France, but the circumstances are shit.”
“I thought I sensed some tension on your shoulders. Dick told me all about that class, especially that Rossi chick. Trust me, liars like her don’t last very long, eventually her lies catch up to her. And surely there’s something else keeping you sane, right? Maybe a boyfriend…?”
Jason didn’t know why he was fishing. It was a fling, nothing important, but the thought of Eva having a boyfriend.. It didn’t make him feel very good.
“…” Those purple eyes were suddenly downcast, a frown settling on those impossibly soft lips. “No.. There hasn’t been anyone for a long time. I mean, there’s a guy in Gotham that I met that I kind of want to get to know more, but we kind of agreed to not get into that kind of relationship. Besides, he and I have only known each other for a few days, it’d be a bit weird to suddenly jump into a romantic relationship like that, right?” 
He didn’t know exactly how to answer that. Jason.. He never really had a good deal with ladies, he liked both guys and girls, but love.. It wasn’t something he wanted to pursue, because well, he was a broken man. A man with a fucked up past that he didn’t want to burden on anyone else. 
“Anyways, I should get inside, it was a pretty long day.” She gave him a small smile, and a playful wink. “I’ll need as much beauty rest as I can get with these kids.”
As he watched her walk away, a small smile played on his lips as his eyes drifted to the sway of those hips, a sway that showed that she meant business. How could it be that anyone could have such a perfect ass?
Eva entered the hotel, spotting Marinette surrounded by a few of her friends. With a sudden spring in her step, Eva began to make her way over to the girl, though her steps faltered upon the sight of the desk clerk motioning her over.
“Ma’am, I do hope you had a good day today. Er.. We found that we charged your card with some unnecessary purchases during your night at the bar, and to try and fix that hiccup, we decided to give you one of the better rooms.” The clerk blurted out with incredible speed, holding out a key card, her bright and cheerful smile not once cracking. “I do hope that you will forgive us for this inconvenience and enjoy the rest of your stay.”
“Oh.. Well, thank you.” Eva glanced between the clerk and the key card. She had just checked her bank account an hour ago, and there had been no other charges than that bottle of wine.. “Well, I guess I’ll get my stuff.”
“Oh, we already had the staff move it for you, so that you can simply go and have a relaxing night. And any room service for the rest of your stay is on us!” The clerk put in quickly, before giving a soft giggle. “Have a good evening, Miss Bourbon.”
Eva’s brows drew together as she stared down at the key card in her hand. She slowly made her way over to where Marinette stood, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
"What’s that?” Nino blinked in surprise at the sight of the shiny new key card.
“I.. Guess I got a new room..” Eva murmured, before turning her gaze to Marinette. “I also got a free dinner. Wanna join me for a bit?”
The smile she received in return made the whole thing seem so much more tolerable.
“So.. Has Damian called you?” Eva grinned at the sight of the blush rising in Marinette’s cheeks. “My goodness, sugar cookie, I think you’ve got it worse than when you had your crush on Adrien.”
“I do not! I mean, I can actually talk to Damian without making a complete fool of myself..” Marinette took a hold of one of her pigtails, tugging on it as her blush only grew worse. “And.. I think he actually cared about me. Like, really cares.”
“Ugh, young love, it’s too sweet, I’m going to get sick.” Eva faked a retching noise, only to have a pillow thrown at her face.
“Eva, I’m serious! I think that maybe I can finally have something.. Something real.” Mari murmured as she hugged one of the other pillows to her chest, an almost dreamy look crossing her face. “I mean.. It could be something amazing.”
Babe, you and I are something real..
Eva tensed as she felt the ice spread in her stomach, David’s face flashing in her mind, his smug grin as he grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her in for a kiss…
A knock at the door tore Eva from those thoughts, causing her to rush over, avoiding meeting Marinette’s curious eyes.
“Well.. If you do want to pursue this relationship.. Please be careful, Marinette. I know that you think this guy is great, but,” Her grip tightened so hard on the doorknob that her knuckles turned white. “, First impressions can be deceiving.”
They were served in an overly fancy fashion, their meals kept under silver domes, the room service worker pouring both ladies each a glass of sparkling pomegranate juice, before they were left sitting at the small table in silence.
“How.. Did you get this room again?” Marinette posed her pasta dish absentmindedly with her form, while Eva shrugged in response. “You should have seen the look on Miss Bustier’s face when she found out you got a better room. Lila is spreading around a rumour that you slept with a staff member to get special treatment.”
“You know what, let’s not worry about those two anymore. I’m tired of Lila and you guys are graduating this year, in a few months, so I’m not going to give her the time of day anymore. Her lies won’t work out there in the real world, because unlike Alya, people actually check their fucking facts.” Eva muttered as she sipped the juice, trying to ignore the growing anger in her chest. Those people weren’t worth it. “Now, about Damian Wayne.. Listen, Marinette, you’ve fallen for a pretty rich boy before, just take this slower, please. You claimed that you fell in love with Adrien the very day you met him, and I’m sorry, but love just doesn’t work like that. Yeah, you can feel attraction, but love is so much more.”
Marinette was quiet as she finally took a bit of her food, refusing to meet Eva’s invasive gaze. She seemed to be almost tearing up as she swallowed and finally spoke.
“I know, Eva, but.. I don’t think it’s wrong to believe in love. People fall in love every day, and I feel like Damian is going to be better than Adrien. He is actually acting like an adult, he seems to actually be.. Well, you know, he actually cares and is aware of reality.”
Eva clicked her tongue , but nodded. Adrien was a bit of an.. An airhead, in Eva’s eyes. He never seemed to fully grasp what was going on, or how life actually worked. Marinette had gone through far too much thanks to her crush on that boy.
“Sugar cookie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I was demeaning.” Eva sighed and stood, moving over and pulling the girl into a tight hug. “I just care, you know? You’re the only family I have.”
“You’re lucky to have a little sister like me.” Marinette teased as she hugged her back, smiling to herself as she felt the warmth radiating off of her. “But I do appreciate the advice. I was a complete mess with Adrien.”
“We’re all a mess with our first crush.” Eva kissed the top of her head. “Now finish your food before it gets cold.”
Eva sighed to herself as she stared at herself in the mirror. She touched the corners of her eyes, glaring at the dark shadows under her eyes. Her body jolted when she heard a knock at the window, slowly making her way over and cautiously opened the curtains. At the sight of Red Hood dangling outside her window caused her to grin.
“Never think of entering through my door?” She teased as she let him inside, only to let out a cry of surprise as he scooped her up in his embrace, giving his shoulder a playful smack. “You’re covered in snow, asshole, you’re freezing!”
“You were on my mind all day. You and this sexy ass of yours.” Red Hood growled softly as he gave her ass a sharp squeeze through her pyjama pants. “And that sharp tone of yours.”
“You insatiable pervert, I must be really turning you into a sex fiend, huh?” Eva taunted, giving her hips a playful wriggle, her heart beginning to pound in her chest.
“Only for you, you little vixen. It’s illegal to be as sexy as you are.”  Red Hood gave her ass a smack then, causing her to moan.
“Hmm, then are you taking me into the coppers, Red Hood? Finally gonna cuff me and put me behind bars?” She giggled as she was thrown onto the bed, his hands sliding along her body as he pinned her underneath him.
“I suppose you. Be careful what you say, anything you say can and will be held against you, my vixen..” He whispered as he began to unbutton her top, his gloved hand sliding in to grasp one of her breasts and squeezing it. “Fuck..”
“Red Hood..” Eva panted out, arching her back as she felt the cold material of the gloves on her heated skin. “Red Hood, my Red Hood..”
“Mmm, naughty girl. Maybe I should teach you a lesson before taking you in..” He growled, reaching over to the lamp to switch it off.
A knock at her door caused them both to freeze.
“Miss Bourbon? Are you there?” Adrien’s muffled voice could be heard, causing Eva to curse under her breath.
“Ignore him..” Red Hood hissed, once again reaching for the lamp once again, only to let out a frustrated growl when Adrien knocked once again. “I’m going to kick that kid’s ass.”
“You shush, Casanova, he must be having quite the bit of trouble if he’s coming to me and not Caline.” Eva rolled out from under Red Hood and grumbled as she buttoned up her shirt, then pulled on a robe. “But don’t worry, if you ever come to Paris, I’ll point out a lazy cat themed superhero whose ass you can destroy.”
Jason watched as Eva fixed her appearance; smoothing down her messy hair, adjusting the robe to hide her lack of a bra, though he noticed her skin was still rather rosy. It was funny, hearing her speak so.. So brashly, while she always appeared like those high class ladies he would see at those weird events he had gone to with Bruce before.. Before th Joker had killed him. 
“Well, if the kid’s in trouble, I know you can help him, you would obviously go through gunfire for that girl, so I guess you’d do that for anyone.” Red Hood teased.
“No..” Alya and Lila’s faces flashed in her mind and for a moment, Eva felt shame. “Not anyone.”
As Eva set a hand on the doorknob, she felt Red Hood’s arms wrap around her waist, hugging her tightly.
“Tomorrow.. I’m going to take you on a proper date, okay? Well, as proper of a date as a vigilante like myself can do. No secret apartment rendezvous, no drinking beer on a roof, just something nice, okay?” He whispered, and Eva found her cheeks began to burn. 
“That sounds great.. Um.. H- have a good night, Red.” She whispered back, leaning into his embrace. When he finally let go and left, the room felt so cold, so empty. She felt so empty.
“Oh, Miss Bourbon! Sorry if I woke you, I was just hoping we could talk.” Adrien blurted out as soon as the woman opened the door. At her skeptical look, he pressed his hands together in a pleading gesture. “Please! I was wrong, wrong about Lila and I want to make it up to Marinette. You’re the only one who’s close to her now, so you’ll know what to do.” 
“Fine.” Eva pulled on her robe tighter, then propped open the door and let him inside. At his questioning look, she shrugged. “In case Lila happens upon the room and tries anything, the door is wide open, I have nothing to hide. Besides, I’m tired, Adrien, I was about to turn in for the night.”
‘Oh.. I’m sorry… Adrien murmured as he entered the room, taking a look around, a bit surprised at how extravagant everything was, it even had its own mini bar. “The hotel was really generous to give you this.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t really need it, though a room without Bustier is a dream come true.”
Adrien looked as if he were about the comment, but wisely kept his mouth shut. He turned his gaze to the open window and squinted ever so slightly at the sight of the faint foot impressions on the sill. Had someone broken in? Or.. Had Ladybug been here? His green eyes settled on Eva, who had turned the Keurig on, his heart beginning to pound. She had to be the key to Ladybug, to his lady, to his rightful happily ever after.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” The T.A. walked over with two steaming mugs. She handed once to Adrien.  “Hot chocolate. I remember one time you mentioned to Nino that you can’t drink coffee because it would stain your teeth.”
“Um.. Thank you, Miss Bourbon.” Adrien waited for her to say a cheerful ‘oh please, call me Eva!’, but it never came. She merely sat down, taking a long sip of her black coffee. His eyes trained on the array of dark bruises on her neck and collarbone, hiding a smirk as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. She certainly must be easy if she was already with someone here in Gotham, she must be encouraging Ladybug to follow her behaviour with Damian too. Adrien made a mental note that once he finally convinced Ladybug to date him, he’d get her as far away from Evangeline Bourbon as possible, maybe get the T.A. sent back to Canada. He couldn’t have his future wife becoming so wanton and loose.
“I just want to know what I did wrong, Miss Bourbon. I tried so hard to try and get everyone to get along, I didn’t bully anyone, I never said anything hurtful to Marinette, did I?” Adrien met her gaze, met those eyes that sent chills down his spine. 
Eva closed her eyes briefly as she prayed to every god and goddess up in the heavens to give her patience. 
“That’s the problem, Adrien, since you tried to get everyone to get along, that you merely put a band-aid over a chainsaw wound. And, Marinette felt like you were ignoring her feelings, making Lila a priority.” Eva clicked her tongue softly.
“B-but what if Lila gets akumatized if we expose her?! If Marinette just put the lies aside and got along with her, we’d all be happy again!” Adrien burst out.
“So you say that Marinette should just roll over and take it, because it inconveniences you? Adrien, Lila has been akumatized over fifteen times, and those are just the ones we know of. She’s always going to get akumatized, Adrien, there is really no way without it. But imagine how much it’s going to hurt when this eventually gets out.” She trailed a fingertip around the rim of her mug. “Think really hard about all of this.”
Adrien was quiet for a long time, his grip tightening slightly on his mug. 
“I’m sorry.. I guess.. M-my mother left a few years ago, she always told me that you should work hard to keep the light in the world, since it can be so cruel.” He whispered, bowing his head.
Eva flinched as a memory flashed across her mind; her mother getting in her car and driving off, never to return, leaving her all alone with her pathetic father. Pity filled her chest as she remembered how cold Gabriel Agreste was to his son. To lose a mother, to have an absentee father, in a sense.. It definitely causes one to be vulnerable. And Adrien certainly was a sheltered boy, so I guess it made a bit of sense..
“Listen, if you really want to get on good terms with Marinette again, you’ll need to apologize. Maybe do something nice for her to show you actually mean it and aren’t putting out empty air.”
Adrien grinned, Eva missing the almost mad glint in his eyes.
“Yes, of course! I know exactly what to do!”
Taglist: @the-navistar-carol @chocolate1721 @emo-elaine13 @mochinek0 @drarryismylife101 @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @imtryingsstuff @shamefullove  
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goldenlaquer · 4 years
Relationship headcanons sfw & nswf for Nasu Yoichi from drifters , pretty please?
With sugar on top? Say no more :) 
Nasu no Yoichi Relationship Headcanons (SFW and NSFW):
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Yoichi is one frustrating guy. 
He’s pretty much got a front row, center seat to every embarrassing moment you have. Even if you aren’t the clumsy type, he somehow knows when you’ll make a small slip, whether it’s a stumble over air or a little pebble, appearing with a grin as you awkwardly pick yourself up the ground. And oh, does he exploit it, bringing up the dumb moment when you’d least expect it, during a serious meeting or what not, whispering in your ear, “Remember that time...?” The blush that makes its way to the surface of your cheeks is his solace and he pokes at them, laughing as you swat him away. 
Whenever you want a kiss or a bit of handholding, Yoichi enjoys antagonizing you before you can get the goods, fluttering his eyelashes at you as he snidely says, “Aren’t you a little bit too old to be so clingy?” But he does comply at the last minute, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips in order to placate your pouts and huffs, and linking his fingers with yours with a squeeze. 
And he’s a hypocrite, too! Making fun of you being needy, while he’s practically touch-starved himself, wrapping himself around your shoulders when he can, nuzzling his cheek against your chest and neck and not letting go no matter what you say or do. Honestly!
But don’t say he isn’t fun. Yoichi’s got all the latest gossips and tidbits about the happenings around the camp, sharing everything with you as he twirls his fingers around a strand of your hair. And he lets you in the pranks that he pulls on the other Drifters, proudly grinning back at you once the prank is played successfully (he particularly liked that one prank where he switched Toyohisa’s fundoshi with--) 
You wouldn’t think he’d be the type to be territorial with you, right? But when someone other than him, say someone like Nobunaga, tries to tease you, Yoichi slings his arm around your shoulders and pulls a reverse card on them, viciously attacking them back with his wit and clever tongue, until they’re like damn, it wasn’t even that serious, and back off of you. 
His message is clear: Only he can mess with you. 
It’s one thing to be seduced, and it’s another thing to be greeted by Yoichi’s slim legs straddling your torso, pinning you down to the ground, the long strands over his hair sensually falling down one side of his face, while the other uncovered eye is gleaming down at you.
“Well?” He purrs, grin widening at the flush rising up your face. “What’s next?”
He is an eager lover, often pulling the unsuspecting you into dark corners to have a go, but he’s also a little shit; he likes to keep you squirming by playing dumb during sex, starting and stopping his questing fingers and hips at the worst intervals, eyes flickering to you as he innocently asks “Why are you so red? Is it a fever?” or “That sound you just made... do you want me to stop?” That, and paired with his smug smile is enough to make you groan in frustration. If you want him to resume, you’ll have to talk to him, describe everything that you want him to do to you and more-- in great detail, mind you, because Yoichi can’t read minds, so how would he know what you want? Evil, little shit.
Worship him. Do it. Lave kisses to his throat, chest, legs, and hands. Whisper your reverence and praises into his skin. The words turn Yoichi a pink color from to the tip of his ears to the tip of his weeping cock, and it only fuels his desire to have you. 
The reciprocation is off-the-fucking-charts. Probably the greatest sight you will ever see is Yoichi’s pretty face pushed against your cunt, his face shiny as his tongue works in tandem with his skilled fingers. And after he brings you to completion, Yoichi likes to rest his cheek against your trembling thigh, eyes curved into half-moons, and shamelessly say, “I’m great, aren’t I?”
When you want to dominate him, all Yoichi does is eagerly lay for you, spreading his slender body across the grass (because Yoichi likes doing it in nature, OK?), laughing that tinkling laugh as you take your position above him, which quickly turns into moans that’ll sear into your brain. 
Also, it’s a great position to torture him back for being such a tease to you every damn day. For one, there’s easy access to his sensitive nipples. You can squeeze and tug to your heart’s content as you slowly ride him, ignoring his hisses and gasps for you to go faster.
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dontcare77ghj · 5 years
Healthy Patterns
Tony x reader x Bucky
Notes: Bucky was frozen at the same time as Steve. Bucky did not kill Tony’s parents but still has a metal arm
The team thought it was funny that the three of you were together. The three of you were such incredibly different people it was weird to watch you all interact with each other. Tony was a sarcastic asshole most of the time, Bucky was incredibly headstrong and resilient, and you were one of sweetest people some of the team had met. 
Somehow though, despite your opposite personalities, the three of you fit together. Though Tony was an asshole he was thoughtful and sweet with the two of you, Bucky was headstrong when it came to the two of you he would do anything to make you two happy and just because you were sweet did not mean you didn’t fight the hardest on missions or in battle because you would do anything to keep the two men safe. 
What the team didn’t see was how similar the three of you were. Especially in your unhealthy patterns.
“It’s two in the morning, Tony. Please just come to bed.” You begged, standing in the doorway of his lab. “Christ sakes, Buck’s in bed tonight.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’ve just got to finish this tonight.” He sighed, barely looking up from his tablet. “I promise I’ll be in bed tomorrow night.”
“Tony, you are running yourself into the ground. At the rate you’re going I’m scared you’re going to make yourself ill.” You told him, stepping closer to the man.
“Oh, sweetheart, you worry too much. I’m going to be fine.” He assured, putting the tablet down and gesturing for you to come to him. Once you were close enough, he wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you onto his lap.
“Tony, one day you’re not going to be okay.” You murmured. “One day you’re just not.”
“Sweetheart, trust me, for as long as I’m needed, I’m going to be alright.” He promised, raising your chin with two fingers and pressed his lips to yours.
“Come to bed, please.” You whispered as you pulled away. “We miss you.”
“Okay.” He agreed. “Okay, I’ll come up.” He said.
“Great.” You chirped, hoping off his lap and walking towards the door. “You coming, tiger?” You questioned, a small smirk crossing your face.
“You’re devious.” Tony groaned as he stood and followed you into the elevator. “I don’t know why people think you’re the sweet one, you’re evil.”
“They think I’m sweet because I am.” You smiled. “I am as sweet as sugar is fucking delicious.”
“That you are.” He chuckled as the elevator arrived at the floor you shared with Bucky.
“I didn’t think you’d actually get him to come up here.” Bucky commented as you both entered the bedroom. “Did she give you the face?”
“No, she guilt tripped me.” Tony grumbled, moving over the small fridge he kept in the corner of the room. “I’m telling you; we’re involved with an evil one.”
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked Tony as you climbed in with him. Turning to look at the man, you saw him pulling out an almost empty bottle of whiskey.
“Just having a sip.” Tony said before finishing off the bottle. 
“Five bucks.” Bucky said, turning to you with a hand out. “I told you so.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know you did.” You grumbled. “I’ll give it to you in the morning. I’m too tired to grab my purse at the moment.” You said, laying down.
“Wait what? Why does Y/N owe you money?” Tony questioned, pulling off his shirt.
“Because we had a bet and I won. I told her even if you did come up, you would have a drink.” Bucky said, wrapping his arm around you.
“I don’t always have a drink.”
“Yes you do!” You snapped, sitting up. “It’s every night and every time we bring it up you dismiss it. Is sleeping next to us so bad you need to be buzzed to do it?” You questioned.
“No, no, sweetheart, that’s not it at all.” Tony said, sitting next to you on the bed. “I swear that’s not it all.”
“Then what is it, tone?” Bucky asked him. Tony didn’t say anything as he merely stared at the two of you.
“Forget it. Let’s just go to bed.” You sighed, shrugging Tony’s hand off and turning over.
“I do it to stop the nightmares.” Tony admitted after a minute of silence. “Since the whole Loki thing I can’t sleep.” He continued, seeing the two of you turn to him and listen. “I can’t sleep without having to watch the two of you die over and over again. The alcohol numbs it enough I don’t have to remember it in the morning.”
“Tony why didn’t you just tell us?” Bucky questioned him. “We would’ve understood.”
“I’m a Stark, I’ve been bottling things in since I was born.” He snarked before letting out a sigh. “I also just didn’t want either of you to know. I didn’t want you to think I’m weak.”
“Oh, honey, come here.” You cooed, pulling Tony into your arms. “Go to sleep, honey. We'll talk this over in the morning some more, okay?” You said, running your fingers through Tony’s short hair. 
Tony didn’t get to reply as the combination of alcohol and your soothing fingers lulled him off to sleep. 
“We'll talk to him tomorrow.” Bucky agreed, pulling the two of you closer and drifted off to sleep. With a nod you closed your eyes and rested your head on Buck’s chest.
Tomorrow. You would talk tomorrow.
Non-reader POV
Tony didn’t quit drinking, but he did stop drinking before going to sleep. It was because of Bucky and Y/N that he began to see a psychiatrist. Tony could sleep at night once again thanks to their help but tonight he just seemed unable to.
Tony sat up as slowly as possible, expecting to see both his partners asleep next to him but only saw one. Tony let out a sigh as he realized which of his partners wasn’t in bed. As carefully as he could he slid out of bed and wrapped the blankets around a still sleeping Y/N.
“And what are you doing out here?” Tony asked, walking into the living room. Buck’s head shot up from the book he was reading and had the decency to look guilty.
“Hi, babe, you look nice.” Bucky said, cheeks red.
“Don’t sweet talk me, mister.” Tony scolded. “It’s three in the morning, you’re supposed to be in bed with me and Y/N.”
“I know. I just, really wanted to read this book.” Bucky told Tony as said man moved closer to him.
“Bullshit.” Tony scoffed. “Steve gave you that book a month ago, if you’d wanted to read it you would’ve done it a while ago. I’m not an idiot Buck.”
“I know.” Bucky sighed, resting his head in his hands.
“Is this about what happened the other night?” Tony asked, sitting next to the brunette.
“No.” He responded quickly.
“It is.” Tony said. “You know she doesn’t blame you for that, right?”
“She should.” Bucky said firmly. “She should hate me. How can she bare to look at me? I’m a monster.”
“You are not a monster.” Tony denied him. “You are not a monster. You are our Bucky and our Bucky is no monster.”
“I hurt her.” Bucky said, still not looking at the man next to him. “I physically hurt her and that’s on me. All me.”
“No it’s not.” Y/N said. Tony looked up and saw their girlfriend, standing in the doorway. She had little on apart from Bucky’s shirt, which was big enough it was sliding off her shoulder showing the fresh bruise on her neck. “It was an accident Buck, you are not a monster.”
“I hurt you, doll. I had a nightmare and I attacked you. There’s no excuse for that.”
“You did not attack me. You got spooked and you weren’t fully awake. It was a mistake, Buck, you didn’t mean it.” Y/N said, kneeling down in front of the man.
“Accidents happen. We all do things we don’t mean but you can’t keep sleeping out here because you’re scared to hurt one of us.” Tony added. 
“What if next time, it’s not a bruise?” Bucky asked, finally looking up. “What if next time I seriously injure one of you? Or worse.”
“You won’t.” Tony told him firmly. “Because we love you and you love us. You’re not going to hurt us.”
“Now come back to bed. It’s cold without you neither of us can sleep without you there.” Y/N said, making Bucky crack a small smile for the first time that night.
“Are you trying to guilt me into healthy sleep habits?”
“I don’t know, is it working?” Y/N teased, rising to a stand. She held both hands out to the still sitting men and pulled them to a stand.
“I love you two. Thank you for everything.” Bucky murmured to the two long after they fell asleep on his broad chest.
And Bucky didn’t leave the bed again that night.
Reader POV
Every night for the past week, like clockwork, you would wake up three hours after falling asleep. And every night you would sneak out onto the balcony and pull out your hidden pack of cigarettes. You wouldn’t call yourself a smoker per say, but after a sleep like that, a smoke was the only thing that calmed you down.
“That’s going to kill you.” A voice said as you lit the stick. You shook your head and leaned against the railing as you inhaled a long puff.
“Well something is going to. It’s either this or a bullet.” You commented, not looking back at the person. “What are you doing up here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Bucky said, moving to stand beside you. “I decided to come up here when I noticed my girlfriend sneaking out of bed every night and coming back smelling like a nicotine factory.”
“Funny but just so you know, I only have one.” You said, inhaling another drag.
“This is going to kill you doll.” Bucky said, taking it out of your hand and having his own drag. “Plus, it’s certainly not going to help you sleep.”
“Okay first off; that was hypocritical.” You told him, watching as he put the smoke out. “And secondly I don’t want to sleep.”
“Doll you were asleep for three hours before you came out here. There’s no way you’re going to function well tomorrow.” Bucky sighed.
“I’ve gotten by on less.” You shrugged.
“How come you’ve never mentioned you’re a smoker, baby doll?” The man asked you as you stared at the world below.
“Because it’s not that big a deal. I don’t do it all the time, sometimes I just need one after a bad night. It’s only ever one, it’s not that big a deal.” You said without looking at him.
“What do you mean, bad nights?”
“Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had issues with sleep paralysis. It’s the one thing that scares the shit out of me because it feels like this it and I’m going to die. Sometimes I just can’t cope.” You said, turning towards him. “It doesn’t happen as often as it did when I was a kid but this week, it just won’t stop. And I can’t make it stop. I just want it to stop.”
“Darling why didn’t you tell us about any of this?” Bucky asked you.
“I hate talking about it. I hate having to resort to nicotine after an episode. I just hate it all.”
“You should have talked to us about this, sweetheart. We would’ve understood.” Tony said, making his presence on the balcony known.
“I know. I know, I just never got around to it.” You said as Tony walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Well now we know. And we're going to help you, if you want our help that.” Bucky said, enveloping the two of you in his warmth.
“Please.” You begged.
“Well first you’re going to give me the rest of your smokes.” Bucky told you, putting his hand out in front of you. After a second you placed the remainder of your carton in his hands. "I'm throwing them out brcause you dont need them, baby doll. They're not good for you." 
“And now we’re going to head inside. You don’t have to sleep if you don’t want to, but it’s cold out here.” Tony said, manoeuvring the three of you so you could all shuffle inside. Tony guided the two of you back to bed, where the two men climbed in leaving a space in between them for you.
You bit down on your lip as you stared at the open space between them.
“Come on, sweetheart. We’ll keep you safe.” Tony said, pulling the blanket back for you. You let out a breath before nodding and crawling in between the two.
“We’re here, doll, no more smoking. If you go back to sleep and have more paralysis, wake us up.” Bucky said, pulling you and Tony close to him. You nodded at his words and relaxed into the two's hold
It took you two hours to finally fall asleep and you did wake an hour later but this time you didn't resort to nicotine instead gently waking Bucky and Tony who stayed awake with you until the sun rose.
You felt bad for waking the two, but talking with the two felt better than a nicotine high.
The three of you had bad habits. They were things you were working on and occasionally relapsed upon but you were working together. You were working together to gain healthy habits. To gain healthy patterns
@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @skeletoresinthebasement @hopingforbarnes @rvgrsbrns @agent-barnes40 @smilexcaptainx @starlingelliot
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p---ink · 4 years
Could you realistically date the people you write/read about?
I was tagged by @another-stark-sub, and I've got to say this game looks super fun. I haven't written a lot of these characters...yet, but I have watched and read about them, so let’s get into it! Some of these I will be using their zodiac signs to go off of, because I don’t know much about them. 
Tony Stark: Absolutely-fucking not! I too am 21, and because he's 52,53 in the MCU, I couldn't see that ever happening. I wouldn't mind if he was my sugar daddy though (just kidding; I can't stand it when people let alone men buy me things) and I would love to fool around (with him when he's in his prime; 40-45), but actually sitting down, and falling in love with each other? No. Even if he was closer in age to me, I’d still be intimidated by his intelligence and wealth. I would feel I had nothing to offer in the relationship. I would love to be friends with RDJ though, I think we both have silly personalities. 
Peter Parker: A million times YES! Peter is a major sweetheart. And because i’ve dealt with so many guys who are the opposite, I would be willing to make my relationship with him work. He just seems like the type of guy who not only cares about his partner’s needs, but other people’s as well...to put it in other terms, he’s the type of guy to treat everyone with kindness, whether he's attracted to them or not. And guys, if a person is kind even to the people they can't benefit from, that means they're a good person. 
Steve Rogers: I don't know if Steve and I would last, but we would definitely enjoy the experiences we have with each other. Like I said before, I am 21, and while I loveeeee older men, I would want to marry someone who isn't more than 10 years older than me. Of course there are exceptions, but I don’t know if Steve would be one of them. Chris Evans is a different story though. 
Henry Cavill: No, unfortunately. For some of the same reasons with Steve, but mostly because Henry and I are both Tauruses and while Tauruses are very compatible, there is a likely chance neither of us would make the first move. He also seems pretty quiet and humble, and I don’t think my energetic personality would be pleasing to him. I feel like I'd severely get on his last damn nerve :(
Harry Styles: We’d be great sex buddies, but I think I’d be pretty insecure if I was in an actual relationship beyond sex with Harold. Besides the fact that his exes are all drop dead gorgeous, there's also the fact that he's a sex icon. Nothing wrong with that, and I’m not implying that Harry would cheat on a woman he's in love with, I'm just saying that if I was that woman, that would be a constant thought in my head, therefore the relationship probably wouldn't last. 
Thor: Hell yes! I know I might sound like a hypocrite for even saying that I would date him, considering the fact that he's literally like 1,500, but...he’s one of the exceptions to my rule. Call it my toxic trait, but I love cocky men. Also Thor seems like the type to move heaven and earth (literally), for the woman he's dating/in love with. 
Loki: Yes, because I love “villains”, and Loki is no exception. But I feel like our relationship would be another one of those ones where it wouldn't last long. That is if we’re talking about canon Loki pre Thor Ragnorak. If we’re talking about the ones in head-canons where he's an avenger, and villain turned good guy, yes all day! Feel like I’d enjoy ruffling his feathers a lot. 
Bruce Banner: No, even though I have such a sweet spot for Banner, it’s sort of the same problem that I had with Tony. Age, intelligence, that sort of thing. But also the Hulk is a big factor. I have a feeling I’d be terrified of him. And not in the cute, intimidated way, in the way where I legit walk around on eggshells around him, in fear of making him upset. That could also be because I know little about Banner, maybe it would change later on, but as of now realistically no. 
Thanks for the tag Ari! I'll be tagging, @swaggysposts @dreamliners @retroxvailles @emilyhjk and any one else who wants to do this! No pressure, love you guys!
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