#stop bootlicking for homophobes and transphobes
sam-not-sammie · 4 months
Happy pride to all my aros and aces and my aroaces. Happy pride to my bisexuals. Happy pride to those who are unlabeled or who prefer the umbrella terms. Happy pride to people in “cishet presenting” relationships. Happy pride to anyone who has been told (especially by other queer people) that your identity is just a “stepping stone/gateway” to any other label.
You and your identity are yours alone and you are valid. You are loved. You deserve space at pride. You are part of our community, regardless of the opinions of those who would have cast you out. <3
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galacticscrotum · 1 year
I don’t really like introducing myself.
I get stressed out trying to capture the essence of who I am in a reasonable amount of words. I’m far too complex for that. Not in a “I’m so complicated and cool and mysterious” way, but more of a “I literally don’t even fully have a grasp on my own existence” way.
So instead of trying to summarize my personality, I’ll just list some random things I’d like you to know if you follow me :) (If it’s too long to read, I put key info in bold)
My name is Em, it’s nice to meet you!
I’ve rotated around the sun 22 times. No wonder I’m dizzy.
I am autistic and have ADHD and CPTSD. All three conditions are intrinsically linked for me, I cannot fully relate to any of the conditions on their own without the other two.
I have several symptoms of BPD (abandonment issues go brrrrr)
I never want to speak over people with higher support needs so please (respectfully) tell me if something I say is incorrect or offensive.
Autism and neurodivergence are huge special interests of mine! (Comorbidities hellooo)
I have a ridiculous and sarcastic sense of humor. I’m a goose that is rather silly.
Communicating requires a lot of my energy, so I don’t like any criticism on how I do it, like how often I punctuate or what words I use. I’m doing my best to get my thoughts from my internal realm to the outside world.
I love to learn about anarchy and communism. Even more, I love learning about and imagining better ways of life outside of any common ideologies.
I am fucking queer as fucking shit.
My pronouns are they/them. she/he are okay too
I edit this post a lot.
I love you and I want to be your friend :)
I use :) a lot and I will not stop :)
I love The Sims 4! (I have three of the expansion packs, city living, cottage living, and cats and dogs, and I do use cheats, and I have wicked whims because tiddies)
I am half Slavic/Balkan and that’s important to me because I was disconnected and removed from my culture when I was 5. (Other half is boring western European white American). Began to reconnect with my culture when I turned 18.
Learning languages is sooo fun for me! Def a big special interest. I’m semi-fluent in Spanish, and have little knowledge of: Portuguese, Mandarin, Serbian, Russian, Hungarian, toki pona (this one is so fucking cool to me).
I love music and sharing recommendations! I used to play several instruments including viola, violin, cello, guitar, and piano. Viola is forever my main instrument. Haven’t played in a while though.
Music genres I like: reggaeton, Afrobeats, house/techno/EDM, 2000-2010s pop, Serbian folk/pop, Mexican/Chicano rap, Spanish guitar, punk rock, Falling in Reverse (genre of its own tbh).
I’m very interested in the origins of humanity, early human migration, language evolution, and related topics.
I like to sew and embroider :)
I’m not religious. I have been finding my own spirituality with Mother Earth and I love it. I like learning about others’ beliefs. I don’t care what your religion is, I’ll accept you as long as you’re not in my DNI list :)
As a queer, neurodivergent, mentally ill person, I will reclaim slurs if I choose to. If that offends you, block me. I’m not here to cater to your sensitivities, I’m here to freely express myself. The language is not being used towards you, you’re just being a cop.
Anonymous asks are now OFF because y’all can’t fucking behave 🙄
DNI: under 18, homophobes, transphobes, racists, bigots, bootlickers, ableists, misogynists, porn blogs, general assholes (I LOVE BLOCKING YOU BITCHES!!!!)
If you’re under 18 and want to interact just DNI with any of my posts labeled nsfw/mdni.
Thanks for reading :) Always open to questions! And memes. The more absurd the better.
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synaptic-mirage · 1 year
SEVERANCES UNDONE Introduction Post! Finally! 🎉🎊
Hi there! We're SEVERANCES UNDONE, a median, quoiconscious, trauma-endo, system with highly complex + partial dissociative identity disorder currently at around ~150 members and counting! We said we'd do an introduction post "soon"; that was almost 2 years ago, oops. At least we're getting to it now! Anyway!
general information
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, AnCom, agnostic syncretic luciferian
—physically disabled, nonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive
— genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
— delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
system information
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
— quasi-metaphysical, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic, protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
interests (* means special interest)
— video games — Minecraft YouTube — ARGs — general horror media — the paranormal — analog horror* — Slenderverse* (especially Marble Hornets* and EverymanHYBRID) — Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware — gender studies* — LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters (name | pronouns | role | source | tag)
— Jay Merrick | it/blood/thou/mew/sh* | perennial host | Marble Hornets (current — source list in progress) | host.txt ⥼ 📼 ⥽
— Alex Kralie | He/Him | heraicen + instigator + imprisoner + cynic + reveressence | Marble Hornets | Kralie.text ⥼ 🍎 ⥽
— William Clarke | he/that thing/nyct/it/▇▇▇ | co-host / inconsishost + protector + emergency fronter + stim holder | Who's Lila? | Will.txt ⥼ 🎭 ⥽
— HABIT / RABID / JAXSON | nameself/nullpronominal | janusian + avenger + anger holder | EverymanHYBRID (primary) / TribeTwelve (secondary) / MLAndersen0 (tertiary) | HABIT.txt ⥼ 🪓 ⥽
— Lonely Boy / Romeo | .txt/pink/smitten/virus/lovesick/malware/💌/💓 | hyper-romantic symptom holder + hyperérosian + obsessor + overnaut | Wilbur Soot's "e-girl trilogy" | Simpbur.txt ⥼ 💞 ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers
— fakeclaimers, reality checkers, aggressively pro-psych
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL content they consume and/or support
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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moonshinedyke · 1 year
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Pinned Post:
-Asteria/Eris (+)
-Mixed Black/Indigenous
-Intersex genderfluid multigender transmascfem
-Alloaro bisexual lilaen lesbian.
-Stud, butch, (bull)dyke, faggot, tranny, freak, bulldagger
This is my blog for venting and just talking about bigotry. I didn't want to clog my main too much with these types of posts since a lot of them involve discoursey topics. This is not a blog that I plan to use to argue with other people under most circumstances. I'm using this blog to vent about my experiences, no matter how big or small they are. Check below the cut for some of my beliefs.
Just because I reblog from someone doesn't mean that I agree with everything they say and do. What it DOES mean is that I think they made a good point in that specific post they made.
-Many white queers have a problem with using their queerness to try and avoid accountability for their white privilege and racism. There is a HUGE racism problem in both online and real life queer spaces.
-Gender criticals are enormous pieces of shit with a very flawed view of sex and gender.
-The hyperpolicing of lesbianism on here is super lesbophobic. Stop obsessing over lesbians not conforming to your neat little cis fem white woman centric boxes. Let lesbians have some gender fuckery without frothing at the mouth.
-Bi lesbians/gays do not hurt mono lesbians/gays by existing. We are not responsible for homophobic cishets harassing you guys and saying that we are is violently biphobic. Stop being a narrowminded cishet bootlicker, assholes.
-Straight passing privilege does not exist. Invisibility and erasure is not a privilege.
-Lesbian separatism as an ideology is transphobic, biphobic, lesbophobic, and racist. If you defend lesbian separatism or pretend that it was even remotely okay then you are a bad person, straight-up.
-Intersexism is rampant in trans spaces. We are not your transition goals, we are not your gotcha to use against TERFs, and we are not nonbinary icons by default. The diversity of the intersex experience is unfathomable because of how many intersex conditions there are and how intersex conditions are viewed across the globe.
-Slur discourse is pointless at best and a straight-up psyop at worst. Let a bisexual call themself a dyke, let a transmasc call themself a tranny, let a lesbian call themself a faggot. I promise that it's not hurting you when other queer people reclaim slurs. Quit your victim complex.
-Butch and femme have always belonged to the whole queer community and have NEVER been lesbian exclusive. Denying that is spitting on ballroom culture- in other words, you're racist and transphobic as hell. Furthermore, Black non-lesbians have more claim to butch and femme than ANY white lesbian does. Read more here. It's a Carrd, yes, but it's a Carrd with actual sources, which is more than you can say for literally every Carrd written by exclusionists that you all choose to use anyways.
-Queer is not a slur and it's up to you to avoid people who use the word if it makes you that uncomfortable.
-Flag discourse is ridiculous. If you hate a flag that badly, just don't use it.
-You don't owe anyone an explanation for why you blocked them.
-I'm very wary of anyone who is against non-traumagenic systems. I don't really understand endo systems or other non-traumagenic systems, but I've seen tons of fakeclaiming and racism coming from the anti-endo community, so I tend to avoid them. I'm not interested in getting into syscourse and I generally keep my system life private.
-Well-researched self diagnosis is good, especially if you can't afford to get a professional diagnosis. Ultimately, you are the one actually experiencing what's in your brain.
-Shipping discourse is ridiculous and literally all of you need to go outside.
-Anti-transmasculinity as a form of oppression exists and to say otherwise is antiblack and transmisogynistic, since it often goes in hand with transmisogynoir.
-Nonbinary people do not owe you androgyny, let alone any change in appearance once they come out as nonbinary.
-Nonmen and nonwoman are not just terms that are super hostile to multigender people, they're also racist due to their hostility towards Two-Spirit people as well as how they've been used to degender Black people.
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lesbiancollect · 2 years
Some rules for my blog:
-First and foremost this blog is 18+, this is not meant for minors so if you do not have your age in your bio or if your age is younger than 18 I will block you. As a 22+ year old even 18 seems too young but I recognize it as legal, if you intend to message me I’d prefer for you to be 21+ otherwise I feel like a creep and will be awkward. You will not get your desired interaction.
-I am lesbian if you fantasize about making me straight then this is the wrong place for you and you will be blocked
-This blog will be sapphic, if that is not your interest then kindly go away
-I tend to not judge but I draw the line at beastiality, incest, scat and or piss play, extreme pet play, age play (especially role playing as children or under 18), race play, feeder/feedee, pregnancy play, and anything lacking consent. This list might change
-If you are any of the following: homophobic, transphobe/terf/tirf, swerf/anti-sex work, minor attracted (this is not a real identity, you are sick please get help), racist, bootlicker/cop apologist, fatphobic or a feeder/feedee, pregnancy kink (pregnancy scares me go away) then do not interact. As the world gets worse this list might change
-I can’t stop you from interacting as this is publicly on the internet but I am not interested in cis men or straight women interacting and if it gets to be too much I reserve the right to block you, this is meant to be a safe place for queer and lgbtq+ people. I also am not interested in any kind of sissy play, again I reserve the right to block you.
-This is a safe place for trans people and gender nonconforming people however as previously stated I am a lesbian therefore female attracted. I don’t care if you have a V, if you identify as a male or male aligned I am not attracted to you nor am I interested in talking with you as anything other than platonic. On the other note if you have a P but identify as female or female aligned then you are more than welcome to interact in any way
-If you have questions about the following subjects: kink, sapphic relationships, consent, red flags, healthy relationships, or anything you are genuinely curious about and feel more comfortable asking me than someone irl I am more than happy to answer honest and genuine questions. However if you ask me something stupid such as “who is the man and who is the woman in a lesbian relationship?” Then you will be ignored. That is not a thing. There MIGHT be a dom/sub or top/bottom dynamic (these are not always the same) however that does not mean there are gendered roles.
Now for something a little more light hearted
-I don’t really have a nickname for you to call me since I don’t really get asks that much, if it comes up in the future I’ll change that
-This isn’t a dating site and I am in a monogamous relationship . I am okay with DMs asking questions but I’m not really looking too flirty or dirty talk but asks and questions are perfectly fine.
-I’m a bottom leaning switch, for those of you who don’t know what this might mean it means that I usually prefer being in the more submissive/bottom role however I do enjoy being in the dominant/top role sometimes. As I said before submissive and bottom are not always interchangeable terms, you can receive but also still be in control (power bottom might be a term for you to look into)
-I’m 5’ so rather short
-I am 23 years old and an Aquarius if that’s something you need feel the need to know
-As for the contents of my blog there’s a lot that I’m into and it usually depends on my mood. My hard No’s have been listed above near the top and some of my more prominent kinks/interests will probably show up in what I reblog but a good portion of what I’m into are as follows: Over stim, edging, somno, praise, (minor) humiliation, spanking, claiming/marking (aka hickies), oral/kissing, breeding WITHOUT PREGNANCY, strap on use/penetration. This is not everything and anything that it more intense I will try to tag as such.
-As always this entire list is subject to change and even if you don’t fall into any of the categories that will result in me blocking you I reserve the right to block just because I feel like it. If you’re uninformed ask questions but if you’re just a jerk or trying to get a rise out of people I will not hesitate to block you. Remember to have fun but consent is key no matter what.
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moodycarcass · 3 years
Every sexuality and gender is literally just like the same 3 fucking meanings looped around themselves 50 times and yet y'all continue to act dumb as hell and fight eachother bc the other is the exact same fucking thing that you are but in more words get off the internet and go touch grass the lot of you jesus christ
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paliaphrodite · 3 years
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about me. ⁀➷ patience ・ 22 ・ uni student ・ palestinian 🇵🇸 ・ severe romantic and romanticist of all things ・ i’m muslim!
loves. ⁀➷ excessive literature consumption ・ biking through the park ・ cooking pasta & making soup ・ runway fashion ・ botany but like gardening wise ・ journaling ・ thrifting & antiquing ・ baking bread & desserts
do not interact… ⁀➷ terfs. incels. transphobes. zionists. radfems. anti-blm. fascists//bootlickers. homophobes. thinspo blogs. anti-body neutrality. antisemitics. romanticize mental illness. if you: call yourself a “white mans whore”
links. ⁀➷ free palestine ・ support black lives matter ・ stop aap violence & hate ・ help indigenous communities ・ help native hawaiians ・ we are the change carrd. donate and sign petitions.
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a-decoy-soul · 3 years
Reminder that if
You support oheyfox or diavolothots in anyway.
Have called the guys women or girls in the dame event despite many trans people speaking out against such. (For real that shit was awful, trans people got told to shut up or sent hate/threats/suicide bate during that whole thing.)
Speak any stupid religious bullshit against ANY of the LGBTQ+
Try dropping the T from LGBTQ+ or pull the there's only 2 genders card
Call bi or pan trans exclusive or act if one is better
Infantalize, fetishize, demonize, or dumb down any gender or sexuality. Or talk over us and not with us
Call a character homophobic or transphobic or racist
Try including MAPs (pedos) in the LGBTQ+
Do not use us for clout, shut the fuck up and get therapy, touch grass.
Cishets stay in your lane please. Don't speak for us.
And LGBTQ+ people, stop bootlicking. If a group of people says that's offensive but that's your friend, educate your friend, don't just fight said group of people.
Thank you. Happy Pride.
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jp-todd · 4 years
I'm just gotta say it:
Some of ya'll are stupid and have no reading comprehension yet you have convinced yourself that you're the smart one and everyone else is dumb.
Like, my dudes, if someone is fired or let go from projects because their "political opinions" [read: racist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-mask/election fraud], it is because the company/place they work for has decided they don't want to be associated with that. Not because they're ✨oppressing✨ you and your ✨ opinions ✨. You are not the Jewish person in your twisted metaphor of the Holocaust.
Ya'll really need to actually read and understand history if you're gonna use it as an example of what's going on. For the love of that is holy, stop fucking cherry picking historical events to use them to act like you're oppressed while completely disregarding the context of said event.
And another thing, people who are racist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-semitic/ableist/ect. do not deserve sympathy because if they had their way, they would be oppressing or supporting oppressing a group(s) of people that have done nothing wrong but be themselves. (If you're gonna argue with me, here's a blanket response: Do Nazis deserve sympathy from Jewish people? Does ISIL deserve sympathy from the Shia? Does the British Empire deserve sympathy from colonized countries? Do genocidal Azerbaijanians deserve sympathy from Armenians? Does the KKK deserve sympathy from Black people? Do oppressors ever deserve sympathy from the oppressed?)
(Also call me a sheeple or bootlicker all you want, I'm still gonna listen to experts over my neighbor who thinks vaccines are a way the government is microchipping us. 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
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prettyboy-star · 3 years
hi ! call me orion ! (or star, or any such related names) he/they/it pronouns !
i finally caved and made a nsfw blog so uh-
DNI: racists, (pro cop) bootlickers, transphobes, homophobes, terfs, ed blogs, under 16 over 25 ppl, misgendering/detrans kinks, ageplayers/ddlg blogs, incest kinks, p*dos/maps/nomaps, women centric blogs, transmeds, cis/hets (specifically cishet men), chasers/fetishizers
i can’t stop minors from seeing/interacting but please be over 16 and don’t add anything. i would prefer that wlw didn’t reblog or add to my content, im a gay t4t transmasc, this blog isn’t for women or women likers. /nm
no asks or dms for now, and please don’t flirt, im taken. im not looking for a dom or anything like that.
degradation, objectification, pain, knife play, bondage, (light) cnc, overstim, edging, (light) petplay, monsterfucking, titles, (light) hypno/brainwashing, praise, hair pulling, choking, biting/scratching/marks
hard no:
misgendering, forced fem, incest, piss and scat, detrans, ddlg(or any variations), ageplay
im a bottom-leaning switch and am the sub in my current relationship, my content will be t4t mlm centric bc this is self indulgent and i can do what i want. i won’t be posting pictures. 
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Glass Kingdom
pairing: Kai Anderson/getting his ass beat by an icon
summary/request: hey bestie can u write something abt Lana fucking. beating the shit out of Kai. this is not a joke I want to see Kai get beat the fuck up by lesbian icon Lana - @neoneyez
warnings: bitch is violent, an a teenie bit graphic. blood warning, kai himself is a warning honestly. 
notes: im proud of this one. I love working with these types of requests, especially at 4:04 AM
          Kai Anderson is a coward. As much as he wants to deny it, as much as he hates to admit it, he’s a weak, greasy, sniveling coward. He tried as hard as he could to build up his ego, to convince everyone around him that he was some god-- hell, he made his followers call him ‘divine ruler’ and even that couldn’t make him strong. Kai isn’t the divine ruler anymore. No, Lana Winters had taken his title, and Kai was reduced to nothing more than a common freak who neglected his roots. 
          There she stood, her shadow cloaking Kai, eclipsing the small light in his stuffy basement. Ever since she left the asylum, Lana realized she was much stronger than she could ever truly understand; mentally and physically. Kai shrunk under her strength, her confidence alone making him cower with his tail between his legs. Lana Winters was everything Kai wanted to be; strong, confident, respected, powerful, the list goes on. Kai’s plan was simple: get Lana to join his cult for the influence. 
          At first, Lana was hesitant to join. She knew how abusive and damaging cults were and hated the idea of hurting someone like she’d been hurt. Lana saw through Kai’s manipulation tactics, she saw through his facade. She knew he wasn’t strong like she was, and she was going to use that to her advantage; she was going to overthrow Kai and free the members of the cult. 
          So, she joined. Initially, Kai was ecstatic, thinking that he’d managed to wrangle in one of the most powerful women in the country. Much to Kai’s dismay, Lana had barely been in the cult for a day, and she’d already gained the same amount of respect that Kai had. Respect that Kai had to literally kill for. That made him angry, but he buried that under the stress of his next big plot. The mindless drones that served Kai like he was king began taking Lana’s orders. The other cult members began to value Lana’s input over Kai’s. That’s when Kai met his limit, soon calling Lana to his basement for a ‘one-on-one conversation’. 
         It didn’t take long for Lana to overpower Kai, In fact, they had spoken for less than five minutes when Kai dared lay his hands on Lana. She swifty pushed him onto the concrete floor, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He was shocked, soon calling out for his boy-toys to restrain Lana. Two men walked into the room, took one look at Lana, and walked back out. Kai screamed, the fear now evident in his eyes when he realized he had nothing left. Lana laughed.
         “There’s something that you need to realize about me, Kai.” She says firmly, looking the blue-haired man dead in the eyes. “I’ve seen power, real, true power-- and you couldn’t handle a fraction of it. You’ve built a glass empire, and I’m a brick flying at high speeds at your throne.” The stone-cold look on Lana’s face could send any man running, but Kai was ignorant and his masculinity was fragile.
          Kai scoffs, standing up with a huff. “You’re just some common bitch with a few viewers. These people worship me like gods, they’d fall at my feet and pray to me-- you’re nothing compared to me.” Lana’s hand moved faster than Kai could register, the loud crack of her palm against his cheek echoing through the room. Kai truly couldn’t believe she’d just slapped him.
          “Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Lana growls, taking a step closer to Kai. Her fist slams into his face, the greasy man soon falls backwards onto his ass from the pure force. She’d broken his nose, he was sure of it. The pain rippled through Kai’s head, blurring his vision momentarily. Lana’s foot collided with Kai’s face the minute he regained his composure. Blood splayed on the floor, and Lana grunted in disgust. 
          “Stupid man, you got blood on my boots.” She bent down and grabbed a fistfull of Kai’s hair, trying not to gag at the greasiness of his neglected mop of hair. She dragged him to her feet. “It’s time that you become an actual bootlicker.”
          Kai moaned, blood steadily flowing from his nose as he whimpers at Lana’s feet. He follows her orders like a dog, and he’s ashamed of himself with every second of submission. Lana orders Kai to stand, and he does. She smirks before jerking her knee between Kai’s legs, slamming into his balls and causing Kai to cry out in pain. He doubles over, backing away from Lana as she closes in on him. 
          Lana Winters isn’t a violent person, but after hearing the horror stories of what Kai put his followers through, she couldn’t stop herself. Kai was bad to the bone, Kai was a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynistic asshole with a superiority complex. With every strike, Lana thought of Ally and the way Kai terrorized her to the brink of insanity. With every smack, Lana thought of Meadow and the way Kai used her love for him as manipulation material until the day she gave her life for him. With every punch, Lana thought of Winter and how Kai was endlessly terrible to her, ruthlessly manipulative and extremely predatory. 
           Kai cried out for someone, anyone to help him, but nobody came. He knew they could hear him, and still, they stayed away. Kai lied flat on his back, Lana’s knees on his arms. She punched him rhythmically, each landed hit representing each life Kai ruined. Each person Kai hurt. Each offensive comment that would go unpunished. Kai was bleeding, a lot, and sobbing, but that didn’t stop Lana. She was riding her rage, her adrenaline, and releasing all her pent up anger on someone who deserved it. 
         Lana let Kai stand back up, only to elbow him in the jaw, making him bite down on his tongue. Blood fills the tall man’s mouth, and he chokes on it. He splutters, falling to his knees in front of Lana. The irony of the scene was hilariously painful, and Kai couldn’t take it. He began to beg for mercy at Lana’s feet, sobbing loudly. Lana didn’t let up, driving her foot into Kai’s skull.
          “Did you give Winter mercy when you strangled her? Did you give Meadow mercy when she poured her heart and soul into you? Did you give Beverly mercy when you pushed her over the edge into a state of permanent shock?” Lana slapped Kai again, the action raw and genuine. Kai couldn’t respond, he simply fell backward.
          Once Lana tired herself out, she looked down at the man below her. He was bloodied and broken and small. His glass empire had shattered. Lana gracefully walked over to the coffee table across the room, gingerly picking up Kai’s thermos full of scalding hot coffee. She removed the lid, watching as the steam twirled under the fluorescent lights of Kai’s basement. With one fluid movement, she dumped the borderline boiling liquid on Kai’s beaten face, relishing in his screams of agony. Lana trunks away from Kai, a final phrase escaping her lips and hanging in the air before she exits the basement.
         “Enjoy your latte, bitch.”
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glindaselphie · 5 years
what I feel like certain members of the lgbt community (transmedicalists, people with the whole gold star lesbianism mindset, etc.) still don’t understand is that there is no danger to the lgbt community besides homophobes and transphobes, which you guys are.
you use the exact same homophobic and transphobic language against people you don’t feel are lgbt “enough” that cis heterosexual homophobes and transphobes have used against us for years. it does not make it any less homophobic or transphobic just because you yourself are lgbt.
stop bootlicking and gatekeeping, and blame the real enemy instead of blaming and policing our community.
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synaptic-mirage · 6 months
Introduction post!
[plaintext: Introduction Post! /end PT.]
Hi there! We're Isle Unto Thyselves, a mediple, misaconscious, trauma-endo, system with partial dissociative identity disorder.
We are currently sitting at ~225 members and counting.
General Information [plaintext: General Information /end PT.]
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, anarcho-syndicalist, collectively agnostic syncretic Luciferian Hellenists
— physically disabled, anonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive
— genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
— delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
— Tagging Information
System Information [plaintext: System Information /end PT.]
modifiers [plaintext: modifiers /end PT.]
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
origins [plaintext: origins /end PT.]
— metagenic, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
interests [plaintext: interests /end PT.]
(* means special interest)
— video games
— Minecraft YouTube
— the paranormal
— general horror media*
— The Chonny Jash Cinematic Universe™/Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium/HMS*
— alternate reality games*
— analog horror*
— Slenderverse (especially Marble Hornets and EverymanHYBRID)*
— Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware*
— queer theory*
— LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters [plaintext: Frequent Fronters /end PT.]
(these change depending on our current cyclical interest, working on a list of all of our member's tags)
— Jay Merrick | it/⦻/"he"/glitch/fear | Marble Hornets | Jay.txt ⥼ 📼 ⥽
— HABIT | no pronouns | EverymanHYBRID | HABIT.txt ⥼ 🐇 ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters.
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers.
— fakeclaimers, perform reality checks without express consent before the party entered a deluded state, aggressively pro-psych (neutrals are on thin ice).
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL [plaintext: FICTIONAL /end PT.] content they consume and/or support,
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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littlebabycrybtch · 5 years
i understand that as minorities we have to distance ourselves from our oppressors most of the time but. ngl ppl have let themselves become So Wildly Disconnected from just knowing about the actual bigotry happening in the world and how it works, how its evolving and resurfacing, that its fucking up our politics big time. like. ppl out here literally genuinely think that transphobes and homophobes have not only the Want, but the community knowledge on how to distinguish and separate their treatment of ~the mogais~ from other lgbt+ people. REGs rely so much on discourse now that their fatal flaw is the assumption that cishets understand or talk about these same niche ideas of gender and sexuality in the way that they do. that they want or would even allow a safe median between cishet and lgbt+ to exist. that they care about this. yall. you need to realize that your oppressors do not care about the same stuff you do. they could not care less about who you relate to, its solely about rejecting everyone they dont relate to, and the line is extremely fucking thin. they flat out dont have an interest in understanding or comparing the labels people use, if you’re not cis or not straight, they will have a loud vocal huge problem with your existence, bc they have their OWN hypercritical restrictive ‘you dont belong in my community’ stigma, and its been around for much longer. they are relentless and will never base who they give privileges to on Your beliefs. prejudice is not nuanced. your oppressors would not respect you more whether or not certain groups existed. they oppress people like you for power, out of hate and bigotry. the root of prejudice is literally ignorance, and in this case revolves around the idea that anything that diverges from cisheteronormative ideas deserves to be socially rejected. no amount of bootlicking and trimming the community will make us all cishet, so it will never be enough. you have to fight for acceptance, not conformity. you need to put supporting people and fighting injustices above your own misunderstandings or cringe feels.
you dont need to like interact with or listen to homophobes more or some shit, but to ignore and isolate yourself from their rhetoric so heavily that you no longer keep in mind the actual consequences of the real world when forming your own ideas, is creating an extremely diluted and selfish echo chamber of beliefs. sorry to be blunt but like. stop thinking you have the power here. the oppressors do. they decide whos gonna go below them, whether you agree or not. start paying attention to that and doing smth about it even when u dont want to. stop obsessing over the perfect rules in your hypothetical perfect world and fucking LISTEN to the ppl still suffering in the real world under the real social issues, even the ones you think are wrong and dont make sense, because hey guess what! they dont. they never do. theyre still happening and you need to listen. stop living in fantasy land where everything that makes you uncomfortable to care about is just banished. you arent being oppressed by tucute asexy mogais, you’re being oppressed by Cishets, and to nobodys surprise! so are they. its just truly deeply not gonna get better for Anyone unless we keep wildly radically pushing for the open acceptance of harmlessly divergent identities like please for the love of God just get this through your head or people are just going to keep using this same judgmental nitpicky mindset to excuse their bigotry towards You
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parasiteeve-archive · 6 years
I've said this so many times before but I still don't understand how some people care so much about how others identify and then make up some bullshit reason about how it makes the LGBT community look bad because...idk...homophobes and transphobes will still be intolerant of us unless we "act" like cishets? Even then they'll still hate us. That's not the LGBT community's fault. Stop being fucking bootlickers for a second and stop putting down your LGBT siblings because you're so insecure in your own identity.
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eightdoctor · 6 years
Anyway trans man here i agree with the post said about u lmao get the fuck outta here with he/him bullshit people like you cause my parents to take me as a damn joke, your pronouns are transphobic but guess youre too busy hating on straight people to notice huh? Guess if u use he/him you are a straight guy tho so have fun hating yourself if u wanna use he/him so badly
lmao what are you talking about…your parents don’t know me ….? why would they project their disbelief towards my pronoun use onto you? are they psychic? do they follow me? 
i mean, i’m sorry you’re going thru that, but like.. it’s not my fault your parents treat you like a joke, that’s your parent’s fault. can we stop blaming other lgbt people for homophobia and transphobia rather than the actual transphobes and homophobes lol. i don’t live to appease them, because they have a shitty worldview that i don’t really like, unfortunately. but have fun being a cishet bootlicker ig.
also pronouns aint transphobic cuz theyre words. you use he/him as well as i, so wouldn’t that make you transphobic? just going by your logic. 
do i rlly need to reiterate this. i’m not a man. i’m a woman-aligned nb person who doesn’t want to deal with the inherent and toxic feminity that society enforces on ppl. i’m attached to my womanhood and the Woman Experience, and i love being a woman who loves other women, but i don’t feel comfortable using she/her pronouns. 
femininity in society is inherently associated with being attracted to men. i’m not about that
and moi? hating on straight people? why, wherever did you get that idea? absolutely preposterous! this is slander!
anyway if you actually wanna debate this topic come off anon instead of attacking me for my pronouns (which is awfully similar to the actions of a group of people i know of……hm…….it starts with ‘trans’ and ends with ‘phobes’… but i can’t be sure……)
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