#snw au
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emonydeborah · 1 year ago
If the crew became kids
I doubt this is going to happen, especially because TNG already did it, but I would personally have such a great time.
An overarching theme would be Una's height because reasons, and because her talking to someone and suddenly having to look down at some child would be hilarious.
So some kidifying ray swept the ship, affecting them either one at a time or all at once.
Chris will not shut up about horses. He's swinging his legs on the biobed and chattering away. He accidentally interrupts and is so apologetic bc he never wants to be rude!!!! He wants to be friends!!! "Are we friends?" Spock has to look down at his captain/father figure and say "...yes. Chris." (Also Chris stares up at Una and says she's pretty bc he has more brains as a child than a grown man). He stares out at the stars with the biggest eyes.
Una the preteen is the same height as La'an and La'an is pretending not to be salty about it. They know she's Illyrian and she Freaks Out, and she and La'an have a talk about accepting themselves and not being defined by what others think that is more educational for La'an than for Una. What a gangly woman. She is out here constantly knocking things over, and the crew sees someone who had to grow into herself as much as anyone. Her default response is silence and big scared eyes but she can be tempted with some trivia. Erica spends hours showing her the flight controls.
Spock is a complete deadpan sassbucket and no one is prepared. the cute chubby cheeks. The bowlcut. His babysitters lose sight of him for sixty seconds and he disassembles a replicator because he heard a funny noise. Don't touch that. Why? *is touching it* They cannot make him believe he is in fact an adult and they're trying to fix him. "Mother says to find a mother with children and ask her for help if I get lost." Man asks Una for help because he's lost. Legend.
Uhura is such a little imp. Once she gets over being scared she disappears into the jeffries tubes. Her giggling echoes through the ship like the ghost of a demonic victorian child. Hemmer is down to let her roam but Una crawls in and drags her out. If any of the kids get a leash, it's Uhura. Erica distracts her with sweets. She needs to be occupied at all times or she will wander away.
Erica is the surliest eleven year old. Everyone expected her to be the easy child but she makes a point of being difficult. Una is tearing her hair out and Chris is like yes but have you considered. She is eleven. She's edgy and moody and everyone is like how did our Erica come from you. Una says she's the best pilot she's ever met and sits her at the helm and Erica stops her griping for a bit. She determinedly does not show interest but she does look at the buttons and subtly watch Jenna doing her job.
La'an has a lisp and sucks her thumb. Una insists she has to stay with her. For security reasons. Una has to go yell at people and La'an is holding her hand/on her hip the whole time. Everyone else is curious about little La'an but Una goes NO get your OWN. Little La'an wants hugs and cuddles and Una goes well if I must. For Starfleet. Chris does get custody for a while and he carries la'an around on his shoulders.
Christine and her big fat smart mouth. ackshually I read about this and you're wrong. Her sass is only matched by baby Spock. Grown Spock does not know how to handle it. This eight year old and her sassy little crossed arms leave everyone speechless with the sheer audacity. Joseph "don't touch that you'll break it" vs Christine "we use these at school all the time I know what to do" *breaks it* "... I didn't do that."
Joseph is the smiliest boy. He's having a great time. He follows Christine around and asks her about everything. Someone is in Sickbay with a sprained ankle or something and Joseph goes hmm. Looks like you're real sick. Do you have chicken soup here. He's the most charming little kid. Everything he does is cute. Everyone gets hugs and secret handshakes.
Hemmer, like Spock, takes stuff apart for the heck of it. Uhura tries to distract him by asking about Andoria and he could not care less. Man is tearing apart the EPS manifold and Uhura goes ...buddy let's not do that. Una says stop and he stops. All the deadpan blind jokes. Look away for two seconds and he is actively climbing into the warp core. What are you doing?!?!? Hemmer *shrugs*
Pelia is off like a shot all over the place. Talking a mile a minute. Young Pelia is such a foreign idea no one knows how to handle it. She's their wise old hermit and their wise old hermit is hanging upside down off the biobed. Now she's on the ground and her head hurts. Oh crap she's crying.
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tinderbox210 · 11 months ago
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Star Trek: Strange Noir Worlds
Fanmade Spocklaan poster inspired by the news that we'll get a Hollywood murder mystery in season 3. I really hope it'll be a noir episode.
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pre-raphaelite-s · 10 days ago
spock and sam kirk hating each other canonically means so much to me actually. of course jim has an annoying older brother who made spock’s life a living hell and vice versa. of course spock was his boss. and that was before bones had even come into the picture. of fucking course
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tinderbox210 · 2 years ago
Did you say Star Trek soccer AU???
Have I’ve been secretly thinking of a Star Trek soccer AU since watching Ethan’s movie where he plays a soccer player? Maybe..........
I’m no expert on soccer (I know, a crime where I’m from) but hear me out:
Coach Pike and Coach Chin-Riley are assigned by team manager April to turn the Enterprise Underdogs into a winning team ala Ted Lasso style (which I haven’t seen yet but I heard it’s a great show).
M’Benga would be the team’s physician.
Hemmer would be the keeper.
Spock and Manu (of course he needs be in this AU!) are defenders/wings because of their height and build. Spock would also be the team’s captain and strategist.
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Uhura, Christine, Sera (the newest transfer player from the Romulan team) and La’an would be midfielders with La’an being famous for her deadly cross shots.
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Erica would be the striker because she’s smol and fast!
And since there need to be 11 players, Scotty and the Kirk bros can also be on the team.
And Runa would be the team’s mascot!!!
Watching Pretty Tough for Adelaide Kane (and to see if there are any scenes to swipe for editing) and though it’s completely unrelated outside of me being unhinged, it’s making me think of young teen Sera on Romulus.
She also has a big sister in it and the sibling rivalry dynamic is everything, and now I’m thinking what if Sera also had an older sister who was the shining example of what a daughter of Romulus shoulder be and they were in constant competition and that’s another reason why she’s so driven because she’s always been the family disappointment by comparison.
It’s also making me think about a Star Trek soccer AU. ⚽️
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bumblingbabooshka · 28 days ago
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Ensigns Tuvok, Spock, Kirk and Janeway reporting for duty! Kirk says that he was known for being so serious the other cadets bullied him about it (and that even when he taught at the academy he was renown for being a tough grader) so I think he'd actually get along with Tuvok if they could put aside that Tuvok obviously doesn't want to be in Starfleet. Tuvok too seems like others perceived him as too serious and his instruction style has a drill-sergeant je ne sais quoi. Meanwhile for Spock I'm pulling on that one pilot episode where he's on Pike's ship as an ensign. Because it was before they nailed down what Vulcans were about, Spock was much more expressive in that episode. I think it'd be cute if he just can't hide how psyched he is about science and exploration and Janeway would totally relate to that - Tuvok at one point scolded her for being TOO focused on science while in a command position AND Janeway has shown herself to be able to win over the heart of even the most Vulcan-y of Vulcans through her earnest understanding and drive so she and Spock are gonna vibe heavily. We should put all the Vulcan-Human pairs that are weird about each other in one room AU. [Patreon | Commissions]
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aenslem · 2 years ago
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Pollux the Wizard The Elysian Kingdom STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS
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This is a tie-breaker for this poll.
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fiadorable · 1 year ago
Hear me out.
Voyager SNW AU.
Wherein: Chris Pike captains Voyager into the badlands chasing the renegade Illyrian ship Astra captained by former Starfleet officer Una Chin-Riley who escaped custody after her genetic status as Illyrian was revealed.
Wherein: Upon transport to the Delta Quadrant it is revealed that La'an Noonien-Singh, the Astra's tactical officer, has been working for SF the whole time as a spy and is actually Pike's tactical officer.
Wherein: Una's dearest childhood friend Neera has been transported to the Caretakers array along with Spock from Voyager.
Wherein: Ortegas and Chin-Riley have beef with each other but also a grudging respect for each other's piloting skills
Wherein: A grumpy Andorian brought by an earlier Caretaker wave insists they rescue his friend Uhura from the Kazon. It's 100% platonic. Una and Hemmer go way back and she convinces Pike to help them. She regrets it slightly when Hemmer pretends to be a wizard who can conjure water from thin air, but the Kazon don't spend the next several years chasing them down for replicators because they don't know they exist.
Wherein: Uhura immediately crawls into Voyagers communications array and upgrades the system and also is able to provide diplomatic protocols for the surrounding area. Hemmer is there "to fix what is broken" so they throw him into engineering with Neera to see what will happen.
Wherein: Dr M'Benga's daughter is cured accidentally while in the Caretaker's "care". Naomi Wildman will grow up with a playmate. Christine Chapel was on the Illyrian ship and is very excited to play with the latest Starfleet tech. M'Benga spends a lot of time fishing on the holodeck.
Wherein: Pike and Una now have to get everybody home but you know what they're gonna bang the whole way because there's no misogyny in this version in this essay I will...
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leohtttbriar · 4 months ago
WIP game
tagged by @dykesynthezoid to share an excerpt from a WIP ♥️😊
Nyota: I am writing this now during Mu-yor-yeht (“True-night”: when the three suns are not risen). I can see the stars and the plane of the galaxy even through the planet’s thick atmosphere. I note gratitude for the sight. Lai spoke to me of someone comparing such a sight to a garden—an interesting and dialectical idea. I am writing this because I have in this moment discovered that I am seeking to know what you think of this comparison. If you have thoughts, and are amendable to sharing them, please do so. On Vulcan, there is an ancient academic tradition of dividing disciplines into dualities. (In truth, as a species we divide many things into dualities, for the sake of ideative conception. It has been a source of great debate how useful this practice is.) One such duality is between the abroren and ne’-ren—“those who look up” and “those who look down.” Disciplines of ne’ren were typically engineering, zoology, meteorology, painting, and medicine. Disciplines of abroren were music, Logic, agriculture, astrology, and language. The abrorensu were eventually the original students of Surak. Those students gained the moniker “wutals” or the ‘long-necked’ for how often others found them exposing their throats, a risky action among enemies. I observe the same "wutal-ic" qualities in your composition. - Nyota: You are not obliged to respond to my last message. - T’Pring, I think we’re past this already—both of us reaching out and then regretting it. I won’t regret it ever again and I won’t regret what I’m about to say now. Please send me more messages in the middle of the night. Nyota
bonus one from a fic i'm not sure i'll ever finish:
“I learned this craft from a Dwarf,” said Galadriel. “Who knew all the sky’s secrets.” “What secrets could the sky contain?” Arwen fingered the edge of the pool, where the water was delicate rather than dense. “It is ever open to us.”
tagging @lostyesterday @firstroseofspring @youandthemountains @bobakick @trillscienceofficer
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porcelaintoybox23 · 1 year ago
Me: Wow, I hope I get some feedback
Me: writes fanfic that will appeal to a very niche circle of a fandom
Me: Damn why my inbox empty?
Edit: shameless plug
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emonydeborah · 1 year ago
snw au
I've seen a few fics where La'an feels like Una could have taken her in as a child but didn't, and where Una herself considered it and felt guilty for not adopting La'an. And I am a sucker for found family/adoption AUs.
Ensign Una decides to keep La'an. Her CO on the King Jr. fights it, but Una asks La'an, and it's what La'an wants.
this is before there were any child-friendly starship assignments, so Una gets herself assigned to a space station. She misses the stars, but they're still surrounding her. And La'an shifted her priorities
There aren't a lot of opportunities for pilots on a space station, so Una transfers to operations and fakes it til she makes it. She's a quick study and people notice. It gives her the ability to advance in her career without being reassigned.
A few people think she’s stuck up bc she came from command. The people who work out that she transferred for La’an have enormous respect for her. But you don't even need to know that to fear her organizational skills.
by the time she makes lt cmdr, she's chief engineer of the station.
La'an, meanwhile, grew up in a steady home with someone who chose her. Which is the main thing I want for her.
Una is tough on La'an with school, but she makes time and effort to help if La'an is struggling.
by the time she's 15, La'an can navigate all the jeffreys tubes in the station bc Una lets her crawl around with her.
Lt. Pike is on a ship assigned to the sector that frequently docks at the station. Ever the explorer, he finds Una around the station a few times by accident before he starts looking on purpose. You see a woman and her daughter climbing out a jeffreys tube enough times it starts to stick in your memory.
La'an grows up and goes to Starfleet academy, and Captain Pike snatches Una up as chief engineer on the Enterprise.
my main wish is for La'an to have a stable upbringing!!!! give my girl some peace and a safe place to return and grow!!! And I like Una thriving and taking ownership wherever she goes. She'd be noticeable no matter what
it would also be pikeuna. of course.
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tinderbox210 · 2 years ago
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds + Youtube AU
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kirk-laan · 1 year ago
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Paul Wesley and Christina Chong with Adelaide Kane (@ trekcore)
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pre-raphaelite-s · 1 month ago
snw make your jim show literally any amount of romantic or sexual interest in a man and my life if Yours. queerbait me see if i gaf!!!!!
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woman-of-many-fandoms · 2 years ago
So who wants to write those soulmate stories where their first words to each other is written on each other. "Frustrating" and "Why don't you join us?" are as good as any.
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neyafromfrance95 · 2 years ago
okay, here i come with my christine defense bc i already see christine criticisms, yet nothing about spock.
was christine wrong for not telling spock about the fellowship sooner? yes, but there was only a few hours between christine finding out she got accepted and spock asking her about the fellowship!
but spock is not blameless in this episode either!
spock acted entitled. first, he was noisy about christine's private files even though he knew it was unethical. second, he pressured christine into talking right after he and uhura decided to heighten someone's feelings as an experiment.
knowing how useless her defense mechanisms would be in that musical universe, he basically forced her into baring her soul and vulnerabilities!
he did that in front of their friends and strangers, completely disregarding christine's needs for privacy.
that was manipulative, pushy and absolutely not the way you act with someone who has emotional issues due to their war trauma.
we can say that both christine and spock were written out of character without any misogynistic double standards!
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