#i swear some of you are thinly veiled nazi apologists
jp-todd · 4 years
I'm just gotta say it:
Some of ya'll are stupid and have no reading comprehension yet you have convinced yourself that you're the smart one and everyone else is dumb.
Like, my dudes, if someone is fired or let go from projects because their "political opinions" [read: racist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-mask/election fraud], it is because the company/place they work for has decided they don't want to be associated with that. Not because they're ✨oppressing✨ you and your ✨ opinions ✨. You are not the Jewish person in your twisted metaphor of the Holocaust.
Ya'll really need to actually read and understand history if you're gonna use it as an example of what's going on. For the love of that is holy, stop fucking cherry picking historical events to use them to act like you're oppressed while completely disregarding the context of said event.
And another thing, people who are racist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-semitic/ableist/ect. do not deserve sympathy because if they had their way, they would be oppressing or supporting oppressing a group(s) of people that have done nothing wrong but be themselves. (If you're gonna argue with me, here's a blanket response: Do Nazis deserve sympathy from Jewish people? Does ISIL deserve sympathy from the Shia? Does the British Empire deserve sympathy from colonized countries? Do genocidal Azerbaijanians deserve sympathy from Armenians? Does the KKK deserve sympathy from Black people? Do oppressors ever deserve sympathy from the oppressed?)
(Also call me a sheeple or bootlicker all you want, I'm still gonna listen to experts over my neighbor who thinks vaccines are a way the government is microchipping us. 🤷🏻‍♀️ )
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