#stranger things vol 2 spoilers
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cinderellaslostshoe · 1 year ago
You had never seen more beautiful eyes than his
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Summary: And once again you were reminded of their beauty when you looked into the big doe eyes of the one and only Eddie Munson. Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader Warnings: angst / hurt, fluff-ish if you squint real hard, character death, Stranger Things V.2 spoiler!, Word count: 500+
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You had never seen more beautiful eyes than his.
It always had been troubling you how underappreciated brown eyes were. Everyone was always gushing about blue or green eyes. Eyes as blue as the ocean this, eyes as green as the forest that. Breathtaking blue eyes here, mesmerizing green eyes there. Blah blah blah….
Not once had you heard someone give the same enthusiasm to brown eyes. How remarkable, enchanting, gentle, lovable, striking, warm and pretty they were.
And you were once again reminded of their beauty when your gaze met his. When you looked into the big doe eyes of the one and only Eddie Munson.
You could stare into them 24/7 for the rest of your life and you wouldn’t ever get bored. There was something about them, about him, that pulled you in. Captivated you.
Right the second the both of you made eye contact in the cafeteria on your first day in Hawkins High, you were whipped. Totally whipped.
But it hadn’t been until a few weeks after that you talked to each other. You had ended up in detention - for the stupidest reason - and when he strolled into the room he sat down next to you.
As it turned out he had been feeling the same and shortly after you started dating, going strong for 1,5 years now. 1,5 wonderful years before shit hit the fan…
You were with him the night Chrissy died and went into hiding with him. When Dustin and his friends found you and filled you in on all the crazy shit that had happened the last years in Hawkins, you couldn’t believe it at first. Not that you didn’t believe them, especially after seeing the way Chrissy died, but accepting the existence of the upside down was another thing.
That was, until all of you went through the water gate to save Steve and saw it with your own eyes.
After the decision was made to go back into the upside down to kill Vecna/Henry/One you naturally stayed with Eddie, and therefore Dustin, as the decoys.
When the bats entered the trailer Eddie had sent you up the rope right after Dustin. You watched as threw his geat to follow and as soon as he stopped climbing you knew what he was about to do; maybe even before he knew it himself.
“No!”, you yelled, tears running down your face. “No, Eddie! Don’t!”
Dusting joined your pleas when it became clearer that Eddie wanted to stay on the other side. Both of you begged for him to climb over, get back to the real Hawkins. Begged him not to leave you. But it was no use. He had made up his mind.
He jumped down, swung his spear to cut the rope and with a last look at you, his eyes full of determination, hurt and fear, he whispered “I love you” before he bolted out of the trailer.
You went back through the gate as fast as you could, hurting your shoulder pretty badly in the process when your body hit the floor. You ran after him - you were sure you never ran so fast in your life before - but still, you didn’t make it in time to save him.
And even now as Eddie was looking up at you, his head resting in your lap and his face covered in blood… Even now as the light was leaving his eyes and his gaze went blank…
… you had never seen more beautiful eyes than his.
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ryan-waddell11 · 2 years ago
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I’m down so bad for him.
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k4g3hika · 4 months ago
ik im kind of speaking to no one here but im just rewatching stranger things (season 4 esp) and it just pmo AGAIN that everyone was acting normal after eddie’s death except for dustin 😭😭 hello??? SOMEONE JUST DIED HOW ARE WE NOT IN GRIEF
also yes this is my comeback post after years of radio silence😭 and should i start posting eddie imagines again🌝
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byler-is-life · 2 years ago
365 days ago today, the Duffer brothers released the gayest Stranger Things season yet; S4 V2
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years ago
Actually, narratively speaking, Billy died for Steve. And I mean this literally; the only reason Billy Hargrove was created for seasons two and three was because they didn't actually kill off Steve in season one, and by that point he was too popular for them to consider transferring the storyline to season two. Killing Steve off at such a critical point when, as a new show, they were relying on viewers and ratings would've more or less been suicide for the show.
The Duffers have talked about it a lot since season one. By which I mean how they specifically created Billy Hargrove to fill the void of Steve Harrington surviving. Regardless of your opinion on Billy, that's a concrete fact. Billy Hargrove, exactly like Eddie Munson, was created to die.
Eddie's presence, narratively, actually had very little impact on the overall plot as a whole. And I say this as an Eddie lover. Its one of my main complaints about how they handled Eddie and the choice to kill him off. Take Eddie out of the story, and Jason Carver aside, pretty much the entire season would've gone the same way.
His impact on Dustin aside, Eddie was actually a severely wasted character. He didn't die in place of anyone. He just died. Arguably he died for The Cause, but again. They could've diverted the bats in a multitude of other ways, and Eddie's death as far as the end of season four stands, was pretty pointless. He didn't die for Steve or in Steve's place. He didn't even really die for Dustin. He just died. "This is for Chrissy" translates roughly to "I was written to die and this was the best way they could write it."
Anon you bring up some good points and I kinda agree and disagree but let's talk about it.
I think we would've gotten Billy anyways if Steve had died in season one. I'll be honest my first gut instinct was to agree with you because I was like, "Yeah I can see where Billy was written in place for Steve," and he was but let's go over this.
Steve was intended to be the human villain in season one, he was not supposed to have a redemption arc. In fact he has the redemption arc that was supposed to originally go to Lonnie Byers. Here's a good article on this. He was supposed to leave the Byer's home and supposedly die at the hands of the Demogorgon in season one.
But in my research I found an article that conflicts with this that suggests Steve wasn't supposed to die in season one at all, that he was originally intended to be the human villain throughout the series- or until season three. I can only speculate that they said Steve was supposed to die after the release of season one to not give away what his original storyline was as they planned to give it to Billy in the following season. And honestly, it's just intriguing press to say "Oh we didn't kill off this now fan favorite character like we planned, aren't you happy we didn't?" They needed all the press they could get after the season one release because if it didn't do well they weren't getting another season. Netflix took a chance on the Suffer Brothers with Stranger Things.
Once they established Steve as the 'good guy' they needed another human villain. Cue Billy. We could guess that if Steve had not been redeemed he would've followed the same path as Billy, being the antagonizer and eventually being flayed and killed by the Mindflayer. But we can only guess, who knows what Steve's 'villain' arc was supposed to be. I imagine it would had a lot to do with Jancy.
So I agree with you on this but it's more than Billy just being created to 'die' he was also created to carry out Steve's original arc.
Now onto Eddie where I have to politely disagree with you.
The statement "He's too popular to kill" does not apply in the later seasons. Season two and three, yes it does, but not now. We are at the end, this is when characters we have grown to love are on the chopping block.
And I agree with you about the character of Eddie, his presence had very little do with the plot so why make him? Because they didn't want to kill Steve.
They wanted a character that would hit the same emotional notes as if it had been Steve that died. They wanted to kill Steve without killing him so to speak. Why else have him bond with Dustin? Why else focus so much screen time on building up his character?
The Suffer brothers are smart. They don't want to kill Steve because he's too marketable to the GA but also they wanted the emotional impact as if he did die. So here comes Eddie.
Now I think we probably still would've gotten Eddie if Steve was going to die, he just would've been more of a background character, one that really only had his moment in episode one with the dnd game. I don't know how they've would've written Chrissy's death, but it wouldn't have been that hard to move it somewhere else. Plus the satanic cult hunt side plot felt like it came out of nowhere.
This at the end of day is all speculation, and no, I don't want Steve to die, but storywise it felt like the next step. I've talked about how he as a character has been restricted to one, unfulfilling, role in the show and how he hasn't been allowed growth so I'm not going to delve into that again.
Thank you for your thoughts though anon, I love fandom discussion like this.
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rainingongallifrey · 2 years ago
Okay I'm giving up on doing this on my own and asking everyone directly..... I'm not an expert on how this site works. I'm trying to see the old posts in the Stonathan tag from years and years ago. Is there any way to do this?
For example if I wanted to see posts from 2017 is there any way to do that or at least a short cut to get there? Thank you in advance. 😁
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embrose · 2 years ago
I knew beforehand that Eddie was gonna die, but...knowing that didn't make me ugly cry any less T_T
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foreverautumn89 · 19 days ago
This better be a really bad joke. I'm a real Stonathan shipper and I didn't just make over 150[and counting] Stonathan Analysis posts on this side blog for nothing. And that doesn't even include all the headcanons ext ext on this main blog.
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I agree there aren't many Stonathan fans, but saying that any Stonathan fans now a days aren't 'real fans' is bs. I'd say the Stonathan fans that ARE STILL AROUND are the 'real fans' [vs the ones from years ago] because after all these years, they still support the ship meaning that the Stonathan fans still around THEY are the real fans cause they're still here after all this time.
I've been a Stonathan fan since the show came out and I'm still a fan of the ship. Meanwhile all the 'real fans' [according to them] jumped ship A LONG TIME AGO and were only shipping what was popular at the time, meaning they're the ones that are not real fans. Only doing something because its popular at the time is the definition of 'not being a real fan' of it.
I spend months editing/perfecting/and posting the analysis and spent years getting it all together... and writing headcanons, fics, ext ext making all this Stonathan content, analyzing it, reblogging, posting about it non stop and after all that to be told I'm not a 'real fan'....
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stonathans-mystical-realm · 3 months ago
A special thanks to everyone who has supported my stonathan/stoncy/stonathan being dads to the kids' content. 🥰 Especially those who liked so many posts and/or discussed them with me:
@faithfulcat111 @glisten-inthedark @farrahfawcetts @roseteaasmr @stonathandreamer @idk2553684
Thank you all so much!!! You have no idea how much I appreciate the support!!! 🥰💕
And you all really kept me going when I felt like I was doing all this work for nothing. So thank you sm. We'll get to S3 and S4 but it won't be for a while cause I think we all need a break to refresh and catch up after all that info at once. That was fun but a lot at once. I'll let you know when we start S3. 😊
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They learn quickly that the monsters are sensitive to sound.
He gets used to talking quietly. To always watch his step and always be aware of his surroundings. Someone had the idea to raid the schools and communicate exclusively using blackboard and chalk. Hawkins has never been so silent, but that doesn't bother him too much. He grew up in the silence, after all.
What bothers him is that his hands won't stop trembling. He never had the prettiest handwriting, but the chicken scratch he produces now is barely readable. Worse, he needs for-fucking-ever to write even a single word, only for it to not even look like english half the time.
He and Robin can communicate without words - he is truly convinced that they are living proof that soulmates are a thing - but with everyone else he has to struggle with the chalk, until he just gives up and starts talking less and less. If he died because he took too long writing smalltalk or pleasantries on the blackboard he would never live it down. He tries to convince himself that the grizzled-cool-silent-type suits him. With moderate success.
Although the whole town was literally transported into a different dimension, all adults seem to maintain a silent agreement to continue on as if nothing is wrong. They still go to work and they still need to pay for groceries and the holes and cracks in the streets are nothing more than inconveniences. He even overhears someone complaining about those, once. As if everything would be fine if the holes were only filled with cement. (oh gee, he wonders - silently as always, why did we never try that genius idea the last three times the upside down made an unwelcome visit). The only shop that has escaped the clutches of capitalism is the weapons shop.
He can somewhat understand it, the need to pretend that everything is fine. That it was all some collective nightmare that will fade with the dullness of day-to-day life. Doesn't mean he can't hate it. Though he doesn't take it as hard as the rest of the party.
It makes sense if you think about it. Robin, Nancy, the shitheads - they are smart, they could all actually go somewhere, do something with their lives. But him? Steve Harrington never had much of a future anyway, and his chances of making it out of this godforsaken town were always miniscule. No. What honestly bothers him more are his hands that won't stop shaking. You can't use a gun if you are unable to hold still and aim. You have a harder time being fast and quiet when everything takes twice as long if you don't want to drop anything. Even his beloved bat becomes less reliable, the swings weaker and his actual target always a few centimeters off. So yeah, his trembling hands are fucking inconvenient.
Gas and Water and Electricity stopped working. The first few months all of Hawkins stinks of rotting food until some teacher has the grandiose idea of distributing history books. This has the added bonus of giving everyone something to do that isn't "pretending not to be under constant panic". Water filters get classified under "weaponry" so that everyone has access without the mayor having to change the law again.
Once more, he doesn't mind too much. The only reason he used to turn on the TV was to feel less alone, and now the rest of the party basically lives in his house. He doesn't even mind having to walk the entire way to and from the lake while carrying buckets full of water: he will always be a jock at heart, and it is a great way to work out and be useful at the same time. His biggest complaint is once again his fucking hands. Water is precious, but his stupid arm won't stay still and it keeps spilling out of the bucket. Every lost drip feels like a stab in his heart, and the only reason he doesn't cry is because that would be an even bigger waste of water.
But the most stupid and embarrassing part is that this isn't even his first rodeo. He has been here before, he knows what it is like. Everyone else is living the same situations that he is. And still, his hands are the only ones that won't fucking stop trembling.
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year ago
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my knight and shinning armor
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planetariumx · 2 years ago
Max's death scene is literally so fucking heart breaking I can'ttttt
Sadie & Caleb absolutely slayed, I am crying in the club once again
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years ago
Henry Vs It
Henry feels It’s presence. He doesn’t need to physically see It to sense the being and when he encounters It…he feels curious. Such a foreign feeling to him now. This being is nothing like he’s ever chanced upon before. Never could the Upside Down contain something of this ferocity. 
It’s not just a singular being, he can feel It’s essence has seeped into this entire, insignificant, little town. A town that would’ve been nothing more than a footnote in his domination, and now it holds his whole attention. In a way, It is the town. 
How extraordinary. 
It can sense him too, even at the distance he keeps from the town limits, he can feel It reaching out. It’s pilfering through his mind, searching. He’s never come across anyone, or anything in this case, that can so easily access his mind. It strikes him that he didn’t discern that It had made It’s way into his mind at first.
As well he can feel It’s muted surprise, It’s never encountered a presence that can feel It in their mind. But Henry is no regular human, oh how he thinks of that word with disdain, and It is learning that. 
Henry has also delved into It’s mind, but the term It's light seems more appropriate. It is entirely unconcerned. He thinks it must be because It is allowing him to see only the surface.
It’s seeing the destruction Henry has left in his wake. How he’s eradicating every worthless soul so that he can start anew. How he plans to do so even with It’s town. There’s anger that’s not his and it…confuses him. Why would It have any concern about the beings as unworthy as the ones he’s executing? He’ll have to dive deeper into It's mind.
That’s when he sees it. It, this monster, depends on humans as sustenance, and Henry is threatening to take away It’s food supply. What a shame, but how can It stop him?
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
Melvins when they think they did something
Glad the post resonated enough with you to inbox me. Thanks for the ask!!
If I said that Eddie's "I love you" to Dustin in the same episode as Mike's monologue was a reminder that not all love confessions are romantic.....
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aurorabyler · 8 months ago
you know what i find fascinating?
in essentially every interview since season 4, whenever asked about wills feelings/byler, finn has a nearly identical response that’s quite telling. he always says the following: “mike’s clueless” or something along those lines.
this even extends to press he did for other movies like wyfstw (i believe it’s in the finn wolfhard goes undercover on the internet video).
it’s fascinating because its a clearly scripted response — if you’re at all familiar with the stranger things press from each season, you’ll know that the cast has a SHIT TON of media training. they are very well instructed, even specifically coached on what they can say and the language they can use.
consider for instance the difference in the way noah spoke about byler and will’s sexuality in the gap between volumes 1 and 2. pre vol-2, he got a lot of shit for saying that will’s sexuality was “up for interpretation” — people took it as the duffers erasing queerness from their storyline when in fact he was INSTRUCTED to say that to avoid spoilers. the moment vol2 dropped, all of that went away and he actually did a full (variety?) interview where he confirmed will was gay and in love with mike.
what i’m really trying to say here is the language of calling mike clueless is a deliberately strategized response to avoid both spoilers and the potential for more questions surrounding the more intricate parts of mike’s storyline, which have very obviously been saved for season 5 — they seem to be building up to revealing his perspective. with that said, my personal belief is that he’s not as clueless as these scripted responses make him out to be — this is a tactic to avoid spoilers.
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months ago
Rebellion in Your Back Pocket by RurouniHime
Rating: Explicit
51,735 words, 7/7 chapters
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apple
Tags: Developing Relationship, Eddie Munson Lives, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Stranger Things Spoilers, Explicit Sexual Content, eddie munson is a virgin, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Secrets, Idiots in Love, Dungeons & Dragons References, Eddie Has Issues, Soft Eddie Munson, Not Canon Compliant - Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2, Post-Vecna (Stranger Things), Fluff and Angst, Don't copy to another site, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Minor Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Eddie Munson Friendship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, safe sex, Mixtape, Podfic Available
Okay, so… Okay. Steve thinks that Eddie has a rubric or, or a checklist of some kind. A scale of sexual gratification, because he has a grand history of previous guy on guy fooling around, and Steve, first timer to all things gay, wanted to make sure he was doing right by Eddie and all his worldly experience. There are, Eddie thinks, several problems with this assessment. (In which Eddie has a teeny tiny secret, the Party just wants to have fun for once, and Steve is just rolling with the punches.)
Thanks for the rec! This recommendation is apart of our Writer's Wednesday! All of the recs today are written by @Thegertie. Want to nominate an author? Fill out this form!
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