#i do believe she loved lance and he ended up being special to her
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blanceyblance ¡ 7 months ago
Can we guys stop blaming Lance for dating Allura?
I feel like in the klance fandom there is this feeling of Keith going 'How dare he go for the woman who never appreciated him?' and now Lance has to suffer for the terrible wrong of not choosing Keith first, like, 'how dare he?!' to be honest it feels very 'nice-guy' mentality.
Also, while I don't personally ship them in canon, Allura and Lance were friends? Allura DID have fondness for him, I would even say Allura ended up being closer to Lance than Pidge was.
Lance was her emotional support and she grew to trust him and feel like he was 'safe'. I think they worked better as friends but there was genuine affection between them.
And Keith was also, an ass at times to him, there where moments when Keith just pushed Lance away or was mean to him with no provocation.
Stop blaming Lance and acting like he betrayed Keith somehow. He was done dirty enough
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growingingreenwood ¡ 2 months ago
One of the little Heacanons that I let myself believe as a ✨️little treat✨️ is that Thranduil and Lady Yavana end up being friends in Valinor. Kind of like how Celegorn and Orome were pals before THE EVENTS™  occurred. 
I’ve already talked (and written) a little bit about how I think Yavanna would have a special soft place in her heart for the Greenwood Elves after the fall of Amon Lanc and the general destruction to the forest that went along with it. Yavanna would have felt the pain and suffering of the Tree’s and other growing things all the way in Valinor, when she came to investigate she found the Silvan Elves and her Tree’s suffering the same fate. Both equally desperate to save the other. The elves desperate for their all of the tree’s not to die, and the forest being so desperate for their favorite companions to live to see another morning light.  
After that, I think that she would keep half an eye on the Silvan Elves the same that she did for all other growing things in the forest and do whatever she could to help them through the ages. It wasn’t much, due to the non-interference rules the Valar were supposed to be observing in regards to the events in Arda, but it was better than nothing. 
The longer the elves lived in the forest, the more she grew attached to them. What started as passively observing from a distance transformed into a much more personal relationship. She would walk (invisibly) among them at celebrations, occasionally she would (VERY occasionally)  whisper information to the tree’s to relay to their elves in an effort to help them in the war, and she began insisting that her brother Mandos let her be the one walk them into the Halls of the Dead. Among other gestures small enough that it would not draw the attention of the other Valar, most specifically Manwe. 
Overtime, it became clear that the Silvan Elves had a similar soft spot for her. In the third age, Yavanna was the only Valar that the Silvan elves did not consider to be ‘dead’ to them. She was the only one they spoke about with anything other than disappointment or disdain. She was the only one they spoke to in times of trouble, the only one they occasionally made offerings to, the only one they thanked for living another day. 
While she had a soft spot for ALL the Greenwood Elves, I think that she would have been particularly drawn / sympathetic to Thranduil. The one that carried the most responsibility and burden to keep the Forest and everything in it as safe as reasonably possible. It was him lending huge amounts of his own personal strength and power to keep the Tree’s strong, and the darkness at bay. It was him the forest loved the most. It was him the forest needed the most.
While he was in Arda, Thranduil and Yavanna already had as friendly of a relationship that could be achieved without her ever really being able to reveal herself to Thranduil or speak to him directly. That didn’t stop Thranduil from speaking aloud to her, though. They would go for walks together, or, more accurately, Thranduil would go for a walk alone whenever he was extremely upset/troubled by something and Yavanna would kind of just *show up* and walk with him. Even though he could never see her, Thranduil always knew the very moment that she appeared next to him. 
They would walk, and he would talk. Sometimes about what was bothering him, sometimes making plans aloud about how to proceed, sometimes he would just tell her stories about his life or his past, sometimes he would not speak at all. Yavanna cherished all of these walks. 
After the war was over, she continued to visit the Greenwood Elves regularly. Perhaps even more regularly than when they had been at war. 
When they sailed to Valinor, Yavanna grew them a forest to live in. (I actually think she would have found a way to move the Greenwood Forest to Valinor so that the Tree’s and the Elves could live the rest of their lives together like they both deserved to. But that is a topic of discussion for another day.) 
In Valinor, Thranduil and Yavanna continued to go for long walks together. Talking about everything or nothing, speaking constantly or enjoying long stretches of silence. Yavanna had greatly enjoyed their walks when Thranduil had been in Arda, but she loves their walks in Valinor.
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isacksteban ¡ 7 months ago
DEFINITELY wanna know about Lakes of covadogna :)
AND the beznaia angst are you kidding me pls let me onto some more info
loc takes place in 1963 asturias and like brokeback mountain theyre like cattle herders(?) but its more long-term than in the movie. fernando served in ww2 and met and fell in love with giancarlo (fisichella) years before but stuff happened and he left italy to return to spain and now him and lance are being gay or wtv. the age gap is the same but they're a little younger (~40 and 22 at the start)
little sneak peak, it'll take months for me to finish:
"Fernando?" He asked, waiting for the hum that came as a response from the Spaniard. "Are you like this with all the people you work with?"
Fernando looked at him, his expression thoughtful. "Like this?"
"Are you as intimate with them as you are with me?" Lance bit his lip, worried for the response.
Fernando sighed, his gaze dropping to the flames. "Not all of them."
Lance just nodded, not wishing to pry, worried it would hurt him more than anything.
Fernando looked up, meeting Lance's eyes. There was a flicker of something there, love? Fernando found himself wanting to believe in the possibility of a different outcome, their relationship ending up differently than his and Giancarlos.
"You," Fernando said quietly. "You are special, Lancito"
and for the beznaia angst im so excited to write it i hope it's well recieved but it takes place around the time pecco proposes to domi, the two had been sleeping together since they were teenagers at this point but when pecco made the choice to propose his reason was "she's a girl, i love her and that makes sense." so bez's reaction was, of course, to try and be what pecco wanted. he had the long hair, he'd worn dresses before, he'd do anything to make himself desireable to pecco. to stop the wedding. probably a sad ending.
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skylarstark4826 ¡ 1 year ago
Can you handle it?
"We Snarts. Always so full of snarks" Lisa smirked at Sara and her brother.
The four of them had been lounging at Leonard and Lisa's living room after having been out, going from bar to bar the whole night. Such nocturnal outings weren't really Cisco's thing, but Lisa ended up convincing him to accompany her. No matter how many nasty things he wished his then innocent eyes haven't witnessed or how many bar brawls made him almost panic and want to run for it, Lisa's excitement won him over. The Legends were back in 2019 for a short vacation and his girlfriend wanted to make the most out of it, not only with her brother and Mick, but also – and specially – with Sara, her adored sister-in-law.
"Well, lucky for you, you'll be a Ramon soon" Cisco gave her one of his nerdy grins from his spot on the floor.
Lisa threw her head back and just laughed though, as if she had heard the joke of the year. Taking a glance at the couple chilling on the couch next to her, Cisco felt a little embarrassed to find them looking just as amused.
"Oh baby, you got me wrong. I love every second of it"
"That means too bad for you, kid." Leonard drawled out while he played with Sara's hair.
Not wanting for them to see his bruised ego, at the same time knowing he failed miserably at it, Cisco tried some humor relief for good measure. "No Ramon for you then?"
"Sorry, baby. But if youwant…" she trailed off with a teasing smile.
"No. Thanks, I'm good"
One thing was to date Lisa and coming to terms with his feelings for her to the point where they even discussed - more like, joked about - marriage or to become used to these siblings and their codes and to be able to lounge in the company of one Captain Cold while still having a good time. Another was to be one of them.
Snart – both man and name – still gave him chills.
Now, looking at how the once Sara Lance stretched herself like a kitten while draped on her husband's lap, wearing only a t-shirt too huge to be hers, and her platinum locks sitting too wild to make them look subtle, Cisco still couldn't get over his perplexity at how easy this has come for her.
The former League assassin, now a vigilante in the light, still had room for a kind of duality he wasn't used in seeing in the heroes he walked with. Sure, Cisco knew Barry and Kara weren't up for comparison, being as pure and good as they were, but he believed even Queen himself still walked a reasonable straight line.
Sara Snart, on the other hand, known as the White Canary, didn't do straight it seemed. She did kick the asses of too many scary bad guys for him to count. Yet, she still revealed to own a much darker side where not only she could so easily come to terms with her husband's questionable anti-heroic mindset, but also actually look as pleased as a kitten with ball of wool whenever Snart gave into his past heist habits and came home with something shiny for her.
For someone who was a vigilante during the night and Captain Lance's daughter (who the serious man still called his "baby girl"), Sara was as ambiguous and complex as they come.
He, on the other hand, still struggled. One can't choose who they love and he knew that too well because, as luck would have it, Lisa was it for him.
Cisco did try to fight this feelings though. Among other failed attempts, he tried it with Caitlin, but it didn't feel right. They both soon realized that nothing would come out of it other than a special friendship – one he treasured a lot.
Looking at Sara now, all child-like grins and femme fatale's charm while laughing at something her husband has said, even he knew she was too much for his boat. And was relieved to have been wise enough to listen to his good senses where Sara then Lance now Snart was concerned, for the lastperson he wished to cross was Captain Cold.
So everything came back to Lisa again and that scared him. Enough to say Sara feeling so carefree andat ease in this scenario didn't help him. Whenever he pointed that out to Lisa though, she'd have her words at ready for him.
"'s thing called love, baby. She wants Lenny the way he is and is proud of it. She took me and Mick the way weare and we love her for who she is. Now, Ilove you, but can youhandle this?"
Despite her signature smirk and flirty eyes, Cisco could hear her hurt. Still, he couldn't find it in himself to feel any different. He didn't walk paths of greys like Sara Snart. He was a good guy, enthusiastic about saving the world and willing to do anything for his friends. He wasn't a survivor like the three of them, or like Mick or Oliver. He had it easy, obviously.
But where did that leave him where the Snarts were concerned? Where Lisa was concerned?
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galaxy-brain-rasslin ¡ 1 year ago
Thoughts on AEW World's End
Finally got around to watching this. It was pretty fun.
Zero Hour
Willow Nightingale vs Kris Statlander
It was fun. Willow is one of my favorites in the women's roster of AEW. There weren't any real stakes, which was fine. Having Stokely Hathaway on commentary was definitely a plus, since he's hilarious. It was just great to see two good wrestlers having a good wrestling match. I would have been fine with either of them winning, but I'm glad Willow won.
TNT Title Battle Royal Thing
It was your standard battle royal, really. Had some entertaining moments. I'm a fan of Lance Archer, so it was great seeing him. And Danhausen. I would have liked the final two to be Dino-Kane vs Archer, but it is what it is. Nothing special.
Wheeler Yuta vs Hook (c), FTW Title, FTW Rules
Yuta is absolutely perfect as being this snotty little piece of shit that's clearly good at wrestling, but not as good as he thinks he is. Hook has definitely come a long way in his wrestling since he started. I enjoyed it. I love listening to Taz consistently just sound so damn proud of Hook. It adds so much flavor to the match. Decent match overall. Nothing particularly special, but it was fun watching Yuta get the shit kicked out of him.
World's End
Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia, Mark Brisco vs Brody King, Jay White, Jay Lethal, Rush
Mark Brisco is one of the most endearing, and one of the silliest, people in AEW. I assume that it was at least partially his request, but it's so sweet (and so sad) that the entrance screens still reference his brother everywhere.
Brody King will always terrify me.
Rush is unfairly cool.
Jay White is one of my favorite wrestlers. I love how he flips between being this cocky asshole to a sniveling piece of shit during matches. I also like how always looks like he's about to collapse after seemingly after match. It adds a lot for me.
I liked this one. It had a lot of people who I'm pretty glad to see on my screens. Having Daddy Magic on commentary is always innerdaining. Genuinely happy to see Garcia actually get the pin, since he's someone who I definitely wanted to get further in the CC. I wouldn't mind seeing him get the ROH Pure title off of Yuta in 2024. Miro vs Andrade el Idolo
Miro and Andrade were two of the reasons I watched Collision. I really enjoyed Andrade's character when he debuted, and Miro is just very good at being an incredibly intense dude who I believe would try to kill God. Andrade's AEW theme is also just one of my favorite wrestling themes.
Since I had read before watching this that Andrade's contact was up, I expected him to lose. The match was decent. They're both good wrestlers, but it wasn't anything that blew me away. Miro winning makes sense, though I still don't fully understand where the Miro/CJ arc is going (I assume I've missed something)
Riho vs Toni Storm (c), AEW Women's World Title
Toni Storm doing this unhinged 1950s, Sunset Boulevard thing has been fantastic. She's great in the ring, too. Solid match with nothing particular exciting going on about it. While Toni did win this one, I would like to see her lose the belt sometime soonish, because I do want to see where they would take the character. If Mercedes shows up in AEW, I wouldn't be opposed to Toni losing to her. But that's also just my bias.
Swerve Strickland vs Dustin Rhodes
I love Swerve. He's absolutely one of my favorite active wrestlers. I've wanted a belt on him for ages. He's also so absurdly popular that I'm pretty sure he could actually kill someone in the ring and the audience would be chanting "WHOSE HOUSE? SWERVE'S HOUSE!" during the murder.
Sucks that Keith Lee couldn't be cleared because of whatever injury has been nagging him since 2022.
For a match with, ultimately, no real build, it was pretty good. Dustin is by no means a bad wrestler-- I was a fan of Goldust back in the da, too. And Swerve is just legitimately great in the ring. Always glad to see Swerve win a match.
Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, and Sting vs Ricky Starks, Big Bill, Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs
I'll be honest, outside of listening to Tony Schiavonne do his "IT'S STIIIIIIIIIIIING" I just couldn't care about this match. I just had no investment in it, to the point that can't really remember anything specific about it.
I'm getting kind of tired of the Don Callis family, and honestly just Don Callis in general.
I don't care about Jericho and Callis.
I don't know if it's his choice or not, but I wish that Sammy would actually get away from Jericho and do something independently.
Starks and Bill are fun as a pair. They're cool.
I want to see Takeshita more.
Darby is here for a good time, not a long time.
I will probably be a little sad when Sting retires (although if he un-retires, as wrestlers tend to do, I will also be annoyed).
Abadon vs Julia Hart (c), AEW TBS Title
It was alright. I'm glad to see Abadon finally wrestling more than just on Halloween, and seeing a match that was really just two different types of Spooky fighting each other was kinda fun. The audience was definitely enjoying it. Julia and Abadon have both had better matches. Something seemed off about it. It almost felt kind of sloppy-- one thing that stuck out in particular was Julia messed up her moonsault at the end of the match.
Didn't expect Abadon to win, but it would have been cool if they did.
Adam Copeland vs Christian Cage (c), AEW TNT Title, no DQ
The audience actively detracted from the match for me. One of my least favorite things is when the audience just sits there shouting "WE WANT [X]" for various props in a no DQ/hardcore match. It feels like they don't really care about the match so much as the specific spot that they're wanting.
That said. I liked this. Christian was great, Adam was great. They worked really hard to give you the feeling that they weren't friends anymore. Had a lot of good hardcore wrestling spots. Watching Nick Wayne eat shit because the burning table didn't break was kinda funny. Copeland winning was a nice move.
Christian Cage vs Adam Copeland (c), AEW TNT Title
Dino-Kane, having won the battle royal from Zero Hour, showed up and mauled Copeland. Dino-Kane was about to request his title shot when Christian Cage managed to con the title shot from him. So, Christian signed the contract for the title shot. The match was made official. Bell rings, Christian hits a spear and wins back the TNT title.
I appreciate it just for being such a POS move from Christian.
Jon Moxley vs Eddie Kingston (c), Continental Classic finals, NJPW Strong Openweight title, ROH World title, AEW Continental Title
Match of the night, categorically. Mox and Eddie are fantastic. I was absolutely glued to my screen. These dudes know how to put on a good match, and so many matches with Eddie always feel like they have these enormous stakes involved, no matter who insignificant the match actually is. Few people can, or do, get me as invested in their matches as Eddie Kingston does in his.
I loved it. I was so happy to see Eddie actually win it all. And to see Mox and Eddie hug after the match-- not in a shipping way. You do you with that, it's not my cup of scene-- but because I like that Mox and Eddie are seemingly back to being friends.
I don't like to sit and analyze stuff involving Eddie too much, because I feel like it's disrespectful to try to do inside baseball shit to a guy like him and the work he puts into his character.
Samoa Joe vs MJF (c), AEW World Title
MJF is another dude who I don't like to sit and analyze too much, because of his character work and things like that. The commitment MJF and Eddie have to keeping kayfabe is genuinely great, and I have nothing but respect and appreciation for that.
That being said, we gotta do some of that with this.
MJF is, according to myraid reports, like Super Injured and in tons of pain. He's been dealing with stuff for a while.
I think this managed to help the story of the match a long, but it hurt the actual quality of it.
MJF's babyface run lately has felt a lot like an homage to that 1980s-early 1990s babyface archetype. Get beat down, overcome adversity, etc.-- the same kind of thing that Cody Rhodes has done. MJF is also a great babyface because he's very open about a lot of his personal issues, which makes him relatable to be people (part of why people like Hangman Page is the whole "anxious millennial cowboy" thing is very relatable to many). Being injured makes MJF the underdog. Makes you want to rally behind him even more and see him win. Especially against someone like Samoa Joe. Especially on his home turf.
But I can't help but wonder if this match would have been better if MJF had been at 100%. Something about it felt off. I don't know if I was just reading into it too much, or what. Maybe MJF was always going to be injured for the purposes of the match. I have no idea. While I can wonder, it doesn't really do any good.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the match. I'm a fan of Samoa Joe's, and I'm glad to see AEW treating him as this monster of a dude who just wrecks people's shit.
At this point, I just really hope that MJF is able to do whatever he needs to do so that he can recover from all his shit falling apart. Especially with what happens after the match.
After the match, The Devil's henchmen come to the ring and threaten to beat up Adam and MJF-- specifically, threatening to hit them with a chair. MJF trying to convince them to attack him, and not Adam. Adam trying to divert the attack onto him and not MJF. Then the lights go out.
When they come back, Adam is now sitting in the chair that the henchman had been brandishing. The four henchman unmask themselves. It's Wardlow, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong.
So, in a move that was legitimately not surprising, but also the only logical move in the narrative-- Adam Cole is The Devil that had been attacking MJF and others. I am absolutely okay with this.
I had been waiting for a while to see how they were going to split up the MJF/Adam Cole team. Adam Cole is one of the most morally reprehensible pieces of shit out there. It's one of his most significant character traits.
I'm legitimately looking forward to seeing where MJF goes from here. His best friend, his only friend, betrayed him and took from him one of the only things he cared about. He trust Adam, and Adam abused that trust. Now he's left with nothing.
When MJF comes back, he will absolutely have the crowd behind him, so I'm hoping they don't decide he should come back and turn heel (like when they kept Rollins as a heel after he returned from his knee exploding several years ago).
There's a lot of places this story could still go, and a lot of them have the potential to be pretty entertaining.
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sparkbeast20 ¡ 2 years ago
Revamp Obey me: Fan!Kids
I just wanted to redo my fan!kids and add a bit more into them :D
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Tallulah the eldest Picrew
Miss goody two shoe, she more on line on miss perfectionist and more hands on approach kinda person.
However, she easily get rope into trouble by her uncles on both side and has to be the one bail them out by using her statues as Lucifer’s daughter most of which she pulls puppy dog eyes on her father to help her uncles. And Lucifer falls for it every time.
She and her mother see things differently, her mother worries that she does things a bit too far at time. While she see that she’s not putting 100% of herself and need to to better and that her mother is worrying too much.
Though there were times she gotten to the point of being exhausted, that she's been seen pass out on her desk or her father desk either in RAD or at HOL, she had this habit of going to his offices when she gets tired.
She is more in touch with her demon side, she love hex and curses rather spells and charms. She plays around with a side affects and cost of hex and curse. She finds it entertaining to see how those magic can do to a being. Some say she is as sadistic as her father.
Her hobbies are collecting CD and Albums of Classical new age music and Folk Songs of her mother's home country.
However, she often get Disk and CD with the songs are edited or Censored. And that pisses her off.
She also enjoy looking for old and creepy curse media, via internet or she go looking for them in antique shops.
She has a soft side to her brothers, she especially spoils Lance and Spencer, she does with Randy too, but is more subtle.
(If ever interacting with other OM!fankids)
Her method of punishing her cousins are strapping to the walls by shackles. And makes them watch creepy kid shows (Just think of Teletubbies but the creepy stuff Via Clockwork Orange style)
While she sits in her chair sipping on her carton of Strawberry or Grape juices through a strew.
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Lance the second eldest child Picrew
A Care free guy who loves simple things as long his doing it with his family. He’s as gullible and trusting as his mother, who believe there’s good in every person.
Because of his gullible nature he unintentionally gets into trouble where his sister or father has to bail or get him out off.
Solomon who Tia made him as Lance's Ninong (Godfather) playfully use him to tease Lucifer for a pact and Lance doesn’t even know what’s going on.
His conflicted with his demon side, and rarely shifts into his demon form. Due to losing control every time.
He much prefer using spells and magic like his mother and Ninong Solomon. But like his mother, he tend to forget the right spells when need.
He and Spencer have a special connection, and all because of Solomon doing.
He was the first to have a pact with someone.
Just like his mother his an Animal Lover and that Love extend to Mystical Beast of Devildom. He has a pet Hellhound (A two headed one) that his father gave him as a Birthday Present. He named him Bantay or Ban and Tay for each head.
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Randy the second youngest Picrew
Being Raphael and Tia's only child, but is consider as the youngest of the three. However there were times that he is being mistaken as the second eldest since when it comes to maturity Randy is more mature then Lance.
Randy at times feels out of place since he is half angel and half human. He tend to keep to himself, not outspoken like his siblings. But he does let his action speak for himself.
The more athletic of the three, Randy is the well verse of combat and weaponry like his father. Though he has his mother's kind heart... When comes to family.
He idolizes Luke, and rather see him as a big brother. Randy sees him as a Mentor or Master.
He has this Sibling rivalry with Tallulah when it comes to Academics. One time, there was a Instrumental performance for the student body and the two end up making it as a competition. Tallulah with her Violin and Randy with his Flute.
It gotten to the point of intensity that Lucifer and Raphael had to step in and stop the battle. And Mammon was piss because he was making bets on which one will win.
Randy is over protective to Spencer due to them being close to age.
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Spencer the youngest Picrew
Spencer was conceive when Tia and Solomon was stuck in the past for 3 years. They only found when they return (1 year in the past is equal to 1 month in the present) 2 months and 10 days has pass in the present. Which is why Randy and Spencer have a close age gap, four months before Randy turned one, Spencer was born.
Like his Papa tend to experiment, but his methods are more destructive, more on trail and error approach.
Since Solomon no longer need his ring of wisdom, he gave the ring to Spencer as a present when he turn 10.
He's a Papa's boy loves following Solomon around when he was a kid, but also love to tease and bully him.
The claw mark on his left eye was cause by a wild wolf. He encounter it when he got lost when he was 3. Some suspect that wolf might be a werewolf, cause since his encounter, Spencer has acted more wild.
Solomon playful ask him to ask for Lucifer for a pact since he was human, Solomon meant it as a way to tease Lucifer, however Lance the little kid he is heard Spencer asking his Dad. So as a brother (More so he didn't know how serious the pact is) Offer himself. Thus the two brothers entered a pact with both fathers watch in horror.
Even though they have a pact with each other, Spencer never once uses his pact with Lance. And instead they grow a bond that is similar to their uncles Beel and Belphie.
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i-donot-forget ¡ 3 years ago
Eldarya Ep 7 (opinion)
Episode 7!!!! They gave us a nice ball, a nice dress and a nice moment with our LI (Discounting some details in the illustrations that I already mentioned before) the episode was very good, it is a clear transition, that little respite before everything goes wrong again.
Eldarya has always been a different otome, because the story does not revolve around the protagonist and her love story, it is about the protagonist saving the fucking world, the moments with our route have always been scarce and interrupted, remember that in TO until episode 17 we have the first date, from then on things go too fast and finally it cannot be said that we really got to know any of our romantic interests, an exception for Valkyon but I think it's obvious why. New Era has a great advantage, we already know these guys (except Mathieu but we have that connection of "hey we are both from earth"), we already know who they are, we already know this world, now falling in love will be "faster" than in a way it's good because we already saw that when Erika realizes that she feels something for someone, she goes after him (I love her for that, I couldn't ahahaha) and so we come to this episode, after the beautiful moment on the boat where we realize that we feel something for that special boy.
But this is Eldarya so...
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the damn world is going to end again and Nevra is ready for war, I know it sounds ugly but I find it absolutely correct, if the earth is going to absorb Eldarya... They are lost, I cannot imagine any scenario in which the humans of the earth welcome all of Eldarya with open arms, that is, let's face it, how many countries are there where immigrants are a plague for a certain portion of the population? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying it's like that and with the Eldaryans it will be worse. People like Huang Hua, Huang Chu, might go unnoticed, but Koori??? Lance???? What will humans think when Chrome is in trouble and can't control himself with Earth's Moon, how are Nevra and Karenn going to live with Earth's Sun that is lethal to them??? I can only think it's going to be a disaster, besides, how does this "absorption" work? Will the portals get bigger and bigger until eldarya disappears? Will everything fall from the sky? because clearly earth will not be the most affected... Humans are dangerous, our history of clash between cultures is always to exterminate the unknown and in this case it will be fatal for both factions but if you ask me, humans are not going to become extinct...
With all of that in mind, I'm not surprised that Lance had his head elsewhere and forgot about his clothes... but hey, it was a funny moment that made me think that we still don't know the real Lance and that attitude is just the same one that Valkyon adopted after Lance's "death"...
The moment of meditation with Leiftan was painful… now I understand many things, and I believe that all his sufferings and the loss of his powers is something mental. All the confidence that Leiftan had in himself resided in his powers, in TO he was at the top, he was the most powerful being in Eldarya and he handled everyone like simple puppets, he was confident, capable of everything, the first time we saw him desperate was after losing half his life (for us), now in NE ufff he tells us, he feels vulnerable, helpless, incomplete, without identity, If everything you were was based on your strength and power, who are you without it? Despite everything, I think it started very well, Leiftan tells us the truth, for the first time he trusts something of the utmost importance in us, the fact that he is now defenseless implies many things, Lance remains on the guard because of his power and abilities which is very useful, the same could apply to Leiftan but without his powers he could believe that the HQ would not want him (although in TO nobody knew he was a daemon). He confides in us a secret that is vital to him, reveals his vulnerability and I must say that I love him too much, when he tells us that he feels exactly the same as we do when we talk to him about our powers, he finally opens up to us and then the hug melted my heart. Now that he no longer has (and cannot) protect us, our relationship will be different.
The ball, I am not surprised that Princess Koori organized a ball, Huang Hua's speech was extremely touching, my heart clenched when she mentioned those who had left, I couldn't help but think of Valkyon... Now is the time to dance and I am fascinated by how Erika takes the reins and invites her LI, here we part.
Mathieu: adorable nothing to say, I love them, his route is pure laughter and games and fun, I really like Mathieu, I did not trust him but their moments together are sooo sweet, we see him as the center of attention, something very about him but naturally, it does not attract attention forcibly, they really are standing out for what they are, everything is very nice, a great dance, I think that at the point where they left the scene, I would believe in a kiss, not passionate or anything but a first kiss all cute, nervous and natural.
Nevra: I love that he's waiting for us, I think they already act like boyfriend and girlfriend without wanting to say it hahahaha and I love him, Nevra want us and loves us, he doesn't say it but he shows it only with his actions, I still feel like he's going to scare at the key moment, I feel that he keeps many things that explode in that uncompromising anger, I wait for a very intimate moment between them that makes me cry I want to see him cry, I know he needs it, I know he needs Erika to hug him and tell him that everything it will be fine, he needs someone to be the strong one.
Lance: the moment is very nice I cannot deny it, it is beautiful, Lance's reaction to Erika's invitation is great and again I love her determination, it struck me that Lance does know how to dance, but an old-fashioned dance, that just means that In his previous time in the guard of eel he did dance, I always imagined him as the popular cool boy that everyone follows, I'm still waiting to see that, I already want to break that shell and get the real Lance out.
Leiftan: Ahhhh my beautiful baby I leave him at the end because it is my route and I love him and I can't help but fangirl very hard for him. Erika dragging him to the dance floor imitating Karenn, I loved it, Erika helping Leiftan with his confidence and security, I super loved it, the inevitable attraction between them that is so strong that the moment screams that they will kiss, I cannot express my emotion, I love him I can't stop loving him and I just want they to be alone to see the damn connection in all its glory 7u7
So I wait for the catastrophe in the next episode, I still don't know if it will be a portal opening in the middle of the crystal room or if it will be the crystal itself that does something idk, surprise me beemoov
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randomnameless ¡ 4 years ago
I write and write and make comparisons between a swimsuit and themes like tolerance and freedom,
But in this fandom, some people draw more dubious comparisons, especially ones regarding a certain game - and I warned (who?) at the beginning of the FE16 trend that while it wanted to have a Jugdral flair, it obviously failed. You have a sprinkle of Jugdral in FE16, but it’s only a surface image, or even a mirage.
“CrEsT SyStEM”? Holy Blood? No, those comparisons at least were made in good faith and had some merits.
One of the worst comparisons was noted by several friends, a certain someone, wanting to push a certain ship involving a certain character, managed to write :
“Every route makes one villain from Genealogy of the Holy War the hero, Edelgard being Arvis, Dimitri being Eldigan, Claude being Travant and Rhea being Manfroy”
This will not be a post about Manfroy’s hips, you are warned
Who is Eldigan (Eldie)?
A man who is the carrier of Hezul’s holy blood, Hezul being the founder of Augstria, a sovereign state. Everyone loves Eldie, he is good-looking, strong, kind, chivalrous and has the magic blood that makes him able to use his magic sword.
Is he the King of Agustria? No.
The King is a man named Chagall, who has an ugly sprite, doesn’t have Hezul’s magic blood and cannot use the magic sword. He also killed his father, and is really jealous of Eldie.
However, Eldie’s line (House Nodion) has sworn to support the royal line of Augustria (Chagall’s), so even if everyone wants Eldie to ascend to the throne, he will never accept it. Even if Chagall pisses on him, or imprisons him because he felt like it, Eldie will not rebel against his King. Eldie is seen as a Camus, because he will fight and die for Chagall, and his country, when Sigurd is... more or less attacking Chagall (because Sigurd’s forces are occupying Augstria and Sigurd’s orders are to bring peace to the land, Chagall doesn’t want peace and wants to fight to retake his throne). If everything ends well, Eldie will promise Sigurd he will try to talk one last time his king, try to convince him to accept a ceasefire and peace with Granvalle - but Chagall is an ass and beheads Eldie.
Dimitri... isn’t like Eldigan, at all. First of all, Dimitri is supposed to be the crown Prince, instead of being a mere knight sworn to serve the royal family. Secondly, Dimitri doesn’t die because his liege beheads him - Edelgard will never be his liege - he dies either by defending his borders against someone who is bringing war to his lands and wants his head, or he dies because he pursues Edelgard in a three way battle in Gronder.
We do not know what Rufus is like to his nephew, but I am pretty sure he is no Chagall.
The only common points Eldie and Dimitri have is their blond hair, and sometimes, their manner of death. there is also something about bonds with their sisters but we’re not here for that
Who is Travant?
Travant is the King of the Thracian Kingdom, a proto Nohr-like place, where farming is difficult, and the people living there are starving and often turn to banditry or become mercenaries to be able to earn some money.
Thracia’s neighbour, the Manster District (Manster) could export food to Thracia... but they do not, because, well, the people in charge of the Manster District do not like Thracians a lot (and use slurs to talk about them, but Quan is a special character). So Thracians raid the border, with hopes to reunite the peninsula, with the dream that, one day, they will seize the arable lands in the North.
Travant has an infamous line, which more or less went like “I will unite the peninsula for the sake of my people, and if that process dooms me to hell then so be it”.
And to hell he will go, because by Jugdral standards, ambushing Quan and his family in a desert (horses cannot move in sand, another example of gameplay and story integration!) with horseslayers, is despicable, especially since he leaves no one alive, even, apparently, killing Quan’s young daughter Altena.
(Travant ranks pretty high in the douchebag ladder).
With time, Altena grows, unaware that Travant, who adopted her, isn’t her real Father, Quan was. Things happen, Altena discovers the truth, and Travant finally achieves his dream by making a suicidal charge against Seliph’s forces (he doesn’t even bring his magic lance to the fight!), with him dead, finally, the peninsula can be united under one leader.
Claude? Also has a wyvern. And comes from another land than our hero (but which one?). And... that’s all.
If Almyra raids every sunday, it is not because they are starving, but because they are doing it, per Cyril, for funsies. Claude pretends to be a schemer and underhanded, but he never does something on the scale of the Yied Ambush (the moment where Travant pulled out the horseslayers against Quan). Claude never takes a child hostage, and never orders his daughter to punish civilians.
If Claude wants to unite the two countries, it is not because he wants his people to finally leave their life as mercenaries and bandits behind, but because he wants people to understand each other.
Edit because I’m sleeping : Travant will die for his dream. Claude... always survive. Always. I am not saying he doesn’t believe in it, but he is not as desperate as Travant is.
Comparing Claude to Travant is like comparing... Virion to Iago. They are both male with long hair, and pretend to scheme. Bar that? Well... they both have hands...? I guess?
Who is Manfroy?
Manfroy is... both a mastermind and a plothole.
Manfroy was the one in the shadows engineering a war in Jugdral, not because he likes wars, nope, but because he wanted political instability to recreate the Loptyr Empire.
He will help a douchebag to conquer the world, and use him to sire Julius, the only person in Jugdral who can become a host for the dark dragon Loptyr. The last time Loptyr was there... well, apparently it wasn’t roses and sunshines, slavery was rampant and citizens were pitted against each other to make sure the strongest ones would become citizens of the Empire.
Why Manfroy does this? It depends on the sources, but it is heavily implied Manfroy is part of a sect (sect as in group of people practicing a religion, here the Loptyr religion/cult) persecuted by a lot of people in Jugdral - to the point where Agustrians were having witches hunts to chase them. Manfroy and his followers escaped the the Yied desert, touted to be an inhospitable land. His people had no where and no one to turn to, so they prayed to their God Loptyr (who doesn’t give 3 figs about them).
Manfroy is thus the Archbishop of the Loptyr Church. He also killed his son in law, for some reason, and planned to turn his granddaughter in a zombie. Manfroy also supports (and conducts?) the child hunts, basically the plot in the second part of FE4 and FE5 where the Granvalle Empire and the members of the Loptyr Church round up children, take them from their families (sometimes by killing said families) to send them to Granvalle, with the highly suggested goal of sacrificing them one way or another to Loptyr.
On the not-so bright side, Manfroy doesn’t kill Julia - when Loptyr/Julius expressly asking him to do so, because Julia is the only person, story-wise, able to kill him.
What a guy! 
Now, Rhea?
There are some comparisons to be made, unlike Claude and Dimitri, but again, it reinforces how they could be seen as foils.
Rhea? Yes, also engineers the birth of a vessel.
However, unlike Manfroy who “forced” Arvis and Deirdre to marry and have a baby, Byleth’s birth, born from the union of Jeralt and Sitri, was completely unexpected. There is no trace in canon of Rhea arranging Jeralt and Sitri’s meeting, and future wedding.
Rhea? Also wants her granddaughter to “die”?
Well, not this one, since Rhea thinks Billy is actually an amnesiac Sothis. Billy would just recover their memories.
Rhea? Doesn’t start a war to build her Sothis vessel. Hell, the DLC is about her previous experiment to resurrect her mother - it was a failure, but someone supposes she fails because she did not want to bleed dry the Four Apostles. Rhea wishes to resurrect a benevolent Goddess (when Manfroy knows Loptyr is... far from benevolent) but will not kill to do so.
Sitri? Asked her to save Billy, by offering her own life.
The most interesting foil though is... how Rhea and Manfroy both belong to a community that was persecuted by others, the people they are supposed to live with.
Manfroy? Went the “if the world hates me, then I will hate it and burn it down” route.
Rhea? Doesn’t want to kill humans, hell, she and her brother disagreed because she didn’t want to kill children of the people who wronged her! She opens a monastery and offers guidance to anyone who needs it, a shelter for the needy and tries her best to protect peace and the humans living under her care.
They could have followed the same path, but didn’t. Manfroy rounds children to kill them, Rhea offers a new home to children who lost theirs.
They can also be compared with their “welp” points, Rhea gave CF!Billy the means to destroy her, just like Manfroy “forgot” to kill Julia - and yet, again, it is different. Rhea trusted Billy and never wanted to use them as a tool, in the other routes, it is because she trusted Billy with “those means” that Billy is able to save the world. Manfroy? Berserks Julia, wishes to use her as a tool and suffers when she regains some agency and beats her brother. But even without Manfroy, Julia would have recovered the Book of Naga to end Loptyr.
Rhea and Manfroy are definitely not parallels, but foils.
And the best for the end...
Who is Arvis?
Well... to summarise Arvis in a few words...
it’s impossible.
So, Arvis is the descendant of one Jugdral’s God-Crusader, Fjalar. Arvis is very proud of his heritage, but he also bears Loptyr blood, through his Mother. And yet, since the Loptry blood exists thanks to Saint Maira - the brother of the Loptry Host of that time, Emperor Galle, who rebelled and helped the Crusaders - he is also very proud of this heritage and his two brands.
Arvis’s familial history is a mess, his father was a womanizer and his mother abandoned him (which might have fueled his Freudian complex?). When his Father died, he exiled all of his bastard siblings, bar Azelle (his bastard half-brother, sired to his mother’s favorite maid). Arvis apparently wasn’t interested in women before he met Deirdre and fell in love with her...
But he had time to sire a bastard (on his best friend and confidante).
Arvis wants to build a world free of prejudice and oppression, and wants to build it by... associating with Manfroy, who blackmails him about his Loptyr blood (if Arvis is proud of his Loptry blood, sadly the Agustrian witch hunts are still a thing, and it will not be well seen in Granvalle’s nobility); however, he made it clear, to Manfroy himself, that he will never allow another Loptry Empire to be reborn. Arvis thus uses hiw fellow Dukes Reptor and Langobalt to set up a coup against Prince Kurth (the Prince of Granvalle) to kill him. Arvis grows close to Kurth’s father, Azmur and more or lesses takes care of everything in Granvalle, since Kurth has no heir left.
And, by chance, Deirdre, Kurth’s bastard daughter, thus rightful Princess of Granvalle, appears at his door. She bears the mark of Naga (the special blood of the Crusader Heim), so they marry, and if they have a son, their son will rule over Granvalle, Arvis acts as a regent until then.
(women can’t rule shit in Jugdral)
Then what? His plan is set into motion, all Granvalle Dukes die, he and Sigurd (plus his pals) are the only ones left, Sigurd dies after being lured to a welcoming party, and Arvis becomes the last man standing able to rule Granvalle, who became, through his plans and treacheries through the 1st gen, an Empire.
(and then his son becomes a Loptyr host, vaporises his mom and makes his sister disappear, wrestles power from him and he is reduced to a sad state (oldvis). He makes a last stand against Seliph, after delivering him Sigurd’s magic sword, and dies.)
So, now, Edel.
Arvis managed to become the ruling... person in Granvalle by eliminating all of his rivals, and securing a nice marriage. Edel becomes Emperor... because Ionius gave her his crown, as her father.
So they do not rise to power the same way.
Edel never talks about her brands, but Arvis is proud to bear them and proud of his ancestors. Judging by how Edel speaks of Wilhelm I as a traitor who sold humanity to creatures, I am not sure she is proud to bear his blood.
Also, while Edelgard is extremely prejudiced against Nabateans, Arvis wishes to create a world... free of prejudice (his actions though...). He does not mind Manfroy preaching his stuff, when Edelgard will not allow anyone to follow the Seiros faith (friends put it better, but in several routes, the people who were followers of the Church of Seiros are missing in Adrestia...).
While both Edel and Arvis think they are making “sacrifices” for the greater good, as pointed out earlier, this greater good is different. They both ally with a death cult, but Arvis is naive enough to think Manfroy will not backstab him - he even wishes for him to preach his nonsense freely. Edelgard has been hell bent since day 1 on getting rid of Thales and friends.
By the time Arvis learns of the child hunts and Julius’s nonsense... he wants to stop it. He is however powerless to do so (or so we think! Apparently he and Ishtar managed to hide every children captured in a castle!) but, at least, he tried to do something.
Crest Beasts... are still used, no matter the path, and even after Edelgard became Emperor.
Now, if Manfroy had to capture children and round them up for execution to make sure Arvis would become Emperor, would Arvis have supported him? I... don’t think so. If children were captured during Arvis’s conquest of the world and it was a “necessary evil”, would Arvis have accepted it? We don’t know. Prideful as he is, I don’t think he would have agreed.
(which is all kinds of wrong, the man can start wars and backstab friends, allies and turn his own brother to ashes, but hunting children is too much? Meh. And yet, Manfroy mentions something about his ways and his pride being an obstacle to the realisation of his dream).
Arvis is... a complicated character. A douchebag through and through, who tries to redeem himself at the end, but ultimately fails. He is rewarded for his actions in the 1st gen by the 2nd gen, where Julius becomes Loptyr and destroys his Empire. He had it coming? Yes. Is it painful to watch? Yes.
Edelgard... does not face any retribution for her actions.
Yes, she can also kill her (step) brother. But either she didn’t remember it, or only cries after it, and ultimately puts the blame on him - so it is not a sacrifice ?
People doubt her words? Well, it doesn’t matter, Linhardt, Yuri and Lysithea are still alive after their... interrogations. Reptor doubted Arvis’s words? Aida was sent as back-up (and... backstabbed him).
Ultimately, Arvis loses Deirdre (whose ghost chills with Sigurd’s), Julia and Julius, whom he loved dearly. Edel loses... Billy, and some randoms.
So, in a way, Edel feels like a discount Arvis, because she misses his ascension to power and his downfall. Arvis doesn’t mow down enemies on the front lines like she is doing, Arvis maneuvers to ensure victory.
Both fight for ideals, but Arvis seems to believe in them when I cannot believe a world for “humanity” involves continuous making of Crest Beasts.
Both betray the main character, but Edelgard is hit with the uwu hammer, thus cannot kill Billy - Thales does it in the non CF-routes.
So... short story, long story, Eldie is not Dimitri, Claude is not Travant, Rhea is a foil to Manfroy and Edelgard is a discount Arvis.
Also, I don’t know what kind of weed the person who wrote this take had, but labeling Eldie as one of FE4′s villain is as dumb as labeling FE7 Karla a villain because she appears as a red unit you have to fight.
where is edel’s bastard son
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evolutionsvoid ¡ 4 years ago
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Mantle of Agony, Keeper of the Woeful River, Acheron is one of five aquatic beasts that dwell in the rivers of the Underworld. Acheron resides in the river of pain, which shares her name. She spends most of her time stalking the haunted waters, eager for prey that may draw close. When swimming, she cuts through the water with her armored mantle while propelling herself with bursts of water. She retracts most of her spines when swimming, to help cut down on drag, which also creates a curious illusion. Those who peer into the waters while she lurks in the depths will swear they see a human-like figure. Some believe this striking silhouette is meant to lure victims in, while others say it is a hint of some type of nymph form she possesses. Regardless of its purpose, it does unfortunately slow curious souls down long enough for Acheron to realize there is fresh prey close at hand. When she detects a presence close to her shores, she will rush to the surface and breach onto dry land. Her powerful tentacles will act as legs and lift her body high into the air. Acheron shows no discomfort when on dry land, though she obviously enjoys being in water more. In the end though, she will take any place as long as there are plenty of souls for her to torture. As the beast of the River of Pain and with her bladed anatomy, it should be obvious what Acheron does best. She doesn't even require special powers to do damage, as every part of her is covered in razor-sharp spines and flesh-rending blades. Snaring prey with her tendrils, she will bind them in thorny tentacles or impale them on her many retractable spikes. Of her weaponry, the strongest are her two armored tentacles. Covered in spikes and ending in wicked blades, she can use them as spiny clubs or barbed lances. On their undersides are shredding limbs and hungering maws, which can capture human-sized prey and slowly peel them apart layer by layer. What makes this torture even worse is the powerful neurotoxin that is within every spine. Those jabbed by a single spike will be injected with a cruel venom that hijacks the nervous system and overrides the pain receptors. Those affected will be wracked with agony as it tears at their nerves and sabotages any immunity or resistance that could dampen the torment. Even souls hardened by war and battle will find her brand of torture worse than anything they have ever experienced. Shredding and flaying creatures that get close to her is rather cruel, but it is not the worst she can do. Those doomed to the Underworld for causing death and agony will become special targets for her. If she finds those who tortured innocent souls during their mortal years, she will hunt them down and feed them to her endless maw. Sitting in the middle of her mantle is an orifice filled with countless shredding jaws and slicing teeth. It is said that it is a mouth with no end, and those who are fed to it will be sent down a bottomless chasm of blades and fangs. Forever falling as they are ripped apart, only to regrow their violated flesh and be torn to pieces again and again. It is unknown if there is a way out from this agonizing realm, perhaps only if Acheron is willing. If there is an escape, then many have yet to find it, judging by the echoing screams that endlessly pour from that slavering maw. The pain and torment Acheron causes is not just out of duty, but out of fun as well. She appears to greatly enjoy torturing souls, regardless if they deserve it or not. She does not require a reason to dole out this agony, she just needs to catch them. This is why many stay far away from her river, as being near its shores is enough to catch her attention and make them targets. In water, she will lash out with tentacles to over turn boats and yank people off the shores, dragging them down to her homemade hell. If they retreat to dry land, she will pursue and shred them with glee. The sheer joy and amusement she gets from this act has made folk think that she is less of a pain-loving torturer and more of an eager child that loves to play rough with their toys. Gathered from conversation and observation, it appears that she doesn't really think that much about what she is doing to her victims, she just loves the squirming and funny noises they make. This is all for fun, besides, no matter how many she breaks, there always seems to be more. This may be true in the Underworld, where the condemned will survive any torture and regenerate to receive more punishment, but the mortal realm doesn't work that way. When she winds up in the world of man, it is pure carnage. There are a ton of new toys for her to play with, not to mention those wonderful play sets they all come with! Tall fancy things that can be knocked over and smashed! Hard little shells to crack open and scoop out the screaming insides! And watch out for the falling bricks! The only way to escape this horrible fate is to either outrun her or find protection through the ferryman. Of all the beings in the Underworld, it appears the ferryman is the only one she listens to when he says "no." He may step in on his own to protect the truly innocent or visiting deities, or he may be convinced or bribed to tell Acheron that they are not playthings. When denied her fun, Acheron will be disappointed and leave in a huff, but she will always listen to the ferryman's words. This just means she will have to find new toys and take her frustration out on them, which is not so great for those on the receiving end.       With Acheron obsessed with causing pain and misery, many assume she would get along with Cocytus. Surely this beast of torment would find enjoyment from an entity consumed by it? It seems, however, that Acheron does not gain any pleasure or glee from Cocytus' miserable state. In truth, her wailing and song seems to disturb Acheron and put her on edge. As she puts it, "that isn't the fun kind of pain." Often she kind of just sits there awkwardly and silently as Cocytus mourns, unsure of what to do. Occasionally she has been seen trying to cheer her fellow beast up, but her idea of "funny" and "uplifting" involves a whole lot of screaming victims and brutal mangling. As the embodiment of misery, watching such bloody shows just makes her mood worse, and Acheron is left confused and hopeless.   ------------------------------------------------------------ Number 3 for the Beasts of the Infernal River. At first this started as a sea urchin-iron maiden thing, but then it turned into a squid somehow. Not sure how that happened, but I like it!
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californiannostalgia ¡ 5 years ago
Tangled the Series Character Analysis: Childhood Trauma POV
I can't believe Tangled the Series really created two incredible antivillains and threw them in direct contrast with the pre-existing golden couple. I love what the showrunners did with the main quartet, so I made a very subjective analysis post about it from a Childhood Trauma POV. (Spoilers, obviously.)
The Boys
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The series' focus is on Rapunzel, and by association her direct opposite, Cassandra, so the boys get comparatively less screen time. But it doesn't take long to figure out that Varian is meant to be a parallel for Eugene—these are two people dealing with the absence of parental guardians, struggling to reconcile the lives they previously had with their changing ideals in relation to a less-than-perfect Father Figure.
They both respond to the helpless state of being young, alone, and powerless by trying to take back power in any way they can. Eugene reinvented himself and buried his desires for a family. Varian throws in everything he has into recovering what he lost, because he's a child and the best solution he can think of is to return to the familiar safety of his father's presence. A significant portion of his desperation is fueled by fear of his father’s disapproval, because as much as Quirin loves Varian, he wasn’t the dependable voice of support. Varian needs approval from outside sources, which was also Flynn Rider’s purpose in life, once upon a time. (Again, parallels.) 
Throughout the series, the boys' relationship with each other transforms from exasperated incomprehension to easy understanding. The process is hastened as Eugene lets himself realize he cares a lot about troubled kids who remind him of himself. He becomes aware that children should not be required to survive on their own like he and Lance had. Spurred on by his significant other's love and encouragement, Eugene is able to acknowledge the adverse affects of his childhood on his life and start moving on. His extending a ready hand to Varian is his process of healing. Though Eugene's first priority will always be Rapunzel, he truly wants to save Varian from the uncontrollable volatility of risky decisions because he knows that downward spiral intimately.
Of course, there is a difference between thieving from the rich and planning the destruction of a kingdom. We'll get to that later.
The Girls
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Rapunzel and Cassandra are the biggest driving forces of narrative power in the show, and they are survivors of child abuse. Every one of the main quartet has Parent Issues, but Rapunzel takes the crown (figuratively speaking) with this one. She was kidnapped and groomed into a life-giving doll, and she was only able to escape her abusive adoptive mother through incredibly traumatizing means. For Cassandra, it was neglect, and even her loving adoptive father couldn't leviate the scars left on her childhood mind.
They're a classic case of Golden Child vs. Scapegoat, which is a common case seen in siblings raised by Narcissistic parents. When one child is "favored" more than the other, the kids experience vastly different childhoods, resulting in resentment that stems from their inability to understand each other. Rapunzel and Cassandra are both jealous of what the other had—Rapunzel wants Cassandra's casual, practiced ease with freedom and personal agency, while Cassandra wants the attention and respect that Rapunzel is given by the status of her birth. Because they're unwilling to speak candidly about the unique hardships of their childhood, what results is a series of miscommunications that put a strain on their friendship.
Cassandra and Rapunzel both want the other in their lives, but how they attempt to make that connection is very different. Cassandra wants to be a helpful, essential force in Rapunzel's life. Unfortunately, Rapunzel has been raised on the idea that when push comes to shove, no one will help her survive. Cassandra interprets Rapunzel's desire for independence as Rapunzel scorning the connection that Cassandra is attempting to create. Add in some manipulation from an ancient evil, and Cassandra decides she is done exhausting her emotions for Rapunzel.
Rapunzel, on the other hand, wants absolute honesty in her relationships. Gothel raised her on lies, so she spurns deception. But Cassandra knows the merits of protecting herself by holding her opinions in, which is where the misunderstandings occur. Rapunzel cannot trust someone who isn't completely forthright with her. She's tired of dealing with liars, and she grows afraid that Cassandra will cause her the same pain as Gothel did. But the thing is, Cassandra is not Gothel, and Rapunzel loved Gothel. She couldn't save Gothel, but maybe she can save Cassandra. It's not too late.
Rapunzel doesn't know when to give up on Cassandra because she is aware that she and Cassandra are similar people. Giving up on Cassandra would feel too much like giving up on her own hopes for a happy life. Rapunzel can't let Cassandra be unhappy. This princess cares too much, loves too hard. She never learned how to write people off because you can't survive a childhood like hers with that much cheer if you don't hang onto your optimism like a goddamn lifeline.
This is Rapunzel’s method of taking back power for herself: saving others. Rapunzel could have been Cassandra. Rapunzel is trying to believe she herself is worth saving—therefore, Cassandra must be worth saving as well. Rapunzel's significant other is giving her a stable source of love and support, but without a proper resolution to Cassandra's struggles—a final proof that despite Gothel's influence, they can both be happy—Rapunzel would feel incomplete.
The Golden Couple
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At the end of the day, Rapunzel and Eugene are fundamentally good people. If it comes down to it, they would be unable to sacrifice the world for their own desires. (Eugene's thievery doesn't count as an expression of true desire because it was literally his method of survival. An expression of true, selfish desire for him might've been something like manipulation and abduction for the purposes of making people stay, but Eugene is not Gothel and he would never do that to anyone in a million years.) (On a side note, Rapunzel's selfish desire might've manifested in the abandonment of all duties and personal connections in favor of eternal exploration, or revenge towards a kingdom that failed to save her, or a thorough destruction of authority figures—but she loves people too much and would never be able to forsake her family.)
Life threw a lot of rocks at them, but these two came through it marginally well-adjusted. They affirmed their love for each other in a violent, unforgettable manner, which makes it easier for them to trust in each other's affection. Eugene would've been okay with never finding his biological father, just as Rapunzel had been okay with her biological parents' inability to protect her. They have no wish to punish the world for what they suffered. They’re content with who they are. They're just glad they made it, that they're finally allowed to love someone without being afraid. They're each other's saving grace.
The Antivillains
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This is the difference between Hero and Antivillain: Cassandra and Varian are willing to punish the world for what happened to them. There’s a very faint line between justified retaliation and venting. In their desperation and anger, they cross the line, and they’re unable to stop themselves once they get going. Unlike the Golden Couple, Cassandra and Varian refuse to settle. They want what is owed. 
Also, they really, really hate themselves. (This is important.)
Varian believes Quirin is the ultimate source of affirmation. The fact that he lost his father by way of his own dangerous experiment, coupled with the fact that no one prioritizes his call for help in the face of national disaster, is enough to make him feel isolated from the world. Though he is burdened with a growing sense of remorse for his deeds, he doesn’t stop resorting to drastic, harmful measures to get his father back until he is forcefully stopped by betrayal from his allies. He finally makes the full transition from “antagonist” to “protagonist” when Rapunzel risks herself to save Quirin from the rocks. If Quirin could not be saved, there’s a possibility Varian might have stayed an antagonist, unenthusiastic though he may have been in his villainous role. As long as Quirin is trapped in those rocks, Varian remains the villain who put him there.
With Quirin safe, Varian allows himself to take huge steps in healing. He slowly rediscovers his self-worth, one that is separate from Quirin’s approval. Rapunzel—and by extension, Eugene—play the friendly, supportive role to Varian’s ingenuity, helping him along in his quest for self-acceptance. Varian still has trouble working through the heavily ingrained self-hatred, but he recovers enough confidence in his own judgment that he takes Eugene’s warning to heart and is able to install a safety device in his father’s helmet, just in case.
This is the Varian who meets Cassandra in the Tower that once belonged to Gothel. At this point in time, Cassandra has been manipulated into thinking of herself as weak and unimportant in comparison to Rapunzel. Her adoptive father, much like Quirin, was too gruff to be vocal with approvals. Her efforts have not been met with successes. She feels like a failure, and she hates feeling like a failure. This is Cassandra’s method of taking back power: by turning herself into someone unforgettable. If she can make something of herself, she’ll finally be able to prove Gothel wrong. She can be just as special as Rapunzel, if she’s given the chance. She wants that chance.
Similar to Varian, Cassandra doesn’t stop her downward spiral until her supposed ally and mentor betrays her and forcefully takes her power away. Only when there are no options left does she allow herself to admit that she was wrong. She is then rewarded for her honesty with Rapunzel’s love and trust. Armed with a new confidence, the sisters vanquish the evil together in an epic showdown that will long be remembered. Cassandra finally gets her dramatic hero’s tale.
Rapunzel and Eugene have an internal compass that lets them make snap decisions. They don’t have the healthiest self-esteem, but they can at least stand by what they think is right. Comparatively speaking, Cassandra and Varian have terrible self-esteem. They don’t trust their own judgment and are heavily influenced by outside forces. Without the constant barrage of trust and affection from Rapunzel, who is akin to a blazing sun when it comes to personal loyalty, these antivillains might never have reached their redemptive ending. They wouldn’t have been able to let go of their twisted priorities without outside influence. Can’t blame them for it, though.
It’s no surprise that Cassandra and Varian are relatable to many people. Who wouldn’t want to reclaim what was taken from them during childhood? (Of course, the problem occurs when you start hurting others to reclaim what you lost.) Their journey is a different kind of vulnerable from Rapunzel and Eugene’s journey, and it’s extraordinary in its detail. This show is essentially a long exploration of the various ways a parent can mess you up and the coping methods of kids who want to become more than their past, which is totally up my alley of expertise. I’m grateful I got to watch them grow taller than their trauma.
Finally, here’s a parting gif of Lance, because I love him and he’s a well-adjusted ray of sunshine. We all wish we could be as mentally stable as Lance—the main quartet included.
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glassessence ¡ 3 years ago
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I got so inspired by everyone’s creativity that I created my own OC ^^” Even though she’s a member of the Purifying Force, I hope she’ll still be received warmly. Special thanks to @punishing-gray-raven-ocs​ for their detailed posts about character creation that really made me think about Lydias! 
Warning: I may have gone a bit overboard with the detail. It’s a long read! Also, I threw in a not-so-subtle reference to the most traumatic Memory Rescue mission lmao. So proceed with caution, I guess HAHA
Name                          Lydias: Umbral
Type                            Offensive Support-type Construct
Service time              1 year
Psychological age    24
Activation date         15 March
Height                         167 cm
Weight                        59 kg
Vital fluid type          O
Faction                        Purifying Force
Rank                            A
Weapon                      Chakrams (preferred) /  Gun
Damage type             70% Dark, 30% Physical
Lydias is a support-type Construct modelled after Watanabe’s Astral frame. She has extreme stealth capabilities and excels at tracking, making her ideal for the execution of rogue and infected Constructs.
Her missions mostly involve infiltration and spying, although she’s also been deployed on assassination missions. Those orders come straight from Nikola and their records are kept top-secret, inaccessible even to Bianca.
Her frame is designed for long-range sniping and comes equipped with visual accuracy enhancements and superb calculative powers. However, Lydias prefers to engage her targets in close combat. Killing Constructs from afar feels cruel and cold, like they really are meaningless machines instead of former comrades.
She truly believes in the good of the Purifying Force, but hates the things she has to do. She doesn’t feel like she belongs, but also can’t see a future for herself anywhere else.
Her fighting style is very graceful, featuring a lot of spins and flips that are reminiscent of a dance. Her signature move is called “Blade Dance.”
B A C K G R O U N D 
Lydias was born to a wealthy family in Babylonia. Her mother joined the war effort as a Commandant shortly after she was born and is known as the leader of the elite task force, Cybele. Since then, Lydias has always wanted to follow in her mother’s famous footsteps.
Originally a Commandant of the Black Wolves, a certain incident caused her to give up the position and apply for reconstruction. Despite having low compatibility for Tantalum-193, her application was approved after negotiations with Nikola. Following her surgery, she was transferred to the Purifying Force.
Shows affection through actions rather than words. Bakes cakes for the humans of Babylonia in her free time
Philosophical, often ponders on the nature of humans and of the war
Likes to make dirty jokes and tease others
Obedient to a fault because she doesn’t trust her own judgement
Comes across as cold, but is just awkward with introductions
Doesn't think very highly of herself. Ignores it when other Constructs call her "traitorous hunting dog" but secretly thinks they're right
Loves the sea and the fathomless depths yet to be explored. Likes to go swimming at every opportunity
Prefers to work alone, but overprotective of her comrades when in a team. Frequently throws herself in harm’s way to shield her teammates. Knows it’s not good, but is too haunted by her past
Trusts easily, but is very guarded with her heart
Knows how to dance a lot of old-school styles like ballroom and ballet, but is too shy to ask anyone to practice with her
Has memorised a lot of poetry from before the Punishing Virus outbreak
Gets intensely lonely and jealous when seeing close squad camaraderie like Gray Raven’s
Avoids Kamui because he reminds her of someone she’s lost
Has spied on Watanabe extensively under Babylonian orders and is deeply fascinated by him
Doesn’t trust Nikola, but is unable to disobey his commands
Secretly harbours doubts about Babylonia’s mission to reclaim Earth
Has obtained special permission to download the data of the Black Wolves and often reads the records to keep them alive in her heart
V O I C E   L I N E S
“Team leader? No, I refuse. You’re making a grave mistake.”
“I’m not suited for protecting people.”
“My opinion on the Forsaken? They’re hardworking, loyal, and--Nevermind. We seem to share a similar goal.”
“The Black Wolves? Where did you hear of that name?! Don’t mention it again!”
“I baked a cake today. Would you like some?”
“Yes, I can dance. But I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell the others…”
“I can teach you to dance. Privately, if you’d like. Haha, just kidding.”
“Becoming a Construct was a decision I made rashly. I don’t necessarily regret it, but…”
“Are we really doing the right thing? This endless war… All these years… What have we really achieved?”
A voice cracked over the intercom. “...dant…Com...ant...Commandant, do you hear me?!”
Lydias blinked. The urgency in his voice caught her off guard. Ferdinand kept his cool even in the most dire of situations. Something was very wrong. “Tell me, Ferdie.” Static. “Ferds? Come through!” Nothing. Communications had been poor ever since they’d entered this area, but they’d managed until now. For it to suddenly fail like that… it couldn’t be a coincidence.
“Shit,” she said, turning to the other two Constructs with her. “On guard, guys. Something’s coming and comms are down.”
Ilya grimaced. “Sure it’s not one of Ferdinand’s pranks again?”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Flora offered, even as she tightened her grip on her lance. “Pesky little bastard would find it hilarious.” Lydias said nothing. She was too tense. There was a taste in the air, a metallic tang that churned in her belly. Sweat dripped into her eye. Suddenly, a hand slapped her on the back. “Relax, Commandant,” Ilya chuckled. “We’ll protect you like always. No need to be so scared all the time.”
Something in her loosened, just a bit. “Shouldn’t I be the one protecting you?” she retorted, trying to project confidence. “You guys with your fragile little M.I.N.Ds?” Flora laughed, a deep-belly rumble that Lydias loved. The knot in her stomach unravelled some more. “You do that, Commandant,” Flora said. “We’ll just twirl our pointy sticks at the bad guys.”
Lydias was just about to say something snarky when she caught movement in the corner of her eye. She swirled, gun at the ready. There was still no word from Ferdinand. “I’m sensing a large Corrupted force in our perimeter,” Ilya reported. His voice had lost its casual lilt. “They’ve got us surrounded.”
Lydias cursed. “How’s that Memory retrieval coming along?”
“Slowly,” Ilya replied unhappily. Flora clicked her tongue. The Corrupted were visible now. They weren’t like anything Lydias had seen before. They carried advanced weapons - chainsaws and spears and bows - and seemed to be organised into phalanxes. Dread coiled in her belly. “We’ve been ambushed,” she breathed in horror. “Ferdinand tried to warn us. They must have blocked off comms.”
“Well, shit,” Flora grunted. The Corrupted army was within gunshot range now. “When the fuck did they get so smart?”
“Someone must be leading them,” Ilya said. “How did the information leak?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Lydias said. “We need to retreat. Now.” A bullet flew by her head, burning the shell of her ear as it passed. Her heart hammered. “Back off,” Flora growled. She twirled her spear, eyes flashing as she impaled the Corrupted soldier. Beside her, Ilya stepped forward, fast as a flash, and stabbed one through the neck. Lydias fired off three shots, watching in grim satisfaction as two buried themselves in the heads of two infected Constructs.
The scene descended into chaos just as Ferdinand’s broken voice sounded in her ear. “...n...way! Comm...ant!”
Flora stumbled back. She was breathing heavily. Vital fluid leaked steadily from several places, staining her coat a rich purple. Ilya was behind her, grimacing. His left arm was gone, torn away at the shoulder. Sparks flew from the exposed wires within. Beside them, Lydias swayed unsteadily. She clutched at her stomach. Red blood seeped through her fingers. All their attempts to break through had failed. Things were looking more hopeless by the minute. 
“Commandant,” Ilya said, voice strained. “Turn off my pain receptors.” Flora nodded. “Same here.” Lydias coughed wetly. Her vision was growing dim. “It’s dangerous,” she admitted, wishing she could shut off her own terrible pain. “But there’s no other choice.” She authorised the command. Her team’s face relaxed immediately. She met their determined gazes and nodded. “We’re all gonna go home. Together.”
Ilya smiled. Flora grinned. But there was a sadness in their faces Lydias didn’t want to acknowledge. Her connection with Ferdinand was still blocked. He could be dead for all she knew. She turned away from the thought. Just survive, Lydias. And take the Wolves home.
Together, the Black Wolves rose. Ilya with his dagger and Flora with her spear. Unseen by Lydias, they nodded to each other. An agreement, a pact. A promise. Renewed, they threw themselves at the Corrupted like cornered animals. Slowly, inch by painful inch, an exit was being forced open. Corrupted weapons dug into their bodies, but they pushed on. 
Lydias fought beside them, swinging her chakrams haphazardly. Her gun had run out of ammo long ago. She stumbled, half-blind, and almost skewered herself on the end of a Corrupted sword. She could hardly think straight; blood loss was making her weak. Suddenly, a voice crackled in her mind. “Commandant!” Ferdinand’s voice tumbled through her hazy thoughts. “The signal jammer is gone. What’s your status?!”
Her heart soared, bringing with it a brief burst of clarity. “Ferdie! It’s an ambush. We need support!”
“I’ve already informed Babylonia,” he said urgently. “Reinforcement is on the way. I’m coming to you, Commandant. Just hold on!” His signal blinked to life, moving rapidly towards their location. Lydias smiled grimly. Ferdinand was on his way. Support was coming. Surely, they would be okay. They would make it out of this. She just had to hold on for a little longer. 
Flora’s signal pulsed unsteadily and Ilya’s grew fainter with every breath. Lydias clung with desperation to the unstable M.I.N.Ds of her Wolves. I will protect you.
“Coming through!” A ray of energy tore through the Corrupted wave. Lydias spied Ferdinand’s face through the sea of blades. She almost wept with relief. “Retreat,” she said hoarsely, struggling to stay conscious. “Black Wolves, retreat!”
On cue, Ilya and Flora rushed through the tunnel, half-carrying Lydias with them. Between one ferocious breath and the next, they’d broken through the Corrupted circle. She tumbled bonelessly into Ferdinand’s open arms. He took a brief moment to survey her and paled. “The meeting point isn’t far,” he said. “Support will be there.” He picked up Lydias and turned to run, but Ilya and Flora didn’t follow. 
“Sorry, but this is the end of the road for me,” Flora said wryly. “Didn’t think it’d end like this.” She spat out a wad of purple fluid. “At least these fuckers will go down with me.”
“And you get the privilege of dying by my side,” Ilya said primly, readjusting his grip on his dagger. Flora laughed, an edge of sadness in her voice. “Yeah, old man, I guess I do.”
Lydias stirred in Ferdinand’s arms. “No,” she said, forcing herself to meet their gazes. “I won’t allow it.” 
“Unfortunately, Commandant,” Ilya said. “This time it’s not up to you.” He raised his remaining hand in a salute. “It’s been a pleasure working with you.”
“Go on,” Flora growled. “We’ll make sure nobody pursues you.”
Ferdinand pursed his lips, but nodded tightly. Lydias fought in his grip. She hardly even felt the pain. “No!” she screamed, or tried to. It was hard to tell where her voice was. “Don’t! I forbid it! That’s an order!” He started running. She watched helplessly as the distance grew. “Stop! Go back, we have to help them! Stop!”
In the fading light, Ilya fell and was immediately consumed by a horde of Corrupted hands. His signal weakened then blinked out. A scream tore itself from her throat. She thrashed in Ferdinand’s grip and felt his hold on her loosen. White-hot pain shot through her body as she tumbled to the ground. Mad with grief, she crawled forward desperately, mind blank except for the desire to be with her Wolves. 
Strong arms lifted her up. Ferdinand’s lively voice was dull. “Please don’t do this, Lydias.” 
“Let go, Ferdie,” she said angrily. “We have to--” Flora’s signal flickered out. Lydias felt her spirit break. “No,” she cried. “Please, no.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. Words abandoned her. The world seemed to shrink, compacting to a single thought: she had failed. 
She woke to white light. Something beeped steadily beside her. Tubes ran from her body to several machines like the tentacles of some deep sea creature. Her entire body hurt. Immediately, she reached for the Black Wolves, but their signals were absent, leaving her mind uncomfortably empty. Panic settled like ice in her veins. It couldn’t be. It was impossible. 
Surely, they had recalled their consciousnesses. Surely, she’d simply woken up early. And where was Ferdie? Gasping, Lydias stood, dragging her broken body to the wall of windows. She brought a fist to the cool glass. Nikola watched her from the other side. “Where are they,” she croaked. “What happened?”
He shook his head sympathetically. “They didn’t recall their consciousness. According to our records, Ilya and Flora died protecting you from pursuit. Ferdinand was infected.” His eyes were grave. “He guarded you until reinforcements arrived.”
She didn’t know if she could bear the answer, but she asked anyway. “And then?”
Nikola studied her for a long moment before giving in. “And then the Punishing Virus took over his M.I.N.D. He escaped because we prioritised your survival.” A desperate hope sparked to life within her. “So he’s still alive? Then there’s still a chance! Please, let me find him!”
“You know it doesn’t work like that.” 
“Please,” she begged. “Please.”
He turned away from her. “The Purifying Force has already been sent after him. I’m sorry, Lydias.”
Three weeks later
“Are you sure?” Nikola asked, studying her with intensity. “Your chances of success are only 47%.”
Lydias stared at him blankly. “I’m sure.”
“I’m afraid I can’t allow it. Commandants are valuable to Babylonia. Perhaps even more than Constructs. Few possess the will and compatibility to stabilize M.I.N.Ds. Someone as experienced as you is not expendable.”
“Then I quit being a Commandant. I refuse to lead another squad.” She looked away. “I couldn’t protect any of them. Not a single one.” Her voice broke. “I’m not… I don’t think I can--I just can’t.”
Nikola considered her with some pity. “What do you want then, Lydias?”
“You know what I want. I’m not afraid of dying.”
“I know you’re not afraid, but it seems to me like you seek it.”
She said nothing. Nikola sighed. “I’d rather not lose you completely. You have experience and ability. The Black Wolves were specifically chosen for that mission for your competence. Aife will increase our combat power significantly against the Corrupted.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s unfortunate, but these things happen at war.”
“Say whatever you want,” Lydias said stubbornly. “But this is my final decision.”
“Fine,” Nikola said. “Your attempt at redemption is admirable. I’ll grant your request, but if you survive, you’ll work directly under me. Is that acceptable?”
F A D I N G   L I G H T
Flora: Fairfrost - Voice Log 
*sounds of fighting* I hope this reaches you, Commandant. I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer and… *grunting* I just wanna say goodbye. The old man’s already gone. I felt his signal die out a while ago. He went down taking a blade for me, can you believe it? Even though I’m the Attacker Construct. *panting* You know what his last words to me were? “It hurts.” As if our pain receptors weren’t turned off. I know what he means though. *blades clashing* After all, we all wanna go back home with you. But life’s a bit unfair, eh? For once, I don’t mind. Protecting your back… it almost makes me feel like a hero. That ain’t something you experience every day, y’know? *metal tearing* I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. For being someone worthy of love. *crash, wet coughing* It’s been my honour and privilege to have been one of your Wolves, Commandant. You’ll remember me, won’t you?
Ferdinand: Aegis - Voice Log 
Lydias… This will probably be my last communication with you. I never would have thought this would be how it ends, but… Well, I’m just glad that I get to spend my final moments with you. I can feel my M.I.N.D. slipping, but Babylonia will be here any second now. They’ll take care of you, the way I wish I could. *sigh* Ah, there are so many things I want to say. I have nothing to lose anymore, so I hope you’re ready to listen. *deep breath* I love you. The way you laugh at my jokes and tease me. The way you can talk about anything. Your smile, your lips. I love the way you kiss me. And of course, I love our late night activities… Such as you trying to teach me to dance. *short laughter* Were you expecting me to say something else, Commandant? You--*grunt, glitching* Looks like my time is running out. I should go, but promise me one thing, Lydias. Promise me you’ll keep your heart open, so that someone else can love you as you deserve. I--You--*glitches*
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blissfulalchemist ¡ 4 years ago
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“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
- Rumi
Thank you to the wonderful and oh so talented @minilev for bringing to life the first face to face meeting of my girl Catlina and @risenlucifer’s Rafael. It came out perfect and I could not be happier! Thank you Kate for creating your boy and helping in creating this piece! 💜 Below the cut is the scene itself from their shared universe.
There was only one location in Hope County that became true neutral ground, and managed to stay that way even after the reaping began. The signs that stood outside the doors were the only indication of where the initial funding came from but nothing else that leant itself to associating itself with Eden’s Gate, just how Catlina wanted it from the start. Her outreach center was created to help all residents of Hope County have their needs met, not recruitment as some assumed. In recent weeks becoming a safe haven for those that didn’t ask to be caught in the crossfire of the holy war. Though Catlina was finding it harder to offer up something as someone kept stealing the wrong trucks. Didn’t matter how many times she tried to make them as distinct as possible from the other ones the deputy was allowed to take from Eden’s Gate he still managed to find a way to hit her trucks now and again. 
Cat was lucky that the truck that brought about her special order had survived, all the items planned to be a gift for the fabled friend of Deputy Wes. It's not that she wanted to be a creep, but sometimes it was hard to not overhear the conversations he and John would have as she waited for him to leave or at least make her presence known. It was nice to just hear someone else’s voice in the house that didn’t seem to spout the same notions as everyone else, so she’d prolong the amount of time they had together. It was during one of the times she’d opted to sneak back into the house that she heard the passing comment and joke about his friend’s complaints of not being able to make any sort of decent meal with the food that was offered in the Whitetails. 
No surprise to her as that was the place hardest to get any kind of supplies, seeing as Jacob took most of it. Her heart went out to Wes’ friend and she had the means, so she compiled what she could based on the conversation Wes and her husband had, leaving it on the doorstep of the deputy a note attached specifying its intended recipient. That was over a week ago and she hadn’t heard anything about it or related to it. She hadn’t put a name with the note, maybe that was the problem, just the location of the outreach center in case they wanted more and Cat held hope that she’d get to meet them, maybe make the first real connection with someone on the other side of this war. 
Each swinging of the door had her looking up, heart racing only to be met with disappointment when it was someone she recognized. “You know you don’t even know what he looks like right,” Lance teased, smirking as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed. 
“Well do you know what he looks like?” She asked, waving to one of the locals that came by weekly, “Because maybe then you can give me a hint or a name?”
“Firstly, Wes could have had a change of friends since I last remembered,” he pushed himself off looking out the window at the cars driving by, “Secondly, if it is still the same guy he was a bit scrawny still last I saw of him.”
She rolled her eyes, “Did you just become a hermit or something at some point? Cause you said the same about the deputy,” Cat moved back behind the counter leaning her elbows against it, “and we both know how he turned out.” 
Lance gave a small laugh looking back at Cat, “You starting to feel jealous?”
Cat narrowed her eyes, “No,” she let out a sigh, ”I just want friends. Or some way to not feel so lonely.” She looked at Lance’s hazel eyes, “Not that you’re not my friend it’s just-.”
“I know. Want people your own age,” Lance’s eyes moved to the person walking through the door, locking onto the holstered handgun, “I was a young man once too.”
Catlina’s eyes followed the patron around the store too until their items were brought up to the counter. She helped him get settled, taking the little money he had to offer before watching him make his way out of the building, leaving her and Lance alone. 
“How late are you wanting to stay today?” Lance asked, stretching out his arms, “I don’t think we have to worry about interrupting anything back at the ranch.” He took his seat in the front corner of the store, hands picking up the latest in his engine projects John had given him, “Besides you have to go to the service in the morning, can’t be up too late.”
She gave a small eye roll, “I just want to make sure I don’t miss him. Maybe he can only come later in the day.” Or maybe he never planned on showing. 
“So a bit after sundown again?”
She nodded, making herself busy with the smaller inventory behind the counter, “I might have to give up after this week though.” She tapped the pen on the table, “I shouldn’t be holding out too much hope. Not like many people trust me nowadays.” She looked up to the sound of a car pulling up to the building, shoulders sagging letting out a breath, It probably wasn’t him. I really need to stop hoping at this point, “Well outside Eden’s Gate at least.”
She rested her forehead against the counter, the sound of the bell announcing the person that just pulled up, their footsteps filling the space of the small shop. Cat didn’t look up as she traced his movement in the building from the sound of his shoes against the old wood alone. There were a few pauses as he seemed to look around, Cat moving to lay her head against her arm, writing out the list of what may be needed soon. 
“Excuse me, ma’am,” the shopper called out in a voice clear and deep, “there are no prices on anything.”
Cat lifted her head, giving a smile glancing his way, “Its because this is a pay what you can center. It can range from zero to full price.” She turned to face him head on, eyes locking with his, her heart stopping a moment before starting to race. He was new and she couldn’t look away from his brown eyes, warm, inviting, and a bit playful. His dark curls falling perfectly framing his face, accented by a neatly kept beard. His clothing, while simple, appeared to be of higher quality than other residents of the county. The dark blue cardigan over his burgundy shirt, and silver necklaces catching in the light, bright, though not enough to outshine his smile. His smile, how assuring it made her feel. All of him….perfect. 
Well that’s just unfair, she thought as her mouth went dry, trying to gain some semblance of composure. Cat cleared her throat, smoothing out her dress hiding the reddening of her cheeks as he walked closer. “Just like that? I could take whatever I wanted,” he asked, Cat nodding in response, “However much I wanted?”
She started to nod again, stopping, “Erm, well within reason. Wouldn’t be really fair if you took all of a supply that was needed by everyone, you know?”
He gave a small nod, “So you run this place based on trust and merit,” he leaned on the counter, Cat taking a step back, “Seems a little bold in a place like this.” She gave a shrug, “Looks like you’re running a bit low though,” he gestured to the store around him.
“I know,” she let out a sigh, “My trucks have been getting snatched up.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”
“I mean, yes it's bad for me and the center but I can’t blame him for taking them,” she stammered out, “He’s been giving them to those that need the supplies, so in the end it’s serving their purposes. I just wish he’d have thought to ask or target the other trucks.”
“The deputy?” Cat nodded in response, “He’s been taking your trucks?”
“Yeah,” she waved, “but it doesn’t matter if the supplies are serving those that need them.”
“But if he asked, you’d just give them to him,” Cat found herself locked in his gaze once more, They feel so much like his eyes. How’s possible?, “Why do that?”
Cat looked down stuffing the memories back into their box, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, “It’s the right thing to do. There’s a lot of people willing to fight and defend their homes, but what about the people that didn’t ask to be a part of any of this?” She met his eyes, “I know it's hard to believe but there are people on both sides that just wanted to live in peace. Some just want to worship a faith without the violence and not to mention the locals that never sold their homes but couldn’t afford the means to leave. A sort of stubborn pride in its own right.” Cat looked around the center, smiling, “This place is for them. It's for anyone really, I fight hard to keep this place a sanctuary for anyone that needs it, no matter where they come from.” She met his eyes rolling her shoulders back, nothing that his posture had never changed, “Everyone is worth saving and helping when in need.” 
His face unreadable he studied her, standing straighter, “Guess what they say about you and this place is true,” Cat tilted her head, brow furrowing, “The signs though,” he jerked a thumb to the front of the building, “well that kind of makes it hard to believe.”
Her shoulders sagged, “I know,” rolling her eyes letting out a breath, “It was either those or some audio played on the speakers. I’m contractually obligated to have one or the other.” He laughed, startling her before she felt herself loosen up, laughing along with him, “You think I’m kidding?”
“Yeah I do a bit,” she smirked, pulling out the copy of her outreach center contract with John, dropping it in front of him. His laughter stopping, the smile remaining as he looked it over, “Never mind, guess I was wrong,” he flipped through the pages, “Even got it notarized I see.”
“Mhm,” he passed the papers back to her, “I had to make it as official as possible. If I’ve learned anything it's that the best way to beat a lawyer is using their own tricks against them.”
“Clever,” he gave a light bang of his hand against the wood of the counter, “So tell me, what would one owe for these items,” he pulled out a slip of paper, “They got left with a friend of mine and I want to make sure I’m not in debt.”
Cat’s eyes went wide as she looked over the list, each item one that she left on Deputy Wes’ doorstep. It’s him. It’s really him. He came by and I….feel unprepared. Her hands started to shake, trying to refocus her brain on what was happening. “Oh right uhm, noth-nothing,” her words tumbled out, “Nothing. First one is uhm, first one’s free.”
“What if I want to give a little something for it,” he had his wallet out, “It is a pay what you can center as you said.”
“I- I uh, I did. I said that,” she cleared her throat, “Besides the point. I think I heard mention that it was a gift and you don’t pay for gifts, that’s just rude.”
“Then a donation?” He placed a few bills in her hands, Cat pushing them back over into his, electricity coursing through her with each touch, shaking her head. He was so easy to talk to, why does this feel so normal and so scary? Am I dreaming it? Probably. “We’re not getting anywhere with this are we,” he laughed, Did he just have to be so charming? He has to be this way with everyone.
“No. It’s because I insist,” she took a deep breath, “It was a gift. You don’t owe me anything.” Cat snapped her jaw closed, wincing at revealing herself to be the gift giver. 
He stopped, “So it was you? You’re the one that gave me the basket.” Cat’s cheeks burned, nodding slowly, “You didn’t leave a name on the note. Why is that?”
“I-,” Cat stopped, she didn’t really have much of an answer, “Names are complicated and besides I didn’t need to be thanked for doing something nice.”
“Well I’m going to thank you,” he held his hand out to her, Cat taking it gingerly, “You made my meals feel decent for once.”
“Oh did you use everything already,” her hand shaking his still, “I can get some more on the list for you, for next time you come around.”
He shook his head, “No I’m okay for now. I will, however, keep you in mind when I want to indulge.” He let go of her hand humming in thought, “You don’t get a lot of people from the Whitetails do you?”
She shook her head, “No, that seems to be the hardest place to make a dent in anything getting up there. And if I’m being honest I think people are scared to leave their homes.”
“I tend to do a bit of work up there, maybe I can help and be a sort of liaison. If you’d like,” her heart fluttered at the idea of seeing him more and talking to him and working with him. Just the idea of him.
“I assume you and the militia up there will help in distribution,” he gave a curt nod, Cat looking at Lance who just gave a shrug in return, “Only if you promise that it just be you guys giving it out, that it’s done fairly, and maybe put the word out to some of the locals that this really is a place they won’t be harmed.” She took a breath, her rambling stopping before she could make it worse.
“Sounds like we’re making a tentative partnership,” he smirked, some curls falling out of place, “Should I get the local public notary?”
Cat laughed, shaking her head as she looked down to the old wood, “No. I think we can settle this on our own….for now at least.” She stood straighter, holding her hand out to him, “So what do you say mister….?”
“Rafael,” he clasped his hand around hers, “or Raf as some people call me.”
“Raf,” she repeated, “Unique name nowadays.”
He nodded, giving her a pointed look, “And what shall I call you, Mrs. Seed?”
Catlina’s face turned in disgust, “Anything but that really.”
“Well I can certainly call you Mary if you like,” he smirked, “though something tells me you don’t like that name either.”
“It’s not the worst name out there,” she mumbled picking at the wood, “It’s just-.” How does he feel so easy to talk to?, she thought looking over at Lance. He gave a slight shake of his head, “You know why don’t I let you just decide what to call me.” Cat gave Lance a small shrug, “I don’t think you’ll give me something I’ll hate to be called,” Raf���s dark eyes regarded her, “Just don’t use my height as a nickname please if you decide to go a nickname route. That’s my only rule.”
Raf chuckled, “Might need a little time to come up with that. For now, why don’t I just call you,” she braced herself at his pause regretting his offer to just call her Mary, “conejito.”
Cat blinked back in surprise, “Conejito,” she repeated the word sounding familiar. The recollections she could muster never put the word in a bad light, many in her family always calling others by that name with affection, even though she never really bothered to ever ask what it meant. And she wasn’t going to start now. It sounded sweet and the flutter in her chest brought about the feeling of normal she’d been missing, or the flutter came from the way the evening sun hit his eyes just so, paired with the smile he gave. “It’s acceptable for a temporary name Rafael,” Catlina returned his smile, cheeks burning. Her heart thumped in her chest only managing to focus on his eyes, she looked away clearing her throat, “So, uhm, when will I see you again to discuss more details of our partnership?”
“Few days,” his eyes glanced outside the window, “I have to talk to some people up there, see what they need and want from this partnership.” 
“Oh,” Cat’s heart fell, “I mean, well that makes sense. I should uhm, well I should prepare and look into what I can offer, so we can get to a middle ground,” she stammered, stopping herself as she twisted the tips of her fingers. 
“That sounds like a good plan. How late are you normally open?”
“I’m pretty flexible,” she said, Lance giving a snort, “Well uhm, I mean whenever you need me I can be there however you need me,” Cat shut her eyes letting out a breath, Raf laughing softly, “Well you get what I mean.”
“I do, Conejito, I do,” Raf shook his head, running a hand through his hair, “I’ll try to come later in the day, but I’ll try to give you a bit of a warning.”
“Yeah, yeah. That works,” Cat bounced on her toes, “I’m sure you have to be uh going I assume. Do you need a ride? Cause we can give you one?”
He pointed to the car still parked outside the building, “I brought my own ride,” Cat gave a slow nod, “Thank you for the offer though.” Raf took a few steps back, raising his hand, waving, “I’ll see you in a few days, Conejito.” 
Cat waved back, “See you.” She watched as he made his way out of the building and into the car, looking back inside of the building once it was out of sight. 
Cat groaned, lying her head against the counter, “Not as scrawny anymore,” Lance said standing from his chair, “Guess you were right.”
Cat looked up, narrowing her eyes, “That your way of telling me I told you so?”
Lance smiled, “No,” he chuckled before his face grew serious, “You should be careful though.”
“What do you mean?” Cat asked, raising a brow.
“He’s not just the deputy’s friend,” Lance moved locking up the windows, “He’s pretty well known in the mountains, call him the Saint.” Cat stood straighter, crossing her arms as she looked at the ground, “He’s got a target on his back, pretty big one if I’m not mistaken. Might be a little dangerous to work too close to him.” 
“I have the sway to keep this place and my work in the middle, not on either side.” 
Lance hummed, “Hm, I just wouldn’t count on that staying for very long. Just in case.” He turned to her, holding his hand out for the keys as Cat tossed them his way, “Don’t want to see you get hurt, is all.” 
“I won’t be. I got you here,” Cat moved to stand next to him, bumping his arm, “and he seems trustworthy enough.” Lance put an arm around her, “Who knows this might be the best thing for us. We could do more good around here, get this whole war ended sooner.”
“Get you out sooner,” Lance whispered, “I’ll look into him more see where he stands on things. Just to be on the safe side.” He rubbed her arm, patting it as he moved to lock the front door, “Let’s get back to the ranch shall we?” 
Cat nodded, grabbing her sweater, “Yeah, let’s go. I have to distract myself anyway.”
“Not gonna be able to get his eyes out of your mind for awhile are ya?” Lance laughed, leading them to the car, Cat giving him a shove, “Hey you were the one that was kind of obvious in your drooling over him.”
Cat rolled her eyes, “You were real popular with Sage when she was in high school, weren’t you?” Lance laughed in response as the two pulled out onto the road to drive them back. He was right, and that didn’t make it any less appealing to Cat to want to get to know Raf and hopefully become close to him. No matter how their relationship played out, part of her just knew she wanted him in her life and that nothing was going to be the same now.
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breathings-of-the-heart ¡ 5 years ago
Imagine Levi Confessing his Love for You
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HERE IS A TIMELINE /  EXPLANATION / BACKGROUND INFORMATION BECAUSE CASE THE TIME SKIPS OF THIS STORY ARE CONFUSING: I’m sorry for that everyone, I know the dates are sloppy and as a whole this fic doesn’t make too much sense; I tried to edit this piece as best I could to make the story as easy to follow as possible, but seeing as I can’t unpublish part 1 or 2, the cleanup still leaves things bit unclear. These imagines were originally chapters of a longer Levi x Reader fic that I decided to discontinue, which is why there are so many loose ends. Here was my original intention for this story, broken down for the few who choose to read the Author’s Notes lol.
We are going to do this in the order of the 3 part fic (I also put attached all the links to the titles)
Part 1: Imagine Relating to Mikasa About Loving Someone in the Military
The scene is set during the events of SEASON 1 of Attack on Titan, BEFORE the Female Titan Arc. (Y/N) was also hand selected by Levi to be part of the original Special Operation Squad; she bit her hand at the dinner table along with Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oluo to show their dedication and understanding towards Eren wayyy back in the beginning of the series. The Survey Corps is making preparations for their first attempt to go to Shiganshina since the Fall of Wall Maria and not only uncover the mole who killed captive titans Sonny and Bean, but also to get to Eren’s basement.
Part 2: To Love Another
The flashback and opening scene in the beginning of this writing piece (where (Y/N) and Hange are talking to each other) occurs shortly after (Y/N) wakes up in the infirmary room, before anyone breaks the news that she, aside from an injured Levi, is the last surviving member of Squad Levi after Annie killed the others in the Forest of Giant Trees in her female titan form. Hange’s intentions were to bring the (Y/N) and Levi together so they would be able to support each other during this mutual loss. But alas, (Y/N) accepts his rejection and the two suffer the aftermath of this tragic news alone. To read this arc for context/bonus content to get a better understanding of this mini series, see my posts (as a sort of prequel, if you will) Imagine Levi Finding you Injured on an Expedition and Imagine Being the Last Member of Squad Levi To Survive to fill that time gap :)
In real-time, all of Season 2 and Season 3 Part 1 have gone by with limited interaction between (Y/N) and Levi. This part of the story is occurring during Season 3 PART 2, (spoilers) after the Coup D'etat, and after Historia becomes Queen. (Y/N) is no longer an active soldier, having sustained injuries too severe to be reliable in combat. She remains useful to the Corps as a battle strategist, however, which allows her to stay. The Scouting Regiment is currently preparing to go to Eren’s basement in their second attempt, knowing Reiner and Berthold will be waiting for them there.
Part 3: Imagine Levi Confessing his Love for You (YOU ARE HERE)
This part takes place pretty much a week or so after the events of “To Love Another.” It is revealed how much (Y/N) has isolated herself in the months between Parts 1 and 2 from not only Levi, but Hange, the only one besides Mikasa who knew about her feelings for Levi prior to their falling out. (Y/N) confesses her feelings for Levi before the mission to Shiganshina in Season one, and the fic parallels itself and comes full circle once their final interaction occurs before the second and final mission to Shiganshina, for which, (Y/N) is unable to go for her death would be almost certain. She seen to be more valuable inside the walls, where she can carry on the duties of the Survey Corps should the entire regiment collapse during the mission. This is the final part :)
requested by @a-single-uwo @dracq and @little-diva-gurl and a lovely anon who def isn’t the happiest that this took so long. Deepest apologies! Hope this was worth the wait. I also hope this post finds everyone safe and in good health during these crazy times <3
Dread bottled up in the bottom of your stomach, which threatened to fall down to your knees. Even Hange’s eyes brimmed with concern when she informed you that Levi requested your presence in his office; all of which was out of the blue, uncharacteristic, after months of him being accustomed to giving you your space.
Feigning annoyance, you stared at the soldier dummy two paces ahead, dented heavily with the marks of your punches. The sun was beating down on the early autumn day, and heat waves rose from the ground. It illuminated the glistening perspiration sliding down your figure, torso rising and falling in short breaths of exhaustion.
Hange watched you carefully from a distance. She noticed your tense muscles, clad in a sports bra and boxing shorts; the lack of attire made it impossible to hide the sudden tension and stiffness embedded in your lean muscles, a tell tale sign of distress. As a creature of observation and analytics, the Squad Leader could sense your discomfort as if it was written across your forehead.
The brunette watched you wipe the sweat off your forehead and yell in frustration, turning towards her direction and moving to land a kick at her head.
Unfazed and in possession of sharp reflexes, Hange took a step back, only to watch as you twisted mid-air and landed a 360 Crescent kick to the dummy-shaped bag, which broke open on impact under the force of the blow. Sand poured out of its opening and spilled onto the ground in a steady stream that grew less heavy as the seconds passed.
“I’ll have to admit, you are getting better, but (Y/N), don’t get your hopes up,” Hange cautioned. “The problem does not reside in your muscles. No matter how well you learn to fight like you used to, Annie crushed your ribs and threw you to the ground: it's your lungs that will never recover. You can’t come with us to Shiganshina tomorrow like this.”
Hunched over with hands on your knees, you regained a regular breathing pattern and began to feel the explosive pain in your chest. Airways blocked, you began coughing, willing the oxygen to enter your body.
“Let me humor myself, Hange-san. If I don’t try, I might go insane.”
It was almost tragic that such a young soldier was out of commission; you were full of promise, rivalling Mikasa in skill. Hange knew you were itching to do what you trained for your whole life: Coming to Shiganshina and putting it all on the line had always been your number one goal. You didn’t want to be left behind again, to die bitter and alone without the only people you cared about.
“Regardless, (Y/N), you’re stalling,” Hange smoothly shifted the topic of conversation back to what brought her to you in the first place. “He still has that power over you, huh?”
"It'll pass eventually," you sighed, hoping the words were true.
You bowed towards the tall female. She smiled in return, shaking her head softly.
Whilst pacing away, said person stopped you once more.
“(Y/N). For what it’s worth, I stand by what I said before. Don’t look so nervous, okay?”
Her words replayed in your head, a haunting ghost of the not-so-long ago past. Time was strange, that way. It seemed like everything happened yesterday yet in another lifetime, all at once. “He loves you, more than he’s ever loved anyone. Surely you know that.”
Stupid, you thought, how I might have believed it once.
As you made your way down the hall, numbness crept into your body once again. You were too proud to admit you were afraid, especially with the Section Commander’s radiating sympathy, but everyone knew the once friendly dynamic between you and the Captain transformed into one more distant and cold. With each step towards the door, you felt the icy chill grow and that fact alone shook you to the core. 
But it didn’t matter, seeing as Levi was of superior authority. There was no way around it.
Your hand shook as it raised to knock.
“Name and business,” Levi spoke, voice muffled by the closed door.
“It’s (Y/N), sir. I was hoping to speak with you.”
There was a pause, and in that time you considered the option of fleeing back to your room and retreating back to a life of emotional safety, normality. It wasn’t too late to forget.
It had been a week since you spoke to Mikasa on the rooftop, after realizing the deep shit your heart decided to put you in. You didn’t think Levi would notice the distracted nature of your behavior-- tried to make it as subtle as possible whilst you figured out what you felt for him. 
But before you could explore other options, Levi muttered a stern “enter.” You knew with the first expedition back to Shiganshina tomorrow, and the prospect of death closer than it has ever been on a mission, it was now or never. 
The room was dim, small, warm, and thick with building tension. Shadows danced across the Captain’s face, sharp features lit by an orange flame. Only candlelight, sourced at his desk, assisted your adjusting eyes. 
Your nose was hit with the smell of tea and cleaning products upon entry. This fact made you smile despite your bundling nervous energy. It was a familiar place, filled with memories of late night conversations (granted, of mostly you speaking and him listening), witnessed only by the large piles of paperwork. It started here and resulted in a natural, growing fondness kept secret to all except you two and the moon looking in from the window. 
This man was your squad leader, your commander, your trusted comrade. There was no need to be afraid-- Not unless of course, you held the potential to shatter such damn a delicate relationship.
And you did. 
Was it worth it?
Your gaze gravitated towards the center of the room where the Lance Corporal sat. And in that instant, your smile evaporated instantly. He placed his pen down, gracefully resting his cheek on his fist and lazily tossing the raven locks out of his eyes-- they landed on you, piercing yet drowsy and indifferent upon first glance. He was beautiful, as always. The allure was nearly sickening; unfair to the rest of the world.
Looking closer, however, he was anything but relaxed. The observant eye could see his countenance stirred something different. He seemed sharp and focused, ready to dart out and wrap himself around your heart, squeezing tighter with every breath you took. And you felt it-- the heart palpitations, which got worse at the sight of him.
He seemed… different. Dangerous, like a storm stirring in the distance, and the inevitable downpour that comes with it. The dark circles under his eyes told tales about the insomnia; a fresh cup of caffeinated black tea even rested on his left, steam rising out of it. And whilst attraction was undeniable, your concern always came first.
Levi was never quite good at getting proper rest before a mission.
“(Y/N),” The word was breathy, yet his voice was rough.
You shuffled in your spot, your name on his tongue making your stomach churn with desire.
Levi seemed to pick up on your affliction, getting out of his chair and gliding towards you. Everything happened fast and slow all at once, starting off with a momentaneous rush of air and  the collision of your back with the office wall. A small shriek filled the air, out of place against the silence; was that your voice? The pain should’ve been there, but it wasn’t.
Then the seconds dragged out. Levi was a new person, setting your skin aflame as he gripped your wrists and pinned them against the wall. His lips brushed your eartips, which turned red the instant the raven’s breath fanned over them. This normally reserved, disciplined man unleashed something you had never seen before.
“Finally ready to talk to me about why you’ve been acting so strange, brat?” he whispered.  
This wasn’t supposed to be so dirty. He was angry, but the mood was established in layers: something more sinister existed beneath.
The scent of fresh pine filled your nostrils until your brain went foggy. Levi was close--so close, and with the fact that you’ve been avoiding him mixed in with the fact that you missed him for it, all bets were off: there was no stopping the words that came out of your mouth next.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you whispered back, looking him dead in the eyes, no fear this time.
His grip on your wrist slackened.
You took in a deep breath, ready to leave it all on the line, and spoke.
“I like you a lot, sir. And not in a comradery type of way. I-I just thought I’d tell you before, you know, we leave tomorrow.” Your gaze found the floor again, too timid for your own good. But the statement was said, and it was finite; there was no turning away from it.
The Captain’s eyes went wide and gleamed brightly at you. His chest felt lighter and as he looked down at you in speechless awe, staring at anything but his face in your adorable embarrassment, he realized exactly why your absent look irked him those days ago. Why your lack of enthusiasm and lighthearted-ness gave him a strange sense of frustration. 
Levi never felt more awake, more hyper aware of his surroundings. 
The feeling of your chest pressed against him, the heat of those rosy cheeks, the pounding within his ribcage, the moon hitting your pretty face. With your figure in his arms, after the blissful seconds passed, everything felt, for once, okay.
Until it wasn’t.
Gaining the courage to look back up at him, you all but tore apart at the scowl on his face as demons flitted through his beautiful brain and polluted the image of happiness. Levi grew more indignant by the second, all but throwing your arms he held back at your sides like they were poison to the touch. 
Tears pooled in your eyes as the soft expression you didn’t get to see turned sour, disgusted-- the Captain’s lips curling into a snarl as he imagined what he could lose if he opened up his heart for this girl in front of him to take. The risk and pain of falling for someone, in the world the two of you lived in. And all the stoic man could think was how he allowed this charade to come so far.
No, he wouldn't allow it.
“Get out, (L/N)” he commanded, harsh and unforgiving.
You were trembling, body feeling detached from reality as it moved, convincing itself that it was simply a nightmare. Levi’s cruel demeanor all but shattered you as you looked wide-eyed and his anger grew, the short man pacing behind his desk and bringing a hand over his face. His free one crumpled into a fist, knuckles turning white as he slammed it on the wood, the loud bang making you jump; the fear, grief, confusion coming all at once until it choked you and your vision spotted black.
“I said GET OUT!”
The room stilled and Levi looked up to face you cowering near the door, a single tear rolling down your cheek. He stilled at the sight, the weight of his words dawning upon him.  
“I-I’m sorry,” you gasped before racing out of the room.
Had you looked back, you would’ve seen Levi’s outstretched hand betraying his body, desperately reaching out for you, gray eyes filled with pain.
But you knew now you’d never be dumb enough to spare him that second glance-- and maybe that was the right call, seeing as his feet moved in the direction you left, only to shut the door left askew in your wake.  
The Captain’s gaze was on you more than necessary, but it was clear the two of you had the same thought: You focused everything into this discussion, melting into the emotionally-detached soldier your duty commanded, just like Levi did. His words had no ulterior motive, no deeper meaning. They were monotonous and empty.
Or so you thought.
Levi stood up the second you came in, but your gaze fell to the ground in submission.
“Hange said you needed to see me, Captain?” your voice was small and weak; you kicked yourself for it. How pathetic.
“Damn you...”
The man said nothing more, brushing his fingers along your cheekbones and you everything hit you like whiplash, the memories. Levi ran them along your face, down to your chin to lift it gently, so that for once you’d let your eyes meet instead of looking at the ground like a coward.
When they did the man’s breath hitched in his throat, because although your (eye color) orbs were no longer as vibrant, they were still beautiful and entrancing; why hadn’t he ever appreciated them before? 
"I missed you, brat," he spoke firmly.
You felt a churn in your abdomen as you watched his eyes study the details of your face and take in every feature, committing it to memory painfully slow. You were paralyzed, his face inches away from yours and forcing buried emotions to resurface as months of restraint came undone. He didn’t speak, holding you delicately after not being this close for far too long and discerning what he’s been missing.  
“Um, Captain? What are you...?"
You bit your lip, feeling puzzled and confused as you remembered the hate in Levi's orbs the last time you saw him like this.
All you could see now was how quickly his emotions shifted from serenity to fury that fateful night, and as you recollected the way Levi lashed out, all chaos and fury, he retracted his hand.
And you flinched away.
The Captain froze.
“Don’t-- don’t fucking do that,” he growled, his urgency startling. “I would never hurt you, (Y/N).”
Your eyebrows furrowed, all inhibition thrown out the window the second Levi’s countenance flashed with hurt at your response to his touch. You let your fear go and emotions free at the irony of the raven’s statement. Your mind went into overdrive, recounting every instance you wanted to give up and leave, drown in yourself, give up on finding purpose in the aftermath of rejection and Squad Levi’s death and your permanent injury changing your way of life. Things you faced alone, because instead of rekindling any semblance of a relationship, Levi tossed everything away and berated you for feeling.
The man who resided here cut your heart expertisely like the countless swords he wielded then disposed. He did not have the right to look at you so kindly; did not have to right to fan the flames of false hope. But here he was, procrastinating until the very last day to take initiative regarding those actions.
“Why are you doing this?” you whispered, forgetting your composure.
“I’d advise you not to speak in riddles,” Levi spoke in a low and even voice, no real malice as he addressed you and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You took a deep breath and fought to remain calm, grabbing Levi's wrist to keep him from touching you.
“Please don’t toy with me, or mock my feelings like this. Why did you call me here? You made it plenty clear how you feel about me, Levi. What else is there to say?" you begged, the lack of closure driving you insane.
This was the first time you used his name, an unprecedented amount of spite and pain expressed through it, because you wanted Levi to remember this moment. It was over: that time of feeling sorry and ashamed of yourself for being nothing other than human. The remorse was gone, and the heartache was fleeting.
“Tell me, dammit!”
His was overflowing.
“You want to know how I really feel about you, (Y/N)!?” the Captain shouted, voice rising because for a man who relied on impulse and action on the battlefield it was fucking frustrating, watching the woman in front of him live this way for the simple reason that he was not good with words. "The thoughts that go through my head when you can't even bear to look at me?!"
"No, that's not what I asked. I already know that you don't--"
"--Fuck this."
Relying on instinct to guide him, Levi leaned forward and kissed you.
The second his lips met yours, you melted on the spot, knees giving out beneath you. Tongue sliding into your mouth, Levi simultaneously lifted you into the air, feeling lightheaded as you moaned into him, eagerly returning the kiss. His hands were everywhere, grasping at your waist, clutching the back of your head, running down your thighs. You were in such a state of euphoria that nothing else existed.
Your own digits threaded through Levi’s raven locks and pulled needily, emitting a growl from his throat as he bit down on your lower lip. He reveled in the feeling of your legs around his waist as your soft lips worked against his own, hungry and relentless. The kiss was passionate and you’d imagined it a million times over, but this-- Levi successfully ruined you for any other man.
The need for oxygen pulled you apart, Levi’s strong arms keeping you in the air as his eyes remained shut; he pecked your lips once, then twice, savoring the moment until it mournfully passed.
He was hesitant to break the silence, but you deserved it. You waited long enough to hear the truth, and he knew his time was running out; you weren’t going to wait for him forever.
“(Y/N)...” he began to speak, forehead resting on yours as he panted softly to catch his breath. “I dreamt of you last night. I have been for days.”
“--Just listen,” he interrupted, unable to stop himself from kissing you softly once more. “Neither of us are running away this time.”
You fell silent as the man let you down, pulling you into his solid chest as you buried your face in his shirt, patiently listening. His calm heartbeat thrummed soothingly in your ears like a metronome.
“Isabel, Farlan, Oluo, Petra, Gunther, Eld. They all knew that what they meant to me. And I them."
One of the only things that made it easier to say goodbye, you thought with a bittersweet pang in your chest.
"With us, it's different. I died in every dream, (Y/N). Every one. And in every single one, you lived on believing I never loved you. Call me selfish, but I...”
You pulled away from the stoic man, searching his gaze as he trailed off. Shyly, you interlaced your fingers, his larger hand enveloping yours and you prayed to whoever was listening upstairs that all of this was real.
“I just can't leave until you understand...”
He clutched you impossibly tighter, eyes squeezing shut.
"...that you, are everything."
~~~ Extended Ending ~~~
A soft hum filled the air, the tune dreamy and sweet as you repeated the melody once again. You smiled warmly as hands wound around your waist, pulling you closer to a toned and shirtless Captain Levi, silken sheets tossed haphazardly on top of the two of you. His breath sent goosebumps on your neck as he kissed your shoulder gently, warmth deliciously intoxicating. 
Giggling now, you turned around to face him, the man’s onyx hair ticking you softly. You captured your lips in his with one smooth movement and snuggled closer, taking in the small slice of heaven that was home in his arms, legs tangled together. Feeling unbelievably content, like your heart might burst, you leaned forward and rubbed your nose against Levi's. 
Although he wasn't smiling, the look he was giving you revealed his own sensation of happiness.
“I never thought you’d be the cuddling type,” you remarked devilishly, scrunching up your nose as you teased him. 
Though your tone was lighthearted, you were painfully aware that the moment was ending. You internally cursed the sun as it started to set, orange light peeking in through the window shades to signal the coming of night. Levi said nothing, looking deeply into your eyes, and like always, it felt as if he could read the contents of your soul. 
But it wasn’t vulnerability you felt: on the contrary, you knew you would never find as safe a place as here. With him. Finally.  
“Levi...” you swallowed, humor all but gone. “Now you have to come home.” 
To emphasize your point you sat up on the bed, legs tucked neatly underneath you as you stared imperatively at your lover. 
“Mhm. We’ve wasted enough time,” he agreed, taking you by the wrist to pull you back on top of him, to bask in this personal paradise if only for another minute. 
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vldlance ¡ 4 years ago
tell me abt lance’s history with catholicism. :}
disclaimer: i am not a catholic and i know little abt it...i was raised w/o religion but went to a christian school for years so any/all info i have here is...based on vague osmosis of information from that/media lksjdflksjdflksdj. also i think i did attend one catholic mass once but it wasn’t on purpose and it was Mad stressful
yeah i think lance’s family would be catholic lol but that’s not exactly controversial and seems to be the fanon interpretation overall
however i think lance...never would’ve really believed in it
i’m just imagining little tiny lance at mass trying desperately to sit still with undiagnosed ADHD...
his mom CONSTANTLY has to remind him of all the little things he’s meant to be doing. he does the sign of the cross hand motion incorrectly for YEARS and he always forgets to do the kneeling thing before he enters the pew
he will never remember all the prayers and stuff. his mom and dad r really devout about praying the rosary when mass starts and he just watches them and fidgets in his seat the whole time because he literally cannot remember what he’s supposed to be doing or saying
he always hates that no one wants to talk during church bc they’re all praying. he tries to sit and pray but he’s like? not sure what to pray for?
10 year old lance: uh...dear god...help me do that cool trick on my bike i’ve been trying to do. and? i have a math test coming up? ok cool thanks
he then looks around and realizes he’s still supposed to be praying. instead he sits there and imagines all his transformers at home and plays with them in his head
his mom keeps having to nudge him bc he’s making sound effects under his breath
most of mass for him is just phasing out and trying to pay just enough attention to stand when everyone else stands or kneel when they kneel or whatever
he likes after church though because his mom always lets him play with the other kids in the parking lot while she talks to all her church friends
as he gets older, he gets more stressed out by church. he feels...guilty, a lot of the time, and especially so once he starts realizing he crushes on boys
the catholic church doesn’t really have a great track record with the gays. even when they aren’t talking about it, he knows that he would be in trouble if he ever said anything about being bi
he once confesses feeling things for boys during confession
13 year old lance: i have a friend, elliot. he’s nice. but...sometimes i think he’s really pretty. is that okay?
priest: listen to me closely. you are being tested by the devil--
lance: haha cool i was just kidding ANYWAYS
he never says anything again
when he goes to the garrison at age 14, it gets...easier
he doesn’t really keep up with doing any of the catholic stuff. he feels less guilty, though
he still wears his cross necklace...he just hides it under his uniform
when they go to space with voltron, it’s about the same, he just doesn’t really have time to think about it
it’s easier to avoid without his weekly calls to his mom. it’s not even like she brings it up, but he just feels guilty whenever he’s not 100% honest with her
he’s pretty sure he’ll never tell her, though.
especially once he dies. it’s really hard to believe in things after that, especially things that tell him he’s wrong for loving who he loves
especially when there’s a boy that he’s falling more and more in love with every single day
they eventually get back to earth, and he’s not sure what will happen next, but his mom doesn’t seem keen to press him on his religious affiliations after he’s been missing for so long
his cross necklace now sits in a special box in his room. he still likes it, even if he doesn’t want to wear it daily
this seems sad towards the end don’t talk to me but! anyways i hope that was enough sldjflksjdf it got really long sorry
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izlaria ¡ 4 years ago
Someone you like (part 6)
This is the final chapter of my “Someone you like” inspired fic. It’s also available on AO3 in case you prefer that platform.
Special thanks to @rueitae for betaing this chapter and to @onlysilvy for being a darling this whole time. Your support means everything. Also, sorry, Rue, I have no self-control.
Summary: Lance falls in love with Pidge on two different occasions. They eventually figure it out.
25 and 23 years old
The end of Lance’s first year as an MFE fighter saw him standing in front of Pidge’s room, wringing his hands. Anxiety clawed at his chest, but he had made up his mind to finally confess his feelings. With the anniversary of Allura’s death fast approaching – it was only two months away –, both Keith and Hunk had advised him to either spill his guts soon or wait for the new year. Lance had taken this to heart.
His work in the Garrison didn’t put him in direct contact with Pidge, but the two of them always made up excuses to see each other after hours. They would spend evenings in his apartment, playing video games or watching movies, or they would go over to Shiro’s for a round of Monsters and Mana, enjoying how excited Curtis got over the storylines.
Most of the time, Lance felt like they were already a couple, with how much they bantered. Even Veronica assured him that they were insufferable. So, every day it got harder for Lance to control his instinct to pull Pidge to him and kiss her, to finally let her know how much Lance wanted her in his life, forever.
But he was getting ahead of himself.
Before Lance could make up his mind to knock, the door slid open to reveal Romelle. She stood there with a hand on her hip, her blonde hair pinned in a bun at the top of her head.
“You do realize there’s a sensor on the door?” There was laughter in her voice. “And a camera. I’ve been staring at your distressed face for almost five minutes.” Alarm must have flashed through his expression, because she snorted. “Don’t worry, she’s not here right now.”
“It’s nice to see you too, Romelle,” he said with little-to-no enthusiasm. The girl continued to grin at his misery, stepping aside so Lance could walk into the room. “When did you even get here?”
She moved to the bed, where several books were scattered around, and plopped back against the pile of pillows. Around the room, machinery parts and clothing pieces battled for the floorspace. It was an aspect of Pidge that never changed, the organized chaos of her room that no doubt reflected that brilliant mind of hers.
“Keith stopped by Altea to pick me up. Hunk wanted me to bring some produce from that quadrant, because Colleen’s last harvest was apparently jeopardized by a flood a junior botanist caused.” Romelle shrugged. “Katie didn’t know the specifics.”
Her use of Pidge’s given name no longer surprised Lance. People around the Garrison usually referred to the Holts by their titles, since their ranks within the organization demanded a certain level of reverence, but many of their colleagues from the war still called her Katie. Especially those who spent their time with Sam and Colleen, like Romelle.
“Have you seen Hunk and Matt yet?” Lance took a seat on the couch. It was old and gray, but comfortable enough. He and Shiro had dragged it into Pidge’s dorm after one too many nights of eating dinner on the floor.
The blonde shook her head. “Hunk and Shay are grabbing me for lunch and Matt is busy with his girlfriend.” She leaned against the headboard and, although her posture remained relaxed, the look in her eyes spoke of mischief. “Katie said I could chill –” she made quotation marks with her hands – “here while I waited, but if I’m interrupting something…”
Lance gave a spastic wave of his arms that probably did nothing to deny her suspicions. It was just his luck that Romelle was there again. She’d already witnessed his struggle when asking Allura out and now she could see right through him.
“Interrupting?” He forced a laugh. “Nah! It’s fine! Always good to see a friendly face!”
Romelle didn’t have the skill to emulate Pidge’s unimpressed look, but being best friends with Matt had certainly helped her get close to it. However, she also didn’t seem invested enough in his drama to pry, going back to digging through the books.
“I’m sure it was not 
 face you had hoped to see,” she commented nonchalantly, still looking down at the different covers. “Alas, it is what it is. Katie is in a meeting, so you might as well keep me company.”
Lance frowned at her, but chose not to follow through with the subject. “What are those books for?”
“It turns out that an education based around the teachings of a megalomaniac prince did not actually cover as much astrology as I had hoped.” Romelle looked down at her palms. There was an edge to her smile that Lance was sad to recognize as self-deprecation. “Hunk helps with what he can, but Matt and Katie are the real connoisseurs, apparently, so they gave me some material from when they were younger.” She heaved a sigh. “It’s a lot.”
“I’m really proud of you.” Lance smiled at her, a little awkward. “Allura would be, too.”
“What? Where did that come from?” Romelle made a face at him, but she was smiling as well. “I am simply trying to do my best. There is a lot I don’t know.”
“Yeah, but you’ve done your best since I met you and it’s always been enough.” Lance shrugged, shifting his gaze to the whiteboard that hung over Pidge’s bed. The equations there meant nothing to him. “Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to stop Lotor or Honerva. Besides, the Holts are very selective of the people they like. They don’t just take on hopeless cases.”
Romelle blew out a breath. Their eyes met tentatively, as they were both embarrassed by the situation. “You know, it is surprisingly easy to forget that you are a good person.”
“I’ve been told,” he deadpanned, much to the Altean’s amusement.
“Look, I do not need you to cheer me up. I appreciate it, but you can keep your compliments for Katie, who we both know would enjoy them more.” Even as she said this, it was clear that Romelle felt a little better. She picked up one of the books. “If you want to help, just quiz me on chapter ten.”
Lance got up from the couch to accept the book, grinning when he recognized the title. “Hey, I know this one!” He sat back down and flipped to the table of contents. “Yeah, I had to read this for a summer course I took when I was fourteen. That’s when I met Hunk,” he added for Romelle’s benefit.
“Hm, funny, that one is Matt’s.” She kneeled on the bed to look at the cover. “And there was one of Katie’s ribbons in it, so I believe she also read it.”
“One of her ribbons?” Lance frowned at her in curiosity. He had never seen Pidge carry ribbons around, but what would have been a ridiculous image in their teen years was now utterly charming. It was lovely to find out these small details about her.
“Yes. She used them to mark the pages when younger. There, there!” Romelle pointed to the book until Lance reached a page where a green ribbon laid across the words. She grinned. “Isn’t it adorable?”
It was.
At the same time, it reminded him of the difficulties Pidge had undergone during middle school and how she had only had Matt and her parents to rely on. Had she read her brother’s book as a way to escape the words of her colleagues? Or had she loved space so fiercely even then that her time of leisure was spent going through Matt’s training material?
“Do you think this is when their little feud over color-coding started?” Romelle broke him out of these thoughts. She had opened another one of the books and was flipping through the pages absent-mindedly. “I swear to the moons of Cobturg, if I have to listen to their arguments about this one more time, I–”
There was a beep and the door to the room opened once more, shutting Romelle up at once. Pidge took a second to look them over, before dropping her purse down at the coffee table.
“Why do you look so guilty?” She narrowed her eyes at Romelle, who let out a noise of protest, as if to say ‘Who? Me?’.
Lance went to her rescue. “She was telling me about the ribbons you used to collect.” He held up the green fabric, grinning. “Who would have thought? Our Pidge Gunderson was actually a normal, little girl once.”
Her hair was short again. It looked different, though, more put-together than the hairstyle she had used during their time in space. He supposed her responsibilities in the Garrison demanded a more polished appearance, but he kind of missed the disarray.
She looked very pretty like this. In fact, the overall effect of her wide-legged slacks, light-blue blouse, the hair and the boots left him feeling a little dazed.
Pidge rolled her eyes and made a grab for the ribbon, but Lance stood up and pulled it out of reach. She almost lost her balance from his sudden movement, putting a knee up on the couch to keep in place.
“Did you really come in here just to test my patience?” she asked, still standing in front of him.
Lance clicked his tongue playfully. “Nothing makes me happier than seeing you blush in anger.” He waved the ribbon around, smirking. “You make a beautiful tomato.”
“She’s more of a strawberry, really,” Romelle pointed out from her perch on the bed. She gestured towards her face. “It’s the little dots.”
“Those are called freckles.” Pidge pushed away from the couch and towards the Altean. “You were supposed to be studying, not ganging up with Lance to bother me.”
Romelle’s face dropped into an impressively effective look of anguish. “But it’s boring to study by myself.” She grabbed Pidge’s hands, swinging their arms lightly. “You promised I could do your hair before I left!”
Pidge glanced at him over her shoulder. Whether it was because she thought Lance might help her or simply because she was mortified by the idea of doing something so girly in front of him, he couldn’t tell. Before he could intervene, however, there was another beep from the door, then a knock.
“That must be Hunk,” Pidge declared, jumping away from Romelle.
The blonde rolled her eyes, but slid out of the bed and opened a small panel on the wall, where a screen was hidden. From behind her, Lance could see Hunk and Shay talking on the video feed.
“Saved by the bell,” he heard Pidge mutter under her breath.
“Aw, come on, Pidgeon.” Lance aimed a shit-eating grin at her, knowing it was easier to taunt her into things than to simply ask. “Now I want to see you looking all primped up!”
The girl did not back down. She puffed up her chest, lips set into a line, and turned to face him fully. “You’re supposed to be on my side here!” Then, in a lower voice, “I don’t want to set miss excitable over there loose with a brush!”
“I will have you know –” Romelle waggled a finger in the air – “that everyone in our crew thinks very highly of my styling skills. Is it not true?”
She whipped around to prod at her two teammates, who had just been let into the room. Hunk looked doubtful, but Shay nodded her head solemnly.
“Her hair is widely regarded as the most luscious and well-kept of our ship,” Shay declared with all the straight-faced earnestness that could be expected from a rock-person.
“She and Hunk are the only ones who have hair!” Pidge threw her hands up in frustration.
Lance felt himself chuckle. He barely ever got to see the interactions between this group. During his time at the farm, the only occasion when he saw everyone together was on the day they celebrated the end of the war. It hurt a little to think of all the events he’d lost while in Cuba or on his travels.
“How much harm can she really do?” He approached Pidge and ran a hand through her hair, letting the ends curl around his fingers. “I’m sure you’ll look beautiful.”
Pidge eyed him carefully and, though her countenance betrayed nothing, Lance was sure he’d felt her shudder at his touch.
“My hair is too short to do more than stubby ponytails,” she continued her objections. “It would be far from beautiful.”
“I don’t know…” He gave her a wink and, this time, red flooded her cheeks. “I’m pretty sure there’s nothing anyone could do to make you not beautiful.”
“I changed my mind.” The interruption froze him in place, hand still on the nape of Pidge’s neck. “Get me out of here,” Romelle said to the other two, ignoring the glare Lance sent her way. “Before I scream.”
Hunk choked out a laugh. “Elle, you haven’t seen the worst of it.”
Lance pulled his hand back quickly. He hadn’t meant to act so impulsively, not in front of their friends at least. The only excuse he could find was that their antics had filled him to the brim with affection and now it spilled out, untamed.
“Don’t you three have a lunch to get to?” Pidge pushed her glasses up, moving away from Lance and further into the room. She stopped by her bedside table and fiddled with a tablet that had been lying there.
Surprisingly, Romelle let her avoidance pass without comment. She gave Pidge a long look, before voicing her agreement. “I’m taking these two to that coffeeshop you and I go from time to time.” There was something strangely emphatic about how she was speaking. “They have a new dessert I want Hunk to try and replicate.”
Pidge tensed, still not looking up from the tablet. “You mean the one we discovered with Allura.”
Lance and Hunk shared a look of confusion and dread. From the way Romelle’s expression twisted, it didn’t seem like that kind of despondency was what she had been trying to evoke. And Shay, bless her heart, appeared to be at a loss and kept shifting her gaze between the four of them, waiting for an explanation.
“Should we go, then?” she asked, uncertain. Romelle gave a quick nod and turned her face away from them. The frown she sported appeared out-of-place in the usually bright Altean.
“I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Pidge had sat down on her bed and her eyes zeroed in on Romelle. “We can talk more then.”
The two girls nodded at each other.
As they traded goodbyes, Hunk sidled up to Lance, giving him an all-enveloping hug. They had talked earlier that morning, but Lance’s impending confession put him out-of-sorts. It was a nice hug, another aspect of the Garrison life that he’d missed: his friend, the support he gave, his unyielding belief on the people he loved.
Hunk held him in the hug for a second. “Don’t let her get away, dude.” They separated, but his friend kept going. “Not like this.”
And then he and Shay were gone.
Romelle stopped at the door. She turned to give Lance a considering look. “You mentioned Allura earlier. Wherever she may be, she would have wanted nothing but your happiness.” Her eyes shifted to something behind him and Lance could almost feel Pidge’s uneasiness at the stare. “That goes for the both of you.”
The door closed behind her, leaving those last words to hang in the air.
“Will you tell me what that was about?” Lance crossed the room to sit by Pidge. He poked her knee until she looked up at him.
“Can I pretend that it was just Romelle being Romelle?” Her eyes were sad as she said this. He almost gave in, but his worry spoke louder than his sympathy.
“I might not know her as you do, but I doubt Romelle would say anything to hurt you.” He grimaced. “Not intentionally.”
“Intentional or not, I just think she’s meddling where she’s not wanted.” The sharpness in her voice made Lance flinch.
“You don’t mean that.”
“I am sick of people acting like they know what’s best for me.” Pidge wrapped her arms around herself. It was such an uncharacteristic gesture for her that Lance wasn’t sure what to say. “I am happy. Who is she to doubt that?”
“Your friend?” he offered, keeping his voice soft.
Pidge normally handled obstacles with a bull-headedness that most feared. She and Romelle had this in common, the fierceness that had sent them travelling through the galaxies to ensure justice was made for their families. His friend couldn’t see the hypocrisy in her claim that the Altean was being meddlesome when Pidge’s own curiosity had often led her to intrude on other people’s matters.
She was a very private person and almost completely indifferent to gossip, true, but she went above and beyond for what did spark her interest.
“Romelle being my friend gives her the right to question my judgement?” Pidge sent him a fulminating look, before turning her eyes away.
“A little.” Lance chuckled to himself, despite receiving an elbow to the side for his answer. “C’mon, don’t act as if you guys didn’t question my actions after the war!”
“Aren’t our circumstances a little different?” Her voice was dry as the Arizona desert. “It’s not like I’m burying myself in work or something. I just…” She forced out a breath. “I’m satisfied with my life. I have friends and my family is safe and I’m respected in the Garrison. What more does she want from me?”
Lance just looked at her. In many ways, Pidge was right. She was still very young, despite having lived through so much, and there would be time for adventures or romance or whatever Romelle had wanted for her.
Still, the notion caused something to ache in his chest. He wanted Romelle’s words to be about him.
Since his return, many of their colleagues had insinuated that there was something more between him and Pidge, and Lance had allowed it. He loved her sincerely, but he’d spent the past year swallowing flirtatious remarks, afraid to scare her off. The rumors about them had seemed like a good way to put the idea into Pidge’s head, even as she grew more and more upset with the comments.
“She mentioned the coffeeshop because she wanted to remind me of a conversation we had when we first went there,” Pidge confessed as the silence stretched between them. “About something I wanted all those years ago.”
“What was it?” Lance frowned at her.
“Nothing that matters. I couldn’t have it then and I can’t have it now.” She didn’t look away from him, this time, and their locked gazes sent electricity down Lance’s spine. There was a heaviness in her eyes that made them look dark, even in the well-lit room.
Lance reached for her hand, pulling her arm away from her middle and onto his lap. He played with her fingers; the ribbon lied forgotten over his thigh.
“Pidgeon, I’ve never known you to give up on what you want.” He smiled at her, feeling a wave of fondness shoot through him. Her hand twisted in his grip, as if she’d meant to close it into a fist.
“I thought I was over it,” Pidge whispered, more to herself than to him.
Lance worked his jaw, hoping he hadn’t misinterpreted the look she was giving him. He could swear her eyes had lowered to his mouth for a fraction of a second. It made his whole body feel hot, like a burning star had settled in his chest and turned the blood in his veins into pure heat.
The implication was not lost in him. Had Pidge liked him back then? Had that affection survived the years of his self-imposed isolation?
“I think –” he started, eyes unable to leave her face – “that some things are worth the wait.” And then, without breaking eye contact, Lance lifted Pidge’s hand to his mouth and kissed her pulse.
The reaction was instantaneous. Color rushed up her complexion, an uneven redness that Lance had taunted her about in their younger years and that now seemed disproportionally attractive. In this bubble of heat they created, Lance felt he could see her brilliance clearer than ever.
Pidge was beautiful, not only because of how she looked, but because of who she was.
Because he was looking so closely, Lance could tell the exact moment her bewilderment dwindled. Her eyes hardened, her mouth curved down.
“Can you not?” she snapped, shaking away his grip to stand up.
“Not what?” Lance stared at her back as fear welled up inside him.
“Not stand so close. Not touch me like that.” Pidge waved her arms around as she spoke. “Not get my hopes up when I know you don’t mean it.”
“How could you possibly think I don’t mean it?” It was his turn to sound indignant.
“Because you’re loverboy Lance! You go after these bombshell women, with their long limbs and their poise…” She struggled to finish her thought, groaning. “I don’t want to be another one of your conquests!”
“Is that what you really think of me?” He felt angry at the possibility. This was Pidge, someone who should know Lance better than the average, Voltron-show-watching acquaintance. She knew he hadn’t really gone into relationships in the past few years, still healing from Allura’s death.
“I don’t know what to think.” She stopped moving, letting her arms hang at her sides. Despite the defeat in her stance, when Pidge looked at him, there was pride in how she held her chin. “I know who I am. I am intelligent and brave and reliable. But I’m not nice,” she said the word with a hint of repulse, “or patient or charming.”
“Of course I know that!” Lance had to hold back a grimace. That hadn’t come out quite right. “But you wanna know what else you are?” He didn’t wait for a response. “You’re the girl who always called me out on my bullshit. The one who has saved my ass more times than I can count, who helped me study for my piloting exams.” He lowered his tone, calming down a little. “You’re the girl who came to meet me at the farm every month to bring all the games I had missed in the US.”
Pidge still didn’t look completely convinced, but she didn’t dodge him when Lance approached.
“The releases always came out late in Varadero,” she interjected with a frown.
He laughed at her excuse. “You came because you wanted to make sure I was okay. Then, after I was done wallowing, you were the one who flew out to meet me in Greece and Korea and Chile.” He took her hand, feeling more confident. “And every time we met up, it was like my body relaxed. Ah,” he acted out, “I’m finally here. With my best friend.”
“That’s just it, Lance. I’m your friend.” Pidge studied his expression with furrowed brows. “You may be feeling – I don’t know! Moved by how close we’ve gotten?” She shook her head. “But I was in love with you for three years before I could accept that you’d only ever have eyes for Allura.”
“We’ve talked about this, Katie.” He kept his grasp on her hand, even as Pidge tried to move away. She had grown uncomfortable with his use of her name. “I did love Allura, but she’s gone. I deserve to go after what I want, too.”
“And what you want is me?” she sounded unconvinced.
“How can you be so smart and still so dense?” Lance threw his head back in frustration. “Everyone sees it. Hunk, Shiro, even Keith!” He sighed. “Even Romelle. Today, she wasn’t making fun of you or scolding you or whatever that exceptional and traumatized brain of yours came up with.” Lance had to hold up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “Romelle was trying to encourage me.”
Pidge stood there and, although she was quiet, her eyes remained sharp. Lance feared that he’d gone too far, but he knew rationally that Pidge had already exposed all she had to say and that it was up to him to erase her doubts.
He raised his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek. Pidge’s eyes fluttered shut.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Her voice was barely a whisper. “How can you be so sure that we will be fine after this?”
Lance leaned down to press a kiss against her eyelashes, then her cheeks, then the corner of her mouth. He heard her inhale sharply and hold the breath. Feeling her reactions to him right under his palm was a kind of inebriation he’d never experienced before.
“I know,” Lance let his lips drag against her skin, “because I’ve committed myself to seeing you happy.” He put some space between them so that he could look into her eyes. The flushed vibrancy of Pidge’s complexion made an image that stupefied him. “Even if that means I turn away right now.”
Her hands snaked up his chest to rest on Lance’s neck, pulling him down. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” he couldn’t resist asking, a smile tugging at his lips. Pidge rolled her eyes but didn’t push away when Lance rested his forehead against hers.
“Don’t go.” She was the one to kiss the corner of his mouth, now. “Stay.”
They met in the middle.
Lance felt her hands curl into the collar of his shirt as they kissed, her lips pushing softly against his. The touch was unbearably tender, starting a tingle that ran up and down his back. In return, he used the hand that wasn’t on her cheek to hold Pidge against him. He drew circles on the fabric of her blouse, thankful that it was fine enough to feel the give of her skin underneath.
Pidge’s lips moved slowly on his, drawing out the sensation of that first contact. It was Lance who could no longer curb his want and he licked into her mouth, once, twice, until she was chasing his tongue with her own. Pidge sighed into the kiss, dragging a hand down over his chest.
He’d had kisses before – soft and passionate and frenzied and meaningless –, but the feel of Pidge’s body against him and the affection Lance held for her had ignited a spark inside of him that spread heat all over. It was the star, back again, now that there were no more secrets between them.
His smile broke the kiss and they parted, panting.
“So…” Lance let both of his hands rest on her waist. The smugness that grew within him must have shown in his expression, because Pidge looked immediately on guard. “When did you fall for me?” He traced a line down her back with his thumb. “I’m pretty sure I heard something about liking me for three years.”
Pidge pushed at his chest, walking him backwards. “Not telling.”
“Can’t I convince you?” He was trying to go for seductive, but the girl merely laughed.
“Don’t you have more pressing matters to focus on?” She continued to move them until Lance’s legs hit the edge of the bed. He blinked down at her.
“Think you can distract me?” He shot her a smirk. Despite the more sensual undertone it carried, challenges weren’t new between them. It comforted Lance that their dynamics had adjusted so easily to this new aspect of their relationship.
Pidge gave a final push, making him sit down on the bed. He had to brace himself against the mattress.
“I’m sure I can think of something,” she said, sarcasm thick on her voice. And then she climbed into Lance’s lap, a knee on each side of his thighs.
He felt his throat go dry and swallowed instinctively. The new position put her mouth just a little higher than his, making Lance tilt his head back to capture her lips.
“You know…” His voice came out strangled. “I always did like the way you think.”
When Pidge leaned over him, the feel of her hips lowering on his almost made him choke. A more conscious part of his brain was not surprised by her boldness, but it did nothing to calm his stammering heart.
“Just shut up, loverboy,” she muttered against his lips, even as their smiles made it difficult to really get into the kiss. Laughter bubbled up in him and Lance continued to kiss Pidge as her own giggles erupted. There was joy in her mouth and in his chest and in every point of contact between them.
“Oh, I’d forgotten about this.” Lance picked up the green piece of fabric that peaked out from behind a metal plaque.
Pidge glanced up at him, but her attention quickly shifted back to the code she’d been working on.
“Mom left a bunch of books for Romelle here. I think that’s where the ribbons are coming from.”
Lance smiled. He loved how casually they’d fallen into their relationship. As a young boy, he’d fantasized about girlfriends who fawned over him and his accomplishments, but, after so many years as an intergalactic authority, he had learned to appreciate how domestic they had become.
On moments like this, when it was just the two of them behind a closed door, each preoccupied with their own responsibilities, it was their friendship that he valued the most.
“They’re cute,” he exclaimed happily.
Pidge gave him a look of suspicion. “I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me.”
“I’m serious!” Lance squirmed on the bed until he sidled up to her. “My first love also liked ribbons. It’s one of the things I remember the most about her, the green ribbon in her hair.”
“Are you comparing me to your first girlfriend?” Pidge sounded completely done with him and Lance couldn’t really blame her. “Even I know that’s a no-no in a relationship.”
“I’m not comparing anything!” He waved his hands defensively.
Pidge knocked their shoulders together in teasing. They’d only been together for two weeks, but Lance doubted he would ever see her truly jealous, not due to his mindless chatter at least. She and Hunk had told him that Pidge had shown signs of jealousy during their time in the Castle, but Lance couldn’t recall them for the life of him.
It was endlessly frustrating.
“You’re lucky I like you.” Pidge lifted his arm and put it around her, burying into Lance’s side.
“Do you think I don’t know that?” He ran his fingers up and down her skin, feeling the goosebumps that formed at his touch. “Fate was kind when it put you in my life.”
Lance dipped down to nibble at her ear, then trailed kisses over the column of her neck. Pidge giggled in his arms, ticklish and embarrassed at her reactions.
“Down, boy.” She pressed a finger to his nose, pushing him back a bit. He pouted at her, trying to entice Pidge into another kiss. “Are you gonna be this tacky every time I say something sarcastic?”
“For as long as you keep finding it attractive,” he retorted. Lance knew he was being conceited, but he couldn’t help it. There was no ego-boost quite like the sounds his girlfriend made when she was underneath him in one of their beds, mouths and hands fervent in their paths.
In a quick movement, he’d captured the tip of her finger between his teeth, biting playfully. It sent Pidge into a bout of laughter, which had her pushing Lance’s face away as he continued to pepper kisses on her palms, her arms, anywhere he could reach.
“You’re so freaking silly, sometimes!” Pidge draped her legs across his, locking him in place. “Why are you trying to catch my attention, anyway?”
Lance leaned back against the headboard, putting his hands on her calves. She was still in her pajamas; an oversized t-shirt and blue shorts that reached mid-thigh. It was more skin than Pidge normally showed, just another sign of how comfortable she was with him.
“I’m a little bored.” He scrunched up his nose, knowing that wasn’t a reason Pidge would accept. She tried to kick him on the arm, but Lance held on. “Hey! I’m done with the flight plans and you’ve been on your laptop since I got here! I’ve been good!”
“You just tried to make out with me,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I was being good and now I want attention,” Lance corrected shamelessly.
Pidge narrowed her eyes at him, but closed her laptop and settled it next to them on the bed. She scooted a bit closer, until she was sitting on Lance’s lap with her arms around his neck.
“So quiet,” she taunted. One of her nails scraped just underneath his ear, making Lance groan. “And sensitive.”
“You’re a little devil.” He dropped his head on her shoulder.
“I finally found a way to shut you up.” Pidge’s carefree laughter rang right in his ear. Since their days as students, it never failed to bring him a sense of accomplishment. No one could distract Pidge quite like him. “I’ll use it how I see fit.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his nape.
Disgruntled, Lance straightened his posture and caught her lips more firmly, tracing the roof of her mouth with his tongue. Pidge responded with no hesitance and her hands dug into his shoulders to hold him in.
Despite the ease with which they fit, this was as far as Lance had tried to go. Kisses and small touches and gasps that left his entire body burning. Although Pidge had gone on a few dates while he was away, Lance was achingly aware that she was still somewhat inexperienced.
More than that, he knew two weeks could not erase insecurities that were born from years watching him flirt with other girls. He felt ashamed of how crass he might have been in front of Pidge, but he had been young and stupid and copying behaviors from men he’d once admired.
He was thankful for his teammates. Lance knew he was a better man for having known Shiro’s integrity and Hunk’s warmth and Keith’s honesty. Coran had shown him there was pride in being genuine. Allura had taught him about the reality of love. Most of all, he was thankful for Pidge and how she’d kept him in line.
They parted slowly, and Lance surged forward one last time to give a peck to Pidge’s lips. She smiled in amusement.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” She ran her fingers through his hair. “We don’t have to be at Shiro’s until dinner.”
Lance checked his watch. They still had a few hours, but he wanted to get something to eat before then. He’d come into Pidge’s room at noon to find she had just woken up, and his girlfriend had refused to go out before she made some progress on a program for Chip. She’d devoured a bag of chips while she worked, but that was not real food.
“We should grab a late lunch somewhere.” Lance disentangled himself from Pidge, much to her discontentment. “And then I need to get you some fruit or granola bars or something for this room.”
“If I need anything, I usually go to the cafeteria or one of the vending machines.” She shrugged, but accepted the hand Lance offered to pull her up.
“And you have the audacity to question my eating habits.” He sent her a sidelong glare.
“You might be able to cook, but it doesn’t count when the only thing you actually prepare is pasta.” Pidge continued to rifle through the clothes on the floor. Then, not finding anything she wanted, she moved to the wardrobe. “Before entering your pantry, I had only ever seen so much tomato sauce on supermarket shelves.”
Lance wanted to defend himself, but Pidge chose this moment to take the edge of her t-shirt and pull it out. It left her in only a bra and shorts, a sight that Lance couldn’t look away from. Her breasts were small but proportional to her petite frame and her skin was even fairer over her chest, ribs and stomach. The overall effect had Lance choking on air.
Pidge laughed as she pulled a dress over her head.
“That was on purpose!” Lance accused, once he’d found his voice.
“You wouldn’t take off my shirt yesterday, so I thought I would give you a taste, then leave you hanging. See how you like it.” She went to look herself over in the bathroom mirror.
“I was being a gentleman!” He puffed out his cheeks. Pidge loved to make things difficult for him, didn’t she?
“Lance, I love you.” She momentarily turned away from her reflection to look at him. “I have trusted you with my life and my heart. Do you really think I don’t trust you with my body?”
When Pidge said things like that, it always sounded completely logical, but relationships weren’t something one could rationalize their way through.
Lance went to stand behind her, resting his hands on the line where her grey dress flared out. Pidge looked very sensible and very beautiful in the high neckline, with how it left her arms exposed.
“I think I want you to believe how much I love you,” he answered, turning her around, “before we do anything you haven’t done yet.”
Her amber eyes were narrowed as she looked at him, but Lance didn’t back down. She eventually heaved a sigh and he could tell he’d won the argument.
“I can’t believe I’m dating a sap.”
“Hey, you knew who I was before!” Lance let her walk past him and back to the bed. “You signed up for this, Pidgeon!”
“Are you ready to go?” She pulled on her sneakers, glaring at him half-heartedly. At her side, Lance caught sight of the green ribbon again.
“Sure, but I think you’re missing something.” At Pidge’s look of confusion, he marched up to her and picked up the ribbon, waving it in the air.
“Really?” she deadpanned at him.
Lance chuckled, already gathering her hair with the fabric. “I just want to see how it looks.” He tied a bow on top of Pidge’s head, snickering. “That really is adorable.”
She frowned up at him and raised a hand to feel what he’d done, then groaned.
“That’s not how I used to wear it!” Pidge protested, already fumbling with the style until the fabric slipped down her short hair.
“Show me, then.” Lance propped his chin on his hand.
Pidge huffed, but laid the ribbon across her hair like a headband, tying a knot on one side and letting the excess fabric hang loose. “There!” she stated with a flourish. “Much less childish.”
“Huh.” Lance stared at her in puzzlement. “That’s… Huh.”
“Does it look that bad?” She patted at her hair. “I haven’t done this since I was thirteen.”
“No!” His answer was hurried. “It just… looks exactly how Italian girl wore it.”
Pidge blinked at him. “Italian girl?”
“My first love. I think I told you about her.” He couldn’t really shake the familiarity of the green ribbon against her reddish-brown hair. “We met in this Space Camp I went to in Miami. Ronie had a research position there and she dragged me along.”
“You’re talking about the Bouman Aeronautics Research Institute.”
Now it was just getting freaky. Pidge, too, looked at him like he’d grown a second head.
“Yeah…” Lance scratched the back of his neck. “How do you know that?”
“Because my father was a lecturer and Matt was also in the research program.” She sounded just as bewildered as he was. “You’re Spanish boy.”
The two stared at each other for a moment. Now that they were talking about it, Lance could see the similarities that he’d missed so far. It was no wonder he’d always liked Pidge’s eyes; he could still remember how they shone in the sunlight.
“Are you actually Italian girl?” He sat down, still in shock.
“I cannot believe that we’ve known each other this whole time.” Pidge threw her head back, laughing. He soon joined her. The situation was just ridiculous.
“And you didn’t want me to believe in fate.” Lance grinned at her. Pidge still wore the green ribbon in her hair and the color contrasted nicely against her features. Maybe it was because he still remembered how she had been as Italian girl, but the image made him feel unexpectedly soft.
“Oh good grief,” she exclaimed suddenly, eyes wide, “I’m the reason you believe in fate!” He burst out laughing again while Pidge swatted at his arm. “It’s not funny! It’s actually awful!”
“Well,” Lance said once he was able to control himself, “at least you can stop thinking you’re not my type. I fell for you twice!”
“You fell for a pretty girl in a dress that you met when you were a child.” Pidge snorted, standing up to grab her purse. Lance clutched her hand with gentle fingers and stopped her from turning away.
“I fell for a smart girl who helped me realize my worth. Twice.” He winked. “Though it certainly didn’t hurt that she was pretty.”
Pidge shook her head disapprovingly, but still leaned down to kiss him, lips moving in a tempting pace against his. When she pulled back, Lance tried to follow.
He felt dazed by their discovery, but not completely blind-sighted. Pidge had always intrigued him, even right at the start. It had taken time for Lance to recognize the feelings he developed for her, like it had with Italian girl, and then he was already in the middle of it, too into her to stop himself from acting stupid.
It might have been the quintessence stored in him or just wishful thinking, but he thought Allura, too, would be cheering for them.
Pidge pulled at his hand until Lance stood up. She looked a bit red, a bit breathless.
“We’ll finish this later, you Casanova.” And she sealed the promise with another kiss.
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heyyyharry ¡ 4 years ago
Chapter 13: Last Dance
(from ‘The Winter and The Crown’)
…in which there’s a masquerade ball.
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Word count: 3.5k
AU: queen!y/n, commander!harry
Description: Y/N and Harry set off on a new adventure to find ‘the cure’ for an ancient curse, meanwhile, the enemies are plotting to take her kingdom.
Wattpad link (Reyna as Y/N aka Peach)
Also, if you've read my other stories, please let me know in my inbox:
which genre do you think I write better at? 
Contemporary romance (Flatmate, My Girl), or Fantasy romance/Historical romance (TCTM, In Another Life), or Fantasy/mystery with romance as a side plot (TCTM2)?
Thank you! :)
Love, Allie.
Harry had sat by the window from when the sun started setting. He watched the shadow at his feet dissolve into blackness, until the stars came out and pallid moonlight washed over the room.
A maid came to light a fire. She asked if he needed anything. He gave her no response, just a flick of his wrist to dismiss her. He could feel her eyes sweep over him as she left. He didn’t care. He knew what the servants in the castle had been whispering about him. People always had a lot to say when they only knew half the story. Which was why Harry hadn’t spoken to anyone since he’d come back. Not even Kenny and Stefan, whom he’d known his whole life. They could sympathise. However, they would never truly understand what he’d gone through.
Though the lake had obliterated all the scars on his skin, he could still feel the pressure of the blade buried deep in his side whenever he thought about the day of the ambush. He’d lost so much since then. Dying and coming back to life only to live like a ghost. Getting his memory back didn’t suddenly make it all better.
A knock on the door disturbed his thoughts. He whipped around just in time as the door creaked open, and Mary poked her head in. Witch, he thought, rising fast from his chair. He remembered being chained up in a cell, and the only thing he’d seen had been her one eye glowing in the dark as she cursed him with her evil spells. He regretted having felt sorry for her once. He should have killed her when he’d got a chance.
“Don’t be scared,” she said, lifting a hand as though she was approaching a prey animal. “I just want to talk.”
“I’m not scared of you,” he told her, his voice rough. “You should be scared because it takes everything in me not to put my hands round your neck right now.”
Mary kept a considerable distance between them as she stopped and swallowed hard. “I’m very sorry about everything you’ve gone through. You know I was forced to do that.”
“No, you chose to do that. You chose to serve Calanthe.”
“I did,” Mary sighed. “I’d lost my sisters. They were all I had. And I blamed Y/N for it. When I came to Calanthe, I was desperate and mourning. But I swear I’m a better person now. I didn’t mean to hurt so many people.”
Harry scoffed, waving towards the door. “You’re not making this any better. Just get out.”
Mary didn’t move. She looked even more determined to get her apology across. “I know I’ve caused a lot of pain for everyone here. That’s not my intention anymore. I just want this war to be over and for everyone to be safe.”
Harry flopped back into his chair, looking out of the window with his chin on his knuckles. If he didn’t acknowledge her presence, hopefully she’d leave him alone.
It didn’t work.
“Something’s bothering you,” she said.
“Yes, I’m still waiting for it to stop talking to me.”
Mary exhaled, ignoring the insult. “It’s the Queen, isn’t it? Because of her bond with the King.” Despite there being no answer or even a reaction, Mary still went on, “I think...it’s for the best, if you just...let her go.”
Harry stiffened. Slowly, he turned to her, appalled. “What?”
“I know you’ll hate me even more after I tell you this,” she said. “But it’s impossible to compete with someone she’s been looking for from lifetime to lifetime. Fate is cruel, but it always does its job. It always brings soulmates back together.”
“I don’t...understand.”
Mary studied Harry with her wide eye, as if she could not figure out why he seemed confused. Then, it occurred to both of them that Y/N hadn’t been completely honest with him.
“She hasn’t told you,” Mary mumbled, more to herself.
“Told me what?”
Harry thought of Y/N’s conversation with the deer before they’d followed it out of the woods. It must have told her more than she’d revealed to him.
Why did his love have to hide the truth from him? Was it because she didn’t trust him? Or because she didn’t think he could handle it? Or was it because she couldn’t believe it herself?
“Then I think you should hear it from her,” Mary said fast.
Harry got to his feet right as she was about to leave. “Tell me.”
Reluctantly, she looked back at him over her shoulder.
“Please,” he added, desperate.
She pondered for a moment before letting go of a heavy sigh. Both of them knew she’d regret this afterwards, and yet she didn’t have it in her to just stay silent.
“All I can say to you is that…” she wet her lip, “Y/N and Lance have a special kind of bond. Two people need years to build such a connection, but those two had already got it when they first met. You may think you understand her, but you’ll never know her as well as he does. And if she ends up choosing you, she’ll probably spend another lifetime missing him.”
Harry was trying to process all that when Mary spun on her heels and slipped out of the room as quietly as she’d entered. The door shut with a soft ‘thud’, and Harry stood there, staring at it with his heart and thoughts racing.
Although he could not make sense of what the witch had just told him, the ball of fear within him grew until his chest felt like it might combust. He fell back into his chair. The moon outside his window was round and high above the empty branches. Harry contemplated it as he recalled the dreams Y/N had told him.
The Moon Lady and the Man in Black.
The witch and the King.
The winter and the crown.
He twisted her gold ring around his finger, agitated. “Fate,” he mumbled to himself.
When the door was opened for the third time, it was Y/N who came in. Harry pressed his lips into a smile, hoping she wouldn’t notice something was wrong. She always noticed. That was the problem.
She put her hands on her hips and surveyed the room before taking him in with a look of concern. “The maid said you’d been here all day. Are you not feeling well?”
“I’m good,” he lied. “I’m just trying to get familiar with all these changes. How was the meeting?”
She stood by the fireplace, folding her arms across her chest and resting her forehead against the wall. “It was...interesting. Soon the news will arrive at Theros, so we’re bracing for the worst. Lance speculated that this was all Calanthe’s plan. She needed a reason to invade the North.”
“She had her most trusted advisor murdered?”
Y/N shrugged. “You don’t think she’s capable of it?”
“We’ve met her, Peach. She’s just a girl.”
“We don’t know her.”
Harry got up from his chair and walked over to stand in front of Y/N. He raked his fingers through his hair and released a sigh. “I can’t imagine her being so cruel and calculated. They’re using her.”
“What do you mean? Who?”
“The Monks. Taking me was their idea. I could vaguely remember them telling her what to do to me. Would you like to hear my theory?”
Y/N nodded, looking intrigued.
“They’ve got her believing that she’s special,” Harry said. “That she’s the chosen one, so she’d trust them and let them guide her. When the war’s over and she’s won, they’ll find a way to get rid of her. They wanted your father, your uncle, and your brother dead. How hard would it be to take down Calanthe?”
Y/N chewed her bottom lip as she averted her troublesome eyes. She seemed to ponder over his speculation for a long moment before letting go of a short breath. “Let’s not speak of it. I’ll discuss it with Lance in the morning.”
Harry knew he was doomed when even the King’s name made his stomach twist. “We can talk about it if you want to. I don’t mind,” he said.
She shook her head. “I do, Harry. I’m tired. I just want to not think about it for a second.” Seeing the bafflement on his face, she smiled and touched his cheek.
“I want to help,” he mumbled.
“I know,” she sighed. “And I’m grateful for your help. I just don’t want to feel like a queen when we’re alone. We can talk about anything, not war and death.”
Harry nodded as he placed with hands on her hips, pulling her in. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He traced the flame’s shadow on her cheek as she smiled, content. He hated that they could be holding each other, and there’d still be plenty of distance between them.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you, too,” she said, squinting her eyes. She knew there was more to it.
He took a deep breath. “I need you to be completely honest with me.”
“All right.”
“Do you love him?”
Y/N froze for a second as she blinked blankly. “What? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m serious, Peach.” He brushed her hair out of her face. “There’s no right or wrong answer. I just want to know how you feel. I’m not good at reading people, and lately I’ve been having a hard time trying to figure you out. I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, my love. I love you. And I want you to be happy so I must hear it from you. Do you love him?”
Harry’s heart thudded wildly in his chest as Y/N worked her jaw for a reply. “I’m afraid of losing him,” she said at last. “He’s become a part of me. Perhaps he’s always been. So I guess I do love him. Just not the way he wants me to. Not the way he deserves to be loved.”
Though that wasn’t the answer Harry had expected or the answer he wanted to hear. For him it could only be yes or no. He was surprised yet not saddened by it. He even felt quite hopeful that she still trusted him to say what she really felt. He might not have all of her now with everything they were going through. However, he could still get her back.
“He’s a good man,” Harry said.
Y/N’s doubtful eyes scrutinised him. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“No,” he chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I love you. And I want you to be happy.”
The corner of her lips raised nonchalantly. “I will be again, eventually. But you do make this living hell a lot better.”
Harry tossed his head back and laughed. Y/N laughed, too. He’d missed that heavenly sound. Why should he believe anything Mary had said? She’d nearly killed him and sabotaged what he had with Y/N twice. So she should be the last person he should listen to.
“Oh, there will be a ball tomorrow night,” Y/N said, fixing his hair with a big grin on her face.
“Yes. A masquerade ball.”
Harry never liked dancing. However, he knew she did, and so he was excited about this ball. “But,” he rubbed his chin, “is it insensitive to hold a ball after what happened?”
Y/N’s smile faded, making Harry feel terrible for ruining one rare moment of happiness for her.
“George Wallace’s death was a week ago,” she said, her brows knitted. “And the fact that people in court are still talking about it and assuming that they’re in danger is a great concern for me. I need to show my subjects that we’re not living in fear. Besides,” she gave a half shrug, “dancing makes me happy.”
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, whatever makes you happy, Your Majesty.”
Y/N giggled as she waved off his comment. “Stop teasing. You know you love me.”
“Mmmm.” She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.
Suddenly, the door burst open, and a breathless guard stuck his head in right as Y/N and Harry jumped away from each other.
“Your Majesty.”
“What?” Y/N breathed, sounding annoyed. Her cheeks were still red, and Harry couldn’t help but smile into his fist.
“His Majesty requested for your attendance,” the guard said.
Y/N immediately looked to Harry. The apologetic stare she was giving him had said it all.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Your Majesty,” he said, took her hand and kissed it once.
“The ball,” she mouthed at him. And then she was gone.
Music swelled as the orchestra was readying for the first number. Y/N watched the queue of stragglers seeking admittance at the entrance, amused by their excitement, which was evident even though their expressions were hidden behind their masks. Some even had painted faces, vying to outdo the splendour of the palace.
“May I have this dance?” A man dressed in dark blue stretched his hand out to Jo. With an uncomfortable smile, she was whisked onto the crowded dance floor. Y/N had noticed that Jo seemed distracted tonight. She’d keep seeking the room for someone. Y/N’s curiosity was piqued. Could it be possible that Jo was looking for Lance? Could something had happened between Jo and Lance while she’d been away?
She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, straining her eyes as she tried to locate Harry among the colourful masks. All of the ladies had found their dance partners. Their dresses fluttered as they twirled like snowflakes in the wind. Where was he? He’d said he’d be here, and he wouldn’t break his promise.
“Why is the prettiest girl in the room sitting this dance out?”
“Lance!” Y/N flinched, pressing a palm against her chest as Lance tapped the back of her chair and flopped down into the one beside her. He was dressed in a fine suit of blackest wool, impeccably tailored to his frame. A dark mask obscured his face from forehead to nose. Tiny jet beads sparkled at the edges.
He offered a quick smile. “How do you know? I’m wearing a mask.”
Y/N scoffed as she rolled her eyes. She was grateful he was being his snarky self and not the person who’d told her he’d loved her two nights ago. Still, those words were all she could hear whenever she looked at him.
“Even Jo’s dancing,” he pointed out.
“Speaking of Jo, I want to ask you something,” she said, fixing her gold mask. Even with a mask on, she still wasn’t able to handle the weigh of his stare. “Is there something between you and Jo? She’s been distracted.”
Lance smirked. “Why do you assume I have something to do with her being distracted?”
“I don’t know. You were probably flirting with all the maids while I was gone,” she joked.
Lance breathed out a casual laugh. “I was flirting with your entire library, actually. In fact, I have another theory–”
“Please. Not here,” she said, pouting. “I’d like to be a normal girl for just one night.”
Lance arched an eyebrow as he eyed her up and down. “Said the only lady here not dancing.”
“You’re obnoxious.” She rolled her eyes, unable to stop beaming.
Lance sucked in a breath. He stood up and straightened his back with a hand stretched toward her. She looked up, amused.
“Dance with me. You’re being embarrassing right now,” he said, glancing at their feet as if surprised to find them staying still.
Y/N gave a nod as she got up, her fingers sliding into his outstretched hand, which was cold and rough yet familiar. For a second, she caught a glimpse of them standing in that cave. The dream in which he’d visited her had felt so real. It’d felt like this. She glanced up to meet his questioning eyes. She reassured him with a tight smile and followed him to the centre of the room.
A new tune began. She snaked her free arm up his shoulder, holding her breath as his other hand came to rest at her waist. She once again swept her eyes across the room for Harry. Her heart sank when she couldn’t find him. He hated dancing. Perhaps he’d changed his mind at the last minute and decided not to join. She’d check on him after this dance.
“My eyes are here,” Lance said.
Y/N jolted, feeling glad that he couldn’t see her blushing. “Pardon me.”
“It’s all right.” He laced his fingers with hers. His hand at her waist was warm and sure. A ribbon of comfort unravelled inside her, and she allowed Harry to be absent from her mind for this tune.
Lance skillfully led her through the familiar steps, his smile bright. “Not bad,” he said, making her laugh.
“Is that how you compliment someone?”
“My apology, Your Majesty. I assumed Northerners didn’t have fun.”
“You’re right.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “I’m miserable right now. I cannot wait for this to be over.” As soon as she’d said it, she feared he’d take her joke the wrong way. Thankfully, he tossed his head back and laughed. She rarely got to hear Lance laugh, so her heart vibrated with excitement.
“Don’t worry,” he said, tilting his head. “This will be our first and last dance.”
She did not ask what he meant.
As the song came to an end, Lance drew her in, so close she could feel the heat of his chest. Behind the mask, his eyes burned down at her. The crowd broke into applause for the orchestra as they broke apart.
He reached out and pushed aside a loose curl behind her ear. His thumb traced lightly across her cheek. Before she could thank him for dancing with her, he spun on his heels and slipped into the crowd of courtiers.
“Argh!” Calanthe charged, swinging her sword in a furious arc. The soldier cooly stepped into his charge, catching the descending sword with his own. He twisted and wrenched upward with all his strength. The sword flew out of Calanthe’s hand. She grabbed for it frantically, but her opponent snatched it out of the air.
“Enough!” shouted a gruff powerful voice.
Calanthe whirled and dropped the sword to her feet, catching her breath. Vossler, the leader of The Monks, appeared like a phantom. His gaze trailed from Calanthe’s face to her weapon on the ground. He didn’t need to say a word to describe how disappointed he was. She knew that look. She’d received it her whole life from everyone she’d ever met. Ever since she’d taken the throne, no one had dared to look at her like that except for Vossler. He reminded her of her father. She’d give anything to impress him.
“Your Majesty,” he said, dragging the title with an agitated tone. “I told you that sword-fighting was very similar to dancing. You have to feel, not think.”
“I know, I know,” she muttered, bending down to pick up the sword. Vossler kicked it out of her reach before she could close her fingers around the hilt. Her guards drew their swords. She lifted a hand to tell them to stay where they were.
Vossler held her stare as if challenging her to punish him for disrespecting the Queen. She knew she couldn’t. People feared her because they feared The Monks. She hated that. Still, she was the chosen one. Vossler would have no choice but to kneel at her feet when she became the ruler of one hundred kingdoms.
“You can’t rule when even a child could take the sword from you,” he said as if he could read her thoughts.
She lifted her chin proudly despite the fact that her fingers were still trembling. “I’m tired. I’ll practice again tomorrow.”
Vossler regarded her with a raised eyebrow. His lips twitched in a despicable manner. “Very well. You should get some rest, Your Majesty. Get all the rest you need. Why should you worry about a nineteen-year-old, whose best friend is her sword, who murdered her own brother in a duel, brought someone back from the dead, and survived the North Mountain?”
Calanthe was frozen in place, too shocked to react. “She survived?”
“She found the lake.”
“Fuck!” Calanthe screamed into her hands. “The Mountain was supposed to kill her!”
“The witch didn’t tell us the whole truth,” Vossler said. To Calanthe’s surprise, he sounded as calm as ever. She was about to ask him what the witch had been hiding from them when he flicked his wrist, and a servant hurried to retrieve Calanthe’s sword.
“Your Majesty?” he said, his eyes piercing at Calanthe.
The wind whipped by, blowing strands of hair across her face. She bit the inside of her cheek, glared back at the servants who were observing her, making her feel like less than a queen she was.
She took a deep breath, then grabbed the weapon. “Again.”
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