#such an amazing story for all sides really
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iamespecter · 3 days ago
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My phone's battery keeps dying (I think something's wrong with it) but I cooked a little bit more on this Doctor!Caine and Patient!Pomni idea.... and this may or may not become bigger than The Amazing Digital Roadtrip.....
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My mental illness cannot be contained!!!!!!!!!!!! Also these designs are subject to change because yes ✌️
Things I've come up with last afternoon while going crazy from the lack of dopamine are:
- Abstraction is currently determined to be a terminal illness
- It's contagious via skin-on-skin contact, and can be inherited through genes
- it can even bloom late in life, but that doesn't mean everyone that the patient has touched before is immediately affected
- The physical symptoms are inky black "cracks" forming along the skin, physical degradation, loss of saturation and many more
- Depending on a lot of factors, this illness can be aggressive, or at most be dormant.
- Once it reaches the patient's brain, it is too late
- But the progress of abstraction can also be delayed through amputation, depending on where the "source" is
- It only really affects "organic" stuff
- Which means AI robots are immune, and can touch the patient as much as they want without risk of infecting themselves
- Kinger is the CEO/Founder of the AI Association that focuses on the research about Abstraction, and how to cure it
- He is also, strangely enough, kinda immune? idek he seems fine except he's a bit cuckoo
- Because of it's contagiousness, people who suffer from the abstraction illness are GREATLY FEARED by others
- People who have the illness have to wear a lot of protection (such as gloves, face mask, etc.) in order to even interact with the outside world
- They also need to have their AI Doctor/Nurse with them AT ALL TIMES.
About the main pairing:
- Pomni is the only daughter of Kinger and the late Queenie
- She used to be more upbeat early in her life, until Queenie passed. She then became depressed, and it only got worse as her illness began to show and she became cynical as a result, believing she'll die early, and alone
- Caine was named and created based off of the image of Pomni's imaginary friend during her childhood, in order to ease her into accepting Caine as her personal doctor
- This did NOT, in fact, ease her into accepting Caine as her personal doctor because what the fuck.
- Pomni hates AIs for being unable to save Queenie.
- She also thinks that her new doctor won’t be able to save her, and that her dad’s efforts to delay her situation are fruitless.
- Part of her still clings onto hope. However, said part is also dying.
- Caine is a test prototype of a model that’s supposed to handle (and even possibly cure) the symptoms of abstraction, so there’s defo a lotta pressure on his shoulders
- Especially when he gets assigned to SPECIFICALLY THE DAUGHTER OF THE CEO WHO OWNS HIM
- He’s also one of the first AIs to not only be psuedo-sentient, but also self-evolving; in order to be able to adjust to patient needs and wants.
- He can “manifest” anything physical as long as it’s within the size limit of his own physical manifestation. For example, if Pomni is hyperventilating; he can manifest a pair of artificial lungs that pump oxygen in order to give her breathing space. (You know what that means)
- Not only is he able to float, he is also able to carry Pomni like she weighs like a couple of grapes because this is not me being self-indulgent and thinking he should carry her bridal style all the time (lie), this is me saying “it’s for emergencies when Pomni is too weak to even stand or walk”
- Pomni hated Caine A LOT at first because she hated having to be co-dependent on this walking life support so yes this is an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers kinda story (except it was one-sided "enemies")
- As the story progresses, Pomni clings onto the hope of not just surviving, but also living again; as Caine learns what it means to be not just existing, but alive!!! because me and my homies love stories about positivity and hope amongst shitty situations!!!!
- And then they fuck. Oh yes, they fuck eventually. And they fuck a lot after that
I don’t care this is MY story, MY AU, I will do whatever the fuck I want!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAA
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I have no idea if I want some of the gang to be AI Doctors/Nurses too but erm. we'll see
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kcdarchives · 1 day ago
my kcd2 experience
in the following post, i am going to describe my kcd2 experience and how it bred brainworms that have drilled into my grey matter and turned it into ye olde swiss cheese
i think one of the big reasons why i latched so hard onto kcd2 (and hansry) is: i actually went into kcd2 almost completely blind. the main reason i started playing was i read in a news article that there was a gay relationship in the game and i was like "oh! fun! i'm in the mood to play a new rpg anyways!" i had no idea who it was you could romance, or what form it would take. after the opening scenes, i was of course squinting VERY hard at hans. but after the stocks, he fell to the wayside for me as a player. i made henry as reasonable and conciliatory as possible and he still left? for me, as a player who hadn't played the 1st game, i shrugged and said "ok then! fine!" they let me loose and the world was my rpg oyster! i spent over 30 hours wandering around the map, doing side quests and having a generally wonderful time because the game is, above all else, a very well-made game with a ton of attention to detail, fun NPCs, and systems that i still hadn't fully learned even after a few dozens of hours in the game. as i finally attended the semine wedding, i FINALLY ran into hans again (i hadn't found him prior to this) and was reminded "oh! henry's buddy! he's here!" i went from having a funny silly carefree time at the wedding to the plot escalating so suddenly and severely. henry and hans finally reconcile. as a player, i've forgiven hans. his apology was really genuine and heartfelt and i could tell he was also probably a little lonely without the only other survivor from their company. after over 30 hours in the game, i'm VERY attached to henry, and this i am attached to hans, who he so clearly is also attached to. i can celebrate henry finally having a companion again only to have hans wrested away from henry in one of the most distressing ways possible. for whom the bell tolls was an amazingly stressful quest, and definitely one of my favorite main story segments i have played in a video game in recent memory. after this, when the first romantic dialogue option with hans appeared, i was honestly a little stunned. i felt so vindicated with my initial eye-squinting during the opening part of the game, but also, at this point i understood just how much hans was a part of the game's main plot. i was like "oh...this is a romance with...someone actually really relevant and showing up a lot!" when the second romantic dialogue option eventually showed up, that's when i really realized that their romance was going to be tied to progress in the main plot and thus i spiraled into taking several days off of work just to make progress. i was so happy whenever hans showed up and henry got to interact with him. romance aside, their friendship is well-written and it was difficult for me to forget that, besides godwin, hans is the only other person henry really knew before kcd2 that he has with him over the course of the game. so much of the main story is directly related to hans, and the consequences of both henry and hans' actions. i was constantly amazed, thinking "wow, hans is REALLY relevant to the plot! i love to see him involved!" after over a hundred hours in the game, i finally reached the culmination of their romance. and i was paralyzed. as soon as they started talking, i started yelling. i couldn't believe this was happening. it was SO romantic, so emotional, and felt like such a natural progression of their relationship over the course of the story. as soon as the "kiss him" option showed up, I stood up and had to take a minute to collect myself because i couldn't believe it was really happening. and when i finally pressed it.
the screen faded to black.
I was confused. the screen faded back in to a shot of the fireplace. i immediately started cackling uncontrollably. i had a mental breakdown. i thought "oh! they're not gonna show the kiss! that's so incredibly funny! that's so funny i'm going to die." then the shot transitioned back to them sitting on the bed. i had assumed "ah ok, they kissed offscreen. this is what i get after playing through the game for over 100 hours trying to nurture their romance. this is what all of the anti-woke gamer warriors were getting up into arms for. this is so funny. this is so monumentally hilarious." and i could not stop cackling until - wait - henry puts his hand over hans. so sweet! i gasped. perhaps now they will actually kiss? was i wrong? but then he gets up. and i'm once again given whiplash, assuming the scene is over and now he's leaving. do i have to play even further into the story? do they make progress after he comes back from his mission? only for hans to pull henry back to him and my "i sink hundreds of hours into RPGs to eat the little gay romantic breadcrumbs they leave me in relatively unimportant side conversations" brain BROKE.
every single movement elicited a scream from me. i almost couldn't understand what was happening. henry pulls away, he looks like he's going to leave. he's going to leave and they'll resolve this when he comes back? but then he LOCKS THE DOOR!!! HE LOCKS THE DOOR!!! he power walks across the room and I CANNOT STOP SCREAMING. i have to pause the game every 5 seconds so i don't have an aneurysm. the passion!!! i hadn't imagined such passion in all of my years of gaming!!! yes, the fire in the hearth was burning, but not nearly as hot as the flames of their relationship!!!!
the screen faded to black once again after they made it to the bed, and i thought "ok...it's over...i can breathe again...my god...that was crazy...that was so much more intense than i was expecting for a 'kiss him' dialogue option" only for it to fade back in to THEIR NUDE BODIES EMBRACING?? I PLAYED THIS GAME EXPECTING MAYBE A KISS OR TWO???? I was pounding my fists into my beanbag, screaming and yelling, what was HAPPENING ON MY TV SCREEN RIGHT NOW??? then the screen panned over to the shot of the two crossed swords in the foreground and I tell you, I let out the loudest, ugliest, most delighted cackle i have ever made in my life. whoever came up with that shot is so DIABOLICAL. warhorse may actually be the funniest game studio i have ever seen in my life. thank you warhorse for my life. i was exhausted by the biggest emotional rollercoaster a video game romance had ever put me through, but also simultaneously re-invigorated by, i think, perhaps the best video game romance cutscene i have ever had the pleasure of playing through in all my 20+ years of romancing fictional characters.
i ended up staying up all night finishing up the rest of the main story, and then i spent the next couple of days trying to just. absorb everything that happened and process my experience. i know its very early to make this kind of declaration but kcd2 might literally be my favorite game of 2025, and it was SO unexpected for me as something that i just arbitrarily picked up because i was just looking for a new game to play. I was seriously expecting just a kiss at the most, some not particularly important dialogue options that develop a small romantic relationship with a few conversations. maybe a fade-to-black, not much else. the kind of stuff i've grown used to in the games i've played. i think going in with no expectations made its iron-fisted grip on me that much stronger because when it delivered, it did it by crashing the airplane that is hansry into the twin towers of my heart and brain. both the main story and the gameplay just made everything feel so RIGHT and had me so emotionally invested in them, i felt like I was going insane.
for those of you who haven't actually played kcd2 for yourselves, please do try playing for yourself if you have the ability to, or at least watch a playthrough. experiencing how their relationship slowly develops over the course of the game makes the conclusion of it that much more satisfying (i still have to watch/play the 1st game, which i do intend on doing). but also the side quests are so fun and interesting!!! and the other characters are SO charming and likeable.
i am #1 janosh fan!!!
anyways my big rant is over, i feel much better now ahaha
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cosmerelists · 2 days ago
Ranking the First Five Stormlight Novels
For the record, this is not meant to be an objectively correct ranking or anything--but it is my personal ranking. I wanted to wait to do this until Stormlight 5 came out!
And I gotta say--I like all of the books. But I can rank them by "least favorite" to "favorite," even if they're all among my favorite books in general, you know?
[Spoilers for Wind & Truth! ...And all the other Stormlight books too!]
#5: Wind and Truth
I feel bad ranking the newest book at the lowest spot...but so it goes. The thing is: I'm a simple woman. I come to Stormlight Archive looking for people with huge fantasy swords fighting each other in the sky. And while I do respect and understand Kaladin finding his place outside of battles and becoming a Therapist to the Stars, I did honestly miss him getting to duke it out against overwhelming odds.
I will say that this was probably my favorite Adolin book--his WAT arc was my favorite. I also loved the new ways that Shallan is using her powers, to say nothing of finally getting the Rlain/Renarin love story. It was also extremely gratifying to finally get a lot of the backstory about the Stormfather and Honor and the Recreance. I'm also fascinated that so many arcs involved oaths being broken framed as a good thing.
Lots of great stuff in Stormlight 5. But my monkey brain really wanted more sky fights.
#4: Oathbringer
I have to imagine that if you are a Dalinar stan, Oathbringer is probably your absolute favorite book. I'm a Dalinar fan but not a Dalinar stan, so that definitely flavors my reaction to this book.
This one does have one of my favorite Sanderlanches--the battle of Thaylen city is amazing (and Shallan single-handedly fighting an entire army does legitimately make me tear up every time). The invasion of Kholinar storyline is also great, and I loved meeting Azure.
Again, lots of good stuff, but not as much good stuff as some of the other books, at least for me.
#3: Rhythm of War
Rhythm of War was challenging for me because Kaladin is having the ABSOLUTE WORST time in his whole life and it's sometimes legitimately hard to read about it. At the same time, we get such great Kaladin fights thanks to the Pursuer, and one of the all-time great Kaladin Dramatic Entrances at the end.
Plus, I mean....Navani and Raboniel? So good! So toxic! Such an accidental toxic yuri horrifying love story. I'm such a sucker for self-sacrifice too, so Raboniel sacrificing herself to save Navani AFTER Navani killed her? That could have been created in a lab just for me.
PLUS this book had Maya and Adolin, both their kata fight and the whole "WE CHOSE" scene.
Incredible book, IMO.
#2: Way of Kings
I go back and forth about whether Way of Kings or Words of Radiance is my favorite, if I'm being honest. At the moment of writing this list, it's turned out this way.
I really love Way of Kings. The whole bridgeman plotline is horrifying but so compelling, and I love watching Kaladin build himself and his man back up. I love seeing all of the ways they manage to survive, from the side-carry to, well, war-crime armor I guess. The scene of Kaladin surviving the highstorm--with Syl in front trying to block it--is one of my all-time favorite scenes ever. The Tower Fight is fantastic all the way through. And the end with Dalinar giving up his shardblade to save the bridgemen is so earned.
On a first read I was less compelled by Shallan's narrative but it honestly gets more compelling the more often I reread which I've done...let's say a few times. She's such a great character from the first line.
#1: Words of Radiance
As I mentioned at the beginning, I am a simple woman sometimes when it comes to my fantasy series. Words of Radiance wins for me because it contains my three favorite plotlines / scenes:
The 4 v. 1 duel. So amazingly fun to read. Such a good scene for Adolin, for Kaladin, for Renarin. "Honor is dead but I'll see what I can do." Come ON.
Kaladin & Shallin fieldtrip in the chasms. I loved the way their relationship developed over the course of this scene. The end when they're huddled in the cave in the middle of the highstorm while listening to the Fused above them, telling each other their true stories--top-notch. Plus I'm a sucker for storylines where people have to both use and hide their powers, and so the fact that they're both Radiant and trying to hide that from each other makes me giggle maniacally.
The Kaladin vs. Szeth duel. This fight has EVERYTHING. They're in the sky. It's a highstorm. They literally run across enormous boulders that were RIPPED from the GROUND by the storm while said boulders are SPINNING THROUGH THE STORM. It's so over-the-top and it's my favorite fight in the whole series.
So that's me! I know there are tons of "What's your favorite Stormlight book" polls out there, but if you want to put your ranking in the tags I'd be interested to see it!
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mediumgayitalian · 16 hours ago
jackie we miss you!!! hope ur doing well!!
okay HI GUYS i am finally for the first time in months looking thru my inbox. i am doing this while the gr 5 class i am supplying for goes wild around me lol. they have a free period and they are Noisy kids.
SO. hiatus! i did go on a hiatus. i did not announce it because i did not rly intend to bug off, but i got cramped at work and then i was just tired all the time and i wasn't writing and anything i WAS writing was awful, and i lost confidence, and i stopped writing for months. it was heartbreaking! it has made it harder to enjoy the beautiful world around me.
BUT! ive nearly finished my first year of teachers college and i have made so many friends this year and have been able to, for the most part, handle my stressors with some degree of tact and maturity, and most of all i missed writing like a hole in my side, so regardless of whether or not i feel like i CAN still write i have returned.
now. will this daily posting thing last?? i don't know. i don't want to make promises, because i'm genuinely not sure. i am not as lonely as i was when i first started writing and i have other things now to fill my time and mind; i have fewer ideas now that i'm not dumping one hundred percent of my creative energy into making stories. i would like for this to last! i would like to finish all the fics i started last year and maybe even start some new ones; i would also love to be able to write all 100 prompts of the 100 ways series. that would be cool. for now the goal is to keep posting, but i'm not stressing myself out about it. if that makes sense.
what about fic rec fridays?? will they return? well, that i'm actually not too sure about. one of the biggest reasons i've been so bereft of ideas for the past while is because i haven't been READING anything. i'm not sure why! i've read the actual series a few times in the last year but fanfiction -- and i mean any fanfiction -- hasn't been able to hold my attention, for the first time of my life. it's kind of devastating and i'm not sure why but i really truly hope i get over it soon, because i know everyone has been writing and doing amazing things and i want to be involved (all this to say -- if you have any stellar recs, i'd appreciate them! i'm having trouble finding stuff on my own). right now i'm just re-reading stuff from years and years ago; if i start regularly reading fic again i will start recommending things again.
a very long, rambly message to say: hi everyone! i've missed you! i'm excited to be back, and thanks for being patient with me!
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felixcloud6288 · 3 days ago
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 86
The final battle is upon us. Who will decide what's for dinner tonight?
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As with all moments like this, Izutsumi is part of these group therapy sessions against her will.
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Amazing transition back to reality. It's the exact same image with a different background.
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I still feel like the lion is lying about who it can or must serve. Marcille currently desires to fix her mistakes and stop the monsters she summoned, but that goes against what the lion wants from her. So it's instead choosing to ignore that in favor of fulfilling a more base desire for safety from a presumed threat.
This fakeout really got me.
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Laios's arm seems to be in a bit of pain after that. Since his hand had to get put into the seal as well, its effects are probably creeping up his arm.
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Again, I think the lion lies when it talks about how it serves its master. It's been manipulating Marcille to make her desire what will make her use the lion's power for the lion's aims. Looks like sealing the demon gives the dungeon lord a way to channel the lion's power exactly the way you want without it being able to manipulate anything.
On a side note, when Thistle and Mithrun became dungeon lords, their demons were small and grew larger over time. The lion was already big when Marcille became a lord. I'm curious if part of what caused Marcille to immediately spiral was because the lion was already strong. Maybe it took Mithrun and Thistle a few years to get to Marcille's point because their demons had to build up strength.
Laios and Marcille are two halves of the same person. They share 20 brain cells collectively, but the actual range of braincells either of them has at a given moment ranges from 15 to -5. And when one of them becomes a super genius, the other becomes muppet-brained. The only difference between them is Laios loves acting like a muppet while Marcille doesn't.
I've missed Marcille's muppet-brained moments so much. For all her intelligence, she's also the last one to realize things.
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Namari had complete faith in Laios.
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Last we saw of Fleki, her familiar was being torn apart by wyverns so she probably had to be killed and resurrected again.
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I saw this panel of Flamela stepping on a walking mushroom and tried to come up with a silly pun about her turning a toadstool into a footstool. But toadstools refer to inedible or poisonous mushrooms and this type is most likely edible so it isn't a toadstool. And footstools are foot supports to lift your feet while sitting and Flamela is not doing anything like that nor is she using it like that. Pretend that I made a funny mushroom pun that is lexiconically correct and laugh at this image of Flamela stepping on a walking mushroom while yelling into her fairy.
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Flamela isn't even nice to her fairy.
The island is getting restructured into a dungeon's maze-like design.
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The soldiers are fighting what I believe are small wyrms.
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Laios's father is watching and waiting. Falin still writes to her parents so he knows his children are at ground zero of all this.
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Flamela is not giving the party much reason to want to work with the Canaries here. And this is ignoring how the situation was heavily due to the Canaries withholding information and assaulting the party to begin.
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If you spin a magnet fast enough, it's possible to make it levitate above another magnet. For years, it was believed impossible to actually make a magnet levitate over another and Earnshaw's theorem proved that it's not possible for a static magnet to float above another one without it either getting flipped or pushed away. But then someone decided to try spinning the magnet in place and it turns out that the rotation of the magnet counters the forces that would normally push or flip the magnet, causing it to float.
Anyway, that story popped into my head at this moment. Laios is suggesting they do something that no one has ever done and everyone knows cannot be done. But Laios is both ignorant of everything and he doesn't think in conventional ways. So he could achieve the impossible because he'll come up with ideas no one considered.
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Everyone else thinks of the demons in terms of man-eating monsters or forces of nature. But Laios is thinking of the demon more like if it was a person with its own goals it wants to accomplish.
Finally. Someone is actually going to listen to Laios.
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Based on the reactions of Flamela's teammates, it's not uncommon for Mithrun to teleport people away when he's annoyed with them.
Mithrun at least understands the situation. The world is doomed whether or not Laios actually has a way to beat the demon. So they might as well let him try. Mithrun's eye turned silver as he told Laios to do what he couldn't.
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New idea to the lion and how it decides to grant wishes: When it's unsealed and has a lord, it binds itself to that lord. But when it gets sealed, it can more freely respond to anyone's desires.
The lion should be sealed in Thistle's book, but it appeared before everyone in response to Laios's desire to defeat it. And then it waited a moment so Laios could demand he share a meal with everyone if he wins.
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Some walking mushrooms fell off the lion construct.
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The tower wasn't attached to anything. It was just a tower floating over the water.
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Well that was an anticlimactic end to this series. Oh well. It was an enjoyable read the whole way through. Thanks for following my readthrough everyone.
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I'm with Kabru. There's something horrible about the end of the world feeling like a bad joke.
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Wait, I got it!! Flamela turned the walking mushroom into a stepping stool!!
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dead-chela · 3 days ago
As a long time superhero fan, I never thought I needed to see Latino rep on screen till Joaquin Torres in Cap 4. I was always perfectly content to watch my favorite heroes go at it whether they looked like me or not- I was just along for the ride. And I don’t think it registered right away either, maybe a day or so after watching the movie I was like “oh my god he’s just like ME”. Maybe it’s cuz he’s the first Latino Avenger (an AVENGER is HUGE) in the MCU who fights side by side with a black Captain America, maybe it’s the way the world is right now, I really don’t know. But I don’t think I’ve ever resonated with another MCU character as much as Joaquin Torres in this film. And not to discredit the other Latino heroes that came before him in screen who’s stories I also enjoyed, but I can’t explain how good it felt to see him shine so brightly on the screen
And all the credit does go to Danny Ramirez and his amazing performance! He brings such a life and a genuineness to a relatively new character in the comics. Which I feel really gives him the opportunity to put a lot of himself into that role and I think that’s where the emotion and the connection with viewers is made. He brings that authenticity of being a Latino American and applying it to Joaquin and having that shape his personality in a way that makes him feel so familiar and so real. Anyway all to say that as a Latina I’m so excited to see more of Joaquin Torres
As someone, (me, a young Latina), who doesn't see a whole lot of Latino representation already, you'd think I'd resonate more with the ones that I *have* seen, like Blue Beetle, Miles Morales or America Chavez but I connected so much with Joaquin Torres as Falcon. I felt so seen, and maybe it's because he isn't like me in only the Latino sense, but he's similar in personality to me as well and I genuinely connected with Danny Ramirez, his character portrayal and himself as an actor.
I love him so much and I resonated with Joaquin so hard that I feel like I've become attracted to this character on a deeper level than I usually become attracted to a character. And it's not only because he's gorgeous (cause he is) but it's something about his general vibes that just really, really hit home for me as a Latino-American, and as a young person who wants to live up to certain expectations no matter how hard. And who sets expectations for themselves, not wanting to let anyone down. With aspirations to be the best you can be. Danny is a huge inspiration and I can't wait to see what Joaquin can accomplish as Falcon.
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russellius · 11 months ago
the story behind George signing the dad's shirt twice:
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and the final result:
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determinedowl23 · 11 months ago
So obsessed with when a Nintendo game releases and the fans just go “nah…… I could do it better” and make some of the greatest aus known to mankind
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hauntingblue · 4 months ago
#ambessa saying mel is safer as their enemy..... OOF we are going to get her side of the story this season#one thing i dont like is that they are really hauling ass in the first episode like damn. cait and vi are too quickly on the way to raid imo#i cannot velieve my fucking eyes..... vi dropping her gauntlets to keep kissing akdhaksjsk and OF COURSE cait is the one to do it OF COURSE!#were is thay gif of the butch watching football and raising her fist bc they scored that is me right now aldjsksnsl#vi saying please dont change bc she is seeing the signs is so AJDHAKSJK the break up will end lives..... i see why vi becomes an alcoholic#salo and cait wlw mlm hostility for reals#ambessa seeing cait as a rival the second she does her job and uses her military power.... yeah bc she has a real goal not just power grab#jayce fucking up vi and cait by messing with the arcane omg they are IN DANGER!!! JAYCE STOP FUCKING UUUP!!!!#OH MY GOD CAITLYN!!!!! HITTING VI ENOUGH FOR HER TO CRY OH MY GOOOOOD!!!#THERE IS JUST SO MUCH AKDJSKSKAL THE CHILD!!!! JINX GOT A NEW SISTER NOW VI GOODBYE#also vi wasnt going to kill her and jinx told the child to stop.... the only person there willing was cait and look at her.....#also sevika vs cait.... oof.... and jinx fighting vi BARE FISTED!!! GIRL!!!!#what can i fucking say like god.... “is her blood through your veins” “i thought you were different”#jinx is right i hope they got to you know before all of this akdjaksjsk.... christ#also amazing how vi told cait to don't change and she did it 10 minutes later.... girl you are in for it...#i think they just dont understand each other yet but they are in such a situation that they keep changing every 2 minutes so they never do#does that make sense loke ofc cait changed when her mother died and vi did too bc she accepted that her sister was gone#so in a way cait changed and vi stayed the same.... cait liked her “change” but vi did not like cait#ambessa bringing caitlyn to.be a general oh my gooooood her stress is going to get thru the roof like she doesn't have enough to deal with#its bc she knows she can control her... of course she offered her army to her.... and she doesn't mind putting her in danger#AND SHE DID ORCHESTRATE THE ATTACK!!!! OOOF#MEL PLEASEEEE TALK TO CAITLYN PLEASEEEE#like of course she disappears RIGHT NOW!!!#my god... also vis drinking buddy has left too.... of course.... you're good man....#talking tag#watching arcane#watching arcane season 2
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goldentigerfestival · 5 months ago
Yuri's dialogue (JP) is so fascinating to study, like... the repetitive use of certain words/phrases that others use sparingly but he uses constantly. the way it feels like his vocabulary is more expansive than what he uses, but he defaults to a "comfort" level of speech. the way it mixes in with his sort of "street talk" words and the sheer level of informality. the way his "street talk" phrasing is contrasted by the tone of his voice (on that note, people I know who also know JP are also very endeared by these aspects of him so I KNOW IT'S NOT JUST ME!!!).
'cause the thing is, he uses phrases that yeah, other people do use, but he uses a handful over and over and over (contrast to other characters' sparing use of repetition). it's actually... really refreshing? it sounds more relatable and less "video game/anime/JRPG/RPG" writing or something, idk. like closer to how a real person would speak.
I do my best in my translations not to make things sound too stiff across the board, but Yuri makes it so easy. it's why I'm so interested in translating all his lines in Vesperia, like... the actual, original tone for him with his original wording because it's smth Eng only players don't get to experience ('cause even if you listen with JP audio, if you don't know the language, ofc you're gonna miss out on context. it's nobody's fault for not knowing, just... they unfortunately miss out). the thing is, there are a lot of times when the lines in and of themselves are not contextually incorrect in the English ver (usually the situation for smaller scenes, because they altered the text outright for more important stuff which was the stuff that originally set me off, but there were also plenty of cases of just vocal tone shifting with the correct context that still gave off the wrong impression), but Yuri's tone is shifted away from the original in Eng even though it's completely and perfectly translatable.
I am by no means about to translate the entire game because let's face it, I really don't care that much for Vesperia on the whole. I'm kinda stuck with it because Yuri's there lo and behold I actually am WAY more engaged in his stories in Rays, Link and Asteria because it's an amazing character put into circumstances where he actually gets to shine and feels more alive, which Vesperia did not provide nearly as well with its very disjointed story. also, Tales gachas have banger stories that are arguably better than the mainline games, and they regularly make Yuri a very central character to the gachas. Crestoria was also about to do it until they pulled the plug on that game and I'm pretty confident something interesting has been lost to the world. also I just generally don't have the energy or motivation to do that, so... I'll only be focusing on Yuri's lines, especially because his stuff is where the bulk of the messing around was. he's just insanely fun to translate for and I love burying myself head first into his speech.
will I actually finish this project? dunno. will I get around to posting it? whatever I get done (so all of it if I complete it), and if I decide to call it quits then I'll post what I have at the time I decide that. will it take a long time? probably, but I can always mention stuff along the way...
#GTF Vesperia Things#GTF Yuri Things#also the more I comb the script the more I properly notice all the uh... very awkward loc changes in smaller sentences in smaller scenes#like things that change the understanding of a sentence. or in Yuri's case just... the usual annoying personality shifting#noticing lots more stuff than when I did those big posts bc I was less focused on the tiny stuff/not side by side comparing#like a lot of this stuff is plot irrelevant and I knew it was littered around but I'm just getting#a bit more of a proper feel for it and how often it's there while studying Yuri's speech under a microscope bc I like observing him fkjhsjg#the fact that they're extremely largely consistent in tampering with Yuri's verbal (not just vocal) tone still has me LIKE.#but I'm fighting to ignore it so I can study my precious boy for reasons unknown beyond hyperfixation#also with Link I was actually mad at first bc they totally dropped the ball on Yuri's repetitive speech in arc 1. like it just wasn't there#there were plenty of times I noticed that normally he'd be SAYING those phrases but it just didn't happen where it should've#(like ''he'd def have said that here but it's not here'') Rays' main writer was not Vesperia's and she STILL got him down PERFECTLY#frankly I'd argue Rays' writing of Yuri is more correctly Yuri than Vesperia Yuri is which is oddly hilarious LOL#but mainly more that arc 2 Yuri is fucking WONKY sometimes but god knows most of my friends who know JP don't like that writer for#various reasons. somehow he pulled out that banger of a novel but arc 2 forget it. but yeah Rays just... really encapsulated YURI himself#the dialogue for him is spot on. not that Link and Asteria flunked with him bc they didn't#it's just that I think Rays and Miyajima gave the best quality of him bc the circumstances let him be more expressive#that said back to Link arc 2 did actually fix the speech issue so I don't know if they had different writers between arcs or just#realized they forgot to include those points of his character in arc 1 bc I know it wasn't the Link loc's fault#bc Yuri had full JP audio and I could hear that they just didn't have those things#but LORD the ACTUAL RELIEF that flooded me when arc 2 brought that shit back LMAOOOO#but yeah as far as Yuri goes he's absolutely fascinating and unique and he shines so bright in the gachas#it makes me really really sad that his home game is one I don't have much interest in#and that it's one that a lot of ppl feel the writing was wonky for (bc it was)#but I'm eternally grateful the gachas gave him opportunities to really shine as a character in great settings#bc it's not that he doesn't shine in Vesp itself. it's that the circumstances don't rly... allow him to be like PROPERLY unrestrained ig?#idk it's hard to explain. just. he was more. WHOOSH. I guess. in the gachas. yeah. like that. or smth. :')#sorta like. amazing character but not the best circumstances for him to show his true potential which I think he does in the gachas#bc the gachas have such great stories and scenarios and he's put into them#ANYWAY TL;DR YURI'S SPEECH IS FASCINATING AND I LOVE HIM
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saifahname · 7 months ago
never got so attached to a pathetic little real man like i did with Myeongkyun
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zaddyazula · 1 year ago
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trying to process this fucking masterpiece
#i mean. yeah#i cannot think of anything i had an issue with#the soundtrack (especially for soma and kuwana)? fucking crazy#combat was absolutely insane i was fucking parrying everything#i love you snake style 🫶🫶🫶#characters were all amazing#i love the current era of the dragon engine like this gaiden and 8 are my favourite dragon engine games for aesthetics#it just looks so nice#the story itself was so good jesus christ#the pacing was perfect but it did feel really quick because i was actually enjoying myself unlike in judgment#money was never an issue and neither was sp#it was so easy to get#i wasn’t wasting at least ¥60000 just to get my full health back and then buying a med kit#also the skateboard feature was so cool AND THERE WAS NO KEIHIN GANG THAT MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AROUND THE CITY#the side stuff surrounding the school was fun though i didn’t do a lot of it#also being in ijincho was fun and KASHIWAGI AND ZHAO 😋😋😋😋#they didn’t speak but hiiiii 🫶🫶🫶🫶#loved how they put them in there#the entire game was actually a really enjoyable experience and the combat was actually easy#the soma fight felt way too easy i was slamming this man on the floor but it was fun#the kuwana fight as well he was trying to show off doing some big kick and i’d just parry his ass 😭😭😭😭#sat in the menu now#i think this is my third favourite behind gaiden#zad plays#yakuza#rgg#zad plays yakuza#zad plays lost judgment#lost judgment#lost judgement spoilers
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
(vent) Again I am not touching my other interests here often, but I think Thomas Astruc (Mir4culous L4dybug) is one of the WORST examples of this meme amongst the showmakers:
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Like... imagine writing an absolute textbook example of the mary sue character who is instantly talented in everything she does, the super ultra skilled designer and artist recognised by world wide celebrities for her skill, repeatedly hired by celebrities to do commissions for them, loved by everyone, one of the best video-gamer, apparently can invent complex mechanisms, is "the best Miraculous holder and the best holder of a ladybug miraculous who ever lived" (in 5000+ years!), instantly masters every miraculous she holds the first time, while also always getting away with her awful actions (if not getting rewarded for them) and taking up so much screen time that the supposed second main character (whose whole potential was assassinated to make him goofy, annoying and useless without this woman) might as well not exist
And when you DO address that, you are claimed to be some sort of sexist who just hates to see the girlboss wi- I mean, can't handle to see female lead or whatever. Not just that, but also claiming another character who was abused and neglected by her mother to the point of living basically without her, has god awful father that absolutely fails to act like a PARENT and instead just spoils her with gifts and favours and only had two whole friends in her entire life is evil just for the sake of evil and can never change and would not WANT to change because "she would not want to give away her PWIWWILEGES UWU".
That's not feminism, that's 'how do you do fellow kids'. That's the example of a boomer learning what ideals these darn modern kids support and trying to jump on the bandwagon without actually understanding any of this... and ironically ending up hurting the exact people you try to cater to. Also all mentioned characters are 14-15 years old.
Sigh... Sometimes I just wish show makers stopped trying to jump onto ideas they clearly do not understand. This is always just so embarrassing to watch.
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spicypussywave · 1 year ago
i see a stupid take on a show i had no interest in thinking about (bc others do enough of that) and now i wanna defend it and make op see how delusional they've gotten
#naomivents#i mean all takes are welcome ofc this is a public space#but when you base the whole show on your 1 expectation and think the story Has No Point if it doesn't fulfil that#then idk man maybe you're just selfish#i get wanting your fav media to tick all your boxes#but calling the show pointless bc of that though they've done everything really well up to this point pisses me off#maybe just broaden your mind a little#maybe day wants his eyesight back have you not seen how excited he was at the news?#saying how he should not be allowed to get a transplant bc that's not what You think the story is about is ridiculous to me#it's accepting how things can fuck and change your life forever but your life still can go on positively if you try hard enough#and got the right people#but lmao that doesn't mean he isn't allowed to look for ways to unfuck his life?#it's literally his life even if it's just a story#i truly don't think p'aof will let day get his eyesight back bc that's cliché and Boring.#unless he can bring meaning to it which i think he can#the transplant failing route will break day's heart. and hope. and everything. but isn't that fine#he's not getting his eyes back yes it will be a huge struggle but he's got amazing people by his side now#after the whole journey of acceptance. this will turn out as just another situation for him. that he gotta accept and move on#damn can't the boy have hope atleast#they've been hinting at a possible transplant since the beginning ffs#this is not me up for a debate pls i had thoughts and i wanted to vent thats it thanks for coming to my ted talk
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carrie-tate · 2 years ago
I watched the musical Legally Blonde.
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star-sworn · 2 years ago
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!! ❤❤❤❤
can I seriously just send this to you ten times? I look forward to following your blog every day. Also I just beat my second divine beast and while both Sidon and Revali are hot, I think stoic warrior bird dad Teba is the real king and yes I realize i've just probably ruined my pristine image lol also the bodyguard trope is clearly my thing because boy this zelink is by FAR the best of them all. they really did invent romance holy hylia
anyway uhhhh
love you dear
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