goetiiaprince · 10 days
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😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
Making new friends and, of course, writing! I've met some really incredible people, and I just think that's the neatest part!
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
I've known @bigdicblitzo & @thepalesiren so long, they'd probably hunt me down if I don't mention them! I've made a lot of new friends, to be honest. I'm too shy/nervous to tag them and find out the feeling might be unrequited, haha! But to name a few I feel I might be safe mentioning. . . . @gynaiko @bliitzo @lustsang @poisonedspider @blitzisms @doublejango @holyfurnace @chasingrainbcws @redemonarc @aroyaltailor @rradiio @stolsas OKAY THAT'S SO MANY and that's where my semi-confidence ends. ajsdkflg; There are people I still talk to/interact with but I don't wanna cross a line and say we might be friends ;v; BUT I HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE I LOOK AT AND TALK TO AND SWOON OVER OKAY THANKS.
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fatherabbott · 26 days
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when Abbott transforms into his demonic form, he is a being of pure rage and destruction. He is the vengeful hand that smites thee, without remorse nor mercy, ten fold what thou hast wrought.
the eyes within his stripes grow red with yellow reptile pupils, and the bullet wound fully heals—he is made whole through sin, revitalized.
the priest habit also changes with his form, enchanted as it is with demonic power.
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grimowled · 18 days
Noot that I'm considering it, but what exactly would the benefits of offering your soul to Stolas be?~
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generally speaking, demonic contracts usually involve the exchange of (1) promisor's soul for a variety of temporary benefits from the demon, who is the promisee; promisors can alternately offer other people's souls, as long as they have genetic connections and dominion over them (ie. scion, spouse or servant bound by contract), or through a ritual of sacrifice.
that being said the benefits and favours offered in the exchange vary depending on the demon's skills and powers, and the circumstances involved; stolas has a set of generic demonic boons, and also a circumstantial and more specific one.
(the demon must always be able to perform and deliver on those favours, otherwise the contract will be null and void.)
depending on their rank, status and power, demons can grant a general array boons to the requestors, such as wealth, resources, a specific talent (eg. artistic, scientific etc) strength, health, beauty, youth, fame, social power and even targeted assassination. the mightier the demon, the more benefits will be offered that will be effective and significant. it is up to the demon to stipulate how many, and for what time period to grant these, ie. if a one-time thing or recurring until the time to pay up. a requestor may enter a contract in order to benefit another.
needless to say, a contract with a prince of the ars goetia will be more impressive than a regular demon's.
stolas' domain is that of knowledge, and specifically that of prophecy and foresight, astronomy, botany and the magical properties of herbs and gemstones and other minerals. these have a very wide range of active and passive application and can be used wisely to the advancement and advantage of the promisor's status on earth and beyond.
for example - if wealth and riches are requested, stolas can use his foresight to accurately predict lottery numbers, or can map out a course of action achieve a desired outcome, based on future events; scientist can claim fame through scientific discoveries provided by stolas; plants and herbs can be used to brew potions that will alter one's state; certain gemstones can be used as conduits for magical properties to achieve certain benefits, ie. health, wealth, success etc. the possibilities abound!
as for benefits strictly perceived in hell, stolas will become the promisor's patron, and grant them protection, wealth, resources and even a certain status among the hellborn; in some very rare and exceptional cases he may grant those he favours above all a limited use of his magical powers and attributes by imbibing his blood.
(that is, of course, in exchange for anything stolas might ask of the promisor, whatever it may be down to his discretion, mood and caprice ... )
more hcs on demons granting boons such as immortality and resurrection to come!
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a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
Questions for the mun! : Accepting!
((If we're not including Tumblr, since 2009.
If we're talking strictly about tumblr, then 2011, which was the year I moved from FFN (fanfiction.net) forums over to this platform!
If we're talking about this fandom, since Late February/Early March 2024.))
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firstwcman · 2 months
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@aroyaltailor asked, What are your Lilith's connections to the demons native to Hell? The imps, hellhounds, etc?
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Dark creator, a "perverted parody" of God and his creations. Being born in Eden, Lilith knows every creature by heart and that bled into her creation and inspiration of species in Hell. I don't believe she made every species personally, some were born from the natural soil and residual spirit energy and others were made by other higher demons, but she has made a lot and is still active in creation (as we know, there is no 'overpopulation' problem, it's heaven being outraged and paranoid by hell flourishing).
I like to think that imps are one of her and Lucifer's personal collaborations. There's no denying they're reptilian, and L&L are iconic for draconic and serpentine symbolism and imagery. I've also always been fond of her being the creator of the succubi, born driven by her lust, while the incubi had more... inspiration by Lucifer in their creation. Another collaborative effort. (however with interactions, threads, plots, general involvement with Hel, that honor belongs entirely to Asmodeus).
Hellhounds I also really enjoy being a species made by Lilith, they're the most reflective of the canines in Eden, just evolved. Also, it's a more personal tweak, but I really like to reference to the fact that vampires are guarded by hellhounds. Lilith being the first vampire and weaving hellhounds into existence just feels fun.
These are just my personal blog headcanons of course, I don't auto-apply this to any other roleplayers that might play these species unless they'd give me the okay.
I really play with the Mother of Demons aspect when it comes to this. In lore whenever she's discovered on the Red Sea beach, she's surrounded by her demon spawn of which she has many. I call to that by giving her the ability to spin 'perverted life' (demonic) into fruition, making them in the way that she was created but with different ingredients. She makes them like a sculptor and a potter, spinning them on a wheel and shaping them to life, or paving their design into a block of combined elements.
However since her successful birth of Charlie and Carmi, she's felt a strain on this ability. It's still possible, but it's a game of chance and it feels like a terrible block. It's Heaven once more attempting to clamp on her ability to create life. To remedy this, she's made a great cavern magically attached to her workshop filled with running falls and a vast sea of blood. It's very dark in here, it's very cold, it's borderless, and it is filled with a constant howling. There's souls all around flying here, looking for a body to inhabit. Mermaids inhabit it as well, bringing souls lost at sea here. This is the Soul Well. The body made for the designed demon is sent through a river that runs through Lilith's workshop and is taken through that stream until a soul finds and latches onto it. It will emerge on the other side of the workshop, ran through like a loop.
This place is also where resurrection is possible, with a new body or the same one, if the rituals required are held successfully and the one who is being summoned agrees to be brought back. Part one of the ritual begins as a séance on the outside, and part two begins on the inside where this soul will find an anchor in the form of Lilith's sigil waiting for them to be beckoned to at their behest, if they are still willing. The process is very dangerous, so many souls will be trying to latch onto that body and invade it and they must be fended off. Lilith's presence is a deterrent enough, but they are very pesky and demanding, so more powerful souls may be something of a nuisance. It's an arduous journey and everyone involved must be absolutely certain this is what they want to do - the cavern is heavy and taxing on most anyone who isn't Lilith, the Morningstar children, or a Deadly Sin. They could be susceptible to possession if the proper measures are not taken.
Mother is Mother. Whether the Hellborn accept her as that or not is up to them, she does not mind either way.
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radicheart · 2 months
@aroyaltailor replied to your post “something not related to alastor? blasphemy!!...”:
We demand lore!
if you know the most popular medusa myth, then you have a good understanding of what her backstory is while she was alive. it isn't exactly the same, but it's fairly close. if you don't know it, just be aware that it's very dark and involves several sensitive topics
6 feet tall, but can stand up straighter using her tail to be up to 8 feet tall
contracted to an overlord (also an oc i have 0 details on at the moment) and forced to fight in a not-so-underground arena. her contract also has it written so she's forced to give up a good chunk of her earnings to said overlord
uses steel fingertip claws to fight, but can also constrict with her tail and has venom she can deliver through either biting or spitting (when spitting she aims for the eyes). all of this combined with her lightning speed makes her a very deadly foe
since she's so good at fighting, she's climbed up the rungs of the arena ladder and has become one of its most well-known combatants. anyone that follows the fights, be it in person or on television, will know who she is
she has more snakes in her hair than just the two on the sides seen in the picture; all but those two tend to stay hidden. they, too, can bite and spit venom
likes to sing at various venues for fun and extra cash
the snakes in her hair can also sing and provide backup vocals
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sidestriker · 2 months
🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon. What's a long term goal of his?
ostensibly, striker's biggest and most prevalent long term goal is to somehow abolish the system of hierarchy hell runs on, but it's in a lot of ways more complicated than that.
i think at the core of things striker hates feeling weak, and hates that he's been put in a box of weakness because of what he is. his dissatisfaction comes from a place of oppression and anger, but he's also a lot more self-centered than he wants other people to think he is.
so i think i'd say probably a much closer and more reachable long-term goal of striker's is to kill a goetia. in many ways this DOES connect to wanting an end to the class system! but also, striker is so, so tired of not being taken seriously that a lot of it is just because he desperately wants to prove that he CAN. that he IS strong enough.
headcanons. / accepting.
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grandma-susan · 6 months
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@aroyaltailor Susan squints at the obnoxiously tall person in the doorway in town. Was that the one that people had been boosting about? "HEY STILTS FOR LEGS! You know anyone who can work a half a dozen secondary angel flight feathers into a proper lapel pin or fascinator?"
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keenie-bopper · 1 month
What did Keenie think about all the [eyes] scattered across the walls when she first arrived in Hell?
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"You know it's funny. Those mysterious eyes scattered all over Hell, actually made me feel nostalgic."
"They reminded me of Heaven! You know a place that is under constant supervision by some all-seeing, all-knowing greater being?"
"I can see why they would make some Sinner's uncomfortable though. But we Angels are familiar with someone watching and judging our every move."
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isforever · 2 months
Seeing as you have Barbie on here for now, got a question for em. How would she feel if Blitzø died?
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how   would   she   feel   if   her   brother   died?   once   upon   a   time,   it's   a   question   that   would   have   made   her   stomach   twist   into   knots.   it   would   have   broken   her.   but   in   the   throes   of   her   addiction,   she   had   made   peace   with   her   own   death.   the   reaper   would   come   for   everyone   eventually.   surely   it   would   come   for   her   brother. 
maybe   his   death   could   be   a   sort   of   atonement.   it's   his   fault   their   mother   was   dead,   her   father   readily   reminding   her   of   it   every   chance   he   got.   it   was   his   fault,   but   as   his   twin,   she   was   some   sort   of   extension   of   her   brother…   and   she   blamed   herself.   could   it   have   been   different?   if   she   had   done   something   different,   could   she   have   changed   that   night?   no,   maybe   not.   maybe   that   was   what   fate   intended.   the   son's   mistakes   leading   to   the   death   of   his   mother…   their   mother.
“   i…   i   don't   know.   ”   it's   admitted   with   a   scoff,   because   deep   down?   he's   part   of   who   she   is,   they're   two   parts   of   one   whole.   she   wants   to   carry   her   father's   rage,   but   rage   and   sorrow   had   nearly   brought   her   to   ruination   in   her   desperate   desire   to   numb   the   pain.   “   i   mean   fuck…   i   don't   want   him   dead.   i   just   don't   wanna   fuckin'   see   him   ever   again…   ”   a   pause.   she   knows   the   truth   of   the   matter.   it   would   lead   to   another   spiral,   it   might   be   the   pain   that   truly   breaks   her   cold   heart.   “   i'd   be   sad,   i   guess…   but   i'd   get   over   it.   that's   how   shit   goes,   you   get   the   fuck   over   it…   besides,   he's   already   fuckin'   dead   to   me   anyways.   ”
but   he'd   haunt   her,   even   as   a   ghost.   the   memories   of   good   times,   an   anger   she   couldn't   put   away…   he's   her   brother.   she   doesn't   want   to   be   around   him,   but   she   still   mourns   him.   she'd   mourn   him   even   more   in   death.
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goetiiaprince · 3 days
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Stolas, presumably in da rain
SOBBING — he looks slightly more elegant than that. Come on now. 😩 This was a delight to see in the middle of my day, thank you ♡♡ genuinely made me laugh 10/10
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truearchangel · 2 hours
Was Michael for or against the Extermination?
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"I approved them."
He doesn't know why this continues to surprise people. Michael was the Sword of God, the Leader of the Archangels and the one who controlled Heaven's Army. Of course when acts of war are made, he is at the center of them. He led that fight agaisnt Lucifer in Heaven, he struck his own twin down and threw him from the clouds with his own two hands.
Of course he was involved. Of course he signed them off.
Granted, that was all he did. He signed for them and then tossed the actual work of dealing with them onto Adam. Because that was easier than having to deal with everything else, with handling Lucifer and whatever fallout from the exterminations there would be. Lucifer's condition of protecting the Hellborns was an easy one to approve of, the only real target they had was the sinners anyway. They didn't want all of Hell, that was pointless. The place was needed. But the amount of sinners there was? A threat.
So it seemed like an easy enough way to deal with them all. Can't be a threat if they're evicerated.
"I don't regret them." A brief pause, his lips pressing together. "I do regret how out of hand they got." He regrets losing control of Adam.
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grimowled · 2 months
pros: extremely passionate
cons: stalker
☽ a night with the prince - one pro and one con !! - accepting
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you have no idea how passionate about fornication he is.
and if he liked what you had to offer he may become rather ... enthusiastic about seeing you again. think blowing up your phone, showing up unannounced, demanding your time without any regard for your day-to-day, longing and lusting for you constantly, watching you from afar and through scrying magic, being aware of your whereabouts at ALL times, finding something to manipulate you with, using his power and influence to do all these things and so much more ... you know, your classic deluded obsessive stalker ways - he would call himself a romantic.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months
Has Andre ever gone through any alcoholic binges? Drinking his problems away, that sort of thing?
((He has a few times, namely when his stress and anxiety have become too much to handle. These binges used to be few and far between, but with the drama sparked by Stella's divorce, his binges have become more frequent.
However, Andre will only engage in binges when he is in the privacy of his own mansion; at social gatherings and parties he will usually have just enough to not cause suspicion/have a little bit of a buzz until he gets home.
The recent thread with Phel is an exception.
His go to is wine, but he won't object to anything stronger if it's available.))
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keeperofquestions · 2 days
Do you have any examples of the kind of cruelty Phel is capable of?
While Phel does try to treat those around him with at least a basic level of dignity and respect, he is still Ars Goetia and takes the hierarchy and expectations of being one very seriously.
When things interfere with his duty, for example, casualties are acceptable. He has gotten into several fights and many of them bloody. He is willing to fight dirty and utterly ruin his opponents if that's the most efficient way of dealing with them. Life is cheap in Hell after all and some lives are more important than others.
He is also entirely capable of ambition even if he is personally scared of that side of him. Though he cannot help but consider in the back of his mind what he could do and what he could gain after getting his artifact back up to at least a functional state. Souls were always in supply and answers were always in demand after all.
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avispatr · 2 days
Does Paimon have any illegitimate heirs he fathered out of wedlock?
No, Paimon has never been married. He has a large harem that phases in an out concubines. This is to both get plenty in the gene pool and create different family lines that can cross generations down the line. He's dedicated to his work and has no desire for one mate to consolidate power and think herself a queen in the goetia.
Different children serve different roles. Children like Stolas stand to inherit titles and have their own. Others serve technical functions, his two hundred legions are composed of his sons and daughters. Others like Dawn mainly exist as back ups should he find himself short.
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