#Ninja Warrior
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cult-of-the-eye · 1 year ago
Jonathan Sims is the type of guy to sit and watch ninja warrior with Martin and then all deadpan point at the TV and say "I could do that" and then gets up and fucking does a handstand into a back handspring or whatever then sits back down on the sofa and puts Martin's arm back around his shoulders. Yeah.
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viejospellejos · 5 months ago
Lo que pasa cuando los niños crecen sin iPad
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ivysturnss · 8 months ago
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Ninja Warriors- Chris Sturniolo
Summary - Where the triplets get invited to the American Ninja Warrior in LA to film a video and they bring you along!
Warnings - FLUFF!!! Ass touching, swearing , kissing ,pet names but nothing else.
A/N - I loved this video so much so I decided to make a fic abt it hope u enjoy love ivy xx
Pairing - Chris x fem!reader
Divider - @ issysh3ll
Nick Matt Chris Aliyah
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"You ready to go lia?" Chris questions picking up his phone and walking over to her who's flatting her slick back with her hands one final time before standing up. "Mhm , I can't wait but do I have to be in every part of the video?" Aliyah curiously asks exiting the bedroom and walking out to the garage. "You don't have to be in it at all if you don't want." chris says getting into the passenger seat as aliyah gets into the drivers. "I'll be in it as I want to have fun with you guys but I'll stay out of some clips!" " What y'doing in the front lia?" Matt says opening the drivers side door to see her sat in his seat. " I thought I would drive for a change so get in the back so we can leave." Aliyah answers shutting the door and waiting for everyone to get in so she can drive to the mall.
They arrive at main place mall and find memo's car so they can park next to it what they could so Aliyah reverses into the parking spot and unbuckles her belt and leans her head on chris' shoulder before getting out the car and going inside.
"You must wear running shoes on trust obstical course , you must wear toe grip socks for the infla-" matt reads out before getting interrupted by nick saying hello to a staff member.
"Can we go to the little kid zone first?" Chris asks the group whilst watching the safety video. "Chris no ur 20 years old not 4!" aliyah replies from behind the camera rolling her eyes before getting the look of annoyance from Chris. "My back hurts already" "Yeah matts been bitching all day he's been like sneezing and stuff and nicks been complaining about his back but aliyahs been the only one who hasn't complained!" Chris says pointing at each person then waving his hand for lia to come stand with him.
Aliyah walks forward and stands infront of Chris before turning around to face the tv what's listing the safety precautions when she has stopped moving Chris pulls her back if she wasn't close enough already and wraps his hands around her waist. "Be respectful of the other ones around you" matt repeats pointing at the tv then slapping Chris shoulder. Chris side eyes matt then kisses under aliyahs ear what makes her blush , as the cameras on her she quickly turns around and hides her face in his chest. "Dont do that!" aliyah mumbles into his black hoodie facing away from memo!
"Don't do what baby?" Chris whispers already knowing the answer but he wanted to annoy her. "Y'know what." she grumbles starting to grow temper in his supposed cluelessness. "Y'mean this?" Chris says then lifting her head and kissing her forehead , both cheeks, her nose , jaw then finally her lips what he repeated twice before putting his hands under her armpits and lifting her up to hold her. "Get a room chris!" Nick says after watching the whole encounter then the group being taken into the actual thing.
"You did the smallest one bro!" Chris says whilst running up the inflatable wall and grabbing on to the top but he didn't make it due to his socks coming off so he had a little help from matt. "Oh my god!" "Nick just pushed me , he pushed me!" Matt utters through laughter. They spend a few more minutes running up the thing and sliding down the slide before going to this area where u can climb a wall.
Matt, nick and aliyah are stood against the inflatable wall and Chris jumps into frame and grasps onto the wall like spiderman but slid down it landing on lia's feet making her topple forward and lands on chris stomach. They all start laughing but chris is first to speak up "Sorry aliyah , did I hurt you?"Chris asks with slight worry and aliyah nods in return and chris thinks of places she could've got hurt in his head then he realises the only place where she mostly would've got hurt. "Go stand right there ma, I'll be over in a sec let me just talk to these 3!" Chris says pointing behind them in a secluded corner with a comforting smile on his face. Aliyah stands up and walks into the corner as chris tells memo and his brothers to go to something else and he will find them.
With nick and matt:
"Ooo an obstical course let's go do that and we can wait for the couple!" Nick sates running over to the course followed by memo and matt. "Talking of the couple why did Chris make aliyah stand in the corner and us leave is he having some make up sex for hurting her!" "If they wanted to fuck eachother they would atleast go to the bathroom he's probably just checking where she was hurt." nick and matt just carry on with a random conversation after speaking about the couple waiting for them to get back.
With aliyah and chris:
Chris walks over to aliyah and looks down at her thats when he noticed her eyes are glossy. "My love you can cry no one is here to stop you infact I would you rather cry in my arms then have a breakdown on your own." Chris reassures aliyah and them words alone made her start crying. "Shh Shh , I'm right hear baby I'm not going anywhere , let it all out!" He says rubbing her back as aliyah let out sniffles. After a few minutes she steps back and stuggles a smile before speaking "It hurts Chris it really hurts!" aliyah let's out in one breath followed by a few hiccups. "I can't help you if you don't tell me where it hurts , I think I have an idea but I need to make sure!" The blue eyed boy states stroking his thumb across her cheeks wiping some tears. "When I f-fell I landed on the the top of ur stomach a-and my right boob hit ur r-rib and now it really hurts" she strings out still hiccuping. "That sounds like it hurt a lot , can I see it and I'm surprised ur not hot in that jacket?" he says looking at her up and down examining the outfit what was gym shorts with a sports bra and a white gym jacket. He gets ahold of the zipper and looks at aliyah for approval so she nods , he pulls down the zipper and takes off the jacket slinging it on his shoulder. He scans over he stomach to make sure there wasnt a mark there then he looks at her boobs and notices a red mark where she said it hurt. "There is a red mark there what will turn into a bruise but other than that there's nothing else beautiful" he tells her and giving her a kiss!
They make there way over to the obstical course and nick starts to take off his shirt "No ur not, no no!" Matt pulls down nicks shirt to stop him but nick refuses "let me , let me you guys don't know what I've got!" He says through giggles pulling the shirt over his head giving it to matt. "USA" the group start laughing there heads off , Chris falls to the floor as matt climbs over him falling to the floor also as aliyah just films her boyfriends laughter and cheesy grin! "Where did you-" Chris utters out before laughing again! Memo does a close up of his shirt and nick flexes his arms saying "Lets go , I'm doing it for my country!"
"Nick busted out the USA shirt for the American ninja warrior course!" Chris comments fixing his hat as nick puts his shirt back on. They start the race as memo films them going round and Chris was in the lead as matt and aliyah waited at the finish line. "I got like 50 bucks on nick!" Matt bets waiting for the race to finish! "NOOOO!" Chris whines due to his failed attempt to winning! " Congrats nick!" Lia congratulates nick with his winning by giving him a big hug! "I would like to see u do it that shirt was hard!" Nick pants like a dog out of breath hugging his best friend back. "Babe get out of the ball pit ur not a fucking toddler!" she grumbles watching her boyfriend sit in the pit of balls.
Chris goes over to this wall where matt was standing and puts his hand on a ladder "That's not- that's not an obstical course." matt hurriedly states to Chris before he started climbing. As matt carries on speaking to the camera aliyah walks up to Chris who's drinking some water , he swallows his drink then looks down at her. "Chris , can I have some please I didn't bring any." She asks pointing at the water bottle in his hands signifying what she was talking about. He nods passing her the bottle what she holds in one hand and puts the other on her hips and begins to chug it! "Woahh easy there tiger , don't want you to choke now do we!" he says placing a hand under her chin to catch some dripping water as the other one took the bottle out of her hand. "Hey I was enjoying that!" She pouts her bottom lip and frowns at him before he pulls down her chin and opens her mouth , he placed the bottle at her mouth what she closed taking small sips as chris kept lowering the bottle.
After there little break aliyah decides to race matt as she felt bad for chris having to run again, in her head her thoughts of winning was a 50/50 chance as she was very fast but not as fast as matt but as she hadn't been here before aswell as the brothers she didn't know what the course consisted of meaning she still might have a chance. Her boyfriend was at the finish along with nick and Chris was obviously cheering for aliyah and nick was cheering for matt but deep down nick wanted lia to win. Where memo was standing as the 2 ran past him it looked very close to the camera but in real life aliyah was winning by a tiny bit! Memo ran to end to capture it it was still very close as the ran across the red dots in the ball pit aliyah ended up coming first place due to matt slipping. "Image getting beat by a girl matt" nick laughs sticking out his tongue and matt just rolled his eyes. " That shit was hard but I still won!" aliyah comments as she sat on the floor to catch her breath "I'm so proud of you ma , I was cheering for u the whole time!" Chris says as he sat down beside her. "My legs hurt so bad after that I can't walk!" aliyah growns laying her head on chris shoulder as he lays his head on top. "Well we are going to the trust obstical course now so do you want me to carry you?" he questions even if she said no he would anyway. She nods lightly so Chris stood up once he was up he pulled aliyah up with ease and crouched down infront of her. "Jump" he indicates to let her know he's ready to catch her. Aliyah puts her hands on his shoulders and jumps up , as soon as chris felt her touch his back he grabbed on to her thighs lightly walking out of the inflatables as she conjoined her hands infront of him.
After playing a game of odd one out to see who went first nick started doing the course and successfully made it to the end matt went who failed on the second obstical as he thought his foot was on it but it wasn't. "Chris be careful I don't want to be looking after you because you've broke a mother fucking bone" aliyah says watching her boyfriend swing around but he did make it to the end with no broken limbs. It then came her turn she was scared as he arms weren't as long as the triplets and if she failed she didn't want to be caller a failure but she gave it a shot and made it with a little help from Chris. They did the second part of the course but memo didn't film it other than a bit of matts and Chris saying "I can't belive I lost to the cheese doors when I was ten I would tell myself I could do these with ease" as he fixed his hat and aliyah sat between his lap.They moved onto the next thing and the first obstical on it was a red bar you had to hold on to and go across "I have an idea" he says and jumps onto one side and makes it across. "Cmon nick!" "Ooh I like it that was my technique!" Chris jumps onto the bar using a diff technique to nick and starts going across it "Lets go bacon back" nick utters watching his brother do his turn. Matt dies the same technique as nick and makes it across just like his brothers then it became aliyahs turn. This was the part she was most scared for as her boyfriend and his brothers made it look easy but there significantly taller and stronger. This time memo decided to film her what made her nerves even worse she jumped up to grab on the bar as she was going to use the same technique as chris but she couldn't reach. "Can someone help me reach up?" She asks politely and nick came to the rescue and helped her she began her turn "I'm right here if you fall , I'll catch you lia" Chris says slowly walking behind her , she was very slow but made it then it came to the one where the 3 boys failed on but she made it across easily then it came to the rock wall her hands hurt already so she was a bit nervous how that would go she made it halfway across before she stopped. The boys look at eachother confused as she was doing so well and that's when chris noticed her hands began to tremble from how tight she was gripping on so just like he did with the bar he came up behind her. "I'm right behind you you can let go my love , I've got you!" He says sticking his hands out she can feel his breath fan her back so she knew he wasn't lying , she let go and just as he promised he caught her.
They made there way to the wall and started running up it a few times off camera and when the camera starts rolling matt and Chris are sat st the top of the mini wall whilst nick and aliyah are sat on the floor looking up at them they see a fireman's pole so they ask one of the workers if they could use jt and they said yes so chris goes down first and says "if I do that with less clothes it's worth a million bucks!" Nicks jaw drops ,matts expression drops and aliyah gasps and goes "CHRISTOPHER OWEN STURNIOLO DONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Chris and nick swap places as nick runs up the wall Chris sits criss-crossed and taps his legs for aliyah to sit on them so she does so. He leans forward and places his chin on her shoulder " Y'think you're going to have a turn it looks fun right?" He says watching matt and nick run up. "Mhm , it looks great fun but I don't think I would be able to do jt I don't have much upper body strength left and my legs are still a bit sore from racing matt." she murmers. "I can help you if you want I can either be up the top and pull you up or I can be behind you it up to you baby." "Can u go behind me to start and then if I can do that you go up the top!" "Whatever you want , cmon up you get" he whispers into her shoulder giving it a kiss before tapping her thighs.
Aliyah stands up and Chris stands at the bottom of the wall waiting for her. She runs up and as soon as she puts her hands at the top to push her self up Chris goes as high up as he can and places a hand on her ass and pushes her up. Once she's up Chris runs up and sits in the corner as aliyah lays infront of him placing her head on his legs as he attacks her face with kisses. "I knew you could do it aliyah , you just got to put a little bit of trust in yourself and don't be afraid to ask me or anyone for help you understand?" "I understand" she breaths out before climbing down followed by Chris. Little did they know memo was filming the entire thing from when they were sat on the floor until they climbed down.
The group move on to the big wall and matt tells nick "try the first one" as there was 2 different sizes. Nick runs but doesn't even manage to grab on so he runs back down with his shoelace untied "Tie your shoe!" Chris points out so nick does so. Matt grabs on to the top and turns himself around so he's holding on with one hand , he then slides down and stays sat down at the bottom of the ramp and the boys ask him questions. "That doesn't hurt?" nick asks getting a simple answer from matt "no." "That's totally not how ur supposed to do it." Chris mumbles and matt goes "I don't know , it felt most comfortable in my heart." with a big smile on his face.
Matt asks if they can still get slurpees and they was allowed so they go to the counter and they worker was making them for the group "They sell these at AMC and target and this is my ideal slurpee!" Nick tells the camera as he picked up the cup. "White cherry gross nick!" aliyah comments watching matts Cup get filled up."I don't know what I want , umm I just get the blue one!" Chris says as his voice starts to lower due to memo walking away to film some workers who wanted to say hello. "Aliyah do you want one?" Matt asks refering to the drinks as he took a sip of his "What flavours is there?" she asks walking over and standing in the middle of matt a chris "Theres white cherry , blue raspberry , cherry, orange cream, mango or frosted lemonade you can also get a small if you want." Chris tells her pointing out the flavours and cup size. "I'll have a mango one and can it be small please!" aliyah politely tells the worker who gives her a small nod and giving her what she wanted.
They try eachothers drinking before going home and getting ready for the night , aliyah and Chris have a shower then make there way upstairs to get some food before laying on the couch and watching some spongebob before falling asleep in eachothers comfort.
A/N PT2: I don't know if you can tell but I kinda gave up towards the end also comment on this if you want to be apart of the taglist!!!
@luvs4matt @6ix9inewiturmom @dirtylittleheart333 @evie-sturns @sturniqlo @delilahsturniolo @vanteguccir @sturnsforlife @hysteria-things @cherriesformatt @strawberrysturniolo @recklessmatt @777sturn @sturniolo-simp4life @bambi-slxt @pepsiboyy @lustfulslxt @luvsturnii
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bats-and-other-birds · 5 months ago
Dick Grayson would obliterate everyone at Ninja Warrior
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uppercut-athletics · 10 months ago
Sparring highlights 🔥
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guysshowingofftheirmuscles · 11 months ago
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Awesome ninja logo ☆☆☆
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erdwrestling · 3 months ago
The STARDOM World Champion Tam Nakano in SASUKE Ninja Warrior
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irys-punch · 8 months ago
This is (totally) not a headcanon I'm making based on my current fixation, but:
Piston Hondo would definitely tune into SASUKE tournaments when they air. He doesn't care if they air on New Years', or if it's totally inconvenient to his schedule. he WILL be seated.
(further elaboration below the break)
SASUKE would be something he casually stumbled across as a late teenager, him channel surfing sometime in the late 90s before coming across one of the earlier tournaments (Id like to imagine SASUKE 8 with Kane Kōsugi in 2001). And from then, he'd be hooked.
I think as he became close friends with members of the WVBA, he'd get some of them to watch with him. Over the years it would become a small watch-party with Tiger and Sandman, who he'd translate for. And to say those nights would get passionate would be putting it lightly.
Who I think his favorite ninja would be? Well, he'd love all of the All-Stars. But I feel like he'd just especially resonate with the kind souls on there who pour so much devotion into not just the art of it, but everything else. Two that would come to mind are Yamamoto Shingo and Makoto Nagano.
Regardless, SASUKE as a whole is something Hondo deeply loves and would maybe like to partake in someday. ^-^
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s1utformatt · 8 months ago
Is it js me or in today's Friday video the triplets look fine asf sweaty and worn out likee.
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mindmotives01 · 9 months ago
Hey, people watching this out there this video contains word that should make u do the right thing and work hard (if u r doin it alrdy that's great i wish for u to be successful )if these word from one of great characters in Naruto can't make u understand anything then i please request u guys to never follow me never come to see my profile coz u are gonna be wasting my efforts to make these videos. Only those who are ready to try their best to find there way in life pls follow me and help me to work hard as well.
Rock lee- Student of one of the greatest sensei.
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viejospellejos · 1 year ago
Este niño es un CRACK:
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dylanrosales25 · 28 days ago
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g4zdtechtv · 2 months ago
THE PILE PRESENTS: Cheat! - Viewer Request Special | 6/21/05
An episode that's all about you.
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uppercut-athletics · 10 months ago
Fight prep 💪🏾
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thecoldandcruel · 2 years ago
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When everyone around you sees the color that you can’t
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