#stolitz crumbs
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crenmir · 5 months ago
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I think blitzø likes stolas's feet lol
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valahelart · 4 months ago
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they need to hug so so bad. i demand it
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sleepymrshmllow · 11 months ago
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I really love how gently stolas' manifestation of blitzø touches him..♡ and yet also a gap remains between them :')
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certifiablyinsanez · 3 months ago
Guys, Mastermind saved us fr. Blitz being soft with Stolas was the only thing my heart wanted this Christmas. Mwah 🫶🏻. His openness, his full honesty…
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botanikos · 5 months ago
It's only just now hitting me that we got the stupid cloaca confirmation from Blitz in that short. And I only thought about this coz I keep seeing That gifset.
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rhiandoesfandom · 4 months ago
Thank you Cursed Cat on Tiktok for recording these Stolitz crumbs 💖💖💖💖💖🤭👀
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geekgirles · 5 months ago
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Does this count as Stolitz crumbs?
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warblogs17282 · 4 months ago
ok so if Mastermind is the episode where we get to see Andrealphus again, I am praying that they have at least a crumb of Andrealphus merch up their sleeves, I got some Stolitz stickers (although they're from redbubble) and a mug, so I'm really hoping I can finish off the gay goetia bird trio in less than a month by getting some merch of the parrot and the walking icebox, because Vassago merch is basically guaranteed tbh.
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plus i just love Andrealphus and Vassago already, they haven't been on screen for long but I am OBSESSED with them
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murainhell · 8 months ago
Apology Tour Spoilers!
Guys… I'm going to start by saying that I really like the episode. The songs, the return of Verosika, the way we have several conversations between the two of them even though they get nowhere because they keep not listening to the other!!! The drama. Yes, give me more. I didn't expect them to fix it quickly, so this has been what I was hoping for and more.
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But I'm so annoyed by all the hate I'm seeing on twitter. I mean, one of my friends doesn't like it and we've been able to have a civil conversation about our opinions, but that website… Oh, goodness.
First of all, why are so many people hating on the poor incubus guy? What is his crime? He notices a super cute owl demon at a party, technically single since he's Blitz's new ex, and asks him to dance. Makes Stolas laugh. He steals a kiss but Stolas reacts well. I'll be honest: I would kiss Stolas too in that situation lol
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I mean, yeah, I would understand if people were saying that Stolas is drunk and what about consent and such, but…. Who hasn't been out at a party and made out with someone? And they're bloody demons? I mean. Seriously, the strong reaction of hatred towards him is just because he gets in the way of Stolitz? Let's be honest, did anyone really expect them to sort it out already? This communication problem between them is going to go on for a long time. They have a lot of things to heal, themselves first, and then with each other.
Martha and Mayberry being together is also a problem for some people? We're in hell, I hope they have a good time!
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"What happened to the husband? Isn't he in hell?" Honey, just because he's not in the frame doesn't mean he's not, we just don't care about him lol
"This is so toxic, they're both in hell because of each other" yes, and? Dear, Martha was a murderer and ate people, she was going to end up here anyway. Possibly the other sending hitmen after her was super hot in her book, who knows! (And personally happy to have crumbs about a cannibal, as it makes me think about Rosie and her town then, it's not such a universal thing, neither how they look or living under her protection).
Verosika, beautiful, gorgeous, I am delighted to have more information about her and the reason for her anger towards Blitz. I hope this makes people hate her a little less, jeez. Blitz needed someone to speak to him straight and it is obvious that it is after their conversation that it all sinks in.
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And now about our beloved stars. Again, who expected them to solve it already? It's the next day, for God's sake! And I think exactly the same as I already said, this is not a team Stolas vs. team Blitz thing, they are both right and wrong at the same time! They have not had time to reflect and think!
I've seen many opinions from people saying they now support Stolas even more and others saying that the series now hates Blitz and the narrative is against him, giving the victory to Stolas. But, uuuh, no? I mean, it's just an episode specifically about Blitz being shitty to other people, it's something we know and it's necessary for him to see his effect on others. That doesn't mean they're proving Stolas right, we'll have more episodes to explore the whole conflict.
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Stolas has his moment to talk and talk about what he wants, but he still hasn't heard what Blitz wants. He clearly doesn't know either. We'll have time for that later.
But it is so sad… Blitz doesn't know what to do, but Stolas is also looking for a relationship without knowing anything about them, he has them idealized.
And sometimes I can't help but think…. Does he really love Blitz or does he just think that because he was the first being to make him feel good? Bird boy, you urgently need to have other people in your life to know if it's Blitz that important or you've just idealized him.
"I don't even know why you would want to be with me." "I want to be someone's someone. I want to feel wanted."
That's not a conversation. No one is responding to the other (but Blitz is listening. This is the second time Stolas is not actively listening to him).
"Stolas shouldn't be kissing others if he claims to love Blitz so much" oh, right, being sad and looking for what he wants so much in others after being heartbroken (or so he thinks) invalidates the other. Fuck, too bad I can't use an expression in my native language, but I guess this is the equivalent? The quickest way to get over one man is to get under another one.
I know it's frustrating when your ship doesn't sail, but isn't it exactly these moments that make being together more rewarding later on? It's not the end of the series. It's going to be four seasons as Brandom said.
I feel like we have a series with complex characters who screw up and react quite realistically and people don't know how to digest it. Over the last years the confrontations are seen as black and white, there is always someone who is right and the other is wrong… Guys, it doesn't work like that.
My theory for now is that they won't be talking to each other for the remaining of the season. The scene of Blitz protecting Stolas? The season finale, and it's going to mark the beginning of the "you do care" but without them being together yet. The beginning of what could be a friendship, you know, the foundation of a relationship. And then, hopefully, next season or the last one will bring us the resolution.
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thatstonedwriter · 8 months ago
Full Moon
Thoughts and Review- these notes are a combination of my initial reactions to the episodes and some more thought-out critiques
Formatted chronologically, organized by scene. Overall Thoughts are at the bottom
Stolitz Duet
Seems like Stolas is understanding his role in manipulating Blitz, the power differential, and Blitz’s discomfort
Blitz seems to use his sexuality to mask his nervousness- personally, I think most of his nerves are attributed to feeling indebted to Stolas, having mixed feelings about their relationship and his growing feelings, as well as his job security with Stolas still supplying him with the grimoire
Furthering Stolas’s hesitation of giving Blitz the Crystal, but knowing it is something that needs to be done- so far looking like good character development
Taking note of Stolas being out of his medications, unsure if that information will actually be important and referenced again or if it’ll be forgotten; regardless, that context doesn’t excuse Stolas’s later actions
Glad they’re being utilized again
Is Colin new? He seems to know less than Cletus and Keenie and is more easily manipulated- this also seemed to be the case in C.H.E.R.U.B 
 Good to see Agents 1 and 2 again
Finally, more crumbs of the IMP business
Blitz clearly states how he’s wanted a break from Stolas and has been taking advantage of Stolas being more lenient with the deal- Blitz is prioritizing his comfort- with, seemingly, Stolas’s “permission”
When Loona makes her comments about Stolas getting bored of Blitz, his first thought is that he’s going to lose his ticket to the Overworld, jeopardizing his company and employees- another product of the unhealthy power differential between Stolas and Blitz
The “overdue paperwork” gag made me giggle
Interrogation Room/DHORKS HQ
The Cherub/Dhorks team-up makes sense; I’m just really not that interested in it- they allude to bigger issues of the government being involved, but I doubt any of these lines/themes will be used or referenced later on
The Cherub battle suits being based on the IMP squad feels a bit lazy tbh- It is also just a little too on the nose for me for the parallels of the role each Cherub plays in their group - Cletus/Blitz, Colin/Moxie, Keenie/Millie
Wondering about what the lore explanation is for angelic beings existing in Hell and demons existing in Heaven- is it a mutual thing? Do angels or cherubs have more power? I assume (in reference to the Hazbin lore) that cherubs are like Imps and are lower-ranking angelic beings? I could be wrong though- unsure if something else has been confirmed
Lust Ring
Not really interested in the Cherub gags while following Blitz. they all rely on the "innocence" trope, which I personally find a bit boring/overdone
No way Blitz is over Fizz. Look at the way he reacts when he’s blindfolded- like, come on
Fizz’s just so great in this whole scene
IMP/Cherub fight was pretty good
Stolas's Home
Right off the bat, why’s Blitz gotta be so cute? Damn
When Stolas asks for the grimoire, he does not give any words of reassurance to Blitz that his job, livelihood, and friends/employees will be safe. Blitz hears that Stolas needs the book back and goes into panic mode because he’s worried about fucking up Loona, Moxie, and Millie’s lives- he also assumes this is Stolas retaliating against him- not the healthies assumption, but a reasonable one, given what their dynamic and agreement is
Stolas lets Blitz speak but never intervenes to reassure Blitz, leading Blitz to default to what he knows Stolas usually wants- sex
Stolas gets up and walks away, saying he’s made up his mind, AGAIN being vague and Blitz’s panic only gets worse- he literally begs Stolas for the grimoire
Good on Stolas for giving Blitz the crystal and explaining- again, it really seems like he’s coming to terms with how he’d been treating Blitz and understanding that their dynamic isn’t healthy
Honestly, Stolas’s apology and explanation here was the best part of the episode
Blitz’s reaction, while I don’t support it, is still understandable. I don’t think Blitz has a ton of context for what's happening. From his perspective, this is all very sudden, and he was clearly trying to ignore this issue earlier in the episode- now that he’s confronted with it, he’s scared and, again, defaults to sex as a means to appease Stolas. This is a pattern that developed BECAUSE Stolas kept sexualizing and belittling Blitz
Stolas, taking this reaction at face value, I can understand—it’s hurtful to be so open and then be met with sarcasm and insincerity—but then to close off the conversation? My Man, can you really blame Blitz for also being confused, hurt, angry, and scared?
 Stolas is confused that Blitz thinks he only wants sex?? Stolas!! Your agreement literally hinged on the fact that Blitz was willing to prostitute himself to keep his business going
Blitz, they could never make me hate you. 
His lashing out isn’t healthy at all, and he has some serious emotional development to do, but I honestly can’t blame him. All of this has been building up for so long- Blitz isn’t good with handling big emotions, this was all just sprung on him, and Stolas took his angry outburst at face value without giving Blitz time to process
I can’t tell if this is good writing for a miscommunication trope or negligent writing that victim blames one character while painting the other as a saint
The composition of this episode was cohesive enough, but definitely has some weak points.
The inconsistency and one-off gags that are introduced are funny but sometimes frustrating, as they can allude to larger themes but ultimately go nowhere
I really enjoyed finally seeing more of Moxxie, Loona, and Millie. It's frustrating that they're being sidelined in favor of Stolitz, which probably should have been more of a B plot than the main one.
Currently torn about the writing for the Stolitz dynamic because there are multiple lenses that their content can be viewed through. I want to try using the Reparative Lens Theory, but honestly, the writing just seems to get more inconsistent and is meant to cater to Viv’s ideas of “good” and “bad”
re-watching this episode after Apology Tour is so, so frustrating because any character development Stolas might have gone through is scrubbed and retcons everything just to make Blitz the "bad guy"
If you made it this far, thank you for your time
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uninformedartist · 8 months ago
Think I'm becoming no I am less n less critical & keep my thoughts to myself cos jirre 1 said it before many times before 2 🧚‍♂️🌸 other blogs say it or say it 10 times better so be rebloging & 3 this show is irritating af 💀. Ive got 10s of drafts I gave up halfway because of becoming irritated at this bastard of a show n characters (96% of the time is cos of Stolas)
I simply will cling to the few crumbs of good in this show which is like 2% now since the stolitz show took over completely.
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omegawizardposting · 4 months ago
Of course, the Stolitz crumbs we got in Ghostfuckers were, mmm, delicious, good fucking food, but it also confirmed a headcanon I've had for a while that Blitz and Millie are besties.
I've always felt that they were extremely close. It's the little things in their interactions, how comfortable they seem with each other, how they've always been ride or die for each other.
Having it confirmed was a delight. I love the mutual respect and care they have between them.
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certifiablyinsanez · 4 months ago
👐🏻If you can hear me, please save us Vivienne Medrano, please save us. Please, Brandon Rogers👐🏻
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stolastar · 2 months ago
((I actually wanna fight anyone who says Viv is a bad writer like. sure her pacing is weird and i hate that about it but she did not leave crumbs on this episode at alll. the current stolitz dynamic is pretty much exactly how i figured it would be at this point except with added drama as a zesty twist. love that!!))
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uninformedartist · 4 months ago
Well said Madeline. I was actually clinging to crumbs for Millie I actually settled for... this eventually. Such a shame because they really have potential for her. Also Loona since she got left behind to look after Moxxie & boost him up. All coming back round to like you say making the men feel better.
Its also the "stolitz show" at this point, so anything that slightly diverts off to a female character has to come back round or tie in crucially to a male character & ultimately in the end developing their character further. All I learnt from Millie is what is previously established about her, this time its finally shown but for what we already know. Only small moment we saw of Loona and Millie actually talking seeing eye to eye.. was to do with comforting & keeping an eye on Moxxie.
Its also fascinating to me in a hate/love way, something about it annoyingly itches my brain I got to pick at it with every new episode that's released.
Ramblings sorry haha.
I feel really bad for Helluva Boss fans. They’ve been wanting a Millie episode for forever (hell I’ve wanted that) and when they get one it’s her doing the same thing she always does: making the men in her life feel better.
She has one job in Ghostfuckers: restore Blitzo’s broken ego. Tell him he’s a special little boy that did nothing wrong. Hell if it wasn’t for Blitzo, Minnie would still be a “wild and crazy” mercenary instead of a…domesticated housewife? God she really got neutered didn’t she :(
None of this is new obviously. It’s the same crap I said in my video over a year ago. But I guess I was hoping for at least some acknowledgement that things might get better. I hate the show, but I also love it? It’s too fascinating to write off. I mean I gotta be Helluva Boss’s most prominent scholar at this point.
Whether purposeful or accidental…it’s kind of an evil show. Or at least, it has really bad messages. A bit ago I concluded that the most generous interpretation of Helluva Boss is it’s soft core smut you’re not supposed to take seriously. Toxicity is hot as long as you understand it’s actually bad in real life. If I have to think of this show as a real story with real characters, it’s pretty awful. Maybe the safest bet is for us to turn off our brains and jerk it :(
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hazbincalifornia · 4 years ago
Like, for example... the exposition in the pilot? Generally that was pretty clunky. I’d call it bad writing at points, although it’s entertaining. (Murder Family got most of the same stuff across much better.)
Putting two characters’ needs in conflict with each other and creating friction, while implying that dealing with those emotional faults is going to be a big part of the season? That’s not bad writing! That’s good writing, actually! Stolas and Blitzo are both careening right past each other without communicating properly because they both have their own personal fuck-ups that keep them from seeing eye-to-eye at the moment, and dealing with that is probably going to be The Point!
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