#starlight coven
madame-cookie · 1 year
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Orestes once considered the magical potential of the stars to be more of a hobby, but it has since become their life’s purpose.
As they painted portraits of those night skies last seen by those slain in combat, patterns became clear. Suddenly there could be dates ascribed to these visions of the past. Some of them would reveal death yet to come. Nothing but sensations and brief details in the fleeting seconds of consciousness could hint as to who was ever slain. But they shared whatever they could with their allies, hoping to bring peace and solace to the many restless souls of Tyria, dead and alive.
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wetcatschwartzy · 1 month
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baby’s first golden treasure (train edition)
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indigohoney08 · 1 month
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Getting ready for Brat summer autumn with scary movies and scary obsessions with men twice my age 😜
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lunarcovehq · 17 days
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Catalina Rivera Diaz a witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 17 years only to return now, and she's ready to start a fire.
DATE OF BIRTH: November 12, 1989
OCCUPATION: Bartender at Starlight Bar
FACECLAIM: Ana de Armas
INHERENT ABILITIES: Astral Projection, Intangibility, Duplication
COVEN ABILITY: Fire manipulation
Trigger Warnings: Drug Use, Drug Use in Pregnancy, Alcoholism, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Child Neglect, Reckless Behaviour
Catalina’s first moments earthside were meant to be her last, purple and unmoving as she lay on the cold wooden floor between her mother’s spread thighs. A cold, abandoned house was hardly the place to deliver a baby, but Ines Diaz was on another bender and it was a miracle in itself that she made it out of the off-season snow storm and into shelter before the baby came. It seemed that the miracles didn’t stop there, because somehow, one of the others huddled into the small room with her used to be a nurse. The woman hurried over and scooped a motionless Catalina off the floor, wrapping her in a tattered, dirty blanket as she tried to stimulate the life back into her.
Catalina’s first moments earthside were meant to be her last.
Only they weren’t.
A shrill cry rang through the room. She’d escaped death for the first time at less than ten minutes old, and for the rest of her life, for better or for worse, that inexplicable luck would follow her.
After experiencing less than ideal beginnings herself, Ines turned to drugs early in life to cope, and it was a habit she was never able to kick. Carlos on the other hand came from a well established and respected lineage of witches who called Lunar Cove their home since its inception. He had an ideal upbringing, great education, great job. He was barely a social drinker, let alone someone who’d ever consider trying anything more illicit. But after meeting Ines at a party his friends had dragged him to, Ines became the drug he grew addicted to, and like with her additions, it was a habit he was never able to kick. In the months after they first started dating, he started slacking at work, missing shifts. He grew distant from his family and the Coven he used to be so greatly involved with. He became a different man, all in the name of love.  
In the next two years, both his parents passed away, and whatever family he had left made the decision to leave Lunar Cove, and him, behind. The Coven had all but washed their hands of him by that point as well, so all he had left was Ines. And he was determined to keep her.
To his credit, Carlos tried multiple times to get Ines clean. When the pregnancy test came back positive, Carlos really thought it could be a changing point in their lives. Only it wasn’t. The night she went into labour she’d snuck out of their home in the middle of a snow storm to get a fix. It was hardly the first time, he knew she’d be back eventually. And she was. Only she’d turned up on the doorstep with a stranger at her side, one who was holding a raggedy bundle of cloth against her chest. And before he could say anything more, the bundle started to wail.
Catalina’s first year of life was a struggle for everyone involved. Even after she’d been cleared to come home from the hospital, she continued to be a fussy, irritable, unsettled infant. She didn’t eat well, she didn’t sleep well, and she was always crying. Ines stuck around until two days before Catalina’s first birthday, at which point she disappeared in the middle of the night without a word. It ruined Carlos. He spent days looking for her, days hoping she’d come back, but in the end neither Carlos nor Catalina ever saw Ines again. A single father, now literally and figuratively, Carlos tried his best to cope and care for a young child, but inevitably he gave into the call of alcohol.
Catalina was nearly five before started to get the idea that her little family of two wasn’t normal. But it was all she knew. As time went on and Carlos continued to sink into his depression, Coven members would try to drop by, wanting to bring food or toys for Catalina, wanting to check up on them for her sake. And every time they were met with Carlos in a belligerent state, refusing to take the help and running them off. Carlos never put his hands on her, he’d never even raised his voice at her. He kept her clothed and fed and she had a roof over her head. He was simply…not present in her life the way she needed him.
The Sullivan’s lived a few doors down, Catalina didn’t know much about them other than the fact that the kids who lived there had both parents in the household and always seemed to be so happy when she caught them out and about. They had a son her age, Jacob, she’d seen him at school, and it was obvious to her even as a child how different their lives were. The first time Emma Sullivan caught her peeking over the fence at the family having a barbeque in their driveway, she welcomed her over for a plate, and without any hesitation she gave an open invitation for Cat to come over whenever she wanted, whether it was for a meal or she needed someone to talk to.
The next few years of Catalina’s life were more of the same, a father overcome by his own grief and a young girl left to her own devices. Inevitably Catalina’s worldview started to take a turn. She became more resentful of her situation, resentful of her father, resentful of her mother and honestly resentful of Lunar Cove as a whole. She didn’t feel like she belonged there, and often she’d fantasize about leaving altogether one day. By some miracle, perhaps because of that inexplicable luck that saved her at birth, what she lacked in family, she found in friendship.
Catalina first met Poppy Reed in grade school, when they found themselves assigned to sit next to one another. Bonded over their mutual dislike of Lunar Cove for their own respective reasons, Poppy and Catalina became best friends seemingly overnight. Whatever free time they had they spent together, more often than not up to some kind of mischief in town, dreaming about the day they’d be old enough to leave Lunar Cove in their rearview mirror.
It was this sentiment that she believes led her to manifesting the first of her inherent abilities as a young witch. Astral Projection, it came to her while she and Poppy were stargazing in the grass, high on weed, talking about where they’d go once they left LC. Poppy was talking about some place she’d seen in a magazine, somewhere on the west coast, and while Cat was floating somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness, she felt herself leave her body. Literally.   
One after the other the girls started manifesting their inherent abilities, and Catalina was grateful for the two closest people in her life because if it wasn’t for Poppy and Jake and the guidance their families provided, she would’ve had a hard time getting through it. Her own father was a witch, of course, but she could hardly talk to him about anything. It was Emma who’d helped her through her first period, Jake who awkwardly offered her his favourite chocolate bar when he’d caught her crying alone one mother’s day, Poppy who went with her to the department store to buy her first bra. They were the only family she knew and cared to have, and it was them she celebrated with once she finally became a member of the Coven herself.
Despite all the things she did have going for her in life, it always seemed that the sins of her parents would continue to haunt her. When she was around others she was an enigma, but when she came home at night she was just another sad, lonely girl. Combined with the hormones that came with teenhood, it was inevitable that she would start testing boundaries and acting out, especially when she never had much structure or discipline at home. She was known as something of a wild child around town, and it wasn’t uncommon for the townsfolk to come across her getting into some sort of mischief.
Unsurprisingly to most, as she later found out, Catalina and Jake started dating their freshman year of high school. Whether or not there were genuine feelings there was hard to discern when there was so much else going on and emotions and hormones were at an all time high. They were young and dumb, hardly making the best decisions, especially on her part, but it was…nice. But toxicity must’ve been genetic, because they crashed and burned two short years later, and she could acknowledge that that outcome was on her. Her mother taught her that people don’t stick around, and her father taught her that being left would ruin you, it didn’t make for a very healthy view of relationships.
In the aftermath Catalina just wanted things to go back to how they were when they were younger, and things seemed to be fine at first- but just a few weeks later Jake was already dating someone new, her dad started getting sick, liver failure, and everything was just getting to be a little too much. She subsequently dropped out a month into their senior year. Outwardly she was still the same Catalina, loud and outgoing, seemingly bulletproof despite everything. But inwardly she was becoming more and more unhappy with her life in Lunar Cove. Her best friend was the only thing keeping her sane at that point, but there was only so much she could do, and eventually it got to the point where even Poppy wasn’t enough to keep her in LC.
Six months after she dropped out, Catalina asked Poppy to meet at their spot late at night, and she met the other with a duffle bag tucked over her shoulder. She was leaving Lunar Cove. They’d always planned that they’d do it together some day, ride out of town side by side, but she just couldn’t wait any longer for that dream to come to pass. Come find me some day, it was a promise, and with a final embrace, Catalina disappeared in the night much like her mother had, without a trace.
For the next decade Catalina lived life like a true rolling stone, moving from one place to the next, leaving behind her a wake of chaos and broken hearts. She never ended up going back to school, but it was easy to find work as a dancer those first few years, later going back and forth between that and bartending, two jobs she excelled at. She grew into the kind of woman who was the life of the party, someone who enjoyed the thrill of being the center of attention and drew it naturally. Her habit of testing boundaries continued as she got older, the possibilities only expanding in adulthood. She partied and raved, travelled abroad with strangers on a whim, hitchhiked alone in the middle of nowhere, drugs, alcohol, sex, you name it, she did it. Whatever angel had been looking over her since her birth must’ve been exhausted, because it was a miracle she made it out of certain situations unscathed, even with her magic.
Cat got into and out of relationships almost as if it were a sport, always making sure she was the one doing the leaving rather than being the one who was left. There were plenty of times her idea of ‘ending a relationship’ was disappearing in the middle of the night and moving to a different place entirely. It was a dangerous game considering some of the kinds of men and women she was associating with, and eventually it caught up to her. She’d been in Vancouver, BC for six months in the company of a rich, older married couple as their latest plaything. It was a pretty good deal, she never paid for anything, she got to do whatever she wanted, the sex was great. But inevitably she got bored, and when she tried to leave, she realized she might’ve finally messed with the wrong kind of people.
It wasn’t soon after that that Catalina found herself evaluating her life for the first time. She was nearly thirty-five and she was still living her life like a twenty-year-old, without a care in the world, not even for her own safety. It wasn’t like she wasn’t enjoying it, but she did wonder how much longer it could be sustained.
The only constant in her life since she’d left Lunar Cove nearly eighteen years ago was Poppy, the only person she’d bothered to keep in touch with. She knew Poppy was back in Lunar Cove, that she was the new Supreme. And despite her apprehensiveness at returning to the only placed she’d ever called home, she felt like it was time. And so she packed her things up and made her way back to the town where it all began.
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me: isnt afraid of needles but does pass out easily from pain (caused by needles)
Me: i am going to make a list of tattoos i want and whered theyd be!
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meeghanreads · 5 months
WWW Wednesday — 17 April 2024
Hello friends!! Welcome to this week’s WWW Wednesday — 17 April 2024!! WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words, where you answer the three following questions: What did you recently finish? What are you currently reading? And, what do you think you’ll read next? Let’s see what I have been reading… (All images will link to Goodreads if you click on them.…
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hibiscuit-rose · 4 months
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mlp owl house au! in this au, coven sigils work like the equal sign mark from starlight glimmer
they can be applied to any creature, which is why raine has one despite kirins not able to have cutie marks
ponies without coven sigils have their own cutie marks, which are replaced once joining a coven (this is reverted for everyone in the epilogue)
this is just their debut appearances, theyd have different cutie marks after covens are disbanded
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kkpwnall · 1 year
wanted: pool boy at the vampire mansion
for my darlingest louseph @cheatghost who a few days ago sent me the words "pool boy steve at eddie's vampire mansion" at 6 in the morning and immediately got my brain whirring. like 0 to 60, dead asleep to wide awake and writing. so here's less than 1k words of pure ridiculous fun.
[also on ao3]
It’s not a bad gig, really. Even if it stipulates in his contract that he has to be shirtless while he’s on the property. But Steve also signed the contract in his blood so he’s not sure how legal it is. 
Plus the pay is insane. He quit his other jobs, and he’s basically got free reign of the pool all day. So he takes his time with the skimmer fishing out all the leaves and dead bugs, swims laps for a while. Spends the rest of the day in a lounger before adjusting the chemicals so it’s perfect by morning.
What do vampires need with a pool anyway?
The four guys stay in the house whenever Steve comes by, but they're friendly enough and wave at him through the dark tinted windows. 
One guy ogles him the whole time he works. Not that he really minds. So what if Steve gets to work early, just to put on sunscreen? Who’s gonna know if he puts some extra flex in his muscles while he works? And who cares if they’ve got the cleanest pool in all of Indiana? It’s not hurting anyone. 
But Steve's drawn to him the same way he was drawn to the ad in the first place, with his long dark curly hair and unending collection of black band shirts. His crooked smile and dimples and shining brown eyes.
It's just... they've never once spoken. And Steve is dying to get to know this guy who makes the goofiest faces at him. Who was pissed when Steve laughed the first time he did, hands up like devil horns, tongue lolling and eyes crossed. Until Steve made his own face back. 
This guy, who plays elaborate charades with Steve through the glass, trying and failing to do the classic walking-down-stairs bit. Who went boneless when one of the guys in his band (? coven? pod? Ask Dustin what a group of vampires is called.) dragged him away while Steve mimed crying, waving an imaginary hanky at him. This guy, who clutched his heart and fell over when Steve lowered his shades and winked at him one day.
And it's because of those shades that Steve has to drive all the way back to the mansion late one night to retrieve them from his usual chair.
When he gets there, someone’s floating in the pool. Someone, with long curly hair spilling all around their head. Someone, wearing all their clothes, and Steve can't tell from the weak pool light if they're face up or face down, but they sure as hell aren't moving. 
His lifeguard training takes over between one step and the next, as he bolts for the pool, launching into the water, and throwing himself forward with broad strokes. 
Except when Steve gets to him, the guy isn't drowning, he’s sputtering and swearing and pushing away from him in the water. “What are you doing here?!”
“You're not drowning...” Steve says blankly, trying to catch his breath as he treads water. 
“No! And thank you for the rescue, Lancelot, but you need to get out of here.” His long hair streams over his face as he spins while Steve paddles around him to make sure he’s really alright. 
“Lancelot?” he asks, just to keep the guy talking, to hear more from his honeyed voice. Better than anything he could’ve ever imagined. 
“A knight in shining armor,” the guy mumbles, trying to hide his face. “A hero rescuing fair damsels and slaying vile beasts.” 
Steve chuckles, but doesn’t miss the venom in his last words. He catches him by the upper arm to stop his spinning. “No, I know who Lancelot is, it’s just–”
It’s just he’s even prettier close up. It’s just his skin is freezing cold in the sun-warmed pool water. It’s just he’s looking at Steve, caught somewhere between a grimace and a grin, and his teeth are so so sharp. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, moving closer. Entirely entranced by the pool light, the moonlight, the starlight, glimmering in his eyes. Steve’s hand has a mind of its own, rising out of the water to cup the guy’s cheek with a wet palm, “And you’re…” 
Gently traces his lower lip, runs his thumb over the sharp canine, careful not to touch the pointed tip. 
“You’re beautiful,” Steve breathes. 
The guy surges forward, reeling Steve in with a hand on the back of his neck, and kisses him fiercely. Steve kisses him back just as fervently, wraps his arms around his waist and kicks out with his legs to keep them afloat, as his tongue slides past the guy’s teeth to swirl and dance with his. 
It's messy and uncoordinated and they sink and bob in the water as they move against each other. The guy's fingers tangle in the shaggy hair at the base of his neck, twisting and snagging. Steve groans and stretches a broad palm up between the guy's shoulder blades, pressing further into him, drinking all of him in.
“It’s Eddie,” he says, pulling back and panting when they finally part. “I’m Eddie.”
Steve grins at Eddie and kisses him again, pushing them through the water towards the edge at the shallow end of the pool. He can think of better uses for his legs right now.
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sapphicsparkles · 4 months
See below for Characters + descriptions
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A mysterious young woman with a tragic past, Mae gets swept up into a sinister mystery—one that puts her into the center of a conflict in unexpected ways. She is determined to exact vengeance on those who wronged her, and little can stop Mae on her quest.
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Mother Aniseya
The leader of a mysterious coven of witches on Brendok who value their independence and the preservation of their beliefs and powers. She is knowledgeable in the arcane ways of the Force.
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Jecki Lon A skilled and studious Padawan learner, Jecki Lon shows great promise in her path to becoming a Jedi Knight.The Padawan apprentice to Master Sol is young, but she projects calm and conducts herself with maturity.
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Master Indara is a Jedi Master of great physical and mental skill. She has exacting control of her Force abilities, exuding a sense of command and authority with just her presence. Though she does not seek combat, she is skilled enough to engage on her own terms.
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Master Sol is a wise, highly respected Jedi Master, strong in the ways of the Force. Still and stalwart, Sol has a deep sense of compassion and will defend those who cannot defend themselves. He is a powerful warrior with intense emotions that he uses his Jedi training to balance.
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Vernestra "Vern" Rwoh
Vernestra Rwoh is an elder Jedi Master who has ascended the ranks of the Jedi from a teenage prodigy to a leader in the Order. She became one of the youngest Jedi Knights in a generation at age 15, and solidified her status as a prodigy when she took Imri Cantaros as a Padawan the next year. With a purple-bladed lightsaber that can change into a lightwhip, young Rwoh led with unwavering faith in the Force and devotion to the Jedi Order. But in the year after the fall of Starlight Beacon — while mourning those lost in the destruction, including her own Padawan — Vernestra pulled back from the Order and shifted her focus to heal herself.
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Yord Fandar
Yord, a Jedi Knight and guardian from the Jedi Temple, is an overachiever and a rule follower. He is highly trained, devoutly disciplined, and dedicated to the defense of the Republic, but his need to be a by-the-book Jedi can cloud his mind.
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Kelnacca, a Wookiee Jedi, is a loner who lives a solitary life.
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A shiftless drifter with seemingly no cares at all other than his own amusements, Qimir is a former smuggler who now makes his living as a trader, procuring unusual things and enjoying a life of leisure. He is a supplier who has survived in some of the shadier starports of the galaxy.
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
More Hatchetverse Theory: Sycamore High and the Timberwolves are connected to the Hatchetmen and the Tree-People
Starkid's Hatchetverse has retriggered my hyperfixation, and by golly if you think I'm not gonna share every unhinged theory...you're wrong. I’ll tag them “#hatchetverse theory” to make it easier. So let's dive in.
One thing I haven't seen anyone talking about is the fact that, based on what we know about canon, Sycamore High School likely shouldn't exist.
Hatchetfield is a "tiny town". There doesn't seem to be a reason for them to have two high schools, especially when Sycamore seems to not even have enough staff and students for most extra curriculars and programs (in TGWDLM, Paul mentions they don't have a theater program).
So why does Sycamore High School exist? Well, one thing I noticed was that SYCAMORE High as well as its mascot, the TIMBERwolves, have tree related pun names. And what a coincidence, trees happened to be big in the hatchetfield universe, particularly when it comes to the hatchetmen and their hatred of the LIB and magic/“the gift” in general. They did plant a forest of magic tree people after all. And, since they hate the LIB so much, they likely wouldn't want their children attending high school at one of the black altar locations, which just so happens to be Hatchetfield High. That gives them a motivation to build an alternative school.
Sounds like a pretty solid theory to me, but then there's also the fact that the residents also seem to have an odd attitude towards Sycamore High. It's not hated by Hatchetfield High with the same level of hatred they give the Clivesdale Chemists, but they still don't like Sycamore, and the students hate the idea of transferring there. Which seems odd. You'd think it would be the other way around since Hatchetfield High is the school with the black altar. Unless being around a black altar makes the students hate Sycamore, and I could probably do a whole different rant on how the LIB's influence is messing with the perceptions and behavior of the people of Hatchetfield, particularly at the altar locations or when someone uses or has used the black book, but maybe I'll save that for later.
However, if you really wanted to take this theory to the extreme, it could be part of the reason why Paul "doesn't like musicals." Musicals and music are the primary way Pokey expands his influence in Hatchetfield, at least in TGWDLM. That might be one of the reasons Sycamore doesn't have a choir or theater program: not just due to lack of students, but strategically to keep Pokey's influence out. Paul went to Sycamore High, which isn't a black altar (and indeed, might even be designed to counteract or resist the LIB), therefore he's more put off by music and musical performances in Hatchetfield, though he doesn't really know why.
I also suspect this isn't the only instance where the name of locations around town have significance. This has already been seen several times, particularly with the black altar locations.
For example:
The Starlight Theater: has a star theme similar to "the Church of the Starry Children"
CCRP (COVEN Communication Research and Power): Literally has the word "Coven" in it.
Lakeside Mall: Used to be the old mill (which would be located near water, also "mall" and "mill" are one letter off).
And trust me, I have my theories about Clivesdale as well, but again, maybe that one is better for another time.
I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom!
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madame-cookie · 3 months
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“The power of the stars flows through you now— that’s plain enough to see…”
Orestes would’ve been a likely recruit to the Ward if their partner hadn’t started a life with him. Their natural affinity for the cosmic forces was mistaken for a kind of warped necromancy. But in their company, and under the tutorship of the wizards, Orestes has become more and more accustomed to the power of the heavens.
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They were always a bit of a loner. But the matter-of-fact way the wizards treat the bizarre has made him feel much more comfortable making small-talk and pleasantries. Maybe in a couple decades they won’t completely hate every meeting they have to be a part of…
“…It makes little difference to myself. I have already been naming the constellations in your eyes.”
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outtoshatter · 9 months
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This week's author spotlight goes to the fantastic and lovely @missanniewhimsy!!
Fics to Read:
Brave in the Shadows | NR | 5k tags: space, war, epistolary, open ending, angst Summary: Derek pulls his phone out as soon as he’s in the kitchen.
You have no new messages.
It’s the same every day.
Here Together | T | 10k tags: gaming, speedrunning, glitch hunting, online friendship Summary: In which Derek is a world-record holding speedrunner, Stiles is the glitch hunter who's found some of the biggest strats for the run and Derek's second most annoying mod. Small crushes get blown wide open when Derek invites Stiles to do commentary for a major run and they finally have a chance to meet in person.
Worthy | G | 1k tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, they both deserve nice things Summary: Stiles took a breath, then another, eyes locked on Derek’s. He shook his head, willing himself to calm down. “It--it’s been a while.”
Fics to Hear:
little boy lost | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: single parent Stiles, magic Stiles, deputy Derek, autumn Summary: If someone asked Stiles to write a parenting book, Stiles would say the best and most important rule is to love your kid. Just love the hell out of them, and make sure they know it.
The second most important rule would be don’t turn your back on a curious three year old with supernatural speed.
Stiles is currently failing at the second rule. Badly.
i went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees | T | 2-2.5 hours tags: fallen angels, guardian angels, rest stop Summary: Stiles is a crossroads demon operating out of a rest stop Subway, Derek is a guardian angel whose family has passed on. When Derek decides to stick around, the Jacob Campbell Southbound Rest Area gets interesting. Well, more interesting than it already was.
(aka the prompt generator drabble that grew legs and turned into an meditation on grief, guilt, responsibility, and the redemptive power of unconditional love.)
And When I Wake You're There I'm Saved | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: space, kidnapped Derek, kidnapped Stiles, no torture Summary: "Derek," Stiles says, firm. His hand is warm on Derek's shoulder. "I'll be okay."
"You didn't leave me," Derek argues. "How can you expect me to leave you?"
Stiles rolls his eyes. "Oh my god, it'll be fine. Even if I am captured, I'm just a boring human. They wanted you for your Lycan blood."
Derek crosses his arms. Mainly so he doesn't wrap his hands around Stiles' throat in an attempt to throttle some sense into him. "That's fine. But this isn't a time when being a boring human is an asset. This is a time when being a boring human results in a shot to the head."
"Derek," Stiles says again. He steps closer, so Derek is surrounded in his scent, his chemosignals—namely unwavering, resolute determination, distinctively sharp and entirely unbreakable—clouding Derek's mind. "You'll come back for me." He sounds so sure, and he can tell the exact moment Derek gives in. Because Derek somehow always gives in to Stiles.
"I'll come back for you," he confirms. "And you better not be dead."
Stiles grins, eyes sparkling with far too much humour for someone who potentially just sacrificed himself for a surly Lycan and bunch of strangers. "You do say the sweetest things."
In Progress:
[podfic] Fractured Starlight | M | 9/34 chapters tags: hurt/comfort, amnesia fic, witch Stiles, blood and gore, alpha Derek Summary: Stiles is driving home when a werewolf pops out of his trunk like a demented jack-in-the-box, aggressive, confused, and with no memory of who he is or how he got in there. Stiles has no choice but to take him through the protected borders of Willow Pass so he can figure out what's going on and if this strange werewolf is a danger to his coven.
Go check out allll of misswhimsy's fics on their AO3 page! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, and maybe even drop a comment!
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lunarcovehq · 10 months
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Linden Reed is a Witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for about twenty-six years … even if he doesn’t quite remember them all.
DATE OF BIRTH: June 6, 1989
OCCUPATION: Author/Bartender at the Starlight Bar
FACECLAIM: Daniel Sharman
INHERENT ABILITIES: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Catoptromancy
COVEN ABILITY: Eidetic Memory
Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Addition/Substance Abuse, Memory Loss, Gaslighting, Compulsion, Manipulation, Domestic Abuse
Some people grow up thinking that they are living in a fairytale, and others know better. Nothing was ever really conventional for Linden, he and his family were doomed to live unconventional lives the moment Alyssa Reed fell in love with, and married, Silas Chamberlain. From the outside it would have seemed like a storybook romance, but nothing was perfect. Silas lusted for power and influence above all, above his wife, and above his newborn twin children. Silas doted over the twins, making promises of a legacy they would inherit from him. Even when giving whatever love he could manage to his children, it was still guided by his insatiable desire for power.
There was a glimpse of normalcy in their lives, Alyssa thought things were better after the twins were born, that was until Violet St. Claire. Despite Silas cheating on her, Alyssa stayed for the sake of her position within society. She played her role, she fell pregnant once again with another daughter, and took what time she could with Silas - she did whatever needed to be done to maintain the life she had built. She brushed off rumours about Silas and Violet’s child, maintaining that her children were Silas’ true heirs. As far as Alyssa was concerned, she was the wife to the most powerful man in the coven, her children were his only true children, and anyone that claimed anything to the contrary were out for something. She was the picture of a faithful wife.
Then came the one thing that Alyssa could not gloss over, could not ignore. She had wanted to be the wife of the Supreme, but Silas was beyond that now. His lust for power had overtaken him, and he threatened to expose them to the world. He had gone mad. She turned against him, going to The Council seeking refuge. There was a lot she could overlook for the sake of her position, but she could not risk her life, nor the lives of her children to feed her husband’s mad desires. She fled into the night with her children, vowing that Silas would be nothing more to her children than a name. With the aid of the Supreme she altered the memories of her children, rewriting history. She made Silas a man who had run out on them when Alyssa was pregnant with her youngest child, a man who had done his best to be there for them, but was not ready to be a father. He became a story they would tell themselves: the man that could have been.
With a new name for her children, Reed, and a new story of their lives, time moved on. Silas was a figment of childhood curiosity and nothing more. Alyssa did what she had always done, she worked to create a life for herself, climbing the ranks of the coven, moving, finding herself a new husband, and ensuring that her children remembered nothing of their father, continuing to use the memory charms on her children. Linden was content with their new life, their new father - even if his twin was not. He lived his life in the clouds, his head filled with the whispers of other people’s minds, flashes of memory brought on by a touch, and places he did not know following him through mirrors. As a child it was like he lived in Wonderland and he was Alice peering through the looking glass. A child with an active imagination and wandering magic was quaint, but as he grew it became a nightmare that no one could have predicted.
When he was young people talked about how powerful his magic was, how skilled he would grow to be. They called him a prodigy, and some whispered to his mother that he could be a future Supreme,  his magic being so prevalent at such a young age. The whispers died when the other children his age started to gain control of their magic, to hone it and bend it to their will. Linden could not. His magic was wild, always creeping at the edge of his mind - never under his control. It was a beast, and Linden could not tame it, he was at its mercy. It clawed at him.
The price of Linden’s magic became clear when he heard about memory charms in his mothers mind. Writing it in his childhood journal thinking nothing much of it, he continued on with his day - only to see it scrawled in his journal days later with no memory of hearing it or writing it. It happened again and again, he would hear something in a Council leader’s mind or see an odd meeting in a mirror, and it would disappear leaving only his journal as proof of what he had heard. He questioned his mind, had his wild magic driven him mad, or was something happening to him? He poured over his things, realising the necklace he always wore was a memory charm when he managed to break it.
Silvers of his memory came creeping back in, things about their childhoods, about the father that was supposedly absent. As soon as they appeared, they were gone again, over and over again. He was playing tag with his memories and could never quite catch them. He did not know if it was his mother, or the Council, but he distanced himself from both of them as much as he could, trying to gain some solace from whomever was playing with his mind as though it were an unfinished draft in need of editing. Over and over he would break the charm on the necklace, unable to remove it just in case he was found out knowing too much. He grew to rely on his journal, it was the only thing that could prove what was real and what was imaginary. It was the only thing that kept him sane. He could not trust his own mind, he did not know if his world was real, or just some figment of the wild magic he could still not tame. What had been praised as a gift when he was a child had turned into his cage, trapping him in doubt of his own mind.
Though he loved his family above everything, he never told them what he discovered. He would discover his notes on memory charms and tampered memories, and by the time he had managed to convince himself that he was not mad, his memory would be altered once more, a vicious cycle where he could not ask for help nor warn his sisters. As for his mother, he could not go to her, he could not trust her - he did not know if she was complicit in what was happening to him, or if she had masterminded it.
He became dependent on distraction to deal with the mix of paranoia from the charms, and the weight of his magic that had turned from Wonderland into a nightmare of uncertainty. He would steal alcohol from the liquor cabinet to numb his magic for a few hours while he was at a ‘study group’, he would lose himself in a book rather than his own mind while smoking a joint to ensure the only active part of his mind was his imagination. His life relied on this distraction, wherever he could get it, whether it be girls, boys, alcohol, drugs, fighting. He did not care what form it came in, he just needed it to survive his mind and whatever was happening to his memories. He lived for excess, not for the gluttony of it, but for the silence it granted his mind.
Linden did not know true silence until he met her. He had lived his life with the idea that he would never fall in love, he could not manage it with his raging mind, but then she appeared. From the moment he met her, he was hooked. She was intoxicating and mysterious, an enigma that even his magic could not truly unravel. Her mind was guarded and she was like his own personal drug. They would party their nights away and she would siphon his magic from him allowing him the truest silence he had ever managed. She would feed from him, and would feed from other people they brought into their bed. She indulged in her every whim, but unlike Linden, she did it for pleasure rather than necessity.
She took whatever she wanted and did whatever she pleased. She was as hooked on Linden as he was her, and they were a dangerous pair, indulging in life in the grandest way. There were times when he would doubt her, would fear what she was doing, but when came the compulsion. She was tricky, a master manipulator that knew the extent of her power. She could not make him partake in the things that he feared from her, but he was a man who had spent his life ignoring what his magic showed him, so she could compel him to forget. He had told her his past, his childhood, and she used it to control him, to puppet him into being her ideal partner. She had been his escape from one cage, the weight of his memories being altered and his magic - but then she became worse. She played him like a doll, using his magic, her siphoning and compulsion to keep him exactly where she wanted him.
He did not know why she left, he did not know if a hunter had found her, or if she had simply tired of him. It was like withdrawal when he woke up without her and she never came back to their apartment. Slowly his mind healed, bit by bit from what she had done and he realised what their relationship had been. But there were still gaps, and he did not know if they were from her, or just from the life they had been living. Despite it all he could not help the small part of him that yearned for her, and he did not know if it came from the silence that she offered him, or if the love he had held for her was real. He gave himself some time to sort through everything that had happened before he returned to Lunar Cove, just in time for his world to be turned upside down once more.
When the Supreme and his step-father were murdered the coven’s eyes turned towards the Reed family. He prayed that his family would fail to meet the expectations of the coven, not trusting the leaders. The relief he felt when he failed the test was unbelievable. He had feared that those whispers of his future were true despite the failure he had grown into, and the fact that he was not shackled to the coven was one of the best things that had happened to him. His relief vanished when his twin was named Supreme, knowing the responsibility that had been placed on her. He had initially intended his return to Lunar Cove after her to be brief, to be a respite before he figured out his next steps, but now that Poppy was Supreme he knew that he could not leave her, could not allow her to do it all on her own.
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preservationofnormalcy · 10 months
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Left, a screenshot from the app, Right, PhaseTracker’s app icon.
ITEM: "PhaseTracker"
ITEM HISTORY: PhaseTracker is an app by TherianInc that was released in 2011.
Traditionally, communities of lycanthropes and other therianthropes have had a broad range of methods used to safely track transformations - especially in the modern era, where secrecy regulations are paramount. Calendars are of course common, as are “marble calendars,” a device popularized in Europe involving a lever with a cup on one side and a gauge on the other. For each day without a transformation, a marble is added to the cup, causing the other end of the lever to move closer and closer to a “change likely” zone. While these devices are still in use, many young lycanthropes choose instead to use PhaseTracker on “magebroken” smartphones.
The use of PhaseTracker is very widespread, allowing lycanthropic communities to track and share data about transformation probabilities. A family of PhaseTracker using individuals can then more easily plan safe “change days.” PT also comes with an emergency function - in the case of an unexpected change, a user can quickly summon either local community help or more official support such as the Office Metamorphic Support team or local Howl Together chapters.
Because of the app’s detailed moon tracking capability, PhaseTracker has found use in the witch and Yellow Circle communities, both of whose magic relies partially on the movements of heavenly bodies. A competitor app, MOON, was released in 2015 by witch coven Andromeda Starlight, but has failed to find purchase.
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Fo4 Companions Favorite Settlements To Stay At
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Slight spoilers in MacCready's
MacCready really likes the Finch Farm. It has always been a place of comfort for him. There's something about the family that lives there that almost reminds MacCready of the family he and his son are never likely to get. He hopes that one day when his son makes it to the Commonwealth that they could hang around the place for a little while longer, maybe even live there with them permanently.
Nick's always been fond of the Starlight Drive-In. Human Nick spent a lot of time in these types of theatres, so he's always felt weirdly connected to them. Nick also likes to stand behind the counter and serve drinks while all the other settlers gather around on the stools. It's just a naturally nostalgic place for him.
Cait has never been particularly excited to visit the settlements, they're all too open and the settlers are wayyy too in her face for her to have fun. That's why Hangman's Ally is the only one she ever agrees to go to. Not many settlers like living there, and it's almost invisible to the rest of the world.
Danse's favorite settlement to be at will always be the Boston Airport. There's nowhere he'd rather be than near his fellow soldiers—they're like his family.
Preston loves all the settlements you work on, but The Castle always wins. In his opinion, there's nothing better than the space, people, and artillery that the Castle holds. It's a natural place for any Minuteman to want to be in. He especially loves the history of it all. Looking back at old pre-war artifacts that have been scattered across the castle makes him feel so intrigued.
Codsworth loves sanctuary for sentimental reasons, but greygarden is a place he really feels at home. It's just him and all the other Mr. Handys, cleaning and gardening, his favorite things to do <3 (and sometimes they have really good gossip)
Piper spent a good while trying to solve the mystery in Jamaica Plain, and in doing so, set up her own little shack to call a temporary home. She made pretty good friends with the settlers who currently resided there and likes to visit every now and then to see the home she lived in for a week serve a different purpose.
Curie's very interested in all the ghost stories that surround the Croup Manor. She can't help but get excited at the thought of spending the night there or starting a little campfire just outside the place and going back and forth telling each other myths and legends.
Strong likes a lot of the settlements, but Sunshine Tidings Co-Op always makes him satisfied due to all the raider camps that are scattered nearby. Even Nuka-World's close. He can eat as many people as he wants down there, what more could he ask for?
Hancock loves supporting his fellow ghouls, so the Slog is a personal favorite of his. He always tries to help the group down there out as often as he can, especially security-wise. He wants to see this group prosper. It's refreshing to see others working toward the same goals as him.
Deacon, against Desdemona's wishes, turned the Taffington Boathouse into a frat house of sorts. He's always trying to recruit people but he's only managed to convince Tinker Tom to get on board. He's also the only one who knows what a frat house actually is so everyone just ignores him.
X6-88 hates them all. They're all too grimy for him to ever willingly be near. Although, if he had to pick, it'd be Covenant, only after he's killed everyone else in it. He'd much rather it be just the two of you in that semi-secure township. 
Dogmeat likes all of them, although Sanctuary and the Red Rocket Station are his favorites. Both settlements always hold such friendly people and tons of junk for him to play with!
Naturally, Old Longfellow prefers his cabin. He has the most detailed mental map of his little island—knows where all the traps are set and everything. Besides all his weapons and alcohol being stored there, why wouldn't it be his favorite?
Gage doesn't have much of an opinion on any of them, although, he thinks Hangman's Ally has the best cover. It doesn't matter to him though, everywhere's home if you can take it from the original residents.
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thevibraniumveterans · 6 months
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“Mae gets swept up into a sinister mystery—one that puts her into the center of a conflict in unexpected ways.”
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“Master Sol is a wise, highly respected, powerful Jedi Master, strong in the ways of the Force, who is going through emotional conflict.”
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“Qimir is a former smuggler who now makes his living as a trader, procuring unusual things and enjoying a life of leisure.”
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“Jecki is the Padawan apprentice to Master Sol. Although she is young, she projects calm and conducts herself with maturity.”
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“Yord, a Jedi Knight and guardian from the Jedi Temple, is an overachiever and a rule follower. His need to be a by-the-book Jedi can cloud his mind.”
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“Vernestra Rwoh is an elder Jedi Master who has ascended the ranks of the Jedi from a teenage prodigy to a leader in the Order. She became one of the youngest Jedi Knights in a generation at age 15, and solidified her status as a prodigy when she took Imri Cantaros as a Padawan the next year. With a purple-bladed lightsaber that can change into a lightwhip, young Rwoh led with unwavering faith in the Force and devotion to the Jedi Order. But in the year after the fall of Starlight Beacon — while mourning those lost in the destruction, including her own Padawan — Vernestra pulled back from the Order and shifted her focus to heal herself.”
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“Mother Aniseya is the leader of a coven of Witches who value their independence and the preservation of their beliefs and powers.”
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“Kelnacca, a Wookiee Jedi, is a loner who lives a solitary life.”
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“Master Indara is a Jedi Master of great physical and mental skill.”
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