#star wars the force unleashed ii
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flojocabron · 5 months ago
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Sorry, I don't know that Apprentice.
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they-have-the-same-va · 5 months ago
Galen Marek (aka Starkiller) from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed I & II shares a voice actor with Deacon St. John from Days Gone.
Voiced by Sam Witwer
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lowearthorbit1 · 10 months ago
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dragon-snoots-a-boopin · 1 year ago
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An upcoming Star Wars: The Black Series that is of interest to me and that is of Starkiller from the Force Unleashed video games. I really wish that this figure would have come sooner but I guess I should be happy that one exists at all. I don't know though, the main character from Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor got two figures before Starkiller got one so. Anyway, I love how this looks and I think they could re-release this guy several times in the different outfits he can wear in the games. The only thing I'd personally add is a second lightsaber so you could represent Starkiller in the second game but that's alright that they didn't I guess. Yes, $26 is still steep to me so, again, I'll wait until it shows up in discount stores.
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pedroam-bang · 10 months ago
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (2010)
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redbean-nom · 1 month ago
force unleashed II is certainly something
featuring, among other things:
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an explanation for how boba is simultaneously making a billion credits a year and also completely broke
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boba answering a holocall from vader in his pajamas and vader subsequently not saying anything about it
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boba's roommate/hunting partner/situationship, who wears a combo of clone and mando armor and seems to have a similar relationship as zam and jango
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boba killing a giant creature by flying directly through its heart
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hyper accelerated clones and boba attempting to not have Emotions
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questionable space physics
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boba having more Emotions
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the start of his contract with vader! (made while pointing a blaster at vader's head)
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boba discovering the empire's secret cloning lab full of evil sith clones of himself (obtained via aforementioned partner betraying him). it seems like all the accelerated clones are going insane from Having Boba's Memories
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kill it with fire
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rahm kota's weird disguise droid fights boba as jango
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he is probably regretting this job right now
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more Emotions, this time of the non-clone variety
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he delays the job because he's busy crying. which, fair
so in summary of boba's horrible life, in one day:
his partner left
said partner turned out to have betrayed him
said betrayal resulted in the creation of a bunch of sith clones of himself
a jango-shaped droid almost killed him
and then the target's tearful reunion reminded him how horrible his life is
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revanknightwoman · 2 years ago
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groundrunner100 · 2 years ago
I declare these Olympic Games…
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fabcookiegirlzzz · 5 months ago
Totally haven't been dying the past months.
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I hope these drawings make up for it! Most of them are doodles along with a new add on to my likings! I started playing overwatch a while back and started drawing Characters I've mained before, some which are old, the Reinhart is my newest technically but its a doodle for a project 😅 I started liking prototype and one peice as well! Sorry for the mix I feel like it'll get very confusing, this would count as an art dump right?
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hardcoregamer · 5 months ago
Battling the dark forces of the universe with a lightsaber, blasting away at the scum and villainy of the underworld, there’s a Star Wars game for just about anyone. There are so many that the amount of content could overload the memory unit of even the most advanced astromech. Well, just take a moment to clear your mind before taking your first step into a larger world to locate the top Star Wars game.
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auditect · 1 year ago
Remember Starkicker, the main character of Star Trek: The Clone Trek?
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This is what he looks like today, after becoming addicted to weed. This is what drugs do to your body. Do you still think they're harmless?
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sillygoosearts · 1 year ago
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Oldtober Day #1 a profound loneliness... keiji haunted by nene's continued presence...
(one day i'll come back to this piece and clean it up)
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supernightboy08 · 1 year ago
My favorite Star Wars video games:
1. Jedi Fallen Order (2019)
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2. The Force Unleashed (2008)
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3. The Force Unleashed II (2010)
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4. Battlefront II (2005)
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5. Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
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6. Revenge Of The Sith: The Video Game (2005)
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g4zdtechtv · 2 years ago
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Ninja Gaiden Ligma
Wish your handler sounded like Arianna Huffington?
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dragon-snoots-a-boopin · 1 year ago
Ranking All The Star Wars Video Games I've Played!
I am going to do a quick ranking thing here where I rank all of the Star Wars videos games that I have played. I am going to be ranking from nine to one, nine being the least liked and one being the most liked.
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#9: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. This one isn't truly bad or terrible because none of the games on this fall into that. This one is just more of a neutral thing. It does a good job retelling some of the Clone Wars show. There were some levels I didn't care for but it's really not a bad game at all.
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#8: Star Wars: The Old Republic. Yes, I have spent a lot of time on this particular one and yeah, that is why it's on the low end of the list. Again, not really a bad game here. However, there's just so much you can't do without being a subscriber to the game. Plus, I find that the combat is just really, really boring. It does have a lot of good though, mostly in the way of it's really good storytelling and unique stories for each class you can play. Not bad but could be better.
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#7: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Force Unleashed II has a lot of good going for it. But, one major downfall is just how short the game is compared to the first one. Plus, the ending fight against Vader is really annoying. But, the rest of the game is really good and really fun in my opinion.
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#6: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The only Star Wars movie to get its own LEGO game for some reason...okay. There's a lot of good here honestly as a lot of the shooting combat was refined in this game which did get implemented into The Skywalker Saga so, there is that. However, the game overall is incredibly short, even with the extra levels and yeah. Not a bad game though.
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#5: Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017). Now, look, I know that when it released there was a ton of issues and I know all the controversaries this game brought to the world of loot boxes in video games and all of that. However, I played this one far after launch and I honestly have had a good time. It's got a pretty decent single player campaign, it's got the arcade mode where you can play bot multiplayer matches and the actual multiplayer matches can be fun too if you don't get hackers in the lobby to ruin everyone's fun.
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#4: Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005). Now, this is a really good game through and through. However, there's one mission in the campaign that I could never get through and I hate that. The thing for me is that it doesn't feel all that different from the first game, aside from the campaign actually telling a story this time around. Doesn't make it a bad game but it just kind of makes it more of the same to me.
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#3: Star Wars: Battlefront (2004). I can't deny that this is indeed a good game. I do wish though that the so called campaign told an actual story rather than just basically being bot multiplayer matches but, I suppose it's alright. But, I honestly found a lot more fun playing this game over its sequel but that's just me.
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#2: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Now, this one is a little bit nostalgic for me. It was the first video game that I ever pre-ordered and that was a PS2 copy of the game that also came with a four inch Clone Trooper Commander figure, which I still have and I have the Black Series Gaming Greats version of it too. The game is honestly so, so good and the story it tells is so good too. Just a really good and fun game.
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#1: LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. This one also has a bit of nostalgia for me. I don't the exact year but I remember it was Christmas and I opened my first ever Nintendo DS Lite and then I opened this very game. My brother got it too so we could play the game together. Of course, all these years later I own the PC version and it's still an amazing and super fun game to play. Pretty sure most people who game has played this game, it's that good.
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pedroam-bang · 2 years ago
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (2010)
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