#student photos
scotgemstories · 4 years
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Woodland Photowalk - Ufton Fields Report
On Tuesday 8th January, we held the first of the new monthly woodland photography walks.  The idea is simple. Visit a different woodlands on the first Tuesday of every month, in 2019, and spend a couple of hours together on a meetup, exploring the woodlands and taking photos.
I have always had a strong connection and interest in woodlands and take regular walks in the woodlands behind my house.  The act of taking time out, away from electronics, domestic and work duties enables us to re-balance our minds and take in exercise and fresh air.
Forest Bathing
This is the healing way of Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy, the medicine of simply being in the forest. Shinrin-yoku is a term that means "taking in the forest atmosphere" or "forest bathing." It was developed in Japan during the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine.
The woodland walks are aimed to promote our senses and connection to trees/woodland/nature - as we walk, observe and take in our environment we may decide to make a photograph, or not.
Ufton Fields Nature Reserve
We were blessed with sunny weather conditions on Tuesday so I was delighted when the first workshop sold out and I arrived at the car park at Ufton Fields Nature Reserve to find eleven eager people waiting my arrival.
Ufton Fields Nature Reserve is not large, but the 100 acre site, owned by Warwickshire Wildlife Trust has plenty of variety of trees, habitats, wildlife and pools to interest any type of outdoor photographer.  Situated in Harbury, between Gaydon and Leamington Spa the reserve is easy to access with a large enough car park and well marked out circular walking route. The parking and reserve is free of charge.
It was my first visit to the reserve and I was keen to explore the many different types of habitat and variety of shots that could be created using the pools left from the limestone quarry pits and abundance of gnarly tree trunks that always draw me to make a “Lord of the Rings” dark and moody woodland portrait.
As it transpired I found when returning home to review the images from the excursion, just about every image i had made was low key and moody.  I don’t recall setting out with that intention but clearly my mind was attracted to small window glimpse rather than the wider angle spectacular views, with the exception of one or two towards the end of the photo walk.
Outdoor photography is predominantly impacted by the quality and quantity of light.  Bright sunshine in open space can be hard to handle with harsh highlights and shadows.  In a woodlands situation those harsh light extremities can be taken advantage of to create something moodier using one extreme against the other (light against dark for example) but contained in a much smaller area and space.  For me, it becomes essential to then find and use a strong structural framework to construct the composition. Tree trunks, paths, anything where the light leads the eye through and around the frame.
This shot, “The Edge” was my personal favourite from the day. Shot on a long lens at 160mm f13 using spot metering on the highlights to hold back the shadows to as close to black as possible without clipping and holding the exposure for the sunlit branches of the foreground trees. In fact the majority shots taken by me were taken using that method. Low Key images (low key meaning most of the pixels are shadows/dark) rely on you overriding the camera’s attempt to expose as fully as possible. Whilst exposing to the right is technically correct, it doesn’t mean it is creatively correct to do it for every shot. it pays to experiment and try different techniques to help you realise your creative vision for a shot.
I hope you will be able to join me on the next or any future woodland photo workshop.  These are different from my normal photography workshop format in that they are not restricted to six participants with my focus being the tuition and guidance of the participants.  Instead these walks are about meeting like-minded people who enjoy photography and woodlands who want to explore, share ideas, chat and enjoy a gentle stroll together. Of course, I am on hand and happy to advise, guide and answer any photography questions along the way.
Twelve Woodland Habitats to explore in 2019
Only £10
Booking and details for each workshop are online
2019 Dates:
Tue 8th Jan - Ufton Fields - Harbury, Warwickshire
Tue 5th Feb - Rough Hill Wood - Worcestershire
Tue 5th Mar - Moseley Bog - Birmingham
Tue 2nd Apr - Clowes Wood - Earlswood, Solihull
Tue 7th May - Millisons Wood - Meriden
Tue 4th Jun - Snitterfield Wood - Stratford Upon Avon
Tue 2nd Jul - Ryton Wood - Coventry
Tue 6th Aug - Tocil Wood - Coventry
Tue 3rd Sep - Elkin Wood - Coventry
Tue 1st Oct - Piles Coppice & Brandon Wood - Coventry
Tue 5th Nov - Crackley Wood - Kenilworth
Tue 3rd Dec - Hay wood - Solihull
Take a look at what others took on the day
Not everyone sent me photos from the walk but you can see from those who did just how varied the shots made were. Each person, working alone to create an image conveying their connection and vision of their surroundings. Wonderful images from a lovely group of people. Thanks to everyone who attended, it was a special morning and I hope to see you again on another one soon.
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bruceschlein · 9 years
My Students' Doings
OLLI Student Work
Here are some of the photographs my students in the Furman Osher Lifelong Learning Institute took during our eight week course of instruction this past Winter Session which included some instruction, critiquing of the work with class participation and without any tears being shed. You all have seen enough of my pictures and the students agreed to let me show theirs. I have not included names of…
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wearecampbell-blog · 10 years
A few of your photos from #CUSnow Part 2
Another beautiful blanket of snow has started to cover @campbelledu. pic.twitter.com/SOAmHJYMZM
— Summer Marie (@summermc13)
February 11, 2014
<iframe src="//instagram.com/p/kSZYGaC5_v/embed/" width="612" height="710" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
<iframe src="//instagram.com/p/kSZYGaC5_v/embed/" width="612" height="710" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>Outside my dorm... @campbelledu #CUSnowDay #CampbellProud #Snow pic.twitter.com/HPpnL2AJI7
— JB ✌️✈️☁️ (@HerringJB)
February 11, 2014
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scotgemstories · 4 years
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Free Monthly Photo Competition - Dec-Feb - Winter
Free Monthly Photo Competition - Dec-Feb - Winter
Professional Photographer available for commissions and photography tuition
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https://www.alanranger.comAlan Ranger Photography Tuitionhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/5013f4b2c4aaa4752ac69b17/t/5abe963a2b6a285e96883598/1544958400965/(44) [email protected]
We are pleased to announce the launch of a free monthly photography contest. It’s always a real pleasure to view photos from our clients, followers and friends so we thought it would be great to be able to share the best photos with our wider community through running a monthly competition.
Each month we will set a theme for the competition and you will have a month to pick up to three photos to enter. The photos can be from your back catalogue or you could go out and make new images specifically with the theme in mind.
Please don’t be shy or think you’re not good enough to enter. The competition is open to any level of photographer and you never know you might just win one of the prizes!
This Months Brief - Winter - Dec 16th - Feb 15th
Closing date for entries - 15th Feb 23:00
"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold."
- Aristotle
The color of springtime is in the flower. The color of winter is in the imagination.
Ice, frost or snow, I want to see your winter images depicting the essence of the cold season. Winter is a magical time for photography with the sun lower in the sky, dramatic sunrises and colour in the clearer skies and of course the added element of freezing weather on the environment and landscape. I would encourage you to go out with your camera, walk in the countryside, woodlands or even your local park and look for subjects that illustrate the crisp, often bare and stark conditions.
“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.”
― Stanley Horowitz
Up to three entries must be submitted by the closing date.
Winner - £50 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Runner-up - £30 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Third Place - £20 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Up to three additional “Highly Commended” Places - Free membership of Alan Ranger Photography Forum on Facebook, if already a forum member then a £10 gift voucher will be provided.
Please share this page/contest so others can join in.
Previous Competition Winners
To enter and read all the terms and conditions for entry and details of the brief go to the Photo Contest Page. (It’s also linked on the home page as a featured link button)
Good luck and we look forward to seeing your entries.
Please share this post with the links below:
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Great way to display class rules, reminders, etc. Use student photos with speech bubbles.
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fineonceigetit · 13 years
i would just like to take this moment to barf on my new student i.d. picture, which will be my senior year yearbook picture.
a retake is a must.
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scotgemstories · 4 years
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Intentions Photography Exhibition - Private Viewing Invitation
You are invited to the - Private Viewing - Intentions Photography Exhibition - Leamington Spa
Sunday 13th Jan 12pm to 2pm
East Lodge
Jephson Gardens
Willes Road
Leamington Spa
CV32 4ER
Come and meet the photographers and view their work, discuss their ideas and photographic vision and interpretation. A must for all clients to see how these photographers took on a photo project over six months and turned an idea into a body of work that reflects their unique photographic voices. All portfolios are “abstract” to an extent and show how they use the camera to capture and portray familiar everyday subjects into fine art pieces that deserve a space in any room as a print.
Not to be missed!
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Free Monthly Photo Competition - Nov-Dec - Sunrise/Sunsets
Free Monthly Photo Competition - Nov-Dec - Sunrise/Sunsets
Professional Photographer available for commissions and photography tuition
Tumblr media
https://www.alanranger.comAlan Ranger Photography Tuitionhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/5013f4b2c4aaa4752ac69b17/t/5abe963a2b6a285e96883598/1542538832017/(44) [email protected]
We are pleased to announce the launch of a free monthly photography contest. It’s always a real pleasure to view photos from our clients, followers and friends so we thought it would be great to be able to share the best photos with our wider community through running a monthly competition.
Each month we will set a theme for the competition and you will have a month to pick up to three photos to enter. The photos can be from your back catalogue or you could go out and make new images specifically with the theme in mind.
Please don’t be shy or think you’re not good enough to enter. The competition is open to any level of photographer and you never know you might just win one of the prizes!
This Months Brief - Sunrise & Sunset - Nov 16th - Dec 15th
Closing date for entries - 15th Dec 23:00
Sunrise and sunset photos have always been very popular subjects to photograph. Whether it’s the colours, clouds, light that attracts so much gaze, awe and appreciation or that special connection that we all feel stood there witnessing the changing light as one day ends and another starts. I’d like to see your sunrise and sunset photos. They do not need to be glorious technicolour, though they can be, the light, mood and setting can equally portray that special connection to blue and golden hours.
Up to three entries must be submitted by the closing date.
Winner - £50 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Runner-up - £30 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Third Place - £20 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Up to three additional “Highly Commended” Places - Free membership of Alan Ranger Photography Forum on Facebook, if already a forum member then a £10 gift voucher will be provided.
Please share this page/contest so others can join in.
Previous Competition Winners
To enter and read all the terms and conditions for entry and details of the brief go to the Photo Contest Page. (It’s also linked on the home page as a featured link button)
Good luck and we look forward to seeing your entries.
Please share this post with the links below:
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Autumn Leaves - Contest Results
Autumn Leaves - Contest Results
Professional Photographer available for commissions and photography tuition
Tumblr media
https://www.alanranger.comAlan Ranger Photography Tuitionhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/5013f4b2c4aaa4752ac69b17/t/5abe963a2b6a285e96883598/1542538832017/(44) [email protected]
A big thank you to all of you who entered the monthly themed contest for Oct/Nov - Autumn Leaves.
There were 63 valid entries from 28 entrants. I did receive another 20 entries/4 unknown participants but the filename(s) were not correctly renamed so they couldn’t be identified or were duplicate copies . Check the Entries Panel to see if yours was included or not. If you don’t see your image it means you did not upload, rename your filename or the entry form was not completed - sorry for your troubles.
I appreciate a number of people have struggled with the submission process and tell me that the form doesn’t always work as expected. I have tested it multiple times my end with no issues. I believe that those who had difficulty were using a MAC or mobile device. This, in theory, shouldn’t be an issue but I am unable to troubleshoot as don’t use a MAC and I know other MAC users have uploaded successfully too. All I can suggest is that you try from a Windows PC and Chrome browser as I know this works for the majority of people. I’ll continue to investigate the cause of the random errors but changing to an alternative method would actually be more complicated.
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Tip - ensure you select three images when Adding Files to the form and wait for the progress bars to complete uploading (showing file size) before submitting the form as illustrated:
New Theme for the Month of November is
Sunrise/Sunsets - Details here: Closing Date 15th December 23:00
Sunrise and sunset photos have always been very popular subjects to photograph. Whether it’s the colours, clouds, light that attracts so much gaze, awe and appreciation or that special connection that we all feel stood there witnessing the changing light as one day ends and another starts. I’d like to see your sunrise and sunset photos. They do not need to be glorious technicolour, though they can be, the light, mood and setting can equally portray that special connection to blue and golden hours.
Competition Entries - Autumn Leaves
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Would all awarded entrants email or phone me for details on how to claim their prize.
All awarded images have been added to the client gallery.
Winner - Dennis Jeffrey
Well observed and composed image depicting autumn leaves floating with the reflection of the bare tree reflecting. The colour contrast of reflected blue and bronze, golden yellow leaves give this an ethereal quality that draws the viewer’s eyes and imagination into the image. Well done Dennis. Dennis wins a £50 gift voucher.
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Runner Up - Robert Hull
A single golden leaf, lit in the sun and caught in the decaying plant becoming a temporary home to spiders emcompasses many aspects of the autumn season in one shot. The careful focusing and use of depth of field really helps isolate and convey the photographers visual awareness. Well done Robert. Robert wins a £30 voucher.
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Third Place - Jackie Rosin
A beautifully lit and sensitive execution of of autumn leaf colours. The simplicity and brilliant use of space and flow makes this a stand-out composition aided by the control of exposure to create contrast. Well done Jackie. Jackie wins a £20 voucher.
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Highly Commended x 3
Well done all. Each Highly Commended wins a free annual membership of the Alan Ranger Facebook Forum. Just email me to find out how to be added.
Rachel Hands - Highly Commended
Lovely collection of autumn litter and tight composition to treat the viewer to details and textures. https://www.instagram.com/racheyhands/
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Elaine O’Leary - Highly Commended
A graceful still-life autumn leaf shot handled with low key lighting.
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Diana Richards- Highly Commended
A frame full of golden yellows and vertical trunks. Good use of a single colour and filling the frame.
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One Dominant Colour Contest Results
A big thank you to all of you who entered the monthly themed contest for September - One Dominant Colour.
There were 37 valid entries from 15 entrants. I did receive a handful of other entries but the filename(s) were not correctly renamed so they couldn’t be identified. Check the Entries Panel to see if yours was included or not. If you don’t see your image it means you did not upload, rename your filename or the entry form was not completed - sorry for your troubles.
I had said that there had to be a minimum of 25 participants for it to proceed but as this is the first competition I have waived this term this time round.
Hopefully, more people will enter the next competition, remember it’s FREE
New Theme for the Month of October is;
Autumn Leaves - Details here: Closing Date 15th November 23:00
Autumn is here and all around us until 21st December. Most people associate Autumn with colour and in particular the vivid mixture of orange, yellow, red and brown or a tasty mixture of them all. So dig out your images from your back portfolio, or better still go out with your camera and create new images that represent the colour, smell and richness of autumn through leaves.
Would all awarded entrants email or phone me for details on how to claim their prize.
All awarded images have been added to the client gallery.
Competition Entries
Winner - Francis Peckham
A lovely use of precise focusing and controlling the depth of field, background and minimal colour to help the frog really stand out. Well done Francis. Francis wins a £50 gift voucher.
Runner Up - John Seely
A beautiful and sensitive image of the rose by John. Great use of aperture and lighting to create this dreamy multi layered composition of the red rose. Well done John. John wins a £30 voucher. www.johnseely.photography
Third Place - Claire Finch
A magical sunlit image of wheat reminds us all of those glorious warm sunny days gone by. Lovely focus and haze that makes us all imagine being there with you. Well done Claire. Claire wins a £20 voucher.
Highly Commended x 3
Well done all. Each Highly Commended wins a free annual membership of the Alan Ranger Facebook Forum.
Janie Chapman - Highly Commended
Wonderful motion and texture in this abstract image, well done.
Lynn Welsher - Highly Commended
Great use of repeating shapes, patterns/textures, well done.
Sarah Moore - Highly Commended
Great mix of shades of purple and mauve and shallow depth of field. Well done.
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Free Monthly Photo Competition
We are pleased to announce the launch of a free monthly photography contest. It’s always a real pleasure to view photos from our clients, followers and friends so we thought it would be great to be able to share the best photos with our wider community through running a monthly competition.
Each month we will set a theme for the competition and you will have a month to pick up to three photos to enter. The photos can be from your back catalogue or you could go out and make new images specifically with the theme in mind.
Please don’t be shy or think you’re not good enough to enter. The competition is open to any level of photographer and you never know you might just win one of the prizes!
This Months Brief - One Dominant Colour - Sep
Closing date for entries - 15th Oct 23:00
I would like to see your images consisting of one dominant colour. The subject can be anything that you choose. Colour evokes emotion, so think colour, emotion, composition. Other colours are allowed but keep them to a minimum.
Up to three entries must be submitted by the closing date.
Winner - £50 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Runner-up - £30 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Third Place - £20 Gift Voucher to use towards/against any tuition event within 12 months of issue.
Up to three additional “Highly Commended” Places - Free membership of Alan Ranger Photography Forum on Facebook, if already a forum member then a £10 gift voucher will be provided.
To enter and read all the terms and conditions for entry and details of the brief go to the Photo Contest Page. (It’s also linked on the home page as a featured link button)
Good luck and we look forward to seeing your entries.
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RPS Distinction Group
Are you interested in gaining a photographic distinction?
The Royal Photographic Society exists to promote photography and image-making and to support photographers in realising their potential, irrespective of their level of knowledge, equipment or skills. 
Having supported many clients through a journey of development and improvement, with their photography, over the past few years, I am aware that there is a growing group who have considered and are interested in going for an accreditation with the RPS.
I have had a few conversations with individuals over the past six months and it seems there is a wish by them for me to pull together a special interest group of those wishing to build panels and apply for either the L or A distinction.
Requires 10 images which reflect your ability as a photographer.
Requires a body of work/project of 15 images of a high standard and a written Statement of Intent.
I have previously supported a few clients in achieving their distinctions - Mike Ford so have experience of providing the mentoring and tuition to help you achieve this goal.  Additionally, my own experience and knowledge means I am well positioned to offer insight and guide you through the process.
Distinction Group - Cost and Commitment
At this stage, I am polling interest to see what the demand would be for a group.  Depending on interest this may become a formal group and course spread over 6-12 months with a class/meetup scheduled every four-five weeks.  I am aware that everyone will be at different stages and progress may take longer for some than others who already possibly have an incomplete draft panel. Therefore the format I am considering is each person being able to pick six scheduled classes over a 12 month period.  The classes will run approx every 4-5 weeks during the week in an evening at my home.  This should cater for attendees various timescales to complete a panel in a 12 month period.
The cost will be approximately £395 for the 12 months of classes/support.
Distinction Group - Format and Tuition
Small group setting at my home
Images projected on to large TV screen 
Dropbox used for updated portfolios and images
Group collaboration and sharing
2hr-2.5hrs - 7pm - 9:30pm on monthly basis - Option to attend/leave when it suits you
Advice on individual basis throughout
Support for panel ideas, layout and coherence
Technical and creative critique with suggestions for improvement
Support for L and A panel submissions process
Support for DPI or Printing quality and formats
Support for RPS Advisory Days
Next Steps
Consider if an RPS Distinction is something you want to achieve
Consider if you can commit to up to six classes over the next 12 months
Consider if you can make the time to shoot the images needed for a panel
Consider the benefits of being in a distinctions group and collaborating/learning
Consider how this process will develop you and your photographic skills/knowledge
If you feel answered positively to those five considerations then this is a good opportunity for you to enrol in this programme.
Just email/phone me to register your interest so I can discuss the level of interest, suitability of your work to date and confirm the timescales and next steps for you to sign up! 
I look forward to hearing from everyone and happy to take onboard any suggestions on format and frequency etc.
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Intentions Exhibition
Intentions Photography Exhibition - Leamington Spa
Four local photographers completed the "Intermediates Photography Course" this month and are about to showcase the photographic project they undertook, at a high street gallery exhibition in Royal Leamington Spa.
You're Invited
You and a guest are invited to the VIP Opening Night on Fri 23rd Feb, 6:30pm-9pm at Slate Art Gallery, Leamington Spa. 
This private viewing is an excellent chance to meet the photographers and have a chat about their project and the journey they travelled to end up with a portfolio of prints in an exhibition.  Enjoy looking at the collections from each photographer with a glass of wine and nibbles at hand.
You do not need to RSVP, just turn up on the night, you are more than welcome.  If you are definitely attending and want to let us know, you can confirm on the Facebook Event Page.  
All four photographers have participated in some tuition events before embarking on the Intermediates Course.  The intermediates course runs over, approximately, a six month period with a mixture of fortnightly and monthly classes to evaluate progress, provide input and discuss image selection and editing.  The primary objective of the course is to produce a collection of images that speak to the reason and personal execution of a photograph and subject rather than the mechanics of making it.
Each photographer chooses a subject matter that they feel some connection to and then embarks on a project to produce a coherent panel of images.  The quantity is not set, but we do spend time discussing the merits and quality of each photo and how it fits into the overall collection.
Also, the photographers are then responsible for editing, producing test prints on various papers and media and deciding on their final selections and sizes/framing/pricing to appear in the exhibition at the end of the course.  Therefore these collections are a "soup to nuts" course with an idea at inception, the taking and editing of images and then finally printing, exhibiting and selling the photos.
The Collections and Artists
Chris Parker - Seashells
My aim was to create a display of photographs that reveal the colours, shapes and, often hidden, intricacies of the many shells beneath our feet, often without giving them a second glance.
     Paul Kirby - Start Point
This project is centred on a small coastal area of South Devon in the vicinity of Start Point and the village of Hallsands. It has been inspired by regular holidays and visits to the area throughout the past 50 years, and the more immediate local campaign to save the second village of Hallsands from being sacrificed to the sea.
Kirsten Pearce - Changes
During this project which developed from a love of the coastline, I have had the challenge of looking at water differently. Inspired by both the patterns of nature and science and the rhythms of music, I have tried to represent moving water in a variety of abstract ways. My intention is to create a panel of work to represent both the ever-changing, flowing water and the human journey of learning new skills and making life changes. 
Matthew Battison - Emotive Architecture
Large cities have a buzz and identity to them which makes everyone unique. Today’s modern cities are undergoing a transition as they aim to shake off their previous industrial roots and look to become modern, financial centers whilst attempting to maintain some of their heritage.  Architecture has a massive presence in our lives, if you aren’t in architecture you’re surrounded by it on a day to day basis. All architecture, from your local train station to the skyscrapers in city's makes us feel something.   
Exhibition Dates
The exhibition runs for three weeks from 23rd Feb to 16th Mar
I am sure you will not be disappointed when you visit these collections.  None of the photographers does this for a living professionally, or even aspire to earn money from their pursuit.  All of them do photography for the love of the medium and ability to express their interpretations of subjects.  Most importantly they enjoy what they do, this passion and dedication to making compelling images is what this course is about but also why the majority of people I encounter and teach, choose photography as their hobby, pursuit and means of documenting their lives and views.
Create a Journey...Capture life
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