#stiles stilinski */ MISCHIEF
the thing that gets me most about sterek is it's a guy who's been hunted for all his life and blames himself for his family's death, who is fundamentally unsafe because of what he was born as, finding safety with someone who'd probably bite someone if they looked at him wrong
conversely, it's this guy who forced himself into a sort of pseudo parental role for everyone around him (including his own father), who's been so intensely terrified about everyone's well being that he has multiple, ONSCREEN panic attacks about it, trusting this guy, with probably THE highest ratio of screen time to mortal peril, to be entirely fine, even to the point where in the episode where every other main character is grieving Derek in some capacity, it doesn't really seem like stiles thinks he's dead?? he's not,,, but that's WILD
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aaruaalislost · 1 year
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i just found an old sketch of Stiles that i still really really like
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takaraphoenix · 25 days
Announcing: Mischief Mondays!
Who is fully obsessed with Stiles and has no self-control whatsoever? Me!
So when I was hyperfixating on Detective Conan/Magic Kaito in 2022, I did this fun little project I called Magic Mondays. Because I was overflowing with plotbunnies. Weekly, short-ish (between 1k and 3k) oneshots... resulting in a total of 69 stories within a year.
As I am coming off a 31 day long daily writing event that I entirely dedicated to Stiles, I already have 11 documents with story notes in my WIP folder.
But I am, in fact, only human and the amount of things I posted in August was not normal and can not be kept up. So I'm returning to a more manageable updating schedule, which puts my multiple chapter fics onto a rotation on Saturdays, and has me posting oneshots on Wednesdays. Both of which may easily be delayed by a week at times due to the fact that I am a working adult with a life outside of fandom (shocker, I know).
However. As I am possessed by Stiles, I've decided to weed out the many, many ideas I have for Stiles into longer oneshots (for Wednesdays) and shorter oneshots, for Mondays.
So, coming to an AO3 near you starting this coming Monday: Mischief Mondays!
One guaranteed, short-ish (again, that is between 1k and 3k) Stiles-centric fic every Monday.
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theslowestpoke · 15 days
Another day, another stisaac au:
Biker Gang Boyfriends
Scott, Derek, Stiles, Isaac, Allison, Lydia, Erica, Boyd, Cora, and Danny are all in the crew
Jackson has an open invitation but he refuses to ride with them because he has a lot of internalized hatred and doesn't believe they want him there (he comes around eventually)
Everyone has matching leather jackets, although Lydia's is red
They're the kind of biker gang that looks really scary, but they only ever rally to do community service-type activities and scare off homophobic funeral protestors
Scott, Stiles, and Isaac met in school when they were young and Stiles told his dad all about the new friend he made with the big leopard spots that always moved around. The sheriff paid a visit to the Lahey house with a child services officer and Isaac ended up going to live with a foster family, the Hales.
Derek and Cora will fight anyone who insinuates Isaac is not their real brother.
Everyone's jacket has their nickname stitched into the back. Stiles is Mischief, Isaac is Mayhem. Stiles has his own bike, but he always rides with Isaac anyway. Isaac isn't complaining, but everyone else boos at them before kicking off.
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outtoshatter · 4 months
Mischief Monday! (you'll never guess who this is, also it's a triple drabble, #sorrynotsorry)
“So when you said ‘some dipshit summoned a giant goo monster’...” Derek was thankful for the cowl’s blankness since it was taking a lot of effort to keep his expression neutral as he watched neon green slime ooze off of Stiles into a steadily growing puddle. “Did you think it was metaphorical?” Stiles swiped a hand futilely over his face. “You tend to embellish.” “Embellish your face,” Stiles muttered, stepping onto the ramp. Derek shifted to fully block the entrance and crossed his arms over his chest. “You are not bringing that mess onto my plane.” “Are you kidding me?” Stiles flung his arms out, dislodging several large blobs of slime that fell to the ground with loud splats. “I don’t kid.” “First of all,” goo squelched between Stiles’s knuckles as he held up one finger, “bullshit. Second of all,” he held up another finger, “I’ve met the little gremlins you work with, and there is no way this is worse than the shit they’ve tracked into one of your fancy-ass vehicles.” “And yet,” Derek said flatly, not moving. “Oh, come on!” Stiles threw up his hands in frustration. A chunk of slime arced off of his fingers and splattered wetly against Derek’s face. Luckily, the cowl caught most of it. Unluckily, the rest got him in the jaw, sliding cold and viscous down his neck. “Uh. That was an accident,” Stiles said, wide-eyed. Derek wordlessly stepped backwards and shut the hatch. “Seriously?!” he heard Stiles yelling over the cameras. “Hey! Open up!” Safely out of sight, Derek allowed himself a smile as he sat down and wiped off the slime, adding a little extra time to how long he would wait to open the door when Stiles smacked a hand against the hull, leaving behind a sticky green handprint.
- a totally anonymous person who you will NEVER EVER GUESS (i hope your evening gets better <3)
The best mischief!!!
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camellcat · 1 year
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dunno if it really fits them but the thought won't leave my brain so here's a doodle
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strangerstilinski · 5 months
Helo- void stiles. That is all 🖤
mhm yes yes yes you’re so right!
i would let him twist that blade in my guts not gonna lie to u.. void stiles was legendary and i will actually never stop being insane for him
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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You Left Me
A house needed a foundation to build on and so did their pack but by the time Stiles got the pack to listen, they all blamed him. He didn’t understand why but during one pack meeting they pointed out how all of their problems somehow connected to Stiles. Stiles panicked because in truth he was the one who saved them time and time again. So how was he at fault?
AO3 Link
Stiles didn’t know where he was going as he ran through the forest. All he knew was he couldn’t go back. Home wasn’t home anymore as evidenced by the way his friends couldn’t stand to look at him. He thought he could stay and ignore how they avoided him, but he gave up after a week. The final straw, the reason behind him running through the forest, was a fight with Scott. He felt tears stream down his cheeks as he thought back on the conversation they had less than an hour ago.
✠ 🐾 ✠
“I don’t know what more you want from me Scott!” he shouted.
“I don't want anything from you. I don’t want you around,” Scott shouted back.
Stiles froze and his eyes narrowed. “Seriously? I haven’t done anything wrong. I defended myself. You know that, and I’ve already resigned myself to being ignored by all of you. I don’t know what else you want me to do.”
“You can leave. You can stop filling the halls with the scent of sadness and hurt. You brought this on yourself. You’re not allowed to walk the halls trying to make us feel bad for wanting nothing to do with you. This is all your fault. You can’t blame us for defending ourselves from you. I mean we know what happened to Allison and then Donovan. Who’s to say Lydia’s not next? Or Isaac? Or Danny? Or Jackson? It’s like the Nogitsune never left!” Scott yelled with a growl.
“Allison wasn’t my fault, Scott. That was all him. I fought—”
Scott snarled. “Don’t lie, Stiles. You killed her and you loved it. Stop using him as an excuse for how fucked up you are! Leave! If I see you again after tonight, I will kill you,” he spat.
Stiles felt his heart shatter. When he looked up again and saw that Scott was serious, he turned and ran.
✠ 🐾 ✠
The blood pounding in his ears snapped him back to the present. His shirt was soaked through from the downpour. It was late into the night and he didn’t know where to go or what to do. Why should he keep going? His dad intercepted a robber while he was off duty one night and was killed. His dad was dead and he had nothing and no one left.
Beacon Hills had been Stiles’s only home since he was born. It was eighteen, almost nineteen, years later and that was still the case. Through all the clashes with various supernatural beings over the years their small pack stayed strong but it was also fractured. Stiles did his best to mend the cracks in the foundation but it was almost impossible when they didn’t have one to begin with.
A house needed a foundation to build on and so did their pack but by the time Stiles got the pack to listen, they all blamed him. He didn’t understand why but during one pack meeting they pointed out how all of their problems somehow connected to Stiles. Stiles panicked because in truth he was the one who saved them time and time again. So how was he at fault?
Everyone had ignored him for some fault they found in him. Stiles knew their reasons were meritless, but it hurt so bad. He stopped caring. When he tripped on a root and crashed to the ground he didn’t bother even getting up. He just laid on the ground letting the tears stream down his face. He was so tired. He was tired of being alone, ignored, blamed, and a part of him was tired of living. It was a downhill slide from then on. Stiles closed his eyes, curled up into a ball on the forest floor and drifted off.
He woke with a start, his eyes wide as he tried to get his bearings. He wasn’t outside anymore and he looked down to see himself in dry clothes. He wondered how that happened as he looked around the space he found himself in. It seemed like a small cabin but he didn’t remember any cabins in the forest, and he would remember if there had been one because he’d grown up exploring every inch of it. He rubbed his eyes and blinked several times but the scenery didn’t change.
He looked at his hands and counted. 1, 2, 3…all the way up to 10 to prove to himself that he was indeed awake. He was cold and pulled the blanket closer around him. Wait! He looked at the blanket and then took a deep breath in through his nose. When the scent filled his nostrils it threw him into a pile of memories.
✠ 🐾 ✠
“Mischief!” a boy called out to him.
Stiles beamed and hurried over. “Hi, Theodorable!” he said giggling.
✠ 🐾 ✠
“Mischief? Did you ask your mom?”
Stiles nodded and held up a sleeping bag. “She said we can sleep in the tree house!”
✠ 🐾 ✠
“Happy Birthday dear Mischiefffffff! Happy Birthday to you!” Theo laughed and handed Stiles his gift.
Stiles gasped and squealed. “How’d you get his autograph?!” He threw himself at Theo and beamed.
✠ 🐾 ✠
“Don’t worry, Theo! I brought all your favorites. Movie night is on!” Stiles cheered
Theo curled up under the blanket. “You’re the best, Mischief.”
✠ 🐾 ✠
“Hello?” Stiles said quietly as he entered the house. He looked around at the now empty building. His breath caught and he teared up. “No! Where’d you go?” he cried out before searching the entire house, finding no one and nothing. He went outside and collapsed on the porch steps sniffling. “Theo.”
✠ 🐾 ✠
Stiles’s eyes snapped open and he looked around again. “Theo?” he whispered.
“Hey, Mischief,” a voice to his right said quietly.
Stiles whipped his head in the direction of the voice and came face to face with a guy his age. He was gorgeous and Stiles blushed lightly taking in the blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled jawline (unlike Scott’s crooked one), and the smile. “H-Hi,” he replied quietly. He was struggling to hold back tears when he heard his childhood nickname spoken for the first time in years. Only his mother and Theo had been allowed to call him Mischief. Stiles didn’t realize how much he missed hearing that name.
Theo gestured to the couch. “May I sit?”
Stiles nodded and went to move his feet but Theo simply lifted them, sat down, and let them rest on his lap.
“You had me worried.” Stiles quirked an eyebrow and Theo continued. “I found you. Your lips were blue and when I touched you, you were so cold. I did my best to warm you up but I was scared I’d lost you,” he whispered and started rubbing small circles on Stiles‘s ankle with his thumb.
Stiles melted at the touch and looked down. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I just had to leave. I guess if dying was truly my goal, I could’ve just stayed and let him kill me.”
Theo growled low at that but with a bemused look from Stiles, he cleared his throat. “Who?”
“Scott,” Stiles replied in barely a whisper.
Theo didn’t stop his growl this time. “He threatened you?”
Stiles nodded.
Stiles shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just say I can’t go home anymore. Once I’m warmed up, I’ll get out of your hair too.”
Theo frowned and shook his head. “No. You’re not bothering me and I wouldn’t have brought you here if I wanted you to disappear.”
“But you disappearing is just fine?” Stiles asked, meeting Theo’s gaze.
“I—” Theo started but sighed. He swallowed thickly, struggling to speak with the lump of emotion lodged in his throat. “I didn’t want to leave. I was forced to. They threatened you. So, I left, but I kept an eye on you as best I could. Once I was old enough to deal with them myself, I did so.”
Theo nodded. “There was nothing that would ever stop me from coming back to you. I can back to you, came back for you, Bambi. I’m here.”
“Now you’re here?”
Theo nodded and met Stiles’s gaze with utmost sincerity. “I’m here.”
Stiles tilted his head, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of the blanket. “For how long?”
“As long as you want me here.”
“So, forever?”
“Is that what you want?”
Stiles swallowed and nodded before averting his gaze. “Yeah,” he admitted in barely a whisper.
Theo moved closer, his hand sliding up to grip Stiles’s thigh, the touch grounding them both. “Then I’ll never leave you again.”
“Never ever.”
“Promise?” Stiles inquired, leaning closer, unaware he was doing so but not pulling back nonetheless.
Theo shook his head, stopping just short of kissing the amber eyed man. “I promise.”
Stiles closed the remaining distance between their lips and sighed into the kiss, finally finding what had been missing all these years and vowing to never let go of Theo, to never let go of his happiness, ever again.
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havvkinsqueen · 8 months
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---☁︎。⋆。 "So, Valentine's Day?" @sarcasticsnackpack
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I can’t find the black star but ⭐️?
Stuart Stilinski (Teen Wolf): Stuart was “arrested” at the age of ten. What actually happened was he was messing around on the home computer and accidentally did a denial of service attack. His dad, not wanting him to start down a more criminal route, decided to put him in one of the brighter cells for ten minutes. The ensuing sulk lasted about a week of Stuart not talking to him, with Stiles and Stephie teasing him/trying to comfort him.
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stiles eats rocks regularly send post
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patolemus · 5 months
Sterek fic recs: High School AU Edition
In honor of my conversation with @darling-winnie about same age!Sterek, as well as my promise to @oldefashioned, here are some high school au recs!
1. Double Cherries (And 'Extra' Hoodies) by undercoverbastard
“No, no - wait - don’t tell me,” Stiles suddenly said, leaning forward and grinning at the boy directly on his right, eyes gleaming with joy and mischief as he spoke. “You want… a salmon burger, swiss, with fruit, and a vanilla shake. Eh?”
Derek scowled, shoving his menu at Stiles as he slumped back. “No,” he said plainly. Stiles pouted.
“Too bad! That’s what I’m penning you in for, Eyebrows,” Stiles said, scribbling on his notepad as he stood and began to walk away. Derek huffed, opening his mouth to give Stiles his actual order, but the only word he got out was ‘I’ before Stiles waved him off without even looking back at Derek or down at the notepad, stride unbroken, as he recited:
“Double cheeseburger, half swiss, half cheddar, no pickles, curly fries, side honey mustard, strawberry milkshake, extra thick, double cherries.”
OR: alive hale family, alive claudia, and high school friends stiles/derek - all wrapped into one, based on a joke from a TV show i watched when i was 7, and then got wildly out of control!
Notes: adorable, I love their banter and the conection they have. Alive!Hale family is always such a treasure, and Claudia and Talia's friendship is great here. It's completed.
2. i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleepobleep
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he's not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he's ever wanted— except he doesn't seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
Notes: Derek is not having a good time. Pookie just wants to be with his best friend but it turns out they're not best friends anymore and the world doesn't make sense because of it. A little angsty but it all works out. It's completed.
3. Don't Kiss and Tell by Hedwig221b
Paige has finally got the boyfriend she always wanted. The only thing is, said boyfriend doesn't touch her, doesn't kiss her and spends all his time with Stiles Stilinski. You'd think they were dating, or something...
Notes: When I tell you I go feral for this au every single time I read it! Hedwig has the best unhinged obsessive sterek fics and I'll swear on that, don't even try to change my mind. Poor Paige is definitely being led on here, and both Derek and Stiles are assholes in this one, but they're in love and they're completely devoted to each other, so it's okay (I know it doesn't make sense now, but it will. Trust). It's completed.
4. But Then What... by Stoney
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
Notes: Typical Jock/Nerd enemies to lovers only it's Stiles being incredibly paranoid and angsty all of the time lol. They both had me shaking my head because my babies truly don't know how to communicate, but we got there! Eventually. It's completed.
5. Just The Same by foxlavander
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There's just no way Derek Hale is human. *** “I was wondering if you're even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it's ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It's unfair for us. I mean, it's obvious you work out, and I don't, so that could be why, but like...I was just wondering if you were human, that's all.” “Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—” “Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can't threaten him with shit.
Notes: This one is so good. Stiles is onto you, Derek! But seriously, they're so awesome in this one. And Derek bakes and he wants to open up a bakery and it's adorable. I love them and I love the Hales, everything is great. Look out for the werewolf reveal! It's completed.
6. The In Which Stiles Is Secretly Magic series by apocryphal
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
Notes: The lore for magic users in here is honestly so good. Love the world building! The Hales are alive in this one as well, which for me is always a plus. A little bit (maybe more than a little bit) angsty but it ends well. There's a few things going on, but basically Stiles is basically Deaton's apprentice and there are Rules(TM) he has to follow as a magic user. He's pretty badass though! The series is technically not finished, but both parts in the series are completed.
7. cheer up, babe by graveltotempo
He was the basketball captain. And he was a cheerleader. Can I make it any more clear? OR: Derek Hale thought he had his crush on Stiles Stilinski under control. And then Stiles decided to show up to school in a skirt.
Notes: Derek spends all 20k words thirsting over Stiles, as he should. Stiles gets to wear a skirt and be generally awesome. They are disgustingly sweet together.
8. Made Your Mark on Me (A Golden Tattoo) by writteninthewolfstar
Beacon Hills High and Lycan Heights High are well-known enemies. Derek Hale, Lycan Heights' star quarter-back, is well-known for being aggressive and arrogant. Imagine Stiles surprise when he discovers that Derek Hale is actually his soul-mate.
Notes: This one is very sweet. There's insecure Stiles and absolutely lovely Derek. It's abo with Omega!Stiles and Alpha!Derek, and it's actually pretty wholesome. Derek is like public enemy number one of BHHS and a jock, Stiles is a loner, and when they turn out to be soulmates they have to navigate what that means for it. It has 13 out of 14 chapters, last updated in March of 2024.
9. too busy being yours to fall for somebody else by whiry
Stiles, worried that Scott may actually leave him behind because of his newfound popularity, is desperate to cling to something away from the drama of Lydia Martin's amazing parties and the woes of high school lacrosse. What he finds is Derek Hale, a guy who seemingly hates Stiles at first, but slowly, and insistently, becomes friends with him. As their friendship grows, Stiles starts to wonder if they could ever become something more or if pushing what they have will lead him to being alone for good.
Notes: Also very sweet! It's strangers to friends to lovers, and Stiles falls out of love with Lydia without even realizing because he's fallen in love with Derek. The Hales are alive in this one, yay! The way sterek bonds over music is also so good! It's completed.
10. Stupid Over You by Wolfspurr
It's a Friday night, and instead of enjoying any of the numerous things he'd rather be doing, Stiles has been roped into dinner with his dad at the Hale's. On the plus side, Derek Hale will be there. On the minus side, Derek Hale will be there, and Stiles already has a hard enough time not making an ass of himself in front of the hottest guy in school. There's no way this can end well.
Notes: Overall amazing fic! Stiles is his oblivious awkward self that we all know and love, Derek is completely smitten with him. All this wrapped up in a dinner with the Hales and the Stilinskis. That's it, that's the fic. It's completed.
11. Six Minutes by CosmoKid
“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves. Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.” That makes Derek smirk, but it’s so condescending that even Harris would be impressed. “No offense, Kitten,” Derek starts and Stiles just narrows his eyes at the nickname. Derek keeps his eyes trained on Stiles as if to dare him to challenge the nickname. Stiles bites his tongue and resists it. “But you’re not really my type.”
Notes: This is not your typical high school au, but it's a nice change of pace. It's got werewolves, which we love, and bad boy Derek. Stiles stood no chances lol. It's completed.
12. The covalent bonds series by HaldFizzbin
Awkward Nerd Derek has been crushing on Handsome Jock Stiles since forever—so getting paired with him on a Chemistry project is definitely the best/worst thing that's ever happened to him.
Notes: I went on a little Nerd!Derek and Jock!Stiles fixation the other day so here we have it. Derek is awkward and funny and insecure and we love him. Stiles is Stiles, and he's awesome. The series is not finished, but all the parts of the series are complete.
13. It's Always Been You, Dumbass by stilinskisparkles
“Alright, cool, we should go,” Stiles says breezily, dusting off his hands as he stands. “We should?” “Yeah!” “But… Do you even care about photography?” “Not as much as I should,” Stiles plants both his hands on the table, bracketing Derek in, “You’ll have to correct my miscreant ways.”
Notes: Stiles is helplessly pining, Derek is painfully oblivious and the absolute last to find out. Somehow, they still go on like three dates together. It's pretty great, and it's completed.
14. can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time? by whirl
There's something strange about Beacon Hills. Stiles can't really put his finger on it, but the way certain classmates look at him at school and the way certain adults look at him in the grocery store has him curious. And it's not the sort of pitying looks that his mom's coworkers used to give him, but these ones are longer, more searching, like they're looking for something. Not to mention the weird noises that sometimes come from the woods when he runs, too human to be animal and too animal to be human. Plus the way the Hales have seemed to sequester themselves to the wild and give Stiles serious Cullen family vibes. But Stiles, like everyone else apparently, ignores it. Until it becomes too great to ignore and he has to investigate for himself and find out what is actually going on in Beacon Hills. +++ Or, the one where Stiles and Derek meet, hate each other, slowly get to know one another, and fall totally head over heels for each other all while avoiding curious classmates, an angry ex-girlfriend, and, oh yeah, imminent death.
Notes: This one is kinda crazy but in a good way! It's 120k words long so be prepared for that, and Stiles finds out about werewolves. Derek, pookie, I'm rooting for you all the way! Also Cora, my beloved. I adore her. Stiles is pretty confused all the time for a while there. It's completed.
15. scary stories and roasted goods by graveltotempo
“I have more, you know?” grumbled Jackson, clearing his throat. “Okay, fine. Here’s another; a man goes is staying at a hotel for the weekend. On his way to his room, he notices a door with no number on it-” “An albino woman with white skin and red eyes committed suicide in that room years ago,” finished Erica, inspecting her nails with a smirk. “We know that too.” “A babysitter goes to put two children to sleep in their room and notices a large creepy clown statue in the corner-” he tried again. “Get out of the house, we don’t have a clown statue,” said Allison, tried to hide a laugh at the flustered expression on Jackson’s face. “Two roommates in a room. Sarah says that she wants to go to a party and Mary wants to stay home-” “Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn the lights on?” said Derek, and Stiles laughed, looking at him with sparkling eyes. OR the cheerleading squad, the lacrosse team and the basketball team go camping.
Notes: Another cheerleader!Stiles and Jock!Derek. I love them your honor. It's all very sweet and Derek pines as he ought to do lol. Don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's completed.
That's all I have for this one. I probably have more in my TBR but I guess we'll find out. If I ever get there. My sterek TBR only ever grows and I never seem to be able to finish fics as fast as I find them lol. Hope you guys like these!
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
A Midsummer Night's Mischief
Tags: m/m, Erica Lives, Boyd Lives, Jackson Doesn't Leave, magic, curses, fluff, m/f
Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Boyd/Erica, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd III, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Allison Argent
@writersmonth Prompts: fairy + stage
Summary: A traveling production of A Midsummer Night's Dream comes to town. Only that it's all fairies and they leave the town, and the pack, cursed to only tell the truth.
This Fic on FFNet | This Fic on AO3
A Midsummer Night's Mischief
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
It was supposed to be a fun night out for the pack. A traveling production of A Midsummer Night's Dream had come to visit a few days ago and Stiles was eager to see the premiere. When he noticed that Lydia, Allison and Boyd were just as on board with it as him, he decided this should be a whole pack outing. Scott was on board when he saw how much Stiles and Allison were looking forward to it. Isaac seemed indifferent but okay with going. Erica and Jackson were the ones fighting him the most on it, until Stiles used his secret super power – somehow, inexplicably, being able to convince their Alpha to do most reasonable things (not everything, but somehow Stiles was the best at convincing Derek) – and once Derek put his foot down and gave that commanding Alpha growl, Erica and Jackson gave in. And so, that Friday, the pack prettied themselves up to go to the theater.
Stiles loved that, wearing a suit, seeing his pack look all fancy too. Lydia had taken everyone shopping so they would have appropriate attire – even though this wasn't some big theater, it still felt nice, sophisticated in a way they never got to be. Allison looked stunning in her silver dress and Scott had actually run into the entrance door because he had failed to take his eyes off his girlfriend. Lydia wore green, coordinated with Jackson whose dress-shirt matched her dress. Erica's dress was tight, purple and sparkly, while Boyd had a purple handkerchief in his breast pocket to match his girlfriend. Looking at the three couples, Stiles tried not to think about the fact that him and Derek were both wearing red. It wasn't a secret that red was Stiles' favorite color, and of course did the Alpha wear red. Just a coincident. A coincident that made Stiles blush.
It was supposed to be a great night, them just having fun with something different for a change – instead of training or running or fighting monsters or just sitting in the Hale House to watch movies together. Naturally, Stiles didn't get a fun, fancy night with his pack. No, the actors on stage turned out to all be fairies. Seelies and pixies and trickster sprites. The night ended in a magic prank.
By the time the pack was filing back into the Hale House, they were all arguing. The fairy curse was one that made people speak the truth, but not just the truth, an unfiltered truth, because normally, people still had the option to not speak instead of saying the truth. Ironically enough, Stiles was the one the least affected by that curse. He generally didn't lie around the pack anyway because what was the point of lying with a bunch of living lie detectors, and he's never had a brain-to-mouth-filter to begin with. It was his pack who were really suffering.
It had started innocent and funny enough because Scott just started listing every single thing he loved about Allison, like literally every single thing. Which, admittedly, did get annoying by the time they got back home. Then Erica and Boyd started fighting, because Boyd admitted he hated her new shampoo, it made his nose itch, and Erica got upset that he never just said things like this he just smiled and wanted to please his girlfriend. Lydia and Jackson were in a full on discussion about The Notebook, why, Stiles had no idea, those two had a really weird relationship with that movie. Things stopped being funny with Isaac though, because the blonde puppy blurted out that he thought of Derek as a father and that he was so afraid that he shouldn't, that that wasn't how he should look at his Alpha even though Derek was his guardian but Derek was only his guardian because he was his Alpha – and it really hurt Stiles to hear the panic in Isaac's voice.
They were all forced to be brutally honest, even about things they weren't ready to admit. Because on its own, it was nice to hear Isaac admit that, Stiles could even see the pride on Derek's face and it made Stiles feel all fuzzy and warm. Isaac's panic about it had the opposite effect.
"Okay, so we have to figure out what kind of curse this is," Stiles cut through the bickering. "If we do, we can break it. Fairy magic is usually a type of bargain."
And with that, Stiles fell into a rambling rant about fairy magic, culture and bargains. Fascinating topic, he had hyperfixated on it during the summer. He was glad it paid off, as most of his supernatural related hyperfixations did. Yay, his ADHD. He got about two minutes into his rant.
"Stiles," Derek growled. "Shut up."
That didn't just shut Stiles up, it also shut the pack up. They all looked at their Alpha startled. It had been months since Derek last told Stiles to shut up, not since Stiles had joined the pack officially. Because Derek actually valued Stiles' opinions, knew that Stiles usually had the solution to whatever problem there was, heck, the Alpha had even learned how to filter through the rambling for the important information. It wasn't that Stiles was insecure, necessarily, but… he had been told to shut up all his life, he was so used to people being annoyed by his rambling, he was used to it… and now he'd kind of gotten used to the pack actually valuing his opinions and letting him ramble on, even when it was completely random and unrelated, just because they knew he needed to ramble, just because they knew he cared. That was what pack meant. So it hurt, a lot, to hear Derek growl at him again to shut up, like he used to before they were pack.
"Right," Stiles cleared his throat. "Sorry. Focus. I know it's annoying-"
"No," Derek growled again, this time in frustration. "It's not annoying! You're not annoying."
Stiles stared at him in confusion. "Then… why would you tell me to shut up?"
"Because it makes me want to kiss you," Derek ground his teeth together, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the floor, away from Stiles. "You're so passionate and enthusiastic and I love the way your interests make your eyes sparkle, it makes them look like liquid amber instead of their warm brown, and when you figure something out and smile I just want to kiss you."
"Oh, finally," Lydia groaned, leaning her head back. "I thought we would have to watch the sad, mutual pining until we graduate high school, this was getting painful to watch."
"Ma—aybe we should leave them to it," Boyd suggested when their Alpha growled. "Let's go, everybody, give our Alphas a little privacy."
"Privacy is overrated I want to see them kiss, babe," Erica pouted.
She still let her boyfriend pull her along though. The pack left the room, Boyd dragging both Erica and Isaac along, while Allison herded Scott and Lydia ustairs, Jackson being the only one who very eagerly fled all on his own muttering about how he so did not need to see this, all of them heading upstairs, until just Derek and Stiles were left. The curse should make Stiles blurt out all kinds of things too, but his brain wasn't working yet, it had come to a full stop. He just stared at Derek.
"Say something," Derek's voice was near pleading. "Anything at all. You're never quiet. You being quiet is unsettling, it… it makes my wolf snarl and want to tear apart whatever made you quiet."
"Right, yeah," Stiles cleared his throat, laughing a little nervously. "I… don't know what to say. You did it, you left me speechless, the impossible feat, I guess…"
"I know," Derek sighed, looking dejected. "You don't feel the same. How could you. You are so amazing, so strong, all the things you went through, as a human, and still you chose the pack, without having any obligations, you chose my pack, and I'm just grateful to have you in it, I don't need more, even if I want it, I understand that you don't… feel that way about me. I threatened you too often, I growl too much, I… half the time, I don't know what I'm doing still, even though I try."
"What," Stiles blinked up at the wolf. "Are you crazy. You try so hard and you improved so much, you became a great Alpha who actually respects his pack and helps them, and if you're lost, you at least learned to ask for help and I'll always be there to help you, Derek, our pack means everything to me. There was never a choice for me, I'm ride or die, you must have noticed that."
"Thank you," Derek whispered, visibly relaxing some. "I don't need you to love me, but I need you in my pack, I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Hi, yeah, wait, can we rewind to the bit with the love? What. Wait, there was also a bit about kissing what did that mean, what do you mean?"
"I love you, Stiles," Derek looked at him, unusually vulnerable. "I love you more than I ever thought I could. When you start talking, all I want to do is pull you into a kiss and never let you go again, I want to listen to you for hours just because I love how passionate you are about the topics you're interested in. I love your little fidgeting because it's so cute. I want to run my fingers through your hair, ever since you grew it out, my fingers itch to feel if it's as soft as it looks. I could get lost in your beautiful eyes and count all the shades of Earth and whiskey in them. I want to hold you close and never let you go, I want to lead our pack together, with you."
"That's like… the most words I ever heard you speak in one go," Stiles whispered in awe. "And I am struggling with computing any of them. I mean, you love me?"
"I know," Derek heaved another sad sigh. "You could have someone better, should have someone better. Someone your own age with whom you can be without the fear of your father arresting them. Someone who can… communicate their feelings better…"
"Yeah, no, shut up," Stiles threw his hands up. "First of all, my dad would absolutely not arrest my boyfriend, like, damn mom was seventeen and he was twenty-two when they got together, it would be a total hypocrite move to do that, and it's not like you are a decade older than me or anything. Besides, he absolutely would never arrest someone I love and I love you so much, Derek. I mean, the growling is actually kind of hot if you're not threatening me, but also even the threatening was kind of hot when it involved you pinning me against a wall. I love you, I love how much you're working on yourself, and on the pack, you… you suffered so much, and you lost so much, and you deserve to be happy and I'm so glad that you're actually rebuilding the Hale Pack, rebuilt the Hale House, reclaiming what others took from you. I'm so proud of you and I'm so in love with you."
Derek stared at him warily, like he expected this to be a lie of sorts, before the wolf remembered that what had started this conversation was their inability to lie right now. Stiles swallowed hard, staring at the man he'd been in love with ever since Derek had come running into the hospital to protect Stiles from Peter after the two figured out who the Alpha was.
"I want to kiss you, right now," Derek whispered, yearning in his voice.
Stiles nodded jerkily and walked over to Derek. He rested a hand on the Alpha's cheek before pulling him down into a slow, soft kiss. He gasped at the feeling of Derek's stubble against his skin, the softness and warmth of his lips, the way Derek's tongue slipped into his mouth.
"I love you," Stiles repeated once more, as soon as their kiss broke. "I love you, Derek. Hear me and believe me, okay? You deserve me, if you want me. You deserve to be happy."
Derek made a small, wondrous noise, as though he couldn't understand that this was real. His arms wound around Stiles' waist and for a moment they could enjoy peace. Until the bickering from upstairs got loud enough to remind them that they still had a curse to break and fairies to fight.
~*~ The End ~*~
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sterekcollabang · 2 months
Tumblr media
golden life or gutter
Writer: @geekmom13
Artist: @cubpaws
Rating: Teen And Up Audience Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Getting Together, Temporary Amnesia, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Tattooed Stiles Stilinski, Magical Accidents, Canon Complicent Mostly, Sterek Collab Bang 2024, Sarcasm is a core part of Stiles personality, Slow Burn, steter brotp, mild to moderate angst, Definite Crack, Self Confidence Issues Summary:
Stiles was mid-fight when he forgot everything. Mischief came to mid-fight and everyone was lying to him.
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munsonshire · 6 months
Dating Stiles Stilinski Headcanons
Pairing: Stiles x reader (gender neutral)
Ok, so these are going to be general, later on I'll make more specific ones.
Him always telling you how cute you are
Always receiving support from him
Making puns and funny jokes and laughing t them
Him snuggling to your neck whenever you're cuddling
Pillow fights and sleepovers
Stealing his clothes, especially that lacrosse hoodie
Piggyback rides when he knows you're tired
He mimics you when he is annoyed by you
Silly fights with sarcastic comebacks from the both of you
Complimenting each other during a fight
High-fiving each other when defending the other against someone
Expect to get a lot of ass slapping from him
Forehead kisses and forehead touches especially after a battle or after the void Stiles era
Tickle fights
Making out a lot, in Stiles Jeep
Sheriff Stilinski loves you and thinks you're a good influence on Stiles
Being one of the few people who knew his real name (Mieczyslaw)
Helping him do research on every mythological creature just in case it really does exist
Helping Scott with full moons
Double dates with Scott and Allison
Helping Stiles when he's paralyzed because of the kanima venom
When he's possessed by void, the Oni never attack you
Voi is also attracted to you and he takes you hostage with Lydia
Void likes to call you little dove, to annoy Stiles and bc he likes you too
Being there when Stiles is about to unalive himself to save everyone and begging him not to do it
nearly fainting yourself because he fainted after killing Void
kissing and hugging him after he wakes up
trying to convince him that Allison's and Aiden's deaths weren't his fault
trying to help him through the nightmares
Believing Stiles when he said there was something wrong with Theo
Taking care of him after the Donovan incident
remembering Stiles in pieces when he was taken by the wild hunt
Star Wars marathons, I'm sorry if you don't like them but THEY ARE HIS FAVES
Stiles being protective and pushing you away so you don't get hurt
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casually-eat-my-soul · 4 months
Stiles Stilinski and Claudia Stilinski are such an interesting dynamic. Only one person commented on the fact that they wanted to hear about this, but that’s permission to me, so yall have to suffer with me. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched teen wolf so my take may be off, please no hate but I’m open to discussion.
Claudia Stilinski is such an interesting character to me. We know virtually nothing about except how she, especially her death and the way she died affects the Stiles and the sheriff.
Stiles watched her die, the sheriff didn’t. Stiles stayed beside her, the sheriff was at work. Both undergo guilt because of this. This is the exact moment when stiles has to grow up - it fundamentally changed who stiles is as a character, it also defines him in certain moment. To me both characters try and keep their connect to Claudia in anyway they can. This is made apparent with the jeep. That’s Claudia car, stiles refuses to leave it even though it’s unreliable. This could reflect stiles relationship or his idea of his relationship with his mother is unreliable. The sheriff connects to his wife via stiles. Stiles real name - his mother gave it to him, he had the nickname mischief but changed to stiles, I wonder why?? Maybe after his mother died. But they can’t in the end, they can’t let go over her but they can’t hold onto her.
Stiles has a lot of trauma response from this moment. He pretends he’s fine even when he’s not, this is a learned response. He obsessively takes care of his dad, wanting to hold onto the last parent in his life. It also feels like a way to hold onto his mother via taking care of his dad. Literally every way that that stiles acts after his mom’s death is becuase of her death. The way that he loves people after his moms death is an effect of the last months of his mothers life and her death. He cares to a point of obsession (one of the reason I ship sterek, I think they’d balance each other out or just be able to understand each other darkness)
His mother’s disease would have taken precedents over everything else. And even after she died, his fathers feeling would have been more important. The Stilinski’s don’t talk about their feelings, they don’t talk about the times when they hurt each other. It’s almost like they can’t, that there is a disconnect. To me this says that Claudia was the emotional support for both of the Stilinski’s men. Don’t get me wrong, this is not hate on the sheriff. He does try to connect to stiles - they do talk each other about other things in their lives.
In a way I can understand Stiles. My father is a cop. The change in shifts and odd hours would mean that sometimes I wouldn’t see my father for days. Add on the fact that He is the Sheriff, whom the show makes it clear take extra shifts - stiles would be alone a lot. To me this means that his mother was his main source of paternal affection. This was further cemented for me when stiles tells his father “mom would have believed me”
When she dies it almost makes it seem that his care was transferred onto Scott. In most cases this would make Melissa a surrogate mother but in the show it doesn’t feel like that to me. Stiles is extremely independent, when his dad was away at work he would take care of his mother, even after her assaulting him. This would fundamentally change the way he interacts with adults, parents, specifically mothers. So I don’t see him grasping onto Melissa as a mother figure.
But also the way he interacts with Melissa, on one hand he’s almost her equal. He takes care of Scott almost as much as Melissa herself does. In a way their interactions feel like two parents talking to each other. On the other hand, it is clear that Melissa take care of him like he’s her son. But to me the only time when stiles reacts to her authority is when she’s mad, sometimes not even than. And the one time when he’s been possessed he calls her mom.
But also it’s made clear that the Stilinski’s don’t talk about Claudia - like at all. In the first season when the sheriff is drunk he says “I miss your mother”. The absolute shock on stiles face when he says that is so visceral. Claudia lingers over the household, not in a way that is a happy memory. she haunts it. After she dies stiles takes her place. The whole scene “how can I take care of you if I don’t know everything about you / I’m the dad, your the son” Stiles takes care of his dad obsessively, in a way that upsets the the balance of a child/parent relationship.
This is further made clear with the hints that the sheriff got major drunk after Claudia died. And that he threw himself into work once he got sober. Stiles effectively took over the household, putting him in the roles of his mother. We also see how the sheriff reacts to this because Stiles plays both the role of his wife and his son, not reaching the expectation for either. Stiles can never be his mother and yet he is her carbon copy. He wants to be her but all doesn’t at all. This dichotomy between the idea of stiles and the idea of Claudia means that she will always be present in the home. The first parent you will see in stiles face is Claudia. She haunts the narrative via her ghost but also via Stiles.
Especially in season three with the nogitsune, especially when it tricked everyone into believing that he’s dieing the same way his mother did. This is the final act of stiles becoming Claudia. The ghost of his mother has never been as prevalent but in this moment. You cannot tell me that his didn’t absolutely destroy the Stilinski households for months, even after they figured out that it was just a trick. To me this was one of the worst tricks played on stiles, because besides losing his friend this is what caused the Most devastation to him and his father. When he gets the MRI done this is when we see the change between stiles and the nogitsune. The demon has enough power to take over even for a few seconds because of this.
Being his mom especially in this connection is what devastates stiles the most. The nogitsune was in stiles head, he knows what would hurt him the most and what stiles fears the most.
Idk this is just my opinion and take.
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