#rose repulsed
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roses-are-repulsed · 9 months ago
You don't need to be in a romantic relationship or having sex to be queer. You are not required to partake in amatonormativity just to be seen as "Queer enough" You are queer enough as is. You repulsion is Queer enough. The only person who can decide if you're queer or not is you.
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cosmicredcadet · 5 months ago
Hey, Quick rule of thumb but if you see or hear an aspec person complaining about something and you're first response starts with "But what about -" or similar then you need to shut up. Permanently. Do not finish the sentence. Do not pass go. Do not utter another word. I can assure you whatever you were going to say next is highly ignorant, low-key aphobic, and overall the most unhelpful thing that you will ever say and it's better if you just shut up and listen and maybe ask yourself why you jumped to respond that way.
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lonelyy-clown · 14 days ago
just wanna say this plainly
aroace as in wants nothing to do with nsfw
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jeante13 · 2 months ago
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wizard-eater · 9 months ago
Brushing your teeth because I caught a wiff of your breath with my nonexistent nose so it's toothbrush and mouthwash time eater
Do you truly hate the scent of roses that much? Rotted, yes, a smell thick and sweet enough to choke on. But roses nonetheless.
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sinful-salvation · 14 days ago
They were fucking miserable. Great. First, they’d become a monster. Fine. They’d gotten used to that. It was normal now, Now they get to experience… this.
Great! Just great!
Their tail thrashed and their wings shuddered angrily. They wanted to tear up a pillow and bite and do anything to relieve whatever the fuck their body wanted. The answer was painfully and annoyingly obvious what it wanted, mind you, but they were stubborn as hell and more frustrated than aroused. Which was saying something, considering.
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spitedriven · 26 days ago
one thing i will throw out there, with regards to romantic shipping with lucanis: i'm extremely open to it (👀) but he's on the asexual spectrum.
specifically to my interpretation, i read him as being demisexual with a lower sex drive in general, though panromantic. this doesn't mean he won't have sex ever, just that it's heavily linked to love and intimacy for him.
i'm hesitant to say much further than that--kinda ties into a post i made on the main hub--but i think in general it would be up to lucanis' partner to prompt for sex. he knows it exists, obviously, but he forgets that people like, want, or need it. he's far more interested in cuddling, talking, parallel play, etc. those are the activities he reaches for, i'll say, as a foundation. what happens in addition to those things i think depends on the relationship and what his partner wants/likes/needs.
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acetheta · 8 months ago
sometimes i forget rose tyler isn’t canonically ace spec
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occultradio · 1 year ago
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So with Vis being ace and his preference to do other things, what exactly are the other things?
He's romantic af and from past trauma absolutely craves things that you wouldn't do with groupies.
he would spend the entire day tangled up cuddling and watching movies if he could
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roses-are-repulsed · 8 months ago
Sex repulsed asexuals are not perpetuating a stereotype.
Romance repulsed romantics are not perpetuating a stereotype.
Rose repulsed aroaces are not perpetuating a stereotype.
Real people are not walking representation. Real people do not need to be "good" or "diverse" representation of their identity. They do now owe anyone anything. Their experiences should not be silenced because "you're spreading a stereotype".
Repulsed people should not be shoved under the bus because you seem us a stereotype not worthy of a voice
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cosmicredcadet · 10 months ago
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Couldn't find flags for Rose repulsed and so i thought I'd make one.
Rose repulsed: Someone who is both romance and sex repulsed. You can be any aspec identity and use this flag as this flag includes anyone who is sex & romance repulsed no matter the orientation.
Reasoning and alt flag options under the cut.
Reasoning: Blue: blue is often the color used as a way to connect Aro and Ace identities when both are present. So blue felt fitting in this context as often times repulsion will show up with aro and ace identities.
White: The white was added to help the flag pop a but more but also because white is a commonly shared colored amongst all the aspec flags, as such it symbolizes the connection between aspec identities and their connection to rose repulsion.
Rose: The shortened version of Romance and Sex shortens to Rose (Ro = romance. Se = sex). Roses are also a reclaimed symbol by parts of the aspec community as red roses often signify passion and love. Make the rose blue and the meaning changes. Blue roses not only fit the color scheme of blue connecting aro and ace identities but it also has meanings such as Uniqueness, achieving the impossible, and Self Acceptance.
Thorns: Thorns are added to the circle outside the rose to mimic how roses use thorns to protect themselves. Thorns represent the feelings of repulsion, with the thorns repelling away romance and sex in this case.
Alt flags:
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lonelyy-clown · 2 months ago
made a repulsed community with this funky new tumblr feature. idk how much ill really work on it. it was a really spur of the moment thing. just wanted to make it exist. have fun if you want tho
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 1 year ago
All my friends are heathens
A song–inspired piece of Writing about Audrey meeting some of the Isle kids with Anthony Tremaine.
Good news: I finally figured out a plot.
Bad news: That took me 2,5k words to do. So there might be a second part.
Gods know why Audrey agreed to this.
(Actually, hopefully they don’t; however, the gods are nosey bitches. As are the fey. Audrey has had enough fey and magic for quite some time, thank you for asking.)
So she just wrinkles her nose as she sidesteps some flasks and a piece of cloth on the sidewalk.
„Why are we here again?“ she asks Anthony Tremaine, who walks besides her and who invited her along.
„Because you wanted to get to know my– you wanted to get to know other Isle kids, if I so recall,�� he says.
He’s correct, of course. She did want that, as a bragging rights if nothing else. That’s her go to excuse, anyway: „It’s good for my public image; the Isle kids need help. It’s my duty as the princess of Ulstred and Auroria to help them on their journey, just as our king does!“
A sound reasoning her grandmother shouldn’t argue with. (She does anyway.)
All in all, Anthony is correct. He just has no right to say that out loud.
„I meant,“ she sniffs and turns her nose up, „Why are we here?“ she gestures around the dark aley, screamed-out part of the Capital and the higher circles of society pretend doesn’t exist. Harsh notes can be heard if one listens, and raised voices; glass shards glisten under neon lights.
„Any problem, princess?“
„Yes! No– What are you doing in this part of the town, Lord Tremaine?“
„Why, Audrey dear,“ he smirks at her, „This place reminds us of home.“ Us – the Isle kids. He gestures around with the same fake smile and counts on his fingers: „Dark and rotten, just like home. This place sells alcohol for cheap, and with no ID. No one cares. Besides,“ his smirk widens, „It’s not like any other place would have us.“
Audrey has the decency to look sorry for that, and enough wits not to actually apologise. Instead, she sniffs hauntingly and says: „I see how it is.“
Anthony opens the door for her and holds it open: „Why, is this beneath you, Audrey Rose?“
„Absolutely,“ she agrees as she walks around him and steps into the bar; noises and smells assault her senses. If that alone wouldn’t stop her, his hand on her elbow would.
„You ready?“
„Yeah, of course. How bad could your friends possibly be?“
It’s not like they’d kill her. Right?
He shakes his head. „I don‘t think you understand. All my friends, as you call them – don’t do that, by the way, – are heathens. Only one of the bunch who has any sort of manners is Harriet, and, well. She won’t bother. So, for the love of whatever is dear to you, take it slow. And don’t make any sudden moves.“
No sudden moves. That’s not unnerving at all. Absolutely not.
„Let’s go.“ He offers her his arm as they walk down the few steps into the bar. Pub. Whatever. They weave through the tables and Audrey tries to ignore the sticky floors under her shoes; she looks down at it in distaste. Which is probably a good thing, because she misses the stares directed at her and how quickly the eyes snap away when Anthony glares at them.
All eyes but two pairs.
Audrey and Anthony stop in front of a table in the corner, because of course it’s the corner table. It makes sense in Audrey’s mind, something about Isle kids and watching their backs.
She raises her hand to wave at the people there, all of which are rather obnoxiously ignoring her, but Anthony swats her arm down. „Absolutely not–“ he hisses.
„Excuse me for trying to be nice,“ she hisses back.
„You’re excused,“ he says without missing a beat, and Audrey gasps at the audacity, not exaggerating in the slightest.
Then Anthony goes round introducing everyone: Harriet Hook, who just looks at her with icy cold eyes that she shares with her brother and that make Audrey click her jaw into place, earning her a small nod of approval.
Beside Harriet, Ginny Gothel, who blows her an air kiss and gets back to pulling at her curls; „Ginny–“ Anthony sighs at that, but moves along, introducing Mad Maddy next.
Audrey isn’t too sure if she wants to know why she’s called Mad, but she is quite certain she’ll find out anyway.
Last person sitting at the table is Sammy Smee, who actually nods at Audrey in greeting. Audrey smiles at them.
„Where’s Dulcia?“ Anthony complains, „She said she’d be there. Dulcia – my eldest cousin,“ he adds for Audrey’s benefit. She remembers both Anthony and Dizzy talking about some Dulcia, but hasn’t met her yet. Neither had Chad, probably, but that’s hard to tell. He’s too busy complaining about Anthony anyway; and Audrey hadn’t spoken with Queen Cinderella in quite a while. Ever since her Queen of Mean episode, to be exact.
She should probably do that, instead of meeting with vaguely stabby looking Isle kids in a bar with neon lights and a name that’s more of a curse than anything else.
She ignores that thought and instead sits at the chair Sammy pointed out for her just as Ginny pipes up: „Yeah, Dulcia’s over there, playing poker with the Gaston twins.“
„Dulcia!“ Anthony raises his voice, „Come greet our guest!“
„Can’t, cousin dearest,“ she shouts back at him, „I’m a bit busy right now, and I’m winning!“
„You’re playing with the Gastons.
„Shut up, Gothel; are you jealous?“
„Why would I be?“
Audrey tones out the rest of the conversation for her own sanity. (She didn’t need to hear that much crude innuendos in such a short time, thank you for asking.)
…And also because Harriet Hook is leaning towards her and staring at her, and Audrey finds herself suddenly quite afraid for her own life.
„Didn’t expect a royal visit today,“ Harriet Hook states, not bothering to make it sound like a question. She has a half empty glass of whiskey in front of her.
„Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?“ Audrey says idly and straightens her skirt. She should have listened to Anthony and worn trousers tonight, or at least a longer skirt.
Harriet just narrows her eyes at her, dragging her fingertip round the trim of her glass. She looks as if she’s just been grievously offended and Audrey doesn’t dare guess how. Harriet’s glare doesn’t lessen a bit when Ginny basically climbs into her lap to make room for Anthony who slides next to them, or when the two of them kiss. Or when Anthony kisses her cheek.
It would be almost impressive if it hadn't been so– Audrey finds herself making a face at the display.
„You’ll get used to it,“ Sammy says with a resigned tone as they clasp her shoulder for a brief moment, and Audrey doubts that, really.
„Get a room, you three!“ screeches Maddy, and now, that sentiment Audrey can get behind.
Unfortunately, it only encourages the three of them to make out more. Exhibitionists. In turn, that causes Maddy to screech more, both the trio and at any onlookers.
Ginny shows Maddy the middle finger, and says: „Only getting a room if you’re paying, sweetheart.“
„Absolutely NOT–!“
„Or the princess her could pay,“ Ginny suggests slyly, and honestly, at this point Audrey is tempted to agree.
„Excuse me?!“ she protests anyway.
„Yes, Ginny, have some manners,“ reminds Anthony, tugging at Ginny’s hair, and Audrey quickly looks away, „We have a royal visit.“
„You didn’t care about manners much few moments ago, Lord Tremaine,“ Audrey reminds him in the most haughty tone she can muster.
„Oh, I like this one,“ Harriet cackles, „She has a bite! But really, is she paying?“
Under normal circumstances, Audrey would be insulted over being talked about as if she weren’t here, however, she quickly decides, it’s better than being glared halfway to hell. She doesn’t deem it worthy of an answer, though.
Dulcia and the Gaston twins walk over and settle themselves at their table too, which hasn’t got nothing to do with the motion of possible free stuff, Audrey is sure.
„Move over,“ Dulcia nudges her cousin and Maddy, while the twins just steal chairs from a neighbouring table. Good for them.
One of them also moves his chair entirely close to Audrey’s for her liking, and she leans away a bit–
„Don’t even try that, Junior,“ Anthony snaps, and the boy moves to respectable distance.
„When will you learn that not everyone likes you, really, Junior?“ Ginny Gothel sighs, leaning further into Harriet, and great, now she and Dulcia are arguing again. Both Gaston twins look completely dumbfounded by the situation.
„You want a drink, princess?“ Anthony ignores the ruckus, and, why, yes. Audrey could do with a drink. She nods.
„Well, what do you drink?“
„What do they have?“ Audrey is fairly sure they won’t have her favourite drinks here. Or any cocktails at all, or champagne.
And sure enough, Harriet starts reciting the drinks-menu, which so far consists of various shots of rum and whiskey. She seems to have it memorised.
„Do they have any long drinks?“ Audrey interrupts her.
„Sure,“ the pirate Captain scoffs, and she’s definitely judging her, „I suppose they could make you some.“ She kicks back the rest of her whiskey.
Anthony nudges her to play nice, and she starts listing the drinks: Vodka-soda. Rum and coke. Vodka with juice, though she isn’t actually sure if they have juice. Gin and tonic.
„Could they give me pink gin and tonic?“ Audrey interrupts. Aesthetic, you see.
„Anything for the princess, sure,“ drawls Harriet, moving Ginny’s curls around her shoulder. Audrey feels judged again.
„I suppose you want a drink too, Captain?“ Anthony continues without missing a beat.
„You know what I want,“ Harriet smiles at him, more teeth than anything else, and Audrey looks away. Just in time, because they kiss again. Of course they do.
„I’ll try to get your pink stuff, Rose,“ Anthony says over his shoulder as he walks away. Audrey doesn’t bother yelling out her thanks over the ruckus around.
„You’re not drinking?“ she asks Sammy, as they’re the only one who doesn’t have a drink, or aren’t yelling at Anthony to get them one.
„Can’t,“ Sammy shrugs, „Not when this one is drinking. Gotta make sure she doesn’t murder anybody.“ They gesture to Harriet, hands mostly under the table, but she seems preoccupied again. „Or hurt herself. You know how it goes.“
Audrey doesn’t know. „Surely it can’t be that bad,“ she says anyway.
„Oh, you don’t know half of it,“ Sammy laughs, „She’s a Hook.“
As if that explained everything.
One of the Gaston twins nods, as if it really did.
„I mean, I know her siblings…“ Audrey trails away.
„See?“ gestures Sammy, and yeah. Maybe she doesn’t want to. Have they considered that?
They have not considered that. Obviously.
No one really cares how Audrey feels, but at least this time it isn’t personal.
„Anyway,“ Ginny announces to the table, „Going out, be right back. Maddy, Dulcia?“ She stands up, letting Harriet’s lingering hand fall down, and Audrey isn’t looking at that.
She’d like to know where are they going, though.
„Trois, go with them,“ says Harriet when the trio of the girls is already halfway through the room.
„Absolutely not!“ Ginny spins around to glare at the pirate captain and at Gaston the Third too.
„I said!“ snaps Harriet back.
„I don’t need a bloody bodyguard!“ yells Ginny. Said bodyguard gets no input at all, and Maddy and Dulcia linger by the door.
A knife plunges deep into the table and Audrey flinches away violently. She looks at Harriet’s hand on the weapon, white knuckles and all, and barely hears Ginny as she reluctantly allows Trois to come with.
Audrey blinks a few times: What just happened?
„So sorry about that,“ Harriet says, not sounding sorry at all, „Now, I heard something about my siblings? What did they do?“
„Yeah, but,“ Audrey struggles with her words and gestures around, „Where did they go?“
„They just went for a smoke,“ says Sammy Smee, unconcerned.
„Yeah, and they wouldn’t share, bloody bitches.“
„…Why wouldn’t they share cigarettes?“ asks Audrey, mildly confused. Smoking is not pretty, but it’s not a crime, and it’s something social. Not that Audrey would know, of course.
„Audrey, honey.“ Anthony gets back with their drinks, „They have weed at the very least, and the mighty Captain Hook here isn’t allowed that. Isn’t that right, Harriet?“
Sammy just solemnly nods while Harriet mutters something like „I hate you and I will kill you painfully,“ and yanks her glass from Anthony, downing half of it at once. He just kisses her hair before sitting down, and Audrey can’t help but stare at the entire scene, utterly bewildered.
„Hopefully they’ll be less snappy when they come back,“ Anthony says, and: „Didn’t have any pink stuff,“ as he slides a glass to her. Audrey takes a sip and almost chokes on the vile oleum-like liquid, earning a mean laugh from Harriet and a pat on the back from Sammy.
She drinks again.
„I’d like to hear it too, what CJ and Harry are up to,“ Anthony says.
„Well, last time I saw Harry, he tried to kill me,“ Audrey says. To be fair, she was very much trying to curse him at the time, so, she can’t really blame him. She tries not to blame him, at least. Before she can add the context, though, Harriet nods, sipping her drink again, and says „Yeah. Yeah, he does that,“ with a bloody smile.
And, excuse me? Is she smiling about her attempted murder?
„Excuse– Sorry?!“ Audrey sputters, „I just said he tried to kill me!“
„And I said he does that. Ma’s fault, totally, and Uma’s too. He’d fistfight a god if he thought he’d like it.“
Audrey is way too busy trying to process the words „Ma’s fault,“ to worry about anything else. Here she was, thinking that Captain James Hook was the dangerous parent, but apparently not.
„And Calista?“ Harriet interrupts Audrey’s thoughts.
„Calista Jane. CJ. Little, blonde, wears red, likes to threaten death to people?“ lists Harriet.
„Kidnapped the king at the Neon Lights Ball?“ adds Anthony helpfully.
„Yeah no I know who that is.“ Audrey shakes her head to get her thoughts straight, „She’s been over there for ages, she’s a menace– I think she keeps stealing my grandma’s tiaras.“
„Sounds like CJ, alright,“ mutters Sammy Smee, dodging a lazy blow at their shoulder by Harriet. „You know I’m correct, Captain.“
„They are, Ettie,“ agrees Anthony, sipping his own drink. He leans away as Harriet swats at his shoulder too.
„Anyway,“ Harriet leans closer to Audrey, „Any chance you’d be up for babysitting that menace?“
„Please, say yes–“ Sammy. If Audrey would have to guess, she’d say they’re the one forced to babysit CJ normally.
„Isn’t she like fourteen now?“ Audrey asks instead.
„Yeah, and? Would you?“
„…I’ll think about it,“ answers Audrey, because the night is young and because she still has her drink, and because honestly?
It’s not like she has anything better to do.
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savingthrcw · 9 months ago
beautiful, charming Rose with her high charisma and the rotten parts of her body hidden away, still trying to help, to make the world a better place, only to be immediately shunned by the people she's just protected or she's trying to protect the SECOND they realize she's a ghoul, one who has 'some way to make her face to look nice' but a ghoul, and one in an advanced state of decomposition if her arm is anything to go by. Rose having been the first in the Mac.Lean timeline to think that the surface wouldn't change her to her core and she's still hanging in there, changing, yes, but still trying to save people after 19 years of being treated like she's below everyone else.
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grayintogreen · 11 months ago
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Alastor clocked Aamon so hard because he was just "that guy is me but Worse."
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ask-asexual-crystal-gems · 1 year ago
asexual kinksters be like
you catch me in my room watching something kinky, but instead of masturbating I'm just watching intently and taking notes like it's a college lecture
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