#strange new worlds hemmer
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anerdynerd · 3 months ago
Let me offer you:
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Hemmer sketches :] Wanted to practice drawing Aenar/Andorians, so who would be better for that than the man with the facial features ever
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moonlightshaiku · 1 year ago
If you’re still doing the prompts maybe 16. "Urgh. Definitely not." with Hemmer in a comedy?
Thanks if you do! And no problem if you don’t :)
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Setting Him Up
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"Urgh. Definitely not." You'd never heard him make that noise before, a cruel sound of disgust from the back of his throat. You near giggled, kinda wheezed.
"You're that disgusted?" He twitches, brows furrowing for not even a second. You worry you've made him mad.
"I do not understand the endeavor to... have me 'shack up' with Chappell." You blink rapidly.
"No, no. A certain someone—er well, not a certain someone— well. Er. Someone said you needed 'some', okay. And I— they came to me? About it? And I think they wanted me to solve the problem?"
"I'm not that grumpy, am I?" Hemmer looks less disgusted, and less scary. Instead, his antenna hang lower and he's leaning, face incredulous.
"Well," you start. "You are pretty uptight." You give a helpless shrug, attempting to seem apologetic. He just blinks a few times with a slight roll of his head, showing his displeasure.
"Is there anyone you are interested in?" He immediately slumps, obviously upset with the continued questioning. "Do you even want to be in a relationship?"
Hemmer doesn't take long to think about it, just gives a little smile and a huff out his nose. "I definitely do not need to be set up. Especially with lower ranking officers."
You hum, palm under your chin. "Strict rules on that shit." You mutter in his direction.
"That 'shit' keeps quite a few people safe." You jump to attention, the words sharp but his tone steady.
"Didn't mean it like that, sorry."
He hums, "I wouldn't expect it of you, do not worry" He gives you a nod that is obviously an apology. You nod back.
Your conversation. On him being set up.
"So you don't need my help?" You reaffirm.
He nods, with a sigh a bit too sassy to mean anything other than "duh".
You laugh, short and breathy. He sighs again, but he's smiling.
"What about a relationship? Not purely sexual?"
Hammer makes a face. "What?"
"Would a... relationship. With me. Be okay?"
Hemmer doesn't hesitate. "Yes."
You breathe. "Okay."
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startrekuniverse · 8 months ago
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vreenak · 2 months ago
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS (2022- ) ↳ Every character in every episode: Hemmer in Strange New Worlds, 1x1
- Hemmer, did you find anything? - Of course. That's why I'm wandering around the ship in the middle of the night running diagnostics. For fun.
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purple-iris · 5 months ago
Uhura as a cadet losing her mentor/father figure, chief engineer Hemmer, during a deadly mission
Saavik as a cadet losing her mentor/father figure, Spock, who died in engineering, during a deadly mission
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The parallels hurts me
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hazelnewts · 2 years ago
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🛠️"We can fix that!"🛠️
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Sometimes, I wonder if it's just me, but I sincerely feel Hemmer had much more potential than to just help with another character development. It's not often I find a character that portrays blindness or even deafness, but it seems each one I do find, that I've also liked, end up getting thrown out in a horribly morbid way. There was so much wrong with this. They could have retired him or something to make room for Scotty. I'm not gonna lie, but I've been nervous to bring up a confession. Sure, Hemmer wasn't like a "main" character, but I wished there was more of him. Sometimes, I refuse to acknowledge some events of SNW as canon and that Hemmer is still there. He is a very cool character, Uhura lost her family, and he took almost like a father role to her as well as a mentor. Plus, an Aenar being in Starfleet as not just any engineer, but the Chief Engineer is pretty awesome. Hemmer is a wonderful representation of people and huge props for the actor for that. I wished and hope that more people eventually appreciate Hemmer even for the small things.
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sci-fi-gifs · 2 years ago
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STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS 1.08 'The Elysian Kingdom'
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akane-no-mai · 2 years ago
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I am recalibrating the communications array. The antenna assembly goes through the nacelles. I like to be thorough, and I've asked for so many of these recalibrations that eventually Hemmer got annoyed and said it would be easier to show me how to do it myself.
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emonydeborah · 1 year ago
If the crew became kids
I doubt this is going to happen, especially because TNG already did it, but I would personally have such a great time.
An overarching theme would be Una's height because reasons, and because her talking to someone and suddenly having to look down at some child would be hilarious.
So some kidifying ray swept the ship, affecting them either one at a time or all at once.
Chris will not shut up about horses. He's swinging his legs on the biobed and chattering away. He accidentally interrupts and is so apologetic bc he never wants to be rude!!!! He wants to be friends!!! "Are we friends?" Spock has to look down at his captain/father figure and say "...yes. Chris." (Also Chris stares up at Una and says she's pretty bc he has more brains as a child than a grown man). He stares out at the stars with the biggest eyes.
Una the preteen is the same height as La'an and La'an is pretending not to be salty about it. They know she's Illyrian and she Freaks Out, and she and La'an have a talk about accepting themselves and not being defined by what others think that is more educational for La'an than for Una. What a gangly woman. She is out here constantly knocking things over, and the crew sees someone who had to grow into herself as much as anyone. Her default response is silence and big scared eyes but she can be tempted with some trivia. Erica spends hours showing her the flight controls.
Spock is a complete deadpan sassbucket and no one is prepared. the cute chubby cheeks. The bowlcut. His babysitters lose sight of him for sixty seconds and he disassembles a replicator because he heard a funny noise. Don't touch that. Why? *is touching it* They cannot make him believe he is in fact an adult and they're trying to fix him. "Mother says to find a mother with children and ask her for help if I get lost." Man asks Una for help because he's lost. Legend.
Uhura is such a little imp. Once she gets over being scared she disappears into the jeffries tubes. Her giggling echoes through the ship like the ghost of a demonic victorian child. Hemmer is down to let her roam but Una crawls in and drags her out. If any of the kids get a leash, it's Uhura. Erica distracts her with sweets. She needs to be occupied at all times or she will wander away.
Erica is the surliest eleven year old. Everyone expected her to be the easy child but she makes a point of being difficult. Una is tearing her hair out and Chris is like yes but have you considered. She is eleven. She's edgy and moody and everyone is like how did our Erica come from you. Una says she's the best pilot she's ever met and sits her at the helm and Erica stops her griping for a bit. She determinedly does not show interest but she does look at the buttons and subtly watch Jenna doing her job.
La'an has a lisp and sucks her thumb. Una insists she has to stay with her. For security reasons. Una has to go yell at people and La'an is holding her hand/on her hip the whole time. Everyone else is curious about little La'an but Una goes NO get your OWN. Little La'an wants hugs and cuddles and Una goes well if I must. For Starfleet. Chris does get custody for a while and he carries la'an around on his shoulders.
Christine and her big fat smart mouth. ackshually I read about this and you're wrong. Her sass is only matched by baby Spock. Grown Spock does not know how to handle it. This eight year old and her sassy little crossed arms leave everyone speechless with the sheer audacity. Joseph "don't touch that you'll break it" vs Christine "we use these at school all the time I know what to do" *breaks it* "... I didn't do that."
Joseph is the smiliest boy. He's having a great time. He follows Christine around and asks her about everything. Someone is in Sickbay with a sprained ankle or something and Joseph goes hmm. Looks like you're real sick. Do you have chicken soup here. He's the most charming little kid. Everything he does is cute. Everyone gets hugs and secret handshakes.
Hemmer, like Spock, takes stuff apart for the heck of it. Uhura tries to distract him by asking about Andoria and he could not care less. Man is tearing apart the EPS manifold and Uhura goes ...buddy let's not do that. Una says stop and he stops. All the deadpan blind jokes. Look away for two seconds and he is actively climbing into the warp core. What are you doing?!?!? Hemmer *shrugs*
Pelia is off like a shot all over the place. Talking a mile a minute. Young Pelia is such a foreign idea no one knows how to handle it. She's their wise old hermit and their wise old hermit is hanging upside down off the biobed. Now she's on the ground and her head hurts. Oh crap she's crying.
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andorianminingconsortium · 8 months ago
Hi Star Trek fans and nerds! Do we know what the Andorian language sounds like? Do you have a headcanon for it? I would love to know all of your opinions and ideas!
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moonlightshaiku · 2 years ago
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Hemmer's "Type"
Hemmer doesn't really have a type? He doesn't really focus on romance at all. He grumps about, makes jokes, does his work, and is happy with it all.
When someone comes along that he's interested in, however, they become a priority. He likes to "woo" his romantic interests, however, it's more casual. Less big events and more... providing a meal/snack. He's sorta like a bird in his trinket giving? But less socially awkward and more himbo.
He will definitely perfer someone more calm. He likes some who will talk to him, rant about their interests or whatever is happening to them at that moment in time. He likes listening. He'll talk, too, he likes talking to his partner, he just doesn't like talking too much.
He does like someone who will appreciate his culture and teach him about theirs. He wants to try more Terran food, but he'd like you to try the teas and soups from his childhood.
He won't be hard-core crushing or kicking his feet, at least outwardly. He's actually surprisingly put together.
Hemmer is a gossip. He will trust you enough to tell you whatever he's learned on the ship. The engineering Ensigns have a lot to say.
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startrekuniverse · 7 months ago
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➢ Uhura remembering Hemmer
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izdani03 · 3 months ago
I just finished watching Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds and I can't stop but notice that there are a lot of Andorians on the ship. I am so glad they finally show more of them. Their species exists since TOS and they get referenced in pretty much every series after but they only started appearing on screen in the 2000's on ENT. And while many people don't like ENT it is one of my favourites. Especially Shran (thank you Jeffrey Combs for the fantastic work you're doing). I was so happy when they introduced Hemmer as the chief engineer on SNW, although that aged poorly, but still we keep seeing them on screen. Even if they are just background characters that dont even get to talk I am just happy to see that they finally get a little more attention. Ever since I watched ENT for the first time I have been fascinated by the Andorians/Aenar, especially because they come from an ice planet. But that is a future rant.
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bobertbilliams · 2 years ago
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Team Hemura is back!
Star Trek: very Short Treks | Holiday Party | StarTrek.com
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anewstartrekfan · 3 months ago
Hemmer’s literal last words: Uhura […] Open yourself. Make a home for yourself amongst others and you will find joy more often than sadness.
Uhura 10 episodes later:
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