#stop repo
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cowboycannibalism · 11 months ago
long live unauthorized horror musicals (and horror musicals in general)
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qoldenskies · 24 days ago
I like to imagine that after some time ccDonnie gets really into training with his bō and in training in general. He's such a solution orientated person I feel like it would get really unbearable for him to feel like he's the weakest and defenseless - after all isn't all of this his fault for being so dense that he could not tell that something was oh so obviously wrong with his brothers and for being so weak that he ended up getting so physically hurt? So really this is something he needs to fix again. Focusing too much on his tech has made him a liability and bad at reading his brothers, so he tries to balance tech and training more.
So I imagine that as an adult Donnie is quite a scary aggressive fighter - softshell turtles are quite aggressive in nature after all, precisely because of their softness - and appears quite distant and cold to outsiders. You would have to know him for quite some while and be really attentive to notice that at heart he is far more gentle mannered and soft, but the most important people in his life already know that.
Also!! I love it when in tmnt whump writers use turtle behaviours as therapy - like swimming being therapeutic. Maybe ccDonnie would also really enjoy swimming and letting his mind rest after all this?
I really liked the animatic!!!! And can't wait for the last chapter of cc! Sending love
honestly this is something i could see! combat is going to be a hard thing for donnie to go back to in particular even without his brothers because he's kind of conditioned himself to panic and do little, curl up in a ball and steel himself. and mixed with the final attack i think he's just going to have problems getting back into the environment and mindset
but like, when he does? i could definitely see some overcompensating going on. donnie gettting vicious out of fear of being helpless again. being triggered and seeing red, falling back hard on the urge to fight back that DID save his life. it stopped leo from slitting his throat and held raph off, really. its still frenzied and panicked but there's an edge of uncharacteristic anger there. he'd otherwise normally be very precise and tactical in his combat, and i do think it'd be a skill he would put a lot of focus on.
im unsure about socially though. i could see him giving off that energy because he would be quiet for SURE, and he always looks on edge and nervous (which can be interpreted as "fuck off" body language lmao) but donnie is hyperaware of other people and he always will be going forward. when he actually opens his mouth he'll be very appeasing, at first at least. i do think he'll be really nervous around new people and it'll make it hard for him to find new connections, but he'll actually be one of the better ones with that. leo will be nasty because of paranoia for a long time.
(also omg yeah i am a little envious because i would LOVE to meditate underwater ... just go under there for ages and chill ... need to project this urge onto him it sounds so calming)
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funeralpartyclown · 6 months ago
To continue on from my post from yesterday.. sorry for this I cannot stop. Gross warning ig
Dale having you strapped down to something.. a medical table of sorts maybe. Thick leather straps tightened around all your limbs. Big shiny table of sharped tools right in your veiw on purpose. Running the cold hard metal of giant blades down your exposed flesh, or even better having you blindfolded so all you can hear is the clink of steel and having no idea what he’s about to do or where he’s going to put it and violently shaking in anticipation.
I need him to hurt me SOOO bad and look at me covered in blood like the interrogation scene. Pretty red to contrast against all the white. Rip my guts out while I’m conscious like the repo man so I can watch!!!
Sitting with him watching your missing report on the news with his nails raking against your flesh while he whispers to you all the ways he’s gonna abuse you!!!!!
Being in public with him would be awful he’s in your ear the entire time trying to get you as worked up as possible. Absolutely no shame, groping you whenever he feels like it. Now you have to be seen walking around with him while he’s hard and he would not even try to hide it.
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rose-fairryy · 21 days ago
not me being lowkey mia on tumblr and then reblogging soo much repo art all at once 😔
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anothermonikan · 4 months ago
I want,,,,to play a video game,,,because I deserve it for doing stuff today,,,but,,,the fucking eepy <//3333
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importantword · 1 year ago
Prove me wrong
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(Repo art by @muyenbroma hazbin by @vivziepop )
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hebby-arts · 2 years ago
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[ okay to reblog, don't delete caption! ]
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years ago
bartender lady in sam's head in the man who knew too much should have been ruby
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frankthesnek · 1 year ago
Random AU/crossover thought for Stony that will not leave my brain:
Anyone remember the movie Repo Men from 2010? Brief summary of the world if you haven't seen it: takes place in a mildly dystopian world where people can get artificial organs to keep them alive, but they are insanly expensive, and kind of part of a classist system, and if you default on payment people come and repo them (ie rip them out or your body). You see where I'm going with this?
Think Tony head of SI has an accident and ends up with an artificial heart. Post injury, he becomes depressed and turns to alcohol. Owning SI Tony knows the inside workings of the artificial organ industry, knows about the loopholes of how the organ industry works, and even being rich is no garuntie his heart is actually his. He spirals and ends up losing control of the company. In his fall from the high life, Tony struggles with sobriety and making payments on his heart.
He ends up on the repo list.
Enter Steve, goverment regulated repo man doing his job for what the government calls "the greater good". Tony of course runs, and Steve of course goes after him. Tony, being the slick talker he is earns himself enough time to get Steve to listen to him and explaines how broken the construct of artificial organs is. SI was one of the main manufacturers, and Tony knows all the dirty behind the scenes parts of the industry that the government doesn't want people, like Steve, to know about.
He convinces Steve to give him a chance to prove it, and when Steve learns the real truth they team up to take down the system. (And of course, fall in love along the way.)
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 2 years ago
Hi op! I was super curious if your hack allows these starters to evolve post game or not?
Hi! All assets for the sprites and portraits are from the pmd sprite repository, so due to some pokemon having sprites already in there and some not, it varies from pokemon to pokemon. The mod description on projectpokemon and the document with the download list which can evolve but I'll put it here too for convenience!
Evolutions for all pokemon in this hack are included except for the following: Chespin, Froakie, Litten, Fuecoco, Spritgatito and Quaxly. The rest should be able to fully evolve, and you can also evolve Eevee into Sylveon with high iq and a beauty scarf :]
As for rockruff - midday and midnight lycanroc are both available and use the same evolution methods as espeon and umbreon. No dusk form yet, but if they eventually do get made I'll update the mod later! Same applies to base form starters that don't have a lot of portraits or animations just yet.
Hope this helps! 💜
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pastel-pinku · 1 year ago
I am going to lose my mind
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yooniesim · 2 years ago
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stainedlilac · 2 years ago
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anothermonikan · 4 months ago
I don't think you can actually tell the difference between someone having a legimate issue or difficulty completing work vs someone 'just being lazy' that easily actually.
#Sorry sorry lots of talk about group work today and everyone's a fucking struggler who's basically doing it solo or whatever#And that topic of conversation has always made me feel Bad because I've always had trouble keeping up the pace at which most people work#It's part of the reason I tend to leave stuff so late because i get scared and then work all the time no breaks.#It always disclaim it's gonna take me about 5x longer to do work most people can probably complete in an hour#Because I get very stressed and I'm a perfectionist and my brain is weird and overthinks everything ever#I have not yet found any solution to this issue. I am convinced there isn't one except leaving it all to the last week and using the panic#To pull all nighters every other day. To get it done#But I can't fucking. Do that if out progress is logged on a repo... Thinking ahead to out next assignment#I've already had the hard talk with my friends about it and they where all very nice to me but I still feel bad a bit#And I'm glad they know it's not because I don't care I care so hard it fucks me up to the point where it gets really difficult asdfhdhd#But idk sometimes people will bring examples up of one of their teammates 'clearly just being lazy and not caring enough' and it's just#Something I can fall into doing as well. So like. I don't think it's that easy to tell actually#Like I get if it's a pattern then you kinda have to intervene because yknow it's a grade you need to get#I hope if I ever fall so bad I stop working that my friends would pop in to ask me if they could help. But people are very. Mean about it#Idk where I was going with this I just wish I was better than I am I guess. Aughhh#I should go to bed <<< feels bad as fuck because they got nothing done today#android.txt
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finance-south-africa · 6 months ago
How to Keep Your Home: Real Steps to Stop Repossession
Steps to Stop Repossession
Nobody ever wants to imagine losing their home, but for some, it can become a scary possibility. The idea of repossession can feel like the ground shifting under your feet. But don’t lose hope—there are ways to fight back and protect your house. This guide lays out practical steps you can take to potentially stop the repossession process and find some much-needed breathing room.
What Does Repossession Mean?
In simple terms, repossession happens when a homeowner falls behind on their mortgage, and the lender takes back the property. It’s a step-by-step process that starts with missed payments, followed by warning letters, and eventually ends in a legal move to sell your house to recover the debt. If you’re facing this situation, knowing these steps can help you act before things spiral out of control.
For a deeper dive into what repossession looks like in South Africa, take a look at our article on how foreclosure works.
What You Can Do Right Now
Reach Out to Your Lender This isn’t the time to hide from your lender—reach out as soon as you sense trouble. Let them know what’s going on, be honest about your circumstances, and ask if there’s any way to reduce your payments or stretch out the loan period. Most lenders would rather negotiate than deal with the costly and lengthy process of repossession.
Look at Repayment Options Once you’ve opened up communication, discuss repayment options. Some lenders might agree to reduce your payments for a few months or modify your loan to make it more manageable. Want more insights? Read our piece on managing debt effectively for some solid advice.
Bottom Line
Dealing with repossession is no fun, but there’s a way through it. The key is to act quickly, communicate clearly, and be open to different solutions. And remember, Real Estate Assist is here to guide you through the maze and help you hold onto what’s yours.
Real Estate Assist specializes in stopping repossession in South Africa
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iwillcausechaos · 7 months ago
Idk what I am doing anymore
At this point I am listening to songs from musicals I like and then holy fucking Putting each sanders side as the characters of the musicals 👍:3
Like for example repo! The genetic Opera or Heathers
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