#the piggyback
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hawkinslibrary · 3 months ago
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Stranger Things 4 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback | 4.09
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itswhatyougive · 1 year ago
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ectonurites · 2 years ago
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madelynraemunson · 1 year ago
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 019: The Piggyback
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If you had the chance to do it over again with Eddie — and DO IT RIGHT — would you?
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020* * = somewhat smut , ** = smut
CW: hospital setting, dialogue heavy, uncertainty, fluff, talks of blood/broken bones/etc., car accident implications
word count: 2.5k words
“I’ll pick up these broken pieces ‘til I’m bleeding, if that’ll make it right.”
Hawkins Memorial Hospital reeks of bleach wipes and bitter tears.
“Eddie…” Dustin wails. “No no no, noooo. Eddie…”
You’re sitting on the floor of the nurses station with Robin, Steve, and Nancy while the ‘kiddos’ occupy the waiting chairs. Surely, it's got to be unsanitary, but contracting germs off the floor of the ICU were the least of your concerns.
Your eyes follow Wayne as he helplessly wheels around, talking to anyone who would lend him an ear... anyone who would possibly know anything about his nephew’s condition.
“And my nephew — Eddie — he's self-employed,” Wayne continues to tell them.
“But the Program he’s with allows him to go through Scott Clarke. You know Scott Clarke Insurance? It’s S-c-o-t-t, C-l-a-r-k-e… I’m through them too…”
But the able-bodied personnel are too fast for old Wayne, walking at a speed about 5mph while his frail fingers can only allow him up to 2 and a half. Just like the liters of oxygen he is on.
“Does he have a case manager assigned to him yet?” Wayne wonders. “If so I would like their name, please.”
Eventually Wayne’s voice fades the further away he gets. And just so you don't wallow in your misery, you go to your phone to see if anyone else has been reaching out to you for updates.
Justice (Hellfire)
Omg just heard the news! Hey girlie, is Eddie ok??? Can we come see him yet??
Just as you expected. Annoyed, you respond.
Girl fuck you
Suddenly a hand squeezes your kneecap. You didn't realize how aggressively you were tapping your feet until Max stops you.
“Doing okay, sis?”
“Yeah I'm just...” you sigh. “…going through all the emotions I guess. And in a fucked up way, I'm kinda convinced this is all my fault."
“You're a dumbass," she scowls at you. "How could you have possibly seen this coming? This was not in anyone’s control."
“I broke the rule,” is all you say. “We never go to bed angry.”
The odds have always been against you. You would think you knew that by now. It was probably why you spent all morning beating yourself up; because you knew that if you did, there's a huge possibility that Eddie would pull through. The Universe is twisted like that.
Suddenly, a pair of white coats are seen coming out of Eddie's room. Everybody in the party immediately stands, like it's some formation exercise at a bootcamp of sorts. Wayne eventually circles back as well, gazing up at Dr. Owens with hopeful eyes.
“Eddie is going to be okay,” Owens concludes. “You can all breathe now.”
The room fills with bone-weary, but nonetheless celebratory cheers. Owens and Eddie's nurse, Nurse Patty allows everybody to hug one another in relief. Eddie's doctor goes to speak again when the clamor dies down.
“But he did have to undergo emergency surgery,” Dr. Owens adds. “And he lost a lot of blood, so we have him on additional transfusions, as well as an antibiotic for an infection caused by his wounds. The plan for him is to recover, hopefully get him up with therapy when the time is right, and then he can get out of here.”
“Can we see him?” your voice cracks.
“That is up to him," the doctor responds. "But for now, what the young man told me is that he wants chocolate pudding... and to see his Uncle and girlfriend."
You and Wayne waste no time. Unlocking the brakes of his wheelchair, you lug Eddie's uncle into ICU room #010, unsure of what is to greet you behind the curtains.
The room is littered with juice and jello, laced by an overpowering bleach-esque fragrance that most likely was there to mask the innate smell of blood and other bodily fluids.
Beep, beep, beep, goes the familiar IV machine. And funny enough, Eddie has his TV on, blasting South Park on full volume, exactly the way it normally would be playing at the Harrington-Munson estate.
"…tell everyone the truth about whose fault this is! I didn't do anything!" ... "...you KNEW about the prank, you could've stopped it at any time, but you didn't say a word. SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!"
And there is Eddie, dressed in a mesh-fabric gauze bandana, a worn-out beige hospital gown, with matching grippy socks. His entire lower lip is busted, left arm in a cast, both of his heels elevated with blood-saturated pillows. And his hair... you didn't even want to think about the matting. But that is ground to be covered much later.
When Eddie sees the two of you, he only utters one sentence:
“Does this mean I finally get that motorcycle?”
“You fucking idiot!” you wail going in to hug him.
Eddie chuckles solemnly as you completely fall into his embrace, soaking his gown with your salty tears.
"I thought we lost you, Eddie,” you whisper in his ear as you sniff your tears away. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if we did...knowing what I said."
He strokes your hair. "You have every right to be mad at me. I've been such a shitty boyfriend to you."
“I second that,” Wayne huffs, crossing his arms. “The idiot part, I mean… but I’m glad you’re okay, son.”
“Tell me something I don’t know, Wayne,” Eddie grumbles. “I knew those Eddie Stops would catch up to me one day.”
Eventually, the rest of the party spills in, starting with the batallion of younger Hellfire boys who were inconsolable all morning, absolutely petrified of losing their role-model.
"Jesus,” Dustin breathes. “We thought you were a-goner!”
"Hey guys, good to see ya," Eddie grins, soaking up every bit of attention from his little minions as they all pile on top of him. Suddenly, he flinches. "Hey hey hey, watch my IVs! I've got an important med running through that piggyback."
"Right, sorry," they all utter in unison as they separate themselves from him.
Steve is next in line to give Eddie a hug, followed by Robin, and Nancy, and soon Jonathan. Chrissy and Argyle are the next people to trail in, with Henry and Nina at their tail. Then, the Corroded Coffin boys soon after.
"Eddie, oh my god!" Chrissy cries. "Don't you ever scare any of us like that again!"
"Good to see ya, Chris," Eddie smiles, giving her a one-armed hug. "Hey Neens! Creel! Villalobos. Boys.”
"So not cool man," Argyle shakes his head. "So not cool. We were worried sick for you."
As you all iron out the details, it is discovered that Eddie got into the accident shortly after leaving your place. He, in fact did, pull an Eddie Stop, failing to see the car coming at him from his left side, which then resulted in him getting T-boned. The other driver was okay. In fact, he was the one who called the ambulance for him.
"How much longer until you're discharged?" Nancy asks.
"I'm not too sure," Eddie sighs. "Hopefully in a few weeks."
He fails to sit up completely, wincing once again when his pain drags him down. Everybody nearly rushes to his aid, tenderly lowering Eddie back onto the bed while encouraging him to take it easy.
"Don't even worry about it, Eds," Lucas assures him. "We can hold down the fort."
"Oh that's reassuring," Eddie mutters sarcastically, shaking his head in discontent.
"What'd you say?"
You decide to stay with Eddie for the afternoon while everyone else goes home. A couple others stay behind as well, so you all take turns alternating, helping the nurses with their care and making sure Eddie isn't alone when a specialist from his team comes to see him.
But for now, it's just you and him, cuddled up in his rather stiff hospital bed, watching TV to pass time by.
"It feels weird sitting in place for once," he comments. "My body isn't used to laying down for a long period of time."
"Constantly in fight or flight, huh?" you tut. "Always on the go..."
Eddie whistles. "God, you have no idea..."
"Nah, I do," you insist, grabbing his hand to kiss it. "Our flights just look a lil different is all."
Suddenly, your phone rings again, causing both you and Eddie to jolt in shock. This time, it's your FaceTime ringtone... and on the other line, is Kassidy, quite possibly accompanied by the other Hellfire Girls.
"Jesus H. Christ," you mumble. "They've been spamming me all morning. Probably just wanna know how you're doing."
"Answer it," Eddie encourages you sharply. His tone is rather gruff, and urgent. "I need to talk to them."
Because you're nice enough to allow the girls the luxury of knowing their lord and savior is alive, you answer the call and hand your phone to Eddie. There's a slight pause before the call is connected.
"Hi," is all Eddie says.
"Eddie! OMG!" the girls squeal through the other line, of course all while failing to acknowledge you — the person whose number they called in the first place. "Are you okay?!"
"Yes girls, I'm fine..." he sighs. "How's Hellfire? Everyone holding down the fort?"
"Of course, just like we do best," Kassidy responds. "We just miss you, Eddie. What happened?"
"Got T-boned."
"OMG, whose fault was it?"
"Mine," he seems relatively short with them.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm in a little bit of pain. But I got some pain meds to help me."
"Thank God!"
Meanwhile, on the other side of the hospital walls, Nina and Chrissy stare at each other in bewilderment, a look that is naturally followed by one of disgust.
"Oh I know damn well..." Nina shakes her head.
"Stupid ass bitches," Chrissy adds.
Being the nosy girls they are, Nina and Chrissy crane their heads over into the room, eavesdropping on the FaceTime conversation between Eddie and the Hellfire Girls.
"Oh Eddie," Emmy pouts. "We're so glad that you're doing okay."
"Yeah, Eddie!" Lady chirps. "When do you think you'll be released?"
"Hopefully I'll be out in about two weeks," Eddie responds. "But I'll stay at home for a bit before coming back. You won't even know I'm gone."
The girls cheer obnoxiously on the other line. You try to act indifferent towards everything for Eddie's sake, but it's hard for you to feign something that so evidently isn't true.
Eddie senses it. And what he says next to the girls takes you by surprise.
"...But," Eddie says. "In that same amount of time, I expect your lockers to be cleared... as well as your side of the dressing room."
There's a brief silence while the girls try to piece together what Eddie means by that. Because surely it doesn't mean what they initially thought it meant.
"Why? Are we getting moved?"
"No, you're all getting terminated."
So it was exactly what they thought it meant.
"Wh-what? Why?!"
"What do you mean why?" Eddie demands.
He begins to list off everything they have done wrong, all of which they pretended to be oblivious about until now.
"The final straw is calling my girlfriend's phone, non-stop, knowing that's the only way to get through to me," Eddie goes on. "And not even acknowledging her! And even if you did, you all have some damn nerve considering what you guys did at Hellfire."
"You don't even have proof of us damaging her property though!" Justice argues. "So for all we know, you're just accusing us of things, Eddie."
"That's funny," you speak up. "Who said anything about property damage?"
Caught in their own trap.
The MAIN reason Eddie couldn't fire the Hellfire Girls when they put sugar in your gas tank was because you didn't have any proof that they did it, therefore it wouldn't hold up well if the girls decided to sue for wrongful termination. Again, lots of legalities to come in to play.
The girls were smart though. Choosing to wreck your car because they knew it was parked in the security camera's blindspot. Essentially, after the damage was done, it would be your word against theirs. And there was only so much that Eddie could do with the "subtle jabs". But now that you have a confession, Eddie can work off of that.
"But Eddie!" Justice whines. "This is so unfair. We've known you, and been at Hellfire longer than she has."
"Two weeks," Eddie reiterates, still firm on his decision. "That's enough time for you ladies to figure out the next step. I wish you the best of luck."
The ending of the FaceTime call wasn't a pretty one. It mainly consisted of denying and bargaining, all of which Eddie did not have the energy to be receptive to.
You and Eddie continue to hash it out with the girls over the phone, all while Nina and Chrissy were twerking in celebration because it meant more money for them during tip outs. And most importantly, celebrating you getting the justice you deserve...along with the possibility of you coming back.
"That was something I should've done way long ago," Eddie sighs as he hands you your phone back. "I hate dealing with legal shit."
"I'm sorry that they ended up being horrible," you frown.
"And I'm sorry that they ended up being horrible to you," Eddie counters. "I really wish I could've done more for you. But up until now my hands were tied legally, honey. And financially."
"It was a sticky situation," you mutter. "But...I knew you had a favorite."
He kisses your forehead once more and you lean into him again, resting your head against his chest and wrapping your leg around his torso.
"Ow, ow, OW!" Eddie yelps.
You asunder again.
"You think you're gonna find enough dancers in time?" you ask him.
"We'll be okay four dancers short," Eddie assures you. "And besides, more tips for the other ladies when it comes down to tip-outs. They did Hellfire a favor."
Exactly what Chrissy and Nina were thinking.
"Speaking of Hellfire..." Eddie quips. "Does this mean you're coming back?"
"Only if I'm still welcome."
"Of course you are, babe," Eddie chuckles. "Everyone there loves you."
Your heart flutters at the forsaken "L" word, uttered with so much certainty and fondness.
"...including me," Eddie adds. "I love you, man."
You bite your lip to contain your excitement as you blush, giving Eddie a light punch across his chest.
"I love you too...man."
And as a way to poke fun at you, Eddie flashes you a "surf's up" sign with his non-crippled fingers. He puts on his most pretentious California accent possible, one he learned how to do from Argyle.
And before it could get any more intimate, Chrissy makes her way into the room, reaching into her tote bag to give you something she's been holding onto since she arrived.
You watch as she unveils a familiar velvet garment — your cloak. She gives you a courtly bow as she hands it back over to you, symbolizing an end to your very brief retirement from Hellfire, and a permanent seat at The Party's table.
"You know Hargrove, I believe..." says Chrissy. "...that this is for you."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins @feral-pumpkin-energy @bl0ssomanddie
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hiscrimsonangel · 8 months ago
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2 years ago today…. The Piggyback…
Eddie did not die…
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
If I said that Eddie's "I love you" to Dustin in the same episode as Mike's monologue was a reminder that not all love confessions are romantic.....
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will80sbyers · 11 months ago
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STRANGER THINGS 4 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years ago
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Funny enough, this is what we get 2 scenes later..
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year ago
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Netflix exclusively carries an Eddie Munson Funko Pop Comic Cover featuring artwork by Butcher Billy. Priced at $29.99, it features a 3.75" vinyl figure inside a protective case that measures 7" wide, 10.75" high, and 3.25" deep.
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hawkinslibrary · 2 years ago
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But I have one more important question: do I look cool? Feel like I look really cool. Are you giggling? You're giggling because I look awesome. I can't see it, but I know you're smiling because I look so good. Right?
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cuethemulti · 2 years ago
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Those omitted things are making me go crazy. I feel like they were gonna originally show more about Henry’s journey in the UD and what he saw. Maybe they’re leaving those parts for the upcoming Vecna VR game? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING
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lokiiied · 2 years ago
am on the piggyback, send your thoughts and prayers 😞
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cloudycleric · 2 years ago
the script for “the piggyback” has been released!
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dreamwatch · 1 year ago
This is it. My rewatch finishes tonight. Episode 9 The Piggyback begins. Just need to remember it’s not real, Eddie lives, Eddie lives, Eddie lives.
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izzymeadows · 2 years ago
I don't have The Piggyback script and i only remember things from posts made by people more observant and better at analysis than i am, but
Doesn't it say that El draws strength from Mike's words?
As opposed to drawing strength from Mike's love?
I'm not sure that i remember correctly, but if it's like this, it could mean something.
Something like "she realized he wasn't being totally honest and she got angry".
This post could still make sense without taking the script into account tho, it's just a reflection about what happens in the show. I just thought that it might be written that way in the script on purpose.
This is not about them as a ship or about byler. It's about the fucking main plot.
Both Henry in s4 and Kali in s2 tell El to draw strength from anger. Like that's the best course of action. But s4 makes a point of showing us it isn't. When El sent Henry to the upside down in 1979, she drew strength from her mom's love. And that's a parallel, a very important one imo, to the s1 finale, when she destroyed the demogorgon. She most likely drew strength from the desire to protect her friends. From her own love for them.
In s2 she drew strength from anger to close the gate, and then s4 basically told us that Henry expected her to do that and so and so.
What i mean is that the only two moments that actually count as absolute wins from El are also the two moments when she drew strength from love.
Now, back to The Piggyback.
The possibility of El getting angry because Mike's monologue was full of lies and half-truths, and most of it wasn't what she needed to hear, means that could be a reason why she couldn't be strong enough to beat Henry, even with the help of the Hawkins gang's direct attack Henry and the adults burning the UD particles in Russia.
The possibility of El drawing strength from Mike's love means that even then, with the most power she could get at the moment, and, i insist, with help, she couldn't defeat Henry.
All this is without taking into account that she was desperate after Henry told her that basically everything she had done to this point was in his favor, but this actually makes her anger make even more sense tbh. Not everything in that scene is about Mike's monologue. It was probably the cherry on top of her wrath pie, because there's no way El was seeing Vecna kill her best friend and still get madder at her boyfriend for saying some bullshit than she already was at the fucking monster.
Tl;dr if El lost at the end of s4 while drawing power from anger, it's a more hopeful ending than it is if she was using love.
PD. You know when she was totally drawing power from love? When she revived Max. That was the most powerful thing she did in the whole season: bringing her friend back from death.
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