Lets Talk Quintis
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Fashion and Scorpion
Not something that will interest everyone but I love fashion and Scorpion so here are my thoughts on the changes in what the characters wear and why......
(These are just my thoughts and opinions on the characters and have no bearing on the actors and I mean no insults to anyone!)
Toby starts season 1 often wearing trousers as apposed to jeans and converse trainers which are generally a young man's shoe! The outfits are generally of a young person giving off a single person immature vibe very casual and 'dress down' as the season progress and into season 2 you see less of the trousers and trainers and more jeans and boots coupled with slightly 'nicer' jackets or coats the image comes across as slightly older (more true to his age), smarter and mature. This change coincides with his developing relationship with Happy he is dressing nicer, taking more care in his appearance he has a reason to want to look nice!
The opposite happens with Happy in season 1 and into season 2 Happy is seen with rings on her fingers, make up albeit mascara and eyeshadow, her tops are more fitted and her jackets smarter. Her hair is regularly in different styles worn both up and down. She is simply making an effort is this subconsciously for Toby's benefit?? Once she is comfortable in her relationship with Toby you start noticing changes the jewellery disappear except her wedding rings, her tops are looser, her hair more natural this is due to her being happy being herself and Toby makes her feel beautiful regardless of the clothes she wears.
Paige:- Paige starts off casual, comfortable a young mum. Jeans, comfy shoes and tops. Her hair is natural less style to it. Make up is very simply. This is partly probably due to money but I think is also a true reflection of her personality at the time. As the seasons develop he clothes get 'nicer' slightly more reveling, shorter skirts. High heels occasionally, pretty blouses her clothes reflect her growing confidence. Her hair becomes more styled her Make up becomes more obvious. Her clothes and appearance reflect the complete change in her personality she is much more confident, vocal, managerial, bossy and all of this is reflected in her appearance.
His appearance doesn't change an awful lot, his clothes become more well fitted and his shirt is usually untucked which to begin with it isn't. His change or lack thereof is due to the fact his character doesn't really change abd he also believes he doesn't need to change for Paige. The smart clothes are to show authority over the team they identify him as different and mire superior then the others.
Cabe and Sly there fashion doesn't change either, Cabe wears a suit probably because he always has abd it identifys him as the official government representative. Sly is comfortable as he is and doesn't care about fashion or have the need to change. His clothes are typical of someone of his age wuth his interests 'a nerd'
It's really interesting to look into the thought processes the production team and wardrobe team had for the wardrobe and appearance of each character and these subtle changes and pieces of clothing all make up our perception of a character and the way we perceive their personality.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Conversation between Quintis following Pregnancy Announcement after 3.07
H - I’m Pregnant
Toby relaxed in Cabe’s hold and stared at Happy, not quite believing what she had just said, first he found out she is married to Walter and if that secret wasn’t enough now she was dropping the bombshell she was pregnant. Toby just stood there staring at her as she looked back at him he could read nervousness, apprehension, fear in her face but also a tiny flicker of excitement.
C - Lets give these kids sometime to talk things through, if i let you go Doc are you gonna launch yourself at Walter again?
Toby just looked at Cabe and very slowly shook his head, Cabe slowly released his hold on him and nodded to the others who were all stood staring at Happy and Toby. Paige went to start to speak but no words came out and Cabe shook his head at her telling her to leave it. The team gathered their belongings and left the garage, Walter was the last to leave and turned back looking like to he was going to speak but he just stared, he did then speak
W - I’ll stay with Cabe tonight guys so take as much time as you need to talk things through here if you want
Toby suddenly snapped out of staring at Happy
T - so very kind of you Walt, give us chance to fix the mess you made. Its the lease you could do
H - Doc!
Walter just nodded and left shutting the door behind him quietly.
Happy looked at Toby, she wasn’t sure what reaction she was expecting, she was still processing the news herself but she had expected something but Toby just stood there staring not saying anything.
H - Come on Toby say something
Toby opened his mouth and then shut it again, obviously at a loss of what to say
H - Come on Doc, lets sit on the sofa and I will fill you in and then maybe you could say some words you are usually full of them
Toby just nodded and walked over to the sofa and sat down crossing his leg over his knee and resting his one arm along the back of the sofa and then rubbed his other hand across his face. Happy came and sat on the sofa with both her legs crossed facing Toby just close enough her knees where touching his leg.
H - right, well i guess i’ll start. I’ve been feeling sick the last week or so and then the last few morning I have been sick a few times, coupled with my period being 3 weeks late i knew something was up and then I remembered that day a couple of months back you know after girl with the heart problem, when we were on the hike we went on to stay awake and well you remember what happened in that secluded beach and we thought we would be ok but i guess we weren’t
Toby looked at Happy with the small smile on his face
T - How could I forget that day sweetheart, it’s when I decided I would spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel as good as i did on that day
Happy smiled at him and continued
H - well i took a pregnancy test this morning before work and well you know the rest. I’m not going to lie and tell you it wasn’t a shock and it’s the right time or i’m ready but the more it thought about it today the more I realized that a baby would be pretty amazing and he fact that it is yours makes it so much more special. 
Happy paused looking at Toby who had some colour back in his cheeks and wasn’t looking so spaced out anymore
H - I’m scared Toby I need to know we are ok and you are with me on this, I cant do this without you
Toby looked at Happy she looked so vulnerable a look he was not used to seeing on her, he was still so mad over the marriage with Walter but first of all he needed to reassure her he wasn’t going anywhere.
T - Listen Hap I love you, of course i’m with you 100%. It was such a shock especially after finding out about Walter. I just needed to few minutes to let it absorb. You will never be alone again even if we fight or i’m upset i would never leave you you don’t need to worry about that.
Happy leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Toby’s lips
H - Thanks Doc
T - Look we have a lot to talk about, i need to find the best pregnancy papers and books to read though. My Gynae rotation was only short so we need to research whats happening to your body and our little bun in your oven is going to needs lots of care and extra nourishment to make sure we give him or her the best brain development possible, oh I know I read a study that playing classical music enhances their brain development let me download some on your phone so you can put it on your belly when you go to sleep
H - Doc calm down we have plenty of time to sort all this out im sure one night without listening to the works of Bach won’t do the baby any harm. Now I know we are good and you are on bored with the baby business we do need to talk about Walter
Toby scowled 
T - I suppose so, I can't believe you married Walter and kept it from me for years, how did I not pick up on this and how did Collins know
Happy sighed
H - look you know I love you and I will only say this once, I'm sorry I kept this from you but we couldn't risk it getting out and Walt losing his green card
T - I understand the risk Hap but when your in a relationship one which I thought was leading to marriage you don't keep secrets this big. It makes me worry what else your hiding or will hide especially as I couldn't read that you were keeping a secret. Maybe I'm not the world class behaviourist I think I am
H - first you know your an amazing Doctor you weren't looking for deception in me, my bad. Secondly I have no more big secrets and I promise you here and now there won't be any in the future. And thirdly Walter told Collins I wasn't aware he did until you mentioned it the other week trust me I ran him the riot act about that.
T - I need to know Happy is there any part of you that wants the marriage with Walt, I know you need a family but if you have any feelings like that towards him tell me now
H - are you freaking kidding me Doc, Walt is a mate nothing more, he's never seen me naked, never seen me cry, never seen how I doubt myself, doesn't know what it does to me when someone kisses me behind my ear, doesn't know what happened to me in the care home when I was 13 or what happened with my first boyfriend.... do you know who does or shall I go on
Toby held his hands up in defence
T - ok your right I'm sorry, I know Walts just a mate and nothing more. I'm still hurt though Hap howcelild you feel if you learnt I was already married
H - I episode be gutted but I would try to understand why
T - I am trying sweetie and I'm not pissed at you but Walt he knew how much it destroyed me the night I found out he was here and yet he never said anything
H - I asked him not too,I text him and told him it needed to come from me. How are we going to move on from this
T - We look at getting you divorced and we move on,cwe have our little bambino to think of now. I'm going to let this go my love for you is far stronger then any anger I felt.
H - Walters looked into it and is looking at his options. We haven't spent a night together all night since before you got kidnapped you always go home after we have sex, how do you feel about staying over tonight, doing some pregnancy research. I've missed waking up with you.
T - you are a softie really, I would love too and I'm sorry I've been distant lately its been a lot to process.
H - I get it but we need to move on so let's start now
Toby smiled at Happy and nodded, he then pulled her over to him running his hand through her hair and along her leg and pulled her in for a kiss.
Happy sighed into the kiss pulling Toby closer to her by grabbing his shirt and running her fingers along his stubble. She slowly pulled away and smiled she felt closer to him then she had for weeks.
H - come on Doc let's get out of here.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
'Fix it' story following Season 4 finale
My story following the season 4 finale maybe a bit different from most I've read as doesn't focus on Waige. I don’t believe one story line/episode would reunite Waige. I also read a lot where Toby is the annoying, condescending know it all which he can be but not all the time I also notice he very rarely assists towards the story lines in Fanfic he is just perceived to be on the sidelines getting hit by Happy! Anyways here goes..........
Following the meeting where Walter bumped into Centiped Partners for the first time since the blow up in the garage a few months back he dropped Cabe and Flo off and was sat in the Garage, he had tried to write some code for an upcoming pitch but his eyes kept wondering to the desks of his former employees and friends. He still couldn't work out why they had left him, Paige he knew but the others why had they taken her side when they had known him a lot longer. He looked at Happy's desk still covered in parts from a variety of machines he didn't want to move anything just in case, he missed Happy she was like a sister but always told him straight and quite often defended him when Toby got too much. He turned his head towards Toby’s desk, god he annoyed him but his heart was always in the right place and more often then not his observations were spot on. Maybe he should of listened to Toby more with Paige but he was so arrogant it got his back up. Sly on the other hand his leaving hurt Walter the most he thought they were brothers, brothers argued but didn't leave. Just as Walter was replaying the argument in his head, his phone rang it was Cabe.
C - Hey Walt you need to get the team to the garage right now
He sounded out if breath and stressed
W - no worries I will call Flo now
C - no I mean everyone, get the old team to the garage now Walt, don’t argue
W - Ok Cabe whats wrong, you don't sound do great
C - Collins is back and he took Allie
W - WHAT, when, how, tell me whats going on
C - I will once I get to the garage and the teams together
W - Ok see you when you get here
Cabe put the phone down, there were a hundred thoughts going through Walters head, why was Collins back, what was his end game but firstly he really didn't want to phone Paige he wanted their first conversation to be face to face. Toby and Sly weren't an option they probably wouldn't even pick up so that left Happy.......
When Happy and Toby got back to their apartment following the pitch they jumped in the shower together Toby loved time like this with Happy he had told her a few weeks ago that even though they were struggling to conceive it was really important they kept their chemistry alive. They had always had a very passionate and had a fiery sex life one that most people would be surprised to know, but recently Happy had been even more open to trying new things and their time together in the shower was explosive and tender. Toby had left Happy in the shower and entered their bedroom when he heard her phone ringing, he looked and saw it was Walter, why was he phoning Happy? He knew she would be pissed if he answered her phone but his nosiness got the better of him
T - Walter, how can I help?
W - oh Toby, I was expecting Happy to answer
T - she's in the shower, I don't mean to get rude but I need to get dressed, how can we help
W - right, yes, of course listen you need to get the team to the garage now, Collins has escaped and kidnapped Allie. Cabe wants us together like yesterday
T - oh my god Walt, is he ok? Yes of course we will be there in 20. I’ll call the others too
W - I don't know Toby he didn't sound great to be honest i’m worried he’s gonna do something stupid
T - don't stress 197 we are on our way and will get Allie back safe and sound
W- great and thanks Toby I appreciate you putting everything else aside
T- anything for Cabe, see you soon
Toby put the phone down, shouted out to Happy to hurry up, Cabe was in trouble and they had to leave stat. Whilst he was pulling on his shoes he conferences Paige and Sly
T - hey guys listen we need to get to the garage A SAP, Walt called Allie has been kidnapped and Collins is is back
Toby heard Happy gasp from behind him
P - oh no poor Cabe poor Allie, yes of course I'm on my way
Paige paused and then said
P - how was Walter?
T - Paige listen, what went down a few months ago needs addressing but we need to sort Collins out first. Walter was fine just worried about Cabe
P - your right we will meet you at the garage, wont we Sly?
S - i’m doing this for Cabe, I have no interest in speaking to Walter about anything else
Toby looked at Happy and they both shrugged
T - ok Sly see you guys soon
The Centerpied team pulled up at the garage around the same time. They all walked into the Garage, Happy leading the way. She nodded at Walter and went straight in for a hug with Cabe
H - we will get her back Cabe don’t worry
C - I know you will sweetheart, that's why I asked to meet you all. I missed you.
Cabe kissed the top of her head, she gave him a tight squeeze and let him go
Paige came up and gave him a hug
C - you ok kid?
P - let's sort you out first before worrying about me
She gave him a peck on the cheek and moved so Toby and Sly could shake his hand and say hi.
The whole team gathered around the monitors and Walter spoke first
W - start from the beginning, what happened?
C - Well I got home after dropping you and Flo off and saw our house had been ransacked it was a right mess
T - 'our house'
C - yeah Allie moved in with me about a month ago
T- congrats man, sorry please continue
C - right so I noticed one of the chairs had rope around it like someone had been tied up and next to it was a tape and a note from Collins telling me to watch it
Cabe held up a dvd and a note signed by Collins, Walter took it to look at closer and Toby took the DVD to put in the monitor
T - Tape come on Cabe you know its digital now I've told you enough times!
Toby looked up and felt 5 pairs of eyes starring at him, he put his hands up in surrender
T - Sorry not the time
He pressed play and Allie appeared on the screen tide up, with a scarf around her mouth looking like she was trying to break free, the screen then flipped round to a crazy looking Collins
Col - Team Scorpion and I presume Cabe who got you all back together, you can thank me for that later. As you can see I have your dear friend Miss Jones all tied up and if you don't meet my demands who knows what I will do.
Collins pointed the camera to the table where there was electric cables, jars of chemicals, knives, matches, a Bunsen Burner among other items all equally as dangerous
Col - my demands are simple turn over to me Doctor Curtis and I will let Miss Jones go with not one hair on her body harmed. Me and the Doc have unfinished Business don’t we Doc? Its time I finished our epic story and then maybe I can finally come home without his ego and opinions clouding Walters thoughts. You have till 3pm I will send further instructions and we can make the swap. Don't even think about calling the police I will know
The screen shot back to a frightened looking Allie and then went fuzzy.
The team were silent, Toby lifted his hat and ran his fingers through his hair.
T - looks like you guys have just shy of 30 minutes to work out a way to track me which won't be detected by that physcopath
H - WHAT no way are you doing this Doc, he is going to kill you. There has to be another solution.
T - listen Hap we don't have the time to think of anything, at least this way we get Allie back and I can buy time for you guys to rescue me
Happy looked at Toby, he could tell she was on the edge. He gave her a small reassuring smile and she just scowled and walked away.
C - Walt can we do this, can we get Allie back and save the Doc?
W- I dunno Cabe, Collins will use all sorts of detectors to find any sort of GPS if I had 24 hours I could probably come up with something
T - you have 20 minutes Walt, i’m gonna talk to Happy you better come up with something. Sly I need your head in the game to work with Walter on this
Toby turned to Paige and then looked at Walt and Sly, she knew what he meant. Paige needed to step up too put her feelings aside and get these 2 working together. She whispered to Toby
P - leave them to me, go see Happy
Toby left the 4 of them looking very awkwardly at each other, usually he would do or say something to get them to gang up on him and give them a common goal but his priority was Happy. He walked towards the caravan and saw her sat in her rocking chair with her head in her hands. He went and squatted down in front of her pulling her hands down and holding onto them even when she tried to pull away.
T - whats up Hap?
H - you know what, don’t be dense!
H - you can't go to Collins Doc he's tried to kill you twice before what if third time lucky
T - well it wouldn't be lucky for me
Happy stared at him not looking the least bit amused
T - I gotta do this sweetie, Allie is not like us she won't bounce back as easy the more she is with him the worse it will be for her, and Cabe is finally happy we owe him a lot this is the least I can do
H - I know Doc but what about Collins
T - I was analyzing Collins when he was speaking he won't give up until he has me, he is very unstable and will not blink at hurting Allie, but if I'm there I can talk to him at least to by enough time for you guys to find me
H- what happens if he doesn't give you chance
Happy’s voice was wobbling and there were tears in her eyes, Toby hated that he was making her feel like this but he knew it was the only way. He may come across a jerk most of the time but he owed his life to these guys they saved him, pulled him from the deepest gambling hole and gave him a home and led him to Happy. Scorpion won't be safe until Collins is locked up for good.
T - you know why I'm not worried Hap, because I have you to come back to. We still have a Quintis baby to make and I got plenty more life left to live with you. But what I need is the worlds best engineer and mechanic working with the world smartest brains to find me.
H - ok I'm not happy about it but I will kill.those doughnuts if they don't bring you back to me. I love you Doc.
Toby pulled Happy up telling her how much he loved her with his words and his look. He heard Walt call there names and turned to walk back before he did Happy grabbed him back and pulled him in for a kiss, her hands wrapped around his neck and she ran her fingers through the bottom of his hair below his hat. Toby wrapped his arms around her waist resting his hands on the top curve of her arse pulling her into him so there bodies were pressed right up against each other. They were so lost in the kiss they didn't hear Walter walk up until he cleared his throat.
W - umm sorry to interrupt we got a plan and Toby needs to get going
T - bad timing boss but come on let's get this nightmare over with
W - we got a message from Collins, direct into the servers, we have to presume he is tracking everything we are doing.
As Walter lead them back towards the monitors they saw Ralph working on the monitors.
T - is he listening to us can he see us?
C - no I swept for bugs, microphones and cameras so he can't hear our plans but we presume he can see us, so watch what you say and talk downwards
W - Ralph is trying to track him using the computers he can see as a distraction whilst Sly is using an old Homeland laptop not on our network routing through several countries and IP addresses so he shouldn't see what we are doing on that laptop.
H - what did Collins message say
W - he wants to do the exchange in Disneyland, quite brilliant really it will be heaving no way we will be able to track him on all the park cameras by the time we do he will be long gone with Toby
H - well what the hell is the plan then
W - don’t worry Happy we have a plan, we are going to give Toby 4 trackers in his shoe, belt, coat and watch. Collins will on expect 2 or 3 so we should be good and then we can track where Collins takes Toby.
C - I'm going with Toby to collect Allie but with security I won't be armed but I will take Collins down if he tries anything whilst I'm there but chances are he won't so I will be close enough to follow any directions from the garage
H - I'm coming too
T - Hap you can't come into the park it will spook Collins if there are too many of us
H - Dammit Toby im not staying behind I told you guys once i’m no damsel
W - Happy you can monitor from the van, we may need to be on the move quickly we need you at the wheel and on coms
H - fine
W - Sly, Ralph carry on what your doing, Paige I need you to co-ordinate and be ready to loop in Katherine when i say so
Sly, Ralph and Paige nodded and Paige gave Cabe a hug goodbye.
Happy, Toby, Walter and Cabe left the garage to go find Collins, Happy drove and Walt sorted out the tracking devices with Toby.
When they pulled up at Disney Land, Walt and Cabe exited the van. Toby dropped a kiss on Happy’s forehead
T - I love you, see you soon snugglebum
H - Doc! I love you too be careful and don’t do anything stupid
Toby stepped out the van, come on lets get this over with. Toby, Cabe and Walt walked into Disneyland and toward to Toy Story ride Collins had requested they meet by. They saw Collins stood with Allie pulled against him to passers by they looked like they were in a relationship but the guys could see how tightly Collins was holding her and the pain etched on her face.
C - God Dammit Collins let her go
Col - you know the deal Allie for the Doc
T - Whats your end game her Collins you take me and kill me, these guys aren't going to let that happen
Col - this is where i am going to prove I am smarter then all of you, your feelings get in your way, you have all become too soft so this is going to prove i’m always one step ahead of you and then once you see that and realise you are better without the Doc I can come home
W - Just let Allie go Collins and we can talk
Col send Doc over here and she can go
H - Do something Cabe don’t let him take the Doc
Happy shouted through the Coms
C - Come on Doc 
Cabe and Toby walked towards Collins as they go closer Collins relesed his hold on Allie and pulled out a black device from his pocket
Col - The Doc can walk to me and Allie can come back to you but try anything and I have hidden bombs in all the bins in this hellhole and I will blow them if you try anything
Walter ran over to the neared bin and put his hand through the rubbish and quickly removed his hands
W - Collins is right Cabe there is a bomb in this bin
C - You son of a bitch, you would really kills thousands of children just to get one over the Doctor?
Toby at this point was stood near Collins and Allie was stood with Cabe’s arms round her.
Col - Come Doc we have an adventure to begin and the team are going to be too busy sorting these bombs out to worry about you
At this point Cabe lunged at Collins grabbing him around the lapels of his jacket
C - I’m coming for you and mark my words nothing is gonna stop me sending your crazy arse to the deepest darkest prison cell out there
Col - tut tut come on Cabe one more move and I will blow this place up, Toby give your com device to Cabe and then remove your jacket, belt, shoes and watch. You guys think I am daft if you think I wont be able to detect all the hidden trackers you have.
T - are you crazy i’m not walking out of here with no shoes on you lunatic
Col - dont worry about your precious feet I have a space pair of my shoes we are about the same size
Collins dropped a bag on the floor and Toby looked at him in disgust but removed this shoes, belt, watch and jacket and put them in the bag and put on the dirty trainers Collins gave him.
In the meantime Happy and Walter were listening to what was going on over the Coms.
H - Walt what the hell are we going to do we cant let the nut job walk out of here with the Doc
W - we have to Happy, we cant risk him triggering the bombs. We will find him Happy but we have to get this place safe first.
W -Paige you need to call Katherine and inform her of the situation here but they are not to enter the park till Collins has left
W - I can see Collins from where i am and will follow him out of the park keeping a distance
At the sane time Collins was pushing Toby to walk in front of him walking past Cabe
Col - Farewell Team Scorpion, Toby if you wanna shout any last words i’m sure the whole team are listening on the Com on Cabe’s ear.
T - I love you Hap and I trust you guys
Col - enough of this lovey dovey crap keeping walking Doc and Cabe anyone follows me and I will blow this place up.
Collins and Toby walked away from Cabe and all Cabe could do was watch hugging Allie
A - you shouldn't of exchanged me for Toby, Cabe I know how much he means to you.
C - He does but you do too and Toby can look after himself and now we have met with Collins we can catch up with him and make him pay
A - I love you Mr Gallo
C - I love you too Miss Jones, now lets get you out of here so I can focus on this mess he left behind. Paige do we have an update from Katherine
P - Yes, a bomb squad is on their way 5 minutes out and Ralph is looking over the footage trying to see where Collins and and analyzing his behavior but he is no Toby so i don’t know if we will see anything in the way he acted
W - I’m looking at these bombs and I don’t think they are actually set to explode, maybe there is some good in Collins after all
H - are you freaking kidding me Walt, he has kidnapped Toby AGAIN and he has no reason to let him go. I’m glad the bombs are a dud but what the hell are we going to do we have no way of tracking him.
W - look the bomb squad have arrived let me check they agree the bombs are a dud and then reconvene in the van
H - fine but hurry up
As Collins was waling Toby out of the park, Toby was trying to take in all his surroundings trying to work out an escape plan, their tracking devices had been discovered so the team had no way of finding him perhaps he could leave trail, but there was nothing he could get hold of.
Col - come on Toby we need to get moving to the next part of our adventure
T - Look Collins you have me, you have proved your are smarter then all of us, what else is there left to prove. You know if you kill me there is no way you are getting back on the team
Col - We’ll see Doc we’ll see
Collins walked up to an old pick up truck and opened the door for Toby in you get and don’t even think about pulling anything stupid or I blow the park up.
Toby got in looking around for a member of the team or a camera he could signal the team, he couldn’t see anything so as he was shutting the door he un-clipped his leather wrist cuff and it fell the the floor as Collins was walking around to the drivers side.
Walter ran out of the park as Collins was driving out of the park in a long line of traffic.
W - Damn it, we lost him. Ralph do you have eyes on the car park can you see anything.
R - Walt there are over 10 different car parks and 100′s of cars leaving every minute i’m combing through the footage as fast as I can
w - ok keep checking and I will meet Happy and Cabe in the van.
As Collins drove Toby onto the freeway he handed Toby a blindfold and told him to put it on
T - come on Collins I have a 178 IQ I can memorize the feel of the truck and know which way I’m being drive, all that blindfolding me is going to do is make me car sick
Col - Put it on Doc and lets test that supposed 178IQ from what I hear it is closer to 170 well below mine and Walters
Toby put on the blindfold as he needed to time to think and at least this would shut Collins up for a bit.
Walter jumped into the van and met Happy and Cabe
W - Coms out, did you do it cabe?
H - Do what, what the hell you going on about
W - Cabe had a small tracking patch on his hand and when he grabbed hold of Collins jacket it should of transferred onto Collins so we can track him
H - What the hell why didn’t you tell me Walt, i’ve been going out my mind with worry
W - Sorry Happy but we don’t know what Collins is listening too or can see and I didn’t want to risk you talking about it down the coms to Cabe
H - you don’t trust me anymore is that it Walt, we leave you and all of sudden i’m some useless damsel who cant keep it together
C - listen kid that’s not it at all but we cant risk Collins out smarting us, the important thing is Sly should be tracking Collins and is send us real time updates on this new burner phone
H - fine but this discussion is not over Walter
W - fine, according to Sly Collins is heading towards Irvine but we need to know what car he is driving and also throw him off what we know so we have the element of surprise. All communication over the coms will be with Ralph and Paige with the aim of feeding Collins the wrong information about what we are doing whilst we simultaneously communicate with Sly about our real plans
H - ok, lets Com up and see where Ralph and Paige are whilst we head towards Irvine, do we know Collins isn't tracking this van
W - yes its a Homeland witness protection van I managed to get hold of this morning
W - Ralph any news buddy
R - I’ve tracked Collins out of the park but lost him in the car park, Sly is also looking for ham radio communication signals in the area
W - Great we are heading back to the garage to reconvene
As Cabe was driving suddenly Happy shouted to stop the van, she shot out the van and picked something up off the flow
H - This is Toby’s, look he has a H and T engraved in the metal clasp
W - this is great I can text Sly and ask him rewind the CCTV and see what car they left and that will have Sly track him on CCTV
Walt sent Sly the text and less then a minute later he had the trucks, make, model, registration and location
W - lets go Sly says Collins is pulling off the freeway heading towards a housing estate
Collins drove down a residential road, Toby knew they were somewhere in Irvine and he had it narrowed down to 2 or 3 roads, he felt Collins pull into a driveway and open and garage door and walk in.
Col - Come on Doc lets see whats surprises await us
Collins helped Toby out the car and pushed him into the house, Toby felt like he was not alone with Collins he could hear the breathing of at least one other person.
T - Who is hear Collins, who you working with
Collins removed Toby’s blindfold and once his eyes became accustomed to the light he saw another man facing out the window
Col - Come on Doc are you not going to say hi to your pops
Toby stood there in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes, it had been at least 15 years since he had last seen the man who calls himself a dad
T - Dad, is that you what you doing here are you hurt
TD - typical response son wanting to show off you medical skills, show how much better you are then me. No i’m not hurt you useless son of a bitch. I’m broke, jobless and homeless not that you would care.
T - What do you mean and why are you here with Collins
Col - well you see Doc when I was looking into ways to hurt you I ran across your dad and it turns out we have mutual goal, destroying you
T - Why dad what did I ever do to you, you were the one who didn’t want kids, didn’t want me around, spent most your time drunk or at the track
TD - That’s where your wrong son, I did need you around you see when you were with me giving me all the tips i was cleaning up at the track actually making enough money to live and support your mum and all her issues but then you left and so did your tips and before I knew it I owed thousands to every loan shark on the east coast, lost the house and your mum had to go into a institution.
T - I kept sending you money for mum what happened to it
TD - what do you think went on the horses to try and make up for the losses i was incurring cause your weren't there
Toby’s dad started to sway, Toby could tell he was drunk and he could smell him from the other side of the room.
T - That’s not my fault dad, you have a problem with Alcohol and Gambling and blaming me isn't the answer, you need professional help
TD - Like you can talk, you have more of a problem with gambling then me
T - not anymore I met someone who was worth more then the money and high gambling gives you. Me and mum were obviously not enough for you and you were gambling long before I came along
TD - Listen to me you little shit, you think your so god damn perfect cause you got brains and went to ‘Harvard’ but let me tell you something you are a chip of the old block and dirty, lying, gambling scumbag who maybe sitting pretty now but mark my words it wont last
Collins started to clap
Col - this is perfect I couldn't of planned this better, your finally learning some home truths to take to the grave with you and just so you know your dad is then going to meet Happy and fill her in on what your really like
Out of the corner of Toby’s eye he could see his dad reaching for a butchers knife, things were escalating real quick and he need to think of a way out.
T - Listen dad i’m sorry, i’m sorry i wasn't there the last few years, i’m sorry I left and I’m sorry i’m such a disappointment. let me make it up to you, let me give you some hot tips right now which could be big money earners
Toby saw his dad hesitate, but not long enough suddenly he lunged at Toby digging the knife into his stomach, he felt the pain shooting through him as he dropped to the ground and all he could hear is Collins mechanical laughter in the background. 
Col - this is great I didn’t even need to do anything
He took the knife from Toby’s dad and walked towards Toby ready to finish him off
Col - you see Toby since you came to Scorpion, you wormed your way in and told lies to Walt about me, making him think is was deranged and I saw how Happy looked at you from the moment you met, i knew it wouldn't take long for her to listen to you about me either and Sly was a drip he followed Walter anywhere and if Walter had a thought Sly would believe it. So once you came along you unbalanced our equilibrium and they all slowly thought I was mad which eventually led to Walter locking me up.
Toby was about to say something when a loud bang and flash happened and Cabe followed by several homeland agents stormed into the house tackling Collins and Toby’s dad to the ground.
C - get a medic in here quick
Cabe said into the coms as he saw Toby lying on the floor in a pool of blood. All of a sudden 2 homeland agents went flying and Happy stormed into the kitchen screaming at them to let her through. Happy ran straight over the Toby falling on the floor grabbing his head in her arms and putting her hand on the wound to stem the bleeding
H - Toby, Toby listen to me you gotta stay awake, help is on its way. You promised me your wouldn’t leave me 
Happy was crying at this point, Toby looked up at her gently brushing tears from her cheek
T - Don’t worry baby, its a superficial wound hurting more then the damage its done. just having you here is making me feel better. My dad is so useless he cant even kill me properly
C - are you delusional son it was Collins
T - no it wasn't, Collins orchestrated it and was instrumental but it was my dad who put the knife in me
H - What are you on about Doc
T - It’s a long story Hap and i’m too tired to go into it now but the pair of them need locking up for a long time
H - Alright Doc but you better come clean when you are all fixed up
Just then Walter walked in
W - Toby what the hell, are you ok
T - yeah great 197 just chilling here in my own blood for the fun of it
W - well you cant be that bad if your still being sarcastic
H - Medics are here, everyone out
Walter and Cabe left the kitchen and went outside to see Collins and Toby’s dad being cuffed and put into separate police vans.
C - What a day, I will follow these 2 and make sure they are both locked up for a long time, are you going with Toby and Happy
W - Yeah i’m going to phone the others and have them meet me at the hospital. I just hope this will bring us back together again
C - here’s hoping son, keep me up to date on the Doc
W - Here comes Toby and Happy, let me know what happens
W - hey guys I will follow you in the ambulance and the others will meet us at the hospital
H - OK, Toby has some heavy duty meds in him so he is a bit out of it, did you know his dad was here and responsible
W - No, I have Ralph looking into him seeing what he has been up to the last few years and when he met Collins. Just take care of the Doc the rest we can deal with after
Happy lent in the give Walt a side hug
H - Thanks Walt and thanks for being here for me 
Happy got in the ambulance with Toby holding his hand all the way to the hospital, praying he would be ok. If he died she was going to murder him! She knew in her mind he was going to be ok, he was still coming out with sarcastic comments which for once she didn't mind but it didn't stop her worrying, Everyone has always left her but Toby had promised he wouldn't ever leave her and she believed him.
Walter jumped into Happy’s truck and followed the ambulances calling Paige and Sly.
W - Toby is on his way to the hospital, he looks bad but they think it is a superficial wound
 P - Oh my Walt, what happened. I heard someone say something about Toby’s dad
W - It looks like Collins recruited him and he was the one who stabbed Toby, are you guys going to meet us at the hospital
P - Yes we are on our way, Ralph is going to continue working on our way
W - Thanks Paige, see you soon
P - Bye Walter
At the hospital Toby was being seen to by a Doctor and Happy was by his side, he wasn’t letting the Doctor get a word in edge ways telling him how to do his job and that his medical degree was from Harvard which was far better then whichever second class university the doctor attended. Eventually Toby took the equipment off the doctor shouted at him to get out and stitched himself up and this was the only way he knew he wasn’t going to end up with a scar.
H - you really didn’t need to do that Doc, he was perfectly capable of finishing the stitches.
T - Look Hap i just want to be alone with you for a bit, get my thoughts straight before the others arrive
H - ok Doc, do you wanna talk
T - Not right now, just let me rest knowing your here
Toby shut his eyes and ran over the events of the last few hours, how had he missed knowing what was going on with his dad, how did he not know what he was capable of. Collins sure he was a nut job but his dad this was new, this hurt more then the stab wound. Toby knew his dad didn’t like him, forgot about him half the time he was a kid but wanting him dead. He opened his eyes and saw Happy curled up at his side, breathing softly obviously asleep, this soothed him enough to let his eyes fall shut and fall into a restless sleep.
The guys all entered the room half an hour later and smiled when they saw Happy curled up around Toby, she did’nt let anyone see her vulnerable side very often but with Toby this was changing. Suddenly Toby started to toss and turn mumbling in his sleep, letting out cry’s of anguish. Paige rushed over and put her hand on his shoulder and Happy woke with a start
H - Toby please wake up, your just dreaming, come on Doc wake up to my voice
Toby suddenly screamed and bolted straight up sweating.
C - you ok Doc, looked like one hell of a nightmare
Toby looked around at this friends concerned faces and fell on Happy looking like she might cry any second, even though he felt sick to his stomach he nodded
T - yeah just a bad dream nothing to worry about.
P - shall I get someone, maybe they can give your something
T - No thanks Paige i’m sure i will be fine once i’m home with this one
Toby hugged Happy tightly, then he looked around the team
T - so I had to nearly die to get us all back together in the same room.
Happy swatted him behind the head and chuckled
T - look i will start, i’m sorry Walt we never should of walked out on you, i should of done my job and got us talking. We tried to advise you what to do, we even tried to get you to some to your own conclusion but in the end I could of done more to help you navigate your relationship with Paige, I apologise to you both.
C - well that’s a turn up for the books, Doc actually appoligisiing
T - must be the drugs
H - guys i’m sorry too, all I want is a family and I saw it falling apart and bailed before you guys bailed in me, but Walt you gotta start listening to us when we try and help you with relationships we always have your best interest at heart
W - I get it and thank you for appoligising and maybe i did overreact especially with you Sly. I really am sorry to throw Megan back in your face but you need to believe me I didn’t intentionally lead her on but you are so much better then she is, someone who cant see you for you isn’t worth your time.
S - Thanks Walt I am sorry for what I said but for the first time since Megan I was ready to move on, i should of gone away and calmed down and talked to you like a brother not the enemy.
T - ah look at this all this appoligsing is making me misty eyed, is team Scorpion back together?
W - well there is one person who hasn’t spoken and I need to speak to, Paige.....
I’m sorry, i’m so sorry I lied, i’m sorry i went to the event with Florence and most of all i’m sorry I never told you after then even
P - Thanks Walter that means a lot and I accept your apology but i am not sure we can go back to the way things are, its still too raw. I love you guys all of you but maybe we need to have a break, give the Doc time to recover and then see how the ground lies in a few weeks and see how we all feel about going back to working together.
W - um ok if thats what you want, what do you need a week, 2 weeks longer
P - lets take the summer, I’m taking Ralph on holiday and to see Drew and then when we get back at the end of August lets see how we all feel. but Walt im need to be honest im not sure there is a future for us
Walters face fell and the team was quiet.
T - hey guys look we are all friends and today proved if needed we will always be there for each other so lets do what Paige says, lets take some time regroup and then see how we all feel in a few weeks.
H - I agree
S - me too
C - if that’s what you guys thinks best
W - ok i’m outnumbered but understand you know where I am if you need me
Everyone looked at each other and then one by one said goodbye and wished Doc well and went their separate ways (well for 6 weeks.............)
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
48 Hours of Hell - Happy's POV
H - Sly where is the Doc? I wanted to say bye before I head out
S - um he's gone Happy, took Walts car think he had an errand to run
H - oh ok thanks Sly, have a good night oh and by the way you were amazing today in that plane
S - thanks Happy it was a difficult case but we did it, never going back to Chernobyl again though
Happy laughed as she walked out the garage, as she got in her truck she sent a message to Toby
'Hey Doc, Sly said you had some stuff to do call me when your home'
A few hours later Happy was home tinkering on an old engine keeping one eye on her phone, she hadn't heard from Toby and it has been 3 hours since she left the garage. She picked up her phone and called him, it went straight to answerphone
H - hey doc where are you, Sly said you were running errands but even you can't take 3 hours. Call me back
A couple of hours later Happy was shattered it had been a busy day they'd been to Chernobyl, saved the world from another Chernobyl and now the dipstick who called himself her boyfriend was awol and she was starting to worry old habits had kicked in. She would dump his arse so quickly if he was gambling again. She called him again and it went straight to voicemail again!
H - Dumbass where the hell are you i swear if you are gambling again im gonna kick your arse so far you will no longer be the only member of the team not to have visited Chernobyl. You better have a good explanation at breakfast and your buying so don't be late.
Happy went to bed fuming ready to rip Toby a new one in the morning.
The next morning Happy arrived at Kavalskis and sat in thier usual booth, Toby was late which was unusual for him, since he slept through thier first date he always picked her up or arrived early, she knew he did it so she would never feel like she did in that restaurant again. Which she would of thought was sweet if she wasn't already so pissee at him.
Happy phoned him, straight to voicemail again
H - where the hell are you Doc and why is your phone dead? I'm giving you 20 more minutes otherwise I will meet you at the garage and kick your arse there
20 minutes went by, she gave him another 10 and spent it planning all the ways she could hurt him but it was really a distraction from thinking about the reality of if he'd gone back to a casino and got himself hooked on roulette or worse beaten up by loan sharks. Happy made her way back to the garage on her bike, she walked in and threw her helmet down
H - is that hat wearing dipstick here
Happy walked out the garage tears streaming down her face. She had never felt like this before she couldn't get the look of heartbreak and confusion on Tobys face off her mind.
She sat in her truck luckily she had parked it in a unlit quiet area of the road. She let it all out, she wasn't a crier but she had never felt like this before Toby was the first person she truly loved and let herself be loved. She knew he would would be hurt when he found out she was married but thought she would sit down with him alone and told him the full story, sure he would be upset but he would understand. Having to turn down his proposal, tell him at the same time and do it publicly was something she has never thought would happen.
She needed to collect herself, calm down and go back and talk to him alone.
Was Toby ever going to forgive her, what happens if he turns to gambling, what happens if he leaves her for good. She was used to people leaving her but she never had anyone she loved leave her it would break her.
Suddenly someone knocked on the window, she wiped her face and rolled the window down a touch. Walter stood the other side looking very uncomfortable
H - hows Toby?
W - drowning his sorrows in tequila refusing to talk to anyone. Why did you refuse his proposal?
H - what the hell Walt im not accepting his proposal with such a huge secret hanging over our heads. I'm going back in to tell him everything in s minute
W - Happy please you can't not yet, not until we have a solution so I can stay in the country. He loves you so much he will want us to divorce and I wil have to leave the country and Scorpion will split up
H - are you going to make me chose between the man I love and my family?
W - no I'm just asking for some time to come up with a solution so we are all happy
H - fine but I won't lie to him and I won't stop him looking if he finds out he finds out. I am going yo marry him and I won't build our relationship out of lies and mistrust
W - ok Happy, why don't you go home and sleep ill look after Toby and tomorrow you can talk things out im sure tomorrow Toby will feel differently
H - I'm not sure Walt I've never seen him look so broken, you have to promise me you wont let him out on a gambling bender he stays here or you go home with him
W - you have my word
Happy rolled the Windows up turned over the ignition and went home, she cried herself to sleep and slept on and off until Cabe called with an urgent case.
Happy followed Toby and Sly out of the garage and caught up with Toby
H - hey doc
T - hey Hap, look im really tired I don't think I've slept in well over 48 hours can we talk tomorrow?
H - I know doc I was gonna ask if you were coming back to mine, you can sleep and we can talk in the morning
Toby looked at Happy, it hurt her that he didn't immediately say yes he was always bugging her to stay over or her to stay at his but she liked a few nights a week on her own, gave her chance to think evaluate and she supposed keep some sort of distance and independence. The fact he wasn't sure about staying over shows how hurt he is.
H - come on you know my bed is much more comfy then yours
T- ok Hap but I have 101 questions for the morning
Happy hoped up into the truck as Toby walked around and got in
H - I know you have questions Doc but as I said I can't answer them all now but I will I promise
Toby leant his head back on the head rest and sighed
T - I know but you gotta know how much this is killing me
Happy didn't answer she drove them both home i silence. When they got home they both headed straight to bedroom getting unchanged they both got into bed. Toby sat up slightly as Happy lay on his chest with her arm over his stomach, she could feel he was uncomfortable and that was something she had never felt before.
T - I need to ask why, why keep it from me I get you wont tell me who but st least tell me why the secrecy
H - when we were friends it didn't seem appropriate, then as we got closer and closer I got scared, scared you wouldn't understand scared you would leave and then it got harder and harder to bring it up as the consequences git more real the more I fell for you
T - Happy you must know it would take a hell of a lot more then this for me to leave you, I have never loved anyone like I love you, your my world and I wanted to spend thd rest of my life with you
H - wanted to? Does that mean you dont anymore
T- of course not i want to live every day with you but we need to get over this first before we can plan our future
H - I know Doc i really sm sorry I couldn't bare the thought of you leaving me too
Happy coluld feel the silent tears dropping onto Tobys naked chest
T - that will never happen, you can't get rid of me that easily but im not going to lie this is going to take some time and I will be looking into who you are married too
H - Toby!
T - look if you wont tell me you leave me no choice
H - fair enough but I will tell you soon I promise I just need some time
T - I love you Happy and im sorry I said I rescinded the proposal when we get this mess sorted I plan to get back down on one knee
H - ok Doc and I promise no more secrets when you do, I love you too
T - I'm knackered now, sleep now talk more tomorrow
H - I never thought I would hear a time when you want to delay talking
Happy leaned up and they kissed softy
H - night Doc
Happy lay there listening to Toby sleeping what a 48hours, she needed to sort this mess out with Walt and she just hoped Toby would leave the investigation work to real detectives and give her the time she needed......
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Quintis Fanfic after Postcards from the Edge
Toby followed Happy and Ralph out of the hospital, he was exhausted but what he felt was nothing compared to what 197 would be feeling over the coming days. Toby was relieved Walt was ok but knew the team were clueless on how close they really came to losing him, Toby knew Walt was minutes away from bleeding to death when Cabe rescued him.
Suddenly someone punched his arm 'hey numbnuts, back in the room. Ralph has asked you a question 3 times' Happy said to Toby.
'Sorry little man, spaced out there a minute, what was your question'
Ralph looked up at Toby, Rory etched on his little face 'will Walt be ok? Will he be home tomorrow'
Toby crouched down so he was eye level with Ralph 'listen buddy Walt is strong gonna take a lot more then his car going off a cliff to kill him off. Walter is going to be fine Ralph but these injuries may take a while to heal and gd may need physio'
Ralph looked on the verge of tears ' so he is going yo be in hospital a long time, I'm not going to see him for weeks or even month's'
'Great one Doc, make the kid cry' Toby heard Happy say in a hushed voice.
'Look Ralph Walter may not be home for a little while but that doesn't mean you can't see him, I'm sure your mum will take you to see him, he will need someone with your brain power to ensure his genius brain stays working'
'So........ he needs me to come up with some genius tests for him to do, problems to solve to keep his IQ at 197? Why didn't you say so! We need to get home right away so I can start developing these tests' Ralph started to pull Toby up and dragging him towards Happy's truck.
Happy followed behind and unlocked the car 'come on Ralph in you get, food first then home and you can eat and start working on the tests'
'Great in you get Doc, let's get burgers then we can go home' Ralph said as Toby and Happy got in the truck.
Happy looked over at Toby, he looked drained she can't imagine the mental toll it must take on someone to care for a friend medically and even worse doing it from a distance. She always respected Tobys abilities but today she saw him in a different light. 'Hey Doc u ok?
Toby was resting his head back with his eyes closed 'fine bit tired, nothing a double cheeseburger, large fries and a milkshake wont sort'
Happy smiled 'this i can sort' Happy drove to the nearest drive thru, drove up to the window and ordered enough food for the 3 of them including what Toby had asked for, he was softly snoring next to her so she didn't wake him and Ralph had that look about him they all got when they were deep in thought and problem solving.
Happy drove them back to her place, Toby had never been here but it was better then going to his place. She wasn't sure she was ready to see that side of him.
Once they arrived she pulled up in front of her apartment and gently nudged Toby 'hey doc, wake up, we're here' Toby slowly opened his eyes and looked around 'where are we, this isn't Paige's place' Happy looked up at him ' nope this is my place, don't have a key for Paige's place and you were asleep so this was the better option, come on Ralph food, then an hour of researching for the tests then bed, you can sleep in my bed'
Toby followed Happy and Ralph up the stairs a part of him was excited he was going to see Happy's inner sanctuary, if he wasn't so tired he would be able to gauge a lot of information from what lay behind the door Happy was currently unlocking. 'Watch the tools on the floor Ralph' Happy said interrupting Tobys thoughts.
When Toby walked through the door he stopped and took it all in, tools and machinery everywhere, it was messy but not dirty, clothes were hung up all over the place but not robbeled dirtily on the floor, the kitchen had dishes all over the surface but they were clean. He noticed there were no photos, nothing personal or sentimental.
Happy and Ralph were stood eating in the kitchen 'come on Doc foods getting cold' Happy said handing him his bag of food, he tucked in devouring it all in the time it took Happy to finish her burger.
Once they were all finished Happy took Ralph into her room with a laptop, 'here you go sit or get into bed with the laptop do what you need to do, and i'll be back in an hour for lights out, we are just outside if you need us'
'Thanks Happy im glad its you im with tonight'
Happy smiled and left him to it, she would check the laptop later make sure he hadn't been on the dark web again.
Happy went and sat by Toby ' Ralph boy ok' Toby said 'yep all set on the laptop, are you going to fill me in on why your so quiet?' Happy said sitting slightly faced towards him.
Toby sighed 'we were lucky today it could been so much worse' Toby was starring at the opposite wall 'having Walter life in my hands but not physically in my hands, ifs hard. Its like if you had to talk someone through repairing a motorbike engine but the engine was your best mate'
Happy looked closely at Tobys face she could see the effects of the day he looked lost and worn out 'I get it Doc, I can't imagine how hard it must be to know what you know to save lives and then have to do it on your best mate but not bring able to physically do it makes it even worse' Happy thought for a moment 'your a shrink what advice would you say to me if I was in your shoes?'
Toby slowly turned and looked at Happy smirking efrr so slightly 'turning the tables on me nice one Quinn' he paused 'I would tell you that you need to separate the medical from the personal, you saved a life it was hard but Walt is alive and functioning because he had a doctor near him whilst waiting for the paramedics talking him through how to stay conscious and alive'
'There you go Doc couldnt of said it better you did the best if not better then any other doctor on site could of done, and the personal?'
'I would tell you that you need to be there for your friend to help him recover and support him however he needs'
'There you go advice for us both you need to be there as a friend not an obnoxious Doctor and I actually need to be present and not hide'
Toby laughed and felt the stress of the day slowly drain away, he looked at Happy and smiled 'you know this is the first proper conversation we have had in months'
Happy scowled 'you know why that is jackass don't bring it up again or ill get pissed at you all over again'. Toby raised his hands in surrender 'im just saying I miss my friend, I'm sorry I cooked up our date but I would love to go back to bring friends again'
Happy was silent 'thank you for your apology I accept it and we can move on as friends' Toby moved in for a hug 'don't push it' Happy said holding her hands up.
Toby just looked at her 'just as friends its been a horrific day and we could both use a hug'
'Just this once and no funny business' Toby didn't waste any time and pulled her in, Happy was stiff at first but as she leant her head on his chest and felt his heartbeat and smelt the faint smell of his body wash she relaxed and realised how much comfort she felt in his arms and how much she had missed him. Toby moved himself backwards slowly and Happy moved along with him and it wasn't long before Toby heard Happy's breathing become more shallow and she started to purr softly, she was asleep in his arms. He felt relaxed and content for the first time in months. He pulled the blanket of the edge of thd sofa and covered them both up. He could see Ralph through the crack in the door and could see he was asleep so Toby let himself fall into a peaceful sleep.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Scorpion Season 4 Overview
Married Quintis = stable
From the very start of Season 4 Quintis seemed to have this calmness to thier relationship they were in sync with each other. They had overcome the past in many ways, settled into being in a relationship and had many of the elements which shows thier relationship will last - trust, love, passion, understanding.
They had thier ups and downs but unlike previously dealt with them together for me the fertility storyline is so important and one of the reasons I love Scorpion as they address serious issues but inject some humour along the way. Male Infertility is barley touched upon on TV and Eddie portrayed the emotions and guilt perfectly.
I didn't particularly like how Toby behaved with Amy when she had her identity stolen i understand he acted out of guilt from his previous dealings with her but his promise to Happy should of been his priority.
Toby gets a lot of stick from the team and also fans of the show for his actions and lower IQ. He regularly saves the day or is instrumental in the teams actions yet is only perceived as the clown. Also with Waige my belief is he acted out of friendship to Walter and Paige and ultimately they are adults who acted on thier own and made thier own decisions I dont think Toby or Happy were to blame for the White lie problems with Waige.
This brings me to the season ending.......
Lots if theories as to what has happened and why, I pray everyday for a renewal so we get to find out, but for what it's worth I don't think it was an act for Collins not that I don't think something is going on with him but with regards to Waige and the team break up I think its not an act.
Waige have had issues from the off, Walter has constantly been told from season 1 he cannot have a real relationship, Collins puts seeds of doubt in both thier minds about them being too different. They have many occasions where the differences are highlighted like game night, seeing Paiges friend play. Then there is Flo - is she a rat for Collins maybe?? but I do think there is an attraction there from both sides and I think the chemistry missing with Paige he has with Flo.
I try to see the signs many of the Cyclone say are there but I don't always see what others do so these are just my thoughts based on my interpretations.
In summary a great season for Quintis with some of my favourite scenes especially the end of episode 3 when they are watching the rescued deer. Season 4 didn't have the best Scorpion 'Jobs' like the previous seasons but the acting especially between Cabe and Toby in therapy, Quintis baby conversations and the last episode were amazing.
What would I like in Season 5
The team back together - think something big or life threatening would be needed and it would need several episodes for things to return to normal
Collins storyline to be resolved - he needs catching somehow
Meet Toby's family - we have met family from the whole team accept Toby this could be a cracking storyline
Waige - I don't know if the lack of chemistry is Paige and Walter or Kat and Elyes? Paige changed too much over the last 2 seasons if she got back some of what made her so great in season 1 and part of 2 I think Waige could work especially as I think Walter and Ralph make a great team
Sly to find love maybe with the help if Megan
Cabe and Ali to get married
There are so many storylines and ideas the writers could come up with which could continue over several seasons. Scorpion has so much potential especially in the current climate where we all need escapism and laughter.
Until then back to season 1 to watch all over again.......
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
QUINTIS Fanfic based after Djibouti Calls
Happy sat at her workbench messing around with a security camera Walt wanted putting outside the garage. Her mind wasn't really on what she was doing she had one eye on Toby who was at his desk with his feet up reading between 2 books, she always admired his ability to read 2 simultaneous books and retain all what he read. She was thinking back to his escapades earlier in the day with Cabe and yesterday with Ralph and the dares he was doing. When she confronted him he said it was an adrenaline rush he needed as he used to get that when gambling.
This concerned Happy, she couldn't get the thought out her head that she wasn't enough for him, that his need to gamble and feel that rush would come back, and she would have no choice but to end things however painful it may be, it would bound to be less painful than living with the fear of Toby Gambling.
As she was deep in thought she heard Tim ndd Paige leaving together and talking about going yo Kavalskis. Happy knew Walter was upstairs and she heard Sly leave either Cabe just before Paige so now it was just her and Toby in the garage.
Happy decieded to go speak to Toby, she had promised both Toby and herself to try and be more open and communicative.
Hey Doc, you fancy sitting on the couch with me?
Toby looked up and moved his feet off the desk
Of course darling, may I ask why the need to be close to me other then the ususl romantic reasons?
Don't ruin just get over here!
Happy said as she sat down on the couch. Toby came and sat next to Happy putting his 1 arm around her shoulders moving her legs across his lap.
Something on your mind?
Happy sat there quiet for a minute or so, Toby knew she wanted to talk and whatever it was, wasn't easy for her.
Earlier you said you were doing the dares Cabe set you because you needed the adrenaline rush, I kissed you and you said you got enough of a rush from that, that you wouldn't need to do anymore dares. Well what happens if you stop feeling the rush when your with me and you start gsmbling again?
Hap listen I love you, I'm never going to break my promise to you and risk gambling again, what we have i never want to lose. I will admit since I stopped gambling I've felt on edge and that only goes away when I'm with you, but I can't expect you to be with me 24/7 so I thought would try different things to try and help like the Scorpion Olympics and the dares.
What you need to know Hap is im an addict, that's not easy to say but like a Alcoholic going cold turkey its hard but your worth it and I don't want to let you or myself down.
I get it Doc and maybe I haven't supported you enough I thought you would just stop placing bets and that would be the end of it. I'm sorry I promise to help you more just tell me how?
Toby looked cheekily at Happy and pulled her close
You know what the best distraction is?
Toby said as he leaned down and pulled her in for a deep kiss, Happy's arms automatically went round his neck and played with the ends of his hairs as Toby's hands scooped her up so Happy was on his lap. They kissed like that completely oblivious to there surroundings and even Walt coming half way down the stairs before quietly retreating back.
Happy eventually slowed Toby down and withdraw from kissing him put her forehead gently resting on his.
Seriously Doc how can I help?
OK you promise not to laugh, I'm OK at work and during the day we are so busy I don't get time to think about anything let alone gambling but after work is hard but I read a study that said DIY is good for focusing the brain on something else, so I'm in the middle of repainting my bedroom if you fancy a painting party?
Are you serious Doc, painting?
Yep I read that when you concentrate on painting or DIY it uses the same part of your brain as gambling so the need to gamble decreases.
OK you know the brain better then anyone, painting I can do but no covering my clothes in paint just to see me naked!
Can't make any promises on that one Hap. Thank you this is something I really want to achieve and having you by my side makes it easier somehow.
Anytime Doc, come on let's get out of here, grab a pizza and an extra psint brush on the way home.
Great give me 2 minutes to grab my stuff.
Happy stayed and watched Toby go and mess about at his desk, he was a pain in the arse most of the time but he loved her and she knew she loved him not that she was ready to say it yet. He was gaining her trust everyday and this was a huge step for him she just needed to see him get past this stage of needing the distraction from gambling to really open herself up. Then she would know they really could have a future together but for now she was just happy he was determined to overcome his issues.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Text Conversations 1.16
1.16 - Loveboat
T - Hey Happy, you awake?
H - yeah why?
T - quite a day today wasn't it!
H - just a normal Scorpion day lately
T - you know that's not what I meant, are we going to talk about it?
H - What's there to say, nothing happened
T - Hap you know that's not true
H - look Doc I meant what i said our friendship means a lot to me, you need to give me time
T - .............
H - i never had friends growing up and all the guys I've known have only been interested in one thing. I don't want to ruin our friendship
T - we won't you mean to much to me. I dont just want the physical stuff, as great as that would be. I want to know you, be there for you have a proper relationship.
H - its not worked out for you that well in the past how would we be any different?
T - because our relationship has stated as a friendship. Amy was different we were never friends, had nothing in common thats why it failed
H - i get that Doc you just need to give me time, please i want to see what happens with us and I'm not saying no
T - ok ok ill leave it for now you give me a sign when your ready, but I won't give up Hap I care too much about you
H - thanks Toby, now how yo going yo explain to the waitress the number of detentions you got Ralph today with your hairbrained fireworks scheme?
T - we are not telling Paige anything she wil string me up by my balls! Ralph said he would keep quiet
H - you gonna lie to her?
T - not telling someone something is not lying. I told Ralph not to lie if asked, just don't bring it up!
H - alright just dont drag me down with you
T - I won't. Happy valentines day Hap. Sweet dreams.
H - night Doc
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
4.04- Setting up the background for the Quintis becoming parents storyline, Happy finds comfort in being part of the Waige family her EQ doesn't pick up she us getting in the way but Paige who should be looking after the teams emotionsxsbd helping them grow does not handle it well.
Love Tobys dance moves
Genius's don't make mistakes and when they do they beat themselves up pretty bad.
Poor Toby Happy is hating being more human and blaming that on her mistake but Toby counters being more human made them accept thier feelings and get married.
Another example of Waige not being in sync like Quintis they can't agree what makes a good date, Waige seem to have constant communication issues, even in the beginning Quintis didn't gave these issues. Question is can Waige overcome them?
Favourite Quote:
H - let's go ladies
C- better Paige then us
Favourite Scene: the end Quintis Scene Happy admits she wants a baby and Toby has no hesitation in saying yes
4.05 - Quintis on fine form in this episode another acronym STORK this time.
No one needs to see Toby in white pants! Poor Eddie first green speedos now tighty whites whatever next.
Sly is amazing taking the bar exam no preparation other than a plane journey using his genius mind to save his friend.
Would love to see more lawyer Sly he is on fire 🔥
Toby calling Happy baby! This is a honest nickname said with love not for other people like I sometimes think does with cupcake etc
Favourite Quote:
H - Come on Husband im driving
T - Good luck baby, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you
Worlds got lots of lawyers not many heros
Favourite Scene:
Not a Quintis one this time!
Sly taking the exam in the toilet and talking like a lawyer great scene showing of Ari's scope of acting
4.06 - bit of Waige to start some people think this is the start of the act of Waige stagging the issues for Collins im not surei think there are fome real underlying issues with Waige not related to Collins. They are inherently different and Walter has such low EQ he can't understand how his actions are perceived by a girlfriend i.e. Paige.
Happy and Toby are so in sync now they are married, I love how the writers elude to the conversations Quintis must have it gives there relationship 3 dimensions not just what happens on screen.
Toby grabbing Hsppys hand gives me chills.
People criticise Toby for his influence in Waige's relationship but here he is trying to help Walter realise the effects of his attitude.
Favourite Quote:
S - Who you gonna call
T - I'll give you a clue, rymes with Toastcrusters
Favourite Scene:
The end scene with Toby and Cabe, he really is a great Doctor who wants the best for the team.
4.07 - an interesting episode with the introduction of Florence
Toby is great with Cabe I think these scene's between them are amazing I like seeing Toby doing his job and helping one of the team is great.
The men of Scorpion giving Ralph relationship advice is funny and scary. Walter telling Paige about her wrinkles is not a good move in any relationship.
Walters reaction to Flo is interesting depending on your view on his reason for being around. I'm in 2 minds 1 minute I think he is suspicious of her then I think he us drawn to her...... will watch more closely this time see what else I see.
Paige is changing through this season now she is in a relationship possibly starting to act above her station trying to act more in charge then she used to not sure i like this Paige.
Happy referring to Toby as husband always makes me smile its like it reassures her to keep saying it.
Happy putting GPS tracker on the key chain even though she told Toby off for doing it! She loves him so much she puts the tracker on the fob and he loves her so much he doesn't argue about the foibles standard he knew it was one of the many ways she shows she loves him without akways saying it.
Toby often saves the day like finding the location in this episode yet he is always put down and seen as the jocker and weak link not given enough credit.
Poor Walter he keeps getting mixed signals from Paige i know its a womens perogative but even im confused what Pauge wants from Walter.
Happy acknowledging Tobys comments and not shutting him down just another demonstration of how far Happy has come in her security of thier relationship
Favourite Quote:
T - Dirt bag is going to get radiation poisioning
C - and the tools were too much!
T - Me im just a shrink, a genius and from what I'm told an enthusiastic lover
H - copy that my enthusiastic lover
Favourite Scene:
The small interaction and looks at the end of the episode between Quintis first when Toby points Happy towards Cabe and then sat round the table there are small galances between them just show there deep connection
4.08 - Cabes first court appearance doesn't go well, poor Sly needs to pull himself together.
Walter asks Happy for song writing advice, Happy suggests not writing about Paige's Booty!
The writers do like getting them dressed up poor Sly Geniuses critiquing the festival from the start.
Another outfit which gets Toby's motor going.
Happy snd Toby off to have fun in the hay stack season 1 and 2 Happy would never even have considered this.
Another time Toby is supportive of Waige no bad advice given here, just give Walter time.
Doctor Curtis on fine form again always around to offer medical assistance. He maybe a behaviourist but he has amazing medical knowledge.
Happy and Toby have a heart to heart both desperate for a baby even having dumb superstitious items. First hint of the difficulties couples have concieving.
Favourite Scene: the scene between Cabe and Toby is a real father son type scene but also so uncomfortable funny. Cabe is deadly serious and Toby looks mortified. Toby actually not wanting to discuss his personal life, sign of maturity maybe?
Favourite Quote:
C - I was in the doctors office the other day and I picked up one of those Women's magazines and it said a women has a better chance of concieving, you know by the end she's got sprinkles on her cupcake
C - are you making sure Happy's getting sprinkles on her cupcake son?
T - what
C - you know about sprinkles
T - yeah yeah I know about sprinkles, Happys got more sprinkles then the ice cream man
4.09 - there is not much to say about this episides the scene's between Toby and Cabe are probably up there with the best I've ever watched and how they never got any awards is beyond me!
Walter and Happy also have some great scenes in this episode each season they have an episode which shows how far they have come emotionally.
Did Flo purposely give Walter a bad solution or was it just a mistake?
Happy seems to have found her funny bone Toby influence i think!
Walter certainly doesn't like Flo is this because he can't deal with the attraction or he genuinely doesn't like her?
Flo obviously has some chemistry experience as she knew hiw to make the binding agent.
Favourite Scene: as stated the scene between Toby and Walter after the case is so emotional sbc pure
Favourite Quote:
T - Hi pot, I see you've met kettle
P - we could be infinitely more immature, Happy could of said its time to launch Sly's balls but she didn't
4 10 - Cabe is not prepared for court he is getting aggravated with the team not something you usually see from him
Is Happy having doubts about having a baby or is reality dawning andxste up getting nervous as a mum I had my fair share of doubts and nerves all perfectly normal.
Toby brining the comedy into the episode talking very 50 shades! You never hear Happy say no though everyone likes to try variety in bed!
Walter loves his jingles i like that they show this side of Walter bit just the serious side
Happy does not like Toby having secrets or a oast funny when the shoe is on the other foot.
The first clue in this episode that there is domething going on with Collins - does he already know about CLAM? If so how? Hd leaves Cabe a gift knows no one is there camera's or a spy or both? All questions season 5 need to answer.
Love Happy calling Toby 'my man'
Yet again they doubt Toby csn save them he is quite often the one who saves the day yet always seen as the unreliable one.
Anonymous tip my a**e Collins really messing with Cabe
Toby using Happy's machine and fixing it and Happy showing her medical knowledge leafning each others skills.
Favourite Quote:
C - its not my fault fog horn leg horn is throwing me off
H - Whatever you say Mr Grey
Favourite Scene:
Toby reassuring Happy about thier future children so sweet and he knows exactly what to say to her
4.11 - not much to say about this episode
Each member of the team deals with the impending Court case differently but it us crystal clear how much Cabe means to the team which just goes to show the team really shouldn't be divided.
Not much Quintis perhaps would of liked to have seen them lean snd support each other more. Even a look, action or word here or there nothing big would of been nice to see.
In typical Scorpion fashion the seriousness is offset with the hilaratity of Walter scoffing goid, Toby dancing etc.
Favourite Scene: the last scene where Cabe hands out the gifts he rarely shows his emotions but here is does it perfectly.
Favourite Quote:
H - he just unnerving a truck of guys who want to kick his arse, with tea physiological process called non secretal distraction, nice moves babe
T - thank you darling
I dont say this lightly but im not sure about this episode, not my favourite
Happy abd Toby struggling to buy each other gifts is funny a) why leave it till Xmas eve and b) worst person to ask is Walt should ask Paige
Actually feel sorry for Paige this is where his EQ has dropped, she is definitely more understanding than me and what is with his saying Receprociated when she say I Love You!
Not sure why they show Flo as being a lot like Walter, is it his physiological process shoeing him Fko is better suited to him or is Toby right and it's just because he hears her voice??
Toby saving the day!
A lot of episodes this season are about how the team need each other, coincidence maybe?
Ever notice how Happy's shoe change half way through the episode
Favourite Scene: Happy and Toby meeting again for the first time. Very sweet yet very much like normal Quintis
Favourite Quote:
H - ok he's cute
T - wow your beautiful
A lot if Quintis in this episode which is great, not that keen on Amy. Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for her first engaged to someone who couldn't give up gambling then Quincy poor thing but she still tries to control Toby and when he is married to someone else I think that's wrong.
Poor Quintis bad honeymoon, Toby always wants things to be perfect for Happy so he takes it personally when things don't, add him not being needed on the job makes him feel unwanted.
Male performance issues is a very delicate subject to broach without making a joke out of it and this was done perfectly. No wonder Toby is feeling low. I would of liked to see Happy stick up for Toby here!
Poor Toby no wonder he feels less of a man - its important these issues are addressed as men's mental health is very important and its good to see Toby struggling as he is usually very steady.
Another episode where Toby is giving good advice to Walt about Waige.
Glad Happy is defending Toby and acknowledging her marriage to him.
Happy jealous is not something we usually see but refreshing to see shows that she really loves him.
I think the reason Toby lets Amy speak to him like she did was guilt not left over feelings. He can now see how badly he treated her and understands what its like to be in love. He feels at ease with Happy not with Amy.
Toby is most upset with Quincy seemingly getting one over on him its not that he lost Amy its that his ego was bruised as he is the more qualified behaviourist sbd Doctor.
Happy was genuinely upset and worried about Toby in the trash compactor. You can hear her voice breaking she is struggling to hold it together.
If Amy spoke to Toby like that continously no wonder Toby was invested enough in thier relationship to stop gambling one word condensending!
Now Happy is insecure she thinks Amy is better then her (personally Happy is just as pretty as Amy and her personality is 100 times better!) How many current spouses get on with ex's its not uncommon for them not to get on.
Amy is right what she says Toby couldn't give up gambling for Amy but for Happy she was far more important certainly not a consolation pick.
I love when they come out the bunker they run straight to each and hug so cute.
He doesn't even look in Amy's direction.
Toby appoligising is really sweet and Happy admitting how much she finds him attractive is also very cute.
Favourite Quote:
H - your one hell of a man you know that
H - I objectived you, totalled oggled you when you went up the exhust shaft. I checked out your Toukus it got my motor running so let's get out if here and make up for the honeymoon time we missed like you promised.
Favourite Scene:
Toby about to go up the shoot Happy knows what to say to Toby and what he needs to hear. They way they look at each other shows a really deep connection.
His eyes are always on Happy and she him go up checking he is OK.
As the seasons progress I like Walter more (paige less so I'm afraid) and seeing him doing Walter's Wizz Kids is exactly why, he is losing his seriousness and enjoying life more - I do concede this could be partly down to Paige.
Toby and Happy exploring thier dressing up fantasys is really sweet to see, a very healthy relationship.
This is a lovely story highlighting that even in terrible situations everyone matters and should be looked after.
Favourite Quote
C - I'm old fashioned
T - your old everything
T - right now you just listen to the beautiful voice of my beautiful bride and let your instincts take over
Favourite Scene
Not sure i have a favourite Scene its a lovely episode but nothing really stands out
Not sure about this episode i don't like Toby keeping seeing Amy a secret from Happy although I understand in his mind he wanted to protect her from his past and not upset her. Toby obviously doesn't like keeping it a secret and makes it well known Happy is the only one for him.
I hate Amy for putting Toby in this position it has nothing to do with him they have all moved on why contact him!
I love Happy knows he would never cheat but it makes me sad she still thinks he would gamble
I really hate that he did actually place a bet his relationship with Happy should of meant more yo him then Amy but again I understand in his mind he us trying to make up for his bad behaviour abd ease sone guilt. Amy knowing he had given up gambling never ever should of let him place the bet she should of done it.
I always think the fact he leaves the winnings at the table is a show he is not im the same place he once was and he walks out without looking back.
Toby ignoring calls first got me mad but then I think he knows if he speaks to her a) she will know something is going on and b) just hearing her voice will make him stop doing what he is doing
Toby needs to help Amy to repay his debt to her he feels real guilt which he can see now he is more mature, it is him closing off his past leaving it completely behind him.
Happy getting worried snd angry about Toby is a real show of development. She is angry in front of the others but shows her worry when she is on her own.
Happy making sure she tells Paige to tell Toby she loves him even though she is mad at him shows just how deep her feelings are.
I dont like the idea of Toby giving the Gooch all the gambling information and that 'things had changed' all I can think is that he had a plan once he got Amy's ID back - maybe getting Cabe involved??
Amy kissing Toby is really out of line at least Toby did not kiss her back. He won't do anything to jeopardise his marriage, he is not happy.
Toby also knows he needs to give Happy time to calm down and hammer away her frustrations
Favourite Scene
The last scene when Happy confronts Toby and lay her feelings out there they make another step in solidifying thier relationship.
Happy can't lose Toby she loves him her worry was that his past would ruin thier future.
Favourite Quote
T -you know I'm an enthusiastic lover right
P - and
T - with all the procreation recreation i slipped a disc in my lower back
P - we are all way to involved in each others lives
4 17
I really like this episode very underrated and subtle
Happy is obviously struggling with why she isn't getting pregnant but instead of pushing Toby away she is talking to him and leaning on him
She doesn't even shut him down when he says his hat makes him look foxy she actually agrees with him
Toby always provides the right amount of reassurance.
Paige doesn't really allow Walter any leeway considering he has never done valentines day, she just makes snide remarks
Walter really comes into his own when mentoring Ralph even with matters of the hesrt
Would love to see Toby doing surgery in a proper theatre - idea for Season 5
Love seeing Quintis having Normal married couple conversation
I like this episode goes back to the beginning as it has the same feel Walter bring the hero something missing of late.
Toby knows what needs to be done even if he doesn't want too he does it for Happy. Poor Toby not the best way to find out.
The heartbreak on Toby's face is heartbreaking fertility issues are very difficult for all involved and the man's feelings and emotions are often overlooked.
Favourite Scene
Toby and Happy discussing the test results so sweet to Toby so unsure and Happy providing the reassurance
Favourite Quote
T - you must be really stressed because we both know this hat makes me look foxy
H - I know
F - what is that thing Happy always says
T - Dammit Toby put a baby in me already
Going to say from the off I get defensive of Toby in this episode ge may have a slightly lower IQ but he is not inferior or less skilled then the rest of the team and considering his issues on the honeymoon and now being the reason they can't have children he may have low self esteem thd fact the team including Happy joke about his IQ is a poor show of friendship
He is brinv picky about the Doctor as it is out of his control abd not something medically he can help with
Waige are not getting on and finding they have less and less in common
Love Happy openly talking about thier sex lives and the fact she willingly dresses up for Toby they certainly have plenty of chemistry
Walter is bring particular mean to Toby yet he is always accused of being the bad friend
Seeing the 4 geniuses acting so daffy is hilarious
Happy still worries when Toby goes down
Favourite Scene
Happy telling Toby which Doctor they will see, she knows he can't make this decision because of the position he is in, so she already made the appointment now they are off for sexy time!
Favourite Quote
T - its not like I can't come up with any decisive action
H - really ok, I will wear the sexy nurse outfit tonight if you can decide where we get lunch from in the next 10 seconds
T - sexy pharmacist she knows exactly what to prescribe
I really admire how the Scorpion writers manage to deal with delicate topics with grace and humour. Infertility and especially male Infertility is such a sensitive topic it must be hard to find the right balance and Scorpion did this perfectly.
Happy having doubts is completely natural and having nerves. Both Happy and Toby being superstitious shows just how out of control they feel.
Walter is a bit if an arse in this case he knew how important it was to Quntis so didn't need to stop saying that I think he felt genuine guilt when they got held up.
Toby using his skills to pick up on bad behaviour and typically Walter ignoring him.
Poor Toby the guilt he is feeling not bring able to provide the one thing Happy wants. Happy is worried about Toby and very tense.
Happy is not bring very supportive of Toby doesn't correct him when he says he is a loser and Cabe making jokes at Tobys expense no one thinks on the effect this must be having on his mental. health.
Property say Toby isn't a good friend to Walt but he was very complimentary of Walter being a dad to Ralph these comments are often overlooked.
Favourite Scene
It has to be Toby and Happy at the clinic clinging to each other for support it really shows how far they have come.
Seeing Happy holding the baby is a glimpse into the future.
Favourite Quote
The 3 stoogies talking about Toby's product ending with Walter saying
This is my worst work day ever and I was once accidentally blasted into space
Happy struggling to not be on the ground helping and Toby trying to mature - only slightly tho!
The beginning of the end for Waige or so it seems, who knows what the writers had in store. Some things just don't add up ond bring Paige teaching Walter about white lies yet there are many times hr has told white lies over the past 4 seasons.
Toby off to New Orleans and Happy is being supportive for a change.
Watching this episode in this current climate (covid) its scary how true to life this is now.
Toby does cause trouble in this episode think the nerves of becoming a dad are manifesting themselves in his behaviour.
Toby and Cabe are funny together they really they have great on screen chemistry
Favourite Scene
Happy and Toby being honest about their nerves on becoming parents its so honest and true to what most prospective parents feel
Favourite Quote
T ' every party has a party pooper and that's why your here!
C - whats cajun for my foot in your arse
T - I should know that I've heard that before
T - I always knew one of the stupid ones were going to kill me i always thought it was hoping to be Paige
Nice hair cut Eddie looking very sharp
This really should of been the last episode of the season!
Gets off to a funny start poor Walter he has no sense in how his action hurt his friends and Paige
We learn thr fertility treatment didnt work i do think they could of delved into this a bit more was such a off the cuff comment it was nearly missed!
Toby learns Happy has a separate bank account he is not impressed.
Carson is up to no good, why has re appeared in the garage
Poor geniuses not sports people, there are do many funny lines in this episode I can't even say them all.
Toby saying safe word and her stopping stretching his legs does this mean she uses safe word on other occasions??
Happy suspects Flo is up to no good with Walt was it an act or does she really have feelings for him
Toby is feeling hurt by Happy keeping a separate account he thinks she is ready to run - I don't think she saw it that way and realised that she hurt him
I would of liked to see Toby lose it at Carson instead of Flo!
Happy admitting she always found Toby sexy 🥰
Quintis involvement in Walter secret is a contentious issue within the Cyclone some say the advice from Happy and Toby caused the problems within Waige
Toby tells Walter to own up to Paige he had the advice and ignore it
Favourite Quote
P - what is Easter islands point of view
C - I'm just trying to figure out where I can just by one right shoe
T - wait for this, this is going to be good
C - cause I'm going to lose it somewhere up Walters Arse
T - Bam there it is
Favourite Scene
End scenes it us great to see them together as a team and Happy together and Toby says he doesn't mind Happy having a separate account and she says she doesn't need one
I will keep the next 2 episodes short and sweet as I like to do a summary of the season and I don't want to repeat myself!
As a mum I really love Paige and Ralph in this episode there really is no stronger bond than between a mother and child.
Happy is quite clearly distracting herself from nit bring pregnant as I suffered similarly i totally understand you want to do things to help you forget thd only problem is it doesn't work!
Yet again Toby is telling Walt to confess he does what a good friend should do gives him both options at the end of the day it needs to be Walt decision he does know the difference between right and wrong, lies and the truth even with a lower EQ he knows this
Scorpion Season 4
Very excited to see how Married Quintis develop this season
4.01 - even now Happy will make funny digs about Toby but when it's just them or when he is in danger she is very upfront about her feelings
First time we hear the word Gooty..... heard a lot this season
Love how they have a marital creed PANS........
Did you know Eddie kaye thomas didn't use a stunt double when going in the frozen lake
Happy is not Happy with Collins even high in methane
I love how Toby knows that Happy having a go at him for falling in the water is her way of saying she loves him. Happy then proceeds to attack Collins. She only backs down when Toby uses his soft voice and talks her down
Favourite quote- H - I'm not buying the new you bit
H - Sly keep your head on and dont let the gas get you daffy
Favourite scene- my favourite scene is actually one where Happy and Toby and in the back ground at hood of the vehicle and the way they are looking at each shows thier love.
Sorry had a bit of a break sometimes find season 4 hard to watch so went back to beginning rewatched them all now caught up. Onwards through Season 4
4.02 - Second part of the season premiere
Anyone else notice EKT looks rather trim in this episode toned up a bit 🥰
Credit where credit is due poor guy having to act some of these scenes he is given he wears the speedos with pride
Nice references to the fact there are no secrets between Quintis, spouses talk.
Not Quintis related but even in these first 2 episodes Waige are doubting thier relationship and each other not a good start.
Favourite Quote:
T - Happy whats your status
H - married remember you were there
Just another scene which demonstrates how far Happy has come constantly acknowledging her marriage
Favourite Scene - either the one after Toby comes in the pool znd he asks Happy to be safe, no snide remark from Happy she accepts his concern and kiss. Also says she misses the Speedo maybe she was telling the truth to Toby when he came out and lied to Sly not to Toby???
The end scene is also a cute Quintis conversation Toby admitting Collins got the better of him, Happy loving the idea of a romantic night playing with technology ❤ they both get each other
4.03 probably my favourite of season 4
Walter impersonating Cabe is funny its great to see the humorous side if Walter.
Is there anything medical Toby can't do! Now he has birthed a deer and a lady! I think we need more of Doctor Toby.
The quips between Toby and Walter are first class in this episode.
Favourite Quote:
Most if Tobys witty comments in this episode he has more in this episode then the rest of the season combined
T - which one are you Cagney or Lacey
T - all right team, time order uo this kid a little womb service
T - bed time gir mummy deer-est, tough crowd
T - should be as easy as A B C- section
Favourite Scene- I think most people would agree the last scene is a perfect Scorpion family scene and beautiful Quintis scene
They look so comfy in each others presence you can imagine them at home watching some motorbike rebuilding programme. Happy has that longing look where we all know she is imagining a future family and it is even more perfect that Toby knows exactly what she is thinking and provides her support this time with actions not words.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
QUINTIS fanfic based after Fractured S2 Ep16
Some smut in this one sorry!
Toby was lay on his couch with his hst covering his eyes he was exhausted saving the city from a gas explosion was tiring and dirty work he needed a shower. He knew Happy was on her way over she had popped home to change and was collecting a take away. He didn't want to shower and miss the knock on the door.
Just then 3 sharp knocks which he knew to be Happy, he bounced up and opened the door excited to finally have some alone time with her.
Happy stood there a bottle of wine in one hand abd a Chinese take out in the other. Toby pulled her in and set the stuff on the table. Calm down doc I'm not going anywhere. She leant into his embrace and murmered im so glad your ok. She reached up on her tip toes and pulled him down for a kiss. It started slow her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist.
The kiss turned more passionate her fingers running through his hair, his hands worked there way down cupping her under the arse and pulling her up to him with her legs wrapping around his waist.
He walked backwards towards the sofa and sat down with her on top of him still tangled together not coming up for air.
Eventually Toby slowed things down kissing Happy across the jaw, along to the ears and down the neck light peppering kisses with his beard scratching against her skin softly as she let out a contented sigh. Listen Hap as much as I love this your not usually so happy to see me, what's up lovebug? Happy looked up at him quietly speaking I've never cared enough for someone to experience the worry I felt today just got those few minutes when the earthquake hit when we were out if comms. It just hit me hard and made me want to reconstruct the wall but I remembered what Mavis and even Sly said and you make me happy I need to fight the urge to run.
Toby looked at Happy with all the love he had in him, please don't run always talk to me first its taken so long to get here Hap I dont want it to end. Happy looked into his eyes feeling a kind of safety she had never really felt before. Ok no running I promise.
She hopped of his lap went to grab some rice glasses and they sat down to eat like warm Chinese. So you going to tell me what happened in those sewers with Walt, Happy asked.
Toby laughed just the usual singing, 3 legged racing and our normal winding each other up.
Happy grinned I would of paid good money to see you 2 doofuses bounded together singing. Toby smiled, Happy noticed he looked tired. Why dont you go shower and ill clean up here. OK smookums Toby said on the way to the bathroom dropping a gentle kiss on her forehead as he walked by.
Toby stood under the shower with steam sll around him thinking back to their conversation on the sofa, he was making progress with Happy and her acknowledging her feelings for him but it was slow going and she still wasn't ready to tell the team. He was too tired to think much more all he wanted was to curl up with his girl and sleep till morning.
He got out the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist walking towards the bedroom when he opened the door he stopped in his tracks in front of him with her back to him was Happy dressed only in his t shirt and hat. She was running her fingers along the spines of the books on his book shelf. Toby cleared his throat she turned slowly round to face him, she was wearing his favourite grey Harvard t shirt, she literally took his breath away looking more beautiful in his hat and t shirt then he had ever seen her look. Like what you see Doc she said. Toby just nodded too stunned to speak, are you still tired she asked. Toby shook his head. Happy smiled and walked over to him pulling him into her resuming the slow passionate kiss from earlier.
As things became more heated Toby pushed her back on the bed so his hat fell off her head he pulled her t shirt up and off to reveal a matching set of black and red underwear he had never seen before. Toby let out a low groan, hell Happy are you trying to kill me, she smiled shyly tugging his towel off. Her confidence with him in the bedroom was growing she was becoming less self aware and more demanding with her wants and needs.
After they finished they both collapsed on the bed hot and sweaty but definitely satisfied. Happy had led the evening telling Toby exactly what she wanted and how trying new positions but something had changed although it was more frenzied then normal the connection felt deeper like they were finally in the same place.
Wow Toby said its never been like that before, Happy smiled it was pretty great twice as great as normal, never happened to me before. Toby smiled so big, you mean you've never, you know twice in one night he said grinning from ear to ear. Alright big head enough of that one night doesn't make you a sex god.
Just then they heard a knock at the door Hsppy stilled who is that? I'll go get rid of them Toby said pulling on the t-shirt Happy had been wearing and a pair of boxers off the floor. Toby left the room and Happy grabbed his dressing gown off the door pulling it tight round her wsist and she walked and hid out of sight so she could hear what was bring said. It was Walt talking to Toby she knew she had to be quiet she didn't want him to find out this way. Then she heard Toby say that he had never been happier in his life thats why he us being a pain in the tuckus to Walt. Happy smiled maybe she was making him as happy as he was making her. Toby closed the door and she stepped out, really doc you've never been happier?
Well you know the rest! This one seemed to flow out quite quickly. I'm really enjoying these small stories following on from specific episodes 😀
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Fanfic from after 2.18 The Fast and the Nerdest
Happy stood with her arms wrapped around Toby she wanted to believe him she really did but would he actually be able to give up gambling. She looks up at him as he held her close murmuring into her hair about how much he loves her. Shall we get out of here Doc?
Yeah Hap let's go to Kavalskis, we ok though? Let's just get out of here Happy ssid as she distangled herself from his embrace and made her way towards the door. Toby ran his hands through his hair how was he going to convince her he was done with gambling, yes it would be hard but no where near as hard as not being in a relationship with Happy, not now he knew what it was like.
They entered the garage and Happy went straight to her bench and started packing up. The guys watched them both knowing something had happened on the roof Happy's eyes were red and Toby for once was quiet. Sly feeling the need to break the tension picked up a box he won full of bars of soap. Hey Toby you wanna bet if I can guess how many bars of soap are in the box?
Happy's ears picked up but she kept her head down would he let her down not 10 minutes later after his big promise.
Toby looked around the garage then at Sly and said No can do Buddy just made a huge promise to Happy never to gamble again that means friendly bets as well. I cant be another person to let Happy down I won't do it to her you know what she means to me. You hear that Hap everyone knows, no more gambling for me.
Yes doufus you told everyone our business congratulations, now if you want to continue this conversation in private lets go.
You heard my cupcake, see you folks in the morning.
With that both Happy and Toby left the garage, on their way out Toby heard Walter say to Paige i give it a week before he is back at the tracks.
Toby bent his head, he needed his friends to believe him they would influence Happy, if they were negative she would be too. He decided to talk to 197 in the morning.
Toby got in the Truck with Happy, she sat there for a minute thinking Toby knew better then to bug her at this point so he sat as still as he could watching her out the corner of his eyes. She eventually started the engine and drove to Kavalskis.
Once they were seated and ordered their usual burger, fries and milkshake for Toby and diet soda for Happy. Toby was the first to speak, I meant what I said Hap I promise no more gambling, no dog tracks, money on the basketball, casinos the lot im done. You mean more to me then any if that.
How am I supposed to believe you Happy said. You couldn't stop for Amy and she was your fiancee.
Happy she never meant half as much to me as you do, I never even contemplated giving it up, never tried. Gambling was always a better prospect then being with her. Even with a 178 IQ I always felt inferior, never good enough.
He paused as their food was set on the table. With you I dont feel like that I feel equal, we both have our strengths and weakness but they are accepted.
Happy took a bite of her fry and thought for a minute. Listen Toby you know I'm falling for you and I don't think of you like Amy did sure your a pain in the arse but your my pain in the arse. I just need to know i won't fall completely for you and then boom your out all night, blowing your money and risking your life borrowing from loan sharks.
Nothing is guaranteed Happy but I can promise you I will never intentionally hurt you, I won't gamble again and I will always be by your side no matter what.
The way Toby looked at Happy with so much love, truth and conviction in his eyes told her all she needed to know. OK I believe you but no chances you break the promise once and we are done.
Got it, thanks Hap you won't regret it. Now how bout we finish up the burgers head to my place and you can throw or burn every shred of gambling paperwork you can find and then we get an early night, you still owe me a night with the sexy nurses outfit!
Happy's cheeks turned pink, alright keep your perverted voice down, sexy nurse first then burning paperwork, deal?
Sounds a perfect night to me Hap, love you.
Yeah yeah enough of that crap let's get going.
The next morning Toby bounced into the garage he had an amazing night with Happy they seemed to connect more deeply then ever he knew he made the right decision. Hey 197 you got a minute?
Not really Toby I'm busy coding some software for Richare Elia, I dont have time to be analysed first thing.
Come Walt I want to talk about me not you.
This i got to hear, proceed.
You know last night I said i quit gambling, i need you to believe me, Happy means the world to me and I cant let her down not like her family and Foster homes.
OK I believe you but why is it so important I do?
Your opinion means a lot to Happy and if she thinks you think i will break and gamble she will think the same.
Ok Toby you have my support but don't you let her down.
I wont I promise Toby said as he went in search of his lovebug.
I always found the jump from the end if this episide to the cuddling at the end of Ticker a big jump. It needed further talk between them, she accepted it to easily on the roof.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years ago
Quintis Text Conversations pt 3
1.11 Revenge
H - you OK?
T - tough day, glad Sly is going to be ok, u?
H - I'm OK Doc, u seemed to struggle earlier in the day just wanna check in
T - ahh Hap you fo care, tbh I felt helpless all my medical degrees and harvard training were useless today
H - listen doc you looked after him till the Ambo arrived and kept him alive then you handed him off to the people specially trained to deal with these situations
T - i know Hap but when its one of your best mates blood on your hands literally it messes with your head
H - look i can't begin to understand but I do know your a damn good shrink and friend the Sly and if you tell anyone I said that you won't live to see another day
T - thanks Hap, I guess I just need some time to process it. Now tell me more about this boyfriend you used a fake blood pack on?
H - not much to tell lets just say the guy and hus douchebag friends need to be taught a lesson
T - i know never to mess with you
H - damn straight, how long will Sly be in hospital for?
T - few nights should do it im going up first thing tomorrow make sure those half wit doctors ate treating him right, u wanna lift?
H - just because a doctor didn't train at Harvard doesn't make them a half wit! No I'll drive pick you up at 8, don't keep me waiting
T - OK OK pancakes on me! Night Hap sweet dreams see you in the morning
H - night Doc and thanks
1.12 Dominos
T - Thanks for my new hat Happy I feel like me again
H - just don't lose this one, thank you for the tools they are great quality so should last a while
T - tough case with Owen today wasnt sure we'd pull it off
H - i know glad he will get to spend Christmas with his family
T - pretty impressive engineering on that jack you made but you did scare me half to death on that bike, please get a proper licence
H - don't be such a baby I ride all the time never had an issue
T - was nice to meet your dad today hows things been going with him?
H - yeah its been alright I mean we havnt talked that much after I told him who I was. He said he was sorry but I guess time will tell
T - you need to talk to him about what happened why he gave you up
H - what happens if I don't like the answer if it was because he didn't love me
T - no one could not love you Happy, but if you don't ask him you will always wonder. You won't ge able to move forward
H - I guess its just not that easy, I don't want to scare him off now ive just found him
T - i can come with you if you want?
H - no i need to do this on my own
T - ok always here if you need me
T - what you doing tomorrow being Christmas day?
H - nothing probably just eat left over pizza watcg a movie you?
T - same, why don't we do it together? Bests spending it on your own
H - you mean you won't be off gambling at the track?
T - no told you I'm cutting down might put some money on the new year game
H - mmmmm OK why not ill come to over to you no funny business, no romantic or soppy films and no candles
T - ok i get the picture separate seats, action film and all lights on. Beats being alone again so anything is better then last year
H - sounds good I hate being on my own at Christmas too doc so maybe this year will make a nice change. See you in the morning
T - night Happy Merry Christmas
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years ago
Quintis Text Conversations pt 2
1.10 Risky Buisness
T - Hey Happy how did your date go last night?
H - What's it got to do with you?
T - ah come on Hap I'm just asking as a friend?
H - you know i don't talk about my personal life
T - I know but this is what friend's do to get to know each other, as questions about what they have done
H - what did you do last night?
T - OK ill tell you then you tell me
H - deal
T - ok I stayed at home, went on the online poker room win £500 and thought about what you were up too
H - gambling thats what you do every evening?
T - not every evening not anymore no, just when I got something on my mind
T - your turn now
H - fine
H - if you must know i didn't go, backed out the last minute
T - why?
H - dunno didn't feel right, so spent the night taking apart a boat engine I picked up at the scrap yard
T - see that wasn't so hard. Perhaps tomorrow we could go to Kavalskis after work and talk about our days
H - don't push it Doc. This is new for me this whole friendship thing never really had any friends
T - what none
H - no when you don't stay anywhere for more than a few weeks or months there is no point.
T - what about the team?
H - I mean Walt and Sly are cool but I wouldn't tell them every thought and feeling
T - you need friends Hap, people to lean on, who are there for you when you need them. You know i care for you and will always be here when you ready to open up more
H - listen Doc its late, let's table this for another day
T - alright Hap, goodnight sleep tight
H ' night doc
1.11 - Talismans
T - Hey Hap, how's your ankle?
H - yes Doc im fine doing everything you told me to do
T - that will be a first
H - its not often you give me good advice
T - you were pretty amazing out there today Hap, but back to our conversation you don't need to put on your armour around me I won't hurt you
H - looks like we both have a past to deal with, I'm sorry i never asked about your parents must of been pretty tough growing up
T - it wasn't easy Hap that's why I became a doctor to help my mom but she never wanted my help left me to fend for myself wont accept any treatment. I send her money best i can do
H - what about your dad?
T - that waste of space gambled all our money away and left us when i was at college not seen or heard from him since
H - dont you want to find him?
T - no, he knows where mom is so he could get in touch if he wanted too
H - why did you push me to find my dad then?
T - you don't know anything about your dad, he could have reasons you don't know about. You deserve answers Happy
H - if your dad was a gambler why do you gamble?
T - thats the millon dollar question, I started as a way to spend time with my dad when I was much younger, then he realised I could win him money so he used me. When I figured this out I made mistakes on purpose and that got him really mad and that's when he eventually took off then I gambled to get food for mom and me. Eventually became addicted to the high. Now I gamble as a way to forget aftercare bad day go into a zone but its becoming less frequent
H - you can always talk to me instead
T - ah Hap you getting to grips with this friend business!
H - do you have to be so sarcastic all the time. I'm off to bed now night Doc
T - night Happy sweet dreams
I found these harder to find a flow with so sorry they are not so good. Next lot should be better 🤞
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years ago
Quintis Text Conversations
I often think in the early stages of any relationship do much is said over text as its easier then face to face. I think this would if been true for Quintis so below are some Fanfic text conversations I think would if happened after some of the episodes:
1.05 Plutonium Forever
T - Hey Happy how you feeling after today?
H - Fine
T - Come on today was tough you can talk to me about it
H - what so you can shrink me, no thanks
T - no that's not what I'm doing, just talking as friends no shrinking involved. Promise 🤝
H - OK
H - Collins is a nut job who always cause trouble and Walt taking his side over mine was messed up
T - there you go that was easy
T - OK, listen Collins knows how to play mind games he did it with Walt, he got in your head and he makes Sly so nervous he sanatizes his hands more than normal
H - what about you?
T - I'm too clever for him to get in my head
H - are you saying were not clever, hello lowest IQ on the team is yours!
T - harsh Hap, what I'm saying is as a Harvard trained behaviourist I know all the tricks 😉
H - well he's gone to the looney bin now but Walt better not pick him over me again or I'm off
T - dont say that Happy I'll miss you and surly you'll miss me?
H - night Toby
T - night Happy sweet dreams
1.07 fathers day
T - How you feeling Happy after today?
H - you dont need to keep checking on me after every bad day
T - its what friends do
H - im fine, just feel for Ralph
T - Paige will do right by him she's a good mom
H - not if she listens to Walt
T - walt doesn't want any competition, I sense some feelings brewing there
H - really???
T - yep 😍😍
H - well dont get involved its between them
T - but im great at match making im an expert in human emotions you know
H - well your love life ain't been all that great
T - things are looking up now
H - why your ex-fiancee giving you the time of day?
T - No I'm completely over that cheating wench, got my sights set on someone who outshines her completely
H - who?
T - night Hap, sweet dreams
H - Night
There are 2 to start, thinking of doing 1.08 Risky Buisness and 1.10 Talismans next
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years ago
Quintis and Waige 2 different relationships
A quick analysis and my thoughts on 2 very different relationships- these are just my thoughts and opinions so please do be upset if you disagree
For me the Quintis relationship has got strong foundations its is built in love, respect, trust and friendship.
First they have chemistry and passion. There kiss expolde on screen and you get a real sense they have a deeo attraction to one another from ffom the first kiss.
They became friends first in season 1 and this developed through the 1st season and with this came the trust. It took a while for Happy to trust Toby but you could see this build as she shared her past, turned to him when she needed things like in Robots, let him help her when she injured her eye. Happy is fearless independent but with Toby she let him in. As there relationship grew they clearly shared with each other the difficulties of their pasts which you see when Toby reassures Happy about having thier own child and whrn Happy says he is 'one hell of a man' she knows he needed validation and reassuring and provides it to him in her own way.
They also respect each others 'specialties' and try to understand these, Toby always refers to Haopy as a world class mechanic and watches her work and even manages a bit of engineering along the way. Likewise Happy watches Toby work, never doubts his skills or behavioural conclusions and picks up some if his behaviour analysis along the way.
We all know Toby loves Happy from half way through the first season and this is demonstrated over and over he quits gambling, forgives a secret marriage to his best friend and agrees to have a baby with her without a second to think about it. Happy's love was always harder to spot and she shows it in different ways like agreeing to dress up, worrying he would get bored with her, the viws she said, knowing he would never cheat on her (my first Tumbler post was about this!).
To me Quintis are in it for the long hual they have what is needed to reach old age together. They grow together, ate in sync with one another and with the addition of a Quintis child thing's can only get better. I believe even through the bad and tough times beinv on the same wavelength and wanting a family so bad together will see them through.
For me Waige are very different i think the attraction is there but their kiss lack passion they come off on screen as stilted and forced.
They don't have a basic friendship Quintis have. They are friends but do they really know each other. I think Paige is attracted to the fact Walter understands and can communicate with Ralph. Ask any women men being good with thier children is attractive. Walter sees in Paige what he missed growing up a mum who loves her child for being a genius not in spite of it. Walter likes that Paige brings out his EQ and has patience for his lack of EQ.
How much does Walter know about Veronica and Paige'schikdhood, it was Toby Paige turned to when she first appeared not Walter. Likewise you never see Walter really discuss his past with Paige and I don't see any signs, looks or conversations which lead me to believe they have.
Walter so desperately wants to be normal, have a relationship and fit in but is Paige the right person?
You hear from the very beginning Walter being told he can't have a relationship, it won't work, women won't understand him these doubts plague him when Waige finally get togetjer plus he gets conflicting advice its no wonder he had no clue how to deal with Flo and Paige in the end.
Paige changed during the seasons, season 1 Paige i think would of reacted and dealt with the situation differently to season 4 Paige.
Was it all for show and Mark Collins I don't know, there relationship was rocky from episide 1 in season 4 and they never reached the same contentment Quintus did. I do however think Flo was a mole bought in to rock the boat between Waige and the team.
I know my thought's on Waige won't be popular but there is something about them that doesn't gel for me and I can't quite put my fingers on it but no matter how many times I watch it, I never waiver on these opinions.
I would like to add I like their characters individually and Kat and Elyes are fab actors.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years ago
Quintis Story set after 2 x 14 Sun of a Gun
Toby sat in the chair very still with his eyes closed breathing gently. Happy had just told Ralph she was falling for him. He could feel her looking at him whilst he pretended to be asleep. Toby was shattered this flu was kicking his butt so much so he didn't even have the energy to rile 197 up about his attempt at singing.
As he sat there thinking about what Happy had said he thought that hopefully she would be willing to take the next step in thier relationship. They had been on several dates, made out plenty and she'd even slept over but nothing more intimate. He decided he needed to get home, get well and make the next step in thier relatiomship.
Toby slowly opened his eyes and looked at Happy and with a cough smiled and said ' now that's a beautiful way to wake up' Happy flinched looked around and said 'shut it sicko you must be high on pain meds'. Happy got up and walked away, she could see Walter and Paige walking out the garage talking about Elton John. She walked over to Sly and Cabe 'I suppose I better get Mr man flu over there home, any you guys want a lift?' She knew Sly would rather go in a bio lab then get in a car with the Doc and Cabe already had his car parked tound back, but she didn't want to raise any suspicions. They both said no and Sly carried on telling Cabe about his dad trying to get him playing sports.
Happy walked back over to Toby who was sat there looking very sorry for himself, she tapped his shoe with hers 'come on numbnuts let's get you home, we don't all wanna get sick cause of you'.
They both walked to her truck and got in, Toby laid his head back and closed his eyes whilst Happy drove, he didn't like looking weak in front of her but he felt so rough he didn't care. Toby slowly drifted off to sleep and Happy watched him from the corner of her eyes, she didn't like seeing him like this she missed his wise crack remarks and corny comments.
Toby opened his eyes as the truck pulled to a stop , this wasn't his apartment 'where are we' he asked looking confused. 'My place, dont get excited your just here because its more comfortable for me to keep an eye on you here then at yours' she got out of the truck and started walking up the path. Toby quickly got out and followed, as Happy let them in Toby looked around. Her apartment was clean, no mess, nothing personal just some tools and her work bag.
'Come on, your getting into bed what is it you quacks say feed a cold, starve a fever. You need sleep and water. You can eat tomorrow when hopefully your better' Toby just looked at her, it was all too much but he knew he needed sleep so he took his boots and coat off and started to get into bed 'jeans too, you'll be too hot otherwise, I'm going to tidy up and then I will come to bed'
Toby nodded and then grabbed Happy's hand as she was walking away from him 'thank you for taking care of me, no one has looked after me like this' he paused 'well im not sure anyone has really taken care of me when I'm ill' Happy just stared at him unsure what to say, he sensed her unease and as he was falling to sleep 'you just need a sexy nurses outfit and we'd be golden'
Happy left him asleep and went to tidy up and get him some water, she too was shattered after the day she'd had but she couldn't stop thinking about what he said about no one taking care of him. She knew from experience her childhood sucked and she knew Toby didnt have a great one but didn't no it was that bad. Happy knew she would never be the loving caring affectionate person most women were but she could show her feelings her own way. As she turned off the lights she made a mental note to find a nurses outfit give Toby a treat at somepoint in the future.
Happy got into bed snd snuggled next to Toby, he didn't feel as hot as earlier hopefully he would be back to annoying her in the morning but for now she always slept better with him than without
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pinkbutterfly84 · 5 years ago
First attempt at writing a fanfic!
Set after 2 x 13 White Out
Revolves around Quintis
Toby crawled into the tent he saw Happy go into a few moments earlier. The team had all enjoyed a night of snowball fights and smores but slowly one by one they had all made their excuses to leave. Paige had taken a sleepy Ralph home to his bed, Cabe had complained the camp bed was playing havoc on his back, Sly had snuck off to go to the Warlocks chest and Walter had gone to play around with some computer programme he was working on.
'Hey Hap, you know the others have all buggered off if you want to head home your bed will be warmer' Toby took his hat off running his fingers through his hair before replacing his hat. Happy looked at him with her head slightly cocked to one side 'I'm still up for a night camping if you are?' She said ever so shyly. Toby could barely contain his grin 'of course i am' he said taking his coat and boots off and opening the sleeping bag. Toby settled himself into the sleeping bag whilst Happy took her coat and boots off and slowly crawled in next to Toby. 'Remember no funny business' she said as he opened his arm and she snuggled down against him, hear head lying gently on his chest.
As Happy lay there she finally started to warm up, she had never felt so cold and alone has she had today, but when she was stuck out on that ice all she could think of was Toby. They had been getting closer again these past few weeks especially since Megan passed away and that kiss the other night. Happy was well aware of Toby's feelings for her he never had them but she was nervous to admit how deep her feelings for him were getting.
'Happy you awake?' Toby said softly in that voice she knew he only ever used with her. 'Yeah Doc I'm awake' she replied equally as softly. 'I've been thinking' Toby said slowly and slightly unsure of himself, ' I'd like another chance to take you out you know on a date. One where I show up, dont fall asleep and you don't need to wear perfume' Happy stiffened against him. 'Look I know i messed up last time, but we have been hanging out more just the 2 of us away from the garage, so I thought we could go out somewhere like a proper date' Happy thought for a while, she guessed this was coming sooner or later but still she wasn't sure. She then thought back to Mavis and what she said about lowering her sheild 'OK, but we don't tell the others yet' Happy paused 'we did that once before and I was humiliated. I don't want that to happen again. We keep it between ourselves until we see where this is going' Toby breathed out a sigh of relief 'of course if that makes you happy, Happy'
Toby slowly moved his 2 fingers under her chin and tilted her head slightly so they were face to face and looking each other in the eyes. 'I thought i lost you today' Toby said softly before leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. Happy deeped the kiss moving her hands to wrap round his head and her fingers knocking his hat off.
After a while Happy was snuggled back against Toby and he was playing gently with the ends of her hair. 'Listen Doc, I want to take this slow. I want to get to know you, away from the garage, I want to know your past and I want to feel comfortable sharing mine with you. But your going to have to be patient give me time. I've never wanted to share my past with anyone but I do with you, I Trust you' Toby's hands stilled he knew how much it took for Happy to open up to him and little by little she was. 'Its OK Happy, we will go at your pace. How about this I tell you something and you tell me something can be really small like your favourite food or something else. I'll go first, my favourite food is pizza' Happy chuckled 'ok my favourite TV programme is motorbike restoration programmes, I can watch them for hours'.
It went on like this for hours as it got darker outside and then started to get lighter. All of a sudden Happy said quietly 'im most scared that ill fall in love with you and you'll hurt me, I'm not sure i would ever recover from that'. Toby replied quickly 'funny that's the same thing I'm most scared of but its not if I fall in love with you because you know I already am'. They both went quiet list in their own thoughts but still comfortable snuggled against each other.
'Come on' Toby said grabbing Happy's hand 'enough seriousness for one night, we have many more nights to figure things out but I promise I will never intentionally hurt you' Toby pulled Happy out of the tent and walked her over to the side over looking LA, the sun was just starting to rise. Toby wrapped his arms round her and rested his head on top of hers ' thank you for a magical night and giving me another chance' he said '197 will be up faffing around soon so we better head home whilst we can if we don't want anyone to know about tonight'. Happy turned around in his arms 'come on then stinky let me drive you home, you need a shower and to brush your teeth' Toby cupped his hands over his mouth breathed and smelt whilst Happy giggled. 'Normal service has resumed I take it' Toby said as they walked hand in hand to the door back into the garage.
There we go first ever story done, let me know your thoughts........
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