#stan chuuya and aku
ssaraexposs · 1 month
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I love it when PM men go like....
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
I feel bad for Chuuya stans cause it has gotta be hard to like a character that gets done this dirty repeatedly. The door creak sound effects, the greasy thinning hair, the starved thin appearance, the complete butchering of his arc because they were too busy trying to make everyone around him unbothered and stoic.
Like Im sorry for ya'll.
Double that if you are also an Aku stan.
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morievna · 1 year
BSD 108 – Will DoA arc be like Avengers Infinity War & Endgame?
Omg this chapter was sooo delicious – me Fyodor stan having time of my life xD His performance and his final words mocking Sigma was 10000/10 – he is truly fascinating and complex villain, I love him xD
OK, let’s get serious XDD
For some time I was wondering how Asagiri intends to finish this arc... Everything indicate that it will end soon, but at the same time given how OP Fukuchi and Fyodor are in their respective fields – some deus ex machina for ADA to win would be unsatisfactory to me honestly. Initially I thought that Bram or Aku will take over and regain control of all vampires and stop Fukuchi, but… after this chapter looks like there is no time for that xD
So I think DOA’s plan won’t be stopped at all, but they will achieve what they want just like Thanos in Avengers Infinity War.
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By this I mean that DOA will succeed and create temporary reality – first using One Order to destabilize current world and then using the Book to create new one without abilities. Symbolically, destruction and rebirth always go hand in hand and you can’t have one without another.
Then we will get time skip and Endgame equivalent – our characters living in new world and getting that something is wrong and need to be changed. Maybe reality without abilities would not be so peaceful, who would have guessed that xD Also maybe there will be some rip-off effect of changing reality or some enemy will appear, who guards canon timeline xD Possibilities are endless – it just depends on what Asagiri has in mind and what story he wants to tell.
After all, the core of the story is that abilities are not source of evil and are just part of everyone’s self as projection of fear/greed/anger/and so on. Though world without abilities would be tempting to some characters, which abilities were partly source of suffering - like to Atsushi, who was hesitating whether DOA plan should be stopped. But still, negative traits are still part of everybody and they just need to be balanced by good ones and choices to be better person.
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Other random thoughts related to chapter:
Fyodor’s seizure to words ‘help me’ didn’t look fake and it reminded me of how N tried to take control of Verlaine in SB. But I guess it was just temporary and Fyodor regained control and used it to fool Sigma. Ofc it can be that he faked all - we will see if there is more to it or not. Btw I still believe that Fyodor’s backstory is akin to Verlaine or Chuuya – that he was tampered artificially by military to get powerful ability and he started to resent world and abilities because of that. Personality disorder would be indeed cliché and it was already done once in 55 Minutes LN, so I hope that Asagiri has something more interesting for Fyodor in store.
Gogol where are you 👀 I wonder if he is author of the note and that he simply wanted to sabotage Fyodor xD he is character with much potential, I hope he wasn’t just in this arc to set up duel between Dazai and Fyodor in this arc
Me Bram confusion😵 previous chapter pretty set up Bram rejecting passivity and trying to fight for Aya’s future. But this one kinda backed out of this, so I am not really sure where his arc is leading to for now xD but maybe some heroic act later on
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Though depending on how things will go - self-sacrifice will suit Fukuchi or Mori too as a way to undo their wrongdoings. Again, possibilities are endless.
Fukuzawa’s state – still I would say it is 50/50 given how healing abilities work whether Asagiri needs character to live or not. Nonetheless, I was expecting his death for a while and it is more plausible option for story sake – Ranpo just needs some character development and Asagiri often use mentor’s death for that. Imo Kunikida as next ADA director was red herring and Ranpo fits better for that role given Agency’s orgin.
Btw i don’t think Sigma will die.
Ofc, it is just speculation and I am not 100% sure that story will go that way, since BSD tends to be so unpredictable. But imo Asagiri didn’t recently mention for no reason that he was inspired by Avengers and that ideally he wants one more season for anime too xD
Thanks for reading and have a nice day 💖💖
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
i have ✨mixed feelings✨ towards dazai Like, i like (?) him as a character, but he disgusts me as a person, idk how to explain myself and im so bipolar (j) like i love chuuya with burning passion and dazai is a motherfucker but i ship soukoku why would i ship the character i like with someone like dazai? idk but i do it and i cant stop send help chuuya deserves to be shiped with someone better like aku or sigma but skk have my heart make it stop please i've tried to start shiping dazai with others so i wont ship him with chuuya, i've tried with fyozai but then i see some fyolai shit and like theyre canon bro i cant ship fyodor with someone else, i've tried with kunizai too, it kind of works but not that much i still ship skk more theres SO GOOD skk fanfics and im confused with dazai and idk how i feel about him (basically a text of my random thoughts that I wanted to write down without effort and thats why theyre incomprehensible)
Anon don't worry I checked for you and there's no cops on Tumblr. Stan Dazai ship soukoku live love laugh ♡
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aroacesigma · 8 months
Oooo I will keep the enstars ramble in mind but... I'd need to process my thoughts because I could honestly talk about it all day if I go off
I guess akutagawa? I've been rewatching the anime since I showed it to my friend and he's genuinely invested in it so we watch it when he comes over to mine and I always get super happy when he shows up so I guess him? After that I'd say maybe atsushi BUT ALSO HIGUCHI I LOVE HER... I know you love sigma (+ siglai) but uhh any other favs?
real of you honestly (me with like half the fandoms ive ever been obsessed with)
YEAH excellent choice . aku is awesome . and so are atsushi and higuchi yknow i dont actually see too many higuchi stans ... a bit sad really shes an icon
YES i love sigma i think everyone who follows me knows that pretty much instantly . uh im actually not super invested in siglai like they are pretty cute but personally i prefer sigzai tbh . my beloveds . aside from my overwhelming obsession with sigma i do love nikolai, dazai, chuuya and oda . fyodor too but hes on thin fucking ice until sigma wakes up .
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anti-dazai-blog · 2 years
hi im here again!! (sorry i love discussing my thoughts!!) i can share who i think dazai cares abt (also pls note these are not HEALTHY ways of caring or even what is considered normal), personally from how i interpreted it, dazai has cared for more ppl even if its not what is normally seen as caring. and in that i do inlcude; oda, chuuya, akutugawa . (also just cause i can see care that does NOT take away any of the trauma aku faced please do not get me wrong) with aku its VERY complicated especially cause dazai’s “care” was so warped (basically boiled down to dazai knew his training was abuse but cause aku did survive in the mafia and he’s able to make a use now he sees it as it was required) and especially cause unless something happens dazai wont ever acknowledge his actions cause he doesn’t want to acknowledge his mafia past (i could literally do a whole another post on chuuya so i wont do that 😭, skk’s trust and care is another thing despite how they become so destructive due to yk never being normal and being mafia ) dazai needs sm therapy basically in how he shows ANYTHING -🪡
[regarding the second (third?) ask: don’t worry, I know you’re not toxic— you’ve been very polite the whole time, so. It was pretty clear that you’re a casual analysis enjoyer and not some toxic fan/stan]
Tbh I think what you said actually aligns well with what I said (if I’m remembering the original ask correctly). He treats people poorly, including the people he cares about. He would need some sort of “wake up call” (a big uh oh moment, y’know.) to get him to realize he messed up. 
I guess another way to look at it would be to check how he spends his time— the people he (intentionally) spends the most time with would be the people he cares about the most— which, as you listed here, are Oda, Chuuya, and Akutagawa. I think Atsushi could probably be included on that list as well. (The only reason Kunikida’s not on this list is because I haven’t read the light novel Dazai’s Entrance Exam yet, so I don’t feel qualified to decide whether or not he enjoys(?) spending time with him.)
Either way, this is probably something that will come up later on in the manga series (I’d be surprised if there wasn’t eventually some moment where Dazai had to face The Consequences of his own Actions). So I’m in no rush to definitively make any claims here. I will gladly wait and see how it’s resolved in the manga.
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purring-tiefling · 4 years
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me and my gf were roleplaying akutagawa’s first proper holidays ;^; it was so cute i was ready to bawl my eyes out
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bokuthos · 6 years
now i understand why people kept saying bsd’s problem was that the author kept introducing new characters and forgot the existing ones and i completely agree but i have to say so far the funniest are these guys and i’m pretty sure he’s a virgo
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monocatariarchives · 2 years
Some fun facts about my modern bsd au that I think are really fucking funny
Dazai’s social media handle is BleachEater69
Aku is a BleachEater69 twitter stan who rabidly cancels anyone who utters a bad word abt him, but thinks Dazai irl is a fucking loser
Higuchi has a massive crush on Aku but thinks BleachEater69′s fics are terrible. She has no idea Aku is his biggest fan
Ranpo is a crossdressing catfish streamer to get extra money, and Katai is a hardcore simp for his fem persona
Kunikida is chronically offline and has no idea what a meme is
Fitzgerald runs an NFT twitter account
Poe writes exclusively MCD angst fics except for a couple x reader smut fics with a character very similar to Ranpo
The hunting dogs are middle school besties who call themselves that bc they thought it sounded cool at 13, and now deeply regret it but are too attached to the name to not use it anymore
The flags, similarly, are childhood besties who chose a group name at age babysmall, except they have no regrets
Fukuzawa is a professor of both Dazai and Chuuya. Nobody needs an explanation for the grey hair
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bluebxlle-writer · 3 years
Dazai’s morality and what makes him different from other “morally gray” characters
Everyone knows that Dazai is morally gray - but I only recently realized how he’s different from other “morally gray” characters we often see in fiction. 
Most of the time, those characters we conveniently label “morally gray” don’t even deserve the title - they’re just good people who had done a few bad things, or bad people who had done a few good things. But Dazai is truly in the middle - he has done too many bad things to be good, but too many good things to be bad.
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He’s abusive, manipulative, ruthless, and made life a living hell for Akutagawa. And yet- 
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He was Atsushi’s savior - giving him a home when nobody else would accept him. Although this still isn’t enough to forgive him for what he did to Akutagawa, it still proves that he isn’t fully a bad person. 
Now, here’s when things start to get more interesting. Most morally gray characters tend to switch back and forth between two sides, right? Lots of writers depict them doing kind things more often while on the “good side”, and doing cruel actions more often while on the “bad side”.
But that's not the case with Dazai.
Dark Era Dazai was terrifying - he shot innocent people, manipulated his subordinates, abused people, and many more. But he was still good, in his own way. He helped Chuuya cut ties with the Sheep, who were obviously using him for his powerful ability, despite having only met him for a day. He genuinely cared for Odasaku, willing to risk his own life to save his friend. 
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In the ADA, he seemed more compassionate. He gave Atsushi a home and cared for all the members of the ADA. But although it’s subtle, he was still evil. It’s more obvious in the manga - since the anime tends to focus on his humor and suicidal tendencies more. Take a look at this manga panel : 
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Although it’s implied, it’s clear what he did - he slept with the nurse only to obtain information. He manipulated an innocent woman without hesitation, as if it’s a daily habit. No other ADA member would have the heart to do this, even if it meant saving the world or whatsoever. And let’s not forget this anime moment that made all Aku stans’ blood boil : 
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Yes, Dazai didn’t directly abuse Aku anymore after being in the ADA. But if he was truly a good person, he wouldn’t have taken advantage of Aku’s emotions, thinking that he had every right to control him. He would have acknowledged Aku and sincerely apologized for abusing him. 
No matter what your argument is, you can’t deny that Dazai doesn’t have a trace of his PM tendencies left in him even after transferring into the ADA. That’s the depth about Dazai’s gray morality - no matter which side he’s on, he'd always do an equal amount of good and bad things. 
Alright, last point, I promise. I’ve seen lots of people think that Dazai underwent his "redemption arc” in the Dark Era, when Oda died, just because Dark Era and ADA him are opposites. But now that I think of it, his moralities never even changed. He never had a redemption arc. His way of viewing people and the world are still more or less the same. The only reason Dark Era and ADA Dazai are different is because he changed his mannerisms, and obtained more will to live.
“Oh, then why did he join the agency?”  
Because he wanted to honor his best friend’s dying wish. He still doesn’t care about “good” or “bad”. Even Oda knew this - that’s why he said this line to Dazai: 
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I’d like to believe that a part of Dazai's kind actions are genuine, but you cannot tell me that this man, who didn’t give a f*ck about shooting innocent people, is unconditionally kind all the time. We can never guess what’s going on in his head, but I’m sure that he sometimes puts up a facade of being kind, in hopes that one day, it’ll become real. 
Now, you’ll notice that most morally gray characters undergo a meaningful redemption arc before joining the good guys - which implies that the writers think only post-redemption them belonged in the good side - that pre-redemption them will never be able to become “good”. 
But Dazai?
He joined the agency without undergoing a redemption arc and still passed the entrance exam. 
You see what this means? 
From the start, Dazai already had the potential of becoming both "good" and "evil". He would have fit in either organizations perfectly. Mori just happened to find him first. It’s just the matter of timing. 
Dazai’s morality is truly in the middle. 
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todorokichills · 3 years
BSD Characters When They’re Drunk
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A/N: Sorry some parts are short! The parts that are short are parts that I didn’t know what to add on to.
Tw: mentions of suicide in dazai’s part
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Osamu Dazai
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Depressing drunk but also VERY goofy drunk
As we know, he has suicidal tendencies, so sometimes when he gets drunk, he won’t be all goofy, he’ll be serious about wanting to die (like seriously, he broke down in front of Yosano, but she’s a sweetheart and didn’t tell anyone <3)
Off the angsty shit, most of the times when Dazai gets drunk, he’s goofy as hell.
Remember when he ate that poisonous mushroom? Yeah. He’s exactly like that, but he can’t stand up right and he keeps getting body slammed by Kunikida
FuN tImEs
If you’re his S/O, he’s more flirty than usual and that’s saying something
‘belladonna’ or ‘double suicide partner’ are some nicknames he calls you
I know he calls you Belladonna when sober but now it’s your new name
Seriously though, he called you ‘Belladonna (L/N)’
Nakahara Chuuya
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For those who haven’t seen Chuuya drunk, he is angry x10
But he can be amusing
One time, Akutagawa had unfortunately had the annual duty of bringing Chuuya (yes, the port mafia care for Chuuya to the point where they bring him home when he gets drunk)
Gin is an assassin, so she helps navigate where Chuuya is, Hirotsu gets Chuuya ibuprofen and a day off for his hangover. Akutagawa is the one who brings Chuuya back to his penthouse
I head canon that Akutagawa uses rashoumon on Chuuya because he can’t standdrunk Chuuya lmao
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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Quiet drunk in the corner who doesn’t know why he’s seeing stars
Don’t let Atsushi near Akutagawa when he’s drunk
He. Will. DESTROY. A building just to kill Atsushi
No joke, I would be scared of drunk Akutagawa
Gin takes care of Akutagawa when he gets drunk (don’t worry he gets drunk once in a blue moon, so Gin doesn’t have to take care of any drunk people except Chuuya)
Although, Aku’s ability does activate randomly without his consent so
Unless you are either,
Or a person with a way to protect themselves from a ravenous demon
You. Are. FUCKED.
On the other hand, if you are any of those things, then you are perfectly fine lmao
In short, stay away from drunk Akutagawa and if you can’t, get Dazai ASAP
Gin Akutagawa
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Sorry, I got caught up simping
Gin barely gets drunk; you would have to be very comfortable with her to even be around her when she’s drunk
But there’s always a but, she is clingy when drunk
To anyone,
Mostly Hirotsu, Tachihara, and her brother of course
If you’re her S/O, she’s clingy with you as well and affectionate too
Cuddle with her, it doesn’t matter who’s around she’ll slip into your arms or fling herself on your lap someway
Atsushi Nakajima
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Dazai why did you get our poor ‘sushi drunk-
I swear Dazai problably did something, Atsushi never gets drunk
Unless Yosano drags him with her to sip on some wine
But at least she’s responsible and will take away Atsushi’s glass the second he gets tipsy
If she doesn’t notice, she’ll bring Atsushi home
I stan the idea of Yosano protecting Atsushi while he’s drunk *~*
Onto Atsushi while he’s drunk.
His ability problably activated on him because someone snuck up on him-
Or he hides because he swore, he heard a window break or something Idk
He’s just very cautious when he’s drunk ok?
Dazai probably wreaks havoc with Ranpo, and they mess with Atsushi when he gets drunk.
For example, one time, the agency held a Barbecue and Yosano got Atsushi drunk,
Ranpo devised a whole fucking plan because he was bored
 Dazai went along with it because it’s Dazai for Christ’s sakes
 The plan was to get fake plastic spiders
Or paper ones Atsushi wouldn’t notice-
And just throw them on Atsushi
Dw they already had a plan B incase Atsushi would turn into his tiger
(Which he probably will)
 Short story short, Dazai got his ass kicked by Kunikida for ruining the barbecue and breaking a window or two
 And Ranpo watched from the safety of under his desk
All while Atsushi didn’t remember a damn thing the next morning
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misslovasstuff · 4 years
Who you kin shows who you are:
 Thanks for 200 followers guys! <33
Dazai stans
- horn knee and chaotic
- big brain time
- relate to him on some level
- flirty bastards
- the writers
- the ones who make memes
- constantly question their existence
Ranpo stans
- the worshippers 
- contrary to Ranpo, they’re actually crackheads
- are hella smart but play dumb
- have a soft spot for ranpoe
- the artists
- friends with everyone 
Chuuya stans
- first of all... how are you guys doing? It must be hard for you... ANYWAYS
- chu stans are sweethearts but may have anger issues
- have a love-hate relationship with Dazai’s stans
- are torn apart between protecting chuuya and actually teasing him for his height
- they wake up and choose violence
- softies although appear to be tough
Aku stans
- the emo kids
- frequently bickering with Dazai stans
- come up with the finest theories
- dark humor
- they laugh at Dazai’s misery
- they’re soft for sskk tho
Atsushi stans
- give them love please
- they relate to Atsushi
- they’re a bit shy
- they make the best edits
- soft stans
- a bit insecure
Fyodor stans
- dark souls
- they’re a bit emo
- very nice tho
- literature geniuses
- they also kin nikolai 
- dramatic royalties 
Kunikida stans
- admirable people
- they may relate to Kunikida to some extent
- they’re good at math
- very long temper, patient angels
- rebloggers 
Kenji stans
- the cutest
- rays of sunshine
- too good for this world
- the aesthetic they have tho is on point
Odasaku stans
- cry themselves to sleep
- still not over season 2 ep 16
- big supporters 
- send love everywhere
- posting manga pics of Oda once in a while 
- beast stans 
Which one are you?
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Skk shippers, aku stans, chuuya stans. I know you guys think Kavya or Dazai anon or Melozai is some silly dumb jobless troll. But please understand that she has not just been acting like a basic particularly enthusiastic troll. She is clearly unwell and has been doing this for at least over a year to users on twitter. She has not only been getting increasingly more obsessive with the shippers she has repeatedly sent them suicide threats, death threats and even gore/mutilation images in dms (and I am pretty sure it was a picture of their own body). She has at several points tried to gaslight people after attacking them for their sexuality, gender and race. She has been harassing people on multiple platforms non stop and without break. She has far too many sock puppet accounts to be considered normal troll behaviour and she has literally memorized a massive chunk of skk shippers and chuuya stans to constantly tag and harass.
Please understand that interacting with her in any capacity is not healthy. Her behaviour has several red flags everywhere and we do not know how far she is willing to go. I have seen enough people like her who get written off as just trolls take drastic actions from reporting a gay teenager to the police in a place where being gay was a punishable offense to actually feeding fan artists needle laced food at conventions. Please, understand the risks of interacting with that person.
Edit- she did this to emily back in 2021 as well.
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
I have a question, do you do NSFW? For thr following:chuuya,dazai,fyodor,ranpo! And that is it and if you do can you make a chuuya one with a very flirty significant /other !! That would be nice,and if you cant can u please make a chuuya s/o that is “cold hearted bitch”? And thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
❥ Chuuya with a cold hearted s/o
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ᴀ/ɴ: So about the nsfw- I didn’t get what you want exactly so sorry 😔 plus I don’t think I could do well in writing nsfw 🤡 ANYWAYS I HOPE ENJOY THIS DESPITE THAT
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Okay so
Chu chu loves you a lot
But sometimes your cold hearted attitude breaks his heart
Like when it’s directed towards him :(
The fact that you don’t show sympathy towards people is okay
You sorta remind him of Aku in terms of behavior tho
But but but
He sees you as your own person
While chuuya takes pride in fighting others, he doesn’t like killing
So when he sees you smiling while killing someone
It’s sorta hot but he doesn’t like killing :(
Proof is when he kicked Dazai’s hand when he was shooting the already dead man
Let’s get into the fluffy good shit
Bby will do everything to make you smile or get a reaction out of you
Will kiss you anywhere and anytime
He always surprise kisses you that it isn’t a surprise anymore he kisses you
LOVES to hug you or cuddle you
Also he takes pride about the fact that you are soft for him <3
You always like listen to what he says
“Y/N stop.”
If you dare to look at him with that glare or look you use against your opponents
Then be sure that my man will put you in your place
I will let your imagination run wild with that part ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Always reminds you that he loves you
As I have mentioned before in one of my posts
I think Chuuya would see gift giving as a lovely way of showing love
So gifts aren’t new to the relationship
Homemade food
Whatever he thinks could lighten up your day
Despite your exterior or poker face
Chu chu can see beyond it all and knows how you feel 24/7
Likes to give you little notes everyday
Some being about things he loves about you
The fact that he loves you in general
Funny jokes
Or teasing you
“You left your bra in here miss “I bow to no one” ;)”
What a tease 🙄
Always smirks when you obey him in anything
Overall you are soft for this baby and he knows it but doesn’t take advantage of it
Loves you so much
Won’t let you overdo shit tho
Protective of your cold ass ✨
So yeah
Stan chuuya
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Let’s Talk Dead Apple, pt. 1 (alternatively, things I loved)
What I loved, the themes, the apples, and Dazai as Snow White
I firmly maintain that Dead Apple is a fever dream of a movie and I can’t forgive how badly it massacred Atsushi’s character development for most of it. I love my sushi boi, but he was my least favorite part of this movie. However, it fed the Chuuya stans, the Aku stans, the Kyouka stans, the Tsujimura stans, and the stans of BSD men wearing white, so it isn’t a total loss. Plus, so much of the dialogue is really pretty and is filled with symbolism! As a literature nerd, this excites me!
Yes, I’m embarrassing. This has already been established. 
Anyway, this is a post about me rambling on about all the symbolism and theories I have surrounding this movie, because rewatching it made me understand it better. Feel free to chip in wherever you think I’ve missed the mark utterly or if you see something you agree with. I love discussion!
Okay, first! Dazai and Atsushi’s relationship in this movie was so pure, and kind of made me understand why Dazatsu is a ship. Dazai’s the king of feeling things, deciding he doesn’t want to feel those things, and deflecting by acting like a clown. Which...I can honestly relate to way too much. But Atsushi’s bullshit meter is so finely tuned that he doesn’t actually notice Dazai’s trying to bullshit him. Case in point, in the scene where Dazai’s sitting at Oda’s grave:
Dazai, scoffing: Does it look like I’m visiting a grave to you? Atsushi, entirely guileless: It does, why? Dazai: *looks very surprised, then resigned*
Dazai then explains about Oda, which, yes Dazai! You’re opening up! But then he immediately walks back all that perceived character development by going “I’m kidding”. Damn it.
It’s fine, we made some progress. But this exchange happens again at the end!! Narrative bookending!! I love that!!
Atsushi: You tried to protect the city.  Dazai: Do I look like such a good person? Atsushi: Sure, why? Dazai: *is utterly flabbergasted at Atsushi’s continued faith in him, because it really doesn’t match up with his self-image of himself as a terrible person*
Secondly--Ranpo started stockpiling snacks as soon as the briefing about Shibusawa concluded. This absolute madlad figured out what would happen in the first few minutes, with incredibly limited data, and promptly decided his priority was to protect his snacks. 
Thirdly, there’s a part where Atsushi and Kyouka are told to eliminate Shibusawa, by any means necessary. (Nice job on getting the freelancers to cover up for the government’s mistakes, Ango.) Atsushi looks blank as ever, but Kyouka’s eyes narrow and her face becomes more set. That’s the face of someone who knows exactly what “any means necessary” actually means, because Atsushi’s all “nooo I don’t want to kill people”. Gah, I love Kyouka as a foil for Atsushi’s character development. 
Also, the color symbolism!! Beast Beneath the Moonlight and Demon Snow both appear in blue, while Rashoumon appears in red. All Men Are Equal is in blue, and Elise is in red/pink. I absolutely love the consistent color dichotomies. 
Dazai being an actual comedic genius is hilarious, by the way. Like the famous “meow” scene was great, but just as good was Dazai making fun of Shibusawa having no friends. I didn’t write down the exact exchange, but it was something like this:
Dazai: Honestly, you don’t have any friends. Shibusawa: I don’t need friends. *Emo rant about the world* Dazai, unimpressed: Yeah, that’s the sort of thing you’d say if you didn’t have any friends.
Shibusawa’s already dead Dazai, you can stop dragging him. 
Atsushi has the shittiest aim, I swear to God. He shot his ability several times trying to get at the gem but kept missing. It made me unreasonably angry at him. Oh, and SSKK thing I noticed! Aku, despite not having braincells when Dazai’s involved, is fairly good at strategic thinking. That whole fight with Rashoumon was awesome, even more so because it wasn’t a fight about who had the most power. In comparison, Atsushi isn’t much of a strategic thinker and seems to operate entirely on his instincts...which are crazy good, anyway, so he’s vibing. 
Shin soukoku really be mirroring their senpais. 
Tiger furry: Akutagawa!!! Goth boi: DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
*flashbacks to literally every fight where Dazai and Chuuya team up*
And is it just me, or does Aku kinda remind Atsushi of his asshole headmaster? There was a moment where Aku’s yelling at him triggered a flashback. Poor bby. 
I found it really cool that many of the ability crystals had different shapes. It’s not obvious at first glance, but they’re not all just one stereotypical diamond. I think it’s nice that Bones decided to showcase the uniqueness of all the abilities. 
This is getting unreasonably long, so I’ll split this up into parts. Part 2 coming soon, heh. 
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animepreferences · 4 years
P R E F E R E N C E 1 2 - S C H O O L S T R E S S.
“Sometimes...Sometimes I just want to quit.” You would admit, tears welling in your eyes as you focused your attention to your fiddling fingers in your lap. “I-I want to succeed. I want this degree. I want to accomplish my goals. It’s just—it’s really hard.” The tears gushed down your cheeks miserably, your voice beginning to tremble ever so slightly. “I just don’t think I’m good enough, Chuuya.” Finally allowing the pent up emotions to release, you would feel your chest become overwhelmingly heavy with realization. You weren’t good enough. You weren’t cut out to fulfill your dream career. You were never meant to succeed even from the beginning. You were a failure. “Y/N, look at me.” Chuuya would murmur, his voice so soft and gentle you couldn’t deny such kindness and benignity. “My sweet, beautiful Y/N.” His eyes would study you diligently, his hands gripping underneath you to move you promptly to his lap. “You are the most capable person I have ever met. And I know you well enough to know that you are far too stubborn to get this far just to give up.” Your mouth twisted in chagrin as your eyes darted away from his making him chuckle. “Plus, Y/N, I wouldn’t allow you to quit even if you tried, you wanna know why? Because I know your potential, I know your drive, I know how hard you work and what you’ve faced thus far. I know you can do this, Y/N.” Nose skimming against yours, Chuuya would press a gentle kiss to your lips smiling as you sucked in a small gasp at his actions. The affect that Chuuya had on you never failed to humor him. Pulling away to press his forehead against yours, he would breathe out your full name, his voice nearly silent to the human ear. “You will get through this. WE will get through this.” Sighing at his words, your eyes would slip closed a small sigh emerging from your mouth. “Do you promise, Chuuya?” Lifting your chin with his index finger, he would force you to look him in the eye, the sincerity scolding hot in his orbs. “I promise. Now, let’s see what we’re dealing with.” Reaching to where you were sitting previously, Chuuya would open the textbook, his eyes intently scanning the table of contents as he held the book out so both of you could see. A smile would work your way to your lips as you told him where to go, knowing that what you thought was impossible was possible as long as you had Chuuya by your side.
“How was your test?” Dazai would ask casually, his voice sincere with curiosity. You knew Dazai was not trying to be spiteful. You knew Dazai was just genuinely inquisitive. You knew that Dazai was unaware of your struggles in the subject. You knew that Dazai was uninformed on how you had spent the previous night sobbing and scrambling because you were so unprepared for this test. And yet, the moment he asked this question, you could not control the tears that poured over your cheeks, your frame beginning to tremble. “Hey! Hey, hey, hey.” Dazai would murmur, instantly pulling the car over, slamming it in park. “What’s wrong?” He would ask, prying your hands from your face with little to none difficulty. “Talk to me, Y/N. What’s going on?” His voice gentle, his eyes yearning to know why his belladonna was so clearly devastated. “I-I-I failed. I failed that test. I’ve been struggling for months, barely keeping myself from drowning, but I’m fairly certain that I just failed. And I’ve worked so hard, so very hard, and I don’t want to lose my scholarship, I-“ You refused to finish your statement, your eyes shutting close, your teeth clenching. It was too much. Too much to think about, too much to acknowledge, too much to bear. You had been working so hard. So, very hard. “My dear, sweet Y/N.” Dazai would tut, his hand cupping your cheek, his eyes examining your distressed features. He hated the stress that wore heavy in your eyes, he hated the strain in your voice as you struggled to utter the words, but most of all he hated how unfair it was that someone who worked as hard as you had failed. You didn’t deserve it. “Come here.” Pulling you into a hug, Dazai would run his fingers through your tangled hair, his lips pressing to the crown of your head. “Why didn’t you ask me for help? I could have helped you.” He whispered, keeping his grasp strong around you as you soaked his shirt in your tears. “I don’t know, I was embarrassed. I felt so stupid for struggling the way that I did and you are already so very busy.” You explained, pulling away from him as you brushed your tears away with the back of your hand, your face now swollen and tumfield. Although you were evidently a disaster, you were the most beautiful disaster to Dazai. “Next time around, and there will be a next time, I am going to help you. One, because you deserve to succeed. Two, because I will never judge you especially if it is because of a silly school subject. And three, because I love you very much and I will ALWAYS have time for you. No matter what, Y/N, you come first.” Bopping you on the nose, you would giggle making Dazai’s heart falter before becoming rapid and full with life. “There’s that ravishing smile I love so much,” He would coo, reaching to nuzzle his nose against yours.
It was late when he arrived home. After a long day of fullfilling the mafia’s most deadly orders, he was lucky he even got home at the time he did. Nevertheless, it was late and he was certain you would have already slipped into a peaceful slumber. Which is why complexion colored his features when he heard music playing from your office, the raps of the keyboard thudding ever so slightly beneath your fingers. Schoolwork. It had been keeping you up for days. Endless amounts of coffee, late nights followed by early mornings, piles and piles of papers constantly surrounding you in a force feild-you were swamped. And Aku was completely over watching your health detiorate before his eyes because of it. This was going to end, and it was going to end now. Furthermore, his patience had grown alarmingly thin. Walking swiftly into the room, Aku would wordlessly walk up to your desk and close your laptop nearly pinching your fingers. “Aku-“ You would scold, gasping when he would close the textbook beside you, his hand reaching for your coffee and dumping it in the plant you had just recently placed on the corner of your desk. “What in the hell do you think you are doing?!” You would shout, jumping to your feet as your eyes scanned over your boyfriend frantically. Had he completely lost his mind? His expression was unreadable, his eyes seemingly cold as he ignored you, reaching over you to turn off your lamp making the dimly lit room completely dark. “Akutagawa, I demand you to stop I have school work to do-“ A squeak emitted from your mouth when Aku lifted you from the ground, carrying you from the office against your will. Flailing and trying to flee, you would fight against his grasp the entire way to the bedroom, pouting when he placed you on the middle of your shared bed. “It’s four in the morning. School work is secondary, your health is priority. At least it should be,” He would mutter, shrugging out of his coat and hanging it up in the closet. When he turned on his heel, he was gobsmacked to see you making a beeline from the bedroom back to the office. Chasing after you, he would grab you from behind lifting you and carrying you back to the bedroom. “Y/N, I said enough.” He would state curtly, glaring at you as he set you to your feet. “YOU DON’T GET IT! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, I HAVE TO GET THIS DONE OR I WILL FAIL!” You explode, tears springing from your eyes as you began to emit short ragged gasps. Staring at you in complete horror, Aku would freeze as he watched you unravel. He knew you had been stressed, but he wasn’t expecting this. “I’ve never been more stressed in my life.” You would choke, collapsing into Aku’s arms as you grabbed his shirt in your fists. “I-I’m so tired, but there is so much I need to do, I-I can’t breathe.” Rubbing small circles into your back, Aku would sigh, resting his cheek against the crown of your head. How had he not known it had gotten this out of hand? Staying silent, Aku would grab your shoulders guiding you to the bed as he wordlessly tucked back the comforter, inviting you in. Crawling into the thick duvet, you would cling to Aku like a life line as you tried to control your breathing. Eventually, however, you would grow tired and very comfortable against his grasp. “You’re going to get through this Y/N-Chan. You’re the smartest person I know.” Aku would murmur into your hair when he felt you breathing steady. Little did he know that you stayed awake, smile painted on your lips knowing that he was always looking out for you.
A/N: I don’t really know why I get carried away writing Aku’s portion, I guess I just subconsciously stan him 🤷🏼‍♀️
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