#stella the apprentice
lukasdoodles · 25 days
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Wanted to talk abt some of my Jesse headcanons bc they r creatures to me (General hcs bc they have slightly different stuff depending on the Jesse)
All the Jesse's play different routes to me, with slightly different choices and experiences. But they're all a little aware that their actions are not their own, some more so than others. Green suspenders/red hair clip are the most in tune with that awareness, so they're a lil more messed up/unhinged than the rest. (Plus they've done multiple playthroughs to me, and while no one remembers the playthroughs they DO have an odd sense of deja-vu) and all the jesse's r he/they/she with no particular preference
Green suspenders Jesse (my fav and the one ill prolly talk abt the most lol) has a LOT of scars but hides them under his clothes. The only one he cant hide is the one across his nose, that he got from Aiden during sky city, but he breaks Aiden's nose in return so its all good :3 Other scars come from various random enemies/mobs, but most of them come from failed quicktime events or the witherstorm. ill prolly doodle it out sometime :)
Some of the Jesse's have tattoos! Navy/purple suspenders Jesse has a red witherstorm tattooed on their back, Pink suspenders has misc sleeves and a love for rhinestone/gem-like art, Yellow hair clip has black flowers on her shoulder/back, and Blue hair clip has white doves on her wrists (matching with Petra, who has black crows :3)
After the events of season two, Jesse becomes a bit of a shut in. They still hang out with friends and make public appearances for Beacon town, but the admin left them with a bad reputation, and many people are still mad at Jesse for things they never did. Jesse prefers to stay inside and work on paperwork, have Radar make the public appearances and all that. Lukas is the one who shows up to pull Jesse away and make them rest most of the time, with Jack and Nurm showing up as well as Ivor and Harper visiting every now and then to make Jesse rest.
Jesse doesn't forgive any of their enemies that easily. He gets along with Ivor slowly, building trust and finally *really* trusting him only in episode seven. They start to trust Lukas more in episode four. Aiden isn't forgiven easily, Jesse more-so puts up with him bc Aiden is trying to better himself on his own accord, and Olivia is giving him a chance to change (Aiden comes back to the homeworld and becomes Olivia's apprentice on accident and also they r in love) But its easier for Jesse to forgive Maya and Gill bc they were just loyal to a fault, and are trying to be better people after it all (Plus Jesse grows a soft spot for Maya when he sees the way Radar looks at her [they r also in love]). Jesse has mixed feelings for Cassie Rose, understanding the sentiment and wanting to go home, but despising her for murdering innocent people/trying to kill their friends. Cassie sends Jesse threats every now and then, Jesse almost wishes they could reach out and help Cassie somehow, but at the same time they wouldn't care if Cassie had died in that pit oh so long ago. Jesse used to have mixed feelings about Harper, but Harper risked everything and wasn't REALLY meaning for Pama to go beserk the way it did. Jesse forgives her easily, but is hesitant when she reveals Pama V2 lol. Hadrian and Mevia aren't forgiven. Simple as that lol Jesse hates them. Stella was a rival, but not really an enemy, more so just an annoyance. Jesse doesn't hate her, she does some bad things but comes thru in the end to help. Jesse would've taken her in as a second secretary had she not gone out to work first-hand and help salvage Champion City/help rebuild for the few survivors. He still appoints her as an ambassador and welcomes the survivors to beacontown while they rebuild. Romeo doesn't get forgiveness, most Jesse's will try and leave him to die but those that save him will make him work for redemption, borderline bullying Romeo to be better.
Jesse is a silly lil guy, no matter what :3
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hercynianforest · 2 months
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Seeing Callum with wings always reminds me of Krabat, a Sorbian (Slavic ethnic minority in Germany) fairytale (based on a real guy from the 17th century), which was later the base for a famous German children's book.
In the story, teenage boy Krabat becomes the apprentice of a dark mage (!!!), and learns how to shapeshift and fly, among other things. But he gradually realises that he's a prisoner and will be killed by the dark mage eventually. Luckily his secret girlfriend saves him (!!!) , by demanding his freedom and passing a test (having to recognise him among the other apprentices while they are ravens).
I know it's unlikely the writers of Tdp know this story, but I find the parallels quite striking.>_> Especially since it looks like Rayla will have to save him from dark magic in s7.❤️
Also, the girl's name is Kantorka, which means "singer", and she is a singer. We've seen Rayla in s6 first soothe Stella with her lullaby and then Esmeray. It's not far-fetched to think that she might be able to reach Callum's "lost soul" in that way too.
Okay, I'll stop raving now.
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 7 months
Alfea Overview v2
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i drew out a layout for Alfea i will use for specifications of my overview. did i make alfea a smidge taller? Yes but oh well, anyway lets begin.
The Alfea College for Fairies is a girls' boarding school in Magix for Fairies and the oldest (established 9000 years before the start of the story) and most prestigious educational institution for fairies. 
The education in Alfea lasts 3 years, one for each Fairy Form in the journey of an aspiring full-fledged fairy. Base form, Charmix, Enchantix.
The Alfea students are mostly in training ages 16-18 (unless they have been held back a grade like Stella, so in her case, 17). Fairies here learn how to control their power, fight evil, learn new spells as well as learn how to be their realms' queens and guardian fairies. In this way, Alfea is a little like a military boarding school for the elites.
In the Past
The Alfea Champions were an ancient trio of legendary fairies who were believed to be the most powerful fairies in all of Alfea History. Their feats have been known to be passed down through generations, immortalised in statues that stand in the Alfea Museum, and had been recorded in Legendarium. Ress of the Flame, Chevonne of the Water and Farcelia of the Wind. They were real fairies, but it has been so long that their legends outlived their actual story of their lives.
When Mavilla was headmistress of Alfea, owning and exhibiting the strengths of one's Fairy Animal was considered a vital part of a fairy education. Everything taught was a reflection of the contents of the Tome of Nature. Eventually, Mavilla changed this. 
Alfea used to have a crest which was a curved golden "A" on a purple and blue flower with a golden outline at the top of the school gates, just above Alfea's gate. The "A" of the crest is also seen on what used to be the school's uniform, consisting of a burgundy long-sleeved and knee-length dress and mary janes. The neck part of the dress has white lace and a dark burgundy loop.
At another point in time, Eldora was the keeper of the Alfea Greenhouse and taught floral magic.
School years
First Year
Freshmen fairies learn how to master their own source of power, as well as their base fairy form, and learn basic spells they can use in their daily life and in battle if necessary. Metamorphosymbiosis, Potionology and Survival Training are part of the first year curriculum. Fairies also learn how to explore diverse environments in the Simulation Room as part of their survival training. 
Second Year
Second Year fairies have the goal of earning Charmix. Their classes include, magic invocation, magic self-defence, applied convergence and cognitive analysis class, where fairies learn technical incantations, and spells requiring accurate pronunciation.
Third Year
Third Year Classes include, History of Magic, and those who achieve Enchantix will participate in Battle training to hone their skills. The fairies also have a final thesis, also earning Enchantix is more like an extra credit thing.
After earning Enchantix, the basic fairy education is completed and they will graduate with Honours and receive the titles of Guardian Fairies of their respective homeworlds on the Day of the Gift. Without Enchantix, the girls still graduate, but they don't become guardian fairies. In this case, they return to their home world and can decide if they want to work towards being a guardian fairy by being an apprentice to one until they earn their Enchantix, or they can do something else. Alumni can also decide to extend their studies and do their masters here at Alfea in any Subject already offered, being mentored by any of the current staff
Winx After Graduation
They taught for a short period of time, before choosing to take their masters here in various subjects in addition to being substitute teachers from time to time.
Architecture and Layout
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The Alfea Natural Park, which is a refuge for Fairy Animals, is found in the forest. It is unknown if parts of the forest close to the school belong to the school or not, but they are also used for classes and tests.
There is a bus stop where students, guests, and staff members can take buses from and to Magix City and to other places in Magix.
Protective barriers meant to keep non-magical creatures, non-fairies, and bad weather out are seen many times in the series.
The School Gates are the only access to the school compound. They consist of a large pink archway with two wing-like doors that move to open or close the gates.
Its campus is a large castle with pink walls and blue roofs built around a courtyard.
Ground / First Floor
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Most of the Classrooms are found on the ground floor around the central courtyard. The side buildings have corridors through which the classrooms can be accessed and it has stairways from which the upper parts of the school can be accessed.
Namely: On the East Wing, Applied Convergence Classroom, Technical Incantations Classroom, Magic Invocation Classroom, Magic Defence Classroom, and on the West Wing, Potionology Classroom, Metamorphosymbiosis Classroom, and the Survival Training Classroom. Each classroom also acts as storage for whatever items the subject requires.
The School Kitchen, where Chef Sfoglia works, Students may also be assigned to do the cooking as chores or as punishment. Located in the West Wing
In the North Wing, The Entrance Hall is a large room found opposite the School Gates, and it is accessed by a set of grand stairs.
The Cafeteria / School Hall is a large room found on the ground floor. It has a large dome of glass as its outer wall and there are long tables where the students have their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has a special tier for staff members. Parties and balls are often held there and during such occasions, the tables are removed to make a place for the festivities. It is found below the Headmistress' Office and behind the Entrance Hall, in the North Wing.
The West Wing also contains The School Infirmary where students are treated in case of health problems and injuries. It is composed of an office and a resting room with many beds. It is managed by Nurse Ofelia and her assistant.
The West Tower is where the Magic Archive of Alfea is found. Precious and rare books and scrolls about many things can be found there and the school's Codex used to be kept there. A Pixie, named Concorda, is the keeper of the Secret Archives.
The first floor of the east tower contains the Applied convergence Classroom which also acts as the School Amphitheater for formal gatherings required by the Headmistress or otherwise. the students sometimes attend the school assembly and it is also where general meetings are often held, especially in crisis times. There is a table with chairs around it where staff members sit. Exams may also be held there.
The Central Courtyard is a large open space at the centre of the school. It contains:
Benches where students can sit and spend their free time. The Well, with underground tunnels that connects Alfea to the other magical schools, and contains various rooms and obstacles to go through in order to obtain the Star of Teamwork. It functions as a gathering area for celebrations such as the beginning of the year and graduation ceremonies are done. It also serves as a landing space for Red Fountain ships.
Around the sides are the Gardens of Alfea. A place where students can relax and study and even practice their abilities with the accompaniment of nature.
And around the back is an open space mainly used for classes with a practical component.
Second Floor
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The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The North wing’s first floor’s ceiling is very high, taking up 2 floors, and therefore technically there is nothing here.
The Simulation Room is where virtual simulations take place. It can also be used to teleport people to other locations. Professor Palladium is the one who is in charge of the Simulation Chamber.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Third Floor
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The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The History of Magic Classroom in the East Wing Tower
And in the North Wing, the staff and Faragonda’s offices. Outside of which there is a small seating area.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Fourth Floor
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The student Dormitories (enchanted to be bigger on the inside). Located in both the East and West Wings.
The Dance Studio/Gym in the East Wing Tower.
In the North wing, Faragonda and the Staff Quarters. Only accessible via the offices.
There is technically nothing here in the West Wing because the Archive Room Ceiling is the tallest in the entire school, taking up 4 floors. (Tho it can still be accessed from here as well but the platform is small so people usually dont.)
Fifth Floor
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Only contains the Viewing Decks atop the two Towers of Alfea. Only accessible by Flight or Teleportation.
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The basement of Alfea is sprawling. It contains what will become Musa’s Music Cafe, the Alfea Museum, the Hall of Memories (formerly: Fairy Animals), the magical Entrance to the Alfea Greenhouse, the Library (containing the Research Lectern with Miss Barbetea as its Librarian) with its Restricted Section, and finally the Hall of Enchantments (It contains the hall of infamy, where the portraits of all the enemies of the Magic Dimension can be found, the entire history of the magical universe and contains the Heart of Alfea), only accessible through the Headmistress’s Office.
The rest of the images here include a Key, a Compass and a small sketch i did to plan out how many floors Alfea actually has.
Finally staff:
Headmistress Faragonda (Applied Convergence)
Miss Grizelda (Magic Defence/Applied Convergence)
Professor Palladium (Potionology/Survival Training)
Professor WizzGizz (Metamorphosymbiosis/Technical Incantations)
Professor Avalon (s3 new) (Magic Invocation)
Professor Daphne (s6 new) (History of Magic)
Chef Sfoglia, In the Kitchen
Nurse Ofelia and her assistant. In the Infirmary
Pixie Concorda, the keeper of the Secret Archive
Miss Barbetea the Librarian
Knut the Janitor (s2 new)
Dorm Assignments
The students use all three levels of the student dorms. And where they go rotate every three years. So if you joined the school and are assigned to the second floor dorms, you stay there until u graduate then the freshmen after you will take over it.
Once again all dorms are enchanted to be bigger than they seem.
For the Staff, (All dorms are enchanted to be bigger than they seem from the outside)
Faragonda and Grizelda (daphne in future) Share a dorm, the North Wing, central Dorm.
Palladium, Wizzgizz, Avalon share a dorm, the North Wing, East (left) Dorm
When the winx become teachers, they will insist on sharing a dorm, the North Wing, West (right) dorm.
The non teaching staff usually have a built in dorm at wherever they are working, so Miss Barbetea has a room in the library, and Nurse Ofelia and her assistant share a room in the infirmary and so on. Their rooms are also enchanted so they are bigger on the inside.
Sketch Dump:
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2h3llandb4ck · 2 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴. 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤.☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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I decided to update my Stella redesign reference sheet! I honestly like it a lot more than my old one..
Here’s her lore! I personally saw how sad her story was before Viv decided to crap on it with the whole “UwU Stolas did nothing wrong and Stella was a big meanie oh noooo! :(“ thing. She had so much potential to be a tragic character but NOOOOO….
Rant aside, here’s her new lore!
The Andromeda family was a relatively well-known group of bird-like creatures known throughout the purgatory Underworld. They say that these birds hatched from eggs that fell from meteor showers…
And Stella’s was the brightest of all, having fallen during a meteor shower that took place during a pink moon.
The young Stella, while ambitious and focused on her studies of the stars, was incredibly quiet and introverted, and her sensitive and kind nature brought concern to her family, especially her older brother Andrealphus. One day, her family pulled the adolescent swan aside to inform her that she had been arranged to marry the Goetia prince Stolss in about 5 years. She protested greatly, but was told to stop, as she will be considered nothing but a machine to pump out an heir and the accessory of a lavishing, well-endowed prince.
Afraid of what could happen if she said no, Stella complied, and married Stolas at the age of 18. 3 years later, the pair finally managed to have an egg hatch under a lunar eclipse; Octavia Goetia. Despite her circumstances, Stella genuinely loved and cared for her child, teaching her about the stars whenever Stolas would go off to predict the sky’s events for the Underworld. While she was content being a mother for the most part, she couldn’t say the same about being a wife to Stolas. She felt incredibly uneasy around him, as he would give her condescending remarks on her passion for the constellations and… honestly not be at home all the time. Prediction affairs, he said, we’re keeping him busy.
Stella’s reality shattered when she found out Stolas (very loudly) had an affair during their anniversary party. Heartbroken, Stella confronted the owlish prince, but was met with a rather different response; he started claiming that HE did everything to make sure they had a relatively stable life, that HE took care of Octavia’s teachings, that HE has everything under control. Stella grew angrier, trying to snap Stolas back to reality when—
She realized this wasn’t reality. It was all him.
She broke out of her daze and ran away with Octavia, which Stolas took awfully and claimed that the witch stole away his daughter. She was living with her brother for weeks on end before finding out about a demonologist who also discovered the truth. And so, Stella set out to take her in as an apprentice of sorts, helping her prepare to confront her former lover against all odds. And along the way, perhaps Stella could grow a thicker skin and learn to assert herself against Stolas, even if it meant being seen as a treacherous witch in his eyes.
And that’s pretty much it! I honestly wish she got more depth beyond being Stolas’s mean ex wife who gets in the way of Stolitz.
Goodnight tri state area!
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mickc-art · 11 months
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Stolas human redesign illustration (I gave him a beard) and some sketches of him and his children
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Lord Andras, marquise of Wrath (below) is Stolas’ daughter with Shax. Her design is inspired by sooty owl for its eerie look. She’s the second demon who held the marquisate after OG Andras was killed by exterminators. OG Andras didn’t bear any heirs but King Paimon/Asmodeus decided to pass the title to Stolas’ daughter due to the resemblance of OG Andras. In Ars Goetia, Andras is depicted for having a head of an owl and a body of an angel. She was often accompanied by a wolf, who is her Hellhound bodyguard and secretary in this rewrite.
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Andrealphus is Stolas’ adopted son and apprentice/mentee. He was adopted by Stolas after his biological father was killed by exterminators (demons disguised as angels). He taught Andre about astronomy but he excelled in geometry and measurements. Like Stolas, he was stationed in lust for his lust of knowledge. His design is inspired by punk and goth. He takes Octavia’s role as Stolas’ child, but not to confuse with canon Andrealphus, who is Stella’s brother.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 4 months
Can you talk about Diaspro?
Ask and you shall receive.
Diaspro Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Diaspro Rhodonight
Race: Fairy
Age: 20
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Education & Background*
Education: Malacoy Paladion Academy
Year: 3
Disciplines: Leadership & Ethical Guidance | Enchantments & Artifact Crafting
Favorite Class: Advanced Gemology
Birthplace: Saphirion
Occupation: Apprentice Paladin
Rhodonight House
Persian (Patriarch)
Scarlett (Matriarch)
Crimson (Second Born)
Rouge (Third Born)
Saffron (Fourth Born)
Personality Traits
Independent - Diaspro values her autonomy and prefers to rely on herself rather than depending on others for support or guidance.
Protective - Diaspro is fiercely protective of those she cares about, showing a strong instinct to shield them from harm and offering support when needed.
Blunt - She is straightforward and direct in her communication, not hesitating to speak her mind or offer candid feedback, even if it may come across as harsh to others.
Ambitious - Diaspro is driven by her aspirations and desires for success, always striving to achieve her goals and aspirations.
Loyal - Diaspro demonstrates unwavering loyalty to her allies and companions, standing by them through thick and thin and prioritizing their well-being above all else.
Confident - She exudes confidence in her abilities and decisions, inspiring trust and respect from those around her.
Diplomatic - She excels at navigating complex social and political landscapes, skillfully managing relationships and negotiations to achieve her objectives.
Overprotectiveness - Diaspro's strong protective instincts can sometimes lead her to be overly controlling or intrusive, potentially stifling the independence and autonomy of those she cares about.
Insensitivity - Her blunt communication style may come across as insensitive or tactless to others, causing unintended hurt feelings or misunderstandings in her relationships.
Overbearing - Diaspro's tendency to be assertive and forthright in expressing her opinions may alienate others or make them feel overshadowed, leading to strained relationships or resentment.
Skills & Abilities
Excels in gemstone magic
Proficient in Hand-to-Hand combat
Proficient Swordsmanship
Proficient in Weapon and Artifact Enchantments
Expert in Gemology
Hobbies & Interests
Creating jewelry
Collecting gemstones
Lapidary Art
Quirks & Habits
Secretly a big sweet tooth
Always makes sure her armor is fully polished at all times
Practices conversations ahead of time with her sword or gems
Has a guilty pleasure for romance novels
Winx Rewrite Master Post
Read the Winx Rewrite Here
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bixels · 1 year
*raises hand*
so AJ is short for something different in the au, and Rarity seems to be implied to be a stage name/chosen name rather than her legal name- what about the others? do they have changed names as well
Yeah, so for folks who didn't see the post with the character blurbs here, AJ's full name is April-Jacqueline Applegate (April-Jacqueline – April-Jac – Applejack). Rarity is just a pseudonym/alias. Her parents are immigrants from Shanghai, so her real name (which very few people in Ponyville actually know) is Chinese. She changed it because it was too difficult for non-Chinese people to pronounce and to reinvent herself when traveling abroad in Europe to apprentice under fashion designers.
The others, I'm genuinely not sure. I'll probably give them normal names and leave their horse names as nicknames? Some sound more realistic as nicknames than others, like Dashie or Pinkie. I know Tulli and I are coming up with real names for Starlight and Trixie. Starlight's real name is Stella Luciani (literally 'Star' 'Light', and a reference to the jazz song/film theme "Stella by Starlight").
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stella-lesair · 1 year
Stella's opinion on all the German Ranger's Apprentice book titles (Of the main series)
Alright, here it is. I will follow the same pattern throughout the whole thing, so you better know it before hand: Book x - English title - German title - (The translation) - opinion - rating (I'm not gonna rate literal translations) Also, I talk a lot also about the English titles, but the rating is only for the German ones.
Book 1 - The ruins of Gorlan - Die Ruinen von Gorlan - literal translation
Book 2 - The Burning Bridge - Die brennende Brücke - again, literally translated
Book 3 - Icebound land - Der eiserne Ritter - (The iron knight) - out of all the translations, this is the one that I understand the least, like, ??? Did they just call it after the book cover? There's little to no mention of iron in the German book, so. why. would. they. call. it. that. - 1/10
Book 4 - Oakleaf Bearers - Der Angriff der Temujai-Reiter - (The attack of the Temujai-horsemen) - This is just a very German translation, I think. Just straight to the point, long, no mystery, just what's happening. Also, it's been a while since I read that book, so I don't quite get the English title. Is it a reference to how the book ends? Anyway, a little less germanificated would've been nice, but a valid translation. - 8/10
Book 5 - The sorcerer of the north - Der Krieger der Nacht - (The warrior of the night) - there's not much to say here other than I just personally prefer the German one. Both titles are fitting, and I think Krieger der Nacht has the better ring to it. Might be because I'm german - 10/10
Book 6 - The siege of Macindaw - Die Belagerung - (The siege) - Almost a literal translation, so I'm not gonna rate. But it's rather funny to me that for once, the English title is longer.
Book 7 - Erak's ransom - Der Gefangene des Wüstenvolkes - (The prisoner of the desert-people) - Notice how these two titles are together a bit of a spoiler for the book, 's kinda fun. Both titles fit though, but I suppose the English is better, merely because Erak is a known and liked character at that point, so I think this title gains more attention/curiosity. - 7.5/10
Book 8 - The kings of Clonmel - Die Befreiung von Hibernia - (The liberation of Hibernia) - Not a fitting translation. If I remember correctly, it's mostly just Clonmel they 'free' from the cult, but let's be honest, this is not the main focus of the book. Halt's backstory is. - 3/10
Book 9 - Halt's peril - Der große Heiler - (The grand healer) - While I do stan some Malcolm recogition, he is not the focus of the book. Again, it's Halt and Will kind of panicking about it. I'm starting to wonder if the translators don't like Halt. - 5/10
Book 10 - The emperor of Nihon-Ja - Die Schwertkämpfer von Nihon-Ja - (The swordsmen of Nihon-Ja) - Both titles kind of fit, but the English one is just a little more on point. The book is about keeping Shigeru emperor, not about the black bear learning some sick moves. But both are related to war, so I'd say it's more fitting than book 8 and 9, but that's not too difficult - 6/10
Book 11 - The lost stories - Die Legenden des Königreichs - (The legends of the kingdom) - Well, we just get a few stories out from a box. They're not legends. But the German title sounds far more epic and does do justice to the stories a little better, so I still like - 10/10
So. There you have it. I rated all the books of the English main series. Why do I say English? Glad you asked. It's because the German translators decided that sequals are for the weak and added the whole of RR onto the main series.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
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redheadspark · 2 years
👋🏿 for your falling in love Prompts
18. "Do you...love me, by any chance?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, I'm sorry, I was just-WAIT WHAT-" with Oliver
Happy Writing!!
A/N - YAS Stella! This is very cute for Oliver! Thanks for requesting my friend!
Summary - The ride to Hogwarts isn't all bad, not with Oliver with you
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Warnings - Just some cute ol' fluff
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"If I move one of the Chasers over here...then we can..."
"Oliver, you're doing it again,"
"Oh, sorry,"
You grinned as you looked up from your book, seeing Oliver look a bit harder as his enchanted playbook, drawing out some plays with his quill to see it come to play and be animated in front of him, Oliver then groaning and washing off the play he had going with grimace. The train jostled a bit, you shifting in your spot as the first signs fo rain was hitting the window, giving the small chill into your little compartment you two were sharing.
You both were on your way to a new year at Hogwarts, your last year together actually. Oliver was beyond excited for his last year at Hogwarts, already making plans for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team be unbeatable against the other houses. You had to give him credit for being optimistic on a great season, and although you were never a Quidditch player yourself, you were an avid fan and you were his number one fan.
Oliver appreciated you showing up to every game, waiting for him after every practice to walk with him back to the Common Room, and pitching in some of your own ideas for plays and strategy to use on the field.
Your future with Oliver was still uncertain, especially with this being your final year at students. Oliver was planning on rubbing elbows with Puddlemore United when he was done with school, already knowing a few people who were either on the team or working for the team. You on the other hand had a great relationship with the owner of Honeyduke's in Hogsmeade, he had no children to pas his shop to or any relative closely. You were going to be an apprentice for him during the school year, and once you graduated you would start working there full time so he could slowly start to retire.
So you both had a future, but to mend them together, that was going to be a struggle.
"Oh, how about this?" Oliver asked you as he showed the animated pay he drew out on his enchanted parchment. You watched, grinning a bit seeing some of the drawn out arrows moving around the sketched out goal posts.
"That looks good, but do you think the Weasley twins are really gonna stick with these plays?" You had to ask Oliver as he rolled his eyes, "Didn't you try that last year and they almost took you out during that Slytherin match?"
"They did, and I scolded them for a good five minutes 'till it go through their heads," Oliver grumbled as you laughed and flipped another page in your book to read the paragraph, "They won't do that, not this year when I know that Cup is in our hands!"
"Your enthusiasm is always delight, honey," You hummed as him, feeling him nudge your foot with his as retaliation.
"Be nice," He said lightly.
"Oh, you know I mean well," You teased.
"Do I?" He asked, you lowering your book to see him eye you with one of his unique smirk that was only reserved for you. Sometimes, when he wasn't thinking about Quidditch or the season in general, he would be more languid and more peaceful. You both made sure to have sometime away from the broomstick or from studying, spending most of those times outside when the weather was right or tucked int he Common Room when it was deserted. Oliver was more himself when he was with you, less stressed out or intense in his work. You loved seeing him calm, seeing him blissfully happy, and it was the very way there on the train ride.
"Of course you do," You hummed back in a grin, Oliver cocked his head as you as he placed his playbook in his bag then, no longer focusing on that anymore.
"Do ya...love me, by any chance?" He asked nonchalantly as you picked up your book again, feeling the blush on your cheeks.
"Yeah, why?" You asked back, without thinking twice.
"Well, I'm sorry, I was just-WAIT WHAT-" Oliver asked about to erupt in shock as you slammed your book shut and was about tot how it at him shut him up. but he grabbed the book before you could, launching himself at him as you squared and laughed. He had you against the seat, kissing you all over your face as you were laughing and trying to move away from him.
"Oli...Oliver let me go!" You said though your laughed as his kisses weren't ceasing.
"Ya love me!" Oliver said in glee as you finally got the upper hand and you framed his face in your hands. He looked beyond happy, his grin massive and wild, his cheeks flushed and yet filled with warmth, and his brown eyes were heightened under the lights of the train.
So yes, yes you were in love.
"Maybe I do," You said in a breath, seeing his eyes pour into yours. The soft moment there, wrap-gin up in each other's arms in the compartment you were sharing, it was something you knew you both weren't going to forget for some time. You both knew you were in love with each other, it was beyond obvious not only to yourselves but to the rest of Hogwarts really. Compared to the other couples in your house and the other three, you two were one of the longest running. It took some hard work and dedication on both sides, but the end game was blissful.
It felt like you two could face anything together and you have. Plenty of nights that were filled with stress from school, Oliver consoling you when your father died your 4th year and holding you in his arms all night in the Common Room as your cried in his chest, you easing his uneasiness when he would loose a match or get overstressed within himself.
You and Oliver fought hard to be where you were, and you both weren't ready to throw in the towel just yet.
"Well that's a coincidence, 'cause I love ya too," He hummed, leaning back in to kiss you against as you swatted his arm.
"We're gonna get in trouble for snogging before we even make it to school, Oli!" You mildly scolded him, Oliver sighed a bit too dramatically as he finally released you and moved back to his spot, fixing his tie as you fixed your hair in return. It would have looked rather scandalous if someone would walk by in the tiny hallway, but thankfully it was just the trolley cart and the sweet old lady. You both perked up a bit when she taped the door and it opened magically with ease.
"Anything off the trolly, dears?" She asked sweetly.
You and Oliver shared a handful of treats between you as you were watching the scenery roll by. The moment came and went, yet deep in your heart, you felt the immense love you had for Oliver heightened and expand.
You had no idea that Oliver was feeling the same.
The End.
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Valentine Prompt Session
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crushes-georg · 8 months
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I decided to hop in on that art vs artist, self vs self-insert thing going on :D I can list which inserts they are too below the cut just bc I'm obsessed w that garbage BUT,,, HWEE THIS IS MY FIRST TIME JOINING IN ONE OF THOSE TRENDS,,,
Top row: The Blue Lantern (DC comics), The Apprentice (TF2), Blue Raspberry Cookie (CRK)
Middle row: Stella (BG3), me!, Asha Kurr (Star Wars)
Bottom row: Ayvee (Transformers), Magna Zero (Ultraman), Myuzl (TADC)
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qatheauthoress74 · 4 months
And So I Make This Wish...Rewrite!
Yeah, it's very original title, I know, but ever since I saw the concept art for Disney's Wish (along with watching a ton of YT vids analyzing the film and how much it could be improved) I've decided to throw my hat into the ring and tell my own tale.
The story will be about 17-year-old Asha, the apprentice sorcerer to King Magnifico, the ruler of the Kingdom of Rosas. With his wife, Queen Amaya, they grant wishes under the blessing from the Stars whom the people of Rosas both revere and fear at the same time like mortals towards gods. Asha has been training under Magnifico for the past ten years. Despite showing great magical potential she just can't seem to get the most basic spells working right and feels like a total failure. Which makes it hard for her to muster up the courage to ask Magnifico to grant her great-grandfather's wish.
Asha in my story is awkward due to low self-esteem inflicted upon herself for feeling inadequate and also coming from a mean girl named Grimhilde. Grimhilde acts all haughty and smug but is secretly jealous of all the attention Asha gets as the royal apprentice. Most of the people of Rosas love Asha despite her lack of self-worth and even call her their princess even though she technically isn't related to Magnifico and Amaya. She tries to make up for her supposed shortcomings by doing a lot of chores around the castle and also works as the kingdom's tour guide but gets easily tired from the work. The only friend Asha has at first is Dahlia the royal baker, but that's because Asha excuses herself as being too busy to hang out with the rest of the Teens as she knows she can't help them with their wishes like Magnifico and feels ashamed for it. She likes to draw and dance but keeps these to herself at first due to her confidence issues. The only other beings she lets her true self shine are her Saba, the animals in the forest, and her pet goat Valentino.
Astrophil will be my starboy (or starbeing as in my story they are non-binary). Astrophil gets their name from Asha as a line-of-sight name from a collection of poems titled Astrophil and Stella, written by her late father's favorite poet. Astrophil came to Earth to help Asha fulfill her wish while also getting the chance to explore Rosas and learn more about Asha. Astrophil is pretty smitten with Asha and their dynamic will be similar to Aang and Katara's from ATLA. Astrophil finds the royal couple's excuse to only grant wishes from what the stars tell them as absurd and, with Asha's help, decides to uncover what's really going on in Rosas.
Magnifico and Amaya will be a classic villainous couple who put on metaphorical masks to look like benevolent rulers but only care about themselves. They get away with not granting everybody's wishes by stating that the Stars guide them to choose and will get offended if they make "wrong" choices. The reason they keep the extra wishes for themselves is revealed later on in the story and how it is tied to their magic.
There will be plenty of more characters involved with the story such as Valentino, Dahlia, the Seven Teens, and a few cameos from various Disney films but all with a Wish twist to them.
Once I have the whole story written out, I plan to upload the chapters onto AO3 under my name QAtheAuthoress74. I'm going to title the story as...
"Asha & Astrophil: A Retelling of Wish"
So, be on the lookout when I release it. Fair warning, I'm still in the VERY early developing stage of the story so it will be a while before it's published. But I was just too excited to share some of my ideas with you all.
@annymation @oh-shtars
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Beastly Brew
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nKbasGw by Stella_Lesair After being a successful monster hunter for years now, Crowley finally decides to rest and start a new life in a big city. He expected it to be a path he would tread alone, given the nature of his partner, but lonliness is the last thing he gets to feel. Words: 5790, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Stella's unfinished RA fics Fandoms: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Crowley Meratyn, Halt O'Carrick, Jennifer "Jenny" Dalby Relationships: Crowley Meratyn & Halt O'Carrick Additional Tags: Monsters, Demons, Coffee Shops, a new life start, Demon Halt O'Carrick, Fluff, High Fantasy read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nKbasGw
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evaiskindaweird · 3 months
came up w an episode idea where my oc stella goes to 2B to be his apprentice, ironically on the anniversary of him becoming 2B, so his mouse brain acts up and decides to make wg jealous by bragging about her apprenticeship
Stella figures it out and angst ensues bc lmao
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grimowled · 4 months
What's the lore you've got some of Stolas' staff? His imp butlers, his servants, etc?
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please see a more in depth hc of stolas' relationship with imps here !!
there are around 50 staff working at the palace at any given time. stolas employs a variety of hellborn, between imps, hellhounds and succubi (though the majority of his staff is indeed made up of imps.)
1 butler in charge of 10 footmen, who also serves as a valet, ie. he will greet & announce guests, and personally look after the lord of the house, including dressing and preening him - he is basically trained to anticipate and meet stolas' every need. formerly mr butler ( @mrbutlers ), currently pringles impington, a tiny, discreet and hard working imp who came highly recommended by mr butler. when stolas' was a youth, the butler was also in charge of the young prince's ars goetia education and upbringing, so he had a more prominent role in the household - he acted as a steward and father figure of sorts in paimon's place.
1 ladies' maid in charge of waiting on stella and octavia.
1 housekeeper, in charge of running the household and overseeing 15 maids.
1 head chef, 2 assistant cooks / apprentices and 3 kitchen waitstaff. temporary waitstaff and security will be hired for grand catered parties.
1 nanny, while octavia was a chick
1 chauffer for stella and octavia - stolas usually travels by portal.
1 carefully selected gardener, expert in caring for exotic plants. though stolas does most of the work when it comes to the plants in the house and greenhouse, the gardener will look after maintaining the wider grounds of the estate.
1 archivist, entrusted with his vast collection of literature and magical artefacts; they will not have access to the grimoire or other out of bounds, powerful literature and artefacts - those are kept under lock and key in stolas' private quarters.
1 steward / custodian - verse dependent but currently @keeperofquestions and @dark-ambition, entrusted with the smooth running of the household accounts, checking staff, legions and supplies (household and military), managing the estate and other ad hoc tasks. acts as a sort of advisor and has in depth knowledge of the ars goetia politics.
4 hellhound bodyguards, in charge of personal security. his palace and estate are protected by magical warding glyphs.
stolas doesn't personally select all of his staff, but he entrusts that task to the butler, steward, housekeeper and head chef; however he will be directly involved in selecting the four of them, plus the nanny, gardener and archivist - the main positions of trust at the palace.
being employed in an ars goetia household can be very daunting and extremely nerve-racking hard work, depending on the family, but it is also known to be exceptionally well paid, and comes with a hefty dose of prestige.
NOTE: there are other general ars goetia staff positions, like tailor ( @aroyaltailor) painter etc. those are not necessarily employed by stolas but he will visit them and employ their services when needed.
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yahoo huzzah *insert tbh creature gif*
It's called HouseholdClan! Our leader is Notebookstar (after five star notebooks), Cowboyhat is the deputy (because the word deputy reminds me of that kinda stuffs), and out helaer/med. cat is Pillbottle (for obvious reasons) and their apprentice is Soappaw (full healer name is Soapbubble)
The story revolves around Forkkit and Knifekit (Med cat and warrior names are Forkfang and Knifeshine) and them being part of a prophecy along with their cousins Toolkit and Couchkit (warrior names Toolbox and Couchcushion). Toolkit and Couchkit also have a brother named Clipboardkit (Clipboardclaw) but he's lame/silly
Other cats include: Engineroar, Microwavehum, Outletface, Waterbottleshadow, Headphonewire, Housefire, Tapwater, Eggyolk, Electricalwire, Rustedmetal, Bookcover, Sunnyday, Cameraflash, and Flagpole
Also we have the obligatory pjsk references, Dramapaw (Dramamask, Mafuyu), Paintpaw (Paintbrush, Ena), Recordpaw (Recordplayer, Kanade), and Ribbonpaw (Ribbonshine, Mizuki)
We also have two other cats names Shrimpshade and Sharkfang. I justify their non-item names by saying they're from a different Clan I called SeafoamClan (maybe I'll make that a thing,, I love making warriors clans you don't even know)
Annddd our elders are Chairleg, Houseplant, Butterknife, and a former kittypet named Stella!
We also have a few cats outside the Clan, which are Falcon (a friend's OC), and Jingle and Jangle, who come from a travelling group of circus cats! Dramapaw was actually originally from them, and sometimes Jingle sneaks in through a back window to taunt Dramapaw about their past and try and get them to rejoin
Other stuff:
Chairleg had a mate named Carpetfur and their kits are Microwavehum and Outletface!
Microwavehum is mates with Cowboyhat and their kits are Toolkit, Clipboardkit, and Couchkit
Outletface is mates with Headphonewire and their (adopted) kits are Forkkit and Knifekit
Sunnyday and Cameraflash are accidental omori references
Pillbottle and Stella are mates and try to hide it from Soappaw butnits so fucking obvious everyone can tell (old cat yuri,,,!!!! wtf!!!!!/silly)
Ok that was wayyy longer than. expectdd,, sorry
This is so wonderful and amazing /gen
and THESE NAMES ARE ON POINT my favs are Houseplant and Housefire,,,
Tysm for sharing this with me i am full of whimsy now :3
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Nabu Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Nabu Zaman
Race: Halfling Merman
Age: 21
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 6'3 (191 cm)
Unique Features
Purple engravings all over his body
Long Locs
Has Scales, Gills, and Webbed Fingers/Toes when wet
Skin glows when dark and wet
Education & Background
Education: Red Fountain Polytechnic
Year: Exchange Student
Specialty: Spellcraft & Enchantment Practical Applications
Subspecialties: Tactical Combat & Field Operations | Magical Artifact Creation & Studies
Favorite Class: History of Magical Practices
Birthplace: Kingdom of Mare, Andros
Occupation: Apprentice Wizard
Mother: Zilina (Deceased)
Father: Nazir Zaman
Step-Mother: Yazmin Zaman
Elder Half-Brother: Naveed Zaman
Timmy/Helia (Specialist Best Friends)
Stella/Tecna/Musa (Winx Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Confident and Patient: Nabu exudes confidence and patience, traits honed through his solitary studies and dedicated practices.
Kind and Sincere Despite his isolation, he carries a genuine kindness and honesty, fostering genuine connections with those he meets.
Philomath: He harbors a deep love for learning, a passion driving his explorations in magic, history, artifact crafting, and academic pursuits.
Intelligent and Knowledgeable: Nabu exhibits a strong intellect, especially in wizardry and studies, which gains recognition from mentors and peers.
Reserved and Thoughtful: He appears to be introspective and contemplative, choosing his words carefully and showing consideration for others' feelings.
Supportive and Reliable: Nabu acts as a dependable friend, offering support and guidance to those close to him, like Aisha, and being there when they need him.
Dutiful and Responsible: Nabu is dedicated to his studies and responsibilities, as shown by his commitment to apprenticeship and learning from his master.
Adaptable and Open-Minded: While committed to his studies, Nabu seems open to new experiences and learning from different cultures or places, as he's willing to explore beyond his homeland.
Skills & Abilities
Prodigy Wizard
Enhanced Vision, Hearing, and Strength
Expert on Magic History and Theory
Fast Swimmer
Can Breathe Underwater
Excels in staff-centered Martial Arts
Can communicate with Sea Creatures
Hobbies & Interests
Visiting libraries, museums, and monuments.
Collecting and creating artifacts, jewelry, and gems.
Trying new foods to document in his travel journal.
Quirks & Habits
Follows a pescetarian diet
Doesn't understand a lot of surface traditions
Ties his locs into a different style every morning
Can recognize over 1,000 spells by memory
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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