#statetalia nebraska
savebats-statetalia · 8 months
Statetalia ♧ FASHION ZOMBIES! ♧ 1
Originally shared: 28. Dez. 2023   Scratch link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/937578075/ 
More notes under the cut:
Guess who made a whole map part in one sitting the day before it was due!! Again!! 
Press the green flag and watch! :D I made a thingy to test out timing, and it looked cool so it will play half a second after the actual part ends. 
Characters (Statetalia) in order: 
Michigan (two tone hair) 
New Mexico (bat hair pin) 
Nebraska (corn in hair) 
Iowa (strawberry blond hair) 
Mississippi (bubbles and headband) 
Pennsylvania (headband and earrings) 
Guys! I spelled Mississippi right first try! :D (...Pennsylvania was not so lucky.) 
Her design is also colored a little wrong but I'm NOT gonna recolor AGAIN. 
Notes and Credits: 
@savebatsfromscratch (me) from the animation and characters! 
Song: Fashion Zombies! by The Aquabats! 
bleedheart on Scratch for the map. 
Scratch bitmap.
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doueverwonder · 1 year
what r ur thoughts on midwest states for statetalia
Quick reminder this is very much stereotypes, I am acknowledging as a lifelong Hoosier they are stereotypes to the max.
Human Names:
Ohio - Cory
Indiana - Adelaide
Illinois - Susan
Missouri - Fritz
Michigan - Timothy (usually just Tim)
Iowa - Luther
Wisconsin - Warren
Minnesota - Silas
kansas - Jennie
Nebraska - Estella
North Dakota - Billie (Wilhelmina)
South Dakota - Bobby (Robert)
the ultimate thrifters 
Grow all their own food cause they can 
They all are cheapskates tbh 
Are all very handy and great mechanics 
But simultaneously the 
“I can’t get the tractor to start” “have you tried hitting it?” 
Yes they all can work phones and computers 
Consume more beer than the rest of the country put together 
Skinny dipping in winter
Have tried warning the others of the corn monsters 
All 12 of them can knit and sew 
“Ope” “lemme just squeeze right past ya” “uff da” “sorry” x12 “tell yer family I says hi!” 
Go to things together all the time (Indy 500, to see Iowa’s prized butter cow, etc...) 
They all speak German & French 
Lotta Lutherans, some Catholics, Indiana and Ohio are *technically* Mennonite, Illinois is Jewish. 
Have a very corny sense of humor 
Except for Wisconsin, who’s is more cheesy 
Go on road trips all the time (Ohio and Michigan are NOT allowed to sit next to each other under ANY circumstances) 
They all hate big crowds  
This group likes horror movies too much
Will FIGHT the South for Missouri 
“Fritz is ours fuck off Arkansas” 
Worship the “Corn gods” don’t ask 
Culver’s is the ONLY valid fast food place for a burger.
Sprecher’s and Vernors make approximately a fourth of their annual sales just from these 12
They get up at 4 am for absolutely no reason 
They have been adopted by Pennsylvania. All 12 of them. She is their mother now. 
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Who are the himbos/bimbos
Himbos and bimbos of the USA include (from most to least -imbo);
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ask-the-californias · 4 years
...have you eaten sand at 3 am in a playground with a friend who is waiting in a car for you to finish making a sand cake?
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S California: Wha-
California: Get in the car we’re going to the playground and watch me make sand cakes!!!
Nebraska: I’m taking videos of it!!
S California: .....
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aph-oklahoma-46 · 4 years
Transtalia Week 2020
Day 2: Puberty
@the-transtalia-blog Sorry this is a day late, but y’all have some Heni and her brother Isaiah getting excited about progress.
Nebraska = Isaiah/Zay (trans man) Kansas = Heni/Henrietta (genderfluid/genderqueer person, she/her/they/them)
TW: shots are mentioned, but none take place or are described.
Day 2, April 13: Puberty
“Heni,” Isaiah shouted. “Henrietta, come here, quick!”
He heard steps coming rapidly from the hall before the bathroom door swung open, almost smacking him. Heni stood in the doorway looking mildly panicked and out of breath.
She panted, “What is it?” Leaning against the doorframe, Heni paused to breathe, taking in the room. When she saw the tears in Isaiah’s eyes, she was by his side in a blink. “Zay, what’s wrong?”
Isaiah blinked and wiped his eyes; he hadn’t realized he’d been crying. “Nothing’s wrong, Hen. But look!” He propped his foot up on the toilet and gestured proudly to his bare leg.
His sibling looked down at his leg, look of worry shifting into confusion, and then annoyance.
“… Did you call me in here to show off your calves!?”
“What? No, asshole, look closer.”
Heni quirked a brow and leaned in, inspecting the leg. “I don’t get what y- oh. Wait a minute.” It wasn’t the leg Isaiah wanted to show off. Heni looked at the hair, before standing up straight again and smiling, wrapping her brother in a hug.
Despite almost being knocked to the floor with the change in weight and position, Isaiah hugged back.
Over the last few months, he’d been taking pictures of himself to track the changes, and Heni had warned him not to get too caught up in checking every week or two, so he had done his best to wait. She was right (for once); these changes took a few months for humans, and as personifications, that timeline was bound to be different. But he had still spent morning after morning inspecting his face, his chest, his body, without feeling much encouragement. But today, he’d been in the shower, shaving a patch on his thigh for his shot, and the thought of that first picture on his phone came to him. He hadn’t compared himself to that, yet, because Heni insisted he wait at least a couple of months…
Well, it’s been a couple of months, he thought in the steam and soap. He had finished his shower and headed to his room, immediately snatching his phone from his nightstand and running to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, he pulled up his photo gallery and scrolled.
He found the picture.
And despite how minute every difference seemed, he still felt his eyes sting. He had sat down on the toilet and just… breathed for a moment, before finally shouting for Heni, leading to the present conversation.
Speaking of, Heni released her grip on Isaiah and pulled back, grinning. Then she gasped and smacked his arm.
“You bastard, you checked without me!”
Isaiah blinked, then laughed sheepishly. Right, they had both started their hormones at around the same time, and they had said (somewhat jokingly) that they would track their progress together.
“I mean, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing… well, get your phone out, and you can check now.”
Heni narrowed her eyes, side-eyeing him as she fished out her phone, but she lost all air of betrayal when she burst into giggles at the face he made back at her.
They probably spent the next hour in the bathroom chattering excitedly about the changes they both saw.
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meetthemidwest · 5 years
Weird things the states have done
-Michigan once kicked a chair out from underneath Ohio and Ohio didn’t fall down. He also didn’t stand up, he literally just stayed sitting on nothing.
-Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan went to an indoor water park and floated around the lazy river while singing I Want it That Way. Illinois got a video.
-Minnesota and the Dakotas decided to go mattress sledding and North Dakota smacked his head against a table and got a concussion.
-Kansas walked directly into a tornado to prove that it was possible. It didn’t end well.
-Rhode Island once pulled a small tree out of the ground and used it to hit Massachusetts in the knee because Mass called him a sewer for the billionth time.
-Nebraska drove a tractor over a homemade ramp and it flipped over with him on it.
-Idaho slowly ate a raw potato in front of the United Nations while making direct eye contact with Russia. To this day no one knows why.
-West Virginia bit down on his wallet, looked directly at a poor CIA agent, and said “whom the frickity frack took my breakfast sandwich?” It turns out the sandwich was in his back pocket.
-Washington spilled coffee on their jeans and immediately declared God to be both a bitch and dead.
-Iowa bought a bunch of those corn on the cob holders and stuck them all over Illinois’ car because he was “being a little bitch”
-New York walked to New Jersey’s apartment (which was pretty far away at the time) at two in the morning just to ask if water is wet. He then made himself a cup of coffee and left.
-Kentucky rode a horse into a grocery store, looked around, and when told he had to leave yelled “THAT ISN’T VERY CASH MONEY OF YOU, CIVILIAN”
-Colorado wore a really large trench coat to a meeting one day and he wouldn’t tell anyone what was in it until after the meeting, where he pulled New Mexico aside and showed him that the inside pockets were filled with memes.
-There’s a video of New Hampshire screaming at Massachusetts while Massachusetts attempts to inject caffeine directly into his veins.
-New Hampshire also wore a shirt that said Big Dad Energy in big bold letters and when asked how many kids he had by a stranger he started laughing hysterically.
-Michigan has a shirt that says I’m Concerned About the Blueberries that he only seems to wear when he gets exactly two hours of sleep. Louisiana once saw him wearing the shirt and forced him to stop and take a nap.
-Florida grabbed a handful of leaves off the nearest tree and started eating them while Virginia explained that attacking European tourists is bad.
-Georgia pushed Alabama into a puddle and he just laid there for about five minutes before rolling over and calling Georgia a bitch.
-You know the vine where the guy at the mini golf course jumps into the water? Hawaii does that every time. No one goes mini golfing with her anymore.
-Alaska took a bite of a dog treat instead of a protein bar, stared at it in confusion, shrugged, and continued eating.
-Texas and Cherokee were arguing over how Oklahoma should live his life while Oklahoma filled a duffel bag with hors d’oeuvres at the fancy party Maryland threw.
-Arizona was carrying around a fancy velvet purse for a day and when California asked what it was for she pulled out seven hard boiled eggs. The only question California asked was “can I have one?” Arizona said no, packed the eggs up again, and left.
-One day Montana and Colorado switched wardrobes and no one noticed since they both wear flannels from the women’s section.
-Wyoming pulled out a water bottle at a meeting and chugged it in under a minute. Turns out it was vodka and she fell down the stairs trying to leave.
-Vermont drank a bottle of maple syrup while Maine recorded. They later sent it to Quebec who watched the entire thing twice before responding with “why are you so dumb?”
-Connecticut got locked out of his house and broke his leg trying to climb to the second floor window. 
-Literally everything New Mexico does is weird, like when he bought a set of sporks and threw his spoons and forks out.
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booklover4816 · 4 years
Can we have a lil’ dirt on Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas and Hawaii? Plus I have an idea for Montana’s human name: Delphine Yvonne Jones. Delphine means dolphin and Yvonne means yew tree. I’m also picturing America having a voice recorder where he records samples of himself yelling the states’ human names, each file named StateNameHereHumanName and New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska and Hawaii found Montana’s human name on there, turned it up to full volume and revealed Montana’s human name.
Delphine’s a pretty name. I wish I would have thought about it a couple of years ago. Montana’s human name is Olivia, but she doesn’t really like being called that. America’s the only one allowed to call her that, to everyone else it is Montana. Pennsylvania and Georgia call her that when she’s in trouble, though. 
America does have a list of the state’s human names and birthday’s in the computer, though, because he’s such a dad. He forgets them all the time. Seriously, my dad always called me by my sister’s name and sometimes would ask me if my birthday’s in October (mine is in January, 2 days before his), and my dad only had 2 kids. So, America with his 50 would be so much worse with mixing up names and birthdays.
Let’s see, what can I tell you about Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas? All four of them have wheat colored hair due to being Great Plains States -- it reflects the appearance of their lands. Kansas is kind of sickly due to not only the fact that she gets a lot of tornadoes, but also because of the history of Bleeding Kansas. Nebraska a huge agriculturalist -- like, he’s the ultimate farmer and would rather spend most of his days in the field than doing boring paperwork. And the Dakotas are practically identical twins that even America has difficulty telling them apart sometimes (he figures it out eventually) -- they, of course, use this for maximum mischief.
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Since we know about NJ's flings with TX and PA, would you mind if you tell us a bit more about his fling with Louisiana? Like, how did that happen? And does anyone know about it?
What’s there to say? Louisiana is a handsome bisexual gentleman with an magnetic personality, a wonderful French accent, a kind heart, a very relaxed attitude towards sex, and he flirts back very smoothly. Like yeah Louisiana is Catholic and the Tired Adult™️, but i shit you not this dude’s got game and a very active social life.
So naturally it happened 😂
But their relationship didn’t really got past the friends with benefits phase since New Jersey wasn’t one for exclusive and stable relationships, and Louisiana isn’t very emotionally available either (mostly because he’s the single dad of like a dozen kids including Kansas. That Troublemaker. So whenever Louisiana got free time, his first and possibly only thought will probably be either wine or nap instead of lemme check on my lover).
And yeah Kansas and Nebraska knew about it. Louisiana was flirting on the phone without realizing that they were home. Wyoming may also be in on the know, but she‘s secretive and mysterious so she never really paraded her knowledge. New York have a sense about it too, but he didn’t mind cuz Louisiana seems like a reliable person in comparison to New Jersey’s numerous other friends with bennies.
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circlique · 5 years
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Welcome to Nebraska!
His design barely changed at all from when I first created him!
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ameridad · 7 years
And the there's Nebraska
Ah yes Nebraska. I actually do have some like friends of the family that used to live there, buuuuut I still need to actually research Nebraska more before I make them. If you wanna see some initial designs of them just shoot me an ask! Also if anyone! anyone at all! wants to see how I design them I would be very happy to show you! :D
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nevadathecasinoboy · 4 years
Wtf is Statetalia? Are they mocking us? @wyomingthegay @gaygirlarizona @idaho-da-potato-king @hi-im-colorado @montanaskies @tornadogirlkansas @stormingurhouse @owo-nebraska
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savebats-statetalia · 3 years
(School Au)
Video: "But what do plants eat????"
Colorado: Drugs.
(Later in the video)
Video: "But plants don't have mouths!"
Nebraska: Really??! (sarcastic and bored)
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savebats-statetalia · 4 years
Nebraska: If red is high, green must be...
Nebraska: Tell them what green is.
Kansas: Uh... depression.
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Nebraska: Well, just to play Devil's advocate-
Iowa: Don't you think the Devil has enough advocates?!
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meetthemidwest · 5 years
There are three types of winter fashion on this blog:
1. Reasonably warm clothes that still make you look great (Minnesota, the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Quebec)
2. Going so overboard with the winter gear that you can’t move (Ontario, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana)
3. A short sleeved shirt, jeans, and the weight of your sins (Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri)
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Iowa: It has-it had been revealed to me…
Kansas: Bananas are technically berries but strawberries aren’t.
Iowa: I am going to shove you down a fucking garbage chute.
Nebraska, not looking up from their book: Corn on the cob is a fruit.
Iowa: You are going in the goddamn recycling bin--
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