#storm rage
authoralexharvey · 2 years
Happy STS!! Which one of your characters do you think you'd get along with the best if you met them irl? Are there any you just wouldn't be able to stand being around?
Happy sts and thanks for the ask!! Hmmmm I'm gonna split this into three lists across all my projects that I can think of. Also this isn't just "how I feel about them" but also "how they feel about me" like Neku down there would NOT hesitate to kill me lmao
Would get along great with
Isabella Herrera (WTTV)
Nadia DuPont (ASMLP)
Simone Allard (ASMLP)
Dakota Locke (TWEfA)
Jack(Jacqueline) Zavala (Lilium)
Jayashekar Katsaros (TOOD)
Lady Yoru Inoue (BtMS)
Lili/Tsurande (Storm Rage)
Lorne Maverick (TOOD)
We're not the same/ambivalent feelings
Macy Floros (WTTV)
Quinn Harding (TOOD)
Maka Willards (TWEfA)
Margot Cyrriak (LVM)
Lilith Johnson (Lilium)
Katalin Basurto (TWEfA)
Tantirell Evensong (TOOD)
Elrai in'Elada (Kingkiller)
Evelyn Beaulieu (BtMS)
Fighting on sight
Etienne LaChance (ASMLP)
Yvette Durand (LVM)
Oliver Johnson (Lilium)
Neku in'Elena (Storm Rage)
Aleta (Storm Rage)
Muirenn (TToCH)
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ipledgeawaymysanity · 5 months
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Not the hearth burning in Olympus🥹🥹
🤎My goddess Hestia🤎
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twoheartsoneclara · 6 months
ever since i was a little girl i always knew that i wanted to say to myself “im going to kill myself” whenever dealing with the slightest inconvenience
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happyk44 · 5 months
percy repeating that he can be good over and over again to himself while covered in the blood after an overwhelming unleash of volatile rage that destroyed all that threatened his loved ones while grover holds his face and steadily grounds him back to reality
("i'm safe, we're safe, it's safe, just breathe")
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nero-neptune · 1 year
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Angela Bassett’s 1980-90s Filmography (p.2)
Liberty (1986) / HeartBeat (1989) / Family of Spies (1990) / Snoops (1990) / The Heroes of Desert Storm (1991) / Locked Up: A Mother’s Rage (1991) / One Special Victory (1991) / Nightmare Cafe (1992) / Critters 4 (1992) / Passion Fish (1992)
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tanuki-kimono · 16 days
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Moody sea scenery for this antique summer kimono, depicting umitsubame (storm petrels) over raging waves. By the sandy shore on hem, bloom nadeshiko (pinks) and kikyo (Chinese bellflower).
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Am I slightly obsessed with dragon AUs? Maybe. Maybe I just really like dragons. So have another prompt.
Danny and Tucker have decided to reincarnate together in an entirely new world. Which isn't a new thing with reincarnation for beings such as them, but honestly they're a little tired of being humans or human-adjacent beings.
But they don't want to just be an animal either. They're Ancients after all, and can afford to be a bit prideful in choosing a form they'll hopefully spend at least another eighteen years in.
The forms they've chosen? Why dragons. It fits their power sets so well, and honestly it's something new for them! And well, Sam would join but it's her turn on the whole council thing since the Realms doesn't exactly have a king anymore.
But they have to make it through the whole... egg thing first. Which on one hand, dragon eggs are practically indestructible and it's free nap time! On the other, they can't exactly defend themselves besides whatever natural magical things might surround them.
Which is why it's so annoying that some assholes decide to steal them. They're literally stuck as eggs for at least a few months more, preferably a bit longer so they can be certain their new bodies are strong enough to hold their true power. Or at least the small fraction living bodies can hold.
And they aren't some gemstones! Honestly these people are also idiots and- oh, hey, someone is attacking the whole smuggling operation thing, thank fuuck... .... Oh hey, fellow undead! Yeah, hey, dude that doesn't feel full of greed and is maybe a bit angry but that's normal, yeah you! Hey get them out of this box! Yeah!
Jason on the other hand, is having a very What the Fuck sort of night right now.
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ky-landfill · 9 months
Absolutely love your art!! if you’re feeling it, could we get some Jason & Bruce reconciliation please?
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mystery-salad · 4 months
The world is safe now.
You tell yourself that as Zhaitan clings to a tower of decay, crumbling beneath its claws as the canons aim true. The shots hit, cheers raise as the dragon topples down. Falling from view through the miasma it created below. No one can hear it hit the ground over the relieved shouts of victory ringing across the airships. But everyone feels it in a resounding rumble that shouldn't have carried through the air like that. The celebrating falters, confusion rising but not fast enough to prepare for what follows. The shockwave hits like nothing you've ever felt. Everything goes dark as the screams begin.
The world is safe now, Orr is not.
You wake up in the rubble as survivors try to make sense of what happened. The dragon is dead, but no one accounted for where all the consumed magic had to go. No one planned for this despite generations of preparation. Perhaps there's a reason for the dragons, you hear murmurs through the tents. But you didn't come this far to call it quits, and one land riddled with a decaying radiation can't stop the mission. The contamination in your blood won't stop you.
The world is safe now. Orr is gone.
Mordremoth stares you down from within his mind. You're like a weed that won't die, small and foreign but resilient and ready to take everything. The odds are against you with the team sent away, you can't face the gaze of the dead like last time. They're safe at a distance, you have to hope they got far enough as you defy the odds and strike another dragon down.
The world is safe, but there's a catch.
Trahearne shudders as your mind returns to your body, as you look around in wonder that there isn't a shockwave like last time. He's so calm as he explains the truth of it, defying how terrified he is of dying, of asking a friend to do this and stand at ground zero once again. But you stand just as calm, picking up the blade and telling him to close his eyes. You hope he'll rest well, wherever his life takes him next. As the blade cuts through, you know it's real as the shockwave begins just like last time. You brace for impact as much as you can.
The world is safe now. The desert is gone.
It's almost tempting to let Balthazar handle the rest, let the god walk a path of destruction to each dragon, sparing yourself further damage. But his path leaves so much unnecessary devastation...so here you are alone with another dragon. Well, not completely alone now. You have Aurene, though you're still not sure if that's truly a blessing any more. The two of you corner Kralkatorrik, the perfect trap laid deep underground in old sunspear ruins.
The world is safe now, until the dragon takes a last stand.
Waking up in wreckage is becoming normal to you. When did that happen, when did the panic vanish? No time to think on it as new plans have to be laid out. You chase him down, you and your dragon, to kill her grandfather and save the world again. Setbacks are numerous. It's harder to work alone on this one, so many soldiers are ready to see it to the end with you. You tell them they don't know what they're asking for and send them away again. Aurene, still a child, fights the dragon's minions nearly overwhelmed as you get to his heart and strike. You've never seen the explosion from inside before. It's so bright.
The world is safe now. The island is gone.
Is it worth it all? It has to be, you tell yourself, as people celebrate your victories in a shrinking world. Refugees who have fled the fallout zones don't seem to agree, but at least they're alive right? And you know you're almost done. Jormag and Primordus, opposites and twins, rise together and somehow feel like childsplay after the last one. Perhaps it's because aurene is an equal to them now. You don't dare to think of the devastation that would be left if she were to die now. Thankfully you don't have to as the siblings tear each other apart.
The world is safe now. The mountains are gone.
No one has seen the final dragon in ages, hidden away deep underwater until you stumble into the truth while chasing a lesser threat. Soo Won was so gentle once, but the void ravages all. It feasts on the magic you released so willingly into the world, your devastations have paved the way for this chaos.
The world is safe now, for the void to reform.
You've survived so much despite the odds, held together by the very magic degrading your bones and poisoning your blood. The void pulls at those strings as it taunts you through the voice of the dragon who started it all. It's the hardest fight you've ever faced. As Aurene pumps you full of power to survive, you wonder if your death would bring destruction too in this moment. But it's left a mystery as Soo Won falls and the void fades. There's a moment of peacefulness you've never felt before, the grandmother hanging on long enough to comfort her granddaughter. But she can't prevent the state of her death. The jade sea shatters beneath your feet as she dies.
The world is safe now. But how much of it is left?
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eclectic-spaghetti · 2 years
all these anti-Flyfish posts I’ve been seeing may be doing their job a bit too well. this propaganda is letting the REAL threat slip under the radar.
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Ink Storm kills. do not let Drizzlers commit their crimes in peace.
these underhanded lurkers are counting on their more outwardly annoying fellow soldiers the Flyfish to distract from their insidious Ink Storms that disrupt the entire map and make recovery virtually impossible.
The Flyfish Brigade is doing just fine. Join the Drizzistance to make a REAL difference.
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julijbee · 3 months
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dreaming on red mountain.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
Thanks for the ask! I know of a couple of characters. I'm sure there's a couple more characters somewhere that I'm forgetting but here's the ones I do remember!
Sage Aleta is a priestess in a temple who was training to be a keeper of the Archives, which are like... the Library of Alexandria in a pocket dimension. That is, until out of nowhere it was decided her life's purpose was Elsewhere, which put her on a different island entirely. She's part of the main trio of Storm Rage, a D&D thing I've been pecking at off and on for a couple of years.
Adelade Tate is a character I love to kick around from time to time. She makes an appearance in Lilium, as well as a separate story. Her whole shtick is she is, at one point, a member of the Magistrate, who maintains the world of the Supernaturals and keeps them from bleeding too much into the world of humans. She plays a,,,, antagonistic? role in Lilium because she is responsible for Oliver's second death as well as being ordered to kill Lilith. In her separate story, she is a full-vampire ordered to kill halflings (humans who have been steeped too much in the world of the Supernaturals and thus are becoming ones themselves--albeit a lesser, more dangerous breed) The framing of the story is the most interesting part, because aside from the moment where we see her origins, Adelade herself is never the POV character. It's always in the POV of the person she's tasked to hunt next. Nevertheless, we get to see how these jobs she does are slowly wearing on her. I really want to get back to this at some point tbh.
Abraxas is the main antagonist of Lilium, though he doesn't show up directly for half the book. He is a Scourge, which is when a Supernatural loses the rest of their tethers to humanity and goes rogue. He is suggested to have been involved in Oliver's first death and comes back to torment Lilith and urge her down the same path as her brother. I like him a lot because he's just,,, chaos incarnate. While I like most of my villains to have like. Actual goals and whatnot, sometimes it's fun to have someone who just wants to watch the world burn.
Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I’ll tell about them.
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Wylan: Morning all, I had trouble sleeping last night
Wylan: I’ll be sassy throughout the day and simmering into the evening. Prepare for a possible tantrum around 3pm… and it will be your fault
Wylan: So lockdown the hatches, be ready and stay alert
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ball-of-butter · 4 months
i love that red queen puts family as the chief unit of love even above true romantic love like that for some reason is SO overrated in ya media. i dont think of the characters within friendship or romantic groups first, i unconsciously catergorise them into their family.
cal loves mare but cal will put maven first always and he loves his dad and his image so much he’s willing to sacrifice his character and relationship with her to fulfil the expectations set by his family and its not until realising what his MOTHER wanted for him that he lets go. and mare loves cal but she will always put her siblings and parents first which is why everything started with gisa and shade’s loss and it ended with her sister and the loss of her brother too. maven loves mare but he loves elara more even if she twisted him and elara loves maven more than the entire kingdom and thats why she twisted him. and elara couldn’t enact her plan to make maven king without getting rid of his love for cal first!! when shade gets killed mare HAS to kill elara because that is the only way she can make sure her pain is even with at least one person.
cameron does everything for her brother’s safety, she was willing to abandon her morals and dehumanise anyone standing in her way if thats what needed to happen. and after morrey was safe she quit— nothing was worth losing herself over except him. farley and shade’s love was so pure that it brought life and family to the farleys who were already broken with the grief of being halved. their love brought a daughter named after the death of the woman that destroyed the family, and it was so healing.
and that is what KILLS me about the samos family!!! that compared to all this unconditional loyalty— the samos family is a continuous act of playing at love and loyalty, when in reality volos and larentia could not care less about their children because they dont know how to. silver society never showcases this love and so then you have so many parents fucking up their kid in so many ways but doing it out of love because thats how they see it— all except volo and larentia.
so the samos family is an exception. i cant think of evangeline without thinking of elane and ptolemus and i cant think of ptolemus without thinking of evangeline and wren. thats their family. and at least evangeline and ptolemus experienced real love with each other, even if they were never taught it (evangeline’s fear over shade’s death was proof that she could imagine a world without him and it was one of the few times she was genuinely scared in the series).
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velvette-hussle · 3 months
Lowkey, I wish Vox had answered Valentino when he asked him which gun made him look sexier. He didn’t even need to verbally do it, he could’ve just pointed and I would’ve been satisfied.
It just tickles me that he’d care enough to pick - and finds the imagery of Val with a gun attractive enough to have a preference, period - while also still completely vetoing Valentino’s whole plan to storm the Hotel (or whatever the fuck his dumb ass thought he was gonna do).
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EDIT: Here’s the picture for reference; and also the answer is obviously the bigger one because it matches his wings (not that I necessarily find Val sexy, but still).
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snackleggg · 5 months
If the doctor is a storm then the master is a wildfire.
Storms can be a vital part of keeping an ecosystem healthy and thriving. Replenishing water for both plants & animals alike. But they can also be destructive, causing floods, tornado, and general destruction.
Fire can be an incredibly useful and life-saving tool. It can kill bacteria & pathogens with its heat, making food & water safe and can also provide life-saving warmth in the cold. Fire is a fundamental cruch for humanities growth, but if put in the wrong environment and left unchecked it can grow into a destructive force, burning everything to ash until it runs out of fuel and dies as well.
Storms can put out fires, but the smoke from the fire can pollute the storm clouds.
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