#student agency
mostly-functional · 3 months
The funniest thing about Dead Boy Detectives is how everyone automatically knows Crystal and Niko are teenagers. On multiple occasions, other characters question why they’re living on their own or why they don’t go to high school. But to me, they both look like they’re in their early 20s.
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This is a screenshot from a scene where Jenny says “at least one of you is in school, right?”
Don’t get me wrong, Kassius and Yuyu are both gorgeous but they do not look like teenagers
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habken · 1 month
wait what if in scammers to lovers izuku still stopped gentle criminal and la brava from attacking ua but like… by talking to them or something
Just completely changed their worldview or something they’re like “wow this conversation has changed the way I look at the world and I think I’m a better person because of it. I’m going to follow my true passions now, thank you”
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killermaxaroo8675309 · 5 months
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Dead Boy Detectives College au!!!!
They all meet as teens then go to college together. Totally aces, am I right?
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kyoshi-lesbians · 9 months
aang when he says "the monks taught us" katara when she says "my grandmother used to tell me" sokka when he says "my dad" zuko when he says "my uncle" toph when. the badgermoles.
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eat-the-lemons · 5 months
Charles: ...my opp list.
Edwin: I believe the proper term is proscriptio, but go on
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read-write-thrive · 27 days
I wanted to get a head start on palasaki week and now I’m building out a reverse AU. why do I keep doing this to myself I can’t keep starting new stuff without finishing the old stuff 😭
#anyway they meet at wellesley#ik st hilarions is fictional and I could’ve gone that route but hwc’s are right there#and honestly I needed to explain how Crystal is attending a school in the 1910s period#like she’s coming from money but she’s still a black woman in America yk#so I needed a school that admitted black women of upper classes#and is also religious and has an international students program in the 80s#and has a body of water on/near campus#and wellesley fit the bill !#haven’t decided if they base the agency out of Boston bc of proximity or nyc#since I’m saying Crystal’s from nyc#can’t decide if her parents are rich in black society or are passing in upper middle class white society#bc unfortunately this is an era where these details are vvv important in terms of if/where Crystal could go to school#plus a lot of her parents hippy-esque traits in canon just don’t translate historically#like there were all of 27 babies named Crystal in the US in 1900#idk race is just such a big part of American history that you can’t not address it when switching the characters around#including Niko!!!#they’re both still dead for hate crimes but now we’ve got race tensions in the mix#for reference I’m trying to write little one shots from each of the prompts so all this is completely overkill#but this is just how my brain works ig#palasaki#palasaki week#dead boy detectives#dbda#dead boy detective agency#crystal palace#crystal palace surname von hoverkraft#niko sasaki
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baffokitty · 1 month
Please write the Lilith and Charles fic please 🙏
The people have spoken 🙏🙏🙏
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csoisoi · 1 year
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ifrit's tail makes delicious food
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la-galaxie-langblr · 4 months
job rant incoming
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doriandrifting · 9 months
My adult Will Byers headcanon is that he becomes a pediatric nurse, and he’s just like so good at his job and amazing at comforting sick kids without making them feel infantilized. He always takes the time to answer the kids’ questions—to make all the big words a little less confusing and scary. And sometimes he makes little cartoon doodles to cheer up his patients—always drawing them as superheroes and helping them to feel brave for treatments.
He even starts making little mini DnD campaigns for some of the longer-term care kids to play. (Sometimes when he’s really too swamped his “best friend” Mike comes to help DM and he always gets the 90s sitcom guest star welcome from the kids). It’s this really nice tool for escapism and fun for the kids, but it also helps to build up their confidence and give them agency over choices when so much feels out of their control. And basically Will thought he would always hate hospitals and there’s still days where he gets in his head after everything that happened, but every time an excited little kid comes running up to him with their character sheet, rambling on about a spell they created for their character, Will remembers exactly why he’s there.
so, yeah, pediatric nurse Will Byers
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rosalinesurvived · 8 months
I… I want to put bungou stray dog characters inside the Backrooms
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sirpeppersto · 8 days
i got to talk to the state agency about getting my tuition reimbursed since it's been a week since my school closed. the school itself hasn't said a word to any of the students and ive left multiple emails, i sent a message thru the system they sent us announcements through(which they stopped using for whatever reason in june), and i tried to comment on their social media but they havent been going through.
im honestly thinking about finding the personal phone number and email address of the owner and sending it to as many students as I can so we can actually get an answer. cause all of our stuff is still locked in the building and the people from the state agency said the only thing the school gave them was the roster of students, no transcripts or anything. if there's any student there who could find that info its me
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Numéro 23
Part 2
Guess what, ya girl finished a snippet on the plane!!
Words: 1.28 k
TW: Violence, bone fracture, slightly depressed and pretty anxious hero, questionable agency, bone fracture, guns, attempted murders, restraint mentioned
The file was dropped onto their desk curtly, no words spoken, like every other assignment Hero got. Their newest target didn't have a name, no alias of some sort, and the picture of them had shown them fully masked in a sleek, black suit, no inch of skin showing; a faceless caricature. However, their kill count, in three digits, was important enough that any other details seemed inconsequential next to it.
Besides, Hero had been taught to treat their targets more like tasks than people. 
So the crime-fighter trained till they were left dead on their feet, till their knuckles were all ripped skin and covered in bloodstains, till their exhausted muscles felt like they were on fire. 
“Hero! Don’t you think you’re going a little overkill, boss?” Sidekick asked, folding their arms across their chest and leaning against the doorframe.
The young hero was the closest thing to a light in the agency’s pitch black darkness; the soul that gave life to a lifeless place, like a flame lighting the slowly dwindling, half-melted candle that was the older crime-fighter’s life. 
“I. . .can’t, Sidekick,” the hero replied breathlessly, hauling their form up for yet another pull-up, having done so many that they’d lost count. “This new target is unlike all the others before the-”
“Yeah yeah, but when are you not being paranoid about one of your enemies?” the teenager replied, cutting them off. 
“Their kill count is in three digits,” the crime-stopper retorted almost impatiently.
“Bloody hell,” Sidekick interjected, eyes going wide.
“Watch your language,” Hero chided, but a sly smirk danced across their face. 
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that, but what good will it do if you show up to fight this bloody - sorry - serial killer exhausted? Weren’t you the one who kept lecturing me on the importance of rest for maximum work efficiency?”
The hero may have been stubborn, but they realised their protegé was right. They couldn't risk showing up to fight someone like their mystery killer while tired, so they decided to make their way home.
Normally, a hot bath would easily clear their head. Sure, they could still feel the tension blissfully seep from their form, the warmth relaxing overworked muscles, but their mind remained a raging firestorm of anxiety. It frustrated them how they couldn't even enjoy something this simple, the one moment where they no longer had to think or be whatever the hell they needed to be at the moment. "At least I smell nice," they scoffed, wishing to get this over with much faster. 
They let out a heavy sigh, leaving the tub and slipping into a bathrobe, trudging to the desk in their room to use the old, but still functional laptop. Ironically, being a hero barely payed for rent. 
For someone so high and mighty, their little terrorist wasn't completely difficult to find. Or maybe the hero was really a 'natural with the keyboard', since it had taken them a bit of hacking to find their target. Who's to say? 
Changing into their suit, Hero stared at their reflection with such intensity, that it would look to most people like an attempt to shatter it to a thousand shards by just looking at it. In reality, their own harsh gaze bore into the dark corners of their mind, wondering for the umpteenth time if they were enough. It didn't matter because they'd still have to do this anyway, whatever the cost.
"Target spotted," they whispered into their comm, standing on their knees for long enough that their muscles ached, waiting for their enemy deigned to show up. 
"I will engage now." 
The killer's movements resembled that of a panther, and the crime-fighter would have been lying if they'd denied finding it graceful. They were fast and agile, almost impossible to keep up with, not even giving them the chance to reach for the gun in their waistband. But the hero was no slouch either. They aimed a harsh kick to their enemy's shins, their body slamming into the asphalt with an audible thud. Still, the figure in black remained undeterred, kicking the crime-stopper on top of them in the ribs, sending them toppling down across the street, making their head throb and effectively destroying their flimsy communicator.
The hero swore, muttering something ironically much more profane than what they'd chastise their sidekick for, but they rolled away, out of the bastard's reach, quickly getting back on their feet. Their assailant was quick on their feet, chasing after them, but Hero was faster. They'd managed to slip behind an old building, trying to quiet their laboured breathing. They slowly reached for the gun in their waistband, removing the old magazine and replacing it with a new, loaded one.
They waited painstakingly for their target to reach the perfect spot.
Bang. They fired, aiming for the kill, three perfect shots. 
Except the bastard was wearing bullet-proof armour, the bullets ricocheting off of them uselessly. They were certain that underneath their dark cowl, the criminal must have had an infuriatingly smug smirk on their face, but right then, they recieved an entirely self-satisfied tilt of the head to the side. 
Their only option was to destroy a piece of the armour and shoot them there. 
The fight between them continued being a draw, one striking, their opponent blocking, and neither causing any real damage. Until the killer had managed to back Hero into a corner, kicking them to the ground and twisting their leg into a horrid angle, the crime-fighter crying out in pain as a grotesque crack rang in their ears. Tears sprang in their eyes and with whatever little movement they could manage, they furiously ripped their nemesis's mask off.
It wasn't the face of a stranger, like they'd expected, nor was it the face of someone entirely close to them, not that there were many people, aside from their sidekick, who obviously wasn't the ruthless murderer before, instead, it was their quiet lab partner from college, Villain, the one that sat next to them every day, brought them coffee and the occasional dessert, and doodled silly cartoons in their notebook to keep them both sane during boring classes, the closest thing they had to a friend that had nothing to do with the agency.
Their mouth was left agape, their eyes wide, their whole world spinning, but Villain didn’t even blink. They fired, straight into the hero's chest, utterly remorseless, no readable expression on their stone hard face.
Hero woke up. Woke up? What the hell? But Villain had killed them, yet here they were, lying on a soft mattress underneath a wonderfully thick comforter, with their leg in a cast, bandages crisscrossed across their chest. The only thing ruining the strangely mellow coziness they felt (possibly painkilling drugs) was the fact that they were handcuffed to the nighstand. 
The bullet had missed their heart. But surely an expert marksman like Villain wouldn't miss, right? This, for some strange reason, was intentional. 
We like to believe that our expectations have a foundation in truth, that they are of considerable value, that they can have even the slightest effect on any future outcomes. Yet, that is a fool's dream, a fruitless effort to calm a racing mind in fear of the unknown. Just when you are at the peak of your certainty, when you fully believe your fate is sealed, a spontaneous twist, the slightest change sets you on a path you were never aware existed. Our choices, our words, our actions have meaning, yet they only hold the power of a few tidal waves in the vast unpredictable ocean that is our future because destiny is a weapon one can only hope to master.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @usernotfound000 @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @shr3ya @crotchgoblin69 @wtfevenisausername
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the-level-up-diaries · 10 months
The goals I set this year vs what I actually accomplished.
Enroll in WGU and complete a degree in 6 months
-I enrolled and switched my degree a few times. I am now enrolled in the master's program with WGU and I want to land a system admin job in the year year after I graduate that pay $90k-$120k. I am also getting Cisco and RedHat certified, so *fingers crossed* .
Pay off my student loan debt
-On December 22nd of 2023 I will officially be DEBT FREE!!! I struggled, worked 2 jobs, burned out a couple of times and made many sacrifices. I can honestly say I am very, very proud of myself. I questioned many days could I get debt free and even thought about waiting on relief, but I finally did thank God!
Get a job paying over $65k
-I took a course and landed an SDR role within a company and my job with OTE pays $72k. It's a hard job, but I am learning everyday and I hope that I can continue with the company as long as possible.
Get my credit above the 700s
-This is a yes and a no! I won't officially get my new score until the new year, but since all my debt will be gone, it should be past THE 700S.
Lose 50 lbs.
-I really struggled with my weight this year as well as my eating. What I learned is I needed to simplify my routine. I start turning on anime and watching that while I walk at a speed of 3.0-3.5 on the treadmill. I walk an hour everyday, but Sunday. I will lay out the plan on how and when I'll lose this weight in a later post.
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paula-donas · 3 months
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And here is my true child. The gouache was fun but LOOK AT THEM SO SILLY.
I am proudest of this baby.
It is totally inspired by a fic by @coloursflyaway (won't fear love, i believe,) and one of their adorable dates. I fed on this person's fics for weeks so please check em out they are so good.
I still have to draw so many amazing fanfic scenes but my mental energy has reached a limit i believe JAJAJJ.
LOOK AT THEM. SO SILLY. Their littlw faces??????????? I was so inspired by this site's artists i'll eat you tumblr artists' faces thank you so much jajajaj.
So, that's a wrap on art for some weeks now (this is a repost actually cause i thought i had uploaded this picture but i cant find it??)
BUUUT, have i MENTIONED that i've made a comic about masculinity and and expectations and and like. Check it out?
I'm just so proud of it and have spent a LOT of time on it in between exams so, if you'd like to read it, here´s the link! (shameless spammer but who cares, if this'll only reach two randos? kisses!)
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library-seraph · 3 months
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Loading Screen Tip: In a pinch, you can draw any sad girl as the Rose Bride!
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