#steven forgets
ladywynne · 11 months
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Steven Forgets
Marc and Steven have communicated over the years, but Steven always forgets. Because that is what they need.
Part 2/3 - The Marines - Marc runs and Steven keeps running. They are 19.
A little drabble for Whumptober Day 17 - "Leave me alone"
Word Count: 402
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It’s dark. Only the light of a full moon illuminates the dirt road he finds himself on. Bloody hell. Where is he?
Steven looks down at the beige camouflage he is swathed in. And why is he wearing this uniform?
There is a US flag and a name.
Spector? Who is Spector? The material feels real enough, not like a costume, although the surname suggests Halloween. Still, Steven shrugs out of it. He doesn’t like the unfamiliarity of it, doesn’t want to be accused of “impersonating a soldier” or some other such nonsense. ID tags and cap soon follow the blouse into the dirt.
Steven carries on in boots, pants, and undershirt. Thick pine forests press close to each side. No signs of civilization. There’s nothing to do except continue.
Steven. Turn around.
Steven stops abruptly. He does a full circle in the middle of the road, trying to peer into the darkness under the trees.
“Who’s there?”
My name is Marc. Steven, you have to go back.
Steven may not know what is going on, but he knows his own body. He feels the ache in his legs and burn in his chest that means he has been running, and not for exercise.
“I don’t think so.”
Steven! We’ll have a UA.
Unauthorized absence! We’ll be court martialed. You have to go back.
“Well. Hard to court martial a bloke who is not in the military. I’m not even American, mate, and you aren’t really here. So, I think I’ll just carry on.”
Steven feels a growing panic that isn’t his own and then a sudden pressure unlike anything he remembers. He fights it instinctively, hands pressed to his temples. “Stop it!” he grinds out.
Give me the body, Steven. I shouldn’t have run. I’ll go back. It’ll be over quick. Just give me the body. Give me the body Steven!!
“NO!” The pressure grows and Steven falls to his knees, trying to shut out the terrifying (and terrified) voice in his head. He fights back with a grunt, mentally shoving the other presence away, back, down, down, DOWN, finally screaming, “LEAVE ME ALONE!”
And then he is.
Steven falls forward onto his hands, panting for breath. A few seconds later he raises his head, dazed and confused.
It’s dark. Only the light of a full moon illuminates the dirt road he finds himself on. Bloody hell. Where is he?
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twerg45 · 5 months
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
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itsaaudraw · 7 months
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is there anything that’s worth more
than peace and love on the planet earth
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su-momswaup · 22 days
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nearlynoon · 1 year
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whatsupspaceman · 11 months
characters who begin again in completely new worlds… or characters with memory loss being given another shot at life… and then using that desperately trying to make amends for the person they are told they used to be,, or who reinvent themselves into a new person to the betterment or detriment of themselves.. but the shadow of the old self always lingers >>>>>>>
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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itsbasicallycanon · 9 months
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i did it
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savabatcannon · 2 months
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stans when aang and steven don’t kill the genocidal war criminals they’re fighting against: omg they’re so incompetent! these shows are telling us to side with the villains!! i hate these literal kids who made the best choice they could make under difficult circumstances 😡🤢
stans when adora not only spares a genocidal war criminal but also starts dating them: love wins! spop is such a beautiful story of acceptance and forgiveness. everyone deserves a second chance, even someone who willingly tried to end all space and time <3
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ladywynne · 11 months
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Steven Forgets
Jake and Steven have communicated over the years, but Steven always forgets. Because that is what they need.
Part 3/3 - New York - Jake saw something he shouldn't have, and Steven pays the price. They are 25.
A true drabble at exactly 100 words. For Whumptober Day 18 for prompts "blindfold", "tortured for information", and "'Hit them harder'".
The blindfold keeps Steven in darkness. His hands are swollen and aching where they are tied behind him, securing him in a chair.
“Hit him harder.”
Steven shakes his head quickly. “You have the wrong man! I don’t know anything about any job. I’m not even from New York. I’m a Brit.”
Suddenly a hand grabs a fistful of hair and jerks his head back, “I don’t know what you’re playing at Lockley, but it ain’t funny. We know you saw what went down at the docks.”
Steven’s head begins to swim. Está bien, hermano. You rest. I got this.
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leenfiend · 1 year
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castle lounge redesign :)
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maxbytes · 5 months
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something something autism creature
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randomminty · 8 months
I hate to ask this of you if you’re not taking request since I know you’ve been getting a lot of asks lately, but I really love the bits of characterization you give everyone in your art and am just. Eating up every last crumb in your doodles…so would it be too much to ask if you would draw the OG champions (Cynthia, Lance, Steven, Wallace, & Diantha if you feel like it) interacting or doing something together? I don’t ask for more than that, it can be whatever you want and range from a silly/casual activity to something more formal. I just really love them together and you’ve fed the champion fandom so well lately, thank you for that 🥺🙏🏻❤️
(Whether you’re up to fulfill this request or not, I appreciate you so much for giving love to some of the lesser appreciated characters of Pokemon!!)
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Read the word formal and blacked out
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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For E350's patreon request: Connverse wedding!
Outfits based on this. Steven's skirt was drawn the way I did because trying to make it soft and ruffled like in the original got me confused.
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