#still blind. and i am waffling on his class
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soupandsorcery · 1 year ago
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Kieran Iathrana
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seijorhi · 5 years ago
Outrunning Fate
As promised (though I am more than a little late for Shiratorizawa Week), the soulmate AU
Tendou x female reader x Ushijima
TW stalking, possessive behaviour, implied non-con
Soulmates were supposed to be a blessing.
It was a fairytale that you’d grown up hearing about. One person who was supposed to be wholly yours.
Your parents were soulmates, even if you hadn’t always understood the concept, the proof of that remarkable, unshakable bond was always right in front of you. It wasn’t in the big grand gestures, it was little things - the soft, adoring look in your father’s eye as your mother passed him his coffee every morning, the way she always sought out his touch when they were together, even if it was just to twine her fingers with his, or the way that they always seemed to be able to sense when the other was upset, and wordlessly found the perfect way to comfort them.
Your father never had to tell you that he loved your mother, but he did, every single day. He told her too, just to see her smile.
It seemed effortless, easy, as if their love for one another was as natural as breathing. How could you be blamed for looking at your bare wrist, waiting for the day that name would appear in scrawling black ink, feeling that excited fluttering in your chest because you knew one day you’d meet your soulmate and have that perfect, fairytale love all for yourself.
Except it wasn’t like that.
Something went wrong.
You’re fifteen and barely paying attention in class when your skin prickles uncomfortably. Your heart leaps into your chest as you tug up the sleeve off your blazer, watching wide eyed with bated breath as a name appears on your wrist.
Tendou Satori.
The beginnings of a smile start to curl at your lips, but it freezes in place as more inky black writing appears below the first.
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
A second name. 
And suddenly, it feels like your perfectly crafted world begins to fall apart. Two soulmates aren’t unheard of, but they’re incredibly rare and you can’t deny that there’s a certain… stigma attached to it. 
What kind of a person isn’t satisfied with just one? 
This is supposed to be some magical, thrilling moment for you, but instead all you can focus on is the pounding of your heart and the growing wave of nausea that rises in the back of your throat. Quickly you yank your sleeve back down and before you can even think to stutter an apology to your bewildered teacher, you’re out of your seat and sprinting down the hallway to the bathroom. You barely make it before hurling up your guts. 
After that, you start wearing long sleeves wherever you go.
It’s not that you’re ashamed, you tell yourself as you bite your lip and try your utmost to fade into the background whenever the topic comes up in conversation, it’s just that… other people aren’t always so accepting.
You’ve tried to get used to the disgusted looks, the invasive questions and the insults that follow you wherever you go, but it’s easier said than done. You hate that your cheeks still burn scarlet whenever you catch someone staring at your marks, almost as much as you hate the way you quickly duck your head in shame and race to fix your sleeve.
‘It’s okay, honey. I know it’s not what you expected but… it just means there’s one more person out there waiting to love you with everything they have. You’re twice as lucky as the rest of us,’ your father had told you on that horrible day. You just wished it hadn’t sounded like he was trying to convince himself at the same time.
You’re seventeen and the first boy who kisses you tries to shove your hand down his pants because he knows you’ve got two names on your wrist, and that means you’re up for anything, right?
You run home with tears streaming down your face and when you shower that night you scrub at the marks like you’re trying to erase them entirely.
What did having two names mean really? That one wasn’t enough? Would they be content sharing you? Would they even know of the other’s existence?
You could only imagine how horrifying it would be for them, spending months, years waiting for you only to realise that they didn’t really have all of you…
Would they hate you? Could you even blame them if they did?
Sometimes… sometimes you think it might be better if you didn’t have a soulmate at all, instead of this. It’s easier just to ignore it, pretend they don’t exist, pretend that you’re not gonna ruin their lives. Who knows, maybe you’ll be one of those few who never actually meet their soulmates. You can live with that, you think. You have a family who love you, a bunch of close friends who’d die for you - who needs stupid soulmates?
It’s the morning after your 18th birthday, your head is still pounding from the alcohol and bad decisions from the night before when your curiosity finally gets the better of you. It’s the modern age, most people live their lives online, you figure you’ll find a facebook page, a twitter account maybe.
Instead, the first item that comes up in your search is a video. It’s a news segment about a volleyball game - some high school team that you’ve never heard of, but you listen to the commentator talk and your heart leaps into your throat because they mention the Ace by name and suddenly there he is. Tall, dark haired and imposing - Ushijima Wakatoshi.
But you don’t even have a moment to breathe, to focus on the absolute beast that is your second soulmate and his terrifying spike because the camera shifts and suddenly there’s another player in focus. Tall, gangly with bright, spiky red hair and a too-wide grin, “-not the only player in the spotlight after today’s match; Shiratorizawa’s middle blocker, the so called ‘Guess Monster’ Tendou Satori-”
You close the browser window and slam your laptop shut.
They’re… friends, or teammates at the very least.
It feels like a bad dream you can’t wake up from. This whole thing is already messy enough, but you can’t get in the middle of that, you refuse to make everything worse for them just because the fates have decided to play a cruel joke on you.
If there were any lingering doubt left in your mind that you’re better off burying your soulmates, they’re well and truly put to bed.
That night, you dream of a cheering crowd, the thwack of a volleyball ricocheting off a vinyl floor and two menacing figures looming over you.
With your final exams around the corner, it’s almost too easy to put the video and your soulmates out of your mind as you throw yourself into studying. Months pass in the blink of an eye and suddenly you’re dressed in black robes and holding your high school diploma. You celebrate with your friends, dancing wildly with a care-free grin long into the night because you know you’re finally getting out of there for good. Tokyo’s a big city, you’ll lose yourself there and nobody, not a single damned soul, will know about the two names that grace your wrist. It’s as close to freedom as you’re ever gonna get - and god that makes you so fucking happy.
Your bags are packed and you’re holding your parents as they sob and then, like that, you’re gone. 
Tokyo awaits.
It’s not that easy to outrun fate.
Living in Tokyo ain’t cheap, even for the shitty little shoebox apartment you rent while you’re studying. You manage to find a job at one of the Americanised diner style cafes just down the road from where you live two weeks after moving in. It’s popular with students because it’s open till late, the coffee’s good and the waffles are exactly what the doctor ordered after a long night of drinking with your friends. You’re just happy because the pay’s pretty decent and your boss lets you bring in your laptop and textbooks so you can study when it’s not too busy. You’re not nearly as thrilled about the short, revealing blue dress that serves as your uniform, but you know when to pick your battles.
It’s a little after one o’clock on a slow Tuesday night, the cafe’s almost empty and you’re propped up on your elbows along the countertop, absentmindedly thumbing through one of your assigned readings for class tomorrow when you hear the tell-tale chime of the door opening.
You hastily shove your books aside, plastering a wide if not a little artificial smile across your face, you glance up to greet the customers, only to freeze in place.
Your heart skips a beat.
Of all the cafes in the sprawling city, of course your soulmate has to walk into this one.
With his wild, spiked red hair and easy, sloping grin, Tendou’s unmistakable as he strides through the cafe with two other guys you can only assume are his friends. You suppose you should be a little relieved that he barely spares you a glance as the threesome make a beeline for one of the corner booths, but it’s hard to feel anything other than blind panic at the sight of your soulmate only a few feet away. It’s purely out of habit that you reach for your wrist and the skin coloured bandage hiding your traitorous marks, and you allow yourself to breathe the tiniest sigh of relief when you feel it still in place.
A loud cackle bursts through the quiet atmosphere of the cafe and you dart a glance over to see Tendou with his head thrown back laughing at something one of the others has said. There’s an uncomfortable fluttering in your stomach and your cheeks redden just a touch. It’s not an awful sound (not at all), but your pulse is racing and you think you just might be sick because this is all… too much.
You’d left them in the past along with whatever fairytale fantasies you thought having a soulmate would bring. You… you’re happy being alone and coping just fine without either one of them! They were a dream - a distant possibility you’d long since locked away, you weren’t supposed to ever actually see them!
At least it’s only Tendou, you think you might actually combust if they were both here. Still, there’s a faint tremor in your hand as you brush a lock of hair out of your face and try to regain control of your breathing.
As much as you’d like to run, or preferably, have the earth suddenly open up and swallow you whole, you know you can’t. For one, you’re the only server left until close and your boss might be easy going but somehow you doubt he’d let you keep your job after a stunt like that. More importantly, you have a sinking suspicion that causing a fuss will only draw his attention and that’s the last thing you want. He doesn’t know who you are, your mark is safely tucked away under your bandages, this will be fine.
It’s an hour and a half until close, he and his friends will get some food, eat, drink and chat amongst themselves and then you can kick them out and it’ll all be over. You barely have to interact with him. For all he knows you’re just a server in a random cafe - this will be fine.
Robotically you force your legs to move, carrying you towards your oblivious soulmate. You’re pretty sure that your smile’s a little off and you haven’t quite managed to quell the shaking in your hands as you reach for your notepad, flipping it open.
It’s the best you can do, especially when there’s a voice inside your head that’s all but begging for you to turn around and pretend this whole thing never happened. 
Tendou appears to be thoroughly engrossed in whatever story he’s telling his friends, waving his arms around wildly when you reach their table. Normally you’d clear your throat politely and wait for them to settle down before introducing yourself and asking for their order, but when you open your mouth - nothing comes out. It’s like your whole throat has suddenly dried up and you’re just standing there gaping like an idiot, but Tendou hasn’t even noticed.
The ashy blonde to his left, however, does. His eyes flicker to you and you swear that you can see the faintest trace of amusement as he takes you in. He smirks, quickly shoving an elbow into the redhead’s side and jerking his chin in your direction. 
“Hey loudmouth, pipe down would you?”
Your breath catches as he turns around to look up at you and grins, “Ah, sorry. Didn’t see ya there!” 
The other two have picked up their menus again, but for whatever reason just as Tendou’s gaze starts to slide off of you, something catches his attention and stops him in his tracks. Like a magpie spotting something shiny in the distance, those big, droopy red eyes suddenly widen and zero back in with unnerving interest. Frozen with that fake, half hearted smile painted across your lips you feel strangely like a bug caught under a microscope as Tendou studies you - there’s really no other way to describe it. His head tilts to the side and he makes a low noise from the back of his throat that almost sounds pleased.
He can’t know, there’s no possible way, but if he doesn’t then why the hell is he staring at you like that?
It’s all you can do to remain rooted in place, your heart hammering so loudly against your ribs that you’re sure they have to be able to hear it too. Whatever he’s searching for he apparently finds because his grin widens and he leans back in his seat and chuckles. “Why’d you look so nervous, we’re not gonna bite - promise!” 
The other guy at the table rolls his eyes, “Tendou, don’t scare the pretty waitress, she’s just trying to do her job,” he chastises, offering you an apologetic smile that does little to ease your nerves. “Don’t mind him, he’s an idiot, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
You swallow and hum in faint acknowledgment, and he takes that as a sign to begin his order. 
You were hoping that they were just going to get some drinks and be out of your hair, but as he starts listing off various snacks and appetizers to share and the ashy blonde throws out a few more, it looks like your nightmare is only just beginning.
You nod dutifully, writing it all down. The cook is just going to love you for this, but there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. “Anything else?” you ask in a voice that just barely passes for what your boss deems ‘customer service appropriate’, decidedly not looking towards the redhead who is still staring at you.
He hasn’t looked at the menu once since you walked over, actually you doubt he’s looked at the menu at all, but it doesn’t seem to matter because he pipes up regardless, “Yep, one of those thickshakes, you know - the really good strawberry one, annnd-”
“Y/N, order up!!”
Your soul leaves your body at the exact same moment that Tendou’s pupils dilate and snap to your wrist.
The pen in your hand is shaking, your grip so tight that it’s a wonder the flimsy plastic doesn’t shatter as you turn to glance over your shoulder. The cook is leaning out across the overpass, staring at you with a scowl and vaguely you register the hot plate of food in front of him which can’t have been sitting there for more than a minute at the most. You give a weak nod, earning you a dismissive grunt in response, before turning back to the table.
All three of them are staring wide eyed and open mouthed at you. 
They know. They have to know.
You should have legged it when you had the chance.
Breathe. Smile. Play dumb. This is fine.
“A-anything el-”
“Somethin’ wrong with your wrist?” Tendou asks slowly, eyeing the bandage like he wants nothing more than to snatch it up and rip it away from you. His fingers flex and you don’t even have time to brace before they’re shooting out towards you-
A hand catches his forearm before he can touch you - it’s his friend, the dark haired one with the crew cut, who’s currently staring down the erratic redhead with a distinct frown. 
It’s the blonde who speaks up, “Sorry, he’s had a few drinks tonight. The idiot sometimes forgets his manners in public.”
The music is still playing in the background, somebody laughs at the table a few down from theirs, but in this little pocket, trapped between the three of them with the tension thick enough to slice with a knife, the silence is oppressive.
And then Tendou’s attention shifts back to you and your stomach flips - it’s like the floor has disappeared beneath your feet and you’re suddenly careening through the empty air with no hope in hell of slowing down.
He looks… well, mad is the wrong word. Tendou is technically smiling, but his grin stretched slightly too wide, his eyes a little too intense. There’s an emotion you can’t name etched across his pale features, and it’s unsettling… it scares you a little, if you’re being honest.
You swallow and take a tiny, shaking breath. “I-it’s fine. I tripped last week and sprained it.”
“Clumsy, are you?” he asks, prying himself free of his friend’s grip.
A laugh forces its way out, grating and too sharp to be believable. “Yeah, I guess. Your food won’t be too long, if you need anything else, just- just let me know.”
You don’t give them a chance to respond as you all but flee the table. You’re shaking and almost in tears by the time you reach the kitchen, the cook takes one look at you, a grumpy admonishment on the tip of his tongue, and falters.
They stay until close, and you avoid them like the plague.
Hours later, lying tucked up in your bed your skin still prickles from the thought of Tendou’s piercing stare. Maybe if you’d kept some kind of a level head through it all instead of acting like a flustered school girl, he might have just passed it all off as a coincidence. 
But you hadn’t, had you?
It wasn’t just that he knew who you were to him (and to Ushijima) but that after all your blushing and stammering, the pitiful attempts at hiding your soulmate marks and the way you all but ran from him the very first moment you could, he had to know that you knew as well. That despite coming face to face with your soulmate, you lied - you rejected him.
You mom once told you that the first time she laid eyes on her soulmate the world stopped spinning and all she felt was joy. Maybe there’s something wrong with you after all, because despite the insistent tug in your heart, you just feel sick. Despite being exhausted after your long shift, sleep that night doesn’t come easy.
It’s two days later that you find yourself back in the cafe, working a rare day shift on your only week-days off from classes. You keep glancing up at the door every few minutes, half dreading the possibility that any moment, Tendou and his friends are going to walk in, but they don’t. 
Ushijima does, a little after the lunch rush dies down.
He looks so out of place against the vibrant backdrop of the 50’s style diner, all serious and stoic, that if he were anybody else you might think he was lost. 
But he isn’t lost, because he’s staring right at you.
You don’t notice one of your co-workers sliding up to you until they laugh and playfully nudge your side. “Ah, I see the eye candy is back. Try and pick up your jaw, Y/N,” they tease.
Instead of finding an empty table to sit himself down at (and give you a minute to mentally prepare) Ushijima is making his way straight over to the counter, unsmiling and huge. How was he even bigger in person?! He could crush you with his thighs alone!
“He’s been here before?” you ask quietly, unable to draw your gaze away from him. 
Your co-worker snorts. “Yeah, he came in last night, he even asked for you by name. Seemed kinda disappointed when I told him you weren’t on until today. You holding out on me, Y/N? I thought we were closer than that. You know you’re supposed to tell me when you start dating a hot ass dude!”
They slip away with a wink before you even have a chance to respond and you’re left floundering as Ushijima approaches. Your mouth is dry, your pulse racing. Just like with Tendou, you have no escape, nowhere you can run or hide.
He asked for you by name.
Fuck. You should have quit when you had the chance.
Ushijima isn’t smiling. Where Tendou had been beaming with chaotic energy from the moment he walked in, your second soulmate seems almost stony as he stares at you with serious olive eyes. You honestly can’t tell if he’s frowning or if that’s just the way his face is, but it makes your gut twist regardless. 
It might also be the fact that he’s towering over you without even trying to. He has to be at least 6’3” but it’s not just his height that’s imposing - he’s brawny and muscular and, yeah, huge. Briefly you remember the news clip you’d seen of him, the terrifying brute force behind his spike. 
He seems to be waiting for you to speak, so you swallow down the lump in your throat and try to remember how to breathe like a normal person. “Hi, can I get you anything?”
Something briefly flickers across his face, but otherwise his expression remains distressingly neutral. “… I would like some tea.”
You nod - it’s like pulling teeth. “Yeah, sure. We uh, we actually have a few different kinds…”
He makes a rough noise of acknowledgement and then… pauses. Instead of the menu, Ushijima studies you. His lips twitch into the faintest hint of a… smile? You can’t quite tell, but it looks out of place regardless. “I will have whichever you recommend.”
You can’t seem to be able to form words, so you settle with nodding, gesturing for him to take a seat while he waits. 
His eyes don’t shift from you, nor does he make any attempt to mask the fact that he’s staring right at you. When his tea is ready, you all but beg your co-worker to take it to him. 
“Trouble in paradise?” they ask, waggling their eyebrows.
“It’s not like that,” you mutter, but they take the tea regardless, and you busy yourself in wiping down tables and pretending that you can’t see the scowl from the volleyball player burning across the diner. 
It really isn’t. 
Even after tucking any thought of meeting your soulmates away there was always some tiny part of you - a part you were always so desperate to ignore - that wondered how it would feel to meet them, to be loved by them…
But while your heart squeezes with every glance, it’s not warm, dizzying bliss that floods your system and sends blood rushing to your cheeks. You don’t know what the feeling is that curls in your stomach and claws its way up your spine, but it’s nothing good. 
Something went wrong with you, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Ushijima stays for an hour, finishes his tea and makes his way back to the counter to pay. 
He's wearing a grey hoodie, running gear underneath, and when he hands you the money, passing it directly into hands, his sleeve rides up. There, plain as day, is his soulmate mark.
Your name, written in black ink on Ushijima's wrist, forever marking you as his.
You jerk, flinching away from him, but he doesn’t make a move to cover it. 
“You cannot run from us, Y/N. We are your soulmates, we’re bound together.” His voice is little more than a murmur, but there’s an edge to it, sharp and pointed. Not so much a statement as a fact, as undeniable as your name on his skin, on Tendou’s.
He says it like it’s a promise, staring into your eyes with that impenetrable gaze and for a moment you forget how to breathe.
“Why are you so determined to fight it?”
You swallow, taking the cash from his hand and punching it into the till. “I’m sorry, whoever you think I am…” you trail off, finally raising your eyes to meet his penetrating stare. You’re quietly proud of the way your voice doesn’t shake, even as your heart races like a hummingbird in your chest and your palms sweat. “I’m not.”
The only sign that Ushijima hears you at all is the subtle furrowing of his brow and a distinctly displeased hum from the back of his throat. 
“I hope you enjoyed your tea.” The cutting barb slips from your lips before you can stop them, but there’s a certain vindictive satisfaction you get in watching his eyes widen, the brief hurt that flickers across his face. 
Of course, it only lasts a fraction of a second before his features school into a blank mask and he nods.
“Perhaps I will try another the next time I see you.”
And with a short bow, he walks away.
You leave your apron behind when you finish your shift at the diner, and you don’t come back.
There will be other jobs.
It’s not enough. 
They start showing around campus. 
The first time you catch sight of Tendou, you’re running between classing, cursing the ridiculous schedule that has you attending two back to back lectures on opposite sides of the campus. It’s just a glance - a flicker of red in the corner of your eye. The only reason you stop at all is because you're so focused on not being late that you fail to see the crack in the path until you’re tripping over it. The books in your hand go flying as you sprawl across the pavement.
“Huh, you really weren’t kidding about being clumsy, were ya?”
A pale hand stretches out before you, and just like with Ushijima, Tendou doesn’t bother hiding the soulmate mark as he grins down at you with those wide, creepy eyes. 
You ignore it entirely, waving it away as you pick yourself up with a grunt. The skin on one of your palms is grazed, and you’re pretty sure that your knees are too, but all in all it could be worse. It’s more your pride that smarts, that and the fact that of all people to see you trip, it has to be him.
“Aw, don’t be like that, baby. I’m only try’na help you!”
You scowl, snatching your textbooks out of his offered hands. “I’m not your baby, Tendou,” you mutter.
You regret the words immediately. His grin slowly widens and he makes a sound, somewhere between a shudder and a moan - it’s almost pornogaphic and wholly inappropriate and it sends blood rushing to your cheeks, but you don’t have time to think about it. 
“I’m already late, just-” you break off with a sigh, readjusting the strap of your backpack, staring resolutely at the ground. “I’m not what you want, what… what either of you want. Just leave me alone, okay?!”
Tendou doesn’t say a word as you walk away, but just like always you feel the burning stare following you until you’re out of sight. 
Somewhat stupidly, you think that’ll be the end of it. The gloves are off - you might not have said it in as many words, but there’s no point denying it any longer. They are your soulmates and it doesn’t change a thing.
There is something wrong with your bond.
But they don’t see it like that. 
They figure out your schedule, take it in turns to wait outside your classes, ambushing you whenever you’re alone. 
“I have a game tomorrow,” Ushijima tells you on a rainy Thursday afternoon as he follows you home. “I would like for you to come.”
It doesn’t seem to bother him that you walk a few steps ahead (or try to at least - his legs are ridiculously long) with your head bent down, ignoring the steady rainfall that threatens to saturate you. Tendou usually fights for your attention, grabs at your hands, your waist, any part he can reach just to touch you, but Ushiwaka seems content to merely be near - so long as you stray too far.
“I have exams to study for.”
He hums noncommittally, “Tendou will be there.”
All the more reason not to go. 
The silence between you two is heavy.
“It would make me… happy, if you came,” he tries again.
Your eyes squeeze shut for just a moment. You hate it when he does this, when he acts like you’re the one being stubborn. Like you haven’t told him, told them both to stop a thousand times before. Like they haven’t ignored it at every turn, blatantly refused to acknowledge that you don’t want them like they want you.
Shouldn’t ‘no’ have been enough?
You’ve considered reporting it to campus security, or even the police, maybe trying to get a restraining order or something like that, but what would you even say - ‘Please Officer, sir, my soulmates are stalking me’? Yeah, that’ll go down a real fucking treat. 
“Why…” you trail off with a sigh, forcing yourself to stop walking.
This time he does reach for you, taking your hand in his. It’s warm and rough from years of volleyball and hard work, and you hate that it’s already so familiar. His expression is as stoic as ever, but there’s a quiet reverence in his eyes as he looks at you, as if he can’t quite believe you’re really there with him. You suppose in another light, it might almost look romantic, the two of you holding hands under his umbrella, lost in your own little world as the rain pours down around you.
He seems to be waiting for you to finish your thought, so you buck up whatever dregs of courage you still have and try again, “Why can’t you just… move on? I don’t want this- this thing, whatever it is between us.” You sigh, tugging your hand back, “I just want to be alone, why can’t you respect that?!”
He doesn’t answer for a long moment, staring at you, his thumb rubbing back and forth along the back of your palm.
But then he shrugs, easily, as if you’re merely discussing the weather and not their continued overbearing and unwanted presence in your life. “We love you. More than anything, and despite your… reservations, we belong together, what other reason does there need to be?” He pauses, his gaze softening just a fraction, “You’ll come around eventually,” he adds.
A tiny part of you crumples at that. What’s the use in arguing with a brick wall?
It’s a minor relief when you walk out of your last lecture for the day the following afternoon. It might be because it’s a Friday and you, for once, have absolutely no plans for the weekend, but realistically it’s more to do with the fact that you know no one is waiting for you outside. Ushijima has his volleyball game, and Tendou will be there with him, cheering from the sidelines. 
You should be happier, really, but there’s a pit in your stomach that’s been there since Ushijima left you at your door last night. 
They’re not going to stop. 
Instead of listening to the professor talk, you’ve spent the last three hours searching university transfers. You love Tokyo University, you love Tokyo - the big, bustling city you’d gladly lose yourself in again and again, but it can’t be your home, not when they’re here too.
There’s a University in Kyoto, it has a similar program to the one you’re already in. It’s a surprisingly easy process to change - your grades are decent enough, all you have to is apply. One simple click of a button. It’ll take a few weeks for it all to go through, which’ll give you enough time to figure out how you’re gonna upend your entire life without them realising - assuming of course that Kyoto university accepts the request.
If you soulmates won’t let you go, you’ll run, and you’ll keep running. Maybe you’re wrong, maybe one day you’ll look back at them and feel that same love for them that you’d seen in your parents instead of that black, cloying unease that twists at your guts, but so long as they don’t give the choice, what options do you have?
You’re not stupid, this… thing that they’re doing, the stalking, monopolising your time, trying to drive your friends away, it’s not the end game. What happens when they get tired of you ignoring them?
“Hey, Y/N wait up!”
For a moment your heart seizes, but it calms almost immediately when you realise the voice isn’t the one you’re afraid of. 
You turn to find one of the guys from your last lecture walking over. He’s kinda cute, in a lost puppy kind of way, and he’s nice, for the three conversations you’ve actually had with him. Honestly you’re a little surprised he actually knows your name (considering you’ve definitely forgotten his) but you smile back regardless. “Hey, what’s up?”
“You doing anything tonight?”
Netflix and crashing early, but you’re hardly about to tell him that, “Not much, why?”
He smiles, and for a moment you’re taken aback by just how utterly endearing it is. He really is cute. “Me and a few friends are having a party tonight, you’re uh, you’re welcome to come. Y’know, if you’re not doing anything,” he says with a laugh, throwing in a wink for good measure.
But his smile fades a little as he catches a glimpse of something behind you. You frown at the odd reaction, turning instinctively to see what drew his attention when a weight drapes across your shoulders and you find yourself being pulled into a sideways embrace.
“There you are, baby! I was starting to think you’d gotten lost,” a familiar voice drawls. “Who’s your friend?”
You can’t see Tendou’s expression as he rests his chin on your shoulder, but from the way your classmate blanches you can imagine that it’s not pleasant. Still you have to give him credit, he only falters for a second before he’s rubbing the back of his neck and offering a sheepish smile, “Oh, hey, uh… yeah, I’m-”
“Punching a little above your weight, dont’cha think?” Tendou cuts him off with a snort, nuzzling in just a little closer. You can feel the warmth of his breath against your neck as he tilts his head to whisper in your ear, “I thought Ushiwaka told you about the game tonight.”
You shiver, although whether it’s from his softly edged words or the kiss he presses against your cheek, you’re not entirely sure. “He did, I-I told him that I had to study…”
Tendou laughs, squeezing you tighter, “Psh, is that all? Baby, we can help you study later. C’mon, or we’re gonna miss the start of the game.”
And like that he’s tugging you away. With Tendou’s arm wrapped snugly around you, you don’t even have a chance to turn around and apologise to the guy. He’s done it purposefully, a reminder you suppose of who you belong to - though for your classmate’s benefit or yours you honestly don’t know. 
Ushijima’s already on the court by the time Tendou and you arrive at your seats (front row of course) but he glances over as you both settle down and his lips quirk into the faintest hint of a smile.
It would make me… happy, if you came, he’d said.
You don’t miss the razor sharp, anticipatory gleam in his eyes, though. 
He destroys the competition. You still remember that brief clip you’d seen years ago of his brutal spike - it seems like time has only served to make it more lethal. The rest of his team is undeniably good, you doubt Ushijima would join a club made up of anything less than the best, but still, he’s in his element and without a single doubt the strongest on the court. 
For every point he scores, Tendou cheers wildly. Halfway through the second set you can see that every player on the other side hates Ushijima - if the scowls and muttered snarls they’re shooting his way are anything to go by. You can’t exactly say you blame them for it either. They’re demoralised and angry, frustrated by the huge Ace and his indomitable force and even though he’s not a part of the team, Tendou revels in it. There’s a song he starts to sing, some inane jig that flows too naturally to have been made up on the spot. You can almost imagine him on the court beside Ushiwaka, singing it after stealing point after point from the other team. The two of them must have made a formidable team on the court.
They still do, you suppose.
You’ve never been one for volleyball, or sports in general, but even you can’t deny the sense of feral anticipation in the air as Ushijima steps up to serve on match point. Tendou has his hand wrapped tightly around yours, leaning forward in his seat to watch the spectacle. You can’t say you blame him.
You might hate him, but you can’t deny that his serves are a sight to behold. Your heart thumps as he throws the balls up, runs and launches himself into the air. His legs are arched, his form perfect and you still can’t quite believe how high he manages to get considering his size -
And then he hits the ball, palm slamming into the leather with a resounding smack - it flies over the net, damn near knocks the poor Libero off his feet as he tries to save it, but even that isn’t enough to stop it. The ball ricochets off his receive, spinning into the crowd and just like that - it’s all over. 
Ushijima roars in victory, and Tendou turns to you, red eyes wild and delighted. You don’t have a moment to breathe, much less prepare yourself before his lips are crashing against your own. 
The deafening cheers of the stadium fade out. 
You can feel his racing pulse as he clutches you close, the unrepentant enthusiasm that pours through him as his tongue dances across your bottom lip, begging for entry. You’re stuck still, frozen in place as your soulmate steals his first kiss.
Somehow when you pictured this moment as a little girl, you didn’t imagine that it would be fear that floods your veins, that the soft, breathless laugh that Tendou gives as he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours would scare you instead of making you feel safe and loved.
They walk you home together. It’s unnerving enough with just one of them, but with both your soulmates flanking you you’re more on edge than usual. 
Or maybe it’s the slightly weird energy you can sense between the two of them. Tendou hasn’t stopped grinning since he kissed you and Ushijima still seems a little wired from his win. He hasn’t said much since the three of you left the stadium, but he’s holding you closer than normal, an arm slung low across your back, his fingers brushing possessively along your hip. 
God, Kyoto can’t happen fast enough. 
There’s a lump in your throat as you reach your apartment. They’d offered to take you out for dinner after the game finished - to celebrate Ushiwaka’s crushing victory over ‘those poor assholes’ as Tendou had put it - but despite the pit of hunger in your stomach, you’d politely refused. The less time spent with them the better.
Surprisingly, both Tendou and Ushijima had taken it in stride without so much as a peep.
But now you’re at the front door, keys in hand and Ushijima still has his arm draped around you. It’s not like they haven’t been in this position before, but despite all their gentle cajoling (well, gentle is relative - Tendou whines petulantly and Ushijhima just seems to hover silently like an overgrown bat) they’ve never actually been inside your apartment. 
It’s your one sanctuary, and you very much want to keep it that way.
“Y’know, ‘Toshi and I’ve been thinking,” Tendou begins, snatching the keys out of your hand before you can stop him, chuckling and swatting at you when you try and grab them back. “Me ‘n the big guy, we really do love you, baby - head over heels, heart racing, butterflies in your stomach kinda love. It’s kinda sappy, actually. You have no idea how happy you’ve made us.”
The key slides into the lock and he twists it, pushing your door wide open. His eyes flash to yours and he grins, bowing as he gestures towards the open apartment. Your open apartment.
An invitation.
You blanch. “Um, I-I don’t think-”
Stupid of you to think you ever had a choice in the matter - Ushijima’s arm is an iron wall against your back, pushing you forward as he crosses the threshold. 
Tendou follows behind the two of you, and the click of the door shutting behind you echoes far too loudly in your small apartment. He tosses the keys into the little dish on the kitchen counter - where they always go when you’re at home - and winks at you.
“I mean we are your soulmates so I ‘spose it’s kind of a given.” He shrugs, leaning back against the countertop, folding his arms over his chest. “But we can’t help but notice that you seem a little… uneasy around us. And I get it, baby, really I do. You’re just a little shy - it’s cool.”
Your heart leaps into your throat as Ushijima’s fingers curl around your jaw and he tilts your face to the side to meet his intense stare, “You’re being unnecessarily stubborn,” he elaborates.
A flicker of amusement dances in Tendou’s eyes at his bluntness. “We tried it your way - taking it slow and steady, trying to ease you in but, well… I think we can all agree your way isn’t working all that great.”
Your eyes snap back to him, “What?”
His grin widens, “So we figured it’s time we try it our way. We’ve been so good, baby! D’ya have any idea how hard it’s been to hold ourselves back?”
Ushijima’s grip is unrelenting, but that doesn’t stop you from frantically trying to fight your way out of it as Tendou pushes off the counter and stalks over to the two of you.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he murmurs, “Been waiting so long for this. Wanted to fuck you on the tables back in the diner in that cute lil’ uniform of yours.” He smirks down at you, his pupils blown wide and dripping with lust. 
No. No, no, no! You shake your head frantically as he closes in, “Stop, wait! Let me go, LET ME GO! I-I don’t want-”
Your panicked words are cut off as Ushijima suddenly spins you around to face him. His hand cups your cheek, enveloping it entirely, and his broad thumb strokes the soft skin gently. “We’re not going to hurt you, little one. You just need to see - to feel what we feel for you.”
Whatever retort you have is swallowed up as he closes the gap between you and kisses you. He’s demanding - unrelenting - forcing your mouth open so that his tongue can taste yours. Distantly you register Tendou slotting in behind you, the unmistakable bulge that presses against your ass as he attaches himself to your neck. “Shh, baby,” he murmurs between kisses, fingers sliding to the hem of your top. “Let your soulmates take care of you, hm?”
It’s not like you’ve ever had a choice in the matter.
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 4 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs, “Group Project.”
Alright everyone, still working on the lecture series, but I also wanted to get some ideas.
What parts of my worldbuilding do you want me to continue with?
What do you want to know more about?”
What story lines do you think I have left unfinished?
And are there any parts of the timeline you want to hear more about? (I was thinking about doing a story on how Adam was even given a ship in the first place) things like that.
I would find your feedback very helpful if you could :) at the very least it will help me get through my writing slump.
Almost six months.
Six months od doctor Krill’s lecture series and they still felt as if they didn’t understand humans anymore than they had when they first started. Despite months and months of research, and papers, none of them had managed to get a grade on an assignment that was higher than a C -- Dr. krill was using what he called the human letter grading system to give them some more experiences that would help them bond with humans, and boy were they bonding with the humans who just couldn’t seem to get it right.
It wasn’t that Dr. krill was an unfair teacher, it was just that most of them always managed to be wrong in some massive and obvious way about humans. For example, when writing a paper about how humans cannot see in the dark and would be likely not to survive on a dark planet, but then potentially forgetting about all the humans who survived being completely blind Everything you could say about humans was generally untrue for another human.
Humans have an extreme sense of survival however they seem prone on tossing  themselves from high places just for the fun of it. 
Humans were both the most survival oriented and the most danger prone species in the entire universe, and that let to some very strange stories that often seemed as if they couldn’t possibly be true, but often turned out to be true anyway.
Either way, the class had been both difficult and exciting, and now they were approaching the end of the semester, and Dr. Krill had promised them something very special to go along with their group project.
They all waited nervously in their predetermined groups watching as Dr. Krill stepped into the room.
He said something to his TA and then turned to his projector to fiddle around for a moment. 
When the lights blinked overhead this time. 
Dr. krill trend to look at the class, “Understanding that we are approaching our last few weeks of class, I have decided to do something a bit special for all of you. To prepare you for the real world of working with humans. I understand that all of you have been working hard despite your abysmal grades, and have decided to do something that human schools do when just such a thing occurs….. Grading on a curve. I certainly didn’t expect any of you to understand humans any better after all of this was over, so this week, I am going to give your real opportunities for some real learning.”
He looked around the room rather smug, “First of all, I want to introduce you to a REAL life earth predator.”
Somehow, in some way, Krill made a sharp whistling noise, and out of the darkness of one of the entrances, their came the soft thudding of footsteps…. Four of them to be precise.
When the furry animal raced into the room the entire class went into a state of panic. Aliens leaped up on their desks and screamed. Vrul inflated and began floating towards the ceiling, all was chaos as the large fuzzy creature raced around the perimeter of the room and then straight towards Dr. krill himself.
More screaming.
“Waffles Sit!” The animal skidded to a stop, and then sat with a soft thump on the floor.
The classroom grew very still as Dr. Krill began to pat the predator’s head.
A pink tongue lolled from it’s mouth past massive white K-9 teeth. Its huge ears swiveled back and forth.
The class slowly began to relax back in their seats as Krill continued to pat the dog, rubbing the fur under its chin so that it raised its head and grumbled deep in it’s throat. Its tail slapped repeatedly against the ground.
“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to one of the staples of a human pack….. A dog.” He continued to pat the animal, as she slid to the ground beside him tail still thumping loudly against the ground, “Waffles was trained by humans for humans, and has the ability to both detect and prevent psychological crisis. As you all know humans are rather prone to mental dysfunction, but this dog is one of the first line defences put in place for a specific human.”
The dog leaned up, and with her long pink tongue, she liked the doctor on the arm.
The class cringed back.
“If you ever want to work with humans, it is likely you will have to work with dogs as well. Any dog that is going to be aboard a human ship will have been vetted for work with other alien races. They will be friendly, and they will calm. Waffles has been around humans her entire life, and around aliens for over two years which is a little less than half of her life.”
He turned to look at the room, “I will give a hundred points of Extra credit to anyone who is brave enough to come down here and pet her.”
There was silence in the room.
No one moved an inch.
Off in the corner a Tesraki shifted nervously in his seat.
He had the lowest grade in the class and he knew it, but a hundred point os extra credit would bring him solidly up a letter grade or two…. but …. It’s teeth were so big, and it probably weighed as much as he did.
It was the look that Dr. Krill gave him that finally urged him onward. Dr. Krill knew, and was, surprisingly, trying to help him.
Knees shaking and hands about to tremble off the end of his wrists, the Tesraki stood, and made his slow way across the room. His ears were plastered flat against his head and his hands only shook worse. The dog grew larger and larger in his vision until she was sitting right before him. Even sitting down she was only a foot and a half shorter than he was, and the panic he was feeling was unbelievable.
He looked into her eyes, and she shifted forward on her paws, snout pushing towards him. He backed away and the entire class gasped. She rocked back on her feet and gently lowered herself to the ground, looking up at him with wide brown eyes.
When he didn’t move she slowly rolled until she had flipped over on her back, looking up at him with her head tilted
A tooth poked out from under her lip, and her tail beat against the ground.
“Look at that!” krill exclaimed, “That’s a submissive pose she would use on a human, she wants you to rub her chest and belly, go on, she’s giving your permission.”
Heart hammering in his ears, he leaned down, and with trembling fingers patted the coarse fur on her belly. She made a grumbling noise and he leaped back, but Dr. Krill encouraged him on saying that it was a good thing, and so he continued. The animal kicked her leg a couple of times and the Tesraki felt his entire body tingle with exhilaration.
He was…. He was petting a dangerous earth animal, just like the humans would!
Eventually he was dismissed back to his seat, and the dog rolled over onto her stomach, resting her head on her paws, which she began to lick absently, large ears still perked.
Dr Krill turned to look at them, “But of course this class it primarily about humans, is it not, and I strongly believe that there is really only one way to teach someone how to interact with humans properly….” he looked around at all of them, “And that, is by experience.”
The class shifted in their seats with exclamations of surprise, and from down one of the hallways they heard a sharp repeated thudding. The beat was so regular and rhythmic it managed to make many of the Vrul students dizzy and confused, nearly lolling out of their seats.
Dr Krill stood firm two hands on hips, two hands crossed over his chest.
And that is when the column of humans marched into the room in perfect time with each other, their botos hitting the floor such that the seats about them seemed to rattle. The vrul could barely keep in their seats and the other students leaned forward in awe.
Most of the humans wore strange clothing in a black and greyblue pattern all over their bodies, while the human at the front wore light grey and a strange adornment atop his head. The front of his chest glittered with small colorful ribbons and little glittering symbols though no one could have been sure what they meant.
The line of humans drew to the front of the room and then stopped.
The group turned in unison with the sharp rattling of boots on the floor.”
“ATTENTION!” Their bodies snapped into position, hands raised to their temples as they looked forward perfectly still.” “AT EASE.”
The group of humans, together, fell back into a posture of relative relaxation. Feet spread, hands clasped gently behind their backs, and there they stood as Doctor Krill moved to stand next to them, “Well class, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Omen’s Alpha team. These marines have trained for years in ground combat for most of their careers. IF there is ever a problem on your planet, this is likely who the humans will send as reinforcements.”
He turned to the last human, the one with the shiny uniform, “And it is my pleasure to introduce our ship’s admiral, who graciously agreed to come and bring his men today. I think you will recognize him from your textbooks.”
When the human removed his hat and turned to face them, there was a shocked muttering. They knew him from their textbooks, as HE was the very template for the classic anatomical diagram that adorned many of the pages in their textbooks.
It was essentially his system that they were examining whenever they discussed the systems of the human body.
“A couple of things I would like you all to note here, and those are the highly social structure in which humans operate. This structure includes a strict hierarchy that humans take pains to make known. The Single Star on the Admiral’s shoulder marks him as the highest ranking human in this room. He outranks me, these other humans and all of you as civilians. In the human world, he is to be listened to, and his orders to be obeyed. In certain cases humans will overlook the intelligence of what someone is saying, if they are of a higher rank in worry of social repercussion.”
He turned to walk towards the marines still standing in their straight line, “They rank in order from this symbol down to this symbol and each of them has an important task to preform. In the early days of our meeting humans, this strict social hierarchy was enough to make some assume that humans were in possession of some sort of hive mind. However, this is clearly not the case. Humans do not have a hive mind, but they do possess a social structure so rigid in some cases that it may seem like it. I would also like to note the diversity in human appearance. The only other species that we have seen with even remotely comparable diversity in facial, tonal, and physical structure are either the Drev, or the Tesraki.”
He turned to look at the groups and his antenna buzzed with amusement, “Now, in your groups, I want you all to pick one of the marines to come join you, and then for the rest of the class, I would like you to come up with a principal about humans to demonstrate at the end of the lecture.” he pointed to one of the first groups, “pick a human.”
There was some slight shuffling and discussion as they tried to determine which human would be best. In the end they went for the smallest human hoping beyond hope that they would be the least aggressive.
It was a real pity that they didn’t understand the rule about short humans, and maverick, in an attempt to get to her group, ignored all the rules of decorum and simply stepped up onto the desks clambering over with great dexterity until she plopped herself down in a seat in the middle of the group turning to look at them, “Yo.” She said, rather un ironically as they stared at each other in shock.
The other humans were quickly divided out and went to sit with their groups mostly enjoying being the center of attention.
There was one less marine than they needed, so the highest ranking human handed his hat to the dog sitting on the floor and walked over to slide into a seat with them, showing his teeth in a gesture that was supposed to be friendly.
All around the room chattering steadily grew as the aliens began asking the humans quick fire questions which some of the marines found hard to keep up with.
When asked a question Ramirez simply shook his head, “You know what you guys probably know way more about humans that me. I’m not a doctor, or anything else. I am a marine, I know how to do like four things effectively, I call them the four Fs, Fight, Fun, Food, and er well you get the picture.”
Maverick was having a very amusing time explaining teeth to the aliens, albeit rather inaccurately considering that teeth weren’t actually bone but a mixture of enamel covered dentine, but Krill let it go on for the factor of amusement.”
The nervous members of the admiral’s group had already been lulled into a sense of ease at the man’s friendly and relaxing demeanor, and he was attempting to do his best at explaining a question given to him by one of the aliens, and was doing a better job than the marines at taking their questions seriously.
“Well you see, when it comes to humans you are always going to be relatively safe. Over the past thousands of years, access to soft cooked foods have caused our jaws to grow relatively small and weak leaving little room for our teeth. So most humans don’t like food that is difficult to eat. We aren’t impressive enough predators that we can just strip flesh from bone. Plus thats a great way to catch diseases, furthermore, our diets and the way we eat really had to change as our vocal cords moved further up in our throats. Sure this gave us the ability to speak and mimic almost any alien language known, but it also made us very prone to choking on our own food.”
He sighed, “I remember this one time when I was five and I choked on a hard candy, scariest moment of my life probably, or at least in the top ten. If you don’t know what choking is, its when something gets stuck in your airway blocking your ability to breath and you die from oxygen loss, I know a horrible way to die.”
The conversations continued all around the room until there was only twenty minutes left in class, and he called a stop so that the groups could demonstrate a human principle that they had learned.
The first group brought Maverick up and one of the other students presented her with a rock No one was really sure why he had the rock, but the fact that it had big eyeballs drawn on it was enough for her to happily accept the gift and declare its name to be “The Boulder.” The class was surprised to find that it took such little effort for a human to pack bond with something, but the fact that she held the rock in two hands and occasionally stroked a finger down it was clear enough evidence that it was true.
The other students demonstrated a human’s depth perception by throwing an object and watching as Ramirez leaped out over the desks, hands stretched out to catch the object mid fly before landing back on the ground. The precision that it required to do that left the class very very impressed.
Someone else had a human try to identify what something was based on it’s smell, and he accurately guessed the difference between Vrull Texraki and Runid just based on their smell. They even brought in one of the other humans to which the test subject exclaimed,  “Don’t tell me it’s Ramirez and his bitch ass. I would know those fumes anywhere.”
One of the humans managed to demonstrate a very impressive climbing ability, and another one of the marines was pleased to demonstrate a human’s advanced vestibular sense by doing a backflip off of one of the desks. He tried to do it twice, but tripped upon anding and ended up on his back much to the amusement of the other humans.
That was also a good demonstration of the human’s empathy reflex as the humans winced and were silent for a moment before they began their ridicule.
If they remembered correctly, humans used teasing and humor as social bonding. They would never have made fun of their friend if he had actually been hurt, but the fact that he wasn’t made it clearly acceptable to joke as it let the other humans know that everything was ok.
The last group caught the admiral off guard by saying the word yawn and causing a chain reaction that made its way all around the room until it terminated with the dog, who also yawned, much to the surprise of the students.
Krill watched all of this with interest, keeping an eye on his more motivated students, and the ones who got along best with the humans. He was still trying to get permission from his superiors, but taking a few house students with them on the omen and back to earth would be a great PR move and also a good way to get some of his more invested students an experience that they could really take with them into their careers.
If one thing WAS  clear by the end of the lecture.
It was that Maverick was not going to give up her pet rock any time soon. 
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sunshineseung · 4 years ago
Journal Part 3 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 4.3k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, “mommy”, shower/morning sex, handjob (m!receiving), cum swallowing, smut within smut [mentions of punishment, spanking, pegging, free use, “mistress”, flogging, chastity], masturbation, brief phone sex, bratty jeongin, punishment, spanking with hand, grinding, overstimulation (m!receiving), PIV (riding, cowgirl/reverse cowgirl), unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare… phew good luck
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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The morning sun blinds Jeongin through the curtains, and he lazily rubs his eyes to see steam coming from under the bathroom door. You’ve already gotten up to get a shower, but you so rudely forgot to invite the sweet college boy blissfully sleeping next to you. Jeongin springs out of bed with a little too much energy and sneaks into your bathroom, being as quiet as possible.
“Jeongin, I know you’re there.” You fold your arms as you face the clear shower door Jeongin’s silhouette was on. He freezes, shrugs, and opens the shower door just enough so you could see only half of his body. 
“May I come in?” 
You sigh and swing open the door fully, making sure no water can get out. “Sure, baby.” 
Jeongin gets giddy and hops in, smiling brightly as you continue to lather soap on your body. Suddenly, he hugs you from behind, pulling you as close to his body as possible. You feel his semi-erection on your back, but that’s not your focus right now. You just want to be clean for your day off. 
“Thank you for letting me stay over.” Jeongin nuzzles his head in the back of your neck, cuddling you under the running water. “I really enjoyed last night. Did you?” 
“Yes, sweetheart. I enjoyed it a lot.” Your reassurance makes him blush, and he’s happy you can’t see the flustered expression on his face. He doesn’t know what to do next. Luckily, you have plans. “Hey, Jeongin, do you write… fantasies about us in class?”
“Oh, uh, sometimes. I make sure no one sees, though.” He backs away, leaning on the far shower wall. “I mostly write in my composition class.” 
“Who’s the professor?” You turn around, facing him fully, pinning him to the wall with your eyes. 
“Mr. Lee?”
“Lee what?” 
“Lee… Minho?”
Damnit. Of course. Of course it was going to be your ex husband. Admittedly, this wasn’t the best time to interrogate Jeongin, but it’s still early, and the kids aren’t up yet, so you have time to turn this around.
“Mommy, can you put shampoo in my hair?” Jeongin’s cute little voice almost makes your heart burst, and it’s practically impossible for you to say no now. Jeongin turns around and kneels, patiently waiting for you to wash his hair. You squeeze some shampoo into your hand and spread it through Jeongin’s wet hair, making sure it suds on his scalp. He hums in content, loving the feeling of your hands through his hair. “Thank you.”
“No problem, baby.” You kiss the back of his neck, making a shiver run down his spine. You hear the light sounds of Jeongin touching himself, slowly and quietly enough that he hopes you don’t notice, but you obviously do considering you see his right shoulder moving.
Once the shampoo is finally rinsed out of his hair, you pull him onto you, his back falling against your chest and stomach. You run your hands over his abs before taking a hold of his cock, wrapping your fingers around it gently before slowly jerking him back and forth. Jeongin weakly bucks his hips into your hand, dazed and clouded with neediness. 
“You like when mommy touches you like this, huh?” The water sprinkles down onto Jeongin’s cock, creating a weak lubricant for your hand. He doesn’t answer you; he can only whimper, too far gone to even form a thought. He slipped into this headspace so fast, and it kind of shocks you. Jeongin rustles in your arms, seeming to wish to break free from your hold. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“W-want to see you.” Jeongin squeaks out, prompting you to turn around and pin him against the wall so the water hits your back. You get on your knees, looking up at him as his face is bright red and his eyes are half-lidded. “You’re so pretty, mommy.” 
“Aw, is my little boy trying to compliment me so he can cum?” You go back to stroking his cock, licking the tip once to remind him of how your mouth feels. His sensitive cock begins to twitch, begging to release. Another lick, this time from his balls to his tip, and he’s cumming on your face, shooting his load across your features, mostly in your mouth. 
You wipe the cum from your face to your mouth, swallowing every last bit of his tasty release. Jeongin only watches, eyes glued to your mouth, but he doesn’t know if he can kiss you considering you just ate his cum. 
“Mommy, can I kiss you?” You look up and him and groan as you stand up, your knees feeling the repercussions of kneeling on the hard shower floor. He raises his chin as you grasp his face, pulling his soft lips to yours, kissing you sweetly. You press your body against his, your tits coming in contact with his chest, and he has to fight every thought to snap his neck down to look at your chest. Still, your lips were made for each other, perfectly in sync with every ministration. He’d be a fool to break this kiss right now. 
Nothing in Jeongin’s wildest dreams could have prepared him for being with you, even if it isn’t anything serious. He loved just being in your presence, focused on your every word and every action, mentally taking notes so his memories of his time with you could be as vivid as possible. 
On the other hand, nothing in your wildest dreams could prepare you for your ex-husband rudely coming back into your life only to shame you for possibly having a relationship with another consenting adult. When he called you last night, you had no idea Jeongin was one of your students, but somehow, Minho saw what he was writing in his little notebook, and it all seemed too descriptive to be fake. Jeongin was younger when he saw Minho the most, and there was no way Jeongin could recognize him as his ex-neighbor now. It was all an innocent mistake that cost you a lot of sleep last night. 
You weren’t thinking about that now. All you could think about was what time it was, because your daughters would be awake any minute and you always make them breakfast on your days off. You break the kiss and get out of the shower with Jeongin, graciously helping each other dry off, and you go out to begin making waffles for your kids.
“I didn’t know you could cook!” Jeongin sits at the dining table, full of glee just like a child would be. “Can I stay for breakfast?” 
“Jeongin, you can stay as long as you’d like.” You press the waffle iron closed, beginning to cook the first of three. “But no funny business. I don’t want the girls to know what’s going on between us.” 
“Oh, that’s okay! I just know there’s no fresh breakfast at my house.” He laughs a little, lounging back in the wooden chair. “I’ll leave after I eat so you have a day with your kids, and I also have homework to do.” 
“They give you kids homework on the weekends?” You sound almost offended by the thought of doing any type of schoolwork on your days off. “From what I can remember, we never got homework on the weekends, or if we did, I certainly didn’t do it!” 
You both laugh, then go back to a comfortable silence. It felt right. Having another adult in the house, someone to talk to who isn’t only talking to you because of work. This is what you’ve been missing. 
When your daughters wake up, they’re shocked to see Jeongin sitting at the table, but they’re also happy to see him. They drag him out of his seat at the table so he can play with them before you tell them to behave. 
“Jeongin is a guest this morning. Treat him nice!” 
Jeongin’s embarrassed to admit that he almost said yes mommy, but the glorious taste of the syrup-covered waffles takes his mind off that. You just lean against the counter and watch them eat, sipping your coffee as the sun continues to rise.
“Jeongin, where were you last night?” Felix says through his headset, waiting for his game to load. “We need a team of four!”
“I thought Hyunjin would have been on.” Jeongin yawns, tired after having you wake him so early. “I was busy, sorry.” 
“Busy doesn’t mean writing in your diary, Yang.” Jisung chimes in, calling Jeongin by his family name as if it’s an insult. 
“First of all, it’s not a diary, and second of all, I was busy with a… girl.” Jeongin hesitates to give away too much information, but he folds the seconds he’s brought back to where he was last night: under you. 
“Aw, our baby Innie has a girlfriend?” The group fills with oohs and ahhs as Jeongin groans and rolls his eyes, adjusting his headset out of frustration. “Let us meet her! C'mon man!” 
“You can’t meet her. We aren’t dating.” Jeongin threatens to leave before they drop the topic, but he can’t stop thinking about you, being already semi-hard by the end of their first match. The team berates him for his poor playing, but they can’t even fathom the thoughts going through Jeongin’s head that he can’t wait to put into his journal. 
I want mommy to punish me. Punish me for these thoughts, punish me for touching myself without her, punish me for anything she pleases. Her perverted little boy wants to be ruined, and yet she’s so gentle with me. I don’t care if the sound of her spanking me wakes up her kids. It’ll be worth it just to feel her treat me like I’m her servant who lives to please, because I am. I’m nothing but a vessel she should be free to use at her will. I’m her toy. All hers. 
Jeongin’s phone pings from the other side of his desk. It’s a text message from his favorite neighbor, and what perfect timing too. In your little text conversation, you and Jeongin discuss the babysitting times for the week, and don’t even manage to mention anything about sex. As upsetting as this is, while he waits for your answers, he’s diligently jotting down all of his twisted fantasies. 
“You take my strap so well, honey.” She thrusts into my ass again, this time going even deeper than before. I hold my legs up with my hands around my tights, spreading my ass for her to fuck. My cock is leaking with precum while she strokes it with one hand and plays with my nipples with her other. “Dumb little boy’s being so good for me now.” 
When you finally say goodbye over text, Jeongin shoots back a short “can we call?” As strange as you thought this text was, you press his number, soon to be greeted with the heavy breaths of the young boy. Luckily, the girls were asleep and you were alone in your bedroom, so you could say anything. 
“Aw, is my boy all needy while he’s alone?” You tease him across the line, although you could just yell this out your window to his. Jeongin slips his pants down his thighs to release his cock, playfully touching his tip before gripping his shaft and stroking himself slowly. “Are you thinking about mommy?”
“Y-yes, I’m thinking about you, mommy.” How he got so excited so quickly is beyond his own understanding, but just from hearing your lustful voice, Jeongin’s already brainless, hardly able to utter a simple sentence. 
“Good boy. You’re always such a good boy, huh?”
“Only for you, mommy.”
“Then why does my good boy want to be punished?” Jeongin’s breath hitches, suddenly remembering the short, revealing conversation with you about wanting to be used. “I wouldn’t want to punish you without a reason, my little prince.”
“Wh-what can I do?” He heaves out, quickening his pace on his dick. “Give me rules, mommy. I want to break them.”
“Oh, pretty boy wants rules now?” You take a moment to ponder, hearing the light sound of skin slapping from the other side of the phone. “Stop jerking off. No masturbating without my permission.”
Jeongin freezes, taking his hand off his cock slowly, writhing from the ruined orgasm he was so close to having. He sighs to catch his breath, pulling the phone away so you couldn’t hear how desperate he was to be touched. “What else?”
“Hm,” you scratch your chin in thought, “you have to show me everything you write in your little journal, got it?” “E-everything?”
“Everything.” Jeongin’s focus goes to the journal, looking at the depraved words he scratched onto the page. If he wants to get what he wants, he has to show you just so you know how much he wants this. “Yes ma’am.”
“One more thing, baby.” Jeongin’s worn out just from the first two rules. One more might break him. “Promise to take care of yourself. Brush your teeth, eat your meals, drink water, ya’know, things like that. I don’t want this rule broken.” 
The sudden overflowing of care and wholesomeness makes Jeongin’s face turn red, partially because you’re so sweet and partially because he forgot to eat dinner today. He nods before realizing this was a phone call and squeaking out a meek “of course”. 
“Don’t break these rules, okay sweetheart? Or else you’ll be punished… unless you break the last rule. Then I’ll give you a stern talking to. Got it?” 
“Yes, mommy. I understand.” Jeongin pulls his pants up, cock now fully limp. “See you tomorrow!” 
“Yup, good night.” You both hang up, setting your phones down for the night. Jeongin sits back in his desk chair, feeling victorious after finally cementing a sure-fire way to get his ass spanked. Before he goes to bed, he has to eat dinner. No way he’s getting a stern talking to!
When you come home from work on Monday, Jeongin’s watching TV (scrolling through his phone) while the girls were most likely asleep. You come sit next to him, tossing your bag next to the couch and figuratively letting your hair down, unbuttoning a few buttons on your work shirt. 
“Hey, Y/n! The girls were great today.” Jeongin smiles, folding his hands in his lap. “They went to bed like two hours ago. It was an early night for them I guess.” 
“Yeah, they were up early this morning, even before me.” You both laugh, finally being able to get down to business, at least in Jeongin’s mind. 
“I ate three meals today, I drank three bottles of water, and I brushed my teeth this morning.” Jeongin sounds oddly proud of himself for doing what most people think is the bare minimum. “I showered, I took my meds, and most importantly, I didn’t jerk off.” 
“Good boy.” You kiss him on the cheek and pull his head into your chest so he’s leaning on one of your tits. “My Jeonginnie is always so good for me.”
“Can I get a reward?” His puppy eyes look up at you, warming your heart from the long day at work. He looked so sweet and innocent, just pretty enough for you to destroy. 
“Hold on, baby. You didn’t forget the second rule, did you?” You tap the side of his head and point to his bookbag. “Show me your journal.” 
“B-but mommy, that’s embarrassing.” He whines, turning off your chest and to his bag, leaning away before unzipping his bag. “Do you have to?” 
“Don’t be bratty with me. I just called you my good boy!” You reach for the bag, but Jeongin pulls it back to him. He hides it behind his back, putting his nose up at you. “Jeongin…”
“Give me the j-“
“Make me.”
You lean into him, suffocating the younger boy with your shadow. Now standing over him, you put your hands on his face, cupping his cheeks before one hand pulls back and harshly slaps him across his handsome face. He doesn’t whine in pain, though, he just moans. 
“What was that, baby?” 
He begins to repeat himself, but you slap him again before he can finish the word. His face is red as a tomato, and you don’t care whether that’s from your hand or his blushing. Looking down, you can clearly see how hard he is in his pants. You remove your hands from his face and press one down onto his bulge, making his face contort into a wince. 
“Does my little boy want me to touch his cock?” You taunt, tilting your head as if the answer isn’t obvious. “Or more importantly, does he deserve it?” 
“I’m n-not letting you read my journal.” 
You huff and straighten your posture, taking his wrist in your hand and making him stand up with you, leading him to your bedroom. You slam the door behind you just quiet enough not to wake the kids. When you turn around, Jeongin is bent over the bed with his pants down to his ankles. He’s shaking. You like that. 
“Take your clothes off, bitch.” He kicks his pants away while tossing his shirt off and pulling down his underwear at lighting speed. You sit on the bed and pat your lap, signaling Jeongin to bend over you, which he obediently does. “My little boy’s being bad today. Why?”
“I don’t want you reading what’s in my journal.” He sounds angry when you know it’s all for show. 
“You don’t think I already know what perverted filth is in there?” You spank him, quickly making a red mark on his pale ass. He groans, bucking his hips into your leg for some friction. “You just want mommy to treat you like this, don’t you?” 
“Yes mommy.” Another spank hits his ass, causing him to jolt forward. You bite your lip looking down at him, just now noticing how muscular he is. 
“Count for me.” You spank him again, and again, and again, as he pliantly counts and whines, his cock dangling below him fully erect. By the end, he’s out of breath, and he isn’t even doing any of the work. 
“Ten.” You pet his back while his ass is red as ever, looking like it can’t take any more hits of your palm. You kiss him on the shoulder, an especially soft moment after what just occurred. “Mommy?”
“Yes, dear?”
“I’ll show you my journal now.” He can’t move, but the journal is still out in his bag. 
“I’ll go get it, baby boy. Lay down on the pillows. I want to read your slutty little stories to you.” He gets off your lap and lays back while you go out to the living room to get the journal. You sift through his bag, looking back and forth between binders and folders, but you don’t see it anywhere. You bring the bag into the bedroom, tossing it on the bed. “Where is it?”
Jeongin does the same as you, sifting through the bag with no sight of his precious journal. His heart stops for a minute, beginning to break into a cold sweat. 
“Where did you see it last?” 
“I was writing in it during my comp class.” 
Lee Minho teaches that class. Your ex-husband teaches that class. This feels like the end of the world, and unlike earlier, you’re now genuinely angry. Your face begins to boil as you throw the bookbag off the bed and undress down to your panties. Climbing on top of Jeongin, you press your cunt down onto his cock, applying just enough pressure to make you both moan. 
“Dumb little boy wants to ruin me, don’t you?” You wrap your hands around his neck, not choking him, but rather threatening him. “You want Lee Minho to know about us. You want him to have your stupid fucking diary so he can read all of your slutty fantasies.” Your grip tightens around his neck slightly, and Jeongin looks like he’s in pure bliss. He can’t even defend himself. He loves this too much. 
“I love you, mommy.” He hums, leaning back into the bed as you begin to tease his cock with your slick panties, grinding against him. 
“You don’t love me, Jeongin. You just love when I treat you like my little toy.” You lean down to make a dark hickey on his neck, something his friends will surely tease him for the next day. “All mine. You’re only mine.” 
“Y-yes mommy. All yours. Only yours.” He moans loudly, suddenly nearing his high just from your grinding. The cloth of your panties feel like heaven. He can’t help it!
You look down to see him shoot his load on himself, spurts of his hot cum covering his abs and chest. He looks so pathetic, but at least he’s yours. 
Pushing your panties aside, you slip him inside you, overstimulating him with your tight cunt. You bounce a few times on him before stopping your movements completely, bending over to put your tits in his face. He grabs your tits and sucks them, jumping back and forth between them every couple of seconds. Your hands are still around his neck, keeping him down on the mattress, unable to move. 
“You love being mommy’s toy, huh?” You start to choke him more as you pull your tits out of his face, starting to ride him again. “Ah~ and mommy loves your cock, babydoll.” 
Jeongin’s overwhelmed. He just came but he feels his second orgasm rapidly approaching. He can’t think or speak. All he can do is moan and whine “mommy” over and over again. 
“Let me try something, my little prince.” That was always his favorite pet name you gave him. He thought he was about to cum, but you pull off of him, rotating your body so Jeongin has a perfect view of your ass. You sink back down onto him, his cock filling up your pussy again. 
He felt so relieved being inside your warm cunt again, but now you start riding him harder and faster, his cock hitting so deep inside you with each thrust. He can’t hold it anymore. Jeongin’s cum fills you up, dripping down out of your pussy and onto the base of his cock. 
He feels so weak under you. He’s in pain from the overstimulation, but he can’t deny that he adores feeling like this. The safe word isn’t even in his mind. He just wants you. 
“Mommy’s gonna cum, alright?” You start to tighten around him, your movements getting sloppy and labored. “Hold my hips like a good boy. I want you to fuck me just like this.” 
Jeongin’s hands hesitantly move to your hips, holding you up while his hips begin to stutter and thrust into you, fucking his cum deeper inside you. The convulsions of your dripping pussy is making his head spin. If he cums again, he’ll be so embarrassed, but the more he fucks you, the more his cock twitches. 
“Good little boy. Such a nice cock, baby. Mm, so good.” Words mindlessly fly out of your mouth as you slam your ass against him, forcing him to bottom out. Neither of you move as you cum on him, your cunt tightening its grip on his length. Jeongin shuts his eyes as he ruts into you, cumming the same time as you. It feels euphoric to both of you. Jeongin’s hands move from your hips to your ass, massaging the skin as you come down from your highs. 
“Thank you, mommy.” Jeongin whines as you get off of him, cum dripping out of you onto Jeongin. You hold it in as best you can as you lay down next to him, your legs feeling too fuzzy to get you anywhere. Jeongin nuzzles into your chest, holding you as close to him as possible. 
You kiss his forehead before getting up to clean the mess you two made, mostly the mess between your legs. Coming back with water for your pretty little submissive, you lay back down to cuddle with your sweet boy. 
“You need to get that journal back, Jeongin.”
“I will, Y/n. Don’t worry. No one will read it.” 
His finger wraps around the thin paper to flip the page, only getting a fourth of the way through the messy journal. Everything is vile, and more importantly, everything is about his ex-wife. 
Lee Minho’s cock is hard in his hand as he strokes himself back and forth, biting down on his lip so he doesn’t moan too loudly to alert his girlfriend in the other room. He can’t believe the raunchy smut he’s reading can turn him on this much. 
“F-fuck, Y/n. My cock is so much better than this college boy’s.” 
Minho gets vivid flashbacks to him dominating you, tying you up and spanking you with his paddle. Your teary eyes were always his favorite, especially when the tears were mixed with his cum. 
He looks back at the page after returning from his haze of days gone by. His cock starts to twitch as his eyes skim the page, focusing on the parts with your name.
Y/n’s arm enters my peripheral as she hits me again with her flogger, the leather straps leaving red marks against my back. I lose balance, unable to catch myself on the hands that are cuffed behind me. I fall onto my face, and Y/n laughs at my pathetic form. “Dumb slut can’t even stay on his knees for his mistress.” Her heel presses against my spine, arching my back with force. “Ten more, then I’ll remove the cage, got it?”
Minho tosses the book aside as his pace quickens, cumming all over his lap. He looks down at the mess he made, his sweatpants covered in the reminder that he’s still head-over-heels for his ex-wife. 
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taglist: @milkym00n​ @sparklysung​ @fanchengsgf​ @sailorhyunjinz @gothicstay​ if you wanna be tagged in part four, send me an ask :)
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jlalafics · 4 years ago
things fictional couples do that make me lose my mind + writing prompts: n 14.
Hope you enjoy anon! This is totally unbeta’d as I have just finished it this morning! Happy Saturday!
14. when one of them has never had a proper birthday party for whatever reason, and their lover makes it their mission to give them the best day ever, followed by “you didn’t have to do all this for me. just being with you is enough.” “i know. but i thought you deserved?’’ and their lover smiles, a kiss is shared
“I just never thought it was big deal.” Katniss picked at her plate of spaghetti. “To me, it’s just another day except I’m one year older.”
Peeta reached over, his hand covering hers from across their dining room table.
“That can’t be true,” he reasoned. “There must’ve been a time when you were actually excited about your birthday.”
Katniss sighed, looking at him warily before placing her fork down.
“Truth?” Peeta nodded and straightened himself so he could fully listen to her. “When I was seven, I decided I wanted to have a birthday party. So, my mom and I had invitations made and I handed them out during class. My parents decorated our apartment with streamers and a huge banner that my dad hand drew himself. We even got my favorite strawberry cake from a nearby bakery—a treat for us—since we didn’t have a lot of money.”
Peeta smiled, imagining a young Katniss, waiting excitedly for her party start.
“Then the day came…and no one showed up,” his girlfriend continued. “I waited for hours…until I fell asleep and my parents tucked me in bed. The next time I went to school, no one mentioned it. I cried all through lunch and finally, my teacher called my parents…it was a mess.”
“I’m so sorry.” Peeta stood and rounded the table, kneeling before her chair. “That’s horrible.”
“Later, I found out that some of the parents had an issue with bringing their kids to such a rough neighborhood,” Katniss told him. “I was a financial aid kid in a preparatory school. I didn’t belong and I learned that early. I also learned that birthdays are just another day and there is no need to make a big deal.”
“That is not true,” he declared. “And I’m going to prove it.”
Katniss looked to him suspiciously. “How?”
Peeta kissed the top of her head. “You’ll see.”
“Oh boy.” His girlfriend couldn’t help but grin. “That can’t be good.”
May 8th
Katniss awoke slowly, her eyes adjusting to light filtering through the blinds in their bedroom.
She turned to find her boyfriend’s side of the bed empty, his pillow cool. It wasn’t unusual. They had been living together for six months and even though it was a weekend, Peeta still got up early to pick up breakfast or even do a quick jog while she slept in.
Getting up, Katniss went to their adjoining bathroom, going through her morning ablutions. Her eyes closed in on her reflection, looking to see if there were any differences now that she was a full-fledge twenty-five-year-old.
Other than the slight line between her eyes—she glared way too much, according to her best friend, Johanna—Katniss found nothing different.
“Sweetheart, you awake?” Peeta called out from the living room. “Breakfast is ready!”
She smiled to herself, hearing the endearment. They had been together for a year, meeting at her friend Gale’s birthday party. Madge, Gale’s girlfriend, had invited her cousin to the party and that cousin was the man currently calling for her to join him for breakfast.
Was it love at first sight?
Her breath might’ve caught slightly when Peeta had walked into the room. She had also briefly wondered if her outfit smelled like the coffee shop she was working at as Madge made the rounds to introduce Peeta to everyone.
As their eyes met during Madge’s introduction, Katniss knew that this man would change her life.
By the time they shook hands, she was a goner.
“Coming,” Katniss called out as she headed out and towards the living room. “I hope that you have coffee ready—” She froze, stopping at the archway leading into the front rooms. “What is this?”
Their living room was decorated in purple and yellow streamers connected by unicorns. Matching balloons floated on their ceiling while right above their couch was a weathered banner with ‘Happy Birthday Katniss!’ written on it.
“Happy birthday, love.” Peeta smiled tenderly at her, giving her a kiss, before placing a tiara with ‘Birthday Girl’ written in rhinestones atop her head. “Pancakes or waffles?”
“How did you know how my birthday party was decorated?” she cried out and her eyes widened at the banner. “And is that the actual banner that my dad made?”
Peeta guided her to their dining table. “I called your parents, and your mom sent a picture along with the banner. They kept it with all your other belongings.” He pulled out her chair and help his stunned girlfriend to her seat before pouring a cup of coffee, putting in a splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar—just how she liked it. “Also, she invited us for 4th of July at their place.”
“You called my parents?” she asked in surprise. “They haven’t even met you yet.”
“I went by Gale and Madge’s so I could Zoom them and introduce myself,” he explained. “Your mother looks really young for someone who has a grown daughter.”
“Why did you do this?” she asked, still in shock.
“Because you need a birthday do-over,” Peeta told her simply as he forked waffles onto her empty plate. “Eat up. We need to get going.”
She had already stuffed a waffle in her mouth.
“I thought you and I could try something new,” Peeta said as they walked through the park. “Your Dad mentioned that you used to do this together.”
“Why can’t I remember what it was?” Katniss said as he led her down a side road. “We did do a lot of things together…” He guided her into a gated enclosure, closing it behind them. “What is this? Are we about to run around here?”
“Nope.” Peeta walked over to a nearby tree—and pulled out an archery target. He came back with a bow and quiver of arrows. “We—or more appropriately, you—are going to shoot.”
“I haven’t done this in ages!” Katniss replied. However, her hands were already itching to get the bow. “This was something me and Dad used to do every weekend in the backyard.”
“But you had fun, right?” her boyfriend reasoned. “Birthdays are all about fun!”
Katniss chuckled at his exuberance thinking how adorably handsome he was.
And how hot that made her.
She took off her jean jacket, tossing it to the ground.
“Give me that bow.”
Peeta handed it over easily along with the quiver, watching as Katniss strapped the container to her back. He admired the strong line of her back as she walked away from the target and wondered for the millionth time how he even got a woman like her.
The moment Peeta saw Katniss at Gale’s party, he was a goner.
Peeta could barely get a word out as they shook hands, his eyes square on the beautiful woman before him. However, it wasn’t just her dark hair and smoky almond eyes that had him shook. There was a confidence in her that made her stand out like no other person in the room.
He was intimidated but also enamored.
Even now, Peeta was shocked that he even had the guts to ask her out on a date.
However, he thanked his lucky stars that he did and that Katniss accepted.
Katniss pulled back the string of the bow, hand firm on the grip before she released it with an exhale.
She grinned seeing that she managed to hit the bullseye.
“Thank you,” she breathed out. “I forgot how much I loved this.”
“Anything to see that smile on your face,” he told her.
“Get over here,” she called out.
“You didn’t think that you were just going to watch me, right?” Katniss put a hand to her hip, her stare expectant. “You have to shoot at least once.”
Peeta shook his head as he joined her. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Then, I’ll teach you.” She cocked her head at him playfully. “Come on.”
Katniss handed him the bow before removing the quiver and placing it on the ground.
“You’re going to hold here—” She held the bow, hand in the middle. “—this is the grip. The head of the arrow is positioned in the middle of it. You’ll line it up from head to the end of the arrow—the nock. Then you aim, pull back, and shoot. Easy, right?”
“Not even close to easy,” Peeta pointed out.
“I’ll help you.” Katniss reached for an arrow, helping him line it up to the nocking point. She moved behind Peeta, her hand moving over his to where he held the string, pressing her front against the line of his back. He smelled of juniper and she breathed him in. “Now, aim as you breathe in and pull the string back. Now exhale and let go.”
Peeta shivered at her words. However, he held firm, listening to her instructions.
“Breathe in—” He pulled the string back, her hand guiding him, his eyes on the target. “—and exhale.”
Peeta let go, his eyes shutting as he did.
It was silent, the only sound being the twittering of nearby birds.
“Well, fuck that!” He opened his eyes to find Katniss at the target. “You are closer than I am!”
Peeta joined her, examining his work, before beaming at his girlfriend.
“What do you think?” she asked, breathless at the sight of him.
He dropped the bow, gathering her in his arms.
“I think that—” His mouth brushed against hers. “—I need to have you right now.”
Katniss shook at his words. “Now?”
“Yes.” Peeta was already lowering her onto the grass, his lips traveling along the opening of her top. “Now.”
By late afternoon, they managed to make it to their next destination.
“I still have bits of grass in my hair,” Katniss said as Peeta parked their car.
“But do you regret it?” he asked her, his gaze sated.
She shook her head. “Not one bit.”
They both got out of the car, making sure their clothing was fixed and in place before Katniss looked up at their newest destination.
“Our first date.” Peeta wrapped his arms around her waist as they gazed up at the neon sign: Greasy Sae’s. “I had prepared myself to take you on a fancy date.”
“Instead, you got a girl who loves a greasy spoon,” Katniss replied. “I’m starving, let’s go—”
“Before we go in...”
Peeta cupped her face in his hands before kissing her fully.
Katniss fell against him, her palm to his chest to steady herself. She could already her knees getting weak; it happened the first time they kiss and a year later, it continued.
She knew then that he was the one.
“…I just wanted to get one more in.”
“What do you mean?” Katniss asked as they headed towards the entrance. Peeta pulled the door handle, ignoring her question and her glare. “Peeta Mellark—”
She gasped, her eyes moving over the crowd of people—just about every person that she and Peeta knew—before settling on the three in front of her.
“Mom? Dad? Prim?”
Her parents dove in first, both pulling her into their embrace.
“Happy birthday, baby,” her mom said, kissing her cheek.
“Growing more beautiful every year,” her dad added gruffly.
They pulled apart so Prim could jump into her arms.
“Happy birthday, sis!” Her younger sister held her tightly. “I’m really glad I get to spend today with you.”
Katniss stared in shock. “How did you even get here?”
“Peeta,” Prim informed her. Katniss looked over to her boyfriend who was chatting with Gale, Madge, and Johanna. “He flew me, Mom, and Dad in. It was all arranged last week.”
“He is unbelievable,” she said dazedly.
“Peeta is crazy into with you,” her sister declared softly. “I wouldn’t mind having him as a brother, you know.”
Katniss grinned as her eyes met Peeta’s. “I know.” He smiled; eyes soft at the sight of her. “One day.”
“First off, thank you for all coming,” Peeta said, as he stood in the seat of the booth.
His eyes looked over the crowd for people all grinning up at him. Katniss’ parents stood to one side along with his own parents, who come into the city to attend the party and meet her parents. It seemed like the quartet were getting along, agreeing to brunch together the next morning. Prim was at a table with Gale, Madge, and Thresh, his co-worker at the office. The man was obviously into Katniss’ golden-haired sister.
Johanna, Katniss’ best friend, was also in attendance. She sat with Annie, who was Johanna’s cousin, and Finnick, her husband. Katniss along with the two women often went on girls’ nights while he and Finnick would hang out at the apartment playing video games or watching a movie.
Peeta realized that he and Katniss lived a full life together.
“Just make babies already!” Johanna called out, a wide grin on her sharp face.
“Also, I just wanted to say that we wouldn’t be here—eating diner food and drinking milkshakes—if this amazing, beautiful woman sitting before me wasn’t born,” Peeta continued, his eyes looking to Katniss, who shone brightly before him.
“But not before putting a ring on it!” Annie added, before toasting her milkshake glass against her cousin’s.
Peeta’s complexion reddened at their words though he couldn’t help but wink back at the women.
“Anyway, before Katniss goes running for the hills, I just wanted to toast to my beautiful girlfriend.” Their eyes met. “Thank you for being born and for making my life nothing short of spectacular.” He raised his soda glass. “To Katniss!”
The crowd echoed his sentiment: “To Katniss!”
Peeta stepped down and went to his girlfriend, holding out his hand.
“Dance with me?”
Katniss stood. “There’s no music.”
“Tonight you're mine completely…”
“You were saying?”
They went a clearing in the middle, Peeta wrapping an arm around her as her arms circled his neck.
Katniss grinned. “I can’t believe that you remember the song—”
“The song that played the first time we kissed?” Peeta pulled her in closer. He placed a soft kiss on her neck. “Of course, I remember. I remember every single moment since we’ve met.”
“I can’t believe you did all this for me,” his girlfriend replied, her grey eyes shining. “You didn’t have to do all this for me. Just being with you is enough.”
“I know, but I thought you deserved to have a birthday that gave you good memories,” he told her. “This is the birthday that we’re going to remember. The one that we’ll look back on when we’re old and grey. The one that we tell our children about.”
Peeta dared to look into her eyes. They had never discussed their future; he could only hope that’s where they were heading.
Katniss was grinning, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“The one we tell our children?” She nodded. “I like the sound of that.”
Then, their lips met and there was nothing else but their dance and the sound of The Shirelles from the nearby jukebox.
“I'd like to know that your love
Is love I can be sure of
So tell me now and I won't ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow…”
Katniss’ mouth ran along the line of Peeta’s neck as she slammed him against the surface of their front door. Her hands ran along the hem of his shirt, moving underneath to feel his bare skin.
“Baby…” Peeta groaned, his knees almost caving at the rush of pleasure hit him. He shakily reached for his keys, attempting to unlock the door. Katniss wrapped her arms around him, breasts pressed against his back, and her hands already unbuttoning his jeans. “…oh fuck…”
He turned the knob and they fell into their apartment in a rush of limbs.
“I made a strawberry cake…” Peeta pushed off her jean jacket, his mouth pressing to hers. “…just like the one you had for your birthday.”
“That’s so sweet—” Katniss yanked her dress over her head. “—let’s have it after I thank you for the best birthday ever.”
“The cake can wait.” He scooped her up and her arms wrapped his neck as she kissed up to his ear. “This cannot.”
A platinum diamond ring sat in the drawer of his side table.
He guessed that would have to wait for after as well.
Music: “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”-The Shirelles
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be-ready-when-i-say-go · 5 years ago
Silver Fox
Calum’s been a dad too long, all alone. But Anahera wants her dad to take the leap. 18+ Content, (it’s a smut fic)
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No one has my permission to repost this fic, including translations. All rights reserved. Copyright © be-ready-when-i-say-go.
Anahera was not oblivious to the way people looked at her dad. She was however worried. Women had approached him, unabashedly, in front of her, about "going for coffee" or "meeting up for dinner". He always responded the same way, if she was present, with one arm slung over her shoulders, 'It's just me and my girl right now.' It's not that Anahera disliked hanging out with her dad. But she worried. Why did he always turn down these offers? She was nearly sixteen at his point. For the last sixteen years, it had just been him and his girl. He could stand to care for himself just a little.
This Saturday starts no different than the others. Calum wakes first, an hour after dawn. He starts a load of laundry, takes the dogs out for the morning. After watching the morning news, he messes around just a little with his bass and guitars and then finally decides he should cook breakfast. It's only the smell of sausage that wakes her and she shuffles down to the kitchen. She mumbles a good morning and happily accepts the plate loaded up with waffles and sausage.
Calum watches her shuffle back to the living room and plop onto the couch. One of the dogs, it's usually Tammy, the corgi mix that, climbs into her side on the couch and they watch cartoons. Calum walks in after her, settling into the cushions as well. "I gotta go to the library," Anahera mentions around a mouthful of waffle.
It's the second time this week. He knows there some sort of project for her literature class. "Should I hang out or just drop you off?"
"Just need to grab a book."
Calum nods, rubbing the top of Jake's head. He's a gentle giant and the eldest of the dogs. Anahera picked him out of the shelter. She was three, staring up at the big Great Dane with such adoration. Calum was terrified that he and Tammy wouldn't get along or Tammy would get hurt. But he was so gentle around Anahera that during the ride home with him, Calum figured he'd be the same way around other dogs.
With plates cleared, Anahera looks over to his father. His curls are now salted with some gray but are still mostly black. His smile lines have worn ever so slightly on his face. She sees her grandmother in his face. So much of her grandmother. "So, like, is dating completely off the table for you?"
Calum shakes his head, a sigh falling from his lips. "It's not your job to worry about me."
"I'm your kid. Of course, I worry about you."
"You don't have to worry."
"That doesn't answer my question, Dad."
It's not that Calum has actively given up on dating. He just hasn't actively tried to date anyone. It's hard. It's just been him and Anahera. It's just been him taking care of his kid. Her mother left. Some bullshit reason that it wasn't the baby that drove her away, she just needed time. But it's been a little over fourteen years since she's actually seen Anahera in person. So how much time she needed, Calum's not sure. "No one wants to date someone with a kid," Cal answers.
"So you've gone on dates?"
God, he really wishes she'd drop this. Dating is meaningless. No one ever sticks around. He's getting older and he's tired. His patience hardly exists for dating. He exhales, the sigh and pursed lips tell her not to push it. But she goes for it one last time. "I just want you happy. That's all."
"And do you think me unhappy right now?"
She's an idealist. She knows it. "No, but do you want to grow old with somebody?"
Calum wants to be truthful. He can see the hope burning behind her eyes, the way she consumes the rom-coms, the novels she reads. Calum wonders for a fleeting moment if she wants this. If Anahera so deeply desires him to find love, so there's not a hole missing. He knows Mali does what she can, but she's not her mother. "Do you miss your mum?" He's not really sure how to ask. He could try 'Do you wish you had your mum?' but that feels too direct and too cold-hearted.
On the one hand, how can she miss something she's never really had. But on the other, the ache, the hole left behind reminds her she can miss something she's never had. She can long for it. "I don't know if I miss her or just want someone to fill that void."
"I'm sorry," Calum whispers, pulling her into his side. Her curls tickle his nose, but he doesn't dare move as she clutches his shirt. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He curses his cynical heart. No matter how many times he tells her that he loves her, it's never quite the same as having a mother.
His mother urged him to find somebody, scared that without a mother Anahera would be troubled. But she too was not blind to the pain Calum had endured, so over the years, she dropped the subject. The pair was generally happy, Anahera knew her father was always there. She knew no matter what happened, Calum would never falter.
Calum didn't want to leave Anahera without a mother, but did that mean he had subjected himself to suffering? What the hell did he do here?
Calum doesn't push the library or schoolwork. After breakfast, she went to her room. Her music started up and not her usually pop favorites. It's heavy guitar and scornful cries and he knew not to push it. As morning rolls into early afternoon, he decides to see if she wants lunch. The music has since quieted when he reaches her door. Two soft knocks are all he dares try.
"Yeah?" Her voice floats in from the other side of the white door. Paws clicking on the hardwood floors also sound from the other side. It must be Jake. Tammy already at his feet. He hears the creak of her bed. This reminds him to look into a new bed frame for her. He waits until the door opens.
He gives a soft smile, noting her change from pjs. She's done that much, so things are looking good. "Hungry?"
"A little." A little, code for yes, she just hasn't gotten hungry enough to the point where she storms out of room to find food.
"Your favorite?"
She grins with a nod. "I can go for a Killer stromboli right now. Can I drive?"
Calum resists the urge to roll his eyes. Her permit is almost burning a hole in her wallet. "Later. In an empty parking lot."
"Pinky swear?"
Locking his pinky around her, he nods. "Pinky swear." She slides into shoes close to her door and grabs her wallet.
The car ride is almost deafening in the silence. Anahera messes with her phone, not even attempting to overtake the radio as usual. "Sorry," she whispers. "You hurt too. After all, that's happened."
"You hurt too. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to create a situation like this for you."
"You didn't know she'd leave."
"But I never want you to think that I am purposefully putting you here. Or that I'm ignoring your concerns. It's just...difficult."
Difficult is an understatement. Calum's terrified and angry and tired. He can trust no one. No one ever. It's not lost on Calum that he could have whatever or whomever he wanted. It's not lost on him that even if he didn't want a relationship that he could have other things, but he doesn't want to set that example for Anahera. So he chooses to not deal with that part at all.
Maybe that was a mistake. Maybe he should still give it a go. But to be so vulnerable, to bear his entire soul requires too much. It will force him to deal with things rather than just burying them. Ignoring, burial, denial—it's so much easier when he's got a kid, two dogs, and a job. There's no room for dealing with the mess of his emotions.
Finding a seat at the local Italian restaurant is not difficult, however. Tucked away in a both, Calum knows Anahera will not need anytime to debate what she wants. The hostess that seats them warns that their server will be shortly. It's a couple of minutes before their waitress arrives and when she does, Anahera gaps. "Miss Bee?"
"Hey, Anahera. How are you? How's the project coming along?" Calum looks over her face and it takes a moment for it to register. It's the librarian. The one Ana always talks to her if she's at the desk.
"A long way from those bookshelves," Calum teases. He's talked to her a couple of times. Bee is nice. He had no clue however that she worked outside the library.
"Got a kid in college. Tuition ain't cheap," she returns. "What can I get you guys?"
Anahera lists off her order. But Calum is too caught up in her previous statement. He had no clue she had a kid. Much less one in college. There's nothing to suggest it. Not wrinkle on her brown skin or a gray hair on her head. He can't even tell she's had a kid, not physically at least under the gray t-shirt and jeans. He hadn't put her anywhere near his age. He wonders if she's older.
"Dad!" Anahera's voice cuts through his thoughts. "God, hello. Earth to Dad."'
"I'm here. I promise."
"So will you be having the same as her or something different?" Bee asks with a grin tugging at her lips.
Calum rattles off his order. It's his standard order, the chicken Parmesan. She smiles with a nod. "I'll put that right in for you." When she turns, Calum watches. Anahera's talked about going to school. It's not the money that worries Calum. It's the how does she choose, how to apply, where should she be looking that worries Calum.
"God, if you were going to check out her butt at least do it discreetly."
Calum sputters, he wasn't even thinking about that. But his gaze does drop for half a second before he finally turns back to his daughter. "I wasn't even—"
"Yeah you were," she laughs. He sees so much of himself in her. The same nose, same smile. Her hair's dark too. Just a little bit straighter than his.
"Totally was not."
Bee returns with their waters and utensils, alerting them that their orders are already put in and will be done shortly. Then she's off again, tending to other tables. Anahera snaps her fingers. "Forgot to ask her if they even have that book. But I doubt that she would know right now at least." And before Calum can respond, she's back to her phone, pulling up some new video that she wants to show him.
He sits and watches, but wonders if Bee could give him any pointers. So after a moment, he excuses himself to the restroom. He finds her leaning against the bar. Maybe now's got a good time. Maybe he should wait. She turns, smiling. "Something wrong?"
"No, no." Calum shakes his head. "I just—I had a question. Anahera's a couple of years out from university. And that world is completely lost on me. I was wondering if you had any pointers."
"Uh, that really relies on what she wants to do, ya know? But there's plenty of great schools. Besides, Anahera's a bright girl. She'll get in anywhere."
Calum can't help the smile that overtakes his face. He's proud of her. He might not have enjoyed school, but he can see her passion for it. The way she lights up when he asks about what she's learned if it's anything she enjoys. Currently, she's taken a big liking to her physics class. She enjoys Literature too, mostly reading it though, not analyzing it. "Thank you," he grins.
"Of course. You're welcome. If it helps, I'll gather up some literature on overall good schools. Hand it off to her or something."
His hands shake just a little and he's glad there's tucked into the pockets of his pants. It's the way she says or something. Calum knows that small smirk, he knows the glint in her eyes. He would be all over it in his twenties. Hell in his twenties, it would've have been this sly. "How about over coffee?" He suggests.
"Sounds good to me," she pauses, here is where she would have used his name. But she doesn't know it, she realizes.
She grins. "Sounds good to me, Calum. I'm Bee. Really it's Brynna. But I like Bee."
They agree on a day during the week at a local shop and Calum returns to the table. Anahera wiggles her eyebrows, a teasing laugh falling from her lips. "Still got your game?"
"Never lost it," he snorts. Lunch goes by smoothly and Anahera finds her book easily in the library. Thanks to Bee making a quick call so it's already at the desk for her.
Calum pulls into the school's parking lot. It's completely empty and hands the keys over Anahera. "Ready?"
With a dazzling grin, she takes the keys. "Born ready."
As Calum enters the shop, he peels the shades up, into his hair. His boots make a soft click on the floor. He searches the room, waiting to spot black hair with caramel-colored highlights. She's not sitting so he finds an open table, facing the door and settles down. Calum's really not sure what happened in that restaurant, what overtook him to suggest this.
But his nerves are at a 10. What the hell is he even doing here? But as Bee walks in, eyes flickering over the shop. He remembers. It's not that he didn't think she was attractive, but he was also preoccupied. It was always about what did he have to do next, where he needed to go if Anahera was okay.
When Bee walks up to the table, Calum stands, noting the folder in her hand. "Thank you. For doing this for me."
"Never a problem." The conversation has a natural flow. As they wait in line, Calum asks about her kid to find out they're a freshman at university. A son, Terence, plays basketball. So she works two jobs to help with the commuting she does to his games when she can. She used to work the weekday dinner shifts. But started taking on the weekend shifts here and there. The father's in the picture, only for the kid. The best-case scenario for the two of them.
Bee hums, listening as Calum skirts around the fact that Anahera's mother is not in the picture. "Don't talk too much about yourself," she notes, sipping at the green tea still steaming in her cup.
"Never know what to say. And really not used to it."
"Even with all those songs, you write?" He stutters, the cup hitting the saucer with a sharp clank.  Bee laughs, tucking a curl back behind her ear. "I'm a librarian. I do my research. I will say. I took a listen to some songs. Quite enjoy Talk Fast. Granted, haven't step foot into a bar in nearly twenty-some years now."
"What are you saying then? Kind of hoping forever?"
She shakes her head. "More like I'll take what I can get from you. Besides, I ruin all my relationships. The only one I didn't fuck up was the one with my kid by a fucking miracle. I'm too old to play games."
Calum can feel his cheeks lifting as he shakes his head, starting down into the coffee cup. His fingers spin it around. He's twenty again, it feels. Except instead of it being exciting, his heart feels like it's in his stomach. He recognizes the feeling of nerves. They've never gone away even in all his years of performing on stage.
It's not like she's gonna run around and destroy his name. They're in the same boat. "How far away from here are you?" Calum asks, finally lifting his gaze. His stomach guts as he asks the question.
"Literally a seven-minute walk."
He's impressed that she knows the time. "You're a librarian," he laughs. "Didn't think that included timing things."
"It's a complex job. You've got to be a person of many talents."
"So let's test those talents. If you know it's a seven-minute walk, do you happen to know how long of a drive?"
"I'd guess a minute, minute and a half."
Calum pulls his keys from his pocket, sitting them on the counter. She's grinning behind the cup of tea. "Is that including the time it takes to finish the coffee and walk to my truck?"
"It's not. But I'm in no rush if you aren't."
He doesn't want to rush this. But he's also afraid if he draws this out too much longer, he'll find some sort of reason to chicken out. He only has a few sips left. So he polishes off his drink, putting the dishes up and by the time he turns around, hanging from the tips of her fingers are his keys, holding them out to him.
"Didn't want you to forget."
Calum plucks the folder off the table as well. "Trust me, I wasn't." As they start for the door, Bee rattles off the directions and true to her calculations it only takes a minute and a half to her place. It's a small condo. "I know. What am I do lighting a check on fire by renting? I wonder the same thing," she laughs stepping out of the trunk.
"I mean it makes sense. Just you and your son."
"And the cat, Jewels."
"And the cat, Jewels," Calum corrects, standing behind her as she unlocks the door. "More of a dog person."
"I'm aware." As the lights turn up, Calum sees the dark wood and teal decorating her living room. There are some metal pieces thrown in as well, giving way to a rustic modern look.
"Anahera talks about them a lot doesn't she?"
Bee steps into him, eyeing his chest. He suddenly worries that he hasn't made it to the gym in a couple of weeks. Everything is so much harder to maintain now. It takes twice as long to lose weight, but nearly no time to gain it. She pulls at something on his shirt, holding out an orange-colored strand of fur to Calum. "That gave it away."
He laughs, looking over the gray t-shirt and seeing Tammy's fur coating him. "My corgi mix. She wasn't happy with me as I left, so I gave her extra cuddles. Guess I didn't think to double-check for fur."
"Much better than my morning routine. Jewels sat on my face and decided 5 am was a great time to screech to the cat gods."
It's only as the silence settles that they both realize just how close they are to each other. At this distance, Calum notices the moles decorating her nose and cheeks and Bee notes a small scruff on his jaw. Her eyes have a few spots around the white. It's a crazy thing to note, but he only notes it because she hasn't quite met his gaze.
Bee sees that tattoos decorating his wrist and left arm. With a soft touch, she turns it over to read the word Alive inked across the top of his wrist. His right-hand finds her cheek, fingers brushing over the skin before his palm cups it. "It's crazy to think we're still alive," she breathes. "You'd think we'd give up by now."
"Got too much to live for, more so now than ever."
"Such a poet," she teases. He's a good head taller than her, so it takes a moment as she stretches up to brush her lips over his. His lips are bitter and hers are sweet. Calum thinks for a moment he should've grabbed a mint from his car, something because he knows the taste of coffee must be strong.
He gets caught up though on the way her fingers gently trace up his arm. As she pulls back, he pulls her in. His skin feels hot, electric as she touches him. It's been so long. Too long without a touch like this for him. He finds her waist, a little doughy beneath his grip and slides his arm around her. Bee buckles, knees, and legs quaking when he squeezes her.
"Okay?" He asks with a soft smile on his face, eyes not fully opened from their kiss.
She should be embarrassed. She should be downright mortified by her own body's reaction to just being held. But she be damned if she finds any amount of shame in it. She can't remember her own name at the moment, but all she wants is to mark his skin. Rather than answers verbally, she winds her arms around his neck and kisses down his jaw, and then up and over the small moles decorating his cheek.
As she kisses down he throat, taking just a small lick at his Adam's apple, she feels the deep shake as Calum groans. It's deep from his throat. She wants to hear it again and bites down just a little, nothing crazy, just a tiny nibble at his skin and he groans again. "You like to tease I see," Calum huffs, breath coming out in tufts.
Holding her thumb and forefinger a few centimeters apart, she laughs. "Just a little bit." She takes a step backward and Calum follows closely behind.
Shoes are toed off. His shirt is shed first. She rakes his fingers down his chest, carefully tracing the tattoos on his chest. There's a tiny footprint that decorating the ends of a feather, or maybe some sort of plant. She's not sure. But she has a guess who's footprint it is. Close to his heart too.
Her kisses are light on his chest and Calum drops his head, holding himself above her. Bee knows he holds a lot inside him. A lot of love, but also a timid-ness and pain. She doesn't fault him.
Calum finally gets her shirt off, eyes dancing over the chest tattoo, reds, yellows, and purples dazzling against her skin. It's a bouquet of flowers, right in the center of her chest, some of the foliage spilling over to the swell of her breasts. He kisses over the ink, gently running his fingers over her stomach to the back of her bra. With his teeth, he pulls the straps down one at a time while his finger unlatches the clamps. "Never said you had ink too."
"Now tell me would it have made a difference?"
"Not in the slightest."
As the bra is discarded, he brings a nipple into his mouth, drinking in the sounds of her pleasure-filled whines. She hums before bringing his head up and kissing him again. They climb up higher onto the mattress. They wiggle themselves out of their jeans. Calum notices the stretch marks. More ink decorates her hip, he can see the black line work and two little footprints rest on top of right one.
"Guess I'm not the only one," Calum teases, tapping the tatted foot.
"No, it would appear not."
Bee watches him climb over her, the silver chains that tap his chest, the small streaks of gray decorating his black hair. His fingers dance over her hips before they brush over a thin tough line hidden by the band of her panties. Calum doesn't waste a moment to kiss down her stomach, over the tiny pouch left behind. As the thin cloth material is peeled away from her body, Bee wonders a moment if this is the end of the line, if the scar is too much.
Her stomach twists into knots, waiting for the pullback, the rushed and excused exit. Instead, Calum kisses over the scar and continues on fingers brushing over her core. But just a brush. "Who likes to tease now?" Bee huffs, holding herself up on her elbows.
"Still you," he laughs, squeezing at her thighs and trailing a finger up from the entrance to clit. Her head falls back and he takes his time, slipping two fingers into her heat. He kisses over her. Her fingers tangle into his hair, trying to urge him just an inch down on her.
He knows what she wants, but he takes her wrist, threading his fingers through hers and kisses down her inner thighs, slowly working her with those two fingers. She squeezes at his hand, that warmth in the pit of her stomach growing warmer. She mashes her lips together, whines falling over her throat anyway.
Finally, he brings his mouth to her core, sucking at her clit. "Fuck," she cries out. Her breathing is ragged. Calum wraps his arms around her legs, holding her still as she begins to squirm. There's a spark of pride to know he's still got it. That he hasn't lost his touch just yet.
He continues to work over her, sucking, licking, fingers a constant pull at her. She unravels rather quickly, thighs shaking just a little. But the cry of his name over her lips is more than just fuel to the fire. Calum kisses over her inner thighs, a groan falling over his lips. "God, my name sounds good from your lips."
Sitting up, Bee slides out from beneath him. Her chest falls rapidly. Her brain still feels foggy in the post-orgasm haze. But something about this—something about Calum, keeps her going. She pats the bed and Calum lays back, falling into space she once occupied. She slides a hand over his cock through the boxer briefs. "You know what will sound even better?" She quips.
"Tell me."
"My name from your lips." The end of the sentence is punctuated by her pulling down his own underwear. She wraps one hand around the base, licking a strip up to the head and sucking on it lightly.
Calum's whole body tenses, there's no hesitation on her part. Either. "Bee," he hums, reaching for her head. She moans, the vibrations shooting a tingle up his spine. She definitely knows what she's doing, working for another sound, working for another groan, another hum of her name.
She takes him as far as she can into her throat and holds it there, slowly twisting her hand that's wrapped around the rest. As she pulls back away from him there's a line of saliva from her mouth to his cock and the sight lights his gut on fire.
"Come here." His voice is low, demanding. All but a growl and Bee doesn't dare disobey. She keeps one hand on him, pumping as she stretches upwards and he cups her face. They share a searing kiss, exhales tickling over their faces, moans being swallowed.
The apartment was cool, a nice airy feel to it, but now the bedroom is thick with heat and sweat. Bee's a little shocked. She didn't think it would turn out like this. Didn't think she would be so hungry to please somebody. But even as they kiss, she wants him to be weak with pleasure. She wants him to cave to every carnal desire that plagues him.
Calum pulls her hand off him, kissing down her neck. "Thought you were too old to play games," he breathes into her ear.
"How dare?" The words fall with a tuft of laughter, but she pulls away, reaching into her bedside table. She finds a foil packet and opens it. "May I?"
"Be my guest."
Her touch is light as she rolls the latex down his length. Calum notes the snake tattoo on her left hip. The way her skin still glows and still has a rich warmth to the dark brown. The way her cheeks are still full, but the cheekbone and brow bone are strong. A small groan leaves him as she settles on his length.
They rest chest to chest as Bee rocks her hips. He kisses at her shoulder, arms wrapping around her waist. Soft sighs escape them. The room is nothing but an echo of their bodies. Her pace isn't slow, but methodical. She knows there's no rush. Calum leaves a reddening spot on her neck. He would apologize, but she works one onto his chest as well. So now they are even.
Bee feels that sting in her right hip, the pain of a tightening muscle and stills. A hiss leaving her lips. "Sorry. Just an old injury."
"No, no, don't apologize." An awkward shuffle ensues, Bee having to climb off and Calum kneeling next to her. He helps stretch out the muscle. "Our bodies aren't what they used to be. I get it," he utters in a soft tone.
"Let me guess. Football. And I'm not talking American either."
Calum nods. "Your guess would be correct."
"It's the slight accent you still have."
"Tell me more. Something else gave it away."
"Your physique. And it might've come up during my google search, but that's neither here nor there."
Calum releases a small laugh, palm still rubbing deep at her muscle. "So you're no psychic, just a good reader, huh?"
"What can I say? It's my job."
"You're very good at it from what I can see." Bee grabs his hands, mentioning for him to come down. He does so and she cups his face, kissing his soft lips. The kisses grow deeper, more desperate. Calum settles between her legs, thumbs caressing her right hip. "You okay now?"
She nods, lips brushing over his. "Yeah, I'm good." His necklaces are no longer cold, but as they brush over the valley between her breast, a shiver runs down her spine.
Calum is careful as he re-enters her, taking it slow. She holds onto his biceps and smiles, though a moan falls over her lips. Calum buries his face into her neck, hips a ready pace. "Feel like heaven," he whispers into the hickeys he's put there.
Bee can't help the giggle. "Never heard that one before." Calum huffs at her comment, the start of his own orgasm building. Grabbing the back of her thighs, he pushes her hips up just a little.
Her mouth falls open, a groan falling over her lips. "Shit, Calum."
"That's more like it." He leans back, thumb rubbing over her clit. One hand reaches out for him, holding onto his wrist, the other falls to the sheet, grabbing a tight fistful. Her second orgasm hits fast and she cries out, no real words in particular, just a deep guttural sound ripping over her throat. "Oh, what a beautiful sound," he encourages, still slowly circling her clit.
Her whole body shutters and Calum knows he's done for. He spills over into the condom. But bends over to kiss over the column of her throat. The haze is heavier this time. It takes longer to reconnect to her head but she manages to direct Calum to the bathroom before rolling over to her side.
Finished with his business, Calum opens the door and right on the other side is a black cat. Bright green eyes staring up at him. "Nice to meet you Jewels," he greets. She meows and then continues on to the bedroom. It sounds a little aggressive, but he takes it in stride.
She enters the room first and Calum finds his boxers, watching the cat jump onto the bed and then climbing onto Bee's shoulder. "Yes, Jewels?" Another meow. "Uh-huh. But you weren't rude were you? Did you at least say hi." Another meow. "Good," she coos, holding out her arms. The cat leaps back down to the bed.
Bee gapes. "I don't get a hug, nothing." She sighs as Jewels saunters out of the room. "I feed you, you know. Me."
Calum laughs as she walks to the bathroom next. "This is why I'm more a dog person."
Spinning around, she levels a finger at him. "She does love me. She's just acting out because there is a strange man in the house."
"Should've greeted her at the door, huh? How rude of me."
"Nah, she's a little skittish and probably hid. Which is why she hasn't made herself known until now." Once Bee exits, Jewels comes back standing at the door. Calum only notices after pulling the t-shirt back over his body. Nothing is said. But he does squat down, holding a hand. He wonders if she'll come closer.
She looks at his hand then back to his face before sticking her paw out. He chuckles and Bee walks up behind her. "Oh, she's sassing you. Gotta watch out."
"This is her house. So it's okay."
Bee picks her up and walks into the room kissing her head. "We talked about this. No sassing guests, Jewels. Do you need anything? Water?"
Calum stands, with a shake of his head. "Thank you though." Bee nods. He finishes getting dressed. It's not awkward when he heads out. Though something is different. She does hand him her number.
"Call me. Doesn't have to be for sex. Just whatever."
He smiles softly at her leaning forward and kissing her cheek. As he walks back to his call, stares down at the numbers. Just whatever, he thinks. Could be about anything. Inside the truck, he programs her number into his phone and sends a quick text with his name.
When Anahera climbs into the truck after school, she immediately launches herself into a spill about a fight that happened at school. It didn't get worse, but it did disturb the lunch schedule. Which wasn't fun and made her ten minutes late to a class. Calum listens, nodding along, paying attention to traffic. "Do you know why the fight started?" He asks.
"No, I heard it was over some girl. But then someone else said it might've been a drug thing. I'm not really sure."
"It was two seniors fighting. I figured one of them might've owed the other."
He's not too pleased to know that if it were a drug issue that she's so close to it. But Calum also knows that the in life she'll be exposed to things like that. That he can't protect her from everything. "Is there anything—," Calum starts.
Anahera rolls her eyes. "I can't. No Dad. I don't do drugs. I hate the smell of weed anyway."
He nods, it's not a pleasant smell. "I'm not asking to punish you. Just curious. Because if you did, I'd rather you be smart about where you're getting it from."
She laughs. "Making sure I do it legally."
"Well, yeah. Or at least with people you're safe around."
"I appreciate that. But sometimes I wonder why you don't freak out."
"If I panicked over everything, you'd never tell me anything. You're okay to tell me things. You should feel safe around me."
"I do. What I don't feel safe around is this Lit essay."
Calum laughs. "You've got it, sweetheart. You're smart."
"Can you read over it? I just feel like I have a bunch of word vomit on the page and it's not making any sense."
"Sure thing." As they pull into the driveway, Calum takes her backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. Anahera grabs her jacket and closes the door behind her. She watches a mark, dark on the small sliver of skin that's exposed due to the pull of her bag, but thinks nothing of it.
Calum looks over what he has in the fridge, trying to put together what to make for dinner while she prints off her essay. He knows he wasn't a good student, but he does what he can to help her out. Luke usually gets the math-related questions though those are rare. He takes the Lit stuff.
Calum lets the dogs out and Anahera comes back with her essay. It's only three pages right now and she brought the prompt along with her. He stands in the backyard, reading and pacing. Anahera watches him from the steps of the deck. She looks at that dark spot again and it's clear it's something new. Her eyes widen and she jumps up. "Is that a hickey?"
Calum looks down his heart racing. "What? No!"
Hooking her finger into the seam of the neck, she pulls it back. "That's totally a hickey and you have multiple!"
"How do you even know what a hickey is?" He counters. He feels like a teenager again, caught by their parent. This time he is the parent. "What a second? I'm the parent! Why does it matter?"
"Since when did you get a girlfriend?"
"She's—she's just a friend!"
"That's one heck of a friend, then." Truth be told, she's a little giddy. Maybe her dad's finally getting back out there into the dating world. It's one hell of a way to jump back into the pool. But who is she to judge that. "Do I know them?"
Calum turns back to the essay. He's trying not to give it away. He knows she'll figure it out. "Wait!" She exclaims. "It's not Miss Bee is it?" Calum can feel his cheeks growing hot. He stares harder at the paper in his hand. "Oh my god! Dad! I like Miss Bee! No!"
"She just helped me with some university stuff for you in the future."
"Dad, I'm not even done with my sophomore year. I still have like a year and a half left."
"I just wanted to be prepared, that's all. I didn't even graduate secondary. I have no clue what to do or where to be looking for you. I just asked her for some help."
"Oh and you got help alright, too," she mutters. When he lands a stern eyebrow raised at her she apologizes.
"Apology accepted. But no, she agreed to put together some information for me and we talked over coffee."
Anahera sees the small grin that overtakes his face. She holds her hands up in surrender. "If things go poorly, I just don't want her to hate me for it. I still need to get into university, Dad. Miss Bee is literally the only librarian that goes like out of her way to help us at the public library. She knows that place like the back of her hand and she has connections. I need her. Don't blow this, Dad."
"Oh, c'mon. Have a little faith in me."
"She's not even your girlfriend. You called her a friend. You're rusty!"
An incredulous tuft of laughter falls from him. "What do you know about being rusty? You haven't dated anyone that I'm aware of."
"Did you get her number? Please tell me you got at least that."
"As a matter of fact, she gave it to me."
"Did you text her? How long has it been?"
Okay, now he can admit he is rusty about that. After he left Bee's he went into the studio until it was time to Anahera from school. "Phone's inside," he says quietly. Ana screeches and runs inside. She finds his phone right where it usually is, right under the key rack. She looks over the notifications and sees Bee. The last message was at 10:42 AM. Oh my god, she chants to herself. They had to have met soon after she got on the bus.
She knows his passcode; he gave it in case of emergencies. He has her passcode too. Calum never goes through her phone. Doesn't even think to touch it in all honestly unless she's left it behind and only then does he grab it to pass it along. "Dad! It's nearly 4. Please text her back."
"What did she say?"
"I'm not reading your messages. What if I read something too impure for my virgin eyes? You'll have scarred your precious daughter for life."
Calum sighs, handing her the essay and taking his phone. He reads over the text message. "She just said she hoped my day goes well."
"Dude! You still have to reply. Say thanks at least."
"I know that."
"I'll leave you to that." Stepping inside, Jake right at her side. She watches through the back door as he types away at his screen.
"I can see you watching me," he calls through the glass. It's muffled, but still clear enough to make it out. Anahera bolts from the door to be room, laughing as she goes.
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lilikags · 4 years ago
Trash Talk & ‘Evil Plans’ (Oikawa Tooru)
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I sincerely wonder if gossip might be a better word, I don’t know.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x female reader Type: Fluff (?) I don’t think it could be much of anything else so Words: 3542
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"(y/n)... I think we should break up."
Tears formed in your eyes. You expected this- you knew it would happen, for a long time. Yet, you were still surprised. It didn't make sense to you. It was just what emotions did, you figured.
"Yes, we should break up. Enjoy your time with your new girlfriend. Don't come back to me when she gets together with someone else though. I'm not your pillow."
You walked away, holding back your tears. Your slow gait soon turned into the fastest you could run, in the direction of your house. You didn't want to see him tomorrow, but you knew you were going to anyways at school.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You watched him with his new girlfriend. It's not like you really wanted to- you couldn't care less. It just happened the three of you were in the same class and it was break. Meaning, there was nothing for you to do. You didn't have any inspiration to draw anything, and no one to talk to. He used to be the one you talked to during break, but you didn't want to talk to him anymore. Actually, it's been like that for a while. He's had his eye on her for a while, and you noticed that early on. Sometimes you wish you weren't observant.
But sometimes, you liked being observant. You could pick up on things others couldn't. You were in the same class as her in every class, meaning you had a lot of opportunities to observe her. You observed everyone in class, but ever since she had taken a slight interest in Mitsuo, your boyfriend at the time and the one you recently broke up with, you started to take a closer look at her. No matter how you looked at it, she was an Oikawa fangirl. He was the most popular guy in the entire school. You understood that though- he had the looks, the personality, and he even played volleyball. You've never had such an attraction to him. It looked fake to you- the happy smiles, the nice talk. You bet he thought his fangirls were annoying. What mattered to you was personality- someone who cared. You wanted someone who loved you in a special way, an you were the only one they loved that way. Maybe you set the bar too high from the romance novels you read. But your expectations were your expectations, and of course you didn't expect something like that right away, but that was what you wanted.
You thought you could have that with Mitsuo. He was smart, and he was nice to you. You got along well, and he respected your wishes. When you couldn't make it to plans you had made, he said that it was okay and that things that needed to be done had to be done. He treated you different than any other girl; he showed a lot more interest and was often protective of you. That was before he started liking her- the Oikawa fangirl. Her name was Yumi- Yoshino Yumi. Her family was much more well off than yours, and she had chill parents who let her date whoever she wanted. Their philosophy was "A textbook lesson can teach one lesson. Experiences can teach a hundred." Yumi always had a bright smile on her face. It made her look pretty and happy and always gave her positive vibes. She was new to the school, and Mitsuo liked her from the start. Apparently she had been the most popular girl in the school she previously attended, and asked Oikawa if they could date after they met a few times. He refused her like any other girl, and you assumed she was angry. The next day, she didn't show up for class. She must have cried and you figured she didn't want to come back to school with eyes red from tears. Her excuse was that she had come down with a fever.
You once saw her take out her phone during break. You didn't mean to look; she was just right next to you and you just happened to see it. What you saw was her lockscreen- and it had Oikawa on it. She and Mitsuo shared the same look when they saw each other, as if saying, "Are we meeting after school today? (y/n) won't know." Being next to her, you ended up seeing her lockscreen a lot. You noticed some things. First, they changed every week. She never repeated a picture nor did she change it mid-week. Second, they were all touched up with editing apps, having filters and other "beautifying" tools available. Third, they were all of Oikawa. No matter how you looked at it, she still liked him.
You felt pity for Mitsuo- having a girlfriend with no real interest in him. She probably got together with him because she felt he was the best option after being rejected by Oikawa. She would probably break up with him when she found someone more attractive than him.
The bell rung and everyone returned to their seats. The teacher for their next class arrived in the classroom and started the class. You went back to taking notes and doodling on the paper when she went on a tangent. She often did that and said, "Ah, I went off-topic again. Sorry about that!" Class went by pretty quickly that day, since you were just focusing on school. When the dismissal bell rung, you packed your things in your backpack and headed to your locker. Now that there wasn't much to think about, your mind drifted to Mitsuo. You missed how he acted before, how he used to walk with you to your locker after school and you used to have conversations all the way home. You absentmindedly opened your locker, with almost an emotionless face.
"(f/n)-chan!" (b/f/n) tried to jump scare you from behind. You turned around. "What's up, (b/f/n)?" you asked, unfazed. You knew all her shenanigans and tricks. After all, you two were best friends, and the two of you were very close. You had told her about what you noticed with Mitsuo and Yumi the first day you noticed something was up, and you confided in her with just about everything. "Wanna go hang out today? And it'll be at your house, because my brother has his friends over. It won't be fun with them around," she suggested, shaking her head when she mentioned her brother's friends. They were loud and annoying, and they often liked to bother (b/f/n) when they saw her. "Sure," you agreed, closing your locker's door after getting all the things you needed. You put the lock back on and the two of you headed to your house. It was quite close to the school, and you often walked home. Usually with Mitsuo, but now it was going to be (b/f/n). You felt that was better; after all, you didn't need someone who didn't care to walk you home. At least (b/f/n) cared.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
By nighttime, the two of you were done with your homework and had studied for the one upcoming test you both had. You were now just hanging out, sitting in your room and talking. The two of you sat on your bed, scrolling on your phones. She had decided to stay the night- something she did often since you were young children. Your parents considered her somewhat like their own daughter, since she was basically half living in your house and half living in hers. She even wore your clothes, and it was okay since you had been sharing clothes since you could remember. The two of you were the same size, so it didn't really make much of a difference.
"Hey, (f/n)-chan, ya up to a date?" (b/f/n) looked up from her phone. "Wha-" you looked at your best friend. "Aimi and I arranged a blind date with some guys at school and I think we hit jackpot this time!" She gave you that face, the one where she was begging for you to go and you could absolutely not refuse. "Fine..." you sighed. "It can't be that bad, after all, maybe you'll find the right guy this time," you thought, getting up to stretch. "When is it?" "Tomorrow! I don't even need to ask if you're free: you are. What else do you have to do?" she giggled. "Right. When exactly, tomorrow though? I know I'm free but I need to have an idea of when it'll be, so I can get ready," you took out your phone again, putting a reminder on your phone. "Lunch, right at noon. Don't you forget!" "I have a reminder right here- I won't forget," you put down your phone and plugged it in to charge it and pulled the covers over you. "Night, I'm tired now." "Night! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" You  laughed at (b/f/n). It was a childish thing to say, so like her, "Yes, yes."
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
"(y/n)~ Wake up~" you heard (b/f/n) say in you ear as she pulled the blanket off of you. "Argh, stop, I'm still sleeping," you turned back around. "You're going to wake up in two seconds," she declared. "1! 2!" As she counted to two, she pulled the blanket off again, this time making it out of your reach. You frantically reached for the blanket, waking yourself up in annoyance. "You got me there," you said, getting up and rubbing your eyes. You looked at the clock. It was 10:24 AM. "Let's go get ready! The blind date's gonna be soon~" (b/f/n) hopped over to the kitchen to find your mom cooking breakfast. (b/f/n) got even more excited when she saw the waffles being made and immediately grabbed a plate and the whipped cream from the fridge. She sat down on the island table, sitting at a place she could easily see the waffles being made.
You still sat on your bed, stretching. You definitely didn't feel like going out today, not one bit. On days like these, Mitsuo would come over and the two of you would just talk all day, sitting on your bed in your room. You would talk about anything, from what you did in the morning to a huge event that was happening. It was easy to talk to him, easy to tell him all your worries, easy to listen to him. Maybe that's what love did.
Nonetheless, you had to get up. You promised (b/f/n) you would go, and you weren't going to break that promise and trust you had built up over your whole life. She was a sensitive person, and you would rather deal with some annoying people then lose her. So, you went to get ready. You headed over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, so that you could get your clothes while the water warms up. You then walked back into your room and over to your closet, picking out a cute outfit to wear. It was warm today, so you decided a t-shirt and denim shorts would do. You picked out a simple white t-shirt with a cute duck drawn on it and a pair of shorts made from ripped denim. You spotted a light jacket with a flower design made of almost see-through fabric you recently bought and figured it would be a good time to wear it.
You went back to your bathroom and lay the clothes onto a dry part of the countertop by the sink and felt the water from the shower with your hand to see if it was warm yet. Drying off your hand with your pajamas, you took them off and headed into the shower. Meanwhile, when you were in the shower, (b/f/n) started talking to your mom while she was making the waffles. You hadn't told your mom yet about the breakup with Mitsuo, and you planned on telling her eventually, when she noticed something. (b/f/n), being (b/f/n), just had to go tell your mom about it. "Did you notice something about (y/n) today?" (b/f/n) got up to take a closer look at the waffles. "She does seem a bit down, but it could be due to many things. I'm sure it'll be over soon," your mom replied, focusing on the waffles. "Well, actually, she broke up with Mitsuo. More like Mitsuo broke up with (y/n), but nonetheless they broke up." Your mom stopped what she was doing for a second, "Huh? But I thought they were doing so well!"
When you were done with your shower, you turned off the water and grabbed your towel, which had your name on it. You mom thought it was a good idea to have everyone's names embroidered on their towels, and she had that done for New Years a few years back. Once dried, you quickly put on your clothes and brushed your hair, fixing it in a (hairstyle). You then put on some light makeup and headed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, smelling the aroma of fresh waffles. You heard the name Mitsuo as you walked in and stopped before they could see you, listening in a bit on their conversation. "(b/f/n), seriously? I know you're the type to do that, but still, ugh," you thought to yourself. After a few minutes of listening in on the conversation, you decided to come out, hungry. You didn't eat that much last night, and waffles were delicious. You acted as if you didn't hear anything and got a plate of waffles for yourself, until your mom said, "(y/n), you broke up with Mitsuo?" "Yeah, we can talk about it later," you said, starting to eat your waffle at a faster pace.
You went back to the bathroom to brush your teeth, thinking about what you were going to say to your mom about Mitsuo. You'd known about this for a long time, yet you hadn't thought about what you were to say to your mom about what happened. Were you going to tell her the truth? It seemed like a favorable option, until you realized she'd make a big deal about it. You didn't want that; it would make it seem you were still hung up about that, and that was one of the last things you needed at the moment.
You headed back to your room to wait for (b/f/n) as she got ready. It always took her just about forever to get ready, especially for an occasion as big as this, so you laid in bed, playing games on your phone. They weren't exactly engaging, you would say, but they were definitely intriguing and good time passers. "Hey (y/n), Aimi can't make it to the blind date, and one of the guys too. Apparently her mom is dragging her to some class because she didn't get a good grade. Aimi, don't die! The guy that isn't coming is in the soccer club and there was an emergency meeting. So, it's just the two of us and the other two guys. This'll be interesting!" (b/f/n) said from the bathroom as she was fixing her makeup. You nodded in response, but internally, you were freaking out. Aimi was always good at making things less awkward for you, gladly taking the attention you didn't want in socially awkward situations. She was your saving grace in these kinds of situations, and you didn't know what to do without her.
After what felt like forever, (b/f/n) finally finished her makeup and got out of the bathroom. You stopped playing the game you were playing and got up from your bed. You walked over to the front door, slipping on your shoes and started heading your way to the bus station. The cafe Aimi had the arranged the blind date at wasn't far, but it was much quicker to get there by bus. After all, (b/f/n) took forever to do everything.
It wasn't long until you arrived at the cafe, with a wooden and plant themed aesthetic. There was a vine wall, which you thought was neat and the colors matched well.  A lot of wood was used throughout the cafe, but it all matched and didn't feel repetitive due to the different types wood used. The two of you sat down at a table Aimi reserved and waited for the guys.
The two of you didn't wait long before one of the guys showed up, and (b/f/n) instantly started talking to him. You knew who he was- he was on the basketball team and was pretty popular among the girls. Aimi had liked him for a long time, no wonder she was eager to talk to him. The two, being pretty similar, hit it off pretty quickly, leaving you to sip your (drink) by yourself while you waited for the other guy. You started to think he wouldn't come, and that was alright with you since you weren't thinking of dating someone yet.
After a while, and you had almost completely forgotten about the mysterious guy who wouldn't show up, until someone in a volleyball uniform showed up. He seemed tired, though he didn't how it much. He smiled and looked as if he was enjoying the attention given to him by both (b/f/n) and her partner. You felt you shouldn't care less, but you couldn't help but want to get out of there already. You knew who it was- Oikawa Tooru- and you already didn't want to talk to him. You were already in a bad mood and someone with a personality like his did not seem like a good combination to you.
"Hey, you're pretty cute. You're (y/n), right? I think I've seen you in the hallways before," he started. "Yeah," you put down your phone and looked at him with the most "can I go home, this is the most boring thing ever and I couldn't care less" face. "You know, you were half an hour late. Shouldn't you have learned manners?" "I did learn manners! I was just busy and forgot to notify Aimi about it." He then struck back,  "Oh, I heard you broke up with your boyfriend recently. Mitsuo, was it?" he asked, ordering a drink of his own. Your mood went even more south, when he asked that. That was your business, what right did he have to ask about it? "Yeah. He cheated on me with one of your fangirls." "Oh wow." "That's all you have to say?" "Well, it's not like I'm in control of my fandom." "Yeah, but you have the power to influence them into not doing rude things, like interfering with other people's business." "You're saying that I should have stopped that girl from going to Mitsuo?! That makes no sense." "You could have been nice and tried." "It's literally that witch who started it. She goes around asking certain guys out one after another and if she gets rejected, she goes to the next one. She did that to me too. She's so annoying, honestly." "Yeah. Honestly, I feel pity for her. She doesn't have anyone, so she just goes around searching for someone until she gets somebody. I bet she doesn't even like Mitsuo." "The way she acts, I bet she's just using them, till she can find a guy she likes." "Exactly! Honestly, I want to see her face when she realizes that people don't like her. Honestly." "That's a genius idea."
The two of you then started with the prank planning, putting whatever ideas out there and concocting a vicious plan to expose her. On the other hand, (b/f/n) and her date were having a pleasant conversation. They talked about a number of things, mostly funny stories. You didn't even realize she told him about that time you messed up cracking an egg while saying you were better than her at cooking.
Before you knew it, you had spent hours talking to him, forming a plan to expose this entitled brat and see the face the two of you wanted to see. It was around 3 when the other guy had to leave for practice with his team, and (b/f/n) exchanged contact info with him and waved him goodbye. With a smile on her face, she looked towards the two of you. Both you and Oikawa wore grins that signaled trouble, and (b/f/n) wondered what happened between the two of you. She nudged you that the other guy had left and she was waiting, and it so happened that the two of you were wrapping up your brilliant plans.
"Hey, maybe we should exchange phone numbers so we can finish up our plans? They're gonna be great." you said to him, standing up. "Yes, that would be awesome," he took out his phone as you took out yours.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
"Hey, (y/n), I wonder what you two were talking about. The two of you looked like you were evil villains in a movie planning something," (b/f/n) said to you on your way home. "Oh, you'll see, (b/f/n). It'll be glorious." you smiled.
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˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ Lili ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
A/N: Hey! Sorry this took a whole month to write, school started and everything's been a mess. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Question: did it feel like it dragged or was it good?
Also, this is dedicated to my friend Hyacinth :3 (and tagging @kisasaysmuah because (yes this is the reason))
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Image credits: Daan Evers on Unsplash
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agatharionicky · 4 years ago
Honey, There Is No Right Way Chapter Four
Chapter: four/four
Summary:  Ava picks Sara up from blind school and they take a walk through the park. Later Sara makes breakfast for everyone and they talked about how Sara has settled into things.
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe.
Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Charlie, Zari Tarazi, John Constantine, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi.
Chapter Rating: General Audience.
Additional Tags: Blind!Sara, Fluff, Lemons.
AN: I have completed a multi-chapter fic with a consistent update schedule! I am so proud of myself for this It's something I fail at more than I like and something I'm trying to change.
Read at AO3
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Ava was absolutely not outside of the Blind school waiting for Sara to finish her lessons for the day. No, she was just sitting at the park, eating her snack, and... Oh who was she kidding, of course she was waiting for Sara. Ava missed her, Sara’s classes took up most of the day and she worried about how Sara was doing. Ava turned away from the building to look over at the park in front of her, watching the bare tree sway and picking out the lone red leaves left in the trees. 
Ava tried to distract herself and think of anything other than Sara. It worked, and Ava was so distracted that she didn’t notice Sara sneaking up behind her until Sara tugged on her jacket. Ava jumped as she touched her and Sara laughed before wrapping her arms around Ava’s waist. 
“You must have had a very successful lesson. You found me all on your own,” Ava said as she smiled and tapped her nose, before pulling Sara in and kissing her lips. 
“The vision I saw of you waiting for me helped, but I walked 10 whole blocks, learned some new living skills, and worked on my Braille,” Sara smiled, her voice full of pride. “Also, we have got to catch up on Daredevil because Lucy is two episodes ahead of me and she kept spoiling everything.”
“It sounds like you had a really good day,” Ava said, leaning in to tuck Sara’s hair behind her ear. “I’m glad these lessons are going well.”
“Me too, it feels good to walk around knowing I can navigate the unfamiliar street,” Sara said, as they strolled into the park. Sara used her cane with one arm and Ava held her hand as Sara led them along the trail to where they had parked the Waverider. 
“I’m glad, I know this has been an adjustment for you my love, and I’m happy that you’ve been able to learn how to adapt and even make some friends. Even if Lucy does spoil the plot for you.”
“I told her I was behind and she still blabbed the ending of episode ten.” 
Ava chuckled as they walked. It was early winter and the wind picked up the leaves to dance around then and Sara laughed as the leaves tickled their legs as they walked. Eventually, they got to the Waverider and paused outside it. It was camouflaged to match the field around them, but Sara remembered where to stop, something she had recently learned.
“What can you hear?” Ava asked, as she looked around the park, wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist and set her head on Sara’s shoulder.
Sara smiled, tilting her head as she listened to the world around them. “I can hear the leaves rustling through the trees. The sound of kids' laughter as they play over there and the steady steps of the joggers as they run past us and the hum of the ship.”
“Can you hear what trouble the Legends have gotten into since we’ve been gone,” Ava asked, giving her a nudge.
Sara smiled and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Her powers were another thing that she was learning how to use. “Well, it looks like they are decorating for the holidays. They’ve hung some large white snow fluff which has attracted some giant spiders as they left the cargo bay door open.”
Ava made a face and shivered “Oh, maybe we should enjoy the park a little bit longer.”
“Come on, Miss Sharpe,” Sara said, with a smile as she dragged her back down the trail. “I smell a taco truck.”
Ava woke up to an empty and cold bed. She frowned as she stretched, missing her tiny little heater. Sara ran hot and Ava always got cold without Sara sleeping beside her. Ava was a morning person and out of habit, Sara got up early to train. Usually, they would wake up together and have morning sex, but it wasn’t too unusual for one of them to get up before the other. Ava never liked waking up without Sara next to her. 
She reluctantly rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, wrapping her robe around her and washing her face before heading out in search of Sara. Ava looked in the gym first, but found only Mick on the weights and headed off to the kitchen. As she approached, Ava spotted Sara at the counter.
“Surprise!” Sara said, having heard her walk in and turned around pulled the foil off of a plate for her.
Ava walked all over and looked down at the plate Sara had prepared for her. It was her favorite breakfast of turkey bacon, eggs, and a yogurt parfait. Taking the plate from her hands, Ava looked around to see the rest of the kitchen set up buffet style on the counter. There were waffles, eggs, pancakes, and a sorted array of breakfast foods set for everyone to enjoy.
“Thank you babe,” Ava said, as she wrapped her arms around Sara’s waist as Sara leaned into her and kissed her cheek. “Who made the rest of the food?”
“I did.”
“You made all of this by yourself?” 
“Yep,” Sara said, smiling, very pleased with herself. “With Ray’s organization and the braille labels, I was able to find everything I needed. Then Gideon helped me time how long to cook things, and the rest I did all by myself.”
“Babe,” Ava said as Sara let her over to the table that was completely set with silverware, coffee, and a basket of fruit and flowers. “This is amazing.”
“And really good,” Behrad said as he stuffed his face with pancakes. Nate nodded too as his mouth was also full of pancakes.
“And a pretty decent English breakfast too,” Charlie said, with their plate of sausage, beans, and toast.
They both sat down at the table, at a place Ava assumed was Sara’s as it was half a bowl of oatmeal and apples. Sara poured her a mug of coffee using her liquid level indicator. She added the right amount of milk the Ava liked, grabbed her hand to give her the mug. 
“Thank you,” Ava said, taking a sip of the coffee with a hum of content. 
She put her mug down and wrapped her arms around Sara’s shoulders, pulling her in for a proper kiss. Sara smiled and hummed against her lips, putting her hands on Ava’s abs. They continued kissing, melting into each other, but were forced to part by the groans of the crew as they made out. 
“Um excuse me, some of us are trying to eat breakfast here,” Zari said, tapping Ava’s shoulder in a teasing tone.
Sara and Ava laughed as they pulled apart. They never turned down an opportunity to embarrass their crew. Ava grabbed Sara’s chair, pulled it close, and put an arm around her as Sara laid her head on Ava’s shoulders. 
“I didn’t realize that you had learned how to do all of this?” Ava said, looking around the kitchen again.
“Yeah, I’ve learned a lot, and I wanted to kinda show off and do something nice for everyone.” Sara shrugged against Ava’s shoulder. 
“I’m so proud of you Sara,” Ava said, leaning down to kiss her forehead and give her a little squeeze. 
Sara just smiled and Ava could see how happy she was, as she hadn’t stopped smiling. They all lapsed into conversation as they ate and the others finished up before they got up to leave.
“Excuse you?” Ava said, looking up at them. The Legends just looked back at her, confused until Ava gestured to the dirty dishes they had left at the table. “And I haven’t heard a ‘thank you Sara’ yet?”
“Thank you Sara,” They all chimed as they quickly picked up their plates and scampered over to put them in the dishwasher. 
“You’re welcome,” Sara smiled as she heard them go.
Ava finished eating before getting up to do her and Sara’s dishes. The dishwasher on the Waverider was industrial and could handle anything, but she and Ray still like to do a few dishes by hand. Sara cleared the table and put away some of the food before she hopped up on the counter next to Ava and started drying the plates Ave handed her.
“I think I’ve grown comfortable being blind,” Sara said, looking straight ahead as she put down the plate and twisted the dish towel in her hands. “I mean, I still have my visions, but and I don’t know, being blind just feels normal now.”
“That’s good,” Ava said, putting down the last dish in the cabinet. “I’m glad that you're okay Sara. You have handled everything that came your way, better than I ever could, and I’m glad that you're good.”
“Come here,” Sara said, smiling and reaching out for her.
Ava smiled as she turned and wrapped her arms around Sara’s waist, moving in between her legs and pressing her lips to Sara’s. Sara held Ava against her and wrapped her legs around Ava’s hips.
Ava let herself smile against Sara’s lips so that she could feel it and kissed her again, letting herself linger there. She didn’t need to say anything and she let her body do the talking as she kissed Sara. 
Sara pulled at Ava’s sleep shirt, her fingers quickly unbuttoning it before she paused. Ava’s gotten pretty good at telling when Sara was having a vision. She always paused just for a brief second as something flashed across her grey eyes. 
“John’s going to come into the kitchen and catch us if we go any further,” Sara said as she reluctantly re-buttoned Ava’s sleep shirt. 
“Well I guess we better take this somewhere else,” Ava said letting her hands run down Sara’s back, to rest on her ass. Sara laughed as Ava picked her up and tightened her legs around Ava’s waist, leaning in to trail kisses along her neck, her intentions hidden by Ava’s long hair. 
Ava turned the corner just as she saw John whistle as he headed over to the galley. Ava carried her through the halls as Sara directed her way so they wouldn’t get caught by anybody else. Finally, Ava opened the door to their bedroom and walked over to lay her down on the bed quickly crawling on top of her.
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selfships-in-spanish · 6 years ago
Uffff girl... ufffff... I am dying for the mafia au... I would love to see how Ona reacts when Hank picks Cole up, just out of curiosity to see who this girl is in which his sons are so in love
I see you all are thirsty for this Mafia AU AND SO AM I. Thank you for fuelling this thirst.
Connor and Richard weren’t too pleased to be relieved for one day from their Cole duties. Picking up Cole was one of the highlights of the day, but seeing Ona was what made it whole. So yes, they weren’t happy, but obeyed anyways.
He always caused an impression everywhere he went. He was a big and tall figure, imposing. He commanded respect. So yes, he turned heads when he took the steps up to the entry hall, looking up to see his son chatting with what he suspected was a classmate.
The famous teacher was nowhere to be seen. Hmmm.
Cole turned a moment to see his father and immediately stopped talking. His friend looked at him scrunching his nose, turning his head too to see the cause of their interrupted conversation. And his eyes widened. Oh.
Cole ran to him and launched himself to the air, throwing his body to the arms of his father. He picked him up in a strong hug.
“Hey there, bud.”
“I didn’t know you were coming today!” he was delighted for this change of plans. His father was always so busy he never had time to pick up Cole, even if he wanted to so bad. When this happened, Hank made sure to treat him into a nice father-son afternoon. Ice-cream mandatory. He always felt sorry for being so absent, but his son understood. He was a good kid.
“I managed to move some things out of the way, so why not come pick up my son?
“I also bet Connor and Richard weren’t too pleased by this, right?” he had a smug smile.
“God, aren’t you a clever little shit.” He let him down and ruffled his hair affectionately.
“She’s probably on the teacher’s lounge. Follow me” he took him by the hand, dragging Hank across the hall. His friend stared at this in disbelief, not knowing what to do with himself after he saw Cole’s Father. 
Everyone knew, but turned a blind eye.
Hank took time to look around. It seemed that the school was in good shape, after all he did drop a good sum of money so the building wouldn’t go to waste and Detroit’s youngsters would have a good education. He was pleased for now. They passed some teachers who looked at him as if they saw a ghost, not knowing what to do because holy shit that’s--
He payed them no mind.
Cole stopped in front of a door and looked at his father expectantly. It was slightly ajar and heard rustling inside. Hank knocked and got no response, so he knocked again. Nothing. Hank looked at Cole with eyebrows raised. Cole shrugged and opened the door.
“Miss Ona?”
They heard a heavy thud and a pained curse, a head appearing from under a desk. She was rubbing the sore spot, the other hand holding something very tiny in her fingers. Ona stood up and deposited the other end of the earring on her desk, just in case it had ideas of falling off again.
“Cole...? Oh!”
Oh indeed.
He heard stories about this man. Descriptions. But she would never be prepared for that. He was indeed tall, big and robust, power emanated from him. His tailored suit impeccable, not a spot, nothing off, and that coat only helped accentuate how big this man was. His hair was silver, neatly cut and styled, as well as his perfectly trimmed thick beard. Two bright blue eyes pinned her to the spot. They were intense.
“This is my father,” Cole began, “He wanted to meet you.”
She didn’t now if to be happy or scared about that fact. 
“Oh, well...”
Hank took a few steps, a warm smile in his face. No use in frightening this poor deer. He knew he caused an impression, for his reputation preceded him.
“Hank Anderson. Pleased to meet you, miss.” He took Ona’s hand and kissed the reverse. She blushed. So this is where Connor got this from. But God’s what was going on with his voice? It was deep, low and commanded respect and obedience. Oh Jesus.
“Ah, pleased to meet you too, sir. I’m Boix. Ona!, Ona Boix.” she squeaked. “Uh, so, well, here I am!” she let out a nervous laugh. She was just a simple teacher. Please someone have mercy on her poor soul.
“I wanted to see who was this teacher my son rambled about for hours.” they both heard Cole protest and Hank chuckled, a pleasant rumble. It shook Ona all over.
Holy. Fuck.
“Oh, oh well. I hope it wasn’t bad rambling” she was panicking inside. How does one act around someone as important and fucking scary as him?
Hank kept the small talk going, seeming amused by Ona’s flustered appearance. It was funny to see this cute little teacher squeak like a frightened mouse thinking she was being judged. Cole rolled his eyes, his father was a little shit sometimes. He occasionally liked a bit of a power trip but never going too far. It amused him to mess around for a bit.
“Well, I think I have taken enough of your time, Miss Boix.” 
“It’s no bother, really. And please, call me Ona.” she was a tiny bit more relaxed, but still anxious. Poor girl, he tortured her enough.
“I’m glad to see my son is in good hands, Ona” He winked. Her heart jumped out of her chest.
“I-I’m, uhm, it’s a pleasure to have him in class.” she stuttered. He was worse than the brothers.
Hank chuckled again, his features softened.
“Don’t sweat it, sweetheart, sometimes I enjoy teasing a bit. Thank you for letting this old man have his fun.” He took her hand again and kissed the reverse as goodbye. “I hope to be able to come around again. It’s been a pleasure”
“Likewise! I hope to see you around too!” Ona clutched her hand, cheeks ablaze. Talk about a damn silver fox and his charming ways. No wonder his sons came out like that. 
Hank nodded for Cole to tag along, taking his backpack and sliding it into one of his broad shoulders. It was a funny contrast, this man dressed in the most expensive suit, perfectly ironed, and this tiny Spiderman backpack dangling from his back. He took Cole’s hand, engulfing it in his way bigger one.
“I think we will have her joining us for dinner soon. I will have to ask her what her favourite dishes are.” Hank threw an amused look at his son, him smiling mischievously at his father.
“That is if those two idiots ask her out. It’s been painful to watch them, papa, painful.” Cola groaned, frustration evident in his tiny face.
“I bet, kiddo.” he chuckled.
They were outside, the warm afternoon sun tickling their skin. Hank took a deep breath. Such affairs were a nice distraction from work, and also getting to know what his sons were up to with the matters of the heart. He saw them change, even more eager for the morning and afternoon’s car rides to go pick up Cole. They didn’t lose their sharpness, if so it was even more enhanced, but now they had another purpose added to this. She was another very important reason of why they wanted the best for Detroit and its citizens. Even if their methods were... frowned upon.
It was a good change.
“So, ice-cream?” he looked at his son in time to see his face lit up like the sun itself.
“Three scoops!”
“Want me to remind you what happened last time?”
“Three scoops and I won’t tell Connor and Richard about the nutella waffles.”
Later at night Connor and Richard were fidgety. They were never fidgety. But their shared looks and stolen glances at his father didn’t go unnoticed. He made them wait a little bit more, reminding them when they were just little kids and how afraid were they of disappointing him. How could they? The brothers were such good boys he was the lucky one.
So it was later at night when Hank was having his nightcap that he crossed paths with the brothers. They were still restless. He stood still, slowly sipping from his glass of the finest whiskey. Connor and Richard looked at each other nervously.
“...Father?” ventured Richard.
“I hope to see her soon for dinner,” the brothers visibly relaxed, the worry disappeared from their features. “but she does blush rather nicely, don’t you think?”
They both tensed again, twin offended expressions glaring daggers at him. He snorted.
“Don’t fry your brains, kiddos. She’s a nice girl.“ Hank finished the rest of his drink and set the glass on the table and smiled at them.” Good night, boys.”
“Good night, father.” Connor and Richard answered in unison and went to their respective rooms with a less heavy heart and a tiny smile gracing their lips. 
Hank stood there a little bit more, the smile still on his lips. They were good kids indeed.
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nationallark · 6 years ago
Blood From the Stone, an adaptation of Onision’s Stones to Abbigale, Chapter One [EDIT: now complete] 3k words
(AN: hi friends! I decided to go ahead and align chapter one of my rework with chapter one of STA, so here it is for you guys! from now on, I’ll be posting the full chapters on Tumblr and I’ll put links to my Wattpad and Ao3 in my About page!!)
I hope you enjoy :)
The moment I opened my eyes, I was blinded by my freshly wallpapered room. Several days into my latest drastic redecoration, even the cast iron bed frame was now painted white. Light peeking through a narrow opening in the curtains bounced off the walls, making me clamp my eyes shut. Clearly, changing my room back to wall-to-wall white was another in a long line of self-inflicted psychological tortures.
My family could tell that the black had depressed me. I found comfort in the darkness, but neither extreme was without fault. I didn’t mind waffling between light and dark bedrooms, as I had ample spray paint and plenty of time to kill, but for a moment the intense light show pouring through the bay window felt like it was burning clear through to my brain.
Mom, having switched to the overnight shift by mid June, didn’t wake me up like she used to. Then again, neither did my alarm clock. I rolled away from the window and squinted into its plastic face only to see a cheaply backlit 8:17 AM staring back at me.
Great, I was going to be late again.
Not taking the time to grab my usual handful of cereal, I scribbled an excuse note and pulled a sweater over my sleep shirt before hopping on my scooter and pointing it in the direction of the school. As soon as the cold wind began to sting my cheeks, I realized that I in my haste had forgotten a scarf. Oh well.
I narrowly missed crashing into a giggly Lauren and Raymond who, hand in hand, were heading away from the school and towards the old church, no doubt to smoke or make out or any number of activities Lakewood students tended to use the place for.
Mr. Hanson, my heavyset history teacher, gave me a withering look as I ducked into his room with only fifteen minutes left in first period.
“James, talk to me after class,” he said mildly from his perch in the back of the room. I dropped my note on his desk on my way over to one of the few empty seats, electing to try and absorb some of the day’s lesson from the ongoing group activity rather than sit outside and count ceiling tiles.
It didn’t take long, however, for my mind to wander from British colonialism to the fascinating small scale history being made around me. I watched as Calvin, one of the honor students who was gunning for valedictorian, explained the reasoning behind his answers while Jaime nodded along and Miranda half paid attention to him while also monitoring Mr. Hanson to know when it was safe to chew her gum. It was too early in the school year for anyone to be too stressed out over grades, so there was only a sense of resigned monotony among the students.
That is, until the bell rang.
Over the ensuing bustle, Mr. Hanson glanced up from his work and looked at me expectantly, but I could only smile and shrug as I allowed myself to be pushed into the hallway with everyone else. Sorry, Mr. Hanson; I had a more important class to get to.
My second period was all the way across campus, relegated to one of the ancient trailers that also held the ESL students, sign language class, and music appreciation. Sculpture I, being one of the easier options for making the required fine arts credit, was naturally full of slackers and people who, like me, weren’t talented enough in music or theater to take anything else.
My cross-campus trek was interrupted by dozens of students circled around what I could only assume to be a fight. Unfortunately, the fight just happened to be in the center of the hallway that was my only path to art class. I hunched my shoulders and slipped through the growing crowd, breaking into a jog as the minute bell rang. I normally wouldn’t bother with getting to class on time, but I made an exception for sculpture; sculpture was the class I had with Abbi.
Ever since I’d seen Abbi in second period on the first day of senior year, she was all I could think about. Every day she would sit at the left side of a shared desk, drop her bag on the left side of her chair, and, resting her elbows on the tabletop, pick at the fake wood grain desk cover with her pencil.
As I ascended the creaking steps into the trailer, there were more seats open than I expected, probably because their usual occupants were still observing the fight I’d managed to squeeze past. There Abbi was, however, in the same getup as usual: her dark, wavy hair bunching on top of the desk as she bent over it, her deep purple eyeshadow and tinted brows still visible through the fringe. She had on the army jacket I’d never seen her without, even during messier art projects that showed in the cuffs of its sleeves. Even in the harsh light of the trailer’s fluorescent bulbs, she looked fantastic.
I tried not to make it too obvious that I was rushing to sit next to her, so I forced myself to slow down and take a casual approach to the desk. Step. Wave to Mrs. Stanley. Step. Check out the newest student-made hangings above her seat. Three steps. Gently drop my bag onto the desk.
Finally, I pulled the metal desk chair out and plopped into it with a grin ready for Abbi to turn and look at me...which happened to be at the exact same moment my thighs registered how ungodly cold the A/C had made the chair. I hissed in shock and stood up to save myself from mild frostbite, pushing the chair away from me and tipping it backwards and onto the floor with a metallic crash. Having looked up from her handiwork in time to see everything go down, Abbi glanced mildly at the chair, then at me, and went back to work without even laughing at me. Freaking smooth, James.
I picked up the chair amid the laughter of the other sculpture students and the quiet concern of Mrs. Stanley and sat down once again, this time being careful to pull the stretchy fabric of my shorts down long enough to cover the metal seat. I aimed my smile back at Abbi, who, this time, didn’t look up.
I barely had time to be disappointed before the stragglers arrived clearly invigorated by the hallway fight, whooping and hollering before Mrs. Stanley told them to quiet down or she’d mark them as tardy. Once again I looked at Abbi, whose attention was held steadfast by the desk cover. Well, at least it wasn’t just me that couldn’t get her attention. At this, I felt a wave of relief.
The relief was cut short, however, when one of the stragglers named Jason joined us at the shared desk, taking the seat directly across from Abbi. His arrival and unceremonious dumping of his bag on the desktop earned him a brief look and a practiced readjustment of Abbi’s position so that he wouldn’t accidentally bump into her, and once again the relief flooded my system.
Now that everyone was in their seats, Mrs. Stanley, looking for all the world like a walking retirement party, officially began class by going over the previous day’s finished assignment, which itself was the culmination of our unit on color and texture. I myself had modeled my project after my then-black room with soft black silk and smooth painted wood and was given an A for my trouble.
The main topic of discussion, however, wasn’t our grades. It was the introductory project for the next unit: symbolism and storytelling. Mrs. Stanley began to hand out the rubrics for the project while she gave us the bad news: we were going to be working with partners.
No, no, no. Not okay, because with my luck, I’d be paired with bonehead Jason or asshole Alex who’d just gotten back from a stint in alternative school for exposing himself in the cafeteria last year. I struggled to pay attention as she continued to outline the project.
“To simplify things,” she said, still handing out papers, “you’re going to be paired with the person across from you.”
That rule meant I was paired with….oh, God. While I wasn’t looking, Alex had apparently drifted into class and sat in the one remaining seat, which just so happened to be next to Jason and across from me. This wasn’t happening.
I’d been there in the cafeteria last year when Alex exposed himself. I’d even seen it. I can’t say I was particularly impressed, but I guess I didn’t have very much data with which to compare. Regardless, I was uninterested in being stuck with this kid for God knows how long while trying to work with whatever drivel he’d come up with and pass of as ideas.
My musing was interrupted by a voice that said “Can I be paired with James?”
Hearing the rare appearance of Abbi’s somber voice made me smile despite myself, and I took a moment to apprecia--wait. That was my name that had come out of her mouth. She’d asked to be paired with me. I couldn’t blame her, really, as her other option was Jason, who was barely a notch above Alex in terms of competence.
Despite her annoyance at Abbi’s resistance of her rules, Mrs. Stanley appeared to take pity on the both of us and rearranged our partnerships to put Abbi and I together and sic Jason and Alex upon each other. Looking only a little hurt, Jason huffed and looked Alex up and down before shrugging and choosing not to make a stink about the arrangement.
As Mrs. Stanley continued, I tried to remind myself that Abbi was only working with me to avoid the more offensive option that was Jason. Still, I couldn’t help but feel a little giddy at the thought that Abbi would be talking directly to me and nobody else in second period for the next several days.
“For this project, you will each take something you own, and together, you will create something that brings new meaning to your possessions. In case you can’t tell, this is a project that’s going to render the items you bring useless for the future, so I wouldn’t suggest bringing a favorite shirt or expensive electronic. Today, you’ll work on deciding what you’ll bring and sketching out the final product.”
My mind was racing with ideas about what I could bring when I stopped to consider what Abbi might have to offer. What would she consider useful but okay to part with? Surely she had a spare makeup brush or two, with all the work she clearly put into doing her face day after day.
“What are you going to bring?”
I wished she’d say my name again. I’d always thought my name was so boring, but coming from Abbi, it was beautiful. Shit, gotta answer before I look like a weirdo.
“Uh, I don’t know…” Great.
“You could bring something to go in my hamster cage,” said Abbi.
“Did he die or something?” I winced, mentally berating myself. Great, just great. Bring up her dead hamster. That’ll make her have the hots for you.
“Never had one. Dad got the cage and forgot the hamster.”
“How do you forget a hamster? Was he high?” Abbi shrugged and looked away, and I took the opportunity to feel like a complete ass, first for bringing up her nonexistent dead hamster and then for asking about her maybe-stoned father. I wondered, briefly, how the species ever managed to repopulate if there were men like me walking around and completely turning women off.
Instead of shutting my mouth, I decided to try one more time to lift her spirits.
“Maybe I could, uh, bring that weird thing my mom keeps in her bedside table?”
Abbi snorted and, for a fleeting moment, gave me the most perfectly little crooked smile I’d ever seen on those plum-painted lips. And, by God, I was the one who put it there. I let slip an eye-crinklingly wide smile before composing myself into what I hoped was a sly grin. Abbi got ahold of herself too and opened her mouth, hopefully not to be too grossed out with me.
“Tell me you didn’t actually touch your mom’s--”
“Of course not!” I interrupted her. I didn’t know if I could stand to hear that combination of words aimed at me and not die from the resulting embarrassment. I laced my fingers together and stared down at my desk, willing my reddening cheeks to calm down.
Soon, the bell rang and dismissed us to third period, and I quickly stood up, grabbing my things and getting ready to run away from the social situation my big mouth had put me in. I was in such a hurry, in fact, that I almost missed Abbi calling my name from our desk.
I stopped short of the door and sidestepped the other students rushing back to the main school building. Having successfully grabbed my attention, Abbi reached into the scrap paper box and pulled out a white and gold speckled scrap of tissue paper.
“Here,” she said, scribbling something down on it. “gotta run; gym class.”
I felt for her; to get to the stadium for girls’ gym, she was going to have to cross the whole campus and wait for the crosswalk. But more importantly, she gave me a note! I scrambled to open it as I walked to class and discovered she’d written down a phone number. Her phone number? My eyes snapped upwards to the hallway, but Abbi was long gone.
For the rest of the school day, I was floating on air. Abbi had never once given me a second look, but now that we’d spoken some she wanted me to have her phone number! Did she want me to call her? I decided to play it safe and wait until I was home to do anything. I moved my phone case and gently pushed the note inside for safekeeping.
The final bell couldn’t have come soon enough. I picked up my scooter and ran to the bus in hopes of getting home as soon as possible, and Davis waved me over from a seat near the back. I joined him.
“Blow me off again this morning? I’m starting to get lonely,” Davis said with a theatrical sigh. I gave him my best eye roll in return while artfully cramming my scooter in one of the overhead storage areas. I sat down next to Davis and held my backpack in my lap.
“Alarm didn’t go off,” I said, gazing out the window at all the people milling around in the bus circle. Why wouldn’t they get out of the way? Didn’t they know I had something important to do?
“Whatcha’ looking at?” said Davis.
“Oh, nothing. Just wish these assholes would mo--”
And suddenly through the throng of students and teachers I saw Abbi perched on the hood of an old Sedan in the parking lot, looking bored out of her mind and utterly, utterly perfect. Without looking away I grabbed Davis’ sleeve and pulled him towards the window.
“See that girl? That’s Abbi.” I said.
Davis squinted at the parking lot. “The emo chick with the crappy car? That’s your dream girl?”
I smacked him on the shoulder and spoke, still unable to look away.
“She’s amazing. She’s artistic and good at carving, she always does her eyebrows perfectly, and she matches her makeup to the paint stains on her jacket cuffs.”
“Uh, okay. Why not wash the jacket?”
I was getting ready to reply when an unwelcome figure entered my field of vision. Seth, one of the assholes in my history class who liked to talk back to Mr. Hanson, walked up to Abbi and hugged her while she sat on the hood. And sure enough, those paint speckled cuffs wrapped around his waist and hugged right back.
I sat back in my seat and tried not to look as devastated I felt. Of course she had a boyfriend. How could a girl like that not have a boyfriend already? Besides, I didn’t have any right to be upset. Before today, I’d barely said ten words to her altogether. I opened my phone case and pulled out Abbi’s note. Why had she given me this, then?
When my stop came I rode my scooter the rest of the way home and dumped my backpack on the floor before flopping onto my bed. So, Abbi wasn’t trying to get me to ask her out. And she wasn’t asking me out, either. So...what gives? I sent her a text, trying my best to seem casual. Abbi? It’s James.
She replied a few minutes later, Cool. Was wondering when you’d text. So, what are you bringing? And don’t say your mom’s vibrator.
Oh, so that’s why she gave me her number. Of course. We hadn’t started on the sketch for our project, and we hadn’t even figured out what we were bringing. Scanning the room, I came up with the first thing I saw and texted her back. A stuffed animal?
This time, her response was almost instantaneous. What if I bring one of mine and we do like a zombie animal?
I couldn’t help sighing dreamily at her idea. I did tell Davis she was artistic, after all. Sounds cool! :)
As much as I wanted to keep talking to Abbi, I couldn’t think of anything else to say, so I set my phone down and picked a stuffed animal I was willing to part with--a brown bear with a red ribbon--and put it in my backpack for tomorrow before hopping in the shower. I lowered myself to the floor of the tub and distantly felt the warm water hitting my chest.
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aj-the-psycho · 6 years ago
The Hour: A Sanders Sides Story - Chapter 15
TW: None
Summary:  Patton dragged Damien to the park; Damien is missing someone.
Note: So, I headcannoned that Deceit would make a real great lawyer, and I was right (Selfishness vs. Selflessness episode). I didn’t steal the idea, I swear and this chapter has been up on AO3 for almost seven to eight months, so yeah. Just saying. Enjoy!
AO3 Link
It’s weekend again. That means no classes and he would be free of stress. Not that he ever gets too stressed. That day, his body decided that waking up in an unusually early hour is a good idea. He tried to put himself back to sleep, but he couldn’t seem to fall into slumber once again. He chose to get up instead. He went out of his room and opened the door next to his room. His brother was still asleep, which was a normal thing since it was only 06:30.
Patton didn’t actually know what he wanted to do. He could maybe try to cook, but that was usually Damien’s thing and he wasn’t in the mood either. He went to the kitchen and had a glass of water. Retreating back to his room, his mind drifted to random things. ‘What would happen in the future? Will Damien and I still stay together and share everything like we are right now? Will he be a successful lawyer like he wants to be? How about Logan?’ His mind halted at the thought.
Logan. The stiff, somewhat robotic soulmate of his. He remembered how he had offered reassurance that time in the coffee shop a few days ago. Having Logan there to just hold his hand made a big difference. It was as if his presence and their little contact drowned out all the tension that was hovering above them. His mind started to wander again, thinking of what life would bring him in the future. Once again, his thought drifted to those icy blue eyes, cool and mysterious.
Patton hadn’t actually known Logan for long. Only a month and a few weeks. There’s still a lot they don’t know about each other. And Patton was eager to find out more about his soulmate.
“Hey, Dee,” Patton broke the comforting silence that settled in the kitchen. Breakfast that morning was simple, but good. Two waffles for each of them—with strawberries—and bacon. The twins didn’t have any plans for the day, so they were going to stay in.
“Why did you want to be a lawyer?”
“Well… ‘cause I’m a good liar, good at bullshitting,” Damien said, then he added, “and I sound convincing, so yeah.”
Patton only nodded in response. Damien had always have a habit of lying, especially in high-stress situations. Sometimes, it wasn’t even lies. Instead, he would just speak in reverse. Though, Patton got used to it. His brother was bullied for his odd speech when they were younger, but now Damien have learned to control it better. Patton had been furious the first time someone called his brother a ‘slimy snake,’ but Damien just went with it. He just started hissing at people when they called him snake. ‘Living up to my name to the fullest, I guess,’ Damien had thought. Now, he doesn’t do that anymore, but he still feel the urge to hiss at people he doesn’t like.
After breakfast, Damien was about to turn the TV on. He wasn’t in the mood for too much social interaction. Everyone knew that Damien wasn’t a people person, but he wasn’t all that bad with people. Some people find his cool demeanor charming and mysterious. Damien himself didn’t understand how or why people find him charming or even remotely attractive and he didn’t how to react to that information. He once thought that maybe people see him that way, because he’s basically an identical copy of his brother, who most people find cute. Well, almost identical, anyway. When you’ve seen your face and your twin’s face side-by-side for who knows how many times, it’s going to start looking very different.
Patton, though, had other ideas. He really wanted to do something today. He wanted to go out and just enjoy the warmth of the still-rising sun or the still-cool, fresh breeze of the morning. His thoughts of soulmates from that morning came back to him. Remy and Damien had gone on a date—was it a date?—when they were in the coffee shop a few days ago. He doesn’t know a lot about Remy yet, but his brother seemed to like that boy. And Patton knew that Damien didn’t usually like people all that much. So, that must have said something about Remy—right?
“Dee, let’s go out. To the park! So we can see the little doggies!” Patton said with excitement, already pulling his brother out of the living room. “I swear, it’ll be fun!”
Damien didn’t like that. Not one bit. He really didn’t want to go out. However, he didn’t really have an excuse not to go either, so he obliged. “Kay, kay, yeah. Whatever, Pat.”
The coffee was getting cold. He had bought the coffee at the stall near the entrance of the park earlier. Patton was playing with the little dogs that were running around the park and Damien was left to sit alone on the bench, sipping his coffee. Honestly, Damien didn’t really mind to be left alone in the park, as long as he can see his brother in his field of vision. However, alone also meant that he was left with his thoughts.
His mind would drift to random topics. ‘Do tiger cubs meow? What would happen to my brain if I isolate myself? It’s weird that we cook bacon and we bake cookies… What’s in the fridge in the apartment right now? How do I not know that? I literally cooked this morning.’  After a while, his mind started to run through his memories. One by one, moment through moment. Then, he stumbled on the memory of his hour.
‘Oh yeah… that was wild.’
Damien was out alone again. It’s the middle of summer and he had too much free time in his hands. So, he chose to spend his time in his favorite coffee shop, Jacked Up Coffee. The atmosphere there was always so relaxing to him. The smell of coffee, the reddish hue of the sunset sweeping across the interior of the cafe and the sound of smooth jazz in the background.
While waiting for his order to come, he took out his phone and browsed through it. His social life wasn’t the most exciting thing on the planet, so his social media feeds weren’t that interesting either. It’s mostly just memes. Bad ones. A few boring minutes later, he put his phone down on the table—oh and look, the coffee is here. Finally!
All of a sudden, he felt a throbbing pain at the back of his head. It wasn’t intense, but it wasn’t a welcomed sensation either. He held his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the table for support. When the pain went away, he looked up again. And then the pain was back. ‘Am I getting sick or something? It’s annoying.’ He closed his eyes, hoping the pesky headache would go away soon.
When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted with darkness. Literally, darkness. He was sitting in a dark room with the lower half of his body covered with thick fabric. ‘Blanket,’ He vaguely noted. He quickly realized he was sitting on a bed in a darkened bedroom. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see the outline of the room properly. He went to turn the lights on.
The bed he was sitting on wasn’t that small. It could fit two people, though it would be a tight fit. It was covered in soft, black and brown sheets with white accents. To the left of the bed was a small desk with minimal decoration. Next to the desk, tucked in the corner against the wall was a stack of canvases. The smallest one was visible. It was a painting of a small bird. On the other side of the bed was a wooden bedside table with an alarm clock on it and a lamp. Next to the bedside table was the door, next to which he was standing. There were posters on the wall and two of those were of a band he didn’t recognize. ‘Leningrad?’
Damien was wondering how he got there. Was he dreaming? ‘I thought I was in the coffee shop a second ago?’ When he drew the blinds open, it was dark outside. ‘The fuck…’ What is happening?
He looked around the room to see if something else was wrong. His eyes found the alarm clock. 00:00. ‘How is it midnight?  I thought it was five p.m.! Where the hell am I? What is happening?’ Then, he noticed a phone on the desk, still charging. He unlocked the phone using fingerprint—and he vaguely realized that it wasn’t his phone, even though he could unlock it with his fingerprint, but he was too confused and slightly panicked to care—and checked the date and location.
“Okay, okay,” Damien thought out loud to help himself think. “So, I’m in Russia. In motherfucking Russia! And it’s seven hours ahead of Florida here.” He walked in circles in the room, trying to make sense of what is happening. “Alright, Dee, you got this! How did you end up here?”
His eyes darted around the room again. Then, he saw it. It was a small card with words written on it.
С днем рождения!
What is that? What does that mean? He unlocked the phone again and typed in the phrase on the browser to find what the phrase said. He had to draw out the characters one by one, which read ‘S dnem rozhdeniya!’ Then he typed that out for a translation. ‘Happy birthday!’  was the translation result. Birthday? Who’s birthday? Oh… Oh…
“I’m in the fuckin’ hour! Holy shit, my soulmate is Russian?!” He was starting to freak out again. What was he supposed to do? One minute he was in Florida, enjoying a nice evening alone and then a second later he was in a dark bedroom in Saint Petersburg. Who wouldn’t freak out? He was literally in a different continent!
Alright, so, note first! He walked to the desk, hoping to find something that he could use to write. He found a bundle of post-it notes and a pen. He needed to sort his head out first. What to write first and all that. He can freak out—and maybe rant on the note—later.
Damien Harvey (21)
Florida, United States
Sanders University - economics and pol. Science
(I want to be a lawyer)
I have a twin brother (I’m older)
Well, I’m sorry if you don’t speak English,
but it’s the only language I speak.
It was annoying that each post-it only fit eight broken lines. He added the last two lines, because… well, he didn’t know why. If his soulmate did speak English, those two lines would be redundant. If they don’t speak English, those two lines would mean nothing to his soulmate. However, he continued his rant anyway. He added another post-it note and wrote again.
I was planning to write a small little thing,
but it looks like I’m not doing that right now.
So, I’m in Russia. It’s insane.
What if someone came in and decided to
talk to me? How am I gonna answer?
I don’t know why I’m ranting here, you might
not even understand what I’m talking about.
Feeling like he’d had enough with the note, he checked the time again. He still had forty minutes. Which was a lot of time to do nothing else. So, he decided to go outside. The house wasn’t too big, but it wasn’t small either. The living room was big, with an equally gigantic fireplace on the opposite wall of the entrance. He kept walking through the house. When he reached the kitchen, he was quite amazed. It was big with marble counter tops and a big kitchen island in the middle. Upon closer look, on the side of the island was two small fridges built into the structure.‘That’s pretty hecking cool.’
Suddenly, there was a voice behind him. “Remus, pochemú ty ne spish'?”
Damien whipped his head back, finding a middle aged man looking at him with sleepy eyes. ‘Oh fuck, what do I do?’ He tried to find his words, to say something, but his mind advised him to stay silent. ‘It’s not like I know any Russian…’   He remembered writing a possible scenario of someone finding him while he was having his hour on the note. Well, his fear came true. At the end, he just nodded nervously and head back to the room in a rush. He could feel the man stare at his back, but he didn’t dare look back again.
Once he got the door closed, he leaned against it and sagged in relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted another door opposite the window. Next to the door was a light switch, indicating that it was a bathroom. Damien decided to go into the bathroom to see his soulmate for the first time. It’s not like he cared if his soulmate was actually good looking or not, he was just curious.
The mirror in the bathroom wasn’t too big, but it was big enough for him to be able to see half of his body. When he saw the reflection in the mirror, his mind went blank. ‘Geez, what is it with Russia and gorgeous people?’
The first thing he noticed from his soulmate was those eyes. It was such a weird color. The green color of the eyes is so pale, but it was definitely green. Like a pair of beautiful jade beads. The deep auburn hair complimented the color of those pale eyes so well, it made the subtle color pop. The jawlines were so ungodly defined, Damien had to trail his finger over it. Pink lips adorned the face, which curl into a sweet smile. Looking down, he could see the white shirt he was wearing fit very well, though a bit loose at the waist. He dared to put one hand under the shirt, feeling bumps of muscle. He felt one strong, straight line down the middle of the abs. Going a little bit up, he could feel his chest, flat and a little hard.
He was getting more curious, so he lifted his shirt up to see underneath. ‘Oh man…’ Damien couldn’t help himself but trace over the subtle lines of muscle on the waist. The forearms also had visible cuts, though not extreme. ‘This guys is probably the hottest person I’ve ever seen...’
Going back into the bedroom, he sat on the bed. He didn’t know what else he was supposed to do. He still had twenty five minutes to kill. So, he turned the lights back off and wrapped himself in the soft, thick blanket. He supposed it made sense to have thick blankets here, since Russia gets really cold in winters.
Damien never thought he would ever have a soulmate. Having a soulmate was always a weird thought to him. He thought, he didn’t have a soulmate and for a while he was fine with that. Now, though, he was having his hour and he had been stuck in his soulmate’s body for about forty to forty five minutes. Thinking about the idea of him living his life alone was getting a little sad and depressing.
Damien had never liked being alone. He wanted to have many friends, but he knew it wasn’t his scene. He was always awkward and he constantly lie when he’s in a bad mood or in a high-stress situation. Sitting on that bed, Damien was starting to think that maybe a life alone would not be very interesting. Maybe, it wasn’t so bad to have a person in your life that you could depend on and you could… love.
He kept thinking about soulmates and his life in the future. He was getting deeper into his mind, so he wasn’t aware that his times was almost up. When he felt a headache coming, he thought nothing of it. Then, he remembered that the headache meant he had to go back. It was time. As another wave of headache came, he thought, ‘There’s so much distance between us, when will we ever meet each other?’
A minute later, he was back at Jacked Up Coffee. Nothing seemed to change and no one around him seemed to even notice what just happened. The girl a few tables away was still reading her book and that guy sitting across the room was still on his phone. When he looked down, he saw that his coffee was already halfway done and he could taste the slightly bitter taste of coffee in his mouth. ‘That’s interesting.’ Another thing that he found on the table was a small note.
Remus Galanicheff (19)
Yes I’m Russian. And yes, I speak English.
See you whenever I’ll see you.
The note was short, but it stirred something inside Damien. He folded the note carefully and put it in his pocket.
Damien was pulled out of his memory when a small dog approached him, butting its head softly on his leg. He put his now-cold half-cup of coffee on the bench and reached down to pet the dog. Patton came running and flopped himself next to his brother on the bench.
“Oh my goodness, it’s so cute!” Patton reached his hand down to pet the dog.
“Skittles! Skittles, don’t annoy people. I told you to stay with me.” A young boy came and squatted next to the dog. Then, the boy looked up at Damien and said, “Sorry, mister. Skittles was having too much fun, I thought I lost him again.”
“That’s alright kid. Your dog’s pretty cute.” The boy only nodded in reply and smiled. The boy looked to Damien’s side—at Patton—and back at Damien again.
“Are you guys twins?” The boy asked timidly.
“Yep!” Patton answered enthusiastically. He always liked it when people asked about their twin-ship—Patton wasn’t sure if that’s a word, but that’s what he call his relationship with his brother. “He’s eight minutes older,” Patton said, pointing at Damien with his thumb.
The boy nodded again. “That’s cool. I’ve never seen adult twins before. All the pair of twins I know are my age.” The boy said with a hint of fascination. “Alright, I have to go now. Bye.” Without waiting for a reply, the kid ran off with his dog.
Once the boy was out of sight, Damien spoke up. “It’s weird that people still ask if we’re twins. You think being asked that question for twenty one years would make you get used to it.”
“Well, I’m fine with it.” After that, it was silence. The good kind of silence. The one that you enjoy, where you just absorb your surroundings. The birds singing in the trees, the warm sun hitting their skin and the sound of children playing in the park.
“Hey Pat, what did it feel like the first time you met Logan?” Damien asked after a long moment of silence.
Patton still remembered that morning in the coffee shop when he met Logan for the first time. It felt so long ago when it was only been about a month and two or three weeks. The first time he recognized Logan it felt relieving. There was no other way to describe it. It felt like he had just found something he thought he lost. Like that satisfying feel when you finish a herculean task.
“Well, I…” Patton tried to piece his thoughts together. “At first it was weird. Like, ‘oh wait, I know you even though I’ve never met you.’ It just felt…right?  As if there was some kind of magic.”
“Yeah, magic kinda makes sense Pat. I mean, no one on Earth has ever explained this phenomenon of people having their souls transferred into their soulmate’s body for an hour and all that. It’s literally magic.”
“I guess so… Why’d ya ask?”
“Oh, nothing. Just curious.”
Patton looked unconvinced by Damien’s answer, but he nodded anyway. He still, however, threw his brother a skeptical look. Little did he know, Damien was thinking about his soulmate again. What is he doing right now? Is he alright after that whole fighting thing a few days ago? Damien didn’t realize this at that moment, but he was actually missing his soulmate. It was a very peculiar thought, given that they’ve only known each other for a week. But, Damien missed Remy. He just didn’t realize that.
And once again, you've reached the end of the chapter. As I said earlier, the next chapter would—hopefully—be more exciting. Thank you so much for reading!! Please leave some feedback in the comment section, let me know what I should add or take out. --- Russian stuff (tell me of an mistakes!):
С днем рождения S dnem rozhdeniya [Happy birthday]
почему ты не спишь? pochemú ty ne spish'? [why aren't you sleeping?]
15 notes · View notes
starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years ago
Humans are Space Orcs, “Premier.”
Since so many of you have been asking about the movie, I wrote something for you this morning. I wrote it in two hours and have to get it out before class starts, so give me a little slack here. 
“Stop fidgeting will you.”
“Sorry! I’m just nervous….. Do I look stupid.”
“You always look stupid, that’s not going to change anytime soon.”
“Ha ha, Hilarious, Just answer the question.”
“You look fine stop worrying.”
Adam turned to face the mirror tugging at the sleeves of his dress shirt, fidgeting obsessively with his tie, and the open front of his jacket. Conn floated over his shoulder grinning somewhat malevolently at him.
Krill slapped his hand as he tried to reach for the tie again, “Stop messing with it. Look what you did now. We will have to do it all over again.” 
The little doctor angrily undid the tie and began to redo it.
Adam sighed, “Thanks mother.”
“Don’t give me your sass.” he finished tying the knot stepping back so Adam had room to button the vest back up before turning around to face the mirror. Conn had sidled over to the side of the room still leering at him as he was prone to do.
He tried to ignore him and eyed himself feeling more than a little strange in such formal attire, a three piece suit minus an eye patch, and plus a shiny pair of dress shoes he could have seen his reflection in. He reached up to grab his tie again, but his hand was slapped away.
“What did I say!”
“Sorry, Sorry.” he grumbled pulling back to message his hand .
There was a hiss as the door at the far end of the room popped open, and Sunny stepped inside trailed by waffles, “Look.” Sunny began, pointing proudly towards the dog, who trotted into the room to sit politely before Adam looking up at him with her big brown eyes head tilted slightly to the side.
He laughed, “Is that a bow tie?”
Sunny Hummed to herself, pleased, “Why yes, yes it is. She's adorable and you’re welcome.”
He reached down to rub the dog’s ears before looking up, “You look nice.”
“I know.” Sunny announced striking a rather, heroic pose, which, all jesting aside, actually completed the look: bright silver armor, a horned helmet, all pulled together by the electric blue silk cape that hung at one shoulder.
“Wish I could wear a cape.” He frowned crossing his arms in mild dejection.
“Why not?”
“What do you mean why not?”
“This is the movie industry, Adam, they wear outlandish stuff onto the red carpet all the time.”
He seemed rather miffed at the observation, mostly from the fact he hadn’t thought of that before, “Well now it’s a little too late, don’t you think?”
“Sucks to suck, you look good though.”
He sighed and turned back towards the mirror adjusting himself, “I look like a poser.”
“Stop worrying so much, and stop fidgeting. The fidgeting is what makes you look like a poser. Relax and own it, you know for someone who spends a lot of his time unwaveringly confident to the point that I worry about your health, you can be very insecure sometimes.”
“Thank you so much! for that boost of confidence, Sunny.”
His sarcasm wasn’t lost on her, though she chose, rather obviously to ignore it. 
“There is one thing I think you should do.” 
“Oh, and what is that.”
“Put the eyepatch back on. Be you, just the fancier version. I have a theory that the reason people aren't comfortable is because they aren't being themselves.” 
He raised an eyebrow at her then shrugged, “If you say so, I guess.” 
He could hear Conn snort internally, “That is horrible advice for most people, since the vast majority of them are miserable hacks.”
He ignored the starborne, again. 
There was a sudden knock at the door, and they all turned to see another man dressed in a fine black suit, “Mr. Ellis has just arrived, and is his car is waiting for you outside.”
Adam took a deep breath glancing down at the eye patch one more time before slipping it on, “Alright, ready everyone?”
They chorused their readiness, and he squirmed with nervous energy. 
How were they all being so calm?
Together they made their way out the door and down the hallway to the large, black limousine waiting for them just outside the door. The man from earlier was waiting for them, pulling the door open and motioning them inwards.  
Conn floated in first, Krill climbing in second, followed by Adam and then Sunny.
Director Clayton Ellis sat just inside the door grinning widely.
Adam had to blink a few times to determine which part of the man was which. There was just so much of him ... everywhere . He wore a white… something absolutely crusted with sequins and jewels including the frames of his glasses. As far as Adam could tell he could have been wearing a dress, or a suit with some strange alteration, though it was difficult to see sitting here in the car.
The ribbons that flowed down from his back and hips sort of reminded him of Conn.
“Adam! So good, so good to see you. I am so glad you could make it for the premier. I think you're going to love it, absolutely visually stunning, heart rending at times, and just the right amount of action. Best piece I think I have ever directed, and all thanks to you, the man of the hour. And don’t you look sharp, absolutely working for me very old fashioned very provincial late 1990s early 2000s maybe.”
Adam rubbed the back of his neck, blushing, “Er, thanks…. You look good…. Too.”
“Well thank you! Designed it myself, well with the help of some famous friends.” He motioned towards Conn, “Took the concept idea from your starborn there, very ethereal, very flowey, though doesn’t look so elegant when sitting in a car.” 
Adam just continued to nod along adding an mmhmm or a yes, or and of course whenever he thought it was necessary. Luckily Mr. Ellis provided most of the conversation, so he didn’t have to open his mouth too much.
He noticed almost immediately when the car slowed down glancing out the window and finding…. An absolute mob of people. His stomach lurched and churned as cameras flashed, some held in hands, others as little ball drones hovering over the crowd. He craned his neck to see ahead of them, watching as a line of fancy dark cars slowly scooted up the line.
His stomach was churning.
From where he sat, he watched as Keith Jenning, the actor who had played him, stepped from the car. The lashing grew in intensity, outside the window he could hear a muffled roar. 
Mr Ellis Grinned, “Me, you, and then your extraterrestrial friends, eh? Give them something to talk about.
The next car ahead of them stopped, and Rita. Ortiz, and Adler Handen, krill’s voice actor, stepped from the car. Rita was dressed in a tight black suit, not dissimilar to his own, silver watch shining on her left wrist.
And there it was.
He suddenly needed to pee.
Their car lurched forward as the cameras flashed and stopped. Clayton Elllis got ready, and then the door was opened releasing a wave of sound that absolutely deafened him. Clayton stepped from the car trails of ribbons billowing behind him, hands raised to the crowd. Lights flashed pictures snapped.
Adam was ushered out next, Stepping from the car, foot planted straight on the red carpet. Lights dazzled his eyes, and in a daze he stepped forward to follow Clayton, who was making the most of his moment. 
He turned his head to the side suddenly blinded by another flash of light, as one of those camera drones zipped past him.
He blinked the light from his eyes just in time to see a group of women leaning out over barricade waving their hands and screaming furiously.
At that moment he wondered which was redder, his face or the carpet.
He gave a rather awkward wave towards the girls who absolute erupted into screaming and jumping.
Then the crowd silenced a moment later, the lights stopping.
And he turned to see Sunny step foot after him, light glittering and sparkling form her armor and carapace. She held her regal armored head high.
IThe moment of silence continued for a second, and then it was as if the world around them was alight with stars, a flashing roaring thunder, which only grew louder with Krill and finally with Conn, who flouted outwards completely stealing the spotlight with his ethereal presence. Together they slowly walked forward stopped on occasion to get group pictures
In their turn, each of them was kidnapped by Ellis and forced to pose for a thousand pictures.
He just grinned dazed and confused star struck as he looked around him.
He even thought he could hear his name being called from the crowd, though that was uncertain.
TV reporters stood at the end of the red carpet speaking frantically into their cameras and waylaying celebrities as they walked by.
“Keith Jenning, tell us about what it was like to make this movie.”
The man flashed a charming smile, “Well, at first I was a little unsure. I mean I had never done anything based on a real life story before, and emulating another person was hard. I worked with posture coaches, and accent experts for weeks. A mid Americana accent is surprisingly subtle, but very hard if you want to get it right. Over all, I actually ended up really enjoying shooting the movie despite my doubts at first.”
“Rita, was it hard to perform in stilts and motion capture, we heard you almost broke your legs.”
She laughed, “It was hard yeah sure, but it was so, very fun. You know what you act normally, you do your best to act as convincingly human as possible, but when playing an alien, the rules change, go out the window. I had so much fun learning about Drev culture, and the way they think about war. It was a fascinating and eye opening experience. I loved it, and I encourage everyone to get to know a little more about our interstellar neighbors.”
Lights flashed, more cameras snapped.
“Did you find it hard to connect with the character?” Someone asked Adler Handen.
“Not in the slightest, it was actually a very excellent way to get out there and stretch my proverbial wings. It’s always good to get out of your head on occasion.
Sunny was grabbed and pulled to stand in a picture with Rita, who seemed more than pleased to be spending time with Sunny.
It was the same for Krill, and finally Adam who was dragged forward to get a picture with Keith.
Off to the side Clayton Ellis was excitedly rambling on, “Oh I absolutely love the movie, couldn’t be happier. I really think we did the source material justice, and honestly I think it really puts perspective on the Drev war, and the people involved. You know with all the negativity going around about the LFIL, there are a lot of people who are scared of aliens, Xenophobic in nature, and I think this really puts into persepctive just how similar we all are. They are intelligent sentient lifeforms not so dissimilar to us at all, and I think this movie, this real life story really demonstrates how we can all get past those differences.”
Adam was quite pleased to hear the relative positivity that was coming off the actors and the director, even if it was fake.
That was before the camera crews descended like vultures around him, and he was surrounded by a wave of cameras.
“Commander, Commander Vir! Tell us how you feel about all this.”
He hemmed and hawed for a moment stuttering over himself before taking a deep breath, “Look I’m A kid from mid Mericanda, I honestly ended up here mostly by accident, and I’m pretty sure this is some kind of insane dream.”
“What did you think of the movie.”
“Well, I haven't actually seen it yet, I was deployed when they did the beta testing, but I’ve gotten to know Director Ellis a little, and he was very open to my suggestions and the story, so I feel confident he did his best to do it justice.” 
“We hear that you won’t be taking any of the royalties.”
“Well no, not entirely. Maybe a little for my family, but most of it is going to a charity for Drev war survivors, especially operation Steel eye. A lot of those people had it rough after the war, and I want to make sure they get something back.”
Across the red carpet, Sunny had been stopped, “Do you worry that depictions of the war will put your society in a bad light.”
Sunny tilted her head, “Why would it. The Drev are warlike, and we always have been. The only difference is that we practice and view war differently than humans. War has never come close to destroying our planet. To die in war is an honor and a victory, so we do not hold grudges against each other or assume it to be a tragedy. War on our planet's mean two different things.”
“Dr Krill, is it true that you were the first alien surgeon to perform on a human trauma paitent.
“That is actually true, yes, even during the Drev war, it turns out 98% of attending physicians were human because humans tended to be the highest rate of survivors from injury. Humans being slightly more durable than the rest of us.”
In the center of the red carpet, Conn had taken up a large space given a certain amount of personal room by the awed  crowd, “Is it true that you’re a telepath.”
The starborn raised his hands signing, voice dictation taking over as he did so, “Think of something, try it.”
“Oh, Ok.”
“Big purple muffin.”
“You could have just made that up.”
“But he didn’t, that’s exactly what I was thinking.” 
“Don’t be nervous. I promise not to spill any of you deep dark secrets.” Conn laughed like the psycho he was.”
After more pictures, more questions and a hundred more handshakes, they were then ushered into the building, and sat down on comfortable seats facing the screen.
Adam breathed a heavy sigh of relief and leaned his head back. 
Director Ellis grinned at him.
Light overhead went dark and speaking turned to distant quiet muttering.
The screen was dark for a long moment before.
“Mom?” A child’s voice 
“Yes Adam?” A womans 
“I know they’re out there .”
The woman laughed, “Who is out there.”
“Aliens of course.”
“I’m gonna prove it one day.”
You could hear the smile in the woman’s voice, “I know you will.”
 And then the room began to shake with the thrilling roar of the F-80 Darkfire engine. 
He would have known that sound anywhere.
It sounded like home.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years ago
Wan High Weeping (Part 43)
Whad’up bitches, guess who made a new outline!? From the looks of it, we’re getting down to the final 9 chapters, 10 if you include the short epilogue.
Also in terms of specifics on Suki's pregnancy: She got pregnant in May via prom night. As far as I recall, I didn't mention when the baby was conceived so I wanted to put that out there.
Katara hurried to her locker, Suki trailed behind her, struggling to keep pace. Katara slowed herself and let her catch up, it seemed like the girl’s pregnancy was finally putting a bit of a hinder on her physical abilities. But then again, she was nearing the end of her seventh month, it had to have been taking its toll. Heaven knew, Suki had complained over and over again about the onslaught of maternity and labor prep classes that have been consuming almost every hour of her after school life. With a healthy dash of sadness, Katara recalled Suki mentioning that she’d be taking maternity leave starting December. It was probably for the best, she’d have more time for the maternity classes and less anxiety over the possibility of going into labor in the middle of class.
Still, despite the prickles of resentment, she was going to miss having her around at lunch. At least she would have Teo.
“Geez, Kat, you can hold a grudge.” Suki huffed, propping herself up against Azula’s old locker.
“It’s not that.” Katara insisted. “I just forget sometimes. Me holding a grudge is doing things like burning your waffles.”
“You did that on purpose!?”
“Yup.” Katara smirked. “You shouldn’t have let me cook our sleepover breakfast.” She put her textbooks away and slung her backpack over her shoulders. This time she had no books to bring home. Usually she wasn’t one to work on homework in class, but she had to make sure her weekend was completely free so that she could throw her get-together without worry. She was going to have to work on homework in class next Friday too. After that, she promised herself that she would never do it again and go back to being the good, rule-abiding student that the faculty loved so much. “Are you able to take a drive with me up to Sokka’s dorm?”
“Yeah, as soon as I drop my stuff off and say hi to mom.”
“I’d love to, but I have a check up.”
“Another one? You just had one two days ago. Do you mean that you have a maternity class?”
“That too.” Suki grumbled. “Since I’m so young, they’re monitoring me super closely now. It sounds like everything is going good though.”
“Alright.” Katara replied, she tried not to let her annoyance show. Leave me on my own again, it was more or less an intrusive thought. She shook her head, this time was different. It wasn’t like Suki was running off to drink or have sex. She was going to a check up and a class. She was being responsible this time around.
Perhaps Suki had a sense for it because she added, “I’m totally free on Saturday, I made sure of that. I’m gonna got to Sokka’s welcome home party and we’re going to have a blast, I promise. It won’t be anything like Chan’s party.”
“Yeah, because I’m the host.” Katara rolled her eyes.
“Exactly.” Suki beamed. She looked at the clock. “I gotta get going. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“If you want to help with last minute touches, you can come by in the afternoon.”
“I’ll do my best.” Suki replied. “The baby usually has me out until at least 12:00 on the weekends, but I’ll really try.”
Again, Katara found herself fighting off waves of exasperation. She was trying to be understanding, she really was. Suki left her in the middle of a thinning after school rush, thinking about whether or not the girl should be a mom at all. She and Sokka couldn’t watch her at a party and they expected her to believe that they could watch a baby? She startled herself to think about such, but she thought that it might have been tickling the fringes of her mind for quite a while now.
Katara applied a dab of deep blue, shimmery eyeshadow. She smiled at her reflection, she had to say that she looked pretty good for a full-blood nerd.
“You never wear makeup, Kat.” Sokka remarked.
“I used to…” she trailed off. “Before Jet’s rumors.” It was time to reclaim something she liked. If she couldn’t get a handle on her dreamscape, she could at least take back her enjoyment of a touch of mascara and eyeliner. “I want to look nice for your welcome party.”
Sokka smiled. “You already look nice, Kat.”
“I want to make this a special night. And we’ll have an even better one after your trial.” She hoped that she wasn’t jumping the gun. She gave the dorm lounge one last once over; the balloons were in place, the snacks and beverages arranged nicely, and the stereo was ready to play music with meaning. Granted, she would give everyone a chance to play DJ so she might have to put up with some less pleasing musical numbers.
Suki re-entered the dorm. “I know you said to pick up a few more streamers--and I did--but, look, party blowers!”
Katara rolled her eyes.
“Oh, you know how to please a man’s soul!” Sokka exclaimed picking up a silver one.
“Stop messing around and help me hang up these streamers! Our friends will be here any minute now.” Katara said, passing each of them a roll. For herself she took the deep blue, she gave Sokka the silver, and Suki the gold. She eye’d the pink and green balloons. She probably should have told Suki which color streamers to get. This was going to be the least color-coordinated party ever thrown.
Oh well, she thought, this party was for fun not for some suave, high-end dinner party.
“We have a whole hour, Kat.” Sokka replied, taking the roll anyhow.
A few minutes in, Suki climbed down from the stepping stool with a sharp, “oof.” Her hand clutching at her belly. “Okay, no more streamers for me, I think I pulled something.”
Katara’s face softened. Maybe she had been a little too hard on Suki. It was becoming apparent that she wasn’t just making up pregnancy related excuses. “That’s fine, why don’t you just take door duty.”
Suki gave a weak thumbs up. The hand gesture barely had time to settle before Katara heard a knock. “On it.” Suki stood up.
Katara heard the door open and looked up from her work. “You came!” She greeted. “Aaand you’re really early.”
Azula shrugged. “I wasn��t sure how long the drive would take.”
“We’re putting up some last minute streamers.”
“They don’t match.” She noted. “I hope you realize that, that is going to bother me the whole time I am here.”
“That’s why I bought ‘em.” Suki muttered passive-aggressively.
To Katara’s luck, Azula ignored the bait and tugged her coat off.
“There’s a coat rack over there.” Sokka pointed.
Katara stepped down from her stool and gave the room another glance. “That should do.” She remarked to herself. She turned back to Azula who was pulling a pair of gloves off and stuffing them into her pockets. “Is it really that cold out?”
“It is to me.” Azula shrugged, tugging her hat off. Her hair fell over her shoulders.
It looked like she wasn’t the only one who had dyed her hair. Granted, Azula’s choice was much bolder, black bleeding into bright red. It was probably one of the best ombre jobs she had seen in awhile. “You dyed your hair too?”
“I had to get Ikue and Ryoko to quiet down a bit.” Azula rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t let them dye it completely red though.”
“Your friends did that?”
“Ikue wants to be a stylist. But ‘a cool stylist who does edgy haircuts’.” Another, more pronounced,  eye roll.
“It looks nice.”
She watched Azula sweep her hands over her hair. “Thanks.” She paused. “Yours suits you.”
Katara hoped that Suki was making note of the conversation. Katara jumped at the sound of the radio coming to life.
“Sorry, guess I forgot to turn it down.” Sokka muttered, rubbing the back of his head. “My dorm mates and I had a pretty wild one before this whole trial mess.”
With the party yet to officially start, Sokka took it upon himself to give them a grand tour of the dorm. Granted, it was mostly aimed at Azula, who had never been there before. But he took the time to point out the brand new hole in the wall made by one of his drunk dorm-mates taking a hammer to it in an attempt to kill a spider. “It was a huge bastard!” Sokka exclaimed.
He led them back down to dorm lounge where they talked amongst themselves until the rest of Katara’s guests arrived. TyLee was the first to show up she hugged Katara first. “How have you been holding up?
“As good as I can.” Katara replied. “What about you?”
“Same. I think that I’ll do better once all of this is over.” She agreed. Her focus wavered when she caught sight of Azula. Katara watched her dash up to her and throw her arms around her. “Your hair is so pretty!” She ran her fingers through it. Something, Katara was certain that only TyLee could get away with.
Toph, Aang and Haru arrive in a group. “Hey everyone!” Toph announced. “I’d like you all to meet Appa!”
TyLee’s eyes lit up. “Oh my gosh! He’s so cute, I love him.” She was grinning from ear to ear. “Can I pet him?”
Toph let Appa lead her to TyLee. “Go ahead.”
“I didn’t realize you were blind.” Azula remarked.
“And I didn’t realize you were hanging out with us now.”
“It’s a...recent development.”
“Yeah, same.” Toph returned. Appa sniffed TyLee and then Azula before retutrning to Toph.
Teo was the last to arrive, leaving Katara to imagine that his father had helped him out of the car. Azula held the door for him. After he had a chance to get situated Azula leaned down to hug the boy. “When are you going to visit me?” And it occurred to Katara that the pair hadn’t seen each other in awhile. It would explain her last minute decision to come.
“How about next weekend?” He offered.
While she was on the topic of couples. “Suki tells me that you and Haru are together now.”
“We’re testing the waters.” Haru replied as Sokka changed the track on the radio.
“So far it’s going good.” Aang added.
“Better than Moo-Chee would have been.” Katara stated.
Aang’s cheeks colored. “Much better.”
Things progressed rather pleasantly. They played a few rounds of uno, noticing a few rounds in that Toph was just throwing random cards down and hoping for the best. A few more games in and Azula was still the only person to win. Sokka, ever the sore loser, posed a vote to exclude her from the next round. He let her continue with a promise from her to let someone else win. Katara wondered how she would manage that. It humored her to see the girl only utilizing blue cards. She would keep drawing cards until she could throw a blue one down.
Uno turned into truth or dare which Toph mastered splendidly. Katara never imagined that Aang would lick Appa back nor that Teo would agree to a makeover from Toph. Toph dominating truth or dare, the game shifted to twister. Toph and Teo sat that one out, debating over which album should be played next.
After a brief cooldown, Katara offered up slices of cake. Sokka helped himself to a particularly large slice. “They don’t serve this in jail.” He noted. Azula was much the opposite, passing on eating any of it at all. And Katara recalled Teo mentioning her discomfort. She couldn’t imagine that Chan’s party had done her any favors. She did, however, help herself to some of the popcorn.
“I have punch and soda to go with that. I got some water for you, Suki.”
Suki waved her off. “No thanks. Actually, I think I’m gonna go to Sokka’s dorm and lay down for a bit.”
“You okay?” Sokka asked.
Suki nodded. “Just a little woozy. I think that I’ve had too much excitement for one day.”
“Well if you start to feel better, you can join us again.” Sokka offered.
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Suki climbed onto Sokka’s bed. Her lower back was killing her, the feeling was almost constant these days. And the belly cramps were from hell. She was beginning to think that she should have mentioned that to her doctors. But then, she might just be anxious because this was her first time. She rubs her belly, trying to coax the baby to let up at least a little.
“Come on, don’t do this now.” She whimpered to herself.
She couldn’t help but to think that this was karma for skipping out on Katara at Chan’s party.
She rolled onto her side, hoping to sleep it off.
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gutterdreams · 7 years ago
Undercover [Zach Dempsey]
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For as long as he could remember, his friends were giving him grief about being a virgin. Zach had never confirmed or denied it verbally to them, but it was obvious to them in how he couldn't always follow their conversations when the topic of sex came up as well as his general naivete on the subject. You had only asked to borrow his notes from English when you had been out sick for a couple days and Bryce was already air humping past you in the hallway. There was never any doubt that there would be pressure if you and Zach made it past exchanging notes
The transition from classmates to dating was quicker than either of you expected. Zach was generous enough to take notes for you again when you had missed class again the following week in order to write a make up test for chemistry in the library during that period. After that he was out of excuses to talk to you and had to just come right out and ask if you wanted to see a movie which you followed up by saying, "Only if the movie is proceeded by breakfast." You were not about to go sit in the dark silently with some guy you hardly knew outside of the fact that he had nice penmanship and liked the assigned reading of Watership Down.
Now, you two had a pretty solid tradition of having breakfast together Sundays and then seeing an early movie. Sometimes you two ate at your place with your family and other times his little sister, May, joined you at the theater or in the basement where you took turns picking something to watch. It was a cornerstone of your relationship and it had turned you into Zach's girlfriend fast. There was nowhere you wanted to be more than under his arm and in front of a waffle.
"Breathing break..." Pulling your face away from his, inhaling as soon as your mouth was free, you said to point out that you needed a moment without him grabbing at your sides and kissing you as if it his only source of oxygen.
If it was up to Zach, he would always have you horizontal on a bed, disheveled and horny, but with the constant taunting of his friends, it was hard for you to settle in enough to be comfortable with being intimate with him.
He held himself up beside you, head and chest still half hovered above, as he chuckled at you checking your cheeks and chin for lip gloss stains. It was always all over your face once he was done with you.
"Did you finish your project for Mr. Simmons class?" Breath finally caught, you asked.
"Close. I'll do it later." He swiped his hand through the air, unconcerned.
"I could help. I did it last semester and...it was my best grade." You weren't trying to brag. It was usually you asking for Zach's opinion on homework, but when it came to psychology class, you were a star. Plus, it was something the two of you could do with your clothes on.
"I'd rather stay here..." Leaning in, he kissed you again, lips making a loud smack as they met. "With you..." More, he kissed you with your bottom lip tasting like peppermint gloss agaisnt his mouth. "On. This....bed." Zach moaned, his one hand sliding up your stomach underneath your plain red shirt. His other hand still had a firm grip on your thigh as he manuevered himself over top of you again.
He was challenging to resist and, with your eyes shut, you fell back into the comfort of making out with him on his neatly made bed. It wasn't as if you didn't love his hands all over you. It was just everytime you started to melt into his touch and felt your body crave more, you would hear Justin snort in your head or one of Bryce's sexiest questions and you would feel disgusting. As your own hands fondled their way into the back pockets of Zach's sweatpants, you somehow urged him to grind against you and his erection was more obvious than it had been last time you were making out. It occurred to you that with a small tug of his pants, you could have him hard out in the open, but as you contemplated asking for more, Bryce's voice chimed annoyingly in the hallways of your head.
"Are you sure you don't want to work on your project?" With great haste, you asked him and gasped for air beneath his carefully placed body.
"Yes." Zach lightly chuckled in place of showing any frustration. "When I have the house to myself and my gorgeous girlfriend on my bed, I don't want to do homework." He was telling you this as if it was a new law so you needn't ask him anymore. "What's going on?" He wasn't dumb and reading you came easily to him. It had since the first time you hung out and pretended you weren't disappointed in the diner's small juice selection.
"Nothing." Eyes wide, surprised he asked, you denied. "Nothing."
He wasn't buying it and his raised brows made sure you knew that.
"I just...I want to have sex with you." If he wasn't going to believe your weak lies, you figured you might as well come right out and tell him. It had been on your mind lately and you could feel your chest tighten over your racing heart whenever he touched you now.
Zach was thrilled at your confession. A puppy who just heard their leash jingle in the other room. You waited before speaking again just to see if he would jump up and down. He didn't.
"But..." Just like that, he fell into himself with a soft pout that he didn't realize he was making. It was probably the same disappointment a puppy felt when the leash sound came from loose change or keys shaking together in a pocket. "Every time I start to feel like this, I think of your friends and the stuff they say."
Sighing, Zach rolled away and laid beside you on his back, long arm folding behind his head like an extra hard pillow. He reached down with his other hand and adjusted his pants. While he knew the jeers of his buddies didn't sit well with you, he never really encouraged them to knock it off. Sometimes, he laughed along, but usually he just squeezed your hand under his and let the moment pass. It was the path of least resistance and that was his style.
"I can't control what my friends say." He sighed again.
"You could ask them to chill." Of course, you had a hunch that it wouldn't go over very well, but you still always wished that Zach would stand up for himself and you. They were his friends after all.
"It's just ribbing. Don't let it bug you." 
"I can't help it. They just see me as a vagina and I'm really uncomfortable at the idea of you guys talking about what we do. Or don't do." While you had meant for your thoughts to come out more eloquently, they were out of you now and they were Zach's now to do with whatever he wanted. You turned into your stomach and laid there, trying to make sense of his difficult to read expression. He looked annoyed, but also deep in thought.
On one hand, Zach knew you were right. You are just a body to his friends and that didn't sit right with him. On the other hand, he was offended that you thought so poorly of him. He didn't see Bryce like you did, Zach was blind to what a douchebag his buddy could be.
"I won't tell them then."
You didn't believe him and your face couldn't help, but show that.
"If you're telling me not to, I won't." Defensively, he swore. "I might be friends with some dickheads, but I'm not one." He prided himself on being kinder. "Don't you know by now that I care about you? I am not talking about you in the locker room and shit like that." By how sincerely cross he seemed, you understood that he was being honest and nodded.
"Thank you. That's really nice to hear."
"It's true." He nodded at you through his pout that had made a fast return. Zach turned closer to you, his chest against your side and pushed some of the strands of hair that were in your face away. "Obviously, I don't want to be the virgin of my friends anymore...but, like, I'm glad I'm with you." Genuinely, he had been so happy in the last couple months. Even his mom mentioned it and she was not a woman who just handed out compliments. "I'm glad it's going to be with you and I'm glad I'm your first time too." Making you giggle out of embarassment, he softly told you before bringing his face low to kiss your lips, then your cheek, then down your jaw, and onto your clavicle. You hissed organically and then sighed, squirming as he located a new tender spot that caused goosebumps to form down your arms.
"I want you so bad." Zach grumbled into your skin and hooked an arm around your waist, pulling your body as close to his as it could be.
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taeverie · 7 years ago
Loved You Then
Synopsis: After years of being apart Jaehyung comes back to voice his feelings, but there was another event that held him back when he reunited with you.
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Pairing: Jaehyung x reader
Genre: Fluff/angst
Word Count: 2769
A/N: another re-upload, but for my one and only day6 fic hahaha
You were eighteen when Jaehyung bidded goodbye to you in the summer; he gifted an envelope that held an inked correspondence with a simple trinket inside.
You remember that day almost too perfectly: He insisted that you would not open the poorly sealed sleeve until you were inside your vehicle, pure intentions to keep the contents a secret until then. It was not a tearful goodbye, sentiments were not dilapidated — rather, the feeling was almost refreshing.
You had known Jaehyung since you were young, being neighbors and stuck in each other’s classes since elementary swirled an ineffable friendship and a perceptible closeness. It started with a smile, a strange greeting that was paired with an effervescent laugh. You mirrored that same expression back that one mid-spring day, glamour gracing your face as you introduced yourself to him, sheepish and quiescent.
He looked at you, hesitant before replying. Though, when he did, you knew that he would have a significant role in your life.
And so he did.
As years stacked upon each other, days being wasted by walking to school together, creating jests in class, and making each other’s way back was somehow just enough for a stable friendship to form. You two stuck together like a being and its penumbra, constantly shadowing each other to poke silly jests or snap mindless comments towards each other’s mistakes.
Recalling the memories while you sat in the backseat of your car drew a small smile to your face, every fraction of the reminiscence appearing ephemeral the more you attempted to rise it to the surface. Episodes of you and Jaehyung engaging in a silent redamancy flashed in your mind: being alone together on holidays, his annoying aubades he would sing to wake you up in the morning, even to the smallest bits like when you both experienced a plethora of sleepless nights to talk about pointless things.
All in all, the admirable sentiment was evocative — one would of had to be blind to overpass the comely connection shared between you and Jaehyung.
But as limpid the raw intimacy was, nothing changed between you two. There were no proper dates, no surprising gifts — everything remained stagnant. All because you and Jaehyung kept each other’s thoughts at bay, afraid to disrupt the equanimous friendship that took years to construct.
Regret rained down on your being that day when you formally parted from him, kissing goodbye to the city and not your childhood love, but as you were being driven away by your parents in the back of the vehicle, it was already too late.
You remember it clearly: how you sat in the backseat that day wishing that the seats would engulf your tearful being. At that point anything would have felt better than the void in your stomach created by the one who would typically fill it. Your world was like a picturesque halcyon, a state of jocularity that you were able to share with him.
But it became nothing.
You recall staring down at the silly letter, tears seeping into the paper as you were no longer able to hold back such withering emotions. You ran your fingertips over the surface, unable to bring yourself to rip it open and reveal its contents. It took a couple of deep breaths to calm your nerves, but you finally did.
Inside the packed paper rested a letter and a necklace — his necklace of a miniature acoustic guitar similar to the one he carried like a talisman. You gawked at the matching jewelry, intransigent and unsure of what to think. Aside from the extensive amount of memories and mere snapshots of each other, you had something from him, puzzled on why.
That was, until you unfolded the letter.
Every ounce of weight that had piled on was alleviated off your shoulders when you read four simple words; a promise established in blue ink:
“Until we meet again.”
There is one day left before the start of Spring. Your world has never ran jejune for a second, felicit air sempiternal since your arrival into the new city.
You wake to the melodious chirps of the birds outside your apartment window, a peaceful tune that is a stark contrast to your typical blares of your alarm clock. As long as you have been living in the fresh city for four years, it still feels new to you. You groan, arm sailing to the bed stand to grab onto your phone, groggy. A scintilla of light streaks on your face when you flutter your eyes open, the illumination more unpleasant to your eyes than the brightness of your screen.
You squint your eyes as an attempt to focus your vision, trying to read the time — only to find out that you are an hour late for your breakfast date. You yank your blankets off your bed and raise yourself up quickly, eyes flaring wide when your mind finally catches up to the situation.
Your thumbs race over the screen of your phone, rapidly sending the first message.
[10:02 AM] You: are you up?
You purse your lips into a pout, anticipating an angry response but within seconds you retrieve the opposite.
[10:03 AM] My angel: Of course. Ive been waiting for you to wake up for an hour!! Way to stand me up
You smile at his message, the slight humor the same as always.
[10:03 AM] My angel: haha, i’m sorry. i forgot to set my alarm but at least i slept some more for once
[10:04 AM] My angel: Im joking :)
[10:04 AM] My angel: Still down for breakfast?
[10:05 AM] You: brunch*
[10:05 AM] My angel: Ill take that as a yes
[10:05 AM] You: same spot? you always order the same stupid chicken and waffles
[10:06 AM] My angel: You already know me, haha. Those are delicious too!! Ill see you in twenty?
[10:06 AM] You: thirty*
[10:06 AM] My angel: <3
You pull yourself out of bed, yawning and stretching prior to creating a cup of coffee. Your apartment is as quiet as ever as you walk through it, the only dull sound being your soft footsteps on the hardwood floor. As the liquid seeps into the glass pot you wait patiently, eyes still struggling to keep themselves open; that is, until you finally pour yourself a cup and down it.
The effect is enlivening, traces of fatigue being drawn out of your body as you prepare to get ready.
It is a typical Tuesday morning; nothing too out of the blue or disturbing, just like every other. The sun appears at its peak despite it barely being ten, and your body is quite the opposite. Desultory, you dress yourself and constantly check the time on your phone to see if you are somehow running late.
Within moments you are out the door, on time to meet up with your boyfriend just as promised. The streets are vast, cars barely adorning the streets as you walk by. It feels as if the sun peeping out in the sky is only a decoy, for the chill breeze practically overtakes every hint of heat — so much for summer.
It does not take long for you to arrive at the location: a dingy diner that juxtaposes with the modern architect of the town. Despite its antique exterior, within the confinements of the restaurants radiates sentiments of joy that come in the form of a simple breakfast plate, or even the muted tunes that emit from the speakers.
You stride onto the checkered tiles of the perimeter, the redolence of sweet syrup and fresh coffee swirling together in the air. Seating yourself, you situate yourself at the corner booth — the signature area for you and your boyfriend since the first date — and peruse the menu. It is a first that you arrive prior to your boyfriend; he usually takes punctuality quite seriously.
You cross your ankles as you skim the options, words not sinking in your mind — you are going to be ordering the same breakfast meal anyway. A few more people flood inside and out of the diner, none of them being your awaited partner, and you release a sigh.
Setting down the menu, your eyes fixate on the entrance of the door hoping that with every swing your boyfriend would be the one to waltz past it. You try to focus on the tunes as you wait for him and the waiter, but the thoughts of him arriving keep poking the back of your mind. It is not until you release another sigh for you to realize that there is a shadow being casted over you. You turn your head towards the cause and your heart almost leaps to your throat
Standing beside your signature table is not the same man that you constantly visit the diner; a familiar face, but one you have not seen in years.
And it takes you by surprise entirely.
Your eyes flare wide, two orbs like blown glass the more your mind refuses to fathom who is standing before you.
From the round glasses the summer blonde hair, skin gently kissed by the heavenly sun, you recognize him within a heartbeat. It takes a couple of moments for your mind to comprehend, but everything appears to fall into place the second he flashes that same signature grin.
It is not your boyfriend standing by the table — not the man you have been waiting for — but it is none other than Jaehyung.
You are rendered speechless, sentences lodged in your throat and the few that make it past has the words dissipating on your tongue. After all, what are you supposed to do when you have an accidental encounter with your childhood friend? Communication with Jaehyung came to a standstill two years ago, the routine of texting each other frequently easing away; it did not take long for, even the most diminutive of, conversations to vanish entirely.
Looking at him, those same eyes that always fill with wonder, your thoughts become a whirlwind and you cannot make a simple attempt to break the silence that is being shared. The music in the diner along with the constant chatter withers to white noise, providing you with a feel that you and Jaehyung are the only two people in the diner.
“I,” you begin, surprised. “Jaehyung?” you say his name, unsure.
He blinks twice, mind just as dazed as your own. “Y-yeah… Y/N, it’s been a while.” He smiles brighter, a look of assurance.
“What are you doing here?” you ask while urging him to sit down with you.
He accepts the offer and situates himself right across from you, fingers interlacing on the surface. “I was just in the area, I didn’t think I’d see you here.” He corrects himself, “Actually, I didn’t think I’d see you again.”
His words leave his mouth easily, a polar opposite to how you are unable to articulate your thoughts. You nod, paying attention more to the changes in his appearance than the depth of his words. “I didn’t think so either.”
His smile never falters, pearly whites still gleaming your way. “But… wow. You look different,” he comments, lighthearted.
You laugh. “I can say the same about you.”
“So,” he changes the subject, “how have you been?”
You hum, taking a moment to think. “Great,” you tell him. “Better because I’m getting my breakfast soon especially. What about you?”
“Good,” he responds, immediate. The waiter stops by and fills the empty mugs on the table with coffee, which are quickly followed with a small glass of water. The worker leaves and the conversation resumes like normal. “I’m still working on music and such.”
“That’s great to hear.” You smile. You avert your eyes from his own to look out the window; not in search of your boyfriend, and not as a distraction to shift from the situation, but to collect your thoughts briefly. “Hey,” you turn your attention to him, recalling a significant factor. “Do you still have your tiny guitar charm? The one that matches with what you gave me the day I left.”
Jaehyung appears taken aback, surprised at how you remember such a small item. “Why?” He raises an eyebrow. “Do you still wear it?” he questions, light hearted as if he expects the answer to be a “no.”
Instead, you reach for the long string around your neck, the item hidden by your clothing. You tug it out into the open, showing it off to your friend and on the spot, his smile dwindles. “I said I would never take it off,” you inform.
Jaehyung laughs, content. He sails his hands to his pockets, ready to pull out his keychain as he says, “Funny, because I actually—”
“—Y/N!” someone interrupts. You raise your eyebrows at the calling, head turning when you recognize the voice. Jaehyung halts, blood in his body practically freezing.
“Younghyun!” you say, recognizing the face. “Finally, I’ve been waiting here for a long time.”
Younghyun chuckles and plants a light kiss on your cheek when he sits himself next to you. “Sure you were,” he comments. His attention drifts to the man across from him, unfamiliar and a tad awkward. “Who is this?”
“Ah.” You chime, “This is Jaehyung. He’s the friend I told you about back when I lived in the small city.”
“Oh,” he hesitates, unsure thoughts crossing his mind, “I’m Younghyun, it’s nice to meet you.”
Jaehyung only nods at him, a tight smile etching on his face — his version of saying hello to someone a little unwanted for the time being,
“Jae,” you call. “This is my boyfriend, Younghyun.”
“B-boyfriend?” Jaehyung says lowly, swallowing his breath. He rests his palms on his lap, cancelling the action to pull out his keys. “Nice to meet you,” he says.
But by the time he voices his “hello,” it feels as if he is not wanted in the situation, for you are already far too engaged in a heated stare with Younghyun. Jaehyung cannot pull himself to speak, his tongue running as dry as sand the more he lingers in your presence.
He discreetly watches the way Younghyun takes your hand in his, fingers interlaced, and Jaehyung cannot help but wonder what it would be like if he was in your position — if he was the one to hold you lovingly and have these breakfast dates with you frequently.
It isn’t until he clears his throat and uncomfortably shifts in his seat for him to gain your attention again. You force a smile, remember the earlier conversation. “So, what were saying about the charm?”
“Nothing much,” he fibs, hands balling into fists on his lap. There is a long line of silence shared between you two, a quietude that strangers experience with one another. Younghyun quirks the corner of his lips up, taking note of the situation and he tries to diminish his presence.
Jaehyung continues, “I was just going to say that I lost mine a long time ago.”
Your smile fades at the words you thought you would never hear. He broke the small news so easily, and with a slight chuckle — almost as if the charm had no relevance to begin with, like it was never a silent promise for a reunion. This time, you are frozen and left on the edge of unsure thoughts.
“I should go,” Jaehyung tells you. “Music calls.”
But before you can tell him goodbye, he lifts himself from the seat and starts to amble to the exit. You watch his physique quickly saunter, like the moment shared between you two was toxic, and he turns to do a small wave.
You wave back and Younghyun grips harder onto your hand, a small sign to let you know that everything is okay — whatever everything is.
As Jaehyung is a foot out the door he glances one last time at you at the corner table, catching your fetching grin by someone else’s side — someone that is not him. He smiles to himself, happy to see you are well, and slips out his car keys from the depths of his pocket.
He gawks at it for a little, adoring the matching acoustic guitar that dangles on its chain. After all, he said he would never lose it — the item that promised a reunion, a chance to tell you that throughout all the years, he loved you.
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luckjustkissedyouhello · 4 years ago
No joke, I often wonder what my life would’ve looked like if I wasn’t born in 82. If I wouldn’t be struggling to find a diagnosis at thirty-fucking-eight to explain why my brain, my life is like this.
long post is long
All through elementary school I had 1 friend, the other outcast. This happened in two separate elementary schools in the district. Two separate groups of kids decided there was something ‘wrong’ about me that they didn’t like, and that was that. In my first school, I was put in group therapy (and didn’t even fucking realize it, I was the kind of kid that just went with what they were told - always desperate to please). I don’t remember much about it other than the leader - the school psych split between 4 elm schools who would come in once a year to say ‘hey I’m here if you need me’ - and a kid talking about being hit in the face with a waffle maker (I remember being fascinated by his black eye, it was so black and puffy and it took sooo many meetings to heal properly). That’s all I remember. That’s all the school ‘did’ to help me.
One time my mom was giving me a bath, and she was like ‘why are you covered in bruises?’ (Ironic b/c she was a hitter) and I just said ‘oh the kids on the playground’ like it was normal for me to get my ass beat. She went to the principal. This was probably like 90/91. He had me write an essay about the other things I could do to stay away from the mean kids - I think he’d been told I followed the bullies around. Idk, man. I didn’t get social cues, I thought we were playing, etc. (for the record, my mom did tell me to leave the office and then told the principal she wouldn’t contradict him to me, but she thought that was an awful way to handle me getting bullied - again it was the 90s, I don’t fault my parents much for not realizing something was *seriously* different about me. That’s the point. Autistic was just for nonverbal kids. ADHD was for those so active they couldn’t sit in the classroom. Neuro-typical or Neuro-Divergent were not terms anyone know about. They didn’t discuss or know much about the spectrum of neurodiversity. They sure as fuck didn’t see it in AFAB kids like myself. I was just ‘weird’ and I have the mental scars to prove it (typing about elem school right now? Making me sweaty and nauseated- that’s how I feel when I look back at most of my childhood in school. Actually. My eyes are sweating too)
I struggled academically. When I tell people now that I was in the lowest reading groups from K-6th grade, people are surprised: I’m a librarian. But there is some kind of diagnosed learning disability in me that made it impossible for me to pass a spelling test - and I still fucking can’t - and since school tied writing with reading, they decided I needed the lowest group. They knew something was up because my compression was good but I failed the spelling tests. They tested me for dyslexia in 15 minutes one day in third grade. I sat at a machine, looked in, and pointed my finger in the direction the letters were facing. I remember it clearly. From that test, they were like ‘nope you just slow’ and put me in the remedial reading groups. Now, a large difference between comprehension and spelling would be a flag that would’ve been investigated. I know this because 2 of my sisters kids have dysgraphia. Something that wasn’t tested for in the 90s, or if it was not in a school nurse’s office.
Do you know what my grades looked like, even in college? Cs in most everything but my major classes. Grad school, I got a 3.7 - almost as if, and this is a shocker to you neurodiverse folks, I know, almost as if I could only really excel in the things my brain was interested in...wow. Shock.
I often say you couldn’t pay me to go back to high school. But then I wonder. What if I was a student now. Would they have found out about the probable ADHD/Autisim? (I’m not sure which I am but I do know I’m not neurotypical!) Would I have been given resources to help fit into the world I still clearly struggle with? Would I have so much trouble in my carrier as I have now, because people make assumptions about me being lazy or weird or not ‘right’ and dislike my mannerisms and speak and dissect everything I say? Like, no joke, I forgot how to explain the summer reading club in front of an audience once, and the librarian that went with me told the director I was awful. Shit, would that have happened if I was properly medicated? If I knew how to handle my brain forgetting shit, or how distracted the crowd of kids made me (funny thing, I can do standup just fine if the stage lights blinding me from looking out, but the second I see the crowd I get distracted and start mumbling things at people rather than the prepared jokes).
There are positives. I see *everything* happening in my story time. So i see when I’m losing the kids, I see when a sibling is beating the crap out of another. I see those kids in the audience when I talk about the summer reading club that are harassing another student, etc. I think I keep my library safer because I see every-fucking-thing going on.
But I think I’d do so much better in life if I was helped younger. I know I’d feel better about myself. I’m working through my shit self esteem but the truth is I’ve hated myself for not making it work, for not fitting in, my whole life. And the people that say ‘embrace your differences’ don’t know what it’s like for your stomach to drop out when the teacher says ‘find a partner’ because you know nobody will be yours (once, my teacher called my mom in tears because we were planning for a zoo trip and everyone else had a group, and when she asked who would take me, two groups raised their hands and she said ‘I’ve never seen her face light up like that’ - this was the exception to the norm)
Soooo.. yeah. I’m crying now. I’m not sure why I even wrote all this. This is tumblr. Nobody reads and responds much. I guess that might be why. I just...everyone neurotypical is born with a manual I just never had. And I can’t reconcile that with the idea that if I was born 20/30 years later, maybe I would’ve been at least allowed to glimpse the manual from time to time.
ETA: Talking about being undiagnosed with a learning disability and spell ‘because’ wrong every single time....i didn’t do that on purpose.
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