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wcshedup · 2 months ago
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aroyaltailor asked: Do you have any lore for some of the drugs in Hell? We know about H8 for example. How is that specific drug nastier than the rest?
holy SHIT this is a great question and I'm so glad you asked !! i have a ton of lore regarding h8 and I've never had an opportunity to yell about it one place so i hope you're ready to never hear me SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THIS.
disclaimer !! everything below the cut is 100% fanon lore to this blog in collaboration with @fizzarollitm and @madefate ( a lot of this lore is the brainchild of our group chat over the last year or so )
h8 is a drug exclusively cultivated and sourced in the WRATH ring, where it is sold in very small qualities over the counter in capsules as a type of form of performance-enhancing drug. its desired effects include increased motor function, heightened sense, a decreased physical refractory period, and reduced inhibition. basically, it makes you feel fucking invincible for 6-12 hours.
utilization is typically reserved for older adults who struggle with energy levels and maintaining a personal level of wrath or physical prowess around times like harvest, pain games-like festivals, or holidays like sinsmas. however, because there are several cultural hang-ups regarding its use (notably implications of impotence or being 'past one's prime') among the citizens of wrath, abuse of h8 is generally only found OUTSIDE of wrath.
due to its low demand in its home ring, and the local knowledge that it isn't a substance to fuck around with, h8 is absurdly cheap and easy to obtain and traffic to other rings for the entrepreneurial hellborn.
it has a red, crystalized appearance that comes in a capsulated form over the counter, and in its street form (which comes in a larger crystal) it can be crushed and snorted OR melted to a liquid state and injected. it takes between 2 and 3 times MORE than the recommended dose for the average adult to achieve the high that h8 users -- often labeled as rageheads or h8ers -- are going for.
the effects from consuming h8 in qualities qualifying of abuse include euphoria, increased physical prowess, increased heart rate, paranoia, and jaw tension/stiffness (due to grinding) once a physical dependency is established, a user will begin to experience withdrawal effects 8-12 hours after their last fix, with that window decreasing the further into addiction the individual spirals. withdrawal symptoms begin with irritation and nausea and will progress into violent outbursts and high levels of physical pain quickly thereafter.
once a non-immortal being develops a physical dependence on h8, the likelihood of recovery is EXTREMELY low to none, and this is for several reasons.
the further from wrath the substance travels, so too does the likelihood of the crystal being cut with something non-consumable, such as a look-alike rock sugar or bathroom cleaner. this makes h8's quality variable between dealers and days and makes accurate dosing extremely difficult. as h8 is also an incredibly easy drug to overdose on when taken in off-label qualities, this raises the mortality of its user base considerably.
h8 was never intended for chronic use NOR for use in the qualities that addicts need to achieve and maintain their high. while its effects are intense, so is the physical toll on the body. even a ONE-TIME use will leave an immortal with a raging migraine and an aching jaw the next day, but a non-immortal chronic user can find themselves experiencing muscle wasting, psychotic episodes, and organ failure (specifically the heart, kidneys, and liver.)
h8 is not a substance that you can quit cold turkey. once dependency is established, the user's body will REQUIRE monitored intake of h8 in small qualities until they can be weaned off in a controlled setting, such as a rehab facility or hospital. half of the deaths related to h8 addiction are born out of an inability to obtain the next fix, or failure to procure placement in a treatment facility; at this stage of addiction, the stress of withdrawal on a body already under the stress of such a harsh drug, cardiac arrest is common.
many users also find the sheer pain of withdrawal too great to tolerate, making recovery nearly impossible, and self-unaliving is common among late-stage users.
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hellcab · 7 months ago
🐀🚕🔥 (please roast my birb)
“Big bird, with a bird brain.”
There was a smile with those words. Roth stared at the Goetia, with near vicious eyes.
“You’re the royal tailor? Looking at you, that already farfetched, considering how fucking lame your outfit is. You overdressed, big bird pompous ass!”
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primordialruin · 1 month ago
🧠 + punt Lucifer like a futbol
Her eyes narrowed on the sight of Lucifer with a fervent kind of consideration that had her completely pausing in whatever she was doing.
Nopenopenopnope. Gotta shake the thought from her head because he is not a ball — he is the love of her life. "I will NOT kick your ass today!" She blurted, accidentally, out loud.
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grimowled · 1 month ago
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Any headcanons about some of the ways Stolas can be possessive/condescending with Blitzø sometimes?
the first thing to note about stolas is that he does NOT respect personal boundaries. he simply believes they do not apply to him - this entitlement stems from both aristocratic privilege and, of course, being a demon lord; after all, one does not harvest souls by, tch, respecting boundaries. stolas deems them human constructs meant for those who lack the power to impose their will. our dark prince in fact thrives on his ability to transgress these limits, whether for personal gain or the sheer thrill of domination. he has an innate superiority complex that bleeds into his relationships, including with blitz, whom he views as simultaneously fascinating and beneath him.
secondly, there is a painfully clear cut hierarchy between the prince and his imp lover; which means that stolas' perception of blitz is shaped by hell's intrinsic power structure, and, by extension (with notable exceptions), all hellborn imps are tools or servants - useful, ambitious, but inherently disposable.
but what does that actually mean to stolas?
it's not really about societal class - it's more nuanced than that; before creating such ranks and construct, hell is, at its very origin, a place where the fallen made a haven, and a dominion for the lost and the damned; for stolas, hell's true & ultimate currency is POWER, harvested through the collection and shepherding of souls, chaos, and influence over mortal and immortal realms alike. so, naturally, he doesn't rest on his title as a passive birthright, but actively upholds it by honing his skills, sowing discord, terrorising and creeping into the lives of mortals, and ensuring a steady influx of souls to hell, to expand the domain's overall power.
his authority over blitz and others is a natural extension of his role as a predator and soul-harvester. the transactional relationship he initiates with blitz is, to him, just another way to leverage his influence.
that follows that he treats those who are beneath him condescendingly, but he appreciates those who strive to climb the ladder with audacity and tenacity, like blitz and his crew. while he may even feel a shred of admiration for blitz's cunning and resourcefulness, it is filtered through the lens of condescension. he respects him only insofar as one might respect a particularly clever pet: something worth keeping but always under one’s CONTROL. possessiveness is another facet of stolas' sense of superiority. everything and everyone in his orbit are extensions of his domain, especially if their souls or services are owned by him; blitz is no exception. initially, he sees him as just another piece of property - a transactional exchange of services for the grimoire. however, as his fascination with him deepens, this possessiveness takes on a more personal and obsessive edge. blitz shifts from being a pawn to a most prized possession stolas feels entitled to dominate and keep close.
so, stolas' warped affection manifests in invasive and domineering behaviours, which he sees as a natural expression of his superiority and care; these include but are not limited to:
summoning blitz at any time without considering his plans or desires.
scrying on blitz’s whereabouts and calling or appearing unannounced, often in compromising situations.
physical dominance, such as unwelcome touching or grabbing, as if blitz’s body is his to command.
unfiltered remarks, sexual or otherwise, with no regard for comfort or consent.
lavish, unsolicited gifts meant to assert his wealth and generosity while reinforcing blitz’s indebtedness.
imposing decisions on blitz’s behalf, treating him as incapable of making his own choices.
forcing blitz into roles and jobs he deems necessary, regardless of his actual feelings.
all of this because stolas genuinely believes blitz should be grateful for his attentions and not be devoured or worse, discarded by the demon prince; from his point of view, he’s offering him a rare privilege: the favour of a prince, the protection of a demon lord, and indulgence in carnal pleasures others could only dream of. he also assumes blitz secretly enjoys this kinky dynamic, interpreting any resistance or discomfort as coyness or pretence. this delusion blinds stolas to the very real harm he does, as he equates his desire with affection and blitz's begrudging compliance with consent.
as the transaction progresses into a situationship, stolas' complicated feelings for blitz grow more tangled. lust turns into fixation, and his obsession with his darling imp begins to blur the lines between ownership and longing. he becomes more erratic in his behavior, oscillating between domineering possessiveness and vulnerable moments where he seeks blitz’s approval or affection. this emotional turbulence only deepens his confusion, leaving him torn between his role as a depraved demon lord and his burgeoning, twisted infatuation.
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aroyaltailor · 3 months ago
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Another day, another agony. Some inbred Duke from the Fifth Circle visited in person instead of just sending a damned email. They've left now, thank Lilith for that. Back to grumbling in his office.
(Artwork created by the lovely @fatherabbott as a fun little sketch.)
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stadam · 2 months ago
Question. Imagine I'm a sinner, looking to hide from the Exorcists. Would hiding indoors do the trick?
oh boy >:) let me give a lil rundown on my ( default ) view of the exterminations whilst i'm at it, for worldbuilding purposes. everything is subject to change according to any new canon being made available.
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FROM A MORAL PERSPECTIVE, heaven justifies the annual exterminations on the basis of a few key factors: culling overpopulation, preventing rebellion & keeping public order between both heaven & hell, and as an enactment of divine justice. the initial exterminations, when they were first proposed, were more akin to individual penal executions — sinners guilty of utterly immoral acts were rounded up and executed. this gradually progressed into an all-out massacre as the numbers of hell grew. the exorcists are less selective now but they do retain some principles and abide by the obligations set upon them by the heaven-hell treaty. they usually have a quota of souls to exterminate, set either by adam himself, or heaven high command, in more extreme cases.
ON PRINCIPLE, adam doesn't go out of his way to target children, mothers, or the elderly. he does have some moral values. not that it doesn't happen but you know. adam also has a few bars & clubs he, himself is fond of, and he tends to leave these untouched :) in general, exorcists are forbidden from entering / harming any hospitals and schools.
ON A LEGAL BASIS, AS PER THE TREATY, hellborn demons are exempt from exterminations. this stipulation extends to the protection of all hellborn-owned premises, properties, etc. generally, the exorcists avoid densely populated hellborn areas so as to avoid any potential legal issue arising. sinners hiding in such areas could go under the radar.
adam would also not allow his exorcists to attack any sinners hiding at THE HEAVEN EMBASSY, given that a) embassies fall under diplomatic immunity, as likely outlined in the treaty and b) it's in bad taste to spill blood in a building under the direct jurisdiction of heaven. this is probably your best hiding place!
FOR POLITICAL REASONS, EXORCISTS TEND NOT TO DIRECTLY ATTACK THE TERRITORY OF PROMINENT OVERLORDS. certain overlords control vast amounts of souls & possess a strategic territory and / or serve as information providers for angelic intelligence. taking out such overlords would wreak more havoc than it's worth. sinners on the leash of such overlords tend to fall under this grey-area of protection as well.that's not to say they've never taken out overlords, or conquered their territories, but it's usually a calculated manoeuvre.
WHILST THE ABOVE APPLIES TO SINNERS WORKING FOR / UNDER THE CONTRACT OF ANY HELLISH NOBILITY AS WELL, such as the ars goetia, exorcists might target specific souls if it would prove to be a beneficial indirect hit to the hellborn noble in question, if said noble is becoming too much of a threat either in hell or on earth ( think, for instance, the helluva boss pilot in which stolas implied having contacts on earth stirring political unrest and contributing more souls to hell. ) so as a sinner, it really depends on what situation you implicate yourself with.
DO THE EXORCISTS DRAG SINNERS OUT OF THEIR HOUSES? sometimes! it really depends. it's safer indoors then out, for sure, as they tend to target souls in clear view first. if it's a particularly slow hunt, they'll resort to tearing down private properties.
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hellsmusing · 1 month ago
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@aroyaltailor asked: What kind of weapon does Lilith prefer?
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Swords. However, knives provide an intimate and personal touch.
The public has not seen Lilith wielded a weapon in last few millennia. It is reported that she relies on her demonic abilities and allies to execute her will, avoiding the need to dirty her own hands.
Who can say how much truth lies in this rumored report?
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fatherabbott · 6 months ago
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when Abbott transforms into his demonic form, he is a being of pure rage and destruction. He is the vengeful hand that smites thee, without remorse nor mercy, ten fold what thou hast wrought.
the eyes within his stripes grow red with yellow reptile pupils, and the bullet wound fully heals—he is made whole through sin, revitalized.
the priest habit also changes with his form, enchanted as it is with demonic power.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months ago
"If she were my sister," Parak said, lying about his opinion utterly as he did Andrealphus' measurements. "I would have killed her long ago. I don't suppose you have a plan for her, now that the divorce has been finalized?" He tugged the measuring tape across the peacock's neck, gently. "She'll not easily be signed into another marriage contract, you know. The other Houses think she's damaged goods."
While he was certain more than one member of his family would have wanted the same fate to befall her, to Andrealphus it was out of the question. Despite everything, he loved and cared for Stella greatly, and he would be damned if any harm came to her.
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Still, the problem of where to go from here with regard to her marital status was a tricky one. "For now we need to keep her in Via's good graces, and keep her in the wealth and privilege that her marriage to Stolas afforded her.
Of course when he comes back from his hundred year exile, there is little doubt Stolas will kick her out, this leaving her in my care." Unless a sin or other goetia saw Stella in a different light and took her hand in marriage.
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hellcab · 3 months ago
✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?
I recently visited Arizona! While there, I paid homage to Tombstone. I toured The Birdcage theater and visited Boothill, where many famous people are buried. Among the dead, there were the cowboys who died at the O.K. Corral.
Some of the deaths were very tragic, lending to the hardships of those times. Such as, one man being murdered because he had the same shirt as his killer. Or the man hanged because he unknowingly bought a stolen horse. Or the Russian noble who tried stealing horses and was hanged.
I also visited Bisbee and toured the town there. It was a mining town ( mining for copper I think ). Many of the buildings there are bult on the slope of the mountains and hillsides. So, many of the streets were narrow. Regardless, being on foot has its own rewards. Bisbee had many artists; I even bought a homemade cross necklace. It’s a beautiful town and I would love to live there.
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lettherebemonsters · 1 month ago
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" You know Lillith doesn't give a shit about you, right?"
It was downright laughable how these demons pissed themselves for their queen. The queen that abandoned them for her own gain.
" She threw you guys away and ran off. She only cares about herself."
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gotalattesay · 4 months ago
What is something your character would refuse to wear?
DENIM. They absolutely loathe the texture. Anything that is similarly rough both on the inside and outside of the apparel is a hard pass. Additionally, for something a little more private: lingerie. This could, of course, change under certain circumstances [ maybe ]. But for the most part, it makes them feel too vulnerable and a lot of times they are wearing the most clothes possible.
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aroyaltailor · 4 months ago
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Hold him gently...
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a-hell-of-a-time-archive · 8 months ago
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
Questions for the mun! : Accepting!
((If we're not including Tumblr, since 2009.
If we're talking strictly about tumblr, then 2011, which was the year I moved from FFN (fanfiction.net) forums over to this platform!
If we're talking about this fandom, since Late February/Early March 2024.))
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hellsmusing · 7 days ago
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@aroyaltailor sent: 👫 (maybe? 👀)
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As an ancient being, Lilith had watched Parak grow from a small hatchling into the creature he had become today.
She would often visit his family, and often bringing treats and treasures for her most loyal subjects.
Before appointing Parak to become the Herald, she asked him to spread to word through smaller channels and paths. It was a test of sorts to see how well his message can carry.
She has weekly check-in with Parak that often involves tea and treats.
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Source Meme // Accepting Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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firstwcman · 8 months ago
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@aroyaltailor asked, What are your Lilith's connections to the demons native to Hell? The imps, hellhounds, etc?
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Dark creator, a "perverted parody" of God and his creations. Being born in Eden, Lilith knows every creature by heart and that bled into her creation and inspiration of species in Hell. I don't believe she made every species personally, some were born from the natural soil and residual spirit energy and others were made by other higher demons, but she has made a lot and is still active in creation (as we know, there is no 'overpopulation' problem, it's heaven being outraged and paranoid by hell flourishing).
I like to think that imps are one of her and Lucifer's personal collaborations. There's no denying they're reptilian, and L&L are iconic for draconic and serpentine symbolism and imagery. I've also always been fond of her being the creator of the succubi, born driven by her lust, while the incubi had more... inspiration by Lucifer in their creation. Another collaborative effort. (however with interactions, threads, plots, general involvement with Hel, that honor belongs entirely to Asmodeus).
Hellhounds I also really enjoy being a species made by Lilith, they're the most reflective of the canines in Eden, just evolved. Also, it's a more personal tweak, but I really like to reference to the fact that vampires are guarded by hellhounds. Lilith being the first vampire and weaving hellhounds into existence just feels fun.
These are just my personal blog headcanons of course, I don't auto-apply this to any other roleplayers that might play these species unless they'd give me the okay.
I really play with the Mother of Demons aspect when it comes to this. In lore whenever she's discovered on the Red Sea beach, she's surrounded by her demon spawn of which she has many. I call to that by giving her the ability to spin 'perverted life' (demonic) into fruition, making them in the way that she was created but with different ingredients. She makes them like a sculptor and a potter, spinning them on a wheel and shaping them to life, or paving their design into a block of combined elements.
However since her successful birth of Charlie and Carmi, she's felt a strain on this ability. It's still possible, but it's a game of chance and it feels like a terrible block. It's Heaven once more attempting to clamp on her ability to create life. To remedy this, she's made a great cavern magically attached to her workshop filled with running falls and a vast sea of blood. It's very dark in here, it's very cold, it's borderless, and it is filled with a constant howling. There's souls all around flying here, looking for a body to inhabit. Mermaids inhabit it as well, bringing souls lost at sea here. This is the Soul Well. The body made for the designed demon is sent through a river that runs through Lilith's workshop and is taken through that stream until a soul finds and latches onto it. It will emerge on the other side of the workshop, ran through like a loop.
This place is also where resurrection is possible, with a new body or the same one, if the rituals required are held successfully and the one who is being summoned agrees to be brought back. Part one of the ritual begins as a séance on the outside, and part two begins on the inside where this soul will find an anchor in the form of Lilith's sigil waiting for them to be beckoned to at their behest, if they are still willing. The process is very dangerous, so many souls will be trying to latch onto that body and invade it and they must be fended off. Lilith's presence is a deterrent enough, but they are very pesky and demanding, so more powerful souls may be something of a nuisance. It's an arduous journey and everyone involved must be absolutely certain this is what they want to do - the cavern is heavy and taxing on most anyone who isn't Lilith, the Morningstar children, or a Deadly Sin. They could be susceptible to possession if the proper measures are not taken.
Mother is Mother. Whether the Hellborn accept her as that or not is up to them, she does not mind either way.
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