#stop blaming these characters
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llamasofchaos · 9 months ago
I just saw a video saying that while op adored Percy and annabeth she couldn't forgive them for ruining so many lives on their quest for a happy ending?????
She was claiming that because they got to be happy they ruined, Rayna and her sisters life, Bianca and Nico's life, screwed over Calypso, and apparently every other character in the books with an unhappy life.
Like next time just say you didn't understand the story instead of trying to justify weird reasons to not like the main characters.
Because it was not Percy or Annabeth's fault that the choice they made to try and survive quests given to them when they were teenagers by the gods were one of the many things that led to bad circumstances for other characters.
Circe was a bad person and just because working for her was okay right then doesn't mean it would have stayed like that. But also it's incredibly stupid to say that Percy and Annabeth ruined the sisters lives when they were 13 and just trying to survive and find grover.
Calypso wasn't Percy's responsibility. He owed her nothing, it was out of kindness and a desire to make things better that he asked that the gods release her from her punishment. He had no idea that the gods would be petty and not tell her she was free. His not going back to get her because he was "so distracted being with Annabeth" isn't a bad thing because once again he didn't owe Calypso anything, he didn't promise her anything. Stop saying that she's an innocent victim because she was on the island for a reason and it is only due to Percy trying to make things better that Leo could swoop in like a knight in shining armor.
Nico and Bianca. This is probably going to make a lot of Nico fans mad but Percy held no responsibility for what happened to Bianca or Nico . Yes he promised to try and protect her however she made a choice that made it impossible for anyone to help her. She knew that and she still made that choice, something Nico does throughout the main and sequel series. Percy once again owes Nico nothing, he did his best to save Bianca, he tried to help Nico even when he wanted Percy dead, he doesn't owe him anything even if Nico liked him.
Stop blaming Annabeth and Percy for every bad thing that has happened in the Percy Jackson universe. Percy and Annabeth did not go on quests for years, fight two wars and suffer trying to save the world while losing friends and family just for you to say that other characters had it worse and it's their fault.
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lookstairs · 10 months ago
I think one of the most realistic parts about Baby Reindeer (2024) is how much Donny downplays the abuse he faces
I know everyone wants to hate on him for being “stupid” and blame him for everything that happened because yes from an outsiders perspective he made questionable choices but isn’t that what HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE DO?
I know so many people who’ve “played nice” or tried to downplay abusive behavior. You try and tell yourself “It wasn’t that bad”, or that it was just some crazy experience that should be forgotten. It seems so much easier to stay silent and just try to move on.
You don’t wanna start problems
You don’t wanna be mean
You don’t wanna be the bad guy
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asteromata · 5 months ago
“Rhysand has been high lord for centuries and he’s done nothing for the Illyrian women” um… no? That’s the exact opposite of what’s written in the books. Rhysand’s father was an asshole who didn’t care to do anything no matter how much his mate begged him to. Rhysand is the one who’s actually trying to stop wing-clipping and giving the females the opportunity to train. The Illyrians took advantage of his 50-year imprisonment and the absence of Azriel and Cassian from the war camps and started treating the females even more harshly. He literally says that he, Cassian and Azriel hunted down and killed many of them when he returned. Of course he can’t do anything instantaneously, and change always takes time, because the Illyrians are a big part of the NC army and war was coming. He couldn’t risk half his army in a time like this. It would only make things worse for the entirety of the Night Court, not just Illyria. Now that the war with Hybern is over Cassian is in the war camps trying to handle the situation—who do you think gave him the order to do that?
I can assure you, the Illyrian women (at least most of them) think more highly of Rhys than any previous high lord.
I’m surprised by this fandom every day—you’re reading books that are targeted towards 16+ year-olds, I assume you have basic reading comprehension skills but I suppose that’s too much to ask for these days…
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atlasdoe · 6 months ago
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devils-yui · 1 month ago
Rewatching TFA, for the hundredth time in a row, and I've got to say. I used to think Sari was, kind of annoying, during my first initial watch and sometimes. The things she does makes me go wide-eyed and gripping at the screen going, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
But then now, as I'm rewatching it hundreds of times over. I have to physically remind myself that she is a child.
And not only that, but she was a child that was BARELY raised properly. She didn't have other children to socialize around, she had a robot teacher, a robot dog companion, and her occasionally in her life father who was busy manufacturing robots, entertaining the ideas of tours and etcetera.
So maybe, yes. I can definitely understand why she does rash things, and act the way she does. I understand why she's seen as a social outcast amongst other groups of kids (like in the show, ON HER BIRTHDAY).
And I'm not as mad as her, as anybody should be for a child who was raised/taught the wrong things or having not been taught at all.
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el-crafts · 3 months ago
The moment I saw it... I had to do this....
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Deviled eggs do be the best🤭
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! Make sure to eat all that you physically can 🍽✨️
(Original image below)
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timetogosteddie · 4 days ago
The bisexual urge to fall for all of Reece Shearsmith's characters...
How is he equally attractive with a blonde wig and lipstick as with a simple pair of glasses?
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blanceyblance · 7 months ago
Can we guys stop blaming Lance for dating Allura?
I feel like in the klance fandom there is this feeling of Keith going 'How dare he go for the woman who never appreciated him?' and now Lance has to suffer for the terrible wrong of not choosing Keith first, like, 'how dare he?!' to be honest it feels very 'nice-guy' mentality.
Also, while I don't personally ship them in canon, Allura and Lance were friends? Allura DID have fondness for him, I would even say Allura ended up being closer to Lance than Pidge was.
Lance was her emotional support and she grew to trust him and feel like he was 'safe'. I think they worked better as friends but there was genuine affection between them.
And Keith was also, an ass at times to him, there where moments when Keith just pushed Lance away or was mean to him with no provocation.
Stop blaming Lance and acting like he betrayed Keith somehow. He was done dirty enough
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 6 months ago
i do not buy the idea that celegorm is less reprehensible for what he tried to do to luthien because there's something special about her (her maia blood, her extreme beauty, her front-and-center role as a hero in the narrative, whatever) that enchanted him. first of all, victim-blaming. why are you going and making up an idea that has zero basis in the canon narrative purely to make the point "hey, maybe this guy that tried to coerce an unwilling woman to marry him isn't as bad as we think. maybe there was something about her that made him do it." second of all, victim-blaming. whatever the reason celegorm's pursuit of luthien was, he had a role in coming up with, and tried to execute, a plan that involved assaulting her and forcing her into a marriage with him against her will. he chose to do that, knowing full well the weight of it. even if there was something more supernatural going on in his attraction to luthien (which, again, has no canon basis), nothing and nobody forced him to take the actions that he did
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gremblim · 9 months ago
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Now hear me out
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nattikay · 7 months ago
Spider is not Jake and Neytiri’s kid and they had no obligation to act as his surrogate parents
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ganondoodle · 6 months ago
honestly cant stand how technically important demise is and yet how he doesnt actually matter or exist in peoples minds as a character, the only thing that matters is his stupid "curse" thing and its the only thing why he will ever be brought up, theres never really any thought around him that isnt related to the "cuuuurse", otherwise he basically doesnt exist in the fandom
to some extent its understandable given how little he actually is in the game but it still makes me sad and a little frustrated imo he shouldnt be treated like soemthing so unimportant given hes involved with the literal start of the timeline
and worst of all is how he and ganondorf make each other worse, like their link is completely deniable yet its like more often than not treated like gan is to demise what zelda is to hylia, but even that isnt used interestingly no, its only ever to write off gan as "well, hes just a demon, demons need no motives or character, they are jsut evil" WHICH IS SO BORING, and people will be HAPPY about that??? they go yippie gan is jsut an evil demon yaaay like the fuck???
it goes around to that other post i made about how not wanting a better written gan is wanting everything to be worse, bc a better written villain is a better written everything and there is only winning in that
demise specifically is just a sore spot for me since hes my blorbo, and the way even gan fans hate him for introducing the "cuuurse" thing just makes it hurt doubly, i get why, still its just so .. man i wish BOTH gan and demise were allowed to be characters, at least gan was a character at some point, demise has nothing ;__;
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atlasdoe · 11 months ago
"Dumbledore raised an army of children TWICE"
y'all do know that WE were the ones who made the order of the phoenix so young right??? The Marauders and Lily were the only ones with cannon ages
we can't make all of the characters young and then hate Dumbledore for making an "army out of children"
for all we know marlene and dorcas could've been elderly women! we were the ones who hc them to be the marauders age
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roses-are-repulsed · 2 months ago
Repulsed identities are not at fault for "stereotyping" other minorities. A character being repulsed is not stereotyping another minority. A disabled character being repulsed says NOTHING about disability. An autistic character being repulsed doesn't say anything about Autism. A character being revealed to be repulsed is not the creators "being homophobic" An allo queer character being repulsed is not "sanitizing queer stories for a straight audience" And i can't believe i have to say this, but an aspec character being repulsed isn't "erasing other aspecs" or "stereotyping aspec identities"
Stop framing our identity as the enemy. Stop blaming stereotyping of other groups on Repulsed identities. Repulsed people can be disabled. They can be Autistic. They can be gay or bi or whatever other identity. Stop framing the very few representation we get as harmful. We deserve representation too. You don't fight stereotyping by banning a specific kind of representation that YOU personally are uncomfortable with.
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cjlouwho · 8 months ago
idk tommy is boring to me and also too sarcastic he needs to go
have you, like, ever watched the show? literally everyone on there is sarcastic. every episode reeks of sarcasm in one way or another. i fully do not understand why every character gets to be sarcastic except for tommy, apparently? i fully have to believe it's people simply being mad that tommy is not eddie. oh, and, btw, eddie is very sarcastic. i beg of you to watch the show.
on the "he is boring" comment. have you flown into a hurricane for your former co-workers/acquaintances, apparently without question? do you fly on your days off for fun, do muay thai, go to sporting events, karaoke trivia, pickup basketball games, and work on cars? tommy did all that with eddie in like the 2 weeks he'd known the guy! He got a boyfriend between dropping eddie off at home (or checking on him or something) and starting a shift!
also, i'm going to add the reasons why he very much shouldn't go: he's a flawed character with a less-than-stellar past who has clearly worked on himself (which we even saw during the begins episodes back in season 2), he shows that people do have the ability to grow and change and become better, he shows tf up for buck in a way that i've never seen before, he didn't even expect or want an apology from buck after buck made that ridiculous "hot chicks" comment. i assume buck didn't invite him to the wedding in enough time to get the day off, so he was on standby, and he still came to a bachelor party instead of resting at home. he showed up to the wedding in his turnouts because he wanted to be there for buck! he listens to buck, asks questions, speaks openly and honestly about his own jealousy issues, and matches buck's freak.
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lavender-phoenix-flames · 8 months ago
If I see another bad characterization of Wei Wuxian Istg I am gonna fucking explode. Do people not know what reading comprehension is? like please stop calling him dense or dumb, did we even read the same book? What are these people on?!!😭😭😭
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