#a white cis she/her girlie who uses twitter words
usercelestial · 1 month
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i genuinely think i might kill myself
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calzonekestis · 2 years
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No, tumblr is not glitching. There is a a screen shot of a Marvel gif set in an unrelated fandom’s tag.
Tis a screen shot so as not to derail the notes of OP’s post with said unrelated fandom’s discourse.
If OP would like me to delete the screenshot and simply leave the link to the original post, I will happily do so.
It’s just.
I’ve been thinking a lot about just. The misogyny of fandom. Not particularly the Marvel fandom, or Stranger Things fandom, but like. Any fandom?
Cause despite what gatekeeping dudebros may want to believe - so much of Fandom culture thrives on women. Them and their creativity, and their engagement.
And I realize that as a cis man I should tread carefully asking this, but then… why is it that fandom is so misogynist towards actresses just doing their jobs?
The likes of Emily VanCamp and Grace Van Dien get viscous attacks online because people don’t like their characters, their relationships to their male faves. The actress merely living and breathing in real life is somehow a threat to their favorite fictional pairing.
Meanwhile, like. Joe Quinn talks about Eddie and Chrissy, people ignore him and say he doesn’t know what he’s saying. That he’s being pressured into saying it.
David Harbour talks about how he read Jopper fanfic, and how he and Winona adlibbed their second kiss. He’s a King for this. Fandom loves him.
Grace Van Dien just shared cute fanart to her social media accounts. She talked about how she and her scene partner approached the scene.
That’s literally all this poor woman has ever done. And suddenly she’s labeled the antichrist.
Like, ok, the screenshotted gif set. I like Sebastian Stan. I like that he Ships the Thing. I’m not saying we should tear him apart for shipping the thing - not at all, by any means.
But like. Can you imagine how opposite the response would be if he was a woman?
Saying he wants his character to marry/date/sleep with a dude? Making sexual innuendos?
Can you imagine if Grace said any such things pertaining to Eddie? I mean I know she was put on the spot with that Date/Marry/Kill game at various cons, but like.
She wouldn’t, because she has more tact - but if she was like “yeah I wish Chrissy had lived so she and Eddie could bone.” Like. If those were her words.
Like if she didn’t go all “be a weird/uncouth couple” about it, but if she was just like “girlie deserves to get it.”
I’d be snickering and cheering her on, frankly. I wouldn’t see anything wrong with that. Dear God though, could you imagine how twitter would react?
Like. Come on. Again, we’ve seen how the woman is treated just for sharing fanart and talking about how she approached her craft. If she did any of that?
Could you imagine?
A white man can get away with it, though. Be praised for it. Why is that? Is it because he’s conventionally attractive?
Like. Is that it?
Cause like. Again. Women hold fandom up on their shoulders like they’re Atlas. So why is misogyny so damn prevalent, especially when it comes to shipping culture?
I’m not even getting into acting like you’re some progressive ally just because you have a slash ship - because I think I covered that in previous posts. Its not actually caring about m|m or our representation. In many instances, you’re just horny. Or you just want to fetishize us as your “uwu soft gays”.
No, I mean like. Not even talking about the erasure if female characters, the shaming people for shipping m|f ships… why is it that the women making the content like ships? Why can’t they validate them? When you love it when the men do - at least, when they validate the ones you like. The women though, they better just keep their mouths shut. They’re so creepy, I bet they’re lusting after their costar! We aren’t projecting at all!
Again. Cis male. So like. I’m self aware enough to know I’m maybe not the best person to call this out/the person who should call it out but. Does fandom hate women? Cause it sure seems that way sometimes, and like. That makes little to no sense to me, not only because ayyy women 😩🤌 but like.
This is your house. Women built this house. Y’all are the ones who keep it running, it would be an even uglier and much more boring place without you. A patriarchal white echo chamber of dudebros complaining about a Star War.
So like. I’m sorry, but the shaming actresses for shipping a thing, cyber bullying them for daring to breathe your white blorbo man’s air.
While also building that white blorbo man on a weird little Hey Arnold style shrine in the back of your closet, so to speak.
It makes no sense to me. Y’all should be better than this. I know that you are better than this, the majority of you - that it is just a heinous vocal minority who attack actresses online but like.
What the fuck is up with that, pray tell?
I’m not blaming all this bullshit on all women - that’s stupid and I have more self awareness.
Again, white man. If I blamed you personally for this, you could blame me personally for like… I don’t know, nearly every horrible historical event in the history of history.
I don’t mean to play the blame game here, I just. I don’t understand.
Like you can tell it to me why this happens - I understand what all the words mean. Jealousy and bitterness and internalized misogyny. Yeah, I know, that all checks out.
It still. Doesn’t make sense. Going back over a decade to dig through a person’s trauma and recovery, their posts from when they were a minor… doctoring them in an attempt at defamation and libel.
All that. Over fictional characters. Over ships. Over your obsession with an actor who doesn’t know you exist and if he did would be disgusted by how you’re treating his friend and coworker.
Nothing about any of that makes sense.
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