#star wars shortfic
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sammys-magical-au · 9 days ago
@codex-week shortfic; day 5 - intimate vulnerability ~
Warnings: referenced canon-typical violence, mild starvation/emaciation, injury, implied slavery, trauma, mildly Jedi critical
- Post-Zygerrian arc, Cody shares an intimate moment of comfort with Rex when he returns to Coruscant. Cody is not a physical-touch person, but Rex is the one exception.
Room for One More
Marshal Commander Cody was not a person who enjoyed physical touch. He never had been, and he was fairly certain he never would be.
A hand shake or a high-five (or the alternative fist-bump, which Lionel had taught him on that one Naboo mission) was more than enough skin-to-skin contact, and trying for a hug was liable to get you kicked - not that it stopped Echo and Fives, mind, but those two fools would do just about anything to rile Cody up.
However, all of that being said, and all of it running through Cody’s mind as he lay there with a frighteningly thin, trembling Rex in his arms - which only served to confuse him even more about his current position - it seemed as if there were at least some times when being chest-to-chest, belly-to-belly, his limbs tangled with another person didn’t bother him. Or, more precisely, there were some people he didn’t mind being like this with.
Or really, truthfully, maybe just one person.
Growing up on Kamino, Cody had always felt like there was something wrong with him for being so averse to touch, as it wasn’t uncommon for Clone batches to all cuddle up in a pile when they were no more than tubies - and even as they got older. It was just a fact of life for a Clone that there would always, always be someone else touching you, or at least close enough to touch you, at all times.
Cody didn’t understand. Being all squashed together made him feel like he was suffocating. Or at least it usually did.
Not now, though. Not when it was Rex.
The captain in question shifted slightly in Cody’s embrace where they lay together in their bunker, one that was meant to only be for Cody, and really only had room for Cody, but that they shared so often it may as well have been for both of them.
“I’m sorry,” Rex mumbled, his lips against the crook of Cody’s shoulder, “I know… I-I know you don’t like this kinda thing, but… I just… I just needed you to hold me.”
His voice wavered, and Cody felt something warm and wet drip onto his bare chest. He realized with a jolt that Rex was crying - it wasn’t like Cody had never seen him cry before, but knowing he felt awful enough to do so now… it made Cody’s stomach tighten with rage.
“What happened to you?” He whispered, just now registering the fact that he’d been lightly rubbing his hands over Rex’s back and shoulders to comfort him - he wasn’t sure how long he’d been doing it, though, “what happened on Kavado?”
A shudder ran through Rex’s body, more violent than before, and Cody winced internally as he realized that might have been the wrong thing to say.
“Never mind, Rex,” he whispered, “don’t tell me. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
That was enough for Rex to give in, curling a little tighter into Cody’s arms and lapsing into great, agonized sobs, hard enough to make both of them shake.
The anger Cody had felt before melted away as his heart shattered into pieces.
On instinct, he wrapped himself around Rex, pulling him in even closer than they had been before - if that were possible, which apparently it was. He wished he could look into Rex’s face, but he couldn’t, his head was tucked into Cody’s neck, his tears and frantic, shuddering breaths hot on his skin.
Even through the whirlwind of emotions in Cody’s mind, he still found himself oddly surprised that none of this bothered him. If it was Echo or Fives or just about anybody else clinging to him like this, Cody’s skin would be crawling, and he’d be pushing and squirming to get free.
Surely it was more than just the fact that Rex was hurt and vulnerable. Even when someone Cody cared about needed to be held, he still did so with trepidation (and what Rex had once described, through affectionate chuckles, as a “severely constipated look” on his face), but when Rex had arrived a few hours ago and simply melted into Cody without a word, there had been no hesitation or distaste at all. Just understanding.
“There was… just… s-so much pain,” Rex gasped out finally, snapping Cody from his thoughts, “a-and I was scared and cold, and hungry, I didn’t… I had to kill him, Codes.”
Cody didn’t need to ask who ‘he’ was, he’d read over the debrief of the mission to Kavado, seen the haunted look in General Kenobi’s eyes. He didn’t see anything wrong with Rex killing Agruss - in fact, he couldn’t help feeling almost happy about it - but he and Rex both knew, better than anyone, how killing even the most wicked people weighed on the mind.
Even so, Cody still felt the same spark of rage as before forming in him, though this time it was directed at the Jedi for putting Rex - his Rex - through all of this.
“Codes?” Rex’s soft, weak voice broke through Cody’s angry thoughts, “could you… could you keep rubbing my back like you were? It… feels nice.”
Cody realized that in his moment of anger, his hands had fallen still on Rex’s skin. He resumed the gentle caresses on Rex’s back, and he felt Rex start to relax again.
That is, until his comlink that he’d left in the crumbled heap of armor, discarded in a pile by the door the moment he’d stepped inside, beeped quietly.
Neither of them moved for a long moment.
“If anyone’s asking you to leave Coruscant, or even this room for that matter-” Cody began in a low growl.
“No, Codes, it’s fine,” Rex cut him off tiredly, slowly and reluctantly pulling out of Cody’s embrace and rising to his feet, “I’ve got to see who it is, it might be important.”
Cody noticed, as he bent over to rummage for the still-beeping comlink, that Rex’s limbs were trembling. He quickly sat up as well and moved to Rex’s side to steady him.
“General Skywalker?” Rex asked, voice still ragged and raspy from crying, when he finally unearthed the comlink.
“Rex,” Anakin’s voice came through, “are you alright?”
Rex cleared his throat.
“Doing just fine, Sir.”
He and Cody both knew that was a lie, and Cody wouldn’t be surprised if Anakin knew it too - although, to his credit, the general did sound genuinely concerned for Rex, and his tone implied that this was more of a check-in than anything else.
There was a short silence.
“Well…” Anakin said finally, “if you’re up for it, Nel invited Ahsoka and I down to their place for dinner. You remember them, right?”
Miraculously, Rex let out a weak chuckle.
“How could I forget, Sir?” He replied.
“They said there’s more than enough room for one more person at the table, and I figured a home-cooked meal might help with your recovery from…”
He trailed off, but he didn’t need to say anything more.
“What about General Kenobi?” Rex asked, “he had it just as bad as I did on Kavado.”
“I already asked,” Anakin murmured, with a slight sigh of irritation, “he politely declined, said he was going to mediate instead.”
Cody suppressed a laugh - that sounded like General Kenobi.
Rex hummed quietly, staring off into space, and Cody could tell he was considering whether or not to take General Skywalker up on the offer.
“When are you leaving for the Underworld?” He asked finally.
“Soon,” Anakin replied, “but we can wait for you. Like I said, plenty of room for one more.”
Rex smiled for the first time that evening and turned to look at Cody with sparkling eyes before asking;
“What about two, Sir?”
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spirk-trek · 6 months ago
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Organia Fanzine | Merle Decker, 1982
“We used to come here all the time when we were kids,” Jim told him, flopping down on his back on the grass, “because nobody ever bothered us.” Spock followed his lead more gingerly, making sure there were no nettles or honeybees beneath him before he allowed himself to sit.
Curiously, he examined the strange vegetation around them: white filigree Queen Anne’s lace, exotic milkweed pods bursting with silky down, thistles with their soft, shaggy indigo flowers. A yellow butterfly drifted by on effortless wings. For once, Jim knew the variety, he did not. 
Jim reached up and stroked his cheek fondly. “You never stop being a scientist, Spock.”
“The vegetation here is extremely rich,” he muttered, studying the drops of white fluid that seeped from a broken milkweed stem.
“I’ll bet you could spend a lifetime studying it.” Jim took his hand gently and lifted it from the grass to hold it in his own.
The cool, firm touch struck a chord of pleasure within him, and he looked at Jim, an eyebrow raised. “At least a lifetime.”
Jim squeezed his hand. “The hell with Starfleet, then. The hell with the Admiralty, the Lexington, the Outer Rim -- Let’s stay right here.”
Spock’s heart thudded ridiculously, so hard he had to turn his face away, afraid his expression would betray him. “It is warmer here than in San Francisco,” he said irrelevantly.
Jim nodded. “Almost as warm as Vulcan. But you’d have to hibernate in the winter.”
“Actually, I should prefer to stay awake,” Spock answered drily. 
Kirk pulled himself up by Spock’s hand and leaned toward him. “What would you do without your computers?” he asked lightly, trying to sound mock-teasing. But the undertone of sadness in his voice betrayed him.
Spock shook his head ruefully. “My computers. And your command.”
He had not meant to sound bitter, but Kirk’s eyes clouded over, and he was silent for several moments. Finally, he spoke. “I need you, too, you know.”
Spock nodded, looking down at his hand, still holding Kirk’s. “I know.”
“You’re probably going to tell me now that both needs are illogical.”
The words pricked a schoolboy memory somewhere deep in the recesses of Spock’s mind, and a corner of his mouth curved up infinitesimally.
“Why’re you smiling?” Kirk asked, puzzled. Spock looked at him quizzically. Only Jim would read that gesture as a smile.
“You have reminded me of a well-known problem…”
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zoeykallus · 10 months ago
The Bad Batch/ Mayday/Rex x Reader Prompts – Confessions
Part 3/7 - Crosshair
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Warnings: Hurt/Angst/Comfort/Fluff/Love Confessions
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
This is a continuation of this request :
The Bad Batch/ Mayday/Rex x Reader Prompts – Confessions
You don't really know how to talk to him. As soon as his intense eyes look at you, your voice crawls and a horde of butterflies flutter wildly in your stomach.
In the beginning it was okay, but at some point, Crosshair just had to look at you to make your voice fail.
He doesn't know that he has this effect on you, he doesn't know that his voice sends little shivers down your spine, making everything inside you go crazy, pulse, heartbeat, temperature, hormones, thoughts… everything.
Wrecker likes to play practical jokes on the Sniper. Out of an impulse to have more contact with Crosshair, you join in these pranks at some point. You sometimes feel a little immature about it, but this simple contact with Crosshair is worth it.
He usually reacts grumpily, but he's never really that angry, and your pranks are usually quite harmless. The only time he was really a bit sour was when Wrecker and you stuck all the toothpicks Crosshair had in stock to his helmet. Of course, you insisted on water-soluble glue when Wrecker told you the idea, a prank shouldn't cause permanent damage in any way.
One evening, you're all sitting together, having a good time, eating well, telling jokes, unpacking card games. Music is playing on the radio in the background, and occasionally one or two people hum along to one of the songs. In general, everyone is in a good mood, including the sniper. The evening is going great, and you even talk to Crosshair a little, you joke with each other, and you're beaming the whole time, totally happy about his attention.
He gently nudges you with his elbow as you play cards and says with a smirk, “You're holding your cards too low, hold them a little higher, almost everyone can see what's in your hand”
“Oh”, you say in surprise and comply with his suggestion, “Thanks”
Today is the day, you think, today you finally tell him how you feel. It doesn't matter that you lose almost every game. The boys are too good, and you can hardly concentrate on the game. You pay much more attention to every sound and every movement of your crush, Crosshair, who is sitting quite close to you. Sometimes, when your eyes meet during the game, he smirks mischievously at you, and you feel yourself melting inside.
You are still waiting for a good opportunity. During a break in the game, when Crosshair wants to get drinks, you offer to help him and accompany him. On the way to get the drinks, your heart races as you gently but firmly grab his arm.
“Can we talk for a minute?”
Crosshair stops and turns to you. He looks at you intently, and you feel yourself growing nervous under his serious gaze.
“Hmm, sure. What's this about?”
You take a deep breath, causing Crosshair to furrow his brows.
“Honestly, I don't even know how to start,” you say with a nervous laugh.
He remains silent, patiently, but he crosses his arms in front of his chest, which makes you even more nervous. His gaze is scrutinizing, almost critical. Your voice threatens to crawl out once again, and you try with all your might to stop it.
You say quite directly, “I have a crush on you”
For a very brief moment, Crosshair's posture wavers, his eyebrows shoot up, but in the same second, he pulls them back together, sternly.
“Was that your idea, or did Wrecker put you up to it?” he growls softly.
You look at him, perplexed. He thinks you're playing a trick on him again. At first, you don't know how to react, your thoughts are in a panic, and you can't organize them quickly enough. In the long pause that has arisen, he suddenly says, “Seriously? Did you think I would fall for this? You and me? As if that was even remotely realistic”
A helpless, “Uh,” escapes your lips.
Crosshair rolls his eyes, “Come up with something better”
He wants to turn away and keep walking, but you say much braver than you feel, loud and clear, “I wasn't kidding”
Crosshair sighs, stops and turns back to you, a few steps away from you.
“Really? You insist on going through with this gag? Come on, let it go, surely you can think of something better”
You clench your hands into fists in frustration. But your gaze lowers dejectedly as you ask, “Why would you and I be an unrealistic thing?”
Crosshair listens up.
He asks lurking, “Does it matter?”
You answer quietly, “It does to me”
You hear his footsteps, finally see his boots and hear him say, “Look up, at me”
As you comply with his request, his eyes bore into yours.
“You really weren't joking, were you?” he asks seriously.
You swallow, but finally nod.
“I wouldn't joke about that”
His gaze is still scrutinizing as he asks, “Really?”
Crosshair suddenly smirks, leaning towards you. Your heart doesn't quite know whether to jump out of your chest or stop, as his face comes closer. You hold your breath, your eyes close. First you feel his hand on the back of your neck, his arm wrapping around your middle, then you feel his lips on yours, warm, softer than expected, lingering gently for a long moment. Fireworks explode in your chest, everything tingles, hums, dances. Your entire body seems to be celebrating a feast of sensations and perceptions. You smell him, his aftershave, feel the warmth of his body, so close...
Then suddenly everything is as if wrapped in absorbent cotton, dull, numb. When you open your eyes, it feels a little like you've just woken up from a dream. Surprised, you realize that you are no longer standing, but hanging in Crosshair's arms, who is kneeling on the floor. “How did that happen?” you ask, perplexed, looking up into his worried face. “You don't know?” You think for a moment before answering, “We talked, then you kissed me”
Crosshair nods and says, “And you just passed out during the kiss”
“I was unconscious?”
Crosshair sighs, his features relaxing a little as he replies, “hmm, looked like it”
“How long?”
“Just a few seconds, maybe half a minute”
You laugh softly, shyly and confess to him, “I was so nervous, I was holding my breath and my pulse was so fast…. I think that must have been it”
You realize that you are still lying in his arms, but you don't really want to get up. You could get used to being held by him like this.
Crosshair smirks, “I make you that nervous?”
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Well, yes.”
His smirk widens.
“I kind of like that, Kitten”
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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dellamortethelesser · 2 years ago
that star wars fic
Leven dangled the vial of kolto between his fingers. The vital green substance swirled smooth like water as he twisted it around, before it was promptly pocketed at his belt. He lifted the flap of the bag strung over his shoulders. Vial after vial after vial after vial after vial. Lifeblood slipped through his fingertips–or at least something that was priced as if it were lifeblood. It was impossible to purchase because of the mining. The mining because of the war. The war that caused injuries. The war that caused suffering. The war that caused the mining. The mining that raised the prices. The lifeblood that is impossible to purchase. 
His footsteps fell feather-light as he ducked through darkened halls. Doorway. Another doorway. He knew it well. He had been here before. There was a shaft of light at the end of the hall; a window that had been left propped open. The night was dark. The hall was empty. When he dragged himself up to squeeze through the window, he kicked it shut behind him. 
Lifeblood is heavy to carry, he thought to himself as he stretched his arms wide and balanced on the precarious sill. It stretched all around the warehouse, and if he was careful, he could reach the crumbling corner that had offered enough footholds to get him up earlier. He wondered if the lifeblood was heavy because he was trying to be quiet, or if it was heavy because it was priceless. He wondered if it was even worth that much at all. He could carry so little. Maybe what he took would not be missed.
The dents and cracks in the metal supported him on his climb down. His speeder was waiting, propped in the dark at the edge of the street. The night was heavy. The street was empty. Leven tucked the bag into the case on the side of his speeder, and then climbed up. He made sure his hood was up as he departed. The wind was cool on his skin, and he relished the kiss of the night breeze. He moved slowly through back alleys until he reached the main crossways, then blended smoothly into the traffic. Even during the night it was busy. He faded into the crowd. 
He always liked the way it sounded when he could just listen. The city thrummed like lifeblood in the veins of a heart determined to pump. Leven knew what that sounded like, smelled like, looked like. Like the city. Streets were veins. He was traveling through the vessels back to the dingy, old apartment that he had been renting for a few months. He wouldn’t be able to stay there much longer. Even when he locked up his speeder outside, he thought he felt eyes on him. 
Inside, he drew the dark curtains shut. The sensation didn’t change. He decided not to dump out the kolto vials tonight. He would distribute them directly tomorrow. He would take only three for himself when he fled the city. The planet. Three didn’t raise eyebrows. Three hidden beneath dark cloaks and with a few credits passed to whoever might see didn’t get him stopped by officers. He had been stopped by them before. Sometimes he had to hand it over. Sometimes they caught sight of the kyber necklace and let him go. Sometimes they got angry. He never blamed them for growing angry. He was angry. Sometimes. Mostly he felt tired.
He sighed and fell into his bed. He rubbed his eyes–everything hurt. Everything was sore. His shoulders ached from climbing in and out of the building. His legs ached from balancing along the ledge. His back hurt from navigating his speeder. It wasn’t comfortable. It was enough to get him around. He supposed he shouldn’t complain; it had been a gift from the previous tenants. He had healed their daughter from injuries she had sustained from fights that had broken out in the streets a few months prior. They decided to leave the planet for all the violence. They had left them the apartment and the speeder as thanks. He barely had enough to scrape by for the rent these days. He hated charging for his services to heal, though he supposed he would have no choice. Giving away kolto for nothing did not keep him afloat. Not like everyone else.
He knew what the Jedi would do. Pay for the kolto. Let the fights continue. Heal a few people in the community for the sanctimonious principle of it. Leave. Forget about this backwater planet. Forget the suffering. The war wasn’t real. The Galaxy was at peace. It’s a tentative peace, Leven. We must not provoke the Galaxy back into real fighting, Leven. The people would really suffer if that were to happen, Leven. He wasn’t one of them anymore. He was thankful for it. They didn’t understand what it was really like. They never would. Coruscant didn’t have creaky beds and dark curtains and sickly children in the upstairs apartment that cried all night until he finally caved and offered the parents some tips as to how to treat what it could be. 
He dragged himself off of the bed. He was dirty. Leven didn’t want to get under the sheets without showering and changing. The water would be cold, but that was fine. He hated hot showers. Hot showers were smothering. Cold showers were cleansing, they rejuvenated him. He would be awake enough to face whatever thing pricked at the back of his mind that alerted him to the presence of someone else. He ignored it. The lifeblood within him died when he left the Jedi Order. Now it was a phantom presence. Phantom pains. Like a limb that had been severed. Now it was just the knowledge of how to use it.
When he came out of the shower, there was a figure waiting for him in his living room. His living room that he didn’t do much living in, and he doubted that anyone ever did, and he wondered how the old tenants–a large family–all tucked themselves within the apartment. Sometimes he felt too confined within the dark boxy walls. 
“How did you find me?” Leven asked. He tugged his shirt over his head. He knew what the answer would be. The same as it always had been. This time he was glad to see her. The presence of the Mandalorian meant that he had an excuse to leave this planet. He would only have to make sure that she did not get her hands on the kolto before he distributed it in the morning. The last time that she had seen it, she had taken it. 
She never spoke much. Not when it was late and she wanted him to come with little questions. Not when it was a matter of lives and debt and the various deaths that would inevitably be involved. Leven never enjoyed that. He always asked if he could stay behind and patch her up if she were injured. Not this time. Not any time. She handed him information. He frowned. Sith Empire. Imperial Intelligence. Bounty. Coruscant. Jedi. Not healing. Not this time. Expertise, she said. 
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Hey! Just wanna say im really glad i found this account ive been getting into green lantern comics recently and your page is a godsend.Aside from that its one of the few that isnt overrun with batman/batfam content propinng him or his orphan child soliders by putting down other dc characters..so i was curious if you knew any dc fanfics that portray the lanterns as competent and or calling bruce out on his bullshit ( sorry if my text is a bit jumbled english isnt my first language)
I'm glad you like my content!
Tbh the fanfiction situation for Green Lanterns is just as bad as it is on Tumblr, if not worse. So a few of these fics are going to be bat-centric, but I've specifically selected those that I feel actually respect and understand the GLs instead of flanderizing them to be stupid assholes.
I've tagged the authors whose Tumblr usernames I could find in the fic or their AO3 profiles. If you're one of the authors I haven't tagged, just let me know and I'll edit the post to add you.
But without further ado, the GL contents of my bookmarks in no particular order:
Fics where the Bats are uninvolved or only play a minor role
In the end, we all bleed Green. by @catboyollie (series) - a collection of GL shortfics
Kink Meme #5 by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic) - Most people forget Guy Gardner was a teacher...
Friendship, Ice Cream, and Green Lanterns by MildlyRebelliousMint - GLs hanging out after a battle
Family is What You Make Of It by @exasperatedfey - in which Hal has to bail his fellow GLs out of jail
In Case of Emergency by @susanphoenix - Kilowog’s been adopted by the Earth heroes as the GL to go to if they can’t find the earth lanterns. No one told him that.
i ate up all the light by @effietrinket1619 - Six times Hal was there for a fellow GL (and one time they're there for him). TW for roofie
Good Cop/Bad Cop by @meduseld - shortfic of Hal being a scary mf
Adrift by @rose-cake - Simon and Jessica are partners. That word has multiple meanings. Minor Simon/Jessica
These Mountains by pastelplastic - Superman meets Tomar-Re, the Green Lantern who failed to save Krypton
Justice League's most wanted fugitive: Hal Jordan by Panamic - The Justice League are trying to find Green Lantern. Hal does not want to be found by the JL. Shenanigans ensue
No Rest for a Superhero by Crimson_Crystal - Kyle sacrifices sleep to finish an art commission and crashes
A Mind Of His Own by @wolfsbanesparks - The Justice League finds out Captain Marvel is actually a kid, and Hal is the only one who still treats him like a fellow hero
The Goddess of Petty Annoyances by @galahadwilder - Jessica invades Apokolips specifically to annoy Darkseid. Crack
Shooting for the Stars by @green-lanterns-c0ck - Guy in his yellow ring era bumbles into saving a galaxy far far away. Crack crossover with Star Wars
canary in a coal mine by BrandyFromTheBottle - Guy is an asshole to Dinah, but he's trying to be better about it
Hal & Kyle fics (there's enough of these that they warrant their own category)
Luminance by @lanternwisp - Hal slowly realizing he thinks of Kyle as a son
trajectory from me to you by @softpunks - deaged!Kyle thinks Hal is his dad
the moldy cup is not a metaphor by MildlyRebelliousMint - Kyle calls Hal "dad" and Hal goes to visit Barry, totally not freaking out
friendly fields and open roads by @ufonaut - Hal returned to life and feels like shit. Kyle comes seeking a mentor.
ship in a bottle by @hopeworth - Two former hosts of Parallax meet up for brunch
Fics involving Bats that respect Green Lanterns
we're in the mellow mayhem together (series) by lunaratlasky - Jason seeks out Hal whenever he wants to piss off Bruce
Emergency Line (series) by @crucifixinhell - jason looked at hal once and went "you seem like good dad material"
For Whom We'd Give Blood (series) by Boogalee99 - How Hal Jordan becomes the favorite uncle of the batfam
There's Always Another One by lapsedpacifist - Dick gets fired and decides to crash at Hal's place
To Overcome Fear (ongoing) by @dc-sideblog - Stephanie gets fired and Kyle decides that if the Bats don't want a perfectly good superhero, the Green Lanterns definitely do
Disclosure by @aj-artjunkyard - Maybe Hal isn't as at peace with a certain android's death as he thought he was... and maybe he's not alone in his grief either.
Stars in a Paint-Filled Sky by @thenaphorism - Kyle has to explain to the Justice League why he has a Red Hood/Troia tramp stamp
because you know better by @matchahater - Ion and Red Hood contemplate the ethics of resurrection
catch the asteroids that come your way by @thepackwantsthed - the only JayKyle fic that I've ever liked
Justice League International - Spoiled! by @secretlystephaniebrown - Guy Gardner, Crystal Brown's childhood neighbor and best friend, ends up taking in her daughter Stephanie after an unexpected turn of events.
the superhero game (ongoing) by Nyame - Jason Todd Peggy Sue longfic ft. a near-omnipotent White Lantern
I'm gonna pin this post and update it as I encounter more fics I like, so drop some recommendations in the comments for me and everyone else!
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months ago
Masterlist Navigator - Pinned Post
I am still accepting donations (or commissions!) on ko-fi, but it's not by any means an pressing need anymore. If you want a writing-related goal to support for this, I'm going to move closer to the city (and the new job) once I've built up a bit of a nest egg in case of emergency, and that'll cut down the commute by several hours... which I could use on writing for you guys!
For politics-only followers, I have the sideblog @phoenix-politics.
At this time (May 2024) I am still accepting a trade of charity donations for fic. If you donate over a certain amount to a listed charity, I will write a shortfic for you.
Alright, navigation time:
Last updated May 24th, 2024
General Masterpost: random posts, tumblr things, omegaverse, and scifi
Polls (non-Star Wars)
Business and Economics
On Writing and Stories
Girl Genius (in progress)
One Piece
Miscellaneous Fandoms
Star Wars Masterlists:
General AUs
Modern, Historic, Crossovers, and Otherwise Not Canonverse
Time Travel AUs
Ships Masterlist: ships I do a lot with, sfw
That Which is Unsafe for Work (Anakin Ships): You know the drill, folks. Tread carefully, for 18+ only.
That Which is Unsafe for Work (non-Anakin Ships and nsfw-dark): You know the drill, folks. Tread carefully, for 18+ only. All posts that fall into the nsfw-dark umbrella are in this post, regardless of other features.
Wider AUs masterlist: masterpost for the AUs that have more than two parts
In the Big Leagues: for posts about fics that have made it to AO3
Shitposts Collective: Shitposts
Meme Fills: What it says on the tin. If it's a response to an ask meme, then it goes here first.
Star Wars: Tag-Teamed AUs
Star Wars Polls
Rec Lists
Liveblogging of Canon
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lilolilyr · 1 month ago
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Summary: By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. A Senator from a less prominent planet has had enough of Chancellor Palpatine's incompetence and calls for a Vote of No-Confidence and the installation of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. This one action becomes the catalyst that changes the direction of the galaxy. (or: “Obi-Wan’s Life Gets Worse. Though It’s Not As Bad As It Could’ve Been”.
131k words, rated T, still in progress!
I highly recommend everyone read this and give @stonefreeak some love, the fic is so hilarious and emotional and just really really good!
You can find a more detailed (and highly spoilery!!) summary below the cut.
I don't have a tag list for Star Wars content yet - lmk if you want to be pinged when I post more! I regularly share fic recs and occasionally write some shorter fics myself as well.
More Star Wars Recs By Me • My Star Wars
~~~ continue reading ~~~
I always write summaries to wips and stuff I want to continue reading some other time, so I won't struggle with mixing up fics and half-remembered plotlines... Because this one is so long, I've run out of summary space on my bookmark, so I thought I'd transfer it to this post!
If you're also starting to read it and might not finish it in one go, or want to keep up with future updates, I recommend y'all's save this post so you can check what you already know :D
Ft: many characters, and written in different POVs
From Canon: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padmé, Ahsoka, Bail, Mace, Yoda, Vokara, Quinlan, Dooku, Palpatine, probably others too
Ha'han-ash: the new vice chancellor working with Obi-Wan
Senator Mandai: from a pacifist species that can't be influenced by the Force, the one who called the vote of no confidence on Palpatine
La: killer & friend of the assassin Palpatine murdered, works with Quinlan to figure out who killed her
Part 1:
Shortfic, <1k, G, no warnings apply
POV Padawan Anakin Skywalker
Anakin has a nightmare about red and rage and betrayal and crawls into Obi-Wan's bed even though he thinks he's too old for this and worries Obi-Wan will refuse him. He feels safe with Obi-Wan.
Part 2:
2k ficlet, rated T, no warnings apply
POV Obi-Wan during the Clone wars
Anti clone sentiment is widespread during the Clone Wars
Jedi still take 'regular' missions next to their duties as Generals, if it's urgent enough at least
During a mission to save slave kids during the clone wars, there is a bomb threat, and it ends with Obi-Wan being photographed topless and saving two young children (he gave most of his clothes to the kids), and turns into a sexyman holonet sensation! Anakin and Ahsoka think it's hilarious. Obi-Wan just wants to forget all about it.
Part 3:
128k WIP, rated T, Graphic Violence
POV Alternating
Clone Wars + canon-divergent future
Chapter 1-20
A senator (Mandai) from a species that can't be influenced by the force calls for:
- a vote of no confidence on Palpatine
- to install a neutral Chancellor: Master Kenobi
Both pass. Obi-Wan feels horrible about it all and the sudden changes and new responsibilities, but he'll do his duty and try his best to weed out corruption and end the war.
Obi-Wan then starts an investigation into Palpatine. Anakin is mad but can't deny the findings.
Ten worlds rejoin the republic.
There are several attempts on Obi-Wan's life.
The Chancellor's rooms have several strange and possibly sithly artifacts. Obi-Wan remembers Dooku talking about the Sith in the Senate.
Palpatine POV we can see him seeking Obi-Wan's death.
Dooku has discarded Palpatine as no longer useful.
Palpatine turns Anakin against OW by making him think OW is neglecting the war by staying on Coruscant.
OW finds altered Jedi mission briefings in Palpatine's files, often altered to request OW specifically. The Jedi investigate. Bail and Padmé and handmaiden Ellé help by looking for the originals.
Palpatine is mad. "Out of the ten star systems that are working to rejoin the Republic, 4 of them are from missions Palpatine himself set up for Kenobi to go on; out of the 135 worlds that set off the Vote of No-Confidence, 56 were worlds Kenobi might never have visited if Palpatine hadn’t altered the mission specifications."
Obi-Wan is exhausted. Cody, Yoda and others are worried about him and look after him, forcing him to take some time to rest and sleep.
Senators are not used to Jedi chancellors who can't get bribed. He (anonymously so he can't refuse them) gets a lot of plants.
Anakin learns from Padmé that Obi-Wan has been deliberately kept from him and sent on dangerous missions, and has a panic attack.
OW and Anakin talk it all out.
Anakin keeps the investigation from Palpatine despite still trusting him and thinking someone else must be behind it.
The Jedi High Council doesn't schedule anything on days Obi-Wan is supposed to attend council sessions so he at least gets a free day from time to time
Palpatine hires new assassins, they're supposed to make it look like OW is just collateral.
The bomb nearly kills him, his clone guard and several senators, does kill two senators, but OW protects those closest to him from the blast. He is impaled by debris and hears force ghost Qui-Gon while waiting for help to arrive, telling him to hang in there. He's taken to the healing halls in critical state.
Anakin is given the choice to continue his mission or return to coruscant. He chooses to go home, for Ahsoka, despite thinking it might be a test that he is failing.
Someone tries to have Palpatine reinstated as Chancellor while OW is out of commission, but it fails.
Dooku has feelings about Obi-Wan almost dying that he'd rather not have.
Palpatine killed the hired assassin after the bombing, but she managed to shoot and injured him as well as send a distress signal. Quinlan, undercover as a bounty hunter, investigates with one of the assassin's friends, La, who figures out that he's a jedi.
They find the body and Quinlan figures out the Sith Lord killed her.
Quinlan and La think they can identify the Sith Lord by the nanobots from the assassin's gun if they just happen to come across him.
Palpatine does some voodoo doll style blood magic on OWK to kill him from afar while he's still in medical.
Vocara Che (with Rig Neema, Plo Koon, Yoda, Mace Windu) fights against the darkness and saves him.
Palpatine plans Order 66.
Anakin is shocked that Master Che lives together and seems to be dating Knight Rig and that Mace is friends with them.
The Jedi realize Anakin's padawanship was sabotaged through more than just OW being sent away, his therapist was probably murdered on a mission when he was 12.
Padme realizes Palpatine has been manipulating her and Anakin for a long time.
Padme loved Anakin but thinks they never should have married, hates the need for secrecy.
Obi-Wan wakes.
Obi-Wan recovers and goes back to work.
Senators are being investigated and arrested.
Palpatine talks Anakin into believing that a dictatorship would be better than democracy because of the slow bureaucracy in the Senate.
Plo Koon reports that the forces of the CIS seem to struggle without (Palpatine's) Intel about strategies of the Republic. Obi-Wan suspects Palpatine as the former spy but doesn't yet tell the council as he has no proof yet.
Obi-Wan tells Shaak Tii to investigate the Clone Chips.
"Dooku snarls at the latest news. Slowly but surely his hold of the separatist worlds is slipping. Many have already left, and once the Republic proved that they would be reasonable during peace talks—there is no doubt in Dooku’s mind that that is entirely because of Kenobi—even more saw it as their chance to return to an improved Republic. The winds are shifting, the trajectory of the corrupt Republic is changing, unjust laws are being brought back to the Senate floor and retracted. Somehow... Somehow Obi-Wan Kenobi has managed to turn the Republic from a cesspool of corruption to a place that is slowly but surely starting to try and drag itself out of the mud."
Dooku also has nostalgic feelings about Qui-Gon, wishes he could see how far Obi-Wan has made it.
Obi-Wan meanwhile wonders whether there is still a chance to get Dooku to return to the light and the Republic.
Charges against Palpatine and Mas Amedda will go to court.
I'll update this as I continue reading / when more chapters are published!
And pls appreciate my inauguration Obi-Wan with the gold embroidery and blue trim and imagine how much he Hates it Hates it Hates it xD
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Feel free to use the pic just source link back to this pls
Nothing machine made to find here, this is all handmade shitty Photoshop! In the apps AndroidSketch, PhotoshopExpress, Pixlr & with remove dot bg.
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Image sources: robes Obi-Wan embroidery blue belt
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Star Wars font generator
Concept art + wips:
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golddragon387 · 7 months ago
Fanfic 20 questions!
Thank you to my brainrot bestie, my comrade in delusion, @resplendent-chungus for tagging me.
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
12 at time of writing, which is certainly more than nothing!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
72,197. Again, non-zero!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
That I've published, RWBY and Steven Universe. That I haven't... Miraculous Ladybug, Sunless Sea, Dark Souls, Discworld, Samurai Jack, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fire Emblem, the Locked Tomb...
A lot of things I've had thoughts on, I've written down those thoughts in prose somewhere. Maybe I should dust some of those off and share them. Hm.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Drabble Roulette (Steven Universe) is in my number 1 spot, but seeing as it was a shortfic collection I took part in with several friends, I'd hesitate to call it mine. With apologies to Chungus; we all did a short fic every week based on the same one-word prompt, and God we kicked ass.
Stress is Bad for the Baby (RWBY) is my number 2; it's a fun little oneshot where Yang crashes her airship while out on a mission and calls Blake, who is on maternity leave and antsy, about it.
Sleeping In (Steven Universe) is my number 3, a oneshot based on that "wake up sleepyhead" vine which I though was funny at the time. I'd still stand by it, even if the prose isn't exactly up to my current standards.
You Can Always Call On Me (Steven Universe) is my number 4, this one is (surprise surprise) a oneshot, which was based on my (at the time positive) reaction to the sequel series, SU Future. ...We'll just say there's a reason I stopped writing for that fandom after the finale, and leave it at that.
There is a Hell (RWBY) finishes out my top five, and is a fanfic of a fanfic, written for my aforementioned good buddy Chungus. give it a read, after you've read the fic it's based on, I Can Almost Hear the Hounds, then yell at us in the comments! We appreciate it!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah. I like attention and I like talking about the thing I made with the people who read it. I comment on the things I read too, when I've got the energy.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The aforementioned There Is A Hell, for sure. Pure Whump. Nobody is having a fun time at castle Evernight.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Shit, I don't know... the majority of my stuff is oneshots, so there's like four angsty ones and six happy ones, I think? This question is better for someone more prolific.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes and it is also unpublished. We'll see if that ever leaves the Mind Hole, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
One of my unpublished WIPs is a massive crossover shoving the RWBY characters into basically the plot of Star Wars, featuring Ruby as Luke, Yang as Han but with Leia's personal history, Blake as Leia but Han's personal history, Weiss as a very reluctant imperial traitor, and Salem as the evil Emperor of the Galactic Empire. It's planned to cover the equivalent of the Original Trilogy. I really don't want to publish it until at least the New Hope-equivalent is done.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, not popular enough for that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
See above.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, though I've made overtures to a couple of friends but aside from the prompt roulette fic mentioned above, it's never panned out.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm not a huge ship guy... I'd call Connie & Steven from Steven Universe a very formative ship for me, however, and Ruby Rose & Penny Polendina from RWBY is the biggest thing I'm into right now.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gosh, what isn't, for me? I have more words in unfinished, unpublished works than I do published ones by an order of magnitude. The big one, though, is a little something I like to call Another Stranger Me. Let's do the time warp again, baby.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Word choice/diction, and flow. I love prose and I love writing prose.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing what I start. Help me ADHD medication, you're my only hope...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not fluent enough in anything to be confident in it, though I don't usually mind it when I read, if it's done right.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Steven Universe, yup.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Out of my published stuff? So Much For Stardust (RWBY). Now that's what I call an angsty oneshot!
Thanks again to chungus for the tag. Since I see mercy got you, I guess I'll tag... ah, @h-a-d-i-t-h-i, @loveluckylost, and @tunafishprincess. Have fun, gang!
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What Remains (Obikin/Vaderwan - Star Wars) - Shortfic
Explicit // M/M // Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader // Tags: Set after season 1 of Obi-Wan Kenobi, physical transference through the force, dreams, or are they, hand jobs, penetrative sex, angst, heartache, past relationship, all the feels. 
Thought I'd crank out something Star Wars related ready to post on May 4th!  
There's still good in him, Obi-Wan can sense it...
What Remains (800 words):
Obi-Wan gasped, tears streaming down his face. He wasn’t sure if he was asleep or awake,may the or something else, lost somewhere in the force.
“I failed you, Anakin…” his own words echoed around him, as though resonating from the past. And yet the image in his mind was not of that troubled young man, but the sith he had become. All he could see was Vader in that cracked helmet, no longer Anakin within.
Only Vader now. At least that was what he said - that was what remained.
Drawing a sharp breath Obi-Wan woke and sat up. He was covered in sweat but the moisture on his face was tears. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, now in the hut at the edge of the Western Dune Sea, still not wholly familiar. But it was home, and he placed one hand on the wall of the hut, feeling the cool of the mud and letting it ground him.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Obi-Wan swallowed and allowed himself to recline back on the bed once more.
Read in full on AO3
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lucylucius · 4 years ago
lazy evening 💛
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sammys-magical-au · 13 days ago
@codex-week shortfic; day 1 - tending wounds ~
Warnings: blood, injury, trauma, mentioned canon-typical violence
- The war left many wounds on the people it effected, some of these wounds were visible, others were not. On this particular night, Cody and Rex tended to both.
Heartbreak is One Thing, My Ego’s Another
“You’re hurt.”
Rex’s observation, admittedly, caught Cody by surprise, but the moment he pointed it out, the pain kicked in.
“I’m fine,” he winced nevertheless, sinking onto the almost ridiculously soft bed Senator Amidala had offered him at the Varkykino Lakehouse, “they’re just scratches.”
Cody wasn’t sure how long it had been since the war had officially been called off. Days? Hours? Minutes? It certainly didn’t feel like a very long time.
Clearly it hadn’t been long enough for the fresh battle wounds on his body to heal over, as he noticed with a grimace that a couple of them had started bleeding again. And that was just on his arms and torso - he didn’t dare think about the wounds that couldn’t be seen on his legs.
Without speaking, Rex abruptly stood up and walked into the adjoining bathroom.
Cody didn’t ask what he was doing, even when he heard the water in the sink come on and run for a few minutes. He wasn’t sure if that was because he just knew Rex well enough to know what he was up to, or if he was so tired he didn’t have the energy to ask.
It must have been the latter, as he was mildly surprised when Rex returned with a few towels soaked in warm water and began gently washing Cody’s battle scarred skin.
“What’re you-?” Cody began.
“You’re hurt,” Rex repeated, more forcefully than before, and this time Cody winced for a completely different reason, “I’m cleaning you up so you don’t get an infection - or at the very least so that you don’t get any more blood on Senator Amidala’s nice sheets.”
Cody was still for a moment before letting out an irritated sigh and pushing Rex’s hands away from him.
“Cody,” Rex said firmly.
“Just stop, Rex,” Cody hissed, “I can look after myself.”
He risked a glance out of the corner of his eye and saw Rex’s expression go from frustration to heartbreak in less than a second.
“You’re angry with me.” He said quietly, and a sudden, immense pain flared in Cody’s chest that was different from that of his physical wounds.
“I don’t want to be.” He choked out, realizing the heat building in the corners of his eyes was because of tears.
“You’re allowed to be, Codes,” Rex murmured, reluctantly reaching out to touch Cody’s shoulder before apparently deciding against it, “I… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I just up and left you and that I didn’t tell you in person. I’m sorry I didn’t try to contact you while the war was still going on. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to talk when Ahsoka and I were back on Coruscant for the mission to rescue Echo-”
“Rex, stop,” Cody cut him off, “please… I don’t want you to apologize.”
“Well I’m apologizing anyway, whether you want me to or not. I just want you to know that I didn’t feel good about leaving you like I did. There was just… no time.”
Cody nodded, feeling the tears drip from his chin onto his chest.
“I know there wasn’t,” he rasped, “that’s why I don’t want to be angry at you.”
A brief silence stretched out between them, only broken by a wet sniff from Rex, and Cody jolted in surprise when he realized Rex was crying too.
“Codes,” Rex croaked after another moment had passed with nothing said, “do you still love me?”
Cody had Rex’s tear-stained face cupped in his ash-covered hands before he’d even finished the sentence.
“Of course I still love you!” He gasped, his chest constricting as he fought sobs, “Rex, I will always love you. Even if you don’t love me.”
“What are you talking about?” Rex whimpered, “why wouldn’t I love you, Codes? You mean everything to me! Being without you was like being without part of myself!”
Cody tried to respond to that, but all that came out when he opened his mouth was a strangled sob, so instead he pressed his forehead to Rex’s, squeezing his eyes shut as they both cried for a while, their sobbing and sniffling being the only sounds in the room.
The lakehouse was so big, it almost felt like there was nobody else here, but instead of being thankful for the privacy, Cody almost felt isolated.
Rex was the one to silence them both with a kiss, one that tasted of the salt from their tears and the dust from Utapau. When their lips parted, Rex went back to cleaning Cody’s wounds, without even saying a word about it, and this time Cody simply let him - he was too exhausted to protest even if he’d wanted to.
Neither of them said a word until the sound of two quiet sets of footsteps approached the door to their room, and Cody and Rex looked up in almost perfect sync to see Echo and Fives enter.
The state the twins were in now was still a shock to Cody, neither of them looked the way they had when they were shinies.
Echo’s hair was gone, and his skin was marked by ghostly pale blotches from the trauma his body had endured on Skako Minor. Aside from that, his legs now ended at the mid-thigh, his flesh and bone replaced by prosthetics. The same was true for his his right hand.
With Fives, the change was less obvious, but Cody knew him well enough by now to see that the old shimmer that had always been in his eyes had dimmed, to the point of almost going out completely, and his smile didn’t quite seem as genuine as it used to.
“What are you two doing?” Rex asked, sounding uncharacteristically annoyed with the pair - Cody was used to him being a bit exasperated with Echo and Fives’ antics, but he’d always rolled his eyes with a smile in those instances. Now, he almost sounded like he wanted them both to leave.
“Erm…” Fives mumbled awkwardly, looking at Echo and then back at Rex and Cody.
“Can we sleep in here?” Echo spoke up, his voice softer but carrying more confidence, as always.
“No-” Rex began.
“Yes.” Cody said at the same time.
He and Rex looked at each other, both equally confused.
Echo and Fives took Cody’s word over Rex’s, tiptoeing into the room like two naughty cadets who’d been caught stealing ration bars.
Rex rolled his eyes - not with a smile - and Cody gave him a perplexed look.
Why was he so annoyed by Echo and Fives’ presence? Usually it was Cody who wanted the two of them to fuck off, while Rex was the one asking them to stay.
Another silence fell over the room, this one even more uncomfortable than before the twins had arrived, as Echo and Fives awkwardly shuffled together on the sofa opposite the bed, looking just as out of place amongst the lavish furniture as Cody felt.
“Rex.” Cody said finally, when the tension in the room became almost unbearable, and Rex let out a heavy sigh.
“Oh, get over here, both of you,” he grumbled, beckoning for Echo and Fives to join them on the bed without turning to look at them, “but no funny business, I’m not in the mood.”
“As if we are.” Echo muttered pointedly, only to nervously bite his lip as Rex whipped his head around to glare at him.
Fives crawled onto the bed first and flopped face-down on the mattress, sprawling out so that he nearly took up all the space, even with the bed being as large as it was.
“Scoot over!” Echo hissed, raising his leg to kick Fives in the side with his metal foot. Fives yelped and immediately rolled over so that he was up against Cody and Rex.
Rex ignored this, continuing to gently clean Cody’s wounds.
Fives and Echo looked at each other, and Cody saw Echo give a slight shake of his head before Fives spoke.
“Were you two crying in here?”
“FIVES!” Echo snapped, slapping him on the arm.
“That’s none of your business,” Rex growled, “now would you be quiet?”
“And what are you so grumpy for?” Fives shot back, “war’s over, isn’t it?”
“Fives,” Echo repeated, “we don’t really know that for sure yet.”
“Don’t we?” Fives argued, “General Grievous is dead, is he not?”
“No thanks to General Kenobi…” Cody couldn’t help but mumble, and suddenly all eyes were on him.
“What?” Echo demanded.
“He left me on Utapau to deal with Grievous,” Cody explained, “something to do with whatever happened to General Skywalker and Lionel Saabem on Coruscant. He just told me he had to return immediately and that it was up to me to defeat Grievous. He definitely seemed apologetic about it, but more of a warning would’ve been nice.”
He chewed his lip in irritation for a moment as Rex, Echo, and Fives all gave each other worried looks.
It was Rex who spoke first.
“Codes, you… you did defeat Grievous, didn’t you?” He asked softly.
“Of course I did!” Cody grumbled, “because I know how to do my job!”
A beat, and then Rex suddenly erupted in laughter, his head snapping back and his arms wrapping around his torso as great peals of it came out of him. Cody watched in enamoured silence as his nose scrunched up in that adorable way that he loved, the way it always did when Rex laughed this hard, and one of his hands came up to cover his mouth as he snorted.
“What?” Cody said finally, finding himself chuckling as well, “what’s so funny?”
“I think he’s lost his mind, Commander.” Echo supplied, though there was a giddy twinkle in his eyes as he said it.
“I don’t know!” Rex exclaimed after a moment when he was able to speak again, wiping tears - of mirth rather than sadness - from his face, “I just can’t stop laughing!”
He leaned into Cody’s chest with a sigh, and Cody put one arm around him.
Next to them, Fives and Echo looked at each other, then back at Cody and Rex.
“So… if the war’s over, are you two gonna get married now or what?” Fives asked.
“FIVES.” Echo groaned in exasperation.
“Well, at least it’s good to know I can still make you laugh like this.” Cody commented, ignoring the twins for a moment.
Rex chuckled softly, twisting his head to capture Cody in another kiss.
“No need to worry about that, Codes,” he murmured, “you’re the only one I want to make me laugh like this.”
And just like that, all was forgiven.
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ellayuki · 4 years ago
04052021 - A
in between these heartbeats of ours
TRC Month 2021 - Day 4: Kurogane
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Kurogane 
May the Fourth Be With You!
There’s something about those swords…
Kurogane knows he’s setting himself up for a boatload of teasing from his travel mates (his family, really, but he’ll be caught dead before he calls them that to any of their faces). 
Still, he watches the way the girl (and she can’t be more than seventeen springs old) spins and twirls a sword with a blade made of green-tinted light like it’s an extension of her arm. Her sparring partner seems as captivated as Kurogane himself kind of is.
“You want one, don’t you,” Fai teases, and Kurogane pushes him away with a huff.
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zoeykallus · 2 years ago
Master List/Stuff I Wrote Part 5
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Other Master Lists
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
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The Bad Batch/Rex x Reader HCs - The Blessing
The Bad Batch HCs - Baby's Lullaby
Bad Batch x Reader HCs - The Bartender And The Clone
Imperial Bad Batch x Reader HCs - About Dating
Bad Batch/Rex Wolffe x Reader HCs - Comforting You
The Bad Batch /Rex /Cody x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Communal Showers
The Bad Batch /Rex x Fem!Reader HCs - A Ghostly Touch
The Bad Batch x Reader - The Submissive Kink
The Bad Batch/Rex x Reader HCs - And Justice For All
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Cute Little Weakness
Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Hero Of The Day
The Bad Batch x Teacher!Reader HCs - Teaching The Next Generation
The Bad Batch (x Fem!Reader) HCs - The Girlfriend (Brotherly Love And Bickering)
The Bad Batch HCs - The Uncle Batch
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Take Better Care Of Yourself
The Bad Batch/ Gregor x Reader HCs - The Overprotective Parent
The Bad Batch x Afab!Reader HCs - True Affection
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Whose armor is this, anyway?
The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs- Thigh Riding Part 1 Of 2
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs- Thigh Riding Part 2 Of 2
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Necessity
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - Domination
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - When in self-doubt
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - The Sneaky And The Startled
The Bad Batch/Fives HCs x Reader - Outrageous And Thoughtless
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs - I Loved Her First
The Bad Batch/Fives/Rex x Male!Reader HCs - What Is This Feeling?
The Bad Batch HCs - Puberty And Its Pitfalls
The Bad Batch x Offspring!Reader HCs - Gentle Parenting
The Bad Batch/Howzer/Rex x Reader HCs - Make Up For Lost Time
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader Shorts - Under The Armor
The Bad Batch/Gregor x Fem!Reader HCs - Well Endowed
The Bad Batch x fem!reader HCs - The Husband
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HCs (Shorts) - Picture Perfect
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs - Armor Kink
Tech x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Quirks, Insolence And Weak Knees
Tech/Howzer x 'Jedi'!Fem!Reader - Shortfic / Oneshot - The Misfits
Tech x Fem!Reader - The Lowest Low
Imperial!Crosshair x Medic!Fem!Reader One-shot - The Quiet Visitor
Crosshair x Fem!Reader Short One-shot - The Fatal Mistake
Crosshair x Jedi!Reader Oneshot - What Are You Afraid Of?
Crosshair x Fem!Reader One-shot - Chicken Legs
Crosshair My Beloved Enemy Vol.2 Chapter 3 – You Do Have A Heart
Hunter x Reader Short One-shot - Your Skin
Hunter x Reader One-Shot - You Ease My Pain
Hunter x Fem!Reader - One-Shot - The Tension Between Us
Hunter x Fem!Reader - One-Shot - Skipping Stones
Hunter x Reader One-Shot - Introductions
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Show Me What You've Got
Wrecker x GN!Reader One-shot - Lean On Me
Imp!Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-shot - Steamy Encounter
Wrecker x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Delicious
Wrecker x Fem!Reader - Sunset On Pabu
Wrecker x GN Reader One-Shot - Tough Love
Echo x Fem!Reader Oneshot - The One I Love
Echo x Reader One - Shot - By Your Side
Echo x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Good Girl
Echo x Male!Reader Fluff One-Shot - Culinary Affection
Rex x Male!Reader One-shot - Close To You
Rex x GN!Reader One-Shot - I Knew I'd Find You Here
Maul x fem!Reader Oneshot - Bad Girl
Fives/Hunter/Crosshair/Tech/Rex/Echo x Reader HCs - Do Not Disturb
Wolffe / Crosshair x GN Reader One-shots (Drabbles) - You Are My Place Of Comfort
Crosshair/Hunter/Tech/Rex x Reader - The Masquerade
Rex/Cody/Howzer Drabbles/HCs - Culinary Romance
Hound x Fem!Reader One-Shot - Wrongfully Accused
Jedi Stuff
Ahsoka x Fem!Reader One-shot - Coming Home
Ahsoka x Fem!Reader One-Shot - The Things We Fight For
Other Star Wars Stuff
Gar Saxon - Spicy Headcanons
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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thefluffzone · 4 years ago
Hello there! Are you currently taking requests? If so then what kind? Are you comfortable with both NSFW and SFW ?
Hi, lovely Anon! Hope you're well. :) Yes, I do. I'm trying any kind (except full on smut NSFW, I'm sorry.), as long as I know the characters. Because I'm answering your ask on my phone I cant access the actual list, so I just repeat s list of possible Fandoms: the MCU, Star Wars, Middle- Earth, Harry Potter, American Gods, Overwatch, Doctor Who, Good Omens, One Piece, ....
If your wish isn't listed, dont hesitate to still ask or inbox me! Maybe I forgot something or I can read myself into something new.
Please just keep in mind that there is _no_ guarantee, because my mental health often fucks up creativity. Nontheless I like to try!
Stay awesome and thank you for asking!! <3
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darthsassacre · 4 years ago
Chapter One: “hope can drown lost in thunderous sound”
Revan’s eighteenth birthday goes spectacularly, but the aftermath is devastating.
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starlightsoulwriting · 3 years ago
I feel like writing some Drabbles, so requests for shortfics are open!
So send me prompts for Dr Strange, Star Wars, Moon Knight, Reaper or S:76, or Bridgerton! ❤️❤️❤️
I'll let you know if I don't vibe with it tho.
Hit me with your best shot!
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