#stupid idiots online
mittch22 · 1 year
Listen up! Got a PSA here that STILL (unfortunately unsurprisingly) needs drilling into some people's thick-ass skulls. By God, shout it from the rooftops because I'm so SICK of seeing people getting shit on for the content they create.
I would like to draw attention to the fine individual who thought it was ok to distribute this comment on one of my works on AO3:
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I consider myself a Joe Lycett wannabe (he is my lord and saviour) and I took it upon myself to distribute appropriate verbal retribution. I revel in being able to slap someone with a proverbial thesaurus. It feeds my soul:
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You do NOT walk into my home (and the home of many others too) to belittle my craft and expect to strut right back out again without at least a spanking. If it was that awful an experience for you, then you should have walked the fuck away. Instead, you chose a battle you have ZERO chance of winning. That was a VERY clever move indeed, wasn't it?
Im incredibly lucky to exist in an incredible community with incredible people that I love with all my being. The weirdest of the weird, the best of the best, each one with a unique and beautiful mind. A small group of fantastically silly fuckers on the internet who have found solace within the world of antrhopomorphic vehicles. You think a small amount of verbal hate you vomit onto our platforms is gonna take that away from us and prevent our enjoyment? Guess again, motherfucker. Guess again.
Don't you EVER let me catch you doing this to another member of this community. Ill make you rue the day that you came into existence.
PS: DON'T fuck with Mittch.
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crabussy · 9 months
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commsroom · 8 months
eiffel is not really built for any social media (dangerous combination of being a little too sincere, making inappropriate jokes, and generally sticking his foot in his mouth, not to mention he'd be too inconsistent with it and disdainful about the concept to ever actually build a following anywhere), but you absolutely could not put him on tumblr. the people here would eat him alive for his mainstream offline millennial sensibilities. eiffel isn't a text-based communicator anyway - i guarantee he responds to texts with voice messages - but he simply does not have the blogger's temperament. he wouldn't be on tumblr in the first place, but if he was on tumblr, the only thing he'd ever get noticed for would be leaving a lame comment directly onto someone's post that the OP then replies to with the observation his blog is half the kind of thing you'd see on ifunny and half pictures of topless women. do not fool yourself about this.
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usercelestial · 1 month
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i genuinely think i might kill myself
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jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
well, now we know where alex got it from.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 1 month
Oh my god people the next dragon age is not included in any boycott list, you can pre-order and buy it and not worry NOBODY IS SAYING YOU SHOULD BOYCOTT IT
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batbirdies · 2 months
Man sometimes I make the mistake of reading the notes on a post (don’t do it) and like… this truly is the piss on the poor website.
No one has any reading comprehension and no one can clearly state what they mean. Everyone is so ready to argue at the drop of a hat. No one can make their point with clear language, and then seem to be incapable of rewording a statement if someone doesn’t understand them. Everyone immediately descends to insults upon disagreement, whether real or imaginary.
Debate classes should be mandatory in school is what I’m getting at.
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shima-draws · 1 year
That ‘everyone thinks they’re dating/knows they’re in love with each other EXCEPT the actual people involved’ trope fits Yujikiri so well listen
Kirito: Hey sorry I’m late!! Eugeo and I had to do some last minute shopping
Ronie: Oh that’s okay! I hope you two had a nice date
Kirito: Wait hold on what do you mean date
Administrator: Just give in to me, my pet. We both know your boyfriend isn’t coming to save you
Eugeo: B-boyfriend? Who are you talking about???
Administrator: Are you for real
Honestly the best part of this is Kirito going “WAIT RONIE ARE YOU /SRS OR /J” and Ronie going oh my fucking god!! I knew you were stupid but not THIS stupid
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lunar-wandering · 2 months
head hurty
#was up so fucking late last night stressed out of my mind#cause it turns out all the stress and sacrifices i made for the foundational course i took??#all for fucking nothing#''the waitlist hasn't moved.'' yeah cause y'all brought in way more foundations students#than u actually had the diploma course space for#and like. theres nothing else i can fucking do.#if i try to get into a university i'd have to do something like a foundations course all over again#and have to do a bunch of shit i have no interest/talent in in order to get to the stuff i DO have interest/talent in#which is just fucking stupid. why the fuck is it set up like that.#if i'm trying to get into a uni creative writing course why the FUCK do i need to take SCIENCE#and i can't do online courses that are just writing. cause i can't fucking FOCUS in an online course#and any other course i might be interested in are in schools that are too damn far away and that i cant afford#so basically. i can do fucking nothing.#but once i tell my parents that the waitlist hasn't moved and that im definitely not gonna make it in#they're going to start HOUNDING me. even more than they already constantly do#im gonna have to sit through 3 hours of them yelling at me to ''stop pretending to be an idiot'#and to ''pull my life together''#and that ''everyone has to do stuff they don't like sometimes''#(yeah well my brain doesn't work like that. if i dont like the subject of the course i literally CAN'T LEARN)#(i will just straight up not retain any of the information and just be annoyed and stressed and upset the whole time)#and my parents will tell me im gonna end up living under a bridge for the thousandth time#and then they'll threaten to kick me out of the house/take away my internet for the millionth time#and then this will happen every day until i get into SOMETHING
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trey spruance appreciation post
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Truly nothing in life has been more freeing than being weird about my gender and not giving a fuck about what other people say
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I know you denies his pro shippers go away but aren't you approachable because you make dark content?
And if you're unaware of what the real meaning of pro-ship means, it means to support all ships and to curate your own space. It means you support all ships even if you don't particularly like the ships or content
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so thank you for bringing this to my attention nonnie, because i actually didn't know what pro-ship meant and assumed it was a bad thing. so that's my fault for not investigating further and i apologize for the confusion. and yes, i am dark content friendly, so feel free to send in that stuff if anyone was hesitant abt doing so before <33
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tomboyyyaoi · 7 months
i think if i made a tag innocently on a post thinking not much of it and it got screenshat by the OP and added to the post with a caption like "um well actually fuck this dickhead idiot loser for missing the point" and it got a billion notes i would kill myself actually
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wrestlezon · 5 months
feels like I'm gonna need to make flash cards or something just to remember that there is a belt called the international championship and there is another belt called the continental championship and one is being held by roddy and the other is being held by okada
i think the problem im having is that after the all-atlantic title got renamed I kept thinking it was called the intercontinental championship instead of the international and this has really complicated things for me since the continental classic lol
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roxiusagi · 1 year
ig congrats to tumblr for finally figuring out how to cure my "mindlessly opening tumblr" disease now that it looks ugly as sin
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shopcat · 6 months
this might sound a bit dumb and out of no where but hmmm. how do i say this... there are a lot of posts and a general consensus about quote unquote media literacy on tumblr and how we feel about it, as well as the things that go hand in hand with all that (discussion of mischaracterisation, symbolism, analysis, etc) and i think people (generally) need to be more open about their thoughts or findings and less i don't know... harsh isn't the word but like, just less assumptive that people are inherently out to be willfully ignorant when it comes to dissecting media thematically or discussing characterisation & the narrative, esp things where the outside factor of the consumer/creator changes things drastically if you do or do not know or experience something (and therefore would have no reason to be like, somehow maliciously interpreting something). i guess?
like i get it and i absolutely understand and also hate when people seem to go out of their way to say all the wrong things and stubbornly cling onto things that are WRONG, and confronting someone's opinion and it being SO wrong that you can comfortably think of a rebuttal is ultimately very satisfying and scratches a certain itch and can lead to a lot of thoughtful discussion despite being essentially a big "get a look at THIS guy". but i do think there is a vast difference between like, a) someone masquerading behind being knowing buzzwords and being able to say the right words in the right order, b) someone who isn't familiar with certain concepts and DOESN'T know the right words to say but is happily open to learning, and c) someone using the guise of talking about "media literacy" to be ignorant, bigoted or willfully misinterpreting something in a biased way who refuses to concede if confronted or goes out of their way to pick arguments. whilst the first two aren't malicious, both could turn out to be, just like the last category tends to be rejects of the first two who dug their heels in about it.
whilst there is a DIFFERENCE if someone was being say bigoted and prejudiced with hateful intent, not being "media literate" is not actually a moral failing as much as it is made out to be in moments of sweeping generalisation, and i think punishing people for not knowing how to hold thoughtful discussion is obviously cruel and dumb and unnecessarily othering. you don't want people to learn things out of a sense of shame or guilt. i know it's not the INTENT, and i don't like, interpret even 99% of discussion about this whole thing that way, but that doesn't change that discussing people very broadly who just Don't Know something is always going to leave the 1% of a LOT of harshness thrown against someone who doesn't deserve that. even if they're the stupidest twitterina known to man or something.
media literacy itself is not inherent and it is HARD, as much as people try to pretend it isn't. personally i am someone who has always and probably always WILL struggle to understand complex themes and often do need someone else to guide me towards thinking a certain way, thinking in these ways don't come naturally to me as much as i try my best to and i often think the "wrong" thing as my natural conclusion. and every Damn time that happens i see someone going "if you didn't realise this you're a fucking idiot" like woah man 😭 calm down. i dunno i feel like people just forget that this stuff is something you have to train like a muscle, esp things like vocabulary or a more complex academic way of speaking, and to some of us that is always going to be inherently inaccessible or it's going to take twice as long for us to grasp, for whatever reason. i just wish people were more fair is all.
#🐾#esp and i think i'm qualified to say this when it's someone who comes from a very isolated niche of online fandom or whatever. any online#community. who is used to being in that space with likeminded people and then loses their absolute shit when they're confronted with how#the average person thinks. like ohhhh my god calm down it is not that dramatic ever#as much as i like going to war about characterisation or something like that you don't need to be calling people evil and braindead and#stupid bc they didn't Politically Analyse a children's cartoon in great depth#😭😭😭#anyway ...#i think this is in a roundabout way connected to that one post going around i reblogged#abt media literacy being taught in highschool and people just not paying attention#and i still think that's like unfair as a position to hold bc Again i DIDNT go to high school as in i did Not Attend it#the breadth of my knowledge ends after year 7#and that's just me. like yeah some people ARE idiots and ignorant and pretend Again like their brains welded shut#but people generally are always open to learning and a lot of people very much Like thoughtful discussion about the arts#and thematic analysis of their favourite shows so they can describe why they like them properly beyond ''i just like it''#and just really really broadly cutting them all off declaring them hopeless and indirectly declaring yourself smarter than them forever#is ultimately unhelpful. and fucking rude. if they've done or said nothing wrong at least#and even if they did think something wrong like damn that's happened to everyone please.. it happens all the time#there is just this inherent condescending way some people talk that gets on my damn nerves
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