#also right before my period so im extra vulnerable
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Max's death scene is literally so fucking heart breaking I can'ttttt
Sadie & Caleb absolutely slayed, I am crying in the club once again
#guess whos rewatching st#it me#also right before my period so im extra vulnerable#i love to suffer#lucas' 'erica help' KILLS ME#stranger things spoilers#stranger things 4#stranger things 4 vol 2#in my stranger things era#planetariumx posts
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pushing my shameless trans agenda onto liam
Hi i just think he’s transgender have you seen the man
Ok so obviously I’m not intending to say this is canon or ever will be canon i just think it would be Neat and i can fit it within canon since well we really can’t tell and there’s honestly a lot of things that fit with it :) also it’s just my favorite characters get hit with the transgenderification beam bc i say so
The whole argument is basically:
-the Name Situation
-his appearance and mannerisms
-his Past TM
-the Bond Situation
-and because I said so
But yeah so the main reason this came to mind is because of the whole deal with his name. I made a previous post on this but yeah, the thing about liam’s name is a big deal, and you know, as a trans person I see it and relate it to that.
The main thing is that there was no necessity to change his name. Louis never changed his first name, and there was no need to. And it’s never really gone over why william’s past life is so important to cover up, other than the fact that he did a court case where he threatened to cut a guy’s arm off when he was like eight, but that’s like... you know, that’s reasonable. He’s very very protective of his past identity, where louis kind of isn’t.
And the fact is, William isn’t an alias, he didn’t have to take that name, he isn’t just doing it out of necessity- he truly does identify with that name, proven in many ways. He enjoys nicknames derived from it. And the thing most indicative of this is Sherlock. In chapter 53, he goes wayyyy out of his comfort zone to actually reveal his past identity and his name. Sherlock knows it, the entire point is to reveal that to him, as a way of giving up the last and most important of his secrets. And yet, even then, William signs his letter ‘William James Moriarty’, though it’s supposed to be his innermost, most vulnerable self.
This pretty much says for sure it’s the name he wants to be called, the name he identifies with, and not whatever his name used to be. It’s important to him, and that’s not a front- have you read that fucking letter? If he was going to admit himself as anything else, it would be there.
Sherlock respects that as well- if there was ever a time when Sherlock would not call him liam, it would be in chapter 55. And yet the most important thing is that he still did call him Liam. He was accepting this dude even though he used to be something else, he didn’t care and he was still willing to save him and love him. Hmmm Sherlock allegory for Trans Ally lmao.
How the identity and name itself is treated also makes it seem even more a positive represetation of a deadname situation. They never tell us his name. And that’s like... honestly important. They’re going out of their way to say that his old name isn’t important. They’re not keeping it secret for any reason than to show that it doesn’t matter, that no matter what he used to be, William James Moriarty is what he is now.
Anyway, other than the name situation, there are still a lot of other factors that go into my thoughts about it.
A lot of his behaviors are indicative to it, especially when he is a kid there are moments where im just like “haha this is an allegory for transgenderism”.
Like first and foremost have you seen how this man looks as a kid? That is the most androgynous motherfucker you’ve ever laid eyes on. No one would honestly be able to tell, the way he looks as a kid is in no way disproving this- kind of the opposite, in fact.
are you honestly looking at this face and telling me rn you know that’s a cisgender boy?
And honestly, the fact that Albert lends him some of his old clothes just to go around outside in, and then when he comes back the butler is like Take Those Off Right Now Those Aren’t For You is like. Hm. That’s a gender thing. It’s obviously not the case but yknow, another allegory TM.
In his own orphanage as well, he basically took the ‘eldest daughter’ role to a T. He was doing all the chores, taking care of the children, teaching them things, actually managing all the finances as a Child, and kind of thanklessly getting handed this workload he took on bc, you know, eldest daughter. This role just isn’t really given to guys, no matter if they’re Smart TM? I feel like an amab person here would be given the oooh special gifted kid treatment but he’s not, they mostly just use him there as “free extra mom and 100% adult at 12″.
Another big thing is the entire situation around bond, who is literally a canon trans character. For this time period, the way the Moriartys handled the situation seems almost comically out of place. These dudes from the 1800s really just were like “oh yeah ofc you’re a man and we’ll fight anyone who says otherwise and facilitate you in any way possible”- they accepted it without even having to come to terms with the idea that it could be a thing. Bond clarifies constantly that it isn’t about him filling a role, that this is genuinely him, there’s no doubt about it. They clearly have run across it before, and it’s a significant and important issue to them that at least one of them has to have experienced firsthand. It literally just doesn’t make any sense otherwise.
Also in this situation I think it’s kind of funny that the one name they have on hand for the transgenders is James like come on you can do better than that
The parallels between him and Bond also make the whole situation really funny, especially with Sherlock bc it’s like wow sherlock i see you have a type and it’s blond trans men.
Plus, the man is overly secretive, he refuses to let anyone but Louis in his room and just generally doesn’t let people he doesn’t trust get close to him, obviously there are plenty of valid secrets he is keeping, it’s just another thing that points to it.
And I mean, honestly. Just look at the dude. Transgender trait: awful haircut. It’s the awful trans haircut you get from having a Gender Moment and going to a cis barber like “cut my hair short” and they give you karen hair. Somehow he owns it? But it’s an objectively terrible haircut.
My last point: because I said so. All my favorite characters get the transgenderification beam.
So you know, I refuse to believe he is cis until they decide we get to see him shirtless, come on anime team, don’t be cowards lmao
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[SPOILERS FOR LEO’S ROUTE❗️] okay so i just got to the bit after leo reveals what he is, and mc and comte are talking on the balcony & comte offers to turn her into a vampire if she would like. obviously mc declines but i guess my question is, how do you think leonardo would react if mc DID agree to that offer? i am enjoying his route, but i kinda get the feeling he mostly/only loves mc because she is human :/ im interested abt what might happen if she didn’t say no? thank you v much💖💖ly lots
Aww, ily3 hun tyty 💕💕💕I’ll offer my thoughts below, I hope I can answer your questions to satisfaction!
Ah yes, the point in Leo's route where I essentially get shot in the leg and limp through my walk of shame
Jk jk, but I think there has been a considerable degree of displeasure associated with Leonardo's line in the proverbial sand. No life with him can be spent as a vampire, MC must remain human. Despite his easygoing nature, he remains stalwart in his opposition no matter what the MC or Comte has to say. To summarize it quickly, Comte’s relieved exasperation at the end of Leo’s MS gets more across than I think any of my analysis can convey “Thank heavens one of you has good sense.” It offers the implication that he has tried to broach the topic with Leonardo out of concern, only to be met by a brick wall--or doesn’t try at all for fear that he’ll only ensconce Leonardo further into rejecting a greater future for him and MC.
As to how he would react I......really don’t think it would go well? Only because I think it would serve to reinforce the rifts that already exist in Leonardo’s self-perception. He would believe it was his own fault for pushing her in that direction, and while I don’t think he would hate Comte, he would definitely become estranged from one of his only close friends in life. (What GUTS ME about Comte offering to turn MC is that he is probably well aware Leo might beat the shit out of him, never talk to him again, or both--and he still fully accepts that he could lose his best friend to guarantee a future for both of them. Excuse me while I bawl in the corner) He probably wouldn’t hold it against Comte for too long, but he wouldn’t be any less aggrieved and hurt. And when Leonardo is vulnerable, he will hide and nurse his wounds until he can behave with some level of calm--or at the very least until he can pretend he’s okay after an initial explosion. He doesn’t feel comfortable troubling people with his own problems, so he tends to fall into silence when personal things come up. This doesn’t necessarily mean he resolves all of his emotional turmoil, or heals that fast; it only means that he wallows in those feelings alone unless they’re tugged out of him and worked through forcibly.
Basically, I see only one of two possibilities coming to fruition. The first is that he and MC would wobble only to completely fall apart if some kind of resolution could never be found. He’d continue to blame himself and start sabotaging his own happiness, and that would likely mean some level of selfishness directed at MC--resulting in anguish for the both of them. If MC takes on too much without complaint or Leonardo goes too far...I get the feeling that relationship would either end in shambles immediately, or result in a kind of twisted union in which both feel responsible for the other’s hurt but neither one can relieve it (until they’d be forced to split up before someone gets seriously hurt). They would be the source of each other’s suffering, so much so that the walls climbing between them might never again lower.
This might sound odd, but if there’s one thing that Leonardo needs it’s control when it comes to his relationships with others. It is a subtle, but acute trait that might not seem obvious knowing his magnanimous disposition. He decides if MC gets to be a vampire, he bargains with Sebastian because he refuses to be a test subject, he refuses to validate Comte’s conclusions (despite knowing he’s right) because he doesn’t want to cede the power silence/smokescreens offer his emotional vulnerabilities. Even around villains like Shakespeare and the final serial killer, pay close attention. Shakespeare begins revealing deeply personal information and wishes that Leonardo holds close to his heart on purpose, snatching Leonardo’s agency and ability to control how his feelings are being conveyed. How does Leonardo respond? With explosive, forbidding anger--instantaneous and barely contained, nothing at all like his breezy attitude and calm.
If you think about it, it’s a fairly obvious extension of the humiliating powerlessness by which he was raised (he needs to be in control; he needs to be the one who decides who gets to walk away and who doesn’t. He doesn’t come on to MC because he wants to, he does it for the sole purpose of scaring her out of wanting to be a vampire. He doesn’t even attempt to explain where he’s coming from because he falls into whole-scale panic. When he loses control of the trajectory of others--of how they perceive certain things about him--all of his charisma fails him. If he can’t explain or justify where he is mentally, when he’s too afraid they won’t hear him or care, then he needs to redirect the opposing party). Additionally, he feels responsible; that he can better adjust the outcome with his experience--and while that may be true for some things, sometimes he gets ahead of himself. Only an individual can decide their own future and their own happiness, the most others can do is enhance or worsen aspects of life. He doesn’t have enough faith that his presence is positive or worthwhile enough to guarantee his spouse’s happiness ;-;
The other possibility I see is MC coaxing him as best she can into reassurance that she’s happy with her new life. While he may have doubts, there is absolutely room for her to help him approach those fears little by little. If Leonardo has even a hint of doubt in regards to his dismal feelings about her being turned, a potential for acceptance may be nurtured. I don’t think his uncertainty would ever fully vanish; there will always be a lurking fear that a fate tied to his can only mean suffering and disappointment. Prove his worth and compassion with time, and this man will be unable to remember how life was lived before her. It would take a great deal of patience and a sizable obstacle, but it wouldn’t be impossible. His heart is much too big for that, I think.
I don’t think happiness with a turned MC is impossible, only that it would take a lot of work to swing it after a heated moment of decision. I think the way to go with Leonardo is a more enduring effort. He shows much more receptivity after years of being together. I think time, ironically, helps him relax into the possibility of forever as a couple. I think he cannot conceptualize a world in which he is in love, and that this love is not conditional--not dependent on his ability to be the perfect companion, the brilliant inventor, the equanimous mentor. I think he needs to see for himself that love can be gentle and real and whole even when he’s at his worst (by his self-perception).
Also I put some extra meta under the cut because I have brainworms and just can’t stop thinking about Leonardo rn so read if you like, but it’s more related to why he feels this way abt turning MC than necessarily about the outcome.
That being said, I'm conflicted because I don't necessarily think Leonardo only loves MC because she's human? (Rather, I think it’s more a result of his history and the values he’s developed in response to that upbringing. But I’ll loop back to this in a bit, so stay tuned)
I say this for two reasons. Firstly, I don't want to say that no person in this period shared his values (I mean look at Comte)--this would be an overstatement, even if it was rare. But it does appear that Comte and Leonardo are acute exceptions within vampire society in elevating human beings to an equal status among vampires (if not a higher status at points or depending on the person). As such, a vampire partner he’d be comfortable living with is unlikely. Human beings are more optimal in some regards (more adaptable and more egalitarian than vampires, most likely), but he also knows that he’s more susceptible to falling in love with a human; so he makes sure to squash his feelings or remove himself when his feelings become too intense.
Secondly, he's in close quarters with MC by necessity, and reacts to her isolation by virtue of the situation. That's probably half the reason they get together at all; he was fully intending to keep his distance despite his initial curiosity. One thing this signals to me is that even when Leonardo did feel attraction to any person he was in contact with, he would avoid them until they were removed from his presence--or he deflected their romantic approaches enough times for them to give up. With this in mind, it can come as no surprise that Leonardo has kept to himself for nearly five hundred years now. If it was another vampire hitting on him (especially a pureblood), he would be playing into his parents' expectations and would approach the vampire social hierarchy he was working so hard to escape. If they were human, he would deem himself a burden; he could never love them within the normal expectations of a human couple (growing old together, raising a family, etc etc). So ultimately I think it's less her being human, and more their compatibility and context.
As such, I think he just locks himself into a kind of Catch-22? Because in the end I think this is more about his own fears and insecurities--that he can never make someone happy, that he himself will never be enough (hello child of abusive home). Not to oversimplify his character, but one crucial element of his upbringing must be considered if he is to be analyzed properly.
There's something I often think about:
Comte, quoting Leonardo: "‘Not all parents love their children, or even think of them as such.’" [Though he got away and was able to make a life for himself, he had to do it alone.]
There is. A LOT to unpack here. While we may not have evidence of what his familia is like firsthand, this description tells us...so many heartbreaking things. It tells us that Leonardo never once felt like anything more than a child intended to carry on a legacy. The likelihood that his insights, his feelings, or his entire self-hood were acknowledged is pretty much at a hardcore negative three. While it's been a good number of years since he was the problem child/family disappointment, I feel like so many of those experiences seep into his capacity to properly accept the love of another person. It's a good portion of the reason he struggles so intensely with being loved despite his unfathomable wealth of affection for other people. When a person is diagnosed with unlovable and cringe for having positive feelings for others, it's not really surprising that a person might have trouble accepting a commitment or attraction to another person. There is...a kind of Sisyphus dilemma that surfaces in the wake of that kind of life, a constant push + pull between craving acceptance and either expecting it’s loss and/or fearing it’s disappointment. Though he shows signs of healing from it, there are still portions that linger. (Jean-Paul shakes him from this self-berating in his MS, but after four hundred years he still struggles to overcome those instincts. I wish there were words for the extent to which that knowledge breaks my heart...Many say time heals all wounds, but sometimes I think only others can heal them.)
Keep in mind, I don't think his enduring fallacy that "human beings are the epitome of untainted purpose and vitality" is irrelevant or less problematic here. I just think it's a reflection of a deeper disturbance and loss. It's a reflection of his parents' unilateral rejection of the kinder parts of him; his devotion to patience and understanding. It's a kind of reiteration or what he's already known: he's doing exactly what his parents did in an odd way, he's rejecting vampirism whole-scale despite evidence of both pros and cons (just as it is for humanity). I will always offer that his fear of something going wrong during the change is completely valid--but it does feel more like a fear of admitting that vampires (and eternity for that matter) aren't inherently awful. He ran away from his parents for good reason of course, but for all his running he didn’t escape their black and white logic.
It’s funny too, because his absolutism is kind of reflected in his inability to commit to a single discipline in some ways; while part of it is that he probably exhausts study, I have to wonder how much of him oscillating is a fear of eventual failure. (Think his reaction to MC’s knowledge that he can’t dance, his mortification and utter...shock that she wouldn’t use it as a way to make him feel terrible about himself). He probably prefers to hone his skills helping people because the motivation of providing relief is a much more powerful motivator than knowledge for knowledge’s own sake. He needs the impetus, that drive to move him.
Granted, I won't fault anyone for feeling like Leonardo only loves MC for her humanity. At first glance it really did feel that way! But the more I think about it, the more I feel it has more to do with the weight of his life's experience, and the parts of himself he hasn’t been able to reconcile.
Sometimes, with Leonardo, I urge gentleness. So much of who he is disguises all the ways in which he has been hurt. While his decision is selfish and foolish, it comes from a broken place. My unhappiness will always lie predominantly with the fact that he believes to his core that happiness and self-respect is something he doesn’t deserve.
#asks#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp leonardo#ikevamp mc#ikevamp meta#ikevamp saint germain#ikevamp comte#er this response got a lot longer and more detailed than i meant it to be but uh#i hope it's helpful?#this is just how i tend to think about the game but then im also a feral leo stan alhkjadagd#im just that meme like 'i love you but i hate you but i love you' with leo LMFAO#sometimes u just gotta smack some sense into the man (which is why i love that Jean-Paul does exactly that HAHAHA)#but yeah most of the time i look at leo and have to resist the urge to cry and the recent event has been absolutely no exception#i would die for him
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Conversation between Quintis following Pregnancy Announcement after 3.07
H - I’m Pregnant
Toby relaxed in Cabe’s hold and stared at Happy, not quite believing what she had just said, first he found out she is married to Walter and if that secret wasn’t enough now she was dropping the bombshell she was pregnant. Toby just stood there staring at her as she looked back at him he could read nervousness, apprehension, fear in her face but also a tiny flicker of excitement.
C - Lets give these kids sometime to talk things through, if i let you go Doc are you gonna launch yourself at Walter again?
Toby just looked at Cabe and very slowly shook his head, Cabe slowly released his hold on him and nodded to the others who were all stood staring at Happy and Toby. Paige went to start to speak but no words came out and Cabe shook his head at her telling her to leave it. The team gathered their belongings and left the garage, Walter was the last to leave and turned back looking like to he was going to speak but he just stared, he did then speak
W - I’ll stay with Cabe tonight guys so take as much time as you need to talk things through here if you want
Toby suddenly snapped out of staring at Happy
T - so very kind of you Walt, give us chance to fix the mess you made. Its the lease you could do
H - Doc!
Walter just nodded and left shutting the door behind him quietly.
Happy looked at Toby, she wasn’t sure what reaction she was expecting, she was still processing the news herself but she had expected something but Toby just stood there staring not saying anything.
H - Come on Toby say something
Toby opened his mouth and then shut it again, obviously at a loss of what to say
H - Come on Doc, lets sit on the sofa and I will fill you in and then maybe you could say some words you are usually full of them
Toby just nodded and walked over to the sofa and sat down crossing his leg over his knee and resting his one arm along the back of the sofa and then rubbed his other hand across his face. Happy came and sat on the sofa with both her legs crossed facing Toby just close enough her knees where touching his leg.
H - right, well i guess i’ll start. I’ve been feeling sick the last week or so and then the last few morning I have been sick a few times, coupled with my period being 3 weeks late i knew something was up and then I remembered that day a couple of months back you know after girl with the heart problem, when we were on the hike we went on to stay awake and well you remember what happened in that secluded beach and we thought we would be ok but i guess we weren’t
Toby looked at Happy with the small smile on his face
T - How could I forget that day sweetheart, it’s when I decided I would spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel as good as i did on that day
Happy smiled at him and continued
H - well i took a pregnancy test this morning before work and well you know the rest. I’m not going to lie and tell you it wasn’t a shock and it’s the right time or i’m ready but the more it thought about it today the more I realized that a baby would be pretty amazing and he fact that it is yours makes it so much more special.
Happy paused looking at Toby who had some colour back in his cheeks and wasn’t looking so spaced out anymore
H - I’m scared Toby I need to know we are ok and you are with me on this, I cant do this without you
Toby looked at Happy she looked so vulnerable a look he was not used to seeing on her, he was still so mad over the marriage with Walter but first of all he needed to reassure her he wasn’t going anywhere.
T - Listen Hap I love you, of course i’m with you 100%. It was such a shock especially after finding out about Walter. I just needed to few minutes to let it absorb. You will never be alone again even if we fight or i’m upset i would never leave you you don’t need to worry about that.
Happy leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Toby’s lips
H - Thanks Doc
T - Look we have a lot to talk about, i need to find the best pregnancy papers and books to read though. My Gynae rotation was only short so we need to research whats happening to your body and our little bun in your oven is going to needs lots of care and extra nourishment to make sure we give him or her the best brain development possible, oh I know I read a study that playing classical music enhances their brain development let me download some on your phone so you can put it on your belly when you go to sleep
H - Doc calm down we have plenty of time to sort all this out im sure one night without listening to the works of Bach won’t do the baby any harm. Now I know we are good and you are on bored with the baby business we do need to talk about Walter
Toby scowled
T - I suppose so, I can't believe you married Walter and kept it from me for years, how did I not pick up on this and how did Collins know
Happy sighed
H - look you know I love you and I will only say this once, I'm sorry I kept this from you but we couldn't risk it getting out and Walt losing his green card
T - I understand the risk Hap but when your in a relationship one which I thought was leading to marriage you don't keep secrets this big. It makes me worry what else your hiding or will hide especially as I couldn't read that you were keeping a secret. Maybe I'm not the world class behaviourist I think I am
H - first you know your an amazing Doctor you weren't looking for deception in me, my bad. Secondly I have no more big secrets and I promise you here and now there won't be any in the future. And thirdly Walter told Collins I wasn't aware he did until you mentioned it the other week trust me I ran him the riot act about that.
T - I need to know Happy is there any part of you that wants the marriage with Walt, I know you need a family but if you have any feelings like that towards him tell me now
H - are you freaking kidding me Doc, Walt is a mate nothing more, he's never seen me naked, never seen me cry, never seen how I doubt myself, doesn't know what it does to me when someone kisses me behind my ear, doesn't know what happened to me in the care home when I was 13 or what happened with my first boyfriend.... do you know who does or shall I go on
Toby held his hands up in defence
T - ok your right I'm sorry, I know Walts just a mate and nothing more. I'm still hurt though Hap howcelild you feel if you learnt I was already married
H - I episode be gutted but I would try to understand why
T - I am trying sweetie and I'm not pissed at you but Walt he knew how much it destroyed me the night I found out he was here and yet he never said anything
H - I asked him not too,I text him and told him it needed to come from me. How are we going to move on from this
T - We look at getting you divorced and we move on,cwe have our little bambino to think of now. I'm going to let this go my love for you is far stronger then any anger I felt.
H - Walters looked into it and is looking at his options. We haven't spent a night together all night since before you got kidnapped you always go home after we have sex, how do you feel about staying over tonight, doing some pregnancy research. I've missed waking up with you.
T - you are a softie really, I would love too and I'm sorry I've been distant lately its been a lot to process.
H - I get it but we need to move on so let's start now
Toby smiled at Happy and nodded, he then pulled her over to him running his hand through her hair and along her leg and pulled her in for a kiss.
Happy sighed into the kiss pulling Toby closer to her by grabbing his shirt and running her fingers along his stubble. She slowly pulled away and smiled she felt closer to him then she had for weeks.
H - come on Doc let's get out of here.
#team scorpion#happy quinn#toby curtis#scorpionedit#cbs scorpion#happy x toby#jadyn wong#toby x happy#quintis#eddie kaye thomas
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A Court of Nightmares and Starlight //Chapter 6//
(Chapter one) (Chapter two) (Chapter three) (Chapter four) (Chapter five) (Chapter six) (Chapter seven) (Chapter eight) (Chapter nine) (Chapter ten)
(tags: @thron3ofbooks, @df3ndyr, @courtofjurdan, @art-e-mis, @herondamnn, @the-third-me, @im-still-trying-here, @emikadreams, @paytin77, @mis-lil-red)
“Are you absolutely sure it's a boy?” Rhys asked me as we lay entangled in bed, his ear pressed against my bare stomach and his hand splayed just below my navel.
I giggled as I ran my fingers through his raven locks. In the week since I announced my pregnancy, he asked me different versions of the same question. His hands also seemed to have become permanently glued to my stomach; along with his ears and lips. Every chance he had, Rhys would try and get as close to the baby as possible—which I welcomed, absolutely content with how devoted he was. The morning after Starfall, Rhys insisted we visit Madja’s clinic in Velaris—determined to learn anything and everything there was to know about pregnancy and what it would entail for me. The healer happily obliged, and informed us both of what the next eight and a half months would look like. Not only was a high fae pregnancy longer than a human’s, but as with other fae ailments, any symptoms and risks I faced might be amplified.
There were the normal symptoms I was already accustomed to: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and others I would soon face: backaches, swelling in my hands, face, and feet, and occasional headaches. Hearing about those symptoms didn’t cause any alarm, they were common and unfortunately came hand-in-hand with creating a new life. Madja also said that every female experienced her pregnancy differently; some had severe complications and had to be on strict bed rest, while others hardly experienced anything other than a few minor discomforts. I hoped for the latter of the two.
It was hearing about the risks, which included a small chance of bleeding that could lead to a miscarriage while we were still in an early phase, that made me nervous and caused Rhys to enter in a full-blown defensive mode. Any prior protective behavior he was experiencing before now intensified with his innate need to safeguard me and the baby. Madja assured us that this behavior was expected and normal between mates; with females in such a vulnerable condition, a male’s instinct was always to protect his mate and their offspring. To his credit, Rhys offered a sheepish grin along with an apology in advance. Having already witnessed what he was like after we were freshly mated, and how he managed to reign himself in, I knew most of it was beyond his control.
However, I welcomed some of his coddling after my unpleasant symptoms returned a day after our visit with Madja, and fluctuated throughout the week. The extreme fatigue seemed to be a permanent state I would stay in for the duration of my pregnancy, but I pleaded to the Mother that my nausea spells would soon cease. It was torture being unable to leave my room for periods of time throughout the day. Unfortunately, there was no predicting when the queasiness would hit, so for the time being I would have to bear with it and hope none of the others would notice and wonder why my seemingly mysterious illness still remained.
Rhys and I decided to hold off on revealing the news to our friends and my sisters until we were out of the realm of possibility for a miscarriage. Madja reassured me that the chances were slim and divulged that although it was difficult for high fae to conceive, it was also difficult to lose a pregnancy. In spite of my relief, I didn’t want to take any chances and asked the healer for all recommendations on how to stay as healthy as possible.
So, along with the prenatal herbal teas she initially prescribed, she also ordered that I immediately put a halt to my morning training sessions with Cassian—which Rhys whole-heartedly agreed with, much to my chagrin. As much as I enjoyed being active, however, I knew fainting after only a couple of minutes of basic punching forms was a sign that I should be taking it easier. My body was now working overtime to provide not only for myself, but for a baby that was growing more and more by the day. Instead, Madja suggested I take more time to rest and relax, to allow myself more free time for leisure activities like my painting. Knowing my concerns, and guilt, over becoming stagnant, Rhys promised my duties as High Lady wouldn’t be affected—which left me relieved.
However, as much as my mate knew how capable I was of tending to my regular duties as High Lady, I couldn’t help but be amused at how much he insisted on spoiling me. He now reserved the right to tend to my every want and need; whether I was weary or not, Rhys began to wait on my hand and foot under the guise that since I was carrying his child, he would carry everything else. I appreciated it most whenever I was feeling particularly nauseated or drained, but I drew the line whenever he tried to spoon feed me my meals—I still maintained my irritation for it, no matter how much of a mother hen he was going to be for the duration of my pregnancy. I also valued it on morning’s like today when I had awoken with little to no desire to leave the comforts of our bed—whether it was from my overwhelming fatigue or not.
“Yes, the Bone Carver appeared to me as our firstborn. A miniature version of you,” I answered with a sigh of mock exasperation.
“And you’re sure this mini-me didn’t happen to actually have long hair or maybe more feminine features? It is dark in the prison, afterall, maybe you missed a couple of details,” he tried to reason, raising his head to look at me.
“I showed you what he looked like,” I laughed.
“Ah yes, but I saw through your eyes Feyre darling. So to clarify the vision, I have to rely on the original source. In this case, that’s you,” he said, his grin positively feline.
I grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it as I laughed, “Smartass.”
His grin remained as he braced himself against my stomach playfully, “Careful darling, you’ll hurt the baby,” he teased.
I rolled my eyes and hit him again as he laughed, “It’s a boy. Maybe the next one will be a girl.”
“Next one?” He asked, his violet eyes lit up as they met mine with raised and amused brows.
“We’ll see. Let’s focus on our son first,” I said.
His chuckle reverberated through me as he pressed his ear to my still-flat stomach. Despite no growth progress being made on my pregnant belly, he was obsessed.
“I want him to know I’m here,” Rhys answered before I could ask; double checking to make sure that my mental shields were intact.
“He knows,” I said as I continued to brush my fingers through his hair. “He was calling out to you for weeks before either of us realized he was there.”
During our visit, I had Madja explain the mystery behind the faint glimmer that fluttered between us. The ancient inkling that existed between mates as a confirmation that they had successfully procreated. Rhys was in awe of the information, and hoped the glimmer would remain throughout the months. So far, my little glimmering baby was silent—perhaps reveling in finally being noticed.
“Still, it’s never too early to bond with my son,” he said with a grin as he pressed a chaste kiss to my stomach before subsequently moving from his spot and hovering above me. “Are you feeling well enough to have breakfast with everyone, or shall I bring you breakfast in bed?”
I sighed as I held his arms, lightly tracing the pattern of his tattoos as I debated, “I could honestly sleep for another couple of hours. You should go, let everyone know I’m okay,” I answered.
“I’m beginning to run out of excuses to explain why their High Lady has been so inclined to not leave her room.”
I hesitated, realizing how hard it actually was to keep up the deceit. A part of me knew Mor was suspicious of something already, having guessed Cauldron-knew-what on Starfall. The others I couldn’t even begin to guess what assumptions they made.
“Should we just tell them?” I asked. “I know we wanted to wait a little while longer, but it just doesn’t feel right to keep giving excuse after excuse.”
Rhys nodded in agreement, “I’m pretty sure Cassian and Azriel know something, but they have too much respect for your privacy to pry it out of me.”
I laughed and sighed tiredly, “Do you think they’ll be excited?” I asked.
He smirked, “Well I don’t think they’ll be disappointed.”
I rolled my eyes and pushed him away before sitting up as he chuckled. He caught my wrist carefully before I could get up from the bed, “I think they’ll be more than happy to hear there will soon be a new member of our Inner Circle,” he said.
I smiled, “He’s going to be spoiled, isn’t he?”
“Rotten, my love.” He replied as I laughed.
I didn’t realize how nervous I would actually be until we sat down for breakfast. Our morning routine was proceeding as normal—everyone gathering in our grand dining hall, another room I was particularly proud of in the estate. I planned for it to be large enough to fit all of us comfortably, and took extra consideration for the Illyrian brothers and their mighty wings.
I took comfort in seeing everyone in their customary morning moods; Amren and Mor chattering over a new line of jewelry on display at their favorite shop at the Palace of Thread and Jewels, Elain displaying a book of pressed flowers she had been collecting to Azriel—who actually requested to see it the night before, and Nesta keeping a watchful eye on the pair while Cassian engaged her in some kind of boastful conversation. I was actually surprised to see how close they were sitting together without Nesta having a sneer on her face. I tried to remember the last time it was she even looked at him with a sneer at all.
Getting distracted, my love? Rhys asked down the bond.
I glanced at him and took a sip from my glass of orange juice. What, should I just blurt it out while they aren’t paying attention?
Why not?
I paused. Really?
If you don’t, then perhaps I will.
I blinked and opened my mouth to say it, but when the words refused to come out, Rhys grinned mischievously before simply turning in his seat and said, “Feyre darling is pregnant.”
Everyone’s eyes instantly turned to me and I blushed under their collective gaze. There was quiet for little more than two heartbeats before Mor and Elain’s high-pitched squeals met the air and the sounds of chairs scraping the floor filled the room as everyone moved. Mor was the first to reach me as she threw her arms around me in a warm embrace.
“Oh, I knew it, I knew it!” She cheered as she hugged me and my eyes burned as she pulled away, Elain wrapping me in her arms next.
“I can’t believe it, Feyre, you’re going to have a baby!” she exclaimed, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Azriel and Cassian congratulating Rhys with clasps on the shoulder.
I laughed aloud when Cassian wrapped an arm around his shoulder and wrestled him around, “I knew you had it in you Rhysie!” he exclaimed as Azriel nodded his approval.
Just as the shadowsinger turned his attention to me and took a step in my direction to congratulate me, Rhys was out of Cassian’s hold and in his path—blocking him from getting to me with a deadly snarl on his lips.
Cassian barked a laugh and slapped a hand on Rhys’s tense shoulder, “Is this a second version of that mating bond rearing its ugly head?” he taunted.
Before Rhys could turn that snarl towards Cassian, I touched his other shoulder gently in an attempt to calm his feral temper. Almost instantly, he relaxed as his gaze drifted to my stomach and shrugged Cassian’s hand away.
“Madja warned us that this might happen,” I said, “But I’d prefer you two not destroy this room.”
“We can always have it out in the training pit later, Rhysie.” Cassian goaded, cracking his knuckles with a wicked grin.
Rhys squared his shoulders as his hand came to rest on the small of my back, “I’m fine here.”
“A typical male guarding his offspring,” Amren said coolly, and I was grateful for the attempt to lighten the animosity that briefly began to brew. “Congratulations girl. It’s about time our group is graced by a youngling’s presence, it’ll be a welcome change around here.”
“How far along are you?” Nesta asked, and I was surprised to see her standing beside Cassian, not realizing she had made her way over during the hostile interaction with Rhys, instead of attempting to shield Elain.
“Almost three months now,” I answered, my hand coming to rest on my flat stomach. “I found out the day before Starfall.”
“Aha! I told you!” Mor cheered as she turned to Cassian and Azriel.
Cassian swore under his breath and Az dipped his head in acknowledgement, and I balked. “What’re you talking about?”
“We all made a bet on how long it would take for you guys to announce it. I gave it a week, Cass bet two, and Az bet you would be half-way along before you told us. Which means I won!” Mor sang excitedly.
“I lost the minute his darkness over here didn’t shout it from the rooftop after you told him,” Amren revealed nonchalantly, motioning to Rhys.
“Wait, you all knew?” I asked, bewildered.
“Are you kidding? I smelled it on you the minute we came back from the mountains,” Cassian admitted, “I’m surprised Rhys didn’t, with him being your mate and all.”
“To be fair, a part of me did know, but until Feyre was fully aware herself, I wasn’t going to raise any suspicion,” Rhys said nonchalantly, and I could feel his attempt to tame his preternatural instincts in order to avoid giving into Cassian’s baiting.
“So, this wasn’t really news then?” I asked, unable to hide my disappointment.
“It was for me,” Elain interjected, grabbing my hands gently with a smile, “I had no idea, and I’m so happy Feyre.”
“I didn’t know either,” Nesta added, and I was astonished to see a formal look of support on her lovely face.
Elain embraced me again as my eyes burned. They were all happy for us, and as Amren mentioned earlier, a baby would soon be welcomed by everyone here. I tried not to let the tears fall as I imagined my son being held in each of their arms. I sniffed as I stepped back from Elain’s arms and blinked in surprise when I saw Amren, Mor, Azriel and Cassian standing together before me and bowed with their hands over their hearts—just as they had done years ago after Rhys and I were newly mated.
“Our vow of service and protection is extended to the child you carry; our future High Lord of the Night Court.” Mor explained before I could question them.
“Or the future High Lady,” Cassian said with a wink.
I glanced at Rhys as he slid his hand back onto the small of my back, and without the need to communicate through the bond we knew we would keep that revelation a secret.
“This is normally a tradition sworn to the High Lord, but seeing as you are our High Lady, and the one who is actually doing all the work, we pledge our vow to you and your child.” Amren continued.
My heart tightened and my face flushed as they all stood as one, their hands still on their hearts. I captured the image in my mind, imagining what colors of paint I would need later and the exact canvas I would use to commemorate this moment forever. Sworn protectors of the Night.
“Thank you,” I said, my voice still thick with the unshed tears.
Mor grinned and came up to envelop me in another hug, “Your emotions are going to be all over the place now! You don’t have to worry about holding back, we all understand,” she crooned and I laughed with a sob.
“I’ll admit, I’ve never really been around pregnant females outside of the ones in the Illyrian camps, but I’m willing to learn,” Cassian reassured.
“We all are,” Azriel added.
I sniffed and wiped at the few tears that escaped, “I guess we’re all experiencing this for the first time,” I said.
“I’ve at least held a baby before,” Mor said proudly.
“Before it burst into tears and reached back for its mother,” Rhys remarked with a smirk, earning a glare from the golden-haired beauty.
“Hey, I’ve held a baby before,” Cassian defended. “You forget, I’ve taught younglings how to fly. Sometimes that required holding them when they cried.”
“Your idea of holding a youngling included patting them on the back until they calmed and tossing them, sometimes in mid-air,” Azriel smoothly cut in.
“That happened once, and it was an accident!” Cassian barked.
“So, you dropped a baby in mid-air?” Mor asked.
Elain gasped in horror at the thought, causing Amren to burst out laughing and Nesta rolled her eyes as Cassian fumbled over his words to try and defend his actions. I squeezed Rhys’s hand as my heart swelled and his eyes met mine with an easy grin, his free hand coming to rest on my stomach—happy to finally be able to do so in front of everyone. I returned his grin when that familiar glimmer fluttered excitedly beneath his touch, our son happy and no doubt feeling right at home with his family.
#feysand#feysand babies#rhys x feyre#feyre cursebreaker#feyre archeron#feyre darling#feyre x rhysand#nessian#nesta archeron#elain archeron#high lady feyre#high lady of the night court#high lord of the night court#high lord rhysand#illyrian#illyrians#illyrian babies#azriel#mor#amren acotar#acotar#acomaf#acowar#acofas#acotar fanfiction#acofs#a court of thorns and roses#a court of mist and fury#a court of wings and ruin#a court of nightmares and starlight
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Dating Jason Todd would include
-like this dude will literally let you get away with ANYTHING and no one better stop you
-“Hey Jay I just robbed a bank and took a lollipop from that kid next door.”
-“Aww you’re so cute, Doll. Let me put out this cigarette and I’ll help you count the money, okay?”
-“Jay, Dick said I can’t have anymore ice pops!!! I really want some, it’s not fair!!”
-“ He said what?! hOld On iM gEtTinG mY Gun nO OnE TelLs mY lItTle Babe sHe caNt haVe anY iCe popS.”
-wearing his thick leather jackets that smell like cigarettes and expensive scotch
-Stealing his 1/16263819827 Red hoods and waddling around the house while he’s out on patrol
-“Hey I’m RedHood and I have DaDdY IssUes, prepare to diEee!!! *pew pew*”
-“is that how I sound to you?! Because I don’t *pew pew* I *brrraaatratratatataaa* get it correct Y/N”
-Your tough edgy boyfriend
-If he has an off day, he’ll take you on a ride on his motorcycle to wherever you want to go. If it’d make you happy, he’d drive to Paris for you if he could.
-You guys usually end up drifting by the waterside, taking in the longing smell of the sea, feeling the subtle warmth of the setting sun and melting into the welcoming breeze
-There’s this really good Sandwich stand by the oceanfront and you guys always get a large one, and share it with a nice cold bottle of Coke. There’s also this really nice private beach that you two have no business being on, you guys would sometimes just sit on one of the lifeguards stands for a while and just enjoy each other
-“Hey Jay Jay?”
-“What’s up, Love bug?
-“Your eyes have a hint of Aqua Green in them. It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. I just wanted you to know that, that’s all.”
-every week you guys make a list of your favorite classics and you build a Spotify playlist and dance around the house screaming *cough* I-i mean singing on the top of yalls lungs.
-weird adventures around the city! Like you guys sometimes go to weird parts of the city to see some weird crap to laugh about later on.
-“Why is he wearing a tutu and dirty socks-“
-“keep walking baby girl don’t question it.”
-monthly movie nights where you guys watch a movie that has crappy 1 star reviews while eating a bunch of unhealthy garbage all night.
-“but why did he do that?”
-“according to ‘moviecridictbooiiii12’, he’s an uncultured swine who has no Character development, 1/10 trash person totally.”
-If you guys are just sitting in a comfortable silence, just cuddling, he might open up a bit about his childhood or maybe talk a bit about how he’s feeling. But that’s a rare rare occasion he doesn’t like talking much about it.
-This sometimes can cause a bit of a rift because it almost feels as if there’s a lack of trust but you understand he’s been through a whole lot and if it were you, you’d probably be the same way
-he does not like pills in the house but if you have health issues and have to take them, he won't crucify you because of it, but he will monitor you and make sure there is no drug abuse. He wants to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself. He doesn't wanna lose you that way.
-He’s a depressed crackhead
-“Hey Y/N, can you tell me what’s in the drawer in the kitchen. The one next to the sink”
-“Hmm? There’s nothing in here Jason.”
-“Nothing you say? Just like my relationship with Bruce haha.”
-“Are you okay?”
-“No I am not and neither is my sleep schedule.”
-Oh yeah this Poor boy barely sleeps. Mainly because he’s out on patrol all night and when he finally gets home, he’s being called back out. Or sometimes he’s just so restless thinking about everything he needs to do. Other times he’s just scared to sleep.
-Yeah he’s pretty reluctant to go to sleep. He’s scared to have a bad dream and wake up in a vulnerable state. Or to accidentally wake you up from tossing and turning and wails of agony.
-You lost a lot of hours of sleep already do to comforting him at night so as much as he can function without a nights rest, he’ll do it to spare you
-You hate when he does this because you actually don’t mind comforting him, it makes you feel like he trusts and can rely on you.
-nightmares about the joker or the pit. Cryinggg this boy is really traumatized
-“Shhh, Jason it’ll be alright. I’m right here love.”
-Even though he avoids sleep at all costs, this doesn’t stop him from napping on the recliner or at the kitchen table from time to time.
-He’s a bit self destructive with drinking, smoking, betting himself up, not sleeping or eating properly. You really have to help him and work with him. Be patient and kind pLz.
-He doesn’t like exposing you to the stuff he does, he doesn’t like you seeing all the gore or what not so he doesn’t try to come home bloody much actually. He might stop at dicks house or some other friend’s house to clean up a bit before coming to you
-Todd doesn’t like you to see and be around all that. He wants to keep that life very very separate, he even tries to keep the news off and away from you. Although you already know and if it bothers you it not, it’s not much you can do to stop him.
-The only time you might see him bloody or hurt is when he can’t make it to a friends house and he needs you to patch him up and put him to bed quickly.
-Yeah you guys do little annoying antics back and forth but it’s not something super crucial. The only time where it heats up is like if something he’s doing really really bothers you, like his killings or if he does something super reckless. The arguments usually end up with
- “I’m sorry Doll, I’ll do better for you.”
- “Sorry JayBird, I wasn’t being fair”
-The worst an argument had ever gotten was when he didn’t come home for weeks without telling you he was out on a mission and you were scared out of your mind and ended up cursing him out for scaring you.
-You didn’t talk to him for about a week and he was a wreck
-“Hey, it’s okay Y/n- I’m here no-“
-He cannot stand when he breaks your heart or makes you upset like he beats himself up a whole lot. He will apologize to you and do anything to make it up.
-“Stupid Todd? How can you upset the one person that seems to be so patient and loving to you? Ugh you idiot.”
-yeah he literally kissed up to you for months he felt so bad even after you apologized for overreacting and told him he didn’t need to do anything
-Yeah speaking of kissing up to you, he Buys you anything you want just ask. Looking at that super nice outfit in the mall? Check your room, it’s on your bed with a cute little note. Want an ice cream sundae? Yeah he got extra fudge/caramel for his princess.
-He just loves you like so so much he doesn’t care what you look like, how big or how skinny, how light or how dark you are. He literally adores you and wants to protect you with all his heart. He’d buy the whole world for you.
-“Jason, literal listen to me. 600 dollars for a charm bracelet I liked in the mall is too much, go return it”
-he’s a bit overprotective with you. Not in a “HEKDJEHEHEHINEEDTOKNOWWHEREYOUAREATALLTIMESSENPAI.” Kind of way but in a like “Check in every once in a while will ya babe? I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
-He doesn’t let you go outside after a certain time for ANYTHING unless it’s an emergency. It’s too dangerous in Gotham for you to be out scrolling going to a convenience store at 10pm at night. So if you need something from the store he’ll go get it for you or already have it in the house.
-Will 100 throw hands for you
-actually makes sure you can defend yourself and trains you a bit every month to make sure if trouble comes and he’s not there, you can protect yourself
-Honhonhon. Although what many believe Jason has a high sex drive and wants it a lot or what not. I don’t think it’s 100% true
-I believe that like if his partner wasn’t the type of person who wanted it, or didn’t feel comfortable with it, he’d be okay with it. Like he doesn’t need it to survive although you look hecking good in that outfit today
-I feel like he’d be more kissy and rough touching than the full 100 yards with a more soft/standoffish sexually significant other.
-Yeah if he gets from a stressful mission or just needs to feel you, he’s gonna wanna kiss and touch on you but if you’re not into all that then like he’d back off because he respects you enough
-neck kisses and thigh kisses
-“jaybirdy I wanted to wear that new skirt I got yesterday, now I got your bites all over my legs.”
-he's a totally Dom and that’s on that period boo
-dAdDy KiNk I’m sorry
-His voice somehow becomes super raspy when he’s aroused?!?!
-He will tease you to a point you moan out his name and then turn around and act innocent
-“let’s watch Frozen! What’s with that face dear? You didn’t think I’d let you have it that easily now did you?”
-*wears anything short*
-Highkey finds it so hot when you sit on his lap like damn it feels so nice to him like you know you’re his and that’s like arousing to him. Will play with the hem of your skirt if your wearing them and your thighs aren’t safe
(Anyways I ain’t trynna make this NSFW but I might do a little something for my 200 follower special)
-On a softer purer note, you guys are like the roasters of the fam, okay! Like no one is safe, especially Damian.
-“Tch- Todd and his little pet.”
-“Dami, didn’t know you’d be here, and apparently your hairline didn’t know either.”
-*Jason, Tim and Dick were dying*
-“Hey you little accident, why you standing like that, you look like you’re bout to enlist in the army.”
-“shut up Todd, at least I have good posture unlike you.”
-“Hey leave Damian alone, Jason. Dami just has a pole in his ass that makes him stand in first position all the time. It’s a serious condition, y’all need to stop laughing.”
-“Hey Selina! Your Sugar Daddy is in the kitchen, try not to steal anything though because he might cut down your weekly allowance.”
-“Haha Y/N and yours is in the living room getting drunk, careful he might end up with me tonight.”
-“Hmm, a gold digger and a cougar? Wow you got your careers set don’t ya! Ooops you should check in the mirror tho! I think your Botox is drooping.”
-yAlL CAnT sTop ROaStinG PeOpLe anD it’S wOrse When yaLls DruNk
-You’re actually pretty close to The BatFam and like Bruce Adores you he thinks you’re a wonderful influence on Jason like you changed him a lot. Dick sees you as a baby sister and like he literally baby’s you so much it’s sad. Tim and you like to joke around a bit and talk you guys get along decently. Although Damian would NEVER admit it, he actually is kinda fond of you even though you guys insult each other. He might stab someone for like hurting you or something. But watch your back because he might stab you as well.
-going to Bruce’s Galas and charity events like by force.
-“yYyyYYyyY/NnnNnNnNiEeeeEEee PLEaSE COmeEeeee sO iWOnT DrInk MySelF ouT oF tHeRe!!!”
-“Jason let go of my leg.”
-You don’t actually mind it too much, you’ve made some nice connections and plus it’s a little date night with Jason so Win Win!!
-He actually wears a nice Tux and styles his hair real nicely. Might even be wearing that nice watch Bruce gave him a long time ago on his birthday.
-*sniff sniff* is that Cologne? *sniiiiiiffffffff* *HIGHLY* Expensive cologne he’s wearing?! And *pat pat* HAIR GEL OH BOIIII
-He actually picks out a dress for you to wear. One he’s been dying to see you in. The super expensive one he found while shopping with Dick and Bruce one day.
-If some rich guy try’s flirting with you, it’s over for them. Jealous Todd Mode activated!
-“Doll Face, I found you. Love wandering off don’t you babe? When we get home, I’ll make sure you won’t want to wander off again,” He kisses into your ear hungrily “wHo’s tHiS, Y/N? Is he bothEriNg yOu?” He asks like he didn’t see him there
-“No but Jason you are.“
“YEAH ‘oH’! serIouslY I CanT stAnd yoU.”
-Jason’s drinking and smoking. Let’s just say you’re not the biggest fan of it because of his health, you’re so worried about it. He’s already taking shots and stabs but like the drinking and smoking on top of that? You’re worried about him
-You always voice your concern and he’s never too phased and he’s always like
-“Don’t worry L/N, I’ll be okay. If this kills me, don’t let Dick take my meat stash in the freezer. Tell him I’m coming back to life in like 3 months give or take and I’ll be hungry for steak.”
-Actual best boyfriend! Like if you’re insecure about anything he’ll make you feel so much better, in every way possible. He makes it so know how much he loves you it’s so sweet and super cute like I’m crying.
-makes weird faces at you randomly and it somehow gets you to laugh?!?!
-cooks breakfast or dinner for you every once in a while but messes up a few times
-“sorry y/n I accidentally burnt the cookies I was trying to make for you. I-I can go run and ask Alfred to make some? I know how long you’ve been waiting to have some.”
- Did I mention he’s best boi? Like ugggghhhh he’s so blind to all that superficial mess people get caught up in. You talk down about yourself and he’ll like attack you in love I swear he will. He doesn’t like the self deprecation you do. He completely detests it.
-“Say you’re ugly one more time I’ll slap you with this heart of mine. Don’t make me do it Y/N. I’ll give you so much love, the only thing you’ll be able to say is “Omg I love myself so much like damn I’m so sexy and so fine and my personality? Perfect! thanks to my totally handsome boyfriend, I see myself so clearly now.”
-You guys Also like spend his birthday with just each other. But it’s really special to him and he always looks forward to the small marble cake you make, that has strawberries on top. He loves when you sit on his lap with your face in the crook of his neck, whispering into his skin ever so gently telling him to ‘make a wish old man’
-something about the birthdays you spend with him, brings him back to a happy place he once felt as a child. Or wanted to feel. He always wishing for the same thing…..to always see you happy
-“Jay I love you.”
-“I love you too Y/N. Remember that okay?”
(Request open)
#jason todd#jason todd headcanon#dating#dating senarios#dick grayson#jason todd x reader#dc#DC comics#Headcanon#headcannons#Tim Drake#tim drake headcanon#dick grayson headcanon#dick grayson x reader#batman#batfamily#Batman Robin#robin headcanon#red hood#x reader#dating would include#jason todd imagine#imagines#dc imagine#dc incorrect quotes#Damain Wayne#Damian Wayne headcanons#dami#bruce wayne imagine#bruce wayne
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librarian helper
fandom: IT (2017) pairing: henry bowers / goody-two-shoes reader word count: 1,635 warnings: none to really point out? henry being henry?? summary: Oh, how one tires of stagnant days. extra: my favorite part of this is when richie said 'mullet-boy bowers' im iconic. i also finished this at like 3am pls b gentle i hope i wrote henry ok! feedback is highly appreciated, thank you for reading!
archive of our own link.
Monday mornings in Derry weren’t ideal, regardless of the context. Teens awoken far too early for their own good, forced to come to grips with the reality that it was the first day back from the weekend. Trudging through the crowded student body and longing for the day to be over just as soon as it was to begin. A variety of feelings made the air heavy and thick with a concoction so truthful to the high school experience; frustration, exhaustion, and the underlying scent of yearning.
Few an individual found themselves bragging of the weekend’s extracurricular activities, cackling with an unusual vigor and energy unlike the rest of their near-ghoulish peers. Others were sitting on the ground, rushing through their assignments with adrenaline only just granted to them; oh yes, the heart-stopping experience of forgetting that there was homework.
Fortunately, you’d hadn’t found yourself in that predicament this morning, having thoroughly done your homework on Friday night. Best to do it then push it off and forget it; your own philosophy. Not to say you hadn’t found yourself in the same situation in times past, nor were you above those whose memory’s had failed them.
Quietly you step up to your locker, opening it and glancing down to your left, where Richie Tozier was currently scribbling nonsense down on what you assumed to be Government. You hummed, putting your things away quickly and retrieving what looked to be the same assignment - some stupid worksheet the teacher assigned, no doubt some kind of busywork. Your class truly had no grasp on the concept of being ‘quiet,’ which annoyed you to no end.
You squatted down to his level, with his pencil not even ceasing as you set the paper in his peripheral. No teachers were at their morning posts yet, either that or the ones who were supposed to be there simply didn’t care to be there.
“Oh - uh, shit, how much?” His eyes shifted from you to the paper quickly as he fumbled to reach for something - likely his wallet.
“Nothing,” Your voice leaves you laced with amusement as you push the paper into his grasp. “Just don’t get caught with it, please.”
“Aw, c’mon! You can’t just hand it the fuck over for free, man, that’ll mean I owe you a solid.”
“Just consider it on the house, Tozier. It’ll be fine, you don’t owe me.”
“Okay, okay, but don’t come hollerin’ when you suddenly need a favor from ol’ Richie, alright?”
You hum in affirmation, turning back to your locker and beginning to sort through the things that would be needed for the day to come. Around you, energy began to rise, individuals of the student body reanimating through social interaction. The morning sun may not have been enough to revitalize them, but it appeared that the promise of teenage-to-teenage interaction was.
Richie finished his work with your worksheet quickly, shoving it back in your direction with a toothy grin. “Thanks, dude, you’re a fuckin’ lifesaver, I swear.”
“Like I said, it’s nothing! Do you need help with anything else? You know I have a basically free second period in the library.”
“Nah, thanks for the offer,” He seemed to finalize, standing up to go through his own locker. “I’ll make sure to send my dumbfuck friends your way if they happen to need any tutoring, though.”
You release a laugh through your nose, head shaking as you did so. Richie looked to you with a momentary smile, only to have it fall when he looked passed to the people around you.
“Alright, don’t panic,” naturally, you felt a little alarmed as a grimace crept onto his features. “ but I think you have a momentary peepin’ Tom right now.”
“Uh ... what ... do you mean?” You couldn’t help the faint caution and apprehension crawling into your voice.
“Mullet-boy Bowers is staring at you like ... really intensely,” he turned to you once again, putting an not-so-reassuring hand on your shoulder. “If I were you, I’d get the fuck outta dodge right now.”
With that, he stepped around you, maneuvering through the hallway - likely to class - and leaving you by your lonesome and, unfortunately, vulnerable. Quickly after his departure, the bell rang shrill overhead, signaling the beginning of class as students begrudgingly made their way to their first hour classes. You made yourself among their ranks, gathering your things to hopefully outrun ( or walk in this case ) any physical advancements the fellow student could’ve had on you.
The classroom’s door frame never felt more welcoming as you stepped foot into it, releasing a breath of comfort. Most of the class had yet to filter in, meaning there was more reign to choosing whatever seat you wanted. With a hum of appreciation, you step further in, choosing a seat not-too-close and not-too-far back for your liking, sitting down and preparing for class.
You keep your attention focused on your notebook for the beginning as classmates make their way in, sitting in various spots around the room and leaving you by yourself. Booted footfalls make their dreaded way over to you, finding themselves seated to your right. Sudden fear prickles your skin, suddenly making the room too warm and too cold at once while your shoulders tense. For the love of god, be anyone, anyone other than who you thought it was.
The seat creaks, likely with the weight of its occupant leaning into your vicinity. “Did’ja get the homework done, girlie?” You can almost hear the smirk in his whisper, as though he’s a wolf bearing his maw to a sheep. You tense further, shaking your head as you unconsciously lean further into the empty space you have right.
“S’funny...swear I saw you givin’ it to Trashmouth ‘fore class started,” The seats to your front and back were occupied by others, quite possibly remaining individuals who found an alliance with Henry. “Always thought’ch’re a good girl...be a shame if someone fucked that up for y’huh?”
Blackmail? That didn’t really seem like his style, then again it didn’t quite seem like you were being offered a choice of any kind - especially if he had the man power of his goons with him.
“So what’s it gonna be, huh? We ain’t got much time,” his voice transcribed his annoyance as your mulling was cut short, sliding the paper into his vision as he diligently scribbled the answers down. Across the room you caught the eye of Richie, quickly looking away in shame. You nearly miss the amused “s’what I thought,” murmured from Henry as he finishes the work quickly, shoving your desk with a bark of laughter.
The class continues on with its usually snail-like pace, much to your dismay as you keep your eyes locked on either the clock or your notebook. In front of you sat Belch Huggins, likely to his own humor since you were no longer able to see the board, and to your back sat Victor Criss who was able to sneak in an early nap. Through the paperballs being spat at or thrown at you from your right, you couldn’t help but feel that this was in some way better than having Patrick sit nearest to you - even if he was still creepily staring into your shoulder from behind Henry with what you could only guess was that irking grin. God forbid it was his expressionless face, that churned nervousness in your gut.
The bell rang once again overhead, signaling your freedom to the library as you scrambled to gather your things and rush passed before you had the chance to get cornered. Dumping what you had in your hands in your locker - you figured it would be for later you to organize - you did your best to scamper to the library unseen.
It seemed to have worked for the most part, aside from the bemused glances you garnered from teachers. Only momentary, they shrugged it off as you being a good kid in a hurry. As you entered the vicinity, you released another sigh of relief. If there was one thing you knew, it was that Henry Bowers wouldn’t be caught dead in a library. You didn’t really worry about his friends either, they were probably busy giving some unfortunate soul a swirlie, or whatever.
“Always on time, aren’t you?” The librarian, Ms. Andrews, rhetorical question was met with a beaming smile from you. “I’ve written things down for you to do, I’ll be in and out today helping the bookkeeper in the office.”
With a timid nod, you walked over to what she’d assigned you to do, looking through the short list with a thought of reaffirmation. Checking books back in, sorting back through them, and putting labels on new ones. You didn’t think you’d get through it all in the allotted time, though you were sure she’d been aware. Despite the world’s slow pace of going digital, Derry managed to lag behind - leaving you and your school with the unfortunate continuation of the paper system instead of being able to have the use of a computer.
“I’ll be back soon, dear, you know where where everything is,” she rounded the counter top before stepping out of the room, heels clicking loudly on the linoleum outside the carpeted room. A few moments later, the sound of boots made themselves apparent on the floor outside, going unnoticed by you as you began working on what had been assigned to you.
Looking up, your eyes met the smug gaze of Bowers himself - to which you tensed up once again. It stayed like what for an uncomfortable amount of time, the stuffy silence broken by the likes of you.
“Didn’t think you’d be a fan of the library,” you murmured, closing the book and setting it on the cart to be replaced.
“Wasn’t really, ‘till a lil’ birdy told me where my favorite bunny hangs out fer her second hour,” A sly smirk crawled onto his features as he watched you grimace over the use of the pet name.
He stepped forward, watching a physical flinch from you occur whilst he leaned his elbows onto the counter. It was stupid of him to get worked up over watching you squirm like that, but he had to admit there was definitely a feeling that came along with it. Leaning onto the counter, he gazed into your face. “What’ya say to us peelin’ outta here, goin’ and havin’ some actual fun?”
You fell silent at the question, blush darkening your features all the way to the ear. Unable to keep eye contact, you glanced to the pile of books that suddenly seemed way more interesting. “I’d say,” your voice came out so much more fragile then you’d meant it to as you looked back into his eyes. “Take me to dinner first.”
At your rebuttal, he found himself at a momentary loss for words, his own cheeks dusting with a faint pink. His smirk faltered, before returning at full force. “Can’t a man get a taste first, then?”
“ Uh, ” your mouth went dry, eyes suddenly widening. How could he be so forward?
“What’ll it be, doe-eyes?”
With a glance around the vacant library, you looked to him again. “Follow me.”
His smirk turned wolfish as you led him to the vague-privacy of the bookshelves. Once the doorway was out of sight, and the two of you were tucked away into a corner, you looked to him. “We’ll have to be quick...and quiet.”
He stepped to you, only partially caging you in with one hand. “I can do quick, but I can’t promise quiet, bunny.”
“W-we can’t do much,” you stammer, face flushing as he lowered himself to your neck. “I’m n-not that easy!” You squeak when you feel his lips press against your jugular, putting an embarrassed hand to your mouth.
“Thought we had to be quiet,” he chuckled.
You put your hands onto his face, dragging him backward to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Quickly, he swatted your hands away, coming to rest his own on your waist as you replaced your hands onto his shoulders. The kiss escalated to eyes being closed, lip nipping, and heads turning for a better angle.
You gently pulled away, in turn his hands beginning to roam your mid-section with curiosity as you caught your breath. When he brushed a certain spot, you couldn’t suppress a giggle, much to his amusement as he began to brush it intentionally.
“Henry!” You giggle, putting your hands on his chest to push him away.
“Y’know, I like the sound of my name on your lips, doe-eyes,” He pressed a kiss to your lips once again before pulling away completely. “Maybe you’ll be sayin’ it with more gusto tonight, huh?”
Your face flushes, eyes widening again. “Oh - oh! Uh, maybe..?”
“Meet me durin’ lunch, we’ll talk then,” and with a wink, he set out of the library.
#henry bowers x reader#henry bowers imagine#henry bowers#it 2017 fanfiction#it 2017#anyway#reader insert
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MLQC : Smothering
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
*aka , a boobie face dive !
Victor :
-Its only the softest of Victors that will act so shamelessly vulnerable to you
-You’re sitting on his lap with your arms around his neck as his hands caress the soft skin of your exposed thighs. You had a day off and decided to visit him on his lunch break at his office
-A few hours before on a quick phone call asking his permission to visit (he’s a busy guy) his usual sharp tounge was much diluted. He gave quick but vauge reassuring statement that he was just a bit stressed and had a lot on his plate for the week; risky decisions, rocky investments, many many under developed plans, all under the responsibility of himself.
-You know your smart and strong victor will get through it somehow, just like he always does, but thats not always an easy side to see when you’re experiencing it in first person. You just wanted to give him a moment to be vulnerable, relaxed, and securly cared for, something he’s constantly deprived of in his CEO role.
-As you pull his face closer and closer for cuddles , he relaxes his head and leans it into your shoulder. You stroke his hair leaving random kisses whenever you get the urge.
-There isnt much talking, just the two of you appreciateing each others warming presence
-The hand once on your thigh has risen to completely hold you in his arms, locking you in place.
-You take this as an invention to hug him tighter, elongating your body until his head finally falls into the perfect spot
-He lets out a small huff-like chuckle, letting you know he’s onto your shenanigans.
-“Feeling better already i see ?” You giggle into his hair while circling your finger around his ear, tracing patterns down his neck.
-“ ...m..dummy”
-His harsh words are very opposing to his actions. His grip around your waist becomes tighter as he burrows himself deeper into his personal pillow
-The comfort and warmth wraps his mind in pink hearts, allowing him to forget his pressing struggles and stress. Being near you is like a sip of wine to him , sensualizing and god damn intoxicating
-He’ll slowly move his face back and forth, in and out, up and down, until he finally realses a small groan of satisfaction
-Being a accomplice to his healing feels amazing, but the current undivided attention to you and your breast is indescribable
-He’ll stay like that for a while, just pushing and rubbing against you...
-He can’t allow himself to get too wired up at work though , this is only his lunch break after all
-The slight shift in his pants once he feels your nipples begin to harden against his face knocks him out of his trance
-“ahh I can’t do this now”
-He doesn’t move, just turns his head and leasurly lays on them for the remainder of his break
-At home though? Boyyyyyy
-Your low V-neck shirt would have been pulled down immediately to expose yourself to him, breast spilling out resembling a 4 course meal
-Victor prefers his hands to your breasts though, he loves to grope and toy with your nipples. He doesn’t have a good view to watch your reaction to him if hes face-deep
Lucien :
-HE is a looker
-We’re all very familiar with his intense gaze stairing problem
-You’re both sitting upright on opposite sides of the plush floor matt in his reading room, pillows densely outline the edges for support and comfort while you two peacefully enjoy each other’s company
-Well, you were
- Just as you’re turning the page of one of the novels you found laying near by, you see a pair of familiar black pupils from above the pages
-You lower the book to better see the man glaring absolute holes into you. The corners of his lips lift into seemingly innocent smile, the smile that softens his whole face, thins out his eyes, and hides his much more vulgar intentions.
-“Can i help you sir ?” You playfully spat trying to hide the gentle blush creeping onto your cheeks
-Your remark seems to have caught him off guard, but he quickly fixes his face. He lowers his book and gently places it to the side, his thin black-framed glasses following suit.
-“Actually...” his tall thin frame is crawling twords you, you feign resistance, lightly kicking your legs to keep him away. His large strong hands grasp them immediately, keeping them in place long enough for him to slip himself in.
-And now there he is, layed on top of you with his head under the arms thats still holding your book whata attention whore.
-His head rests on your lower stomach hiking up the him of your shirt. You know he’s up to something, but his current good behavior is enough to lower your suspensions for now. Him cuddling onto you while you read is actually very peaceful in itself. He looks comfortable and delicate, so you let him be.
-But that doesn’t last for long
-You can feel his warm breath on your stomach ascented by soft pecks and kisses, leaving trails just beginning to go above your belly button. His hands grab the rim of your shirt pulling it over his head, creating a personal space for just him and the beautiful view underneath
-“Lucien!” You giggle as his kisses gradually travel higher up, getting wetter and more passionate with each contact of skin
-“Hm? Something wrong? I prefer it under here..” and with that, he’s face planted.
-The distractions have your book strown to the side after you’ve long lost interest
-Lucien likes to play.
-He’ll dip his hands in periodically to help with his little experiments, pressing down your nipples to watch them pop back up.
-But mostly, he’ll hold your body from the outside as he helps himself to as much titty as he wants
-He loves the good old-fashion smother. His face absorbed by boob. Since you’re laying down, He’ll use his hands from the outside to push up all the extra boob fat
-Lucien, the actual kitten, will leave nips and bites on the supple flesh inbetween his face-dive sessions. He just absolutely adores the whole act, having someone he loves and admires so vulnerable and exposed to him and his desires makes his heart soft and dick hard
-Is he lightly thrusting his hips against the matt ? The world may never know
-Lucien does this often tho, maybe second in place to kiro
-From daily hugs to cuddle session, he can’t seem to keep to loose himself to his desires.
Gavin :
-Ooooh blushy boy
-You LOVE teasing him, the way he quickly turns his head to redirect his attention when he’s flustered is beyond satisfying, the butterflys you get knowing what you (unintentionally) do to him is :,)
-So the element of surprise is something he hates but you love
-He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, just chillin on his phone waiting for you to finish up whatever you were doing in the other room when BAM
-“Gavin ~ i missed u ~”
-You pull him into a smothering embrace, his face and your chest having an intement moment together
-You hold his head firmly aginst you while softly stroking his hair, letting some fingers down periodically to trace along his ear
-Gavin groans but shows absolutely no signs of resistance probably to hide his blushing face
-His face feels great agaisnt your chest, you begin to move them side to side to create a bit of friction for yourself
-You hear him release a low exhale at the action as you respond with a soft giggle
-Once Gavins done acting all tsundere he finally surrenders, pulling you closer by hugging at your waist, softly shaking his head in your breast
-Shit he may even grip a titty with one hand as he continues to press against the other
-Gavin lives to please you, so its not long after his attention will go to pinching at your nipples and nipping them with his teeth through your shirt
-When you look down to check on him, you meet the gaze of his blushing face and low amber eyes looking up at you and fuck
-Its time to get down to business :)
-Gavin loves to mark you, so sucking his ownership into one of your most delicate and personal places is his specialty
-He also loves to smother while he fucks you or you fuck him
-When he’s close he’ll bury himself in your chest and fuck you like the dirty dog he is ;)
-he nasty
-so shy...but so naSTy...
-Kiro absolutely loves it
-Kiro is just a boob guy in general?
-White tank top + your nipples pressing through = suckle session
-Like lucien, he loves to lay down on top of you and just... play
-Its rare you both have a day off at the same time so you usually spend it having a lazy day together, after all, working is exhausting
-You’re cuddled up on the couch watching your favorite feel-good show together, one of his favorite things to do with you since he gets to use his most favorite pillow
-Actually, Its just you watching the show.
-His arms are wrapped around your body pressing you as close to his face as he possibly can
-“mmmm miss chips is my favorite pillow~”
-“wahhh your boobs are so great”
-We can’t expect this vocalist to be shy about his feelings for you, he’ll spit little praises at you regularly as they come to his mind
-He’ll lay on each one, then in the crevis of your breast so he can push them together to completely surround himself. His hands will get a good grip as he paws and gropes at them
-Can he breath? The world may never know
-He’ll die a happy death tho
-Loves to wiggle his face back and forth and feel the jiggle
-He gives them so much attention you begin to think he might have a boob worshiping thing?? Not that you’d mind ;)
-His face and free boob massage feels absolutely great, his tinted cheeks and wet blue orbs stairing up at you is enough to make the anime steam blow through your head
- *thought bubble* fuck fuck fuck hes so cute...
Sooo if you can’t tell #1 im a cancer and #2 im about to start my period so my boobs are soooo sensitive right now, these scenarios are all i can think about ~ Thank u sm for reading !!! You can comment your thoughts or stance of the accuracy, Check out my other works under the mlqc tag :) -myk
#love and producer#mlqc#mr love#mr love queens choice headcanons#headcanons#headcannon#mr love headcanon#kiro#lucien#gavin#victor#mr love queens choice#otome#elex games#imagine#imagines#mr love headcannons#mr love headcanons#headcanon#lucien headcanon
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grave layers of misunderstandings chapter 1
Chapter 1.
They're going through changes.
Danny and Tucker we're leaning against the lockers of Middleton High School, shooting the breeze like they usually did during a Friday afternoon, they didn't actually have a class next period, this was their study hall time, still other students milled about heading to be wherever they needed to be, the boys noticed a pair of girls passing them chatting about something neither Danny or tucker really cared about, "you ever wish to know what goes on inside a woman's mind, Danny?" tucker asked offhandedly.
"Sometimes I wish I could, it would make life so much easier for me, girls are so confusing" Danny replied. Suddenly, Danny gasped as his ghost sense went off, and he heard a feminine voice say "so you have wished it, so it shall be.'' Danny and Tucker felt a jolt of energy hit their body, they felt their chest grow, their skin become softer, their hair grew, everything about them was changed, Danny didn't know where the ghost was when she cast her spell on them, he figured one day like this couldn't hurt, but he needed to find her as soon as school was over, he thought of a quick lie to tell the teachers,
he'd say he was Danny Fentons, cousin, yeah that would work, Danny turned around and saw tucker was in no way dealing with this as well as he was crouched on the floor, shaking and holding himself, " tucker are you alright?' Danny asked his friend and noticed both their voices were more soft and higher-pitched, tucker was saying something but he could barely make out what it was, Danny reached about to shake him, but tucker smacked his hand away "don... Don't touch me"
it sounded like tucker was having trouble getting the words out, Danny thought of a different approach, Danny grabbed his bag and emptied out his paper lunch bag into his backpack so the bag would be usable and handed it to tucker. Danny started talking slowly and calmly "here, take deep breaths into this, in and out, we will figure this out, all we have to do is Survive one day and I'll hunt down the ghost who did this to us and make her change us back, for now, though we need to find Sam, we need to get a change of clothes, so we don't appear suspicious, she's in class right now but i can get her attention pretty easy, for now, go hide in the girls bathroom stall", tucker raised his eyebrows perplexed "won't the girls notice us?" Danny just stared at tucker.
"Right, I'll just head off to ladies room now" and with that tucker wandered off, Danny quietly, whispered to himself "I'm going ghost" turned himself invisible and incorporeal then headed to find Sam, she was pretty easy to find he knew she had English class around this time, he made himself sink into the floor until just his head was showing and floated over to the classroom, he was right Sam was currently listening to Lancer read about hamlet to the class, he got next to Sam "Sam, its Danny, me and tucker need your help".
Sam looked up from her textbook," Danny? What's wrong with your voice? it sounds weird.,'' Sam asked. " no time to explain just head to the girl's bathroom and we will explain from there". Sam put down her book and raised her hand, "Mr.Lancer can i go to the lady's restroom?", lancer glanced up from his book and said in an annoyed tone "can't you hold it? we are about to get to the best part". Sam shook her head, "I actually need to take care of some lady things if you get my drift".
Lancers faced turn bright red, "oh.. Uh go ahead then, just be quick about it." Sam grabbed her backpack and walked out to the girls restroom, when she got there she saw Danny and tucker, covering their chest, and with a lot of hair they didn't have when she saw them that morning. "ok, explain, why do you have long hair? and why are you covering your chest? And why are you both in the girl's room?." Sam asked.
Danny slowly uncovered his chest. "Oh, ok that explains the past few minutes, I've got some measuring tools here, your lucky my mom makes me do seamstress Lessons when at my home, anyway I'm not about to allow my friends to go around the school without a bra and a proper outfit, ok Danny first, I can tell by looking he's probably bigger than me, so I'll need to have his size for later in case we can't fix this in a day".
Sam grabbed Danny's arm and yanked him into the stall. "Thanks for doing this Sam," Danny said in a grateful tone "you're a lifesaver i don't think we'd survive without you". Sam then smiled " you totally wouldn't, now lift your arms for me" Sam then began her measurements and before no time she was finished "ok Danny you are now a 36 C, I don't carry anything that big with me, but I can probably make a makeshift cupless bra really quick but I will have to go shopping for you, to get you something properly fitting, also not gonna lie it's probably not gonna be very comfortable, anyway, luckily, she left the other part of your figure alone, you can borrow a skirt and a tank from me, also I'm guessing you can't go home in this state so feel crash with me as well".
Sam began to ramble on a bit, but Danny appreciated the gesture, he stepped out of the stall, wearing one of Sam's mini skirt and tank tops. " ok tucker, it's your turn". It took less time for the measurements to be done, and they were out of the stall, tucker was also in the same styling as Sam, but it looked better on tucker then Danny, at least Danny thought so, "he's the same size as me, so shopping for him won't be necessary, so I just gave him a few of my extra pairs" Sam explained, tucker stepped out the stall looking miserable, as if someone had just kicked his puppy.
"uh Sam, why do you have extra pairs of bras?" Danny asked. "you're not always around Danny, other teenage girls can be really mean sometimes, one gets stolen every other week, and no one speaks up about it either." Sam said a bit timidly. "Why don't you tell someone, about it?" Danny asked. "And then what i get labeled as a snitch, and even if I did it wouldn't help, it would just make it worse, anyways sit down the both of you and let me do your makeup, I don't want you getting teased like me".
Tucker glared at Sam " no way, I'm not wearing makeup that's where I draw the line, the clothes are necessary but makeup is an aesthetic choice". Tucker protested angrily. "It's ok tucker, you don't have to wear any" Sam said calmly. Danny opened the stall he was previously in closed the lid and sat down "well, I don't actually mind wearing it, Sam you can do mine, can I ask you something Sam?"
"Sure". Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously " you've never given a crap whatever's thought of you, never backed down from a fight, it's like you have this impenetrable shell about you, so why are you being so open now? is it because we're both girls now?".
"Im being open because we are both in very vulnerable circumstances right now, and just because you have breast now doesn't automatically make you a girl, there are people out there who have them that are still guys, you know what you are, not me, not society and not some ghost" Danny then breathed a sigh of relief hearing Sam say that.
Sam then grabbed her makeup tools out of her bag, she first grabbed a tube of mascara, “ok, this going to feel weird for someone who hasn't had their makeup done before, ok look directly at me and look down for me” she gently placed her thumb on the center of Danny's eyelid. She then lifted the eyelid to expose his eyelashes, she then started applied the mascara. “Ok, that does feel weird, but in a good way” Danny commented about halfway through, “shush, this takes some concentration and i don't want to mess up”.
Sam finished, the mascara and then took out a color pallet of eye shadow, “normally id just give you purple or black, but I'm sensing the goth look isn't for you, so I'm allowing you to pick a color”, Danny shrugged “as long as it's a light purple, i think i would be fine with that.'' Sam opened up her color pallet and gently rubbed the eye-shadow on Danny’s eyelids.
“ok, one last thing, some lipstick, I've got some normal light pink with me today, ok pucker your lips for me as if you ate something sour” Danny did as he was told, after that his makeup was complete, Danny was about to reach for the door, when Sam stopped him, “Danny, can i ask you a question? I get why tucker is freaking out, having your gender changed against your will is a big deal, and is probably really traumatizing, but why aren't you freaking out?”
Danny just shrugged, “....i don't know, i mean weird stuff kinda happens to me all the time, i guess i'm just kind of used to it.” he said a bit uncertainly, sam raised an eyebrow at this and let it go, she figured Danny would open up in his own time, then the bell rang,
Lancer was standing outside the door, “no, arguments, Detention!”, he yelled. Danny didn't want his friend in trouble, “she was helping me out, with some things” Danny tried to explain “well since you were the reason for her being gone so long and missing the rest of class, its detention for you to young woman” Danny started to protest “im...not” Sam quickly jumped behind Lancer and made a cut it out motion with her hands, “not what” Lancer glared at him, daring him to challenge his authority
Danny sighed a “never mind” Lancer straightened up his back “that's what I thought, I'll see you after school… Miss..miss, you know I never did get your name?” Danny had thought one up earlier for this exact situation “its Danielle, Danielle Fenton, I'm a cousin of Danny's”
just then tucker strolled out of the bathroom, “ah, another student out in the hall during class” tucker quickly reached for something in his pocket, only to discover, there were no pockets.
“It’s, actually my study hall,” tucker said quickly. “Fine” lancer said unhappily, “get to the appropriate study hall area before I change my mind about giving you detention as well, now you two where are your next classes so I can escort you there?” “I'm heading over to the study hall area, there is really no need to escort me there, since there’s no teacher there” Danny explained.
“I'm heading to home economics” Danny looked perplexed by this, “my mom's making me take it”, that explained a lot Danny thought, and then he headed off to the study hall.
notes: danny doesnt figure out stuff till later, thats why there is still he/him pronouns in this chapter, pronouns will change later.
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i jacked this from @cardinalrot. thank you dad. tagging: @gothsic ; @blossomingbeelzebug ; @betelguide ; @thatcertainnight ; @prophesyed ; you, specifically, reading this.
FULL NAME. [ redacted ] * NICKNAME. ziggy GENDER. agender (he/him or they/them) / typically presents as a “man” for simplicity’s sake and also because he doesn’t care enough to think about it for more than 4 seconds HEIGHT. 5′10″ AGE. 26 (earth years) ZODIAC. ??? (he wasn’t born under our stars ... so .......) SPOKEN LANGUAGES. any/all (he doesn’t really know them, though, he uses an internal translator)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
HAIR COLOR. bright red, seemingly unnatural -- but it’s natural EYE COLOR. left pale blue, right black SKIN TONE. very, very, very pale BODY TYPE. skinny. very skinny/slender/svelte. willowy and tall and bony. good for looking waifish on magazine covers but bad for lifting even vaguely heavy objects. VOICE. posh, nasally, low, the slightest bit condescending. speaks with an english accent despite not being english, let alone human. drawls his vowels and enunciates his letters. his voice is strangely clear and bright when he sings, unlike his somewhat unpleasant speaking tone, and he tends to sing in higher pitches than his speaking voice. DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous -- but he can only play the guitar left handed POSTURE. very straight and proper, holds his head high and his shoulders square. uncertain if it’s height alone or if he really is looking down upon you. SCARS. small incision in the back of his neck where the translator was placed. barely there and usually covered by a collar or his hair, anyways. TATTOOS. none BIRTHMARKS. a large yellow disc on his forehead, rimmed with a slightly darker yellow/bronze with the slightest hint of a chromatic shift affect due to reflecting/light catching pigment in skin cells. this isn’t unique to him, however, as every member of his race has it. has the tiniest hint of a freckle above his lip, on the left side, and he hates it and wishes he could nuke it off his face. both of these are usually covered, anyways. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). the circular mark, his unusual eyes, his sharp features, his bright hair. everything about him is weird and outlandish and strange, but it helps him maintain a striking, marketable image.
PLACE OF BIRTH. far away. HOMETOWN. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away. SIBLINGS. [ grabs the steering wheel and veers straight into worldbuilding headcanon territory ] the society he comes from is no longer sexually dimorphic and typically doesn’t reproduce the natural way. having evolved far beyond such icky things, they use genetic samples from large swaths of the population to make consistent batches of new individuals -- the genetic samples are screened for defects and aberrations and sort of tossed together into a genome salad, and out comes however many individuals they need to fill in gaps in the population. there’s a lot of consistency in his species due to this: everyone has reddish hair, everyone has heterochromia, everyone is about the same height, etc. so technically, he’s related to everyone in his “batch.” PARENTS. he wouldn’t ever know -- a lot of people, probably
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
OCCUPATION. rockstar -- cultural icon -- celebrity -- musician -- singer -- model -- jerk CURRENT RESIDENCE. london, LA, NYC, but he’s constantly moving and tours quite often CLOSE FRIENDS. few and far in between -- he’s friends with his drummer who is named priscilla but usually goes by the stage name WEIRD, as well as siddharth, his bassist, who goes by sid in his personal life but GILLY on stage. they were the first two humans to encounter him and taught him everything he knows, from how to tie his shoes (aliens wear boots, and you should know this) to the C major scale -- because they are among the few humans who know his secret, he views them as his closest and dearest friends. his stardom isolates him from them, just a little -- he likes the spotlight but they don’t mind just being “the drummer” and “the bassist.” they don’t quite have the star power that he does. his manager -- tama ahinariki, some guy from new zealand who seemed to bumble his way into becoming in charge of one of the most successful musicians of the decade -- also knows he’s an alien, but they tend to be more business partners than close friends. tama is more interested in the money side of things whereas priscilla and sid are only interested in the music. ziggy has stock in the music, money, and his personal brand.
via rp, he’s made some friends with other characters! a few. very few. RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single -- he intends to stay that way. he gets all the action he could ever need from his legion of devoted fans and groupies. even in situations where he’s romantically involved and emotionally invested, he would never consider himself exclusive or monogamous. a lot of tabloids make rumors that he’s involved with cardinal copia, fellow rock icon, but he tends to be sneaky at hiding any time they spent together. it’s hard to keep things private when you’re both massively popular public figures, though. he goes out of his way to be sure no one knows about his predilection for spending time with thomas, because the last thing an awkward alien in disguise needs is a lot of public attention because people think you’re dating a celebrity (who they don’t know is also an alien). he hangs around annie a lot, too, but this is extra extra under wraps, because annie has a stalker named jonathan who may or may not go apeshit and try to tear his head off or something if he finds out. FINANCIAL STATUS. filthy rich. should be guillotined. DRIVER’S LICENSE. doesn’t have one. he has some paperwork, somewhere, with a “real” name and all that, but he has no idea where it is and lets his manager deal with that stuff. CRIMINAL RECORD. none ! clean slate. that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do illegal things, though. he just doesn’t get caught. VICES. smoking, drinking, la cocaina, sex, impulsive spendng, rockstar stuff.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch | top | bottom | verse. this doesn’t really come up in rp because i dont write nsfw. the way i view it is that he’s lazy and would rather you take care of him than the other way around LIBIDO. pretty high, but it’s difficult for him to have as much sex as he might prefer because, uh, he has, uh, alien..............parts...........and stuff ..... like ....... some parts down there look different ....... so he’s stuck having sex with usually in the dark, under sheets, and he has to zip his pants up really quick afterwards. maybe it’s a little bit hilarious and i just think it’s funny idk LOVE LANGUAGE. selflessness (which is big, for him, king of all douchebags and lord selfish dickhead the third), rambling to you about his day, physical affection, gifts, letting you see him without make up, opening up to you about his life before earth. he might play you music, sing to you or write you songs if he’s feeling particularly sappy. this is stuff reserved for people that he finds himself incredibly romantically/emotionally attached to, though, not the people he has one night stands with. and he almost never forms any sort of lasting attachment to the people he sleeps with casually. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. he tends to fall for people who challenge him in some way, who aren’t easily beguiled by his status and physical looks, but who aren’t outright mean to him. that being said, he is very vain, and he loves being showered in compliments, praise or attention. he matches well with people who can put up with his antics and moodiness and odd behavior. he likes the idea of being someone’s muse or someone’s idol, so he finds himself drawn to other creative types. he has the most intimate/special connections with other nonhuman beings, especially other aliens, cuz he feels like they Get him and he wouldn’t be really giving himself in his fullest form if he had to still play pretend that he was a human being. for whatever reason he goes apeshit for goth guys/dudes with black hair who wear a lot of black. he really doesn’t like people who are too much like him, because HE’S HIM, and you’re YOU, and he really wants it to stay that way. GET OUT OF MY DRESSING ROOM
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. there’s a whole album about him .......... theres a song called “ziggy stardust” ....... HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. singing, music, writing -- he lives for that shid. he likes art in all forms, so he reads, watches movies, looks at paintings -- he has a lot of human culture to catch up on, and he loves all of it, from any time period and any culture. he also likes buying things, shopping, looking nice, gossip. he tends to be a party animal (party alien?) and often indulges in more hedonistic fun. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. his brain is not structured like a human brain. also, head empty. no thoughts. FEARS. being perceived as ugly or untalented, being outed as an alien, being rejected for being an alien, becoming a nobody, losing his social status, becoming a conformist, becoming “outdated” or “uncool” SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. somehow sky high and on the floor at the same time. he usually thinks he can do anything and he’s pretty perfect, but that may just be from a solid few years of repeating that to himself and empty praise given by people who are just crazy obsessed with him -- he built his confidence level on a very shaky foundation, so it’s easy to start making him doubt himself and panic if you know what to criticize him on VULNERABILITIES. a lot of things, and im sick of typing
* pay me 100000 USD to unlock my LEVEL 20 ZIGGY STARDUST LORE pack now with NAMING/TITLE INFORMATION, HOME PLANET CLIMATE/WEATHER PATTERNS and PAST OCCUPATION/EDUCATION information. includes a piece of gum i found on the floor.
#ooc#meme#I'm so close 2 being done with finals just like one more week i turn in terrible project after terrible project#i am typing this as i wait for a group member to send me the first five pages of our cumulative 10 page essay. i hate him. i hate him.#why is he taking so long. i need to write this thing.#but after that i will go back to what i need to do ...#i run this account like a shitty ship careening into rocks#but i will go down with it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#KEEP YOUR 'LECTRIC EYE ON ME ; queue
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fake it till you make it
another random one shot//modern au. im also taking any fic requests or prompts so send em my way!! also any comments u have on my writing and ill love u forever :)
after a long (long, long) adjustment period, the queens are finally feeling like their lives in the modern world are beginning. the show has taken off, they’ve learned how to use modern technology, and they’ve begun to make peace with their pasts. well, mostly.
they all have their coping mechanisms. Aragon has been going almost daily to church, cleves has been volunteering at a local animal shelter, paper has been writing like crazy and Kat? well, Kat has Jane. Anne’s go-to when she’s feeling out of place to go clubbing. the loud music, the drinks, the people all make her forget her thoughts. thoughts of the sheer terror she felt as she struggled with the guards as they dragged her out of the palace, the way that she felt as she kneeled in front of the crowd, the instant of blinding pain she felt before it all went dark.
parr noticed that Anne was going out more and more, hardly even inviting the other women before she hurried out the door. she always came home late but parr was usually the last one up in the house. which meant that she saw the state that Anne was often in; stumbling around, sometimes even throwing up, falling into bed with her clothes and makeup on. parr helped out when she noticed her getting really bad, but Anne never remembered in the morning.
it got to the point that parr didn’t know what to do. Anne had resorted to sneaking around, waiting till the other queens had fallen asleep before going out, coming home at sunrise completely wasted. it was affecting her performance in the show; grace, one of the extras had even asked if Anne was okay because she kept bowing out at the last minute. parr didn’t want to scare Anne away, and she knew that Jane could calm down Kat when she was having a panic attack. although she felt a little guilty for telling Jane, the final straw came when Anne threw up on one of Parr’s notebooks, spoiling her work.
that evening, when Jane was brewing her nightly cup of tea, parr cornered her in the kitchen. Jane looked curiously at Catherine as she tried to figure out where to begin. she said “i-I was just wondering if you’ve noticed anything off about Anne lately.” she paused and took a breathe, and Jane replied “I don’t know...not really. she has missed a few shows lately, but I think she might just be coming down with something. she’s been looking kinda tired lately”. parr continued “that's just it-shes been tired because she's been going out drinking every. single. night”. Jane was taken aback. “I see her stumble in while the rest of you are asleep, blackout drunk every time. I don’t know what to do anymore” she crumbled for a second, leaning into Jane for support. “I'm just so worried. I try to help, but I didn’t want to expose her to everyone else. we’re all going through it in our own ways, but I’m getting scared for her”. Jane rubbed her back soothingly, at a loss for words. how could her Anne, her second daughter, be doing all this without her noticing? Parr, almost reading her thoughts, said “this isn’t your fault, she can be really sneaky when she wants. I just want the old Anne back”. the pair was at a loss for words. finally, Jane said “do you think we could just...talk to her?” Shaking her head, Parr replied “I just don’t want to upset her. she can be so stubborn sometimes and I’m scared that if she thinks we’re being too nosy, she’ll shut us out”. Jane said “Kat was like this, in the beginning. the closer I got, the more she pushed me away, until she realized that I wasn’t going anywhere. I think if we’re gentle, Anne might actually open up to us”. Parr sighed, and gave the blonde a hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you”. Jane replied “don't worry, you’ll never have to find out”.
the next day, when the other queens were doing their nightly bedtime routines, parr noticed Anne hiding in her room. as Cleves and Aragon vied for room in the bathroom, parr could tell that Anne was getting ready, waiting for the rest of the queens to go to their rooms before she went out. this time, parr would be ready.
sure enough, 20 minutes later parr heard the faint clicking of stilettos on the wooden floors, and she swiftly followed. Jane right on her heels, the two of them managed to catch Anne before she left the apartment building. when parr grabbed her arm, Anne jumped a solid foot in the air. turning a deep red, she pulled away and ran out into the night. chasing quickly in their slippers, parr and Jane caught up to her and dragged her to a nearby bench. parr began “Anne, you need to tell us right now-” Jane caught her eye and shook her head. “what she means, love, is that we want to know what's been going on with you lately. why are you sneaking out? what's wrong?” Anne started “I-” then burst into tears. Jane instinctively swooped her up, pulling anne into a tight hug. parr didn't know what to do as anne started to shake, so she grabbed her hand. it took almost ten minutes before anne could catch her breathe. as she calmed down, it struck parr how young, how vulnerable anne looked. they always saw her as sassy, confident, and sometimes even a little bitchy, but there was another side to her that parr and Jane were seeing for the first time. as Jane and anne broke apart, she finally began “well... its just been... difficult since we’ve gotten back. I'm so grateful to be here with all of you but I just miss Elizabeth so much and sometimes I get scared that someones going to take me away again and then my neck starts to itch and-” ”Anne” Jane broke in gently. “breathe”. anne took a gulp of air, and parr grasped her hand again. the girl continued “I just get so scared sometimes and i...I can't breathe. I just need to get out, and so I go out and get a drink. or two. I know that I may have been overdoing it lately but really, I've got it under control. you don’t have to worry about me”. she sniffled again, and Jane’s heart broke. “love, you know that I'm always here for you. just like when kitty has her panic attacks” “- but that's just it” interrupted anne. “you’re always with kitty. and I know that she needs you, and I would never want to take you away. that's why I go out alone” she finishes sadly. parr takes both of Anne’s hands and draws them closer. “that's what you have me for”. “you're always in your room working, I would never take you away from that “ anne scoffs. parr says more firmly “anne. nothing is more important than you. nothing.” the trio is silent for a beat. a final tear escapes Anne’s eye as she wraps her arms around parr and Jane. they stay like that for a long while, until they hear shouts in the distance. Jane can just make out kitty’s voice frantically yelling “mom?!! mom?!! where are you???” they realize that while one queen missing might escape notice, half of the group will not. quickly wiping her eyes, anne grabs hold of parr’s hand as they go to meet the others. Jane explains away the adventure, claiming that Boleyn wanted some ice cream. as the six of them walk home, arm in arm, no one seems to notice that although five of them are wearing pajamas, one is in space buns and a corp top.
#six#six the musical#anne boleyn#Catherine parr#Jane seymour#Katherine howard#Anna of cleves#Catherine of aragon#six fanfic#six fanfiction#six imagine#six the musical fanfic#six the musical fanfiction
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My 15x06 Opinion
Golden Time
This was a really good episode despite my disapproval of the end. I can be objective :)
We have a very fun start with Dean moping adorably around in his hotdog PJs binging on cereal and Scooby-doo. And be still my beating heart, Sam going for a run! There’s nothing unsexy about sweaty, messy-haired, athletic Sam in sweats!! But oh wait... ghost Eileen appears. She’s stuck as a ghost, having escaped Hell when the gates opened. Strangely enough, the Winchesters are stuck on the word of a demon that people cant enter Heaven if they have ever been to Hell. I gotta say, I'm kinda disappointed that the boys just take his word for it, is that just me?
Meanwhile, we have Cass on his own. On a mission to find a missing kid. I have to give it to Cass, he was pretty interesting this week, and I loved his look of complete done-ness when Dean was barking at him on the phone. I also gotta love Dean for his “Don’t you dare ignore my brother” attitude!
In other news, another local witch tried to get into Rowena’s stash and got dead in the process. Sam is going to Rowena’s apartment to find a spell and a crystal to put Eileen in to keep her fro going back to Hell or going insane as a ghost. When he gets there, he finds the body, the apt in disarray and nothing of good witchy value in the immediate area. Eileen finds a secret room where all Rowena’s goodies are and Sam goes in. This was a nice moment Sam had of remembering her. Might I say, he took her death much harder than he’s taken others deaths aside from Dad’s and Dean’s many. I dont even think he looked this shaken by his Mom’s death, but much has to do with him killing her Im sure.
Upon leaving, Sa buckles in pain, spitting blood, of course he has been hexed. Now I think it’s so cute that even though he knows very little sign language, he knows how to sign “My brother” to tell Eileen to go get him. Sam, of course, is thusly abducted.
After Sam’s obligatory “tied up and mildly tortured” scene, he takes a young witch with him to get a resurrection spell from Row’s apt. The witch states her now-dead sister made her life hell. Sam trie to relate by saying Dean put Super Glue in his toothpaste when he was 10, which was instantly trumped by real horrors the young witch endured. Thats right Sam, Dean isnt such a bad brother...but you know that ;)
Sam tries to convince the girl to run start a new life, be happy, and she accuses him of lying and a big fight scene starts. Dean arrives in time to save Sam, Eileen saves Dean, then Sam saves Eileen. TADAAAH!!
Now we have the scene that screams “Sam and Eileen are gonna bang!” to me. They couldnt leave Eileen as their host friend that is the inspiration they need to try to fix Heaven or make a new one or whatever, no, lets bring her back to life because I guess we need to get Sam laid before whatever fate befalls him at the end of the series, go out with a BANG as they say 😣
We have a spell to bring Eileen back, because obviously, bringing people back to life has always worked out so well for the Winchesters, they should definitely do it again!!! And this spell requires Sam to draw a nice deep soaking bath, in a modern tub that the boys must have installed themselves because it doesnt fit the MOL time period motif they've always had, sprinkle in some herbs (probably rose petals too why tf not) speak some extra sexy Latin, and have Sam modestly turn around because he’s a gentleman, and found the only resurrection spell to date that brings ‘em back naked. Candlelight, soft music, Sam’s ample bosom heaving breathlessly in anticipation for the spell to work. Of course it does, theres a twinkle in Sam’s eyes as he hears the water splash... “Sam?” He hears and takes as the OK to turn around. It worked!! His 4 yr crush-when-convenient is back to life because again, this has always worked out so good.
She holds out her hand for Sam to take it... this is so y’all know she initiated the sex they have/had later that we’ll either get to see the cuddle in bed, or get a verbal acknowledgment of. I may literally puke if we actually get a sex scene. Sorry, it was fine back when the bros barely liked each other, but theyve been more or less married for years now and it just seems wrong. Oh dont worry, if Sam gets laid, Dean will too. Though Sam did put Eileen to bed without sex because she needs sleep, we need to know this because it wont seem as creepy if we know he at least let some time pass and didnt take advantage of possible vulnerability.
I hope I can come back next episode or so and be very glad I was wrong, because I know a lot of you dont think they’ll bang, but I say theres no reason whatsoever for a scene like that other than to prep us for romance and not leave any of you saying “Wait! Where did that come from?? They only think of each other as friends!”
I hope its short lived, not that I want Eileen to die... again... but lets just have her go off hunting on her own because if she is Sam’s end game (which I dont think she is) I will unwatch the entire series and never let it on my screen again 😑
Honorable mention to Cass, congrats on solving your first case by yourself and I actually really dug you losing your shit on the Djinn!!
So aside from my personal disapproval, on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon Ill say this was another very good one. Ill give it a 7, deducting a full point for giving me agita.
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why bighit is trash
or, alternatively, a list of things that bighit, an entertainment company/music label, should start doing and stop acting like a small company.
im puting everything under a read more bcos its a lot, for one, and im also sure that not everyone wants to read it or cares lmao
a little disclaimer; i speculate and connect things based off of the things we are shown/told, i will spoil some parts of their recent movie AND its not bighit-positive, obviously

okay to start this off, bighit released an official statement to say that bts will be going “on an official and extended period of rest and relaxation” and that’s honestly one of the best things that bighit has done for bts.
the statement is linked, but since i will be referring to a fair few points on it i will also attach it here

the issues start with the opening sentence.
“for the first time since their debut” bts will be going on an official and extended period of rest. to rephrase, for the first time in 6 years, the 7 men of bts will not be surrounded by cameras, will not be expected to attend any rehearsals or interviews and will not be expected to produce or write lyrics. they will not have any responsibilities tied to their work. or, that is what we all had assumed, but as we now know the members were expected to film content on what they do during their break and, if jungkooks video is anything to go by, they were also expected to edit and send it in to the company for “review”.
judging by the release/filming of Hoseok & Becky G’s CNS, it seems like their “break” does not include solo activities. or does bighit consider the building of ones own reputation as an individual artist an “extra” and not a part of ones work?
“enjoy the ordinary lives of people in their 20s, albeit briefly”
this just hurts. it was bighits responsibility to make sure that they got more chances to enjoy their lives.
the good
bighit reminding uglies to stay the fuck away from them during their short break.

okay, the statement aside, i want to talk about a few other bighit-bts related things.
bighit staff and sasaengs
- stalkers appearing in hoseoks bday vlive (no its not staff, the girls’ accounts were found on instagram. they were quite pleased with themselves) were was the security ? how did the girls know which room the boys were in ? doesn’t bighit rent out the entire hotel floor ? does that mean they were allowed in ? why ? did they pay ? do their parents have connections bighit could use ?
- giving away members clothes, providing concert entrance, giving away members numbers ect
the thing that occurred during hoseoks vlive was not looked into, as far as i am aware, however Jimin’s Gucci concert shirt being 'lent’ to a stalker was.
However, minimum to little effort was put into the case because no staff was fired, no disciplinary measures were taken and no consequences occurred.
- during either DNA or Fake Love comeback stages on music shows, some armys were not permitted entrance and some privileged people were taken backstage to meet the members (which is NOT allowed, at any point. those are PRIVATE areas for the idols to rest and prep for the stage) source 1 & more if you look around.
- not firing a manager that hit jungkook source (some speculate he was fired, others speculate he was removed from being a manager and took another position within bighit.)
- bighit restricting any and all interactions with the members among staff. according to one of the backup dancers during Not Today and/or Singularity, bighit staff was very strict about NOT speaking with the members.
take the last point as you will. I have my own thoughts about it
- no subs on army kit content, no subs for bangtan bombs (other channels have them. bighit claims themselves to be a global company but doesn’t move as such). its all well and good to say “you’re stanning a korean company, learn korean!” and this may work for bangtan bombs, but what about army kit content? why isn’t that subtitled? or should that be dismissed with “you don’t have to buy it”?
the good
- giving bts a private jet and not making them go through public entrances and exits. thank u bighit

the movie
this will contain spoilers.
- big hit staff filmed the members during their vulnerable moments.
jungkook nearly passing out, filmed and slotted into the movie. the members crying and clearly feeling emotionally vulnerable ? recorded and snipped into the movie. this would’ve been fine if the members were fine with it, but jungkook was clearly trying to hide his face from the camera and jimin expressed not wanting to show himself in bad conditions.
- treatment of bighit staff
we all know that jungkook had to sit out during some stages during the love-yourself tour. what we didn’t know was that he got stitches without any medication that would ease his pain because he had to go on stage.
jungkook hurt himself so badly that he needed stitches, but was not allowed anything to subdue the pain while getting the stitches because it would not make him stage-ready. the staff members watched as he screamed while getting stitches.
now, i don’t really care whether it was jungkook’s decision or not. nobody in their right mind would let someone they care about go through with something like that. there will be other stages, there will be other concerts. however, idk why i find this surprising since jungkook was hit by a staff member before and the only reason why he got fired was bcos it was spotted in the bg of a bangtan bomb and armys demanded for the man to be fired.
- secondly, jimin’s neck and dropping out of the graham norton show.
i cannot find the translation rn, but while deciding what to tell the fans with regards to what happened to jimin and why he isn’t able to perform with the rest, namjoon tries to opt for telling the truth in a gentle way while one of the staff members suggests a white lie as to not worry the fans.
this has also happened before with the korean vs english statement regarding jungkook’s heal injury. the korean explanation stated that it was serious, while the english one explained it more casually. i cannot find the sources currently, but if you look around yourself you can find them.

- keeping supreme boi employed
- forcing jimin and jin to sing in female key in fake love, despite both of them expressing their struggle with reaching such high notes.
- not providing a vocal coach while on tour (jimin had to ask jungkook for advice)
- vocal line still have not got their own studios despite expressing their want for it, yet txt members have their own studios already. source
- members having less and less influence over the groups music. even recently yoongi mentioned that the songs he makes don’t match with bts’ music/style anymore source
- bighit being immensely difficult to work with overseas (strict venue rules regarding staff, changing things last minute, not being time-efficient)
- leaving taehyung’s stage name out of promotional works/promo tweets
- not taking action against death threats made against taehyung
- forcing jimin to speak about his death threats during a live, global interview in korea
- not cleaning up the copyright matter over using michael jackson’s song “black or white” in the festa performance of jimin and jungkook - resulted in their performance being taken down
- no bangtan bomb behind jimin creating his song “promise”, while recently there have been videos released of jins, jungkooks and taehyung’s solos
- bighit shooting down collaborations and picking and chosing the artists that collab with bts, despite the members wanting and expressing interesting in collaborations with said artist (why did we get a chainsmokers collab before a tinashe one? a khalid one?)
- bighits deal with dispatch. dispatch is known for exposing scandals and relationships among idols, so the fact that they get an exclusive peak into the bangtan life is interesting and rather worrisome.
-however, one of the dirtiest moves that bighit pulled was during the break between DNA and Fake Love. as we know now, that time was very hard for the members. it was in that gap that the members spoke of disbanding, there were rumours/concerns about jungkook’s well being and fans also pointed out taehyung’s odd state.
during this time, instead of allowing the members time and space to decide everything, bighit had applied for the legal copyright regarding everything bts. the group name was copyrighted, as were the members stage names, fandom name among other things (there are articles on naver, if you’re interested).

i just want to stress that these are my thoughts and you are welcome to disagree and have your own opinions.
Although we know that the members have re-signed the contract with bighit for another 7 years, I do believe that their pens were pushed by bighit’s copyrighting run. the members had 2 choices; either bind yourself to another contract and stay with that which you have built for years, or drop everything and start anew. however, something tells me that bts didn’t sign the contract with no leverage.
namjoon had said previously that although the group started with 7 boys with the same goal, it now consists of 7 men on one boat, each with their eyes set on different horizons. i believe that with namjoon’s collaborations with more and more overseas artists (honne, fall out boy, lil nas x ect), he may have gotten himself more opportunities for solo work.
similar could be said about yoongi. the man is a musical genius and with his production of suran’s wine and heize’s we dont talk together, yoongi may also end up branching in that direction.
taehyung has expressed his interest in fashion and photography a lot over the past years. seokjin has not acted at all in his life, despite starting off to do just that. hoseok began to branch out with CNS but jimin and jungkook have seemingly little to no outside projects, either (though you could count wiom for jungkook)
the boys’ previous contract was, clearly, restricting and very demanding. i think that their new contract allows them a lot more freedom and room to establish a reputation as individuals. that isn’t to say, however, that bighit let the boys end bts as a whole and permitted them to go off and start solo careers.
from what is happening now and what has happened in the past, I do not believe that bighit would let bts disband, you can decide if that is for better or for worse. however, the only way to keep bts together and satisfied, is to give room for the members to do that what they want. i think that we may start to see some more solo projects from the members, and a lot more control and influence from the outside over bts’ music, concepts and management. ever since LY: Tear had been released, i find myself thinking that their next release will be the last one before a mass hiatus due to enlisting. this time, however, i feel like it may be their final release and concert tour before the group steps back for a while. bighit debuted a new group and is pumping a lot of money into it. they had also recently obtained an entire new company that not only has a lot of trainees of its own, but also manages Gfriend - an already debuted and established group. bighit is no longer the little underground company that relied on 7 boys to bring it out of its debts. however, it will not let its biggest source of income fall away because, at the end of the day, bighit is a company. the most likely scenario, to me, is that once seokjin and/or others enlist, bts as ot7 will go on a break, but bighit will still get to cash in through the boys’ solo work. so, we may see sneak peaks of their solo careers here and there, but bts will remain active as 7 until it can’t no more.
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commercial property insurance quote form
"commercial property insurance quote form
commercial property insurance quote form
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
How much would car insurance be for a 2002 Jaguar X-Type compared to one for a 2002 Lexus ES300?
I know the Jaguar would be more expensive but by how much?
600cc sports bike good for a beginner? gsxr600 or zx6r?
ive never ridin a motorrcycle before and im looking at getting a gsx-r600 or zx6r. Im taking the safety course which is 10 hours of riding and 5 of classes which i realize isnt a lot. I drive stick shift cars so i get the point of shifting the bike. Ive ridin a dirtbike once and quads once but i seem to be a natural on anything with a motor so im not nervous at all about getting a racing bike starting. A lot of people say a 600 is to big for a first bike but i know people that have them and say they arent that bad as long as you dont drive it like an asshole. I plan on really taking it veryyyyy easy the first summer out and not pushing anything untill i feel extremly comfortable with it. My question is should i get this for a first bike? Im not getting a 250 dont even bother with that. Ive seen the 650's which are more begginer friendly but i just feel ill outgrow that within the first year and ill lose my money by selling it and buying a 600 instead of getting the 600 in the first place
How much more will my parents have to pay if I were to be added on their Insurance policy?
I am 19 and just got my G2. I want to take out the family car out on the weekends. How much more will the price go up by for my name to be included in their insurance account? And would I be able to drive without my name under their insurance account legally? I live in Toronto, Ontario.""
Dose Insurance Pay For Contact Lenses?
I Want Contact Lenses , Will My Insurance Pay For Them?""
Is there a CHEAP car that fits my needs?
Hey, Im a soon to be 19 year old, looking for my first car, I iwll be getting my licenses next month and was wondering is there like a cheap big body cars out there sorta like the ...show more""
""How much is liability insurance for a Home Health Aide Agency located in Miami, Fl?""
I am looking to open a home health care agency in Miami, Fl and I am trying to figure out how much money I'll need to start. I heard the most expensive cost for starting will be insurance. About how much will that be?""
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
Car Insurance for Corsa...?
Hi, I'm 23, working full time and looking for fully comp insurance for a '59 plate Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V. The cheapest I have found is over 300 with Swiftcover. There must be cheaper out there, any suggestions? Thanks""
When will the U.S. government stop the gender discrimination on Car insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that from December 2012, insurers will be prevented from charging different premiums on the basis of an insured person's gender. When will america pass a similar law. Not everyone is the same. Girl drivers are the worst, how on earth could their insurance be lower than ours when half the time they are in the car they are laughing so hard into their cellphone that they can't see anything but the roof of their cars. Mix a bunch of girls in one car and it gets even worse. And don't try to say it's because of statistics, obviously since there are more male drivers than female drivers there are going to be more crashes and etc.""
CA Borders books pregnancy insurance?
I'm working at a Borders in CA and i'm part time. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to go about getting insurance. My training manager said to look online for borders insurance but I'm not finding it. Is the part time insurance worth it for pregnancy costs? I'm having a midwife and want to figure out how to get that covered.
How much would my life insurance be?
If I get it as soon as I'm 18? I am also physically disabled, have epilepsy, visual cuts, and partially deaf. Would it be higher? Or lower since I'd be considered a vulnerable adult?""
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
Can you get insurance with just the chassis number for a new car/bike?
I'm trying to buy a new bike and in order to register it i need an insurance certificate. The trouble is all insurance companies i've tried getting quotes from online only do insurance with the registration number. Does anyone know of any that do it with the chassis number??
What is the cheapest online car insurance for an 18 yr old male?
My stepson needs to get some online insurance today............dont have alot of time to research. What would you say is the cheapest car insurance available on line........monthly payments?
How much more will my parents have to pay if I were to be added on their Insurance policy?
I am 19 and just got my G2. I want to take out the family car out on the weekends. How much more will the price go up by for my name to be included in their insurance account? And would I be able to drive without my name under their insurance account legally? I live in Toronto, Ontario.""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest I can do for Auto Insurance? I lapsed a few times with my first Insurance, and had to switch cuz it was too much to renew. Then I qot a speedin ticket, 18 over limit (the speedin was unintintional), but its all paid for, and Im usinq Cuise Control reliqiously from now on. And I very cautious as far as wrecks qo.. Anyone have any suqqestions where my best bets would be? I need somewhere under or at $200 at most, per month. And yes Im aware of other details about the car itself is required, but as far as what I just presented, whats my best chances? (KY Farm Bureau, State Farm, qeico, and Allstate are out, Ive tried them)""
How much does Alstate raise your insurance for a new teen driver?
I'm 17 and ill be put on my parents insurance,How much extra will it coast a month? I took drivers Ed which lowers it too. I have an 06 ford explorer if that matters.""
Motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old?
Im 19 I have taken the Motorcycle safety course. I want to insure the bike myself. Just wondering around what the cost will be around for a 600cc sport bike. Probably a older one 05-07 Anyone with a idea would be helpful
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
General concepts of health insurance?
What are the general concepts of health insurance? What arevarious types of private health insurance options? Difference between them?
Can a 16year old drive an 18years old car if the 18year old is on the parents insurance with statefarm?
The 16 year old will be on the parents insurance as well
350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question?
I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)""
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
""In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
In arizona state, can you get health insurance for your outstanding other if you are not married?""
I let my car insurance lapse....will i get in trouble?
my car insurance is lapsed right now. i know when you sign up for insurance they always ask its been lapsed. when i say yes, which i ll tell the truth cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they do? will i be in trouble?""
commercial property insurance quote form
commercial property insurance quote form
Who has the best health insurance ?
I'm looking for health insurance that's really good and worth the money?
Car Insurance in CA with AZ vehicle?
Ok so I have a multi part question. My dad is about to get his car reposed. He lives in Phoenix AZ and obviously bought the car there. Its not under his name yet cause hes still paying for it. So he wants me to take over the payments and give me the car. I live in Los Angeles. So my question is, can I get insurance here in Cali even though its a AZ car and its still under the peoples name? If not, he can get insurance there. Also, isn't there a period of time an out of state car can be here being out off state still? What should I do? I don't want to get all sorts of fines or tickets. Thanks in advance""
I can't afford this forced health insurance by my college! help!?
My college is telling me that it is mandatory by law that as a full time student, that I have health insurance. I will be getting my own separate health insurance at the end of the month, but tell then i have to pay the full amount with the health insurance ($1,695) I can't afford that! is there anything i can do? they told me i can't request a deferral. i don't live on campus. I only paid $200 a month last year, (I had my own insurance) but I also received less in financial aid. all of this access payment is just for health insurance! is there ANYTHING i can do?""
Cheapest option I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I prt exchanged for a newer car I just?
I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I part exchanged for a newer car I just bought,but my Insurance company are asking me to pay about 40% more and requesting 40% ...show more""
How much is insurance likely to be on a 49cc scooter?
I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimate fir the following. A cheap scooter (only need it to get to work and back around 4 miles a day) Tax 12 months insurance (21 years old, 3 points on driving licence for speeding) Would i need any other type of licence or can i use my full uk driving licence for a 49cc? Thanks""
Car accident without insurance? Not at fault and no police report.?
This happened in California. I am an excluded driver on my dad's policy and do not have insurance myself. I was moving the car out of the garage to a parking spot in our complex. I came to a stop at a stop sign within the complex and was hit by another car who was reversing. The other driver admitted fault and I have an email where they essentially admit fault. Since I am an excluded driver and have no insurance, am I able to file a claim with their insurance company? If so, can their insurance deny the claim on the basis that I am an excluded driver and have no insurance?""
Can i insure my UK car with ROI insurance?
Hi, I am looking to insure my UK registered car with ROI insurance. I travel to and from Ireland but spend the majority of my time in Ireland. I would like to know which ROI insurance companies will insure my UK registered car and if the insurance would be valid for driving in the UK, if so, for how long ?""
Am I covered by my dad's liability insurance?
I just got my license, but my dad says I can't drive his car because I don't have insurance. The car itself has liability insurance under his name, but he says I would need liability insurance before I can drive any car, even if it's just once in awhile. That doesn't really make sense to me, to have car insurance even though I don't have my own car... Is he right? If I were to get in an accident in his car would it not be covered by his liability insurance? Thanks in advance.""
Will my insurance company find out? If so how?
I got into a fender bender the other day, it was my fault, I can either pay for the damages to the other car out of my pocket, or I can let him tell his insurance company about it and he has a $500 deductable, I do not have coalition insurance, only liability, so if he reports it to his insurance will I still have to pay his $500 deductable out of my pocket or will my liability insurance company have to pay the $500? Or will his insurance company pay the $500? If he reports it to HIS insurance company will MY insurance company find out about the accident?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm a 17 year old student that has been driving for a couple years and have never had any accidents/tickets... How much would insurance for a $2500 VW baja bug cost? Please tell me in a total amount for a year.... Thanks
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
Does AAA offer short term car insurance?
I just got my license but will be moving down to San Diego in a week to start college. My parents don't want to start me on a long term insurance plan as I won't be using their cars much so it's a waste of money. I was wondering if there is a short term insurance plan that is cheaper as it would be very convenient to drive this week instead of taking busses.
What does an insurance broker do?
I know it is something to do with insurance, but that's all I know. What schooling do you need for this job and what is the general pay? What does a typical day usually look like for a broker? Do they work for a company or on their own?""
""Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Non-owners SR-22 insurance?
I know it varies vastly by region and situation, but I need to get non-owners SR-22 insurance (I don't own a car, but I do need to drive occasionally). I thought I had read somewhere that it's not too expensive, but I can't seem to find any sort of information on it. If it helps, I'm in Wisconsin. I can provide more info if people need it to help. (I'm not looking for a specific quote, just what sort of range I should expect and how much of a dent this'll make in my budget)""
Health Insurance - Early Retirees?
Does anyone buy their own health insurance? What is the rate usually for a 62 yr old individual plan? I have gotten 227/mo to as high as 969/mo. How to know if its a scam, too good to be true or a rip off? Thanks for helping. Is Aetna real? I rec'd calls from a broker underwriting with Aetna and worry that those prices of 227/mo were so affordable it must be a scam right? I would love to know what a normal price per month for health insurance is, with no employer involved, however earns too much to qualify for affordable coverage. This is NYS if that matters.""
California 50cc scooter laws?
a 50cc scooter the kind that you sit on and seats 2 goes about 40 mph does it need to be registered in ca and have insurance on it? do i need a motorcycle class license to drive it? or anything else i should know about driving it in california? riverside county.
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
Legal questions regarding my car insurance and getting my car painted?
My girlfriend recently put her car in the shop to get painted. Damage was done to the car and she had to put a $500 deductable to get the car painted and the insurance company paid $1500. she chose a shop to use and the check was made out to her and the shop was under her name on the check. The paint shop said she has to sign the check over for them to do the work. It has now been a month and they still have not completed any of the work. She keeps getting the run around with them. They are saying the have to bring the adjuster backout cause they found a dent they want to get fixed and then they found another dent. Basically we want the car out of there but how can we accomplish this and can we take legal action if needed, and what action can be done? Also on a side note we live in florida. As well she supposedly only has the check stub and no paperwork cause they never gave her any.""
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Insurance for a 17 year old male for a Peugeot 205?
I'm turning 17 soon and was wondering if it would be any good to get insurance on a Peugeot 205 or would I be better off getting the classic mini rover.
What are the cheapest cars to insure when 17-18 and just passed driving test?
WIll be passing my test soon and would like to know what car i could get to get me about without being through the roof expensive.
How to get cheap car insurance?
its for my brother, hes 17 and needs car insurance hes looking at a corsa. we have tried to do it all the known cheapest ways such as a group policy and with my mums no claims etc anyone any suggestions, please help! :)""
I am 18 years old. I want to improve my credit score by buying a vehicle. INSURANCE PROBLEMS!!!!!?
I know ican get approved for a vehicle but insurance for a teenage male is un-godly cheapest is 650 a month, is it possible to buy a vehicle in my name, but have insurance over it under my fathers insurance policy?""
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
commercial property insurance quote form
commercial property insurance quote form
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
What is the cheapest car insurance ? ( Company )?
Serious answers please . Thank you
Will my insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got pulled over doing 48 in a 25. Ouch..i know. The cop gave me a court date and i dont know whether i should go to court and try to get this revised so it doesnt look so bad or if i should just pay the 150....AND is my isurance going to go up. I have grange...PLEASEEEE help out...im 19 and no previous tickets or violations
""Car licence ,where to get a cheaper car insurance?""
Hi there, Looking for cheap insurance? Im 17 near 18 ;) yesterday I past my exam and now Ive got the licence, but insurance is so expensive for me. Ive done the compare and the result was 17 000 for a year :( Please any advice to make it cheaper? Thank you all in advance. Cheers and have a good day.""
How much does it cost to live on your own in western Washington?
I am 20 yrs. old and it's just time to move out. I was wondering what all the expenses are that go into living on your own. Also I am attending communtiy college, and though it is paid for I will not be working full time so I will be living on a budget. I know the general cost of rent, car insurance, cell, gas but I really have no idea as far as food, utilies, cleaning supply, soaps, all those little thing you dont think about untill they add up. So in addtion to all that feel free to share some expenses that took you be surprise! Thanks everyone :)""
Walmart $4 prescription list....only with insurance?
Are the awesome 4 dollar prescriptions only when you have insurance? I don't have insurance, can I get my regular 4 dollar script for still 4 dollars?""
State farm car insurance question?
My bf was in an accident recently where he was rear ended at a stop light. The other driver was ticketed and no one is contesting the fact that the other driver is at fault. My bf decided to go through the other driver's insurance (state farm) rather than his own so that he wouldn't have to pay a deductible. He needs about $600 worth of body work done. After going through all the hoops, he was told to take the car to a local body shop & that he would be approved for a rental car while it was being repaired. Today, he took the car to the shop, but they told him they won't take it until March 21st (about 3 weeks from now). Until then, they expect him to drive his DAMAGED car. He drives long distances pretty frequently (usually visits me an hour and a half away every week or two) and neither of us are comfortable with the idea of him getting on the interstate in a damaged car. What recourse does he have in this situation? It seems pretty unfair that the accident was someone else's fault entirely and he is going to be stuck waiting almost a month to be put whole again :( I suggested that he call state farm and let them know that he's not satisfied with their solution, but he doesn't think it will get him anywhere. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Thoughts in general?""
""Where to get the cheapest car insurance for new driver, and which combinations of options, to get it lower?""
I am 17 and lice in Hartlepool in England and I have got a 1.2 mk2 3 door Fiat Punto. And i need insurance, apparently Adrian Flux is cheep for young drivers, but just over a month ago i was quoted 1800, and now that i need it i am being quoted 2600, y? I was also surprised when i found out that my car is a group 4 insurance, with it being a little 60bhp 1.2 compared to my mates 130bhp car being a group 5. I cannot go on my mams insurance either as she can only drive an automatic. So I considered selling my Punto and try getting an automatic to go on my mams insurance as she has over 10 year no claims, but her 200 insurance went up to 2500. I guss alot of the price being because of where we live, there was multistory flats, in a big estate, and was a bad area, but now they have been knocked down and is now a new modern housing area. Is there anywhere I can contact, to come prove it is a nice area now? Thanks""
""California insurance agent icensing question: there are four categories: Life, Fire & Casuality, ....?""
Personal Lines, and Bail. What does a Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I think the Life agent can sell health insurance and life? Fire sounds like fire insurance (duh) but that Personal Lines throws me. Any help?""
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
Car insurance question?
My car was in an accident (not my fault, I wasn't in it and the time) when someone plowed into the back. All signs are indicating it's totaled. She and I have no-fault insurance. Here is my questions. 1. Do I talk to the police and insurance company? 2. Do I get any money/compensation from the accident? 3. Do I go after her insurance and Do I get anything from that? 4. Or do I reach a compromise with both parties? If anybody has anymore suggestion feel free. Thanks!!!""
How to fill out insurance quotes?
Ok first I'm going to explain the situation. Since I was 17 I drove with a licensed driver, and with my permit. When I was 18 I got a ticket for Under 21 drink and drive. It's a petty misdemeanor on my record, and I only got my permit suspended for 30 days. Just two days ago I got my license and passed my road test, I'm 20. I have a car picked out to buy so I've been looking into insurance quotes. However my ticket was never for a DUI and they never give me the option of what my ticket actually was. How do I go about this? Does it count? The quotes I've gotten back are 150-220 a month. Can someone help, or recommend an insurance company. I also qualify for driver's training discount, and good student discount.""
Health & dental insurance?
who has the best health & dental insurance for a small business of less than 10 people?
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
How much does life insurance and car insurance cost for only one person?
How much is life and health insurance for one person with state farm? And how much is car insurance for one person with state farm as well?
Car insurance rates for a dependent?
I am a 20 year old male who is still living with his parents. My driving record is pretty bad with 2 moving violations within the first 3 years, but i also took a defensive driving course. Now my question is, if I were to register for my own car insurance (under my name, info, billing info, etc.) would that affect my parent's insurance rates? This is assuming i get insurance from a different company which my parents use.""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
Soon I'll be looking to get an '08 or '09 CBR 600 rr. I'm 21, own a car, never been ticketed or anything else in my car. Wondering if that affects my rates at all, or if 21 with a sportbike = brain splatter just registers on their screen.""
What does total excess mean with car insurance ?
hi on my car insurance it says 450 total excess what does that mean ? thanks
Insurance for provisional drivers?
Hi all I am looking for a cheap insurance deal for one month (not a year).I hold a provisional driving license and want to practice using my husband's car. Do you know of any Insurance Companies that do this kind of service? Thanks
What is a good name for insurance company?
Since Obama wants to make the health insurance mandatory. I thought that the only way to survive in the USA, is to start my own insurance company. Please help me to come up with the name.""
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
Insurance for additional drivers has shot up?
I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance.""
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
Which cars have cheap insurance?
I want to buy a new car but I don't want insurance that's gonna drain my pocket. Any suggestions on new cars that have cheap insurance?
Education in finance and insurance?
I am 43 and working as middle level executive in insurance.I would like to know about some advanced courses in life insurance and finance.
commercial property insurance quote form
commercial property insurance quote form
Why won't anyone published my poems about car insurance coverage?
I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Okay-ish car with cheap insurance? (uk)?
Im 17, just passed my test, what car would you recomend I get that would be cheap to insure?""
UK: how does the ncb function for car insurance?
The insurer of my new(ish) car wants a proof of no claim. I already have a insurance on a first car with ncb of 9 years, protected. How come I can't use this ncb for the second car? the cost of insuracne is outrageously expansive if I start again from zero year ncb for the second car... how does this work? why can't I carry on having the ncb for the second car too?""
Auto Insurance - Spouse coverage mandatory in Ontario?
I've been told from my insurance company that since my wife holds Ontario Driver's licence, she will have to be covered under my insurance and pay a higher premium eventhough she does not drive at all. I also saw on-line that you can sign an 'excluded driver form' (OPCF 28A) in which you declare that she will not drive my car and you can exclude her from your insurance and maintain your premium rate. The insurance company basically denied this and told me that as long as her and I live under the same roof, I will have to pay the higher premium. Can someone please advise?""
What will it cost to go to planned parenthood with no insurance?
Do they even except people without insurance? I was layed off my job and have no insurance.
Is there a car insurance company in the UK that offers competitive quotes to drivers with penalty points?
My husband has 9 points on his license which are all from Dec 08. We are looking into getting a second car but most insurance quotes are shocking, just wondered if there was a particular insurance company who specialises in insuring such drivers? Thanks.""
Cheap insurance company for young drivers uk?
Cheap insurance company for young drivers uk?
Does anyone have a suggestion for maternity insurance?
my husbands new job is a small business that does not have group policy insurance but they help us pay the premium through anthem blue cross- i looked up their policies and there is a 1 year waiting policy for maternity and we do not want to wait so i am wanting to know if anyone knows of some good maternity insurance. thank you
Whats a good health insurance company?
I'm on my dad's insurance until I'm 25. I'm now pregnant and my insurance doesn't cover the baby. What's a decent health insurance that is reasonably priced and good for me and my baby?
Why does it make car insurance a lot cheaper when i add a younger girl than me as a named driver?
i got told to add someone younger than me on my car insurance to make it affordable, she's 17 and I am but she's younger than me, she has a provisional liscence. Is this illegal?""
""I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,?
i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks
Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?
I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??""
How much is car insurance?
How much is car insurance?
Can My Insurance pay to get my teeth whitin?
I don't think I spelt whitin correctly but you guys should no what i mean..& how can I find Out if my insurance or medicate pays to whitin my teeth? btw my medicate was the one that paid for my braces~
Car Insurance Quote Accuracy?
I was considering leasing a BMW 3 series coupe and tried getting an anonymous insurance quote online from thegeneral.com, to avoid spamming and releasing my personal information, but they do not allow it for the NY region so I eventually used the zipcode for Louisiana, and got a quote of about $350/month. How accurate is that figure? Im 25, had a license for 6 years with a squeaky clean record (though I have never owned a vehicle under my name), male, and use a Long Island address. I expect it to be cheaper due to the fact that I'm 25 and have a good record, and reside outside of the city but is that realistic""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 17 and have only had my lisence a week. I need the cheapest car isnurance I can get with minimal coverage, I have a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas?""
What is the cheapest car Insurance ?
I own my car. What do I have to carry?
Do you know of any good family health insurance plans for cheap?
I currently work in a hopital and pay only $200/month for insurance. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and thinking of cutting my hours at work to where I could no longer carry their insurance plan. We also own a small business, so my husband doesn't carry the insurance. I only have to work 20 hours a week to keep the insurance at my job, and it has awesome benifits, but I would love to be home after the 2nd baby is born. What do you think? Should I keep my insurance at work or any better ideas?""
Is it possible to get a national insurance number when you are under 16 years old?
I am applying for a job at a cafe, but the application form requires a national insurance number, I am 14 years old.""
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
How is mandating health insurance socialism? Why is no one rioting about car insurance?
Healthcare is still run by the private sector. Just more people will be able to get it. How is ensuring everyone has insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare is run by the private sector either way.
Sports car vs. compact SUV insurance?
I currently have a 2007 Pontiac G5, classified as sports car according to my insurance broker and pay quite a bit because I am young. I'm considering buy a 2008 compact SUV Kia Sportage, would insurance be higher or stay about the same?""
""Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?""
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus""
Who can I talk to about insurance?
I am trying to help my boyfriend find some affordable health and dental insurance....I have attempted finding it online and I am overwhelmed...Does anyone know if there is some kind ...show more
commercial property insurance quote form
commercial property insurance quote form
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