#stigmatizing terms
huseyintr24 · 27 days
"How anti-cultists operate"
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#anti-cultism and its horrible schemes to enslave people's minds is a hot topic in the media space. More than once we have come across blogs where people study in detail the work of anticultists. I myself have only recently become acquainted with this subject. I just recently watched a video with a respected doctor, teacher of American intelligence Egon Cholakyan on the platform:
(by the way this video is translated into different languages on different YouTube channels).  He tells in detail the actions of the KGB Hydra, the shadow side, the architects of the world. He revealed it on the example of the organization "ALLATRA". What is the organization "ALLATRA" you can read in my previous articles.
So, a simple example: you see two classic slanderous articles about the organization "ALLATRA".
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It is easy to see that they have similar names, and also contain the same demonizing phrases and labels, the same negative rhetoric against this organization and its volunteers.
demonizing phrases and labels, the same negative rhetoric against the organization and its volunteers.  But you can also see that despite the obvious similarities, these articles were published by different authors, in different publications and even in different countries: Ukraine and Russia. Note, these countries, which since 2014 have been actively opposing each other. And since 2022 are in a state of acute military conflict and their usual rhetoric in the media space is always diametrically opposed. 
 Note that in order to stigmatize ALLATRA both in Russia and in Ukraine the same stigmatizing terms are used: "sect", "totalitarian sect" and "destructive sect". I learned that such terms are characteristic of post-Soviet countries. These terms have been purposefully introduced and disseminated in order to form negative attitudes toward those to whom they are applied. Since 1993, the term "totalitarian sect" has been widely used. This term is applied to organizations that are dangerous, cause physical or moral harm to people and society.  The term destructive sect is a synonym for the term "destructive cult". Thus, by using the term "destructive sect" in relation to the organization "ALLATRA" journalists - authors of
libelous articles in both countries without trial and investigation accuse the members of ALLATRA of harming people and society. Although in fact the participants of the organization "ALLATRA" did not commit any crimes. 
Also, I noticed that the texts of articles from two countries: Russia and Ukraine have identical rhetoric. I.e. they use the same pejorative comparisons, the same phrases taken out of the general context. I also noted that journalists exploit the current enmity between these countries and build false accusations against ALLATRA depending on the political and ideological sentiments of the inhabitants of one or another country. 
Pay attention to the following: 
for residents of Russia, journalists apply labels to ALLATRA: "pro-Ukrainian sect", "pro-American sect", sect financed by the West, as a project of the Security Service of Ukraine SBU, and so on. 
- and for residents of Ukraine on the contrary, journalists apply the labels "pro-Russian sect", "sect of the Russian world", "FSB project" of the Federal Security Service of Russia, "pro-Putin sect", "sect that prays to Putin", "sect where Putin is their god". 
As I understood from the words of respected E. Cholakyan: "This method is based on making accusations that have no real grounds, but serve as a trigger for negative resonance within the country concerned".
Look again at the scheme of action of anti-cultists:
- according to the discrediting campaign organized by the KGB in Russia ALLATRA is pro-Ukrainian and financed by the West. 
- and in Ukraine ALLATRA is pro-Russian and financed by the special services of Russia. 
Note that these accusations contradict each other. 
I.e. when the same methods of discrediting are used in different countries, when even the titles of articles sound the same and only the names of special services change depending on the audience, it indicates a carefully planned campaign of disinformation, which has a single customer. Thus it becomes obvious that there is some third party interested in this. And this third party has influence on the media in both countries and its influence remains as strong even in times of military conflict.  This force is the KGB hydra. 
It is important to realize that for the KGB hydra, the current war between the two countries is just one strategic step in a long-term strategy to destroy the foundations of democracy in our society and America as a nation. 
In the following articles I will continue to review the actions of the anti-cultists. 
#antikultism #antikultist #Allatra #sect #terrorism #extremism #shadow side #architects of the world #Ukraine #Russia #destructive sect #totalitarian sect #KGB #EgonCholakian #stigmatizing terms
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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st. francis receiving the stigmata
in the "buch der heiligen dreifaltigkeit" ("book of the holy trinity"), alchemistic illuminated manuscript, bavaria, late 15th c.
source: Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 598, fol. 166v
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rjalker · 6 months
you people will come up with any excuse to be ableist. Have fun being blocked.
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Sarcasm: Hey everyone I guess we have to change the word misogyny to gynophobia now you know so we're not Nazis somehow
''if you change the suffix for bigotry terms to avoid further stigmatizing people with actual anxiety disorders And acknowledge that bigots HATE you instead of FEAR you that means you're a literal Nazi!!!!!!!"
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npdiyozane · 1 month
How do you develop the type of NPD that makes you like negative attention (time sensitive)
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diarylikepurposes · 2 months
I think that some people are not so much genuinely concerned with over-medicalization of the human condition, trivialization of serious mental illness, etc. and are actually more just preoccupied with the concept of "posers". Which is lame as fuck if I'm being honest.
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I would like a Clockwork who is dangerously obsessive yandere. She will stalk (you) everywhere you go. There is no escape.
Honestly, I don’t think she would be, at least not in my interpretation of her.
She’s just not that kind of person imo.
Clockwork, despite her energetic demeanor and her “stab first questions later” approach to things is probably one of if not the most nonchalant pastas.
She doesn’t feel attachments super easily, and if someone were dating her and told her they were breaking up with her, she’d be like “ah, shame. Anyways”
IDGAF queen
Comes with the territory of being traumatized for years and being one of the oldest residents of the manor. She’s honestly hoping maybe the weird resilience and anti-aging magic (?) will decide to fail one day cause she’s honestly over it. And by it I mean everything in general. She’s constantly chasing multiple different highs to try and feel something again, most of the time it provides a temporary entertainment or relief.
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maschotch · 2 years
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mantisgodsdomain · 11 months
Hmm. Sometimes we think that we're being as obvious as we can get, but sometimes someone says something that makes us wonder. You guys know we're a narcissist, right? The distance between us and whatever guy you're deciding to bash by calling "narcissistic" is practically nothing. It's not like it's a Secret Bad People Disease that only evil guys get. We are here in the room with you now.
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theheadlessgroom · 6 months
In turn, Randall squeezed her hand back, as he drew in a deep breath. Despite his best efforts, clinging to the notion that his parents would at the very least be understanding once everything was laid out on the table for them, seeing that Emily really meant him no harm and that they truly were in love, there was no denying that growing cold pit in the bottom of his stomach, worsened only by her suggestion. A part of him sort of wanted to (however lamely) protest, instead suggest they save it for another day, and just enjoy themselves for now...
...he knew, in his heart, she was right. They would have to tell them at some point, and it was better to do it now rather than later; Randall had never been one keen to lie to his parents, and he knew the guilt of keeping such a massive secret from them would eat him up from the inside out. Thus, it was just better to get it out of the way-for both his and Emily's ease of mind.
"You're right," he sighed, as he brought her closer, wrapping his arm around her as he nodded, "They...they do deserve to know. I'll, uh...I'll give them a call in a little while, tell 'em when I'll be home, and that you'll be with me. We'll...we'll tell them together."
He punctuated this with another loving kiss, this one pressed to her cheek as he reassured her, "It'll be alright, Emily."
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lesbiandeancas · 1 year
there needs to be a change in the culture of fatphobia in schools, it is so pervasive, even in a "liberal" place like Portland I have literally heard someone give kids a lecture on how fat people are a strain on the economy. today a woman couched her fatphobia with the word "fluffy" and the words came out of her mouth, "I don't want to be fluffy." think about how kids are going to take that when you're essentially saying, I don't want to be fat but using a "nicer" word
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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heyyyy can we maybe NOOOOOOT call characters 'psychos' or 'psychopaths' just because of their erratic and violent behavior???? thank you.
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thelegendofmrrager · 1 year
Gonna get on the stoner soap box for a second here but, I see a lot of ppl who smoke in the tags of those opinion polls saying shit like "in my defense I smoke bc (x)," or "I smoke every day I'm a degenerate ;-;" and that's not cool. Why do you feel like you need to defend yourself for smoking weed? It's not an action or lifestyle that is inherently evil, despite what the media will say, or ppl who are losers when it comes to weed. (To clarify: I don't think you're a loser if you've never smoked weed or have no desire to smoke weed. You're a loser if you think you're better than someone because they smoke weed.)
Like. As someone who has smoked daily before, sometimes multiple times a day, the only person who can determine how much weed is TOO much is YOU. I will say, it's good to monitor patterns when you smoke and take note of whether there are any outside factors that are pushing you to smoke. From experience, frequently smoking to ignore or avoid problems can cause cycles to form. It's also important to take note of how you feel when you smoke. Is it serving its purpose? On average, how do you feel when you smoke? If something has shifted negatively, that's a sign you might need to reflect.
Regardless of why or how often you do it, smoking weed doesn't make you a degenerate. Even if you smoke to cope with a problem, or out of sadness, or dissatisfaction with life.
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autball · 6 months
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MASKING MYTHS BUSTED: “Masking = Acting NT.”
Autistic masking does not necessarily mean “pretending to be allistic/neurotypical," although you’d definitely be forgiven for thinking it does.
Non-autistic researchers have been referring to it as “camouflaging” for years, framing it as an intentional choice to suppress autistic traits and replace them with allistic ones in order to “blend in.” Doing an internet search on the term will return several similar results.
But now, Autistic researchers are in the game, and their take is much more nuanced and comprehensive than that. (Funny how that happens, isn’t it?)
They’ve found that:
- It CAN be intentional but is often subconscious and involuntary 
- It is a protective response to trauma and feeling unsafe 
- It is often about suppressing more than just autistic traits 
- It is about identity management and being able to predict how people will treat you, not just “blending in”
Some people will lean into being “the bad kid” because they know that’s what people expect of them. Some people will even act “more autistic” because they know that’s what people expect of them. Others still will do things to attract attention in controllable, more “acceptable” ways to avoid attracting attention in unsafe, more stigmatizing ways. Not because they WANT to be that way, but because it lets them predict people’s responses better, which feels safer.
Also, there are Autistic people who can’t “pass” for non-autistic no matter how hard they try. That doesn’t mean they’re not masking. They may actually be working hard to suppress A LOT, they just can’t do everything to neuronormative standards.
None of these people will be accused of “blending in,” yet they are still masking their hearts out. When we assume they are not, we miss all the harm that masking is causing them. But they are suppressing themselves and suffering the consequences of that just as much as any Autistic person whose mask successfully says, “Hey, I’m just like you!”
(For more on this, please see the work of Dr. Amy Pearson and Kieran Rose.)
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junglejim4322 · 1 month
Putting aside how surreal it is to use these stupid ass terms like unalive and grape and SA in modern vernacular it is actually so evil that things that are already stigmatized enough to even talk about are fully becoming bad words to even speak aloud along with how painful it must be to have your experience referred to in an almost comical way because someone is either so adjusted to internet speak they do it instinctually OR worst case scenario they want to be able to cover their ass when it comes to keeping their stupid fucking internet content monetized and uploaded
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pocket-mobster · 6 months
spent a chunk of last night trying to figure out if there was such thing as a negatively obsessive hyperfixation cuz the demon (my feefees) has been telling me to join the military for the past week (afaik i can not and would not) and i'm actually losing sleep because of it. anyway results inconclusive but the stupid bitch ass fire burns on nonetheless. it's happened multiple times before i started it, but i think it's safe to assume ritalin's bad for the baby (me i'm the baby)
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slugass · 9 months
aaaaaaand now chefkoudy has went from “putting in pez in a weird way = asocial (this isn’t a stand in for another word guys no siree ahah 😅)” to literally just VERBATIM doing the “you do thing in an unusual way? UR A PSY<HOP^TH LOLZ” thing literally using that exact word i want to fucking die
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