#st: tuc
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mephistopheles · 9 months ago
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shoutout to this insane thing spirk do in the undiscovered country. who the FUCK stands this close to their platonic pals who canonically have super sensitive hearing
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notesbynor · 19 days ago
Day 12 of drawing every D20 Character
The Vile Villains are done!!
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thegeminisage · 1 year ago
hi my name is liz and i'm watching the entirety of star trek in release order, so this post was SIGH inevitable. i will edit with updates it as i make more
Gambler's Knife - AOS, Spirk, 22k. Twelve years after Tarsus IV and three months after dying to realign the warp core and save his ship, Jim Kirk seems to have a new lease on life: he's been resurrected, started pursuing a tentative new relationship with Spock, and has an entire five-year mission ahead of him. That is, until the attempted murder of an old friend forces him to divert the Enterprise away from her intended course and towards Planet Q. After a chance encounter on the planet's surface, new secrets about Jim's time on Tarsus IV come to light—secrets that threaten to destroy everyone he fought to protect, and the new life he's finally achieved. Some things you carry with you wherever you go.
as i watch star trek, i am making an incredibly detailed spreadsheet which aims to guide new people into what to watch...or what not to watch. this list includes every single movie and tv series (including the animated ones), multiple watch orders (release order vs chronological order), runtimes, content warnings, and indicators on which characters feature in which episodes + indicators on which episodes are important for continuity. the only catch is i am updating it as i go, so it's a verrry slow work in progress. i've also still got a few blanks in the tos bit.
currently the only tumblr post with a link is this one, but i'll make a better post once i've finished going back and filling in the blanks on the tos section.
@maulthots and i are working on digitizing all 5 volumes of SPOCKANALIA - retyping text, cleaning up images, and adding alt text. they'll be added here as we complete them.
Volume 1
sometimes star trek makes me crazy and i wanna fix it, but i don't have the time or patience to rewrite it in fic form so we get tumblr posts instead. they are in the order that i did them. right now there are only a few but i want to do like a thousand
[tos] the motion picture
[tos] the tholian web
[tng] violations
these are mostly small posts for now. someday i might make big ones.
marrying a vulcan is not unlike being a horsegirl
tos kirk vs aos kirk on retirement and the infinity of the universe
tos spock vs aos spock on love and death being real
tos spock vs aos spock on becoming close to one parent but remaining forever separated from the other
kirk and bones react differenly to spock showing emotion
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE SPACE BABES - kirk's encounters with women are often nonconsensual (collaboration with @maulthots)
funniest possible pre-mcspirk situation in aos
aos plot devices we could have had
small post about vulcans getting drunk on chocolate the first time
most of these are shitposts.
spock in shades for my header
"then perish" tas bones meme
spones graphic for wrath of khan/search for spock
i make clip shows sometimes.
bones being possessed in search for spock
tos scenes that remind me of tarsus iv
kirk insults spock for a minute and a half
kirk reacting to spock's emotions vs bones reacting to spock's emotions
#tos -the original series
#tas - the animated series
#tmp - the motion picture
#wok - the wrath of khan
#sfs - the search for spock
#tvh - the voyage home
#tff - the final frontier
#tuc - the undiscovered country
#tng - the next generation
#ds9 - deep space nine
#aos - collective tag for the kelvin timeline movies
#st books - posts about the star trek novels
#st comics - posts about the star trek comics
#vintage trek - anything from before the turn of the century
#spockanalia - post about spockanalia, an early spock-centric fanzine
#spirk - kirk/spock
#spones - spock/bones
#mckirk - kirk/bones
#mcspirk - spock/kirk/bones
#st fav - fav star trek posts
this includes the series AND the novelizations, if/when applicable - i am working my way through the tos movie novelizations and i want to read more. also, spockanalia <3
#tos lb - the original series liveblog (technically i didn't start liveblogging it until late into the series. rip)
#tas lb - the animated series liveblog
#tmp lb - the motion picture liveblog
#wok lb - wrath of khan liveblog
#sfs lb - search for spock liveblog
#tvh lb - the voyage home liveblog
#tff lb - the final frontier liveblog
#tuc lb - the undiscovered country liveblog
#tng lb - the next generation liveblog
#ds9 lb - deep space nine liveblog
#aos lb - the kelvin timeline movies (not much here because i wasn't star trek posting back when they came out)
#spockanalia lb - spockanalia
#star trek blogging - all of the above put together
my top 10 and worst 10 tos episodes
non-exhaustive list of youtube videos of vintage trek commercials, feel free to add your own
funny and unhelpful version of the skip/watch list i used with friends ie my only true record of tos first impressions
star tos "episode sorter" to rate every episode from best to worst
tos episodes on a tier maker
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walkman-cat · 5 months ago
happy sts my fellow writer
which oc would you like to meet the most irl? which one would you hate to? assume they know what you've put them through or not (or both) :]
writblr: @vsnotresponding
i think out off all my ocs the easiest to meet irl would be jack conan and markos (the undiscovered country), because their story is heavily based on the past few years of my life and they were also made to be people i could be friends with (i was Very Lonely when i started reworking their story).
outside of tuc ocs though, i'd love to meet the hitter, he's just a pleasant person in general (but only if he didn't know what i put him through) ooo or nobody and the hacker! they're fun :D.
outside of ocs i hate because they suck (negative), i'd probably hate to meet Snake Eyes, because he's quiet and surly and kinda hates interacting with most people and I think that would fuck with my social anxiety. if i catch it when it's doing a magic trick that'd be cool though!
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mxrymc · 2 years ago
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O canto dos lábios se alargaram num sorriso com a voz familiar. "Existem…" concordou com um aceno preguiçoso de cabeça, "… e por isso temos os Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Doors, Rolling Stones, Marvin Gaye, Gil Scott Heron…" listou as bandas e músicos num tom jocoso, deixando um riso escapar-lhe ao fim. "Para cada engomado trouxa que ousou usar sua influência para oprimir, surgiu um artista diferente para plantar a semente da revolução." ofereceu-o uma piscadela. Mary conversava em música porque acreditava que, frente à injustiça, a arte detinha o poder de expressar o incomunicável; dizer o que não podia ser dito em monotonia. "Mas não se preocupe, não tentando provocar uma revolução durante uma viagem escolar. Acho que a professora McGonagall me estriparia viva…" encolheu os ombros e pendeu a cabeça para o lado, fitando-o com olhos astutos. "Porém, provocar a consciência alheia nunca é ruim. O máximo que irá acontecer é eles repensarem suas escolhas. As vezes as pessoas precisam ouvir seus pensamentos sendo externalizados por outros para criarem coragem de agir." retornou o cigarro à boca, acrescentando num sussurro: "É isso o que ele faz." 
Balançou a cabeça em negativo com o comentário seguinte, bufando em escárnio. "Não tenho raiva, Longbottom." apesar da atitude, as palavras saíram com afabilidade. Posicionou um pé para fora da cadeira, então, se deixou aterrissar com um suave tuc no chão; uma delicadeza antagônica à sua personalidade. Retornou, então, a encará-lo. "Tenho medo." Ninguém sabia melhor sobre conflitos políticos que Mary MacDonald. Irlandesa e nascida-trouxa, politicagens e confrontos a cercavam como se fosse um animal em cativeiro cuja realidade era seu habitat artificialmente construído — a única realidade que conhecia era aquela onde as pessoas que amavam estavam em perigo. Crescera próxima de Londonderry o suficiente para aquele domingo ser menos uma fotografia assustadora na primeira página do jornal e mais um 'nosso primo declan está no hospital'; perdera seus pais e experimentara da maldição cruciatus por não possuir um sangue puro. Medo a acompanhava há muitos anos, se não em seu próprio âmago, na expressão de seus pais quando se mudaram para a Inglaterra; quando seu irmão assinou os papéis da custódia e, depois, da venda da casa; quando seus amigos nascido-trouxas e mestiços a visitaram no St. Mungus, e perceberam poderem ser os próximos. "Aqueles na mira do canhão raramente têm raiva. Raiva é para quem está observando." tragou novamente o cigarro, calmamente, deixando o azedume cálido tomar conta de seus pulmões. Suas conversas sobre anarquia eram desprovidas de convicção: acreditava em reconstruir a estrutura, não se livrar dela. "Bruxos puro-sangue, mesmo quando não concordam com os ideais puristas fazem o quê?" indagou com uma sobrancelha arqueada, mas seu tom era ameno. "O purismo está integrado na estrutura dessa sociedade. Não basta apenas condenar aqueles que decidem agir. E os que ficam calados? Os que mantém suas tradições em suas linhagens tradicionais, uh? Não digo que não adianta prender alguns idiotas… mas não vai acabar com o problema: somente colocá-lo debaixo do tapete. E amanhã outro bruxo mais poderoso com os mesmos ideias vai surgir e as pessoas vão seguir da mesma maneira como fazem agora." Graças ao seu background, sabia as consequências que possuir boas intenções podiam gerar através de escolhas erradas; havia um ponto em que a revolução silenciosa, passiva, não era o suficiente. "A mudança não começa com um por favor, nem termina com um obrigada. E, a violência não é a resposta… mas minhas unhas deram uma boa lição da última vez." sorriu, balançando os dedos no ar. "De qualquer maneira, somente quero dizer que propaganda barata não muda que alguém poderia me matar neste instante e a única coisa que o aconteceria seria acabar em Azakaban. E, então, amanhã seria a vez de outro, e outro…" revirou os olhos.  
"Mas, Merlin, não vou gastar meu blend me estressando com política." riu baixinho, tragando o cigarro novamente. Soltou a fumaça devagar, contra o alto. "De qualquer maneira, só estava enchendo a paciência deles. Alguém precisa fazer algo divertido, não acha?" gentilmente, cutucou o outro com o cotovelo. Sabia que as repreensões e conselhos do garoto eram bem intencionados e partiam de seu bom coração; por isso, nunca o trataria com a mesma severidade e acidez que direcionara aos discentes naquela tarde. "Quer um? Também tenho de cravo e camomila se preferir algo mais leve." ofereceu, por fim aceitando uma varinha de alcaçuz. 
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frank encontrava na própria rebeldia uma maneira de fuga à realidade em que viviam, no entanto, seu modo de se rebelar não envolviam de qualquer forma causar confusões ou causar confusões que envolvessem pessoas inocentes das verdadeiras intenções malignas do purismo. não caía nem por um instante nas palavras adoçadas e manipuladoras dos agentes do ministério, ressaltando as políticas positivas exercidas e efetuadas  ‘em favor do bem’,  porém, não via aquilo de forma ruim. talvez se eles mesmos acabassem se convencendo com aquelas mentiras mal contadas acabassem tirando algo bom disso.
mary era diferente dele nesse aspecto. escutara as questões que ela levantara, ouvindo em todas o teor malicioso de ridicularização daqueles que disfarçavam o ministério como um órgão justo, e entendia bem o porquê de ela fazer isso. também tinha a vontade de apontar as falhas no sistemas e sentiria isso mais ainda se fosse sua própria pele aquela afetadas pelos erros, no entanto, diferente dela, sentia a vontade de ele mesmo fazer a diferença por dentro, tal seu objetivo de ser auror. não conseguiria mudar totalmente o ministério, mas talvez conseguisse melhorá-lo um pouco se tentasse fazê-lo da maneira certa. ela, no entanto, parecia acreditar ser mais aquém dos pensamentos anarquistas que ela mesma citara.
observou ao que ela abriu a janela, sabendo bem que nenhuma daquelas janelas realmente daria abertura a um lugar que não fosse o interior do ministério, afinal, a política que julgavam imutável lá dentro era a de preservação do segredo do mundo bruxo. perguntava-se se isso mudaria um dia.  “engomados que têm poder de causar muitos problemas para muitas pessoas... imagino que no mundo trouxa também hajam aqueles que usam seu poder para oprimir aqueles que não agem conforme suas regras?”  perguntou, movendo-se em passadas calmas até onde a garota se encontrava e se recostando contra a parede próxima.  “entendo sua raiva, macdonald... mas ódio combatido com ódio apenas causa dor...”  mesmo que não fosse o melhor conselheiro, ainda era amigo dela e não sabia o que a pessoa errada poderia fazer com ela por ser desrespeitado. além disso, ainda havia a chance da zombaria e humilhação que ela propagava terem efeito negativo na opinião de bruxos antes indecisos sobre sua própria posição no conflito.  “varinha de alcaçuz?”  levantou o pacotinho com as varinhas, ofertando-as a ela.
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kirksfattitties · 4 years ago
okay so i was watching tuc as research for another post and i noticed something in this screenshot
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hold on. is that.
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manilaluxon · 6 years ago
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Blair St Clair, Phi Phi O’Hara, Yuhua Hamasaki, and Shontelle Sparkles as the mean girls in Trinity The Tuck’s music video for “I Call Shade”. 
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caffeled · 2 years ago
im officially done watching all of tos. did cry.
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lenievi · 2 years ago
spones - older fics recs
seeing that people are interested in older fics, let me link some more that are not on ao3 but on personal websites (sometimes the formatting is a bit... you’d better just copy it into some text editor in order to read it comfortably) and that were written prior to 2010, but mostly in early 2000s. It’s not all of them (of course), I’m just linking those I at some point in the past three years enjoyed and that are long-ish. They can be a bit dated and sometimes a bit weird. Most of them are mature to explicit. If you want more warnings, you can message me.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Ply's Disease (explicit-ish at the end) - it deals with a disease, obviously, so proceed with caution if it isn’t something you want to read. Mention of McCoy/OC(m)
The Prayer of St. Francis (E) - I haven’t actually read this one, but one day I want to. The summary is “the triumvirate as we know them”, but it’s spones flavoured. And it’s spones who are bonded. It spans the series up to Spock’s death.
The author’s page in case you wanna read other fics by them.
Nets in the Wind - mirror!spones, has Sybok, set after Spock kills Kirk, in case you mind. It’s a bit open ended.
The World Bewitched - mirror!spones, interesting world building imho
The Other One (E) - “After the encounter with the Mirror universe, both men have some problems they have to deal with.” (I actually don’t remember this one, but I have it saved... but don’t judge me if it’s weird; read the author’s notes) sequel Sugar Magnolia. These were written in 1998.
On Vulcan genomic engineering and love - this one though is a bit weird (proceed with an open mind), but the premise is quite interesting - McCoy becomes a half-Vulcan (I think this was actually the only fic I’ve read with that theme). “Spock has wanted for a long time to become fully Vulcan and finally devices a formula to allow him to manipulate his genetic structure to do just that. But in a freak accident, he injects McCoy with the formula, causing the Doctor to become half-Vulcan. Now with pon farr on Spock's heels, he must help the doctor learn to deal with his Vulcan half, while the two of them both try to live with their feelings for each other.” some hints at McCoy/Vulcan OC(m)
My Little Town - takes place after TUC, I’m personally very fond of this one for some reason. It has a completely different background for McCoy than what’s common. “McCoy’s mother just died, and McCoy goes to deal with the house. Spock tags along.” McCoy’s parents had a huge age gap, so if you’re bothered by it, maybe don’t read it.
stories by Tempest - Blackbird has trans!McCoy, Yon t'Ashaya - McCoy and Spock both serve on a Vulcan ship, Spock goes into pon farr [these two fics are what stuck with me after reading them three years ago, but the author has a lot more]
now you can also go through this list, but a lot of the links are broken, some can be accessed through wayback machine, some can’t.
and then you can also look through the Spiced Peaches list, which has fics from 2005 and up. Just in case you’ve never heard of the online spones zine.
also a bonus tos!mirror!mckirk because why not. It’s a wip, unfortunately, but it’s still worth it because it’s tos!mckirk~ And like most other mirror verse fics on this list, it isn’t as dark as what’s written these days. It’s actually pretty tame. It’s by the same author as The World Bewitched and Nets in the Wind above.
The Getting or the Having & Dust - “In the Mirror-Universe Kirk finds out that his counterpart has a sexual relationship with McCoy. This makes him thinking things over.”
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 4 years ago
Ranking every Star Trek movies (except Nemesis cause I haven’t watched it yet) bc I need an excuse to procrastinate school work :
12 : Insurrection
This is by far the most BORING star trek film. I literally dosed of at some point while watching it. It feels super cheap, and the plot is recycled from a mix of three tng episodes - only in the movie it doesn’t make any sense. Everyone seems to have forgotten there is a war going on ? Honestly this movie doesn't even deserve to be hated. Its just uninteresting as fuck and imo that’s the worst Star Trek gets.  (Also i learned that apparently at first we were supposed to get a Dominion war themed movie instead of this ? Bitch we were robbed !)
11 : Into Darkness
Unlike insurrection, this movie is not boring. But it makes me angry. I’d love to rant about everything that bothers me in this film but I don’t have time for it. Let’s just say it’s like JJ wiped his ass with a Wrath of Khan dvd, and also nothing makes sense again ? At the end they literally cured death and found a way to travel anywhere in the galaxy instantaneously. This is the highest grossing Trek movie of all time ? wild
10 : Generations
There is a nice TNG episode with a cool Data character arc stuck in there. Unfortunately this was advertised as “Picard and Kirk meet - the movie” and that part was the most underwhelming thing ever. And Do NOT let me get started on Kirk’s death. I’m just trying to pretend this movie doesn't exist and Undiscovered Country was the last we saw of him  
9 : The Final Frontier
What can I say about this movie that hasn’t been said. People like to say its the worst star trek movie and, while it’s true that it’s definitely not good, it’s also entertaining and rewatchable. A good chunk is “so bad its good”, and there are some cool character moments here and there. I was actually going to put it above the 2009 reboot movie but I remembered the uhura fan dance scene so.. no. (Also cursed anecdote : a few month ago I wanted to introduce ST to my brother so I made him watch the tos movies - and this one is now his favourite. Uh.)
8 : 2009 reboot movie
Idk, it’s hard to hate on this movie since it was my introduction to star trek. The soundtrack is also rad as fuck. But it doesnt hold up to being rewatched after watching tos. Everyone is ooc, except Mccoy who’s awesome but not in the movie that much (LOVE his introduction scene tho). I hate JJ’s constant rapid cuts, and the abuse of lens flares and dutch angles. Also Spock/Uhura ??why??????? This is a movie for the cool kids, and that’s not what star trek is !!! star trek is for losers who get bullied at school !! 
7 : Beyond
The best film of the reboot trilogy. This is an okey movie. Idk, its fun, and the characters are way more.. Well... In-character compared to the previous ones. There were spones moments too ! But the plot surrounding the villain -again- doesn't make any sense, and it still feels a bit to action-movie-y. 
6 : The Motion Picture
I like this movie. Yeah I know it has a lot of stupidly long shots, bit it’s still good. I like the plot (it was better exploited in the book adaptation tho). The refitted Entreprise exterior design just looks awesome. Hate the uniforms with a burning passion tho
5 : First Contact
I already talked about what I think of this movie here, so Ill make it bref. I really didn’t like the borg stuff, especially the queen. But everything around Cochrane and actual first contact was awesome. All in all this movie is great, but overrated
4 : Search For Spock
Very cool movie, but poorly paced. Very gay. Plenty of awesome moments like Bones/spock fusion, stealing the enterprise, the enterprise’s destruction (literally made my cry the first time I saw the movie)... Saavik recast was big brain, the actress was very good
3,2,1 : Voyage home, Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country
Okey I literally cannot choose between theses three. They’re all just so fucking classic. Infinite rewatchability. TUC is underrated tho ! I don’t often see it that high on people’s lists ! This movie is just the perfect conclusion to the tos era. I love everything about it, even bad CGI klingon purple blood
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miceeonvenus · 3 years ago
Every once and a while I think about a dsmp x the underland chronicles au which would be aimed at exactly 3 people. Me, my friend ST, and the only dsmp artist I’ve ever seen draw tuc fanart.
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ecoricevietnam · 3 years ago
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Gạo ST25 - Thương hiệu toàn cầu
Gạo ST25 là công trình hơn 20 năm nghiên cứu và cải tiến giống lúa thơm đặc sản Sóc Trăng ( ST là viết tắt của từ Sóc Trăng ), của kỹ sư Hồ Quang Cua cùng các cộng sự gồm kỹ sư Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương và tiến sĩ Trần Tấn Phương. Gạo ST25 ra đời qua những nỗ lực tìm kiếm nguồn gen để lai tạo ra giống lúa mới “ thơm, ngon, giàu dưỡng chất”.Ngoài là giống gạo ngon cao cấp, ST25 còn được đánh giá là giống lúa có đặc tính phòng bệnh tốt, thích nghi tốt với những vùng đất mặn, đất phèn và phù hợp với mô hình canh tác xen canh lúa - tôm.Vào năm 2019, Gạo Sóc Trăng 25 đã vượt qua các đối thủ mạnh như Thái Lan, Campuchia để được vinh danh “ Gạo ngon nhất thế giới, 2019 “. Đây là giống gạo đầu tiên của Việt Nam chạm đến ngôi vị cao nhất sau 10 mùa hội thi trong một thập kỷ qua.Hiện nay, gạo ST25 chính hãng, gạo lứt Đỏ ST, Gạo lứt Tím Than của kỹ sư Hồ Quang Cua đang được phân phối trực tiếp bởi Đại lý gạo EcoLife. Bên cạnh việc cung cấp các phẩm chất ngon, gạo tại EcoLife cam kết về nguồn gốc gạo sạch, tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt các vấn đề về: vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm, dư lượng thuốc BVTV,...cam kết 3 KHÔNG: KHÔNG chất bảo quản, KHÔNG chất tẩy trắng, tạo màu, tạo mùi, KHÔNG đấu trộn.
Xem thêm: https://ecorice.vn/tin-tuc/gao-st25-gia-dang-tran-lan-tren-thi-truong-vn
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etanunu · 4 years ago
Saw your recent post regarding your mental health. Stay strong!! I believe you can get through this!
Anyway, here's a headcanon ask: do you have any headcanons about each PCs' mbti type/16 personality type? I'm mostly asking for fantasy high and TUC but you can add other characters too!
Thank you so much! Honestly I’ve been near tears for a few days now and all these nice asks coming into my inbox are making me feel so much better. It’s just nice to feel a little connected with people this way. I’m really grateful.
You know, I’ve never been a big mbti type person. I haven’t seen much of it since 2015 so I had to go search for a chart to answer this so take this with a grain of salt 😅 I decided to do just two series with the core cast (since you asked) and one with guests. Fantasy High (the most popular series), the Unsleeping City, and Escape from the Bloodkeep (the most slept on series).
ISTJ the Inspector - Riz, Iga “Anastasia”
ENFP the Champion - Fabian, Fig, Pete “the Plug” Conlan babeyyy, Sofia Bicicleta (Emily Axford is two for two so far), Misty Moore*/Rowan Berry
ENFJ the Teacher - Kristen, Efink, Maggie
INFJ the Counselor - Gorgug, Leiland/Kraz-Thun (my personal underrated fave)
INFP the Healer - Cody “Night Angel/whatever cool names you guys want” Walsh
ISTP the Craftsperson - Adaine, Kugrash
ISFP the Composer - Sokhbarr, Ricky Matsui
ISFJ the Protector - Lilith
ESFP the Performer - Markus St. Vincent, Mindy Moore*
ESTJ the Supervisor - Kingston Brown
*Misty was the one I went back and forth on the most. She seemed a bit more cynical and “it is what is” than Rowan who seemed to be more of a dreamer. But I may be wrong 🤷����‍♀️
Thanks for this ask! It was really fun and a cool distraction to have this Monday. What do you think? Do you have different thoughts on any of these? I’d love to hear how your headcanons compare.
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whenpeppemintpigsfly · 5 years ago
war guy & st. owens!
hi queen thank uuuuuu 🥰🥰🥰
War Guy: Which is your favorite battle?
okay I generally find it hard to care about combat in DnD but Times Squaremageddon was SO sexy like,,, the moving battleground, the mechanic to summon NPCs, the individual scenes between all the PCs and the reveal that Ally was listening the whole time, then their poetic Nat 20?? *chef’s kiss*
St. Owens: Switch the seasons two PCs appear on, how is each one changed?
I think switching Fig and Misty/Rowan as the bards of their respective parties would be super interesting.
TUC side, it would add more of the teen/young adult angst to the dream team which in cannon is p much just carried by Pete (I bet he and Fig would get along great), and I’d love to see an orphaned kid from New York realizing she’s had genetic connections to Nod the whole time. She’d probably be pulled in a bunch of directions bc Kug and Sofia would influence her to lean into her bitterness and stuff, while Kingston and Ricky would try to help her through some self improvement but not really empathizing with her as well at first.
Rowan makes more sense than Misty in Fantasy High, and she would have to deal with being a teen again while all her new friends are doing it for the first time. She’d probably be keeping her age shenanigans a secret from the other Bad Kids for a while which would be some fun tension, and the dynamic with her being more experienced than the other Teens™ would make many of the impulsive decisions (encouraged by Fig) turn out differently. I think she’d have a very entertaining rivalry with Fabian to be the most popular especially because of how confidently she carries herself compared to Fig in the beginning of FH
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phanmembhxh · 4 years ago
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Tra cứu số sổ BHXH
Theo Công văn 3340/BHXH-ST năm 2017, cụm từ “Số sổ” in trên tờ bìa và tờ rời sổ BHXH được thay thế bằng “Mã số”. Nghĩa là về bản chất, số sổ BHXH và mã số BHXH là như nhau.
Mã số BHXH mà số định danh cá nhân duy nhất của người tham gia BHXH, được cấp và ghi trên sổ BHXH và thẻ BHYT. Như vậy, mỗi cá nhân tham gia BHXH sẽ chỉ có một mã số BHXH duy nhất.
Tra cứu mã số BHXH như thế nào?
Cách 1: Xem trên tờ bìa sổ BHXH.
Cách 2: Xem trên thẻ Bảo hiểm y tế, mã số BHXH được thể hiện ở ô thứ 4 gồm 10 số tự nhiên trên thẻ BHYT.
Cách 3: Tra cứu trực tuyến trên Cổng thông tin của Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam tại đây.
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tv-dinhcuuc · 5 years ago
Hội chợ Tết Richmond (Melbourne): Ai ăn Phở nhanh nhất nhận 1.000 đô la
Hội chợ Tết Richmond (Melbourne): Ai ăn Phở nhanh nhất nhận 1.000 đô la
Tiếp nối 20 năm liên tục, ngày 19/1/2020 hội doanh nhân Richmond tổ chức hội chợ tết Canh Tý 2020 với lễ rước dâu truyền thống, múa lân đốt pháo, đường hoa ẩm thực và thi “Ai ăn phở nhanh nhất” với giải thưởng 1.000 AUD.
Kế thừa và phát huy giá trị văn hóa truyền thống người Việt, hội chợ tết do hội doanh nhân Richmond phối hợp với hội đồng thành phố Yarra sẽ cho ra mắt một sự kiện kết hợp nét truyền thống và hiện đại từ 11 giờ trưa chủ nhật 19/1/2020.
Cuộc thi “Ai ăn Phở nhanh nhất” chắc chắn sẽ thu hút tại hội chợ Tết Richmond.
Khoảng 100 gian hàng ẩm thực, văn hóa sẽ nằm dọc theo con đường Victoria được trang trí với các dãy hoa và tiểu cảnh làng quê Việt truyền thống.
Múa lân, múa rồng và đốt pháo sẽ trải dài từ đầu đến cuối đường Victoria, trong lúc đó cuộc thi “Ai ăn Phở nhanh nhất” chắc chắn sẽ thu hút khách tham quan và người yêu phở với giải thưởng lên đến 1.000 AUD.
Hội chợ Tết ở Richmond, Melbourne, VIC
Thời gian: 11:00 – 23:00.
Địa điểm: Victoria St, Richmond, VIC 3121.
Nguồn: Đất Vàng Châu Úc.
Nguồn: https://tuvandinhcuuc.vn/tin-tuc/hoi-cho-tet-richmond-melbourne-ai-pho-nhanh-nhat-nhan-1-000-la.html
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