#stony fan fic
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java-dragon · 1 year ago
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An update on Celestial Navigation I got so far then life smote me. I had to split this puppy into two books.
Fan fic writers really do need more praise.
@sabrecmc an update for you 👋
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stevetonyweekly · 2 years ago
SteveTony Weekly - March 5th
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I’m going to be incredibly busy over the next few weeks so how many stories I read will be less than normal--hopefully it’ll even out some in April. In the meantime, enjoy this week’s recs and be sure to give a comment/kudos for your fic authors! 
***Covered in Lines by royal_chandler
He can’t lose sight of pale, deft hands that gesture on transitive verbs, an ink-stained thumb edging underneath Tony’s ribcage with an affection that can only be called dangerous.
The Sea is Calling by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
The storm took everything from Steve and left him empty and alone.
Tony has been swept away on the rough tides, taken from everything and everyone he loves.
The sea takes and takes and takes and gives nothing back.
adjustment period by mistymountainking
Tony and Steve have been together for a while now. They love each other a truly sickening amount. Unfortunately, Tony's issues have issues.
only a kiss by mistymountainking
Tony wouldn’t be the first to admit it—he wouldn’t be the third or the fifth or the fiftieth, even—but he’s a very physically affectionate person. For a man who doesn’t like being handed things, he loves using his hands to show his fondness for others. He has his little touches, arm pats, shoulder squeezes, handshakes; hugs are almost exclusively reserved for Rhodey and Pepper (Happy, Steve’s learned, isn’t a hugger), but no one is exempt from being kissed when the mood strikes Tony Stark.
No one except Steve, apparently.
a moment in the sun by mistymountainking
“—I mean it’s crazy right? It’s crazy, Tony Stark, Tony Stark calls us up out of the blue one day and says ‘You’ll be waiting six months to a year for a decent repair job, let alone a complete replacement, and I owe you guys, come on by Avengers Tower—”
a prompt fill for an anon on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + Tony designing prosthetics for wounded vets
breathe with me by mistymountainking
“If footage from my sweet sixteen made it into this lineup, we’re watching all three Die Hards."
It’s Wednesday, and Wednesday means movie night at the mansion.
a prompt fill for lovingcookiemonsterblog on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + "You're not worth it."
we'll hold each other (soon) by mistymountainking
Moments after the bright blue light of Tony’s arc reactor goes dark, Steve knows what he has to do.
written as a prompt fill for anon on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony post-Endgame fix-it fic.
tomorrow can wait (come whatever) by mistymountainking
The picture isn’t damning, Steve reminds himself. They aren’t engaged. They aren’t dating. They’re just friends. The pose is damning enough, but he’d be an idiot if he didn’t admit, at least to himself, that it’s his face that sells it. His face is why The Picture™ has been the #1 trending thing on Twitter for going on twelve hours, and why Clint whistled Wagner’s bridal chorus at him when they walked back into the tower last night.
He looks like he’s in love. Which is fair, because he is. With Tony.
His fiancé.
Steve and Tony are photographed mid-battle, which is par for the course. By the time they get home, the whole world thinks they're engaged, which is...not. But it's not a big deal—they'll figure things out eventually.
Excuses, excuses by S_Horne
“It was just that last lecture, the one on Wednesday,” Steve started, plucking his notebook off the top of his book pile and flicking through it. “I left feeling a little confused. I understood it all, but it wasn’t my favourite one. Do we have to write the paper on that topic, or can I focus on something else?”
Tony laughed as he pushed his chair backwards and stood. “That,” he said as he rounded the desk, “has got to be the worst excuse you’ve come up with yet. And I’m including the time that you came to tell me that the lights had been left on in my classroom.”
***a rose by any other name by meidui
“Just Steve,” he says quickly, softly, and his voice is music to Tony’s ears. “Please call me Steve.”
Tony can’t help but stare as it occurs to him that he should have prepared a proper greeting. What on earth is someone so young and pretty doing in an engagement like this?
There are a lot of things about Steve that make this arrangement easier than Tony thought it would be, but then there are a lot of things about him that complicate it, too.
flight risk by meidui
Tony is discharged from the hospital on his birthday, a beautiful May afternoon. The kind of sunshine that warms you up forever.
Mine by tinystark616
Steve doesn't have a problem with the fact that Tony likes to have one-night stands. It's none of his business. That is, until he has to witness Tony making out with Thor right in front of him.
tony's stickers of love by ArabellaAM
When Tony prints a couple of "Tony Stark Approved" stickers as a joke, the last thing he expects is to end up covering Steve's heart with them.
What if I Were To by blue_jack
“I know I said you could pick my next PA, but this is ridiculous.”
I Hear the Winter's Leave by thistlethorns
The thing is, Tony genuinely didn't know he had a soulmate.
time cannot replace by SailorChibi
When Steve is told that he has amnesia and has forgotten the past three years, naturally the first thing he does is call his boyfriend, Tony.
A Common Guttersnipe by betheflame 
When Steve Rogers walks down the runway, Tony Stark stops breathing. He must have this man as a client - he can make him the biggest movie star the world has ever known.
And then they meet, and Steve opens his mouth, and that accent nearly kills Tony. He makes Steve a bet - in six months, he can make even Anna Wintour think that Steve graduated from Phillips Exeter, and in return, Steve will let Tony sign him as a client.
Steve takes the bet, thinking he has nothing to loose.
And then he learns that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, that he could have danced all night, and that the world will still run without Tony Stark, but goddamn if he wants it to.
The Space Stone by TheDrow
Steve returns to put the Tesseract back… except its not as easy as he originally thought. And there’s someone in the past that he’s actively trying to avoid…
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spicy-bunz · 2 years ago
This is probably a wild shot in the dark, but I was curious if anyone knew of a fic I used to love and can’t find for the life of me
It was probably posted before civil war (possibly also before winter soldier), and it was focused on Steve becoming acquainted with new movies, and I think it was in Tony’s POV. I don’t remember what else it was about, but I distinctly remember him watching boys don’t cry and being horrified, then doing a lot of research about the trans community and wanting to do something to fight against transphobia. I think it was a Steve/Tony fic and Tony was trans.
Idk, if y’all know of this fic or anything like it, pls send it my way 🙏
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skippylov3rs · 1 year ago
Tony : “How did you find me?”
Steve : “I saw a giant explosion and i thought, who could that be?”
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blueberryrock · 1 year ago
Calling all fanfic writers cause i am very curious about what y'all do!! I normally reread my fics all the time but I know a lot of other don't so please reblog this so many other writers see this!! and it doesn't just have to be for fics if you've written something that wasn't fanfic related!!
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bloodtiesstilllives · 8 months ago
Hey Fic Writers Out There, Let Me Tell You About An Underrated, Underused Character.
I have officially been in the Blood Ties (2007) fandom since March of 2024 and it's comatose, if not dead. I can admit that wholeheartedly. And the show is full of amazing characters. The main protagonist is a badass woman named Vicki, and if you have the time you should totally check the show and novels out.
Good I got that out of the way. That is not what this post is about. No, this post is about the character of the show that puts the "Blood" in Blood Ties.
Henry Fitzroy
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He is the fictionalized version of a real historical person. He happens to be the first born son of King Henry VIII.
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This guy is a full package. He's attractive, he's charming, he's smart, he's funny, and he is creative. Seriously this guy is an artist.
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He currently spends his time writing and drawing graphic novels.
Here is are samples of his work.
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I want to do anything I can to make sure that Henry doesn't just fall into the abyss of cancelled TV shows. And that is the purpose of this post. I want to introduce you all to a character that has been woefully underutilized.
He was born in 1519. Imagine what you could do with a character who was born in 1519. Want to do a time travel fic? Interested in Victorian Era? Steampunk? The 70s, 80s, 90s? One of the great wars? He has been around for it all. Oh and guess what?
When he bites, as long as the person is alive, the bites disappear! You want to take him to space? He can survive it undetected, because his thrall skills are amazing.
He is not an indiscriminate killer. And he is old enough and disciplined enough not to just drain someone to death.
Oh and he has been through enough things to be patient and serious.
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He is a good listener and gives sage advice.
Oh and he is bisexual. And a tad possessive. Just laying that out there for anyone to take it.
If you get interested in using this amazing, underused character in your work, please do! And please tag it. And also notify me @bloodtiesstilllives so that I can reblog it!
Thanks for your time and your attention.
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kandisheek · 6 months ago
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If you're part of the Put On The Suit 18+ Stony Discord Server, you may already know that we've been running a server-exclusive bingo for the past one and a half months. And today is the day when we can officially say:
✨ WE HAVE BLACKED OUT THE CARD!! ✨ Great job, team!
This was the first fandom event I've ever run, and I couldn't be happier with how many people participated and created beautiful fics and art for it. And to share the love, here is a masterpost of all the incredible works that people have made.
What's a Reverse Trope, you may ask? You simply take a common fanfic trope and flip it on its head. "There's Only One Bed" turns into "There's Too Many Beds" and so on.
A special thank you to @avengersnewb for her help with organizing everything, and let's get into the fan works!
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S1: Good Doppelganger 🔃 Evil Doppelganger
Now this is a whole different birthday. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord It's Tony's birthday coming up, and Steve doesn't know what to give him.
S2: Fast Burn 🔃 Slow Burn
Welcome to the 21st Century by EvilDime Phil Coulson wonders if he should have held back the information about queer rights a bit longer. Captain Rogers does not seem to be taking it well. How to make friends with new teammates by Girl_Back_There Tony didn’t mean for it to happen, but he can’t resist a hot guy in a Captain America suit. Especially when said guy is eye-fucking the Iron Man suit.
S3: Twice Serumed Steve 🔃 De-Serumed Steve
Perfection, Scientifically Speaking by EvilDime When Steve injected himself with the serum in a desperate bid to keep it out of A.I.M.'s hands, he had expected something familiar like more muscles, greater speed, further heightened durability. Or even no change at all, since the first dose had already been designed to make him perfect. Steve had been wholly unprepared for what he got instead.
S4: Fake Break-Up 🔃 Fake Relationship
The Inheritance by laiwrites Without waiting for an answer, Steve approached, laying the spread out on the polished oak desk and setting their places as if they were in the dining room. He was in the middle of drawing up a chair when Tony said, "Darling, I believe we must divorce." On accident, Steve scratched the chair legs against the expensive parquet flooring. "It is too early for this. If you must jest, Tony, could you at least wait until after I have eaten?"
S5: Can't Forget Anything 🔃 Amnesia
Remember (when your dreams have ended) BirtheV If Tony Stark were a better man, he would take responsibility for his actions. But since Tony is not even a good man, he's going to take the easy way out and forget Steve Rogers ever existed. Only then will he be able to live without this grief that's killing him. It turns out brains are rather fickle about what they remember and forget. Things can always get worse.
T1: Empty Nest Fic 🔃 Kid Fic
mirrors a still sky by laiwrites Four snapshots over several decades of Steve and Tony growing old together at their house on the lake. Based off of an AU where they make up and get married after Civil War.
T2: Too Hot To Cuddle 🔃 Huddling For Warmth
Beating the Heat by KandiSheek It's too hot to do anything but lie in bed together. Steve and Tony find ways to entertain themselves.
T3: Hate At First Sight 🔃 Love At First Sight
If You Tame Me by KandiSheek They've been together for barely a month when Steve gets a dog. Which would be all well and good if the dog didn't hate Tony on sight. How the hell is Tony supposed to make a dog like him anyway?
T4: Didn't Know They Weren't Dating 🔃 Didn't Know They Were Dating
Been There, Done That by EvilDime "Steve," Tony interrupts Steve's solicitous stream of concern. "Do we have a date this afternoon?" "Sorry, a what?" "A date," Tony repeats. "My calendar claims that I have a 'Coffee Date with Cap' at four o'clock." There's silence on the other end of the line. Then, hesitantly: "Like, a date-date?" "That's what the calendar says," Tony confirms. In which Tony and Steve lost only a week's worth of memories during a mission, but it turns out it was a somewhat important week.
T5: Lie Serum 🔃 Truth Serum
(No) Touching by Naivelittleprincess "I hate you," Steve whispered with a softness better suited to a different set of words. Tony only hummed and paused in the middle of his rant about pineapple on pizza to plant a quick kiss on his lips. "I hate you too, winghead. Now, listen—this is important and it makes my hot, Italian blood boil."
O1: Presumed Alive 🔃 Presumed Dead
Sanguinary Revelations by FestiveFerret Tony's pretty sure his brand new relationship with Steve is the best relationship he's ever been in. Until he learns something surprising about his new beau.
O2: There's Too Many Beds 🔃 There's Only One Bed
Sometimes, There's too many beds. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord With the others Avengers moving way, Tony and Steve are left in the tower alone, with far to many empty beds. Tony falls back into bad habits, and Steve's just being Steve. This always end well, Right? Romcom Fantasies by starkparade Tony runs into Steve at the airport, and when the hotel Tony booked in Washington DC abruptly cancels his reservation, Steve offers him to stay the night at his place. It sounds like something straight out of Tony's romcom fantasies starring Steve, except Tony is convinced that Steve is in love with someone else. Situation Normal: All Fucked Up by KandiSheek Tony had a foolproof plan. Step 1: Get Steve into bed with him. Step 2: ? Step 3: Live happily ever after. Sure, it could use some work, but success was guaranteed. No one is more shocked than him when it doesn't work out quite like he planned.
O3: Free Space
Friends by EvilDime Shopping for a coffin is not where Steve expected to make a friend. And he almost doesn't.
O4: Ruin-It 🔃 Fix-It
Close It by starkparade Steve had to make the hard call to prevent the nuclear blast going off inside the wormhole from reaching the island of Manhattan. As a result, Tony Stark never made it back. Steve did what he had to, and yet his guilt is eating him alive and he can't figure out just why he is so affected.
O5: Too Much Communication 🔃 Miscommunication
The Opposite of You by KandiSheek Tony has a lot of opinions about the kind of person Steve should date. Steve doesn't quite know how to tell him he's already made up his mind.
N1: True Hate's Kiss 🔃 True Love's Kiss
What if.. Tony was where Rhodey was by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Tony is following the Quinjet, and gets hit by a stray laser by Rhodey. He falls.
N2: Abstain or Die 🔃 Fuck or Die
Swingin' Party by Naivelittleprincess It’s his sister and his best friend’s wedding, and Tony is not allowed to have sex with his ex-husband.
N3: Divorce of Convenience 🔃 Marriage of Convenience
Fools Rush In by betheflame “So you’re getting a divorce of convenience to then get a marriage of convenience, but really nothing about your actual marriage has changed?” “Pretty much,” Tony affirmed. “You’re fucking nuts if you think this’ll work, pal,” Bucky said. "Fucking nuts."
N4: Found Foes 🔃 Found Family
This Meeting Could Have Been an E-mail by laiwrites In an alternate universe where Iron Man is one of Captain America's fiercest enemies, the two of them find themselves on opposite sides of a battlefield as usual. Only, this time Cap has a proposal.
N5: Lovers to Friends 🔃 Friends to Lovers
The sunrise over the cliff face by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Steve is proposing to Tony. Or is he? It's Not You, It's Me by EvilDime “Tony,” Steve said slowly. “Is this the Talk I think it is?” Chewing on his lip did not make this any easier. Resigned, Tony slipped his lip back out from between his teeth and faced the music. “Not the way you’re thinking, Steve. But, basically? Yes.”
Y1: Everyone Has Powers AU 🔃 No Powers AU
Waiting On A Miracle by Naivelittleprincess [An AU inspired by Encanto, featuring Peggy as "Abuela", the team as her adopted foster children with special gifts and Tony as the odd ball without any powers.] "I don't know why you weren't given a gift, Tony," Peggy had raged. "But that does not mean you go around ruining everyone else's life!" "I wasn't. Steve wasn't happy with Sharon!" "And he won't be now. You've made sure of that. Howard was right! You are a miserable child! I should have never let you stay here."
Y2: Virgin Tony 🔃 Playboy Tony
Darling, don't be afraid. by Lancelot_The_Dragon_Lord Tony Stark is a virgin, always has been. It's not for the lack trying. He's just scared to be vulnerable.
Y3: Monstercuddling 🔃 Monsterfucking
All Wrapped Up by KandiSheek Tony gets caught by a tentacle monster, which sounds terrible but actually isn't. The creature just... holds him, for a while, before the rest of the Avengers show up and rescue him. Finding out just how depressingly touch-starved you are via wholesome tentacle kidnapping has to be the pinnacle of humiliation. Now Tony needs to figure out how he can repeat the experience with less tentacles and more actual human contact. And also why the hell Steve seems to be the only one on the team who isn't down for some casual Tony cuddling.
Y4: Undercover in a Straight Bar 🔃 Undercover in a Gay Bar
Fruit Punch by Naivelittleprincess Tony's days of being a playboy might be over, but that doesn't mean anything when he has to teach Steve a lesson.
Y5: Last Kiss 🔃 First Kiss
Forever the Name on My Lips by ralsbecket Tony jokes about how the final kiss they shared was all love and morning breath. A full grin spreads across his face as he confesses, “The only thing I regret in my life is not brushing my teeth that morning.” Don't Look, I Think We Made The Sun Cry by Naivelittleprincess As long as they are together, death is but the next adventure.
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my-status-single · 10 months ago
The One Where Peter Parker Has a Baby Chapter 2
He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. They won’t let him run to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s with Happy. He can’t go to him. He’s four. His name is Ben. He’s safe with Happy. He’s safe. His name is Ben. He’s four. He’s Peter’s.
She had been pregnant.  It had been early.  So early that it had been months before she even realised. Half of the universe disappeared, Peter included. And months later she had given birth to their son. Their son. Ben.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Fic Summary: Mostly canon compliant fic that centres around the relationship of Tony Stark's daughter and Peter Parker.
Notes: This is a Peter Parker/Reader fic. It jumps back and forth between the "present" (after the blip is reversed) and the past (pre blip reversal). The main focus is Peter and our girl Y/N, but there will be exploration into other relationships as well. These include but are not limited to Tony/Steve Peter/Harley Harley/Harry Peter/Harley/Harry Steve/Bucky Tony/Stephen.
Each chapter will have content warnings listed that are specific to the chapter just for added security, there will also be a summary of the chapter if the content is something you don't want to engage with but would like to continue to the next chapter. There will also be a comprehensive list of warnings. The severity of these topics varies from very intense to simply implied. Be sure to check the individual chapters for more detailed descriptions of how these themes are used.
Fic Content Warning: Underage sex, unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy, polyamoury, child abuse/neglect, parental death, suicide, self harm, Tony Stark in Endgame
Please, if there is ever something in this or any of my fics that you feel needs a content warning, feel free to message me and I will make sure to add it.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone.
From the author: Taglist is OPEN, just leave a comment or send me a dm xxx
Chapter Notes: First major canon divergence. Tony and Steve meet in early 2001 as Tony had taken over for Howard in SHIELD after his death. Let’s not think about it too hard. By the end of 2001 they are established in a relationship. And early 2002 they find out about the pregnancy. Reader is born in August of 2002.
It might be a bit annoying to have the reader be so flushed out as that can distract and make it harder to insert yourself into the story but…the timeline bro.
Word count: 1114
Chapter Content Warnings: Child neglect-Mentions of Howard Stark who is a bad dad. Reader's mother is very uninterested in the reader after the birth homophobia-Steve talks about being with a man in the 40s and it is lightly implied that it was not safe pregnancy-Tony gets a woman pregnant alcohol-Steve and Tony drink beer Stony-Steve and Tony are a couple
Chapter Summary: This chapter establishes the relationship between Tony and Steve and explains how the reader came to be. Reader is the product of a one night stand from Tony prior to becoming exclusive with Steve. Reader’s mother, Katherine, is a scientist working to recreate the super serum. She is described as cold and unattached.
Chapter 1
Tony really tried to hate Steve when they first met. Truly. For reasons he found completely justified.
His dad was an ass.
And as far as he was concerned, that was Steve’s fault.
It ended up being impossible to hate him though. Because he was just so damn nice.
Which made Tony irrationally angry.
Steve wasn’t all that impressed by Tony. He hadn’t been all that impressed with Howard either though.
He didn’t really have any particularly strong thoughts or emotions about Tony.
He was mostly baffled Howard had had a kid.
He never seemed like the type.
They both had a strange pull toward the other.
Like the other was a connection to something long past.
Steve is someone who knew Tony’s father, who he had grown up hearing about.
Tony was Howard’s son. And though he was rarely on the same page as him, he had still been a friend. And Tony was the closest thing to something from home.
They somehow ended up as something akin to friends.
Neither were great at the whole sleeping, or self care in general, thing, so there were lots of late nights, lots of long talks, lots of secrets shared. They spoke of Tony’s dating life, Steve wanted to know just how similar Tony was to his father. And during one of those talks, after some light teasing about what Steve must have gotten up to back in the day, Steve admitted that he and Bucky had been in a relationship.
Tony wasn’t exactly surprised.
“So, you’re gay then?” He asks him. They are sat on the floor of Tony’s lab, a half eaten box of pizza between them, and beers in their hands.
“I’m not sure I’ve ever really needed to label it.” Steve admits. “I just knew Bucky was my person.” He shrugs.
Tony understands this at some level. The not needing a label, not the other thing.
“You don’t have to label it.” He says, possibly trying to put Steve at ease. “I never have. I just like…the people I like.” He says. “I’ve never committed myself to someone the way you have though.
Steve nods slowly and sips his drink. “Don’t you get lonely?”
This causes Tony to pause. 
He’s never really alone. He never really allows himself to be. Like he needs a buffer between him and his head. There are plenty of people, both in and outside of his bed. He’s popular. He’s desired, wanted, sought after. He’s never lacking in people who want to give him their time.
He finishes off his drink.
“Yeah.” He says finally.
Things change between them after that night. Like there was a newfound understanding between them. Both were tired of being lonely.
It starts out as just sex. Which was new ground for Steve, and he struggled with it for a while. Until he realised that his struggles weren’t from it being casual sex, but that he was developing feelings for Tony and didn’t want it to be casual sex.
Steve had always been pretty straightforward, but he still struggled a lot with the thought of confessing. He wanted to keep Tony in his life and was worried he’d run at the mention of commitment.
But its been over a year since they met. And months since they started sleeping together.
So he just…tells him one night.
He lacked some elegance in it if he was honest with himself.
Blurting out “I want you to be my boyfriend” while you’re balls deep in someone isn’t exactly tactful.
But it worked out okay for him in the end.
The universe is a bit fucked up though.
Because just months later Tony comes to him with life altering news that neither of them had been prepared for.
And with that news Tony brought an out.
“You didn’t sign up for this.” Tony says quietly.
“No, but neither did you.” Steve responds. He’s never seen Tony so…sullen. So conflicted.
“I knew the risks of fucking someone without a condom.” Tony says bluntly. “This was always a possibility.” He lets out a breath. “I…I’m gonna step up. I’m gonna be this baby’s dad. But you don’t have to be.” He says quietly. “I’ll understand if you go.”
Steve lets out a breath and takes both of Tony’s hands. “I was in love with a man in the 40s. Tony, I gave up on the idea of having children before I was even old enough to consider them in the first place. They were never an option.” Tony goes a bit pale. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want them.” He continues. “I knew who I was getting involved with, Tony. And if having you means having this baby then I guess we’re going to be parents.”
And it’s as simple as that.
In August of that year their daughter was born.
Their daughter’s mother was someone Steve had never met, prior to going to the hospital when she went into labour. But he knew her name. He’d learned her name, read about her. Read about a lot of people like her when he had looked himself up. He learned that there were a distressing number of people trying to recreate Erskine’s original serum. This woman, Katherine, was one of them.
She was a tall, slender woman. Stereotypically beautiful but almost hollow looking. Like there was something missing inside of her.
He doesn’t remember her ever holding the baby. She hardly looked at her. Something told him she had no interest in being a mother but somehow went through with the pregnancy anyway.
But he didn’t dwell on it. He didn’t care.
Because if this precious, tiny, perfect baby girl wasn’t reason enough…the way Tony looked when he held his baby was enough to make him ignore the slight concern he felt over the way Katherine was responding to motherhood.
Tony was built to be a father.
He was so perfect with her. And Steve had never been so fond of another person.
All his outward, arrogant facade broke down the second he was with their girl. She had him wrapped around his finger.
And Steve was no better.
He knew he was in trouble the first time they’d ever made eye contact.
How could he ever say no to this tiny girl?
Katherine was clearly not interested in being a mother to her daughter. She made no fuss when Tony asked if the baby could live with him. She wasn’t breastfeeding, and the baby was clearly more attached to Tony. But despite their request, she wouldn’t sign over her parental rights. Therefore, physical custody was shared between Katherine and Tony.
Taglist: @bitchy-bi-trash
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steelbluehome · 5 months ago
Fic Recs
I'll Use You (As a Focal Point) by lynlee494 (MCU Stucky)
Way leads onto Way series by FawnoftheWoods (MCU WinterIron eventually)
How They Make You a Weapon by monicawoe (MCU Bucky Barnes) ADULT CONTENT
I Asked You To Keep Me by JustALostSoldier (MCU Bucky Barnes/Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo) ADULT CONTENT - HEED WARNINGS - DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!
Drowning Men (Just Need a Rope) by ifallonblackdays_fics (MCU/Political Animals crossover Steve Rogers/T.J. Hammond)
living's just a waste of death by totheendoftheline (Political Animals T. J. Hammond)
The Good Monster by Taste_is_Sweet (MCU Stucky Howling Commandos era) Based on this AvengerKink Prompt: The serum made Bucky physically monstrous. 
@caplanbuckybarnes @caplanreblogsfics
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pepperpottes · 4 months ago
I caught the second half the The Avengers on tv last night (haven’t seen it in years), and it’s got my old science boyfriends heart absolutely THUMPING
like, I can’t believe I forgot how gay they are for each other in that movie?!
staring into each other’s souls through the screen and bonding over their ‘terrible privilege.’ tony constantly being like “where’s banner? Where’s banner?! KEEP ME POSTED” through the whole first part of the New York battle. Hulk catching tony as he falls out of the sky and hugging the iron man suit on his chest for like a full 4 seconds before dumping him on the ground. DRIVING OFF INTO THE SUNSET TOGETHER (with Bruce very obviously wearing Tony’s clothes)
for real, I really don’t know how anyone came out of that movie NOT shipping tonybruce.
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frankthesnek · 1 year ago
♡ sharing a kiss before going in for work (but make it accidental first kiss due to sleep deprivation)
Normally, I only do each prompt once, but since this is so different from the other ask for this one I'll do it again! Thank you 😘
Coming in Hot
Rated G
Prompt: a kiss before going to work
900 words
Steve stood next to the toaster, tapping his fingers on the counter as he waited for his bagel to be done. It was early, and the tower was calm. He'd seen Clint and Natasha preparing for their sparring session an hour or so earlier, but otherwise, it was a ghost town. The toaster finally finished, the crisp pop and ding of it shutting off startling him in the quiet of the kitchen. He plopped his breakfast onto a plate and checked his watch.
It wouldn't be a ghost town much longer, he would bet. Pulling the cream cheese from the fridge, he settled at the breakfast bar and finished preparing his food as he waited.
“Watch it Cap, Stark's coming in hot,” Clint drawled with an amused tone as he entered the kitchen a moment later.
“You don't say?” Steve asked, unsurprised and dry sounding.
The archer just nodded, looking far too happy as he poured the last of the coffee into a mug. 
“Fuck I'm late!” Right on cue Tony entered the space, tie hanging undone around his neck as he fumbled with his cufflinks. “Why does she keep scheduling meetings so early? She knows I'm not a morning person.”
“This wouldn't happen to be the meeting Pepper already rescheduled twice because you keep missing it?” Steve asked, the casualness in his tone giving away that he already knew the answer. 
“Maybe,” Tony grumbled as he picked up the empty coffee pot and frowned. “Barton, I'm gonna kill you,” he promised, glaring at the other man's steaming cup of coffee.
In response, Clint deliberately took a slow drink, holding Tony's eye while he did. 
“Definitely gonna get you. I swear your next batch of arrows is gonna blow up right in your smug little face,” Tony cursed and made a grab for the nearly full mug.
“Extra coffee for you on the bar,” Steve said, pointing to a thermus he'd filled earlier. “Better hurry, if you don't leave now, you'll be late.”
“Thank you,” Tony nearly moaned and picked up the travel cup.
“Uh-huh,” Steve drawled and held up half of his bagel before Tony could try stealing it from his plate. 
“Thanks,” Tony repeated with a sigh, taking it gladly. “Why do you know my schedule better than me?”
“Tony, the hotdog vendor in Central Park knows your schedule better than you do,” Clint piped up with a snort of laughter.
Steve chuckled, and he watched Tony hold the bagel in his mouth as he quickly did his tie. Nimble fingers tugging it into a knot that had no right to be as neat as it was for how fast it had been made. 
“I refuse to acknowledge the truth of that,” Tony spoke around a mouth full and held the thermus up towards Steve. “Is it—”
“Cool enough to drink? Yes.” Steve supplied, taking a bite from his remaining half of the bagel.
“You're an angel,” Tony said blissfully. Then he leaned over the bar and pressed a fast but firm kiss to Steve's mouth before rushing out, already calling the elevator via Jarvis before he left the room. 
Steve's bagel fell from his lax fingers, plopping back to the plate cream cheese side down.
“Did he just?” Clint asked, looking over at Steve with wide eyes.
“Uh…yeah,” Steve muttered, dumbstruck, his lips tingling from the surprise contact.
“And you guys aren't?”
The two men stared at each other for a moment in confused silence. Steve felt his cheeks grow hot. Tony, his friend and long-term crush, had just kissed him. Lips warm, soft, and real against his mouth. Clint was giving him a knowing smirk but was thankfully holding his tongue. A moment later, the quiet was broken by the buzzing of Steve’s phone on the counter.
“It's Tony,” he said, looking down at the smiling picture of Tony in his purple sunglasses that was set as the man’s icon. The heat of flush skirted down his neck and settled in his chest.
“Speaker, put him on speaker,” Clint demanded, coming to stand next to his friend.
Swallowing Steve swiped the call open and tapped the speaker function. “Hello?”
“I can't believe I'm even going to ask this but I'm rushed, suffering from a caffeine deficiency, and am severely sleep deprived so the last fifteen minutes are a blur—did I just kiss you?”
“Um, yes?”
Tony said nothing, only the quiet shuffle of him still rushing to his car coming through the phone.
“Hey playboy, this is the part where you ask him out,” Clint supplied, flinching away before Steve could swat him. 
“Do you have me on speaker?” Tony questioned, his tight voice sounding more flustered than angry.
“Maybe?” Steve hedged.
“Oh for Christ—” and the line clicked off.
“Wow, if that's how smooth he normally is, I can't imagine how he used to snag all the ladies. Must be the money,” Clint chuckled, picking up his coffee and heading off. 
Sighing and shaking his head, Steve poked his sad upside down bagel. Just as he was starting to think it truly had been an accident and meant nothing, his phone buzzed with a text from Tony. Steve smiled as he read it. 
‘Free for a lunch date after my meeting?’
Steve started to type out that, yes, he was free when a new message popped up, turning his smile into a joyful grin.
‘And that does not count as our first kiss!!’
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mrs-assbutt · 2 years ago
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Iron Man/Tony Stark aesthetic ✨
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gotlostonmywayhome · 2 months ago
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Another year has come and gone. While I created a few fanworks, I wasn’t that active this year. The same health issue that plagued me at the end of 2023 was still a problem in 2024. And while 2025 looks to start out a bit rough, I’m hopeful I will turn a corner.
As usual, the only fandom I created for was the Marvel fandom. I’ve got some crossovers with DC comics and the Batfam in the works! I also have some works in the Stranger Things fandom brewing as well.
I will be in desperate need of escapism in 2025 and I’m going to be channeling that into fanworks. Here’s hoping that I’m not lamenting the lack of creativity at the start of 2026.
Works created in 2024 in order of publication:
The Lucky Spill (Rated G, Digital Art, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson)
An ugly moment can lead to a beautiful life.
Operation: Budapest (Rated T, Digital Art, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson)
A Trusted SHIELD Agent, a former Hitman, and a Defected Russian Spy come together as an Elite Team
The Lucky Wedding (Rated G, Digital Art, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson)
From an ugly meeting to a beautiful wedding.
How to make friends with new teammates (Rated E, 3.4k, Short One-Shot, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
Tony didn’t mean for it to happen, but he can’t resist a hot guy in a Captain America suit. Especially when said guy is eye-fucking the Iron Man suit.
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skippylov3rs · 1 year ago
Clint : “I dare you to kiss the first person who walks in the room.”
Steve : “I'm not kissing any-”
Tony walking in : “sup whores!”
Steve standing up : “Well, a dare's a dare”
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korokettes · 5 months ago
honestly, deciding to go back into marvel comics and stevetony is such a relaxing thing considering I shipped lawzoro (and vehemently hate sanzoro till this day) for the longest time and the only people that drew art/made fanart for it were on the Japanese sites
now i don't have to go to pixiv for everything (even though I've read all the novels on the キャプトニ and the ローゾロ tag)
i still dislike the mcu tho lmfao
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arainbowmess · 9 months ago
A reminder that U should totally read my fav fanfics (like rn)
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