#starting a brightening serum soon
nowhere302 · 1 year
no matter how careful I am shaving my legs there's always missed hairs
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Say Goodbye To Acne Scars And Unlock Clear Skin
Acne scars can be a frustrating reminder of past breakouts, but fear not! With the proper skincare routine and the power of niacinamide, retinol, azelaic acid, and AHA/BHA, you can fade those scars and achieve the clear skin you've always desired. In this article, we'll explore how these incredible ingredients work their magic and provide you with an easy-to-follow routine for achieving optimal results.
Niacinamide: The Skin's Best Friend
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a superstar ingredient when it comes to fading acne scars. This potent antioxidant helps reduce inflammation, regulate sebum production, and improve skin texture. Incorporate a niacinamide serum into your routine to reap its benefits. Apply a few drops after cleansing and before moisturizing for maximum effectiveness.
Retinol: The Holy Grail Of Skincare
Retinol, derived from vitamin A, is a game-changer for acne scars and overall skin health. This ingredient boosts collagen production, speeds up cell turnover, and reduces hyperpigmentation. Start with a low-concentration retinol product and gradually increase usage to avoid irritation. Apply it at night, after cleansing, and before moisturizing, and always wear sunscreen during the day, as retinol can increase sun sensitivity.
Azelaic Acid: The Brightening Warrior
Azelaic acid is a multitasking ingredient that not only fades acne scars but also helps with redness, hyperpigmentation, and acne itself. This gentle exfoliant unclogs pores, reduces inflammation, and brightens the skin. Look for a 10-20% concentration product and apply it after cleansing, followed by moisturizer. Remember to patch test first to ensure compatibility with your skin.
AHA/BHA: The Dynamic Duo
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) are exfoliating powerhouses that work wonders on acne scars. AHAs, such as glycolic acid, help fade scars by gently removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. BHAs, like salicylic acid, penetrate deeper into the pores, reducing inflammation and preventing future breakouts. Incorporate these acids into your routine 2-3 times a week, starting with a lower concentration and gradually increasing as your skin adjusts.
In Conclusion
Achieving clear skin and fading acne scars is within your reach with the help of niacinamide, retinol, azelaic acid, and AHA/BHA. Remember to introduce these ingredients gradually into your routine and always patch-test new products. Consistency is vital, so be patient and give your skin time to adjust. Embrace this powerful skincare routine, and soon enough, you'll be saying goodbye to acne scars and hello to a radiant, flawless complexion!
Note: For personalized skincare advice, consult with us for a tailored skincare routine
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
👉🏻👈🏻 Can you go into your skin care routine a little bit as in what order you apply things and how long in between applying products (like is it immediately or do you wait 5 mins to let the first stuff dry/sink in before the next product)?
I get so lost with skin care that I get discouraged and then dont so anything.
oh god this is probably gonna be really long but,
so for the pm- Basically with most of the humectant (moisturizing stuff) you wanna apply that as soon as you get out of the shower and in quick succession so that any water and moisture can get absorbed into the skin and not just evaporate. assuming you shower at night like a sane person this should be your first step when you get out of the shower, you can not wipe off your face with your towl to keep your face damp for longer, i usually don't even wait to put on my pj's before i sit infront of my little skincare stack and start to slap stuff on my face.
the first batch is stuff like the cosrx snail mucin, cosrx glactanomicies ferment filtrate and hyaluronic acid (you'll see a lot of people tell you that 'the ordinary' one is bad but tbh it's fine and cheap, but a good option is also the one from good molecules, neither of them are more than 10$).
if you do not shower at night or wait to long and your skin gets dry, then you want to preface all of your skincare with some sort of toner; the lineage cream skin is absolutely amazing- especially if you have redness and inflamed skin- it is a little bit pricey but tbh most toners run in the 15-30 per 60oz range. these can last you up to 6 months. my leniege one was actually a gift from a follower for my last birthday and i've been using it very sparingly. i immediately follow it up with snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, or something light and hydrating, this is the first barrier of skincare that kind of cushions your skin if you plan on using an actives.
You want to sandwich all of the stuff that dries out your skin from acne, takes care of your fine lines and wrinkles, or chemically exfoliates your skin between your serum and cream. now is when you get into the waiting- when you start to apply your actives.
Actives are stuff like retinols/retinoids, aha's or lactic acids, bha's or glycolic acids, salicylic acids, and niacinamide. these are things that can damage your skin if improperly used. for me- aha's feel a little less damaging than glycolic acids. aha's and bha's are generally a once a week thing especially if you're just starting out. niacinamide help with sebum and clogged pores as well as pigmentation issues, salicilic acid is also something that kinda helps keep your skin sterile from acne causing bacteria, if you have sensitive skin introduce these very very slowly, start with niacinamide and work your way up. i apply niacinimide almost every day and everything else as needed.
next you have your eye cream- it can change based on what you want to solve, if you have fat loss around your eye (ie deep set eyebags like mine) you want to use stuff thats going to thicken the skin faster- staying away from stuff that decreases blood flow like caffeine, if you have dark circles- you want stuff that has brightening agents. if you have fine lines- then eye patches (mini eye face masks basically) and a super hydrating undereye cream will help. i tend to lean for the hydrating stuff. because i have dry under eyes, fine lines, and fat loss.
the ones ive tried are the cosrx snail peptide eye cream, the beauty of jeoseon ginsent and retinal eye cream, the mizon snail repair eye cream, the purito green level eye cream, the haru haru wonder cream the inky list retinol and caffine eye creams, the good molecules, yerba mate wake up eye gel, and the milky dress wrinkle and whitening eye cream. the ONLY ONES that i saw ANY difference with are the good molecules, milky dress, and haruharu, but the one from good molecules is adequate under makeup and the best by far and cheapest.
fat loss is one of the main reasons why you want to stay away from things like lash growth serums, there are some that claim to not cause fat loss, but tbh, seeing as the only way to fix it is via invasive cosmetic surgery- i wouldn't risk it. it's not worth it.
Next i go in with a cream. and then acne gel over top and then you're done!
So basically
hyaluronic acid/serum/hydrator
wait until skincare has absorbed,
Apply actives if you desire actives to fix issues, wait inbetween each application so that the skincare has time to sit and soak in,
You can apply your eye cream at the same time as these steps, because usually actives should not go around the eye area.
Cream, no need to wait
Acne treatment
hope that helps! i have to start my workout now~~~ good luck!
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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Chapter 20: Lost Love (Wesker's P.O.V)
I watched Tabitha's torso fall into the arms of Steven. I dashed over to her and lifted her out of his arms. Staring as her sliver hair returned to the chocolate brown I remember her eyes were. It seems the angelis virus brightened her hair. She was even more stunning than she was before the mansion incident.
"Where is the infirmary?" I asked without delay.
"Her medical facilities are behind her office, sir." Archer stated matter-of-factly, "The angelis virus is currently unstable and she is a threat while she is unconscious."
"Grant me access to the room and I'll carry my dear Tabitha there." I started heading out of the containment room, "Steve and Agent Nighthawk, you'll follow me. Once you have granted me access Archer go to inform the White Queen of the situation.".
"As Tabitha's husband, you have some rights to Pheonix Corps. I'll allow you access to our commander's medical room. I'll let her decide on what all you can have access to when she awakens." Archer spoke leading us through the hallway and stopping halfway to Tabitha's office he turned to look at me, "It has been eight years since you two have been together and this morning she told me she couldn't keep her cover anymore due to her heartache of not being with you. Did you feel the same way about her?"
I looked down at the unconscious form of my wife and kissed her forehead.
"All I ever cared about was making a new world where I'd have her by my side. Cleansing the world of all that would do us harm. I busied myself with my work, but it was almost agony when I didn't have her by my side." I said continuing to her office.
Archer pushed past me, opening the door to Tabitha's med bay. I saw a hospital bed with shackles connected to it. I set her down and pulled the blanket over her. Her unconscious form was as beautiful as the nighttime sky.
"She's likely to be out for some time." the white queen AI said appearing beside the bed as Archer shackled her to the bed and left.
"about how long do you think?" I asked while grabbing Tabitha's hand.
"more than likely she'll wake up in three hours once injected with her viral stabilizer which Arjuna is preparing now." The AI spoke.
"Arjuna? Do you by chance mean Archer?" I inquired.
"Arjuna is the name given to him by Tabitha. His name before was a number given to him by Umbrella. When she saved him in 2003, she gave him the name Arjuna due to his bow skill." The White Queen said.
"After her favorite hero from mythology, I remember the night she told me that. it was our third date. Our first actual date was not just a coffee on the train we got an actual weekend pass and went to an Italian restaurant. They kept messing up my order and they told her if she thought she could do it better to take the reins in the kitchen. She laughed and gave me her food which was a pasta puttanesca which was my second choice. She was kind even when others didn't deserve it. That day we decided to start trying for a relationship, not just being friendly towards each other." I motioned for Steven and Nighthawk to return to their regular duties. With them leaving I leaned over and whispered taking Tabitha's hand.
"You'll be a goddess by my side again my dear. I won't let you go as I did during the mansion incident, my dear lotus one of my deepest regrets was abandoning you." silent tears fell down my face.
"She will be happy to hear that sir," Archer said entering the room holding an injector," she should wake up soon with this. Once I give her this dose, I have something to show you."
"And what is it that you would like to show me?" I asked drying the few tears that shed.Archer injected Tabitha with the serum inside the syringe, "The place where Pheonix Corps started. Please follow me.".
He walked out of the room and I followed close by. Leading me up what seemed like endless corridors and flights of steps until we reached the main lobby. I stared at the massive picture of Tabitha and the massive tattoo that marked her as Umbrella's property. Now on her shoulder was a massive twisting scar, a forever reminder of mine and her past. Next to the fireplace, there was a door with a snake carved into the handle.
"This room was the first one completed of the Phoenix Corps hunting lodge," he lowered his voice and continued speaking "and is the second most secured room because of the contents. the only place more secure is the Pheonix Corps base."
"And why is it so secure? Money, security servers?" I inquired.
"As well this is also where the deed lies and a special letter to Lady Tabitha from Spencer. It is where she came after the mansion incident and where she started her war with Umbrella." He spoke opening the door after pulling out a three-prong key from it.
"Her game against Spencer.... what does the letter say?" I asked walking into the room.
"I will allow you to read it only to know why she went back to raccoon city after coming here in the first place. I will be the first one to tell you it was not for her siblings."
"It was to track me down right? That is what I saw from the nest footage in the files she left for me to review." I spoke.
"You are partially right but her main goal was different. It is all explained in that letter." Archer said closing the door, and locking it behind us,
"Please understand that what I am doing is for Tabitha's good. I really shouldn't have even allowed you in here, but she can not hide from this anymore.".
He had taken out a ripped open letter and a manilla envelope from a beat-up ebony desk.Handing the items to me with shaky hands Archer spoke in a deadly serious voice, "This is how her war against umbrella and the rise of the Pheonix Corps.
Taking the letter and the deed I sat down at the security desk. Setting the manilla envelope with the deed aside, I unfolded the letter and began to read. Spencer's voice echoed through my head as I read the handwritten letter. He told her how he had given Birkin the virus and how he had planned my betrayal of Umbrella. My grip grew tighter word after word. He said that she was the perfect choice to become the next heir to Umbrella even though she left after our son was born. He even offered a place by his side till I and my sister returned to him.
He wanted her to run Umbrella and become an entirely different person than she was. He told her to return to mine and her home, that she would be able to find my plans in my office under a false bottom in the floor. I aggressively sat the letter down.
"Spencer lured her into a trap, just so she could be experimented on," I growled out.
"Not quite it was a genuine offer Spencer gave her. She was here when Sergei delivered that letter to her. Sergei called her here under the pretense of claiming your remains. This room is where Sergei tried to claim her as his own the first time. She left the deed here and ran back to raccoon and you know the rest." Arjuna said turning towards the cameras.
Beep beep...
Archer pressed the button on his choker turning his com link active.
"Archer here." He said.
"Yea uh this is Steve Burnside we have a situation. She's gone." Steven said, "the bed she was restrained to is broken in half.".
I felt my heart stop for a second. Where was Tabitha? Does she fear me that much? Or was she fleeing from her past again?
"I know where she went..." Archer trailed off, " she went to see her daughter's grave... the one she hid in the forest."
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amiskinandhairclinic1 · 11 months
8 Effective Skincare Essentials By Celeb Dermatologist For Flawless Skin
The desire for healthy, glowing skin transcends fleeting fashions in cosmetics. Fortunately, the trustworthy advice of our celebrity dermatologist is right here, so you can achieve that glow without breaking into a secret vault. Our dermatologist has years of experience treating Hollywood's elite as well as regular folks, so she knows exactly what you need to do to get that model-worthy glow. In this detailed article, you'll learn about the eight products that will revolutionise your skin. These products, ranging from those used in cleaning rituals to those used in more specific therapies, have been given the stamp of approval by our guru. Let's go out on a mission to uncover your inner beauty.
Accurate cleansing is the cornerstone of healthy skin.
The key to effective skincare is a fresh start. You should begin your routine with a mild cleanser. It removes surface debris like dirt, oil, and makeup to prepare the skin for further treatment. Choose a cleaner without sulphates if you want to keep your skin from being irritated.
Exfoliation, the Secret to a Younger Appearance
Use an effective exfoliant to say goodbye to dry, flaky skin. This action stimulates cell renewal, resulting in glowing new skin. Try to find solutions using beta hydroxy acids like salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic acid. You should definitely go with the Exfoliating Solution.
Elixir of Hydration: Preserve Moisture
If you want clear skin, you must drink plenty of water. Hydrating Cream is a high-quality moisturiser that helps prevent dry skin and keeps skin supple. Your skin will keep its elasticity and youthful glow thanks to its high hyaluronic acid and antioxidant content.
Sun Protection Factor Shield: Block UV Rays and Preserve Skin
Put on sunscreen before leaving the house. The risks of UV radiation, including premature ageing and skin damage, are very serious. Select a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Sunscreen is a necessity, and Daily Defence SPF is a non-greasy, effective option.
Serums: Precise Care for Specific Skin Issues
You can only have effective skincare with serums. They can be tailored to address issues like acne, dark spots, or wrinkles. To delay the ageing process, try Retinol Serum. Vitamins C and E have been added for extra glow.
Eye Cream: Banish Dark Circles and Puffiness
The eyes are the portals to the soul and must be treated with care. Consider purchasing a hydrating eye lotion, such as Brightening Eye lotion. It lessens the appearance of under-eye bags and puffiness so that your eyes shine.
Nourish with Antioxidants: Feed Your Skin
Skin damage from the environment can be prevented by consuming antioxidants. Use an anti-ageing serum or moisturiser loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. This is a perfect application for Antioxidant Elixir.
Nighttime Repair: Beauty Sleep in a Bottle
Use a good night cream to aid your skin's natural repair process while you sleep. Peptides and hyaluronic acid are used in Overnight Renewal Cream to speed up the recovery time.
These skincare staples, approved by a celebrity physician, can serve as a beacon on your quest for beautiful skin. Keep in mind that reliability is essential. Keep up with your workouts, and you'll see the results soon. If you give your skin the TLC it needs, it will repay you with a perfect, glowing complexion that will get you compliments wherever you go. Now is the time to start your skincare routine and discover your true beauty.
Moreover, Because of this, the dermatologist-led staff at AMI Skincare Clinic is committed to working with each patient to develop a personalised skincare regimen. Our professionals are ready to help you achieve any look you choose, from a red carpet glow to a more subtle enhancement of your natural beauty. So, there's no reason to hold off. Get started now on the path to beautiful, healthy skin with the help of AMI Skincare Clinic. Express your inner brilliance.
Website – https://www.amiskinhairclinic.com Contact Number – 9106183902 Email Id – [email protected]
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Love Grows (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
STEVE STOPPED ON THE SIDEWALK staring up at the contemporary twist on a Renaissance Revival. Stark Tower was one of the most sought after apartment buildings. It made sense with its large, spacious rooms and high ceilings. And Steve couldn't believe he and Hodge were actually moving in.
"'Ya just gonna stand there and gawk all day, or r'ya gonna help?"
Snapping out of his mysticism, Steve resituated the box on his hip. Following his husband inside, Steve still marveled at the marble floors and the beautiful grand staircase. All of it was magnificent and grandeur, and Steve felt the need to pinch himself to make sure it was real. Sure, it was only possible because Hodge's – obscenely wealthy – uncle was letting them sub-let while he traveled around Europe.
"Mr. Hodge," the chubby lobby attendant greeted Steve, holding the elevator door for him.
"Thank you," Steve smiled, joining the taller, more muscular blond inside the lift.
Once both men were alone, Steve switched the box to his other hip. Standing on his tiptoes, he kissed Hodge's cheek and took in that energizing citrus scent that always gave Steve a little more pep in his step. The beta smiled and turned so he could press a kiss to Steve's lips. This was it. This was all Steve needed.
Well, this and a baby.
As they crept up to the seventh floor, Steve started, "Y'know, that den would be a perfect second bedroom. Or, y'know, a nursery."
"Christ," Hodge chuckled. "Haven't even made it inside yet and you're already propositioning me."
Gleefully, Steve giggled and he confirmed, "You bet your sweet ass I am."
"That's what I love about ya."
Leaning down, Hodge pressed another kiss to Steve's lips. Both smiling through the kiss. Then, the elevator paused and the doors opened. A pregnant woman around their age entered with her toddler son on her hip. A smile brightened her face as she greeted the pair, "Hi!"
"Hi," the couple returned.
Going to push the button for her floor, she stopped, "Well, look at that! We're floor neighbors!" Then, she paused to think, "Where are you moving in?"
"Twelve E," Steve answered, grinning at the toddler who was trying to peek inside the box he was holding.
"Oh no," the woman gasped. Holding a hand to her chest, she asked, "Did something happen to Mr. Hodge?"
"No, he's fine," Steve reassured, instantly feeling bad with the way the little boy started crying from being startled by his mother. Hodge added, "Uncle Arnie is traveling."
"Thank goodness," she relaxed. Bringing the boy's baby-chubby hand to her mouth, she apologized, "Mama's sorry."
"Yeah, it's alright, little guy," Hodge encouraged, playfully tugging at the toddler's short sleeve. Which, of course, only made Steve want to have a baby even more. Hodge would make one hell of a father, and Steve would fight anyone who thought differently. Even if that person, more often than not, was the beta himself.
"See, everyone's okay," she kissed the calming toddler's still-flushed cheek. Redirecting her attention back to the two men, she introduced herself and her son, "I'm Laura and this is Conner. We're in 12B."
"I'm Steve and this is my husband, Gilmore Hodge."
"Hodge, please," the taller blond corrected while playfully narrowing his eyes at Steve, causing Steve to chuckle under his breath.
"Well, it sure was nice to meet you," Laura said. "Hey, we should get together sometime. My mate, Clint, is always goin' on and on about how it's like a retirement home around here. But then, he also acts like a teenager most days."
Finally reaching their floor, Laura carried Conner out and said, "Remember, 12B."
"Don't gotta worry about us forgetting," Steve smiled, following her out before turning and going in the opposite direction.
Once in front of their new home, Steve put the box down so he could pull the keys out of his pocket. As soon as the door was unlocked, Hodge lifted the petite omega into his strong arms, causing Steve to loudly laugh at the gesture. It wasn't their first place together, nor was it the first since they've been married, but Hodge had a flare for the dramatics. Steve supposed that it came along with the territory of being an actor.
"You're such a goof," Steve wrapped his arms securely around Hodge's broad shoulders.
"You love it," Hodge kissed him as he stepped over the threshold.
"You're damn straight, I do," Steve confirmed, and then deepened the kiss.
Before it could get too hot and heavy in the foyer, Hodge set Steve down. Pressing one more kiss, just a chaste one, so he could pick the boxes back up and carry them inside. Deciding, "You unpack, and I'll get the rest of the boxes."
"Sounds like a plan," Steve agreed. Playfully, he swatted at his husband's taut bum, earning another set of narrowed eyes in return. Of course, that only made Steve laugh and made Hodge smile.
For a moment, Steve stood there, watching Hodge leave their new home. Then, he decided to do his part and start unpacking. Looking over the boxes that were currently in the hallway, Steve decided that since the kitchen was the closest room to him, he picked up the one marked kitchen.
Pulling out the cheap, everyday dishes, Steve could feel eyes on him. Smiling to himself, he waited for the perfect opportunity to pounce on his adorable lug of a husband. After all, they would need to christen this place. Truly make it theirs.
Even though he knew that they had more boxes to bring up, Steve wanted to entice Hodge. Truth be told, Steve could be a tease when he wanted to be. And in that moment, he wanted to be. So, he removed his baggy, paint-stained t-shirt and exaggerated wiping sweat from his face and chest. Then, he bent over, purposely allowing his husband to stare at his ass; wanting the larger blond to struggle for having to leave the apartment and him.
Hearing Hodge from the other side of the front door, Steve clutched his abandoned t-shirt to his chest and quickly turned around. Half-expecting to find someone still standing in the opening to the kitchen. Hadn't there been? Hadn't someone been watching him?
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mariobadescu · 1 year
5 Easy Ways to Help Even Out Your Complexion from Home
Many people struggle with uneven complexions. Concerns like hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, and redness can distract us from how beautiful our natural skin is. Luckily, achieving that even-toned, glowing complexion doesn't always require in-depth spa treatments. Oftentimes, you can make a noticeable change towards an even complexion by following some easy skincare tips. From doubling down on moisturizers like Face Spray to preventing further damage with sunscreen, here are five easy ways to even out your complexion from home.
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Double Down on Moisturizing and Hydrating
Your skin is much more likely to become irritated and damaged without a proper moisture barrier. Dry skin is also more likely to become inflamed by irritants that cause red patches and discoloration. Double down on hydration to improve your skin's moisture barrier and help even out irritations. Choose a premium moisturizer and then supplement hydration with a hydrating botanical Facial Spray for when you need a hydrating boost.
Add a Glycolic Acid Toner to Your Routine
Exfoliation is a great way to regularly remove dead skin cells from the surface of your complexion, helping reveal more even and youthful-looking skin. Glycolic Acid Toner is the perfect exfoliant that helps remove dirt, oil, makeup, and dead skin cells in a gentle toner. Glycolic acid is also great for reducing hyperpigmentation and visible signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles.
Target Acne Breakouts with Spot Treatment
Acne often comes with a whole lot of headaches, from the blemishes themselves to acne scarring. The best way to avoid acne scarring contributing to an uneven complexion is to target your acne blemishes with a spot treatment as soon as you notice them. Excellent dry spot treatments can help you cut down on active breakouts and prevent uneven scarring.
Incorporate a Vitamin C Serum in Your Regimen 
Vitamin C is like the king of skincare ingredients for brightening your complexion, targeting dark spots, and protecting it from outside irritants and free radicals. Vitamin C Serum is perfectly lightweight and is excellent for all skin types. It can even diminish the look of fine lines while evening out your skin tone and retexturizing your complexion. If you don't already have a Vitamin C Serum, this is your sign to get one.
Protect Your Complexion with Sunscreen
Lastly, you want to protect your skin from any further irritants or discoloration by protecting it from the sun. Wearing sunscreen every day is absolutely essential, even in the darkest winter months. Damaging UV rays permeate the cloud cover even in the winter. Getting an even skin tone that glows from within all starts with preventative care. You can protect your skin with just one easy step added to your regular morning routine.
About Mario Badescu 
Skincare can feel like a revolving door of trends. But one trend that will never change is the importance of an excellent daily skincare routine. Mario Badescu has been a trusted source of excellent skincare for over 50 years. Mario Badescu is dedicated to helping clients find their inner and outer beauty with their potent formulas. Blends of organic fruits, vegetables, and smart botanical ingredients nourish and soothe your complexion. Simple, gentle, and effective skincare is at the heart of everything Mario Badescu does. This timeless philosophy has garnered years and years of success and lives on inside every expertly crafted skincare product. Whether you're just starting your skincare journey or looking to revamp with some classics, trust Mario Badescu to soothe and nourish your skin. 
Start working towards a gorgeous even skin tone with products from https://www.mariobadescu.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Jt0wDe
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eazy-group · 1 year
The 5 Biggest K-Beauty Trends of 2022
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/the-5-biggest-k-beauty-trends-of-2022/
The 5 Biggest K-Beauty Trends of 2022
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Once upon a time, Allure ran advice columns by our favorite beauty pros. In celebration of our 30th anniversary, we’re bringing back the tradition — but this time the expert is: us (we’ve learned a lot over the years). Send your burning (or itching, or otherwise inflamed) questions to [email protected], and we might answer them in an upcoming story.
What are the next big things in K-beauty?
I was debating whether to get a lob and a Netflix account when Dr. Jart+ Water Fuse BB Beauty Balm SPF 25 came to the U.S. from Korea, around 2011. It was a breakthrough moment — the stuff in that aqua tube gave me dewy cheeks with zero sunspots — and it was happening in front of millions of mirrors that year. 
I am old enough to remember how BB creams jump-started the K-beauty phenomenon that has shaped the last decade of beauty, which means I am also old enough to be highly invested in what comes next from the world’s skin-care epicenter.
1. The Big Hanbang
Pronounced hahn-bahng — but you will know that very well, very soon — these are traditional Korean medicinal ingredients, like lotus and ginseng. “You are seeing hanbang translate into a lot of Korean products,” says Charlotte Cho, founder of Then I Met You and cofounder of K-beauty retailer Soko Glam, who notes that some brands are basing their entire ethos on this category. 
Acwell, for example, uses traditional herbs and licorice extract. “Hanbang materials usually have great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects,” says cosmetic chemist Ginger King, who likes lotus root for brightening and ginseng for boosting microcirculation.
2. Slime for a Change
What’s the next snail mucin, that gloopy (and hydrating) secretion we’ve seen in so many Korean sheet masks and serums? Well, snail mucin. But minus the snail part. “The younger generation of Koreans cares more about animals and, as a result, vegan skin care is top of mind,” says Cho. (Snails aren’t killed for their mucin: Usually, they crawl over mesh, their mucin is collected, and then sterilized.) 
“You’re going to see brands rolling out ‘phytomucin,’ a vegan alternative, in the next year.” It can be made from wild yam, okra, or seaweed. Says King, “seaweed and okra have similar moisturizing and firming benefits as snail secretions, and wild yams may have antioxidant and moisturizing benefits.”
3. Dry Ideas
As waterless formulas — which could help lower the beauty industry’s environmental footprint — gain popularity, “freeze-dry technology will continue to blossom,” says King. One technique that has not yet come to the U.S. but is popular in Korea is to “steam an ingredient nine times and use ultrasonic technology to extract the essence with the most potency,” says King, who is hoping to use the technology later this year.
4. Mask Marvels
One constant in Korean culture is masking — sheet masks, yes, but also the surgical variety. “Ten years ago, I’d see people wearing masks [in Seoul] as a courtesy to not spread their cold,” says Cho. 
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mxearthcare · 1 year
What You Need to Know About Vitamin C Face Serum
Vitamin C Face Serum has been gaining in popularity lately, and it’s easy to see why. This versatile product is made up of several age-fighting ingredients that can help keep your complexion looking youthful and healthy over time. But what is Vitamin C Face Serum? And what should you know about it before incorporating it into your skincare regimen? Read on for more information!
Firstly, it’s important to understand what Vitamin C Face Serum does for your skin. Generally, this type of serum contains vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant that provides protection from damaging UV rays and other environmental factors. It also has anti-aging properties that promote collagen production and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles or hyperpigmentation. Additionally, many Vitamin C serums contain other ingredients such as hyaluronic acid that promote further hydration and firmness in the skin.
Together, vitamin c and hyaluronic acid contain powerful properties that can reduce wrinkles, dryness, and discoloration while also providing a burst of moisture and nourishment to the skin. The effects of using Vitamin C Face Serum are cumulative; you won’t see results overnight or after just one application—but making it a regular part of your routine can make an enormous difference in the appearance of your skin over time.
With proper use, Vitamin C Face Serum can be an incredibly effective tool in maintaining healthy glowing skin. By taking the right measures with its application and storage instructions as well as incorporating other routines such as eating well and using sunscreen daily, you’ll soon be enjoying beautiful results from this amazing product!
The benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins for maintaining a healthy body, and has countless benefits for our skin too! Our bodies are unable to produce Vitamin C naturally, so we need to obtain it through other sources, such as dietary supplements or topical products like Vitamin C Face Serum. Here’s a brief overview of some of the amazing benefits of Vitamin C:
Reduces wrinkles and age spots: Vitamin C can help reduce wrinkles, dark spots, and other signs of aging. Its antioxidant properties protect your skin from free radicals that damage collagen and cause these marks in the first place.
Prevents sunburns: By protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, vitamin C helps prevent sunburns – but it doesn’t replace sunscreen! Make sure you always wear appropriate protection whenever you go outdoors.
Brightens complexion: Thanks to its brightening effects on skin tone and pigment, vitamin C can improve the overall appearance of your complexion with regular use. It does this by promoting stronger cell turnover which replaces dull cells for brighter ones over time.
Boosts collagen production: Along with reducing fine lines and wrinkles, vitamin C also helps encourage collagen synthesis for firmer-looking skin. This is because it helps activate fibroblasts – cells that are responsible for creating new skin tissues which keep your face looking youthful and vibrant!
Whether ingested orally or applied topically in skincare products like our own Vitamin C Face Serum with Hyaluronic Acid, there are numerous ways we can make sure we’re getting the right amount of this important nutrient every day. Getting enough vitamin C is key to keeping your skin healthy, moistened and toned – don’t forget to add it to your routine for healthier-looking skin!
Best Practices for Applying Vitamin C Face Serum
When applying the serum, start by gently patting it onto your face with your fingertips—not rubbing it in—until it is fully absorbed. If you find that you need more coverage than one application can provide, you can layer on additional drops of serum until your desired effect is achieved. Additionally, make sure to keep the bottle tightly sealed and store in a cool, dry place when not in use; this will help extend its shelf life and effectiveness.
In addition to these tips for applying Vitamin C Face Serum correctly, there are other steps you should take to ensure healthy looking skin beneath the surface as well. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables can help improve overall skin health while plenty of water consumption helps keep your skin hydrated throughout the day. And don’t forget about sunscreen! SPF protection is essential in keeping environmental damage from taking its toll on your complexion over time.
By following these simple steps and incorporating Vitamin C Face Serum into your skincare regimen, you can enjoy youthful-looking healthy skin for many years to come!
What is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic Acid is a natural substance found in the human body that helps keep our skin healthy and hydrated. It has incredible anti-ageing properties, as well as many other skin benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore what exactly Hyaluronic Acid is, what it can do for your skin, and how to get the most out of this powerful ingredient.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a natural molecule found in our bodies that plays an important role in maintaining skin health and moisture. Its thick gel-like structure provides extra cushioning and protection to our cells throughout the body – specifically in areas like joints, eyes, and heart valves. This helps by reducing friction while also providing essential nutrients to these cells.
In addition to its cushioning effects, HA also binds to water molecules which keeps our skin looking plump and youthful by locking in moisture for longer periods of time. This means fewer wrinkles and age spots; something we can all be thankful for!
What are the Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?
The most obvious benefit of using HA on your skin is its amazing ability to reduce wrinkles and age spots caused by dehydration or exposure to UV rays. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce redness caused by irritation or allergic reactions while its hydrating effects promote smoother, softer and glowing skin with regular use. It can also aid in wound healing more quickly than without! And if that wasn’t enough already, HA also boosts collagen production for firmer-looking skin over time – giving you an effortless boost of youthfulness each day!
How Can I Get The Most Out Of Hyaluronic Acid?
The best way to get maximum benefit from HA is by incorporating it into your skincare routine – through topical products like creams, serums or moisturisers – or even just ingesting it orally through dietary supplements. Our own Vitamin C Face Serum with Hyaluronic Acid contains both ingredients working together synergistically; providing the perfect combination to help keep your complexion looking bright and vibrant all day long!
So there you have it – everything you need to know about Hyaluronic Acid! It’s an amazing ingredient with countless skincare benefits; so don’t forget to add it into your daily routine for healthier-looking skin!
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binndnguyen · 2 years
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After holiday, my skin has been pretty dull and uneven because of pollution and exposure of sunlight. I saw that the radiant glow that I used to have has vanished in a moment. At this moment, I think this is the best moment to try the newest range of skincare from L'Oreal Paris, which is L'Oreal White Perfect Clinical that promises brightening skin in 3 actions. It promises to give result after 7 days even though I have been using it for 10 days, so what's my verdict with the product?
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L'Oreal White Perfect Clinical comes in 3 products only. Day Cream, Night Cream, and Essence. It's practically very simple and the routine must be easy to maintain for everyday use! The products come in beautiful silver-blue acrylic bottle
So what does this skincare claim?
✓ Banish black smudges 
✓ Helps enlighten skin 
✓ Maintain skin youthfulness
I don't really have black smudge but my skin has lost it's radiant glow maybe because of my unhealthy food life during holiday (we are all guilty for it lol), pollution, and sun exposure. And soon I will reach my quarter life hence my youth will be gone sooner than expected!!! Therefore I am in need of something to keep the youthfulness. Some of my friends have started using anti aging too to combat against the aging process haha
So let's take a look of what the products offer
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White Perfect Clinical Derm White Essence Skin contains Derm White Technology, which is a combination of 3 active skin lightening ingredients. It comes in an ampoule type of packaging and for me one ampoule is enough for my all over face 
When I first used it, the serum does the magic as my skin feels instantly moisturized as if I just inject a serum booster into my skin. It's absorbed pretty fast and not sticky! The essence can be used both day and night and priced at Rp 214.000
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White Perfect Clinical Day Cream SPF 19 PA++ has Pro-Vanish 3, a brightening active ingredient that reduces skin melanin production and SPF 19 PA +++ to protect skin from UVA / UVB rays. The packaging comes in silver metallic shade and has nice contrast with the pink cream inside when it's opened
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The day cream comes in pink tint to gives glowy effect after usage as well as the sunblock protection along with it. Like any other sunblock, the cream has pretty thick texture and a little bit difficult to blend because of its SPF. However once it's blended properly, it will give you a nice sheen of dewy finish. It helps to prepare my skin before putting on some make up afterwards! The Day cream is priced at Rp 161.000
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White Perfect Clinical Overnight Treatment Night is a night cream to help regenerate skin. The night cream has cooling sensation effect that feels refreshing.  Unlike the day cream, the overnight treatment comes in deep blue shade so it's easier to differentiate which jar is for which routine
I applied it the overnight treatment right away after I took my night shower, along with the essence. The cream has gel-like texture and reminds me of an overnight sleeping mask because of it.  The texture is a little bit heavier and richer than what I expected so a little bit goes along way. The Overnight treatment is priced at Rp 192.000 
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Here's my before and after picture using the series in 1 week! The hair and body are all the same, but I the before and after face on top of the body so you can spot the difference clearer! On the after picture I only put a light eyebrow powder and a pink lip tint, no BB Cream, no powder and no other make up! Honestly I was a little bit skeptical with the product because I was only using it for around a week or so, but I kept the camera setting and lighting the same, and when I put the pictures side by side like this, I was in awe! My overall skin tone has become much more even and my dull skin has turned into a healthy shade instead! I am surprised that it really helps improving my skin tone, giving it a brighter radiant tone with just a week!  Overall I am giving it two thumbs for successfully bringing back my glow to life However my skin is really dry and this series is still not moisturizing enough on my opinion. So I suggest people with dehydrated skin to combine the products with another lotion and sleeping mask to help moisturized your skin even more instead of using it just as it is
So where can we purchase L'Oreal White Perfect Clinical products? You can easily find them at any L'Oreal Paris at Department Stores, Drug Stores, and Cosmetic Stores. If you want to shop online at E-Commerces, Blibli and Lazada are two of many websites that offer the products! The price is a little bit pricey for a drugstore product, however since the products work well to brighten up skin, I would consider it a try! 
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Unlock the Secrets to Glass Skin: A Simple Korean Skincare Routine Revealed!
In recent years, the Korean skincare routine has gained immense popularity worldwide, and for a good reason. Known for its effectiveness in achieving a flawless and radiant complexion, the Korean skincare routine is a step-by-step process that focuses on nourishing and hydrating the skin. One of the most sought-after results of this routine is the coveted "glass skin" look, characterized by a clear, luminous, and dewy complexion. This blog post will delve into the simple Korean skincare routine that can help you achieve glass skin and some recommended products to get you started.
Double Cleansing
Double cleansing is the first and most crucial step in any Korean skincare routine. This step involves using an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup, sunscreen, and excess sebum, followed by a water-based cleanser to cleanse the skin thoroughly. Recommended products for this step include the Banila Co Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm and the COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser.
Exfoliating your skin is essential to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover, resulting in a smoother and brighter complexion. Opt for a gentle exfoliator like the Neogen Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Pads or the Skinfood Black Sugar Mask Wash Off, which helps to unclog pores and reveal a fresh layer of skin.
Toning is a crucial step in the Korean skincare routine as it helps to balance the skin's pH level and prepare it for better absorption of subsequent products. Look for hydrating toners like the Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner or the Son & Park Beauty Water, which boosts moisture and nourishes the skin.
Essences are lightweight, highly concentrated formulas that deliver hydration and nutrients deep into the skin. They are a vital component in achieving glass skin. Consider using the Missha Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence or the COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence, both of which are known for their skin-rejuvenating properties.
Serums are potent formulations that target specific skin concerns, such as brightening, anti-aging, or acne. For glass skin, focus on serums that provide intense hydration and radiance. The Laneige Water Bank Hydro Essence or the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum are excellent choices to incorporate into your routine.
Hydration is critical to achieving glass skin, so investing in a good moisturizer is essential. Look for lightweight, non-greasy options like the Belif The True Cream Aqua Bomb or the Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream, which provide long-lasting hydration without clogging pores.
Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining a youthful and healthy complexion. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, such as the Missha All Around Safe Block Essence Sun Milk or the Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
In Conclusion
By following this simple Korean skincare routine, you can be well on your way to achieving the coveted glass-skin look. Consistency is vital, so stick to your routine and be patient, as results may take time. Experiment with different products to find what works best for your skin type and concerns. Embrace the Korean skincare philosophy of nourishing and hydrating your skin, and you'll soon be flaunting a radiant and flawless complexion that will turn heads wherever you go.
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camillacammy · 2 years
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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Chapter 11: Truth
A week had passed with ease and thanks to the Angelis virus any sign of harm to my body had vanished. The day came when I was supposed to complete my first set of missions for Wesker. The escort detail would be a walk in the park and the b.o.w. hunt even more so. The thing I was worried about was gathering Intel on the B.S.A.A., that alone I was worried about. Chris knows what I look like as do the B.S.A.A. higher ups.
I had just finished assembling my med kit with my viral stablizer securely stored away when a forceful knock rang from the door.
''Come in." I said pulling my hair in to a low pony tail.
"Alistar are you ready to go?" Steve asked with a black backpack on. He looked like a college student about to visit his parents.
"Almost, I have to prepare a few rounds of viral stablizer. I have a horrible feeling that something bad will happen." I stated.
"You seem a tad paranoid, I thought you were a cool collected killer like Wesker." Steve joked.
"Haha yea no, I can't ignore my instincts in situations like this." I sighed, "I'm having the same feeling from when the Russia base was shut down and we all know what happened that night.".
"That bad huh?" Steve said shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
"Yea, but oh well we are already running behind because of me ." I stocked my herbs, viral stablizer cache and lifted my brief case, "let's go.".
Steve started out the door and I followed  in suit. The halls seemed lighter than normal as if the thought of the outside world brightened my view of the rotting hellhole I'm in. The halls were filled with soldiers and researchers rushing to their proper stations.  This was almost like my time in Russia.
I let out a small chuckle when we went to the air strip. That was a big fucking mistake.
"And why are you laughing?!" A shrill female voice broke the peaceful silence, just my damn luck.
"Ah Ms. Gionne, how are you this morning?" Steve asked politely.
"Terrible, Albert's pda alarm went of too early and he overdosed on his serum. He can barely move at the moment due to the migraine!" She screeched.
"That's why she's here instead of him." A weaselly voice piped up, it was Irving.
"You must be Mr. Irving, We have never been formally introduced. " I extended my hand, "My name is Alistar Lancaster, I'll be the head of your security detail during the duration of your transaction."
"Tis' a pleasure, you seem very familiar. Did we pass in the hallway at some point?" He asked shaking my hand.
"No sir, I'm afraid that I'm normally in the training rooms or in the research labs. I don't have the authorization to roam around the base." I now ever so slightly  to sell the loyal lackey act.
At this point Excella is turning a deep shade of red, "Irving quit making friends with the "help" and load up the plane. Also Irving be sure to study your notes on the buyer, we don't want a repeat of last time."
"Of course Excella and I do expect compensation for my services if things go according to plan." He stated, turning around grabbing a crate.
"Mr. Burnside Wesker requests you keep an eye on your charge the full time. He doesn't want anything to happen to "it". He has spent a lot of assets keeping it in working condition. I have  special orders for "Ms. Lancaster" from Albert so the "special operative"  will need to stay behind for a bit."
Yet again this woman was making me lose my temper. Not even speaking of me as if I was a living being but a piece of property. I was pissed. I motioned Steve to go on as I knew I'd be fine.
Steve nodded, "if you say so boss, I'll get that Mr. Irving.".
"Right." He squeaked out feeling the tension in the air.
Once they hurried off I turned towards Excella, "What are my orders?"
As soon as I asked I felt a sharp sting across my face, "I don't know who you think you are barging into my world and tearing it down but be sure of this you bitch. If you even step out of line once I'll make sure you never see the light of day again."
"So that is what this is about....heh what a fool." I chuckled again.
"Again with the laugh! What is so damn funny?" She glared daggers into me and slapped me across the face again.
I place my thumb and index fingers over my open eyes and removed my contacts and let my eyes flare the ice cold blue, "What's so funny you ask, is the fact that you think you can actually do something to me. I am here of my own volition to serve as my teachers pawn  in her stead. Unlike you, who is just trying to get in to the pants of power hungry sadist. So from now on stay out of my way."
I cracked my neck and smirked staring straight in to her eyes "One last thing lay your disgusting hands on me again I'll send you to your grave, stupid girl."
She scuttled back shaking ever so slightly, "Oh look I need to get back to tending to Albert."
She ran off. I placed my contacts back in and headed towards the plane. I have some calls I need to make.
[Weskers P.O.V]
I was sitting at my desk clutching my head, the pain was very disorienting. Exella left to see Ms. Lancaster and Mr. Irving. Damnable technology, I knew I should of programmed it myself. I looked up to look at  the cc TV footage to see Excella giving my orders to Mr. Burnside and Mr. Irving.
Shortly after Excella arrived Irving and Steven started to head towards the plane. Steven stopped for a short moment only for Ms. Lancaster motioning for him to continue. I  found this action peculiar as I had no special order for her. That was when Ms. Gionne slapped Alistar.
I watched the screen with intrigue as she was struck again. Much to my interest Ms. Lancaster didn't flinch instead her stance became firm and her posture became intimidating. She appeared to touch her face and said something to Excella.
She backed up terrified of Ms. Lancaster, almost falling back. Ms. Lancaster simply turned around and marched to the plane pulling out her PDA and mine started to ring. Growling at the sound I answered quickly.
"I take it you just saw what your assistant tried to pull correct." Ms Lancaster's voice spoke with authority.
"Yes I did, tell me did she give my orders to your group?" I asked rubbing my temple.
"She gave orders to Steve and Mr. Irving. Did you have a message for me or did she lie to me as well?" Ms. Lancaster asked with a serious  tone of voice.
"Yes I did I wanted to warn you the area of the exchange has been infested with B.S.A.A. agents. I'm sure you understand what that means." I stated even more infuriated.
"Becareful on over dosing on that damn medicine, I don't want to see you becoming a destabilized mess." She chided, "Keep it up and you turn in to a beast like Colonel Surgei.".
She released the call and I sat the pda on my desk. Why the hell would she care about my health. It's not like I give a rat's ass about her.
Knock knock
"Albert it's Excella, may I enter?" She asked.
"Enter." I groaned internally, nothing but annoyances today.
[Main pov]
It was about mid flight when I stood from my seat. I had to see what arrangements the Mr. Irving had made for our lodgings. I walked back to where Steve and Irving were sitting.
"Mr. Irving." I stated.
"Please let's dispense with the formalities please call me Ricardo." He said smiling.
"Alright Ricardo, I was wondering what lodgings were set up for us." I asked.
"Normally Excella sets that up but she didn't this time. She said that "that filthy mutt" doesn't deserve to use my connections. I hate to be blunt, but I believe she means you." He sighed pointing at me.
"I don't know why that woman has always had it out for me." I shrugged "But no matter, I can make  arrangements for lodgings with a call. I have a place in my mind I'll inform the pilot."
I pulled out my phone and stepped into the restroom. I pulled up the contact and dialed the number.
Ring ring.
"Pheonix Core lodge, Archer speaking." Came through the phone.
"Juna, I need a favor." I spoke gently not to be heard by others.
"Archer the plan is in motion and we can discuss details after I arrive. Right now I need my room set up, well as two suites. The Pheonix core lodge will be hosting a future ally tonight." That cut him off and there was silence, "Juna are you still?"
He let out a heavy sigh,"Yes I am, I was just worried about you. I'll have the rooms set with in the next few hours. A bit of warning there is a massive hunting group who have been causing an issue about the off limits grounds and I'm not done lecturing you."
"Thanks June. I'll see you later and tell those idiot's the owner will be there shortly to discuss the matter." I said hanging up.
I pulled of my over shirt revealing the extensive scarring. With a sigh and a roll of the neck I redid my hair. I washed my hands and exited the bathroom. Steve greeted me outside the restroom.
"You ok I thought I heard screaming in there." Steve asked.
"Yea it was one of my contacts, I kind of fell out of contact do to starting to work for Wesker." I rubbed the back of my head.
"Oh that's understandable, did you make sleeping and housing arrangements?"
"Yes I did, the Pheonix Core Lodge. It was a passion project of Tabitha.  She said if she ever got out of the umbrella scene, she'd run a hunting lodge. I'll have the drivers take us once we land."
"That sounds good to me, Hey question." He  said.
"Yea what's wrong?" I asked.
Steve smiled and pulled out a deck of cards, "Do you know how  to play speed?".
"Your on." I chuckled and we started playing.
[Weskers P.O.V.]
I was listening to Tabithas recordings. It detailed the year before I joined the management training facility.  She was quite solemn and  rarely did much.   The few times she spoke with Markus it was quite interesting what he was interested in. From cell decay to certain chemical compounds that causes a boost in neuro activity. 
"At the start of the next year, everything started to rapidly change for me." Her recorded voice sighed, "I was sitting in class when Dr. Markus walked in and introduced two people, one was with him and the other showed up just after Markus had started. Their names were Albert Wesker and William birkin. William seemed layed back more go with the flow type and Albert was  very stiff with an almost by the book personality, polar opposites.  Dr. Markus had me be a mentor to William. He was a kind man and very smart. Dr. Markus decided to mentor Wesker. Did I know then I would marry Albert about seven years later? No, if I were to be honest I thought that he would be a major hard ass and a stick in the mud. I was definitely right on one of those. " She spoke sounding nostalgic.
I heard a metal door slam, "Agent 748, come its time for your injections." A familiar heavily Russian Male voice  said.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I RIP OUT YOUR THOAT YOU DEPLORABLE SHIT STAIN MAN." Tabitha shrieked so loud it  distorted the audio and made my head throb.
"Its been two months, if you don't start following my orders I'll have Ivan throw you in to the testing room." Surgei said
"GO AHEAD AND TRY I'LL KILL THE DAMN THING IF IT LAYS A FINGER ON ME." She shouted again, I heard a grunt on the recording and the metal door slam again.
"God I despise that man. Once I figure a way out of this mess I'm going to try and find way to fix my family. My son, my daughter, I regret not raising them every day and yes I had kids Wesk. In '82 and in '92n and yes they were yours. I couldn't abort them and what's more I wanted a family.  However the would of never been the case, Spencer  he found out and tried to have me transfer the custody to him both times. I'm sorry to drop the bomb on that but seeing as how I'm more than likely bound for a shallow unmarked grave here I'd rather be honest with who was listening." She started crying and I was at loss for words.
"I couldn't have umbrella have a hold of my kids.   Look what happened with Sherry! Her own father tried to kill her when he mutated! I'm sorry Albert but you were always so wrapped around Spencer's finger and I was terrified. I was a damn fool. I found her, our daughter and I can't bringing myself to face it. I know I won't be forgiven but at least I've finally been honest even if these are just recordings on a private drive." There was banging on the metal door and a sigh, "I need to end this here for now. Time to be cut open .......again." .
"Recording ended." The robotic voice said.
I was silent, the weight of what was said was extremely heavy. I quickly accessed the files Tabitha had Alistar present me with. I couldn't find any files with her name on it. Then the Colonels voice rang in my head. In the recording  he called her agent 748.
I typed it in and it pulled up the Angelis main test subject file. The title was Arch-Angel. It detailed an experiment involving U.B.C.S. agent 748. The virus was a different strand of the progenitor virus that had extreme mutation risk.   It was noted on the file that those who had children had a higher compatibility do to an increased amount of CPH4 able to increase cell energy. The subject had two kids known to the umbrella corporation. One was found and measures have been taken to obtain, target is a 16 year old female with a small family in Russia.
Notes added by Colonel Surgei, looking under the section I saw something that made my blood  boil. It stated.
"If only comrade Wesker could see his blushing bride now. I complied with Lord Spencer's request and he was correct. Her having his kids showed she had just as much promise as him. She bonded with the new progenitor strain even better than I did with the T- Virus. The daughter is a more than like candidate as well. Lord Spencer's said to call the new virus Angelis, as even gods need servants. I have to be sure  to clip this Angel's wings. Can't have this one fly away again my bed will be so cold. " I heard his voice in my head as I read. The tone mocking me and filled me with rage.
I stood up and in a blind rage punched a hole in the desk. This was what Spencer had planned for her. A death with out peace, with out resolution.
One that I brought her too. I tried but for the first time is a very very long time I, a man ment to be a god cried.
This is what umbrella made us. It just proves to me more what I have to do. I will cleanse this filthy planet of all the undesirable garbage.
Maybe then and only then can I make this guilt go away.
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Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream Review: Brighten Up Your Smile
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No one can escape their age. But, the particular right daily treatment, a person are certainly look like you've got. Right now, we're helping to promote a new formula that's been trending online. It's called Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream! When we heard about this cream's rejuvenating effects, we were automatically skeptical. After all, a new skincare product pops up almost every day, and hardly any of them do what they propose. However, upon studying this treatment for ourselves, regular confirm that it's additional than worth consideration. If you have in mind trying out this innovative solution, we can advise. Because, part of our negotiation for promoting Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream has allowed us a small shipment of our own. You can order yours produced by supply, at a price offered nowhere else on the market!
As you age, skin color needs important proteins, collagen and elastin alike, if it is to remain healthy. Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream assists with this, by deploying an excellent supply of both proteins to your face. Now, this is nothing new as far as skincare is fearful. However, where most creams and serums fail, was in that they stop at delivering the proteins to your skin's flooring surface. Luminene Glow Cream goes deeper. It utilizes peptides to draw in the elastin and collagen it provides to your support stage. This is the deepest layer of one's skin, and it's where the results work in skin repair takes place. Any apparent wrinkles will grow less noticeable in just weeks, all thanks towards the cream's nourishing agents. They you continue to apply the treatment, however, the more it benefits your skin tone.
Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream Reviews
Before we went too deep, to speak, on Luminene Glow Anti Aging Cream, we looked at existing critiques. It's no wonder the formula is trending, when almost everyone who's spoken up has offered only praise of your effects. When celebrities, nobody can afford quite treatment money can buy, are this particular cream, kind of person you're onto something extensive! The benefits begin as soon as remedy is related to your face. And, in just weeks, you start looking visibly younger. Your friends will demand to know your top secret. You can describe honestly. Unfortunately for them, they'll apt to be too late to snag this offer, as we expect a lack within this month. You've got here in time, though, so not really try take benefit of it?
Perks Of Luminene Glow Skin Care:
Removes Face lines And Wrinkles
Restores Your Skin's Collagen and elastin Supply
Prevents Aging Signs Along the Road
Supports Skin's Firm And Plump Texture
Brightens Away Dark Spots And Age Specks
Luminene Attacks The Darkness!
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fclskincareindia · 2 years
Best serum for men's face in India
Even though men's skin differs from women's, it still requires care. Men need various skincare products to care for their skin, including face cleansers, creams, lotions, essential oils, and face serums. Face serums are one of these items that guys should also start using.
Face serums contain a wealth of ingredients that are ideal for skin, including essential oils, skin-lifting acids, vitamin C, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Face serums are potent solutions that treat various face problems, including pigmentation, excessive sebum production, acne scars, ageing indications, and soon.
One of the best serums for men's face in India is FCL's Intensive Serum For Men. It mixes a potent brightening complex made of Vitamin C, Alpha Arbutin, Syricalm, Emulium mellifera, and Multifruit extract with a special blend of components obtained from plants and vitamins. These components can help with dull or uneven skin, according to research.
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angelicyoongie · 4 years
everything i brew, i brew it for you
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⤷ 1.2k follower event request: Familiar!Seokjin x Witch!Reader + “I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave.” + Fluff/Angst ⤷ @softescapism​ said: seokjin x reader or OT7 x reader + prompt C8 + witch/familiar, fluff, sfw (hi! could you write a drabble/scenario/short fic for the follower event based on this, please? 💓) ⤷ word count: 2.1k ⤷ a/n: this is a little angsty in the beginning, but the ending is all fluff! i hope you like it!!
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“There you are!” You grumble, snatching up a vial from the back of your cabinet. The little thing is covered with dust, the label yellowed with age and barely clinging on to the glass. But even then, there’s no mistaking the content. The shimmering pink powder inside makes you stomach flip uneasily, but you know it has to be done. You uncap the bottle before you can talk yourself out of it, carefully sprinkling the powder counter-clockwise into the boiling concoction in your pot. You can’t help but frown as it slowly turns from clear to bright pink, the stark colour mocking you as you throw in a pair of four leaf clovers with a little more force than necessary. The kitchen is quiet aside from the bubbling brew and the rhythmic tapping of your impatient fingers against the counter, your eyes resting nervously on the dark garden outside your window. You promised Seokjin years ago that you would never make this particular potion again, but you’ve run out of options.
You love being a potions witch, but truth be told, it’s probably the worst financial decision you could have made. All witches have to choose their niche the day they turn eighteen, and you, driven by the long list of potions witches in your ancestry, wanted to follow in their footsteps. What you didn’t account for however, is just how drastically the times have changed. Larger covens have started selling their potions online, making them in big batches to cut down on the cost and shipping them all across the country. There’s no longer a need for a town to have their own potions witch, not when you can get them delivered to your doorstep for a cheaper price. The mass produced potions are definitely not as potent as a singularly brewed ones, but it seems people care more about price than efficiency these days. Well, at least most people don’t care. And considering business has been dwindling so alarmingly fast over the last four months that you’re barely scraping by, there’s not a chance that you can lower your prices anymore than you already have.
You shake your head, trying your best to ignore the tendrils of guilt wrapping around your chest. As long as your familiar doesn’t find out about this order, there will be nothing for him to worry about. That's why you’re hunkered over the stove in the first place; desperately hoping that it will be done in time before he comes home. Tonight is Seokjin’s monthly familiar night with Hoseok and Namjoon, and the only window of alone time you have to make something like this. You murmur a quick incantation under your breath as you give the potion one last stir, watching as the pink brew slowly darkens to red. The sickly sweet smell that whiffs up from the cauldron almost makes you gag, but at least it tells you that the potion is almost complete.
You take a step back, throwing another glance towards the window as you count down the seconds in your head. Five minutes. That’s all you need. It’ll be finished, and you can finally hand over the love potion to your customer tomorrow. Despite your reservations and Seokjin’s hatred for that particular brew, it’s actually not that bad. It can’t force someone to fall in love, but it does make them more .. loose-lipped around their crush if they happen to have one. If anything, it’s honestly more of a rebranded truth serum. It does make you want to confess your feelings, and that’s also where the dubious morality of the potion comes in. Even if the person is already in love with someone, it still forces the recipient to act on emotions that they might not be ready to, or even want to share with their crush. You’ve turned down requests for this potion numerous times in the past, but this time, you truly can’t afford to. Seokjin might be older, but he’s still your familiar. Your responsibility. It’s not his fault that he decided to create a bond with you – a witch who can hardly sell enough potions to keep food on the table. You have honestly no idea how you managed to end up with a familiar like him, one that’s so utterly selfless and helpful. Seokjin’s guidance and assistance feels a little wasted on you, and you can’t help but think that your familiar should’ve ended up with a different witch. One that would actually be able to repay him properly for everything he does. You let out a deep sigh. You’ll just have to do better. Maybe you can try to set up one of those witchgram accounts Taehyung is doing so well on, after all, the ritual witch’s sales has been increasing.
The brew suddenly releases a puff of red smoke, signaling its completion. You hastily grab an empty bottle, scooping up as much as possible as you fill the vial to the brim. ”Shit, not yet,” You can suddenly feel the familiar itch behind your right ear, a telltale sign that Seokjin will be home soon. You scramble to turn off the oven as you hear your familiar open the back door, just about managing to shove in a cork at the top of the bottle and hide it behind your back as Seokjin steps into the kitchen.
”Hey! How was your night out?” You lean awkwardly against the counter, bottle digging into your back as you press it flush against your body.
”It was good,” Your heart flutters as Seokjin comes closer, the handsome features never failing to make your heart skip a treacherous beat. ”How was your night?” Your familiar raises an eyebrow as he takes in your awkward posture, the lingering scent of magic in the air betraying what you’ve been up to while he was gone.
”Boring! You know, just very normal and .. boring,” You wince. You breath hitches as Seokjin stalks closer, the frown tugging on his lips causing another wave of guilt to crash through you. You brain shuts down as he cages you in against the counter, and you swear you only blink before you find yourself staring at a red vial in front of your face, your hand grasping around air.
”I see,” Seokjin huffs, ”It’s so very boring and normal to brew a potion we agreed we wouldn’t sell.” As Seokjin stares down at the bottle with disdain before he places it on the counter, you can’t help but shrink against the wood, wracking your brain to figure out a good excuse. You can’t explain why you did it without exposing Seokjin to yourfinancial issues, and you have no plans of doing it – but, then you catch your familiar’s gaze, his kind eyes filled with saddened disappointment as he says, ”Y/n, why would you do this behind my back?”
The reason bubbles up your throat before you can stop it, the words bitter on your tongue as you blurt out a panicked, ”I had to! Business isn’t going well and we need the money, I couldn’t turn the customer away.” You register the flash of shock in Seokjin’s eyes, the purple tint around his brown irises brightening before he gets it under control. Your familiar runs a hand through his hair, leaving the dark locks messy and disheveled as he let out a deep sigh.
”For how long has this been going on?” You slump against the counter, adverting your eyes down to the floor as you mumble, ”Four months. I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave. I thought I could fix it before it became too much of a problem .. I just didn’t want to make you regret choosing me.”
Seokjin’s eyes soften, an exasperated huff of air leaving his lips as he places his fingers under your chin, tilting your head back up. ”Y/n, I would never regret choosing you as my witch,” Your familiar keeps his gaze locked with yours, his eyes urging you to understand the sincerity behind his words. "I just wish you had told me, we could have worked this out together much earlier.”
”I didn’t want you to worry,” You frown. "You already do so much by making deliveries and gathering ingredients, and I didn’t want to burden you more." You feel your breath hitch as Seokjin’s hand moves from your chin to cup your cheek, his touch gentle as he runs his thumb across your skin.
“That’s what I’m supposed to do as your familiar, Y/n. I’m here to help you and guide you, but I can’t do that if you don’t tell me when something’s wrong.” You know that, you really do, but it’s still hard to accept sometimes – the fact that you can’t solve everything on your own.
“I’m sorry,” You pout.
”I know,” Seokjin nods, a faint smile on his lips as he moves his hands to your back, pulling you into a hug. ”Just talk to me next time, yeah?”
”I will, I promise,” Your voice is muffled by the thick material of his sweater, but you know your familiar hears you as his arms tighten around your waist in response.
”Good,” Seokjin’s voice is fond as his fingers draw small patterns against your back. You feel yourself relaxing into Seokjin’s hold, your body melting against his as he rests his head on top of yours. ”How are we going to fix it though? I’ve tried almost everything I can think of. There’s nothing that beats low prices and convenience,” You sigh.
”Of course there is,” You pull back at the affronted tone in Seokjin’s voice, your familiar looking down at you like you personally offended him. Seokjin releases you from his hold, his hands flying up to cup his face as he says, ”I can beat that. This–” He points wildly at his face, ”–is sure to bring business in again. No one can resist the opportunity to glance upon this handsome face.” You snort at the expectant expression on his face, rolling your eyes so hard it feels like they’re close to popping out. As much as you like teasing Seokjin for his confidence, he’s not wrong. There’s no one in this town that can come close to Seokjin’s handsomeness, and well, everyone knows it. That’s the biggest reason you have Seokjin running errands and making deliveries, because it means he won’t have to deal with being ogled by all the customers that stop by. For all the banter and smiles he would flash at your customers, you could tell it made your familiar uncomfortable. You could see the way he gently tried to pull away when touches lingered a little too long on his arms, his ears stained a permanent red the days he worked out in the shop.
”Making money isn’t worth it if means you’ll have to do something that makes you uncomfortable,” You shake your head, ignoring the flutter in your chest as you grasp Seokjin’s hands, pulling them away from his face.
”I’ll be fine,” Seokjin says. It’s your familiar’s turn to roll his eyes as he sees the doubtful look on your face. ”I mean it. Please trust me just this once? I’ll let you know the moment it gets too much.”
You hesitate, using the extra seconds to search his face for any uncertainty. ”Fine,” You grumble. You owe it to your familiar to at least extend the trust he has given you back to him.
”Don’t look so sad Y/n, you know you’re the only witch that gets unlimited access to my handsome face,” Seokjin grins.
”Shut up,” You groan, pushing lightly at his chest. You can feel the heat creeping up your neck as Seokjin looks down at you, and you find yourself thankful that familiars don’t have enhanced hearing, otherwise your heart would’ve surely given you away years ago. Something flickers in Seokjin’s eyes, and your familiar’s grin turns heart wrenchingly soft as he ducks his head down.
”I do mean it Y/n, you really are the only witch for me.” You freeze as Seokjin leans in, your blood rushing in your ears as you feel your familiar’s plush lips press against the corner of your mouth. As your brain finally catches up to what just happened, Seokjin has already pulled back. The spot he kissed is burning against your skin, and you barely manage to make sense of Seokjin’s warm gaze lingering on your lips before his eyes flicker behind your back, eyebrow quirking as he says, ”Now, what should we do about that potion?”  
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