#still a baby during this mullet years!!!
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l0verseyes · 27 days ago
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mr-jack-letterman · 4 months ago
We need more young stan content out here.
And nah I ain't talking about 12 year old Stanley or 30 year old mullet Stan, I'm talking 17 year old, slicked back hair, acne riddled Stan pines.
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Yeah that one.
I am so happy mullet Stan is so popular because his fit slaps ngl and the angst is so potent I can't not respect it. But teenage Stan has so much potential it's driving me insane.
There is a line dividing the 17 years of relative happiness Stan had with Ford and the 10+ years of depression and crime he had on the streets, and teenage Stan uses that line as a goddamn jump rope.
Seriously, depending on how you look at it dude is either living his best life or is fighting for said life in the trenches of homelessness and poverty.
I see a lot of content regarding Stan on the streets but it only ever focuses on 30ish Stan in his later years of homelessness where he's already a hardened adult after years of dealing with this bullshit. But Stan didn't just drive away and then magically turn 30. There were times in those first few months after Stan got kicked out where he was in his car, trying to sleep, probably starving, while still being fundamentally a child.
Hell, compared to the 30ish age of mullet Stan and the 60+ year old con man he'd later become, teenage Stan is damn near a baby. There's a certain brightness about him, a sort of warm naive optimism that still clings to him because he's straight up just too young to know any better.
He's still fully convinced he's gonna make it rich and go back to his family in a few years. He still believes wholeheartedly that even if shit sucks right now, eventually everything is gonna be okay. It has to be. But it's not gonna be okay. It's not gonna be okay for a long time. And some parts are just never gonna be okay.
Seeing a happy and oblivious teenage Stan feels like watching a baby lamb walk into a slaughter house.
The next 10-something years are going to tear him apart limb from limb. In 40 years he's going to wake up on a boat during a bout of amnesia thinking he's in Columbian prison, or he's locked in the trunk of a car and about to drown, or his shoulder is on fire and his brother is gone, or it's the end of the world and everyone he ever dared to give a shit about is about to die in front of him and it's all his fault because he was too weak to stop it.
At some point, a young Stanley is going to get into his first true life or death fight. He doesn't even have to be involved with crime yet for it to happen. He's probably bruised and bleeding, with not nearly enough money to afford a doctor. He's sitting in the driver's seat of his El Diablo having a complete and utter break down because he almost died and suddenly everything is real.
Nothing is okay, absolutely nothing is going to be okay and whatever is left of his teenage innocence, naivety, and warmth dies in that car and it never comes back.
The next 10+ years are going to fundamentally change Stanley as a person and he's never going to be the same ever again. But teenage Stan doesn't know that, he's still a kid trying to sleep in the back of his car, ignoring hunger pangs and finding comfort in the half baked business ideas his mind cooks up because he doesn't understand how utterly done for he is.
12 year old Stanley I believe is so appealing because of his bright rambunctious spirit. He's still just a kid playing on the beach with his brother, but so was teenage Stan. I just wish the wholesomeness that comes with that and the subsequent hurt that follows as that spirit is broken over and over again by the world was explored more.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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miltonthoughts · 6 months ago
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Had a few headcanons/ideas about Ford taking care of child!reader as his own kid and then Stan having to take care of child!reader after the portal incident- here ya go!
Inspiration for this post was from this! And the timeline was from this post here!
Pre-Portal incident
• In 1974, Ford found you abandoned outside his cabin one night when you were a baby. He didn’t know who your parents were but was reluctant to take you in.
• Ford soon realized that he enjoyed taking care of you, as it made him feel less lonely and more loved. He felt even happier when you started to speak and try to communicate with him, even though most of your words were just baby talk. He was proud of you, though.
• A few years passed, and you were now 8 years old. Ford couldn't have been prouder. He was happy to call you his child, especially when you referred to him as a dad. You didn't have to, after all, he had told you that he wasn't your biological father, but you didn't care and simply loved him.
• He will tell you stories of his adventures while searching for anomalies, and you'll be amazed by his tales of capturing and documenting them. He even shows you his journals so you can see the visuals of the anomalies.
• Your favorite activity to do with him was eating jelly beans with a side of popcorn and watching sci-fi movies. It's comforting for you and Ford as a family bonding time.
• He calls you his "jelly bean" too, which makes you a little embarrassed but you don’t mind it at all.
During paranoia period
• Ford started to get more paranoid and a bit unhinged that you couldn’t understand at the time, you were a kid after all. He will reassure you that he was fine but you can tell something was off with your dad.
• One night, you had a night terror. Ford immediately came to your side when you wouldn't stop screaming and thrashing your limbs aggressively. You don't remember what you dreamed about, but Ford seems to know, and he didn't look pleased.
• You started to feel more lonely after Ford had started to hang in his basement. You weren’t allowed down there so you had to wait for hours for him to come up. You miss him a lot.
Portal incident
• One day, a man who looked like your dad arrived, except he had a mullet and a rougher appearance. It turned out that he was your dad's twin brother! You were briefly introduced to your uncle before Ford told you to stay put upstairs while he and his brother, Stan, went down to the basement. You frowned at that.
• Oh, but you couldn’t help yourself! You had to know what your dad was doing, more so after you heard a lot of yelling between the two adults.
• As you got down into the basement, all you saw was your dad ascending towards a glowing blue light. You froze, you didn’t know what to do before screaming and running after him. Stan looks behind him towards you before the portal closes and gets wrecked in the process.
• You passed out due to the overwhelming sensation after the portal closed. Soon, you woke up on the couch and heard a commotion in the kitchen. At first, you thought it was your dad, but as you peeked out, it was your uncle Stan, and he looked wrecked.
• It was a difficult situation for Stan to explain to you why your father wasn't here at the moment. You couldn't comprehend why your dad had left you behind.
• Stan soon starts to realize that you don’t exactly remember how your dad exactly "left". Your memories were too fuzzy when remembering about the portal. Believing it was a dream or another night terror you had again.
Teen years period
• The year was 1987, and you were now 13 years old. Your uncle, Stan, had raised you since you were 8 years old. Your memories about the incident were still fuzzy to you, especially more when you tried to remember about your dad, Ford. It's almost like he didn’t exist in the first place.
• Uncle Stan tried his best to take care of you, though his parenting methods were questionable. Still, he had a good heart and tried teaching you the hardest he could.
• He taught you some boxing lessons too so you’ll be able to defend yourself after you've been picked on by a few bullies in town. You appreciated your Uncle Stan wanting the best for you.
• You did once accidentally called Stan, dad one time. He didn’t let it up and embarrassed you about it for a whole month. Didn’t mean it made him cry a little.
• Whenever you question Stan about Ford, he’s reluctant to give you answers. Sometimes, he would change the topic when the question was too much to bare to answer. You didn’t want him to get upset so you dropped the subject entirely.
• Your favorite activity to do with him was making new fuzzy creatures for the mystery shack he hosted during the days. It was fun and made you laugh when Stan would give voices for your creations you made.
That’s all I got! I will make a part 2 when the reader is an adult and their reaction towards when ford comes back too!!
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huramuna · 1 year ago
downpour - oneshot.
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modern aegon ii targaryen x nanny reader minors dni, you will be smited.
this is for @targaryen-dynasty sleepover challenge 🤭 i got the babysitter au + the prompt 'why so shy?' i had so much fun with this, modern aegon is a menace and also a sopping wet cat.
word count: 4.5k
content: smutty smut smut (specifics under cut), aegon being a little shit (we love it), saltburn spoilers (lol), allusions to drug / alcohol abuse and rehabilitation, mullet aegon, jaehaera and jaehaerys are hel's kids but they have an unnamed / unrelated father, gratuitous use of song lyrics, probably a touch of power imbalance because of her job
murder on the dance floor - sophie ellis-bexter
warnings: oral (m receiving), face slapping w/ cock, degradation, dirty talk (this man never shuts up), face fucking / deepthroat, cum on face
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“Jaehaerys! Jaehaera! Please don’t run in the house with muddy boots!” you called fervently, trying to collapse the umbrella with one hand, two teddy bears slung in the other. 
“We won’t!” they both called in unison, followed by the unmistakable sound of muddy galoshes squeaking over the marble floor. You suppressed the urge to groan as you entered the exquisite home through the french doors that led to the backyard. 
“Boots off, little ones!” you called again, kicking off your own shoes in a haste to catch the gremlins before they tracked grime all over madam Alicent’s home. You had been working at the Targaryen estate for the better part of a year as a live-in nanny for Lady Alicent’s two grandchildren– twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. It was a wonderful job for the most part, as the twins were a delight and you had grown to have a strong friendship with their mother, Helaena. She was a bit dreamy-eyed and wistful, but was a wonderful mother nonetheless, even if she did have her melancholic days. 
The estate was huge and ancient, passed down from generations through Helaena’s father’s side, which was apparently a near royal bloodline from days long foregone. Viserys Targaryen, the father in question, was hardly ever home. He managed the family business (whatever it may be, you didn’t find it in you to ask– all you knew is that they were dirty rich) with his other daughter, Rhaenyra, from his first marriage. He had four children with Alicent, Helaena being the only one of the brood to still live at home.
 You’d met two of the others as well; Aemond, a lawyer in the family business who was, in short, all business and no play. He never regarded you, really, besides a quick glance or stiff nod. He had, however, slipped you a eight-thousand dollar bonus at Christmas time with a simple card that read;
Thank you for taking care of the twins and my sister. And keeping my mother sane.
- A.T
The other sibling, Daeron, was the youngest of the bunch, visited usually during holidays, as he constantly was studying abroad. ‘Sowing his wild oats’, as Helaena had put it. He was cordial to you and very much had a boyish charm, and Helaena loved to joke that he had a crush on you. When he had come home for New Year’s, he brought you a souvenir from Iceland, an authentic lopapeysa sweater, made from wool and sewn with a beautiful geometric design. 
“Awh, Daeron wants you to stay warm, lovey,” Helaena teased. 
“I-It’s just– her hands are always so cold, a-and the wool is supposed to help keep warm! The inner layer is insulating.” Daeron had stammered, the tips of his ears growing red. 
“Uncle Daeron has a brush!” Jaehaera squeaked, her words whistling through her tooth gap, she’d lost her first baby tooth just the week before.
“A crush, he’s got a crush!” Jaehaerys corrected softly. 
Alicent thought the whole thing very amusing.
That left one child you hadn’t met. You didn’t know much about him aside from small bits of conversation you’d picked up on between the rest of the family. Aegon. The eldest of all of them, and apparently the troublemaker of the bunch. You knew what he looked like from the portraits– blonde hair like the rest but with severely more bags under his eyes. Upon entering the home, one would see the chronological order of family portraits. 
It starts with Viserys, Alicent, and baby Aegon; the latter of whom is happy and chubby and bubbly. 
Then, it moves to the three of them, plus baby Helaena, with her wide blue-eyed stare at the camera. Aegon is still happy.
The next one adds the addition of baby Aemond– there is a glint of sentience in Aegon’s eyes, but he hasn’t experienced the crushing blows of reality yet.
You weren’t exactly sure, but as he got older, he became more morose– more bags, less light in his eyes. Then came the ear piercings, the tattoos, the head shaving, the bloodshot in the whites of his eyes. The portraits ended with this past year’s Christmas photo. Aegon was noticeably missing from it. You’d heard during one of Alicent’s phone conversations with her father that Aegon was in rehabilitation for a myriad of issues, and looking at his photos, you could only guess which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
A particularly harsh clap of thunder broke you from your thoughts, coming back to yourself. You scooped up Jaehaera before she stepped on the carpet with the muddy shoes. “C’mon, let's get cleaned up for lunch, yeah? What do we want for lunch today, lovies?” 
“Grilled cheese n’ tomato soup.”
“No! I want mac n’ cheese.” 
The squabbling ensued, the twins arguing back and forth for a few moments before you butt in. “Alright, how about– whoever gets the floor the cleanest and puts their galoshes by the washroom the fastest gets to pick?” 
The twins squealed in delight as they absconded from your sight, effectively going to do your bidding for you. You would, however, just end up making both meals anyway. As you moved to the kitchen, the sound of the doorbell rang. You bustled to the door, not sure who to expect– there weren’t many roving visitors in and out of the estate unless Alicent was explicitly expecting company– which you had triple checked the calendar when you woke up that morning.
You opened the door, expecting to see a debutante or someone of Alicent’s social circle– ‘twas not the case. You recognized him immediately, seeing his mother’s face in his own. Aegon. He was muddy, dirt flecks splashed on his face as he stood under the stoop trying to get away from the pouring rain. His face was a bit healthier than you’d seen it, the dark circles were still there, but not as prominent. It was like a gloomy day, rather than a full blown storm under his eyes. He had the wisps of a beard starting on his jawline, and his hair was cut into a makeshift mullet, longer in the back.
“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, hands in his pockets. 
“Erm– the… the nanny. For the children.” you stammered, his tone catching you off guard. You glanced behind him, seeing a beat up dirt bike caked in mud– that was probably how he got here. 
“A nanny? You’re a bit young for that, yeah? My nanny’s were all wrinkly old prunes.” 
“Oh– uhm, come in, Mr. Targaryen.” 
He perked a brow at the name, but didn’t say anything. He beat the bottom of his boots on the doormat, which didn’t accomplish much. He immediately began to track mud on the floor. “Mum home? Hel?” 
“Lady Alicent is… upstairs,” you offered, following behind him at a quick pace. “Helaena is taking a nap– the storm–” 
“Yeah, I know ‘bout Hel’s issues with storms. Don’t need to tell me twice. So, you got a name, or are you just the nanny?” 
You gave him your name as you glanced at the clock– it was almost time for the children’s lunch and you hadn’t even put it on the stove yet! 
“Got any food around here? Fuckin’ famished.” he added then as he nosed around the kitchen, hands still in his pockets. 
“I’m just about to make lunch for the twins– uhm, I can make you something too if you’d like.” you walked past him, quickly putting some pots on the stove and starting the gas. You and the twins were on a strict schedule, and if they didn’t get their lunch on time, they would turn into hellions. 
“Sure. Whatever the kids are having. I’m not picky.” Aegon waved his hand behind his head as he disappeared from the kitchen and clomped up the stairs, likely to speak with his mother. You fretted for Alicent’s mental state once that was done, and you felt even guiltier for not giving her a heads up.
As the tomato soup heated on the stove and the water began to boil for the macaroni, you unlocked your phone– you were curious about Aegon and why he’d come back, exactly. Well, of course, besides the fact that he lived here (or did, at some point) he was still supposed to be in rehab for another three months. You went to instagram, rolling your eyes as you saw that his profile was on ‘suggested for you to follow!’ 
You clicked to his most recent photo, the first that he’d posted in over a year.
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“Jesus christ,” you muttered under your breath as you put down your phone on the counter to stir the soup. 
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Aegon teased behind you. When the fuck had he gotten there? “Soup n’ mac and cheese?”
“Tomato soup and grilled cheese for Jaehaera, mac and cheese for Jaehaerys.” you responded plainly, trying not to notice that he was practically breathing down your neck. You glanced over as he leaned on the counter, where you had left your phone. Unlocked. Like an idiot. On his instagram page.
“Curious about me, are you? I’m surprised you haven’t heard enough about me from my mum.” 
“I don’t like to pry into Lady Alicent’s affairs–” 
“I wouldn’t consider myself an affair, more like a one time fling, eh?” Aegon snorted, grabbing your phone. It took every fiber of your being to not break all sense of decorum you held to snatch it back from him. “You’re not following me– let’s change that,” he mused, beginning to scroll through your page now. “Lots of pictures of the kids here– ooh, a trip to the seaside. There’s no pictures of you on here, eh? Only of… my family n’ other stupid shit, like the ocean.” 
“I’m a live-in nanny, sir,” you grit out, stirring the soup with more force than necessary. You consider yourself a patient person, and have become accustomed to how people in the Targaryen’s circle made their jabs. High society and filthy rich people had their own language of insults– ones that you wouldn’t realize they were insulting you until much, much later. It was like a game with a slow burning poison. But Aegon, apparently, was different. There was nothing meticulous about his jabs, no filter, no slow burning poison. It was all punch and sting, like a bite from a rabid dog rather than a viper. “I usually attend family trips.”
“Live-in, huh?” he drawled, his arm leaning over the counter in such a laissez-faire manner that you could feel yourself scowling. “Don’t get much action then, I take it? Let’s see if there’s any nudie judies on here, then…” 
“N-no!” you broke then, all sense of manners flying out of your body as you struggled to take back your phone.
“Why so shy? Got something on here you don’t want me to see?” he staved you off, a hand planted firmly on your shoulder as he scrolled through your photos, making all sorts of gaudy faces. You didn’t really have anything overtly scandalous, maybe a few lingerie shots for an old boyfriend.
“Aegon, leave her alone. Give her back her phone.” Alicent’s voice cut through the room like a knife, stunning both of you.
He sheepishly gave you back your phone as she crooked a finger to her son, ushering him to a room on the farther side of the house. 
As you fed the twins their lunch, you overheard some yelling, arguing and heated voices. You only saw Aegon later when going to your room to get ready for bed. His eyes were teary and red. 
The next few weeks went by with some normalcy— everything was as usual, except it was like you had a third child to care for; Aegon. Except this child didn’t listen at all and had terrible habits. He was constantly flirting with you, but also would weave in jabs at the same time— you couldn’t quite tell if he even liked you or not. Not that it mattered, anyway.
You were sneaking in your own lunch one afternoon, eating scraps from the twin’s lunch while they napped— basically just the crust you cut off of the grilled cheese and the small bit of soup left in the pot. 
“You eat like a mouse.” Aegon said, always managing to be there to annoy you. 
“Too much food makes me tired— I won’t be able to keep up with them if I’m sluggish.” 
“Could always drink a red bull or a monster, instead.” he offered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it in the kitchen. 
“You shouldn’t do that inside. It’s bad for the children’s lungs. Lady Alicent says—,” 
“Well, it’s my fuckin’ house too, innit? I can smoke in here if I well and bloody like,” he growled, exhaling a puff of smoke into your face. “My mum must be paying you extra to be my nanny too, then? The way you’re up my ass all the time.” he flicked ash in your direction. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest. He was goading you, baiting you into a reaction. He was being insufferable on purpose. You could tell by his pearly white smile he currently had plastered to his face, like a smug little— 
“Never had a nanny so pretty, though,” he continued. “If I asked real nice, would you feed me soup? Dress me up? Give me a bath if I’m real dirty?” he got closer and you could smell him— the smell of marlboro reds and cheap aftershave that had become synonymous with Aegon blew out your senses until it was all consuming.
Your mouth parted as you tried to think of some witty response, some barb, some jab— but nothing came out. You just huffed and turned away from him in an attempt to hide your red cheeks. Why were you blushing? 
You could practically hear the cockiness ooze from him, his mouth perked into a cheeky smile as he stole one of the crusts. He knew he’d gotten to you. 
It’d now been over a month since Aegon moved back home and the building tension between you two hadn’t let up a bit— you constantly felt trapped and elated all at once. When you saw him, your chest fluttered slightly in anxiety and anticipation. What was wrong with you? 
It was a dark, gloomy day. The seasonal storms were in full swing, pelting the estate in rain and hail. Alicent, Helaena, and the twins were out on an escapade to Alicent’s father’s house— you guessed Aegon hadn’t gone. But, it was a huge house, so surely you could enjoy some of your time off without seeing him? 
A rumble of thunder shook the house, rattling its constitution— and then the lights flickered. Flickered… flickered… then… out. It was dark, then, even with your window shades open. You turned on your phone flashlight and tiptoed out of your room, going to see if perhaps you could smack the backup generator into working. 
You hadn’t expected to work today, nor see anyone, as Alicent had given you the day off. So, you were subsequently dressed in your pajamas— a hilariously oversized Bass Pro Shop shirt (a gift from your dad in America) and cat-patterned sleeping shorts. Your toes cracked and creeped on the floorboards with each movement, and to your chagrin, as you passed Aegon’s door, it opened. He was wearing a shirt that said “MILF: Man I love Fishing”, with just his boxer briefs on, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. 
“Oh. You’re still here.” 
“Sorry, thought you were gone with the rest. Sad, I can’t do the Saltburn thing now.” 
“The… what?” 
“The Saltburn thing? Dance around the empty mansion to myself with my cock out.” 
“What.” you responded with the most deadpan tone.
“Dance… with my cock out?” he repeated.
“No– I know what you said– but why?” 
“Why not?” 
You rolled your eyes, shifting the conversation. “So, the power is out– uhm, do you know where the backup generator is?” 
“In the wine cellar. Nifty, huh?” 
“... the… wine cellar. I can’t say I’ve been down there yet.”
“I know it like the back of my hand, c’mon then. I’m sure I can kick the old gen in the nads and get it to work.” Aegon said with surprising confidence, turning on his phone’s flashlight and half blinding you. 
You followed behind him, to which he hummed ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ while doing a half-assed dance, apparently from some movie that was definitely something you hadn’t watched– you don’t remember the last time you watched a movie that wasn’t geared towards the twins. 
“So basically… he had the whole mansion to himself, and then he dances through it with his cock out, hanging massive brain, y’know? It's murder on the dance floor, you better not kill the groove,” he imitates the dance, sprawling his arms out in the doorway to the wine cellar and shaking his bottom a bit, which was, admittedly, nicely fit in his snug boxer briefs. You felt a strange heat flush to your cheeks.
“And this… is a… what? Comedy?” 
“Well, categorically no– I’m not a film aficionado. I guess it could be considered a psychological thriller, but I thought it was pretty funny,” he stopped before continuing into the cellar. “It gets pretty hairy in here, so stick close, okay? Ever seen The Conjuring?” 
“... yes, actually. Horror movies are kind of my favorite.” 
“Ah, a girl after my own heart,” he mused. “Well, think of the basement in that movie, but instead of a bunch of old useless shit, it’s a bunch of old wine.”
“And… instead of ghosts?” 
“Oh, there’s definitely ghosts.” 
“... what.” 
“Yeah, estate is haunted. You haven’t noticed?” 
“Shut up.” you murmured. You were a huge fan of horror movies while simultaneously being a huge chicken shit when it came to scary things– you were prone to hiding your face before the big jumpscare or running up the stairs from the kitchen when it was dark, just in case something was chasing you– and your feet had to be covered by the blanket at all times when sleeping.
“Aww, you scared?” Aegon teased, turning to you.
“I mean– ghosts are scary. Of course!” you offered sheepishly, pulling up the collar of your oversized shirt to cover your nose and mouth in an almost hiding manner– a nervous habit of yours. 
“I’ll keep you safe, love, no worries about that.” 
“... that’s what they always say, right? Then they totally leave behind their girlfriends to get stabbed by the killer or… eaten by the monster.”
“You my girlfriend now?” he asked, that stupidly annoying and somehow charming smug energy exuding off of him in waves. 
“Shut up.” you grumbled as you both approached the generator. It was covered in dust and hadn’t been touched or tended to in a long time, it looked like. “Do… you know what you’re doing?” you asked Aegon tentatively, watching as he inspected it.
“Me? Oh, fuck no. I never know what I’m doing, honestly,” he shrugged, giving the metal box a kick and haphazardly pressing some buttons. “No dice, sweetheart. ‘Spose you’ll have to dance in the dark with me for a bit longer, huh? But, if there's a ghost, you'll be... ghost food, or whatever.” 
You pinched your brow in annoyance. “I don’t understand you.” 
“What’s there to understand? I’m a pretty open book, you know.”
“No– you aren’t. You flirt with me but also… insult me? I don’t get it.”
“It’s called teasing– picking? Picking on? Getting the goat?” 
“What? So, like a little boy pulling a girl’s pigtails on the playground because he likes her? That makes absolutely no sense, Aegon.” 
“If you spend your time trying to find a reason for it, you’ll go insane. Why not just enjoy the point of it? I like you.” he breathed, suddenly very close to you. He set his phone aside on top of the generator, flashlight up. It illuminated the walls of wine and cast shadows of cobwebs and dust all around the both of you.
“Are you deaf– I. Like. You.” he repeated, his knees bumping yours as you were practically glued together, your back now against the ancient stone wall.
Your lips parted as you inhaled a breath– okay, you weren’t exactly expecting him to say that, or even like you at all– you figured the flirting was all hot air, a defense mechanism, something for fun, not… real. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you became all too aware of the fact that you hadn’t been touched since you got this job, maybe even before that– and your previous boyfriends never made you feel… flustered like this. You couldn’t form words as he, uncharacteristically cautiously, put his hand on your cheek. He was so close, so close– his body heat mingled with your inherent coldness and warmed you instantly. You weren’t sure what came over you, but you leaned forward, slotting your lips against his. What the actual fuck were you doing– you were kissing your boss’ son, her notoriously bad mannered, foul mouthed, sloven slob of a son, and you liked it. Your hand instantly went to the back of his head, fingers grazing through his choppy curls– even giving them an experimental tug, which he seemed to enjoy, by the indication of something poking you in your thigh. 
His lips moved against yours like a dance, and you couldn’t get the fucking song he was singing earlier out of your head– It’s murder on the dancefloor– you grasped at his hip, it was fleshy and pleasant, the tips of your finger slipping under the elastic of his briefs– But you better not kill the groove– his hands were exploring, too, under your stupid Bass Pro shop shirt, groping at your breasts with reckless abandon – If you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong – the heat rose in your body until you couldn’t take it any longer, the two of you were practically eating each other alive in this dank, dusty cellar and it was undoubtedly the hottest experience of your life – I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along – your lips parted for a moment, still connected by a string of saliva, bridging the gap between the two of you – Hear me when I say, hey –
“On your knees for me, love?” he asked, his voice suddenly so deep and husky, his thumb skimming over your collarbone. 
You fell to your knees for him so quickly– how pathetic. He wriggled down his briefs, already leaking at the fat tip of his cock. He wasn’t overly long, but he was girthy, like a beer can. Your eyes widened, which he must’ve noticed, as his face was plastered with a shit-eating grin. Your mind immediately went to an image of a so-called ‘American delicacy’ (your father’s words, not yours) called Beer can chicken, in which a can of beer is shoved in the ass end of a chicken and grilled. It is apparently as delicious as it is horrifying. Your throat bobbed as you surveyed it, a tentative hand around the base. He shook his head, prying your hand from him.
“Nope, mouth only. Open up, be a good girl.” Aegon muttered, looking down at you, the light of his phone flashlight illuminating him from below– he looked like a God. Or maybe a devil. 
Your mouth parted as his hand guided you forward. You wholly expected him to nestle in your mouth, but he surprised you with a slap to your face with his cock. It didn’t hurt, just caused you to yelp in surprise. He smeared some of the pre-come across your cheek, then slapped the head of his length on your waiting tongue. It was somewhat degrading, what he was doing– but it lit a goddamn fire under your ass, the neurons of depravity in your body, wherever they may lie, were alight with each nasty little gesture Aegon gave you, before he finally slid home. It stretched out your mouth, prodding at the back of your throat. 
“What would everyone else think, hm? If they knew you were such a fuckin’ slut.” he growled, gathering your hair in his fist like it owed him money, beginning to fuck himself into your mouth, careful to pay attention to your body language to make sure he wasn’t working you over too much. He made sure to be extra careful with his toys, rather than break them.
Tears welled, spilling down your face as you let him use you, degrade you– and yet, he also praised you.
“–such a good girl for me–”
“–you can take a little more, there you go–”
“–prettiest throat I’ve ever fucked–”
You felt like you were on fire, set ablaze by arousal you’d never experienced before– was this what they sang songs about? Dirty, borderline pornographic songs but the point still stood.
You had to chalk it up to the barometric pressure of the storm, right? Aegon wasn’t your type— your type was… well-adjusted, non-addicts, non-bad boy, non-troublemakers. Aegon was the antithesis of what you were into. 
And yet— you were into him. You were into him in a pathetic, pitiful way. It made you cringe to think about but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes, nor could you forget the way he was whimpering— fucking whimpering! You squeezed your thighs together slightly at the sound of it, at the blurry-eyed, teary sight of him looking down at you on your knees, eyes half lidded. 
He pulled out with a particularly throaty grunt, painting your face in his unnaturally warm seed, somehow careful enough not to get it in your eyes– small mercies. Your lungs inflated with oxygen once more as you caught your breath, trying to gather yourself. You felt the swathe of cloth over your face as Aegon cleaned you up with his ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing’ shirt, which he had apparently taken off. 
“You good?”
You nodded slowly as he helped you to your feet, brushing off your knees with the clean part of his shirt. 
“Um– so,” he still held onto you, as if he was afraid you’d run away. “Do you want to watch a movie with me later, when the power is back on? Like, actually watch it– I won’t fuck your face, I promise.” 
“... are you asking me on a date?”
“Umm… yeah. I think.”
“Maybe we could watch Saltburn?” you offered with a shrug.
“Your mum texted me,” you whispered. “The bridge is temporarily washed out from the storm, they won’t be back ‘til tomorrow.”
“Do you know what that means?” Aegon said, suddenly giddy. You both had just finished watching Saltburn, and you finally understood what the ‘Saltburn thing’ was. 
“You know your mum has like ten security cameras set up around the house, right?” 
“Okay… and?”
“I’m not dancing naked in the hallway, Aegon.” 
“How about just in my room? Please?” 
You gave a sigh, beginning to take your clothes off.
“Siri, play ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor.”
‘Okay. Now playing ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, as featured in Saltburn.’
It's murder on the dancefloor!
But you better not kill the groove, hey-hey, hey-hey!
It's murder on the dancefloor.
But you better not steal the moves.
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down.
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askgravityfallsed · 3 months ago
Related accounts set in 2012: @formerquestionmarkmp, @dippers-guide-to-the-strange, @pocketsfullofglitter, @queenplatinumpaz2012.
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Mason “Dipper” Marth Pines:
Age: 19 years old
Pronouns: He/They
Identity: Bisexual, Non-Binary
Fiancé: Paz Southeast
Online College Student
Well known ghost hunter in the area
Mabel David Pines:
Age: 19 years old
Pronouns: She/It/Pink/Meow/Oink
Identity: Cis, Aroace
Shroom addict (Don’t tell mom!)
Sells knitted sweaters and scarves, as well as Kandy bracelets, on Etsy
Pastel Goth/Scene mixture… I don't know either man.
Stanley Caryn McGucket-Pines:
Age: 67 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Cis Bisexual
Husband: Fiddleford McGucket-Pines
Usually out sailing with Ford and Fidds
Kept his mullet in honor of his nieces old nickname
Owns five “#1 Dad” Mugs. Four from Soos, one from his niece.
Stanford Filbrick Pines:
Age: 67 years old
Pronouns: He/It (Only uses it due to Bills effect on him)
Identity: Cis Gay
Space Divorced TM both Fidds and Bill on separate occasions
Formerly brainwashed by Bill- barely resisting getting back together with him
Can not handle The Lust TM
Paz Elliot Southeast:
Age: 19 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Bisexual Transgender
Fiancé: Mason Pines
Only recently found out he was trans- binds and cut his hair, but that’s about it
Steals Dippers clothes a lot. They’re his now actually.
Will never, ever admit to being the bottom of the relationship even if they’ve been together six years and it’s obvious as fuck.
Working for Greasys Diner
Jesus “Soos” Ramírez:
Age: 29 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Cishet
Wife: Melody Ramírez
Stan is his dad figure, duh
Melody and him have a son named Diego
Cried like a baby the first time the twins referred to him as their uncle
Wendy Blerble Corduroy:
Age: 22 years old
Pronouns: She/He
Identity: Cis Bisexual Lesbian
Dippers weed dealer. Why are you shocked
Barely looks any different than she looked at age fifteen… except she ties her shirt into a crop top to show off her stomach tattoo of an axe.
Hottest lesbo on the block, according to nobody but her friend group
Robert “Robbie” Stacy Valentino:
Age: 23 years old
Age During Death: 15 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Cis, Bi-curious (will not admit this)
Somehow befriended Paz. Neither know how nor want to admit it, but they have movie nights where they do each others nails and makeup and cry to metal music.
Zombie. Walking corpse even. Yep, we’re leaning into THAT old theory.
Still beefing with Dipper for literally no reason. Even Dipper doesn’t hate him at this point he just likes annoying him. They’re like brothers honestly.
Gideon Charles Gleeful:
Age: 17 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Identity: Trans lesbian
Ex-Ciphertology child cultist
Despite this she still cries over the fact that Bill finds her annoying
She can’t really find anything to do with herself anymore since weirdmaggedon and highschool so she’s really fucking bitter.
Fiddleford Hadron McGucket-Pines:
Age: 69 years old (haha funny number)
Pronouns: He/Him
Identity: Cis Gay
Husband: Stanley McGucket Pines
Him and Emma May were actually beards- still occasionally in contact.
Was forced into a polyamorous marriage with Bill and Ford- eventually divorced them for MANY reasons
Seriously this guys got some BAD C-PTSD to be honest
Martha Winona Pines:
Age: 38 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Identity: Cis Aromantic Bisexual
Ex-Husband: David Patterson
Has even WORSE C-PTSD from being Bills former puppet for like seven ish years
Literally so fucking grumpy about his return but NOBODY will let her murder him so she’s decided on verbal assault
Loves her kids soooooo so much
Calls Stan “Uncle Mullet”
William “Bill” Lu Cipher:
Age: ??????????????????? centuries old.
Pronouns: He/They/It- anything masculine or gender neutral
Identity: What a boring concept
Former triangle, now human for redemption- can only reincarnate if fully reformed, though he will never fully be forgiven for what he’s done, so he’s stuck this way til this body dies.
Can’t use his powers anymore- not even floating, which he hates a LOT
Misses Ford soooooo much…. Fucking loser.
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13+ interactions only
Currently Gideon is still a minor, and I’m only a teenager, so please keep the NSFW to a minimum. Suggestive is fine, though.
DNI inc3st/p3do proshippers, p3do/m4p, transph0bic, hom0phobic, or r4cist people. You are not welcome here.
Please be respectful to me, the mod. You can be mean to characters, not to me. I do not appreciate hostility
Here and Here are the Casting Call links for the Eternal Devotion podcasts, please consider helping out with voice acting or even writing!
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floredaqueen · 5 months ago
billy and isa after a huge fight? 👀👀 (love, love, LOVVEEE your art and fics! keep up the great work, baby doll! you’re so fab :))
Hello, helloo!!♡
I love love LOOOOVVVEEE YOU!! And you're so lovely ♡♡ I hope I can do your ask justice (also sorry in advance if it takes me forever to finish but I hope you enjoyy♡>///< ♡♡
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TW: Deals w/Bullying, Heavy Profanity, Billy being a dickhead. Hurt w/Comfort The usual ♡
Isa and Billy don't really fight, especially since Isa is very conflict avoidant. She's getting better at that communication, but they rarely ever yell, scream, or say mean things to one another. If they ever did fight, it was probably during the first year they met; their senior year...
The first week of senior year for Isabela was like riding a bike. Easy A's all across the board. The Latina was already climbing the academic totem pole, and now, with all of her extracurriculars, she'd be moving faster and to new heights. She made time for other important tasks, not having much of it for boys or crushes.. that is until she heard about the new boy from Cali.
Rumors were already spreading, and he hasn't even been seen on campus anywhere yet. Just a few greetings on account to the popular girls at school, including her friend - and co-captain of the cheer squad- Nova James.
Still, though, to the intelligent Latina, it was all up to interpretation.. until she saw him strutting in with his denim on denim ensemble. His dirty blonde mullet perfectly quafted, and his ocean blue gaze stared down anyone, whether intentional or not. Her Hersheys chocolate gaze heavied one every perfect aspect he had to offer. His chilled chin was probably a dream to lovingly scratch, his very well-shaped hair, his piercing blue eyes that made her fold into herself, and his beautiful smile. He was all perfect.. too perfect.. which is why she wasn't surprised he turned out to be a complete asshole.
When they first crossed paths, he didn't even acknowledge her, the Cali boy bumping into her and only rolling his eyes in annoyance before brushing her off to the side. That when she knew he was a jerk, even if he was the most beautiful boy she's ever seen.
Later that day, she'd see him a few more times. He was notably in her calculus honors class, looking as confused as one who wasn't ready for this level of comprehension. Out of the corner of her wide eyes, Isabela could Billy trying to get someone's attention... and then he turns to her. He turns to her, whispering, "Hey,"s and "Excuse me,"s until he decides to get her attention by force.
The next thing the fresh-faced senorita knows is she's being hit on the side of the head with a balled up piece of notebook paper. She didn't believe it at first, still trying to process it right as he threw another. The second ball of paper clung to her hair as she turned around to face him, an annoyed expression on her face as she met his eyes.
As "taboo" as Isabela was to Billy, he had to admit that she wasn't half bad looking. In fact, she looked veey sweet with her pouting lip. Her eyes were so full and bright even theough her glasses, like a deer. He found it cute when she very clearly was getting nervous just by the look of him. He knew he could have that effect on people.
Billy smiled with teeth, his eyes setting on her filled out worksheet to note that she one hundred percent knew what she was doing. All of the questions filled out precisely by the slightly timid hispanic. A smart girl too? He knew it's be fun to make her lose her cool.
"What?" Isabela would whisper in annoyance, already wanting this interaction to be over. Of course, quite the opposite happened, Billy dragging on his words as if he was spelling it out for her. top!
"You mind helping me with this assignment? I'm a little lost," He asked, all with a toothy smile. Isa dead panned for a moment, letting herself express a bit of her annoyance with an eyebrow before turning to her own worksheet.
"Clearly," She muttered under her breath before handing him her notes. He looked over them and then stashed them in his notebook on the other side of her desk.
"The hell are you doing??"
"I'm gonna need this if I plan on passing any assignments for this week," Isabela huffed at his snark response as she tried to snatch his folder. Swiftly he moved his things, and her worksheet, away from her grasp.
"Give it back!" She whispered with an annoyed twitch with her upper lip. She even tried to grab at it, Billy quickly gripping her wrist only to throw her hand back in her direction.
"I don't hear that magic word, sweetness," With an eye roll and the crossing of her arms, Isa let it go, hoping she can get it back at least at the end of the day.
It'd be like that for the rest of the school year. Isa would be minding her business (and admiring Billy from afar) and the asshole in question would tease her and steal her work if he managed to get his hands on it. As annoying as it was it never got violent.. and it was pretty tame.. until one day.
Isa couldn't shake the feeling of so many eyes on her. She was able to hold her head high, but it felt near impossible today. When she did catch a few guys staring and snickering, she realized it was at her.. was there something on her face? In her hair..? What was their deal??
The hispanic scholar would soon find that out when she was approached by Tommy Hagan. The freckle covered guy was snickering as he walked over, crossing his sweater clad arms as he leaned against the locker beside hers.
"Wheeler, when were you gonna let me in on your dirty little secret..?" He jibed mischievously as Isa attempted to ignore him while retrieving her materials for her next class.
"What are you on about, Hagan..?" She turned to face him, her eyes rolling in response to his snarky grin. He casually shrugged his arms, not-so-subtly cornering her against the metal lockers while simultaneously spilling all of beans to her.
"Well, it seems that a hefty amount of my friends know what's under that pretty skirt of yours.. and I was wondering if I could get in on th-" Before Tommy could even finish his sentence, he was met with a hard slap against his face. It even has him stepping back a bit, giving Isabela ample time to hastily walk away from that conversation.
She knew for a fact he was spouting bullshit.. but it was strange that he had the balls to tell her, so who told him that? Who would even believe it? Whoever it was, she couldn't take for another second someone trying to shit on her perfect reputation and perception of who she really was.
By 6th period, things had only gotten worse, the overwhelmed Isabela finding herself hiding behind the abandoned bleachers that clung to the outskirts of the outdoor basketball court. She was calming herself down, attempting to get lost in one of her favorite Shakespeare fables, wondering if she'd ever find something as tantalizing as this culture phenomenon wrote about instead of having to deal with the likes of these jerks in this podink town..
One of her dainty, delicate hands wiped the tears developing in her eyes from the thought of all the mean and assuming words that were thrown her way today. Isa continued to keep her focus on the pages until she heard a snap of a twig.
The snap was caused by none other than the pretty boy she's been trying steadily to avoid, one of his calloused hands running through dirty blonde curls as the other flicked at his lighter to light the cigarette between his full lips.
She thought quickly.. too quick. She practically scattered as she jumped off the bleachers only to hide behind them on the other side as the rest of possey appeared beside him. The hung out beside on her side, too close to wear she kept herself as hidden as she could.
Their conversation went about as the latina thought it would, overhearing the socialites go on and on about on about their usual. Having or crashing parties, stealing booze from their parents' liquor cabinets, unprotected sex in the most obscene of places.. and girls.. but not just any girls. It was hurt they were joking about..
"Man, Isabela is so damn up tight," Tommy starts with a heavy huff. The side of his face was stilly slightly red from the hearty slap the latina previously gave him.
"The prude acts like she has a stick up her ass every time a guy walks up to her," He jibed, earning a soft giggle from Carol as they both relaxed against the brick wall.
"Only because she's never had dick in her life," She deduced, taking another hit of her tobacco stick.
"Yeah.. because she's boring," Billy finally snorts while crossing his denim covered arms. They both look at him with curious eyes, confused about his knowledge of the mouse that was way closer than they thought she was.
"I dont know about you, but I'm not getting a hardon for someone who's probably going to end up with cats because she doesn't know how to open her legs, "
The other takes, Isa's heard before. They were superficial and petty, especially coming from the two infamous idiots who's never worked for anything. But from Billy? Like an idiot, she thought he'd be above this, but his words hit right on her already racing heart.
"Good point," Tommy nodded, stomping out how own cig as Billy started.
"That's why I spread that rumor about her. Was trying to do her a favor. Maybe she'll actually get laid and get her first taste of dick.." The blonde said matter-of-factly as if she should be thanking him.
"Seems Billy has a soft spot for the prude," Carol would scoff teasingly, her face practically egging him on to prove her wrong. Billy, of course, denies her accusation.
"Nah. You won't ever see me going out with that bitch.."
All of those words.. those mean hurtful words. As much as she promised herself not to let it hurt her, Isa couldn't stop the constant stream of tears going down her cheeks. She tried to remain quiet, but a soft sniff of a breath gave her away.
"Who's there??" The alpha of the pack of wolves called out, his sharp blues finding sorrowful wide does eyes as Isa revealed herself to the group. They all sighed, embarrassed that she just happened to be there to listen to the conversation about her. With the tears still running down her glowing cheeks, they felt a little guilty. Not Billy, though. All Billy could think about was how pretty she looked when she cried. All sweet and innocent, even if they're hope was crushed.
"..you spread those rumors about me..?"
"C'mon, Wheeler- it was a j-"
"You're the reason why guys are following me??? Why everyone is calling me a slut, and how I simplemente no puedo guardarlo en mis pantalones cuando tÚ ERES EL VERDADERO PERRO,"
It was silent for a few seconds after that, the wind the only thing between them before Billy broke the airy stillness with a chuckle.
"You're just upset that I wouldn't waste my time on someone like you.. but," He lazily takes a heavy step forward in her direction.
"If you keep that up..." The way his eyes relaxed gave Isa pause, and then she could feel her body tense as he invaded her space. "..I might throw you a bone,"
Right then and there, she completely tensed, her hand swinging open palm to connect with his face for a hard slap. Neither of them had time to register it as the left side of Billy's face stung.
"You don't know what I could do for you," Isa's voice shook in a shaky whisper, stepping ever closer towards her bully.
"You thinking thay one would get a leg up just by being with you, when you can't even fathom how lucky you'd be to have me. To be with me..." Her sharp eyes stayed on Billy as he scoffed and kept his head held high, obviously not expecting the slightly menacing utterance of her words. For some reason, it was hard to keep a steady eye contact.. The braniac then tilted her head as her brows furrowed.
"..maybe, you wouldn't be so insecure.." was the last thing she said before she turned around and grabbed her things. Billy sucked his teeth, not even realizing that his nails were digging into his own palms.
He watched as everyone around him brushed it off as her being sensitive.. but he knew she was right. And that was something he hated about her. She was always. Fucking. Right.
Every other day after, Billy couldn't ignore the heavy weight in his chest. Best believe he tried, using all the usual tricks he had up his denim sleeve. But no matter how much drugs, girls, and bench pressing he did, he knew what he had to do to really get over.
Suddenly, after the usual attempt to mind melt at one of Tommy's parties, he found himself at the Wheeler residence. It was nicer than he anticipated, turning off the loud engine so as not to disturb anyone else.
Isabela was half asleep, cuddling her pillow in nothing but a tank top, mint colored undies, and sunflower socks she had recently bought from the mini market. So, when she heard -and soon saw- rocks being thrown at her window..
Begrudgingly, she got up, her footsteps as light as a feather. Billy annoyingly felt his body slightly perk uo at the sound of the front door unlocking, only to see Isa all tuckered out and peering up at him.
"Good, I got your attention.." He jibed, his hands stuffed in his jean pockets as his sharp blues took her in. Usually, Billy excelled at eye contact.. but this time around, his eyes roamed a lot more than he meant for them to.
Her curls were all messy, her nipples were poking out of her baby tee, and her bottom lip was pouted out. Fuck. Out of all the times to feel something for this girl, this was the worst time.
"What do you want, Hargrove?" She huffed, watching as he slightly awkwardly straightened up.
"I just wanted to.. uh.." He began to trail off, his eyes drifting down to her legs. Billy then only realized how he's never seen them before. They've been hidden by all the loose jeans and maxi skirts she'd wear.
He didn't expect them to be so.. toned. Every smooth curve was built with muscle even though she was known to be light on her feet. Not to mention her huge thighs.
"Yea- okay.." She rolled her eyes, going to close the door in his face only for Billy to swiftly propped his arm up against the hatch.
"I came here to... apologize" There was a long pause after that, the latina blinking a couple of times before parting her lips.
"Well, you're very bad at it," He scoffed, annoyed at her snarky remarks she'd conjure up from every word he spoke.
"Yeah, I've gathered that," He'd pause, letting the air between them fill the silence for a bit as he thought about what to say.
"You didn't deserve what I put you through. It wasn't right, and—" and as he continued to practally ramble, Billy became all the more aware of being under her scrutiny. He could feel her big brown, fatigued eyes studying his every word before her whole demeanor relax.
This.. this whole situation was weird. Why the hell did he feel like this? No girl has ever made him think twice about the words that would flawlessly flow from his kissable lips. And out of all the girls at Hawkins, it was some measly little book worm that had him fumbling.
Isa wasn't doing good either. She was starting to believe him, her mind running through his emotions as he spoke. Billy seemed sincere, but Latina refused to expose her sympathy. Her expression stayed neutral.
By the end of it, the silence between them returned and thickened, Billy cleared his throat before he crossed his strong arms.
"..As much as your apology is appreciated, I don't accept it..." She softly spoke, grabbing the edge of the hatch. As he tried to protest, he was met with a door being shut in his face.
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halforresterluvsford · 3 months ago
Hcs on mullet stanley and old ford? (Both sfw and nsfw)
In a universe where it’s only been like a year or two for Stan before he gets the portal working again, but almost 30 for Ford 🥺🥺🥺
The screaming matches, the fights, they overcome it with a little bit of time and after defeating Bill, they have a long overdue talk of regrets and confessed feelings. They need each other now more than ever. The best brother-lovers <3
-Stan keeps Ford young, but at the same time makes him feel so old. Stan’s spry (at least more so than Grunkle age Stan is), so he can keep up with Ford’s pace and trek through various climates and woods during his research, he also hasn’t thrown his back out, so he can help with the heavy lifting. His energy seems to make Ford’s energy double when he’s around
-But at the same time, Stan has too much energy. Ford is pushing 60 (for now, he’s looking into de-aging) his twin brother is pushing 30. Stan will be moving too much too fast sometimes and Ford needs to take a breather because his knees. God, he sounds like their mom sometimes with his complaints about body aches and cricks in his neck
-He does also realize how young Stanley is, how young he was when he was kicked out, and that thought always hits him like a punch to the gut. His baby brother was a literal baby when he became homeless :(
-On a happier note, Mullet Stan was so touched starved that now he’s basically always wrapped about Ford. Sitting on his lap, the arm of a chair, holding Ford’s arm or hand, leaning against him. Any sort of physical affection he can get, he will get. And Ford is more than willing to indulge him. It was very lonely for him in the 30 years he spent dimension hopping
-For all that they’re now different (for now until Ford figures out how to revert himself back to Stanley’s age), they still make time to re-figure out their similarities, and they’re pleased to discover their almost just as similar looks and taste wise as they were when they were 16. Obvious changes brought out from different life experiences aside
-They switch who’s Big Spoon and Little Spoon. Sometimes, when Stan’s having a bad day, thoughts and feelings getting to him, Ford is that needed pressure surround him, grounding him to reality. And when Ford’s mind is off in some far off dimension, or he has trouble remembering he’s home and that this isn’t a truck from Bill, it’s Stan’s touches, his arm’s wrapped around Ford, body pressing against his back, from tether Ford back. Stan’s body and smell is the feeling of home, something unable to be recreated or falsified
-They fuck like rabbits. Anything they can fuck on, they will. Every surface in the Shack has been consecrated by their love making. They’ve got a whole life of love and lust to make up for after all <3
-I’m always a bottom Stan truther, and add in Dimesionally experienced Ford? He’s all but literally rearranging Stan’s guts. He keeps showing Stan new positions and kinks and creating toys that can only be found in Dimension 86-Alpha I-8 or something like that. And it’s some of the hardest orgasms Stan has ever had in his life. He didn’t even know he could bend in those ways or that that little nook existed inside of him until Ford
-Stan’s a brat who likes pushing Ford’s buttons. Flirting with others to get him jealous. Wearing the green shorts from Ford’s college days around him. Not listening to Ford when an order is given. Stan is a glutton for punishment; getting his ass beat red (lovingly and with consent), orgasm denial until his balls feel like they’re going to pop, overstimulation until Stan’s cumming dry. All those and more are punishments that Stan’s eager to get
-Ford makes sure that they have safe words and that they talk about a scene before and after it. Stan has a tendency to bottle up and not tell Ford if something is wrong, but he needs to make sure he’s not hurting Stan, he’s not too rough with him. He keeps a close eye on Stan’s eyes, that where he can’t keep his emotions hidden, not for long and not from Ford
-I like to headcanon that, while some degrading is fine, Stan likes praise and is way more receptive to it. Harsh words from his father, from John’s, drug lords, etc are what being degraded reminds him of. Being called “naughty boy” is fine, but nothing being “Whore”, “Slut”, or “Useless”. That’s the fastest way to make him safeword out and will ruin his mood for a couple of days. He needs lots of soft touches and affirming words afterwards, all of which Ford is more than happy to provide. Stan moan’s way prettier when Ford calls him “Sweet boy”, anyways
-Daddy kink. Some slight age play, too, while we’re at it
-Sometimes when Stan’s feeling dominant, he’ll ride Ford until both their knees give out, grippjng his jaw and bringing him up until Stan can mash their lips together in a harsh clack of tongues and teeth, drool spilling out the corner of their mouths
-Ford loves his hair being pulled, while moan so prettily. Stan doesn’t, his scalp is sensitive and that’s not the good kind of pain-not to him at least
-Ford will kiss the brand in Stan’s shoulder and scars on his back if they’re going at it Doggy Style. Stan will kiss the scars on Ford’s body in whatever position he’s in
-I just need to repeat that they’re horn dogs who need a lesson in Public Decency Laws because the amount of times they were almost caught? Can be counted on both of Ford’s hands and one of Stan’s
-Ford does eventually figure out a way to get back to Stan’s age and they spend an entire 3 days just fucking, sleeping, and eating after it happens. Ford literally has the energy of a man 30 years younger
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daiyuu-jadie · 23 days ago
I hope y’all like RSA oc’s too.
This is Kaiser
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A little backstory
Kaiser is the youngest child in a big royal family. Because his parents are the king and queen, they tend to pay attention to his older brothers more; they are after all the heir and the spare and they most prepare then for their future duties and responsibilities. Kaiser, like the majority of his siblings, grew up isolated from his family mostly because his parents didn’t want to be bothered with the “less important” children. His parents shipped him off to one of their many palaces once he stopped being a cute little baby and let nannies and governesses do the work of raising him, only bringing him around to scold him or show him off to the public to keep the facade of a happy family. I mean, his parents don’t even send him birthday presents (they probably don’t even remember his birthday). Even though he grew up alone, save for a few childhood friends, he has kept an optimistic outlook on life.
First Year
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During his first year at RSA he was pretty excited for the future. Going to a new school meant that he had a chance to make new friends and not be so lonely anymore. He was a charmer and pretty outgoing, most people liked how easygoing and honest he was. He kinda is that golden retriever friend 😭. However, despite his sunny disposition, he struggles with feeling like he isn’t worth all of the friends and happiness he’s gained by going to RSA (mostly because his parents still don’t acknowledge him)
He’s 175 cms (5’9)
He wears eyeliner and eyeshadow and paints his nails
He like to wear comfortable clothes; rather than a stuffy button up, he prefers to wear a plain black t-shirt with his uniform
Sometimes he DIYs his own clothes, like his pants
He’s got a lot of jewelry a lot of it is pretty cheap but he likes it, my favorite is the safety pin earring
He takes really good care of his hair and likes to keep it long, like his friend Elliot
Third Year
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Third year Kaiser isn’t that same happy kid he used to be. His parents can be pretty demanding; they put a lot of pressure on him to be the perfect prince. He’s been running himself ragged trying to please them because maybe if he is the perfect son, they might pay more attention to him. Kaiser’s personality has changed some too; he’s put on a mask to hide his inner turmoil and can come off as egotistical, brash, and snobby. Due to his seemingly abrupt personality change, he’s lost a lot of his friends, which made is feelings of inadequacy even more prevalent (thought, he’ll hide it behind a smug smirk and a sharp tongue). The only people he still has a soft spot for are his childhood friends.
In between his first and third year, his parents made some rules for how he is supposed to look; a dress code if you will.
He has to wear his hair short and neat, no more mullets
He has to limit his jewelry, only one pair of earring and a few rings
No more makeup or painted nails; he’s a prince not a delinquent
He is expected to wear a uniform that befits his status (he found a way to still wear heels)
Other things that changed
He grew to 182 cm (6 ft)
He tends to have a stiff, more tense posture
He’s got some serious eye-bags, must be all the stress
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I’ve been sitting on this one for a minute, but I’ll post more of Kaiser and his story in the future.
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geniusphilester · 2 months ago
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it occurred to me that a bingo card often has twenty-five squares, and we're going into 2025, so it seemed appropriate to go a little OTT with my phan-in-2025 predictions! i had a better vision for the bingo board's look than the actual predictions, but here's what i came up with.
PH column:
dog hill: might be cheating to include this one considering the extensive breadcrumbing, but i’m adding it anyway.
sims science baby: my chaotic predictions last year had dab and evan + a science baby. i’m rolling it over to 2025.
jan promo metaphor: if dan and phil do any tour promo leading up to the next leg of TIT, we’ll get another promo metaphor. i’m convinced it'll be before phil’s birthday, but i put “january” as a whole because it fit better.
TIT recording: i just need to see TIT again as much as i want, okay!!!
date night: another easy one, but i love when they go out and i love when we get photos of it, so this is specifically “we’ll get photos of a general outing”. while i’ll count tour stuff in a pinch, i’m more thinking something post-tour. like, something around london or maybe brighton.
i column:
goodbye twitter: i think dan will at least test the waters off twitter, probably on bluesky. i would love if they fully crossposted/just did announcements on twitter, but i’ll count any further moves off twitter for this one.
phil novel: i kind of love the thought of phil writing a long, fictional story during tour. is it likely? probably not. do i want an embarrassing sex scene that phil reads in the audiobook? absolutely.
april fool’s phwedding: okay, look. i don’t actually think they’re getting married. but if they got engaged or fully hitched, they would announce it on april fool’s day and not clarify if they’re kidding. after nbsii and onlyphans, how else could they escalate? (i’m scared to learn the potential answer.) they would only talk about it on april fool’s day and we’d never hear about it from them again.
dan bday stream: the chances of a phil birthday stream seem low to me, unless they do it early or late. i think a dan birthday stream is more likely, especially if they take a decent break after tour (especially with a puppy) (puppy stream!!!).
dil dies briefly: sims 4 life and death has expanded death features, including funerals and reincarnation. while i think it’s more likely they’ll focus on dab + evan and dalien in the near future, i bet dan loves the idea of actually killing dil while still keeping him around.
n column:
dan hair: i just want him to grow it out! a shaggier mullet would be great, but i want fully chin-length hair, especially with his waves.
tops only model: i’m sure this one looks weird, but i thought it would be funny if they commissioned PJ to build them a model of a tops only bar. or if some random phannie did it on roblox, and they visited it.
free (hard launch): this is technically a free space that i’ll be able to use no matter what. my feelings on the hard-launch concept are too complicated for a post like this. but if they announce their relationship in a way that randos outside the phannie ecosystem would consider more official, that will also be this space.
it takes two: while i specifically want more it takes two, i just want a multipart narrative game series. something like deltarune would also count.
phil tattoo: phil got really close to getting a tattoo before! if he had a less-potentially-offensive idea, i think it could really happen in 2025.
g column:
concert: what it says on the square. it could be something like dan seeing mcr, or both of them caring about oasis? (i would say muse, but i don’t think they’re touring right now.)
sister daniel retires: i hope i don’t use this square! but i could understand dan taking a break from her for a little while.
produce a game: my original thought was funding a video game about themselves, somewhat akin to danandphilbeats. but then i realized a board/card game would be more likely. so one or both of those.
phil tiktok (maybe): phil goes viral on tiktok. this one’s a maybe because i think it would only happen if tiktok survives in the US; he has time before it's likely to disappear, but not much, and he’ll be doing shows for some of it. not that the US is the only surviving pillar of tiktok! phil just has a substantial audience in the US, which i think would help with virality.
couples costume 2.0: i liked their aziraphale-crowley costumes, but i think we can level up in 2025. jedus?
o column:
philming room: i want to know why phil stopped filming in the room with the murphy bed, and i bet we’ll either get some kind of answer or a return to the room in 2025.
overseas vacation: something that isn’t tour! like another japhan. i wouldn’t count anything tacked onto the end of TIT unless someone who didn’t tour with them comes along.
gamingmas: i just missed gamingmas this year, so i’d love another one! i would gladly take another spooky week with or instead of gamingmas, though. or dilmas.
isle of man pic: i want to see both dan and phil on isle of man visiting phil’s parents again. is that so much to ask?
dan on drag race: i don’t even know if there’s a drag race he would be invited on, but i want to see it!
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iamthejam · 22 days ago
okay i need to get this off my chest so here's the celebs that remind me of hockey players.
it's mostly based on their looks, but their personalities have a hand with a few of them
(some will have more explanation than others lol)
number one (1) is sidney crosby (pitts penguins) and tom cruise (actor)
this i think i for multiple reasons not only do i think they share similarities look-wise (especially younger) but i think their career is similar in the sense of gaining fame during their youth and still doing what made them famous in later years.
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second up is elias pettersson (van canucks #40) and joost klien (singer)
i don't really have much on this cause i'm probably desperately wrong. the bleach-blonde hair is too blinding to actually see the difference in thier faces ig. they got a certain vibe to em idk dude
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baby petey is bonus for the mullet:
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for number three (3) we have john marino (utah hockey club) and i actually have two (2) for him but the first is montana jordan (actor)
i feel like they are reasonably similar (head shape, eyes and eyebrows, hair etc) along with vibes. this is the more accurate out of the two (2) in my opinion
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the other is stephen nedoroscik (olympic gymnast)
i don't really know what to say about this... you see it though right??? like the smile (teeth aside obviously, talking smile lines + squinty eye smile). nose and ears maybe?? idkkkk
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number four (4)!! jt miller (ny rangers <- took everything in me not to put canucks. rip jt) and jensen ackles (actor/singer ig)
again not sure what to say, speak for itself. cause like the hair and beard come onnnn, and their side profile is on point too. but also their personality too. i do think jt and jensen look most alike now, so like they look the most similar when they're older.
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and lastly we got number five (5) andrei svechnikov (carolina hurricanes) and robert sean leonard (actor) (my pookiesss)
if bobby had a beefer, blonder, taller twin it would be andrei. for me it's really the lower half of the face. nose, smile (look at the dimplesss) chin, and idk but like their lips literally same if that's not to weird to say. + the brown beauties (their eye shape is very close i think). these two are probably always on my mind like it's just so much similarities to me (two (2) extra pics for them cause i love them)
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okay that's it, i might do more but i couldn't think of any more considering i did this at 2am lol
i actually really want to know what y'all think too sooooo do that please okay bye bye
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chwrpg · 1 year ago
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BENJAMIN "BENNY" PELEKE. rock star; twenty-one. evan mock. TAKEN.
and, as bill preston once said: “Be excellent to each other!”
What motivated Benjamin— excuse me, Benny Peleke? That being a great question, as the guy was renown for his antics. Benny, being the guy who couldn't stick to a hair color for more than a month, his buzzcut having gone from icy baby blue to it's now often duplicated, pale pink shade. Benny, who threw an impromptu concert on the rooftop of Trax— despite the strict noise code of Rosewood. Benny, who'd commemorated the release of his first album by streaking across the Ravenwood campus. If the answer to the aforementioned question was still escaping you, it was attention. He thrived on attention, and why was that? Benny was the only child of a rock icon. The man's music being synonymous with the words heavy metal, his legendary shaggy mullet having inspired many a mullets back in his heyday, his contributions to rock music having inspired artists in not just that genre but in music as a whole. So being the son of such a legend meant that he had to share his fathers attention with essentially, the world. And whilst his dad did his best to be an active part of Benny's life, he simply couldn't be there all of the time. So with no mother— she having left Benny on his fathers tour bus when he was two years old with nothing to trace back to her, a father who was often too busy... Benny had had quite a lonely childhood. Sure, he'd been well off but so many of his birthdays, graduations, music recitals had been attended by his fathers staff members rather than by the man himself. That sense of abandon developed itself into a wicked habit. He'd do anything to get a reaction from the man and that he definitely did. Whether that was getting into brawls with the pea brained ignoramuses— jocks as they are more commonly referred to, showing up to his classes reeking of marijuana, or being an all around menace, Benny had done it all to elicit some sort of reaction out of his father but with each of his tantrums– his father simply donated money to the school. In fact, there was a whole music hall named after his father at Rosewood Academy for something that's still referred to as that thing Benny did. But despite being a nuisance, Benny was actually quite intelligent. At least when it came to things he cared about, like music. He'd certainly been gifted with his father's ear, but he also had a knack for business. By the time he'd graduated high school, he was already managing several acts, including his best friend, Edwin 'Teddy' LaFuente. But the apple of his eye had always been Penny Lane. The girl had the voice of an angel with a body made for sin. The two had been inseparable, she happily providing him with the attention that no one ever had before. For that reason, when Teddy and himself had needed that thing to push their music— Penny had been the answer. And whilst Teddy had had some reservations, Benny told him to trust him and for what it was worth, he'd been right. With Penny's voice, Teddy's talent and Benny's lyricism and social media savvy, their band had become inescapable. Their songs were suddenly charting, they'd embarked on two multi-city tours, and better yet, his father had invested interest in his endeavor. He'd made him proud, his words exactly. But the good times came to a screeching halt— 'Penny Lane to go Solo' read the headline. The love of his life, the voice of their band had flown the coop.
Given what'd recently transpired in his life, Benny wasn't quite in the mood for a party. He was more than prepared for a sad night in with a pint of ice cream, some more than decent weed he'd scored through Teddy's connect and the Bridget Jones trilogy— apparently a must watch when you felt like your heart had been ripped out of his butthole... at least according to google. So Benny hadn't been in attendance of that evening festivities, his spoon just about to break into his butter pecan ice cream when his front door flew ajar. In his door way stood his best bud, completely out of breath. As he caught his breath, Teddy tried to use his words but they were currently failing him so he simply shoved a piece of paper he'd been holding onto for dear life into his chest. Benny pulled it straight, it having been an ad. An ad, very much like the ones he would post at Trax back in their younger years— seeking bandmates. In fact, that's how Teddy and himself met. He ran his eyes over the content of the page; Cliff Saito was looking for bandmates. The look on Benny's face surely made it clear to Teddy that he had to be pulling his leg. But his best friend insisted that, they had to give this a shot. That perhaps, this flyer had smacked Teddy in the face for a reason. That the universe wanted this Cliff Saito in their lives. And who was Benny to argue with the universe, especially when it'd made his best friend this happy, so he let Teddy know that they would follow through with Cliff. But before that, they were going to sit through three romantic comedies starring Renée Zellweger.
alternate faceclaims and prompts.
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alexthegamingboy · 6 months ago
Toonami Weekly Recap 08/24/2024
Rick and Morty: The Anime EP#02 - Fighting Mother: Rick gets into temporal paradox during his return trip, and eventually leaps to one universe which Morty is still a baby at its time. He encounters Mullet Rick, who is planning to leave this universe. Mullet Rick recognises Rick as Rick C-137 that stealed the device and Smith family from him before. Rick chases and fights Mullet Rick, because he suspects Mullet Rick invented the entropy device to bring in Beth's miserable life and her marriage to Jerry. Mullet Rick denies himself to be the inventor despite used it to reset universes, and he does not want to get involved in further trouble. The inter-dimensional contact leads to their constant shift in space fissure and potential annihilation of the universe presented in form of a growing energy core. The President has to defend invasion from other countries attempting to capture the core, until the core disappears when Rick is convinced to spare Mullet Rick and continue his trip to meet Summer and Morty. Meanwhile, Space Beth successfully intrudes the capital ship of the Galatic Federation fleet, but gets into a trap set up by Tammy, who is resurrected with cyborg parts like Phoenixperson. The two have a tough fight, before the dummy Rick activates self-explosion and the rebels recruited by Space Beth attacks the fleet. Space Beth spares Tammy considering she has family business to catch up with, and successfully escapes. Post-credits scene: Tammy returns home after her duty, and she finds Birdperson and Birddaughter are waiting at the snowy street.
Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc EP#03 (47) - A Sword from Over 300 Years Ago: To Tanjiro's and Kotetsu's disappointment, the sword has rusted. Hotaru, who had undergone solitary training, arrives to restore it. Tanjiro later attempts to befriend Genya but is rebuffed. Gyokko and Hantengu infiltrate the village. Hantengu faces Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Muichiro, who beheads him. Two new demons grow from his body; one of them, Karaku, blasts Muichiro away with his uchiwa, and the other, Sekido, shocks the siblings with his khakkhara. Genya arrives and beheads them with a sawed-off shotgun and a Nichirin wakizashi. However, the demons split again; the winged Urogi carries Tanjiro away and hits him with a sonic shriek, while Nezuko tries to defend Genya from the yari-wielding Aizetsu. In the forest, Muichiro finds Kotetsu being attacked by a fish-like demon. Initially choosing to leave him, he saves Kotetsu after remembering Tanjiro's advice.
-Toonami Rewind Shows-
Sailor Moon EP#18 - Shingo's Love: The Grieving Doll: Zoisite suggests that Nephrite needs his help, but the latter refuses, angering Queen Beryl. Shingo's friend is targeted for her ability to make beautiful dolls. Sailor Moon becomes an increasingly popular super-heroine.
Sailor Moon EP#19 - Usagi's Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask: Nephrite takes advantage of Sailor Moon's romantic attraction to Tuxedo Mask by sending love letters to Usagi and her classmates. Naru falls in love with him in his civilian disguise, allowing him to drain a large amount of her life-force energy.
Slightly Damned Page 1130: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/1130
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goldammerchen · 11 months ago
just like i spoiled a lot of the #postwall project(s?), i'm doing a terrible job resisting the urge to not spoil the #cold boot au (first post), because i keep thinking in a nation-person resenting being one, and his past incarnation as well. doesn't actually believe in the unwritten rules of nation-people, and his state also not knowing about them does not help, at all (bosses/state will go from not trusting him, to making him their special boy, to not trusting him again and try to control every aspect of his life).
besides, as much as he starts as a terrified people pleaser—"literal" neurodivergent "minor", a "baby" country—he snaps at some point, and shows he does have a superiority complex that he was hiding, and that is more willing to fight than he looked like.
other random notes:
looks the same obviously, tries to use different hairstyles—very short during most of the g.dr, with hats, to often partially or entirely dyed, mohawk fade mullet... with hats or beanies during some meetings cuz all the govts hate his dyed hair.
more soft spoken (and not raspy), at first due being constantly nervious, and overall because he isn't as much of a yeller or quarrelsome, with a calmer demeanor even if still energetic.
(the allies thought he was pretending being a new person, or wanted that [insert here spoilers about gil's last days and the period between dying and reviving into a new personality])
has nightmares with gil's memories, thinks that he is somewhere doing it on purpose. he mixes the memories, so he can dream about the crusades, fritz and napoleonic wars, and word wars, back and forth.
afraid of the previous owner of the body "waking up" and erasing him. ro+bul will have to deal with him drunk and scared shitless.
finds tolys very atractive! but tolys doesn't like him (at least not at first), thinking in all the things gilbert did, and thinks [gd.r's human name] is ivan's flunkey/sycophant/minion etc. [name] in reality thinks himself smarter than ivan and, everybody else too.
feliks has so much mixed feelings. glad is not gilbert anymore, to deep down being sad over gil being gone. tries to be nice-ish with the new kid, struggles, and especially will during the first years.
hates being compared to gil, but the more angry he gets the more he is compared.
technically lud's younger brother... [name] being calmer than gil actually will unbalance their previous dynamic: lud has expectations, [name] doesn't know lud and understood him as the enemy for decades. they will clash for subtle reasons and for not so subtle reasons.
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tottymatsuno · 4 months ago
One of these days i wanna actually draw out this whole scene instead of sketching it but dhahsbi talked aboit this w hollie and think their dynamic is rly interesting to watch esp as Touhi ages.
Read more if u dare
So as a preface, these are characters i made for two aus that just kinda became the same au. One of it was a fic I wrote called baby blues, and the other was the "old au" that i previously shared with another person.
The old au was about second chance love when you're an older person/after hitting rock bottom. And it involved a younger design of todomatsu from an episode in s3. Since i couldnt ship with that totty, i decided to recycle his design as my son! However since this was a second chance love story, thematically Todomatsu needed to be a single father of the character, and thus thats how Goonie was created!
So his mother passed away during childbirth, and since irl I'm baby crazy, and was a coworker/unofficial work wife (bc i look eerily similar to his home wife), we end up sleeping w each other a few months after the baby is born for mutually pathetic reasons. Then kinda move in together bc Todomatsu's grieving and very very resentful towards his son to the point where he cant even give the baby a proper name at first. So initially his name is Matsuno Matsumatsu 😭
Anyways thats the big crux of the au. Ive written about Totty's dynamic with Goonie (a nickname i chose for silly reasons i dont care abojt getting into, but its a personal one) where there isn't any grief and its wildly different where theyre mutually loving and cute together as parent and child, which is unfortunately a not relationship theyll ever have jn this au.
When touhi is little hes very sweet and kind and innocent except when hes angry, bc when hes angry he vents all of his frustration about the emotional neglect Todomatsu has specifically for him. And it takes Todomatsu a LONG time to fully get over the loss of his late wife. Like two whole sets of twins later. So totty is kinda openly blaming him the entire relationship
Which makes me spoil him a lot in comparison, which touhi also notices and it makes him even more mad because I'm not as strict with him as everyone else, out of pity so he feels like he's not *really* my son bc of it.
This all comes to a head multiple times when touhis a teenager but i think its more realistic that each time it happens, even if his emotions are validated and accepted, and even if we try to do right by him, that Touhi never receives any closure for it. Eventually he feels even more complex because we do love him, and have apologized to him, but it doesnt really help bc what he wants is to be able to further justify his own poor behavior but can't bc he doesn't have the excuse of "well my parents dont love me and never said sorry"
When we do.
Anyways i always thought touhi would be the only one to inherit tottys delayed puberty, but unlike Todomatsu who began HRT after graduating high school, touhi was considered pretty popular with his age group and suffered no real set backs, and waited until he went thru puberty naturally in his mid 20s.
His relationship mellows out significantly post puberty and post angsty teenage years, esp when Todomatsu transitions. He gets this weird sort of idea that since Todomatsu’s no longer his father, he could be the better version of her since he has the same face.
So he and Chichi, who like. Still thinks he's cool despite him being a fuckboy (Tima sorta hates his guts for it tho bc she basically sees it as if hes using his generally happy upbringing as an excuse to be a slut and play around with his peers feelings for literally no reason and tbh shes right for it but i cant judge bc hes my son and i support him right or wrong) are like. Both trying to be cooler than Todomatsu.
So Todomi or whichever name i settled on kinda just side eyes them, and this rly breaks both of their confidence in the matter since Touhi later realizes his mullet really was stupid and Chichi wears those big ass dorky glasses and they both actually really respected and was influenced by Totty's style when she was all dressed up.
Anyways Touhi grows up kinds being in between being a silly cutie, and actually succeeding with the whole heart-breaker thing Todomatsu tried to do around his age.
I get the feeling tho he's not gonna ever claim any kids he does happen to have in the future, and cant see him getting married, but he'd definitely be a fun uncle.
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You all must click my uncropped and quickly done sketches of my children to understand her headache. Here they are thru out the years.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years ago
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— thirst tweets + katsuki bakugou.
hey so your husband bakugou does buzzfeeds thirst tweet interview and uncovers something hilarious from your old fan account. kinda crack? mostly fluff and a little suggestive !! hence MDNI 18+.
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like say he’s on some promotional tour abroad, he’s bee invited to some fashion week or something and they decide to invite him on since fans have been hounding for katsuki do it it for years— so he finally agrees to do it.
it’s early morning when they film, the earliest they could get him in to shoot the video before whatever other promos he has to do on his schedule so katsuki is only half awake and dressed as comfortably as can be. his hair sticks to his forehead, grey hoodie pulled over his head and a coffee in one hand even though he hates the taste but he wants some fucking energy for hell his fans want him to endure.
“let’s get this fuckin’ thing over with shall we?” bakugou grunts as the camera starts rolling, taking a long exaggerated sip of his drink as if to mentally prepare. “the name’s katsuki bakugou ‘n i’m reading your thirst tweets. whores— do i get fuckin’ therapy after this?”
the tweets mostly start off tame, a few comments about how cute bakugou is when he laughs, how his admirers would give up their whole lives for him. the typical stuff in which the pro hero only responds with. “lame. where’s the good shit, i wanna see how nasty you lot can be.” he laughs, ruby eyes drifting over more of the screenshots production had lined him up with. “pro heroes don’t deserve to be sexualised but i want you all to know i’d let pro hero dynamight with a mullet tear my shit up.” he reads the next one with a smirk, pulling back his hood to toy with his growing blonde locks. “should i be growin’ my shit back?”
from here, things start to get progressively worse— bakugou putting the phone down from time to time so he can through his head back in deep laughter, mumbling things like ‘this is so fucked up!’ ‘nah, these guys are fuckin’ nasty.’ ‘can somebody get this on a t-shirt?’ and he’s absolutely having the time of his life filming and reading out his fans’ dirty tweets.
“i’d like to thank whatever god let me be alive at the same time as katsuki bakugou,” he repeats the next tweet out loud, spreading his thighs to sit back in his seat. “i’m your god. ya should be thankin’ me.” the next tweet makes his brows furrow. “i would plaster my bussy on the sidewalk for dynamight— what’s a bussy?”
a few more roll by and the video is almost over but katsuki bakugou damn near loses his mind at the grande finale. “‘if i ever get the chance, i’m gonna make sure that katsuki bakugou, pro hero, aged twenty three, gets the most toe curling, life threatening heart stopping head and then I’ll let him sit on my face with that fat ass of his until i can no longer breathe.” bakugou’s face turns bright red, a snort tearing though his throat as he reads the handle ‘bakugouscumdumpster01’ and then the name of the handler too. “holy fuckin’ shit…where did you guys find this? do you know who this is? this is my wife’s account.”
he would recognise your name anywhere, the way you type and text is still the same as it was five years ago before he met you and gave you the bakugou name. the tweets on the rest of your account are funny, lusting after other pro heroes but most are dedicated to your husband katsuki. the blonde knows the editors will have to cut all of this footage out later but he can’t help but scroll through your tweets and replies under his old tweets from earlier on in his hero career— mentions of how proud you are of him, how much you love him.
and five years later nothing has really changed. you still adore him all the same.
“‘m gonna call her, just you wait. this’ll make good fuckin’ television.” katsuki wonders how much of his cursing they’ll have to censor out when it comes down to editing as he taps your number, smiling when your face flashes up during the dial tone until you pick up.
“hi baby, aren’t you shooting right now?”
your voice fills his heart with joy, beating loud in his chest he’s afraid the cameras might pick up the sound. “i am baby, missed ya though.” there’s a smile on that heart, big and proud when you giggle through the phone and tell him you missed him too— asking him what he needs, if he’s okay, caring about him tenderly in your special way. he hates to ruin it— by reading out the most dirty, disgusting thing you’ve ever said. katsuki repeats your tweet word for word, listening to how you go silent the more he talks. “so does this coupon expire…or?”
you whine, and bakugou knows if you were you would be slapping his chest right now even though you both know he can’t feel it through his big tits (you’ve also tweeted this). “kats! t-that was before i met you!” you squeal, voice trembling with embarrassment— sending his heart into overdrive. you’re so sweet you could give him a toothache. “ohmygod, it’s gonna be in the video. i’m gonna scream, i’m gonna—“
“you sure you’ll be able to do that while yer givin’ me life threatenin’ head, baby?” dynamight rasps, angling the phone at the camera. they might have to cut this too, but he doesn’t care, still being able to fluster his wife is his favourite thing. “c’mon sweets, for the camera?”
you’re quiet for a moment, probably still sulking that your old thirsts for your husband are being uncovered for his amusement. “i’ll give you more than just life-threatening head, kats. just wait until you get home.” you purr through the speaker, voice dropping an octave and katsuki can practically see the way you would look up at him, through your lashes, lips between your teeth. god, he could die. “love you honey.”
and with that, you end the call— the tone ringing out through the set, leaving a flustered bakugou in your wake in front of bright lights and rolling cameras. “i think that’s a wrap?” one of the producers says, snapping dynamight from his thirsty, thirsty thoughts.
“uh…yeah, ‘m katsuki bakugou ‘n this has been reading your thirst tweets.” bakugou grunts bashfully, with a soft smirk on his face, only imagining what nasty acts you’re going to do when he’s done with promotions.
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reggieservices · 2 years ago
hey can what would the bowers gang be like/act like on the first day of school since my first day of school is today
Bowers Gang on the First Day of School
A/n y'all i KNOW i've been slackin but cut me some i'm depressed alright LETS GO ALSO omg i hope your first day goes amazingly have fun<3
Henry Bowers
∆ Boy rolls up w a mullet, wife beater, and hawaiian shorts
∆ He might have forgotten his back pack but its okay
∆ quirked up on some pre and monster, hears half of what the teacher is saying
∆ wears ratty vans for the entire school year (Vic is begging him to buy new shoes)
∆ Makes fun of the Band Kids as they walk by
∆ hes the guy you see climbing trees during lunch while the teachers scream at him to get down
∆ An insane feat, some how managed to get detention of the first day of school, someone call the Guinness Book of World Records
Patrick Hockstetter
∆ Simply did not show up
∆ His ass slept through 10 alarms and 24 missed calls from Vic💀
∆ But on the SECOND DAY, he's got the drippiest school supplies ong
∆ Rolling up with transformer folders and a Paw Patrol backpack
∆ Always has the most obscure tshirts on, things like "I did NOT evade the IRS on Wednesday August 17th 1984"
∆ Offbrand adidas shoes are held together by duct tape (Vic is fighting for his LIFE)
∆ bullies every. Single. Freshman.
∆ Seriously, the moment he sees a twitchy little kid he is yanking them by the backpack so they fall
∆ Buys everything on the school lunch menu
∆ type of guy to drink 7 milk cartons in a row and somehow not vomit
Vic Criss
∆ dressed for success baby
∆ Seriously, he took "first impressions last" to a WHOLE nother level
∆ made his mom go back to school shopping with him
∆ Got new planners, high lighters, binders, everything
∆ and before you ask, yes, he does have all new clothes that fit every pinterest board you could ever DREAM OF
∆ If a fashion icon, nobody knows where he got such rad style in such a shit small town
Reggie Huggins
∆ Picks up all the boys in the Trans Am, naturally (leave patrick)
∆ Compliments Vic on his clothes choice, makes no remarks to Henry
∆ Wouldnt have dressed up himself, but his mom made him wear a nice polo shirt for the "special occasion"
∆ She forced Reggie to stand still and smile he looked like a kindergartener i love him sm i cant
∆ I am a firm believer that she still writes little notes in his lunch box telling him to have a good day
∆ bought all of his supplies from the dollar store
∆ "Its not being cheap Vic its being sustainable."
∆ Tries preventing Henry from fighting, at least for the first day
∆ After this day its Free Bird baby
Hi im back but not for long I'm in my Donnie Darko era bye bye love you all😍
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