tobylovesick · 2 months
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wholesomecrow · 6 months
I’m curious
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cherriiramen · 10 months
For anyone who’s afraid of approaching me because they ship [insert ship name] or [insert ship name], please rest assured knowing I don’t block or harass anyone for shipping ANYTHING, nor do I have a DNI when it comes to ships or liking a specific character.
I believe it’s blatantly stupid and inconsiderate to parasocially hate A PERSON (mind you, not just the ship or a character) and believe they’re an awful person behind the screen for having a taste different to yours, especially when there’s nothing actually ‘problematic’ about it. And I hate when people have surface-levelled perceiving when it comes to this subject to the point where they’ll still fight reasoning back with non-logical responses that could be just watered down to ‘oh I just dislike this ship/character so I’ll call it and anyone who likes it problematic, fuck u”
I don’t mind any ship/character at all, some may not be my personal cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to see people’s perspectives/takes on them, how they feel about them AND the fanart too :3
I indulge deeply in fandoms, whether it be art, headcanons, events, takes, fanfictions, heck even drama because it isn’t a full fandom experience without it lolol, just anything at all. So it means I’ll consume literally anything it throws at me.
So feel free to interact with this blog in any way! Whether you be a Y/N x CC consumer, a selfshipper, a rare-pair collector, a ‘problematic’ shipper, anything at all! It takes an awful amount of energy to actually make me uncomfortable >:]💞
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anamelessdragon · 5 months
Cold Frame | Chapter 32 | 4.2k
by NamelessDragon (@anamelessdragon)
Inability to get drunk notwithstanding, Steve felt a lot lighter after dinner.
It wasn’t really how he’d expected the day to end for him personally after the intensity of the revelations he and Bucky had passed between themselves. He’d tried to end their conversations on a good note, and he was profoundly grateful that Bucky had finally opened up to him, but neither admission had exactly been easy.
It felt like it was the third time in his life that Steve had been trying to move on from something so majorly destabilizing to the person he thought he was and his entire place in the world. It didn’t seem like he was getting any better at it. Getting everything out in the open, even to someone he trusted, was like lancing a wound with a jagged razor: more painful than the dull pressure and radiating ache he’d been suppressing since he’d gotten back, with exposed nerves sharply raw in the aftermath while adrenaline swirled in his blood. He’d carried the aftereffects with him deep in his chest and stomach hours after the event.
A good part of that was because it just meant that someone knew. He’d gone back in time while Bucky had been struggling, and after all of that, had been soundly prevented from following through on the extremely vital mission needed to try and make that better. 
To make anything at all better.
And when it came to Bucky’s confession about what had happened when he’d interacted with the Infinity Stones… Steve knew they’d have to circle back around to that situation, eventually. To Tony. Bucky couldn’t keep just waiting around for whatever retaliation he was expecting.
A mostly-dead Loki shows up face-planted in Bucky’s garden one day while Steve’s over for lunch. (Throws Infinity War/Endgame deaths and other parts of canon out the window.)
Pairings/Characters: Slow burn Loki/Steve/Bucky, past Steve/Peggy, referenced Sam/Bucky UST.
Warnings: Chapter 32 - UST
Read on AO3.
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boltedfruit · 4 months
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Hello MCU/Thor fandom!
You might remember me as mrhiddles/boltplumart. I have been out of the main fandom for a while now, but have held on to some items for sentimental reasons. I'm deciding to sell my MCU Phase One Limited Edition Blu-ray set! This is the original box set sold in 2012, and still has all included special items (which are my fave parts, especially the Iron Man blueprints from the cave and the tangible stuff like Thor's fake ID and hospital bracelet).
The box itself has some minor dings and scratches, but nothing bad. The Tesseract still lights up when you smack it, as shown in the video. (Please ignore the bg audio of the Try Guys podcast whoops.) All discs are in pristine condition. All this stuff has just been sitting packed up for years and I want it to go to someone in the fandom.
Movies include Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers on Blu-ray + special feature Blu-rays.
I'm also selling my Avengers hardback art book, and the Art of Marvel Studios box set. The set includes art books for Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Iron Man 1 and 2. The Avengers hardback art book is for The Avengers. These books are like brand new.
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All together, I want to sell these for $200. The Phase One limited edition right now is selling for that price, and the books are selling for $50 each. For $200 you get everything.
If you live outside of the US, the price will be $220 to account for shipping.
Please message me or reply here asking me to message you if you are interested. I'm happy to provide more photos/videos, and discuss price. I just want this stuff to go to someone who will love it as much as I have.
Please reblog so others can see! Thank you so much!
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optimistictalia · 1 year
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more loki and stoki bc I can’t get enough of them!!!!!!!!
happy loki trailer day ig…. if you celebrate…..
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ihaveshoesinmysand · 9 months
frodthsheild is cnaon u gusy
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snarkythewoecrow · 1 year
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by: snarkymuch
Written for @an-asgardian as part of the @marveltrumpshate event 2022!
Pairing: Steve/Loki
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 23k
Modern AU, No Powers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Dom/sub, Loki goes to stay with Steve in his cabin in the woods, definite enemies-to-lovers vibes
And then Loki moved to turn away, still standing despite the way he trembled, but Steve reached for his neck, gripping his nape and stopping him. His skin was sweaty and hot.
"Shh, none of that, now. It's time to settle for me. Just settle." He punctuated the words with a firm squeeze.
Loki has been adrift, an outsider in his family—a bastard child that Odin made sure knew his place.
He’s made a life of bringing shame to the Odinson name out of spite, which leads to his mother’s death, starting a spiral made of unsafe hookups and illicit substances.
But Thor refuses to lose his brother, too.
A plan is devised: Sending Loki to stay with Thor’s friend from the army, Steve, who lives in the woods of Maine, far away from the city and the temptation it brings.
Except Steve and Loki aren’t strangers—having once shared a perfect night that had made him feel comforted and safe, given him a taste of something more.
It had terrified him enough that he’d bolted before Steve woke the following day.
So now, misunderstandings and miscommunication, misjudging each other, all play out, as neither has all the facts, leaving them to realize a few truths along the way.  
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childrenoflokibang · 1 year
Children of Loki Bingo
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Are you ready to write or draw about Loki and his kids?! Children of Loki Bingo has officially opened! We cannot wait to see all of your creations! Make sure to tag @childrenoflokibang and #childrenoflokibingo, so we can reblog.
Please enjoy this event at your own pace. Our goal is for this event to be low stress, easy, and fun.
Your fic should be at least 3,000 words, but you are welcome to go over this wordcount. However, it's important that your fic is beta read and finished.
Although crossovers are allowed, Loki should be from the MCU, however, he can be heavily influenced by Norse mythology. You are encouraged to try to incorporate Norse mythology into your works.
Any ships are welcome, but please keep the focus of your works on Loki and his kids.
Due to the nature of Loki, and his origins, your fic must be tagged properly. Ship, rating, warning, main triggers ex. mcd, rape, torture, beastiality. Due to the nature of Norse mythology variations, certain dark themes cannot be wholly banned. However, please be responsible and tag heavily. Incest between Loki and his children is not allowed.
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so I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how Avengers (2012) might have been different if Loki had showed up looking even more obviously tortured, as he did in the original concept art by Andy Park (see below if you’ve not seen it before!), and specifically how his encounter with Cap in Stuttgart might have gone and I have no idea what happened in my brain but here! have a ficlet that seized my imagination and would not let go!
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“Loki, right?” Steve said, straightening from the crouch he’d landed in. “I’ve heard a lot about you, but I’ve got to say: from where I’m standing, I’m seeing a hell of a lot more burden than purpose.”
Loki laughed, scarred lips parted on a smile. “You lack vision, Captain,” he said, his voice low and rich. “But I can fix that.”
And then he seized the edge of the shield with blackened fingers and tore it away as if it was nothing, hurled it into the crowd like it was a child’s toy, like Steve hadn’t been holding it so tightly he could feel the leather strap biting into his palm, and Steve felt the moment the scepter touched him like something blooming behind his eyes. Gleaming, dazzling power flooded his senses, scorching through him like a fever, burning out everything else, chasing infection through his veins until he was clean, until he was whole, until the memory of all his petty wants faded into nothing and he could see.
Steve lifted his gaze only slowly.
Loki’s eyes—still bloodshot, still dark, hardly a sliver of blue visible in them—were fixed on Steve's, watching him, and there was a strange, predatory heat to his expression. Then he smiled, scarred flesh stretching. “Hello, Captain,” he murmured. “Now do you see?”
Dimly, Steve was aware of his former teammates’ voices rising frantically in his ear—their fear, their alarm, their concern—but he only pulled the device out and dropped it on the ground beside him. He did not need it now.
“I see just fine,” he said. Loki’s smile widened.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 3 months
choose violence: 19 & 23
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I've been in a weird kick lately because I came across one of those Loki magic collar slave fics where the Avengers have control of him.I actually liked. I usually hate those because Loki ends up being a rather boring martyr going through torture porn, but this one had Loki try to circumvent commands and even be a little shit, and the Avengers were not necessarily malicious (if a bit douchey at times, and maybe only Clint because revenge), they just didn't word things right, forgot about it, and that ended up hurting Loki. They were unaware they hurt him. Apparently I like fics with a huge focus on circumventing wording. It also showed that Loki hurt himself through his pride (e.g. assuming the worst, not asking questions).
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to.
Frostshield/Stoki. I've never been a Cap fan, I've only seen the first CA movie. All I know about Bucky is from fandom. But a fic series convinced me I should ship them. And I was like, "Huh, it makes sense."
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vilyanenyavilya · 1 year
Many fic thoughts lately-
The last three chapters of The Sorcerer Next Door are finished and unposted. I have this idea that the companion fic The Sorcerer Who Stole My Heart should have a draft first. Except now it’s stalled out in Loki pov and 53k words. I. Just. Need. Loki. To. Get. Himself. To. His. Damn. Happily. Ever. After.
Lost in Time (time travel shenanigans with Endgame Tony and pre-Thor1 Loki) has stalled at 55k words. I somehow made it out of the slowest of slow burns part and am like… okay now kiss again before we get to the end plot?
Instead, other little fics have gotten done and posted here, another place for Hannigram, or are little frostirons waiting for their time.
Dang brain, but I suppose sometimes things get written when they want to be.
On an ending note, I’m open to an alpha reader on some of these-to-varying-degrees of unfinished to finished. Lmk.
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fuckyeahlokisteve · 6 months
Just a question, is there anyone Russian/Ukrainian here? Although, it doesn’t matter, I would just like to rp on them, but in the Russian fandom there are no fans of Loki and Steve:( I can try to communicate through a translate🌹
Ahh, this question startled me bc I thought it was sent to my main blog, and I actually have russian heritage and I was like who small world lol.
But I'm not sure, let's see! Any of my beautiful followers Russian/Ukranian? Anyone looking for a rp partner????
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cherriiramen · 11 months
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I wasn’t joking when I said they could work. Help me.
Suddenly wanted to draw these two due to a comic made by @seadeepspaceontheside !!
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anamelessdragon · 2 months
Cold Frame | Chapter 37 | 2.6k
by NamelessDragon (@anamelessdragon)
Once he brought Loki back to the house, Barnes left quickly and, true to his increasingly laconic quality, without more than a few succinct words. 
Loki sat upon the cushions in the living room in the aftermath of his impersonal walk, catching his breath, the sun’s rays stretching towards him from the far window. The ball of frustration in his stomach felt as if it was only moments away from completing its expansion to maddening levels. 
Barnes had acknowledged his longing, but insisted on holding it at arms’ length. Why precisely, Loki did not know, but every attempt to whittle down that harsh exterior had been summarily rebuffed. Had he not been a shadow of his former self, he would have refused Barnes his retreat. As it was, Loki needed considerable rest before he even considered struggling against gravity again.
And he had the sneaking suspicion that nothing less than the power of an Infinity Stone would have swayed Barnes.
A mostly-dead Loki shows up face-planted in Bucky’s garden one day while Steve’s over for lunch. (Throws Infinity War/Endgame deaths and other parts of canon out the window.)
Pairings/Characters: Slow burn Loki/Steve/Bucky, past Steve/Peggy, referenced Sam/Bucky UST, Loki/Sam UST.
Warnings: Chapter 37 - references to past injuries/trauma
Read on AO3
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solvskrift · 2 years
of all the ghosts that bring us down | 16k | loki/steve rogers infinity war fix-it au
Thanos still attacks the Statesman, he still kills Loki, only this time that isn't where it ends. It's just lucky for him Captain America is currently running rogue around Europe looking for trouble. Or, the one where the Tesseract owes Loki a favor, Steve is...Steve, and it changes everything for the both of them.
Steve hopped the low brick wall with ease and sprinted across the darkened courtyard up the steps to the main entrance.
The communicator in his ear crackled and Natasha’s voice filtered through.“Are you seriously going in the front door?”
Despite knowing perfectly well she was four hundred miles away and probably not watching his tracker Steve swept the field automatically, peering through the blackness. “How do you do that?” He snagged a pick out of his belt pocket and stuck it into the door’s lock with an expert twist.
“Lucky guess.”
Steve smirked. “It’s fine, there’s nobody here.” He paused briefly, then asked, “You got the security system, right?” The handle clicked and he slipped quickly through the door, closing it behind him.
“Bit late to be asking that, isn’t it, Cap?”
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”
my piece for the @lokirarepairbigbang in collaboration with my partner in crime, @oceanichymns, who is responsible for the gorgeous art!
rest of the fic is here on ao3!
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