#strawhats x reader platonic
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heartsforseo · 1 year ago
Skincare with the strawhats
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A/n: I'm somewhere on episode 500 in One Piece. And looking back at my valorant post... I really did Franky, Jimbei, Chopper, and Brook wrong. But uh... I'll try to do better :D!! Btw this excludes Chopper cuz...how?
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⭑Luffy, I'd say wouldn't understand much about it. I mean, he probably knows and have heard a bit from Nami and Robin but that's that.
⭑When you first explained it to him, he was half-listening, so he was a bit shocked when you sprayed some water on his face.
⭑Would think of it as a fun game and splash some water onto you too (your clothes sadly got wet :[)
⭑When you start adding some cream onto his face he found it funny and started making weird faces.
⭑Over some time, he'd actually start liking it and would start expecting one every week (and maybe even every day)
⭑And even if you guys were to do skincare every day, he'd either fall asleep or cause some ruckus. No in-between.
"Hey, Y/n!! Can we do the skinmare thing again??"
"It's skincare, Luffy, and yes."
⭑Overall, 6/10. He's not the worst, but there is definitely better.
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⭑It's either Nami who will bring it up or you.
⭑She's the best to do skincare with since she got everything. Like everything
⭑Would prolly make you pay when you use one of her stuff (w/h or w/o permission)
⭑Would actually give you a piece of advice on what or what not to do though.
⭑While doing skincare, Nami will tell you gossip about the crew or from the last island.
⭑If you get on her good side, she might give you one of her equipment.
⭑Would secretly charge you money for all the wrongdoings you did though. And an extra 10,000 berries because you asked her to do skin care.
"Alright Y/n. This session would be 96,000 berries."
⭑Overall, 9/10. Definitely one of the best. con= -1 because she charges after skincare. Pro= You guys will now have skincare every week.
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⭑You have to convince Zoro numerous times (and maybe even guilt trip him) just so he'd say yes.
⭑He'd be embarrassed at first and try to stay quiet (he doesn't want the lovesick cook to see him with a headband on and foam on his face)
⭑He's blushing so hard from embarrassment so be nice to him. It's also a good opportunity to tease him.
⭑Although too much teasing would opt to make him leave. Unless you ask Sanji instead or tell the crew what was happening to Zoro, that would make him stay back and listen.
⭑While doing skincare, he'd let you take the lead (considering he doesn't even know anything about it) and would only let out some grumbles and whines.
⭑After skincare, he'd look himself in the mirror and touch his face, noticing how smooth it was.
⭑He'd then look after the skincare and would ask you about it for more. He won't say it again though, so you better have good ears because he'll be all muttering.
⭑Overall. 7/10, he's very quiet and wouldn't do much unless you say so.
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⭑Sanji would beg for it every. single. day
⭑And you finally had enough and said yes.
⭑Now before entering the bathroom, you can already smell the rosy perfume outside.
⭑WOULD have everything and anything. Maybe even more than Nami's skincare collection.
⭑He'd know what type of face skin you have AND the type you use. So it was no surprise when your essentials were already out.
⭑He'd beg give you assistance 24/7 while doing skincare
⭑He'd also ask you if you're feeling uncomfortable, having fun, and would ramble on about some new recipes he's learned.
"I hope you had fun today Y/n. I'm looking forward to the next."
⭑Overall, 10/10. He knows what you need and what you like. He also think of your situation/feelings, and that itself makes it 10/10 already.
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⭑Ussopp would fly over the moon when you asked him.
⭑He'd gladly accept it and tell you he had a lot of experience in skin care (which isn't technically a lie since he knew some of it from Kaya)
⭑But of course, he'd still be scared and shaking. What if you didn't like it? What if you don't wanna do skin care with him again?
⭑He'd be rather stiff at first. Scared to disappoint you.
⭑But minutes later he'd start to cool down and come back to his normal self.
⭑Now every time you both will have skincare time. He'd have a bunch of stories saved up only for you.
"Oh Y/n! I have another story for you later."
⭑Overall, 9/10. He's really fun to be with and is def one of the best to do skincare with.
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⭑You'd have to ask Robin to join you
⭑She never really thought of doing skincare together unless you bring it up.
⭑And you really know when to pick out the dates since she was so stressed at first T~T)>
⭑Being around a chaotic and childish crew could really stack up stress.
⭑But a simple skincare could really help it get out.
⭑Robin really much appreciated what you did. Especially when you massage her face and shoulders.
⭑It isn't only one-sided. She'd help you out by giving some advice and ideas when she sees you frowning at your own face. Even giving out some compliments.
"This has really helped out my day, Y/n. Thank you very much."
⭑Overall, 9/10. Really nice to hang out with, and would crack a dark joke once in a while.
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⭑Franky would definitely say yes and strike a pose.
⭑He'd know a lot of this from Mozu and Kiwi and would sometimes buy them the products that they wanted.
⭑And since he's basically the crew's shipwright, he had definitely tried to recreate the product the stores have.
⭑But wait. It felt itchy when you tried it? Don't worry, he made a new one already. One that you'll definitely find lovely.
⭑You don't like how he designed it? Don't worry, he made an even bigger one with a design you'll like.
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⭑Brook is jumping in joy and is asking to see your panties.
⭑Until he realizes he's a skeleton.
"Yohohoho! I'm really exci--oh..."
⭑Overall, 7/10. He's good for emotional support...I guess?
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⭑Lastly, our good man Jimbei.
⭑(I only saw Jimbei a few times due to Impel down and Marineford so uh...)
⭑I'd say that skincare never really crossed his mind. I mean he IS a fishman after all.
⭑But once you told him about it and how it can help you relax, he decided to take up the offer.
⭑He's probably embarrassed and just standing dumbfounded. What was he gonna do?
⭑But dw since you helped him </33
⭑But back to the story. I'd say he really enjoyed that. AND OF COURSE HUGS!!! HUGS ARE VERY MUCH NEEDED!!!
"Thank you for this, Y/n. I very much appreciated it."
⭑Overall, 7/10. He's pretty much quiet and doesn't know what to do. But the silence is really comforting.
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tiajk · 1 year ago
Amazon strawhat reader part 2
Warnings; fluff again, slight hints of zosan, the strawhats having a crush on amazon reader again,
A/n; I did a part two because of how much love the fist one got lol
Part 1 Masterlist
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— your lasso of truth makes anyone want to run away from you
— you don't really have to use it on the the crew because you're all honest and truthful with each other
— After the time-skip and they all see how much more you grew stronger they admire you just a little bit more than usual
— Ussop almost cried when you gave him a very rare plant from your home and you trusted him to take care of it
— When Jimbei first joined the crew he warmed up to you the most first
— Robin finds comfort with you because whens she not strong enough your strong enough for her
—If you ever get seriously injured there worried and they won't sleep until they know that your better
— (the person that injured you is dead)
— When you guys get your bounties they always wanna see yours first all having mixed reactions
— Most of the time zoro and you train together (he loves those moments they mean more than anything else in the world)
— Luffy tells ace and sabo about you all the time they love you as much as luffy does and thank you for taking care of him
— Back to the lasso of truth
— Zoro and sanji argue a lot right so you use it on them to so they can actually tell each other how they feel
— Nami has tried to use your lasso a few times on luffy to tie him down but it didn't end well for anyone
— I repeat and I REPEAT don't let luffy tell kid about you kid will kidnap you and take you away from the strawhats
— When its beach day and they see you in a swim suit most (all) of the strawhats faint
— Seeing your muscles flex with out you even trying makes all of the oggle at you without even knowing
— If they ever see you with your crown on they know that your homesick and they try their best to make you feel right at home with your other family them
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gatitties · 2 months ago
Hey hope you having a good day, I was requesting for one piece one shot. So can we do that child reader doesn't act like their age instead they act like a grownup and are VERY mature. Causing them to be like an entire grownup and having worries and feels the need to fix a promblems on their own like a groen up. If its alright can we do the (SH) , (WP), (HP) that try to help child reader feel more like a chuld so reader dosent overthink over things that are not for their age. Thank you. Love your books ♡
─Strawhats, Whitebeard Pirates & Heart Pirates x child!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: The crew takes you on a surprise trip with the intention that you enjoy and behave like someone appropriate to your age.
─Warnings: none
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Everyone noticed your strange behavior from the beginning, at least, strange for a child of your age, when normally children were carefree, naive or whiny, you never stopped worrying about things that you definitely shouldn't worry about.
Expenses, proper nutrition, daily exercise to keep fit, you had a notebook where you had a rigorous table for each month, an organization that prevented the anxiety of not knowing what to do or how to act from bothering you, you didn't need 'unnecessary' or 'wasted' time in your life.
What completely confused Luffy was why didn't you want to play with him and Ussop? Normally children are a bunch of inexhaustible and elastic energy, but you prefer to do some problems to train your mind, which is fine in a way, but you didn't even like stuffing yourself with candy with Chopper, you were a child for god's sake! Your arms and legs were small, you still struggled with psychomotor and coordination problems in some situations, but you behaved like someone divorced and with debts piling up non-stop.
Of course, Robin and Sanji noticed that all that maturity disappeared from time to time, in your most vulnerable moments, when mental fatigue takes its toll on the deepest part of you, that's when you let out your true behavior, the one you should have at such a young age.
"Aren't we deviating from the established route?"
"Don't worry about it, we just took a detour, we need to buy somethings before the island we were originally going to."
Nami frowned at the exaggeration in your voice, always so exasperated at the slightest change, thinking it would cause some trouble, of course you were worried because you hadn't noticed that the supplies were running out, but luckily Zoro was able to keep you distracted enough for you to notice that they didn't really need to go shopping.
Your expression was completely indecipherable when Franky put you on his shoulder, pointing at the strange city that was on that island, something similar to the roller coasters and attractions of Sabaody, but on a smaller scale, that they came across this island was luck, Brook read about it in the newspaper and they all agreed that a break wouldn't hurt anyone.
"Are you sure we can take a break? The log pose will get deconfigured if we take too long."
Jinbe patted your head, pointing at one of the milder attractions, silently asking if they should go there or to other intensities.
"We have everything under control, where do you want to ride first?"
"I don't know, I've never been in an amusement park"
You rested your chin against Franky's head, a little embarrassed at not knowing what to do, the fish man smiled softly at you and decided to guide you all to the more childish area, everyone divided and joined together depending on each one's tastes, although at first you felt insecure, you began to enjoy and appreciate the time off, letting your mind go unconcerned about things that were beyond your reach, bringing out your most capricious and childish side, you allowed yourself to be a child during the day. The crew still had to fight your worries, but they were relieved to see that your childish mind was still there.
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They're worried, very worried, Marco was the first to notice how you seemed to lose hair for every little problem that happened on the Moby Dick, was there a shortage of food? You were making a shopping list, did the cannons have a malfunction? You'll read books about them so that the defenses don't go down, was there a mess after a party? You got up early to leave everything spotless.
You didn't even bother to run around the deck with Ace, he adored you and used to drag you around to play little pranks on the crew, but you always left him hanging, excusing yourself by saying that they were absurd things and that there were problems to deal with. So everyone has a meeting to talk about why you act like a grumpy old person and not a carefree child, Izo really thinks he'll see wrinkles on your face when you reach adolescence.
"We have to keep the child from thinking about that kind of thing, the other day asked me if I had done the inventory of the medicines."
"My god… the other day the kiddo asked me if could start shooting."
"Mmmh, the child asked me if could start hand-to-hand defense training too."
"Kiddo was worried because the portions didn't have enough vitamins that an adult needs to ingest."
Whitebeard listened in silence, his face darkened as he continued to listen to the others' conversation, he needed to end this, you're not at the age to occupy your mind with that kind of worries, you should worry about getting enough sleep, having fun, getting into mischief, being a little fussy or whiny… it caused him deep pain to see you like that.
"The discussion is over, let's make the child behave like a child."
Everyone listened to their captain's strict orders, his absolute word spreading throughout all of his subordinates immediately, leaving you confused when you were prevented from doing anything the next day, unable to enter the kitchen, Marco's office, or the small armory, you had no time to get angry at the fact that they were delaying your work because Ace dragged you into mischief. It wasn't what you had planned to do today, but since you had no other options, you preferred to keep your mind occupied than to think about why your captain wouldn't let you do what you usually did.
With your thoughts much less occupied, the simplicity of spending a good time with the people who love you made you show a facet much more in line with your age, you laughed carefree at how Marco tripped over a bucket that Ace left lying around, you escaped from Thatch after throwing flour on his face, Izou caught you trying to steal his makeup… your mischievous attitude gave years of joy to the crew, your laughter sounded throughout the ship like a melody, something you usually didn't do.
"This is much better, I hope you can take things more calmly, you will have time to grow up."
Whitebeard directed his words towards you, although you were completely asleep on his lap, he smiled tenderly, caressing your head, he didn't want you to worry about adult things again, you don't need to grow up so fast, you have to give him time to cry when you are a full-grown adult, but you need to enjoy your childhood first.
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Law appreciates you, he really does, he loves that you understand that everything has to be clean, disinfected, organized... it's okay that you want to have a healthy routine and he doesn't prohibit you from taking care of yourself, but my god, you have the behavior of an impulsive parent who has twenty children and doesn't have time to take care of them all.
Ikkaku takes care of the food, Bepo takes care of the navigation, Law is a doctor, Shachi and Penguin… well, they are there, but you don't need to occupy all those positions when you think something is going to cause problems. Law understands that you may be a little ─too much sometimes─ more mature than most children your age, he himself had to face childhood in a hard way, but you didn't have to go through that, everyone was there to take care of you, pamper you, you can have a totally normal childhood without worries, however you decide to make all the problems yours.
"You have to stop, I've already told you that you don't need to worry about those things, I'm the captain."
It only took one look from your captain to stop you from ranting, he confronted you directly because he knew you would understand what he meant, but you got to the point of worrying about things that he didn't even care about, you need to relax or your heart would stop. No one has died from a little disorganization, some junk food or not washing their hands after eating with nothing but a napkin. But it was too hard to put all those thoughts aside, the crew made sure not to let you think about it too much, but with each passing day it seemed like you were blowing more and more smoke out of your ears like a locomotive at full speed, you could stop doing things but not overthinking them.
He had to pull you out of the Polar Tang, the idea was from the idiot duo, but it was what he needed right now, a stupid and fun idea, ─although Law didn't find it too funny─ he stopped at the first snowy island he found and let the chaos begin on its own.
"This is war, eat snow!"
It only took one of Penguin's snowballs to hit you to activate a switch in you, you don't know if it was out of frustration or because you were having a good time, but you started throwing snow left and right, Ikkaku, Bepo, Law, Jean Bart… they were all fired without discrimination, you didn't stop to think about how the snow got under your clothes or that you'll catch a cold after this, you enjoyed the moment without your mind plagued by unnecessary problems.
"That's our child! ack-"
The crew smiled upon hearing your malicious grin at having hit Shachi, who was celebrating that you had hit his friend, unleashing your most childish and hyperactive side, however he also suffered the consequences of your change of mentality, they still had a long way to go before you stopped behaving like a complete adult, but you let those more childish hues that you hid from yourself show.
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just-a-bored-writer · 5 months ago
Do You Need Help? — Let's Eat Together (Straw Hat Version)
When the Straw Hats notice that you're having trouble eating, each of them decides to help you, in their own way.
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I. Luffy
At first, Luffy tries to eat your food and you let him do it so that no one notices that you're not eating. But in the end, it's Luffy who notices that something is wrong. He pays attention to you, you're his nakama, someone important to him. At the end of the meal, he asks you if you are sick. You tell him no, you just have trouble eating sometimes.
Luffy has an idea. He pulls you back into the kitchen by the hand and searches for leftovers. He finds your favorites and places them on a cool plate, one with dinosaurs on it. Like Makino did with him when he didn't want to eat his vegetables, Luffy takes your fork and imitates an airplane to make you eat. You open your mouth and chew a first bite. Luffy smiles.
II. Zoro
Zoro doesn't understand at first why you're having trouble eating. Eating is a mission, he accomplishes missions. But since he cares about you, he stays with you even after everyone else has left. He divides your plate into portions to give you goals to achieve and rewards you every time you finish a new portion.
He's patient with you, if not a little awkward. If you start crying because you're moved by his gesture, he totally freaks out and thinks he did something wrong. When he realizes they're tears of joy, he blushes and mumbles that it's normal because you're his crewmate and your well-being is important.
III. Nami
When that happens, Nami takes you by the arm and leads you under her tangerine trees. You lie down together under the blue sky, your head on her lap. She gently runs her hand through your hair and plays with your locks for as long as you need it. You don't need to justify yourself, Nami is here for you.
Eventually, she pulls a tangerine from a tree and, after carefully peeling it, offers you half of it. Her tangerines are her treasure, but so are you. If necessary, she feeds you each quarter by hand, without ever forcing you. It's up to you to decide. When you're ready to leave, Nami kisses your forehead, her lips sticky from the sugar.
IV. Usopp
Usopp notices immediately, because silences are sometimes the loudest. He doesn't ask right away, not in front of everyone, because you're a brave warrior of the sea and you deserve to be treated as such. He doesn't accuse you, he asks gently and he understands.
The days after, he sits next to you, because a warrior shouldn't have to fight alone. He tells you beautiful stories, entertains you and amuses you until you finish your plate. Once you're done, he winks at you and you know you're not alone.
V. Sanji
It takes you a while to notice that Sanji has noticed. But your food portions are slightly different from the others, smaller but more filling. Sanji offers you snacks during the day instead of a big meal at lunch and dinner. He takes care of you silently, without expecting anything from you in return.
When you ask him why, (shouldn't he be annoyed by the waste?) Sanji tells you that he knows what it's like to have trouble eating. No matter the reason, whether it's "important" or not, it's just as hard. And you deserve help, no matter if you did anything to "deserve" it. It's his role as a cook, and a friend, that everyone has a comfortable relationship with food.
VI. Chopper
Chopper is worried about you, eating is important. He doesn't want to overwhelm you but he wants to help you. You're his friend. He knows you take care of yourself alone but that doesn't mean you don't deserve a little helping hand (or hoof). Doing things together is easier, and funnier.
He makes shapes on your plate with your food, he puts little paper umbrellas in your glass. Everything to make you smile and appreciate what you're eating. Of course, he offers you food supplements and gives you advice on what kind of food you need, but both are as useful and important as the other.
VII. Robin
Robin makes you a cup of verbena tea with honey, she takes her time to do it properly, without using her devil fruit. She sits next to you on the bench with your thighs touching, and she takes your hand in hers before gently squeezing it. She takes out a book and start reading, not pressuring you but silently supporting you.
Slowly, you start eating and Robin encourages you to drink herbal tea between each bite. She stays with you, from beginning to end, even if it took hours. If you ask her, she reads you a passage from her book out loud to distract you. She never lets go of your hand.
VIII. Franky
Franky comes to you when you've been working too long and forget to come eat. No matter where you are, he finds you. He built the Sunny with the crew that would live on it in mind and he knows all your favorite places. He sets a plate down next to you and takes whatever you were doing out of your hands.
You need to take a break, he tells you amused. It's important for your body, you don't have any spare parts. He reminds you to drink water to avoid any future headaches. And, with surprising gentleness, and your permission, he places his hands on your shoulders and massages the knot of stress between your shoulder blades.
IX. Brook
When you're the last one to finish eating, pushing your food around on your plate and not being able to eat it, Brook stays behind with you. He makes sure that you don't face your difficulties on your own. He doesn't want you to suffer. You're not alone, those who love you are with you.
He pulls out his violin, his bass, or even drags the entire goddamn piano into the kitchen if you ask, and fills the room with music and joy. The melody carries you to new lands, each note telling a different story. And Brook weaves them in a beautiful song just for you. Because you are worth it.
X. Jinbei
Without you having to say anything about your discomfort, Jinbei takes you out onto the deck, the sun warming your skin, the waves hitting the hull, the wind playing with your hair. You inhale deeply, filling your lungs with sea air. Here, the smell of food that made you want to throw up is replaced by the salt of the ocean.
You continue your meal on the deck together, in the calm and serenity so rare to your crew. Being outside does you the greatest good. You laugh every time the Sunny hits a wave stronger than the others and sea water splashes across the deck onto you. You think of suggesting that the crew have a picnic while the weather is still nice.
+ 1 Vivi
Vivi suggests that you learn to cook together. She's a princess, no one has ever let her hold a kitchen utensil. You have no excuse. You accept anyway. Getting permission to use the kitchen is easy, Vivi just has to bat her eyelashes, but actually cooking is another story. But you're allowed to make mistakes and Vivi always seems so surprised at your failures that it doesn't bother you.
With your friend, you slowly learn to cook and love the food you prepare. You even pretend not to notice when Vivi "subtly" makes you taste certain foods to take note of what is easier for you to eat. She even has a notebook. You think it's adorable.
+ 2 Yamato
Yamato makes everything around him fun. He has a vision of life so different from yours but more than anything it is his thirst for discovery that fascinates you. Every moment is an adventure and he never forgets to invite you to share them. He wants to spend them with you, have fun with you. Meals are no different.
He challenges you, trying to eat as fast as possible and competing with the biggest eaters in the crew. He keeps asking questions about everything, about the taste of food, about the method of preparation. Despite you, his curiosity gets the better of you, you want to know too. He makes eating fun, even when it's hard.
Fun fact, tonight I didn't want to eat but I told myself that Tony Tony Chopper would be disappointed with me if I didn't. So I ate. That's why fiction is so important, it has such a big impact on our lives. So I decided to write this little something with all the Straw Hats to help you eat if that's what you need one day. If you want me to continue this concept, with other characters, other fandoms or other situations, do not hesitate. I will be very happy to do so. Disclaimer: I did not write this story while envisioning someone with an eating disorder. So it's not an accurate representation because it's not meant to be one. I just tagged it so as not to trigger anyone. Also, I am not a healthcare professional. Take care of yourselves <3
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thebunnednun · 8 months ago
Golden Afternoon
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Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x StrawHat! Reader
You and your caption relax together during a sunset before dinner.
Reader is GN and it can be read as platonic or romantic.
On with the show!!~
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The sun was beginning its descent, casting a golden glow over the deck of the Thousand Sunny. The ship rocked gently with the rhythm of the ocean, creating a soothing cadence that matched the lazy afternoon. You and Luffy were nestled in his hammock, its soft fabric cradling you both in a cocoon of warmth and comfort.
The world around you was tranquil; the crew was taking a well-deserved break, lounging around and enjoying the serene atmosphere. The breeze from the ocean was a refreshing contrast against the fading warmth of the afternoon sun. It drifted over your shoulders, carrying with it the salty tang of the sea and the gentle scent of the ship's wood.
Luffy's tan skin was a comforting warmth against you as he held you close. His presence was both grounding and comforting, his rhythmic humming a soft backdrop to the sounds of the ship. His hand threaded through your locs with a tender, rhythmic touch, while the other caressed the gentle curve of your back. The sensation of his fingers brushing against your skin was soothing, a perfect counterpoint to the cooling breeze.
He whispered softly, his breath tickling your ear, urging you to look at the horizon. You shifted onto your elbows slightly, feeling the hammock adjust to your movement as Luffy helped you turn over. His touch was gentle, lifting his straw hat from your head and guiding you so that you could face the lights rays. As you settled back into his embrace, you were now lying with your back against his chest, his legs intertwined with yours. The sunset painted the sky in rich hues of orange and pink, a vibrant contrast against the deepening blue of the ocean.
You propped yourself up slightly, eager to see the light reflecting off the water. The golden red hues of the sun danced across the waves, creating a shimmering path that seemed to lead right to the horizon. As the sun made its final dip, Chopper's voice rang out with cheerful enthusiasm. "Good night, Sun!" he called out, his voice filled with innocent delight. It was a simple, heartfelt moment that made you smile.
Sanji, ever the diligent chef, stood up from his seat and began to serve dinner, the aroma of his cooking wafting through the air. The colors of the sky continued to shift, the vibrant blues and oranges giving way to cooler shades of pink and dusky purple. A few stars began to peek out from the deepening sky, twinkling softly in the fading light.
Luffy's cheeky, playful smile never wavered as he pressed his cheek gently against your shoulder. You looked down to find him gazing up at you with a bright, infectious grin. His eyes sparkled with warmth and affection, and it made your own smile widen. You leaned into him, pressing your nose against his cheek, and let your foreheads rest together in a tender, intimate gesture.
The world seemed to slow down, the beauty of the sunset and the closeness of Luffy creating a moment of pure, unspoken calm. The gentle caress of the breeze, and the warmth of Luffy’s embrace all combined to make this moment feel timeless and perfect. You felt at peace, wrapped in the simple joy of being together, as the sky continued to change colors and the stars took their places in the evening sky.
The moon was just beginning to peek out from behind the horizon when Sanji’s voice rang out, "Come on, you two, dinner!"
Luffy didn't need to be told twice. With an excited gleam in his eyes, he scrambled out of the hammock, taking you with him in one fluid motion. His arms were strong and steady as he lifted you effortlessly, your squeals of delight mingling with his joyful laughter. The two of you tumbled onto the deck, giggling like children as Luffy steadied you both.
The crew watched on, their faces illuminated with affection. Zoro smirked, leaning casually against the railing, while Nami and Robin exchanged knowing smiles. Usopp chuckled, shaking his head at Luffy’s boundless energy, and Franky gave a thumbs-up, his grin as wide as ever. Chopper clapped his hooves together in delight, his eyes shining with happiness.
Luffy's excitement was infectious, and you couldn't help but smile as he carried you toward the promise of a delicious meal and the warmth of your friends. 
You’d be asleep in his arms again soon enough.
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Taglist: @orange-milky @xxsliverwolfxx @mochiclouds @m0rona @thealtofvalleyxdoodles
I own none of the art or characters!!
Posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ And thank you guys again for 100 followers!!
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onepiecepetalfanfics089 · 1 year ago
I’m loving all your fics so much, could I ask for a platonic Yandere strawhat crew with trainee CP9 reader, who knows how bad they are but can’t leave? (Maybe slight Yandere CP9 as well)
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Warning:Cursing/Possessive behavior/Vulgar Language!~
“Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!”
You cursed, clutching the ringing transponder snail in your hands, holding it down to your best ability to not let any of the sound get out.
How in hell did you even find yourself in this situation?!
This was your first solo mission and somehow, some way, you ended up onboard the Strawhats ship. Literally the enemy of the government? And your whole group! You already knew for a fact that Rob Lucci would be on your ass for one, not picking up immediately and two, being so reckless that you ended up being a ‘guest’ on the agency your training for worst enemy!
Dread soon washed over you as you heard a knock on the door..
You were in the storage room, luckily making them buy an excuse that you lost something in there..
This was the first time in weeks those god forsaken pirates have let you out of their sight so you were trying to savor you time as much as you could.
A more persistent knock on the wooden door of the storage room on the ship caught you to zone back into this situation. Biting your lip, goosebumps slowly arose on your arms from that deep, masculine voice with a undertone of something you couldn’t comprehend that spoke from outside the room.
“Hey Y/N?..you’ve been in their for a while. What are You getting anyway? Do you need my help to come find it..?” The door knob slightly jiggled, causing you stiffen and stuff the still dinging transponder snail under whatever you could find.
“..Why the hell is the door locked Y/N? Open it!.. and what’s that ringing noise in there..?..!”
Zoro Said, his voice now laced with utter annoyance. You took a deep breath, glancing around the room for a second to figure out how you could calm this green haired swordsman down.
Putting on the sweetest voice you could manage, you now locked your eyes on the wooden door before you.
“Oh no zoro im fine I swear! It’s just the thing I lost is uh..personal, yeah!”
You said, nodding right yourself in hopes he would take your lousy excuse for an excuse and go back to the crew. There was a pause, a pause that made you swear you could just feel his eyes boring into that wooden door, right where you were currently.
“Okay..just hurry up alright? Sanji Said dinner is almost ready..”
His voice sounded more calmer but a little like a grumble. You sighed in relief and nodded, even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
“Right..I’ll be there in a few.”
And with that, his footsteps slowly echoed away through the deck. Letting out a soft sigh in relief, you paused for a moment yourself. Taking notice of your surroundings. The chest nut wooden doors and walls..the random items and tools in piles of boxes..
How did you get into this again?..
Oh right..you wanted to be part of CP9 so you took any mission you could get and somehow ended up here..
Oh fuck..
With trembling hands, you slowly picked up the line on the transponder snail to be met with a chilling cold, calm and almost venomous voice. Shivers ran down your spine as you could already tell you had awoken the strangely possessive and scary side of the CP9 crew you knew.
“Y/N...where the hell are you? I’ve been calling you for only god knows how long.”
You could already tell he was dissatisfied and maybe even scowling..
“Is that Y/N?? She’s okay?”
Kalifa’s worried voice made Rob Lucci sigh loudly.
“Yes. They’re on the call right now but they haven’t spoken yet..”
“Y/N! Where have you been?! We’ve been so worried! You’re not even an official member and you just-”
“Kalifa, calm down. I’m sure they have a good explanation to all of this nonsense..right?”
A gruff voice then came from the snail and couldn’t help but groan. That was Jabra and knowing him, he was probably pissed as well but didn’t want to say it.
“Uh well, I’ve been um..”
How were you going to tell them you’ve been hanging out with their worst enemies?! The ones that got in the way of their job and took them and the world government on?!
“It’s just I may have gotten stranded. On a island but now I’m staying with some nice..people who offered to take me home! Where are you guys currently so I can tell them exactly..?”
You said, trying to change the topic. You wished you had the balls to tell the crew the location to drop you off..
“Didn’t we already tell you? You really have a bad memory Y/N, you know that?”
Kaku’s voice echoed on the transponder snail and your heart did a flip. Were they all there just to lecture you?!
But to set stuff aside, they told you the location and gave a very vicious warning to hurry back soon and to not let it happen again. Most of the conversation you nodded and gave an occasional ‘mhm!’ to not risk any more anger.
After you hung up, or rather after they hung up on you, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
Looking around for a thing that would be the object you quote on quote ‘lost’ you found a random notepad. Taking a deep breath, you opened the storage room door, letting the afternoon breeze hit you.
Feeling at peace for a moment you closed your eyes and shut the door, only to be met by feminine and soft like hands springing from the ground and trapping you in a tight, tight embrace.
Your body tingled as the sensation of hands sprouting from the ground, one could only mean one thing, it was Robin doing it and two, you had been caught in the clutches of one of the smartest straw hats on board and you had to tell her what you were doing in there and why.
Letting out a nervous chuckle, you turned to the black hair woman only a few feet from you.
“O-Oh hey Robin! You caught me off guard there heh..”
She chuckled softly, her voice smooth and almost calming. Just by the look in her eye, you could tell she was calculating in her mind. Studying and observing you..just like she always did.
“Well I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to scare you there..I just got a little carried away since you were in that storage room…looking for something was it?..did you find it?..”
Her voice now laced with suspicion, she locked her deep blue eyes into yours, an almost challenging stare.
“Oh yeah..! It was an notepad..I just love keep track of things you know..?”
She let out a relaxed hum as an understanding and you held back the urge to sigh heavily in relief. She would probably take a hint on just that..
Since Robin was so clever and observant..she had no problem with finding out your true intentions..and telling the others your true intentions..
You knew that by dealing with the consequences.
Dinner and the rest of the day went on as usual ever since you got here, everyone in the crew keeping a sharp eye on you and everything you did. Luffy butting in on almost every conversation to tell or show you something stupid. Sanji insisting you have more food and giving you seconds even though you didn’t want any and not letting you take even a step out of the mess hall until you cleared your plate. Franky and Usopp taking every chance they got to try and make you laugh or show you their newest inventions. And of course, Zoro repeatedly pouring you more sake when your cup was only half full.
Of course from all that time spending and sake, you felt tired and most importantly, buzzed from all that sake Zoro had been giving to you. Feeling like you needed to let things out for once you took out that notepad from the storage room you found.
Soon, you began to scribble away everything. How you felt about the strawhats, that you were a trainee in CP9 and how you wish everyone would calm down. Soon, you had multiple pages filled with your feelings and you had to admit, it felt good to let everything out!
Setting the notepad down on your bed the cabin you yawned with a stretch. Why on earth do you feel so sleepy all of a sudden?..you definitely have been drinking too much sake with Zoro..
Laying down, you slowly pulled your cover up and stared at the ceiling..fluttering your eyes closed to sleep at last..
When you woke up, the sound of chains jangling filled your ears. Wait a minute..
Looking around it seemed like you were in captains quarters..aka luffy’s cabin, but why..?
Dread and fear now consumed your mind and body as you tried to at least sit up but failed. These chains were tight around your wrists and legs, causing almost no hope for escape.
What the hell did you even do this time?!
Rattling your brain for answers you finally came to a conclusion…
The notepad…
Someone must’ve read it and told everyone..you started to look around the dark lit room with only the moon shining through the window. Cold sweat dripped from your forehead as you then felt the presence of at least two people..
A gentle hand pushed you down on the bed you were laying in as a familiar voice filled the room.
“So, you were working for CP9 huh?”
You gulped..
“Don’t worry! We’re not mad hah!..why would we? You’re never going back there anyways!”
Before you could even respond to that you felt a straw hat being placed on your face..
A voice then smooth as chocolate and almost calming then whispered to you, very, very close to your ear like it was trapping you.
“We’ve always had our suspicions all along about your little Mission anyway, but now you’ve made it so easy..but dont worry your little head off..we’ll take good care of you as long as your nice from now on..”
Hiiii my lovely petals!!honestly I’m just going to stop announcing when I’m posting because I always have things to do them or I fall asleep 😭😭 so I’m probably not going to to announce it anymore lol! But I hope y’all enjoyed this because I did! I tried to make this long enough and keep it interesting 😗😉 so sorry that this too so long to the person who requested this ❤️😭 if you ever want me to do another by you just say you requested this and I’ll probably drop everything and do yours first to pay back time 😭 but man I did miss writing! I’m so sorry I’m posting so late btw but I was determined and there was NO WAY I was about to miss another day and keep y’all waiting..but anyways, a new story or two next week and I hope y’all had an amazing thanksgiving and week/day!! I’ll see you soon my pretty petals and I hope you loved this and I wish you well! Also sorry if there is spelling mistakes I’ll fix them if I notice them!!❤️🌸💖❤️🌸
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helaenacoded · 1 month ago
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Y’all PLEASE, does anyone know this one Zoro x Reader series where the reader is the crew’s artist?? She’s also childhood friends with Sanji (she calls him ‘Blondie’) and shares a birthday with Brook. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I AM DESPERATE AND HAVE SEARCHED EVERYWHERE
Update: I FOUND IT!!
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sanjisluvbot · 2 years ago
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[ Check Masterlist for ch 9-19 ]
Sequel just uploaded 1
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Life began to feel so boring. The days blended into one another and suddenly we’re in march. Staying up late catching up on your favorite show because there is nothing better to do right now. One piece was such a breathe of fresh air, full of adventure and characters that seem amazing to be around and explore the world with. You wished to be in the world where u can freely be who you wanted, the world where you weren’t shackled by the burdens of reality.
You’ve been around all the corners of the internet so you know of shifting and astral projection which is exactly what seems to be going on right now. Rewatching episodes leading up to the time skip around 4 in the morning till your eyes flutter shut. Suddenly the wafting scent of the ocean filled your nose. “ Is she a stowaway?” “ How have we just found her we haven’t been on land for over a week now”. You opened your eyes to the snout of a reindeer and other very familiar faces.
You sat up so fast knocking into the poor doctor. Panic set through you because the first assumption anyone would have is that they’re in a dream or— congrats you’ve finally lost your damn mind. “ Who are you people”.
“ We’ve got the same question for you”
“ well I asked first”
The blunt part of a sword was thrust into your face by a very angry green swordsman. Fear etched across your face you give him a once over. Zoro. To your left was Robin and chopper holding his snout on her lap. There should be absolutely no reason that you’re in this world with these wacky 15th century pirates from your goofy anime show. Your voice shakes as you try to convince the green haired man to stop threatening your life.
“ Listen this is surely a misunderstanding, I really don’t understand how I have gotten here and I’m not really too sure who you people are.”
Maybe if they think that I don’t know who they are I can figure out a way to get out of this mess without ruining the story.
“ What is your last memory before you woke up on our ship” a voice from behind spoke. Turning to the left at the top of the stairs was Nami with Sanji following behind her.
“ I was laying in my bed falling asleep and then I woke up here”
After that you were bombarded with questions, what’s your name, your age, if an 8ft skeleton can see your underwear and it nearly drained the life out of you. The sun was now beginning to set after such a long day of being interrogated by the crew you used to watch through a screen. The captain was sitting on the head of the Sunny watching the day fade away when he stretched his arm to you pulling you to sit with him.
It was quiet for a while and nerves began to set in. Does he see through me? I know a lot of people don’t give luffy the credit but he’s way more intelligent than you’d think. “ What is it like where you’re from y/n” he spoke as he turned to face you.
“ Very different.”
“ Tell me about it please”
The sun completely faded into night and the stars littered the sky while you told luffy about “ where you’re from” and he was absolutely entranced by the world he’s never been. You ended up telling Luffy the truth about your origins, somewhat about himself, there was just something so compelling and trusting about him you didn’t think nothing of it. You slept in the girls room next to Nami that night, thinking about the next step and getting home.
Was this really a dream or did your desire to escape mundane life make you shift into this world of unknown.
The next day you went to eat breakfast with the crew and luffy starts spouting all the things you told him the night before. With seemingly no thought behind his words as he swallowed everything on his plate, though his crew members all stopped to stare at you in confusion.
“ I thought you said you weren’t from here?”
“ You said you didn’t know how you got here”
“ Well I wasn’t exactly lying, I really don’t know how or why I’ve been transported into your world. I just didn’t want to scare you or make you think I’m crazy with all of this.”
Over the next few days you were beginning to settle with the crew, you spent hours getting to know everyone and having the most fun you’ve had in years. Nami and Robin were curious about your world and you were more than elated to tell them all the things you enjoyed. The boys liked when you played their silly games, Sanji was obsessed with everything about you and loved having you perched on the counter when he was cooking so you can serve as his taste tester.
Zoro only just began to acknowledge you after finding out you also had a love for drinking, it became really easy to bond with the man. You knew you had to go back but what’s the harm in spending time with such a loving group of people, it’s not everyday someone is given your experience don’t waste it being worried.
You were able to convince Nami to give you a blank sheet of paper where you wrote all the things you knew about shifting and astral projection. You’ve been with the crew over a week now spending every night trying to shift back to your world. Sometimes you feel close others are strangely disturbed by Robin and Nami whether they are sparking up a conversation with you or knocking things over which disturbs your concentration.
The next few days you began to see birds meaning you were finally reaching land, the sabody archipelago. You know the way this arch ends and you need to go home now before you spend two years on an unknown island doing who knows what because YOU aren’t a straw hat and you have no place where you can learn to polish your skills.
The bubbly island became visible and you’d be reaching it by midday, while you were sitting on the head of the Sunny with Luffy again he asked you his million dollar question.
“ Y/n join my crew” he smiled. Your cheeks burned and you had to turn away from the boy whose smile brightened all your days.
“ Luffy I would love to but—”
“ Great- EVERYONE Y/N” you clasped your hand over his mouth.
“ Luffy l can’t join your crew. I have to go home I don’t even belong in this world”
“ Why do you want to leave” sadness dripped from his voice.
“ Yeah, we’ve been having so much fun” the small doctor announced from the deck.
“ It has been very fun I’ll admit but I don’t belong here with you guys. I’ve got a whole life in my world— and a family and just so much to do.” You reasoned.
The rest of the day the crew seemed angry and distant, you simply couldn’t understand why. When they all found out where you really came from they said they would help you get home. During dinner that night you were seated between luffy and Zoro who barley uttered a word while hushed conversations were surrounding the rest of the table. It was insufferable and reminded you of elementary school when someone didn’t want to be your friend anymore and told everyone about it.
“ Luffy are you upset with me? I haven’t done anything wrong”
“ Why do you want to leave? You just joined the crew and were on a new island”
“ I never said I was joining your crew luffy”
“ you know the captain doesn’t take no for an answer y/n” Zoro chuckled.
With a huff you stood up everyone’s eyes landing on you. “ Are you all acting this way because you don’t want me to leave?”
“ Why would we want a crew member to leave us?” Nami’s voice wobbled as tears formed in her eyes. Are they serious? When did u ever agree or tell these people that you were a part of their crew.
“ Listen closely all of you. You have to understand I am not from here, I never joined the straw hats, and I don’t even have any powers I can’t protect myself.”
“ That’s why you have me Y/n-chwaaan”
“ ignore that idiot cook but you have Luffy and I, we wouldn’t let anything happen to you”
“ Who is an idiot you damn moss ball !”
A fight between the cook and the swordsman broke out and you would usually find everything hilarious but…
These people have convinced themselves you are one of them and they don’t want you to leave. You decided tonight will be the night where you will go home with or without their help especially because you already know what’s in store the next day. Laying next to Nami that night waiting for her breathing to even out so you can concentrate with no interruptions you hear soft sobbing.
“ Are you alright Nami..”
“ Y/n I know you want to go back but can you stay a little longer we all care about you and enjoy having you around. We really feel like you’re one of our crew mates”
“ Sure, I’m not missing anything important right now” lying is better than letting this girl cry all night. When her breathing finally evened out you were able to try again.
Eyes fluttering open you were finally in your own bedroom. It was just as you left it, your iPad paused on the intro to one piece and the sun was showing through your curtains.
I really did it.
Life began as usual but you had a newfound appreciation for all the little things that made life worth it. Friends and family found your new outlook pleasant and you finally felt like you turned on a new leaf. While you were getting ready for bed applying all of your creams and oils the Tv in the living room turned on.
Wealth, Fame, Power.
A chill ran through your spine, you haven’t watched the show in over a month in fear of being brought back into that world by some odd chance. Getting up to turn off the tv something in the hallway made a noise. The fear of someone or something being in your house had you clenching on the door knob for dear life.
Just open the door nothing is there you’re only scaring yourself.
Opening the door and walking down the dark hallway into the softly illuminated living room the episode of the strawhats finally meeting up after two years was playing.
“ My favorite arch I should rewatch soon”
“ Why don’t you live it instead?” A voice from behind hissed.
You felt your heart thumping in your ears as you slowly turned to be met with a very angry Captain.
Not proofread ! 🫶🏽
I was inspired by a similar stories I’ve seen down the tl hope you enjoyed. Pt 2 coming soon maybe
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laughtalelogs · 3 months ago
one piece smau - you have a devil fruit power, but didn’t tell the strawhats. (fem!reader)
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my first attempt at one of these. I think I might make more lmao, also franky and Jinbei decided it would be best not to comment bc they’re definitely laughing their asses off LMAO.
here’s another smau I made - (x)
liked this? check out my fics! (x)
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jisokai · 6 months ago
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If a tree falls (does it bring you to tears?)
Early in their journey, the Strawhats come across an unusual island, where a beast has been stranded—with you.
Set right before Enies Lobby.
strawhats x GN reader, slight romantic nami x reader Life of Pi and Haruki Murakami-inspired, reader lives in a floating tree, loss of home/habitat destruction, reader is a friend to animals, queerplatonic relationship-building with everyone basically 7.7k words | oneshot, complete
ao3 option
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notes: this was my first fic when i started writing again recently so it has a special place in my heart even though it's pretty rough imo <3 definitely niche so i'm mostly posting it here for archive purposes. + the timeline for this is so nonexistent, i promise it's better for everyone if you don't think about it + there's some background/implied frobin
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Distance. Space. Atmosphere.
Life at sea means many days of drifting into nothingness, waiting for a figure to appear in the distance to follow. Drifting usually starts as a peaceful pause between events, crew members taking time to find their strength for the next piece of their journey. But as the days drag on, quiet stillness turns to impatient irritation. There’s an itch for chaos, a fight, change. Not seeing land for days, weeks even, unsettles them.
But no matter their skepticism, they always trust Nami. Nami who has never failed them in knowing how to bring them to where they have to be, oftentimes a destination they were not aware of.
In the blue of the vast beyond is a speck, also blue from the space that sits between said speck and the Going Merry. Nami frowns when she sees it. Normally specks have a spread to them if they’re a landform, a long but narrow shape that appears all at once. The alternative is a ship, which usually has a particular proportion between its length and width. However, this speck is tall . So tall it disappears into the clouds. And it’s narrow. It isn’t perfectly straight, a little wobbly-looking from this distance. Glancing around her workspace, Nami locates her telescope, grabs it by the base, and gently kicks the door open to make her way out to the lower deck.
“Usopp,” she calls as she walks to the stairs. Usopp looks up from his seat near Luffy and Chopper curiously. Nami cocks her head to the upper deck where she plans to set her telescope, turning and walking along. The sniper pouts at the lack of explanation, but rises with a sigh to meet her.
Still too far away to be discernible, two figures lounge together dozens of stories in the air. One nestles itself into the soft warmth of the other’s fur. The other swishes its tail in contentment. It huffs, yawns with its tongue out, then blinks and lowers its head to sleep.
���It’s a tree.”
“It can’t be a tree.”
“Well what else could it be!? Through your telescope it even looks like there’s a branch.”
“Trees can’t grow in salt water. Besides, there’s no land for it to attach to. You think it just floats around? It would topple over!”
“This is the Grand Line, Nami. In Skypiea you could swim in a cloud in the sky. What’s a floating saltwater tree compared to that?”
“Then this is a tree growing higher than the clouds, Usopp. From sea level.”
That does sound ridiculous, he can admit.
“It’s a tree,” Nami groans the next day. Overnight the ship traveled significantly closer to the speck, now a more complicated looking blob that becomes much clearer with the telescope. Through the lens she can see the edge between the tree and sky clearly. Moss and vines are apparent now, too. Odd lumps reveal themselves to be knots and welts where limbs once were. There aren’t many branches in view, the canopy likely condensed in the clouds.
Usopp snickers next to her, “and you dared question the great sniper Usopp!”
Luffy interjects while she punches Usopp in the back of the head. “What’s a big tree doin’ in the middle of the ocean? It get lost like Zoro?”
“I don’t know,” she responds softly, questioning. She thinks Robin may have ideas, but after asking for her thoughts they still don’t have adequate guesses.
“Trees have quite massive root systems. It’s possible that this one’s go deep in the water and have anchored to something below. Or maybe the distribution of weight keeps it upright. Either way I couldn’t guess how it got here.” All Nami can do is sigh in response.
Without verbalizing it, the Strawhats are in agreement that the tree is their next stop. It falls in line with the route they were already traveling, and the crew never turns down a sidequest. Especially not after nearly a week without touching land. Nami figures they could make contact in less than two days with the winds coming in.
Intense winds make the branches rustle. Smaller twigs break off and fall into the marsh below. The bird chatter dies as they nestle themselves into crevices of bark. Rodents scurry the length of the tree to find refuge in clumps of leaf and sticks. There’s a stillness hanging in the air, one thick with moisture. The sign of a storm. The two figures make their way down, finding their dwelling in the base of the tree. This is how it goes. Creatures live in one tree, but live like nomads as the microclimates change with weather and time. They read the signs. They are ready.
A storm delays their arrival by another day. Nami isn’t sure how she misread the sky patterns, but it isn’t unusual for the Grand Line. She’s frustrated but she knows her reading will improve with time.
The sunlight begins to touch the water and the clouds begin to part when the Merry gently rocks while approaching the tree. The root systems span a wide diameter, serving as the base for marsh and wetland conditions. Lush grasses and shrubs emerge on the roots above the water, while the ones below are fuzzy with algae. Minnows weave through their habitats between the root structures. Bunches of lily pads and mosses part as the Merry charges forward, scraping the woven foundation of the tree.
The vibrations are noticed by the creature sleeping at the base. It wakes, rises with a careful shift of bones, and slowly makes its way outside to scout. The other remains asleep.
Nami and Sanji are the only ones awake on board. The navigator feels a deep relief at having made it, tired from surprises from the past few days. The cook rose earlier to begin the preparation of breakfast. He meets her on the deck to confirm their arrival. He’s already fawning too much and insisting he can moor the boat for her. It irritates her but she lets him do it if it means a break from his attention for a few minutes.
She does, however, step out onto the…shore with him. She’s curious about this land—this organism that became its own land. She wonders what lives here, what kind of life blooms in such isolation. If anyone else has set foot here.
Sanji becomes a distant sound as her eyes take in the landscape, the seascape. Nami feels a sense of security at the base of such a massive presence. As she looks up, the tree extends endlessly into the sky, asserting its height and wisdom. It withstood a storm with ease, now standing calmly in the water. Still. 
A rustling sound brings her gaze back in front of her and she feels her stomach drop. All security she felt is now gone.
A lion.
A golden, massive cat is before her. It’s beautiful, with a mane that sticks up like streaks of grass. Its color is saturated, a deep gold unlike the pale yellow she associates with these beasts. It’s crouched within the overgrown vegetation. She realizes it’s stalking her. She’s alone. Sanji is less than a hundred paces away, but she can’t get herself to call out to him. Afraid it’ll trigger the lion’s instincts.
But Sanji, ever the sense for a woman in distress, turns to her after the mooring is complete. His voice dies out as he registers her panic and immediately moves on instinct. In the moment he takes a few steps her way, the lion creeps forward one. He easily closes the distance between himself and his crewmate, reaching to move towards the animal when a voice calls out.
“Hin,” it says. Firm. Meaningful.
The lion blinks, ears twitch. It rises to its full height and waves its tail, but it doesn’t break its gaze with Nami and Sanji.
They hear more footsteps. Nami takes her chances by moving her gaze from the beast and to the origin of the sound. She sees you.
You are what she least expected to see in this environment. A person, firstly. Specifically a person with a grounded presence, purposeful. Dirtier than herself, as to be expected. But stable. Sure of yourself. And unwelcoming, eyes on alert as you scan Nami and Sanji’s faces, take in the exchange occurring before you decided to intervene.
She’s not sure how to proceed, especially alone with Sanji while everyone else is sleeping on the Merry. Her instincts are alert, but less with run hide fight and more with determination to prevent Sanji from escalating things. She can sense the new tension in him after having a glance at you, gearing up her fist to punch him swiftly as soon as he begins: “Oh wow! What pleasure do I have to—”
She feels that these first moments are crucial. She hasn’t felt an intensity like this since journeying with Vivi in the deserts of Alabasta. Something about an unknown landscape holding people who are lost, looking for something. Adding to the map of their own lives. She feels that from you. Wants to participate.
She smiles nervously. “Sorry, we don’t mean any trouble. We’ve been sailing for days and saw this tree along the way. We figured it’d be a good place to reset before getting back on the water.” There’s no reaction after she pauses. She adds, “We’re just hoping to spend a night or two here, maybe find some food, explore if you’ll let us. We really don’t mean any harm.”
There’s a moment where she panics, wondering if there’s a language barrier she wasn’t prepared for. But you look like you understand her words. Still on guard, but opening to curiosity. You look towards the lion again.
“Hin,” you say, just as firm. The beast turns to you as you cock your head to the side, away from Nami. The animal turns slowly, looks back at the pair of pirates, and walks its way back to you. The exchange is not unlike the way Nami called for Usopp the other day.
After an excruciating silence you finally respond to her: “Who are you and how did you find us?”
Nami explains briefly that they’re pirates, but not the bad kind. You don’t seem to care either way, or at least until she repeats that they simply stumbled upon this tree while sailing to their next destination. It wasn’t intentional, or even on the map. She adds that they were just at Long Ring Long Land, but it makes you frown further in confusion.
It only takes a moment for you to remember the original implied request by Nami. You nod briefly, “It’s fine. You can stay for a few days.”
Nami sighs in relief, thankful to not experience your rejection or have one of their crew resort to violence to persuade you.
“But on my terms,” you add.
Nami grimaces, already imagining the way Luffy would violate every possible term you could propose. But she nods again, hopeful.
It’s not so bad, it turns out. You help them choose a better spot to moor the Merry and secure it in place with Nami while Sanji returns aboard to prepare breakfast. You’re gentle and helpful, but Nami still feels a slight intimidation. She assumes it’s at least partly from the massive predator watching her every move. While she’s curious, she avoids asking too many questions since Robin will ask them again later.
Luffy is still sleepy when he wakes and is quickly fed, which helps to keep him subdued. He does immediately fall into the water upon leaving the ship, leaning too far forward while looking at the roots in the water, and has to be surfaced by an annoyed Zoro. You show the crew around the marshy base of the tree and the small room you’ve made out of a particularly twisty bundle of roots. You then demonstrate to them how you make your way around: a system of vines and pulleys and weights that makes Zoro wince at its overcomplicated nature. Luffy bypasses this by shooting his arm towards the next branch and sweeps everyone into his other arm as he pulls himself in the air.
You then show them your gardening space by the second branch. A particularly odd twist in the tree’s trunk creates a series of small hills that drain into a pond. Lush rows of planted crops are growing, some bearing fruit or vegetables. You explain that they can have some of the fresh fruit and vegetables, but that they’ll mostly have to take preserves. But you're also willing to help them forage for other foods—the varying climates of the different branches offering a sizable variety.
Before Sanji can blurt out a nonsensical compliment and Luffy can grab a handful of whatever’s closest, you state firmly, “In exchange for my food and docking here for a few days, you will abide by these rules: you must keep your disruption to the other animals to a minimum, including killing and eating them. You also can’t damage the tree or the environments on it.”
Luffy immediately begins to pout while Sanji blabbers that he will make you the finest vegetarian cuisine in exchange for your hospitality. The others just nod in affirmation. Except for Zoro.
“You some tree guardian or somethin’?” he asks.
You huff, amused. “It’s complicated.”
It doesn’t turn out to be that complicated, just a long story that Luffy nods off to. You try to be brief, explain that you were on a research trip to study an island near your home in the South Blue. A storm came, swept you away to wake up cradled in the salty roots of the massive tree. You thought you were dead, especially after turning and making eye contact with Hin, one of the lions from the island that had been tagged for research. At the very least if you weren’t dead, you assumed you would be shortly. It was a delicate dance of asserting authority that became a sort of skeptic symbiosis. Lions are hard to read. Some days he looks at you with an intensity that registers as keep your distance , others you’ll comfort each other through a cold night. You think the mutual loss of prior kinship contributes to the unconventional relationship, but you’re still aware he could end your life at any moment he wanted. Even though he hasn’t in the past five years of opportunity.
Usopp shudders and mumbles to himself while attempting to spot said creature below, “I just don’t get why you’d keep a giant predator around. Push him in the water or something.”
Robin intervenes. “The South Blue? That must mean the tree is floating through the ocean. You’ve never touched land since arriving? I’d imagine the currents and winds would bring you to shore at some point.”
You just shake your head, having the same assumptions.
“That means you passed through the calm belt,” Nami realizes. “How would something like this get through there?”
Again you don’t know. You don't even know what the Calm Belt means. You’ve long since resigned the impossibility of things to the great mystery of the world. Plants and animals you can study, get familiar with and build knowledge (though they’re impossible in their own smaller ways). Matters of nonsensical geology and weather patterns were beyond the understanding of a single person.
You notice Zoro and Luffy are like that too. They don’t seem to mind that there are things they’ll never know. They just want to nap or swing through the branches. You notice that others in their crew see mysteries as the reason to keep going. Robin’s fascination and Nami’s confusion motivate them to take action and find answers. You notice that the rest are preoccupied with something else entirely. A sense of duty to a purpose. You notice it’s more of an alignment chart than it is a system of categories.
While you feel surrounded by great mysteries, you do know that you miss home. You resigned to never having the opportunity to return, so it was a safe longing that didn’t inspire you to take action, to take risk. You realize that while these pirates all have different means of navigating their mysteries, they’re taking a risk together. Some don’t see it as a risk as much as a necessity. You wonder how hard that decision was for them to make. You realize that you now have to make a decision of your own. There’s no rush, you have a few days to mull it over. A few days isn’t nearly enough time, but it’s a small comfort.
You help them explore the length of the tree and at night help Sanji prepare a meal at the top of the crown. He’s unfamiliar with some of the ingredients and you explain what you know of their flavors and best methods of preparation. You’re a mediocre cook, but the information is helpful regardless. Chopper asks you about your knowledge of their medicinal properties. You tell him that you can share your notes and show him how to care for them if he wants to take any with him when they leave.
Nami makes a complicated face. “You… you’re staying here?”
You think about your mom and your sister. Your dad. Close friends, other researchers. The rest of the world that exists out there. You think about Hin and all the life you’ve made intricate relationships with. 
“I don’t know,” you say.
The sun falls through the clouds while everyone eats their meal. Sanji has to prevent Luffy from grabbing stray birds that linger in the canopy after he finishes his plate. The clouds turn pink, orange, red, a twinge of purple. As the sky fades into its deep sleepy blue, you remember your third rule.
“Don’t go in the water after sunset.”
Usopp makes a “huh?” sound while Robin excitedly asks why.
“It’ll eat you alive.”
Despite Usopp’s worries, the Merry is fine the next day. He was torn between being too afraid to sleep in the boat out of fear he would also dissolve in his sleep, and wanting to be with her in case anything happened. He felt sick to his stomach watching you demonstrate a few clippings of your hair turn into nothingness. Luffy thought it was awesome and Nami thought Robin looked the happiest she’s been in over a week.
When the sun rises you share your herbal notes with Chopper and your accounts on the island with Robin. You’re embarrassed at the personal nature of some of your entries, but figure the details would be forgotten eventually after she leaves. You notice your internal monologue is assuming you’re staying again. Luffy’s new favorite activity is to swing through the tree branches in a one-sided race with the monkeys, but Zoro spends his day strength training at the bottom out of fear that Luffy will fall and drown himself. Nami explores with Sanji, attempting to create a map while the cook forages. Usopp is forced to tag along to be Nami’s buffer.
The whole day Hin is clingy, more affectionate than usual. It makes Chopper nervous that the lion is hanging around you all day, but Hin barely acknowledges him. You aren’t sure whether it’s because of the visitors or if it’s triggered by something else.
The Strawhats decide they’ll want to stay a couple more nights. Usopp thinks he can gather material to do some decent maintenance on the Merry and get her in a confident position with some time. You’re glad you get a little longer to be in their presence. You can’t help but notice that the decision is already made: that you can’t leave. But maybe a few more days will convince you otherwise. Hin still won’t leave your side.
On what the Strawhats decide is their last full day with you, an unexpected storm rages through. You show them how you wait them out at the base of the tree, a secure place with less wind and more distance from lightning. The storm is pretty average until there’s one particular strike of lightning that radiates through the entire length of the tree. Your heart drops as you feel a splintering sound resonating through your entire body. It’s paired with a short period of deafness that ends just before there’s a massive splashing sound. The base of the tree rocks, lurches upwards with your stomach and then slams back into the water. There’s the chattering of birds, howls of monkeys, buzzing of insects all moving away. In the distance.
In all your time on this floating ecosystem, you have witnessed animal migration. Some birds leave for a season, others never return. New insects appear out of the blue along with grasses and fruits and fish. The nature of a groundless entity puts it in constant range of new variables, new lives that come and go for varying lengths of time.
Never has there been a mass evacuation of life.
When you run outside the sky is still pouring. A mist simultaneously rises from the ocean and you’re immediately drenched. There is no canopy to shelter the rain. The tree has fallen. Your livelihood, all your relationships and meaning, plummeted in the ocean. It’s still afloat, a mile onwards into the mist of the sea. But it’s gone. It will never be upright again. You can tell by the way the bottom is shredded, splintered into a million pieces. You’ve never seen growth below the second branch, no watershoots to suggest the tree could embrace a new trunk. 
Even if there was a chance for survival, it wasn’t in your lifetime. It would take hundreds if not thousands of years for there to be even a fraction of the biodiversity that occupied this space seconds ago. You know the world is a cruel place. After days of resigning yourself to staying, with no temptation towards a life-long journey of returning home, you are forced to realize it is the only way forward. You immediately entertain dying here. It hurts to imagine Hin dying with you.
Your brain moves a mile a minute, contemplating sending Hin with the pirates to their next island. Let him try to rebuild his life while you die with yours.
You feel his presence beside you. It’s cold. He steps forward.
The memory of his affections is distant as you watch him. His steps hold intent, they do not waver. You call for him in your mind. Turn back. At least look back at me. You can’t stop him, can’t even call out to him, knowing that nothing will change his mind. He marches onwards. You know that you cannot follow.
The Strawhats stay another day.
You have to go with them. It’s the clear decision, has been since their arrival. You deny it, have been denying it despite it waving obviously in your face. You hate the clarity that this was inevitable. Hin’s affections replay through your mind. He knew too. He was prepared before the storm came, the moment the pirates stepped foot on your land, before they spotted your tree on their ship. Even the Strawhats knew, Nami’s confusion the first night resurfacing in your memory.
It’s unfair, so unfair. You spent five years building something, finding your niche and your way to coexist in such a rich and unique environment. Again you remember your mom, your sister. You remember the injustice you felt when you first washed up in the basket of roots in the ocean face to face with the king of the jungle.
Chopper is helping you salvage the remaining flora you can find to propagate on the ship. You have a library of seeds still mostly intact that Sanji moves to a room in the Merry for you. Robin collects your journals and works with Nami to dry out the ones that were damaged in the storm. Luffy is excited to have you aboard. Usopp comforts you poorly and Zoro doesn’t even try. You appreciate all of it, but simultaneously seethe with anger.
Nami checks in with you after doing what she can with the books.
“I can’t fight,” you admit out of nowhere. A thought that had been sitting in your throat in a way that made it hard to swallow. Until Nami appeared and it leaped without warning.
She smiles softly. “It’s okay. I wasn’t much of a fighter either. Still not compared to the others.”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fight.” You did when you were little, with your peers and your family. You fight yourself these days.
“It doesn’t matter. You’ll be plenty of help no matter what.”
You look at her suspiciously and shake your head. Your eyes naturally travel down and towards the ship, the bundles of leaves from the tangerine trees and the early stages of their fruit. You speak without thinking again.
“You know if you pruned your tangerines better you could yield at least double your fruit.”
Nami smiles brightly.
You have fantasies of the tree growing back. In a few thousand years time there will be a new ecosystem flourishing. A new mixture of life will grow and fauna will migrate and emigrate in stages, cycles. It’s a beautiful, hopeful vision that keeps your heart lukewarm as you feel the coldness of abandonment.
You’re the last one on board the Merry. Before you go you take a long look at the remnants of what was once your home. The trunk split just before the curve that you made your garden, preserving the collections of your life artifacts. Over the past few days the length of the tree up to its canopy has drifted significantly into the distance. You can vaguely see it in the water, just an inch or so below the surface with small branches breaking through the surface. Of course it’s drifting in the opposite direction of where the Strawhats are going next.
When you raise your foot off the island and onto the first step of the Merry, you hear a bubbling and rippling behind you. When you turn you see the collection of roots and stump begin to sink into the ocean's depth.
A pain flares in your chest. You march towards your room, slam the door, lock it. Sob into your pillow.
Grief is funny. It’s also gut wrenching. You think it might be the only constant in your life. In the next few days on the Merry you’re too blinded by yours to see that it’s a constant in everyone else’s. The Strawhats all have their own special dance with loss, ones that make them annoying about yours. It takes a while to realize they’re offering you what they need. You try to offer it back, communicate your own preferences. Some get it better than others.
Chopper is the one you find yourself around the most. Your trades coincide and you learn from one another. You teach Chopper about what you were able to salvage and start growing on the Merry. It begins your healing process in a painful way, one that constantly reminds you of what you lost. But it helps you preserve it, transform it, share its beauty with others and make it immortal—something you never imagined. Chopper shows you his own collection of herbs and medicinals, and then the ones he’s attempting to grow on the ship. He explains his process and concerns. You suggest some maintenance strategies and offer to work with his plants to see what works best for them. He looks so happy.
It’s comforting to have an animal presence. You haven’t communicated with people in so long that you’ve forgotten how to read them. Your speech is awkward too, having written to yourself for the past few years and rarely communicated orally with words. You realize your response time is often delayed and that conversation doesn’t run smoothly. But you can understand Chopper’s behaviors, his little mannerisms and particular looks. You get the sense that it’s unsettling to him, but he appreciates it once he’s used to it. Some days when you’re working together not a single word makes its way between you two. But it’s healing. Familiar.
You find yourself on edge around Sanji. He’s an overbearing presence in your grief, one that drives him to constantly check on you and offer you comforts. It’s irritating. You sometimes think that he’s trying to catch you off guard and see you at your weakest. You aren’t sure what makes you think that, maybe because you struggle to differentiate when he’s offering you comfort or making a pass at you.
One day in the far future it’ll make sense. You’ll learn things about him that will make you want to ensure you’re there for him every moment of the day. But for now you try to recognize this as his way of showing love and care. You wonder why it has to look like this. You embrace it as best you can, offer some constructive comments so the benefits go both ways.
“If you make me my comfort foods all the time they won’t have the same effect every time I eat them.”
An unreadable expression passes through his face before he begins to apologize. You don’t let him. 
“It’s okay, I appreciate your efforts. I want to eat your food though, too.”
His face immediately flushes and he vows to serve you his finest cuisines. It’s too much, you can’t look at him when he thinks so highly of you. You look down at your meal and finish it quietly.
You’re not ready to say goodbye to the Going Merry. 
When the time comes and Luffy’s decision is made, you can’t stomach the argument, the fight that occurs outside. Robin’s gone too and you’re trying to sort out how you’ll relocate the plants, preserve the seeds and your library. Fixating on plans is how you distract yourself, trick your brain into moving forward instead of spiraling in on itself.
You want to reach out to Usopp, tell him you understand and that it’s unfair. But you don’t understand, will never feel for the Merry what Usopp does. The Merry was your last resort, and not even what you put above dying. For Usopp the Merry was a gift. A treasure offered by a childhood partner and a reflection of himself, his potential. A potential rejected by his closest friends.
As you predicted, you’re useless throughout Water 7 and Enies Lobby. You’re quick on your feet, can work out a plan pretty quickly. You’re able to diffuse some tense moments, even if your mediation feels surface level. But you can’t fight—or rather, can’t get yourself to fight. It’s okay in the end. You—your crew—win(s).
Even so, you can’t find a moment of peace. There’s another crew member—one that’s loud and a little tactless but you don’t want to judge prematurely, especially after seeing the way Robin looks at him. You can’t stomach this feeling that you overstepped, saw too much too soon in both Usopp and Robin’s lives that you were never meant to know. You have the gall to apologize, Usopp first because he’s less intimidating.
He looks at you sheepishly but brushes it off easily. “It’s bound to happen, ya know? How do you think I felt watching your whole home-tree thing and friend disappear a few days after meeting you?”
He makes a fair point, even as he rambles on about how he’s fine and that he’s too great to be held back by things like that. It takes him a second to realize his potentially offensive implications of the way you’ve dealt with your loss, but you know enough about the sniper by now to understand what he’s trying to communicate.
You tell him that you would be sad too. You briefly relate it to your own feelings as of late. You tell him that if he ever wants company that you’re there for him.
His eyes well with tears as he sputters and scoffs. He turns away from you to wipe his eyes as he tries to flip the script and offer you a shoulder to cry on. The next day he’s in your greenhouse-office and you make him a blend of herbal tea as he shares with you his favorite moments on the Merry. You believe him. You have no other choice. It offers the opportunity to learn about the people you’re cohabitating with, how they came together and what brought them here now.
You’ll cross check the validity later with Nami, but for now you believe every word Usopp says. It’s what he needs from you for his healing.
You find yourself frustrated with Robin. Every attempt you’ve made at conversation with the goal of delivering your apology gets hijacked by a slew of questions for you. You think it may be like your own tendency to organize and plan to distract yourself: Robin takes in information to preoccupy her mind. For you to apologize would be to recognize what happened to her and admit that you were a witness. At some point that exchange will assist her healing, but for now you entertain her curiosities and hope that Franky is able to reach her.
You and Nami have the opposite relationship. Something about her makes you too quick to admit your feelings, even when her questions have nothing to do with them. It’s what let your guard down when she first set foot on your island and what had you sharing your insecurities before you came aboard. You don’t feel ready to share what she always pulls out of you. You never will be. You can tell she’s trying to confront you while also giving you proper space and you can’t help but hope she somehow understands the tension within you. That you want her comfort and her ease, but acknowledging these things about yourself will force you to move forward, take a step out of the darkness that connects you with your home.
You think she may know a thing or two about that, which is even more a reason to keep your distance.
“The tangerines have been growing really well,” she tells you one day. You think she’s caught on and is trying to give you space.
“Thanks,” you mumble, burying your face in the branches as you pick a few more and place them in your basket. You feel that Nami wants to say more, but you’re too flustered to leave the foliage. She walks off after a moment and Luffy pouts from afar. Why is it okay when you pick the tangerines?
The captain walks into your greenhouse-office one morning and witnesses your vulnerability. You had a hard time sleeping, mind racing with what if’s and hypotheticals and the same narratives you’ve been running through your mind for years. Luffy catches you in the middle of a crying session, tenderly checking the leaves of the saplings you’re nursing with blurry vision.
Upon being caught you try to reign yourself back into normalcy. You wipe your eyes with embarrassment and cough to level your voice. “Hey Luffy, sorry I didn’t—”
But he smiles, wraps his arms around you seven-fold and holds you close. He’s warm, like a heated blanket, like another body in the rain to keep you safe. You choke out another sob, one you didn’t know you had in you. You realize you haven’t been held like this since before Hin walked forwards and never looked back. You wonder where he is, where that tree took him. Who was waiting for him.
Luffy just snickers, in a wholesome way. One that finds your insecurities amusing because he thinks they’re silly (not that you voiced them; he just knows). Of course the Strawhats will be your family, hold onto you until you achieve your dream and then a little longer. Even when you push and push and keep everyone at a distance unless they’re trying to keep a distance from you.
You learn that Luffy is a great void for your most absurd or intrusive thoughts. He doesn’t remember them and his reactions make them feel like they might not be worth the world to entertain.
“What if I die before I see my sister again?” You blurt one day while the two of you are sitting on the head of the Sunny. It’s a spot you like to lay to soak up the warmth of the sun, but only by yourself. Sometimes being with Luffy is like being alone.
“Huh? That’d suck,” he says nonchalantly. “But you won’t, you’re strong.”
You can’t begin to fathom why he thinks that. But he’s so confident it breaks your line of thinking. This repeats a few times throughout the day.
“Sometimes I think that Hin left so easily because I didn’t mean anything to him.”
“That’s dumb, sometimes you just have to be somewhere,” he says easily. Pauses. “Why’s he called that anyways?”
You look up from where you're sitting to glance at Luffy’s face. He’s standing next to you, staring in the distance like he has better things to worry about, such as what Sanji’s making for dinner and the like. You can see the glow of golden hour sitting on his skin and his hat.
“It means the..” you trail off. From this angle, Luffy’s hat makes a perfect halo around his head. His unruly hair sticks out like a mane. Like light diffusing from one central bright light.
“The sun.”
(You think about how the crew agreed to name this ship the Sunny. You think about how Franky put a lion on the front before he heard anything about how you joined the Strawhats.)
You lay in that same spot the next day, soaking in the sun and letting your mind wander. You try to remind yourself of the reality you’re existing within.
Footsteps come from behind you. They’re heavy, Zoro’s. You aren’t sure why he’s coming this way. He usually naps at the bottom of the staircase and trains in the lookout tower. You sit up, ready to leave if he has plans to use the space. Of everyone, Zoro is the one you’re simultaneously the most comfortable with and reserved around. He keeps to himself in a way that makes you feel like you should too. 
To your surprise, he mumbles a “sorry” when he sees you and makes to turn around and go back down the stairs.
You call out to stop him. “I can leave if you want to be here.”
“Don’t. I won’t bother you, I can nap somewhere else.”
“You should nap here if you want,” you encourage him.
He’s quiet for a moment. “Don’t wanna make you nervous.”
He thinks he scares you, you realize. He has a shimmer of reluctance in his gaze that looks out of place. Usually you’re awkward around him because his stare reminds you of the intensity of a predator. An animal with a roar that rules as king in the hierarchy of life. At first it was too much, but now it makes you realize that the beings you love are everywhere. Hin might be gone, but you have Zoro. These archetypes will repeat in your life for as long as you live. They’re different, of course, but there’s a reason you keep finding one another.
“You won’t,” you tell him confidently. “You don’t.”
Sleeping in the same space as Hin was how you grew to be confident in your trust of him and his in you.
You ask, “Can I lay here while you nap?”
He frowns at the fact that you would ask. “Of course.”
You find a middle ground with Nami. You like looking at her maps, seeing the expanse of space that exists that you’ve never set foot on. Places you may have been minutes from and never known. You like the way the paper wrinkles ever so slightly with the touch of ink on its surface. When it dries it sits mostly flat again, but there’s a slight warpage you can feel by running your fingers over the lines. You’re watching her draw one evening when she starts talking about her mom and sister. You don’t interject, just nod to yourself and give the occasional hum of affirmation that you’re listening.
You smile to yourself. “I hope I get to fight with my sister again one day.”
A knock on the door interrupts whatever Nami’s reply would have been. It’s Chopper, excited about an observation he made in the greenhouse that he wants your opinion on. You look at Nami apologetically and tell her you’ll talk more later. You want to hear more about her life in the village. She smiles sheepishly, realizing how much she rambled. Your heart pounds excitedly as Chopper grabs your hand and guides you to your office despite knowing you know how to get there. You fight the urge to scoop him in your arms.
One day while you’re napping on the Sunny’s lion, Zoro in his own slumber against one of the pieces of the mane, a slight drizzle starts to fall. It wakes you gently and just as the weather picks up into a heavier rain. You’re disoriented, but stand and close the gap of a few strides to where Zoro is still sleeping. You shake him gently, urge him to wake up.
He has the nerve to look annoyed and ask why you woke him.
“C’mon Zoro, we should nap inside. We’re gonna get sick in the rain.”
He raises an eyebrow, unbudging. You give his arm a push but he’s motionless. You give up, try to step over him and to the deck, slip a little but catch yourself on the railing.
Zoro sighs and stands. He somehow scoops you around your front and grabs the back of your knees in a one-handed bridal carry. You would protest but he’s warm and you’re still sleepy despite being somewhat damp. Zoro gets onto the deck with ease and walks down to the closest sheltered area. There he sits and places you next to him so that you lean against his shoulder for support. He falls back asleep immediately. You’re too tired to think about the familiarity and the warmth of waiting out the rain. You fall asleep quickly.
It gets easier with time despite the continuing uncertainty. It’s a constant question of what to do, how to get back home, if your family would even be there still. The crew knows you’re struggling, that you don’t know what path to follow. They’re here for you, welcoming you with open arms even as you think about leaving them. But you were never good at making decisions, always moving through life by the only option left.
The default here is to stay and follow everyone else’s journey. Luffy asks if you have a dream. You don’t. That’s never been what moves you forward.
It’s another night in a bar with the Strawhats. Not much of a drinker, you learn to assume the role of designated navigator to the Sunny while Zoro helps carry the ones who can’t walk. As you’re trying to rally everyone to head back, Luffy lets out a loud laugh and points to something on the wall.
“Hey! Looks like you finally got a bounty, hahaha!”
You look to where he’s pointing and freeze. The poster definitely has a resemblance but the person in the portrait has lighter eyes and a different haircut than you. Your noses are slightly different. You yank the paper off the wall and read your sister’s name at the bottom. Your heart is thrumming in your ears, body on fire as you stare.
Sanji takes your silence as fear that you have a bounty and drunkenly pats your back. Then he slings an arm over your shoulder and leans his weight on you for support. “It’s okay, we’ll protect you. Your portrait looks good even if it’s a little inaccurate.”
You fold the poster and shove it in your pocket, urging everyone to get moving. Before you leave the bar you do a quick scan of the room to see everyone’s face. She’s not here. You leave.
The next morning you stand by the kitchen counter as you watch Sanji prepare and serve breakfast for everyone nursing their hangovers. You watch them grumble, some of them argue despite it being so early in the day. You think fondly about how they’ve become your family when you needed it most. You recount hugs, late night conversations, tears, naps, lingering together in silence. You think about the poster in your pocket.
You didn’t sleep much last night, preoccupied with what-ifs and hypotheticals. Questions of who your sister has joined on the water, how she got there, how she’s doing. You think that you should get a bounty of your own, to show her that you’re still out there too. You imagine an unexpected run in on the open water. One where you show each other the people you’ve met and tell stories of all that’s happened while you’ve been apart. You imagine your crews working together, maybe they become one giant crew. More realistically you’ll eventually part your separate ways. But it’s the kind of parting that comes with the chance for return, a reassurance that you’re allies and there will be an again. You can say “see you later.”
You’re standing there too long. Sanji looks at you with confusion as to why you aren’t coming to eat. Luffy just shoots an arm over and pulls you between himself and Nami.
“Let’s eat!” he cheers. “Or I can eat your food if you aren’t hungry.”
You can’t hold back your smile. Luffy’s arm is still partially wrapped around your waist from where he grabbed you and you put yours around his waist to hug him back. You put your other arm around Nami and hug her too.
She yelps and her face flushes. “Wh-what’s up with you this morning?”
Luffy just giggles and hugs you harder. You love them. You beam and put your head against Luffy’s. “Nothin’. Just excited for breakfast.”
You feel like you have all the time in the world.
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ok i'm finally done with my crossposting & can breathe again
90 notes · View notes
tiajk · 1 year ago
Sharing a room with nami and robin
Warnings; Fem reader implied, Fluff, fluff and more fluff, sharing clothes,
A/n; there both my favs ily them so much
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— it’s always clean in there the most mess that there would be is all of you guys papers of writing around the room
— robin can’t stand it when the room is dirty so it’s clean all the time
— Its smells so good in there but mostly it smells like tangerines and freshly printed paper
— You guys have a little library in there and you all read each other's books
— Girl nights are a must there most likely after dinner on saturday at 9:00pm
— You guys most likely share all your clothes you guys must have interpreted the same style so it’s common to see nami wearing your crop top robin wearing nami’s pants and you wearing nami's shirt and robins skirt/pants
— They boys arent allowed in you guys room chopper,ussop, and jimbei are the only exception because luffy and zoro don’t fucking shower and sanji and brook are creeps
—There's a record player in the room and you guys always have it on
—Back to the girls night
—It mostly consists of skin care, gossiping, and eating little pastries that sanji made you guys
—You guys definitely cuddle when it's cold can't change my mind
—There's a vault in the room (its nami’s) only you and robin know the code to it with all of her money in it
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gatitties · 3 months ago
HEYYYY I HOPE LIFE IS GOING GOOD FOR U! Im here to ask for your amazing writing. I was wondering if you could make me a strawhats x teen! Regeneration! Reader.
The reader is very aggressive, a bit rash stubborn and quick to lash out alot. She LOVES battle and is literally the most reckless kid EVER. Her fighting style is extremely brutal and reckless and she really isnt careful with herself just because of her regeneration devil fruit. She could literally get a whole canon ball to the head and it would be a blood bath but she’d grow a new head in seconds and she’ll immediately join the battle casually. Her cold and rude behavior is a result of her past though, how she was used in a cruel way for her powers. But inside there is a kind kid and the crew starts to see that as they notice more and more things about her. How she smiles and acts so gently with little kids, how she helps out despite looking mad, how she buys things for them as a gift and just walks away before they can even say thank you and how she gets in front of a crewmate to take the hit because she knows she’ll just regenerate. She just doesn’t know how to express herself. I kinda base her off Sanemi from demon slayer. She loves everyone in her own way and has a heart full of love and care. Her body is full of scars too and she’s really strong and fit for her age. She’s quite clever as well, not just an angry brute. Sometimes the crew worries about her because of her recklessness, especially Chopper.
─Strawhats x teen!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: Your regenerative powers are great, but you need to stop being so careless or you'll give your teammates a heart attack.
─Warnings: none
Hope you're doing good too!! ty love <3
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─ They had never met someone as careless as you, Luffy sometimes did stupid things due to his impulsiveness, Zoro also kept getting seriously injured, but you? You completely surpassed your companions.
─ The times you have scared Nami and Usopp to death by protecting them from an attack and taking more than a minute to get up are countless.
─ Franky finds your power totally cool, although he doesn't like you being so careless sometimes, he will be one of the ones who won't meddle or scold you for covering his back.
─ It's not like the others don't appreciate you putting their safety above your own, but they had methods to protect themselves, even if it's a fatal blow, Luffy, Sanji and Robin hate seeing your body destroyed even knowing that you will get better soon.
─ Chopper, poor stressed reindeer, you're going to make him go bald like an egyptian cat one day, your bravado will take him to the grave, all your scars bitterly remind him that he must attend to you as a priority despite having no wounds present.
─ You've lost count of how many times you've cut yourself with Zoro's swords because you grab them by the edge and not the handle, Sanji also has you banned from the kitchen just in case.
─ Brook laughs so much at your antics when you look like a dwarf being with rage when attacking your enemies that he swears he could die laughing, he pats you on the back saying that it's a joke, because he's already dead, you keep laughing at the same joke every time.
─ Jinbe gets a little anxious during battles when he sees you rush headlong into danger against the worst of enemies, he takes care to restrain you on many occasions, it is preferable that you avoid getting hurt despite your power.
─ Despite your rough or disinterested expression, you keep a sentimental personality deep inside you, you can stain your fists with blood, but you would never do it with the blood of innocent people according to your ideals.
─ Chopper and Nami appreciate that little soft side that you let show from time to time in a much less violent environment, you are still a teenager with a big heart and that is why they hate, like the rest, seeing how you break down and compose leaving those marks on your body.
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heartsforseo · 11 months ago
Robin x fem! Reader
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A/n: SO uh... THIS was the request and I think I overdid it.... BUT I HOPE U ENJOY!!! wc: 935 @littleblueeyedsun 
requested: <yes> <no> request=open ft: Nico Robin
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You glance at the calendar, then at Robin, then back at the calendar, before finally returning your gaze to Robin. The ship reaches a standstill, causing you to return to your senses.
"Robin's birthday is tomorrow," you had thought. The truth is, you haven't prepared anything for her. But the seas heard your prayers and granted you all an island to stop at.
The anchor plummeted into the water, and the force of its impact caused the small bridge to fall. The sound of splintering wood echoed through the air as the structure collapsed. You walked off with Nami, Luffy, and Zoro. The rest either left later or had to guard Sunny.
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Not even thirty minutes later, Luffy and Zoro were gone. Nami grumbled at the situation and advised the two of you to split up. She gave you a den den mushi and said to call her when you found someone.
Nami went left, and you went right. As far as you know, the island seemed to be vacant. It was just a greeny location with no trace of any living thing.
"Luffy, Zoro!" you let out.
Ten minutes of aimless wandering and shouting had led you nowhere. You paused and surveyed your surroundings. The sun is shining intensely in your eyes, and a patch of shade from a nearby tree beckoned you.
You walked carelessly to the tree, and the ground started swallowing you.
"HEEEEELP!" You had screamed out, but your voice started to wither away.
"Huh, was that Y/n?" The green-haired man asked.
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From your perspective, you couldn't see anything, and the ground felt muddy. You slowly stood up and took a lighter from your pocket. A small light wasn't enough. You turned around and noticed a scattered bundle of sticks on the floor. You approached the sticks and selected the dry ones, leaving you with three.
You quickly lit up the stick, earning you a good torch. You wrapped the base with a towel, hoping to ease the burning sensation.
It felt like days that you had been stuck in this underground tunnel. Based on your investigations, you arrived at the conclusion that this place was intended to be a sanctuary from the surface world.
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After hitting several dead ends, you were about to give up hope. But then, you looked to your right and saw a glimmer of light shining above a pile of gold. You quickly ran in that direction and did a 360.
You took out the big bag Nami gave you.
"Listen Y/n. Since we're the ones leaving, you MUST carry this bag around. My golds need to be safe and sound, got it?"
The situation you were in was like two peas in a pod. You got gold for Nami and the crew, and you could either give the gold to Robin or trade it for a historical book she'd like. You were smug while putting every piece of gold in the bag. As a pirate, you believed there was no harm.
But, the relief of sensation was quickly pulled away as you were struggling to breathe. Someone was choking you. You struck the person's jaw with your shoulder, only to find that their face was all bones when you looked back.
"SHIT!" You screamed out, and there were more skeletons following you. But these bony guys were never here. You finally realize that the people here were protecting its treasure, and you had stolen it.
Panicking, you snapped the femur of the skeleton you had just jabbed and stuck it to the rock wall.
You weren't the strongest on the crew. But you weren't the weakest either. You only wished your upper body strength could support your weight and the pounds of gold on your back.
One by one, you were so close to getting out of the cave. Until that one hand held your shoe. You looked down and saw various skeletons, some missing their body parts.
"Oh god…" you slowly muttered, "Oh my GOD!" You tried to knock off the skeleton's hand, but the grip was too tight. As you looked beside you, you saw some skeletons were coming even closer to you. With no other option, you had to let go of your favorite shoe and start climbing again.
The weight was too much for the femur bone, causing it to break as another skeleton gripped your leg. Despite your waning luck, your determination to reunite with your friends remained strong.
You concentrated, and you heard yells from all your friends. The grip on the femur was slipping from your grasp. With one last chance, you took up all your strength and threw the bag of gold to the top.
Your vision started to blur, and the last thing you could see were hands, "…fleur!"
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You woke up, the bright light making you regret to wake.
"Robin, she's awake!" you recognize this voice…it was Chopper! So you were finally back at the sunny.
Robin sat next to you. The cold space changed with warmth.
"How are you feeling dear? I knew I should've trusted my instincts," she frowned. Your throat felt dry. It was like a lump of brick was inside it.
"W-what's the date…?" you finally got out.
"The 5th," she answered
You frowned a bit and looked at her eyes, "I missed your birthday…"
Robin chuckled, then held your hand, "I'm already content that you're alive. Don't ever do that again, or I'll give you bathroom duties."
You smiled back at her and dragged her to the small bed, scooching a bit. Her familiar soft and smooth skin finally touches you.
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A/n: I honestly had fun writing this. It took me a day and YIPEEE
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hannahbarberra162 · 6 months ago
Not My Monkey, Chapter 2
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on Ao3
Link to Chapter 1
Dining with the Strawhats is just as you would expect.
The song the Reader hums and sings with Sanji is this ad: https://youtu.be/FbQt8pYUY6Q?si=qtAVuaC_wUggmSQd
You tore your gaze from Blue Maui to glance at the rest of the crew. Luffy was sitting and pounding his fists on the table, chanting for meat. Robin was sitting next to the android and chatting, with her hand on his oversized forearm. The green swordsman was slouching with his arms crossed next to a tiny…deer. Who was talking to a giant skeleton with an afro. Alright. Nami sat next to you and Usopp, with Sanji coming from the kitchen with a serving platter. A strange group of people, but hey, you were dead so it’s not like you could talk. 
Sanji served you first, even before the Captain, which surprised you. “A vegetarian meal for our dearest Reader,” Sanji said. He looked anxious and he was hovering over you. He clearly wanted you to try the food in front of him and give him a review. He gave you glazed carrots, a spring style salad, and a bean and mushroom stew served over rice. 
He didn’t need to be nervous, it all looked incredible. You weren’t the main cook in your previous relationship, that had been mostly done by your partner. You were satisfied eating the same boring things over and over daily, which you’d done for the past few years. You picked up your fork and sampled the glazed carrots. It was unbelievable, the carrots practically melting on your tongue. Your taste buds were singing, you didn’t think carrots could be so rich. You sampled each item he’d prepared while he flitted back and forth, serving the rest of the crew, starting with the women. 
“Sanji, this is outstanding! I’ve never eaten anything like this before, you’re such a talented chef.” The carrots, the stew, the salad, everything tasted like it had been made by a French chef. Sanji beamed at you.
“I apologize, we are running low on supplies right now. At the next island, I’ll buy more vegetables. Most of the crew prefers a more meat heavy diet.” This was him running low on supplies? You couldn’t wait to see what he whipped up with a fully stocked kitchen.
“MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!…” Luffy continued to chant over Sanji speaking to you.
“LUFFY, SHUT UP! I’m speaking to our lovely Reader,” Sanji sighed and went to fetch food for Luffy. Once the food was placed in front of him, Luffy was like a vacuum. You made a mental note to keep your hands and feet away from his mouth during meal time. He reminded you of that game, Kirby, where the little pink guy would literally inhale food. Or a dog with food aggression. Luffy was using both hands, double fisting the meat and eating as rapidly as humanly possible. 
“Would you like to introduce our new Reader, Luffy?” Robin asked politely.
“Oh yeah, this is Misty,” Luffy said while chewing, gesturing to you with one meat skewer. It took everything in you not to chide him for speaking with his mouth full. Who raised this kid? 
“Actually, her name is also Robin, but we are calling her Misty to avoid confusion,” Robin clarified. “She is our new Reader, but she does not know any information about our world, including who we are. It's a fresh start for all of us, so let’s go around and introduce ourselves. Appropriately. ” Robin gave a look to the android and skeleton, emphasizing the last word.
“She’s obviously lying,” interjected the green haired swordsman.
“No, I’m not, I really -” you started to argue with him but were interrupted by Sanji, who already had his foot on the swordsman's shoulder. 
“How dare you accuse our newest, sweetest Mellorine of lying?!” He was in the green guy’s face on your behalf, it looked like they might fight again. 
“Thank you, Sanji, but I understand his hesitation. But I promise, I really don’t know anything about this world. I haven’t even been to the sea before. I guess that’s one thing off my bucket list.” Well, you’d already kicked the bucket so you weren’t sure that it counted. 
“Whaddya mean? Never been to the sea?” asked Luffy, still chewing with his mouth open. You shrugged.
“I mean, I’ve been in lakes and rivers and pools and things like that. I always wanted to visit the ocean before I died. Where I lived, the ocean was really far away. It was always a little too expensive to go so I never did.” It made you sad to think you'd spend nearly your whole life working and for what? You didn't get to the Pacific, you didn't travel to Fiji, you didn't get to do a lot of things you'd wanted before you apparently died.
“We’ve heard about their world before, others have shared similar sentiments. To Zoro’s point, I do not believe she is lying. I’ve been monitoring her interactions and she does not seem to know any prior information.” Robin had been watching you? You hadn’t seen her following you around. But at least she was corroborating that you weren’t lying. So the green haired guy was Zoro. He still hadn’t introduced himself.
“I’m Franky, the shipwright. It’s SUUUUUPER nice to meet you.” He had exquisite blue hair shaped like a sailing ship. Maybe wild hair colors were natural in this world. You hoped so, you absolutely loved it.
“I like your hairstyle,” you complimented. 
“Thanks, sis,” Franky responded, making a finger gun and running his hand along the side of his hair. It was clearly a source of pride for him, as was only right for such a good style. Next, the skeleton put down his cup of tea.
“I’m Brook, the Soul King. I'm the musician on the crew and I’d love to see -” Nami bonked him over the head before he could finish his sentence. Hard.
“Don’t you dare! Robin just asked everyone to behave!” She was quick, that was for sure. And based on his reaction, fairly strong.
“-your panties,” he finished despite the bonk. 
“No. Don’t ask again,” you replied. Ew. But also he was a nine foot tall skeleton, so his sense of decorum might have been off. He had kind of a Hendrix / Slash vibe going on, complete with afro. You really should commend whoever made this world, the hair here was fantastic.
The little deer put down his milk and said in a serious tone, “I’m Chopper, the ship’s doctor.” It would have been more impressive if he didn’t have a milk mustache when he told you this. Talking skeleton, talking deer, rubber people, dead people, this ship was like a haunted house mixed with Disneyland. At least your life was ending with a bang. “I can help you if you have a headache from the timespace travel, it’s happened to a few of our readers.” 
After thanking Chopper, the last of the group, Blue Maui, introduced himself as well. “I am Jinbe, the ship’s helmsman. It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said, giving you a bow. Your heart and face warmed. You knew it didn’t mean anything - it was basically the same introduction everyone else had given you as well. But coming from someone as good looking as Jinbe, you couldn’t help it. What, were you 12 again?
“Pleased to meet you as well,” you replied smiling. Luffy interrupted your very brief conversation with his mouth full.
“So if you’re shipwrecked on an island, and there were only animals there,” Luffy began as you inwardly groaned, already knowing where this was going, “would you eat one to survive?”
You laughed. “You know what’s funny? I die and come to this world only to be asked the same questions as the last one. I would. But it’s not something I worry about.”
“So who’s your favorite?” Luffy continued, beaming at you.
You weren’t sure exactly what he was asking. “My favorite what?”
“Your favorite Strawhat!” Luffy smiled, but you saw Sanji and Usopp tense slightly.
“Luffy, she doesn’t know us. She doesn't have a favorite like our previous readers,” Robin interrupted her Captain. “I do not know if she is even aware we are the Strawhat Pirates.”
Luffy shoved more meat into his mouth before replying, “oh, right. Well, we’re the Strawhats. Cus of my hat. And your favorites probably gonna be me. Or Zoro. Or Nami. That’s who everyone says.” Luffy grinned widely. You didn’t reply but it seemed kind of rude to pick favorites in front of the other crew members. 
“You’re not always everyone’s favorite!” interjected Usopp, the conversation hitting a nerve.
“I am! It’s my show! I’m the antagonist-” Luffy yelled back.
“Protagonist,” corrected Robin, now sipping on some tea.
“This isn’t a show, it's just life!” continued Usopp. “You’re not the main character, that’s not how it works.” Luffy pouted but kept eating.
“Let’s get a round going for the new reader!” exclaimed Nami, trying to change the subject. 
“Brilliant idea Nami-swan! Dearest Misty, what would you prefer to drink? We have some sake, wine, and ale. You are our guest, you choose first. ” Sanji came to your side immediately, like a waiter on demand.
“Oh, I don’t drink,” you replied, “but it doesn’t bother me if anyone else does.” Zoro (who still hadn’t introduced himself) snorted.
“What kinda life is that? No meat, no booze. What’s the fuckin’ point?” he scoffed. 
You laughed lightly. “I would have said the same when I was 20. Just not my style anymore.” 
“So go get the booze shitcook, she said we can drink,” Zoro turned to Sanji, already ignoring you. You could see Sanji puffing up for a fight already.
“If she’s not drinking, you’re not drinking either, you stupid mossbrain! You don’t get shit anyway for insulting her!” They were already in each other’s faces. No one else had paused their side conversations to listen or watch. You wondered how many times a day this happened. Zoro and Sanji went back and forth, though you noticed Zoro didn’t stop eating his food and Sanji didn’t put down his tray. Everyone else had returned to their side conversations, ignoring the two men completely. The crew seemed cohesive, like everyone was on good terms with each other. Even Zoro and Sanji's fighting wasn't disturbing the overall vibe of the dinner. It was loud, animated, chaotic, and reminded you of Sunday night dinners with your own family. You enjoyed it for a few minutes, eating your meal and watching the dynamics of the crew. 
Everyone was wrapping up their meals and finishing their food. Usopp and Nami got up to leave, but left their dirty plates on the table. “ Excuse me, take your plates to the sink. No one’s coming behind to pick up after you,” you snapped at them. The room went silent as they stared at you. Oops. Having several bad roommates and coworkers over many years had left a few ingrained habits. “Uh, sorry, didn’t mean that. Just tell me where I can put my plate.”
“Leave it on the table, Twirlybrow cleans up,” replied Zoro.
“Why? Didn’t he cook the food?” you asked, confused. It was basically a sin where you grew up to leave your plate on the table, much less for the cook. Didn’t they rotate the cleaning?
“So? He likes it,” Zoro was being petulant, probably because of whatever he had going on with the cook. 
“Again, sorry, I didn't mean to overstep. It’s just that where I’m from, if you cook, you don’t clean. That’s always how it is. But, not my circus,” you said, putting your hands up in apology. You didn’t mean to offend, but the man had just cooked a multi course meal for eleven, plated and served it. Surely he didn’t have to clean up everything by himself too. It felt unfair, but it wasn’t your place to change the way things were.
“Whassat mean? Not my circus?” Luffy asked, finally full of food. His belly was stretched comically large, seemed like being made of rubber had its benefits.
“Oh, it’s a common saying. ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys.’ Meaning, it isn’t my place to say anything. You know like, not my problem, not my business.” Luffy smiled at you.
“I am your monkey! Monkey D. Luffy! Thanks Sanji!” With that, Luffy got up and took his plate, putting it into the sink. Usopp and Nami did the same, bringing their plates with them after watching their Captain. One by one, the crew thanked Sanji and brought their plates to the sink until it was just you and Sanji left. You still had a lot of food on your plate and you weren’t done eating yet. 
“Sorry, I’ve always been a slow eater, especially when I’m in a group or talking with other people. I can finish this later.” You felt bad stopping him from beginning on the overwhelming amount of dishes he was going to have to do. 
“No, no. Please. Enjoy at your leisure mon cherie. It’s nice to see someone who doesn’t just shove everything down their throat.” Sanji was a little off, he wasn’t saying anything cringy or chivalrous in your honor, just clearing off the table.
“Sorry that I butted in. I didn’t mean to disrupt the way things are here,” you offered. 
“No, I - I appreciate the sentiment.” Sanji said, back turned to you.
“I can help you clear the table if you wish, or wash some dishes. I can’t fight and don’t have super-powers like everyone else but I definitely know my way around dish soap,” you tried for a light hearted approach. “My mom really drilled into us that whoever cooks doesn’t clean. It’s hard for me to watch you and not help, especially after you just cooked such an incredible meal.” Sanji smiled at you, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
“It is no burden on me, mon coeur. Please, eat. You are a guest on the ship, and a lady besides.” You dropped it as the chef began cleaning again, clearing the table of serving platters and pitchers, bringing them to be washed. You watched him as you ate, asking him about the preparation of the dishes you were eating. Once you got him talking about food, he dropped a lot of the chivalrous talk and spoke passionately about his love of food and drink. He was calm and patient, answering all your questions. It was obvious he excelled in his field, both from your empty plate and the amount of knowledge he had. Once you were done, you stacked your silverware, cup and plate and brought them to the sink. Sanji was elbow deep in dishes, and he would be for a while. 
“C’mon, let me help you. This is gonna take you hours to do alone.” 
“Ladies shouldn’t have to life a finger -” Sanji began.
You cut him off. “I don’t have to, I want to. It would…make me happy?” You ended the sentence on a higher register. You figured that if he was really a chivalrous guy, he would take your wants and desires into consideration. 
Sanji blinked up at you with his one visible eye, surprise registering before it was hidden. “It would make you happy? But you only have precious little time left, you want to spend it washing dishes?” What was this guy’s deal? Did no one ever help him before? You’d never fought so hard to wash dishes in your life.
“Well, I want to spend every day eating more of your scrumptious food. Which means that the utensils, pots, pans, bowls, everything has to be washed and cleaned, right? Kind of goes hand in hand.” 
“Alright, just this once mon mie. If it would make you happy.”
“It would,” you replied firmly. With that, he moved over, giving you some space at the sink. You’d had a dishwasher at your house for years, but growing up everything was washed by hand. You had countless hours of experience doing the dishes, and there weren’t any differences between your world and this one on how to scrub a dirty fork. You and the chef fell into an amicable silence, working side by side.
Something you hadn’t anticipated was that there was no background noise on the ship. Sure, there were the sounds of the waves, of some sea birds, of the crew on board. But for the past few years you’d gotten used to always having something on to provide white noise - the television or YouTube mostly. You were used to passively listening to music or long form videos while you cooked, cleaned, did laundry, any basic repetitive task. So standing quietly next to the cook made your mind wander to music. 
Obviously, you didn’t have access to your music from home. You tried to think of songs to sing in your head to keep yourself busy. But, as it turned out, you didn’t know the complete lyrics to all that many songs, even though you listened to music constantly. You could remember bits and pieces, or remember the tune, but there weren’t that many songs you could sing from beginning to end. It seemed like the only songs you could remember the lyrics to were either Top 40s hit ending in 2012, songs from your childhood, or songs from the Disney movies your nieces liked. You were deep in your mind, trying to conjure up some songs to sing to, when the cook asked you what you were humming.
“Beg your pardon?” you hadn’t realized you were humming out loud.
“Oh, I was just wondering what song you were humming. I haven’t heard that one before. It’s always entertaining to learn new songs from Readers.”
“Ah. Sorry. Um, it’s nothing, just a commercial jingle, I’m sorry. I’ll stop,” you turned a little red. 
“No, no. I liked it a lot. Does it have lyrics?”
And so you taught Sanji the words to 877-CASHNOW. By the time the two of you were finishing the dishes, you were calling and responding to one another with gusto. It was quite fun, and you were glad the young chef was humoring you. When the last dish was dry, you patted him on the arm. 
“Thanks for indulging me, Sanji. You have quite a pleasant singing voice. We’ll do it again soon.” He didn’t know you’d be helping him a lot on dish duty. You’d tell him later, you had a feeling he was going to fight you on it. But you wanted to be useful, and it had actually been a fun way to pass the time. 
“The pleasure is all mine,  mon cherie. I’m done much earlier than I usually am, for which I have you to thank.” Sanji lit up a cigarette. You’d seen him smoking earlier, but not during dinner service. But you didn’t know any chefs who didn’t smoke, so you weren’t going to give him grief over it.
“Thank you for dinner, Sanji.” You patted his head like a little boy and left the galley. Outside the crew was relaxing and enjoying the cool evening air together.
“What’s a structured settlement?” Luffy yelled across the deck. You laughed.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you could hear us. I’ll keep it down next time.” You hoped your singing wasn’t too off key.
“Why do you do that?” Luffy asked, walking towards you while picking his nose.
“Sing? I’ve always liked it. I’m not good by any means, but it’s fun -”
“No, apologize all the time. You’re always saying sorry but you don’t do anything you need to apologize for.” 
You fidgeted, rubbing the tips of your fingers together. “Oh, sorry, bad habit, I guess. I’ll try to stop.” Luffy flicked a booger onto the deck and sat down cross legged without washing his hands. Gross.
“You don’t need to be sorry for being here. We want you here.” Luffy said, his hands resting on his feet. For being a gross teenager, he was perceptive. You did worry a little about being a burden on the crew, even if it was only for a short while. You had always been a people pleaser, even when you were a child. It had gotten better for a little while in adulthood, but recently you’d fallen back into old habits. You didn’t like relying on other people without providing anything in exchange. Maybe that’s why you fought Sanji so hard on washing the dishes. It wasn’t like it was a chore you loved doing, it was something you knew you could do. You’d think about what Luffy said more.
“Thank you, Luffy. That’s kind of you to say.” You almost patted his head too, but you remembered the boogers. Maybe after he bathed. You noticed Nami had come up, waiting for you to finish your conversation with Luffy.
“Come on, I’ll give you a tour of the ship,” she said. “We can pop by the living quarters too, Robin’s set something up for you.” You agreed, following the orange haired woman. 
“So, the ship’s called the ‘Going Sunny,’ it’s like the ‘Going Merry’ and ‘1,000 Sunny’ mixed together. I don’t know how Franky did it, but he took the Merry and combined it with the Sunny and this is what we ended up with. A Reader once gave us a good drawing of the 1,000 Sunny and Franky used the best parts of both ships." You didn’t know what she was talking about but you nodded anyway. She took you around the ship, starting with the top deck and working your way down to the bottom. It was an incredible ship - there was a tangerine grove, the head of a ram on the keel, a huge fish tank, a spa level bathing area, even a library. You had never seen anything like it. Finishing with the crew quarters, Nami showed you where you would be sleeping. It was a small cot between her bed and Robin’s. Nothing fancy, but you hoped you wouldn’t need to use it too much. You only had three weeks left to live, and you wanted to make the most of it. 
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onepiecepetalfanfics089 · 1 year ago
Hii i was wondering if I could request a story for platonic yandere straw hats (gear 5 luffy, zoro robin focused please) with a reader who just set out to sea and is 17 and they flirt with everyone but when they do it back she screams and runs a away because she doesn’t really mean it
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Center Of Attention~..
You took a step back and slowly let out a breath, the sound of the waves washing over the shore ringing through your ears.
After years of training and waiting for this moment to arrive it finally came. You were setting out to sea all by yourself, a rush of adrenaline shot through just thinking about all the things and steps you would take on your own.
In your now whole 17 years of life you dream that about exploring the deep blue sea, what it would feel like to see new islands, meet new people and just overall have the fun you wanted and craved.
You had everything packed for the trip, food water and you knew enough knowledge to get around..
Imagine your surprise when you saw a small island only a few days after setting out, was this just fate or beginners luck?
Ah, what the hell right? Why are you even thinking so hard? you just set out!
As you drifted closer and closer to land, in the corner of your eye you saw a ship, a very large ship compared to the little boat you were riding in.
It was almost impossible to miss as it had a giant..lion in the front?..
Wait..that ship looked familiar..
Squinting your eyes quizzically, you looked at the Jolly Roger in front.
A strawhat.
Hmm..where did you see that straw hat before..?
Before you could even begin to rattle through your brain even more for answers, your small little wooden boat bumped into the wooden dock that led into the grassy land of the island you spotted.
Deciding to just shrug it off, you quickly got off your boat and dusted yourself off. Anchoring the wooden boat quickly, to head up on land and explore for the first time.
But you didn’t even realize the piercing, blood red eyes following your every move in pure curiosity..
Drinks pouring, plates clacking, constant chattering, so many distinct sounds in a small town bar you could hear. Looking around cautiously yet calmly you were taking in the details of your surroundings.
A little bored, you leaned your head against your hand as you watched the bartender clean a dish.
Who thought setting out to sea would be so…
You then felt another soft sigh leave your throat. It was almost as if-
The whole bar suddenly fell into silence. Why was that..?
A chill then ran down your spine.
It couldn’t be..no..
Smoke seemed to fill the air as a godly like presence surrounded you.
Eyes felt like they were watching you from behind.
Soft feminine hands caressed your body in utter curiosity. It was not a sexual feeling but it just felt so..violating?..
They poked and prorated their way into your skin, touching you like you were a brand new toy of some sort..
Just then a protective gaze fell over you. Pressure was building up inside your body. It was like the whole world had stopped, pushing you down into a small glass box to be looked at like you weee the most interesting, beautiful and peculiar thing on this earth.
A loud laugh then erupted from behind you, but of course, even if you could look turn around to see who was enjoying the view you didn’t.
So many emotions surrounded you, like the whole world was spinning with all of these frustrating yet distinct feelings.
Everything just paused and then..it was over.
Just what in the hell was..that..?
That sense..that feeling of being watched.
Letting out a soft sigh, you ran a hand through your hair touched it behind your ear. Maybe you could trick that lousy bartender into think you were the right age to drink or even close. Glancing sideways to check your surroundings, you found that everything seemed to go back to normal completely like that whole hallucination didn’t even happen for a second.
Just as you were about to let out another sigh you spotted woman sitting beside you.
She seemed so calm, yet..off. Was she there before?..
Her eyes were a dark aqua blue and she had her black hair that fell down her back midway. A mischievous smile spread across your face as you were known to be quite the flirt back in your village.
Why not talk to this beautiful woman to calm your nerves down? It’s not like anything bad could happen from it..
Scooting closer to her, you put on your most charming smile and spoke to her, taking a mental note at the drink she was holding so elegantly.
But just before you could even utter a simple sentence you noticed something.
She wasn’t alone.
About nine other people were chatting behind her, they were a very peculiar bunch to say the least..a talking reindeer..a skeleton..? And..
You heard a very familiar laugh from afar. It was loud and held loads of joy in it like a never ending joke. Slightly tilting your head to get a better view you saw him.
He was…different from the others to say the least..
His white hair was flowing majestically and..was was he floating?
His eyes were an apple red and his grin..his very side grin made him look like he was friendly but at the very same time up to no good. Next to him was swordsman with strangely three swords!
One of his eyes were slit closed and his lead green hair stuck out like a sore thumb. His expression was rather stern and almost made chills run down your spine from the way his intimidating aura surrounded the whole area.
You didn’t even catch the sharp glance at you that turned into a stare once you began talking approach the black haired woman.
You but your lip and hesitated, they seemed like pirates..and a group you didn’t want to mess with, so should you just back away?..
You’re already this close..and not to mention you could practically feel half of them staring at you from afar so why not?..
So…you gave a charming smile and began to speak to woman with your best ‘you come here often punchline?’
Sure, she was beautiful but..you only flirted as a joke of course.
So when she simply chuckled at your little sentence and began to lean closer you..
You kinda panicked and made up and excuse to leave the bar..
Yes it was a very..rational response, but what we’re you suppose to do?..out of all the reactions you didn’t really expect that to happen in all honesty…
Plus, all of those eyes on you made you feel incredibly uneasy. In your peripheral vision, you could just feel and see their gazes follow your every move. The swordsman’s face from earlier would maintain and stern expression.
So stern it seemed protective.
You wondered why that was..
As the waves crashed against the shore you would let out a deep, long sigh. The moonlight shining directly on your face. For the past hour you felt as if you weren’t alone..
Now closing your eyes, you heard rustling in the bushes.
Damn squirrels..
Couldn’t you just have one moment of peace?..
It was already enough you couldn’t get that longing curios stare off of you no matter how hard you tried but it was the fact that-
Wait..that wasn’t a squirrel..
Opening your eyes you spotted three distinct figures. Stepping out of the shadows came three of the people who seemed most uhm..fond of you? Hell, how were you supposed to know?..
It felt like they were stalking you at this point!
In fact..
“Are you three just stalking me at this point? Where I come from, if your into someone you just take ‘em out on a date..just ask m’Kay? I would be happy to-”
The swordsman, seemed to snicker and the other two couldn’t help but chuckle at your comment..or at least the blue eyed woman..it seemed like the one in white couldn’t control his laughter no matter what situation.
Half an hour later you were all sitting in the grass and talking together. You learned a lot of things..the woman’s name was Robin, the swordsman was Zoro and the boy with a godlike aura was originally Luffy.
They both tried to explain to you that he was in his 5th gear..
Whatever that meant..
The more you found yourself talking to them the more..weird their behavior began to grow. Robin would use her devil fruit to play with your hair or poke and prod at you again..
That seemed familiar didn’t it?..
Meanwhile Zoro and Luffy would quickly interrupt you when you tried to call it a day and leave to go find a hotel to stay in for the night, speaking over you or just even giving you a blank look before talking about something else.
You sighed while Luffy babbled on about meat and his adventures, Robins extended hand was poking your cheek and Zoro kept a sharp eye on you to make sure you didn’t try to leave..
Why though?..why were they so attached..?
Suddenly, you felt a very sharp sting in your neck.
A soft gasp left your lips as your body slowly fell to the soft grassy field. Now having the perfect view of the river that was shining from the moonlight.
“Awww! Robin! Why’d you’d have to do that?! I was just about to tell her about how I get to the fridge every night! And I was just about to ask her to join our crew!!”
“Fu Fu Fu~..sorry captain I couldn’t resist..”
You saw Zoro roll his eyes before he looked down at you silently and without any trouble he lifted you over his shoulder to carry you to..that ship! That ship that you knew looked familiar..
Trying to speak or yell or anything to help with the situation didn’t help as for some reason it felt as if your mouth was sewed shut.
All you felt was a gentle hand pat your back reassuringly as you slowly closed your eyes and drifted off into unconsciousness..
When you woke up everything was spinning, you were in a diner of sone sort..multiple people were chatting and eating around the table like it was an everyday normal dinner..
A soft melody of a violin could be playing and you couldn’t help but get lost in it while the others talked, laughed and yelled..
Wait..was the skeleton playing that..?
The same people at the bar..
No! It couldn’t be..right?
“You idiots!! Why did you have to drag her all the way here! Now she’s probably uncomfortable!!”
The orange haired woman said as you groaned in displeasure, her dark brown chocolate eyes scanning you and your body in worry.
Just then, everyone at the table seemed to glance at you with a soft smile..
Just what were you in for..?
Why were you here?..
You had so many questions..but you pull barely move let alone speak..
One thing you know for sure is that you’d definitely be the Center Of Attention from now on..~
A/N: hiiiii my loveess!!! Again, so sorry I haven’t been posting! This was supposed to be posted yesterday but some things came up! I’m so sorry I haven’t been active but school and my personal life have been really on me these past few days lol😭 I decided to make this one as long as I could for you guys! Thank you so much to the person who requested and I’m so so sorry it took so long to post!!! I’m on winter break now and I’ll be posting much more! I’m sorry if this one isn’t that good or it has typos but I tried my best on it! I really like the ending to be honest what do you think?<3 also, stay tuned because I’ll be posting again in hopefully a few hours on another little project I’ve been working on! I’m also happy to announce that another chapter of ‘Enchanted~’ is coming VERY soon! and eeee!! I’m so excited!!!
Until next time my pretty petals!!💗🌸🌺🌷💖💘💝
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blossomslovely · 2 years ago
Isekai Yandere Strawhats
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Synopsis: You can read them together or separately, I f*cked up the last part but I tried connecting some dots without fully disclosing everything bc I am not yet sure if I want to continue expanding on this story. If you’d like this to possibly become a series let me know !
You had been startled awake gasping for air and completely drenched in a cold sweat. It was the middle of the night, the ship was dark but the light of the moon shone through the porthole allowing your sight to adjust. You sighed to yourself, memories of your family. What a cruel thing the mind can be, you thought.
You were restless and couldn’t sleep any longer, dreaming of distant voices like you weren’t here on purpose was hilarious in a sinister way. You wanted to believe the person you had become was just a simple state of mind so that you wouldn’t go crazy. But you knew better, you knew to everyone else you’d be considered a lunatic.
You’d argue with yourself constantly, in every crevice of your brain, while also being the mediator wanting everything to stop. This was a good life you were living, free of idiotic way of life you lived previously. When you woke from dreams like this, for a minute or two everything was clear.
You could remember how you got here, remember why you left in the first place. And best of all, you remembered why you were so scared of these people in the first place.
You chuckled to yourself as you got out of bed, your stomach now empty and gurgling for a snack. Making your way to the kitchen you saw the light in the crows nest and a shadow passing through the fish tank. Of course he would be up, you knew his schedule.
You wanted to go up and ask if he’d join your for a drink and a snack but, just as you reach the second flight of stairs you stopped yourself. Alone time when you were awake was needed.
Of course there would be times where you were alone during the day but never completely alone. The constant fake concern or the random outburst to grasp your attention when your eyes went blank always reminded you, you weren’t alone.
You opened the locks on the fridge, rummaging around for alcohol, one of the greatest things about this world was how strong it was in both flavor and effect. Back home you were too young to drink but here you could have anything you desired.
That’s what you liked to tell yourself now. Whenever the itch got too overwhelming and started becoming a visible panic attack you knew just how to calm yourself. Deep breaths, look at just one thing, and clear your mind of negativity. It worked but sake worked even better.
You drank too glasses in the darkness, the affect making itself known when you stood up to bring the rest of the bottle up the stairs. Giggling when you almost fell face first only to be caught in the strong arms of the swordsman.
He looked pretty tonight, the moon was a friend who liked to light up the features of his face you wouldn’t notice during the day. Making him out to be a knight in shining celestial armor. You smiled at him and he gave you a small smile back guiding you to the crows nest.
You told him about your dream. He listened quietly sipping directly from the bottle only stopping to pour you some.
“ Zoro.. is anyone listening?” You asked eyes scouting the perimeter of the room. He shook his head and urged you to continue.
“ My dreams remind me that I’m not insane— well that I’m not completely insane. I want to say they ground me as much as they hurt me.”
The tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to fall in giant droplets of sorrow. He stopped drinking to give you his full attention as you went more in detail about the things you’ve bottle up.
You were like a scroll unraveling before him, if he were bold he make a joke saying that you were the one piece they’d been searching the sea for.
He understood completely why the crew was enamored with you. The little fighting fish trapped in a tank, who could only give without take, the colors of your scales vibrant and full of life while your tail flashes trying to ward off the parasitic infection dwelling all around and within.
He finally spoke up, startling your rambling about every little topic on your mind, “ I didn’t want to interrupt but I have something interesting to tell you.”
You nod eager to listen.
“ I know we’ve been waiting a while and this since is a golden opportunity now that we’re alone. On the last island I spoke to an old man, there isn’t a name for it yet but there are other like you. Travelers.”
You threw yourself into him and held him tight. This was the break through you’ve gone through hell waiting for.
“ There have been quiet a few others, over the last few years he’s said. Some trying to be discrete and others making grand entrances, they speak how you speak, using the same slang and everything I knew they were linked to your situation.”
“ This is incredible ! I knew there were others like be but… I always thought they’d be- Zoro?”
He suddenly yanked you off of him, picking up the bottle of sake and walking to the door. Just as you were opening your mouth to speak the floor started creaking, someone else was awake.
Panic set through you.
Do they hear anything? Did they hear your excitement? Who was coming closer?
Zoro opened the door revealing Robin. How could you possibly forget the other equally dangerous night owl on the ship. She smiled at you and waltzed in sitting on a stool.
“ I didn’t know you woke up Y/N, I would’ve joined the two of you earlier.”
“ Oh yeah I didn’t really want to check for anyone but I just— I seen his shadow and I couldn’t sleep so I figured… why not.” Your nervous laugh creeped in towards the end of your sentence.
You silently damned yourself and looked over to Zoro who sat right back in his spot drinking the almost empty bottle like nothing happened.
The three of you talked about little things, souvenirs from islands, Zoro about swords he looked at, and Robin went on about a foreign scripture she has yet to completely figure out.
Zoro’s presence kept you at ease and before you knew it you fell asleep again. The rest was short and you woke in your bed by the booming voices of your crew mates. Making your way to the kitchen you were greeted continuously upon entry, the captain patting a seat between him and Zoro.
The handsome Prince handing your orange juice in a wine glass to accompany your eggs and bacon. You ate silently till Luffy started stealing off Ussop’s plate causing a ruckus on the table.
The morning came and went and you were playing card games with the boys till lunch. The excitement creeped in when you were handing your cleared plate and heading off the the crows nest once again.
Watching from the upper deck was Nami accompanied by Ussop and Chopper holding baskets of tangerines and pop green. A keen eye was needed in order to be a navigator and that eye noticed your 180 when you were around Zoro.
“ They’re close those two..”
The others agreed watching you leap up the stairs into the crows nest. It was hard to not notice when no one else really bothered the grumpy swordsman in his little sanctuary.
The woman hummed then directed her little helpers to continue picking fruit while she went to investigate. She heard your cheers and giggles as she got closer to the door, daring her to press her ear on the door.
Intently listening to you laugh about a story from your childhood she failed to notice the blonde creeping up behind her with a tray of drinks. With a hand to her chest to keep her from punching him she pulled him close to listen along with her, much to his delight of course.
Although when the cook heard the joy a familiarity being shared with the swordsman he almost barged into the room. Nami having to physically hold him back so that their cover wouldn’t be blown.
It’s almost like they forgot the swordsman can dodge knives in his sleep. Zoro alerted you the moment Nami was walking up the steps. Yes, she was as stealthy and as sly as a cat but there was more in fooling a man like him. The topic of conversation changed and you had suggested writing notes while you spoke the next time around.
The itch was back but you didn’t want to alert Zoro. He was doing his best in keeping your endeavors discreet and telling him would out more on his plate. That night you were reading and the navigator invited you to sit with her while she drew up new maps.
“ Y/N, you’re pretty close with Zoro huh.” She spoke up.
Your eyes left the pages to look at the woman gracefully creating lines and squiggles on the large lithograph. “ Yeah, I enjoy telling him stories and he just listens or laughs.” You shrugged.
She hummed and continued, “ I was heading over to you to ask if you wanted to help peal some tangerines for Sanji to make marmalade.”
“ Oh crap you should’ve asked me during lunch. I can help tomorrow if you’d like.”
She looked over to you from the corner of her eye and smiled agreeing.
“ I didn’t mean to listen in but… you seem very relaxed around him, more relaxed than with the crew.”
“ He.. he just seems to put me at ease I guess.”
“ Why aren’t you at ease with the rest of us?” She inquired tilting her head and placing the ink pen in the corner of her desk.
You quickly rebutted hoping to ease the sudden tension beginning to bubble up. She was full of questions today and you felt like you were in an interrogation room without a door. She chuckled at your stuttering, it was so cute when you were nervous. She continued her work and changed the topic to not cause you anymore visible worry.
Laying in bed that night you finally felt at peace, before your interruption earlier Zoro had told you he knew a way for you to get back home. It would take some time and you would have to get the others off your radar.
Your thoughts quickly shifted to Nami and how she approached you earlier. To a non trained eye your conversation just seemed like small talk or curiosity among friends though the threat of something more was obvious to you. You were sure she did that purposely, looking into your eye, raising and eyebrow, and giving you that sly smirk.
Just to see what type of reaction she could coerce out of you without making things too transparent. You knew eventually they would look into your newfound closeness with the swordsman. You turned to the other side of the bed where the pillow was cold and the light didn’t hit your closed eyes. Shaking the thoughts away to sleep and deal with another day tomorrow.
The ship was still lively while you were resting, everyone doing their own little tasks and routines. In the room next to the crows nest Robin was bathing, she was enjoying her peace till a small knock came from the door.
“ Robin could I come in?”
Nami opened the door and waved sitting on the edge of the tub. “ I think we should tell Luffy about Zoro and Y/N.” She said letting her fingers graze the steaming water. Robin hummed and leaned over to her, “ We should eventually of course. However, don’t you think we should also go to Zoro separately first as well? To completely assess the situation.”
Nami agreed and decided now would be the perfect time since you were asleep and he was completely alone.
She knocked twice and opened the door peaking in, “ Zoro are you busy?”. He looked up at her with a weight lifting over his shoulder and shook his head. She waltzed in sitting in the booth seat hitting her lip, the nerves of trying to get a straight answer out of him settling in.
“ I wanted to talk to you about Y/N, you’ve been pretty close yeah?”
“ I guess? They just come in and ramble while I work out.”
“ Well I hope you aren’t forgetting that the crew also wants to get close to them.”
“ What’s that supposed to mean exactly?”
He was as standoffish as always but if this wasn’t done who knew what the two of you could do. It’s not that she even wanted to question the first mate but no one else has been able to break the barrier with little Y/N… and of all people to it was the grumpy swordsman?
“ It means that whatever you’ve been promising them… isn’t going to make them..”
“ Rebel? I’m loyal to my captain, whatever ideas you’re having are wrong. They came to me because the rest of your are idiotic and overbearing.”
Nami huffed angrily at the assumption that she was overbearing and idiotic. She knew that at certain moments the entire crew would make you uncomfortable but her? She walked out slamming the door and the swordsman’s eyes hardened.
If Nami decided to personally ask him then someone more dangerous was involved.
Back in the bathroom the archeologist was humming quietly to herself as she drained the tub and let the steam dwell around her. The slam of a door from down the hall brought a smirk to her lips, Zoro had ticked Nami off and now she was going to play her part.
Robin knew from the moment you joined their journey you would be valuable. From the way the crew took a liking to you immediately and especially the way the captain would light up in your presence. Robin was extremely loyal to Luffy, she was going to do anything to ensure his happiness was preserved.
She knew you were scheming something with the swordsman. Just as she knew that the swordsman was aware of her presence whenever she’d try to lurk into the room. It’s not that she was doubting Zoro’s loyalty, but he obviously cared about you enough to even consider helping you get back home.
There were times where she questioned herself, she knew that keeping you here basically hostage was wrong. She lived her life running in fear and to keep you here against your will went against everything she stood for but… her captain was her number one priority now, and if making you cry yourself to sleep every night was the sacrifice then so be it.
The ship had finally settled and the moon was now at its peak, the boys room was filled with voices but surprisingly Luffy was quiet. Sanji took notice and eyes the swordsman from the corner of his eye. Without even looking towards him Zoro shrugged and turned the other way. He rolled his eyes and held his tongue not in the mood to argue, he was more concerned about his quiet captain who stared blankly at the wall.
Luffy wasn’t usually one to think too much about one thing for too long, so it was right to be concerned. Sanji stood tall peaking over into his cot and the boy met his gaze.
“ Something on your mind?”
A crack of a smile spring onto the captain’s face, he liked that his crew knew him so well. “ I’m just thinking of Y/N.” He sighed.
As of late you’d been running rampant through his mind. Every time he gets close you get farther and he doesn’t know how to fix it. You keep reminiscing about your old home and life, when you first got here you were ecstatic to be with him, he doesn’t know what changed.
You’d been more than happy when he welcomed you into his crew, you got along with everyone, and you fit so perfectly like his last puzzle piece. Then one day he woke up and started spewing things about wanting to leave. To leave him.
That thought angered him and he shot up from his cot startling Sanji. “ Why have the changed? We’ve been so kind. I don’t understand-”
“ They’re just homesick… we all get homesick.”
“ Yeah but it’s all the time with Y/N. She’ll laugh and play with us then started getting all sappy. It’s annoying me.”
“ Maybe it has something to do with this green moss ball sleeping underneath you— you seen how damn close they got. WAKE UP MOSS BALL!” Sanji hissed.
He kicked the swordsman’s cot waking him up and bringing the attention of the others in the room.
“ I have to watch in an hour what are you talking about in the middle of the night?”
“ How about you tell our very annoyed captain how you and Y/N have become so chummy.”
“ I don’t know why you’re all acting like this, isn’t it good that we’re friends? You guys need to evaluate your approach— and leave me alone.”
With that he fell right back to sleep the entire room thinking to themselves.
After that night the entire crew morphed into these disgustingly saccharine creatures. Catering to your every need like you were an infant who couldn’t be let out of sight for a moment.
In their minds you were their sweet Y/N and they were just helping you settle into your new home. Luffy’s annoyance spread to all the crew members, accept for you and they had a newfound determination.
Zoro decided it was better for the both of you to stop meeting too often, the outburst of Sanji let him know his efforts weren’t working. They were still hot on your tails and it was a matter of time before Luffy himself came to the two of you.
You were distraught, sitting in the kitchen eating a piece of cheesecake Sanji set out for you. You were finally so close and you had to be put on hold because for reasons Zoro wouldn’t share with you.
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Enjoy ! 🍨 if you’d like a post specifically about Y/N and how she got here I’d be willing to do so, thank you for all the support.
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