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stochastique-blog · 7 months ago
Okay, this is interesting
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É isso ai !!!! Se você não tentar como você vai saber se dá. A @cultstudenthousing é prova disso. #destinoslindos #lifeonthemove #takemehere #allabandoned #welivetoexplore #travelslifee #tripawesome #topdecker #mybudgettravel #tasteintravel #awesomeglobe #teamvl #cultstudenthousing #cultstudenthousingrecife #cultstudenthome #casadeestudante #casadeestudanterecife #recifestudenthouse #studenthouse #studenthousing (em Cult Student Housing) https://www.instagram.com/p/BplCag_Awzm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wowztsls9ro4
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heartracingburn · 5 months ago
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I’m bored so I’m doing this Day 1:
I don’t have scales bc #studenthouse but I have some measurements that I go off of
My waist is 28 inches
My upper arms are 11 inches
My upper thighs are 23 inches
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star2fishmeg · 1 year ago
I might make a jjk post tomorrow, not a fic (yet), but like an "endearing thoughts I have about jjk and its characters" type shit bc gojo got me going crayzee feral atm and its making me emo
(I have 2 freezers, yeah #studenthouse, one black one white, and I have the burning urge to stick satoru and sugurus stupid faces on them as if they're already not in my bathrooms)
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actuelekamers · 1 year ago
Prijs: 700 per maand Kamer omschrijving Nice and clean room, spacious balcony in Osdorp. 10 min from Osdorpplein, close to a gym and swimming pool. 35 min bike ride to the city center. It is not a studenthouse. I am 32 yrs, working student. 3th year of psychodynamic therapy student. I like to work out 4-5 times a week, meditate daily and mindfull of how I spend my time. In to spirituality, psychology and health related topics. Appreciate socializing with housemate at the same time also appreciative of solo time. I am looking for likeminded FEMALE -Please introduce yourself, and why you would like to share a sacred space with me.Interesse in deze woning? Ga naar Kamernet.nl en stuur een bericht naar de verhuurder of huisgenoten. Kamer details Woonkamer gedeeld: shared Kamers: 1 Internet: yes Keuken gedeeld: true Douches: shared Kamergenoten in woning: Toilet: shared Huisdieren: false Makelaar: nee Bekijk de volledige kamer / woning (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(); ---> Bekijk en plan bezichtiging
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Casita is a leading student accommodation portal offering a wide range of options and affordable rates in prime locations across the world. Visit our website - https://www.casita.com/
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beautifultwente · 4 years ago
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Student house, another student group pranked this group by painting the house pink, they thought it was easy to remove with water..., Voortman - Amelink, Enschede, the Netherlands
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culstudenthousing · 5 years ago
Muita competição - o importante é ter ética e consciência - não esqueça que uma hora você vai ter que parar e olha para trás. @extraweg #estudante #student #school #faculdade #universidade #university #posgraduacao #especializacao #cultstudenthousing #cultstudenthome #casadeestudante #casadeestudanterecife #recifestudenthouse #studenthousing #studenthome #studentliving #universityhome #studenthouse #studenthousing (em Em Algum Lugar Do Mundo, Onde A Felicidade É A Dona Da Minha Vida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B576JcsgFKU/?igshid=1jslxh6zfmr4f
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sophiesmediamagic · 6 years ago
BREAKING NEWS: Noisy birds gather behind student's house before they head off to a Christmas party... Link to full video here: https://youtu.be/zmwwB-nGiVw #humour #birds #noisyneighbors #christmasparty #rave #groupmeetup #socialgathering #meetup #social #student #breakingnews #funny #winter #amusement #tree #flyoff #birdsfly #studenthouse #brighton #partytime #tweet #twittering https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq43cIgn_rK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uc1x236lb1qm
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annawanderer · 6 years ago
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Nice view, nice weather #studenthouse #11082018 #saturday #afternoon #View #armaneecondo (在 Armanee Terrace Condominium, Damansara Perdana)
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stochastique-blog · 10 months ago
Im Human
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Ponte Princesa ISABEL - “Rios, pontes e overdrives - impressionantes esculturas de lama Mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue Rios, pontes e overdrives - impressionantes esculturas de lama Mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue, mangue” Chico Science - foto @dudafotorecife #destinoslindos #lifeonthemove #takemehere #allabandoned #welivetoexplore #travelslifee #tripawesome #topdecker #mybudgettravel #tasteintravel #awesomeglobe #teamvl #cultstudenthousing #cultstudenthousingrecife #cultstudenthome #casadeestudante #casadeestudanterecife #recifestudenthouse #studenthouse #studenthousing (em Ponte Princesa Isabel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu42z8Hhih4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6a9gb3xl5eas
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alvenaaddy · 4 years ago
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thirteenguitars · 8 years ago
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Miss this room, already! #uni #bangor #gwynedd #studenthouse #secondyear
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actuelekamers · 1 year ago
Prijs: 700 per maand Kamer omschrijving Nice and clean room, spacious balcony in Osdorp. 10 min from Osdorpplein, close to a gym and swimming pool. 35 min bike ride to the city center. It is not a studenthouse. I am 32 yrs, working student. 3th year of psychodynamic therapy student. I like to work out 4-5 times a week, meditate daily and mindfull of how I spend my time. In to spirituality, psychology and health related topics. Appreciate socializing with housemate at the same time also appreciative of solo time. I am looking for likeminded FEMALE -Please introduce yourself, and why you would like to share a sacred space with me.Interesse in deze woning? Ga naar Kamernet.nl en stuur een bericht naar de verhuurder of huisgenoten. Kamer details Woonkamer gedeeld: shared Kamers: 1 Internet: yes Keuken gedeeld: true Douches: shared Kamergenoten in woning: Toilet: shared Huisdieren: false Makelaar: nee Bekijk de volledige kamer / woning (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push(); ---> Bekijk en plan bezichtiging
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It was just the beginning
That’s a lie, it’s far from the beginning but it’s the start of documenting the real struggles of living in a student house. After multiple years, and countless attempts we’re slowly learning how to get through to mindless 20 year olds that the trash hasn’t grown legs yet and it still doesn’t take itself out. Shame. 
There is a new beginning coming soon though, with the arrival of a new housemate this coming weekend, along with our hope of attempting classical conditioning in it’s purest and most delectable way- chocolate. So alongside the general disappointments, expect the scientific documentation of this Housemate Experiment. 
Many old and fantastically face palming stories will also feature - that’s a promise
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theruthisoutthere · 7 years ago
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#artistic #uni #studenthouse #thirdyear #home #bath #bathspa #fairylights #cute #softfocus #thiswasdefinitelyonpurpose
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arnaibho · 4 years ago
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21 Februari 2020, aku masih berjuang menyesuaikan diri dengan jam tidur yang berbeda 4 jam dari jam tidur di Indonesia. Kata landlordku, "It's only 4 hours. How can you be jet lag?". Ya, saya biasa tidur antara jam 10-12 malam di Indonesia. Kalau disesuaikan dengan jam Australia, saya paling lambat bisa tidur jam 4 pagi.
Masih bergumul juga dgn udara dingin, apalagi kalau malam hari. Meskipun Australia sedang musim panas, bukan berarti tidak ada hujan atau tidak ada kedinginan. Mungkin aku datang ke Melbourne saat cuacanya lagi dingin-dinginnya saat musim panas.
Siang ini, aku janjian dengan teman pergi ke Chadstone untuk membeli beberapa keperluan dasar yang aku butuhkan selama tinggal di Melbourne. Kebutuhan seperti rice cooker, piring, gelas, panci, selimut dan satu set seprei tambahan, dan lain-lain. Belanjanya cukup banyak, tapi puas karena barangnya murah (murah ala Australia). Belanjanya di K-Mart. Mengapa beli panci dan rice cooker? Supaya bisa masak. Di akomodasi bukankah disediakan? Ada, tapi ntah punya siapa. Sepertinya bukan fasilitas untuk dipakai bersama. Mendingan beli sendiri, nanti kalau sudah mau tamat, jual kepada yg membutuhkannya.
Oh ya, 20 Feb 2020 malam hari, aku pindah ke akomodasi/rumah yang sudah aku bayar terlebih dahulu sebelum berangkat ke Melbourne yaitu di Caulfield East. 18-20 Feb siang hari, aku tinggal di akomodasi sementara yang ada di Burwood (dekat dengan kampus Deakin University) karena rumah yang di Caulfield East sedang direnovasi akibat terkena badai kencang yang menyebabkan air masuk ke dalam rumah. Beruntungnya aku tidak lama tinggal di Burwood dan bisa segera pindah ke Caulfield East. Jarak kampusku ke Burwood itu sekitar lebih dari 1 jam naik transportasi umum, yang mana jauh dan tidak nyaman bagiku. Untung kuliah belum dimulai sehingga aku tidak perlu repot bolak-balik Caulfield-Burwood selama 3 hari pertama.
Rumah yang di Caulfield East sangat dekat dgn kampus. Hanya 3 menit jalan kaki. Depan jalan rumah, ada lapangan utk bermain Rugby ataupun Soccer. Suasana sekeliling rumah menyenangkan. Di rumah ini, aku tinggal dengan pelajar dari berbagai negara tetapi kebanyakan landlordnya memilih pelajar dari Asia Tenggara. Alasannya sederhana, karena orang Asia Tenggara bersih dan tidak suka pesta. Ada yang menarik, landlord rumah ini secara penampilan sangat sederhana. Pakai kaos dan celana pendek ke mana-mana. Sudah berumur lebih dari 50 tahun dan masih kuat olahraga. Mereka dari Singapore lalu pindah ke Melbourne dan menjadi warga negara di sini sudah 25 tahun. Siapa sangka, landlordku adalah seorang Vice President di sebuah bank di Melbourne. Bukan orang sembarangan. Beliau adalah pribadi yg rendah hati dan menyenangkan. Aku harap aku betah tinggal di rumah ini sampai 2 tahun ke depan. Dan apa yg akan terjadi besok? Tidak ada yang tahu. Untuk hari ini, jurnalnya tidak singkat namun tidak terlalu panjang. Pengalaman lainnya akan ku ceritakan di hari-hari berikutnya. Berikut foto-foto perjalananku hari ini.
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