#stan twitter bs
alrightsnaps · 5 months
What's that drama on bton twitter about you and a troll account?
basically an ex moot dmed me a few days ago accusing me of being behind a troll account stirring up drama on twitter and reddit (at least the assumption was that the same person was behind both accs)
the funny thing was that they were absolutely convinced it was be because *checks notes* i called penelope regency perez hilton 😭 like, id love to take the credit for coming up with that one, don't get me wrong, but im pretty sure i came across someone calling pen that in 2022, found it hilarious and have used it myself every since.
what's also funny is that the day before this happened i had retweeted a post about reporting that troll acc on twitter and reported and blocked it myself (and i have the receipts to prove it cause twitter emails you to update you on the reports you make)
what annoys me a lot is that any time i was approached by people in the fandom to delete posts deemed too inflammatory i have done so. so coming out and blaming me for something i didn't do was just low. i don't need to make anonymous troll accounts to tell what i think. if i want to say something i say it, i got no issue taking flack for it (ive literally been spammed with insults and threats by polin stans on this blog multiple times and found my og twitter account suspended the following day shortly after an incident like that).
btw i went through that troll’s posts (the accounts have thankfully been suspended since) at the time and it's pretty obvious that this person isn't me cause they'd literally retweeted my posts on twitter before i blocked and reported them...which doesn't sound like the best way to hide my identity if i was behind it 🤣 plus (a bit silly but since we're at it ill mention it lmao) i don't think I've ever called kate and anthony “kanthony” they've been kathony to me since 2021!
also that person was calling NC a sexual assaulter on twitter for being touchy-feely with LN which wtf?? there's many women i don't like but id never accuse them for SEXUAL ASSAULT for shits and giggles over fandom stuff
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fizzy0bloom · 5 months
the length stans will do with this 'thing' is concerning 
This MF has nothing 
I don't know why die-hard fans will excuse / gaslight / pretend that he is this deep and relatable character 
he's just a raipst 
that it  
I generally think people who claim he's a comfort character are so mentally ill they need to leave this fandom or just evil themselves 
(serially how do you relate to him? Do you wanna do what he does so badly? I need answers )
but God forbid we discuss and like Stella, right? 
I also want to mention this weird obsession with other fandoms and comparing them 
I don't know who that guy from Jojo but I bet he's 10 times better writing than this ugly ass moth
Again, it's ok if you like him i just had enough of those weird people 
and if you're from Twitter please stop acting like character discussions don't exist 
they do this for all characters 
call me a Viv hater all you want but I am not that delusion like you this is so embarrassing 
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shidouryusm · 10 months
As a Kpop listener I’ll say- Kpop stans are fucking weird man
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fancylala4 · 7 days
Britney Spears stans are lying to themselves if they believe that Britney’s “dancing” in her living room now is the same thing as her dancing on stage 20 years ago.
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bewareofthenewphannie · 2 months
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volixia669 · 1 year
Ah nothing like waking up to "you need to understand nuance and educate yourself" on a topic I am actually very educated on.
Like, for wanting this to be my private blog reasons I don't disclose a ton of details about work and whatnot but like. I am in tech. I work with programmers. I don't program AI myself but I can understand what the programmers who do are venting about.
So not only do I understand what AI is but also? I have legit concerns about what Generative AI will do to creative industries. So seeing it in my hobby? Yeah, I'm going to be pissed. No, I'm not going to wave off OTW's legal person expressing pro-ai sentiments.
Also? The word reading implies comprehension which implies sentience. So yes, I'm going to presume she thinks fucking ChatGPT is sentient unless she provides proof to the contrary.
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mimiri22-6 · 2 years
*gets exactly one post about Dream drama* Oh god now what has he done. *can't find the origins on twitter because I want my revived account to be as bare bones as possable so I'm following like no one involved* Finds the #supportdream or whatever tag. it's filled with 70 hate/30 that's my streamer. I have got little no info, only the victims story falling apart and apparently dreams a+ handling of these kinds of situations has gotten no better.
on one hand, some things don't add up. sometimes dream does know she was under 18 sometimes she lied about her age. on her twitter at least, im assuming she could have done the same in dms.
Plus, a little thing w me; I have this fucking uncanny 6th sense for shitty yters through their voices, doesn't work when their singing, I figured it out after Ry*n of Achievement Hunter did something simular to these allegations dream is getting. I have never felt uncomfortable or worried about the people around dream whenever I've heard his voice. Well, that's a lie. I can't figure out what it means, but in certain situations, his talking did put a poker in my back. It wasn't immediate or noticable most of the time, but sometimes I could feel it. It might have been because his manhunt series is very edited down and he's not actually the one to talk in them the most, and on the other side of the coin could be because I want to punt his dsmp character into the sun, not because I think/thought his character was anything like him, nah, because his friends say he's the nicest man alive. No matter what it is or how small it is, it is good to take note of every little thing just in case. I've clocked many yters like this years before any shitty actions came to light, I'd say it started all the way back w Cr*ytic. I still watched them because I didn't know my instincts were like this, but I do take note nowadays whenever I get that little shiver up my spine to RUN.
...what the fuck was I writing about? how did I get here? it's been 90 minutes.
on the other hand, uh, he doesn't seem like the type???? was that what I was going to say?? ok, maybe he isn't groomer level, but maybe it's the racism my brain is clocking. idk why but I just can not let him off the hook for the Indigenous memorial graffiti incident. for some reason it feels like it was just swept under the rug and I could have sworn I saw dream respond to it in his very braindead way he handles those sorts of things "my fans can do no harm🥰did you know I'm .8% native🤗it's so goofy and fun, I hope they vandalize another memorial for me😍" y'know, that type. or I could have just mistook his response for the spongbob yelling as a response to the memorial. either way, he is not good at the defending words thing. Like, one of the worst I've seen honestly. Just hold your fans acountable and tell them what you're uncool with upfront. Like maybe not vandalizing memorials for marginalized groups you have an ounce of blood w.
idk how this turned into my essay on dream, ig this was a long time coming for me because I just have a lot to say about this man that I just can't hold any longer. I was happy for him and his friends Finally getting that fucking visa and plane ticket less than a month ago, but I think that was more my being pissed off at the system then being super invested in these people anymore. hold tight, I'm not done overanalizing this man yet. there will be a slightly longer than avg tldr at the end tho
Dream's relationship with his fans is weird and rubs me the wrong way. He isn't strict w them, not straightforward. The only other cc I know w simular nsfw fancontent to him is Badboyhalo, and he clearly stated he's fine w seeing sfw art of him and skeppy(I keep forgetting to aquant myself with whatever drama skeppy got into to make people hate him now, I think I remember it being stupid, but I could be wrong) being buddies and pals platonic soulmates if you will, and he acknowledged that there was going to be nsfw content of him regardless, BUT it was clear he didn't want to see it, he didn't wanna stubble apon it. With recent stuff going on, not the most recent allegations, but the face reveal and the twichcon t-shirt incident, I think Dream is actually in a simular boat, but he's just so fucking bad at this saying your clearest intentions and thoughts on the matter that he's in the middleground of nearly anything other than I love my fans, please don't harrass anyone, but then not saying anything when it goes down. the only time i've seen him say anything alnong the lines more solid on these things was in the twitter space interview w i forget who and i can't find it anymore. not even in my watch history. fucking weird. anyway, I just spent a half an hou looking for it and I don't know what I was talking about anymore...oh right, his relationship w his fans needs to change if he doesn't want this shit happen to him. wether this real or not, because there is a universe where the most recent alligations are fake, the fact of the matter is that since he has such a huge following there will be people that fake something like this just to pull his career down.
on the one hand, he's ramping up in activity because of his face reveal and people looking to kick him while he's on the rise is bound to happen, on the other hand, victims speak out at those times because they don't want the abusers to do the same to someone else while in the thraw of fame and massive power.
I've lost so much of my train of thought since i started writing this so
TLDR; Her story is falling apart at places, he's not handling the sich well, like usual, he gives me the heeby geebies sometimes and, yes, that needs to be noted, this is bound to happen again and again if he doesn't set real solid boundaries with his fans On His Main Account and if he Doesn't Give His Fans A Phone Number To Freely Call And Text Him On REALLY WHY DO YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA-Also the indigenous disrepect is Loud and is the reason why I don't follow him on anything anymore(as far as I know, I may have missed a profile somewhere, but idk. I don't think I have, but the possability is there)
As more time goes on I get more and more uncomfortable w him, but w the other yters that turned out to suck, the reaction was instant and I had to learn to ignore it, but w him I'm learning the opposite.
anyway, im tired and im gonna do something i actually like now. fuck you bye love you be safe, uhhhhhhh, i hope he learns to not be a fucking dipshit for his friends sakes, but if he doesn't i hope his friends and dsmp members knows this is icky and dips when it gets too much. i do not care about the stans, but the fans that dream has helped through dark times in the past few years, i hope you can find it again in someone else or youre ok, uhhhh, my brain is tired and im melting, wait that's backwards oh well, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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mingi-bubu · 2 years
God twitter sucks dnddnkf I went on it for five minutes and I'm so sick of it. Half of my tl was ads or unrelated tswift stan shit that idc about lmao. How do y'all actually stay on there to start shit about idols without wanting to— nvm :)
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skiplo-wave · 1 year
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The flight or fight I had reading this
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thiscurseonourhouse · 2 years
like i KNOW not everyone gets the same information at the same time and people are from different places but i still get SO annoyed when i keep seeing things that i’m like YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS even though it’s irrational kanskxkkss
like i really learned about the monopoly this week so i’ve come to the understanding that taylor doesn’t have as much power with this as we’d think she does as the pop star she is. so anyone going ‘she should create her ticketing system!’ ‘she should hold TM to the wall!!’ i’m like how do you NOT understand yet that she cannot do that 😭
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hkthatgffan · 4 months
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I really did not wanna talk about this stupid topic, but with so many people falling for it, I figured I should; THE DIRECT ARTICLE ABOUT A GRAVITY FALLS REVIVAL IS A FUCKING LIE!! Lemme explain below why!!
Ever since this article by The Direct was published, way too many people are thinking Gravity Falls is really coming back and the usual season 3 belief is spreading yet again. And of course, YouTubers who should know better made videos on it and other "journalists" are spreading this lie. Here's the real facts! The executive in the article NEVER alluded to a revival. All they said is that Alex is publishing a book (The Book of Bill) and there's some shorts being made. All this article is basing its claim on is the phrase, "Never say Never!" Alex has had a deal with Netflix since 2018. Under that deal, he cannot make new cartoons for other networks, including Disney and Gravity Falls. He can voice on non Netflix shows and help in small ways like he did on TOH, but he cannot make a new show outside Netflix.
The shorts they are alluding to are confirmed to be likely stuff like the Broken Karaoke series on Disney Channel's YouTube page or theme song takeover stuff. Disney TVA News, while not 100% the most reliable source, has suggested that as the case and given Alex was at DTVA in April recording something per an Instagram story he made, it makes the most sense. What's more, there is a rumoured short being made for The Book of Bill which this could be meaning. Notice how it has no indication of a revival? Alex Hirsch has said he has ideas for GF stories, but they are more book centric. Heck, in me and Hana's interview alone he alluded to Stan and Ford stories he'd wanna do if given the chance to make another graphic novel. That is all!
And speaking of Alex…he's not said shit on this! He's not tweeted about it or liked any tweet about it. And Alex has said in the past to not believe anyone claiming Gravity Falls is coming back unless he says so himself on Twitter. So, take a guess what I did? I messaged him!! I was in talks with Alex recently for another video I'm making later in the future and asked him about this article during it. Without leaking our DM's, Alex said straight up, this article is all "just talk!" It's clickbait! Alex Hirsch confirmed it is clickbait!!
Direct is lying to you and so is anyone else saying this is real or that Gravity Falls is coming back! It just isn't. The only person who you should believe about this stuff is Alex Hirsch himself and he clearly has said it's not. And even supposing Direct is telling the truth about this executive saying something is possible, it's just gonna be book or small shorts stuff…NOT a season 3 or reboot, or revival or spin off series. I know that stuff is pretty popular to talk about, hell, I'd kill for a Gravity Falls prequel story myself. But it's not happening.
But with that said, I hope this post helped you better understand what is up. This article is a sham and a joke to the field of journalism. Do your damn job and tell the truth instead of making clickbait shit that will get you ad revenue! People who write articles like this are a joke and I feel bad for anyone who falls for their BS! These articles will never stop being made, so it's up to you all to be smart and not fall for them.
Remember, if Alex Hirsch doesn't say anything about it, it's not legit!!
Stay informed properly out there! New videos coming soon :)
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devine-fem · 8 months
why don't you like jayjon? Genuinely asking btw and I'm neutral btw I don't really ship superheroes kids, so yeah
Alright, firstly I have always come across damijon shippers that ship them as kids because their purest connection peaked when they were young so you kind of permanently keep Jon and Damian as kid in your head because of what DC did to them.
We ship them in a ‘wholesome crush on your best friend, twisting inside you over time that you snub out till you reach your adulthood and have the maturity to deal with it’ type of way. The beauty of Damijon is not the fact that it’s Bat x Super. I honestly don’t care for this dynamic ergo not shipping superbat and not liking Timkon at all. The beauty of Damijon is that they could become something with a friendship to back it up, then continue to push each other’s characters forward while being in a relationship if the writer cared enough. It’s a plus that they care for each other so much and have the personalities to really balance each other out.
I enjoy ships like Daminika, Dami x Colin and other Jon ships as well. I just only post damijon and talk about them. It’s only Jonj*y I have issues with. It’s not about ‘getting in the way of my ship’ nothing can ever get in the way of me enjoying damijon and fandom is just gonna have to deal with that. We all come here for enjoyment because we should supposedly enjoy DC for DC and find community in that, enjoy our ideas and takes on it and one person is not going to perceive or enjoy something the same way but we are so damn MEAN to each other. Damijon gets a lot of heat, mostly because twitter damijon stans are annoying and horrible and damijon antis are just as bad.
So the problem I have with Jonj*y is just deep rooted.
Firstly, I hate the way it came about. The last thing Jon’s character needed was to be in a relationship period but then for it to be a queer relationship used as a tool to garner sales? There’s nothing in the world I dislike more than queer baiting. The last thing we needed from DC was to pull something like this and as a queer person it just really gets under my skin - as it should anyone, to be honest.
Even regardless of that Jonj*y is the relationship equivalent of stale bread. They have no chemistry, Jay has no character besides catoring to Jon’s sexuality, and even if they were to explore him there’s no point because objectively they’ve tarnished Jon Kent way too much to be wasting comic ink on Jay.
I don’t like aged up Jon Kent as a whole, it’s not like I want him to stay a kid forever - obviously not. The fun of a comic book character is their growth! Jon over time should have never been able to get to the age he is now when other comic book characters struggle to get near that age in decades. I MEAN HE’S NEARLY OLDER THAN KON RIGHT NOW. Bendis did what he did to Jon because he ain’t even like him.
There are real serious issues with Jon Kent’s age up than him getting with Damian. I know how to seperate my ship/fanon from canon. I can go on and on about the problems with it without mentioning Damian once.
I had to put “JonJ*y apologist DNI” in my bio because the stans kept coming to my page and spewing BS 24/7 so I thought it was my absolute right to make sure they knew this page was not for them.
If you enjoy the ship at all then you will not like me because I have almost every single active Jonj*y poster blocked because I have fought with them at least once because they wanted to be stupid and spew nonsense on Jon Kent when you can tell they haven’t read a damn comic besides SSOKE and it really shows.
If you enjoy it, just block me. It’s only a matter of time before we fight anyway, so don’t waste your breath because the whole time you could be trying to open your mouth, you could open a comic book instead, how about that?
Thanks for the asks though, LOL.
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Condal and Co basically managed to destroy the green fandom and I hate it so much . Now everyone is stanning one specific TG character and hate all the others. And when the leaks came out, many were saying how the writers' bs won't change anything and that they would always love Aegon, Aemond, Alicent... But we got this situation. You are one of the rare blogers who actually kept their word about supporting these characters and I really respect that. Do you think that something could change in the future regarding this or TG fandom is dead for good? I'm not optimistic, honestly. 9 don't get why such a big chunk of the fandom is eating up every bs Condal serves and give his team a pass while hating on the characters and thus making the experience in this already unbearable fandom even worse.
First of all, thank you so much for your ask! Every time there is a proof that one more person in the fandom does not roll with the writers' BS feels like getting a gift, truly.
Being in the HotD fandom has never been easy, and right now it's nigh unbearable indeed. Seeing some bloggers making posts in support of the entirety of TG the day before episode 4 aired and writing something along the lines of "This is an Aemond hate blog now" after they watched it was disheartening to say the least. Not to mention the general rise in numbers of "Aemond should have killed his bitch of a brother long time ago", "I can't wait for this one eyed freak to die" and "Alicent is the worst mother ever, what a disgusting woman" posts.
The thing is, I can understand becoming emotional over a character's fate or their actions. But when so many people flat out ignore the fact that the actions in question are, first and foremost, the result of a terrible writing choices and choose to hate the character (and much worse - the people who support this character) - that's when it gets really bad. So, as to your question, I'm not really hopeful about the future state of affairs in the fandom either. Things will hardly get much better - not with the way many of particular TG characters' supporters simply do not wish to see anything beyond the fact that their fave was somehow wronged.
And the worst thing about it is that it looks like the hate wave is hitting not only characters but actors as well. I deliberately didn't look for details (I am already upset about the general situation and don't want it exacerbated) but according to a few posts I saw here and info from people I trust some of Tom's fans started to attack Ewan on Twitter and Tiktok - and IMO it's both vile and stupid. Are they expecting Tom to give them a pat on the shoulder and a kiss on the cheek for talking shit about his friend and colleague because he's doing his job? Is it really the best way (or any way at all) to support the actor you admire?
Given all this, one begins to cherish those who remain respectful even more.
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dotthings · 1 year
Could the anti-destiel twitter stans prove me wrong just ONCE could they just ONCE not be this predictable.
The worst of it is some of them who do this claim to be doing it defending Jensen's honor with their inane repetitive hateful drama-llama bs.
You are not Jensen's champion. Put down your flaming sword of hatred. You look really stupid.
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 months
Unfortunately, Tom Hiddleston has started getting crazy Maga stans. This Zylice lady is a MAGA weird conspiracy creep. She is in every single video or social media post about Tom and is accusing him of doing drugs, his baby with Zawe has Down Syndrome so they'll break up soon, Tom is desperate for validation so he has Woody Allen's letter, She's so weird. I think what I hate most is that she says these things to ppl outside the Fandom who think she's a fan of Tom that knows him personally. I think ppl in the Fandom with bigger followings need to address this freak. There's an entire twitter thread that shows the bs she's been up to, but if you go to YouTube you'll see her. She also goes by "fr333 loki" on tumblr.
Yeah, I know about her. She's clearly unwell. Sometimes, there are tinhaters that need to be ignored and she's one of them. The last thing she needs is more attention. It's also very clear to anyone that she has serious mental health issues. I get that what she's saying is disgusting. I totally agree with you. But leaving her alone to scream into the void is the best course of action.
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fancylala4 · 5 months
Can katara “stans” on twitter just admit to themselves that they are sexist? These dumb ass arguments for katara being a sad old lady who only heals in lok just proves they are. Especially when franchise introduced the white lotus, which is full of old men and they were the strongest fighters on the show. So the excuse that she’s too old and weak to fight is bs.
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