#property repossession
How to Prevent Property Repossession and Keep Your Home in South Africa
Avoid Property Repossession and Protect Your Home
Falling behind on mortgage payments can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but property repossession isn’t inevitable. There are steps you can take to prevent property repossession and protect your home from going under the hammer.
Steps to Prevent Property Repossession
Communicate with Your Lender: Your first step should always be to reach out to your lender as soon as you realize you’re struggling with payments. Most banks are open to renegotiating loan terms, reducing monthly payments, or offering a payment holiday.
Consider Debt Restructuring: Debt restructuring is a powerful way to make your debt more manageable. By extending the repayment term or lowering the interest rate, you can ease your financial burden and avoid falling into arrears.
Unlock Equity in Your Property: If your financial struggles are temporary, unlocking the equity in your home can provide the cash flow you need to cover overdue payments. This approach allows you to prevent repossession without selling your home outright.
At Real Estate Assist, we offer homeowners tailored solutions to help prevent repossession. From debt restructuring to tapping into your property’s equity, we provide effective strategies to keep your home safe.
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to prevent repossession. The key to stopping the repossession process is to act quickly. If you’re unsure where to start, let our team of experts guide you through the process. Preventing property repossession starts with knowing your options and taking action today.
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judahmaccabees · 3 months
the Infinite Godhead is well aware of how Language was manipulated here, and the continued affronts to pester and press upon reality to mold it further away from fact.
you won't squirm out via language or explanation, no, there will be no excuses and no stopping the voice of Truth
Quit twisting and tangoin'
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Reality itself is against you,
At every turn.
Shaddai am alam ahk ahm ahmet naht,
∆ /\ \/ /\ \/ ∆
Scornful petulant weasels and raptors, Cravens flutter away afar,
False temples, false houses of the Lord.
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realestate-assist · 1 year
Stop Home Repossession in South Africa 
Stop Repossession in Cape Town 
Avoid Repossession in South Africa
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crystalis · 7 months
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twitter thread by Mouin Rabbani
March 14, 2024
Who was there first? The short answer is that the question is irrelevant. Claims of ancient title (“This land is ours because we were here several thousand years ago”) have no standing or validity under international law.
For good reason, because such claims also defy elementary common sense. Neither I nor anyone reading this post can convincingly substantiate the geographical location of their direct ancestors ten or five or even two thousand years ago.
If we could, the successful completion of the exercise would confer exactly zero property, territorial, or sovereign rights.
As a thought experiment, let’s go back only a few centuries rather than multiple millennia. Do South Africa’s Afrikaners have the right to claim The Netherlands as their homeland, or even qualify for Dutch citizenship, on the basis of their lineage?
Do the descendants of African-Americans who were forcibly removed from West Africa have the right to board a flight in Atlanta, Port-au-Prince, or São Paolo and reclaim their ancestral villages from the current inhabitants, who in all probability arrived only after – perhaps long after – the previous inhabitants were abducted and sold into slavery half a world away?
Do Australians who can trace their roots to convicts who were involuntarily transported Down Under by the British government have a right to return to Britain or Ireland and repossess homes from the present inhabitants even if, with the help of court records, they can identify the exact address inhabited by their forebears? Of course not.
In sharp contrast to, for example, Native Americans or the Maori of New Zealand, none of the above can demonstrate a living connection with the lands to which they would lay claim.
To put it crudely, neither nostalgic attachment nor ancestry, in and of themselves, confer rights of any sort, particularly where such rights have not been asserted over the course of hundreds or thousands of years.
If they did, American English would be the predominant language in large parts of Europe, and Spain would once again be speaking Arabic.
Nevertheless, the claim of ancient title has been and remains central to Zionist assertions of not only Jewish rights in Palestine, but of an exclusive Jewish right to Palestine.
For the sake of argument, let’s examine it. If we put aside religious mythology, the origin of the ancient Israelites is indeed local.
In ancient times it was not unusual for those in conflict with authority or marginalized by it to take to the more secure environment of surrounding hills or mountains, conquer existing settlements or establish new ones, and in the ultimate sign of independence adopt distinct religious practices and generate their own rulers. That the Israelites originated as indigenous Canaanite tribes rather than as fully-fledged monotheistic immigrants or conquerors is more or less the scholarly consensus, buttressed by archeological and other evidence. And buttressed by the absence of evidence for the origin stories more familiar to us.
It is also the scholarly consensus that the Israelites established two kingdoms, Judah and Israel, the former landlocked and covering Jerusalem and regions to the south, the latter (also known as the Northern Kingdom or Samaria) encompassing points north, the Galilee, and parts of contemporary Jordan. Whether these entities were preceded by a United Kingdom that subsequently fractured remains the subject of fierce debate.
What is certain is that the ancient Israelites were never a significant regional power, let alone the superpower of the modern imagination.
There is a reason the great empires of the Middle East emerged in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Anatolia – or from outside the region altogether – but never in Palestine.
It simply lacked the population and resource base for power projection. Jerusalem may be the holiest of cities on earth, but for almost the entirety of its existence, including the period in question, it existed as a village, provincial town or small city rather than metropolis.
Judah and Israel, like the neighboring Canaanite and Philistine entities during this period, were for most of their existence vassal states, their fealty and tribute fought over by rival empires – Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, etc. – rather than extracted from others.
Indeed, Israel was destroyed during the eighth century BCE by the Assyrians, who for good measured subordinated Judah to their authority, until it was in the sixth century BCE eliminated by the Babylonians, who had earlier overtaken the Assyrians in a regional power struggle.
The Babylonian Exile was not a wholesale deportation, but rather affected primarily Judah’s elites and their kin. Nor was there a collective return to the homeland when the opportunity arose several decades later after Cyrus the Great defeated Babylon and re-established a smaller Judah as a province of the Persian Achaemenid empire. Indeed, Mesopotamia would remain a key center of Jewish religion and culture for centuries afterwards.
Zionist claims of ancient title conveniently erase the reality that the ancient Israelites were hardly the only inhabitants of ancient Palestine, but rather shared it with Canaanites, Philistines, and others.
The second part of the claim, that the Jewish population was forcibly expelled by the Romans and has for 2,000 years been consumed with the desire to return, is equally problematic.
By the time the Romans conquered Jerusalem during the first century BCE, established Jewish communities were already to be found throughout the Mediterranean world and Middle East – to the extent that a number of scholars have concluded that a majority of Jews already lived in the diaspora by the time the first Roman soldier set foot in Jerusalem.
These communities held a deep attachment to Jerusalem, its Temple, and the lands recounted in the Bible. They identified as diasporic communities, and in many cases may additionally have been able to trace their origins to this or that town or village in the extinguished kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But there is no indication those born and bred in the diaspora across multiple generations considered themselves to be living in temporary exile or considered the territory of the former Israelite kingdoms rather than their lands of birth and residence their natural homeland, any more than Irish-Americans today feel they properly belong in Ireland rather than the United States.
Unlike those taken in captivity to Babylon centuries earlier, there was no impediment to their relocation to or from their ancestral lands, although economic factors appear to have played an important role in the growth of the diaspora.
By contrast, those traveling in the opposite direction appear to have done so, more often than not, for religious reasons, or to be buried in Jerusalem’s sacred soil.
Nations and nationalism did not exist 2,000 years ago.
Nor Zionist propagandists in New York, Paris, and London incessantly proclaiming that for two millennia Jews everywhere have wanted nothing more than to return their homeland, and invariably driving home rather than taking the next flight to Tel Aviv.
Nor insufferably loud Americans declaring, without a hint of irony or self-awareness, the right of the Jewish people to Palestine “because they were there first”.
Back to the Romans, about a century after their arrival a series of Jewish rebellions over the course of several decades, coupled with internecine warfare between various Jewish factions, produced devastating results.
A large proportion of the Jewish population was killed in battle, massacred, sold into slavery, or exiled. Many towns and villages were ransacked, the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed, and Jews barred from entering the city for all but one day a year.
Although a significant Jewish presence remained, primarily in the Galilee, the killings, associated deaths from disease and destitution, and expulsions during the Roman-Jewish wars exacted a calamitous toll.
With the destruction of the Temple Jerusalem became an increasingly spiritual rather than physical center of Jewish life. Jews neither formed a demographic majority in Palestine, nor were the majority of Jews to be found there.
Many of those who remained would in subsequent centuries convert to Christianity or Islam, succumb to massacres during the Crusades, or join the diaspora. On the eve of Zionist colonization locally-born Jews constituted less than five per cent of the total population.
As for the burning desire to return to Zion, there is precious little evidence to substantiate it. There is, for example, no evidence that upon their expulsion from Spain during the late fifteenth century, the Sephardic Jewish community, many of whom were given refuge by the Ottoman Empire that ruled Palestine, made concerted efforts to head for Jerusalem. Rather, most opted for Istanbul and Greece.
Similarly, during the massive migration of Jews fleeing persecution and poverty in Eastern Europe during the nineteenth century, the destinations of choice were the United States and United Kingdom.
Even after the Zionist movement began a concerted campaign to encourage Jewish emigration to Palestine, less than five per cent took up the offer. And while the British are to this day condemned for limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine during the late 1930s, the more pertinent reality is that the vast majority of those fleeing the Nazi menace once again preferred to relocate to the US and UK, but were deprived of these havens because Washington and London firmly slammed their doors shut.
Tellingly, the Jewish Agency for Israel in 2023 reported that of the world’s 15.7 million Jews, 7.2 million – less than half – reside in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.
According to the Agency, “The Jewish population numbers refer to persons who define themselves as Jews by religion or otherwise and who do not practice another religion”.
It further notes that if instead of religion one were to apply Israel’s Law of Return, under which any individual with one or more Jewish grandparent is entitled to Israeli citizenship, only 7.2 of 25.5 million eligible individuals (28 per cent) have opted for Zion.
In other words, “Next Year in Jerusalem” was, and largely remains, an aspirational religious incantation rather than political program. For religious Jews, furthermore, it was to result from divine rather than human intervention.
For this reason, many equated Zionism with blasphemy, and until quite recently most Orthodox Jews were either non-Zionist or rejected the ideology altogether.
Returning to the irrelevant issue of ancestry, if there is one population group that can lay a viable claim of direct descent from the ancient Israelites it would be the Samaritans, who have inhabited the area around Mount Gerizim, near the West Bank city of Nablus, without interruption since ancient times.
Palestinian Jews would be next in line, although unlike the Samaritans they interacted more regularly with both other Jewish communities and their gentile neighbors.
Claims of Israelite descent made on behalf of Jewish diaspora communities are much more difficult to sustain. Conversions to and from Judaism, intermarriage with gentiles, absorption in multiple foreign societies, and related phenomena over the course of several thousand years make it a virtual certainty that the vast majority of Jews who arrived in Palestine during the late 19th and first half of the 20th century to reclaim their ancient homeland were in fact the first of their lineage to ever set foot in it.
By way of an admittedly imperfect analogy, most Levantines, Egyptians, Sudanese, and North Africans identify as Arabs, yet the percentage of those who can trace their roots to the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula that conquered their lands during the seventh and eighth centuries is at best rather small.
Ironically, a contemporary Palestinian, particularly in the West Bank and Galilee, is likely to have more Israelite ancestry than a contemporary diaspora Jew.
The Palestinians take their name from the Philistines, one of the so-called Sea Peoples who arrived on the southern coast of Canaan from the Aegean islands, probably Crete, during the late second millennium BCE.
They formed a number of city states, including Gaza, Ashdod, and Ashkelon. Like Judah and Israel they existed primarily as vassals of regional powers, and like them were eventually destroyed by more powerful states as well.
With no record of their extermination or expulsion, the Philistines are presumed to have been absorbed by the Canaanites and thereafter disappear from the historical record.
Sitting at the crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe, Palestine was over the centuries repeatedly conquered by empires near and far, absorbing a constant flow of human and cultural influences throughout.
Given its religious significance, pilgrims from around the globe also contributed to making the Palestinian people what they are today.
A common myth is that the Palestinian origin story dates from the Arab-Muslim conquests of the seventh century. In point of fact, the Arabs neither exterminated nor expelled the existing population, and the new rulers never formed a majority of the population.
Rather, and over the course of several centuries, the local population was gradually Arabized, and to a large extent Islamized as well.
So the question as to who was there first can be answered in several ways: “both” and “irrelevant” are equally correct.
Indisputably, the Zionist movement had no right to establish a sovereign state in Palestine on the basis of claims of ancient title, which was and remains its primary justification for doing so.
That it established an exclusivist state that not only rejected any rights for the existing Palestinian population but was from the very outset determined to displace and replace this population was and remains a historical travesty.
That it as a matter of legislation confers automatic citizenship on millions who have no existing connection with the land but denies it to those who were born there and expelled from it, solely on the basis of their identity, would appear to be the very definition of apartheid.
The above notwithstanding, and while the Zionist claim of exclusive Israeli sovereignty in Palestine remains illegitimate, there are today several million Israelis who cannot be simply wished away.
A path to co-existence will need to be found, even as the genocidal nature of the Israeli state, and increasingly of Israeli society as well, makes the endeavor increasingly complicated.
The question, thrown into sharp relief by Israel’s genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip, is whether co-existence with Israeli society can be achieved without first dismantling the Israeli state and its ruling institutions.
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No but seriously, owning more than one property makes you morally bankrupt. Owning a second property and leaving it empty most of the year whilst people (including children) are homeless makes you the scum of the earth.
Yeah, repossessing all second homes and holiday lets won't totally solve the housing crisis but it would go a long old way towards it.
Fuck Your Second Home.
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gothhabiba · 10 months
Fellah Cultivation Methods and Crops (1840-1914)
At the end of Ottoman rule, 75% of land was devoted to growing grains. A two-field system was common, with wheat and barley grown as winter crops on one half while the other half had a summer dew crop of sesame and Indian millet. The following season, the second half had the winter crop with the first half left fallow (Atran, 1986: 277). Other crops grown included dura, beans, fenugreek, and chickpeas, along with olives, grapes, cotton and oranges. Fallowing was widely used, allowing grazing cattle to feed on the fallow lands. The extensive system was not geared towards profit making but subsistence. The Ottoman government tried to outlaw fallowing by repossessing untilled land, but was largely unsuccessful (Atran, 1986: 278). Terracing was practiced in the hills with olive trees grown everywhere used as a source of oil and soap. By 1910 citrus groves covered 3,000 hectares. Vegetables were grown where irrigation was possible. The fellah [peasants] used homemade implements – a light nail plow, a sickle, a threshing board and two sieves [...].
Beginning with the 1858 Land Code, the Ottoman government, in an attempt to extract more taxes from the Fellaheen, tried to institute policies to transform land ownership. The goal was effectively to undermine «the system of collective holding and to institute an individual land-holding system» (Atran, 1986: 274). The code stipulated that a village could not communally own land and that titles should be given to each individual. Moreover, non-cultivated (Musha’a [collectively held]) land could not be the property of the fellah and would belong to the state. The 1876 Land Law decreed that Mulk [Sultan-granted] land held by notables who were not providing to services to the Sultan would be seized and could be sold to Europeans. One of the most notable purchasers was Baron Rothschild, who spent an estimated 10 million pounds sterling on land purchases, the construction of settlements, the establishment of plantations and manufacturing plants producing silk, glass, wine and water. He guaranteed the Jewish settlers who came to work on these plantations a minimum income (Aharoni, 1991: 57). At the same time the World Zionist Organization (WZO) was founded in 1897 and created the Keren Kayemet fund (JNF) for land purchases two years later. With their help, Jewish-owned land increased from 25,000 dunums [square kilometers] in 1882 to 1.6 million dunums by 1941.
Throughout these changes, the situation of the peasantry grew progressively worse as the tax burden increased. Often the fellah was forced to borrow money to make ends meet and many ended up selling the titles to their land, which they continued to work on, but with reduced benefits. By the turn of the century, six families in Palestine (the effendi) owned 23% per cent of all cultivated land, while 16, 910 families owned only 6% (Awartani, 1993).
The British Mandate (1914-1948)
Following the First World War, Palestine was designated as a mandated territory to Britain to rule the country until it become ready for independence. Along with this was the provision, first enshrined in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, to secure a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. When the British received the Mandate for Palestine, the land issue was highly contentious. This is because the Mandate included the incompatible goals of «encouraging close settlement by Jews on the land» while at the same time «ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced».
The British put into place policies that permitted the transfer of the land to the European settlers. The first being the transfer law of 1921, which granted individual holders the right to become the private owners of their land. Another law, the rural property tax, stipulated that land not cultivated for three years could be seized by the state and «be made use of in a more efficient way» (Zu’bi, 1981: 99). [...][D]espite new policies which tightened laws regarding Jewish land acquisition after 1929, the period of the mandatory government saw widespread expansion of Jewish agricultural settlements in Palestine (Table 1). For example, from 1900 to 1927, the area owned by the Jewish sector expanded from 42,060 to 90,300 ha: an average increase of under 2,000 ha a year. While from 1932 to 1941, after the riots, the area expanded from 105,850 ha to 160,480 ha – an average annual increase of 6,000 ha.
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The quality of the soils of the land purchased is debated among scholars. According to Alon Tal, an Israeli environmental historian: «Though the real estate that Arab landlords were willing to sell was largely malaria infested swamps and wastelands, new agricultural settlements soon began to dot the map of Palestine» (Tal, 2006: 4). On the other hand, «The main areas appropriated by European investors were those concentrated in the maritime plain, the most fertile area in Palestine, specializing in citrus production» (Atran, 1989: 739).
Zu’bi (1981: 99) also writes, «Under British Colonization, the land appropriated by European (Jewish) settlers was the most densely populated areas. In 1921, the transfer of 240,000 dunums in the Beisan (Galilee) area to the European sector resulted in the dispossession of 8,730 families living from this land. By 1929 it was reported, 29.4% of peasant families’ land [that is, the land of 29.4% of peasant families] was expropriated as a result of the Zionist settlement».
– 2009. Leah Temper, “Creating Facts on the Ground: Agriculture in Israel and Palestine (1882-2000),” Historia Agraria 48, pp. 75-110.
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World Suicide Prevention Day thoughts...
As a kid, I was shuffled between 4 different elementary schools and 2 different high schools. I was still lucky enough to find friends willing to keep in touch and still do today. I was put on academic probation in my first semester of my first year of university. Eventually, I graduated and found a job in my field the next day. My parents separated (twice) and eventually divorced; sadly I too, albeit amicably, have a divorce in my past. Today, I still value the idea of marriage, commitment and loyalty. I have had the big house, the bi-annual vacation getaways, rental properties, and the multiple cars, and a garage full of toys, only to see every single one of them disappear. I’ve signed papers, sat back and watched as the bank repossessed everything I had ever worked for. I had a renter steal all of my condo’s possessions, and then had salt rubbed in the wound when the insurance company refused to pay for the losses. I still see the good in people, still try to trust people, and see my realigned viewpoint on material possessions as somewhat of a silver lining. As a teacher, I’ve been fined, suspended, and had my name dragged through the mud, time and time again. I still consider my career as a calling, still believe I make a difference every day, and know all of my missteps have been made with good intentions. I’ve heard the words “I don’t love you anymore” and “we are done” more times than I care to admit, yet through all the heartache and tears, the self-doubt and hopelessness, it lead me to my one true love. It led me home. Sometimes the things in our lives we fear, or those that seem unbearable at the time, are only preparing us for better things down the road of our journey. If my words find you in one of those horrible places, I hope you know it will get better. Have patience and faith in the healing ability of time. Believe me, I know how dark some days can get, how impossible it can be to breathe, or even get out of bed, but please don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
5 minute read
TW: descriptions of sexual violence from the start
“For two hours he tortured me, his hands were everywhere. I thought rape was inevitable, I wondered whether I’d get out alive. We were in an empty property on a quiet cul-de-sac and he’d completely overpowered me.” These are the words of a female estate agent who was attacked by the seller of a property she had gone to value in Essex.
Hers is not a lone voice. Women in the property industry, who frequently visit empty homes alone — either to value them for sellers or to show prospective buyers around — are speaking out about the dangers.
Now, 30 years after the estate agent Suzy Lamplugh was declared dead (seven years after going missing on a viewing in Fulham, west London, with a man who called himself “Mr Kipper”) and 31 years after the Birmingham estate agent Stephanie Slater was kidnapped during a house viewing, women are saying it still isn’t safe to do their job.
Only 22 per cent of estate agents and letting agents, male and female, feel safe when on viewings, while 82 per cent say estate agent safety isn’t taken seriously enough — according to a survey of 150 agents across the country Allan Fuller an estate agent in Putney, southwest London.
The case of the estate agent in Essex, who spoke anonymously to The Times, was dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service last year, two days before coming to court. “I am furious, he had the money to hire a big shot lawyer. I feel let down,” she says. “It has been absolutely horrendous. It had a massive effect on my whole life: my relationship of 15 years broke down and I ended up on antidepressants and having panic attacks every time I went on a valuation.”
Although she has now moved agencies, she continues to work as an estate agent. “I thought, if I give up my job, he has won again — and I love my job.” However, she insists her female colleagues carry rape alarms, check in before and after house visits, and follow strict protocols about leaving doors open in properties and never getting into cars with sellers or potential buyers.
Fuller says: “There is a common misperception in the industry that ‘it won’t happen to me’.”
The responses to Fuller’s survey show that it does happen. One female respondent who works in the West Midlands wrote: “I recently valued a property and met with a man accused of domestic violence and I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. He proceeded to show me an over-stair cupboard and said that there was ‘enough space for three dead bodies’. I left quickly after that.”
Other comments included:
“During a repossession the owner climbed into the loft and was threatening with a knife. Police had to taser him twice to safely remove him.”
“Carrying out a market appraisal with a gentleman who revealed he was due in court the next day to be charged with rape.”
“I believed a viewer was carrying a knife on a viewing, they were trying to get me into a certain room. The vibe wasn’t good, so I managed to email my office an SOS. Two members of staff came and pretended to be the next viewers.”
And: “I was covering a valuation and the person locked me in without me knowing and as I went to leave he went to hug me. I had to duck under his arm and unlatch the door quickly to get out.”
It’s not just on visits that workers are vulnerable, though. One estate agent told The Times how she was assaulted by a prospective buyer while working alone in an office in Oxford on a dark December evening. After being cornered, by the photocopier, she says she managed to “thump him in the windpipe” and run for help. He was arrested and charged. She now insists all her staff carry rape alarms and follow strict safety rules in and out of the office.
Fuller says he makes staff safety a priority too, sending his staff on self-defence courses — “one tip I picked up was if a man is making an unwanted move on a woman she should look as if she’s about to be sick, they soon back off” — issuing rape alarms, fitting CCTV and insisting that prospective buyers and sellers visit the office, verify their name and address, and are captured on camera before going on viewings.
Claire Lewis, 65, was an estate agent in Putney at the time Lamplugh went missing. She says: “Everyone was so shocked, we’d been getting into cars with prospective clients and going on viewings with men. It never occurred to us that anything could happen. That all changed and we suddenly became much more aware.”
However, she now worries for her daughter, Charlotte Dale, 34, a part-time estate agent in southwest London. “Generally things seem more dangerous for women even though they have mobile phones. Whereas in the past men acted in isolation — now they receive validation and encouragement on the internet,” Lewis says.
The estate agent from Essex, who was tortured for two hours, says she wants to see a national campaign to draw attention to the dangers: “Some estate agents seem to care more about protecting assets, with money laundering checks etc, than they do about protecting their staff. This has to change.”
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How to Keep Your Home: Real Steps to Stop Repossession
Steps to Stop Repossession
Nobody ever wants to imagine losing their home, but for some, it can become a scary possibility. The idea of repossession can feel like the ground shifting under your feet. But don’t lose hope—there are ways to fight back and protect your house. This guide lays out practical steps you can take to potentially stop the repossession process and find some much-needed breathing room.
What Does Repossession Mean?
In simple terms, repossession happens when a homeowner falls behind on their mortgage, and the lender takes back the property. It’s a step-by-step process that starts with missed payments, followed by warning letters, and eventually ends in a legal move to sell your house to recover the debt. If you’re facing this situation, knowing these steps can help you act before things spiral out of control.
For a deeper dive into what repossession looks like in South Africa, take a look at our article on how foreclosure works.
What You Can Do Right Now
Reach Out to Your Lender This isn’t the time to hide from your lender—reach out as soon as you sense trouble. Let them know what’s going on, be honest about your circumstances, and ask if there’s any way to reduce your payments or stretch out the loan period. Most lenders would rather negotiate than deal with the costly and lengthy process of repossession.
Look at Repayment Options Once you’ve opened up communication, discuss repayment options. Some lenders might agree to reduce your payments for a few months or modify your loan to make it more manageable. Want more insights? Read our piece on managing debt effectively for some solid advice.
Bottom Line
Dealing with repossession is no fun, but there’s a way through it. The key is to act quickly, communicate clearly, and be open to different solutions. And remember, Real Estate Assist is here to guide you through the maze and help you hold onto what’s yours.
Real Estate Assist specializes in stopping repossession in South Africa
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copperbadge · 10 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
Lisa is chronically ill and dealing with medical debt, and needs to raise $1.6K-$3.2K by December 14th to get her car back after it was repossessed; if she can't it will be auctioned, and it is her only current means of support for the gig work she's able to do. If she pays off the full amount she will get it back; if she can pay half, they will at least put a stay on auctioning it off. You can read more and give at GoFundMe here or give via Zelle at [email protected], Cashapp at $LMedical, Venmo at salt-medical, or here at Paypal.
News to Know:
shrewkate linked to the Farm Dog of the Year contest at the Farmers Bureau. They're requesting votes for Casper the Great Pyrenees, who fought off a pack of coyotes to defend his farm. You can check out the good doggos and vote for one here!
Recurring Needs:
thelastpyler is raising funds for food for themself and their sister, and meds for their sister; you can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
gwydion's very elderly car broke down in late October; the repair, to a cooling hose, has cheap parts but expensive labor, and ate most of zir budget for the month. Ze can't do without a car, being disabled, but can't afford to replace it either; ze still needs to raise $100 to help cover bills and the repair. You can give via PayPal here.
chingaderita's partner's family house recently caught fire and completely burned, killing his grandmother and causing extensive property loss; he has also recently lost his job due to the fire. They're raising funds to help rebuild and keep food on the table, and get their partner mental health aid. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds to cover utilities, to afford medication and possibly an upcoming move. They've also had expenses related to a recent incident where their roommate, who has been a problem for some time, got violent and the police got involved; and for their own safety they've had to stay elsewhere at times. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 7 months
I'm Sorry, You Packed HOW MANY Tropes into that Hoopskirt???
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So...I'd be lying if I tried to tell you that I picked up this book for any reason other than the big poofy 1850s ball gowns on the cover. I'd also be lying if I said I had any expectations beyond cute, fluffy, wlw romance.
Then we got stuck into the book and suddenly I was like...I'm sorry, this cover did not prepare me for the ANGST and GROUNDING and WEIGHT and POLITICAL DIMENSIONS of this book. Not to mention that it manages to pack a metric ton of tropes into not that long a book, including but not limited to second-chance romance, parent trapping, friends-to-lovers, and the power of friendship. AND it's LGBTQIA+. I was not expecting to cry over this book, but here we are. Let's talk Don't Want You Like a Best Friend.
This is your SPOILER WARNING because I'm running on three hours of sleep and don't believe for a second that I'm not going to be randomly tossing SPOILERS all over the place. Be warned.
Oh, and this is a CONTENT WARNING for marital and domestic abuse. For both this book and this review.
Gwen is a debutante in her fourth season with no interest in marriage and the biggest rake of a father in London.
Beth is a first-season debutante on a mission to marry well, because her cousin is repossessing her and her mother's house at the end of the season and they will be homeless and penniless.
So naturally they plot to get Gwen's dad and Beth's mom together.
This is not as wild as it seems, because before Lady Demeroven's father forced her to marry Beth's dad (who is both an abusive asshole and thankfully super dead), she was deeply in love with Dashiell Havenfort. When she broke his heart. Lord Havenfort went off, got drunk, partied, and then there was Gwen--who he raised as a single dad because Gwen's mother died in childbirth.
So we have that little powder keg to begin the story, and it's set against the increasingly critical backdrop of Havenfort and the father of the aggressively vanilla boy who decides to marry Beth (yeah, they have names, I don't care. It's vanilla boy and his dickhead dad from here on in) going toe-to-toe in parliament trying to pass and prevent, respectively, a piece of legislation that would allow women to divorce their husbands for reasons other than being beaten bloody. This really underscores the situation that Beth and her mother had been in, and the one that they might be in again if Beth goes through with the marriage to vanilla boy. Thankfully she doesn't, but honestly, the number of men just waltzing around in this world going "women are property and I should be able to beat the snot out of them if I want to" was really depressing. And that depression just intensified when Beth and Gwen finally realized they wanted a sapphic relationship with each other.
The patriarchy sucks, guys. So hard.
Watching Beth and Gwen try to parent trap their respective parents was a lot of fun, and once they realized what they wanted, their relationship was also fun. That's not to say that the book was perfectly executed, though. The first half of the book is slooooooooooooow. Like slow enough that I considered DNFing the book. I'm glad I didn't, because once the "Oh, I'm sapphic" realization hits, the angst of being sapphic in a patriarchal world where marriage was women's only real hope of financial stability hit true and hard. Trying to find another way to live in a world that didn't want you to exist was really interesting.
The other thing that I wasn't a fan of--and your mileage may vary--was that while the setting and politics and fashion were extremely well-grounded in the 1850s, the character dialogue and language is jarringly modern. At one point, someone said to "put that energy out to the world" and I just had to put the book down for a minute and take a few deep breaths. So depending on how real-feeling you want the history part of this historical romance to feel, your mileage may vary with the language.
Now, the thing that I truly loved about this book is that is faces abuse and its effects full in the face, and refuses to continue a cycle of abuse. The MCA passes, and then women help each other recover and get out of abusive situations. Lady Demeroven's first marriage was abusive and violent, although she hid the extent of it from Beth. She tries to ensure that Beth ends up with a man who will be kind to her, and vanilla boy might have been...but his dickhead dad wouldn't have been, and dickhead dad might have influenced vanilla boy to become abusive. Lady Demeroven ultimately refuses to allow either the cycle of accepting abuse or the cycle of abusive men teaching their sons that abuse is acceptable or *shudder* somehow their marital duty. Lady Demeroven goes on a whole journey to heal her own trauma enough to stop the cycle and protect Beth, and she does. She shuts that shit down, and they walk.
Like the door slam in the Tenant of Wildfell Hall, the door slamming behind Lady and Beth Demeroven heralds freedom and happiness. It is the end of a cycle that devalues women and that tells other women that they can make a different choice. And this book does it gently, acknowledging that doing so is HARD, and it takes courage and help and support. Honestly, I was SO HERE for Lady Demeroven's journey and her finding happiness with Dashiell at the end of the book.
Overall, this was not a perfect book. There were pacing and execution issues, and Lady Demeroven and Lord Havenfort kind of steal the show from their daughters' romance. But this book had THINGS TO SAY, and those things are important to say, and perhaps say even more loudly now in 2024 than they were back in the Victorian era. So this book was fun, it had clear things to say, and honestly it was a fun read.
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damistrolls · 8 months
🗣 lets doooooooo
magpie and lupo :3c
just a short and sweet one <3
(google doc link)
“You know I don’t often press you on these kinds of things, but you’re going to need to make a decision about this place eventually.” 
The sound of the piano halted, before resuming a beat later. 
“… I know.” 
“I mean sometime soon. If you don’t, you’ll have the decision made for you.” 
A few seconds passed. Magpie’s somber playing was the only sound echoing through the large mansion. The lack of a response drew a sigh from Lupo’s lips, and he approached the piano bench to kneel on one knee beside it. He placed a hand on the violet’s leg, and looked up at him sympathetically. Magpie stopped the music, but didn’t look over.
“I know you don’t want to let this place go. If you want to keep it, you can keep it. But we’ll need you to make the decision officially.”
“I do not think I should.” 
“Then we can leave permanently and let them demolish it.” 
Magpie briefly made a face unbefitting of his cheery self. Lupo always hated seeing him like that. He patted the violet’s leg. 
“I promise that you will feel better having made a decision, rather than showing up one day and seeing it as a pile of rubble. And personally, I’ll feel better knowing that this isn’t weighing on you any longer.” 
Lupo stood, and Magpie looked up at him miserably.
“... Do you want my opinion, sole?” 
Magpie nodded slowly. 
“I think you should let them repossess the property. And maybe we can discuss getting a new place. All three of us. I don’t like coming here. I don’t like the way you act here. I say we should be done with it.” 
For emphasis, Lupo dusted off his hands. 
“Terminato, finito, gone, done… Finally not haunting us any longer.” 
Magpie didn’t seem happy with this, but he probably would have been just as unhappy if Lupo told him to keep it. The violet frowned, and closed the piano lid. 
“… I’m going to miss it.” 
“Nostalgia lies. The most one could possibly say about a place like this is that it’s a beautiful hive. But I understand.” 
“Can we make the new one just as beautiful?” 
Lupo felt bad that he laughed, but it was just so very Magpie to ask that. Despite the violet’s sadistic tendencies, he had a certain innocence to him. Lupo will never not be charmed by him. 
“We’ll have to discuss it with rattin. But I’m sure we’ll make it even more beautiful. Come. Let’s talk it over at home. I want to start on dinner anyhow.” 
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silversiren1101 · 5 months
Omorose atrocity reel for the ask game please
What HASN'T she done at this point - anyway, the Omorose greatest hits! (Why she's problematic and why she's the best)
Was a lawyer when she was a mortal living woman in Osirion.
When her family was sheltering in Wati during the Plague of Madness, she used the opportunity to ritually sacrifice her two children and husband in a bloody ritual to Mahathallah to transfer her soul into the core of an ancient automaton chassis she purchased at auction to achieve an alternative means of immortality.
Her automaton body is a bone-colored and flame-charred exoskeleton that houses actual flesh and blood underneath. Like an infernal EVA unique with an incredibly posh accent and femme appearance.
She became a bureaucrat in her unlife after immigrating to Geb, which is arguably the only thing worse than a lawyer.
Spent 2 millennia as said bureaucrat, patiently biding her time to seize an opportunity to start grabbing power and influence.
Said position as a bureaucrat was for the fucking Geb tax collectors, which if there's anything worse than being a lawyer and anything worse than being a bureaucrat, it's being a bureaucrat pencil pusher for the undead TAX COLLECTORS.
She took particular delight in repossessing farming and labor equipment for defaulting cases; i.e., using Bind Undead to repossess zombies and other mindless undead used for as labor tools from defaulting farmers and such, who are also undead. (Yes mindless undead are considered property in the land of undeath).
She's a fucking Blood Lord now. (Think like, parliament).
Her special interests are blackmail and information brokerage: she aspires to know dirt on everything and everyone and sell it to anyone for the right price.
Her specialty in combat is summoning devils straight from Hell, and has several fiends in her retainer as bureaucrats for her. She particularly likes summoning hell wasps.
Her other specialty is unholy fire. She's basically walking napalm.
Has exploded said summons with her allies in range.
Has thrown numerous fireballs into where her allies are fighting.
When discovering there were two separate forces from Holomog in the Field of Maidens along Geb's south border, managed to convince the more militaristic one to attack and slaughter the other more peaceful one so they didn't go home empty handed... so charming as an infernal robot powered by blood and death she can charm even azatas.
She caused Kortash Khain, literally the ghoul of all time--personal chosen of Kabriri, level 20 and mythic level 6, Ruler of Nemret Noktoria the land of ghouls--to lose his tithe from Geb when she was literally right in front of him because Geb (the ghost) asked for her opinion on the exchange for shits and giggles.
Had the honor of then being the "personal escort" (babysitter) to said ghoul of all ghouls around Mechitar to rub it in his face.
Convinced the lackey of a rival Blood Lord to join us and spread his fake death across every major news outlet in Geb so successfully that it looked like his former master abandoned him after abusing him for centuries. Guy became a tragic beloved figure overnight from no one knowing who he was.
Her Earn Income checks are with Deception. We've flavored this as her taking credit for other people's work or just changing names on timesheets to her own.
Met the Urgathoan Pope (another level 20 and mythic character) and admitted to her face that we were why Kortash Khain lost the trade exchange and said he was pathetic and weak candidly and made her genuinely laugh.
Used Command on a flying creature to "Fall" and made them fall 150 feet to a necrotic lake below. Twice.
When said person didn't join the fight again, used a crystal ball to Scry on them to see them, sopping wet, reporting in to the rival Blood Lord on what happened.
Sent a Sending to said Blood Lord commiserating that good help is so hard to find and he should vet his minions better. He can thank us for doing the hard work for him - said minion was then beat so badly that she was still injured when we showed up despite having Regeneration/Fast Healing.
And I KNOW I'm missing stuff. I've said so many things in RP that would put me on a fucking list lmao
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winterxgardener · 6 months
Hey! I wanted to let those who may not know that the first story in today's episode had quite a few more updates they didn't get to. It wasn't attached to the one reposted, so they might not have seen it. A LOT went down.
I sent @winterxgardener a rundown summary of what else happened, but if those of you are curious, they are u/Scared-Weakness-6250. There are about seven or eight more updates.
It's a bit of a read, but also very interesting if you felt like you wanted more to the story.
I wished they had seen it as it would have been cool to hear their thoughts and reactions. Maybe they could do an episode called "Updates We Missed" or something like that going through previous stories and the updates that came after the episodes were taped?
Anyway, I hope all of you are having a great morning, noon, or night!
Kudos to @thisisatakenusername for updating us regarding the first story for the Reddit story. Whoa! Be prepared; it's a lot of information to handle. ⬇️
Basically the OP installed a lot of security measures and put in cameras and signs. They ended up cutting through the massive lock with an angle grinder and broke in. The police and the property manager came and caught them and they thankfully didn't resist arrest or no charges could have been dropped.
The damages were $5000. He planned on suing them for damages and especially the money they made off renting it illegally. The parents pretty much want nothing to do with the place now and OP understands but is sad because it was originally intended for them.
He ended up getting a sincere apology from the two brothers in law and it really meant a lot to OP. One of the brothers had to pay for both their bail and they were able to pay for the damages but not OP's legal fees. He assumes this only happened once they realized how f*cked they were
They basically were going to do anything and everything to make sure it goes away because they could lose their jobs as one of them has security clearance. They made an agreement for no contact and a lot of other legal stuff and things ended up working out ok. The actual break in event was a mess for OP as he was away with his wife’s family and didn’t have their phones on them for a bit.
One of the two families ended up having their truck repossessed and had to pay to break their lease on their SUV. They were $125k in debt on high interest credit cards, no home equity and two personal loans that were probably under false pretenses to begin with
The dad refused to help but the mom eventually caved. The parents had no house payments and lived off social security and pensions with a small emergency fund. That sister finally got to them, they ended up needing to borrow a car from them that could barely hold them and their three kids and the parents were paying for their groceries and the car insurance
They also filed for Class 7 bankruptcy and technically have nothing at stake if they break the agreement, so he is hoping they don't end up reaching out
The other brother-in-law also lives separately from his wife and kids because he is done with that family dynamic which I honestly don't blame. That sister was the one pressuring him to do everything and never wanted any part in it.
He is finally able to go there worry-free and his parents have also enjoyed it. It seems it is all behind him now
I tried the best I could to sum it up and left out some other details like meetings with his lawyer and the DA's office up at the house, but that is essentially what happened.
Me after reading it:
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blueikeproductions · 11 months
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The main OCs of my Heathers AU!
From the bottom left to right onwards:
Kara Sweeney: Ram’s kid sister. A bit bratty but a good kid. Knows her brother is gay and keeps his secret, so long as Ram pays her in Crunch bars. On good terms with Veronica, Martha, Braverman and Sputnik, but likes to tease Kurt.
Charlie Chandler: Red Heather’s baby sister. Shares Red’s smug attitude and superiority complex, though she mostly is just copying her sister as a phase. Likes stealing Red’s scrunchies and is typically wearing them on her wrists, hair and ankles. When at the funeral, Veronica overheard Charlie say to Heather’s corpse it was HER time now, which made Veronica concerned, doubly so when Charlie looked at Veronica and gave her a thumbs up. Adores Veronica and views her as her big sister. Likes to mess with JD and has kicked him in the shin more than once.
Sacha “Specs” Silverman: Part of Veronica’s geeky friend group. His nickname comes from the 3D glasses he’s constantly worn since kindergarten. A huge Star Wars and anime fan, extremely loyal to his friends, and a whiz at computers and electronics. He was the leader of the AV club and delegated Braverman and Jamie tasks suited to their skills. He and MacNamara shared a mutual romantic interest but never dated. Specs became the first tragic murder at Sherwood, being tricked into coming on the roof of the school thinking he was meeting MacNamara, but instead was pushed off the roof by a petty Chandler.
Dan Braverman: The main protagonist among the OC cast. Originally born and raised in Hawkins, Indiana, he came to Sherwood when his stepfather got a better job in Ohio. A cheerful, easy going type who doesn’t let high school cliques and stigmas bother him and happily goes to the beat of his own drum. He (along with Tracey, Cheryl, Specs and JD) is naturally viewed as a threat to the Heathers because he can easily make friends with those from other cliques (Tracey from the stoner faction was the first “non geek” friend he made when he moved into town), and the cliques being divided gives the Heathers their authority. Has an interest in comic art and is usually found reading ALF, Transformers or Disney Ducks comics or drawing comics. Braverman is JD’s best friend, and if we’re being honest, his only friend at the start. The two became close friends during Sophomore year at Hawkins High, and after dealing with a problem involving the Upside Down, Dan unexpectedly moved away leaving JD feeling betrayed. Two years later out of sheer luck, the two boys reunited at Sherwood, Ohio, with new challenges putting their friendship to the test.
Bud Dean Sr.: Jason’s grandfather. His only remaining immediate family after Jocelyn and later Bud died. He came to Sherwood to repossess his late son’s assets taken by police when it was learned Bud Jr’s company was committing fraud. Among the assets Sr. wanted to collect was Jason, and like Bud Jr., only really viewed the boy as property and a tax benefit. Bud Sr. also plans to restart the family company, and groom JD to take over, something JD doesn’t want anything to do with, having finally escaped that nightmare. He comes to the Braverman house unexpectedly one day to pick up his “free loading” grandson, and earns the immediate ire of Cassandra Braverman, Dan’s mother
Elliot “Sputnik” Silverman: Spec’s twin brother. Gained his nickname for his admiration of space exploration. While Specs was older and immature at times, Sputnik was the youngest and the more mature one of the two; however, Sputnik lacked confidence, making him an easy target of bullies. His primary tormentors in high school were Kurt’s group, which all the more stung because Sputnik and Kurt used to be great friends when they were younger. Usually relying on Specs, Veronica, Tracey, Dan or JD to protect him, Sputnik’s world was destroyed when his beloved twin died. Sunk into a near endless depression, and wanting to die, he practically tried to make Kurt punch him so hard he’d succumb to it. Kurt, who had since been changing his ways because of Dan, JD and Specs, instead comically cried uncontrollably which then caused a confused Sputnik to start crying. The two reconcile over grief of their past and losing a loved sibling, and mend their friendship then and there.
Jocelyn Heron-Dean: JD’s late mother. A shy, meek person who is kind and caring to her loved ones but struggles with social situations. She had trouble making friends, but in middle school she met Cassandra, Dan and Liam’s future mother, and the two became fast friends. Jocelyn seemed attracted to those with wild/aggressive personalities, a boon when it came to Casey, but a curse when she became smitten with the rich and good looking Bud Dean, who was in the same class as the girls. Come senior year of high school, Jocelyn was talked into eloping with Bud, leaving town to take over his dad’s construction business. Reluctantly, Jocelyn does so, and never saw Casey again. Nine months later and against Bud’s desire for an abortion, she had Jason. Their relationship soured over time, with the stress of constant moving, Bud’s true, cruel nature becoming more apparent, with Jason being the only bright spot in her life at that point, but even that couldn’t last as her mental health deteriorated. Once again, forced between two rough paths, Jocelyn accepts suicide as her only means of escape, reluctantly leaving Jason with Bud. Prior to this, when Jason was still a baby, she considered divorce and getting in touch with Cassandra somehow so she and Jason could stay with her. She would learn through an old acquaintance that Casey was having her own struggles as a recently single mom with a baby boy of her own, and didn’t want to pile on with her own problems, feeling ashamed she left Casey behind in the first place.
Cassandra “Casey” Braverman: Spunky, loud, and a bit chaotic, but stern and commanding when it matters. A big kid at heart, which makes her one of the very few adults in Sherwood to be sympathetic to Veronica and the others’ problems when they’re brought to her attention. In her teen years, she had a wild streak and was part of rough n’ tumble local biker gang, always looking for a thrill. Her first husband was a man called Clay, who resembled a more fit version of Dan with a handlebar mustache. Dan was not a planned baby (and really neither was Liam later), as Dan was the result of a drunk fling out of wedlock. Casey rolled with it, and figured a kid would be an interesting adventure. She and Jocelyn would become good friends in middle school, Casey made the first move to Jocelyn’s surprise, and were inseparable. She would often drag the shy Jocelyn into crazy adventures, the two having a blast together once Jocelyn loosened up during one. The one thing they disagreed on was Bud Dean: Casey hated him and Jocelyn loved him. They had a fight about it senior year that saw Jocelyn choose Bud, and saw Casey hurt, but for her friend’s sake accept her decision. After Jocelyn ran away, Casey suffered her second major loss in Clay, who died in a horrific motorcycle accident just after Dan was born. After parting ways with her biker friends in Hawkins, Indiana, she worked odd jobs there until she met and fell in love with Roland Braverman, a mostly mild mannered young man who fell for her spunky nature. 16 years later, she gave birth to her second child Liam, and a year after, she met Jocelyn’s son Jason who she happily took in when he needed a place to stay.
Liam Braverman: Dan’s baby half brother. The two share a room and Dan tends to watch over him the most. Martha, Veronica, JD and Kurt have assisted in one form or another in taking care of him, but while Liam loves his big brother the most, he took an interest in JD to the point his first words wound up being “Jay-Jay.”
Cheryl Rodgers: One of the popular kids, though she doesn’t view herself as such, and like Braverman, chats with whoever she pleases with which annoys the Heathers. She’s sweet but tragically dim, not realizing when those like Thrash or Green Heather take advantage of her for their own means. Cheryl hates Heather Chandler, and often Red has to make Green or Gold talk to Cheryl to get her to do something Red wants. She’s part of the cheerleaders and very athletic and very limber which makes her popular with boys. She has something of a male harem kink and has a romantic interest in most of her male classmates, but deep down just wants a sweet, smart guy who respects and cherishes her. Despite this, she has an unhealthy obsession with Thrash and Throttle, the biggest and hunkiest guys on the football team… as well as the most aggressive and cruel. She’s on friendly terms with Veronica and Braverman’s group, and joins them on adventures occasionally.
Roland Braverman: Dan’s stepfather. Mild mannered and kind, but is quick to anger when he gets really stressed out, and has a habit of shouting about what’s bothering him. Is the complete opposite of his wife, and the two will butt heads over matters, but they deeply love each other and find a compromise to a given problem. They’re pry the most stable couple in Sherwood, and are fairly open minded about things the other parents like Ram’s tend not to be. He loves his stepson and son to bits, and works hard to make a good future for them, but his work unfortunately consumes a lot of his time so he’s not around as much since they moved to Sherwood.
Toby Throttle: A cold, quiet, highly perceptive and intelligent type. A member of the football team. Comes from one of the rich families of Sherwood like the Heathers and Ram. While he has everything, he’s cruel and blunt and always seems unhappy, indulging in bullying out of a sick desire to feel something. Throttle appears to hate everyone, even his own parents and little brother, with the only one he seems to care about is his best friend and other half Thrash, and even then that’s peculiar because Throttle particularly hates low income people. He’s the counterpart to the loud, boisterous, simpleminded Kurt, and the one who took him in under his wing come high school.
Terrance Thrash: Arrogant, moody, dim, and violently aggressive. Part of the football team. The stock 70’s-80’s teen movie bully. He’s the middle child of a large low income family and tends to be ignored, freeing him to do as he pleases. Like Throttle, he loves to bully his classmates, and throw his weight around. He truly has peaked in high school, with what could be charitably called his best years behind him already. He’s Heather Chandler’s on again off again boyfriend, and while they mostly use each other for sex, there DOES seem to be genuine love between them ala Pete and Peg from Goof Troop. Between the two boys, Thrash does all of the talking, and is often pointed in the right direction by Red/Green Heather or Throttle to stir up trouble. He’s the counterpart to the marginally more intelligent (by comparison) and thoughtful Ram, taking under his wing come high school. He has a disdain for gays, fat chicks and nerds, though he’s thankfully stupid enough to not realize Kurt and Ram are (secretly) gay.
Kelly Kelly: Kurt Kelly’s older sister. A kind, chatty girl who was very popular and loved, who Kurt admired when he was little. Kelly was the one who helped nurture Kurt’s nerdy and sporty interests, along being the only one at the time who was aware Kurt was more into boys and tried helping him understand those feelings. Tragically, she died in a plane crash along with their mother, with it being suggested Kurt’s fall to bullying and his comical behavior was partly him still grieving over his sister. It took JD beating Kurt up to protect Braverman, Spec’s death and Sputnik’s own despair for Kurt to properly move on and return to his true self.
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whumpster-fire · 3 months
I'm sick and tired of all these car repo videos on YouTube. Seems like internet users are all anticapitalist and pro ACAB until they see a video of a repo driver doing cheeky snatches and then are suddenly all "How dare that monstrous working class person steal that car from the poor innocent bank #justicepornlol!"
Listen I'm not opposed to the concept of collateral on loans and I'm sure there are some people out there who cause repossessions and evictions by being financially irresponsible but if you automatically take the side of the person whose literal entire job is seizing property that someone who likely needs it to get to work became unable to pay for on behalf of a notoriously predatory industry then you're kind of a (useful) idiot. ACAB should apply at least as much to any job that's also empowered to deprive members of the public of life, liberty or property but cuts out the middleman of the state by working for the corporations and rich people directly. Even if these jobs are necessary to keep society functioning they should be viewed with a healthy amount of suspicion, and at a bare minimum there's something incredibly fucked up about fetishizing them acting like cowboys. Yeah you need some sort of system to prevent people from just ignoring the terms of contracts but I think "some guy with a tow truck and a Letter of Marque to enforce the property rights of financial institutions against broke people" may in fact be a worse way of doing this than cops.
I swear to god some of you are going to be getting off to videos of bounty hunters dragging people off to literal debtor's prisons in 20 years or so.
(Yes I know most of the asshats keeping these channels afloat are probably some flavor of conservative but some of you need your leftist credentials repossessed.)
(disclaimer for the audience: all my shit is fully paid off, this rant is brought to you by me seeing a video of a tow truck driver trying to yoink a vehicle directly out of a car wash while employees were actively working on it which could've gotten them injured or killed, and half the comments still taking the side of the tow truck driver)
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